#just wanna put him in my mouth and chomp
nebulous-library · 1 year
little acts of intimacy: how they like to be touched - tokrev boys
in specifically a not-inherently-sexual manner. what kind of physical contact with you gives them the warm fuzzies? hcs for a selections of my personal tokyo revengers blorbos, including: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Hakkai, Taiju, Koko, Inupi, Sanzu, Ran, Rindou, and Izana
Mikey feels most at home when he’s cuddled up into your arms, especially if you’re taller than he is. It makes him feel like your teddy bear. 100/10, definite nuzzler. 
Draken likes sitting on the floor by the couch while you have your legs draped over his shoulders, just chilling. Better yet, though, if you start massaging his shoulders or neck, he’ll melt. 
Baji is a sweetie who just wants to hold hands, actually. There is a specific part of his brain that simply demands Hand Holdies. He will feel so loved and special if you hold his hand, especially if you do the interlocked fingers hold instead of the criss-crossed palms way. Also is not opposed to it if you simply rest your hand on his ass. Like, not even in a sexual way, just as a little “hehe, mine >:]” kinda thing.
Chifuyu will fucking melt if you rest your head on him, or put your hand over his heart. Especially the latter, he’ll be so flustered. 
Kazutora likes when you run your fingers through his hair. It makes him feel safe. Like, this is a genuinely therapeutic sensation for him, it’s so gentle and he doesn’t fully understand why his heart swells when you do it, he just wants you to never ever stop.
Hakkai’s favorite way to be touched is when you reach up and put your hands around the back of his neck and stroke his jaw with your thumbs. He’s so shy at the start of your relationship that he can’t always find words, but sometimes all you need is that communication via eye contact. It takes a little time, but that’s the kind of thing that makes his heart flutter – you, holding his face, and looking at him with adoration. 
Taiju’s favorite place to be touched is mid- to lower-back. He carries a lot of tension there and it can be on the sensitive/tender side. He loves it when you’re out together and you sling your arm around him and rest your hand there. When you’re in private, he’ll just flop down on the bed shirtless, staring at you until you take the hint that he wants a massage. Just sit on his ass and work the tension in his lumbar region, he’ll melt for you. Bonus points if you get playful and start writing things with your finger and making him guess. He thinks that shit’s hella cute.
Koko has a few things he likes. Number one is when you pet the buzzed side of his hair and will nuzzle into your hand. Another favorite is when you hold onto his arm when you’re beside him. Just kinda loop your arm through his and hold on. He likes having such full body contact without it being Full Body Contact™️, y’know? Also, adding a little bit of zest to this, he’s 100% a “pull him close by the waistband of his pants” kinda fella. Yes, in a spicy way, but also just in an “enjoying being pressed against you” way.  
Inupi’s favorite thing is when you cup his jaw or rub behind his ear (big puppy vibes, obvi), especially if you’re calling him by his given name. His heart will simply explode. Also like, any time you rest the palm of your hand on his tummy. He just feels relaxed idk. 
Sanzu likes when you sit with him and have your legs across his lap. It’s casual but just intimate enough that he can comfortably squeeze your knee and grin to himself that he’s lucky enough to call you his. But if you wanna be extra forward with him, bite him in front of the others. Hold his hand and just casually bring it up toward your mouth and CHOMP. He knows that means you love him. 
Ran is a surprisingly big cuddler. Whether it’s falling asleep or waking up, he just likes having you in his comfy space — his bed. Non-sexual physical contact is absolutely his jam. Not that he doesn’t love railing you, but man, his natural state is so low-energy. He wants to trap you in his blanket cocoon and just stay like that and watch youtube videos or some shit. Definitely makes a fuss if you break free because the heat is too much, but you will not fully get away from him. He’s one of those “must have some part of himself touching some part of you” dudes. Good luck. Also, bonus: he also enjoys when you braid his hair for him (his arms get tired when he does it himself)
Rindou is also cuddly, but in more of a Mikey kind of way. While Ran is very open with the fact that he wants you to let him hold you, Rin Rin would never be so bold. He’ll pretend that he thinks it’s dumb or some shit, but somehow at the end of the day he’ll always curl up with you. But HE wants to be the one being cuddled. Much more tsuntsun about it than Mikey, who would simply dive into your arms. Treat Rindou like he’s your snuggly little teddy bear. Let him bury his face in your chest while you stroke his hair. Tell him you love him and know that when he responds with a muffled, “......shut up.” that’s simply his way of saying he loves you too. Bonus: if you’re out and about, he’ll lean on you. Like, in the way that tall people do. He won’t mean it to mock your height, he just doesn’t know how to convey that he wants to be touching you when you’re out in public.
Izana honestly probably prefers touching rather than being touched. He likes to have you in his lap, letting him just have his hands roaming all over you. His fingertips will dance along your thighs and up your sides or along your arms. He imagines he’s painting his marks along your skin, in patterns only he can see. He’ll smile to himself and rest his chin on your shoulder. But if you must return the favor, he particularly likes it when you sit beside him and just hold his arm in your lap and mindlessly run your fingers up and down his forearm. 
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agaypanic · 8 months
Fun omg ok could you do the main mbav boys (Ethan, Benny, Rory) and how they would react/feel towards (gn) vampire s/o giving them random little love bites <3
The MBAV Boys Reacting To Love Bites From Their Vampire S/O
Request Something!
A/N: like i do with my headcanons, i did a few short sentences and then a little blurb :)
He likes it
He likes the attention and the way it feels
A kinda dull ache but in a nice way
Occasionally, he’ll do it back
Sometimes, he likes to pretend you bit him to the point of turning him just to bite you back
“Ah! I’m wounded!” Benny yelped, clutching the hand that you had gently nipped at. “I can feel the venom coursing through me.”
“Oh, brother.” You rolled your eyes, stifling your laugh as you watched Benny slip off his bed and onto the floor.
“It burns!” He said dramatically, starting to go rigid before going completely limp.
“That’s not how it works, you know?”
Benny ignored you, staying on the floor for a few more seconds before slowly rising to his feet. He faced you with a wide-eyed stare and outreaching arms.
“I vant to drink your blood!” He said in a typical Dracula voice.
“You watch too many movies.” You said with a giggle before Benny pounced on you, biting at any part of you he could.
Does it back
Like, without hesitation
Since you’re both vampires, you’re not really scared of just chomping down because it won’t affect you too badly
It quickly becomes a silent way of saying ���I love you’
Weirds the gang out a little bit when you do it out of nowhere
Sometimes you leave teeth marks, but you and Rory think it’s funny
“Oh my god, Rory, what happened to your arm?” Ethan looked at his blonde friend in slight horror, gaze fixated on his right arm that was covered in faint bite marks.
“Yeah, Rory, who mauled you?” Benny asked, slightly more amused by the sight than Ethan was.
Rory looked down at his arm, as if he had forgotten that you had practically used him like a chew toy yesterday.
“Oh! That was just Y/n.” The blonde said with a shrug. “But if you think this is crazy, just wait until you see them.” Rory laughed. “I got both of their arms and their neck!”
“...excuse me?” Ethan seemed even more disturbed.
“What? It’s how we say ‘I love you!’”
Kind of freaks him out at first
Especially if you’re doing it after the Jesse incident
He doesn’t really wanna be a vampire
(at least not right now, but that’s a conversation for later)
He’s okay with love bites when you don’t have your fangs out
You and Ethan were in his room, deeply invested in a video game. He was playing while you sat on his lap and watched. 
You had developed a bit of a habit of biting Ethan. Not too harshly obviously, just a light nibble here and there. But sometimes, when you were distracted, like you were right now, your fangs would show.
Eyes locked on the screen, you shifted slightly in Ethan’s lap to give him a little love bite on the shoulder. But before you could take the bite, the game suddenly paused, and Ethan was giving you a serious look.
“Put them back.” He said, hand on your jaw to keep your mouth from getting closer to him. You gave him a confused look, and he gestured to your fangs.
“Oh.” You quickly retracted your fangs, smiling a now perfectly normal smile. “Better?”
“Much,” Ethan answered, hand dragging down from your jaw to your arm to give it a quick squeeze, as if to say thanks, before returning to the game. You made sure to give him a few love bites before resting your head on his shoulder and watching him play again.
Benny Weir Taglist: @batmandallyboy
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clairewritesjjkxreader · 10 months
Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) scenario
Request/Inquiry from @aikothingdream:
“It would be funny to see Yuuji also not like his teacher hitting on Onee-chan”
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Life as a cursed spirit’s “bride” was hilariously boring. 
Gojo described your cursed energy as below average, you had zero martial arts training or talent, and Sukuna threatened Gojo and Yuuji not to put you in danger. 
Yuuji was often busy training, studying, or hanging out with his new classmates. You were happy that he had people to look after him in your place, but without a job or a class to attend, you were a parasite.
To alleviate your guilt, you did everyone’s laundry (minus their unmentionables, even Yuuji's, who furiously insisted he was old enough to wash his own underwear–kids, they grow up so fast *sigh*), mopped the hallways, wiped the windows, and other chores. 
You just finished rearranging the clothes in your cabinet for the second time today. 
You sprawled yourself on the floor like a starfish. 
Free food, no rent. Everything was paid for here. This should’ve been the ideal life, but you were so booooored.
Spurned by the desire to fill the void, you went to the kitchen. No one was around. Of course. 
You searched the cupboard, but only found a half-eaten package of cookies. The fridge had a can of whipped cream on the verge of emptiness and some strawberries.. 
Shutting the fridge close with your hip, you chomped on a cookie and a medium-sized strawberry then sprayed a swirl of cream in your mouth.
“Guess who’s back with treats! I–ah.” Gojo Satoru stopped at the kitchen doorway, a plastic bag full of sweets hanging from his hand. 
A silence fell over as you saw each other. 
He stood there, quietly as you stared, frozen with a mouth stuffed with sugar. 
You: (⊙o⊙)
Gojo: ( ._. )
Gojo: …
Gojo: …pft.
You: …!
You forced yourself to chew faster, but expectedly, the thing that was supposed to be in charge of you and your brother burst into maniacal laughter.
“Oh, man. I gotta take a picture.” He pulled out his phone. 
You wanted to say something, but there was too much stuff in your mouth! 
