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bidotorg · 2 years ago
“Dread Nation provides a refreshing take on the enemies-to-friends trope, and a rare representation of a queer friendship based on the principle that opposites attract platonically, too.”
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thereasonsimbroke · 9 months ago
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Marvel Comics is gearing up for a dramatic new #SpiderMan storyline, hinting at the superhero's possible demise or that of those close to him.
As writer Zeb Wells and artist John Romita Jr. wrap up their run on The #AmazingSpiderMan, the publisher is teasing what's to come next. The upcoming 10-issue arc, "The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man," will debut in the fall with writers #JoeKelly and #JustinaIreland, along with artists Ed McGuinness and Gleb Melnikov.
The teaser art shows a red-stained sky and eight gravestones, highlighting significant losses for #PeterParker. These are reminiscent of past tragedies like Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy. Marvel promises to release more details in the coming weeks.
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keycomicbooks · 2 months ago
The Amazing Spider-Man #63 (2024) Skottie Young 8 Deaths of Spider-Man Variant, Justina Ireland Writer, Gleb Melnikov Artists, 1st Appearance Cyrios, a Scion of Cytorrak 
#TheAmazingSpiderMan #63 (2024) #SkottieYoung #8DeathsofSpiderMan Variant, #JustinaIreland Writer, #GlebMelnikov Artists, 1st Appearance #Cyrios, a Scion of Cytorrak "The 8 Deaths of #SpiderMan, Part 3: Tick Tick Tick" THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man finds himself face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/The%20Amazing%20Spider-Man%202022.html#63 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MCU #MarvelComics #MarvelUniverse #KeyComic #ComicBooks
#TheAmazingSpiderMan #63 (2024) #SkottieYoung #8DeathsofSpiderMan Variant, #JustinaIreland Writer, #GlebMelnikov Artists, 1st Appearance #Cyrios, a Scion of Cytorrak "The 8 Deaths of #SpiderMan, Part 3: Tick Tick Tick" THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man finds himself face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/The%20Amazing%20Spider-Man%202022.html#63 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MCU #MarvelComics #MarvelUniverse #KeyComic #ComicBooks
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comiccrusaders · 9 months ago
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#COMICBOOKREVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1 by #JustinaIreland, #ChrisCampana, #MarceloFerreira & more... from @Marvel. #comics #comicbooks #Review by @TalentedMrFord #SCORE: 4/5. https://ow.ly/Hvav50SjWfY
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sistahscifi · 2 years ago
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Happy Pride!! We are showcasing our favorite queer characters for Pride month!
Number 4: Laura Ann Langston from Rust In the Root
Justina Ireland literally taught a class on how to write loveable characters. Laura Ann Langston of Rust in the Root, a brilliant young adult fantasy novel, is a great example of Ireland's ability to create a character that captures readers' hearts.
In 1937, Black 17-year-old Laura Ann Langston, a powerful queer mage hailing from small-town Shrinesville, Pa., goes to New York City seeking a grand future beyond her family’s humble farm. Laura wants to use her Floramancy skills to become the best baker the country has ever seen. Instead, when she sees a job posting sign after spending her last nickel on coffee, she joins the Bureau of the Arcane’s Conservation Corps and embarks on a journey that will uncover the darkest magic of the nation’s past–and present.
Laura is witty and sarcastic–which gets her into trouble more than once. In addition to being queer, Laura is a rare plus-size main character as depicted in the book's trailer.
