#just uh prob not as much as these two <3
reinemichele · 11 months
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Hope you guys like tentacles because uhhh
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sillyzel · 7 months
✨The Amazing Digital Circus Hunters AU
The players in the circus are playing Caine’s game, “HUNTINGG” or maybe, uh, they’re like bounty hunters with powers..
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Each player has unique abilities and can be used when they’re “hunting” for stuff in Caine’s game! Just-, Just that, simply.
(More under the cut)
Each of the players have unique abilities. Or, yeah, weapons. They use the weapons to help hunt stuff, of course. OR to KILL stuff. Players are kill-able but will respawn. Cuz, why not? If you’re an NPC, maybe you might just, die, yeah, die.
What are they hunting for?? Duh, it’s like, for ranks or smth. Higher u rank, more powerful u become, but when u get killed by anyone, well u gotta start over again. Who knows what u can achieve if u keep that first place…
Pomni - Police… with a sword.
Pomni is… yeah, that. Why? Bubble just thinks it’s cool. Yeah, she does have a gun too. Pomni’s sword can get longer and shorter, but it is limited. Sword can electrocute some bozos, but needs charging after 5 uses of electro-power thing blah blah. Gun? Normal police gun.
Ragatha - Bare hand fighter, most of the time.
She is, a bare hand fighter. KICK AND PUNCH, yeahhhhh, but uses the spear sometimes. She keeps about 3 spears in her back. Rather than using the pointy part, She usually uses the wooden part more. Pointy stuff has poison. It stings and it hurts making the area that got cut/stabbed with that feel numb. Possible cramps, ig…
Gangle - Chainy chainy stuff with a slim cutter on it’s end.
Gangle’s… weapon, can cut OFF your limbs… BUT that’s rare! Only if she did it right. Usually only cuts deep… nvm, it depends if she is using it the riiiight way! The chain can go longer, with limit, of course! Making the chain go shorter takes more time.
Zooble. I can say Zooble is like, an alchemist? Only if it’s fire-related. Basically, ya know, Staff with fire magic. BUTTT staff might lost its control sometimes. Zooble can use the staff, whenever. There’s always a “water-looking” bottle attached to the stuff. That thing is minimizing the chances of the staff to lose control. Also minimizes the fire a bit. Zooble can take it off, for about 20 minutes while using it. More than that, it burns the whole tent.
Jax - PEW PEW guns
Some sick guns. Yeaaahhh let’s goooo!1!1! 2 small guns and 1 big gun. 3 in total. The two smaller guns work differently. One works very fast and shoots 3 bullets at one click. One just shoots one per click, doesn’t deal much damage, but will make the enemy feel not-so-good and pass out, sometimes. Big gun? Fast, big bullet. Uses are limited. Only 3 times a day.
Kinger - DARK MAGIC GUY?!?!?
Exorcist? Dark magic? Whatever. Magic book. Yeah, he uses magic book to make and control magic. Just like Zooble, Kinger’s weapon can lose control too. Rarely. Magic book has no limits. The magic just- won’t work well if it’s closed. Quite hard to keep it open, y know.
BONUS - Links Abt this thing yes.
I have a feeling it’s not gonna be so “noticed” by other people, but I enjoyed making it while boredom.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Vinsmoke Sanji x male reader
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Wano Sanji>> 😍🧑‍🍳💋
I won’t tolerate any hate for me writing Sanji x a male reader if you don’t like it block me :)
Sanji loving a male has two possibilities of how it happened: A) an au where he’s bi or smth or B) he loved women until you. Now he respects women and loves you!
let’s go with B for the sake of making you feel as special as you are 😉👌
honestly from here you can basically just read any Sanji headcanons and know what your relationship is like so I’m not gonna repeat the traditional sanji things 😅 but from now on male reader will be heavily implied/mentioned :3 💗
Sanji as a boyfriend is a great punching bag if you have anger issues and sparring partner! 😁 if your a hot headed person he’ll let you punch him as many times as you want til you get all your emotions out. He knows what it’s like to bottle it up and he’s rather have you take it out on him then implode it on yourself. Now, others he doesn’t care about unless they’re a woman. Will still side with you tho
”hey watch where your going!”
- you
”excuse me??”
- random woman
”please excuse us, my lady, my lovely boyfriend~ (😍) is trying to get through”
- Simpji
Sanji is really strong so as a sparring partner he’s great! You can tell him to stop holding back as much as you want but you can’t rely on him for that. 😊 He would rather just be used as a punching bag honestly, he doesn’t wanna hurt you!! 😓 Will be 00.1% less lenient if your strong like the monster trio buuuut not a big difference. He’s not underestimating you at all! You can tell by his constant praises on how strong you are- but he just doesn’t wanna hurt his DAAAARLING FUTURE HUSBAND~ (😍)
if your weaker, he insists you won’t have to train much because he’ll always protect you. Just like he has the instincts to detect a woman’s tears, he now has the ability to tell if you need help! His heart will clench and his stomach will twist before he darts off to find you without a word (despite worrying your crew-)
Will spar with you if your really serious about getting stronger to help protect you and your crewmates. But he might suggest you get a weapon built by Usopp (or Franky) first.
”MY LOVELY BOYFRIEND IS SO KIND~ HE WANTS TO GET STRONGER TO PROTECT EVERYONE!~~ The rest of you jerks better be grateful!! 😤 -not you! Nami-San! Robin-Chwan!”
No matter your body type Sanji will dote on you! 😘 ABS⁉️ AN ALL OUT NOSE BLEED!! YOUR SO HANDSOME HE JUST MIGHT PASS OU- 😴 A dad bod?? 😍😍 AWOOGA~ Sounds sensual and sultry to him 💋💋 On the chubbier side? STILL HOT!! Mwah! Come over here sugar lips 😜
- his words not mine 😚
his dates can vary from really romantic to more casual, depends on what type of guy you are. If your in tune with your emotions like him you guys’ll probably seem a lot more cheesy- IN A GOOD WAY‼️💗 Otherwise, if distant or just put up a front, etc then he’ll tone it down. His side of the party will still be uh, not necessarily dramatic but dramatic, on the other hand. What I mean by that is he’s still a simp but your dates won’t be so cliche, at the least. More so activities like festivals, carnivals, roller skating, all that good stuff!
of course he can always arrange a time on the merry/sunny for a food date where he cooks all your favs!…one prob tho..Luffy. 🤦‍♀️ Actually, a good time to get away with a dinner date is when Luffy’s not around! And by that I’m talking when he’s on an island exploring and Sanji tells the others to go on ahead, leaving you two alone on the ship! 😁👍
Sanji thinks your so cool when you fight tbh. It doesn’t matter how strong or weak you are, you’ll always look tough while fighting 💪 If your weak he’s got your back!! Of course, likewise if your strong, but he worries 0.1% less if you are. He will forever be concerned about his boyfriend’s well being 🤷‍♀️ At the very least he knows you could handle yourself on your own if there’s a 0% chance that he can’t come to your aid. (He will always show up for you 🙏)
The op men seem to be more annoyed with Sanji’s simp behavior so if that’s you….it still won’t change anything…feel free to kick him tho! He’ll let you 😘 He has a nose bleed after too (not only cuz you kicked him but bc you looked hot while doing so 😍) Yeah the grind never stops, and that’s on simping 😜👍
Will let you call him any nickname! Or insult- you could practically hate him and he’d still be your loyal lap dog 🐩 Bro is down on his knees down bad 😭🙏 ‘Even when he calls me crude cook~ HE’S STILL THE MOST GLORIOUS MAN IN THE WORLD!~ 😻” If your pet/nicknames are more romantic or loving it’ll give him an even worse nose bleed for sure. He gets butterflies either way- of course. 😂
If you were to ever get hurt he’s going to quite literally hurl his boot at their face, and I’m not implying he takes his shoe off. Naturally, this outcome only happens with a man. If a woman is beating you he will prioritize your safety and run away with you. Or distract her so you can get Nami or Robin.
⚠️Skip if you haven’t watched Whole Cake arc⚠️
(Now, for a head’s up idk how Sanji’s fam works bc I’m not on whole cake yet-) Sanji’s family will likely diss him even further for being a man who likes other men. Reiju might support him- but his father will be utterly disappointed! ‘Now he can’t even marry a women to strengthen they’re bloodline!’ (Sanji’s dad<< 🙄) But don’t worry ik for a fact his super awesome boyfriend came through to save the day 🦸
(Back to regual hcs, mini Whole Cake spoiler over 👍)
This hc right here kinda gn but he will give you the biggest, happiest, silliest smile ever if you compliment his eyebrows. Or at least say they don’t look silly/you like them. IK he’s not necessarily insecure of the look overall but bc his doesn’t look like his family’s eyebrows, but it still makes him feel better about it ❤️‍🩹
so yeah please do compliment him on it 💗
I don’t really like to talk about who’s the “dom” in the relationship but I’m gonna mention it just this once and hear me out‼️
He’d be so flustered if you were!! Like?? Your taking care of him?? Being protective over him?? 😻🙏 AWOOGA- 💥 (he passed out) You could practically demand anything from him anyway but imagine him having a nose bleed all down his face as he stutters out a “yes sir” and immediately gets on the job 🙌 Bonus points if you have a deep voice 🤷‍♀️ (Not even in a suggestive way, btw, just genuinely having rizz 🤪🙏)
Or maybe he’s the “dom” He’d be so happy to take care and protect you, as he always is. But this time he cranks up his flirting game x200. Like he’s actually trying and not just using simp, servant, slave rizz (LOL- 😂)
Think about him leaning in real close to your ear, lowering his voice, before saying “I’ve cooked you a meal 😏” (or smth I ain’t the rizz master-)
You get my point! Case closed ok? Point is he’d be a lot more smooth than a simp. Ya got me? Good.
