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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
“A photo of you in February 2020, blissfully unaware.” . Missing the flashing lights, LA, and @imelliotstevens. And as always, @psychastheniafilm ✨ . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #FilmPremiere #PsychastheniaFilm #Hollywood #RedCarpet (at TCL Chinese Theatres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpOaaBDRsK/?igshid=17855zvhskh3w
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Self-care Saturday, one mini-cookie at a time 🍪 . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #IncludingCookies #ButDontBeTooImpressedTheyWereFromAPackage #StoreBoughtIsFine (at Washington Heights, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2aUPpjDzu/?igshid=acwq78kjs2yo
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Take a breath When you need to be reminded that With days like these We can only do the best we can 'Til we do it again 🎵 . Thank you for the words & music of @waitressmusical to get us through some hard times, Miss @sarabareilles . Times are tough but so are we. Love y’all ♥️ . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #WaitressMusical #SaraB #HerWordsAreSoGreatAndExactlyWhatINeededToday #GiveThanksAndGiveLove (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAs6LOIjx7X/?igshid=lyidgd2yimtb
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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I am honored to announce that a film @laurakay813 & I made in 6 days (!!!) has been accepted to the @sequesteredfest ! WIDE EYED will be premiering tonight at 8 pm EST on the Sequestered Festival’s Facebook live! Check us out on YouTube & IMDb as well! . It has definitely been a while since I’ve directed a film, and I must say, directing remotely was a whole other challenge. Thankfully I had a great collaborator to make some great stuff! . It’s been a rough few weeks, y’all, and looking forward to something - anything - has been difficult. Making art with your friends is a great way to keep yourself creatively fulfilled ♥️ Tune in tonight if you can! . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #IndieFilm #WideEyed #SequesteredFilmFest #MakeYourOwnWork (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAONyF5DbfZ/?igshid=k84upvw2po3l
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
I miss walking though this city in any season ♥️ . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #StayHomeStaySafe #IMissNewYork #ImINNewYorkAndIMissNewYork #IveBeenExploringTheCityOnGoogleMapsWhichIsSoSadButYaDoWhatYouCanWithWhatYouHave (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_xMRK0jmFo/?igshid=1u40ofaugo1d
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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I didn’t think it was possible to be more proud of this film. It means the world to have others recognize your work, and I hope everyone who put in work on this feels that appreciation! Not bad for our first ever film festival, huh? . Many thanks to the incredible @goldenstatefilmfestival , to @chinesetheatres for hosting us, and to everyone who has supported the film! Independent films are a labor of love, and to have an audience get to experience it makes it all worthwhile. . Finally, a huge thanks to @imelliotstevens for including me on this crazy idea. You are a force of nature and I am honored to be both your “partner in crime” and your friend. You made this. Be proud, I know I’m proud of you! Love you always, buddy ♥️ . I don’t know what more to say. I’m beaming like a crazy person. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ... Missing out on BEST THRILLER? Catch the AWARD WINNING @psychastheniafilm , streaming now online at PsychastheniaFilm.com! . . . #NYC #LA #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #JustPayMeToMakeThings #RedCarpet #Hollywood #HollywoodPremiere #WeThePeopleWeTheEnemy #PsychastheniaFilm #AwardWinningFlim (at TCL Chinese Theatres) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UparVpxoY/?igshid=1011ayepersmq
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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8 years ago in high school, I was voted “Most Likely To Be Seen In Hollywood”. Yesterday that actually came true. . The Hollywood premiere of PSYCHASTHENIA was a complete dream. Seeing ourselves on the screen that hosted the Oscars for years in one of the most historic theatres in the world was... unreal. And I could not ask for a better partner in crime than @imelliotstevens . We did a thing! ♥️ . My heart is full. Many thanks to all of our cast & crew & all of the @psychastheniafilm team, as well as the @goldenstatefilmfestival & the iconic @chinesetheatres for hosting us! And finally, thank you for the support. This is only the beginning, y’all. ♥️ . . . #NYC #LA #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #JustPayMeToMakeThings #RedCarpet #Hollywood #HollywoodPremiere #MayWeAllBeSoLucky #Breathe #WeThePeopleWeTheEnemy (at TCL Chinese Theatres) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9A36gPJ79C/?igshid=xvcde2ihhx5o
