#just. the way charles and edwin's love is compared to the cat king (who edwin JUST met and who trapped him in port townsend) and monty (who
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months ago
seeing all these posts talking about payneland as if its some tragic unrequited love drives me insane ngl. or i guess not TRAGIC but the posts that are like "man edwin really got every boy except the one he wanted" HE ALREADY HAD HIM. HE ALREADY FUCKING HAD HIM ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?? MAYBE NOT ROMANTICALLY BUT GOD HE HAD HIM. AND HE STILL HAS HIM.
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ladycinism · 9 months ago
You know what breaks me?
Edwin tried to deliver his confession in a collected manner at first.
"as more than a friend I'm afraid" he says like he could be saying "oh no, it's raining I'm afraid". He wants Charles to know but I think he's also trying to downplaying it a bit because he's afraid of ruining things with his best friend.
And then
his voice fucking breaks while he says "I'm in love with you" and it's not just the weight of the words, he's scared. His voice waivers and the word love comes out like a whisper almost because of all the feelings and the fear he was trying to reign in.
He tried to be the collected one for Charles but he couldn't in the end because he's just a teenage boy in love with his best friend of 30 years and he's scared he's going to lose the only person he ever allowed himself to love. And you can actually see the fear in his eyes, hear it in his voice too
Also the fact that Charles compares them to Orpheus and Eurydice. CAN WE ADDRESS THIS?
Can we address the fact that like in the original myth it was love that made Orpheus turn around and it was love that made Charles turn around too? When Edwin stops them to talk he's almost turning around again and it is when Edwin says "I love you" that he, of course, whips his head around.
I like to think (because I do not want to think about other sceneries) that much like Orpheus loses Eurydice in that moment, so does charles with Edwin. In that moment he loses the old Edwin and welcomes the new one, the one who's not afraid to speak up and talk about his feelings, the one who can kiss the cat king on his cheek while admitting that he too is lonely like him. I like to think that in a way, to put an end to those endless deaths he faced in hell Edwin truly had to be reborn. I think he really needed to face himself, all his selves (the sexuality he had hidden to his own self, his loneliness, his despair), all the hidden parts in the words of the cat king in order to be able close hell's door once and for all.
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anxious-witch · 8 months ago
I think the reason why there are so many amazing ships in Dead Boy Detectives is because the show manages to show different versions of love/lust/devotion through different relationships all characters have.
Like, love triangles have been doing the whole "a girl has to choose between two guys who each being out a different side of her" for over a decade in popular media, some more, some less successfully. But the pitfall they often fall into is that those differences seem very shallow and often ignore the other aspect of the main person who have to choose between the love interests.
Dead Boy Detectives makes sure to not do that.
When we look at how Charles is with Crystal vs how he is with Edwin, we can clearly see the difference. In the beginning of his and Crystal's dynamic, he is flirtier and puts more if a bravado, but he pretty quickly opens up to her. Because he sees that she very quickly sees past his facade he puts up with his constant happy-go-lucky persona. Only when he starts opening up to her and showing his emotions does their relationship progress. Because after David, Crystal needs someone who can be emotionally vulnerable with her and in turn, Charles offers her the same, and offers her a safe space.
In contrast, we see that Charles is more at ease around Edwin. They know each other deeply, and are also woven into each other at this point. It's easy, like breathing. One thing it doesn't do is challenge either of them from the status quo they have built over the years. But there is a sense of ease there, and such devotion. There is no question about what they would do for each other because the answer is everything.
That said, while they both bring out different sides of Charles, those sides of him feel intricately linked to one another! Which is why Crystal coming into the pictures begins changing Charles' relationship with Edwin as well! It brings to light things they have ignored. And in turn, Charles' clear and unwavering devotion and loyalty to Edwin prompts Crystal to learn it herself. To quote Jenny in ep 8, "you were about to leave and never see these boys again, but now you are going to save them"? And yes, she does exactly that.