Gojo continued laughing between clicks and flashes until you started choking like a pelican who swallowed too big a fish. 
In an instant, he was behind you, arms wound tightly around your abdomen. “Please don’t die. It would be too pathetic!”
“Aurgh..!!!??” Translation: You think I wanna go like this, you a&%****!?
With one, strong squeeze, Gojo forced the food out of you. 
“That was close! Good thing I was here or who knows what would’ve happened.”
“Not going to say anything? What’s wrong, nee-san?”
Feeling a vein near popping, you coughed out, “I believe I asked you not to call me that.”
“You’re so cold. Megumi and Kugisaki call you that. Even the second years!”
You had a couple of things to say, but considering that he technically saved your life, you opted to keep them to yourself. “Thank you for the help, now please let go. I’m going to clean this up.”
But as you said this, your knees buckled and his arms shifted to stop you from falling.
“Aw, don’t be like that.”
A giant knife flew towards Gojo, stopped only by his infinity. 
You both turned to find Yuuji standing by the door, panic and shock on his face as he gripped hard on his right arm responsible for throwing the blade. 
“I-I didn’t know how that happened, I swear!”
Sukuna spoke from his cheek. “You damn blue-eyed bastard. How dare you touch my wife so shamelessly?”
“Excuse me?! I just saved her from cho–” 
“Yuuji!” Embarrassed, you pushed yourself out of Gojo’s embrace and walked towards your brother. “Welcome home. Do you have any requests for dinner?”
“I’ve been craving curry rice since this morning.”
“I think we just ran out. I’llgocheckthestorageroom!” Flustered, you rushed out of the kitchen, forgetting your own mess. 
Yuuji quietly went to mop the food you choked out.
Gojo sighed. “Yuuji, what should I do, I don’t think your sister likes me.”
When Gojo met his student’s gaze, it held a surprising sharpness. “???”
“Thank you for taking care of us,” Yuuji’s normally cheery tone was flat as he spoke, “but please don’t bother my sister too much.” 
Later that evening, in Fushiguro’s room…
Gojo: Megumi, why is everybody so mean to me?
Gojo: (˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥)
Megumi: Please leave. 
A/N: I tried to have more fun with this one so I was more liberal with my style. Anyway, I got a few more requests, the products are coming soon!
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever @alastorhazbin @satosuguswife @lumaniii @leahlovesreading @blackstaw @nineooooo @boba--12
Other snippets of this au are found here.
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spaghettitoesforlunch · 7 months
This may be a lil delulu and like projecting but liiiike buff men and just biting them….specially Cod 141 men
Like honestly I just wanna bite their arms so hard but also wanna kiss it as a sorry yknow? Like their broad shoulder…just a lil nip. Pecs? Lil nipple won’t won’t hurt. Thighs…maybe a suck and a kiss leave a mark where no one will see. Fingers?!?? I just wanna naw on them till my jaw dislocates. Like honestly it’s a problem.
But like imagine doing to to price…he’s just doing paper work by his desk, the usual. But you just can’t help yourself when he’s writing something down or typing some boring shit out. It’s like he’s taunting you with the way his biceps just look. Firm and so nice, like they just look so bite able. You just do a little chomp nothing too bad. But he just pauses, confused on what the hell just happened. Trying to comprehend why you just bit him. Are you hungry? Is that what you’re trying to hint at? Like there must be a reason right? So when he asks you and you just reply with a simple shrug he just nods his head a bit confused. But nonetheless goes back to work.
In later experiences when you do have that sudden urge hell just give you a lollipop to suck or munch on. He’s learned about this sort of oral fixation you have. Has noticed after the first time that you do tend to chew on things. So from now on he’ll just keep some dum dum’s in his desk. He learned the hard way not to give you gum cause you’ll just pop it the whole time. Blowing bubbles non stop just cause you like the feeling of that ‘pop’.
But now I’m imagining Simon and his hand…mostly his fingers. Just chewing one or two. He wouldn’t even care. Just continue on with whatever he was doing, just now only with one hand. It might even feel nice to him, like honestly might ground him. His mind focusing on you just chewing, or sucking even, on his fingers. Wouldn’t even mind if you leave marks on him. Might even turn him on. Maybe he would try to shut you up one day with putting his hand over your mouth. But you just bite him. And you bite him, hard enough for it to draw some blood. You licking it up he just stares groaning slightly saying ‘he’ll give you something to lick, he too can play that game.’
I have more ideas to this but it was getting a little long soooo
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la2yn0va · 16 days
So if you are accepting request can you do something like yandere HSR girls of your choice (and include feixiao please) X Male Reader who's trying to kinda keep them from killing some people like Reader gives them puppy dog eyes and "wouldn't you rather spend time with me?"
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Characters: Feixiao, Lingsha, Jingliu
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“See ya around, handsome~” the woman promised, waving at him while walking away. M/n stared back with nervousness, waving back at the woman. hoping his lover wasn’t around. He walked back but was quickly stopped when he bumped into a woman.
“Oh…heeey feixiao…!” He greeted, laughing nervously. Feixiao could only stare at him with possessiveness and malicious intent. “Vixen. Who might that woman be?” She asked, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to her level. (Shorter—Grabs you by your collar and pulls you towards her)
“Oh her…. No one important! Just someone who helped me out with the abominations of abundance!” He quickly explained. Feixiao seemed unconvinced, glaring deeper into his soul “Don’t lie to me vixen! Who is she!” She demanded, as m/n repeated his original statement.
Feixiao growled lowly, soft pushing him away and walking towards where the woman walked “If what you say it’s true, then I should go and thank her…” she said with a smile full of murderous intent.
M/n acted quickly. Grabbing Feixiao’s hand and flicking her around to face him, much to the generals shock. “Hey— come on now…! Your seriously gonna give that random girl more attention then me?”
Feixiao’s eyes glimmered with a mixture of speculation and offense. “What? I’m not giving some nobody my attention over you!” She claimed, now giving you her full attention.
“You sure? You seem oddly fixated with her” “Y-YES! I’m positive! Some nameless woman isn’t gonna have my eyes on them longer than they are on YOU!”
M/n swallowed his nervousness and slight pride, knowing this was a dangerous game he was forced to play. He closed his eyes, silently praying this would work, opening them and trying his best puppy eyes.
“Come on… don’t you wanna talk with me instead?” Feixiao stared with widned eyes. She hadn’t ever seen you like this! Why are you…why’re you being so damn adorable!?
Feixiao’s lips quivered, showing her internal struggle. Her body wanted to just go and murder that woman for daring to call you handsome! But her body also just wanted to kiss you right here and now!
M/n began to sweat as he held this look on his face. In this actually working…? Or is she just trying to freak him out so he can let her go and she goes and kills the woman…!
Feixiao sighed. She hadn’t trained herself to resist that look. So she picked you up and walked off. M/n sighed happily, realizing he had managed to save a woman from his girlfriend’s wrath.
“Don’t think your off the hook vixen~” she sung lowly, before lightly slamming you against a wall “You dare help that woman from escaping MY lesson~? And using those pretty eyes of yours to save her and manipulate my decision~?”
She leaned in, her breath attacking your neck making you jump from the shock of this whole turnout of events. “You’re in for a LOOONG day. My Naughty little vixen~”
She said with lustful intent, licking her lips before chomping down on your neck, making you yelp out a surprised moan. In the end, feixiao still gets her way.
(I’m breaking F2P for her)
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“Thank you for your help” A woman said, shaking m/n’s hand and winking before bringing his hand up and kissing it, as if she were a gentlemen.
M/n froze, feeling a cold sweat drop from his nape. The woman giggled, believing that m/n froze due to embarrassment. “See ya around cutie” “ooohhh fuck…” he said to himself, turning to see an enraged and bloodthirsty Vidyadhara brunette.
“Wait just a mo—” M/n quickly put one of his hand over lingsha’s mouth, much to her shock and surprise. Being forced to watch the woman walk away, she created a small bunny and made it chase after her while keeping your eyes on her.
“WHAT. WAS. THAT.” She demanded an answer, her eyes twitching from anger as she pushed him onto a chair. M/n chuckled nervously, realizing he hadn’t thought this far ahead.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself, little rabbit?” She pinched his ear roughly. “Ow—!! Wait—!!” “ANSWER ME!” She yelled, growing more irritated, her mind quickly filling with delusions.
“I-I just… well… you were paying too much attention to her!” He quickly spouted out, making lingsha freeze and widen her eyes. “…Huh?” She said as m/n realized he might’ve fucked up or is about to save a life.
“Y-You just seemed TO interested in her! A-and well—” “Oh? Is that why you’re worried? Aren’t you just adorable~” she said, stopping her harsh tugging of his ear and moving her hand to caress his face.
“Don’t worry. I’m proving she means nothing to me as we speak~” She said with a dark smile, m/n swallowed decided to shoot in the dark. He tried his best, and morphed his eyes to becoming similar to a sad puppy.
“Come on. Just forget about here… and pay attention to me.. please~?” Lingsha instantly got red on the face, feeling an arrow pierce her heart. Her entire body and focused was disturbed, which also led to the bunny she made completely disappearing.
“You cheeky little… Come here!” She yanked him forward, unable to stop herself from kissing him. She used her superior strength to keep him in place while she increases the intensity of her kiss.
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“You’re a lifesaver pretty boy!” A woman gratefully hugged m/n, who simply patted her head. The women blushed embarrassed at the gesture but then bowed and walked away.
M/n watched her walk away before realization struck him like a semi-truck. He swallowed nervously before feeling the air suddenly grow cold. VERY cold.
He turned to see his girlfriend, a blindfolded woman with light blue hair. M/n swallowed once more, managing to see her eyes through the blindfold. Her eyes glowed red, holding nothing but malice, insanity, and delusion.
“Darling” she greeted coldly, walking towards him. “H-Hey jingliu..!! H-how are you—?” He was ignored. She walked past him, glaring down the woman with pure hatred.
“H-Hey—! Jingliu—?!” He yelled out, quickly jumping infront of her. “You okay…..?” He dragged out the ‘okay’ realizing that was a stupid question. Jingliu patted his face “Get out of my way dear” she warned him, her hand beginning to shake with murderous intent.
