#just. WHAM
inbabylontheywept · 27 days
she was dead silent on the drive home, but that was okay. sometimes, after band practice, she was just out of words. it was a short drive to her house. the only part where it actually felt weird was after i pulled up her parent’s driveway. 
after that, the silence stretched so far it smeared and left a weird residue. she kept looking at the car door like she wanted to leave, so i looked at the door too, then she looked at me, and i looked at her, and my first thought was that she was going to tell me that the door was stuck. i was used to that car always doing some damn thing. it was the car me and all my siblings had learned to drive in, and it was really beat to hell. there were dents all over the body, which we’d unsuccessfully tried fixing up with spackle. it had looked nice for maybe a week, but then the sun wrecked it - the spackle cracked up like the mud on the bottom of a dry riverbed and turned a sort of off yellow-white that made the car looked like it had been molded out of chicken shit. it also had a bullet hole it through the cabin that whistled like a toothless old man whenever the car went above 40, so loud it could drown out the radio, and a cabin that smelled so strongly of bugspray that even the arizona summer we drove everywhere we could with the windows down.
(if you have kids one day, you will maybe, possibly, begin to understand how much i loved that car.)
anyway, i was thinking about what else could possibly be wrong with the chickenshitmobile, and she just kept looking at me, and then i wondered if there was something on my face, and she just kept looking at me, and then the penny dropped and i realized she was trying to work up the nerve to break up with me. 
now, i’d seen her work up the nerve to do things like this before – it could take quite a while. and knowing it was about to happen made the waiting immediately unbearable. 
so i said hey. 
and she looked at me, very startled, and said hey back real small. like she’d been caught. and in a way, i suppose she had. 
and i said it’s okay. you can just say it. i’ll be okay.
i’m always okay. 
and she said: i’m really sorry. 
i loved her, you know? it was highschool, but teenagers are capable of love. the way people love changes over time just as much as the way they stand, or the way they talk, but things don’t stop existing just because they're different. opposite really – a thing only stops changing when it's fully gone.
and i said, nothing to be sorry for, and i meant it. she looked a little relived, and i was happy to give her that peace. then she left. i watched her make it through the front door, because that was just habit at that point, and then i sat there a while afterwards, checking how i felt. and the answer was not good, but good enough to make it home. good enough to limp on. 
so i put my car in reverse, took my last look goodbye, and immediately backed into her neighbor’s car. 
air bags didn't go off, which was good. i left a decent dent in the bumper of the other car. genuinely couldn’t tell if i did anything to my car – anything wrong with it just kind of blended together into the general ecosystem of hand mottled, sun cracked, chickenshit spackle. 
i checked my glove box, and my car insurance info was, of course, out of date. my phone was dead too. as a teenager, my phone was less my lifeline to my friends, and more my tether to my parents, so i wasn’t particularly conscious of keeping it charged. both my fault.
i sat there a few minutes, trying to think of the best way to handle things, and there was only one answer i could think of, and i hated that answer, so i spent a few more minutes trying and failing to think of a better one, and then a few more coming to peace with what had to be done. 
then i went back to knock on my now ex’s front door. 
her dad opened, which i was very relieved over, even if he seemed less than thrilled. he looked me over, and in a firm, but slightly apologetic way said: she does not want to see you right now. 
(i think he assumed i was going to try and talk her out of the break up?)
and i said not here for her. i just backed into your neighbor’s car, and i need to call my dad, but my phone’s dead. could i borrow yours?
and he looked at me, then back at his neighbors car, which sure enough was dented, then he looked at the chickenshitmobile, and if there was something wrong with it, it just kind of blended into the general Wrongness of the car, then back to me, and i could see him imagining the last ten minutes from my pov: getting broken up with, backing into a car, having to walk up to your exes door and borrow a phone, calling my dad to tell him that i just reversed into someone.  
and his expression shifted from stern and apologetic to truly sad, which felt more kind that i deserved. things only got here because i kept fucking up - forgot to look behind me, forgot to replace the insurance forms, forgot to charge my phone. it was my mess, but his sympathy meant the world to me. i probably would’ve cried if he said sorry, or patted me on the back or called me sport, but instead he said
stay out here – i’ll bring you a phone.
and then he left.  
i found a nice spot on the lawn in the shade under a sycamore, then settled into his grass.i was trying not to freak out, and was doing an okay job. he came out a minute or so later, not just with a phone, but a juicebox and a jar of green olives, which really threw a wrench in the whole try not to cry thing. soon as i saw those, a few tears squoze out. i was still hoping i could pass them off as Manly Tears but then he told me that he’d gotten the olives a few weeks before and had been meaning to hand them off to me, and that this was his last chance for that. then i made a sound like a horse drowning in a bog, and he patted my back pretty rough, four solid thumps, like he wasn't sure if i was crying or choking on an olive, and was trying to cover both bases at once.
then he went back inside, and i made a few more bog horse noises while finishing off the rest of the entire jar of green olives, and then i called my dad.
he was about ten minutes away that day, and luckily was home. he drove over, and we went to the neighbor’s house, and from there things actually went quite nice. the neighbor was a retired man who actually said he could fix the dent himself, no need for insurance. he said he appreciated that i didn't just drive off, and i said i was really sorry about his car, and he said he was really sorry about my car, and then he gestured to the chickenshitmobile and i laughed because it really was a disaster on wheels.
then we left.
i thought we were going to head straight home, but instead we went to a gas station, and we both got several slim jims that we folded into thick enough coils that we could put them on a hotdog bun because the growing up mormon equivalent of having a sad brewski with your dad is just choosing to make bad decisions sober. then he took me to the canals and we watched the sun turn all orange and pink, and he looked over at me and said:
brains are good at remembering bad days. so you gotta make sure that a bad day has a good part in in, so you can remember that too. remember that when you have a kid. try to do a good job on days like that - they're going to be a big part of how they remember you.
and then he gave me a big hug and said he was never going to eat another slim jim again.
the year after that i went to college, which kicked my butt in new and exciting ways. and on a lot of those bad days, after a test that went sour, or a faux paus that was particularly embarrassing, or some other hardship of my new adult life, i’d stop by the gas station and pick up leathery, half jerkied hotdog before heading to the canals to watch the sun set. i’d take a bite and imagine my dad next to me, grimacing through the slim-jim wad, asking what good thing i was going use that time to remember. 
and in my head, i’d say you, dad. 
i’m going to remember you.
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mipmoth · 2 months
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It's only me and you in this cruel world walking radiator
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jesncin · 26 days
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Jessica Cruz de-stressing among the stars prompt for DC Gotcha For Gaza (requests closed now)! Based this one off of her DCSHG look because it's peak to me haha.
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bugflies00 · 7 months
not to make a post that has already been made about twenty thousand times before me in the past three years but how the fuck was "what am i without you" "yourself" a) minecraft roleplay b) by 16-17 yr olds c) IMPROVISED.
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chilling-seavey · 6 months
Love Thy Neighbour (gr63) - Part One
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↳ A/N Still waiting for Apple to invent the iTimeMachine so I can go back to the 80s when Andrew Ridgeley was in his prime. Anyway, please enjoy house husband George slaying the 1980s suburbia. Comments, reblogs, and predictions are always welcome!!
↳ Inspired By: 'Everything She Wants' by Wham! and 'Heartbeat' by Wham!
↳ Summary: It’s the end of summer 1984 and you and your perfect little family moves into a quaint suburban neighbourhood to escape the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan lifestyle. Your next door neighbours are a picture-perfect family of their own - or so it seems from the outside. But, as you spend more time with the handsome husband, the cracks in your own 'perfect' marriage start to come to light.
↳ Pairings: George Russell x Neighbour!Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n)
↳ Word Count: 22.6k
↳ Warnings: 18+, smut, slow burn, cheating/adultery (i don't condone this but, boy, does it make for a juicy plot), use of explicit language, female masturbation, non-consenting voyeurism, oral (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex (and extramarital creampie)
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September 1984
The house was straight out of the recent issue of Better Home magazine and even as you stepped out of the passenger seat of the station wagon, you were in awe of the New England architecture. Crisp white siding and red painted shutters over spotless picture windows; it was hard to believe it was all yours. It was nowhere near the small ancient apartment that you were used to in the city - although you certainly wore that place thin until the seams were bursting. It was about time you made the move out of Manhattan and into the nearby suburbs. The American Dream was in the palm of your hand. 
Your husband, Andrew, set his hand on the small of your back and dangled the set of shiny keys over your shoulder with his other, “Want to test the locks?”
You smiled back at him and grabbed them out of his hand before hurrying along the front path to the modest porch and welcoming front door. He followed behind you closely, glancing over his shoulder on the way in expectation of a follower of his own, but the young boy was already busy rushing across the freshly mowed lawn. 
“Richard,” your husband called for him as you turned the key in the lock, the faint remnants of his English accent ghosting through his words, “Come see inside!”
Unbothered, your five-year-old son didn’t even look up as he dropped to his knees beside the garden bed, “No thanks!”
You glanced across the sprawling green grass yourself, “Don’t you want to see your room?”
The little boy’s head perked up in your direction at your very convincing offer and his big brown eyes shone in the sunlight. He shot up from the ground, “Okay!” 
He took the four front stone steps with ease and rushed right past you into the house, making a beeline right for the straight run staircase just inside. You called a reminder after him to hold the handrail but he was already at the top by the time the final word left your mouth. 
Still on the front porch, you and your husband shared calm little smiles over your shared adoration for your little boy, and then he was gesturing you inside first. You stepped over the threshold onto the hardwood floors and you took your time soaking in the modern floral wallpaper that trimmed the foyer and led into the formal living room through the archway to the right. It looked so empty without furniture but it also held so much promise and possibility within the brand new walls. 
Through the living room you could loop into the dining room that overlooked the spacious backyard framed in lush trees and a wooden fence separating the property from the neighbours on either side. The backyard view was perfect from the kitchen sink, giving you a perfect spot to keep an eye on your son playing while you could do the dishes or prep dinner. You had fallen in love with this house the moment you saw it in the real estate section of the newspaper - a new build in a quaint suburb of Connecticut - but at first glance you had figured it would only be a dream. It was hard to believe that your husband and your finances were on board. With a growing little boy, it was time to move out of that tiny one-and-a-half bedroom apartment in Manhattan. Now, with three full bedrooms upstairs, the future was far more open. 
You hadn’t realized you were daydreaming at the empty kitchen sink before your husband gave your shoulders a squeeze, bringing you back to your content reality, “The moving truck should be here soon. Should we start unpacking the car?”
Leaning back into him, you agreed with a smile, “Alright.”
He wrapped his arms around your middle and pressed a kiss to your cheek before he was pulling away just as quickly and disappearing into the foyer and towards the front door.
Andrew always lived a lively life and somehow you managed to keep up. He always wanted to be out doing things such as date nights on the town rather than picking up after-hour client dinners just to socialize and bring in more money for his company - and, ultimately, himself and your family. It was so nice when you were younger and you were in love and willing to follow him to the ends of the earth but the reality of parenthood made you more tired than you used to be. Suddenly, nights out felt tedious and the airtime was always filled with business talk or discussions of Richard’s school. It all felt a bit like a chore. But maybe that just came with growing up. You were loved, you were secure, and you had a beautiful roof over your head. You swore you had nothing to complain about. 
The moving truck pulled into your driveway not long after your trusty station wagon had only been unpacked about halfway. It was going to be a long day but you tied your hair back and made sure your son was kept busy when you could and Andrew and the movers took over most of the heavy lifting, leaving you to rearrange boxes and direct them inside the house. It was always your responsibility to take care of your son so it wasn’t unusual for you to keep busy with finding him a snack from your cooler once that was brought in from the car. The kitchen table followed not long after from the moving truck and the two of you sat at the table together with Jell-O cups. 
Richard would be starting kindergarten in only a week and part of you was worried about what on earth you were going to busy yourself with once he was gone. Being a stay at home mom, your sole job was caring for him and since there were no other kids on your agenda as of yet, you were painfully preparing to be completely alone from 9-3 every week day. You tried not to worry about it as you watched your five-year-old eat his cherry Jell-O and you reached out a hand to brush through his frazzled dark brown hair, trying to pet it down into some sort of order. Even the gel that you had slicked through it that morning seemed to not be doing its job anymore but that seemed to be common with a lively little boy. You truly loved him with everything in you and those big brown eyes could just melt your heart with one look. He was his father’s son through and through. 
Being an only child, Richard got bored pretty easily on moving day so it wasn’t long before you sent him outside to the front yard to play while the truck was finished unloading and you and Andrew tended to the organization inside. With the windows open, the late summer air breezed through the freshly painted house and one of the first things you set up was your record player in the living room so you could have some music while you worked. 
Soon, Richard came rushing back inside and across the carpeted living room floor in his outdoor running shoes, earning a lightly scolding “Ritchie” out of you. 
“Mommy, there’s kids next door. Can I play with them?” he asked, ignoring your quiet scold of his name as he clutched onto the hem of your sky blue shorts pleadingly, batting those sweet long lashes up at you. 
You pet your hand over his soft hair, “Sure, baby. Stay close though, okay?” 
He was already halfway out the front door again before the single word reply was even completely out of his mouth. With a few trinkets in your hand that you had been taking out a box of arrange in the curio cabinet, you drifted over to the large picture window overlooking the front lawn. Two kids around Richard’s age were playing on the quiet tree-lined street on big wheel tricycles and your son ran over to them to introduce himself. You smiled fondly at the sociable nature of your son that was quite unlike your own traits, watching the children play for a few more moments as Richard was given a turn on the bike, before you were moving back to your boxes. 
As the afternoon wore on and you grew tired, you had just enough energy to make dinner - something simple and quick - and soon you were stepping out onto the front porch to call your son back in to eat. He said goodbye to his two new friends and then hurried over to you just as you noticed two people crossing over your lawn towards you. 
“Hey there!” the woman called politely. 
Richard stood in front of you nosily, watching them, and he wrapped an arm around your leg. Your next door neighbours approached you across your lawn, a man and woman maybe only a few years your senior, and the man held a white bakeware dish covered in tinfoil in his hands.
“Hi.” you greeted them with a smile. 
They were clearly a well kept pair as if they had been cut from a magazine themselves with the husband in tidy blue jeans and a tucked in button up and the wife with her blonde hair tied back in an impressive updo. She had on dress slacks and a blazer with posh shoulder pads, earning a lighthearted envious glance out of you at her style as you accepted her handshake and she spoke again, “I’m Jennifer and this is my husband, George. We just live next door and saw you moving in so we wanted to introduce ourselves.”
“How lovely.” you smiled, moving on to shake her husband’s hand, trying not to be intimidated by the electric blue eyes staring back at you as you introduced yourself and your son.
Your five-year-old peered up at them behind waves of dark hair that tumbled over his big brown eyes despite the way you swooped it out of his face yet again. 
“Are those your little ones?” you asked, gesturing over to the street where the two kids were still playing. 
Jennifer glanced over to the children before looking back at you, “Yeah. Those are ours. James and Nancy.” 
“It was really nice of them to let Ritchie play today.” you started. 
The adult conversation got boring quickly for the five-year-old so he slid out from under your maternal touch and slipped inside without a word or goodbye. 
“He’s an only child,” you explained, “so he sometimes gets a little lonely…especially in a new neighbourhood and all.”
“Oh, of course.” Jennifer tisked.
“Is he starting school this year?” George asked.
It was the first time you heard him speak apart from a brief greeting drowned out by his wife but it didn’t phase you. The hint of a British accent across his words didn't either, all too used to the same from your own husband. How likely that the suburbs of America brought two Brits as next-door neighbours. Comedically written in the stars, or something of the sort.