This even has influence on Edwin and Crystal's rs directly, which I can't recall ever seeing in a love triangle before, at least not in a positive sense. But it's so clear that Charles loves both of them that the other learns to love them too, and they realize their own similarities through it, too!
As for Edwin and his many love interests, well. I know there has been a lot of debate, especially around Cat King vs Charles dyankics with Edwin, but the thing is-you are comparing apples ajd oranges here.
The Cat King is enamored, fascinated by Edwin, and yeah above all, attracted to him. This dynamic serves to challenge both of their characters' beliefs and shake up the power dynamics between them. Whenever you like the Cat King or not Edwin clearly reciprocates the attraction part, at the very least.
Charles loves Edwin and is devoted to him and Edwin to him turn, as discussed above. What is difficult about their relationship is that it became stagnant due to lack of communication, which is why they needed other relationships to shake up that dynamic.
But to address the most prominent comparison I saw, which is the Cat King saying he'll wait for Edwin vs Charles going to Hell to save him.
Both are types of devotion, is the thing. A profession of love, if you will. To this day, we consider Penelope a faithful, loving and devoted wife for waiting for Odyssey for 20 years. Cat King saying he'd wait for Edwin isn't any small confession, given he is aware it could take decades, if not more.
Don't get me wrong, Charles going to literal Hell to save Edwin and succeeding where Orpheus and Eurydice failed is an enormous success and a way to show you love someone. I am not minimalizing that at all.
I am just saying that, for who these characters are and given their rs with Edwin, they did exactly what they were supposed to. They expressed in which ways Edwin had influenced them and what they can offer him if that dynamic becomes romantic.
Cat King represents experience, patience. As an immortal he has all the time in the world to wait for Edwin to return from hell, because he believes Edwin is strong enough to return on his own.
Charles represents love that breaks all obstacles in their way. He goes to save Edwin because he believes Edwin deserves to be helped in the way he helps others. He deserves to be saved.
My point is, there is no better of worse way of loving someone. The character in the love triangle choose the person that better alignes with who they are and who they wish to be as a person. So yes, you are absolutely allowed to say "I think this character would choose person a because it alignes better with their character development" but comparing the two as one being superior is kinda pointless imo? Exploring different dynamic of a character is the goal here, right? Either through canon or fanon.
...I was gonna talk about Crystal/Niko and Edwin/Monty too but this post got away from me to uhh. Might do another one if anyone is interested but in their way! I adore the way DBDA explores different sides of characters while still making them feel like a fully rounded person and doesn't shy away from letting one rs influence other rs character has.
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darklinaforever · 9 months ago
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The antis Cat King and Catwin obviously live in a parallel universe ?
Yes, the Cat King flirted with Edwin and offered to sleep with him. But when Edwin refused, he offered him another task. He never tried to coerce Edwin in any way, although he continued to flirt with him. That's the whole principle of the Cat King. He proposed to Edwin. Edwin said no. The Cat King agrees.
Because after all, isn't he a fair and consensual Cat King ?!
Flirting with someone, again, does not necessarily mean sexual harassment or coercion (as the antis love to claim, the worst going so far as to try to make people believe that the Cat King is a potential rapist).
Especially when the person actually enjoys said flirting.
Whether people liked it or not, but Edwin liked the Cat King and was attracted to him. He was not traumatized by him. He's not afraid of him. He appreciated all the flirting and interest that was shown in him (Edwin's body language in the presence of the Cat King indicates all this). And the Cat King didn't force him to do anything at all. He didn't even try. The complete opposite of the behavior of a predator and a sexual harasser.
And the Cat King being visibly strongly linked to desires, and more particularly Edwin's desires in the logic of the scenario, something tells me that he must have felt feel that Edwin liked him. The Cat King was essentially content to flirt with someone he liked and who he felt liked in return.
Also, that he had him watched ? (or stalker, as this person likes to say) Well he literally gave him a task / punishment to accomplish in his own town. Logically, he therefore keeps an eye on Edwin.