“H-hold on—! You’re really gonna pay attention to some random woman and not me…?” He quickly spouted out, trying to prevent the inevitable. Jingliu’s face turned more stoic, her blindfold slipping off to revel an apathetic yet insane stare.
“Is that how you feel dear? Don’t worry. I’ll alleviate your worries~” she promised, kissing him softly and walking off, quickly speeding up but m/n once again stopped her, grabbing her hand.
She flicked her head back, clear aggression in her face. He quickly acted, not think. His eyes became that of a puppy. “Wouldn’t you rather spend time with me…?” He said, seeing jingliu’s face calm into confusion before seeing her blush slightly.
She stared for a few seconds before turning fully to face him, bringing him in closer and cupping his face in her hands. She smiled softly and brought him in for a kiss.
“Forgive me love. But you brought this on yourself” she whispered, before knocking him out. “I will not take the slightest chance with you” She proclaimed. Lifting him up and turning, taking out her sword and running off the end the woman’s life.
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ickadori · 3 months
Dori dori dori! I had a thought and I must ask one out of two freaks (non-derogatory) I know on the internet about their opinions
My favorite thing in the world is watching a man cum so hard it almost knocks him out. All breathy and winded, shaking all pathetically like the needy creature he knows deep down he’s destined to be in the presence of a person like me.
Please tell me you see my vision cause I know you’ve GOT to have someone in your roster that you see like this 😭🙏🏼
cws for fem reader. unedited - typos ahead.
i only did windbreaker men bc that’s my current obsession atm. the only one of these men on my roster is choji, the rest were just for funsies :3 also who is the other freak???? don’t be stingy i wanna knowww
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With Choji you don’t have to do much besides exist - the man is on you 24/7, working himself up into a frenzy all on his own. Cute, quick kisses turn into messy meetings of teeth and tongue, one had clasped on the back of your neck to make sure you can’t get away.
His hands are all over; your throat, your shoulders, your waist, your tits that he squeeze and grope, your waist that he grips hard and uses as leverage to yank you up against him, your ass that he smacks and kneads, spreading your cheeks apart because you always keen and moan when a breeze wafts over your dripping pussy.
By the time he’s pushing his cock into you, girthy with a dark tip, he’s already huffing, cheeks flushed pink with his desire and hairs at his temple curling from perspiration. You suck him in tight, pussy always welcoming him back home when he comes knocking on that puffy clit, and he has to keep his eyes trained on the crease between your brows to keep from coming too soon.
His hips slap against your own, balls wet with your slick and cock frothy from your own cum - there’s a nice, white ring around his cock and he grins as he sees it, gut rolling and a full body shiver wracking through him as he grips a tit in each hand, fingers sinking into the doughy flesh as he finally takes you in.
You’re gasping, lips parted and eyes unfocused, and Choji licks at the sweat on your upper lip, teeth sinking into your bottom one a second later.
“Cho—” You’re cut off when his mouth covers your own, tongue licking at the roof of your mouth and making you squeal into the kiss, and his hips move faster, cock plunging in deeper, your cunt squelching and creaming around him even more.
His entire body locks up when he comes and his breath gets stuck in his throat. His head goes light and his eyes roll, and it takes you pulling him down to fully lay on top of you to bring him back, soft hands coaxing out stuttered breaths and rubbing twitching, spasming arms.
Hiragi is wound up to a 6 on most days, Ume and his blasé, carefree attitude the culprit, along with his treacherous gut, of course - but that’s manageable. A few pills hastily chewed and gulped down for his stomach, and a fist to some bastard’s face for the stress of having to put up with Ume (he loves the guy, really, but damn is he difficult to stomach on some days).
What’s not manageable is you.
You’re a doll for him, you are, sweet as pie and cute as can be - you’re not the problem at all, it’s him. He can’t be calm, cool, and collected around you (when is he ever, really), and he finds himself chomping down pills at a crazy fast speed when you so much as look at him.
You make him nervous, even after all the time you’ve spent together, and some days he finds himself turning into a bumbling idiot in your presence.
A new dress that clings to your curves and dips low in the front? He’s sweating out his hair gel and trying not to stare too hard at the way your ass sways when you walk. A new lip gloss that you gushed and raved about? He’s daydreaming about mashing his lips against yours and smearing it all over. Your hand curling into his as you both walk down the street? He’s thinking about the way you always reach for his hand when he’s buried between your thighs with his mouth latched to your cunt.
Just like now.
His hands are underneath your ass, keeping you propped up so he can properly eat you. His mouth is opened wide, the entirety of your cunt in his mouth, and his cock jumps and twitches in his briefs as he pushes his tongue deep into your clenching hole.
Your slick drips off his chin onto the floor below, and he whines at the waste, mouth moving to close over your hole to ensure every last drop flows down his throat. You cry out and he nuzzles in closer, nose knocking up against your clit as his eyes lock onto your heaving breasts.
“Toma,” you hiccup, hands moving, searching, and he frees up one to give to you. Your fingers intertwine, clammy hands locked together, and he sucks hard again, lips practically making out with your pussy as he tries his damndest to swallow you whole.
You’re shaking under his grip, feet moving to rest on his shoulders, and he’s shaking too, hand trembling in your own as his balls draw up and he fucking moans the loudest he ever has - louder than the sound of him slurping at your juices and the cry you let out when you come, and he comes too, ropes of cum spurting out of his entice tip.
He drinks you down, body sagging into yours, and when his head pounding and his vision nearly goes black he realizes he’s forgotten to breathe. He pulls back sluggishly and sucks in a deep breath, the blasting ac cooling the cum on his face, and you stare down at him with a dopey smile on your face.
He’s gonna need some more fucking pills.
Sakura has finally gotten to a point in his life where can stomach an actual, physical relationship with you. Affection has always been his weakness, and that coupled with the fact that he likes you, really likes, had kept him at a distance from you for the first few months of your relationship.
You had been patient with him and he had been beyond grateful - this shit wasn’t easy, you know? Especially not when you had a girlfriend that looked like you; cute, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, fucking sexy. You made his cheeks burn just by walking in the room, and made his blood rush south just from a simple hug ‘hello’, your breasts pushed against his chest and your scent in his nose.
The two of you had agreed to start off slow, little trials to get him acquainted to touching you, and eventually, you touching him.
He could handle a kiss, a proper one, one packed with emotion and his unbridled feelings for you, he just struggled a bit when you carded your fingers in his hair and invited him in by opening your mouth up. That’s too much - too intimate, too overwhelming, so you hold off on that for another day.
Today, you had decided, was for your breasts.
“I see you stare at them all the time, Haru. You wanna touch ‘em, don’t you?”
He hadn’t even been able to stutter out a lie before your shirt and bra was on his bedroom floor and your tits were out for him to see.
Fuck. Your areolas were big and darker than your nipples, nipples that were as stiff as his dick, and his mouth hangs slack as he watches the way you manipulate them in your hands. Fingers splaying over the soft mounds as you knead them, your eyes trained on his face as you squeeze and shake and bounce and—fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.
“Haruka,” you whine, fingers pinching and pulling at your nipples, and he frantically wipes away the bit of drool that had managed to escape his mouth. “Touch me.”
His cock aches.
“T-Touch you?” He breathes out, bead of sweat traveling down the length of his spine, and his hand, shaking as if he’s some old man with a pharmacy worth of pills on his bedside, reaches out to you. “I can…touch you?”
His fingers twitch as you nod, your glossy lip trapped between your teeth, and god does his cock ache. He grabs you, breath stopping and eyes widening, and his fingers sink into the fat of your too, flesh giving underneath the pressure. Your nipple is hard against his palm and he squeezes again, and again, and again and again until you’re moaning and arching into his touch and his pants are wet because he came like some idiot and his vision is fading out because damn he forgot to breathe.
Suo is used to being the ‘debauched’ one in his relationships. He’s always gone for the reserved girls - the ones who giggle and shy away when he teases them, curl in on themselves when he brushes up against them, shield themselves when he’s got them spread out before him, bare and ready for whatever he wants to give them.
But then he meets you, someone who can take what he dishes and give it back tenfold. His flirting is met with smiles and expectant looks as you spit it back at him, his teasing touches met with bolder, more explicit ones — a brush of his hand along your ass warrants, in your opinion, a firm grab of his quickly hardening cock and a coy smile. A breathless, yet still tame enough for the public, is met with you gripping the back of his neck and messily sucking on his tongue, uncaring of the mess you make in the process.
You’re terrible - lewd, uncouth, wanton, and it’s a breath of fresh air that he can’t get enough of. It’s a constant game of tug-o-war, and you frequently come out on top simply because of the lengths you’re willing to go.
That’s how he ended up in this position, pants and briefs around his ankles as his hands brace themselves against the walls of the bathroom stall. You’re crouched down in front of him, one hand wrapped around the girth of his cock as the other tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your tongue wiggles against the underside of his cock, right on the nerves near the head, and he hisses through clenched teeth, muscles in his lean thighs tensing.
“You should see your face right now, baby.” You giggle, and before he can come up with something witty enough to shut your mouth, you’re swallowing him down until your nose is pressed into neatly trimmed pubes.
His head tips back, nails scratching against the wall and toes curling in his loafers, and a vein bulges in his neck as he fights hard to keep from bucking into your mouth. He’s already been reduced to this in a filthy club bathroom, it’d be a cold day in hell before he gave you the satisfaction of watching him jerk and hump into your mouth like some sexless virgin—like Sakura (no offense, friend).
You hum around him, and he jumps when a hand comes up to cradle his balls, manicured nails rolling the sacs around before squeezing.
“Shit,” he grunts, legs nearly giving out, and his chin drops to his chest as he narrows his eyes on you. You slip him out of your mouth, and he bites his tongue to keep from hissing in distaste.
“What’s the matter, Hayato? You look angry.” You press open mouthed kisses along his shaft, cock jumping each time your lips make contact. “Maybe you’ll look a little happier once I make you come on my face.” His stomach caves in at the thought, and you suckle on his tip, both hands moving to curl around the backs of his thighs as you take him fully back into your mouth.
Your head bobs, cheeks hallowing and tongue licking, and his breaths come quick, hurried, shallow pants and lewd slurping and gagging filling the bathroom. His tip hits the back of your throat and slides in further and Suo stumbles back before catching himself, and you hold fast, nails biting into his skin as you suck even harder.
