#just tossing it right back at his face while yanking him tf down by the collar / cloak
lunaetis · 2 years
@lumitris​​ asked :
"So, are you going to stand there staring at me like that all day, or -? Would you prefer to kiss me and get it out of our your system so we can get back on track?"
( Alhaitham being a dick to Dehya, HE'S BEING AN ASSHOLE, and yet AND YET- alhaitham why that huh??? WHY SAY THAT?? )
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「ديهيا」─  there was something about him that had caught her attention, something that made it rather difficult for her to tear her eyes away whenever his presence was near. it wasn’t like she was the type to be so easily intrigued by someone, yet, the battle prowess along with his display of knowledge and strategy had proved to benefit SUMERU as a whole no matter how many times he had her rolling her eyes whenever he opened his mouth.
                back to the wall, her gaze found itself upon his very movement and he was aware of it, judging by the way his own hues made contact with hers. arms crossed over her chest, until the SILENCE was broken by his voice and once again, he had proved to be more attractive should he kept his mouth shut.
                the mercenary said nothing, even after he made such a blatant claim and only blinked silently. a few wordless moments passed by them before she finally pushed herself off the wall, and CALMLY walked over towards the man. her steps were sturdy, like a warrior that she was. gauntlet digits reached out to GRAB at his cloak before pulling him down, their lips barely a breath from one another —
                — but they did not touch.
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                “ if you want to kiss me, do it yourself. don’t expect me to do the work for you. ” voice uttered barely above a whisper, in a way that it felt like warm breath spilling over their almost touch lips. they were SO CLOSE, so close that they were able to feel each other’s breath with their eyes clashing in such close proximity. if it were anyone else, perhaps the SOUND OF HEARTBEATS between them would’ve been more obvious. yet, they were the scribe and flame-mane. being in control of their own rhythm was second nature to them.
                head canted, lips pulled into a knowing smile as her grip upon his cloth tightened just slightly.
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                “ so, what is it going to be, scribe ? ”
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cameronsprincess · 5 months
rafe x jealous!reader inspired by lana del rey „jealous girl“ (unreleased song sadly)🎀
„if i can’t have you baby, no one else in this world can.“
where he broke up with her because of her obsessive & jealous behavior a few weeks ago. (let’s pretend he’s not a killer haha) she sees him with another girl at a kook party & explodes with emotions. she beats up the girl & punches rafe & screams her lungs out that he belongs to her and no one else & that no one can have him if she can’t. topper and kelce literally have to drag her away from the poor beat up girl.
which literally leads to her breaking into tannyhill & threaten him with a gun. i’m thinking about no happy end because she ends up killing him and herself. but that’s up to you. or you can just erase the no happy end!
hope it’s not too gory, if it is it’s okay! maybe you could recommend someone who writes this kind of „gore“😩
BRO I LOVE THIS!!!! OMFG!!!!! she is me fr, bc who tf does Rafe think he is ???? leaving me??? NAH bby.
CW: violence, strong language, jealous!reader, toxic!reader, alcohol consumption, mention of a gun, breaking and entering, toxic relationship, mentions of blood. i think that’s it?
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I didn’t understand why he’d left me. I mean, sure, I could be unpredictable and a little overly jealous. But he was mine. Any woman in my position would be the same way, right?
Maybe I took it too far sometimes. Maybe that was my problem. No, fuck that. If you’re not obsessed with the man or woman you’re with, then what’s the point, right? I was obsessed with him. I still am. So seeing him here with her has my blood boiling.
“Don’t do it.” My best friend, Kayla, says firmly.
I narrow my eyes on her, biting at the rim of my solo cup. “Don’t do what?” I ask, feigning innocence.
Kayla sighs, tossing back the rest of her drink before setting the cup onto the countertop. I place my eyes back on Rafe. He stands at the other side of the room, his right arm draped around the bitches shoulder as he laughs at whatever bullshit Topper was saying. He’s not that fucking funny.
I feel Kayla’s hand on my shoulder before she’s spinning me around to face her. Her amber eyes are narrowed in on my face. “I see the way you’re looking over there. Whatever you’re thinking of doing, squash it. It’s not fucking worth it, Y/N.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes. It is fucking worth it. Rafe Cameron is mine, and it’s about time I remind him of that.
“Kayla, haven’t you ever loved someone so much, that you become overly obsessed with them? That you would do whatever the fuck it took to prove that they belonged to you? Because that’s what I feel for Rafe. I’m never going to win him back with her in the way.”
She sighs for what feels like the hundredth time tonight. “Look, I get it. But you’re not going to win him back by doing something stupid. If you go over there, you might as well kiss him goodbye forever.”
She’s right. But I’ll never tell her that. Instead, I down the rest of my drink, tossing the cup into the trash bag that sits behind me and say, “I don’t give a fuck. She’s touching what’s mine. And that’s just unacceptable.”
I yank myself from her grip, turning and making my way toward Rafe and Jade.
Rafe’s eyes go wide when he sees me approaching, and I can’t help the smile that spreads on my lips.
“Hi baby, you miss me?” I ask him, batting my lashes while smiling widely.
“What’re you doing, Y/N? We’re not together anymore.”
I frown. “Baby, come on. You know you didn’t mean that shit. So why the fuck are you saying stupid shit? And why the fuck are you draped all over this bitch?” I ask, pointing toward the bleach blonde that’s tucked underneath his right arm.
A smile forms on Jade’s face, making my blood boil and my hands fist down by my sides.
“Oh Y/N.. You poor thing. Rafe told me you were fucking craz-”
My fist connecting with her nose cuts her words off. She falls to the ground, blood pouring from her nose as she holds it, glaring up at me.
“You bitch!” She shouts, and I just laugh. I jump onto her weak body, throwing punch after punch to her once perfect face. My knuckles are split from her teeth, my voice hoarse from screaming as I continuously hit the poor girl.
I feel two sets of strong arms ripping me up off her, my feet instinctively kick forward, getting her in the face one more good time before I’m physically dragged out of the house.
“Yo! Calm the fuck down, Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
My body is buzzing, adrenaline pumping through my veins has me seeing fucking stars right now. I look up, my eyes focusing on a mortified Topper and Kelce. I smile at them coldly.
“You guys are no fun” I pout. “I was winning back there ya know?”
Topper scoffs, his eyes wide. “You fucking broke her nose Y/N! You fucked her face up, Rafe’s gonna have to take her to the hospital… What’re you gonna do if one of them turns you into the police?!”
I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in my chest. “Oh please, Top. Rafe would never turn me in. He loves me.”
Kelce throws his hands up, turning and giving me his back before walking into the house to presumably check on Rafe and his bitch.
Topper takes a cautious step toward me, his right hand landing on my shoulder. I glare at his hand for a second before he pulls back, sighing. “Look, he did love you. But you scared him away. You were too jealous and too obsessive. Rafe didn’t like that, so now you have to let him go.”
I laugh at that too. Maybe Topper is funnier than I gave him credit for.