This comment literally comes from the post where I was full of the way in which the Cat King could be represented in the fanfiction dedicated to Edwin & Charles, namely as a potential aggressor (something which he is not shown to be in the show, and even less in the words of the writers and actors) :
Again, it's totally fine to not like the Cat King. Maybe this character didn't click for you and that's fine.
But stop making him out to be someone he's not, just to give yourself a morally high ground to dislike him.
On the other hand, if you are one of those who feel attacked by the character of the Cat King through his behavior with Edwin, that is your right.
But just remember that your personal feelings are not necessarily the reality of the character, and that everyone can have a wrong interpretation when it comes to fiction, even you. And this, no matter how noble you think you are in denouncing the behavior that seems inappropriate to you from the Cat King.
And above all, remember that Edwin does not experience his relationship with the Cat King as any kind of aggression or harassment whatsoever.
Don't project your own feelings of discomfort onto Edwin, who clearly enjoyed his time with the Cat King.
That's all for me.
For those interested,I have tons of posts about the Cat King and Catwin on my tumblr. Simply enter the name of the ship in my search bar !
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orionsangel86 · 10 months ago
I’m not sure how much sense this will make since it’s almost midnight, but am I crazy for thinking how insane it is for Charles to go “I can’t say that I’m in love with you back or anything” and then immediately follow up with “but there’s no one else who I’d go to Hell for”? Cause like, my brain doesn’t know how to not interpret that as Charles reciprocating Edwin’s specific type of love, but not realizing it. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a super religious household so I already have some predispositions about Heaven and Hell, but my point of view for that is just thinking that someone better be pretty damn special for me to go to Hell for them. Like a wife or kid kind of special.
I don't think its crazy to interpret it that way at all. I think its rare to find that level of devotion among two people and when used as a trope it is usually related to extreme romantic love - see the OG Orpheus and Euridice as the prime example. Charles comparing himself to Orpheus in that moment (however naively because he didn't know how the story ended) is far more telling than he seems to realise.
That's not to say that only people with romantic/passionate feelings for someone can experience that level of devotion. Familial and forms of queer platonic love can also certainly be that devoted, and I have seen a lot of people talking about how they view the boys relationship as a queer platonic one, where Charles in particular, doesn't need to feel romantic love in order to be completely devoted to Edwin. I think that's a really great form of representation and can go someway to explaining how much of a deep and profound bond the two have (as a SPN fan I do not use that term lightly lol).
Though I think throughout the series we see Charles display forms of jealousy towards Edwin's connection with Monty and the Cat King, and he does also confirm he likes Crystal because she reminds him of Edwin - even he was joking at the time. I also think it was lovely that in the confession he doesn't once say that he isn't into guys, or that he doesn't think he could ever feel something more romantic for Edwin. He just says he isn't in love with him at that point. Whether or not that particular statement was the whole truth or just Charles' own form of denial and inability to properly process the confession since they were literally running away from a horrible giant spider doll demon from Hell at that point in time remains to be seen.
I think enough hints have also been dropped during cast and writer interviews that if they get a season two, it will go some way to explore Charles' own feelings and build on the aftermath of that confession. Whatever the situation between them is, it is the primary relationship of the show and it is quite clearly built on love and devotion regardless of what forms they or we interpret that as. They have literally forever to figure it out, and I really hope we get to watch at least some of that!
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flowerbritts · 9 months ago
So, I'm going to be the one that makes the post on Payneland and parallels to other couples/relationships, aren't I?
Sigh...I guess here we go. Spoilers, obviously. So if you haven't watched Dead Boy Detectives, go watch it and return to this post!
Believe it or not, there is more than one relationship to which I can compare the Edwin/Charles dynamic.
These couples include Destiel (Supernatural), Malec (Shadowhunters), and Solangelo (PJO).
So let's start with the Charles parallels.