Suo goes to speak and finds that he can’t, and his balls draw up tight to his body just as you pull off his cock and wrap both your hands around him, twisting and turning and stroking until hot, ropes of cum are landing on your face - cheeks, nose, lips, lashes. You smile through it all, eyes locked on his, and a wave of dizziness hits him and knocks him on his ass back onto the closed toilet seat.
You giggle and coo as you climb up into his lap, hands gripping his face and setting his head straight as he struggles to focus his eyes.
“Wakey, wakey, baby, you’ve gotta clean me all up, remember?”
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 2 Big bear
Halsin x reader
Warnings: AOB, age gap,eventual smut, first times, feelings, tav insert, Angst
I changed this up so fast
Also I fucking lost Halsin because my dumb ass didn’t clear the shadow curse and I genuinely wanna cry
I still got my baby boy, but ugh😭
Previous part <-
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Sleep didn’t come to you though, you were tossing and turning, trying to be quiet for your companions, but gave up. You sighed an ache in your body, a familiar ache. You grabbed your pack and headed to the river and sat down by the bank. Your mind was a little hazy as you grabbed a small vile and drank it quickly. You made a disgusted face and coughed, your hand going over your mouth instantly and glancing back to your companions who slept. You sighed putting the empty file back, you had four left. You’d need to get more for the long journey ahead. Your mind cleared and the ache left, a small potion brewed by an old woman you found willing to get rid of your curse of a rank. You smelt like nothing, nobody knew what you were and didn’t bother you, just how you wanted it. You shuddered a bit rubbing your hands over your arms, you should’ve brought a blanket. You sighed hugging your knees instead as you stared at the lake.
“You’ll catch a cold out here” you jumped almost screaming at the sound of the alphas voice behind you. Halsin chuckled lightly laying a blanket around your shoulders and sitting by you. You thanked him quietly tugging the blanket closer.
“What keeps you awake this night?” He asked and you shrugged putting your pack at your side, away from his view.
“Can’t sleep” you said.
“More aches and pain?” He asked worried and your heart clenched.
“No, I’m alright” you said giving him a small smile and he nodded.
“It’s not my business, but when I healed you the other day-“ he stalked and you froze dreading his next words.
“It is not my business, apologies” he said and you relaxed a little.
“What’s going on over here?” You glanced to Astarion who came to sit on your other side.
“Our friend can’t sleep” Halsin said as Astarion looked to you.
“Really? I can think of ways to get you to sleep” he grinned, fangs on display and you slapped his arm.
“I will rip your fangs out” you fought and he blinked in surprise at your threat before chuckling.
“Cheeky pup, I’d bite your fingers off before that happened” he gave you a playful chomp of his teeth and you smiled.
“What about you bear?” Astarion peered to Halsin.
“I would assume you’d need your beauty sleep big time, do you hibernate?” Astarion quizzed and you snorted quietly shaking your head and Halsin just smiled.
“No, Astarion I don’t” the alpha chuckled.
“Hm, pity, I could’ve used a distraction to get a taste of you” you flushed at his words the vampire had no shame.
“You’re embarrassing the little one” Halsin scolded softly with a smile and Astarion smirked at you like he knew something.
“I’m sure she’s heard it all” Astarion said giving suggestions for you to talk.
“No” you said huffing and he pouted.
“Honestly, if I didn’t know better I’d say you’re a virgin” Astarion moved his gaze to the river and your whole body tensed. Your mind flashed between images and you quickly stood to find the safety of your tent.
Halsin frowned as you got up and left quickly after Astarions comment. He growled at the pale elf who shrugged and left. Halsin huffed and looked to the pack you left seeing an empty vile peeking out. He frowned curiosity getting him as he grabbed it and took a small sniff of the contents. His nose scrunched up and his frown hardened. They were suppressors, horrible medical things to stop ones true nature, it had its affects, aches and pains, nausea, haziness of missing a dose, they were an addiction. what had happened to you? He picked up the pack and left it outside your tent before heading back to his.
You avoided Halsin and Astarion for a while. You were just trying to feel normal again. Your body had taken a toll on something, whether it was the fighting or mental capacity some things took, your body felt it. Gods you felt heavier, weaker, your muscles ached, but you forced through it. At the end of a hard fight though you ended up straggling back, you had puked and groaned as you sat down against a cold wall away from blood. You’d popped an extra suppressor a few days ago thinking it was your omeganess weighing you down. You sensed someone coming though and quickly stood seeming like you were looking for supplies. Halsin appeared a worried look in his eyes before he saw you.
“Are you alight?” He called and you nodded smiling falsely. You picked up some gold from the goblins on the ground as he stopped by you.
Halsin sensed your pain, whatever type it was, you were slower, reactions not on point, you’d take hit after hit, even with Shadowhearts quick healing you looked weighed down. His beast stirred at the thought as did his other nature, he could smell blood and sick? Had you been sick. His nose scrunched lightly as you continued gathering what you could from this small goblin outpost. Your body was tense, you took time to kneel and get up, your brows going together slightly as you went. You looked paler too, were you still hurt?
Halsin just stood there, a light scrunch in his nose, maybe it was all the blood. You tried to ignore the way he just stood there like he was trying to process something a little harshly.
“Hey?” You walked up to him and waved a hand in front of his face. He frowned at your hand before looking to you.
“Come on” you cocked your head going to follow the others, ignoring how your legs felt like dead weight. The group had set up camp nearby, all ready to lie down for the day. Gale had overtaken the cooking again, he disliked anyone melding with his cooking. Nobody took it from him though, he was an excellent cook. You however wanted a warm bath and wine, gods you felt worse than this morning. You left camp for some privacy saying you needed the bathroom. You took your small pack with you and sat down against a big tree. You closed your eyes resting your head back against the bark. You held the pack on your lap debating if you should truely take another suppressant. You grabbed one and fiddled with it between your fingers, surely it’d take the edge off?
“Don’t!” You jumped at the sound of a voice and saw Halsin coming towards you. You quickly hid the vile, but it was too late he’d already seen it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell, but those viles are making you worse” he said worry in his voice.
“Worse? I feel worse off them!” You snapped without reason seeing the hurt across his features as he sat down in front of you, legs crossed.
“You don’t know me or my story, so don’t assume you know what makes me feel worse” why were you feeling so hostile? to this man, this alpha whose kind eyes and soft words never failed anyone. You went to take it out of spite, but he stopped you.
“Please, just listen” he begged and your heart clenched, you were cruel to him. You faltered, tears in your eyes as you shoved it back in your pack and got up to leave, the big alpha calling your name.
“Listen to me for one moment” he grabbed your wrist and you snatched it away from him wiping tears down your face.
“Just go away!” You huffed wiping your eyes going to run again.
“Omega!” He said and your whole body tensed, an unnatural feeling of disgust filling your body. He froze, eyes wide as you began to shake. You went back to camp quickly and quietly, you began to pack your things mind blank and body tense.
“Y/n?” You heard Tav asked as you flinched from them. Your mind switched back on and you stared confused hands shaking.
“Sorry-“ they said frowning before kneeling down.
“Are you alright?” They asked and you nodded nervously.
“What happened? You’re shaking?” Their eyes went to your hands.
“It was my fault” you looked to the bear a little ways away.
“I pressed a button I shouldn’t have” his voice was guilty and pained.
“I must leave, she will stay, I will head my own way” he nodded and your heart dropped.
“Halsin?” Tav asked standing up, but the Druid had already left.
“Karlach?” Tav called the teifling perking up before seeing the situation.
“I got ya” Karlach said coming over and sitting down with you.
“What’s happening?” She asked eyes worried as you watched Tav walk away.
“I don’t-“ you mumbled brain in a mess.
“Hey it’s alright, we’ll just sit here and take a breath yeah?” She smiled warmly and all you could do was nod.
Next part ->
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yoichiris · 1 year
daytime shooting stars | isagi yoichi x reader ✩ a date with a reality show soccer star
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you wave to him happily when you see him running up to you. from far away, he looks exactly like the last time you saw him: in his dorky vest, his hair covering his eyes slightly, with his bookbag slung over his shoulder.
but as he gets closer to you, you can see the difference. he fills his clothes like he hasn't before, the fabric stretching tightly across his chest and his shoulders. he's wider, bigger. you're sure he hasn't gotten taller, but something about him seems grander, towering over you.
"hey, yn!" he snaps you out of your daze, picking you up and twirling you around, "did you wait long?"
you shake your head when he puts you down. "nope," you smile at him, "what do you want to eat today?"
"meat," he grins, grabbing your hand, tugging you along.
isagi brings you to the yakiniku restaurant you guys used to go to after his ichinan matches, even though those days seem so far away now. several people recognize him on the way there while you stand in the background.
"you sure are popular, mr. blue lock," you tease, bumping your shoulder into his.
he blushes, but still asks, "you proud of me?"
your eyes soften. it reminds you that he's still the same yoichi as before, still wanting your praise. you nod, brushing his hair away from his eyes. he smiles, noticing your uncharacteristic silence, and catches your hand in his.
"do you want to eat anything in particular?" he asks softly, cradling your fingers.
you smile cheekily, "anything you want, as long as you pay."
"of course," he puffs his chest jokingly, and you laugh to appease him, "don't you know i'm worth millions now?"
yeah, you think. not the same isagi. but he orders way too much food, with the same expression he's always had when a good meal is mentioned, and you relax again.
you keep an eye on the veggies while he meticulously flips the grilled meat. just like before, you think, picking up a piece of mushroom and sandwiching it with juicy slices of beef.
“say ahh, yocchan,” you prompt, holding up the chopsticks to isagi’s mouth.
he chomps down on the bite with enthusiasm, and you giggle at the look of delight on his face. he finishes chewing too quickly, and opens his mouth for another bite. in return he blows on the hot food for you and feeds you the fattiest piece of pork.
being together since you were young has its perks, you smile. habits like these don’t go away.
“yoichi,” you call to him once you’re outside, tangling your fingers with his, and taking a breath of the fresh air, “will you forget about me when you’re the number one striker in the world?”
he’s surprised when you turn to him.
“why are you asking that?” he questions, tugging you closer to him, “how could i forget my favorite person in the entire world?”
you laugh, pushing him away, “be serious!”
but he doesn’t let you go, catching you around the waist instead and cupping your face in his hands. his eyes have turned serious as he presses his forehead to yours.