“Yeah, he’ll be starting kindergarten next week.” you exhaled, “Big steps.”
“So is James.” George said, “I’m sure they’ll be in the same class. Would be good for them to have a little friend before being thrown into a classroom.”
“Oh, that’d be great.” you sighed thankfully, setting a hand to your chest, “Even that alone brings so much ease to the conscience. I’ve been worried about how he’d transition to this whole new place.”
George smiled knowingly, “And especially when your first is going off to school for the first time.” 
Footsteps across the foyer floor behind you pulled your attention away from your new neighbours to your husband stepping out onto the porch with you to see what was taking so long - undoubtedly you were tattled on by your five-year-old. You welcomed his arm around your waist as you introduced your new neighbours to him and him to them and they shared brief pleasantries. 
“We won’t keep you.” Jennifer took a step back, “I know it’s probably close to dinner time.”
George took one step up onto the stone stairs of your porch to offer out the bakeware, “We just wanted to bring you a little something to say welcome to the neighbourhood.”
“That’s so thoughtful. Thank you so much!” you took it from him.
“Such a nice change to have nice neighbours after the nightmare of living in Manhattan.” Andrew joked. 
“Oh, totally. We don’t mess with the city-dwellers.” George waved his hand casually, rising light laughter among your little group. He took a step back towards his wife who was already clearly trying to urge him back towards their house, but he reiterated honestly, “Anything you need, we’re right next door. Don’t be strangers.”
“Thanks a lot!” Andrew raised his hand up in a brief wave and you wished them a good night as they herded their two kids back towards their house and you were gently steered back inside by your husband. 
The apple crisp was placed on the kitchen counter and you served some for dessert to your little family. It wasn’t chocolate, candy, or ice cream so Richard wasn’t too impressed, but as adults, you and Andrew both swore it was the best dessert you had in a while - even surpassing your own. You made a mental note to find a way to thank the neighbours next time you saw them.
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Having just moved in, your available time was few and far between throughout that weekend and into the beginning of the following week. Your plethora of boxes that needed unpacking as well as your young son who needed to be prepared and set for his first day of school kept you busy and it didn’t help that after the weekend, Andrew was back to work full time, needing to leave earlier to commute into the city and ultimately getting home later for that same reason. You were just appreciating the last few days you had with your son before he was going to be in school for the next two decades. The looming loneliness almost had you craving another baby but the time just never felt right. 
Wednesday was Richard’s first day of school and he was that perfect expected mix of nervous and excited. He was already eating his cereal at the kitchen table with his eyes glued to the TV in the adjacent family room when Andrew returned from his early morning run to get ready for work before the sun had even passed the horizon. With a five-year-old, every morning was an early morning but a commuting husband only stressed that fact further. 
In his white t-shirt and short white Fila shorts, Andrew was quite the looker as he joined you and your son in the kitchen for good morning kisses before he had to run upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. The white clothing stood out against his tanned skin and dark features right down to the white socks and running shoes. He was still that tall, dark, and handsome stranger you fell in love with those few short years ago and the way your eyes trailed after his legs in those itty bitty shorts only had the desire to fill the second bedroom upstairs heating across your cheeks. But you quickly turned back to your work at the counter prepping Richard’s lunch for school. 
Andrew was gone in under an hour and your driveway was left empty as he took the family car for his commute to the train station where he would then take transit into the city. Since the car would be gone every day, Richard was set to take the school bus to school which was a whole new experience for both the five-year-old and yourself. You held his hand as you closed your front door behind you and started on your short walk down the front path of your house and along the curb of the street to the bus stop. Richard’s blue backpack looked almost huge on his back and he carried his metal Flintstones lunch box in the hand that wasn’t claimed by yours. 
At the nearest intersection in your quiet suburbia, a few parents and kids were already standing there and waiting for the bus. Richard tugged at your hand and when you looked down at him, he took his hand out of yours to point to the small forming crowd, “I see James, Mommy!”
“You can go run and say hello. I won’t go anywhere.” you promised. 
He rushed across the street to the sidewalk and met up with his neighbourly friend he had met on moving day. Sure enough, James’ father was also waiting for the bus to arrive like some of the other parents with his daughter sitting in his arms, and as you approached, you shared quiet ‘good morning’s. 
“First day jitters?” you asked lightheartedly. 
“Yeah,” George sighed with a melancholy smile, “Although more so me, apparently.”
“Preaching to the choir.” you agreed. 
There was a pause as you both stared fondly at your boys talking excitedly together with their seemingly huge backpacks and perfectly styled first-day-of-school hair. You sensed yourself being stared at so you looked back to him only to find the culprit being his young daughter perched in his arms. 
“Good morning to you too.” you said sweetly to her. She smiled shyly and leaned her head against George’s as if to hide from you as a stranger. 
He rubbed her back and coaxed her, “Say ‘good morning’, Nance.”
She shook her head and tightened her little arms around his shoulders. 
“Oh, I wanted to thank you and your wife for the delicious apple crisp.” you said, steering the subject away from the unwanted attention to the shy little girl. George glanced at you as you continued, “Andrew and I agreed that it was the best we’ve ever had.”
“That’s great to hear! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I just found the recipe in the recent issue of Home Cooking magazine and thought I’d give it a try.”
Your eyes widened, “You made it?”
George chuckled, “Yeah. I made it. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Well…no…I guess not.” you stammered, trying to collect your words before you embarrassed yourself, “I’ve just never seen my husband pick up a measuring cup yet alone a whole recipe in all six years we’ve been together. I’m impressed.”
He simply shrugged modestly and gave his daughter a little bounce to try and bring a smile to her face, “Baking is just something I like to do in my spare time when I’m not running after these two crazies.” 
“I’ll get that bakeware back to you this week. Don’t want to keep you from your passion projects.”
“No rush!” George promised, “I have plenty.”
“Mommy!” Richard ran right into your legs, burying his face against your thigh, and you only had to glance up to find the cause of his panic was the yellow school bus turning the corner. 
“Aw, Ritchie.” you smiled fondly and crouched down in front of him to take his soft face in your hands, “You and James are gonna have so much fun today! And when you get home, I will meet you right here in this very same spot and we’re going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner…your favourite.”
He threw his arms around your neck and you held him close as the bus stopped by the curb and opened the doors for the kids. The older few got on with no issues but a few of the younger ones were facing the similar sense of anxiety as Richard was. Even James was lingering close to George despite the way he tried to play it off. 
“Okay, my handsome boy.” you gently guided your son away from you and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “The faster you go, the faster you come home!”
He nodded sadly. 
George added with a pat to his son’s head, “You two stick together today, alright?”
The boys nodded.
You told your son you loved him and left him with one more kiss before he and his new friend were getting on the school bus together with the rest of the kids. You and George waited there until the bus was long gone around the corner and the other parents started to disperse. Since you were next door neighbours, the two of you walked back towards home together with the added company of George’s daughter still in his arms. 
“What are your plans for today?” he asked you casually as you navigated the tree lined street. 
“Still unpacking a little.” you confessed. “I feel like it’s been going on forever.” 
“I don’t miss that.” he chuckled faintly, “When Jenn and I moved here when we were expecting James it felt like we were never going to get out of the hoard of boxes.” 
“Truly. But I just put on my records and get busy.” you shrugged, tucking your hands in the pockets of your blue jeans. 
“Are you much of a music listener?” George asked. 
“Oh, yes. I’ve been playing Bryan Adam’s album on basically repeat since it came out last year.”
“Cuts Like A Knife?”
You looked over at him with a grin, “Yeah! You know it?”
“Of course. I’m quite into music myself.”
“So is Andy.” you looked back to the street beneath your feet with each slow step side by side, “We met in a music club one night back in ‘78 and you could say he literally swept me off my feet. He plays some guitar but I can’t play an instrument to save my life. We’re hoping Ritchie gets his talent.”
A small smirk tugged at the corner of George’s lips but he nodded modestly, “That’s great. Jenn and I have the same mindset for our two - although I don’t know if she has any musical talent because she claims she never has the time.”
“Maybe I should use that excuse.” you chuckled, “I might deafen you if I ever pick up Andy’s guitar - or if he ever lets me. So if you hear anything that sounds like a dying cat from the next house over, that’s just me and my wonderful musical renditions.”
Stopping by the curb between your two houses, George shared in your smile and your gaze lingered on the way his light eyes shone in the morning sun. He hiked his daughter a bit higher on his hip and readjusted his hands under her bum as he replied smoothly, “I doubt you’re that bad.”
You waved your hand passively as if to brush off his niceties, “You don’t know the half of it. Anyway, all you’ll be hearing is my record player. Please tell me if it gets too loud and disruptive. I can get carried away sometimes.”
“I won’t, but it’s a kind offer.” he smiled with a cock of his head. “Seems you like good music anyway so who am I to complain?” 
You set your hands on your hips with an up-turn of your nose in his direction, a mirrored amused smile on your lips at his playfulness, “Well then, I take my role as neighbourhood DJ very seriously. Any requests, you know where I live.”
“I might take you up on that; watch out.” 
Your conversation naturally faded out under the waving shade of the lush trees that stretched over your suburban street like a canopy and Nancy tapped George’s cheek shyly to get his attention. He looked at her expectantly and she leaned in to whisper to him under the presence of a stranger - you. The quietness of his youngest had George smiling fondly and he rubbed her back with a soft “okay” before looking to you, 
“We have to head back - important date with cartoons and snacks are awaiting us.”
“Of course.” you took a step back towards your lawn, “It was nice seeing you again.”
“You too. And I’m sure we’ll see each other again in the same spot at 3pm sharp.” 
You nodded, “That we will.”
Then, he headed across the lawn towards his house that was nestled closely beside yours and with the satisfaction of a nice conversation with your new neighbour fresh in your heart, you made your way into your own house to start your first day all alone. 
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It wasn’t until the next day that you were able to bring over the bakeware to your neighbours’ since you wanted to make a point to wash it first. Richard was off at school again and after lunch you walked across your shared lawn to the house beside yours, sparkling white dish in your hands. You ascended the few stone steps to the front door and knocked against the glass, hidden from the inside by sheer curtains. After only a few moments, someone appeared behind the door and then it was opened to reveal George. 
He smiled warmly at you, “Hey, neighbour.”
You couldn’t hide your slight startle from seeing him, trying to play it cool with a friendly smile and the bakeware held out towards him, “Hi. I brought back your dish. Washed up and everything.”
“Oh, thanks so much.” he took it from you, “You didn’t have to wash it. I’m sure you already have enough on your plate.”
“No trouble. It was the least I could do.” you assured him.
“Did you want to come in?” he asked, “If you don’t have more boxes to unpack.”
You chuckled softly, “I could actually use a break from that overwhelming presence of cardboard.” 
“Yeah?” he stepped aside with a warm smile and a cock of his head, “Come on in.” 
The wood paneled foyer welcomed you in and you stepped over the threshold with a quiet thank you, your flat shoes landing dully against the linoleum tile floors. George shut the door behind you and led you straight through the modest house towards the kitchen, passed the foyer console table that was lined with photographs of his children around a centred wedding photo of him and Jennifer. Your eyes skimmed them on the way past as you followed him into the kitchen. 
“I couldn’t help but expect your wife to answer.” you confessed once you passed by the stairs and entered into the kitchen at the back of the house, the fluorescent lighted ceiling tiles really brightening the space with that 1984 modern touch, “Are you taking the day off?”
“Nope. Everyday is a work day for me. I’m a stay at home dad…Jenn brings home the bacon.” George explained as he opened one of the wood cabinets and crouched down to stack the clean bakeware with the rest under the counter. He then walked around the small island to the corner of the kitchen where the kettle was resting on the stove, “Would you like tea or anything?”
“Tea would be lovely.” 
He filled the kettle at the kitchen sink before setting it on the stove again and turning on the heat to boil the water. You stood just out of the way, head whirling with the concept that he was the one who stayed home while his wife worked. You couldn’t help but be nosy. 
“So what does Jennifer do for work?” 
George opened the fridge to take out the carton of milk, “She’s an executive assistant to some big shot CEO in the city. He’s pretty demanding so she’s always somewhere or another.”
“That’s impressive.” 
“Yeah, I’m proud of her.” George pulled a tight lipped smile as he fetched two mugs from one of the cupboards and set them on the counter as the kettle boiled. “We knew when we got married that we wanted at least one of us to be home with the kids as they grew up and her job was already pretty set in stone and secure so we agreed that I’d take the at-home responsibilities.”
“Hence the apple crisp skills.”
“Exactly.” George leaned back against the counter opposite you and he crossed his arms over his chest casually, “Although with two little ones, I’m surprised I have time for much of that. It’s so hectic sometimes. I guess that’s the one good thing about James going off to school now; one less kiddo to chase after during the day.”
“Oh, gosh, I’m sure.” you agreed politely before glancing around the unfamiliar house, “Where’s your other?”
“Napping. We went to the park earlier then had lunch and she was knackered. I’m sure she won’t bother us.”
“Never a bother.” you tisked, “I love kids.”
“But you only have one?” George asked before quickly following it up with a, “Sorry if that’s an invasive statement.”
“No, no. You’re fine.” you shrugged, “Where we lived before was a tiny apartment in Manhattan that Andrew had bought when he was a bachelor after moving from London. Ritchie was literally sleeping in the den with the desk and filing cabinet and things. There was literally no room for another kid.”
“And the time was right to move into a proper house?”
“Yeah. We didn’t feel totally settled in the city and with a young kid I felt like he needed a yard to run around in.”
“I understand that. That’s why we moved out here after we were married. The appeal is just so much nicer than Manhattan when thinking of settling down.” 
There was something about George that felt so trustworthy and kind and you found yourself easily relaxing in his company enough to confess, “We didn’t have the luxury of planning. Our relationship was a little…out of order.” 
The whistle on the kettle blew and George turned to take it off the stove and shut off the heat while also continuing your conversation, “Out of order? What do you mean?”
“Well…we got married because I was pregnant.” 
George’s lips formed a silent ‘o’ in realization and he glanced over at you for a brief moment as he filled the mugs, not quite knowing what to say.
“Married at 20 isn’t totally ideal.” you chuckled, scuffing the toe of your shoe against the tile floor. “But we were in love so it was okay. And Richard is the best kid we could have asked for.”
“All worked out then.” George said with a kind smile in your direction. 
You nodded faintly, “Yeah.”
“Milk? Sugar?” he asked with a gesture to the filled and steeping mugs. 
“Milk would be great, thanks.” 
George prepped the tea and even grabbed a few cookies from the cookie jar to place on a plate for your early afternoon snack and then you followed him back down the hallway and towards the formal living room adjacent to the foyer, passing the photographs once again. The built-in bookcases along the far wall housed more pictures and trinkets from over the years and your eyes lingered on them as you sat on the blue upholstered couch and George arranged your drinks on coasters on the cherry coffee table. With you on one end of the couch, he sat on the other end with a respectable distance between you. 
“I was just admiring your photographs.” you confessed when you finally tore your gaze away from the collection across the shelves and you leaned forward to grab your tea with a quiet thanks to him. 
“Yeah.” he smiled fondly as he glanced over the frames he was all too familiar with, “I like having them around.” 
“The wedding one in the foyer was really sweet.” 
George sipped his tea with that gentle upturn of his lips and an acknowledging, “Mhm.”
“How long have you two been married?”