Edit: I added more! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Reqs officially back open!! Now I’m just gonna freelance and write from my list
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youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
“Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?” — Elvis x reader
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Summary: you take your daughter to her first show of her daddy’s, and she makes quite the appearance on stage with him. a/n I was kicking my feet writing this lawwwwd I love dad!elvis
Pairing: dad!Elvis x mom!reader
Word count: 881
Warnings: fluff!! Dad!Elvis being domestic <3 probs typos tho sorry
Elvis was playing a few shows in Memphis, so he got to relax around the house in the morning before having to head down to the auditorium at lunch time.
“You coming tonight, honey?” He asked, walking into the kitchen, planting a kiss on your head, just as you were putting your daughter in her seat for breakfast.
“We’re coming, Elvis.” You smiled, his eyes lit up as he clocked what you were saying. Overwhelmed with joy and excitement, he coddled you into his arms, kissing you all over, before lifting your daughter up and tossing her into the air, cheering as he did so making her squeal and giggle.
You handed him her bowl of blueberry and honey oatmeal, letting him feed her. He popped her back into her seat, “Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?” He asked, giving her a spoonful. She laughed and nodded in response, reaching her hand out for another scoop.
“What do you think of daddy’s singing, darling? Is he a good singer?” You asked her, placing your hand on the back of Elvis’ neck as he fed her.
“Loud, daddy.” She commented, making you both laugh.
“She’s not wrong.” You added, placing two plates of French toast, decorated with berries on the table for you and your husband.
“She didn’t say bad so I’ll take it.” Elvis laughed, waiting between bites for her to tell him she wants more food.
That night, you and your daughter, Vernon and both your parents sat off to the side, by the end of the front row. Y/d/n sat on your lap with her headphones on, bopping and dancing and singing with delight as Elvis performed one of her favourites, Patch It Up. At the end of the song, the audience roared, cheering and clapping, your daughter copying everyone around her. The audience settled down, with Elvis pausing for a moment to have a sip of water. Y/d/n perked up with a giggle and squeal, her excitement impossible to contain, “Daddy!”
Immediately, as if almost instinctively, Elvis’ attention was on his daughter. Of course, as any good parent would, he would’ve been able to pick his child’s cry out of thousands. She cheered for him again, reaching up as she’d realised he’d spotted her. A grin spread across his face at her.
“That would be my daughter, y/d/n,” he chuckled, his eyes shining with pride.
With a playful twinkle in his eye, Elvis made his way over to where you were sitting, kneeling down on the stage beside you. You rose to meet him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as he leaned in to kiss you tenderly, earning a cheer from the crowd.
Taking your daughter into his arms, Elvis rested her on his hip, taking another sip of water from the bottle, which she quickly stole out of his hands and helped herself to. He took the opportunity of having a free hand to place his mic back in the stand. The audience watched in awe as Elvis interacted with your daughter, his love and adoration for her shining brightly on his face, “Can you say hi to everybody, honey?”
She mumbled a small ‘hi’ and squashed her face against his chest, becoming shy.
“Uh, yeah, this is y/d/n Presley. She’s 4 years old. My beautiful wife, Y/N, is down there too, and my daddy and my in-laws,” Elvis spoke to the crowd, bouncing her around in his arms.
“Blue, blue.” Your daughter mumbled, waving her hands about.
“What was that, sweetheart? Want to sing with Daddy?” he asked, and you could quite literally hear the smile on his face. He pointed to the mic, encouraging her to give it a go. At home, she definitely took after her father, she loved singing, always making noise, much like him.
He held her up, she pressed her lips to the mic, “one for the money, blue blue shoes,” her little voice sung, filled with enthusiasm.
The audience erupted into cheers and laughter at her adorable rendition of the famous song. Elvis and you chuckled along with them, giving each other a loving glance.
“Alright, you heard the boss, everybody this is Blue Suede Shoes,” he declared, shooting a wink in your direction.
As the band struck up the familiar tune, Elvis pretended to hold your daughter like a guitar, strumming her gently as she giggled with delight. He put her down, letting her dance around. You watched in awe as your husband and daughter danced and sang together on stage, the love between them obvious.
After the song ended, Elvis scooped your daughter up into his arms, planting a kiss on her cheek before turning to address the audience, “Alright, say goodnight, sweetheart.”
With a wave to the crowd, your daughter bid farewell before Elvis handed her back to you, his strong arms lifting her down to you. The audience erupted into cheers and applause once more, as he got back to the show. Afterwards, he was just beaming with happiness. Usually he’d make one or two comments about what needs to be improved or changed be he had nothing but praise for everyone and everything, you could tell it was a very special, very important night for him. Y/d/n was very exhausted, falling asleep in the car ride home, and Elvis just could not stop mentioning how funny she was and how proud of her he was.
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starry-eyedblog · 7 months
Request for a prnaddict!reader x ghost? You two just became pretty good friends, sharing things about yourselves. Simon shares his recent addiction to cigarettes when you just casually drop that you have a prnaddiction.
side note: Just left a function and its 2am. overheard this scenario unraveling in a balcony earlier. Am too tired to be horny so i left and now leaving this for u if you'd like to :3 goodniiiiiight~
oooo this is such a juicy idea!! also disclaimer, i ken that this probs wouldnae happen in the military where they restrict other soldiers on personal things like smoking but this is FICTION so i dinnae care :3
warnings/tags: simon x gn reader, smoking addictions, porn addiction, smut
it's a friday night, and the bar you are sat at is bustling with bodies. it was starting to get too much so you decided to step out for some air and a tipsy smoke. as you push the heavy door out, the nippy air sweeps in and instantly cools your flushed skin.
a soft sigh leaves you as you step around the corner and pull out your packet of cigs, sliding one out and holding it between your lips as you search for your lighter. once you feel it in your back pocket, you fish it out and spark it up. as the flame lights up your face, this is when you notice the mammoth of a man stood next to you, desperately trying to flicker his lighter to life.
he curses quietly and you look away, lighting up your own fag before silently passing over the lighter to him. he looks up, a black surgical mask hooked beneath his jawline and showing off a pretty gnarly scar across his face. "cheers, love." he grumbles, taking the lighter from you.
you nod silently with a soft smile before taking a long drag from your fag, holding the smoke in your lungs before slowly exhaling. you watch the smoke dance up into in the air for a moment before turning to the man next to you who's chuckling softly.
"like an angel sent from heaven, don't know what i would've done if i couldn't find a lighter." he mumbles as he brings the fag to his lips and inhales. you laugh quietly at his words, taking the lighter back from him.
"no big deal, glad to be of service." you joke with a smile, gently tapping the ash off your fag with your fingers. "i'd be the same if my vibe charger died." you mumble out, but the mysterious man hears you.
"that so?" he questions, and you blush as he turns to you with the fag hanging from his lips. "uh, uhm yeah. all got our own sin or poison, or whatever the saying is." you say, taking a long drag from the fag. he asks for your name, which you give him before asking the same.
once the two of you exchange names, you prompt him about his smoking. "so, addicted to nicotine huh?" you ask, watching him take a long drag from his fag. he nods silently, looking over at you as he slowly exhales the smoke.
"calms my mind and gives me something to do," he shrugs, watching the way you look away from his eyes. "and what about you? can't get enough of a wank?" simon teases and you snort.
"guess you could say that, is it a crime to love porn?" you question with a flushed face, unable to meet his eyes as the two of you smoke outside of the bar together and chat about your addictions.
simon looks back up at he night sky, staring at the bright stars before responding. "didn't say that love," he mumbles before continuing. "each to their own."
months down the line and the two of you are helping each other out - in reality you are only helping the other further aid their addictions.
simon is unable to bring fags now when he gets deployed as they pat him down and confiscate them. a mark now on his file from price to not let him smoke since he's been caught out on his addiction.
so to help, you'll send parcels with fag packets in bulk that he can hide in his room. he has a few secret smoking spots on base where he is sure to be alone and left like that for hours.
when he's back, you'll have him over and fuck him while watching porn together. he indulges in you, sometimes picks out videos that he likes and wants to show you which rots your brain even further.
oh and he fucks you so well, one of the best fuck buddies you've ever had. makes you cum multiple times before he's even got his cock stuffed into you. he likes to grab your jaw and force you to keep your eyes open while watching video after video.
it's a perfect little transaction almost that the both of you have, and no one bothers you about your addictions now. both of you realise that it's unhealthy and if others found out, they'd be disappointed but screw them.
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starhvney · 5 months
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𝐂𝐖: bullying, fighting, slight mention of blood (bloody nose)
𝐀/𝐍: me after writing this in one day :3 sleep? nuh uh
𝐖𝐂: 5,100 +
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the morning air felt perfect against your face as you resisted falling back asleep while standing in front of aphmau’s house. the red door that distantly stood in your vision reminded you of last evening, when you felt much less calm than now.
you hold your breath as you slowly turn to look behind you, scanning the quiet street. the black vehicle no longer stood out against your vision, your eyes only meeting vacant asphalt where it had been before. 
the early morning sun still felt cool as it reflected off the puddles on the ground, evidence of last night’s rainy storm. your lungs shakily deflate as you relax, focusing on the morning birdsong and distant cars passing on a main street nearby.
clearing your throat, you decide to just text aphmau to ask what was taking so long. your messages immediately pull up to last night’s conversation.
laurance: hey, i have to walk to school tomorrow cause my sister isn’t going
laurance: want to meet up and walk together tomorrow?
aphmau: yeah!
you: yeah for sure! meet in front of aph’s at 7:40.
laurance: cool, i’ll see you guys in the morning!
aphmau: goodnight!
you: goodnight guys :)
read yesterday, 9:20 pm
you hum to yourself, tapping your shoe against the sidewalk as you switch to your messages with aphmau.
you: i’m out front, you almost ready?
aphmau: yeah, so sorry! got distracted ><
aphmau: i’ll be outside in a sec
you: no prob!
it’s only a minute later that aphmau appears from her front door, hair bouncing as she quickly jogs down the steps and stops in front of you. her hair is down today, falling in light, natural-looking curls against her shoulder. 