“i’m being serious, y/n,” he tells you resolutely, “i could never forget you, and i could never be number one without you.”
you remember his declaration of wanting to be the best striker at nine years old, then again at fourteen, and here is now, at seventeen. you thought those statements had never included you.
but you feel him now, all hard muscles and calloused fingers, and he seems exactly like the yocchan that would kick a ball with you on the playground.
“okay,” you reply, stealing a quick kiss from him, “do you wanna get dessert?”
he grins, "yes, and i want another kiss."
you press your lips to his again, surely this time, and you feel his arms tighten around you. greedy, you think. ambitious. the isagi you've always loved.
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
know you.
billy lenz x afab!reader | softcore!nsfw | msub!billy, light bondage, oral fixation
a/n : this is my first writing thingie on here, so i hope you like it. it’s just self indulgent stuff for my man. p gn, it’s mentioned you got a puss once or twice, but other than that, eh.
the fact you managed him into the chair was a feat all on its own.
billy didn’t make it easy for you, he didn’t think it would be fair to you. he knew you could take him. he’d watched you for a long time; he studied all your details, memorized all your features, and came up with a perfect little picture in his head. he’d use this mental photo to play out scenes, just like the one he found himself in. it was one of his favourite fantasies, in fact. he’d told you about it, muttered it under his breath one day while rutting against your thigh, and you had grinned so devilishly. he could see the amusement playing on your face, and though you tried to hide it, he knew you liked the idea. billy knew you so well.
so when he had been misbehaving, pressing all your buttons and nipping at your heels - and you had pressed his face against the wall, hands pinned between his shoulder blades while he yelped and snapped his teeth, he only felt excitement. he feigned annoyance, but the arousal and anticipation was making his body ache. it got even worse when you had dragged him by the hair to a chair, and while he squirmed, you pulled his arms taught to his side and secured them to the seat. he had been so busy spitting meaningless threats, he hadn’t even noticed when you got his legs too.
now there he sat, feeling silly. billy felt like a mutt, all wild eyed and disheveled. he felt like barking, and it bubbled up in his throat like bile, until he spit out rough and coarse barks at you.
“oh, stop it, you brought this on yourself!” you snapped, and it made him choke on his sounds. they became hacking coughs, wheezing yelps, anything he could push out while his arms flexed against the binds. “what’s gotten into you?”
he pushed his chest out, back arching against the chair. “what’s… what’s gotten into you?” he mimicked, his voice coming out soft and high. he bucked his hips up, fucking the air. “wanna get into you! billy’s gonna get his f-fat cock into you!” he spewed.
you sighed heavy, crossing your arms and walking around his chair slow, inspecting. you knew this game. he wanted to be punished. he behaved so well lately, always being helpful and kind and soft with you when he could manage. this was planned, an orchestrated tantrum, and one you could play along with. better to give him what he wants, especially when it’s something that you’d enjoy too.
billy could feel your eyes peeling back every layer of his skin, and it made him whine. it was like putting salt to a wound, but it felt so good. he pushed his crotch up into the air again, gaining little friction from his jeans, but enjoying the way your eyes were locked onto his bulge. he knew you. you couldn’t resist, he knew.
“you’re being very bad, billy. a very bad boy,” you tutted, finally standing in front of him again.
“y-your bad boy… piggy’s bad boy…” he muttered, as if it was a correction.
“if you’re mine, why don’t you listen? why be such a brat? do you just like causing trouble?”
“g-gonna have trouble fitting my cock in your t-tight cunt… tight piggy cunt. you want it, i know it, you… you fucking want it! you want it!” his words were coming out like barks again. they lacked the bite he wanted, as he snapped his teeth and gnashed out the syllables.
billy knew you saw right through him. but, he didn’t expect you to step up between his legs, and shove your fingers into his mouth. the violent movement of his jaw stopped immediately, not daring chomp down on your digits, and his tongue moved to cushion your fingers. he looked up at you, gaze softening.
he knew you, but you knew him better.
he didn’t hesitate. replacing his threats was the sound of over-exaggerated sucking, small whimpers spilling from between your fingers. he loved having his mouth filled by you in whatever way possible. it soothed his head. it kept all those nasty little thoughts from tumbling out. and the way you watched him? it felt like he was laying underneath a ray of sunshine through a window. it felt right to be in your gaze. it was perfect.
he didn’t care he was tied down anymore. it was like tranquilizing him. sure, he still drooled all over his sweater and your hand, and sure he still sputtered out a muffled “p-piggy” or two when he could, but it was like you had hypnotized him. and it felt good.
he was hard, you saw that. he knew you did. you kept glancing down, biting your lip when you saw how he twitched against the fabric of his pants when you pushed your fingers a little deeper into his mouth.
finally, you pulled them out. you wiped them on his front.
“are you gonna keep being a brat?” you asked, hand creeping up to wrap around his throat.
“n-no… billy’ll be good… promise…” he all but groaned out, using a deeper and coarser tone.
you nodded, beginning to tug at the bottom of his sweater, reaching to the waistband of his jeans.
“my good boy. i know you will.”
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andromedastarrs · 5 months
Miguel O'Hara - Random Headcanons, All SFW! :)
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Y'all enjoyed the other post a lot so here-- have some more of my brain rot! All of these are just fun things lol, interactions and quirks!
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If he spots you and notices that you have bad posture, he'll point it out and tell you to straighten up. Even if others are around. "Unless you wanna live with back pain till the rest of your life..."
Clean cursive would probably be his preferred font to write in. When he prints his letters it's a total mess.
Definitely does not tolerate people who chew with their mouth open. He will glare at you, grab his plate, and move away.
Takes freezing cold showers. Headcanon because every health nut/gym person that I've met says it's the best for muscle recovery.
Doesn't like to watch TV in his free time, he's in front of screens all day. He spends it instead reading books, cleaning up his living area, putting on music and resting on his couch to let his mind relax.
Loud dad sneezes. Doesn't apologize for it.
Likes his coffee black. On his rest days though, he will add a little milk in there to treat himself.
Will order the biggest burger off the menu and successfully chomp at it with no issue. A part of me also thinks it would be in character for him to order a small meal and eat very... Well, he'd eat like a princess. LMFAO.
Is not religious but very respectful of every religion. I think if he were to have a spiritual S/O and they practiced a religion he didn't know much about he'd wanna learn about it by asking them questions.
I am TIRED of the racist Miguel allegations. I am a firm believer that because he is half Irish and half Mexican, if he were to be present in front of a racist, he wouldn't tolerate it. Also headcanon that he's not the arguing type. He'll just throw them out a window (exaggerating).
He loves cats and dogs, very gentle with both. Knows how to treat both correctly too. Doesn't own any pets though, he's scared of losing it one day.
Silently cries. Even when alone he's very quiet. His eyes get very red and so does his face, very quickly. No puffy eyes tho!
No time for skincare, but he's into biotech... Probably assuming too much, but if he could then why wouldn't he; he probably concocted some sort of "one in all" skin product.
On that note his hygiene is on point! He'd probably be so upset if he ever stunk.
Definitely dyes his hair. I do not believe that he doesn't have a single grey strand up there. If his S/O once said they liked the grey hairs, he'd probably chuckle... And then keep dying it anyways.
I think he'd choose to wear shorts over pants when given the chance to... Even jorts. It's ok, he looks good wearing them!
I think he'd like silver jewelry even though gold looks better on him. (He can pull off both *lip bite*.)
Doesn't like designer logos printed everywhere over his accessories/clothing.
Am i the only one that thinks he works out via Pilates AND weight training? Gotta stay flexible and stretched!
Likes to meditate, almost never has time to do so.
Sleep talker!
Very self aware of his size; hates accidentally coming into contact with other people.
Caught up with modern lingo in most places, doesn't participate in conversations surrounding it. "Have you heard what lingo the kids are using? It's absolutely bonkers--" "Yeah."
Try to talk to him in a silly language (think of that skibidi toilet shit), he'll respond instantly. Don't get the wrong idea, he won't be amused by your antics.
If he doesn't show interest in you then he's not interested in you. I'm a big believer that if you were crushing on him, you'd have to wait for HIM to show interest. Otherwise all your flirting will be rendered useless.
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littlebouncybunnie · 7 months
Nifty Agere HCs
Spoilers for the Show
I'm surprised I haven't seen this done yet tbh
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♡ The scene where Angel holds her while she cries and asks "Hey... You wanna play with the kitty?" She's definitely a little and I think Husk is her CG, especially with how patient he was when she got handed to him
♡ Husk has a little shelf just for her under the bar, so the minute she's little, he can just reach down and grab a sippy cup for her
♡ He makes sure to keep a supply of juice or chocolate milk for her. ("What's my little lady want today, hm?")
♡ Her main CG is Husk, a close second is Angel, and Alastor comes in a third since he had to learn what it was, how to handle it, and even after that it took him a while to get used to it, but once he did he was more than happy to watch over her
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♡ She has one of those little popping vacuum toys she rolls around when she's little
♡ I definitely think she calls Angel 'Mama' and he's perfectly okay with that
♡ She plays dress up with Angel, and then has him walk her out to show Husk, who always has a compliment at the ready for her. "Well aren't you a pretty little princess?"
♡ She surprisingly enough gets along great with the Egg Bois, viewing them as playmates
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♡ She's a biter, she's bitten Husk more than a few times
♡ It wasn't until Angel came along that he finally taught her, "If you need something to chew on, just tell me, and I'll get you something to bite, okay?" (Husk continues to ask himself why he didn't think of this first)
♡ She's never bitten Alastor, he seemed to just automatically know, since the moment she opened her mouth to bite him he was quick to slip a teether into her mouth as she chomped down
♡ She's gone through so many pacifiers, she keeps chewing them up, but lucky for her she's got three caregivers who can easily get her more
♡ She wanders off a lot
♡ Husk is able to keep an eye on her most of the time from the bar, calling out occasional reminders, "Hey Niff, stay where I can see you, kid."