George leaned back on the couch and looked to the ceiling in thought, his mug held at a rest on top of his blue jean clad thigh, “We were married in ‘77 I think…the years seem to get a little foggy. And Jenn doesn’t like to make a big deal about anniversaries so it’s not like we diligently keep track.”
“Oh. Why doesn’t she like to make a big deal?”
He shrugged, “Dunno, really. I think she’s so busy all the time that having one less thing to worry about is easier. The first few years were celebrated and even planned the odd stay-cation but after the five year mark and having kids…it’s just easier to not really bother as much.”
“I guess so. I think Andy and I are the same way…although we never really had the money for stay-cations or elaborate gifts anyway. He’ll just buy me flowers.” 
“Flowers are good.” George smiled over at you. 
“Yeah.” you exhaled.
“I’m more of the romantic one in my marriage but Jenn isn’t into the whole bit of gifts and time and whatnot so I’ve had to learn to cut back or she gets so overwhelmed.”
You frowned and met his gaze, “That makes me sad.”
He shrugged with a melancholy smile, “Eh, it’s okay. We had our share of mushy love in high school anyway. Maybe we’re just too old for all that now.” 
“High school sweethearts?” you pried. 
“Mhm.” George’s eyes sparkled. “Met her in our first year of high school when my family had just moved here from London. We were the graduating class of ‘73.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to do the mental math for a moment before finally asking, “So how old are you then?”
George cocked his head to the side with an amused expression, “How old do you think I am?”
“I don’t want to answer that.” you laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear as you looked down to your steaming mug of tea held in your lap. 
He spared you with his answer, “I’m 29.”
“Okay, not far off from us. We’re both 26.” you added. 
“Still young.” George bantered lightly, “Did you want more kids? Now that you have a bigger house and all.”
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted a whole bunch…Andrew not so much though. He took some time to warm up to Ritchie when I told him I was pregnant the first time so I’m not sure how he’d feel about the pitch of a second.”
“Doesn’t hurt to ask. Marriage is all about give and take, right?”
George’s statement inflicted a bit of ache in your chest as it forced you to reflect back on your six years with Andrew and the desires and plans of your own that you had pushed down to help him thrive in his own life and career. You sipped your tea quietly without a reply, taking a second to daydream about the filled house you had always wanted ever since you were a little girl. A house full of kids and a little job for yourself on the side and a husband who treated you like a queen. You were treated well by him - that was never a question - but everything always felt as if it was falling short to your expectations. 
“Sorry.” George’s voice tore you from your thoughts, “I don’t mean to force my way into your marriage as some sort of psychologist.” 
“No, no. That’s okay. It just has me thinking.” you looked over at him again with a melancholy smile, “We were just so young and I didn’t really have a chance to know myself or what I wanted before we got married. Andy’s such a good guy but sometimes there’s some sort of disconnect in what we both strive for.”
“That’s fair. But even time doesn’t guarantee that perfect connection. Like how Jenn and I differ with what we want in terms of romance and showing our love. I love the words, the gifts, the intimacy…whereas she just likes when I do her laundry or make her lunch.”
“Got those reverse gender roles, huh?”  
George cracked a half smile, “That’s actually very true. I finish tidying this entire house by the time she gets home from work, the kids are already bathed and in bed, and she’s ‘too tired’ to spend any time with me. Honestly, I don’t even know how we ended up with two kids.”
You both shared faint laughter behind casual sips of your tea. 
“That’s not much different on our side of the fence.” you agreed. “Must be that working world that just absolutely obliterates someone’s intimacy desires. Is it that tiring?”
“Commuting an hour and a half into the city there and back every day doesn’t help.”
You tisked, “Of course not.”
“It’s easy to feel lonely. I didn’t understand it when I was growing up…seeing my mom being a homemaker and all…but when you’re in it…”
It was the first time someone truly acknowledged how you felt - and a man at that. Even your husband didn’t quite get it, but why would he? But suddenly this stranger was speaking the words that you were too ashamed to even think about and you felt like a weight of a cloud was pulled from your shoulders. 
“Yeah.” you breathed, sharing the air across the couch with your unwavering gazes, “That’s exactly it.”
“And then your kids grow up…”
“And then what do you have?” you concluded his sentence, “What is your purpose after that?”
George tisked lightly and scooted slightly closer so he could set his hand on your knee, “You have purpose, okay? You’re not just a mother and not just a homemaker and not just a wife. You’re a woman too.”
You bit lightly at your bottom lip, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes that suddenly seemed to push a warmth through your chest and up to your cheeks. 
“You have purpose and you have value.” he told you like he was telling you the most honest truth. 
“Thank you.” you mouthed back, worried that if you spoke out loud, your voice might break. 
He gave your knee a gentle reassuring squeeze, “Of course.”
You both stayed there, frozen, for a moment, just staring at each other. You felt some sort of warmth all around you from more than just the half empty mug of tea still clutched in your hands, realizing how close you were now. Tearing your gaze away from his light eyes, you naturally glanced at his lips and watched as they perked up at the corner in a gentle smile, moulding the shape of his soft lips and his precisely shaped cupid's bow that you couldn’t help but stare at.
The moment you got the urge to lean in, you turned your head away from him and cleared your throat as you set your mug on the coffee table. His hand was removed from your leg. 
“I should go…” you mumbled. 
George stood when you did, “Okay.”
“Thank you…for the tea and the company.” you said to the ground as if scared to look at him in fear of feeling those strange warm flutters again. 
“Of course. I’m always here…whenever you want to talk or anything.” he promised before leaning down to pick up the plate of untouched cookies, “Biscuit for the long journey home?”
You smiled at his playfulness and when you grabbed one from the plate, you finally looked him in the eye again, “Thank you.” 
“Let me walk you out.” 
He held his arm out for you to urge you to lead the way and you slid between him and the coffee table to make your way to the front door, trying not to focus on the scent of his cologne as you drifted by him so closely. You needed to get out of there. 
You barely remembered saying goodbye or the ghostly touch to your arm he offered in passing before you were out in the fresh air of your neighbourhood and you were trying not to stumble down his front path. The cookie was still held in your hand and your startled eyes darted back over your shoulder to his shut front door before you broke out into a brisk walk across the lawn and onto your own property. 
In the peace of your house, you shut your own front door once back inside and you leaned against it heavily, your chest rising and falling in your half panicked breaths. Nothing had happened but it felt like it had and the strange feeling of guilt bubbled up in your stomach. You had never before had thoughts of another man apart from Andrew but you pinned it to George’s manners and how he only said what you wanted to hear. There was nothing to feel guilty about because absolutely nothing happened. Just because you thought something didn’t mean you did anything wrong. 
The cookie was still in your hand and you pushed yourself away from the door to take it straight into the kitchen and you tossed it in the garbage bin, closing the lid loudly. 
Andrew got home around 6:45, just when you were putting dinner on the table. Richard hopped out of his chair to greet him with an excited hug and your husband crouched down to meet him with a wide grin and open arms. He asked his son how school was and half listened to his youthful explanation of his day as he greeted you with a kiss to the corner of your mouth and drifted past you to his seat at your dining room table. 
You ate together as a family like you almost always did and then when Andrew retired to the family room to wind down and watch some TV, you took Richard upstairs to get ready for bed. The little boy was bathed and dressed and afterwards he rushed downstairs to say goodnight to his father before you were tucking him into his single bed in his blue wallpapered room. You always loved watching your son fall asleep; there was something so peaceful about it and gave you a moment to admire his soft features without him running away with youthful exuberance. With a kiss to his head, you left him to sleep and shit his door behind you before making your way back downstairs. 
MTV was playing on the chunky TV across the family room and Andrew glanced up at you from the couch when you entered. He held his arm up and you gladly took the spot beside him and cuddled up close. He rested his head against yours with a soft sigh as he focused back on the music video he was watching with the host of MTV counting up that week's hits from the charts. 
“Imagine if I was #1.” he spoke quietly, almost dreamily. “Making it big in some internationally known band rather than rotting in some office in Manhattan. We’d have the money to afford an even bigger house.” 
You hummed plainly in acknowledgement and slid your arm around his middle as if in some desire to melt completely into him. 
Your lack of response had him looking over at you, “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” you mumbled.  
You weren’t looking at him but you could feel how he stayed staring at you for a few more seconds before he turned back to the TV too, not wanting to press you further. But then you shifted at his side so you could tuck your legs under yourself on the couch and face him properly. 
“What’s up, sugar?” he rested his head back against his couch so he could look at you again. 
The random pop music video played on in the background. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” you confessed, trailing the hem of his collared work shirt with your finger. 
“Alright.” he leaned forward to mute the TV and the smiling dancers danced to nothing on the screen, giving you his full attention. 
When he was settled back in his spot on the couch, his big brown eyes on you and his hand on your thigh right where George’s had been earlier that day, you just blurted it out, “I want to have another baby.”
Said big brown eyes blinked at you once, twice, then his eyebrows furrowed for a half second before he spoke, “Oh.”
“We have a bigger house now and that empty room upstairs has been just calling to me or something. And I’ve always wanted many kids and Ritchie is the best we could ask for…where’s the harm in having a second of him?”
Andrew sighed and gave your thigh a squeeze just like George had, “I dunno, sugar.”
“Why not?” you frowned and leaned in closer to him, almost pleadingly. 
“Well, work is busy so I won’t be home much and we just are getting settled in this new place-”
“We’ll still have nine months to prepare!” you reminded him quickly. 
Andrew laughed lightly towards the carpet, “Yes, I know, but now Ritchie’s away at school and he’s already big and-”
“Which means I won’t have my hands as full taking care of a baby and a kid at home.”
“I don’t think we need another. I am perfectly happy with our little family as is. Aren’t you?”
You nibbled at your bottom lip as you stared at him while he looked at you expectantly and everything in your heart wanted to tell him no but your quiet voice abandoned you with a soft, “Yeah, I guess.”
Andrew lifted his hand from your lap to tuck your hair behind your ear before pulling you close by his arm around your shoulders, “Maybe you’re just saying this because you’re not used to being alone since Ritchie started school.”
“Maybe.” you muttered. 
“I am very happy with the life we have. I don’t need anything more.” he tried to be sweet about it but your heart ached and even as he kissed the corner of your mouth, you had to force the smile to come to your lips. 
Andrew rested his head against yours as he unmuted the TV and the top hit pop song filled your family room and the big house that felt empty in your heart. Your eyes drifted away from the screen to peer through the adjacent window that looked out towards the neighbour’s property and although only looking at red brick and white siding, you silently and guiltily wished you had what they had.
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Since Richard had no siblings, you knew that it would be important for him to socialize outside of school with kids his own age at various activities. He had expressed interest in baseball not long before so you jumped on the opportunity to sign him up for the local little league team just before the fall season was set to start. You, yourself, were excited for a bit of a distraction after the ultimate letdown that was your conversation with your husband a few evenings prior although Andrew went about his days like nothing was wrong. 
On Tuesday evening, you were getting Richard into his baseball uniform for his first practice, making sure that the shirt and pants fit him properly on his young body that seemed to be growing faster than you could buy clothes for it. He stood proudly in his mirror in his room as you adjusted his navy blue baseball cap over his dark hair and swooped his messy bangs out of his face. Grinning up at you in approval, he didn’t even have to say a word for you to read exactly what was on his mind. 
“You look so grown up, Ritchie!” you gushed, crouching down to his height for one last shirt adjustment, “You excited?”
“Yeah! I’m gonna get a home run!” he announced. 
“I bet you are!” you held up your hand and he smacked his little palm against yours for a high five. “Come now, let’s show Daddy and then get your shoes on.” 
Richard rushed right out of his bedroom and hurried down the stairs in his socked feet, “Daddy, I’m ready!” 
Andrew was already waiting by the front door and seeing his son coming down the stairs brought a beaming grin to his face, “Looking so spiffy, little slugger.” 
You passed over the baseball shoes to your husband, “Can you put his shoes on for him while I get the snacks?”
“Of course.” Andrew took the pair from you and crouched down in front of the little boy who obediently rested his hands on his father’s shoulders and stuck one foot out for a shoe. 
You returned to the kitchen that still had the dinner dishes in the sink in need of washing but time was already cutting it close and you were already in a bit of a rush to get to the field in time. The cooler was packed and sitting beside the fridge and you checked that the watermelon slices and Hi-C juice boxes were tucked away with some bags of ice before locking the lid and carrying it back down the hallway to your family. Andrew took the cooler from you to carry it to the car himself and you ushered your excited five-year-old out of the door after him so you could close up the house. 
As you walked down the front path to the driveway, you couldn’t help but glance over to your neighbours’ and notice their family car was missing from their house. You forced yourself to ignore the curiosity that was getting the better of you as you had been in a constant strive to pretend absolutely nothing had happened between you and George. In reality, nothing did happen, but the strange feeling of guilt was eating at your heart. Some distance would do just the trick, you were sure. 
It was nice to have Andrew able to come to Richard’s first little league practice, especially after he was tired from a long day of commuting and work, but you thanked him silently with a quick kiss to his cheek as you climbed in the passenger seat of your station wagon. His warm smile back at you still managed to bring that little flutter to your heart after your six years together and you broke his gaze to glance to your son in the back seat. Richard gave you two thumbs up and a beaming grin that was all his father’s, making his big brown eyes scrunch closed at the corners, all ready to go to his first event. 
The community park was only about a five minute drive from your house and once Andrew pulled into the gravel parking lot, it appeared that there were still some families pulling up. The baseball diamond looked busy though so you hurried to get your son all signed in and so he could meet his teammates and coach. Andrew took the cooler and your hand while Richard ran ahead in his own determination to socialize. You joined the queue of parents by the team dugout who were signing in their sons and as you waited, you both watched Richard help himself to the group of boys who were playing in the red sand of the baseball diamond, all in matching navy blue uniforms with their own chosen number on their backs. 
After a few moments, Andrew gave your hand a squeeze to get your attention, “I’m going to put the cooler down and find us a spot on the bleachers. You okay to sign him in?”
“Of course.” you agreed. 
He left you with a brief kiss before heading off to the metal bleachers that were already dotted with parents and families alike. You watched him go for a few seconds before turning back to the lineup you were in, only to find yourself face to face with George himself. You were so startled that you nearly choked over your breath but he just smiled cooly. 
“Hello, neighbour.”
“Hey.” you stumbled out. “Hi. What are you doing here?”
George glanced down at his blue baseball jersey and then back to you with a casual wave of the clipboard in his hand, “I’m the coach.”
“Oh, right, of course you are.” you chuckled faintly. 
“Your boy signing up?”
“Yeah, his name should be on the list. Richard Ridgeley.”
George, who had looked down at his clipboard after his initial question, only glanced back up at you with his eyebrows raised. 
“What?” you asked worriedly.
He licked away his smile and looked back down to his list with a half shake of his head, “Nothing.”
If it was anyone else, you would have been mad, but it was George and you knew he meant no harm. You couldn’t help but smother a smile of your own in return, “Are you making fun of my son’s name?”
“Not at all. I love alliteration. Very poetic.” 
“Okay, shut up.” you laughed. “I bet your last name is no better.”
“Russell.” he told you smoothly with a playful glance. 
You scoffed teasingly, “Of course…George Russell…what a champion kinda name.”
“Who knows…maybe I’ll be MVP before you know it and you’ll be seeing my face everywhere…getting totally sick of me.” 
“Mhm.” you tried to steady the racing of your heart at the realization that you were already trying not to see his face everywhere, desperate to change the subject, “So is my kid on the list or not?”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s here.” George crossed his name off, “I also see you’re down for snack duty.”
“Sure am. Brought my cooler and everything.” you gestured aimlessly towards the bleachers.