We are introduced in Episodes 3 & 4 to the fact that Charles went through some serious physical abuse. His father had high expectations for him, and when he didn't match those expectations, he took his anger out on Charles. This gives reason as to why Charles's anger comes out in the form of protection because he was never protected from that abuse, and he doesn't want anyone else to experience the same type of hurt he did.
Not only does this remind me of Dean Winchester, but of Magnus Bane. Both were raised by men who were quite angry and abusive in their own ways. Yet these characters are known for their care and love of other people. Dean's entire job is saving people, Magnus' job is helping people with his magic abilities, and we already know Charles's job of helping ghosts solve their mysteries to cross over. All these characters wish to be better (while holding themselves to very high standards) and care more for everyone else than themselves.
So where do the Edwin parallels come into these pairings?
When Edwin was alive, we see that he was a loner, often ridiculed and ostracized by his peers for being a 'Mary Anne'. This puts us into the discussion of how and why it takes a cat king and a crow to help him figure out his sexuality; he merely doesn't realize his feelings because they were never needed during both his time alive and in hell. I'm going to assume that he didn't keep up with politics and popular culture once he got out, so he really was just unaware of what society became, and that's why Niko had to tell him.
This very much fits my comparison to Castiel, his brethren looking down on him because he had 'too much heart'; he began to care more heavily once he was introduced to Dean, but everyone believed he 'came off the line with a crack in his chassis'. I've always thought this was heavily queer-coded. Edwin and Castiel have the similarities of being adorably clueless when it comes to human modern-day communication and needing help in navigating relationships. The comparison I'll make to Alec is that he was also raised in quite a hostile environment. He was forgotten, and looked at as a second choice to his brother Jace before Magnus took notice of him. Alec is another character who goes through a self-discovery journey in which he's adamant that he doesn't need a relationship or feelings to do what needs to be done; he rather be all work.
Now let's get to Solangelo parallels.
Edwin and Nico are both placed out of time, stuck in places for decades until the world has changed around them so drastically they don't recognize it anymore. They both go to Hell/Tartarus and have to find their own ways out. They are both ultimately kind even though they have been hurt by the world, again ostracized and seen as outsiders. They do what must be done to save that which they care about most and, ultimately, torture themselves over their feelings.
Charles and Will are the blinding light that leads their respective partner out of the darkness in more ways than one. They make the choice to stick around their person even though Edwin/Nico thinks they are better off on their own, but Charles/Will pushes to stay with them, not out of duty but because they want to. They try to get their partners out of their comfort zone and remind them to not take everything so seriously all the time.
Now the Hell parallels. One partner always goes to Hell, and the other follows; it does not always perfectly align but stay with me.
Dean goes to Hell, and Castiel fetches him and brings him back to Earth, but Castiel is the one who is more changed by the experience. "When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost." This could also parallel Edwin and Charles meeting for the first time. Castiel and Charles both choose to stay with the person who changed/was kind to them.
Again, the parallels don't perfectly align with Malec but Edwin goes to hell, as Magnus goes to Edom, albeit Magnus goes willingly, he can’t escape. Charles follows, as does Alec. And neither leave without their other half.
Same with Solangelo, Nico goes into Tartarus, and Will follows because he isn't going to let Nico experience it by himself for a second time.
My point to this post is that these are common tropes that go along the lines of 'Do not go where I can not follow'. Both people in the relationship are so devoted to each other that they are broken when they are apart and are willing to go to the ends of the earth to get them back.
If there are any other parallels/things I missed, please add to this post!