“Top, he will be mine. No one else in this world is good enough for him. I’ll make sure he knows that.”
Before he can say anything else, I turn on my heels and skip down the steps of his front porch, making my way home to get the things I’ll need for later together.
Two hours after I’d absolutely beat the shit out of Jade in front of all of my friends, I’m sitting outside of Tannyhill, my right hand holding the small metal weapon i’d gotten from my house, fingertips tracing over the trigger slowly while I hum silently to myself.
Rafe will learn tonight, that if I can’t have him. No one can.
He’ll either be smart and take me back, or I’ll take us both out. The choice is his.
After what felt like forever, his headlights lighting up the driveway have me sitting up straighter in my spot. I watch as he pulls his truck to the side, putting it in park and hopping out. He makes his way to the door, slightly swaying from all the alcohol I assume he consumed after Top and Kelce threw me out.
Fuck them. And fuck Rafe for allowing it. He should stick up for me. He should fucking love me. I do everything for him. I would do anything he asked. And yet, he doesn’t want me? The thought of him with anyone else has my blood fucking boiling.
I watch as he pushes the door open, moving to shut it but I quickly stand and sprint toward the door, stopping it with my hand. He drunkenly staggers backward, turning his head as a confused “what the?” falls from his mouth.
His eyes land on mine, squinting to try and make out who he’s looking at since it’s kinda dark in here.
“Hi, Rafe.”
His eyes go wide and he stumbles backward, throwing his hands up. “What the fuck are you doing here?” He asks, shaking his head from side to side.
A slow smile makes its way onto my lips. I make my way farther into the house, shutting and locking the door behind me. “I came to see you, baby. Why would you ask me that?”
He laughs. “We’re- we’re not together Y/N. You fucking broke Jade’s nose, along with many other bones in her face. You’re fucked in the head. Please, leave.”
I can’t contain the laugh that bubbles in my chest. I take a few slow steps toward him, and he matches them, taking a few steps back.
“Rafe, you’re hurting my feelings. You love me, why are you acting like you don’t?”
His back hits the couch behind him, and he sticks his hands behind him to catch himself. His blue eyes are wide and full of fear.
“Y/N… I- I did love you, but you were too jealous, too fucking obsessive… I couldn’t handle that shit.”
Tears fill my eyes as the words leave his mouth. They stung. But he also just pissed me off. I pull the gun I had tucked in my hoodie pocket out, pointing it toward him as I let the first tear fall.
“How could you say that, Rafe? I love you! I would do fucking anything for you! Why can’t you just accept me for who I am?”
Rafe’s eyes go wider—if that’s even possible— and he raises his hands higher. “Y/N… We can talk about this. Put the gun away baby.”
I let out a laugh that makes me sound borderline insane, and maybe I am. But love makes you do crazy things right? I love him, and if I can’t have him, no one can…
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” I scream, my hands shaking as I continue pointing the gun at his beautiful face.
“I-I’m not lying. Please, princess. Put the gun away so we can talk…”
I take another slow step toward him, standing almost directly in front of him now. His intoxicating scent floods my senses, making me feel almost dizzy.
I clear my throat, blinking away the fresh tears as my shaky hands stay pointing in his direction. “I would have done anything for you. I love you, and you just cast me aside because what? Because I cared too much? Because I was so in love with you it made me fucking crazy?” I pause, letting out a choked laugh as I watch the fear in his eyes slowly turn into sadness. He fucking felt bad? Good. “I love you, Rafe. I’m just here to let you know… If I can’t have you, no one can.”
His blue eyes well up with tears, and he quickly blinks them away. Lowering his hands to his sides, he takes a cautious step toward me, the barrel of the gun pressed into his chest. He reaches out his right hand, running his thumb across my cheek and wiping away a tear that had fallen.
“Sweetheart… Put the gun away, and let’s talk, yeah?”
I sniff, my eyes finding his piercing blue ones. I slowly nod my head, lowering the gun in front of me, hearing him let out a deep exhale before his hands wrap around the cold metal object. He quickly turns the safety on and tosses the gun behind him and onto the couch.
Tears flow quickly down my face, choked out sobs pulled from my chest as I just stare back at the man who’d broke my heart. If he didn’t choose me, I wasn’t sure how I’d continue living. I needed him. The thought of never feeling him again, never smelling his scent, having his lips on mine, hearing his soothing voice — it was all too much for me to think about.
His arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me flush into his hard body, has all of those negative thoughts flying out the window. He still loves me.
I sob into his chest, apologies falling from my mouth like word vomit as he lovingly rubs his hand up and down the length of my back, shushing me. “Shhh, s’okay baby. ‘M here. I’m sorry.”
He holds me, swaying our bodies back and forth for what feels like forever. The sweet words spilling from his mouth and the feel of his hands on my body again are comforting. Like a warm blanket wrapped around you on a particularly cold day, or like your grandmother having cookies out for you after school.
Rafe was my safe space. He was my home. And I couldn’t lose him. I refused to go on in life without him by my side.
His next words hurt, but gave me a sense of hope that we could make it work after all.
“We can work on us, okay? I’m not going anywhere princess,” He pauses, lifting my head from his chest so my eyes are on him, “But you need to get help. Get medicated or something. You can’t be going off the rails batshit crazy all the time. I’m worried about you, and I need to know you won’t lose your goddamn head anytime you feel threatened by someone.”
My eyes search his, his eyes telling me he means every word he’s saying. I couldn’t be mad. I was a little over the top sometimes. If getting help for my psycho tendencies meant getting to keep Rafe? I’d do it. I’d do anything to keep him.
I swallow thickly, nodding my head, “Okay…”
He places his right hand on the back of my head, pushing it back down onto his chest and pressing his lips onto the top of my head. My body melts into his, my arms tightly hugging at his waist as I silently cry. I suck in a shaky breath, mumbling against his chest, “I love you, Rafe.”
He sighs, rubbing his hands up and down my back softly. “I know, princess. I know.” He pauses, and the hesitation of him telling me he loves me too pulls at my heart. Shattering me. But he finally says the four words that kept me sane, “I love you too.”
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rafe cameron masterlist | requests | taglist form
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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Mistaken Kisses pt. 2 
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☾ pairings: atsumu x reader, sakusa x reader, kenma x reader
☾ part one | oikawa, tsukishima, sugawara, kuroo
☾ scenario: they see you kissing someone else (not intentionally though)
☾ warning/s: v tiny bit of angst for atsumu’s
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Miya Atsumu 
Growing up as a twin, he’s used to people mistaking him for Osamu and the other way around. Now that they have different hair colors though, those occasions came down to rare if not none. 
You’re innocent, you swear. Briefly calling out his name as you enter their gym, his back to you with his hood on— and you grab him slightly by his arm, shifting him a quarter so that you could stand on your toes and plant your lips on his. 
He smells a bit different, tasted quite different too, but who cares? This was your boyfriend— or so you thought. Pulling away as his hood falls off his head, your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat. Is that gray hair? Is he seriously not blonde? 