George looked back up at you but his eyes drifted past you with a tight smile. Before you could look over your shoulder to see what he was looking at, Andrew appeared beside you and set his hand on your back. 
“All signed up?” he asked. 
“Yeah. We’re all set.” you answered calmly. 
“Hey, mate, good to see you.” George held his hand out to your husband and they shook hands politely. 
“You too.” Andrew smiled, “It’s been a while.” 
“Sure has.” 
“Well we should let you get set up.” you said, taking a step away from George and closer to Andrew. 
“No worries.” George adjusted his cap on his head with a smile, “See ya after.”
Then he was walking off into the baseball diamond to corral the little boys to begin their practice. You and Andrew headed back to the bleachers and to the spot he had saved for you with the cooler and you sat on the metal bench between the other interested parents. It was surprising that so many parents wanted to stay and watch even if it was just a practice but it reinstated your good feelings about your new neighbourhood and how involved everyone was with the community. 
While George directed the boys through throwing drills and showing them how to swing the bats, you found yourself staring more at him than you son. There wasn’t really much to watch when the other kids were taking their turns anyway and there was something about George in those light wash blue jeans that just drew your eyes in shamelessly. They just fit so nicely over the curve of his ass and you habitually licked your lips with a focused cock of your head. 
Andrew’s arm draping around your shoulders made you jump and you pressed a hand to your heart despite his grinning face and you huffed, “You scared me.”
“That into the practice, huh?” he chuckled.
“Yeah.” you mumbled and looked back to the field for a moment, pulling Richard out of the crowd of boys with ease before you glanced back at your husband, “I’m glad you could come.”
“Of course.” Andrew smiled over at you in the evening sunshine, “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, I dunno. With work and the longer commute and all…you’ve seemed more tired…busy.”
Andrew sighed and pulled you closer by your shoulders and you rested your head against his as he spoke to you quietly, “Yeah, it has been a lot to get used to. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much and if you feel like I’m letting you down.” 
“Oh, you’re not letting me down.” you assured him, lifting your head up again so you could give him your full attention, “I’m proud of you for sticking with it even when it gets hard. You work so hard for Ritchie and for me and I really do appreciate it.”
Andrew reached his free hand up to tap your nose lightly and you shared in his calm smile before he was guiding you towards him by the chin for a kiss or two. 
“I love you.” he whispered against your cheek.
Your eyes drifted back out to the field, “I love you too.”
At the halfway mark, George called you over with the snacks and Andrew let you slip out of his arms to do your little job. You helped to hand out the juice boxes and watermelon slices to each little boy and most said thank you - and your son even gave you a kiss with his thanks. George stood beside you to watch as his little players ate their snack and relaxed on the grass for a few minutes and once your stock was empty, you closed up your cooler. 
“Thanks again for bringing the snack.” George said as you stood up. 
“Any time.” you smiled, “Is it a rotation thing or is it one parent for the season?”
“It depends. Why, are you willing to be the designated snack-bringer?”
“For you, sure.” 
It was out of your mouth before you could think about how it would sound and George’s expression rose into a hint of amusement. 
You cleared your throat, “And the boys, of course.”
“Of course.” George nodded. 
You stared at each other for a few seconds. 
Then, his hand was on your arm, “I should get back to practice. I will expect you here with snacks next week then.”
He was gone before you could process the warmth that his touch left and you just smiled and nodded after him as he herded the snacking boys back to the diamond, the sunshine yellow '63' printed boldly on the back of his jersey. You carried your empty cooler to the bleachers again and sat yourself stiffly beside your husband who was oblivious to anything going on and, instead, was waving to your son from across the field. 
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For the next week or two, you ran into George more than you’d have ideally wanted. Between school drop off and pick up, little league baseball practice, and the casual neighbourly run-ins, it was starting to feel nearly impossible to avoid him. And, at the same time, the more you saw him, the more you didn’t want to avoid him. There was something so charismatic about him that made him so easy to talk to and to confide in and you hated to confess that you took him up on his offer for tea once or twice during the week. While you sipped in his living room, there was never a silent moment as there was always something to talk about and even little Nancy was starting to warm up to you just a little. 
Despite your fluctuating feelings towards your neighbour, your guilt was something that stayed stagnant. You loved Andrew with your whole heart and you never once doubted that, but the strange warmth that spread across your skin at a mere glance at George was unlike anything you had felt before. You swore it would be something you would take to the grave. No one - especially not George or Andrew - needed to know the internal battle you were facing. 
Since your first conversation with George at his house two weeks earlier, you only started to see more and more of the truth behind your honest chat. Andrew was working himself exhausted between the commute into the city and the lengthy hours which left almost no time for you to relax as husband and wife the way you would have appreciated. You tried to talk to him here and there about it but you also didn’t want to make him feel badly - you knew he was trying his absolute best and for that you were grateful. But still, at the end of the day, you were still a woman with needs and it was growing increasingly more frustrating to sit around and wait for him to give you the satisfaction that you needed. 
The one good thing about Richard being off at school was that you had more private time which, with children, often was incredibly few and far between. With your record player on, you were listening to Madonna’s album as you vacuumed the main floor of your house, letting your mind wander on its own. Maybe it was the emptiness of your house or maybe it was a certain time in your hormonal cycle but as the seconds ticked by, your desire to tend to the house diminished greatly. Finally, the vacuum was turned off mid chore and you rested it down on the carpet before flopping back onto the couch with a huff to the ceiling. Your music played on from the other room, the familiar scratch of the vinyl record bringing comfort and you closed your eyes for a moment to let yourself be taken by the celestial voice of Madonna. 
As if with a mind of their own, your fingers inched their way over your thigh and up to the waistband of your straight leg blue jeans and you popped the button, taking an habitual glance towards the front door as if someone were going to walk right in unannounced. But you were in the complete privacy of your own home, away from the paper thin walls of Manhattan apartment buildings, and you could do as you so pleased. Your jeans were dropped to the carpeted floor. 
Propping your feet up on the edge of the coffee table in front of you, you got yourself situated comfortably within the warm embrace of the sofa cushions and your eyes were drawn to your framed wedding photo that sat on the fireplace mantle directly in front of you. Licking your lips and then your fingertips, you didn’t tear your eyes away from it as you slipped your hand down the front of your underwear and refamiliarized yourself with your body. 
It had been so long that the first graze of your fingers had your lips parting in a soft gasp, working yourself slowly without any sort of prior build up, gentle circles over your aching clit. You hadn’t realized how many weeks had gone by without any sort of touch like this until you got yourself in that position. Under slightly furrowed brows, you stared straight ahead at your wedding photo, eyes boring into those of your husband without so much as a blink; almost as if you were reconditioning yourself to direct your full entire attention at him and him alone.
No more nonsense thoughts of the neighbour. 
Even though you spoke that line to yourself in warning, the concept just tasted so good to your mind with your hand down your panties and your legs spread in the middle of your sun-bathed family room. Flashes of him at the last little league game filled your head; the way his arms looked in that snug navy blue t-shirt standing out against his lightly tanned skin…his blue eyes sparkling every time he looked at you. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flutter closed and your head fell back against the couch with a soft whimper, shutting out the framed photo with the curse of your own mind. 
Little did you know, said neighbour was on his way over to your house at that very moment with a sealed Tupperware container in hand and a whistle on his lips. The faint muffled sound of Madonna leaking through your walls brought a fond smile to George’s face as he crossed over onto your property and made strides over your perfectly trimmed grass. His attention was caught by the sight of you through the single paned front window and he went to send you a smile and a wave until he stopped in his tracks at the realization of what he had stumbled upon. 
There you were, lounged back on your couch, socked feet propped up on the coffee table with your legs spread and your hand nestled between them. The look on your face was nearly erotic as you faced the ceiling with an angelic furrowed expression and made yourself writhe under your own touch, any sounds muted by the music that filled your empty home. 
George stepped away from the front window so as to not be caught and he turned to head back home to give you your privacy but before he crossed over the property line again, something stopped him. Almost like he was held by an invisible force, he stood dumbly at the edge of your lawn, staring at his house, the Tupperware container of homemade banana bread held in his hands. Everything in him knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help but glance back to the side of your white paneled home to the side window that gave him a direct glance inside and to the couch on which you sat. 
If anyone drove by, they would have thought this man looked absolutely ridiculous just standing there, but he was captivated by you, watching you touch yourself to whatever thoughts were taking up your mind. Little did he know, but they were thoughts of him. 
His name fell from your lips when you came, almost startling yourself in the process. As your body shuttered through the small waves of your orgasm, your eyes snapped open to land on your wedding photo again as if your husband had seen the whole thing. A furious blush came to your cheeks and you panted heavily as you tried to catch your bearings and process the realization of what you had just done. Sitting up a little more on the couch, you found yourself unable to look at the framed photograph again, instead, staring wide eyed into the darkened fireplace beneath. 
A flutter through the window beside the fireplace caught your eye but when you looked, there was nothing there. You hurried to tug your jeans back on and buttoned them up before making a beeline to the kitchen to wash your hands and splash some cool water on your face. What was wrong with you? Your husband was going to walk through the door in four hours and you were going to have to kiss him hello with the mouth that just moaned another man’s name. You were going to have to face said man at the bus stop in an hour and that was the last thing you wanted to do.
Before you knew it,
“Did you have a good day?”
“Huh? Oh, me? Yeah…fine. It was fine. Nothing…important.” you looked to the sidewalk beneath your feet. 
George nodded, “Nice.”
“How was yours?” you asked. 
“Fine. It was good.”
You urged the bus to round the corner with the pleading glance of your eyes, desperate to escape the horribly awkward situation that was completely one sided. George cleared his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to another at your side. Neither of you knew what the other knew and somehow it made it that much worse. You swore that even a few of the other parents at the bus stop were catching onto your horrible tension and you tugged at the collar of your shirt habitually to try and get some air. 
In reality, it was all in your head but, to be fair, George was all in your head too and that was the root of your issue. As you stood there, your mind taunted you with the thoughts that had clouded your mind that afternoon - curious imagination of how his lips would feel or how his hands could grab you or how his body would feel against yours, traced by your fingertips. You discreetly stepped away from him. 
In perfect time, the bright yellow school bus rounded the corner and you took that opportunity to step even further away from George, feigning it as simply excitement to see your son. Like every afternoon, Richard ran off the bus and right into your arms and you hugged him tightly with your warm maternal greeting. You barely gave George a goodbye before you were encouraging your son to race you home - a perfect excuse to get as far away from George as possible…and as quickly as possible. Of course, despite the way you ran down your street in the afternoon breeze, you still let Richard get to the front door first and you let him inside with a ruffle to his hair and one last glance from where you came, almost as if you were hoping to see your neighbour trailing after you. 
Later that evening, once Andrew was home and dinner was had and Ritchie was tucked into bed, you were desperate to repair the damage to your mind that you had caused by your own actions. Your husband was sitting in the same spot on the couch as you had been earlier that day, already in his pyjamas, a magazine in his hand as he read quietly by the light of the table lamp. He was oblivious but you felt as though just him sitting there would cause him to realize what you had done so the only way to prevent that was to bring your full and entire attention back to him - where it rightfully belonged. 
You plucked the magazine from his hands and tossed it onto the coffee table, urging his eyes to raise to your face as you tossed a leg over his lap and sat yourself down on his thighs. His hands fell to your hips just as you swooped in to kiss him purposefully, lingering on his lips for a few seconds before offering him a bit of tongue. He humoured you for a few seconds before he was tilting his head back with a soft chuckle to break your kiss. 
“What are you doing?” he asked playfully. 
You slung your arms around his shoulders and leaned forward against his chest until your noses were almost touching, asking him almost pleadingly, “Have sex with me.”
Andrew’s hands gave your hips a squeeze, “You know I love you,”
“But I’m far too tired for that right now, sugar, I’m sorry.”
“Andy.” you dropped your head back in frustration, staring at the same part of the ceiling that you had earlier that day.
“I’ll be nothing but completely disappointing to you.” he argued lightly. “You deserve my best.”
You frowned and slid off his lap onto the couch beside him with a sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” he repeated, leaving his hand on your waist to keep you close and he kissed up your neck, “It was just a really exhausting day today. Maybe this weekend, okay?”
“Since when do we have to plan it?” you tisked. 
“Since we got old.” he teased. 
A small smile perked at the corner of your lips and you swatted him gently with the back of your hand, “Speak for yourself.” 
Andrew kissed over your cheek and to your lips and you shared a few brief kisses before he replied softly, “We are the same age, in case you forgot, and thus we are going to get old together.”
Never before did that statement bring a tinge to your heart but in that moment it did and you could only pull a tight smile and nod in reply and he gave you one more kiss before shifting off the couch and taking you by the hand to lead you to bed. 
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By Friday, you seemed to have fallen back into your usual routine of pretending that George didn’t exist. The few times you saw each other in passing or at the baseball games were few and far between and conversations didn’t stray farther than a polite hello or shallow discussions about your sons or the weather. Your initial guilt due to your solo situation on your couch from earlier in the week seemed to die down and you were very thankful for that. George was a great guy and you appreciated him as your neighbour and wanted to keep it that way. 
That might also have been a reason why he was the first person you thought to call when your washing machine flooded all over your basement floor just after lunch. If nothing else, he was kind and reliable. He came over right away with his tool box in hand and you opened the front door for him and led the way into the basement where the flood was occurring. The unfinished concrete floor was covered with a thin layer of cold water that only seemed to be leaking more from somewhere behind the washing machine. 
“I haven’t even used it since we moved in!” you said as you stepped cautiously through the water to your laundry basket that was sitting protected on top of the machine. “First time and of course it goes to shit.”
“It’s okay.” George set his tool box on top of the adjacent dryer and then leaned over the two machines to see down between them and the wall, flashlight in hand. “Good you called. Wouldn’t want you flooding away.”
“My new house at that.” you added. 
“Exactly.” George wrapped his hands around the sides of the washer and warned you politely, “Step back a bit.”
When you did, he heaved the machine away from the wall with a tight grunt and your eyes widened at the bulge of his biceps under his t-shirt. It certainly wasn’t a light thing to move so you coloured yourself impressed and you stayed out of his way as he managed to give himself enough space to get between the washer and the wall with a wrench from his tool box. You clutched your hands together and held them anxiously in front of your mouth as you watched him crouched down working, focusing your attention on hoping there was no damage done to your house rather than how his jeans fit him so nicely over his thighs.
“Nothing major.” he called out with his head still hidden by the washing machine, “Just a loose pipe. Guess they weren’t installed correctly.” 
“Damn.” you tisked.
“Yeah,” George chuckled, his voice tight as he worked the wrench around the pipe to fix it for you, “That’s what you can expect from these installers on new builds. They’re getting sloppy.” 
“You seem to know what you’re doing.”
George straightened up carefully from behind the washing machine, “Same thing happened to us when we moved in, if you can believe. I actually liked to pay attention to what the plumber was telling me…and guess it helped to save you $30.”
Your eyes widened, “$30? My Lord.” 
“Yeah,” George chuckled and set his wrench back in his tool box, “Should be all set now. If you have some towels we can use to mop up the floor that could be good. I can restart this load for you.”
“Sure. Thanks.” you headed back upstairs and traipsed your damp footsteps up to the second floor to retrieve all your towels you owned from the linen cupboard in the main bathroom. 
Bringing them all back to the basement, George had restarted your load of laundry that you had attempted to put on - including detergent and fabric softener and even set it to the correct wash cycle for your blouses. He then showed you the most efficient way to mop up the water with the towels without allowing it to leak into the foundation of the house and you couldn’t help but be impressed by his knowledge base. 