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yinora-evergreen · 10 months ago
Hellooo could you write crystal x fem!shapeshifter (could be associated with catking but it's not necessary!but she's mostly using a cat form yep yep) and she's been helping the team for a while and like niko sets them up for a date 😭😭 at some point reader like runs away during that (DISCREETLY 🏃) but she and crystal meet up on rooftop shortly after, so it will end all sweet and stuff 🤭🤭 thank you!!
a/n: i love this request! thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy! also i really hope i wrote it the way you meant for me to write it, so please do let me know what you think! <3 pairing: Crystal x fem!shapeshifter!reader
since the whole ordeal happened with Edwin using a spell on a cat, and the cat king putting a bracelet on him, the cat king had sent you to stay with them to make sure they weren't plotting anything against him, much to the team's distaste.
though that distaste went away as soon as you turned out to actually be a big help!
since you could shape-shift into animals, though you mainly used your cat form, it was easy for you to go into small spaces, and follow people around without them suspecting.
you even got to help out saving Niko, and since she joined the team you two hit it off instantly!
she would always hang out around you, which is also what caused this all to happen.
see, you had grown... fond, of Crystal, and Niko being who she made it her mission to make sure you two got together.
there were multiple instances where you had to practically drag her away from Crystal before she let anything slip.
you didn't think it would be the right moment for you to confess to Crystal anyway, with David constantly trying to get into her head. now, you THOUGHT you were doing pretty well with keeping an eye on Niko and making sure she didn't do anything rash.
you thought wrong.
Niko had told you to go to the front of the butchershop, though she was awfully excited for you to do so, and she even told Charles and Edwin not to bother you.
against every instinct telling you there was something going on, you went, and you saw Crystal standing there, near a table with two plates, a candle in the middle, and rose petals on the floor.
the thing that caught you offguard and let you know it wasn't Crystal's idea though, was the fact that she looked just as confused as you were. "you are the one Niko set me up on a date with!?" she doesn't seem very happy about it, which instantly makes you panic.
you quickly walk out the front door, without saying another word, turn into a cat and practically run away.
Crystal tried to follow, but before long she already realized where you'd go: the roof of the library.
she discreetly walked into the library and took the 'personal only' stairs up to the roof, and as she expected, she saw you sitting there, in your cat form, on the edge of the roof as you looked out over the town. she quietly walks over to you, deciding to stand next to. "sorry for running away like that, it wasn't because of you..." you whisper as you shape-shift back to your human form, though you seem to refuse to look at her.
"it's just, i specifically kept dragging Niko out of any oppertunity to do something like this, i didn't want to put you on the spot and practically force you to go on a date with me, i mean, with David the demon that keeps trying to get into your head and with the cat-king practically being the only reason you decided to stay here with Charles and Edwin i didn't think it would be a good time" you ramble on a bit, failing to notice the soft smile on her face.
"you like me, don't you? i honestly almost started to think you liked Niko with how much you hang out with her, but then Charles made a comment about how you always act so much more soft and nearly gentle with me compared to the others" you looked at her with confusion and surprise, were you really being that obvious?
"right, so what your saying is i should see if Charles can really go through walls" you say in a slightly joking tone, obviously implying you'd throw him through one.
Crystal laughs though, and it makes your heart race.
you made her laugh.
and it's the prettiest laugh you've ever heard.
"hey, maybe, if you want, we could go back and actually have that date? now that everything's cleared up between us... i actually think it might be good for me to just let myself have a good time with someone in a more 'romantic' setting" Crystal offers her hand to you, and you take it with a nod.
both of you walk back into the butchershop, and you can see Niko quickly running back to her room with a smile, which made you roll your eyes playfully.
yeah, maybe having a date set up by Niko isn't so bad.
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Chaotic DBD Annotations: Episode FOUR!
My dad just compared Niko to Yukio from Deadpool 2 XD
honestly I thought the letters were from a man the first time I watched, at least partly because the song playing when she reads it is about a guy
"I don't have anywhere to be but right here" I mean I know she means it literally because even if Crystal went to school, she wouldn't remember, and because she lied about her age, but I wonder if this is an allusion to the books, because Crystal was only ever enrolled in school when she felt like it.
"soulmate"? Really??
actually, can I make a case for ^^this being autistic black and white thinking?