Realization hits you the same time you hear him. “Ya treacherous pathetic excuse of a brother!” You blink once and they’re already on the ground after Atsumu lunged at Osamu, fists, kicks and swearing thrown here and there. 
“Stop it!” You hiss, about to grab Atsumu but Aran stops you, afraid you’ll accidentally get hit in the process. 
“Y/n is the only thing I can’t and will not share but ya sneak in a kiss on her when I’m not around!” Another fist lands on Samu’s cheek, and that had to hurt. Atsumu was genuinely enraged. This wasn’t their usual brawl. 
“Ya have eyes, Sumu,” Osamu knees his back before turning to his side, throwing Atsumu to the ground. “Y/n kissed me!”  
“It’s true Tsum, I was the one who kissed him.” That halts their actions in an instant, tension suddenly thick in the air as he remains lain down on the floor, recovering his breaths as he struggles to process what you had just said. 
“It was an accident, I thought he was you,” you say in a small voice, dreading what was going to happen next at the way he scoffs at your words. “Get off me,” he shoves his brother off him, standing up and brushing off his clothes. 
He coldly looks at you and you squirm inside. Profoundly intimidated by his stare, you look away, eyes landing on whoever or whatever else that wasn’t your boyfriend who looked so spiteful and disgusted. “One of me ain’t enough, is that it?” He bitterly says, glaring at you. 
You immediately look back at him, surprised at his words. “I told you it was an accident, Tsumu, I’m sorry.” 
“Well, ya kissed for quite a while, was there no tellin they weren’t my lips?”
“He was wearing your hoodie,” you try to say, but he looks away, disinterested.
“Atsumu,” you sigh as you step closer to him but he turns on his heel, walking away from you.
“Don’t want ya nymore, have fun with my brother,” he clicks his tongue, unable to erase the image from a while ago. It was painful—both what he saw and what he said to you after. He knows it wasn’t your fault, but that didn’t really do much to change how he felt. 
It was his typical defense mechanism, masking his hurt by hurting you back and putting up a show of indifference. His sharp tongue, the hostile words he had said to you were filling him with self-resentment the second he let them go— never does he want to hurt you but he did so anyway; simply because he got hurt first.
“He’ll come around,” Osamu places a hand on your back reassuringly, “though I doubt he’ll make the first move to fix things.” 
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oh, what a lovely day to be standing outside the restroom, waiting for your boyfriend to finish washing his hands; especially when out of nowhere, you’re yanked and kissed. Oh, for your boyfriend to have such lovely timing of walking out the restroom the moment the stranger’s lips touch yours. 
You push the guy off immediately, eyes meeting Sakusa’s in a panic, fearing he might misinterpret. However, your worries should come to an ease, he saw the whole thing and he trusts you completely anyway. But his eyes aren’t on you, they’re sharp and glaring at the guy who had kissed you. All he sees is dirt. Pure filthy garbage, worthless and far too shameless—having the audacity to taint you. 
Clasping your hand in his, he securely pulls you to his side. “You okay?” He asks, looking at you and you nod. He’s possessive and territorial, that’s a surprise to none. What he had just done equated to a life-ending treason, but he’s never really one for violence. 
“Call the cops.” 
“Wait, no, dude, I’m sorry it was an accident. I thought she was my girlfriend.” He frantically says, bowing repeatedly before the two of you. “I’m really sorry,” he says again, looking at you, making Sakusa glare at him as a warning to not even breathe the same air as you. 
A girl walks up to him, clinging to his arm as she asks him what was going on and now, he has fallen at your mercy; his girlfriend didn’t look anything like you at all—hair and height especially. You’re not even mad, you’re much too preoccupied worrying about what Sakusa might do next. 
“Do you have any colds?” He asks the guy, who like you, was shocked at his sudden question. 
“Are you blind and deaf too?” Oomi narrows his eyes, making him gulp. “Uh, no, I’m perfectly well.”
“Any infectious disease? Tell me even if its minor.” 
“Y/n I thought I told you to call the cops,” Sakusa timidly looks at you and you flinch, a nervous chuckle escaping your throat. “Do we really have to?” 
“His excuse was pathetic, he’s clearly some pervert, a cheating one at that.” 
“Please, I won’t do it ag-
“If not the cops, would you rather I destroy you right now? I’m not one to be forgiving when it comes to my lover.” That wasn’t even directed at you but you feel your body shiver, he was scary and domineering; his narrowed eyes and heartless expression screamed that no one should take his threats lightly. 
Other than the intensity of his words though, you felt your heart melt at the way he called you his lover. You’re practically looking at him with heart eyes, touched by his sentiment, butterflies going wild in your stomach as you admired him. 
It took a lot of your nagging and attempts at pulling him away for the both of you to actually be alone in his car—now on your merry way home. Contrary to the butterflies earlier on, you’re now silent in your seat, stealing glances at him warily. 
If you’re mad, say something, you try to tell him with your eyes but they remain set on the road.
“I’m sorr-
“Save the apologies for when you’ve done something wrong.” He coldly cuts you off and you close your mouth immediately. 
After a few seconds, you try again, “are you mad?” 
He finally looks at you, and though it was subtle, you did notice how he glanced down at your lips a second too long. “I’m not.” 
“You could at least try to be convincing; your face says it all,” you pout, “you’re mad and disgusted.”
“I’m neither of the two.” 
“Prove it.” 
He looks at you incredulously, like ‘tf am I supposed to do??’
Sighing, he slightly nods, “fine.” 
“I’ll kiss you until you drop after you brush your teeth.” 
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Kozume Kenma     
Kenma is multiple cats in one easily-exhausted human body. He could be a soft domestic cat, allowing you to love the hell out of him while you cuddle—or he could also be one with sharp claws if he’s aggravated, not really one with specialized attacks but still terrifying. 
Right now though, he’s debating whether he should be a dejected cat who’s ready to leave its owner (which is you) or a level-headed laid-back one. The latter was easier said than done, how could he remain calm when you’re being kissed by someone else? It’s a heavy pang on his chest and an excessive blow on his insecurities—but oh, wait, you pushed him off. 
“What the hell?!” You shout at the guy. It all clicks, of course you’ll never do that to him. Okay, he starts seeing red and no it’s not his Nekoma jacket. He could almost imagine his legs sprinting disgracefully towards the guy and attacking him in any form. Biting, punching, scratching, he doesn’t care, he’s going to unleash the sharp-clawed cat within him—the same one that quarreled with Yamamoto. 
But before he could, you’ve marched away, and he catches a glimpse of your teary eyes. He follows you shortly, glaring daggers at the guy who was totally creeped out. Kenma could be terrifying. 
He’s mad and frustrated, but that could wait. You are far more important than his anger and he’ll always put you first. He patiently waits outside the girls’ restroom, sending you a quick text to let you know he was waiting to walk you home like he always did. 