“i woke up late and didn’t feel like styling my hair,” she explains, patting down her loose strands when she notices your gaze directed on her head.
“it’s pretty,” you simply return, reassuring her with a smile and a nod.
she relaxes, muttering a “thank you,” before rubbing her eyes with a yawn.
“did you stay up late or something?”
aphmau freezes, before slowly nodding her head.
“uh, yeah… there’s this online friend i have. i accidentally stayed up too late with him playing our favorite game together.”
you make a small “ooohh” sound in return.
“that’s fun. have y’all been friends for a long time?”
“yeah! like, two years.”
“aw, that’s nice. what does he look like, what’s his name?”
you blink, staring at her expectantly.
“well, we don’t know what each other looks like… and his online name is fc.” she admits, pressing her lips together and tugging on a strand of her hair. 
“…you’ve been friends for two years but you don’t even know each other's names? what if he’s some random old man?”
aphmau huffs, crossing her arms.
“well, i mean… i think it’s safer if we’re both anonymous. besides, we’re just friends.”
you hum, tilting your head in thought.
“yeah. i guess you’re right.”
aphmau bites her lip, eyebrows pinching together as she looks away in thought. she glances back at you hesitantly, like she was debating whether she should bring something up to you or not.
“what is it?”
“…i’m just nervous about the whole ivy situation.”
you sigh, biting your lip as you stare down at your feet in thought.
“she’s smart about how she’s doing it. no witnesses, holding the risk of our reputations over our heads. we need to find a way to get her caught without making it obvious.”
“morning!” laurance calls from behind you, his voice still a bit hoarse from sleep.
you turn to greet the boy, taking in his appearance. he seemed to have rushed this morning, the tie to his uniform slightly undone and hair still mussed from sleep.
“we’ll figure something out later,” you whisper to aphmau, to which she nods briskly.
“what’s up?” he asks, noticing your hushed voices and secretive formation.
“we’re having a secret girl meeting. without you.”
his eyebrows raise in surprise before he barks out a small laugh in amusement.
“fair enough.”
you haven’t seen aphmau for most of the day since you parted from her at the school’s front doors—and it was something that was bothering you.
based on the smug tilt of ivy’s lips when she watched you walk into your homeroom this morning, you have a serious feeling she’s up to something, and you definitely prefer to be with aphmau when it happens.
does she genuinely not have anything better to do?
your stomach feels heavy as you enter the art classroom, especially when your eyes land on the kind-natured blonde who smiles and waves at your appearance. you feel bad at the tempting thought to ignore his welcoming face and sit on the other side of the classroom, just to avoid the wrath of the snake who now stays wrapped up in your thoughts.
your jaw sets in place, stubbornly throwing away the idea as soon as it enters your head. it’s not his fault, and you weren’t going to throw away your chance at a new friend group because of some girl’s crazy crush. 
“hey guys,” you greet your small friend group, sitting between laurance and aphmau and leaning over to smile at garroth.
your eyes stay trained on aphmau’s for an extra moment longer as you lean back. she merely blinks, smiling calmly at your silent questioning. she hasn’t had any run-ins, then. good.
“ok, class. today we’re going to practice by doing a figure-drawing exercise. would anyone like to be a model for the class?”
you blink in surprise as aphmau’s hand raises, volunteering with an, “i will!”
“not as shy as i thought,” laurance notes as aphmau strides her short legs to the center of the classroom, hoisting herself up onto the stool.
“anxious but extroverted. an interesting combo,” you conclude his thought with a laugh as garroth scoots closer to the two of you.
the three of you start your portraits, your chatter quieting as you focus on the drawings in front of you. occasionally, garroth glances at yours and laurance’s pages, his lips forming into a pout out of the corner of your eye. you turn to look at him, tilting your head forward to catch his eye as he glares down at his paper.
“what?” you question him simply, your smile light and teasing.
his eyes nervously dart to you, unable to escape as you lean into his vision.
“ugh,” he groans, scribbling his graphite harshly against the page. “i’m just not good at art.”
he hides his work from you with his arm as you lean forward, trying to get a glance at his page.
“i’m sure it’s not that bad,” you encourage, lightly tugging on his forearm.
his ears turn red, barely hidden by the medium-length sandy blonde strands that curled around them. he sighs in defeat, lifting his arm to reveal the crude drawing underneath. laurance immediately giggles in amusement from beside you, his hand muffling the noise as he glances over your shoulder. 
garroth turns to glare at him, and you deliver a light kick to the boy’s shin with a scolding look.
“no, yeah. it’s not that bad!” laurance says between laughs, before snorting as he looks down at the page again. “not bad at all.”
you pitifully glance back at garroth who was now blankly staring at his page, the corner of his lips turning down in an embarrassed smile.
“well… i see his potential. if he practiced-”
“aw, i think you’re too sweet on him,” laurance leans into you, ruffling your hair with a grin. “no need to lie.”
“don’t be rude! everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.”
laurance glances down at your page with a pointed look and raised eyebrows. 
“funny, coming from clearly the best artist out of the three of us. no need to be humble.”
you sigh, exasperated at laurance’s teasing nature.
“yeah, you’re way better than i could be, even if i practiced,” garroth glances over at your sketch.
“well, i practice art a lot as a hobby. if i went out and tried to play baseball or soccer i’d probably never be on either of your levels. it’s not a bad thing, i’ve just never played.”
garroth purses his lips, still staring down your and laurance’s pages.
“can you teach me?”
“can you give me some tips on how to draw better?”
you blink, before nodding with a smile. “yeah, sure. maybe you two can teach me to play your sports as payment.”
he smiles, and laurance ruffles your hair once more before leaning off of you.
“sure, sounds like a good deal to me. speaking of, laurance, how’s the soccer team looking this year?”
“you play soccer?” aphmau questions, returning back to her place as garroth makes room for her.
“yep! i’m the captain this year.”
“woah, awesome!”
“yeah, and i haven’t forgotten about the schedule. i’ll give one to both of you when it comes out.”
“like you don’t have fan girls lining up to watch you already,” garroth rolls his eyes. “looking to add to your collection.”
“hey! this is different,” laurance pouts. “and you’re one to talk about fangirls.”
you make eye contact with aphmau, who gives you a look that says, “no, seriously.”
“and to answer your question,” he sighs. “the team is a mess this year. all our good players graduated last year. we’ll be lucky to make it through the season in one piece. what about you?”
“meh, it’s fine so far. dante’s been coming to practice and he’s not half bad. we might have a decent lineup.”
that was that gene guy’s little brother, right? you haven’t met him yet.
the bell interrupts your conversation, signaling the beginning of the athletics period.
“ok, class! be sure to turn in your drawings at the front before leaving. you’re dismissed. oh, and miss salome, you can turn in any drawing next class period so i can evaluate your skill level.”
“oh, okay! thank you!”
“ooh, real quick! let’s take a selfie!” aphmau whips out her phone, pulling you in by the arm and waving at the two boys to get in frame.
“hm? what for?” garroth questions, though still leans down, perching his head close to yours.
“ummm… cause we’re art buddies!” she shrugs, making room for laurance as he squeezes his face in the shot between our shoulders.
the four of you smile, and she clicks in a few pictures before letting the three of you go.
“those were cute. send me them, please!” you ask, leaning over her shoulder and gazing at the photos on her screen.
“me too.” the boys say in unison, and she joyfully nods at all of your requests.
“oh, here’s my number so you can send that to me,” he says, pulling a loose sheet of paper from his bag and scribbling down on it, ripping it in half and handing one to each of you.
garroth and laurance wave as your group splits apart by the doorway, leaving you walking with aphmau down the hall.
“where are you going for athletics, aph?”
“i think the off season kids are running on the track today. are you going?”
“actually, i was gonna practice volleyball today. katelyn invited me.”
“ooh, that’s fun! maybe i can skip out and watch…?” she wonders aloud, stopping in front of one of the girls' bathrooms. “oh hey, i need to use the restroom, mind waiting for me?”
you shrug, following her in and leisurely stopping in front of the mirror to check yourself out while she steps into one of the stalls. you notice her go in with her backpack, and you curiously stare at the closed stall door.
“oh, are you changing in here?”
“…yeah. i don’t really like changing in front of people, and all of the bathroom and shower stalls kept getting taken before i could get to them last week. that’s how i ended up alone with ivy and her group on friday—cause i had to wait to change.”
you hum softly in understanding.
“that makes sense. i usually face the wall when i change,” you purse your lips in thought. “if you want, we can start changing in here and walking to the gym together.”
you hear a sigh of relief as you hear  her clothes shuffle some more and the stall door unlock. she comes out in the athletics uniform, tying up her hair in a ponytail and kicking her backpack out onto the floor in front of her. 
“that would be awesome, you’re the best.”
you smile with a shrug, turning to the bathroom door when you hear it swing open. the smile immediately drops when you see ivy step in, her nose wrinkling at you as if she had just smelled something foul. her shorter friend–who you still haven’t caught the name of–silently walks in behind her, face still and emotionless as she looks the two of you up and down.
“well if it isn’t the two tramps trying to steal my man from me.”
you can’t help but scoff at her, stepping closer to aphmau and picking her backpack up, singing it up for her to grab. you feel a strange burning sensation in your chest, hands beginning to shake from anger. 