"A pretty big leap" I see what you did there
If Crystal got her hands on the envelope, she might have seen Maxine doing something stalkerish and have to explain her reaction to Niko with Jenny in the room
Jenny can't even be nice without compulsively being mean right after lmao. I mean it's sad.
what is that stick?
I guess it's been days or weeks, bc apparently Monty has been a Thing for awhile now.
Is Dagfinn sexist or does he just want to only explain himself once?
He's dead and all he wants is to be alone and do the one thing he's interested in. Dagfinn is autistic.
Who would make a toy like that, and why/how did old Daggy get one??
I have never heard of such fishsticks.
Period medical term for depression, go off Edwin!
"probably high" UH WHAT!?
and she was so dismissive of Asha
what is Asha playing at? she believes the kids imagined it then randomly brings up pranks??
grinning ghosts
of fucking course he has to be ominous about it
why IS he acting weird?
did she hear that from her own house??
why are they still under the spell as ghosts when they don't even hear the call anymore?
kill him
I think he meant "old" in a different way but okay
why is Monty "fun" just like Charles is "fun" for Crystal? in both scenes that wird had a weird amount of emphasis
random cat yowls lmao
CK is standing on some sort of elevated platform methinks
make your case to who?
"way off" my ass
yknow for someone who works with children she kind of sucks with them
my eyes are squinting :(
ph wait the bigass fish kites are foreshadowing
mushroom teacup?
what do you mean "where did you go" you didn't see him leave you left first
*quirky sting*
the sun is blacked out in the Lillith one
why are mermaids and sirens conflated?
I was so excited when I first watched bc I immediately recognized that image as the Irish folktale, the Washerwomen, of whom my memory is admittedly lacking, but I still like that there is one incorporated with the show.
blood magic, bloody linens. for an episode about positive connotations to red, there's sure alot of blood references. Thankfully, due to color theory,
red boat??
Did Asha do all those paintings or just the Washerwoman?
haha stuffed seagulls
lots of shell crafts, a wholeass intact jaw of sorts.
setup for the commonplace book!
what are her voices normally? Iris??
if those two weren't supposed to know, why was Niko allowed to know?
when did they explain to her who the cat king is??
she's so worried and wants Crystal to go home :(((
he's mad you aren't letting him take care of you and protect you like normal or something????
why does she thinks it's real??
Does she know personally, or from manga?
Also there is definitely logic behind the love in this show
also Edwin instantly realized Niko meant him and Monty, rather than herself. I wonder how much thought he's given that.
well, the pink book and the pink lights were both to do with the Sprites, so I wonder if it is used in the show to signal attention as well.
Niko color coordinates her own fits on purpose, the pink when she knows there's love involved and the red for her first official case, but she also wears pink before finding the letter writer, if I remember. I'm getting ahead of myself.
he can't even say "kiss"
the small "I don't know" awww
he lives his little rock
I don't think that is a prism
tf you mean "you can see the future too" !?? WHO ELSE SEES THE FUTURE
that scream. there's two screams layered together but if you Korken coddling one sounds like a slide whistle or howling animal and one sounds like a tire screech sound effect
but WHY is it 'your' burden?? Also are those ropes bloody too???
but. everyone dies at some point. and Angie will feed again one day if she stays alive, or she will die and you're responsible for her.
Washerwoman is sitting right in the same spot as Niko was before.
OH THAT'S what makes the storm plot-relevant.
I wonder what about that specific moment helps her look within. I mean besides the missing powers plot.
tiny coffin??
typewriter with missing keys is. not very useful.
there's a lesson on there somewhere. about Maxine's MO being in the shop. idk.
Jenny doesn't just look at her reflection. she sees it in a cleaver. with the red lights.
her red lipstick is so much brighter than the rest of her outfit.
Good on Jenny for not volunteering information!
forgetting spell and compulsion spell. interesting.
"Not that it's my business" feels like an important line. like he doesn't deserve to know if he never saw the Washerwoman?