As you head out of school, you remain silent beside him. Your irritation was gone but he could easily tell you were worried about him and about how he felt. “Y/n?” He meekly says. You look at him. This time, you note, he wasn’t on his phone which he would normally be using right now. 
“Wanna hang out in my room?” He offers you a rare soft smile, and you smile back at him. 
You both laze off on his bed, his head on your stomach and your fingers running through his hair while he plays with his switch. He looks unbothered, but you’re just struggling to find the right words and time to talk to him about what he saw earlier. 
He may have looked unaware of your silent distress, but he was just waiting for you to be comfortable enough to talk to him about it. He’s ready to assure you it was fine though he was actually really embittered—of course he would be after seeing someone else kiss his beloved kitten. 
“Ken… about earlier in the classroom, aren’t you mad?” You softly glide your fingers across his cheek. 
“I don’t care much for it, y/n,” he sincerely says. “See, you’re lying,” you pinch his cheek causing him to look away from his game. 
“I’m only concerned about you, you must’ve been mad,” he says, tossing his console to the side and turning to face you, his cheek pressed to your stomach. “I’m fine, Ken, I was only worried you’d be mad.” 
“Then rest easy now that you know I’m not,” he smiles before taking your hand to cover his face. You look at him in surprise as he groans, and you didn’t have to take your hand away to know that his face right now was rather expressive. 
“I’m still super ticked about it though,” he huffs and you chuckle at how adorable he was as he alternately kicks his feet up and down his mattress in a mock tantrum.
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo
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chuuya-centric · 4 years
character: chuuya nakahara
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: gn afab reader, no pronouns used, alcohol mentions / use ? unorganized as FUCK — read at your own risk 🚶 these r also much longer than i originally intended 🤒🤕 they get kinda bad at the end bc im lazy asf and just wanted to be done with these im sorry yall LMAOO
↬he he i he he i i hhnhshgghfgg
↬lord please god passionate+romantic sex with this man is all i ask you for please ill never ask for anything ever again 🙏🙏🙏
↬now i would like to start this with a disclaimer by saying chuuya is usually vv rough and passionate and would manhandle your ass 😁🤞 however these hcs will be like 🧍 slow ................. and passionate ??? not gentle per se but just romantic amd uhm very much "love making" if u will 💯
↬sensual ?? i think ????
↬hhndhsgh ik we're all horny and just wanna be used like a ragdoll but please hear me out yall
↬emotional and passionate sex !!!!!!!!! this usually happens whenever chuuya gets drunk (bc i think he is a v emotional drunk, and if he's w his s/o i think he gets vv sentimental / touchy-feely
↬ofc if you say no or reject his advances he wont do anything other than cling to ur side but if u dont do anything to stop him you will 100% be in his bed by the end of the night 🔥🔥
↬starts out as him havin a lil too much to drink nothin new yk and then he gets more touchy / physically clingy than usual 🧎
↬a lil off topic but he would absolutely fight anyone who tried to flirt w you / anyone who looked at u the wrong way LMAOOO not saying u have to babysit him but 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 taking him back home would be the smart thing to do as to avoid bar fights
↬but back on track i think chuuya would refuse to leave your side 💀 he would be all over u so unless ur into like hardcore pda u fr better take him home 💀💀
↬he's a horny menace 😕👎
↬okay so blah blah blah yall r back home now what ? now he rlly starts getting emotional 🚶 he's just so grateful to have u in his life and he loves you so much and what if he's not good enough for you ???? how could u love someone like him ?????? what if— please just shut him up with a tender kiss 🤒☹️ tell him u love him very much
↬he............hhbbgdgshhhh i was talking to @chuuyasbf ab this but dhshsbhhhhhh we came to the conclusion that he'd like smother u in kisses oh my fucking god 💔🙏 like he'd just cover your mf face in kisses and i— bursts into tears
↬now by this point this is where he'll start communicating his feelings thru actions rather than words so please expect a very heated makeout session (that leads up to the best sex of ur life 😏)
↬"he just goes “oops, missed a spot *kiss* oops, theres another one *kiss*" - @chuuyasbf and i honestly could not agree more please 🧎🧎 hhnbbhghghh
↬but back to the makeout session it started after u shut him up w that kiss yk and u were both just sitting on the couch, originally basking in the others presence, before the words just started flowing so ofc u gave him a lil kiss n told him he was enough and that u loved him so so much and he pulled you back for another n another til u were sitting on his lap w his tongue in ur mouth
↬and things progressed n progressed n next thing yk he's got you intoxicated (his kisses r life changing ok 🤨🕶️🤏 even if he were sober it'd just be hjndhdghgggh) but like yall know when ur grinding against them n they buck their hips up a lil ? yeah <33
↬HE'S SO HANDSY OMFG ESP IF YOURE SITTING IN HIS LAP 🙏🙏🙏 after he's pulled you as close to him as humanly possible (im talkin chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip — he is a very intimate person and greatly enjoys physical touch argue w the wall ab it) his hands go from finding purchase on ur hips and guiding your movements to pulling at ur hair to feeling u up to running his fingers up n down ur back to helping you take your shirt off. he cannot for the life of him keep his hands to himself
↬in reality he'd shift you onto his thigh before making ur neck his next target for his kisses (and hickies)
↬when you start whining for more and saying his kisses aren't enough, thats when he'll sober up enough to be snapped back to reality n to carry you to his room 🧎 or so you thought 😚
↬confused, u didn't get the hint until he bounced his leg, once, twice, oh— and even after you'd understood what he wanted you to do, he'd grab ur hips and completey take control of the pace n grind u against his thigh almost agonizingly slow, all while leaving some awfuy dark hickies on ur lower neck n a handful on ur collarbones
↬ofc theres some muttered praise and "i love yous" as well. he'll tell you how good you look, getting off on his thigh like this
↬he'll take u back to his room only after you've cum against his thigh 🧎🧎 consider it a warm up LMFAOO
↬when he finally does get up from the couch, he'll probably use his ability to help stablize yall a little 💀 (he had a lil too much to drink pls dont clown him)
↬whereas he'd normally toss u onto the bed, this time he took his time to set u down gently before settling down in between ur thighs and— hey wait a damn minute when did this mf find the time to get your pants off huh—
↬aye speaking of which i think chuuya is rlly big on eye contact regardless bc its honestly just vv intimate to him 🧐🚶
↬yall know when they like ............. when theyre like caressing / holding your thigh n looking up at u n they kiss ur inner thigh while maintaining eye contact or whatever ...................... <33
↬i think his praise kink especially shines thru when he gets drunk bc he will take his mf time covering you in kisses and hickies all while showering u in praise n telling u how beautiful u r and ab how much he loves you
↬he knows his words usually tend to be / sound harsh, but at the end of the day he loves you sm more than words will ever be able to convey :((
↬def tries to make up for that (when he's drunk 🙄 emotionally inarticulate ass 🚶) by showering you in praise and doing his best to be tender and gentle
↬and to be fair he'd be content w smothering u in praise and kisses for the rest of the night n probably would if u let him 🧎🧎 please snap this mf back to reality by yanking his hair n whining for more
↬in which case he will be happy to oblige 😚 he's def the type of person to get off on his partners pleasure so that being said this mf will make sure u cum on his tongue at least twice before properly fucking you
↬whenever hes drunk he tends set a rather slow pace but dont let that fool you 🧎 the entire thing is so fucking intimate oh my lord you will be seeing stars by the time he's done w you
↬his thrusts r much deeper n more precise than usual and he puts one of ur legs on his shoulder and has the other pressed up by ur head it really just enhances everything yk ?? 😁😁 (mating press kinda ??????? not exactly but)
↬he ends up alternating between leaving (more) hickies on ur neck n shoulders and actually kissing you as well (your lips r gon be bruised asf by the end of it all sorry 🔥💯)
↬even drunk he loves to overstimulate you omfg 🤤 loves seeing you get all teary-eyed from the pleasure (even better if u actually cry 😏🕶️🤏) bc to him it shows that he's done a good job
↬aftercare w drunk chuuya is a lil sloppy tbh 😕 probably immiediately passes tf still inside u after pressing like a final kiss to ur forehead LMFAOOO
↬but dw he makes it up to u in the morning !!!!! after taking care of his hangover first tho 💀 once he's feeling better himself, he'll def offer to draw u a bath and, lets pretend he has the day off here, after that all he rlly wants to do is cuddle for the rest of the morning
↬do not bring up how clingy he was last night LMFAOOO his face will get so red so fast (unless ofc thats ur goal in which case go right on ahead 😚😚😚)
↬please do, however, kiss his forehead and tell him that u love him n that he did a good job last night
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hereticpriest · 4 years
Social Media Drabbles
Sero’s brows furrowed as a notification popped up on his phone, but he smiled when he noticed it was only that a TikTok had been uploaded by a friend. He flicked it open lazily with his thumb while chugging a bit of his recovery drink, and nearly spat the drink out when the video began to play.