We have hardcover editions signed by Justina Ireland in stock: @SistahScifi | www.sistahscifi.com | https://sistahscifi.com/products/signed-rust-in-the-root. Better yet, check it out from your local #library
Image reposted @thereadingblackgirls Currently Reading: Rust in the Root by @justina.ireland ❤️ -Nish 🤍
"Rust in the Root is another alt-historical fantasy from powerhouse author Justina Ireland. What does “alt-historical fantasy” mean, you might ask? It means that Justina takes elements from our very real history, and twists and tweaks them into an incredibly rich fantasy world." From @EpicReads
#rustintheroot #yafantasy #althistory #youngadultfantasy #JustinaIreland #bookrecs #thereadingblackgirls #plussizemaincharacter #SistahScifi #Pride #PrideMonth #Pride2023 #Queer
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lisa-lostinlit · 3 years ago
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💬 What was your most recent book mail? 📖🤎 I just received this beauty the other day and I can’t wait to read it! RUST IN THE ROOT hits shelves September 20th! Thank you to @epicreads for gifting me this early copy! . . . s u m m a r y : The author of the visionary New York Times bestseller Dread Nation returns with another spellbinding historical fantasy set at the crossroads of race and power in America. It is 1937, and Laura Ann Langston lives in an America divided—between those who work the mystical arts and those who do not. Ever since the Great Rust, a catastrophic event that blighted the arcane force called the Dynamism and threw America into disarray, the country has been rebuilding for a better future. And everyone knows the future is industry and technology—otherwise known as Mechomancy—not the traditional mystical arts. Laura disagrees. A talented young queer mage from Pennsylvania, Laura hopped a portal to New York City on her seventeenth birthday with hopes of earning her mage’s license and becoming something more than a rootworker…. . . . h a s h t a g s : #rustintheroot #justinaireland #bookmail #bookstagrammer #mybookfeatures #mybooks #readingtime #bookstagram #bookishflatlay #flatlaystyle #flatlaytoday #booksandcoffee #cottagecore #cozyacademia #photographylife #bookblogger #inspiremyinstagram #cozyaesthetic #bookstagramaesthetic #booklovers https://www.instagram.com/p/ChBL0aUN-AJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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serataino · 6 years ago
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Hello first person, present tense. I don't usually get to enjoy that pov unless I'm reading YA. The best science fiction/fantasy is often an elaborate thought experiment that takes an idea to its logical extreme, therefore offering a commentary on the state of our current society. My only regret is I'm reading Dread Nation too quickly and will have to wait another year for the next installment. #justinaireland #dreadnation #youngadult #postcivilwar #zombies #subversivefiction #blackwriters #diverselit #diverseliterature #bookstagram #bookblr #readthis #whatimreading #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/serataino/p/BvfL977g90k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nlvvli3qhwbj
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strandbooks · 7 years ago
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"The day I came squealing and squalling into the world was the first time someone tried to kill me." 🌟 Every Weds, we pick a new author to be our #writercrush, from bookseller favorites to underrepresented authors you need to know about. ➡️This week, we're loving Justina Ireland (@justinai), author of the YA epic Dread Nation. 🌟 Set in post-Reconstruction America, Dread Nation focuses on the life of Jane McKeene, a young Black girl trained with other Black and Native people to kill zombies that have risen at the site of Civil War battlefields. This fast-paced, exhilarating novel is so much more than any typical zombie book you've ever read. ➡️Pick up a copy on the 2nd floor! ▪️▪️ #writercrushwednesday #dreadnation #justinaireland #bookrecommendation #yaliterature
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penelopecat · 2 years ago
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And with Path of Deceit, we enter phase 2 of Star Wars: The High Republic, set 150 years earlier than phase 1. I’d call it the prequel era of HR but that comes with a stigma this book doesn’t deserve. While I want to get back to the stories of familiar characters, I really got into this new story. It felt very much a piece of the series we’ve been enjoying, but also something different, shedding light of things I hadn’t realized were shrouded in darkness. With one book, I’m as invested in this part of the story as I was with phase 1. #thismakesmehappy #2022reading #books #starwars #starwarsbooks #lucasfilm #starwarsthehighrepublic #thehighrepublic #pathofdeceit #tessagratton #justinaireland #starwarsya https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjf7-tSL9bf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bookshelfsos-blog · 6 years ago
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It’s hard to pick one favorite author, but if pressed I have to go with Megan Whalen Turner. Her work resonated with me so much as a young reader, but the amazing thing is that it continues to be just as good when I reread as an adult. My favorite types of books are those that reward re-reading and The Queen’s Thief series is absolutely littered with little hints and double entendres that you only understand on your second (or sometimes third, fourth fifth…) reading. 👑 • • • ❓What books do you enjoy rereading the most? Any recommendations for books that take on new meanings the second time you read them? I am so impressed when an author manages to do that; it’s like magic! 🎩 • • • CHALLENGES! 📋📖 #novinbooks18 📚 “all-time favorite author” 🍡 #allthebooksnov18 #currentlyreading ∞ • • • #meganwhalenturner #thequeensthief #conspiracyofkings #queensthief #dreadnation #justinaireland #book #bookstagram #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookphotography #fantasy #bookspines #bookstack #ilovereading #ya #yafantasy #fantasy #queerbooks #lgbtbooks #photooftheday #flatlay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp98mI_HW39/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lct17dghvms3
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raesnovelsblog · 3 years ago
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Do you make it a point to read stories from different viewpoint from your own? I'm trying to make more of an effort to do just that. These were the last two books I've read, and I loved them. Especially "White Smoke". Both had minor issues. I felt "Dread Nation" took a little too long to get going. But once it did, it was great. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ "White Smoke" hooked me right from the start. I didn't see some of the twists coming, but they didn't come out of left field either. It ended abruptly, but not enough to take away my enjoyment of the story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌌Challenge🌌 #marvelmarch22 - Black Panther Sent via @planoly #planoly #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #booksofinsta #booksofig #booklover #booknerd #bookreview #dreadnation #justinaireland #whitesmoke #tiffanydjackson (at Dickson County, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca0UpnlP7Mf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thebookloverscoffehouse · 3 years ago
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What's on your tbr list for the upcoming weekend? #dreadnationbook #dreadnation #bookblogger #booksofinstagram #yabooks #thursdayvibes #bookstagram #books #justinaireland https://www.instagram.com/p/CZiFhZRLPp3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thereasonsimbroke · 3 months ago
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In the latest #AmazingSpiderMan arc, #PeterParker dons a magical suit, and gains enhanced abilities to battle the Scions of Cyttorak, demon offspring granting Juggernaut his strength.