♡ Angel lets her hold his hand and has no issue keeping up with her
♡ Alastor puts her on a kid leash
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♡ Husk calls her nicknames like "Kid," "Kiddo," "Little Lady," or "Sweetie,"
♡ Angel calls her things like "Baby," "Hon/Honey," and "Princess,"
♡ Alastor tends to stick to "Darling,"
♡ This kiddo asks for uppies and to be held all the time, but whether or not she behaves depends on the caregiver
♡ With Husk, she'll be held for maybe five minutes before she starts playing and tugging on his ears, earning soft reminders to be gentle
♡ Angel can hold her for as long as he wants and she'll behave
♡ With Alastor she'll sit on his arm for up to ten minutes tops (he times her now) before she gets energetic and tries to slip out of his hold to go run off
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m-jelly · 1 year
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@ladycheesington <3
Testing Levi
Pairing: Mafia Levi x Fem Reader
Warnings and tags: Future AU, established relationship, teasing, suggestive material, dom Levi, possessive Levi, pet name babygirl used
Concept: Levi takes you to one of his clubs and lets you dance in the VIP area as he watches. After a while, he pulls you along to a meeting he has but you get a little antsy and start teasing your man as he's trying to work. After the meeting, Levi punishes you just how you want it and tells you what he'll do to you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi sat back in the flying car as he tapped on his communicator. He heard you shifting in the seat next to him which caused his attention to move from his communicator. He looked over at you as you wiggled in your seat and gazed out the window as the neon lights danced off the raindrops dragging on the glass.
Levi turned his communicator off and grabbed the inside of your thigh. "You really wanna get out there, don't you?"
You gazed at your lover and grinned. "Yep!"
He massaged your thigh and hummed. "Kiss."
You leaned over and gave him a kiss. "You can have as many as you like."
"Thank you." He climbed out of the car when the door opened. He reached in and pulled you out. "Do you want a drink?"
You hummed in thought. "I'd love a cocktail."
"Sure thing." He led you to the VIP part and ordered your drink as you started dancing a little. He sat down and watched you dance a little. "Babygirl?"
You hurried over to him like the good pet you were. "Yes, grumpy?"
He sat you on his lap. "Drink your drink. I have a meeting to go to soon and you know I like you to go with me."
You held your drink in both hands and started drinking. "Mm, yummy."
Levi wiped your bottom lip with his thumb. "You're the yummy one."
You giggled at his flirting words. "Love you, Levi."
Levi kissed your neck. "I love you so much." He moaned your name. "So very much."
You kissed Levi a few times before getting off his lap and returning your glass. You moaned as Levi hugged you from behind and pressed his body against yours. "Levi."
He nibbled your shoulder. "Don't run from me."
"I was just returning my drink."
He picked you up making you giggle. "You're coming with me." He put you on your feet and kept his arm around you. "It'll be a boring meeting for you, so if you want to nap you can."
He led you upstairs and into the meeting room. He sat down and put you on his lap. "You are so beautiful."
You nuzzled the crook of his neck. "And you're handsome."
He looked up as a man entered. "Ah, you're on time. Good."
You zoned out of the talking as you sat on your lover's lap. You shuffled a little causing Levi to grunt. You smiled a bit and moved again to make sure you rubbed his soft cock. You kept moving causing Levi to grab your thigh tightly to stop you.
You huffed a bit and moved on his lap a little. You opened your mouth and chomped on his neck. You smirked as he shivered at your teasing bite. You sucked hard before running your lips along to his Adam's apple. You dragged your tongue up the curve before kissing a little.
You ran your hand up his chest before kissing along to his ear. "Play with me."
You growled when Levi patted the inside of your thigh to tell you to behave. You grabbed his hand and started kissing it. You licked his finger before sucking a bit. You saw the man Levi was having his meeting with was watching you closely. You stuck your tongue out at the man and focused on Levi again.
You moved Levi's hand back to your thigh. You pushed it up more and more so he was lightly grazing your panties. You moaned as Levi gripped your thigh hard. You squeaked as he yanked you across his lap and sat you with your back against his chest. You huffed as Levi held you in place.
You placed your hands on Levi's that rested nicely on your lap. You wiggled your bum and started sliding up and down on him. You giggled when you felt Levi getting rock-hard against your bum. You squeaked as Levi yanked you against him and held you so it was impossible to move.
Levi sighed. "We're in an agreement then, correct?"
The man nodded. "Yes. I'll make sure we repay you for our mistakes." He got up and bowed. "Thank you for seeing me."
You watched the man walk to the door and slam it behind him. You nibbled your lip and knew you were in big trouble now. You had played with Levi and were sure the dom you loved would be released. Your teasing was an indication that you wanted to play the roles with him.
Levi growled. "Babygirl, you were very naughty."
You got up and mewled. "I was very well-behaved."
Levi shot to his feet and turned you to face him. He lightly grabbed your neck and purred. "You need to be punished."
You moaned at him. "Yes."
He picked you up and cradled you in his arms. He moved down the hall to his private office. He sat in his office chair and put you across his lap. "I think a few spanks will do, don't you?"
You giggled. "Yes."
"Safe word?"
He rubbed your bum. "Good girl. Now, We'll start with spanks and then I'll fuck you like you've been gagging for it. I'll ravage you just the way you're craving for. Tch, so naughty getting horny in front of another man. You are my cute little whore, babygirl."
You purred. "Yes, Levi. I'm all yours."
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skzhera · 1 year
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Straykids: A variety show incident.
It was one of those regular days with schedules and classes and events to attend. They had it all in check till later afternoon when they had 30 minutes to themselves. They gathered in one dorm to just chill and spend some time with each other while not being trapped with cameras and managers. Felix, IN and Han went to Lix’s room to play some video games, Seungmin was in the kitchen making a cereal bowl of Hyunjin and himself while Hyunjin sat on the counter. Changbin was scrolling on his phone, Lee know was peeling some fruit for everyone while Hera sat on the ground beside him (not really helping, just waiting for him to be done so she can eat.) and Chan sat on the couch beside Changbin, simply surfing through Netfilx.
*Ah I don’t like these men. Such big pussies*
*Language. And, I know they are mean for no reason. Especially to foreigners, but we just gotta do this one.* Chan tried making sense to Hera, despite not being so sure to himself.
They were supposed to go on a comedy show with Doni and Coni as it’s hosts. They have had shot with them before, multiple times rather, and have not particularly enjoyed their company. They have been funny, no doubt, but have also made some baseless, insensitive comments about all of them, on and off screen. The first time they shot with them, they made comments about Changbin, that he didn’t take to seriously, but it affected the junior members of the band.
*Oh c’mon Chris! You know they are horrible! We have had enough encounters with them to know that. At least now we can cancel on them!* Hera tried, really hard.
*Let’s give them one last shot at this, if not, we won’t schedule anything with them any further…?* Lee know tried justifying the situation while continuing to peal the fruits.
*As if we haven’t had enough!
Do ya’ll even remember the amount of times they have insulted us?
Calling Bin ugly!
Whacking people with hammers on their head!
Making fun of Felix on MULTIPLE occasions for not being able to speak when put on spot!
Teasing me relentlessly for being a complete outsider!
Calling Hyunjin ‘Just a visual!!’
The list goes on and on! We are just encouraging them by constantly ging to their show!* Hyunjin and Seungmin simply nodded along gravely, while chomping on their cereal. 
*Well, when u list it all like that, it does sound awful..*
*Because it is!!*
*Well, since it’s already scheduled, we have no other option but to go. Now, lets get dressed.* He slowly got up, clapping his hands together, exhausted and low-key given up while agreeing with all Hera just mentioned.
They got ready and arrived at the set. They were getting some touch ups done while ignoring all the ‘Funny’ comments Doni and Coni were making about how they all look tired, ‘Kids you’re age can’t get tired’, how they are just a bunch of Idol- looking individuals but look at how far they have made, etc.
Hera kept ignoring, decided to keep her mouth shut for the evening and just get through with it.
Somewhere around a thirty-minute mark, while playing a game, the duo began making strange comments about Hera. They were having a good time but regardless, making some racist comments about Hera every now and then. Hera kept ignoring the first couple. Once she couldn’t, there was a minute with Lee know held her back physically from making a scene.
But when that didn’t stop, Chan got up.
*Excuse me, I’m sorry. But can we stop filming for a couple of minutes.
Sir, your comments about my members are getting a little out of hand. I wouldn’t wanna name big terms and scar you off, but please be mindful.* Chan spoke in a firm tone, he rarely ever used with the kids.
The hosts on the other hand, did not take this seriously. They simply smirked within themselves, mumbled some unconvincing Okays, and decided to start filming again. Although, right before the cameras got rolling, they made another comment about how idols their generation would be able to take criticism, unlike these ‘Babies’.
A few minutes later, it was Hera’s turn to take part in the game. While she stood between Doni and Coni, the members could notice the a change in her as well other members’ demeanor.
Yet after a while, they made another comment about her Indian heritage, and began mocking her actions.
*Alright that’s it. Thank you.* She took a bow to both hosts, and simply began walking off the set. The hosts began laughing, thinking it was some sort of a joke since she didn’t seem too serious.
Chan and the members got up, smirked and began walking off when the hosts finally caught on.
*Woah, wait. Where are ya’ll going? She’s a girl she can’t take care of her emotions! You guys don’t need to go.*
*Man, I think it’s high time you understand-* Chan was politely trying to tell them off when Changbin cut him off.
*We are done with you.* Changbin said, as he kept walking off.
*I hope we never film with ya’ll again!* Lee know yelled in a sing-song manner. That was followed by Hyunjin and Han’s high-pitched laughter.
That was one of the incidents that was somewhat almost covered by Korean News but JYPE managed to shut it down before it got out of hand. The show’s episode was never filmed and nothing ever aired. The fans were glad when later in one of the lives Lee know candidly spoke briefly about how an episode was supposed to come out, but because of certain issues, it didn’t.
They did get their managers a little pissed at their actions, but Chan was more than just proud for them to stand up, and was willing to listen to them get yelled at for a little bit. Hera's Masterlist!
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harringtonstilinski · 10 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Six: The Monster
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 2,879 Warnings: lil’ bit more angst, canon violence (aka; steve gets his ass kicked) Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I’m sorry this is late! We get a small Henderson!Sibling interaction in this chapter! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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“I just don’t understand why we’re coming out here,” Carol said from the backseat. “She obviously doesn’t wanna talk to you.”
“That’s… that’s not it,” Steve said.