Bakugo Katsuki, also known as Ground Zero, was cooking in a brightly lit kitchen. The camera was set up in one corner of the room, seemingly propped up on a shelf. He wore a black crop top advertising the hero Augment, a pair of low-slung grey sweatpants, and a white apron. The hero was tossing vegetables in a large pan, and he paused for a moment to shout over his shoulder -
“Babe, do you want food?”
The song ‘My Type’ by Saweetie began to play as the hero added a splash of oil to the pan and began to stir. A woman with pink roots and white hair danced into the room in a pair of skin-tight leggings and an oversized Red Riot t-shirt. She gave a couple of twerk-like movements while grinning and gesturing to the blond in front of her, then danced her way over to him and began pelvic thrusting barely an inch from his back while lip-syncing the song. A scowl marred Bakugo’s face as he turned to see what she was up to, sensing her presence even though he didn’t hear her. His whole act was softened by the fact that he didn’t even try to push his girlfriend away, even when her hips ground into his ass. A white hearing aid was visible in his right ear when he turned his head to look at her.
“You’re a fucking gremlin. Offer you food and you start humping my leg.”
The woman gasped, then punched her boyfriend directly in the left ass cheek before the video cut out and replayed.
@therealAugment 08-04
Stupidly hot? Check. Tsundere? Check. Chef of my dreams? Check!
#thatsmytype #groundzero #augment
Sero stared in a sort of awed horror, tapped the like button, then sent the video to one of his many groupchats with his old UA classmates.
ZerotoSero: http://vm.tiktok.com/b2k3mzc
ZerotoSero: Why ru coming for my brand Kei?
PikaPika: The fuck? What kind of loser gets mad at his gf for grinding on his ass?
Gremlin: IKR? My phenomenal sense of humour is wasted on this man
RedRiot: K but that ass punch looked like it hurt
ZerotoSero: Well deserved
PikaPika: Where the lie tho?
Splodeyboi: Who tf changed my nickname in chat?!@
Gremlin: Who tf doesn’t know how to use his phone?
Splodeyboi: I’m going to WRECK YOU
Gremlin: Promise?
PikaPika: Oop
Pinky: I left you idiots alone for five damn minutes...
Mina let out an excited giggle when a notification popped up mid-way through an intensive scrolling session on Instagram. She opened up her Snapchat and tapped on the unread message. Keiko was sprawled out over Bakugo’s lap, her cheek pressed to his shoulder and a hand tracing the column of his neck. The blond was clearly invested in the movie they were watching, as he didn’t react much when Keiko nipped at his jaw.
“I look intimidating until I smile check.” She sang, pressing her lips to his cheek, then blowing a raspberry right below his ear with her nose pressed against his hearing aid. Bakugo laughed and smushed his hand in her face, pushing her away so he could dive in to bite and kiss at her neck. Keiko giggled wildly, nearly dropping her phone before she could turn the video off.
“Fuck, those losers are so damn cute.” Mina said with a soft sigh, sending back a stream of coloured hearts in the chat.
“Aw damn it!” Kaminari dropped his controller in his seat as he stood up, brushing himself down exasperatedly, “I’m gonna get a drink. S’your turn Kiri.”
“Can you grab me a beer?” Kirishima requested, picking up the controller and flopping down on the abandoned armchair. Kaminari waved a hand in acknowledgement as he headed into the kitchen. Keiko pouted at the sight of him, putting down the bowl of diced tomatoes she’d been about to mix into a dip she was making. An answering pout from Kaminari had her opening her arms and hugging the hero as he shuffled in to cuddle her.
“You okay Pikachu?” Keiko asked in her poutiest baby voice. He gave her a little whine and a pout, drawing a soft ‘Tch’ from her, followed by a laugh.
“You’re becoming more and more like your boyfriend.”
“Am I? I didn’t think Katsu would hug you. Do you guys cuddle often? Can I join in? Go on, sparkplug. I’ll bring out some beers and some chips n’ dip.” Keiko promised.
“Yeah, yeah, okay. Sarcasm queen.”
Kaminari headed into the living room again and collapsed in a chair, watching as Kirishima and Bakugo tried to find and kill eachother in the game. Keiko soon joined them with a six pack, a bowl of homemade tortilla chips, and a bowl of a homemade salsa-esque dip. She laid everything out on the table, popping the caps on three beers and setting them out for the boys. Kaminari tried to yank Keiko into his lap to distract Bakugo via jealousy, but Keiko dodged his hands easily and headed down the hall to her bedroom to grab a hoodie. Bakugo’s hoodie, of course. Kaminari was on his phone when Keiko came back into the room, circling the wooden dining chair Bakugo was sitting on. He quickly began to film as Keiko eyed her boyfriend for a moment from the side, then carefully slid into his lap facing him, snuggled tight up to his chest.