“I can’t thank you enough.” you said with a relieved sigh as you both stood on the bottom step of the basement stairs and admired the organized mess of towels soaking up the water.
“No problem at all.” George assured you modestly, “Was the most interesting thing to happen today.”
“Yeah, I bet.” you chuckled, “Nothing like a damsel in distress call to really shake up the lunch hour.”
“Hardly a damsel in distress.” George brushed his hand over your back casually, “You’re perfectly capable in many ways.”
You met his eye in the dim basement lighting before turning to look back up the flight of stairs as you cleared your throat, “Did you want tea or anything?”
“Sure. If you’re offering.” 
As you led the way back upstairs and into your kitchen, you realized that was the first time he was in your house. Of course, it was when your basement was flooding and you had breakfast dishes still in the sink and Richard’s toy cars scattered all over the family room and part of you felt embarrassed as if you had to impress him for some reason. 
“Sorry that the place is such a mess.” you rushed out as you hurried across the kitchen to try and make the mound of dishes in the sink look less disgusting. 
“No need to apologise.” George tisked, “Realities of parenthood. I get it. I don’t judge.” 
“Yeah.” you sent a calm smile over at him in silent thanks before focusing on filling up the kettle in the sink, ready to make you both tea just like he did for you that first day you truly talked. 
George set his tool box on the round kitchen table and stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he walked slowly around the kitchen and took in your shiny new house that was already starting to look like a home. The counter by the hallway archway was covered in pens and stamps and opened mail on which your address was written on each and addressed to ‘Mr and Mrs Andrew J Ridgeley’. George looked away, walking across the linoleum floor towards you and he leaned against the counter beside the stove as you turned on the burner and set the kettle down on top. 
“Where’s Nancy today?” you asked casually. 
“Oh, sometimes she goes to work with Jenn on Fridays and spends the day at the daycare in the office building. She has a few little friends there and whatnot so she likes it.” George explained. 
“That’s nice.” you replied, “So on Fridays you really feel like an empty-nester like me, huh?”
George laughed faintly, “Yeah, I suppose I do.”
“Good thing I saved you then today.”
“Very good thing.” George agreed smoothly. 
There was a calm pause between you as the kettle boiled on the stovetop and you looked away from his light-eyed gaze with a casual lick to your lips. You tapped your fingers against the countertop. 
“Y’know,” George said, “I was worried you were avoiding me recently or something.”
You looked back at him, “What?”
“I just felt like you’ve been going out of your way not to talk to me or something so getting your call today kinda reassured me that we’re still on good terms.”
You let out a half laugh and rested your hand against your forehead for a brief moment in near embarrassment, “Actually…I kinda was, honestly.”
George’s eyes widened, “Oh? Did I do something?”
“No, no.” you assured him quickly, “We have just been spending a lot of time together and I didn’t want Andy to get the wrong idea.”
“Did he say something?”
“Then what wrong idea is there to get?”
You let out a soft nervous laugh without looking away from the steaming kettle but you didn’t offer him any sort of response. George cocked his head to the side slightly in acknowledgment that he was listening for your reasoning. You had his undivided attention. Why did it make you nervous?
“You’re just…” you sighed despite the anxious smile that you couldn’t lick away, staring unwaveringly at the stove, “Really sweet and really personable and I don’t want to get too comfortable and too close to where Andy might feel uncomfortable or suspicious. Or Jennifer, for that matter. There are boundaries, you know? I don’t want to overstep.”
“And if there weren’t boundaries? What would be different?”
The kettle whistled and you stalled in answering his question by taking it from the stove and turning off the burner so you could pour the water into the mugs to steep. Finally, you set the empty kettle back down and forced yourself to look at him, “I don’t think it’s appropriate to be talking about this.” 
“You started it.”
“I didn’t say anything.” you countered quickly, covering your bases. 
“It’s not what you’re saying…it’s how you’re saying it.” George said smoothly. You were suddenly very attuned to how warm and rich his voice was and your eyes flicked across his face like they always did when he was around, wanting to look at every inch of him. He continued purposefully, “How you can’t stop staring at me, especially.”
You scoffed and turned away from him with a blush rising to your cheeks, “I’m not staring at you.”
“You were. You often do.” George teased. “I’m not a complete idiot, I know when someone is checking me out.”
“I don’t-” you laughed nervously down to your steaming mugs of tea, your hands falling gently onto the edge of the counter, “I don’t check you out.” 
“Yes, you do.” George laughed just the same. “It’s okay. I don’t mind it. It’s flattering.”
You opened your mouth to reply with some defence but no words came to mind and you shut your mouth with a frustrated little huff and you pressed the heels of your palms against your eyes for a moment. With your cheeks so warm they could keep your tea hot, you almost wanted to leave if it wasn’t for the fact that it was your own kitchen you were both standing in. 
When your hands dropped loudly to your sides, George leaned his hip against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest as he asked in retaliation, “Do you mind when I check you out?”
Offering a disbelieving laugh, you glanced over at him, “You don’t check me out.”
“Why do you say that?” he questioned. 
“Why?” you were taken aback, “Because I dunno. Because why would you?”
“Because you’re beautiful.” George answered. “And I most definitely stare at you…although I must be better at hiding it than you are.”
You kept your eyes on his, eyebrows furrowing for a brief moment, and you let a faint smile prick at your lips as you gave him a faint shake of your head. 
“Can I confess something?” he asked. 
“The other day I came over here to bring you some banana bread I had baked but…I saw that you were already occupied on the couch.” he gestured haphazardly behind him towards your family room. “And I might have stared at you a little then.”
Your eyes widened and you raised your hands to your cheeks in realization, “Oh my God.”
“I’m really sorry, I should have just left when I first noticed but…” George sighed, “You looked fucking gorgeous when you were touching yourself like that.”
“That’s so embarrassing.” you mumbled despite your smile and the eye contact you kept with him. 
“No, it’s not.” George shrugged, “We’re human…we can do whatever we need to in the privacy of our own homes.”
“With peeping neighbours in our windows.” you teased. 
“Hey, now.” he laughed, reaching out to gently nudge your arm, “Not like I was standing out there with binoculars in one hand and my dick in the other.”
Your smile faltered for a second as if he had completely read your thoughts from that day and how you shamefully fantasized about him as you made yourself cum on your family couch. George’s hand grazed down your arm and his finger linked in the sleeve of your blouse for a brief moment as if he were debating something in his own mind. 
Then, his eyes focused on yours once more and he asked as casually as the weather, “What were you thinking about?”
It was a question that would ultimately change the course of your life depending on how you answered but at the moment, you didn’t think that deeply about it. He was right there and he already confessed that he liked it when he stumbled across you like that, the least he deserved was an honest answer. Not to mention the gorgeous blue of his eyes was so mesmerizing that maybe you were a bit dizzy by him as you breathed out a soft, “You.”
Pin drop silence. 
Unbreakable eye contact. 
And then he was grabbing you by the back of your neck and yanking you towards him for a kiss that burned every inch of your skin. 
Your hands grasped the front of his t-shirt to hold him as close as possible, letting your lips mould sloppily together in some sort of semblance of a kiss that easily progressed into more. Standing at the counter in your kitchen, you grabbed onto each other like you were life preservers and he kissed you with so much passion that you had nearly forgotten what it had been like to be craved so carnally like that. He nearly took the breath from your lungs, bending over you until your back was arched and your body took the shape of his. Your hands tangled in the back of his hair as your lips smacked together wetly, tongues pushing together for a greedy taste of infidelity; although your spouses were the last things on your minds. 
The steeping tea was forgotten about as he guided you backwards blindly across the kitchen and you gently hit the edge of the opposite counter, giving him the chance to grab the backs of your thighs and hoist you up onto it. Right away, your arms and legs were slinging around his body and yanking him closer all without breaking your kiss, sharing hungry moans into each other's mouths. Your fingers tightened in his soft hair but your aggression just pulled a handsome groan from his throat that tasted like heaven against your tongue. 
With your ankles linked behind his back, you used the heels of your feet to pull him closer to the counter as you rested near the edge so the front of his blue jeans were pressed up snugly against yours, getting your fix of that fiery touch after so long, regardless of who it was. Your eyes were shut tightly with greed, taking what you wanted from his lips with your body arching against his. George’s hands on your hips pressed indentations of his fingerprints into your flesh and he held you against him as he grinded against you faintly. 
The sweet moan that fell from your lips had him moving like that again, rutting the front of his jeans right up between your spread legs, creating that friction that satisfied the craving of pleasure that you ached for. You moved with him faintly, grinding against his body in return from your spot on the edge of the kitchen counter until you both were turning more and more desperate from it. 
George broke away from your kiss first and his hands shoved up the bottom of your blouse and lifted it over your head so it could be tossed aimlessly to the floor. You panted heavily to the kitchen as he moved his kisses down your neck and over your breasts that were tucked in your unflattering bra but he didn’t mind one bit. He groaned against your chest as he sank to his knees in front of the counter, “You’re fucking sexy.” 
“Holy shit.” you exhaled, lifting your bum off the countertop when he popped the button on your jeans so he could yank them off you. 
“That’s it.” George licked his lips as he guided your feet back until your heels were tucked on the edge so you were spread open for him, only separated by your underwear. He leaned in close and dusted his nose right up between your legs before his tongue was following, teasing your pussy over your underwear with the faintest of touches that still managed to make you squirm. He stared up at you from his knees, sending you a teasing wink as his fingers linked in the hem of your panties and he started to pull them down too, “I’ve wanted to do this for too fucking long.”
Once they were dropped to the floor too and your feet were back in place where he wanted them, you could barely rush out a reply, “Me too.”
In reality, you hadn’t truly realized you wanted that until you were put in that position but the images that your mind pictured earlier that week certainly might have proved otherwise. 
He touched you like you were a masterpiece, gliding two fingers down between your glistening folds with his lips parted in near awe, watching how your wetness clung to his fingertips greedily. You raked a hand through his hair to guide his face in too and he gladly obeyed, nustling his tongue alongside his fingers with a gorgeous exhale that sent shivers up your spine. The caresses of his tongue were devine and he teased around your clit and down across your pussy in gentle strokes that had your head lolling to the side. 
Being in that position wasn’t new to you - you had a husband after all - but you weren’t aware of how limited your experience might have been until George had you there. His first few touches and licks were expected and you offered him soft hums in appreciation, your teeth sunken into your bottom lip faintly as you watched him between your thighs. But then his large hands were sliding around your thighs and his fingers pressed into your flesh, his wedding ring on his left hand shimmering in the early afternoon sunlight, and he was nuzzling his face deeper with quick laps of his tongue. Your mouth fell open at his insistence and your hand in his hair gripped tighter in surprise. 
“Oh-” you stumbled out faintly. 
George tugged you closer to the edge of the counter as he slurped at your cunt until he was sucking on your clit and your head tossed back with a sharp gasp and your back straightened up. 
“Fuck!” you squeaked.
He hummed against you, blue eyes staring straight up your body to gauge your every reaction as he tongued at your clit in quick strokes. The feeling was intense and you didn’t know what to do with yourself as you gaped dumbly into your kitchen and almost choked over your breath, eyes struggling to stay open, and your hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair ended up slamming flatly against the side of your refrigerator. The upper cabinets caught your head as you let out a loud moan to the ceiling, toes curling over the edge of the countertop, and George only grabbed tighter to your thighs to hold you on his mouth. 
Your hand tightened in his hair although you couldn’t decide if you were pulling him closer or wanting to push him away with how strong the pleasure was that he built within you. You mouthed a silent chant of “fuck, fuck, fuck-” to your kitchen ceiling, gaping dumbly to the light fixture. George took his right hand back just long enough to slip two fingers in his mouth before he was guiding them slowly inside your leaking pussy. 
“Oh God-” you whined tightly. 
“Good girl.” he praised warmly against your cunt as his fingers started to thrust into you shallowly but strongly. “This what you were thinking about?”
“Mhm-” you could only nod cluelessly, barely able to make out what he was saying thanks to the ringing of your ears that was brought on by the pleasure he introduced to your body. 
His tongue flicked faster at your clit and his fingers nudged up against that warm spongy spot just inside you at a perfect consistent pace. The moans that tumbled from your lips were nearly involuntary, coaxed out of you by his generous touch, until you were sure the neighbours could hear - if it weren’t for the fact that your neighbour was the one between your legs at that very moment. All your stresses and anxieties from the prior few short weeks seemed to fall away and the rush of pleasure that tore through your body completely made up for it. 
You felt dizzy and you rested your head back heavily against the upper cabinets behind you with your eyes screwed shut, barely able to choke out a, “Yes-”
George gripped you tighter and kept his pace going, keeping his eyes on your face even if you weren’t looking at him. He analyzed your every flutter of expression to see just how you wanted it, smothering a half smirk at the displeased huff that you let out when he gave his tongue a break to suck on your clit instead. The change up took a second to get used to but you had never been so catered to before so you weren’t one to complain, tightening your fingers in his soft hair while he worked wonders on you. 
Then that build up was forming again, flushing warmth across your skin, and you gaped down to him, “Yeah, yeah, yeah-”
George didn’t move a muscle from exactly where you needed him even as your legs started to quiver from where you were held open. You choked over your next breath as the first wave of pleasure tore down your spine and George gripped onto your thighs to hold you steady on the edge of the kitchen counter as you came on his mouth. His name fell from your lips like it was second nature and it truly felt so much better when he was there to hear it himself. 
He pulled away once you started to get sensitive and he pulled his fingers out of you as he stood up and he rubbed along your messy cunt in lazy strokes. Your hand in his hair slid around the back of his neck and pulled him in for another open mouthed kiss, instantly sharing the taste of you that lingered on his tongue and you sucked on it greedily. George blindly unbuttoned his jeans while he kissed you, barely able to drop them and his underwear to the floor before you were tucking your legs around his waist again and tugging him closer. 
“No one’s ever gone down on me like that before.” you confessed breathily between feverish kisses.
“No?” George chuckled cockily into your mouth, kicking his jeans off his ankles and across your kitchen floor, “Well good thing you have me.”
You offered a sweet “mhm” in reply that was quickly swallowed up by his lips once more. 
He grabbed your thighs again and tugged you closer to the edge of the counter, “This okay?”
“Yeah.” you slung both your arms around his shoulders, leaving one hand in his hair and the other grasping onto the back of his shirt. 
“You want this?” he asked breathily. 
“You have no idea.” 
The two of you shared faint laughter that was swallowed up by a few more sloppy lustful kisses before George was breaking away from you long enough to look down between you so he could angle the head of his cock against your slick cunt. You shuttered slightly in anticipation, clinging onto the back of his shirt as you breathed him in greedily with your nose pressed against his cheek. 
George pushed inside you slowly and once that aching stretch came to spread across your hips, your eyes met closely as your mouth fell open with a soft gasp. His eyes darted across your face before his lips were capturing yours in a sensual kiss and he slid deeper inside you with his hands grabbing at your doughy hips, sinking himself into your body. The wavering breath he let out into your mouth was laced so perfectly with the faintest moan and you felt it right through your body, making your muscles flutter around him. 
“Holy shit.” George slid a hand around the back of neck, his fingers nestled in the roots of your hair, and he pulled your lips harder onto his with an underlying sense of urgency that burned hot over your skin. And, as he did, he started to thrust into you hungrily, sharing in your whimpering moan that blessed your kiss. 
“Fuck.” you choked out, your grip tightening on the fabric of his shirt as if to pull him impossibly closer. 