Also Charles has a funny triangle hand pose rn
several empty jars on the shelf
this music reminds me of Lost in Oz show
why "long" pig?
is reading funny now?? Charles, what is funny?
ah yes, the 1960s modern masterpiece.
Also, I haven't read it so I don't know how committed the author is to the "dolls" thing, so this "over (Ed's) head" business might just be another Molly situation now I think of it.
MONTY he's so cute
"where did you come from" *stares in wtf* go off Crystal
what IS the peach pit?
lots of kite festival posters
"tells" and "told" mean pretty different things, man. tells like often and told like once, or tells like once and told like irrelevant?
maybe she DOES have powers, Charles!
so they're assuming it is Crystal's mom, and Charles is now being an optimist because she cares.
also it is kinda funny in retrospect that all they know is that she has red hair and they're like Yup. Crystal's Mom.
since I was in that coma WOAG thar sounded intense, not that. since I woke up,
I already made a post on the rest of that quite but I had to include it bc he's adorable
I💀know 👀ghosts 👻don't 🚫drink🍻 coffee☕️but✨️
😬🥺I apologize for being coyyy
he's a detective!✨️✌️🌈😀🥰
this whole interaction LMAO
Also I'm more convinced that Monty has only been around for the times we've seen him. Charles what do you mean they spend a lot if time together
Do they expect the pork to *stick*?
why not put it in like a bag?
aww she wants their help!
unfortunate 😒but I don't 🙄have time 🕑🕖🕕for your 🤏trivial🤏 human🤏 emotions✨️✨️🌈👻
okay but seriously what IS that
CHARACTER LORE: Night Nurse edition
Niko's face when TNN says "the both of you" ???
Like Crystal just looks at the boys to see where they're at and Niko just had this expression of "oh my fuck"
✨️Edwin knows where he's going✨️
she literally tried to convince Charles to betray him!
wait did they think she *didn't* know their names? I feel like that'd be weirder.
The way they show the dad before you see the scene??
his mom is so sad and scared I will literally cry
so TNN clearly has an understanding of abuse, bc she gets that Charles couldn't "make it better" bc his father was the one at fault, but she is certainly being a dick for someone who is trying to be seen as the savior. Saying that when you have forced someone to relive their trauma in first person, then saying they can only be happy in your afterlife, is ALSO taking away their power. nobody will want to fucking listen to you if you do that.
"even when you try your best, be your best self, this world beats you down for it. Frankly, anywhere is better than this place."
Well first off you did just gloat that you would send his boyfriend to HELL, so you're argument is not ask that sound.
How is he running like that while dying?? holy shit????
"I STILL HAVE A PURPOSE. I'M A DEAD BOY DETECTIVE" is both a sweet and sad line.
All he wants is to help people 🥲
I love the visual design here!! go off, Angie! specifications the above shot.
he told the night nurse he won't leave the agency even for a good afterlife but the moment Edwin has something to say all of a sudden he hates being dead. yknow ik *why* he's doing all that and I'm not mad at Charles but. I can see why Edwin felt hurt by this.
case closed, I guess 🤷 Niko you're so funny
aww Mick. ofc Niko is the only one to see him.
early kitefest arrivals!
she's so me (I wanna not think for the remainder of the night)
"thanks for saving my ass today" UNDERRATED LINE. she didn't wanna think about her day and the stress, but she can't just let Niko NOT know she is appreciated!
"aww you too" is Charles' ONE default response to Edwin trying to show support. "you can talk to me" "I love you" SAME DAMN THING
I wonder if he believes it. either of them.
She's so mecore (autistic)
the lil braid in her hairr
I love how Niko progressively ties her hair up more as she gets less shy.
Wanting to do something personal while keeping someone in the room without speaking to them during is SO REAL
oh I never noticed that lil lip glance when she says that. Is he taking her cue??
I always laugh in this scene because Charles' pants are JUST short enough not to cover his socks
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alystar00 · 6 months ago
The plot and the relationships of the first books are fitting for them actually.