Bakugo grunted but didn’t protest, simply adjusting his arms around her so he could continue playing his game. Keiko hummed happily, nuzzling her face into his neck and letting her arms rest around his shoulders loosely. When he won, the blond leaned over to put the controller down on the table and replaced it with one of the opened beers, his hand grasping Keiko’s bum to keep her from sliding down his thighs when he leaned forwards. He swigged from the beer while Keiko barely even reacted to the movement, just kissed her boyfriend’s throat as he drank. Kaminari snickered, zooming in on his hand on her butt, then gasping as it gave a squeeze. He flicked the camera up to Bakugo’s smirking face, crimson eyes fixed on the camera.
The video was later sent to Keiko and Bakugo, and the only reason he didn’t get murdered was Keiko insisting the video was adorable. Keiko trimmed out the ‘butt grab zoom’ and posted the video to Instagram, tagging Kaminari as ‘the creeper with the camera’ just to make him laugh.
The notification light flickered on Kirishima’s phone, so he dropped the weights he was lifting and grabbed his phone and water bottle to take a quick break. He squirted some of the water on his face, then downed the rest of the bottle before finally unlocking his phone.
Precious: Eiji-boo!!! Honey, come visit us! I wanna film a tiktok with you.
Precious: Have you seen the one I posted with Katsu?
Eiji: I haven’t! I’ll watch it on the way over.
Precious: See you soon Eiji! I won’t tell Katsu, he’ll be so happy to see you
Precious: You know, in his way.
Kirishima smiled, heading to the locker room to get changed and shower, but pulling up TikTok on his phone on the way. He opened Keiko’s page and grinned at the sight of her latest videos. A good half of her videos were dance videos, and the other half consisted of her pissing off her boyfriend to varying degrees. Bakugo didn’t use social media much, but he had Keiko to manage his public image with his PR rep, so he didn’t really need to. Kirishima liked that Keiko always respected Bakugo’s boundaries with what she posted or sent to them. He’d seen her record a video, show Bakugo, notice he didn’t like it and immediately delete it. It wasn’t often, however. The blond hero seemed to have endless levels of patience with his girlfriend’s antics. It seemed Keiko was the only person he had any sort of patience for.
The most recent video began with Bakugo lifting weights. Music played in the background as he bent over to pick up a weight, and as the music began to crescendo, Keiko darted onto the screen and slapped both of Bakugo’s asscheeks in time with the two claps in the music. She tried to run away after, but Bakugo caught her ankle and yanked her back to him, pinning her to the floor. The screen went black, then came back with the music repeating. Bakugo was shirtless now, and doing pull-ups in a doorway. Keiko watched him shamelessly, standing when he dropped back to the ground. She approached Bakugo, her posture and the sway to her hips saying he was about to be a very happy man. She slowly skimmed her hands over his stomach, leaning in for a brief kiss, then slapping his pecs in time with the claps in the music once again. She didn’t even have a chance to try and run. Bakugo picked her up and slammed her up against the wall, her legs around his waist and her wrists in his hands. The video ended there, and Kirishima was finally able to breathe. If anyone else had ever done that to Bakugo, he was sure they’d be murdered. He remembered (mostly fondly) when Kaminari and Sero went through their ‘fuck with Bakugo’ phase, and the many nurse office trips that resulted in.
It’s Present Mic who shows Aizawa the video. The Instagram video is exceptionally popular, but Aizawa wasn’t really a social media guy, so he never would’ve seen it otherwise. It starts a trend that is now blowing up, and Mic admits that he’s already filmed a response video. Of course he has. Dork.
It opens with Keiko on a flat grey background. She’s wearing her hero costume without her gloves, but the heavy scarring on her hands is obvious. As is the fact that she can’t close her hands fully.
“I am Augment, the unyielding hero. I have permanent damage in my hands from backlash of my quirk. I will never again be able to close my hands fully, or open them fully. My grip strength has also been reduced. My ability is not defined by my injury. I stand alongside the disabled, and those who have been permanently disfigured. Your disability does not define you. You too can be a hero.” Keiko offers a smile to the camera. Bakugo steps up beside her in his hero costume, his hearing aids clearly visible. He’s wearing his home ones, not the ones created as part of his hero costume. He swiftly fingerspells his hero name.
“I’m Ground Zero. I’m hard of hearing, but that hasn’t stopped me from being the number one hero, so you losers better step up too! Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something, or else you’re just as weak as they say you are!” Katsuki shouts and signs simultaneously. He tended towards simcom, and always had, even when the hearing loss was minimal.
“What Ground Zero means is that true weakness is giving up to fear, while true bravery is acknowledging fear and doing what needs be done regardless.” Keiko says, then gives the camera a peace sign, “Real heroes are defined by their heart, not their power!”
“Hey! That’s not what I said stupid woman!” Bakugo shouts, and the video ends. The comments are full of linked videos of other people saying the same sort of things. It swiftly has expanded to include mental illnesses, mental disabilities, addictions and personality issues.
After a ton of needling from Present Mic, Aizawa will eventually make one about the backlash of his own quirk. All of his previous students end up commenting on it, and Aizawa will forever deny crying over it.
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eyebeastposts · 5 years
Down On The Farm
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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Male to Female Anthro Cow TF, Weight Gain, Burping, Farting, and Sexual Content Jessie takes a job at a farm working with bio-engineered livestock, not realizing the changes he'll have to go through to please his new boss. This is a commissioned story for gomanfury.  As always, enjoy and feedback is appreciated!
   Patiently waiting inside the farmhouse, Jessie tried to stay calm by going over what he learned in college. A scrawny young man with short black hair, everyone found his choice of future career strange. The summer job offered at the farm was just what he needed to qualify for his master’s degree in agriculture. The unique nature of the job didn’t matter to him, all he cared about was the end result.
   The smell of livestock and barn came wafting into the room the herald the arrival of Jessie’s new boss. He was a heavy set creature, his entire body covered in thin black fur and a set of worn-out overalls that were one size too small. Taking up two chairs, he sat down his wide rear and fiddled with his tail to get it through the hole. Tapping his hoof-like fingers against the table, he observed his possible hire. Jessie had been through many interviews like this in the past, but he couldn’t recall a boss who had the face of a bull, complete with a pair of horns, cow ears, and a snout.
   “Hmm,” the bull man said, peeking through Jessie’s resume. “Looks pretty good. Ever done work on a farm?”
   “Just at the university.”
   “Have you ever worked with gene spliced livestock?”
   “No, but I’ve done plenty of research.”
  The bull man let out a sigh. “I don’t know what they taught you, but the animals can be a handful. The gene splicing made them not take too kindly to humans.”
   “Yes, but I’ve heard there are ways to get around it.”
   “Then you know what you’re going to have to do to work here?”
   “Yes, I’m prepared. All part of the job.”
  The bull man showed off his yellow teeth in a warm smile. Getting up from his chair, he walked up to Jessie and locked his head in a hug. “I like your attitude. What you say your name was again?”
   “Jessie sir,” he replied, finding it hard to breath with the lack of air flow and overabundance of the bull man’s odor.
   “I like that name. You can call me Jeb when we’re not working. Boss when we’re on the job.”
   Jessie slipped out from between Jeb’s pits. “Does that mean I’m hired?”