Your kisses were messy from the quick aggression with which he fucked you on your kitchen counter but you kept at it like you never wanted to stop, unable to get enough of each other and the addictive drug of sin that joined you together. When even what he gave you didn’t feel sufficient enough, you pressed your heels into the flesh of his ass to try and get him to give you more, whining desperately against his tongue-led kisses. He stopped completely, nestled as deep inside you as he could fit, and your head dropped back against the upper cabinets behind you with a warm moan at the glorious fullness he offered you. George grabbed your ass and pulled your body right up against his so he could lift you up off the counter and into his arms. 
You gasped in surprise but clung onto him tightly, trusting him entirely to do whatever he pleased, and your hands splayed across his back over the thin material of his shirt to feel the way his toned back flexed as he held your body weight. He carried you through the adjacent doorway into the dining room and through the spacious archway into the front living room, the afternoon sun streaking in through the large picture window at the front of the house. The carpet was soft beneath his feet and hid his footsteps as he blindly navigated his way to the couch, still taken up by your lips that kissed him like he was more important than air. George sat himself down heavily on the couch with you perched perfectly on his lap, his dick still tucked warmly inside you. 
“Mm, my God.” you withered, driven by humanistic lust, and you were right away starting to bounce on his lap. 
“Holy fuck, you’re sexy.” George groaned, slumping back comfortably on your couch that had been a wedding gift to you and your husband. He stared up at you with dilated blue eyes and he licked his lips at the sight, his large hands on your hips following your eager motions. But despite the obvious intent you held, he still reminded you politely, “You tell me if it’s too much.”
“It’s not.” you insisted strongly, grounding your hands flat against his chest so he was held down on the couch and you had the leverage to ride him harder. You had wanted that for what felt like weeks now and even though you had initially wanted it from your husband, you couldn’t be completely blamed for finding it elsewhere. 
“Oh my God, look at you.” he breathed in near awe, “You want it so bad.” 
You couldn’t bite back the sly smile that pricked at the corner of your mouth even if you scrunched your eyes shut and tilted your head back in some effort to keep him from seeing the effect he had on you. Your skin clapped lewly against his thighs with every bounce, tainting your marital home each and every time. The feeling of his hand around your throat startled you slightly. 
“This okay?” he asked. 
“Fuck, yeah.” you stumbled out. 
That wasn’t new either and you had your fair share of more kinky interactions with your husband before he was your husband and before parental responsibilities and careers started to diminish the passion. It had been far too long. 
“Harder.” you ordered. 
George’s hand squeezed your throat a little tighter, “Better?”
“Mhm.” you withered, still messily bouncing on his lap. 
“What do you say?” 
His demand took you by surprise but it was invigorating and you looked down at him and his handsome lust filled expression, offering him an angelic, “Thank you.” 
“Thank you, sir.” he corrected you smoothly. 
You nearly choked over your breath and the obvious reaction to that simple demand had Georges smirking proudly under you as you tried to keep riding him on your couch. 
His hand tightened around your neck a little more, ordering you strongly, although his voice could never get rid of the undertones of gentleness, “Say it.” 
“Thank you, sir.” you exhaled. 
“Good girl. You’re doing such a good fucking job.” 
“You feel so fucking good inside me.” you whimpered. “I don’t wanna stop.” 
“Don’t. Keep going until you make yourself cum.”
A soft chuckle left your lips as you confessed, “I can’t cum like this.”
“No?” George tugged at your neck to urge you down on top of him so you were chest to chest and he could kiss you. 
You took that opportunity to rut yourself against him greedily, rocking your hips back and forth on his lap with your clit rubbing faintly against his pelvis just enough to get a little huff out of you against his lips. George let go of your throat to take two handfuls of your ass instead and he guided you into stronger motions against his body, keeping you on his cock even as you used his body to stimulate your aching clit. Your fingers fisted the front of his shirt tightly, moaning into his mouth while his tongue pushed insistently against yours until you were falling breathless. 
When he slid his hands up your back, you tried to keep yourself going the way he had started for you but it wasn’t the same. Before you could beg for him to help you again, he was swallowing you up in his arms and smoothly sliding one of his legs under him so he could flip you over and drop you both lengthwise across the living room couch with him rightfully on top of you. 
“Fuck.” you squeaked, throwing your arms around his shoulders just as he started thrusting into you roughly, forcing your head back against the arm of the couch with a choked, “Sh-Shit!” 
“Better?” George taunted against your cheek.
“Yes, sir.” you whimpered. 
His chuckle was low and warm and your toes curled at the sound, legs wrapping around his waist to keep him close. But he would never dream of stopping, not when he had you where he had dreamt of having you for as long as you had imagined the same about him. 
What had started as a somewhat cautious rendezvous had quickly moulded into a carnally lustful hookup, entirely trusting of each other, and he wasn’t holding back as he fucked you on your couch harder than you had been in a while. You couldn’t even manage to form words as you stared up at him above you with your mouth agape and your eyebrows furrowed with intense pleasure, stupid little moans tumbling freely from your throat as language abandoned you. His icy stare was steamy hot and you refused to look away for even a second, raking your nails across the back of his t-shirt until the fabric was definitely being creased and wrinkled. 
“Want me to make you cum, sweetheart?” 
His voice was ethereal and you could have finished from that sentence alone, the pet name causing your swollen cunt to tighten around him for a moment. 
“Use your words.” George teased. 
“Please,” you forced out, “sir.” 
“Can you cum like this?” he asked softly. 
You nodded quickly, already feeling the seeds of an impending orgasm blossoming inside you, “Yeah.” 
“Yeah?” George chuckled, nudging his knees across the floral couch cushion to be a bit closer to you, keeping his thrusts so perfectly deep, and when he sat back from you just enough to get his hand around your throat again, he was at the perfect angle to hit your g-spot dead on. When you took in a sharp breath at the quick rising pleasure from his minor adjustment, he smirked down at you, “You needed it that bad, huh? Already gonna cum for me?” 
“Yes, sir.” you repeated dumbly up to him, swimming in a euphoric haze, “Please don’t stop.” 
“No way, baby.” he promised, keeping your unwavering eye contact, “Wanna feel you cum all over my fucking cock.” 
“Please.” you breathed, face scrunching up from the intense sensations. “Please-“
George was on the same wavelength as he was blessed with the glorious feeling of your body, already feeling himself falling into his own rising pleasure. His hand that wasn’t taken to your throat was gripping the arm of the couch beside your head and with every thrust, his hair was falling farther over his forehead on beautiful messy waves. You wanted to kiss him again but you wanted him to make you cum more, so you didn’t dare move him from his positioning, taking the view gladly instead as your attention was all on him and your fingers stayed locked around the fabric of his shirt. 
“Fuck, that’s a good girl, I can feel you tightening up already.” George spoke down to you, his voice so rich and heavenly you swore it made you dizzy. 
“I’m gonna cum.” you whimpered loudly, head lifting from the arm of the couch so you could peer down your body and watch how he fucked you, the sight of his dick disappearing inside you before pulling back out almost all the way covered in your glistening wetness in rapid succession only making your impending orgasm feel stronger and stronger. You were almost sure you were going to rip his shirt right off him as you squeaked out, “Fuck, fuck fuck, right there, right there-“ 
“Uh huh?” George’s jaw clenched as he tried to hold himself back for the sake of you as the priority. You had to finish first. 
The moment that the first wave of pleasure hit you, your entire body shuttered and your head tossed back against the arm of the couch with a silent gape to the ceiling, eyes screwed shut. Then it was all let out with the most beautiful trembling moan George had ever heard and you filled your silent house with the sounds of your euphoria and the praise of his name, painting the walls in sin. You hadn’t cum that hard in a while to the point where you almost blacked out from the strength of it and your body wrapped itself around George to yank him down on top of you for something to hold onto. 
That just made it even more impossible for him to stop as he kept fucking you right through it, groaning loudly against your cheek as he fought against your vice-like grip around his aching cock. He was getting sloppy with it, losing himself in the warm wet heaven of your pussy and the lewd sound it filled the living room with. Your ankles linked behind his back and pulled him in deeper, gasping and whimpering in sensitivity that you pushed aside to bask in the glorious and reliving pleasure he brought you. 
“I…” George choked out, dipping his face into your neck as you held each other tightly, “I’m gonna fucking cum.” 
“Gimme it.” you pleaded. “Please, sir.” 
Forward thinking was not your priority in that moment as all you craved was for him to claim you completely, filthily, beautifully. For all you cared, this could have just been one perfectly intense dream and you wanted to make the absolute most of it. 
With a few more thrusts, George was shoving hard into you once more and as his dick throbbed inside you, he came strongly, spurting thickly as deep as he could reach. Your mouth fell open at the feeling and one hand flew to his hair to tangle in the soft strands and hold his face in your neck as he moaned heavenly against your flushed skin. He ground into you greedily, giving you everything he had and it made your mouth water, your head tilting back to stare up at the living room ceiling with a mouthed ‘oh my God’. 
“Fuck.” George huffed, gently allowing his body weight to rest on top of you completely. 
You welcomed him gladly and enveloped him in your embrace and even kissed his head and his faint breathy chuckle at your action had you smiling. The pleasure hormones swirled around your mind and body and before they could fade away, George was sliding his hand over your cheek and guiding your lips to his for a slow, sensual, breathless kiss. 
The two of you made out like that on the couch for a few minutes, what was once such a rush now dimmed down to lazy yet purely passionate kisses in the silence of your marital home. He was still tucked inside you and feeling his body so close with yours was addicting. Your fingers scratched through the back of his hair and he broke your kiss to rest his head against your collarbones. 
“I needed that so fucking bad, oh my God.” George sighed. 
“Me too.” you confessed lightly. 
“It’s been way too long.”
“Tell me about it.”
There was a moment of silence as the reality of your situation settled on your minds. 
“We really did that.” you exhaled. 
“Yeah.” George sighed. 
“Do you regret it?” 
George lifted his head from your shoulder to look at you properly, “Do you?”
“I asked you first.”
A faint smile pricked at the corner of his mouth and he answered with a soft, “No.”
You trailed your hand out of his hair and down the side of his neck to guide him in for a chasté kiss, “Me neither.” 
George gave you one more kiss before he was carefully sitting back from you, “Our tea is probably cold.”
You giggled softly, “Probably.” 
“Want me to get you your clothes?”
He carefully pulled out and you let your hand take his place, staying on your back to keep from leaking out onto the couch, and he disappeared back into the kitchen. For the few seconds he was gone, you stared wide-eyed out the front window to the tree-lined street, the heavy side of reality settling onto your consciousness. If you had felt guilty about your thoughts the last weeks, then this was unimaginable. You committed arguably the ultimate sin in marriage - how would you ever come back from this? 
“Here you go.”
George held out your underwear to you first and you glanced up at him - now fully dressed himself - and you took them from him with a soft thanks. He helped you up from the couch and you hurried to shimmy your clothes on while he watched you. 
“This should be a one time thing, right?” you said after a moment. 
“Yeah, probably.” George sighed. 
“And…just between us?” 
“Of course.” he agreed quickly. “We don’t want to…mess everything up.”
“Yeah.” you smiled faintly, thankful that he understood. 
You could see him hesitate for a moment before he was taking your hand and leaning in to kiss you again. Despite the events that had just happened, the move made you a little shy and you pulled away a second later with a bashful smile to the ground. His thumb brushed over your skin lazily and as you stood together in your living room face to face in the afternoon sun, you felt drawn into him to steal another gentle kiss from his plush lips. Without sharing a word or any additional touch, you kissed softly, innocently, for a few long seconds before breaking away from each other again. You licked your lips that tasted like him and he noticed with a fond smile. 
“The school bus should be here soon.” he said. 
“Mhm.” you hummed, only half paying attention as your gaze was transfixed by his swollen lips. 
“We can walk together if you want.” 
There was another momentary silence between you and George’s faint bite to his bottom lip had your eyebrows naturally peaking for a split second. He could read your face like it was the front page of the morning paper. 
“This isn’t going to be a one time thing, is it?”
You shook your head and took the half step closer to him as you leaned in for another tender kiss. 
He was everywhere in your house now. Everywhere you looked it was tainted with George and you were worried that it showed all over your face. The kitchen...the living room…everywhere you looked. That very same night you stood in the kitchen preparing dinner while Richard watched TV in the family room and you tried not to think about the memories that the counter behind you held or pay attention to the constant leak that dampened your panties under your jeans. Andrew would be home in no time and you had only that long to compose yourself enough to face him like nothing was wrong. 
The phone on the kitchen wall rang loudly, startling you dramatically and your head whipped around to it. You set the knife down on the cutting board and wiped your hands on your apron as you made your way over to it. Without thinking twice, you answered it with a casual, “Hello?”
“Hey, my love. It’s me.”
Your grip tightened on the receiver at your husband’s voice and you cleared your throat before answering, “Hi, Andy. What’s going on?”
“I just heard news that the boss wants me to come out for dinner with a potential client tonight so I won’t be home until a bit later. Nothing crazy but we’re hoping to get them onboard with this pitch and apparently bottomless wine is the way to do it.” his soft chuckle acted as a way to cover up his disappointment - you knew that well after your few years together. 
“Oh. Okay.” you looked to the ground, silently grateful you wouldn’t have to face him until later. 
“I’m really sorry, sugar.” Andrew said softly through the phone, “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”
“No, no. That’s okay. Do what you gotta do.” you pulled the most chipper voice you could. 
“I’ll make you proud.”
You slouched your shoulder against the wall, “You always do, Andy.” 
“Tell Ritchie I say hello and I love him. I won’t be back before his bedtime.” 
“Of course. Be safe, okay?”
“I will. I love you.”
You nibbled your bottom lip for a half second before answering through the guilt that burned within you, “I love you too, honey.” 
It was almost 11pm when you heard the front door open. Richard had long been put to bed - although not without asking for Andrew a half dozen times and trying to stall bedtime so he could see him before he slept - and even you had retired to bed yourself. With a book in hand, you were in your nightgown on your side of the bed in the warm light of your bedside lamp, trying to look as nonchalant as possible for when your husband would return home. He didn’t need to know a single thing and especially not how often you had been thinking of how George’s night was going since you had parted that afternoon. 
Each quiet footstep on the stairs had your heart racing but you had all evening to calm yourself so you had belief that you were definitely able to play it cool. So, when the bedroom door opened and Andrew stepped inside in his black work slacks and pale blue button up, you offered him a loving smile. He closed the door behind him again so as to not wake your son and it was then that you noticed the small bouquet of flowers in his hand. Your smile faltered for a moment, feeling an uncomfortable weight settling in your chest. 
Andrew just kept his warm grin and he walked over to your bedside to lean down to greet you with a kiss and the flowers, “Happy anniversary, sugar.” 
You didn’t know what to say for a moment, using all your willpower to keep the smile on your face despite the fact that you completely forgot it had been your wedding anniversary of all days. But you closed your book and set it on your bedside table, “Aw, thank you, my love.”
“I’m really sorry I missed most of the day.” Andrew said, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“That’s okay.” you brushed it off easily since you did much worse that day, “You’re here now.”
“Finally.” Andrew took the flowers across the room and set them on the dresser still in their cellophane so he could get ready for bed. “And it’s Friday, thank God.”
You watched him loosen his tie and then slide it off from around his neck and he dropped it on the dresser before starting to unbutton his shirt. 
You tried to keep casual conversation, “How was the dinner?”
“It went really well actually.” Andrew said, “Got them on board and they will be signed with us on Monday.” 
“That’s great! Although I didn’t have any doubts; you’re their best guy anyway.” 
