#justice for rocky
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languagenerd24601 · 1 year ago
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justyourcasualidiot · 28 days ago
Y’all know those fics where nightwing joins the justice league without anyone knowing about his connection to batman and stuff?
Well I need one where he joins the league and him and batman are able to act professional enough that no one even consider them knowing each other more than just as colleagues. They don’t seem particularly close, they work well together, which is to be expected considering how similar they are.
Literally everything is fine, no one has any doubts, it doesn’t cross anyone’s mind.
Then they walk in on them arguing.
At first it sounds like a classic argument that always happens when working on a team with someone. You’re bound to disagree on something at some point.
But then it starts to sound like the kind of argument that’s clearly a repeated thing. Whatever nightwing and batman are fighting about, they’ve faught about it before.
It starts sounding weirdly personnal. Too personnal for two coworkers who just started working together maybe a few months before.
It’s enough for the other members to start wondering if maybe the two might have known each other for longer than expected and have simply never mentionned it.
Then they hear it.
"Stop acting like you’re my father. I stopped being your responsibility a long time ago"
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giftheplanet · 6 months ago
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ladybugkisses · 1 year ago
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definitely just a case of Crazy Arms, nothing else to see here, no siree!
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chillyfeetsteak · 14 days ago
i'm actually so fucking tired of witnessing everyone salivating at the mouth to fawn over cops every time i set foot outside my door. im tired of seeing 'blue lives matter' stickers and flags and t-shirts and hats. i'm tired of people not using an ounce of brain power to consider how offensive it is. im tired of people acting like cops are a class of people worth protecting, or a 'class' of people at all. i am tired of watching people who are usually level-headed trip over themselves to defend cops when the opportunity arises. i'm fucking tired of the brain rot, i am sick to death of it
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self-indulgent-paw-patrol · 8 months ago
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The amazing @cottoncandyswirl828 wrote a short drabble on how a Rocky's Garage episode with Zuma could be. It's posted in the Paw Patrol Tumblr Community! I sure miss seeing these two pups interacting in any way at all, and I loved the story so much I just had to draw a scene!!
If you're a Paw Patrol fan and would like to join our community, you can DM them for it!
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that-sad-guy · 2 years ago
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oh god here we go again
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have you done your daily click
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dreamererica · 1 month ago
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sirrockem · 5 months ago
Raceway AU and Seth belong to @thescarletnargacuga / @theamazingdigitalraceway
MUSIC USED: Ricochet - Guilty Gear XX #Reload (Korean version)
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BONUS: Model turnaround and expression test:
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Aaaaaand here it is! This took a lot longer to make than I would like to admit, but I think I'm at a point where I can consider this finished.
A massive shout out goes to Scarlet, the creator of this character and AU! Consider this a gift, for being such an awesome writer and person!
…Okay, I'm gonna go on a ramble now. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. I just have a few things I'd like to say:
So, I'm not a professional artist by any means, but you probably noticed that already. Actually, this is my first time making any kind of art in a very long time, but after getting into the TADC fandom and discovering such an amazing array of artists and writers, I felt compelled to give a little something back. Prove that I could create, not only consume, I guess.
There's a part of me that's pretty scared to post this. This fandom is full of creators with incredible, well-developed artistic skill… and then there's me, stumbling in with this polygonal mess. It's intimidating, y'know? I feel like a kid showing off his crayon drawings to his parents. I know it's ultimately pointless to compare myself to people with actual years of experience under their belts, but my brain still goes there regardless.
Well, it's not like too many people are gonna see this anyway, right? I'm just glad I was even able to finish this. That's not something I get to say very often. There were so many times where my brain was telling me that this was too hard, and that I should just give up. For once, I decided to say "No", and pushed on through anyway, despite my limited artistic abilities.
Oh, and Scarlet, if you're reading this… thank you so very much. Seriously, your work has given me so much joy and inspiration, and you're a really cool person to boot. I couldn't have done this if it wasn't for you!
Sorry if I'm being overly sappy, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you, and this whole community. I'm happy that I chose to be a part of it, even if it's just in a small way.
Alright, I think I've talked for long enough. I'm gonna shut up now.
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eagletdoesthings · 4 months ago
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Keep dancing till they break your legs 〜💜
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giftheplanet · 5 months ago
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ladybugkisses · 2 years ago
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silly little conclusion to ♥️ this ♥️ ..... .. ...and congratulations to rocky for turning the car into The sTruGgLE-BuGgY forreal-
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months ago
Canon Dialogue (I am not apologizing for being abnormal about them):
Robin to Steve: . . .And Vickie laughed. It wasn't like a cheap fake laugh either. It was a real genuine laugh. . . My point is that Vickie laughed and everything it was just, like, perfect. . .but I'm having this problem where I should stop talking. . .I have said everything that I need to say but I guess I get nervous and the words they keep spilling out and my brain is moving faster than my mouth or rather my mouth is moving faster than my brain and it's like I'm digging this hole for myself and I want to stop digging and I'm trying to stop digging but I can't and I'm doing it right now, aren't I? . . . I'm hopeless. *to Steve* If only we could just like combine. Think about it. . .I know exactly what I want, I found the girl of my dreams, and I just can't get the courage to ask her out. Meanwhile, you go on a million dates and you have no idea what you want so if we just combined all of our problems would be solved because alone, let's face it. . .
Steve: We totally suck. . .
Robin: Totally and utterly. . .
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ben-talks-art · 3 months ago
Beloved trope: Reality Check
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To me, this is the greatest thing about having flawed characters in your story, to have them face these flaws.
I love when a narrative is willing to have the character make mistakes, commit some misdeeds, or just overall live life with a very unhealthy mindset, and then we get some other character who knows them, or at the very least sees what's going on with them, and just blurt out to their face what they need to hear.
Nothing disappoints me more than when a narrative tries to paint their character as some perfect diety that can do no wrong because one of the most fun things about a character is to watch them grow through their screw-ups, watch them change, see how far they came from the start of the story and compare it to the end of the story, and relate to the lessons they learn and apply it in our own lives.
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moonfall666 · 2 months ago
posting to this blog instead of my art blog bc its rlly unfinished but uh heres my interpretation of this scene from the end of The Black Beyond (puppetshade chronicles)
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