  “Almost, I still need to see you in action. We’ll use the rest of the day as a little test run.” Opening up the door to the yard, he gestured for Jessie to follow. “Oh and best leave your clothes here. I’ll be giving you more proper work attire in a bit.”
  Following his boss’s orders, Jessie took off his clothes and draped them over the back of his chair. Following Jeb outside, he made his way to a shed at the back of the house. Inside was a collection of scientific bottles and liquids that looked completely out of place on the farm. Jessie had seen some of the mixtures before in the science lab, but he couldn’t begin to guess at the concoction Jeb was mixing into a drinking glass.
   “Here you go,” Jeb said, handing over the black and white drink.
   “What’s in it?”
  “Couple of genetic splicers, plus some creamer to help it go down. Sorry to tell ya, but you’re going to be a guinea pig for a new concoction. Fellas down at the lab told me it was ten times as potent as the old stuff. Should make you a real help out on the yard.”
  Holding his tongue against his boss’s questionable morals, Jessie took the glass. It looked like your standard gene splice concoction, complete with a strong aroma serving as a warning for the taste. He had seen plenty of gene splicers back at college, some for the animals and some for the students themselves. Regardless, it didn’t make it any easier as he put the glass to his mouth and began to drink. As he suspected, the taste was awful, with only the hint of dairy creamer helping to ease it down. Lifting the glass up high, he chugged the rest in a few gulps. Sucking up the last few drops, he handed the empty glass off to Jeb before letting out a foul smelling burp.
  “Damn son, that was impressive,” Jeb said, taking the glass and setting it aside. “The changes should start in-oh already! They weren’t kidding with the potency.”
    Jeb’s words made Jessie very aware of the splotchy, black and white fur beginning to line his body. As the hair reached his thin stomach, his waistline bulged with thick fat that spread throughout his lithe form. His scrawny legs plumped up to meaty trunks that could support the pair of luscious butt cheeks hanging from his rear end. Scrunching up his extra chins, he watched his twig-like arms turn to meaty haunches and his fingers become shaped like overstuffed sausages. His plump digits immediately reached for his pecs as they engorged into a pair of heavy breasts, each one the size of a beach ball. Rubbing and pinching at his spare tire of a belly, he managed to keep his over 300-pound body balanced in time to watch the other changes take place.
   He had to slow down with his self-groping as his fingers turned into hard, black, hoof-like digits that sunk into his fat. His cloven feet helped keep him standing, but that didn’t stop each stomp from jiggling his butt cheeks up and down. Reaching back to keep his rear steady, he felt something brush against his fingers. Tugging at the protrusion, he let out a high-pitched, bovine yelp as he got a good look at his tail. Releasing his new appendage, he moved his fingers towards his face to find the source of the strange noise. His hooves reached his head just in time to catch his mouth extending into a cow snout. A moment later, he moved to flick his long, flat cow ears and feel the smooth edges of his nubby horns.
   His hair extending into long strands reaching down to his back made him pull his hands away. Another shake of his belly made him feel something bulging out from underneath. Lifting up his flabby gut he watched as the mass of flesh grew more spherical with four, long protrusions jutting from it. As the lump turned bright pink and sagged between his thighs, it finally dawned on him that he had grown an udder.
   The variety of bovine features should have been enough to astound Jessie, but there was something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. A male bull wouldn’t have such short horns, nor would they be sporting a pair of massive breasts and an equally swollen udder. Putting together the higher pitch of his voice and the increased length of his hair, it finally dawned on him. Reaching below his udder, he felt the absence of something he had had since birth. In its place, he felt the folds of a thick, meaty, cow vagina.
   “You turned me into a girl?” she asked.
   “Well yeah, comes with the job,” Jeb shrugged, unaffected by Jessie’s drastic change in appearance. “I’ve got bull genes to do the heavy work and you got dairy cow genes for…well it’ll be easier to show ya.” Snatching a pink apron the size of a bedsheet off a hook, he tossed it at Jessie. “This’ll be your work attire. I’ll give you a chance to slip it on and get used to your new self. I’ll be waiting outside.”
  Left by himself, Jessie begrudgingly tossed the apron over her head. Pulling and yanking at the fabric, she barely managed to fit the garment over her body. It was nowhere near a flattering outfit, showing off every bulge and curve of her overly plump form. Even then, her backside was completely exposed save for the thin piece of string stretched across her back. Reaching back to try and stretch out the fabric even further, her hoof bounced up against her meaty backside.
   A strange tingling sensation shot up her spine at the simple act of grazing against her bountiful ass flesh. Grasping her butt cheeks with both hands, she gave them a squeeze.  The same sensation spread through her body, forcing out a soft moo. Losing herself to the feeling, she continued to squeeze and grope her luscious butt cheeks. Leaving one hand to stimulate her rump, her other slid beneath her belly. Before she realized it, she was making her way towards her womanhood. She didn’t know what she was doing, her instincts were in complete control. In just a few moments, she would experience everything her body had to offer.
   “Okay in there Jessie?” Jeb called out from right outside the door.
   “Yeah boss!” Jessie announced, quickly pulling her hands away from her nether region. “I’m just about ready.”
   “Well come out here soon. I wanna show ya the livestock while we still got daylight.”
   “Coming!” Jessie shouted back, hurrying to fix her apron and stumble out the door.
   “Hmm, a little tight, but I say you look pretty good,” Jeb said as he approached. “Follow me, I’ll show you to the barn.”
   “Right away boss.”
  Awkwardly waddling after Jeb, Jessie kept switching her gaze between her new work environment and her own plump curves. As attractive as she found her form, she found it hard to focus on what Jeb was saying with her breasts, belly, butt, and udder shaking with each step. She had to be careful not to trip over the dirt road, even the slightest wrong move likely to send her hefty form toppling over. Lost in trying to keep herself balanced, Jessie bounced right against Jeb’s own massive rear.
   “Whoops, sorry about that,” Jeb said, quickly turning back to catch Jessie from falling.
   “Why did we stop?” Jessie asked, noticing they were right outside the barn. “Weren’t you going to show me the animals?”
   “Yeah, but they won’t take too kindly if you go in now.”
   “Wasn’t that the point of making me like this?” she asked, pointing to her face.
  “You look the same as them, but don’t smell right.” Grabbing a satchel near the barn’s entrance, he popped it open and pulled out a handful of grass. “Eat up. It’s my own special mix.”
  Rather than question Jeb’s methods, Jessie assured herself that the bull man knew what he was doing and swallowed the wad. The taste was better than expected, like a well-seasoned salad. The problems started as soon as the grass hit her stomach. A gas bubble flew up her throat and came bursting forth with a loud BWOOOOOOOORRRP. The burp was echoed by a second one coming from Jeb, looking quite pleased with himself even as they were both subjected to the lingering smell. Backing up from the gas cloud, Jessie became quite aware of a building pressure in her gut. Before she could even attempt to stop it, a rippling fart came spurting from her rear, flicking her tail in the process.