“You flatter me,” Andrew glanced over at you with a sweet smile as he walked across the room and draped his shirt over the back of the armchair. He then unbuckled his belt before it, too, was joining the forming pile on the chair and he dropped his slacks, “But now I don’t want to think about work because it’s now the weekend and it’s our anniversary and all my attention is yours. I told you I’d make today up to you.”
“That’s okay.” you assured him softly. “I’m not upset.” 
“I am.” he protested gently and your eyes followed him back across the room and around to his side of the bed. He pushed back the sheets and climbed in beside you in only his underwear, telling you honestly, “I’ve felt so badly saying no to you so much the last little while.”
“It’s really okay, honey.” you promised, lolling your head to the side to look at him. 
“Nope, not accepting that.” he tapped your nose, “I can tell I was doing nothing but disappointing you and I don’t like doing that. Not that we need an excuse but I think our anniversary is the best time to get back at it, you reckon?” 
You didn’t realize how hard you were biting your bottom lip until the pad of his thumb gently swiped over it to get you to let go and then he slid his hand around the side of your face and guided you in for a soft kiss. You tried to push the guilty thoughts to the back of your mind and focus on your kind-hearted husband at your side who, even after an insanely long work day, still wanted to give you what you wanted. There was no doubt in your mind that you were still in love with him, but you kept your new secret locked away in order to prevent hurting the man you loved. 
Andrew was obviously clueless to your internal affairs and his kisses were just as passionate as ever, still managing to erupt butterflies in your stomach with every lingering lock of your lips. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist of the hand that cradled your face and the fact that he didn’t have an ounce of suspicion from the taste of your lips that had kissed another man made you sure that you could have your cake and eat it too. It was almost thrilling. 
Your husband broke your kiss and reached under the sheets to tug at the hem of your nightgown, “Wanna take this off for me?” 
You gladly pulled it over your head and tossed it to the carpeted floor beside the bed and he moved in again to kiss your neck while his hand trailed down your naked body and traced the shape of your breasts and the peak of one of your nipples. He definitely knew where to touch you and that was never a question, proven by the way your eyes fluttered shut when his lips grazed just the right spot under your ear and his tongue against your skin pulled shivers down your spine. 
You took the initiative to shuffle yourself on the mattress so you could lay yourself down properly against your pillow and Andrew was following after you gladly, laying half on top of you with his forearm holding him up at your side. Your hands guided his lips back to yours and you shared deepening kisses in the warmth of your shared bedroom. With your fingers tangled in the back of his short brown hair, you shared the responsibility of guiding your kisses until his tongue was nudging against yours. Opening up for him was easy but there was that tiny worry in the back of your mind wondering if somehow he could tell who else you had been kissing in his absence. 
In reality, Andrew was perfectly clueless, and he trailed his hand down your bare body and under the sheets and right over the front of your panties. You hummed pleasantly into his kiss and spread your legs a little more for him, urging his hand to rub strongly across your clothed pussy. After a few seconds, he was pulling away from your lips with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and you met his gaze with your teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“Oh my God,” Andrew chuckled breathily, his hand still helping itself between your legs, “You’re so wet.”
You could only offer him a soft giggle that he kissed away greedily. 
“I’ve kept you waiting that long, hm?” he teased against your mouth. 
You could only manage a faint nod into his kisses.
He didn’t need to know that most of that wetness he was feeling was thanks to your neighbour. 
Andrew pulled away from your lips for a moment so he could focus on shoving down your underwear under the blankets and you blindly helped to kick them off to get lost under the sheets. Once his fingers found your cunt again, you were pulling his lips back on yours by the back of his neck, silently praying he couldn’t feel the remnants of George’s cum still leaking out of you. But he was blissfully unaware as he touched you like that, fingers rubbing at your clit and then sliding between your glistening folds and back up, his lips pulling hungry kisses from your own. 
When he finally pulled away from your lips, you followed his lead to hold up the sheets to let him shuffle himself underneath them, sharing soft laughter at the ungraceful nature of it as he got himself between your legs. You let the bed sheets fall overtop of him and you adjusted your pillow under your head with a nervous lick to your lips as you stared up at the ceiling. You were sure there was no way he could know - it had been all afternoon and evening after all - but a part of you couldn’t help but feel nervous. 
The first touch of his tongue against your pussy had your eyelids fluttering and your breath shuttering in your chest. He nudged your legs open wider and his hands wrapped around your thighs, holding you open for his mouth and the gentle caresses of his tongue. Your eyes bore into the ceiling, focusing on the touches of your husband beneath your bedsheets, shamefully thinking back to that afternoon when George had you up on your kitchen counter and ate your pussy like it was his last meal. Andrew’s lazy and gentle strokes weren’t bad, just…different. Familiar. Expected. 
He moved as if he were cleaning you up rather than aiming to make you messier and although it felt good, it still fell short. You shut your eyes and tried to focus on it a little more, offering a soft hum to the dimly lit bedroom as your fingers grasped the pillow you were lying on. You exhaled to the ceiling, trying to relax yourself into the mattress without thinking too hard about the fact that your husband was pretty much eating another man’s cum out of you at that very moment. 
After only a few more seconds, Andrew pressed a sloppy wet kiss to your clit and then started to move back. Eyes snapping open, you set your hand on top of his head over the sheets, holding him in place as you requested quietly, “Can you put your fingers in me too?”
“Sure.” he chuckled faintly, words muffled by the sheets and duvet. 
You felt him glide his fingers across your slick pussy and then he was sinking two inside you slowly, right down to the knuckle. His tongue followed again and he lapped at your clit while his fingers pushed strongly inside you all the way and back out in slow thrusts. 
“Yeah,” you breathed, keeping your hand on the back of his head, “Faster.”
He followed your demand with fingers and tongue, ravishing you a little faster until his jaw was starting to ache and his hand was cramping up from those quick thrusts. Andrew hummed flatly against you and slowed himself down after a few seconds and before he could stop completely, you were squirming slightly underneath him. 
“Can you only go, like, halfway with your fingers?” you requested quietly. 
There was a pause and then movement as he shuffled his way out of the sheets to let them fall to the end of the bed, exposing your naked body to the air conditioned bedroom. He caressed your hip gently with a quiet, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” you replied almost too fast, “Why?” 
“It’s just…you’ve never had to tell me what to do before. I always usually make you cum.”
“I know, I know.” you assured him quickly, wracking your brain for an excuse, “Was just wanting to try new things.”
Andrew smiled faintly at you and nodded, “Okay.”
You returned his soft smile and he leaned down to kiss your lips, once, twice, and a third time before he was sitting back on his knees and shuffling out of his underwear. You tried to hide your disappointment that he wasn’t going to go down on you some more behind a tightlipped smile as he met your gaze and pulled the sheets up around you both again. Habitually, your legs went around his thighs as he situated himself on top of you and his lips locked with yours again in slow sensual kisses, tangling together as husband and wife in your shared bed like how it was supposed to be. 
“Ready?” he asked softly. 
“Mhm.” you slid your hands up his back and scratched your fingers across his shoulder blades lightly as he got himself situated. 
The head of his cock nudged against your dripping pussy and your muscles fluttered at the sensation, naturally waiting for him to finally push inside you. And, when he did, his eyes stayed focused on yours without breaking away for even a second, watching your expression as he filled you completely. Your hands rested on his back as you stared right back at his face, taking in his dark and handsome features that you loved so dearly, and yet part of you was already missing George’s blue eyed gaze. 
The flicker of a guilty wince across your expression was covered with ease by the first thrust from your husband as he started to make love to you properly. He kissed your lips sweetly, sharing single little fleeting kisses and soft breaths as you tangled under the sheets together. His thrusts were slow and deep and so incredibly loving, something that had been so comforting over the recent few years together. Something you didn’t realize mattered much. Not until George came over that afternoon and shook your very knowledge of reality and pleasure to its core.
Andrew broke away from your kiss to tuck his face into your neck and your arms wrapped entirely around his back to hold him on top of you, whimpering softly against his shoulder as he took you over like that. Your eyes scrunched shut and you desperately tried to stay in the moment, clinging onto your husband’s beautiful caramel skin and the scent of his office that lingered on him; copy ink and paper. His warm breaths fell against your neck in gentle pants in time with his precise thrusts, your bed squeaking faintly beneath you. 
But your mind was straying again, drifting to the house next door and the man who had his way with you that afternoon; the one who somehow made you see stars for the first time in years. That used to be you and Andrew or so you recalled as the memories faded with time, but now it was all so fresh with George and you were drunk on the newfound adrenaline of it all. You tried to hush your mind from begging you to do it again and again and again with the man who had his own wife and his own family and who wasn’t legally bound to you in any way. 
Just because you couldn’t have him didn’t mean you couldn’t think of him. With your eyes closed tightly and your husband’s face still tucked warmly in your neck as he made love to you gently into your bed, you shamelessly imagined him to be George instead. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip and your mind swirled with memories from that afternoon and the dirty words that your neighbour spoke to you. You imagined him saying such things to you now, holding you down on your bed, fucking you like you never knew you needed. 
As you clung onto your husband, your lips formed the words without thought, mouthing them silently to the ceiling, “Yes, sir.”
George took up your mind until your thoughts were so vivid that you swore you could smell him right there with you, taking the place of your husband. Even Andrew’s soft sounds were that of George and you were buzzing off the fresh memory that burned within you, completely encapsulated by the man that wasn’t yours. You could do nothing else but picture him on top of you instead, mouthing his name to your bedroom ceiling over and over as if speaking to him in your mind. 
“That’s it.”
The breathy faint voice that ghosted across your ear tore you from the strength of your imagination but the power that George still held over you kept you going just that little bit longer. 
“Holy shit, you’re gonna cum already?” Andrew chuckled against your cheek, “I can fucking feel it.” 
“Shh.” you pulled his face back into your neck, playing it off effortlessly that you were too close for casual conversation. That wasn’t entirely a lie because the words that George spoke to you in your memory were certainly bringing you closer by the second, urging your muscles to tighten up around your husband’s dick. 
Andrew kept his pace going even as your nails pressed into the muscles of his back and your body fell into pleasure beneath his. Your orgasm certainly wasn’t as strong as the two you had that afternoon but it was still real and it still felt good, regardless of the slight disappointment that filled your guilty conscience. 
“Yes.” you squeaked out, tangling your hand in the back of his hair to grip tightly to his soft brunette roots, “Fuck-”
“Oh my God.” Andrew groaned from over top of you, shifting away from you a little to get a better angle with his hands pressed onto the pillow on either side of your head.
Panting softly underneath him, your hands slid down to his biceps and you held onto him as he thrusted into you a little faster, those big brown eyes staring right into your distracted gaze. He was still as beautiful as ever to you and the expression of pleasure that spread across his face was just as breathtaking as the first night you shared together six years earlier. Only seconds later, he was pulling out of you and coming right across your abdomen with the added help of his own hand, offering quiet moans to your bedroom walls as he finished himself off. You watched him closely, tearing your eyes away from his face to glance down between you under the sheets to get a glimpse at the mess he made across your flushed skin. 
“Shit.” he huffed and carefully shifted off of you. 
You took the sheets from him to hold them up and out of the way as he rolled over to grab a few tissues from the bedside table. He helped to clean you up like the gentleman he was and then you let the blankets fall gracefully over the both of you as he leaned in for a few breathless kisses. 
“How was that?” he asked teasingly. 
You bit back your smile, “Good.”
“Good?” he laughed lightly, feigning offence, “Just good, huh?”
“You know what I mean.” you swatted his chest playfully. 
Andrew tossed the sheets back and swung his legs off the bed, “I’m gonna throw this out. Did you want water or anything?”
“I’m okay.” 
He leaned back down towards you for one more kiss, “Okay. Be right back.”
You tucked the sheets up to your chin as you watched him stand up and shuffle his underwear back on before he was patting across the carpeted floor to the ensuite bathroom. When he was out of view, your eyes drifted to the flowers still resting on the dresser across the room and you nibbled at your bottom lip to try and keep the guilt at bay. Then, you looked straight up at the ceiling instead, trying to settle the rapid beating of your heart over the realization that you had to think of another man apart from your husband to get off. That had never happened before. 
Andrew’s gentle humming came from the bathroom as he brushed his teeth and finished getting ready for bed and you tried to let the familiarity of his voice soothe you but it didn’t do much. Instead, you just kept wondering what George sounded like when he sang or what music he played when he baked or if he was thinking of you as much as you were thinking of him. How ridiculous. How absolutely teenage of you. 
“Alright,” Andrew emerged from the bathroom and joined you in bed once more, “all set.”
You reached over to your bedside table to turn off your lamp before laying beside him again, habitually wrapping yourself up under his arm. He kissed your head and sighed as he settled, holding you close under your shared sheets. 
“I love you.” he said through the dark. 
You rested your cheek against his shoulder, “I love you too.”
Andrew was drifting quickly after a long day but you were still wide awake, staring blankly across the room to the front windows and their shut curtains. You aimlessly trailed your fingertips over your husband’s chest and the faint dusting of chest hair that grew down between his pecs, wondering to yourself that if Andrew still felt like home to you, why did your mind crave to be elsewhere. Mostly, you tried not to think of George.
You really tried. 
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My Very Extensive Tag List™:
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tubesock86 · 2 months
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259 notes · View notes
itty-bitty-sunshine · 6 months
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You're missing something. Surely it wasn't that important, was it?
Full pieces under cut
(Warning for blood and just overall nightmare horrorish. Slight gore?)
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Surely not.
480 notes · View notes
homobeast · 1 year
i’m your man by mitski vs. i’m your man by leonard cohen vs. me and i’m losing
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burgerputty · 8 months
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I just realized I Never posted this here
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hotdogmchiggin · 2 years
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Sbubby Eef Freef
drew some focking guys. Look at them. Look at them. Look at them.
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BONUS. I thought it’d be really really funny if they were in the dark.
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greelin · 6 months
now i will admit i like quite a few tasteful astarion gifsets. as is my right and honor as a bisexual man. i like to see him. something entrancing about the moving picture. he has bewitched me body and soul. but occasionally tumblr will recommend me the same gifset that is borderline full frontal and it’s always a jumpscare. scrolling in public is like playing russian roulette and the bullet is white elf penis
300 notes · View notes
tastytofusoup · 6 months
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Final Fantasy X-2 (2003) ↠ Aboard The Celsius
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thespiritssaidso · 1 month
I wonder if the people making posts about psychology and psychedelic music on the #psych tag ever actually go scrolling through it
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suntails · 1 year
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i'm ready for the bunny event
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ducktracy · 3 months
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screaming crying throwing up etcetera etcetera
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl On Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best friend reader: Part 2
Summary: When Eddie finally decides to make a move on his best friend, he can’t seem to find the right words. The only way to explain how he feels is to show her.
Warnings: 18+ Smut smut and nothing but the smut. minors dni // M and F oral receiving, P in V, unprotected sex (big no no), degrading and praise kink, slight breeding kink, cursing, cum tasting, face fucking, use of y/n but still mainly pet names.. just overall filth so if that’s not your thing, this isn’t for you lol
Word count: 3.7k
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A/n: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.. here’s part 2! No seriously tho, I am overwhelmed with the reaction I got from part 1 of this… good to know I’m not the only one who absolutely loves pervEddie! Again, still new at this so any feedback is welcomed! Please send in requests of what you’d want to see more of! Thank you again, enjoy x
Rushing out the door to his van, Eddie’s heart was racing. He had so many questions and so much to say, but didn’t know where to begin. Why did you play along? How long have you felt this way? Is this some kind of joke? Did you really want him to make a move? He didn’t have time to question things now. He wanted you and from what he heard and saw on that tape, you wanted him too.