“Oh, really?” I said. “Because no girl in their right mind would wanna blow off King Steve.”
“She took the words right out of my mouth,” Carol said.
“Liv, you saw her,” Steve said. “She was acting weird. Something was wrong.”
“She’s stressed because of Will,” I retorted. “So am I, but so what? Who cares?”
“You’re worried about her?” Carol asked.
“What?” Steve and I asked.
“Aww, he is!” Carol leaned forward, putting her arm around Steve, saying,” Aww, Steve has a heart.”
Taking her arm off of him, Steve asked her to stop as she moved to the backseat.
“Oh, Stevie’s in love,” Tommy boasted.
I shrunk in my seat, getting very uncomfortable. I crossed my arms and looked out the window.
I’m not sure if Steve sensed my uncomfortableness or was just tired of the two in the backseat, but I jumped and looked over at Steve as he shouted, “Shut up!”
He looked over at me, saying, “Sorry,” in a quiet voice, knowing that I hate loud noises due to my anxiety. 
Steve pulled up next to the Wheeler house, and I just… looked at it. I felt Steve’s eyes on me, so I looked at him. “I’ll be right back.”
I nodded, tightening my arms. I hated that Steve left me in the car with the two popular wannabe idiots. I watched Steve climb up to Nancy’s window when Carol asked me, “So, how long have you liked Steve?”
“What?” I asked, confused. I looked back at her, seeing her smiling while chewing on her gum. I sighed, “You’re annoying,” while turning back towards the front.
“What was that?” she asked.
“You look like a damn cow chomping on that gum.”
Steve entered the car just then, demeanor completely changed. He looked over at me and the look in his eyes told me he saw something he didn’t like. He tilted his head just a little, his tell tale sign of him asking me a specific question. 
I nodded my head, sighing. “Yeah,” I whispered. “I’ll stay.”
After he took Carol and Tommy home, Steve and I rode back to his house, the tension intense. I looked out the window, playing with my fingers. When I looked over at him, he was just… calm.
“Do you wanna…” 
“No,” he said.
I nodded my head, afraid he knew we were lying to him earlier.
When we got to his house, he put the car in park and killed the ignition. We sat there for a moment before he just… got out. I looked down at my fingers, taking a few breaths. I half expected him to have already been in his house, but when I looked up, he was waiting for me at the front passenger tire.
I got out and closed the door, following him inside his house where his parents actually sat in the living room. Did they acknowledge us? Nope.
Steve and I went straight to his bedroom, him going to his pajama drawer as I went to the phone in his bedroom. I called my mom, letting her know that I was going to be staying at Steve’s and that I would call her in the morning.
When I turned around, Steve was standing at the foot of his bed holding a pair of sweats and another one of his shirts that I loved. I grabbed them and went into the bathroom to change, quickly brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush I found. 
I went back into Steve’s room, finding him sitting on the side of his bed before I sat down next to him, facing him with my legs crossed. I looked at my hands and waited a moment before asking, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Did you know she was with Byers?”
“With him, with him? No, I thought she was with you.”
“No, I mean hanging out. Is that why she ditched me today?”
“I really don’t know,” I said, looking back down at my hands.
I felt the bed move as he got up. Watching as he paced the room, I said, “Steve–”
“You’re lying to me.”
I sighed, closing my eyes. “I knew they were hanging out.”
“Dammit, Liv.”
“But I didn’t know he was going back to her house! I know they started hanging out a little because of Will going missing–”
“How do you know him?”
“I babysit Will from time to time. Dustin, my little brother, is best friends with him, as well as Mike, Nancy’s little brother. We all know each other.”
He sighed. “I can’t believe this.”
“Can’t believe what?”
“That she’d cheat on me,” he whispered.
“Do you honestly think she’s cheating on you?”
“Why else would she be hanging out like that with that weirdo?”
“Why are you so obsessed with this?”
“Because he had his arm around her!” he all but yelled.
“You put your arm around me! What the hell is the difference?”
“She’s my girlfriend! You’re my best friend!”
“Maybe they’re friends now, Steve. Have you ever thought of that?!”
I could feel the anger rolling off of him, so I did the one thing I used to do when he would get this angry with his dad; I wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed my ear to his chest. I could feel him trying to resist until he put his arms around my shoulders and sighed. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just a little upset.”
“I understand,” I said. “And it’s okay to be upset.” I looked up at him, into his beautiful brown eyes. “Just don’t take it too far.”
He kissed my forehead, just like he used to and suggested we lay down. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep to the sound of Steve’s breathing.
When I woke up the next morning, I heard him say, “Yeah. Today. Theater. Just get everything and get down there.”
I sat up and rubbed my eye a little, yawning. “What’s going on?”
He looked at me, walking back to my side and sitting on the mattress. “Nothing. Uhm… do you wanna hang out again today? I can take you home, let you shower and change, check on your mom and little brother.”
I smiled a little. “I’d like that, thank you.”
He changed into some normal clothes for the day, telling me it’s okay if I left my clothes. 
“I’m not sure you want me to do that.” He looked confused, so I told him they were Nancy’s clothes and that I’d probably better take them with me. 
We left his house a few minutes later, arriving at mine about ten minutes later. He’d asked me to meet him at the movie theater a little later, and I agreed, thinking we’d be watching a movie.
After I went inside, I showered and changed, running into Dustin in the hallway. I instantly hugged him, asking him where he was after the funeral. I could feel the confusion running off of him, so I pointed down the hall, silently telling him to go along with it. He gave some bullshit excuse that even I didn’t believe. 
He asked me to go with him to Mike’s house, so I followed him on my bike, letting him know that I had to meet Steve at the movie theater in just a little while. We walked into the Wheeler’s basement, seeing that El’s tent that Mike had set up was torn down.
Mike sighed before saying, “I just… I can’t believe she didn’t come back.”
“She’s gotta be close,” Dustin said.
“Wait, back up,” I said. “What do you mean, didn’t come back?”
Dustin quickly explained to me about how while they were following the magnetic field, they kept going around in circles. Turns out that El was using her powers to mess with the magnetic field. She threw Lucas back with her powers at one point and he went home mad as all hell. El ended up disappearing while Mike and Lucas were fighting.
“She said it wasn’t safe,” Mike said. “She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn’t betray us.”
“Mike, calm down,” Dustin said.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I never should’ve done that.”
“Wait, you yelled at her?” I asked, arms crossed.
“I didn’t mean to!”
“Mike, this isn’t your fault,” Dustin said.
“Yeah, it’s Lucas’.”
“It wasn’t his fault, either.”
“Look, I’d love to sit here and figure out who’s fault it was for whatever happened, but I have to go,” I said. “I have to go meet and help Nancy with something.” I kissed the top of Dustin’s head. “Be safe, and please for the love of God, make things up with Lucas.” 
I walked outside and got on my bike, making my way to the theater where Steve was standing at the bottom of a ladder while Tommy H. was on the top of it, spray painting All The Right Moves with Nancy The Slut Wheeler.
“Oh, my–” I said, covering my mouth. I looked at Steve, who had an apologetic look on his face. “Don’t you dare. You could’ve called her and broken up with her, not do this.”
“I bet she’s with Byers right now,” Steve said.
“Maybe! I don’t know! I’m not her keeper!”
He sighed and looked back at Tommy, who was climbing down the ladder. When he saw me, he smiled and said, “Come to join the party?”
I rolled my eyes and went down the nearest alley, sitting on a concrete step, Tommy going back to his spray painting on the wall. I just shook my head and looked down at the ground. A pair of shoes came into my view, so I looked up to their owner; Steve.
“Look, I’m really sorry I dragged you into this,” he said, looking almost… regretful. “I know you don’t like this, and I know I’m the one you dragged you here. Just–”
“I won’t say anything,” I said. “Unless she asks.”
He lightly chuckled as Carol was telling Tommy that he wrote like a three year old. He moved a little out of the way as I went to stand, looking at what Tommy was doing.
“Wow, Tommy,” I said, sarcastically. “I didn’t know you could spell. I guess you did learn something last year.”
Nicole snickered as Tommy turned to face me, eyes moving up and down before he said, “Yeah, well, at least I don’t hide shit.”
“Aw, hey there, princess,” Carol said. 
I looked over and watched as Nancy made her way towards us. I scratched my temple and moved to stand beside Steve.
“Uh-oh,” Tommy said. “She looks upset.”
“Shut up, Tommy,” I said.
I watched as Nancy slapped Steve on his cheek out of nowhere. Moving to stand kind of in between them, I held my hands out a little, saying to Nancy, “Calm down, Nance.”
“Calm down?” she asked, voice quivering a little. She looked at Steve and asked, “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” Steve asked. “What’s wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can’t believe that I was actually worried about you.” He looked at me for a split moment, eyes asking for backup.
“What are you talking about?” Nancy exclaimed.
I sighed and said, “I wouldn’t lie, Nance.”
“You don’t wanna be known as the lying slut now, do you?” Carol piped up.
Looking back at her, I said, “Shut up, Carol.”
“Speak of the devil,” Tommy said. 
I looked over and saw Jonathan standing behind Nancy. She turned and looked at Jonathan before looking back at Steve, asking “You came by last night?”
I just looked at Steve looking down at her as Carol said, “Ding, ding, ding! Does she get a prize?”
“Carol, knock it off,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Look, I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t like that,” Nancy tried to explain.
Steve’s eyes went up to look at the oldest Byers boy and said, “What, you just let him in your room to–” He blinked and looked back at Nancy before finishing his sentence with, “Study?”
“Or for another pervy photo session?” Tommy asked.
Reaching behind me, I hit Tommy in his stomach. “Shut. Up.”
“We were just–” Nancy said.
“You were just what?” Steve asked. “Finish that sentence. Finish… the sentence.”
She looked at me, asking me with her eyes to back her up now. A few more seconds went by and I took a step towards Steve. I knew exactly what they were up to today and I know that she needed me, but I was kind of upset at her for ditching me for Barb. I wasn’t about to let Steve hanging by doing what she did to me.
He scoffed and said, “Go to hell, Nancy.” He took a step back towards me as Jonathan took one towards Nancy.
“Come on, Nancy,” Jonathan said. “Let’s just go.”
I grabbed Steve’s arm because I knew exactly what was about to go down, but he lightly shoved my arm away while addressing the Byers boy.