“i’m not even going to entertain your petty jealousy. maybe if you weren’t so pathetic about your crush you’d actually be dating garroth, but instead you’re harassing his friends the first second he makes any,” you snatch aphmau’s wrist, dragging her past the two girls before they could block your way out and turning to the taller girl as she stares at you in disgusted shock.
“stop messing with us. unlike you, i don’t make empty threats.”
aphmau yelps as her hand slips from yours, her head snapping back as ivy’s polished fingers wrap around her ponytail.
you whip around, using the momentum to slide your bag off your shoulders and swing it around into the girl’s head. she lets go of her teary eyed victim, carmine hair flying out of place as she stumbles back.
her friend doesn’t seem too loyal about the situation, stepping back to the wall as she watches everything unfold with dispassionate eyes.
you don’t pay much mind to her, vision red as you focus in on the girl clutching her head as she turns her head back to you with an equally furious look on her face. you pull aphmau out of the way, practically sliding her across the tile before digging your fingers into ivy’s uniform shirt and using your leg to kick her knees out from under her, taking you both down to the ground.
she lets out an irritated shriek, her hands flying up and catching you right in the nose. you groan in pain, eyes tearing up and giving her an opening to rip at the strands of your hair, her nails raking and scratching your cheek.
“stop!” aphmau calls your name, sounding worried and shaken.
you ignore her pleading voice, too focused on the strange burning and flooding sensation in your nose. gritting your teeth, you use one hand to hold her wrist from ripping a chunk of your hair out, sitting above her as you wind your other hand back and deliver a harsh slap against her face. her hand lets go of you, instead covering her face as you ball your fist, punching her head and pulling at her hands to try and get a better hit in.
“ladies!” a stern feminine voice pierces the hallway, causing you to freeze in place.
you turn with wide eyes to see mrs.hwit marching towards you all, her expression full of disbelief and disappointment.
“just what do you think you’re doing?!”
you immediately regret what you did, glancing down at the girl. her cheek was red from where you slapped her and her round bright blue eyes were filled with tears as she manipulatively blinked up in innocence at the teacher. 
“mrs.hwit,” she blabbers, her demeanor completely different from just before. “aphmau attacked me again and got her friend to join in!”
“silence, miss veleno.” the stern gray-haired lady snaps, hands firmly placed on her hips. 
you clamber back from where you sat on top of her, chest heavy when you realize what you just did sets in. you watch ivy flinch at the harsh tone mrs.hwit gave her, clearly unexpecting for this to not go her way.
“this is the second fight you’ve been involved in, ivy, and from the looks of it you did a good amount of beating on this young lady as well. for goodness sake, her nose is bleeding. don’t play innocent.”
your eyebrows pinch as your hand gingerly comes up to your nose, a soft moan of pain leaving your lips at the dull pain. you retract your hand to see red smeared across it. now that the adrenaline has begun to leave your body, you also become aware of how the blood has begun to drip down into your mouth and chin, leaving a gross metal taste against your tongue. your cheek burns and pulses where ivy dug into it with her nails.
“i should give all four of you detention. this is unacceptable.”
you clamber up to your feet at this, holding your hand against your nose as it begins to feel strangely… tight? against your skin? what was happening?
“it was just me and ivy who fought each other, they didn’t do anything,” your words tumble quickly from your lips, guilt building in your chest as you finally glance back at aphmau.
she’s staring at the ground, bottom lip pinched between her teeth and eyes closed over with tears.
mrs.hwit sighs, going silent for a moment as her mouth twists in disappointment. 
“then you and miss veleno can spend your time in detention after school today apologizing to each other. if this happens one more time it’ll be an in school suspension for a whole week!”
your heart drops, and you fight off the tears pricking your eyes at the woman’s harsh tone.
“yes ma’am…”
“now i want ivy to come with me right now to explain herself, and i will be talking to you,” she looks at you pointedly. “before your detention starts.”
“now alex and aphmau get on to athletics right now. and you… go to the nurse for your nose if it’s bad enough. come along miss veleno.”
ivy clambers up in shock, holding her cheek and turning to send you one last glare before following after mrs. hyria who was now furiously marching her way down the hall. you groan again, wiping away your nose and turning to look at aphmau again.
at the other end of the hall you catch that delinquent boy from the park—gene—staring right at you with an impressed smirk on his face. he silently laughs to himself before disappearing around the corner.
“um… what?” she glances down at the empty hall before turning back to you. “are you okay?”
her voice is shaky and stuttered, and you sigh as you wipe the blood from your face, nodding with a groan.
“yeah… sorry, i don’t know why i reacted like that.”
she shakes her head, waving her hands in disbelief.
“no i—i mean—“ she stutters, before sighing. “thank you for defending me. maybe she’ll leave us alone now?”
you turn to where ivy’s friend was before, only to see she must’ve quietly left the scene when you weren’t looking.
“i hope so. hey, go on to gym class. i don’t want you to get in trouble for sticking around. i’ll talk to you later.”
aphmau hesitates. “are you sure you’re okay?”
you nod, hunching over your bag and slinging it back over your shoulders.
she nods, glancing at you one last time before running off, the little charms on her backpack clinking along with her. you sigh, rolling your neck as you slowly make your way to the girls’ locker room.
your eyes tear up as you process what just happened, holding back a sob as you finally make it to the door, rushing inside.
you didn’t want to go to the nurse. you didn’t want to see anyone right now.
you let your backpack fall down onto the tile floor, stepping in front of one of the many sinks and leaning forward into the mirror to assess the damage done to your face. your eyebrows pinch together when you look back at your reflection, nothing really amiss except for the blood still smeared across your nose and your hair tangled and mussed.
grabbing a paper towel, you run it under the water and use it to wipe the blood from your face. your nose only had a slightly dull pain as you pressed your fingers against it, and what should’ve been deep welts on your cheek was only a slight red irritation. ivy had dug her hand into you, you should’ve looked a lot worse for wear than you did right now.
“…the hell?”
“oh, there you are! what are you doing?” katelyn questions, appearing in the mirror behind you and taking in your ruffled hair. “did you fall asleep in class or something?”
“uh, yeah... sorry,” you nervously laugh, glancing back at your unmarked face one more time before turning to her. “i’ll change super quick and be out there.”
she stares at you for a moment, frowning at your reddened eyelids and the glossy look in your eyes. she shrugs her shoulders after you don’t say anything further, and turns to walk back out of the locker room.
“alright, me and the ladies will be waiting for you on the court.”
“got it!” you call, running up to the net and jumping, slamming your hand down onto the ball.
katelyn whistles as it lands in bounds in the back end of the other side of the court, concluding the last exercise of practice. the light cheers of teony and nicole–who was a close friend of katelyn’s–follow. everyone crowds together at the center of the court, clapping and putting their hands together.
“lady phoenixes on three!” katelyn announces.
“one, two, three, lady phoenixes!” everyone chants, before tiredly retreating back to the locker room.
“you’re pretty good!” nicole comes up to you, her dark copper hair falling out of her high ponytail.
she stood shorter than the rest of the team and even just slightly under your height. she played the libero position, and was pretty impressive with her diving and saving skills from what you saw. her eyes were a brilliant shade of gray, outlined by thick black lashes. freckles dot along her face like constellations, gathering mostly along her nose and cheekbones. 
“thanks,” you smile, your mood feeling much lighter than it did at the beginning of the period.
teony and katelyn follow up behind her, the former coming to your side and wrapping her arms around your shoulders. despite her hard work all practice, she still managed to have her fruit-scented perfume stuck to her skin, the sweet smell invading your nose.
“seriously, it’s too bad the season has already started,” the chestnut skinned girl rested her cheek against your head, her chime-sounding voice.
katelyn nods, humming in thought as she rests her hand against her hip.
“yeah… do you want to come to practices during the athletics period? if you keep improving i bet you could get on varsity next year.”
“seriously?” you ask in surprise.
“yeah, you were seriously crazy with your spikes. you should think about it, we’d love you on the team,” nicole pipes in.
“for sure, sounds like fun!”
“cool,” katelyn nods, nudging your arm with a smile. “i am kinda glad we don’t have after school practice today, i’m tired.”
“seriously, i’m gonna go home and take a nap,” teony sighs lightly, releasing you from her embrace and stretching out her limbs.
the four of you gather your things in the locker room, but the girls turn to you in confusion when you turn to walk further into the school instead of going along with them to the exit.
“hey, where are you going?”
“oh, uh… i forgot something in one of the classrooms. i’ll catch you guys later.”
teony makes a small noise as if she has remembered something important, dashing back to you and pulling her phone out. she hands it to you, the sunflower charm attached to the pink phone dangling in the air.
“here, put your number in and i’ll share it with kate and nicki, okay?”
“oh, sure!” you smile, quickly tapping in your contact into the cheery girl’s list.
after you finish she waves goodbye, walking off with the other two out the doors.
that’s if i still have a phone after i get back home today.
you find the doors to detention, thankfully not finding anyone you know in the hallways on the way like aphmau had just days before. you step inside, immediately landing your eyes on the girl you had taken down in the hall just about an hour earlier.
her eyes dart to yours, mouth curling up as she glares at you. any sorrow you might’ve felt for her earlier leaves at her ugly expression. you stare her down, tongue rolling against the inside of your teeth as you sit as far from her as possible. you’re not sure what face you’re making back, but she’s the first to break eye contact, face faltering into a peculiar look.
before you can take a seat, the clicking of mrs.hyria’s shoes makes her presence known in the room. you turn around, getting a ‘come hither’ finger wave from the woman instead of words.
you two quietly make it into the hall, even going as far as turning the next corner so you wouldn’t be eavesdropped on.