Edwin and Charles going to Pandemonium to kill demons. Crystal is there, and she see them even if their runes should make the invisible to mundanes.
Charles falls for her. Since Edwin fell for Charles (let's keep the version where Charles doesn't love him back that way), he hates Crystal at first sight (but also, who is this mundane with the Sight that can see them without runes??)
But then they found out that she has some kind of mental block and doesn't remember many things, so they go to get a sorcerer. A sexy sorcerer with cat eyes, aka Thomas/The Cat King.
And then there is Niko. Crystal's best friend that wants to help, just like Simon did... And she dies for it. And comes back as a vampire.
I can't really follow the story more that that because no one in DBD has Valentine vibes. Even Esther is not that bad compared to him, and doesn't hate anyone that is not a normal human. David could be Sebastian, but you know... He's not as cool as him. Sorry not sorry David.
It's just so fitting... I might write about it sooner or later.
(I don't know about Monty, it could be like Raphael, or a werewolf, but at the same time... Not really.)
I was reading a fic ten minutes ago and I realized a thing.
*spoilers of The Shadowhunters Chronicles below, both The Mortal Instruments and The Dark Artifices*
Edwin and Charles in a Shadowhunters AU would be parabatai. The exact moment their eyes met, they knew they would be parabatai forever.
And Edwin falls for him, like it happened to Alec with Jace. And he knows it's wrong to love romantically a parabatai, but it's not like he can do anything about that.
The real question is: would Charles fall for him (Julian and Emma style) or would he not?
(it would work both ways I think: they would fight angels and demons for their love, but also, Charles could go with Crystal Jace-with-Clary style, and Edwin would be crazy jealous before, but then, you know... It would be a shame if Edwin saw a magic user with cat eyes, don't you think?) (I'm not talking about Magnus but the parallel is damn funny)
(I just remembered that I read a fic where Magnus talked to Alec about the Cat King saying it was a lover lol)
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anxious-witch · 8 months ago
Actually, as a queer person, Edwin Payne is so important to me. Him experiencing such harsh bullying he quite literally dies for it, because he is gay. His time in Hell, partially spent thinking he deserves to be there because of who he is, and enduring, until he realizes "there is nothing I could done to have warrant this much suffering for simply existing" and then getting himself out of there.
How that's such a powerful metaphor. How you have to accept the fact that you don't deserve the pain for simply existing snd how the first time around, you have to get out of there on your own. You have ti get out and find a way to form connections again. To learn to trust people again and to trust them to accept you when you are ready to come out.
How his relationships with other queer people aren't perfect, because everyone has their own issues and a lot of the times, those clash when you first start dating. Cat King trying to keep him to himself, Monty wanting a fairytale and then ending up being someone Edwin didn't feel like he knows at all. And yet. They were all doing their best. I think it's even more powerful because Edwin realizes they were all doing their best.
When he talks to Simon is Hell and Simon asks: "Do you think it has to be torture? Being the way that we are?" And Edwin's resolute: "Listen to me. It does not. If you punish yourself, eveywhere becomes Hell"
At this point, Edwin's endeavors with men have ended quite disastrously. Monty betrayed him, and his last meeting with the Cat King in the forest ended om very rough terms too. He didn't even confess to Charles at this point, so there is a very real fear of him ruining their friendship with his feelings.
And yet, Edwin doesn't say it's torture. Doesn't say it's messy and painful and confusing or that he regrets it. Because yes, opening yourself up to affection, both that of others and giving your own away, is always going to be difficult and messy. But Edwin owns it. He is basically saying "I don't regret it. I have loved/liked/had affections for people and they gave me the same in return and it wasn't perfect, but I wouldn't take it back".
Also him being a late bloomer as compared to Charles and Crystal, the way queer people so often don't experience romance until later in life, because we take time to not only figure ourselves out, but also to be in a position where it is safe for us to love someone in that way.
Just!!! Edwin Payne is such an amazing representation and he means sm to me
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