“You know what, Byers?” Steve said. “I’m actually kind of impressed.”
“Steve,” I said.
“I always took you for a queer, but I guess you’re just a screw-up like your father,” he said, shoving Jonathan as they walked.
“Steve!” I started walking towards him, trying to get in between him and Jonathan so that something bad wouldn’t go down.
Steve just kept trying to keep me behind him as he continued to taunt Jonathan. “Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That house is just full of screw-ups.”
“Steve!” I exclaimed at his choice of words.
“You know, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised,” Steve continued. “A bunch of screw-ups in your family.”
“Jonathan, leave it,” Nancy said at the same time I said, “Steve, stop it.”
“I mean, your mom–”
“Steve, stop!” I said.
“I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother. I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, it’s a disgrace to the entire–”
Nancy and I were yelling at Steve to stop antagonizing Jonathan, but he wouldn’t listen to us ‘cause Jonathan just turned around and punched Steve right on the left side of his face.
When Steve turned to me when he got punched, his shoulder bumped mine. I couldn’t move as I watched him turn a little towards Jonathan. He put his hand on my stomach to push me back as I said, “Steve, no!” to no avail.
Steve launched himself towards Jonathan, wrapping his arms around the oldest Byers boy, putting him on the hood of the car behind them. Steve then got a better grip on Jonathan sending him down the concrete below.
“Steve, stop!” I said, sternly. Again, to avail.
Steve got on top of him for a second before Jonathan rolled them over as Tommy said, “Kick his ass, man!”
“Steve,” Nancy and I said.
He ended up kneeing Jonathan in his side to make him get off of him. Steve tried standing as Jonthan did, the Byers boy getting the advantage by punching Steve in the face again.
“Get in there, he’s going to hurt himself,” Carol said. Wow. She actually does have a brain.
Tommy shoved Jonathan off of Steve, which gave me the clearance I needed to try and get in front of my best friend to talk some sense into him, but as I got in front of him, Steve put his hands on my shoulders and lightly pulled me out of the way as he said, “Hey. Hey! Get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here!”
Tommy moved as Nicole wrapped her arms around me, trying to keep me in place. We all watched as Jonathan swung at Steve, who ducked before landing a punch to Jonathan, who swung another punch at Steve, causing him to go down. 
“Jonathan, stop!” Nancy and I said.
“Stop! You’re going to hurt him!” I exclaimed, slightly struggling to get out of Nicole’s hold as Jonathan punched Steve again.
Steve went to the ground and Jonathan kneeled next to him, bringing him up by his jacket and punching him again.
“Cops!” Tommy said.
“Shit!” I exclaimed, looking down the alley.
“Jonathan, get off of him!” Nancy yelled.
Three punches, a lot of yelling about cops, plus yelling at Jonathan to stop punching Steve and him also accidentally punching Callahan, Tommy finally got Steve off the ground.
Tommy and Steve started running just as Callahan and I made eye contact.
“Back to the station for you,” he said to me. 
“Shit,” I said before I bolted away from him, going in between Tommy and the car parked in front of me. I didn’t stop running until I found Steve’s car, asking him for his keys. All I could hear as we were running was Callahan calling my name and saying that I was in big trouble and sooner or later I was gonna find myself at the station again.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! i have no excuse why this late. i really don't. but, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad with them. atb is the only thing i have motivation to post for at the moment.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on December 12, 2023
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madamegixxysticks · 10 months
Skylanders Trap Team Trappable Villains in a nutshell
(This was just because I was bored. Treat it like Vegetable Justice and don't be offended easy if I roast your favorite one.)
Sheep Creep: The first baddie you shove in that emerald hammer, sorta like your first bug type with a pokeball.
Broccoli Guy: Useful... For everything not fighting.
Chompy Mage: Beloved old loon since 2012
Cuckoo Clocker: Where's the fighting element? No problem! Put him in life!
Shield Shredder: I guess they would've put you in tech, but all the chairs were taken.
The Gulper: A walking sin of Gluttony
Slobber Trap: Hey, boy! I think the Earth Element was that way.
Chill Bill: Was cool before it was cool.
Brawl and Chain: Somebody needs to give him a teddy bear, STAT.
Cross Crow: I guess water comes from your arrows...?
Threatpack: NEEERD-
Tussle Sprout: Hey, wanna swap elements with Cuckoo Clocker?
Chomp Chest: Yeaaah... That chest wasn't sus at all!
Grave Clobber: Why did you change to water in Imaginatiors...?
Golden Queen: Entitled to all the gold in Skylands, is female, and yells a lot... Is she Skylands' Karen?
Buzzer Beak: Uhh... Okay.
Dreamcatcher: Oh... How she'd dream of having a better fight... Oh wait, Pain-Yatta and Hood Sickle have that? And they're in the same level as her?
Krankenstein: Are you trying to copy Jet-Vac? Is that why you're in Air?
Bad Juju: Why you don't mess with voodoo.
Bruiser Cruiser: Hey, your mech is kinda clever.
Shreadnaut: Double trouble!
Brawlrus: You gotta pick him!
Krankcase: Dude, you can take the hat off, you don't need to put that other hat ON TOP OF IT.
Trolling Thunder: How does THAT fit in the trap WITH him?!
Mab Lobs: What's with mirror people and facial hair?!
Bomb Shell: No another "Should be in tech"!
Pain-Yatta: Everything about you is great!... Expect the evolved form.
Rage Mage: Brocc but not useful.
Chef Pepperjack: How did you get into that baking contest?!
Scrap Shooter: GARBAGE DAY!
Grinnade: I'm sure Activision would've been sued if you didn't get a mouth.
Smoke Scream: Mr. "I have the best Skystone", which is better than KAOS.
Masker Mind: Green is not a creative COLOR.
Hood Sickle: I think my bestie has a crush on you.
Wolfgang: First you break others' eardrums, now you copy off of Snap Shot in Imaginators?
Eye-Five: You're lucky I'm convinced you're a living plushie.
Blaster-tron: Systems indicate: You are a very cool bot.
Lob Goblin: Not again with another "should be in tech"!
Luminious: Actually, I got nothing. You're good.
Eye-Scream: Would I need to call a dentist or an eye doctor...?
Fisticuffs: I guess you're meant to be like the Pokemon version of the Dark Ty- er, Element?
Nightshade: ...Now I'm going to give the "Worst Doom Raider Fight" medal to you. And that's because I can't think of any way to fix yours!
.... Basically the Joker, but bald, the size of a dwarf, and has nothing to do with clowns... He's a metamorphic one.
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piastrinorris · 1 year
how would older!tom grant react to you just randomly biting his big, beefy bicep?? like maybe you’re a bit sloshed and the urges™ are just too strong to resist, so you just…
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like you don’t sink your teeth in enough to truly hurt or to draw blood, just enough to satisfy the urges™.
what’s his reaction???
ik, in canon, ruth bites into like his pec and he’s just like “oh??? … erm, ok.” and accepts his fate, but like… what’s older!tom grant’s reaction??? what’s his response to you randomly sinking your teeth into his beefy bicep??
(prior to seeing jq in that clip from hoard, i would’ve never considered myself a bitey kind of person… but here we are)
oooooh i have the PERFECT mental scenario in my head for this!!
okay so let's say it's been a friend's birthday, or a friend is leaving town, or it's a big work event. for whatever reason, you two went out for dinner with a big group of people, and even though you didn't drink loads, the couple of drinks you did have definitely hit you quicker than they would have when you were in your 20s. not enough to go off the rails or anything, but you're both definitely a little buzzed from it. (this is important, i prommy)
anyway, when you get back home, you guys slip into your usual night-time routine. tom gets in the shower first while you're doing your thing (maybe you're the sort of person who likes to get dolled up so you're taking all your accessories off, maybe you're more chilled w your appearance but you go around making sure the flat isn't a total bombsite once you wake up with an inevitable headache, whatever it is you do), and while you're in the shower, tom does his thing of getting into his singlet + undies (specifically YOUR fave visual there cass heheh), making sure you've got a fresh bottle of water beside your bed for the night, and settling in himself to scroll through reddit or whatever
you go and join him in bed and obv you wanna cuddle up to him bc a) he's tom and b) maybe you get a little extra affection-needy when you've been drinking. however, i think tom's the kind of drunk who literally cannot multi-task to save his life. he'll do whatever you want, but it has to be a "right, we're doing this now, let's go" kinda thing or else he'll just space out. so you're sat in the bed waiting for him to realise and at least put his arm around you while he reads, but he's too engrossed. (again, not ignoring you deliberately, he's just a lil dopey, bless him) you poke him in the arm, and he makes a weird sound but still remains scrolling through his phone. and so, with the last remnants of the night's alcohol taking your inhibitions away, you lean down and just press your teeth into his bicep. not a full on chomp, nothing painful, just enough so that he definitely feels teeth digging into him.
so he looks over with a Classic Tommy G Look™ like:
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and you just look up at him, mouth still on his arm, and he just starts laughing, "what are you doing there, you wazzock?"
(wazzock is a term used in the general midlands dialect as an alternative word for like. idiot, silly goose, etc. there's a specific dialect where tom's canonically from, though, if you want to look up the sort of things he'd say, here's some good examples + i'm more than happy to try and help navigate what some words and phrases mean/are supposed to sound like lol)
anyway, you explain that he wasn't listening to you so Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures and he laughs it off with you and wraps his arm around you for the night
except as time goes on, you start realising that actually, even though you've only done it the once, you miss the feeling of biting tom's arm. it doesn't help when the weather gets warmer so he's wearing tank tops and short sleeves all the time and just... putting them on display, it's torture. so any time you're running on autopilot, or you just really need to do something impulsive, you'll go up to him and bite his arm. at first it still takes him by surprise a lot and makes him laugh, but eventually, he just sort of looks at you like, "y'alright?" and you'll just nod and he'll nod back and carry on doing whatever he's doing
besides, he totally gets you back for it when you guys are getting intimate. he doesn't bite anywhere that'll be super obvious, you're not teenagers leaving hickies on each others' necks, but he'll leave a nice little toothy bruise on your inner thigh, or just beneath your breast, or on your hip. just so that whenever you catch a glimpse of yourself in the shower or whatever, you're reminded that he can bite back, too 😌
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