#just………… puppy normal
llumimoon · 2 years
i don’t know why this is happening but I literally can’t stop thinking abt Normal but as a lil puppy. Like just a little guy. Imagine him like the size of ur palm and shaped like a potato in like a little sweater. Sparrow wdyd I just turned ur son into an ouppy
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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fox-guardian · 1 month
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[ID: A digital drawing of Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives ad Samama Khalid from The Magnus Protocol. It is just their heads. Jon is an Arab man with scarred brown skin and long, curly black hair with gray streaks and a mustache and beard, and Sam is a South Asian man with brown skin, short curly black hair, and a mustache and small goatee. Both have brown eyes that have been drawn as very huge and sparkly. They are giving pleading "puppy dog eyes" expressions. The background is a pattern of sad green and red cat and dog faces, and there is a gold and green "VS" between their heads. end ID]
i present to you all
The Puppy Dog Eyes Showdown
the ultimate battle between our current most sopping wet eye guys among these two podcasts. i beseech thee to cast thy vote in favor of whomever has the most convincing, most unbearable, most Powerful pleading puppy dog eyes out of the two of them.
NOT NECESSARILY FOR THESE DESIGNS ofc, the pic is just there for vibes. please, look into your heart of hearts, what do you believe?
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pup-has-rabies · 6 months
I’m so fucking horny right now, god please I need hot and weird transgender sex rn or I might actually die
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satoru is a puppydog who pretends to be a big bad wolf and suguru is a wolf pretending to be a domesticated dog, hiding his claws and the snap of his jaw (doctors come in and start pulling me away)
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dogd0m-charlie · 5 months
guys. guys i just got gay transgender head for the first time. WHY did no one tell me about this my life has been altered permanently I'm fucking crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm GRRRRARARSRSGGSG RRRUFF WOOF GRRRRRRRRXBJSBSKSNDMD
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jasperyourmutt · 2 months
Need a dom that will run with me tasks until I’m a tuckered out dog. Have me take out the trash, wash the dishes, fold your laundry, replace that burnt out light bulb you’ve been meaning to fix for weeks. My tail will be wagging the entire time, happily asking “now what?” when I’m done. I’ll mow the lawn, clean your gutters, reorganize your closet all to have you pet me, thank me, and tell me I’m your good boy.
Sit back, relax, have me bring you a beverage- I love to serve you <3
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You know what you are? What am I?
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mrgintsu · 1 month
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A lil rant I posted on my IG that I thought I'd share here
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
The Au is Ra has been using the Lazarus pits for so long that causes him to see Danny like a human or his normal Phantom form Ra the only one that sees Danny like that
I love the idea of Deadly Decision getting together but Ra has no idea that Danny is no human he just thinks that Danny has his own Lazarus pit hidden somewhere away from him
Like Danny is full blown glowing white hair, green eyes, Sharp Fangs, an electrical being
Ra point at tall being of Life And Death it looks like he's about to rip you apart: This Is My Wife Danny.
Like sometimes people just ask him if he sees anything unhumanly about Danny and
Ra is like: What Are You Talking About ?
Danny's in the background forming Stars into his hand I'm trying to make himself a new sword
Talia and Dusan we're raised by Danny and Ra they just gotten used to also considering getting to be a normal human they find it hilarious to play along with their other two siblings Dan and Danielle that Mom is human
Slade: I've been meaning to ask what about that monster Ra has locked up back there
Talia: You Mean Mother
Slade: that's your mother I didn't know Ra al Ghul was attracted to on human beings
Dusan: what do you mean unhumanly our mother is perfectly normal he's not even assassin
Danielle walking out of his shadow: Maybe Your Mother Was The Weird One
Dan floating near Talia: Get the hell out how dare you disrespect our Mama
All of them are girlboss, gatekeep, and gaslight people into believe Danny is normal
Damien will give warning that his grandmother does not look like a Human they were all expecting meta not electric being
Danny got so used to Ra al Ghul no his Husban treating him like a normal person when he's like this that he forgot that everyone might not that treat him like that
Honestly? I love this.