“now before you go explaining yourself,” she starts, taking a heavy breath. the maternal aura she gives off sends a lump straight into your throat, especially in this situation. “you know my daughter is lucinda.”
you look up at her with confused eyes, nodding slowly at her words.
“now, i’m not one to necessarily take sides in these situations. however, from what i’ve seen, and from what i’ve heard from lucinda and her friends, i can tell you’re a good girl,” her voice lowers to a whisper. “and i wasn’t born yesterday. i know when girls are being sneaky.”
she crosses her arms, lifting her reading glasses off her head and readjusting them in her hair.
“next time something like this happens… i can promise you telling an adult will end up much better for you than handling it yourself. do you understand what i’m saying?”
“yes ma’am…”
she opens her mouth to continue, but leans forward with a confused hum.
“did you go to the nurse earlier?”
“i—no ma’am.”
one of her hands gingerly touches your cheek, as well as brushing along your nose and under your eyes.
“strange… no swelling? not even a scratch mark? it looked like she broke your nose earlier.”
you blink. so it wasn’t just your imagination.
“i guess it looked worse than it was.”
“now, what’s happening?”
you gulp, looking nervously around at the hall for any eavesdroppers.
“um… just petty drama that aphmau and i were dragged into. it’s really ridiculous.”
you sigh.
“yeah. jealousy, and not on our part.”
she hums, rolling her eyes.
“but, mrs.hwit?”
“i—“ you hesitate, stuttering in your words. “aphmau and i don’t want to be known for… you know, all of this in our first week. can you not get ivy in any more trouble for this?”
“i mean… if she does anything else i will definitely say something. but if she knows i said something now i’m afraid words will get passed around school no matter how it plays out,” you clear your throat. “and i have a feeling she won’t pull something like that again.”
her lips flatten against each other, and she reaches up a finger to rub one of her arched, thin eyebrows with a deep exhale from her nose.
“alright, i understand where you’re coming from. i’ll sweep it under the rug this time, but if you get into another fight you will also be in very deep trouble.”
“yes ma’am, thank you.”
“alright, now go do your homework or something,” she dismisses you, exasperatedly waving her hands for you to move along. “i’ll see you tomorrow in class, dear.”
“why on earth did i get a call from the school saying you were in a fight?” mom stands waiting for you in the doorway, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
you release a tense sigh, dropping your bag onto the floor of the entryway.
“because i got in a fight.”
“did you win?” your dad calls from the living room.
your mom throws up her hands in utter disbelief, turning her head to glare at him through the doorway as he sits in the living room.
“what? you know she wouldn’t have done that if she didn’t have a good reason.”
she crosses her arms, turning to look back at you. a second passes before she makes a confused face, stepping closer to you and inspecting you with her hands on your shoulders.
“well the school made it sound bad, but you don’t look like she got a single hit on you.”
“yeah well, she did. it was the strangest thing, actually. my nose bled everywhere and she scratched me really badly on my cheek, but it almost immediately healed up… like nothing happened at all. isn’t that weird? even the teacher thought my nose was broken, but i’m fine.”
she freezes, back straightening as she looks down at you with a frighteningly strange look on her face. was it almost… horror? you realize that whatever your dad was tinkering with in the living room had also gone eerily quiet, as you look up at your mom with equally widened eyes.
“…what? why are you looking at me like that?”
she seemingly snaps out of it shaking her head.
“oh no, that is weird. it must’ve looked worse than it actually was. you’ve always had a… really great immune system.”
“yeah, i guess.” you mutter.
she suddenly clears her throat, retreating further back into the house.
“so what was the fight about?”
you sigh, repressing a groan as you prepare yourself to explain everything all over again. when you finish, your mom is staring at you dumbfoundedly.
“why didn’t you tell me this?”
“cause it’s so dumb that i didn’t think it would even get to this point. and by the second week, no less.”
she raises her eyebrows, nodding.
“yeah. this story makes this ivy girl sound really silly.”
“that’s what i’m saying,” you toss your arms up, before beginning to retreat upstairs for a much-needed shower.
“well next time—“
“tell an adult. i will.”
“or just beat them up worse than last time.” your dad hollers after you.
“do not do that!”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own
tag list: @orinlin @pain-in-the-ashe @youmake1mistake @thenyxsky (sry i forgot to tag you last time ><)
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soosoosoup · 2 months
Hi!!!! I watched Treasure Planet recently so that i would have some context for your TP au and now i LOVE it (both ur au and the movie)!!!! But im wondering if the au is like a parallel to the movie who would be Ben and the ship's crew (ex: mr. arrow and scroop)?? are they the movie's characters or something? not to rush or anything, just curious :3
Yay!!! A new treasure planet fan!!! So glad to hear you liked it too <3<3
Most of the crew/extras will probs be the same as since this is my first au I want to keep my cast small lol. For Scroop he’d probably stay the same, if I had to replace scroop though its be with Chef.
Ah Ben and Mr arrow, there’s been so much internal debating regarding these two lol. I’ve mentioned a couple time that I want poppy to be vivas first mate (for reasons stated in previous ask) but since she’d only be like 14 so I’m thinking abt leaving Mr. Arrow in? It could go either way lol.
Now for Ben??? Uhhh idk I have this idea that will be pretty different from the movie. I got a suggestion to consider Gary. And I like it! It’d be an old glitchy handheld database that's missing it's memory card. Branch and poppy find it when scouting ahead of clay/viva looking for shelter. It has its useful moments, has some info like how the planet works & some basic tech/mechanical handling instructions. It also unfortunately gets them into just as much trouble; blaring off alarms in the most impromptu times giving away there position.
Poppy would take some of Ben's scenes btw since she's the one carrying gary. So think of it like splitting Ben into two, his personality and his mech aspect.
Uh these are some of the biggest divergences so I hope you guys are cool with it.
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heeseungismymanz · 17 days
𝑀𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝓎
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Synopsis: You and heeseung have been dating for about 3 months now. You both were the most popular people on the entire campus. It was all fine until you two got in a fight because of his ex. But now you have to go your own 𝒲𝒶𝓎.
Mentioning: All of enhypen (heeseungs friendgroup), yunjin lsfm (y/n bestie), yunah illit (heeseungs sister and your bestie), karina aespa (y/n bestie), keeho p1h (y/n ex), yeji itzy ( heeseungs ex ),more..
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Pairing: Popular bf!Heeseung x Popular gf!Fem Reader
Taglist: @mitmit01 @mimisxs
Warnings: Cursing,Fighting,love language is pt so will hug,cuddle alot,nothing much,idrk!
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𝑀𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝓎
**GOOD MORNING GORGEOUS** your alarm rings "Y/N WAKE UP!" You wake up to see your boyfriend staring at you and see you were sweating. "Y/N you okay? You were sweating really hard." You could tell you were sweating but you didnt know why. After realizing you just didnt say anything to him you quickly reply "oh yeah. were gonna be late lets get ready for school" You get ready for school. Dress up,hair,makeup, and perfume. "Hee im leaving to school" you say softly but loud enough for him you hear you. "Alright ill see you then! Love you" he says basically shouting from your bathroom. "Love you too"
Walking to school you see your friends karina,yunjin,and yunah. You run up to them, now more energetic. "GIRLS OMG!" You say basically yelling at them even though your right next to yunjin. "What the fuck girl why you yellin?" Karina says. "Just excited to see yall! But lets go before the bell rings. Its gonna ring in 5 minutes!" You say running ahead of them.
You get to your locker and open it. Placing your bags inside, Jake, heeseungs bestfriend walks up to you. "Hey! Is heeseung here? I wanna give yall an invitation." He says eagerly looking for heeseung. "Oh no but you can give it to me." You say as if you were tired with a raspy voice. "Oh sure! Its a party at my house." His house? You never beem there. Still you reply "Oh okay thanks!" You smiled at jake then walked away to your friends.
"Hey yun are you going to Jakes party?" You ask Yunah. "Uh maybe not. Have you seen my brother hee?" She asks acting like heeseung is the most valuable thing in the world (he is haha) "oh no i havent." You say then ask Yunjin "Jinnie are you going to Jakes party?" Asking desperately to not be alone. "Uhm no, he's a boppity bop whore" She says honestly disgusted. "Yeah he hooked up with like 10 girls in 2 days, no thanks." Yunah adds. "But yun,jinnie, i dont wanna be alone. Hes way out of my league and i dont wanna show up to his house because hes my boyfriends BESTFRIEND. And i know hee isnt going because he has basketball practice." You say annoyed. Then you hear, "Girl wake up! Your way better than him. Just come with us. Ill FORCE yun and jinnie to come to the cute cafe nearby." Looking behind your shoulder you see Karina. "Rina dont scare me like that!" You say honestly scared. "My bad just wake up!" Karina says. "Okay after classes im gonna be at my moms house then on monday ima be at my dads just for a visit." You say tiredly. "Oh okay" Rina,Yun,and Jinnie say in unison. "Just don't forget to add extra alarms cause you definitely wont Wake Up" Yunah says. You all laugh and walk thru the cherry blossom trees at the entrace of your school garden.
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AN: Im so sorry this was short 😭 i feel pressured to make it good not long. And my auto-correct was off while i wrote this and i was a lil drunk even tho i didnt drink and probs never will and it was 5 am... But enjoy haha!
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fictionfixations · 3 months
tropical . uh. whatever the name was i forgot already
look i just remember it as lost in the book with stitch or something
um spoilers for that (im finally going through it LOL in the hours before 2.3 hsr update)
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oh my god a dog ... i forget azul and floyd (and jade too but hes not here) would be so new to shit here that theyd not know what things looked like cause. tHEyRE NOT LANd PEOPLE
reminds me of. my mom told me a story of when she heard about hot dogs. and she thought they were made from actual dogs 😭
(i dont even know why theyre called hot dogs ngl)
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holy shit
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that was so loud on my end i-
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yknow it makes sense why they're the two 5 stars of this event
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this event is so fucking funny
azuls just like: WHAT.