He finds himself back at your place for the third time, speeding the entire drive there. A drive that usually takes him ten minutes was shortened down to a mere five. I’m mean, can you blame the guy? He’s been on the edge of an orgasm all day and now he’s got a chance with the person who’s the cause of it all? Yeah, he’s definitely not wasting anymore time. Getting out of the van, he makes his way to your place. He repeatedly knocks real loud on your door which startles you.
“Jesus, what the hell?” You say as you make your way to the door. You open it quickly, only to be left standing there with confusion written all over your face when you find out who it is that’s causing all that noise. “Eddie, what the fuck? Why are you beating down my door?” You ushered him inside and closed the door. “Is something wrong? I thought Wayne needed you?”
“I lied.” He says, not wanting to get into the details of why and only wanting to hurry and make his move. He couldn’t wait any longer and any questions you had would have to wait.
“What? What do you m-” he doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he crashes his lips into yours, holding onto your face with both hands. It takes you by surprise, but you finally settle into the kiss and put your hands on his waist. You had be waiting so long for him to make the first move and here he was, doing just that.
He backs you both up and forcefully pushes you against the wall. He presses his whole body against you, practically trapping you where you stand. He’s got you right where he wants you. Breaking away from your lips, he starts to leave kiss after kiss on your neck. You can’t believe this is really happening.
“Ed- Eddie” you try saying, finding it hard to get the words out at a time like this.
“I’ve wanted this for such a long time, princess, you don’t even know.”
Eddie starts to gently grind himself against you. Groaning at the feeling of friction he so desperately needed, the wave of pleasure it gave him only making him more excited. Without even thinking, his hands move up to the collar of you shirt and rips it right down the middle. You gasp at the sudden ferocious nature of him, but you don’t stop it. In fact, you want more of it. You’re left there in nothing but your panties for him now and Eddie steps back so he’s able to take in the sight of you, in person this time.
“God, you really are beautiful. So fucking gorgeous, baby.” He says as he’s running his hands over your body, admiring every inch.
He leans down and takes one of your tits into his mouth, sucking and biting at it while using his hand to gently massage the other. After letting your nipple leave his mouth, covered in his saliva, he starts to kiss on your body again. He makes his way all over leaving small bruises across your neck and chest, causing you to moan in his ear. He reaches for your hand and guides you to his very prominent bulge that’s begging to be released from his sweatpants. Pulling away from you, he looks you in the eyes with blown out pupils, nothing but hunger can be seen from him.
“You feel that? That is what you do to me, baby. It’s all you. All for you.” He says, out of breath.
“Yeah?” You say with a smirk on your face. “I guess I better take what’s mine then, huh?”
You don’t give him a chance to respond before you’re dropping to your knees. He looks down at you, taking it all in. You looked like a fallen angel to him, so beautiful he could hardly stand it. You toy with the waistband of his sweats and pull them down only to be met with his leaking cock already.
You look up and wrap your hand around him. You gather up his precum and slowly start stroking, causing him to hiss slightly at your touch. “No boxers? How presumptuous of you.”
He chuckles lightly, “You could say I was in a bit of a hurry.”
You smile at him, then slowly lick from the base of his cock to the tip, feeling every vein along the way. You don’t take your eyes off of him as you take him into your mouth.
“Ohhhh, fuck. Look at you, baby, taking me in that mouth of yours so well. You look so pretty with a mouthful of my cock.” You moan in satisfaction at his praises and it causes a whimper to come from him. Hearing him losing control from above you turns you on even more. You can feel your arousal pooling in your cotton panties, leaving a dark spot on them. While one hand is stroking him as you’re bobbing your head, taking him as far as you can go without choking, your other hand reaches down between your legs and starts to play with your clit.
“Shit, princess, are you touching yourself?” Eddie coos. “So needy for this cock that you just can’t take it anymore? Shit. God, your mouth feels so good.”
Without warning, you take him out of your mouth and he stares down at you, visibly pouting at the loss of contact.
“What are you d-”
“I want you to fuck my face, Eddie, please?” You say looking up at him. He could’ve came at just the sight of you like this, begging on your knees for him to fuck your throat.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you know I could never tell you no. Especially not to an offer like that.” He says while smiling down at you.
He grabs his cock and starts smearing the precum and saliva that was already coating it all over your lips. “Open up for me, baby.” You did as you were told and he slowly slides himself into your mouth, the both of you groaning at the feeling of it all. He grabs your hair, pulling it back into a ponytail in his hand so he can have a better view of what’s going on below him. He starts thrusting in and out at a steady pace, just barely touching the back of your throat. Wanting more, you try to push your head further down him every time he thrusts.
“You want more, baby? Hm? You wanna be my cock hungry slut? Wanna choke on my dick until you can’t breathe?”
You look up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he would take it as a sign that you did want all of that. You wanted anything and everything he could give to you. Luckily, he gets the message loud and clear.
“Alright, but remember you asked for this. I’m not holding back once I get started, understand?” You give a slight nod. “Good.”
Eddie begins fucking your face at ruthless speed. He really did mean it when he said he wasn’t holding back. You can feel your spit and his precum running from the sides of your mouth down onto your chest, tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes with every thrust he makes.
“Relax for me, let me get deep in there.” You do and instantly his cock is even further down your throat. You can’t help but start to choke, fighting for air, but that doesn’t seem to phase Eddie. He’s so close that all you are to him now is his little fuck toy he gets to use to chase his orgasm.
“I know, baby, I know. It’s so much to handle, yeah?” He says in a patronizing way. “Just a little bit longer, sweetheart. I’m almost there, I promise. Be a good girl for me and take it, okay?”
You can’t help but moan at the sound of being his good girl. Something about the sound of it had you dripping down between your thighs and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“Oh you like that? You like being my good girl? O-oh fuck.” His hips start to stutter, a sign to you he’s so close. “You gonna be a good girl and let me cum deep down in your throat? Have you swallow every drop I give to you? Yeah you are, you’re gonna take it no matter what.”
You moan once again and the vibration of it sends him into a spiral and makes him a blabbering mess, begging to reach his climax. “Shit. I’m so fucking close. So close. Fuck, oh my god. Yes, just like that baby, being so good. F-fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum. O-ohh fuck. Shit, shit shit shit.”
Eddie pushes and holds himself deep in the back of your throat while you swallow every drop of his cum that you could. Some of it even spilling out the sides of your mouth, joining the rest of the mess you have all over you. He gently pulls out of your mouth and groans at the sight of you. On your knees, covered in his cum, hair a mess with tear streaks running down your face. Even in a state like that, he still thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Once he pulls his sweats back up, he reaches a hand down to you.
“C’mere.” He says as he helps you up from the floor. He wipes away the tears on your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss, tasting his cum from your mouth. This one is more tender than the last, him really taking the time to express his love for you. “You were so good for me, it’s only fair I return the favor, if you’d like.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, not at him, but at the fact he thought that you’d even turn down the offer, especially after what just happened. You bite your lip and raise your eyebrows at him in a suggestive look.
“Bedroom?” You ask.
“Bedroom.” He agrees. He quickly lifts you up and places you over his shoulder.
“Eddie!” You shriek. “Put me down! I can walk ya know?”
“Yeah I know, but after all of that, I think it’s time we give your legs a break.” He walks into your room and tosses you on the bed. “Besides, I’d rather have you on your back for me anyway.”
He makes his way onto the bed, placing himself between your thighs. Leaning down, his mouth hovers over your ear as he whispers, “Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna take good care of you.” His voice alone sends chills down your spine. He begins leaving a trail of wet kisses down your body, from your neck all the way until he reaches the hem of your panties. He looks up at you, asking for permission to continue.
“Please, Eddie, I need it.” You whine.
Eddie huffs a slight chuckle while pulling your panties off, “Be patient, y/n, you’re not the only one who gets to have fun with this.”
You scoff at him. “Fuck you.” How dare he use your own line against you when you wanted nothing more than for him to devour you.
“You will, I promise, but first I need to taste you.”
He lays his tongue flat across your slit, lapping up your arousal that’s dripping from you and makes his way up to suck on your clit causing you to moan for him.
“That’s my name, do you need something?” He does it again, but this time he doesn’t raise back up. He stays there, going back and forth between fucking you with his tongue and sucking at your sensitive bud, making you squirm underneath him.
“Please, I- fuck, more.. I need more..” you beg, trying to keep your legs spread for him.
Face still buried between your thighs, he takes one hand to push your legs farther apart while the other makes its way to your cunt to slowly slip his fingers into you. Hitting that spongy spot within you, it doesn’t take long before your hips start to jerk and legs shake. The sensation of his thick fingers deep inside you, alongside the sucking and nibbling of your clit is almost too much for you to handle. You begin to involuntarily clench around his fingers as your body tries to make it to the finish line.
Eddie raises his head up just for a moment, “That’s it, baby, go on and cum for me. Be a good girl and cum for me. Take what you need, I’ve got you.” Instantly the rubber band inside your core snaps and Eddie keeps his fingers moving to help you ride out your high. “There you go, such a good girl for me.” Once your orgasm ends, he takes his fingers out and pops them into his mouth. Moaning with pleasure at the taste of you.
“Mmm, so good. You taste so sweet, princess. Here, try it.” He comes up to press his lips to yours, tongues dancing around each other in a sloppy kiss. Tasting yourself from his mouth was something you never thought would happen in a millions years, and now that you have, you’re not sure if you could live without it. As you two continue to kiss, Eddie begins grinding against your naked core, the only thing in the way of his growing bulge is his sweats. Desperate to feel more of you, he raises up to take his shirt off. You pause for a moment to admire him like he did you earlier. The way his tattoos decorate his body and the light sheen of sweat forming on his skin already. The pause you took to gaze upon his body in admiration was misinterpreted by him as you being hesitant to go forward.
“We can stop if you want.. you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Eddie, look at me.” You sat up so that you’re able to reach up and cup the side of this face. “I want this, okay? I want you.” Your hand found it’s way back to the waistband of his pants and you tugged on it a little bit. “Now, when I take these off again, I expect you to keep them off, got it?” A smile jumped across his face and he was filled with excitement knowing that you truly did want this. “Yes, ma’am.”
You take his pants off, again, this time making sure he fully steps out of them before throwing them across the room out of the way. With the both of you now fully nude in front of each other, you bring him down to you, placing a gentle kiss on his lips as a way of letting him know it’s really okay to keep going. He takes this opportunity to push you back down onto the bed, and reaches for his cock. He slid it in between the folds of your cunt to lube himself up “You ready?” He asks. You nod and he gently pushes himself into you. Inch by inch he slowly makes his way in until he’s completely bottomed out in you.
“Ohhh, fuck.” You say throwing you head back. Eddie starts to kiss on your exposed neck. “I know” kiss “I know, baby” kiss “just let me know when you’re ready for me to move.” another kiss. You give yourself a few seconds to adjust to his size before letting him know to keep going. “Okay, I think I’m ready.” With that he slowly pulls back then thrusts himself back into you, gradually speeding up to a steady pace.
“Jesus Christ, you feel so fucking good. It’s like she was made for me, baby, she’s just sucking me right in.”
“F-faster.” You sputter out. “Go faster for me, I can take it. I want you to be rough, please.”
With a loud groan Eddie picks up the pace, snapping his hips into you. The lewd sounds of your skin slapping together and heavy breathing takes over the room.
“Is this what you wanted, hm? Wanted me to fuck you so good you can’t walk the next day? Wanted to be a good little whore for me didn’t you? Fuck, just taking me so well.”
“Yes! God, yes! Fuck, Eddie, making me feel so good, so so good.”
“Yeah?” Eddie reaches down to play with you clit, “Does my cock feel good, baby? You feel how deep I am? I’m hitting all the right spots, aren’t I? That pretty pussy of yours seems to think so, she’s squeezing me so tight.” You can feel you second orgasm coming along and can’t help but beg for more.
“Please, don’t stop. E-Eddie don’t stop. Right there, please, o-oh my god. Please let me cum, I’ve been a good girl. I’ve been so good.”
Eddie nearly cums at the sound of you calling yourself a good girl. You had been a good girl, but hearing it come from your lips felt unreal. Pushing your legs to your chest, he’s able to get much deeper than before. “Come on, cum for me, baby. It’s okay, just let go. I’ve got you, let it happen, sweetheart.”
“Oh, Eddie! E-Eddie! Shit. I’m gonna cum. Oh my god I’m gonna fucking cum. Yes, god, yes right there. Yes yes yes.” You can’t help but hold your breath as your orgasm inched closer, and once it peaked, you moaned loudly while gasping for air. Lost in your orgasmic high, you didn’t even realized you had squirted all over yourself and Eddie. It was just the thing to bring him to the edge.
“Holy shit, you squirted all over me. Fucking drenched my cock, baby. Fuck, that’s so hot. O-oh god. Baby, I’m so close. Like really fucking close, where-”
“Inside. Cum inside of me, please, Eddie. I wanna feel it. I want you to fill me up.” Eddies eyes rolled back and he wrapped his arms around your body. Dipping his head down between your breasts, he starts to mumble nonsense. Having a one sided conversation just to help push him over the edge.
“Yeah? Want me to fill this pussy up? Sh-shit.. have you so fucking full you’re still leaking my cum in the morning? Maybe I’ll get you knocked up, hm? You’d like that wouldn’t you, having my baby?”
He wasn’t expecting you to answer any of his questions and even if you had, he wouldn’t have been able to pay attention to the answer right now. He picks his head up a little bit and you can see his chest was flushed with a red tint that went up his neck and to his ears too. Eyes closed and his brows furrowed, his mouth hung open in an ‘O’ shaped manner while a bead of sweat ran down the tip of his nose, dropping onto your chest and rolling down the valley of your breasts. It felt like such an intimate moment despite how rough you were being. His breathing became heavy and uneven as he got closer to coming. His thrusts becoming sloppy and his legs started to shake.
“Oh-oh god. I’m gonna cum. Oh shit..oh f-fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum, baby. Gonna get it deep inside you. S-shit. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Here it comes, sweetheart. Here it fucking comes.”
Just a few more thrusts and Eddie came undone, shooting ropes of his cum deep inside you. Cumming so much it started to spill out of your cunt. He laid on top of you, still shaking from such an extreme wave of pleasure, face buried in your neck. Once your breath slowed down and evened out, he turned his head to look you in the eyes once again, pushing a strand of hair out of the way, and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. He pushed himself up so he wasn’t laying on you anymore. “You ready? This might sting a little.” You nodded at him and he slowly pulled out of you. You hissed slightly because it did in fact sting a little, but it wasn’t anything unbearable. Standing straight up, Eddie started to make his way out the door.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
You chuckled, “I didn’t plan on it.”
Eddie goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm washcloth to help clean you up. Once he was done cleaning, he maneuvered you both to where you were now laying with your heads on the pillows. He laid on his back while you laid on your side, one leg thrown over his body so you could cuddle up next to him. He traced shapes on your back and played with your hair until you fell asleep. He wished he could do the same, but now he has even more questions than before.
He knows all of this means something to him, and he wants to be with you romantically, but did you feel the same? Did you know that’s how he felt about all of this? Would you regret it later? Sure, during it all you both made comments about wanting this, but you didn’t really discuss anything beforehand, so you didn’t know what this was. Would it turn into something more or just be a friends with benefits type thing where you occasionally have sex? Up until that last part, he hadn’t really processed what had just happened.
Oh my god, he thought, he just had sex with his best friend.
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