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Staring down these next two weeks before LA 👀 . Who’s ready for @psychastheniafilm ‘s Hollywood premiere with the @goldenstatefilmfestival ? Join us on Hollywood Boulevard February 20th st the @chinesetheatres !#WeThePeopleWeTheEnemy . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #CurlyHair #ThisHatIsEverything #ThisLookBroughtToYouBySeasonalDepressionAndFleetwoodMac (at New York City Times Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RJikmJd-6/?igshid=q51cvrvi15yj
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Hello my name is Ashley please pay me for acting . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #AndThatsTheNonEquiTEA (at Telsey & Company Casting) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8H1lQHJ7yE/?igshid=pa0wbdezl6s5
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 4 years ago
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Missing stages and friends and photoshoots from the before-times (And still finding glitter 2 years later) . P.S. Cast me in Cabaret, you cowards . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0alIMjYxF/?igshid=1eih8cllnplnw
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Remember that film that @laurakay813 and I made while in complete self-isolation at the beginning of the pandemic where I directed over Skype and we had the film completed from concept to final cut in 5 days? . WIDE EYED is racking up those laurels as an Official Selection of the @NewFacesNewVoices Film Festival! Join us on Wednesday, July 29 for a virtual screening followed by a Zoom Q&A with the filmmakers! (It’s just me & Laura, but Zoom with us anyway!) . Did someone say “All Female Creative Team?” #PartyClawProductions . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #JustPayMeToMakeThings #NewFacesNewVoices #NFNV2020 #IndependentFilm #WideEyed (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbrbsOjVVP/?igshid=15lmircy4sg2j
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Y’all know I’m not much of a chef (and have in fact set many a kitchen on fire) but I’ve been trying to cook more during quarantine and decided to treat myself to a fancy (and also schmancy) dinner tonight! . Linguine carbonara (with extra bacon because #Tejana) accompanied by a Caprese salad with fresh basil grown in the window and an Aperol spritz. . I’m very very proud of this simple meal because it is edible 😌 . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #Skillz #CHEF #NotReallyButIMadeSomethingEdibleAndThatIsABigStepForMe (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMqvrnD43Q/?igshid=1r5l383a2xi7l
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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The first Sunday in June has held a special place in my heart. Once a year I would see the companies of shows on Broadway - a mythical place I wasn’t sure really existed - live on tv in a celebration of theatre. . This photo was taken 5 years ago (!!!) at the Tony Pop-Up shop in Midtown, back when that was a thing. Even then, I had never in my life believed I would be in NYC, enjoying theatre in a real way. . Today would have been my first Tony Awards working for a major Broadway company. Sad to be missing it, but I know there is bigger work being done in the world right now. . Patience will be worth the deafening applause on the other side. ♥️ #OnlyIntermission . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #WeWereThatKid #TonyAwards #Tonys2020 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIoOjmDE6S/?igshid=lwv0gncvxp65
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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3 years ago today I loved to the greatest city in the world. Thank you, NYC, for welcoming me home ♥️ . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #IReallyLoveThisCity #ThisIsHome (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6IB8BjfEj/?igshid=1ogry798u74q3
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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I am so honored to be a guest on Petunia’s Playhouse! . I am in awe of the powerhouse that is @laurakay813 for creating something so important during such a difficult time. Thank you for making this; I know I needed it! . Make sure to follow @petuniasplayhouseseries to stay up to date on all things Petunia & Pumpkin Duck! ♥️ . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #MakeYourOwnWork #ListenToTheNicePuppetSayingKindThings #PumpkinDuckIsProudOfMeSoMyLifeIsComplete#PetuniasPlayhouse (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3Obz_DuNc/?igshid=1wjzsifpsq9q7
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foryouiwillholdstrong · 5 years ago
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Finally taking the time to read @mikeyleerock ‘s “Rock Bottom At The Renaissance”. It reminds me how much I love New York City, how our mostly rural South Texas home is different than anywhere else in the world, and the importance of telling your story. Thanks for sharing your words, Mike! @abergerjoint . . . #NYC #Actress #Director #FemaleDirector #Producer #Stage #Screen #Theatre #Film #Playbill #IMDB #Broadway #OffBroadway #Show #Production #Audition #Casting #BTS #ActorsLife #Work #Hustle #Art #HelloMyNameIsAshleyPleasePayMeForActing #AndDirecting #AndDeveloping #JustPayMeToMakeThings #TellYourStories #MixtapeMemoir #RockBottomAtTheRenaissance #BuyThisBookYall! (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1UVZVDlFc/?igshid=1srfigmpivdb0
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