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everyone: if stitch is that dangerous, then... (just being cautious in general)
meanwhile floyd: AYOOO
(lilia's in a separate category of 'if its cute, then i dont care what it does!')
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sorry does. in the battle does it just THROW SHARKS AT YOU? am i seeing shit?!
wait no?? what the fuck is it throwing im so confused
in all honesty i have all the cards i wanted (well i kinda wanted silver's halloween card cause i liked how pretty it looked, but honestly im fine with what i have) so unless theres a new event on jp server that brings into existence a card i really want i have no reason to be careful about what i pull for anymore (or save up for) (honestly my wishlist just contained right general lilia, tropical wear riddle, and then halloween silver but im fine with the 2/3)
so when it comes around im prob gonna be using all my pulls for tropical wear floyd cause i think he duo magics with riddle (ill double check it but i think rn its on lilia's)
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oh my god stitch i love you so much you precious basbya dhwsauiydhaws (i think i have a disc of the movie that has stitch [cant remember the name] but i honestly dont remember what happens at all)
like listen i wasnt sold but d'aww bABYyy
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azul looks so disgruntled oh my god
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on the bright side at least we know that if a fae loses their magic they dont immediately die?? (unless this world is some magic bullshit that since its not permanent doesnt affect him)
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visxionery · 7 months
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Revealing my desired enstars shuffle units!!! I might make more posts about each unit in particular + what songs it'll prob sound like. First is the event card and second and third is gacha card and the rest is event
but for now here's a brief look into each unit!
dystopia : they are all mystical beings that live in a dystopian world where art and order is gone.
heartthrob : think aisle with you plus atoz but spin it. This is more of a sad nostalgic kind of love unit? Like basically a we used to be in love and I long for you kind of thing. CAUSE I KNOW VALENTINES ARE LIKE HAPPY BUT I WANT SAD VALENTINES OK ARGHHHH (gets dragged out)
wonderlandz : mascot cosplay group, imagine twisted wonderland met wicked drugs and this. ill explain more on who is who <3 vetarannoruma : a group doing a documentary about investigative work but then gets caught in a ACTUAL CASE, they somehow end up on a plane- someone gets shot???!!! and ibara throws a bomb somewhere-FIND OUT MORE IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF VEGAS TRUE CRIME-
5050' : so eichi is investing shit right and then makes a bet and loses sum money idfk to RINNE AMAGI? Turns out rinne is good at investing and shit but then eichi like nuh uh ur reckless kohaku is on the shuffle cause rinne and his dirty schemes. Kanata is trolling and Tetora is burning kitchens (i'll explain i swear-)
imaging : OHOHO THIS IS A HALLOWEEN SHUFFLE, so switch makes a haunted house right and natsume is like lets do a mirror maze *casts sum spell* then SUBARU gets caught in the spell and suddenly theres multiple of them and the other three members get trapped.
dia thieves : game show where they battle for fans and try to rizz you up but then stinky pr does smth and THERES A SCANDAL?????? find out more on dia thieves : broke asf....
phantoms at the opera : OK OK I KNOW MAYOI AINT IN ERE BUT I DIDNT WANNA MAKE IT THAT OBVIOUS. So hokuto is doing sum dramatica shit and then he gets a theatre role outside and then they have to act out shit think masquerade ball BUT THEN (here's the plot twist) THEY GET THRUSTED INTO A MURDER MYSTERY GAME BY GATEKEEPER (dun dun dunn!!!) SHIT HAPPENS NAGISA GETS INTO A CULT TSUMUGI IS HANGING OFF A LEDGE REI ALMOST DIES HOKUTO WRU and madara is yo mama.
CU2+ : So midori and hajime has been part of a buddy system made by es to cultivate good relationships between fellow idols, but they chat anon they all do so no one knows who each other is. Midori has been feeling a bit down lately and the rest of the support grp helps him but then everyone puts on a false persona because they want to be a better version of themselves. Hajime wants them to all meet in the real world at around 2 plus, but Midori has other plans...
Parasol : ARASHI WEARS A SUNDRESS TWO PIECE I REPEAT ARASHI WEARS A- basis is its a modelling gig and compared to arashi chiaki is TERRIBLE DAWG i love you chiaki but i know you can willingly go without bathing so on the day of the shoot they put so much effot in bad weather strucks and ITS A BRINK OF A NATURAL DISASTER.....but arashi is stuck and all alone....
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krash-and-co · 10 months
hey krash, i wanted to reach out and say that i'm so sorry that you got such a hurtful reaction from one of the l&co servers for speaking up about something that genuinely needed to be addressed. i won't badmouth anyone in particular but this is not the first time this fandom has dogpiled someone over a misunderstanding, and when it happened to me i had severe anxiety over it for about a week even after it was resolved, and eventually left because of it. it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for the fandom in general, so i mostly just stick to my small group of mutuals now lol. i wish this fandom truly was different from other fandoms, but this kind of thing is unfortunately inevitable once something reaches a certain level of popularity. but that certainly doesn't make it okay, and you didn't do anything to deserve the reaction you got. i hope you can feel peace about it soon, and i'm sorry again that it happened at all. 🫂
(please don't feel pressured to answer this if you'd rather the matter be left alone, i totally understand. i just wanted to send you an ask because i didn't know if you're comfortable with dms.)
hi im so sorry i forgot to answer!!! thank you so much this means so much to me. 💙💙💙 i read this for the first time when i was feeling pretty attacked and it really cheered me up <3
hmm other people have been telling me about how they got attacked in this fandom too. and maybe this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. but it's something fans never talk about and claim doesn’t exist, so i thought it didn’t. i was horribly fooled lol. as, uh, i am about to rant about; do you mind? u don’t have to read it, i won’t be offended, but halfway thru answering this ask it turned into a rant i wanted to release into the world lol, so sorry about that 😭😭😭
very important disclaimer!!! this is NOT about everyone. ABSOLUTELY NOT. most of you are absolutely amazing people, and i assure you if ur worried this is about you, it’s prob not lol
im kind of feeling i was betrayed?? ig? i rlly believed everyone was so kind, and look what i know now. it genuinely seems like people are gaslighting themselves. how else do they only see our ‘harm?’ yeah, our fandom is known for being passionate, but saying we’re known for kindness is starting to make me sick. maybe we were, i know a lot of us still are, but throwing that out there in the middle of your hypocritical hate post seems like justification for the shit things people have been saying. you can say no wrong so long as you’re here. only people who don’t agree with you. so yeah, fuck krash and ljc and anyone else who doesn't agree!!! that totally shows how kind you are and how much you loved the fandom before we messed it up. nobodys visibly mad, cuz we're too scared to say shit!!!
i’ve seen too many examples of the contrary from the “victims,” wailing about how cruel we are the second they disagree with someone. (in a highly hypocritical manner, at that.) “everyone was so happy before this!” no, they weren’t, that’s why i brought it up. “stop bringing hate to this fandom! now let me fucking berate you!” do you even hear yourself? “nobody even cared before, we were all content!” we weren’t all content, we were just silent. it sometimes looks the same.
someone even declared they were leaving the fandom because ‘one person wanted to stop show saving efforts entirely because it traumatized them, and this is no longer a safe place.’ like, what? where did you even get that? for one, there were at least two of us posting together, and that’s just barely knowing anything about what’s happening. thats not even touching on how one of us (idk who the op of that post was talking about, it’s a 50/50 lol) made the fandom an unsafe place for our personal gain. what?
hella kind. hella safe on their part.
another said they saw only old fans agreeing about this so it’s just us being pissed about change. it’s us hating the show. me and ljc being upset about not being the only “big blogs” any more. our fandom is only for the elite, etc. fuck us. yet ljc is getting blackmailed. we’re getting hate replies. friends that try and help get attacked. misinformation spread. how did that even happen? we never once tried to hurt anyone; thank you to those who understand.
but to some, WE’RE the ones in the wrong.
do they SEE themselves? how hypocritical all of this is? or are their heads that far up in the ass of their petition and beloved fake idea of this fandom that they care about more than all of us?
now, this is where i add another “not everyone” message. not everyone is like this, this is not me saying i hate the petition or people who support it. hell, i signed the petition. twice. and once more from my mothers email.
i don’t regret the i love you posts i made, because i still do love this fandom, i am still absolutely here for the rest of yall. but DAMN if we weren’t hiding something under happy Save The Show, I Love Locknation! messages. perfectly smiling faces until they bite. i was surprised to see how many people did.
as if our previous problems weren’t enough, now it turned into this lol. no, that’s a lie, it didn’t. it already was, and i HATE THAT.
ig im kinda spoiled, i never really experienced hate like this from this fandom before. but now i know it happened BEFORE too, and that just pisses me off. it hurts coming from a group who says they love us. genuinely wacko (not the fun kind) behavior :[
i know this isn’t everyone’s experience, but it is mine, and enough others to make me wanna say this. and this is ofc me and @lucy-j-carlyle 's brand of hate, not yours. but it does happen and the constant chant that IT DOESN'T IT DOESNT IT DOESN'T isn't helping anyone. and now I know.
idk what im even saying anymore lol, sorry for ranting. what i mean to say is, thank you, and i wish things were better. and i love you kind people. im happy it’s most of you.
