octagledestroyer · 2 years
So plenty of people on this play DND
I’ve only been DMing for a very short amount of time and this? This was the first time I have ever just had absolutely no idea what was going on. 
Don’t get me wrong, I planned for the session. I had a basic outline, I had an encounter, I was pretty sure I knew what was going to happen. 
I was very wrong. 
turns out when your little sister plays a rogue pirate elf things very quickly escalate. 
For background info, this is a family campaign with me as the DM, my dad playing a human cleric named Pavel, my little sister playing a rogue elf pirate named Shava, and my little brother playing a dragonborn paladin named Torrin. 
We started off with them figuring out where they needed to go (Shava’s ship had disappeared with Torrin’s friend on it, and Pavel’s just there for the adventure), and they decide to take the river up to The Broken Fields (OG world), but to do that, they need horses. 
They convince me that Pavel and Torrin have horses, but Shava does not. I tell her that horses are 50 gp. She stares at me. 
Shava walks up to the horse merchant, tries to pickpocket his keys, and fails. He calls for law enforcement. She tries to talk him out of it, again, fails. Pavel runs over to try to help (Torrin is Lawful Good so he’s staying out of this), sets a hay bale on fire, then tries to knock the merchant out with a mace. 
He rolls a Nat 1. 
So Pavel has just hit himself in the face with a mace and lost half his HP, and the guards are here. Torrin finally steps in and tries to convince the law enforcement that nothing is wrong, and... fails. 
He is also arrested. 
So now all 3 of the players are in jail, and Shava goes to break them out. She successfully picks all 3 of the locks, but in doing so alerts the guards. 
(At this point I am frantically flipping through the Monster Manual to come up with characters for this encounter.)
I put them up against 2 Bandits and 1 orc, which was fine for the challenge rating, but uh..... not so good when one of the characters- the healer, mind you- is at half HP. 
Pavel gets knocked out almost immediately and starts making death saving throws. Shava and Torrin have to run across the room, taking almost a full turn to actually get their weapons back. 
The two conscious ones are not having a very good time of it, meanwhile, Pavel has almost failed 3 death saving throws and I’m starting to think he’s gonna have to roll up a new character... and then Shava gets knocked unconscious. 
I’m seriously worried that this random encounter that I came up with on the fly is going to be a TPK, so I have the orc run off to get a doctor and one of the humans run over to check on Pavel. Pavel and Shava finally roll 3 successful  death saving throws and are brought up to 1 HP. At the time I had no idea how successful death saving throws WORKED (tbh still dont) so I said they were conscious, and Pavel was able to take out the human in front of him, while Torrin took out the last human. 
So they get their stuff back, Shava jumps up on Torrin’s horse (because she STILL DOESN’T HAVE ONE) and they run to the next town over. 
So congrats, guys, you’re now banned from that town. 
Luckily, the next session went much more according to plan.
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kat-0831 · 6 years
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