And you know what? Danny might need someone like that, who even as his humanity slips away still treats him as human, as not an eldritch creature of Space, of everything Between. Someone who treats him as well, him. Is his and Ras relationship healthy? Well maybe not in human terms, but do either of them count as such anymore?
The idea of the kids playing along is also amazing lol. Especially that Jordan and Ellie? Definitely same hat as Danny. Sure their forms still look sort of human, but that just makes it very uncanny valley. So others and siblings who treat them the same? They need it just as much- if nothing else than to not become so arrogant and uncaring of humanity that they could watch the world end without a blink.
Which, Damian! I bet Danny absolutely adores the grandbaby. I bet he crafts little ice bats and miniature planets to swirl above his crib. I bet he has a literal strip of space and stars on his ceiling. And Damian isn't the only grandbaby too- Dusan has a daughter in some timelines too. Not to mention Ras' adoptive daughter Nyssa, who he gave one of the Lazarus Pits to.
But speaking of Damian, I have to know what that would mean for Jason. Who was practically completely braindead before being thrown into the Pit. Who would have probably met Danny while there because I can't see Danny not also gently doting on another grandson.
Gosh I honestly am just really enjoying this whole thing lol.
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jvnart · 7 months
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Had to sketch the dog man for national puppy day
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pup-has-rabies · 9 months
Being unbearably horny all the time but having nobody in my immediate vicinity to fuck is the price I must pay for being such a pretty little puppy, which is so fucked up. Me phobic if you will.
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beskarfrog · 1 year
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he convinced him to get in
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puppyeared · 3 months
learning abt friendship decay and "not reaching out to your friends for months at a time unprompted is not neurotypical behaviour" has me feeling a certain way
#experiencing some BIG FEELINGS OVER THIS REVELATION#listen i have never ever been bothered abt not seeing someone in a while or making time to talk to them bc in my mind its like not thst muc#time has passed. i mean it with every fibre of my being that when im like 'oh its ok even though we havent talked in a while and have our#own things going on it doesnt mean we're not friends anymore since we left things on a good note 8 months ago' i sincerely believe that#and for the longest time i just thought everybody makes peace with it at some point and not automatically assuming the other person doesnt#wanna talk to me anymore or smth. my longest lasting friendships are with ppl who work the same way i just thouhght that was normal#whatever organ everybody has that makes them reach out to their friends and plan hang outs i probably dont have it#i was already hesitant to ask out Alex bc i spend almost every waking hour doing smth that isnt talking to ppl unless they happen to be in#the vicinity. and at first it was bc i planned on making sure i had everything set up so i dont get stressed out and do it one at a time#but then i find out theres a friendship decay mechanic? and after dating and marrying someone you lose -10 friendship points for every#day u dont talk to them?? actually ive probably been losing friendship points this whole time without knowing bc of this?????#and i notice a lot of my own habits are also reflected in how i play bc ive been avoiding getting close to pierre and marnie since its more#of a professional relationship. like i know theyre npcs but im approaching it the way i would in real life its fucking nuts#i think its a little relieving im playing /as/ a character than myself bc as im playing im just making up little interactions in my head#than approaching things the way i would myself so it takes a bit of the stress off trying to put myself in there as a spectator. but well#being in a relationship demands a certain amount of energy even more so when theyre things that already take up energy on its own#like making time to talk to your partner and make sure they know theyre loved. i dont always have energy to put all my mental focus into it#and this is true for real life so im not really bothered by not dating anyone. but when its a game and i want my character to be with someo#and i know its fully optional and i know i could just apply the same logic to this i dont /want/ to. sometimes i want to experience#the same things other people do at least to a certain degree without the same emotional andmental stakes#no offense krobus#yapping#stardew#stardew valley#puppy plays sdv#sdv#this game has me by the ankles man
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fatedroses · 2 months
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The chaos of god uncle atticus, young zenos, and solus trying to keep them in line.
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taknyanz · 2 months
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aaand some clay doggies. had no idea what to do for the background so we have the grey void
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