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captainjunglegym · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - 31/01/2024
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Tagged by jon @bigassbowlingballhead <3
Uhhh so much in my brain here's a few things. Once I've finished my groundhog day fic, Henry Fox is Alive (which shall b soon) I'll do another long form firstprince fic AND some other short smutty ones too i believe
Untitled 'Other Woman' Fic (Firstprince, AU, chaptered)
Alex isn’t a detective. In fact, Alex is oblivious to most things. He didn’t know that his sister and his best friend were dating until Nora (the best friend) and June (the sister) were practically dry humping on his futon after his birthday party. He didn’t know that one of his law professors was part of a scheme that was laundering money for a corrupt business, even though the signs were there in hindsight. And his parents divorce? Well that certainly caught him off guard. But he isn’t stupid. Despite the aforementioned corrupt law professor, Alex does actually have a law degree from NYU and he does work at a very prestigious law firm in New York City. So, when the guy he’s been seeing, Marcus, accidentally texts him using the wrong name – well, he knows how it goes. Guys are cheaters. The texts say the following: Marcus 🍆 H, I’m going to be out of town thurs – Sunday for meetings (Lie, he's going upstate with Alex for a vacation.) Marcus 🍆 I love you and I’m kissing you (Barf) Marcus 🍆 Also remember the plumber is coming Friday to fix the sink in our ensuite (Oh, goodie they live together, and they have an ensuite. Pretentious pricks.) It takes Alex too long to realise, after he’d received these texts, that if Marcus lives with this H person, then it's Alex who is ‘the other woman.’ Fucking shit. And so, the detective work begins. He ghosts Marcus’ cheating ass, then sets about to find H and tell him he’s living with a lying cheating piece of shit. What could possibly go wrong?
No pressure tags for a few moots but it's late in the game y'all probs already been tagged! @eusuntgratie @sunnysideprince @nocoastposts @anincompletelist (and @ anyone who wants to get tagged! Again i've barely had this blog two minutes so let me know if you wanna get tagged in this stuff!)
other (more depraved) wips under the cut:
Untitled watersports fic (firstprince, canon, oneshot) 😵‍💫😳
Alex’s depraved mind lights up. “Get your cock out baby.” “What?” Henry squeaks. “Get your cock out,” Alex commands. “Let me get you hard so you can hold it better.” And Alex really is a certified freak, getting so much enjoyment out of this. But Henry, forever his good boy, does as he’s told and lets out little breathy moans as he pulls his cock out of his pants. He’s already a little hard, chubbed up from the pressure, and Alex wastes no time in getting his hands on it. He squeezes Henry’s cock in a way he knows feels good when you’re dying for a piss. Henry lets out a punchy little ‘uh’ and lets his head flop backwards onto the headrest. Alex begins pumping Henry’s cock slowly as it hardens, and it’s a little dry, but Alex has a feeling it won’t be dry for much longer.
An Invitation to fuck my mouth (Nick/Taylor RPF, oneshot, part of a series)
He finds himself staring. Any and all opportunity, Taylor will stare slack jawed and dumb, captivated by Nick’s elegant neck and those ridiculous lips. Nick could be talking to someone, a friend or something. He could be just sat there watching his dumb Arsenal on tv and Taylor will have to pinch the skin of his thigh to stop staring, to stop getting hard just from looking at him. But those lips. Taylor knows they feel good on his cock. And that neck. Well, Taylor isn’t unused to wrapping a hand around it. He wants more though. He wants to choke Nick with his cock. He wants to see his big dick fuck that throat raw. It’s depraved and dirty and a little scary. Nick’s not a delicate flower, but Taylor doesn’t want to hurt him. Wait. No. He kind of does. “Fuck.” He says out loud. “You alright darling?” Nick asks, oblivious. Yeah, he wants to fuck this man’s throat.
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lollythelazyperson · 2 months
so I’ve finally finished watching all of lmk season 5, and…
LIKE- (starting w/ ep. 7 here since ep. 6 doesn’t have much happen in it iirc) we FINALLY get to learn what MK is/how he was created, LBD sorta shows up and the eye demon guy reveals to mk what all those visions meant(yk, mk literally sacrificing himself for the world n all), the show references wukong and macaque’s fight thingymajigy in jttw, then in ep. 8 mk can control the jade emperor’s power(or was that ep. 7? idrk man), the fuckin uh snake demon guy reveals the first two things i said to everybody else, but he also reveals/mk figures out that [snake guy] actually FREED MK FROM THE STONE WAAAAY EARLIER THAN NEEDED(snake guy also has some lore which kinda makes him interesting but that isn’t the point here)…
and in ep. 9, well- there’s no big lore drop except at the end, but so i’ll kinda summarize it instead. macaque first tries to stop mk from doin the whole sacrifice but fails, and eventually the others have to stop/stall snake guy while wukong tries to stop mk instead. he fails and mk encounters nuwa, who reveals the whole… “pillars in peril? pillars saved by mk? oh, well, that means the whole world has to start over cuz there are no more beings strong enough to handle the stones now, so the world’s gotta make new ones.” thing to him(which is the lore drop basically).
finally, in ep. 10, well(i shall also summarize this one)…
everyone thinks mk died(but macaque mutters “wukong”… 👀👀), meanwhile mk goes “NAH, IMMA DO MY OWN THING, ANS YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!!!” to nuwa basically, and comes out of the pillar alive. wukong catches mk when the latter starts to fall, so (mostly) everybody goes in for a group hug- but considering the world’s basically ending… they hold hands for the last time- and wukong is LEGIT ABOUT TO GET MACAQUE TO HOLD HIS HAND, WHEN FUCKIN SNAKE GUY INTERRUPTS THE MOMENT SJ2JZIWISIAOLAKAKAJQJSI LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT SMH- …….oh right anyways. they(the others, not snake guy) decide to share the power of the stones with everyone due to mk convincing them of it, but then snake guy drags mk into the pillar- and they have a weird conversation that’s basically snake guy goin “…this has only just begun. good luck, kid. you’ll need it.” to mk and then literally pushing him off and back outta the pillar.
the last few minutes of the episode is basically the aftermath of that. people now have cool magic powers(nobody is gonna use em for bad, definitelyyyyy /hj /lh), flyingbark reference through a flying dog, and some of the monkie kids(everybody but the monkeys themselves basically) are just chillin n talkin. meanwhile, mk n wukong talk bout what’s gonna happen next or sum(can’t exactly remember what specifically, I just remember mk startin the convo like that) but when mk starts to cry wukong hugs him.
then, we get an outro-monologue thingy from tang- and what we see durin it is basically this;
1; macaque is in court with the ten kings(?)- his powers have been affected by snake guy.
2; pigsy n mk are just havin a nice time addin a new photo to the photo album.
3; nezha and his dad are helpin handlin stuff in the celestial realm,
4; finally, the monkie kids/mk’s crew + redson + the two monkeys are havin a lil celebration somewhere… but in the very end, macaque sees how mk’s staff is also affected by snake guy’s powers(?).
but it’s preeeeetty late for me rn and I cannot stay up(gotta wake up early tmr) today, so if I have anything else I wanna say I’ll probs just will do that in another post.
so gn! drink water, eat food, and have a great day/night! :D
cya’ll in the next post!
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chibishortdeath · 10 months
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I do like other games fun fact!!! Darkstalkers is probs one of my favorite fighting games. One of the few I’m ok at lol (TwT ;). But yeah, I play as Lord Raptor and he’s a silly guy fr.
This is the whole Zabel page :3. I like to think Lord Raptor is like a stage name and Zabel Zarock is his actual name. It makes sense in the context that he’s a metal artist I guess. Also what is up with his birth year being listed as like 1889 everywhere? That does not make any sense in the context that he’s a metal artist 💀💀💀💀💀💀.
The next two are based on some of his early concept designs. Changed to look more like say alternate costumes for him cause some of these are wildly different not just outfit wise from the design that we got.
This one is by far my favorite, it’s him in that Midnight Bliss outfit lol. It looks nice on him. I actually have the midnight bliss figure of him :D (sadly one of his only pieces of merch dies in all of the characters I like have little to no merch)!!! I don’t see much fan art of his human-ish form, but then again I don’t see much fan art of him at all now that I think about it—
There’s some text in this zoom in spot! The top left one says “I’m fucking balling!”, the one below it says “Oi, wtf”, and his shirt says oh uh well um I shan’t say it (Cannibal Corpse song title 💀). There’s also one doodle on here that requires context cause it seems edgy for no reason, but it is based on an official art of him!!!!!! Aaaa I wish you could put more than 10 photos so I could show it.
This was an attempt at drawing a sprite of his but oh my god I cannot draw people looking up to save my life 💀💀💀. There’s some Le Malta doodles tho, he’s cool. Just a little dude! I like how Le Malta was technically employed by Ozom to spy on Zabel to make sure he wasn’t plotting against him (he very much was lmao) and he just totally was like “yeah I hate Ozom’s ass too” and decided to be friends with him instead. The Darkstalkers lore is great and hilarious I promise—
These two are just shitposts (the big dude in the background of the second one is Ozom btw Aka the guy that reanimated him). And the last two are just from playing around with one of those insert character/series text box generator websites.