As the story peaks, #SpiderMan transforms into the #SpiderNaut, powered by armor and Cyttorak. Written by #JoeKelly and #JustinaIreland and illustrated by #EdMcGuinness, Gleb Melnikov, CAFU, and Andrea Boccardo, The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man shows Spidey dying and reviving repeatedly through magic.
In Amazing Spider-Man #69 (March 12) and #70 (March 26), Peter may run out of lives, paving the way for the Spider-Naut’s rise.
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keycomicbooks · 3 months ago
Phases of the Moon Knight #3 (2024) Ivan Tao Character Variant, Yuji Kaku & Justina Ireland Writers, Daniel Bayliss & Yuji Kaku Artist, 1st Appearance of Lunatic Angel (Manga Inspired Moon Knight)
#PhasesoftheMoonKnight #3 (2024) #IvanTao Character Variant, #YujiKaku & #JustinaIreland Writers, #DanielBayliss & Yuji Kaku Artist, 1st Appearance of #LunaticAngel (#Manga Inspired #MoonKnight) "Moon Knight-Chan" Fall into the next PHASES OF THE MOON KNIGHT alongside New York Times best-selling Author JUSTINA IRELAND as she weaves a tale of an ALL-NEW avatar of Khonshu that might just eclipse every other Fist of Khonshu that came before! https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Phases%20of%20the%20Moon%20Knight.html#3 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks
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comiccrusaders · 2 years ago
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#PREVIEW: STAR WARS SANA STARROS #5 (OF 5) by #JustinaIreland, #PerePerez & more.... from @Marvel #comics https://ow.ly/iUVY50OLimN
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sistahscifi · 2 years ago
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Tokiwa, we are so happy you found us too!!!! 
About A Phoenix Must First Burn:
”Lovers of @OctaviaEButler will find her spirit in this smoldering anthology . . . These stories [explore] the beauty, bravery, fear, history, and empowerment of being Black. Fiercely fantastical and achingly honest, this book delivers a more inclusive means of self-discovery.”– Publishers Weekly, starred review
A Phoenix Must First Burn, edited by Patrice Caldwell, includes 16 short stories celebrating Afrofuturism from Elizabeth Acevedo, @Amerie, Patrice Caldwell, Dhonielle Clayton, J. Marcelle Corrie, Somaiya Daud, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Justina Ireland, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Danny Lore, @LL_McKinney, Danielle Paige, @RebeccaRoanhorse, Karen Strong, Ashley Woodfolk, and @IbiZoboi. Free teacher's guide available on publisher website. 
Pick it up from @sistahscifi | www.sistahscifi.com | https://sistahscifi.com/products/a-phoenix-must-first-burn-paperback. Better yet, check it out from your local #library !!
Reposted @tokiwasmith As a lover of #SciFi and #Afrofuturism when I found out about @sistahscifi , I was so happy to find a #BlackOwnedBookstore where I could purchase books written by Black authors with Black characters. My latest purchase from them is another great read.
#SistahScifi #APhoenixMustFirstBurn #OctaviaEButler #Amerie #RebeccaRoanhorse #StarredReview #Afrofuturism #JustinaIreland #OctaviaButler 
@brownbookworm @pncaldwell @somaiiiya @penguinrandomhouse
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