Yeah anyway, great game, I should probably draw more about it, but the Simon and also that RPG Maker project I was working on have both taken over my life d(*´ω`*). (Also stress but yeah—)
#Darkstalkers#darkstalkers fanart#my art#art post#lord raptor#zabel zarock#the silly zombie guy#le malta#uh um uh yeah so uh#I never have any idea how to tag anything#fighting games#Capcom#yeah I guess that works?#anyway he’s fun to draw#also absolutely hilarious that like all of his lore is either completely contradictory or unexplained#80s metalhead? yeah he’s from the 1880s.#I have no idea how to explain the story of Darkstalkers in this short of a space#it’s wild everything happens#the first one is like big alien guy crashes in the ocean and local vampire man decides he’s gonna punch him for some reason#the second one is like more where Morrigan ends up the main character I think I might be misremembering#it’s basically about monster politics in the third game mostly lol#jedah is really bad at being an emperor#there’s only really three games and then Capcom absolutely killed the franchise for no reason 💀💀💀#if there’s anything I feel extremely strongly about in this series it’s that Udon comics SUCKS they obviously did not get the games at all#I HATE Udon comics all my homies DESPISE udon comics#Udon comics is essentially character misrepresentation/assasination central if you didn’t know#every page is a “’they would not fucking say/do that’ moment especially for Morrigan and Lord Raptor R.I.P. Morrigan fans honestly#anyway hehehe I made that red mark thingy on his chest top scars mwahahaha >:) I have the power to do anything—#(keeping that tag towards the bottom so there is incredibly low risk that family members see it eee aaa oof)
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xinhar · 2 years
♯Clothes Hunter.
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mudano, masumi, tsukuyomi and ousuke reacting to you having their uniforms/shirts?
Requested by: @chigirihyomaa
Masterlist | •
Hi! Sorry for the long long long break lmfao. I don't have the motivation and so busy with school! But I hope this is what you're looking for!
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Mudano Naito
Mr. The night changes
He won't say anything,
But surely inside he is jumping.
or just
Be the opposite
Way around💀🤟🏻 and
"..." It's in the middle of the night and here he is standing with his usual poker face. With a face, people doesn't really know what he is thinking about or what he's planning around, nonetheless, his judging stare are just there. Looking at your form up and down with a crossed arms.
"Why is my uniform there on you?" A simple question, with a face that is as neutral as a black color and his voice that sound so unmoving, you will definitely crumble if you don't know him that much. But too bad you know who and what character he is. Thus, grinning at him worldlessly with a playful eyes.
"Does it fit me?" Asking a question that made him deadpan, he paused and hum.
"Quite well." A short reply he gave yet you know him, by just staring at his eyes─ and you know how he deliver the word, he's not good at it but you know that is big for him.
"Come on! Don't you have something to say? heh, I know that you're just basking there like─"
"Shut it."
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Masumi Yodogawa
Don't expect-- no lmao
He'll sue you😟😔
Why tf are you wearing his shirt⁉️
It's yours now btw👍🏻.
Masumi just walked in the room you two shared when he halted on his tracks at the scene he is seeing. His round eyes just stare darkly at the form, which is your form. With a smile on his face, he opened his mouth to chuckle.
"Well well, look at this." Snatching your attention, you gave him a slight hesitant smile, unable to recognize his reaction and too shocked to say anything.
"Why are you wearing my uniform?" Masumi asked as he stare intently at the clothes you have on right now. The smile on his face, boy, no─ he is not pleased at that at all.
"Uh... Because- " You don't have to continue what you were saying because he won't take that clothes back anymore, he's too grossed out like you're the most grossest people he doesn't trust and met just now.
"You want it back?"
"? Yuck, no. It's yours"
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Tsukuyomi Momoka
Myorinpa-senpai, duh🙄
✨ Expected it ✨
You expect him not to😟
Aren't you?👴😏
"Hoooo, would you look at that." Tsukoyomi sat casually and comfortably at the couch as he eyed you up and down with his squinted eye, holding a book (we all know what is this already), he grinned and opened his mouth to say something.
"It looks good on you, darling. As expected." His words is filled with saccharine sweetness as you sighed at him. Head shaking as you stare at him with aura that is pastel pink.
"Just a plain reaction? Really?"
"What do you expect me to do? I saw this coming." Shrugging, he held out Myorinpa-senpai's work.
"Tsk tsk tsk, 'yomi."
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Momokado Ousuke
This man👏
He will SMIRK ok.
He won't let it slip.
Like fr.
Tbh I could see him shouting and then getting sly the next💀💀💀💀
Twirling as if you are in that games inside the android phone that it getting customized, you grinned and then take a hop to the door, turning the doorknob as you we're greeted by none other than your lover─ who seemed to look at you up and down and try to register what is going on.
Moment of silence has passed, he finally opened his mouth.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YO─" His voice almost boomed the place but then you slapped his mouth before his voice could be heard out of the roof.
"Shh Ousuke! You're being dramatic!" You pouted and stared at him. He, of course, raised a brow with a "what are you doing?" look and then took your hands away from his mouth.
"Didn't know you're wearing someone's shirt now." He smirked and kissed your knuckles, you rolling your eyes as you loop your both arms on his neck.
"Technically, you're not 'someone', Ousuke."
"Sure sure. You should wear my shirt more often, dove." By then, he carried you to God who knows where.
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript & Translations under the cut & here - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Symphony Manor, Holan (8:30am)
*alarm rings*
Alfie: Good morning, cutie.
Catalina: Mhm, morning.
Alfie: Go back to sleep, it’s still early.
Catalina: Nuh-uh. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately.
*light switch clicks*
Alfie: You should be resting a lot, Lina. You’re still recovering from your injuries.
Catalina: I’m fine. You’re overreacting.
Alfie: Am I though?
Catalina: Yes, you are. It’s been two weeks. I feel better now. I can walk too.
Catalina: And I can do more than walk. If you know what I mean.
Alfie: Tempting, but, I don’t want to take the risk of hurting you. So, I’ll keep my hands to myself until I’m sure you’re fine.
Catalina: Urgh, you suck.
Alfie: *chuckles* Stay in bed. I’ll bring breakfast to you.
Catalina: You’re treating me like a child again.
Alfie: This time, for a good reason. I don’t want you to tire yourself out. And the doctors said that it’s going to take a while before you can make a full recovery.
Alfie: Please listen to me, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt again.
Catalina: *groans* Fine.
Alfie: Good girl.
*door opens and closes*
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Tweet 1: an INTRUDER AT THE PALACE ?? fr ?? they got into a whole fight with alfie and #trashlina
Reply to tweet 1: they prob tried to put her in her place💀the bitch deserves it
Reply to tweet 1′s reply: stfu stop being a hater
Tweet 2: I feel sorry for the guests that already arrived. Ppl are dying around the world and they wasted their money on a wedding only for it to be postponed.
Tweet 3: LMAOOO THEY CANCELED THEIR WEDDING !!!! move over #trashlina, its marie’s time to shine ✨
Tweet 4: wait? they postponed their wedding? why?
Reply to tweet 4: the palace hasnt said anything … pelik (weird)
Tweet 5: atp i’m anti-monarchy, because what the hell is even going on?
Tweet 6: idc what everyone else says, i’m standing by alfie and lina 😔 nobody deserves what they’re going through
Tweet 7: how much do u guys wanna bet that they’re lying about the intruder? 👁👁
Reply to tweet 7: i saw a tweet from a former staff and they said nothing even happened … let’s put our tin foil hats on 😬
Reply to tweet 7′s reply: korg ckp ni boleh pakai otak tak? (ppl, can we pls think with our heads for 2 seconds?) stop jumping to conclusions you guys annoy the hell out of me.
Tweet 8: The hate she’s getting rn is unfair. Why’d you guys assume the worse of her?
Reply to tweet 8: Are you fcking fr? Did you forget what she did the other day?
Tweet 8′s OP replies: The apology thingy? You’re mad at her for that? I didn’t realize the marie stans are brain dead when it comes to Lina. She was doing the right thing by apologizing for something she didn’t even do. I bet if it was your fav who did this, you’d be praising her to the skies. Be serious.
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*door opens and closes*
Alfie: What are you doing?
Catalina: N-nothing.
Alfie: Are you reading tweets on twister again? Stop reading those. It’s full of shit.
Catalina: I can’t help it. Last week was supposed to be our wedding day but it got postponed because of me.
Alfie: You didn’t ask for this to happen. And those people don’t know what actually happened. They’re just talking out of their asses right now.
Catalina: *sighs* Whatever. It already happened. Did your mum said anything about the wedding date?
Alfie: She said the wedding has been postponed to next month. The latest it would be is in two.
Catalina: But what are we gonna do until then? Don’t tell me you expect me to be in bed everyday?
Alfie: Mum said she’ll give us a new schedule to make up for the tour. She wants us to do joint engagements to build your reputation again. Right now the people are divided in half when it comes to you.
Catalina: Not surprised.
Alfie: Don’t think too much about it. You have me and the others to support you. And this time, if you did mess up, I will tell you. No sugarcoating. But, I won’t be an asshole about it.
Catalina: I’m a bit scared to hear what you’re going to say but thanks for listening to me.
Alfie: It’s no big deal.
Catalina: Oh, I forgot to ask. Did your mum said anything about my assistant? Since, y’know, Rowena’s not really in the picture anymore?
Alfie: She’s considering Anna to be your permanent assistant. The accusations against her has been dropped because Rowena confessed that she lied.
Catalina: Thank god. I liked Anna. I knew she won’t do it.
Alfie: Yeah. I’m just glad Anna still want to work with us. I heard mum said that she was a student Auntie Athy sponsored back in Cordelia. So she’s trusted.
Catalina: Is she a spellcaster like Lucy too?
Alfie: Nope. She’s a normal human. Like us.
Catalina: Oh, that’s cool. But what happens to Rowena now?
Alfie: She’s still under investigation. Your mama thinks it’s impossible for her to work alone. There must be someone helping her out and they’re trying to pry the answers out from her.
Catalina: Hmm...
*phone rings*
Alfie (to the phone): Hello, mum? Yeah, I’m at home.
Alfie: What? Are you serious?
Alfie: I...I see. Okay, I’ll tell her later. Keep me updated. Bye. Take care too.
Catalina: What was it? Did something happen?
Alfie: It’s Rowena.
Catalina: What’s wrong with her?
Alfie: She’s...she’s dead.
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