   “Why would you UUUUURRP give me that?” Jessie belched out.
  “To make us,” he paused, leaning to the side to let out a boisterous fart of his own, “smell right. You should BWOOOORRP know cows are one of the gassiest animals on the farm. We don’t have the right scent, the animals will UUURP think something’s up.” Digging another wad to swallow, he handed the rest of the bag to Jessie. “Better eat up. Gonna need all the BWOOORP fuel you can get.”
   Taking the satchel in her hands, Jessie begrudgingly swallowed another hunk of grass. Stepping behind Jeb gave her a face full of his next rippling fart. As the gas filled her snout, the same strange sensation that came from prodding her rear reappeared. Unconsciously she deeply inhaled Jeb’s scent, his and her smell mixing inside of her snout to create a noxious odor that she couldn’t get enough of. Noticing Jeb leaving her behind, Jessie helped herself to another wad of grass and ran to catch up.
   “Aside from the UURP size difference and anger issues, the animals are pretty standard,” he said, gesturing towards the pens of oversized pigs, cows, and sheep. “I’ve already taken care of the chores for the day. So we’ll just be-“
   A series of loud animal noises got Jeb’s attention. Turning back, he saw a crowd of young goats trying to stick their heads through their pen to try and get at Jessie.
   “I thought your BWOOOORRP grass was supposed to stop them from attacking me!” Jessie shouted, shoveling the grass into her mouth and letting out a series of panicked farts in an attempt to keep the goats at bay.
   “Oh, they’re not trying to hurt you. I think I just forgot to feed them.”
   Jessie shoved a handful of grass down her throat and let out a bassy belch. “Then feed them!”
  “Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Er, not that your wearing any. Come on over here and I’ll show you one of your major duties.”
   Running away from the vicious baby goats, Jessie followed Jeb to a secluded part of the barn. Pulling out a stool barely big enough for her rump, he waved for her to sit down. Putting down the nearly empty satchel, she lifted up the hem of her apron and carefully balanced herself on the stool. Just as she got comfortable, Jeb stepped behind her back and snapped off the string holding her apron together. In a rush to catch the apron before it fell, she pushed down on her stomach and forced out a pair of unruly gas bubbles from her mouth and rear.
   “Let go of the apron,” Jeb said, holding out a bucket “I need to get to your teats to milk them.”
   “That’s what these are for?” Jessie asked, pressing her arms against her breasts and udder.
  “Well I didn’t give them to you just because they look nice. Come on now. If you take the job, this is going to be your main duty.”
  Letting out a half-sigh, half-belch, Jessie let the apron drop to the floor. Leaning back, she allowed Jeb to approach with bucket in hand. Despite his rough hooves and rugged appearance, he grasped her udder with the utmost care. Softly tugging at her teats brought forth small droplets of milk. Unable to see the bucket past her belly and udder, she had to sit there and listen to the container gradually fill.
   The odd sensation came back stronger than ever, Jeb’s constant tugging bringing out both milk and a soft moo from Jessie. Clenching her fingers, she bit her lip to suppress the moans. In exchange for keeping the feeling at bay, she had to let loose with what little control she had of her sphincter. The massive load of grass she had eaten in her haste came in full force with gas bubbles that had her tail constantly waving about. As Jeb continued to pull on her udder, she felt more droplets of milk dribble onto her belly. Looking down, she saw her breasts were also lactating. The sight made her yearn for Jeb to touch her bosom next. Even more, she wanted to feel his mouth suck straight from them. Or even…
   “That should do it,” Jeb said, pulling away the bucket and snapping Jessie out of her trance. “Woah, guess you’re a little too overqualified for the job,” he commented, watching milk trickle from her breasts. “They did say the new mixture would have some weird side effects.”
   “It just means I can BWOOOORRP do my job more efficiently right?” Jessie laughed off to try and shake off the strange feelings.
   “Still, can’t have you walking around like that. Especially since I don’t think the you’d appreciated getting suckled by every animal in the barn. Just sit here while I go feed the goats.”
   “Sounds UUURRP good,” Jessie said, waving Jeb off. Lowering her hand, she couldn’t help staring at Jeb as he worked. The smell of his gas, the lingering feeling of his touch, and the sight of his bulky form moving about, made ideas in the back of her mind come closer to the surface.
   With the goats fed, Jeb came back to collect Jessie and bring her back to the house. Her teats still leaking profusely, Jessie made the apron into a makeshift towel to absorb her milk as they stepped inside the living room. All the while, Jessie’s mouth and anus spewed out the gas that had been stewing inside of her stomach. The trip left her in a haze of smells and sensations that wreaked havoc on her psyche. By the time she squeezed inside Jeb’s house, she was already reaching her limit.
   “Sorry about the trouble,” Jeb said, slapping a stack of papers on the coffee table alongside a bottle of gene splicers. “This should turn you back to your old self. Can’t do anything about your gas though. Considering you ate three days’ worth of grass, we just gotta wait it out. In the meantime, might as well make you an official employee. Just sign the paper and you’ll start fulltime tomorrow.”
   Jessie picked up the pen from the table and leaned over to sign the paper. In the process, she accidentally spilled a number of droplets across the floor. Reaching to block the flow of milk, pushed out another set of burps and farts. Inhaling the heavy air, Jessie’s view turned to Jeb. The feelings that had been welling up inside of her for so long came back, making her focus on the man that had made her what she was. The man she couldn’t get her mind off of.
   Pushing the papers and bottle aside, Jessie got to her feet. “Jeb…I need you for something.”
   “Sure what can I-“
   Jessie stepped forward and locked her lips with Jeb. Reaching as far as her arms would go, she groped and dug her hooves into his back fat, pushing their bodies closer together. Slathering his overalls with her milky teats, she let her next belch blow down his throat as she was completely lost in ecstasy.
   “What’s gotten into you?” Jeb asked, holding her back at arm’s distance. “You’re acting like a…oh shit! Those guys at the lab gave me the wrong mixture. You’re hornier than a group of bulls in heat.”
   “What’s UUUURRP wrong with that?” Jessie asked. “I like this feeling. I want to see everything this body can do. Especially with you.” Stepping closer, she reached underneath his gut to feel the bulge in his pants. “I know you want it too.”
   “I can’t, you’re supposed to be my employee.”
   “I haven’t signed anything yet,” Jessie said, turning around and leaning her upper half on the couch. Raising her rear into the air, she reached back and spread her ass cheeks to show her dripping pussy and blast out another fart. “This gassy cow is all yours.”
   Several seconds passed, with only the sound of Jessie’s gas spurting out and milk leaking onto the floor. Her ears perked up as she heard Jeb unclasp the buttons on his overalls. Moments later, she felt something slide up against her womanhood. Digging her hooves into the couch, she called out for him to begin.
   The entirety of Jeb’s cock filled Jessie’s vagina, forcing a loud moo from her mouth. With his hands holding onto her back fat, he began thrusting in and out of her at ever increasing speed. Each slap of his waist against her thick rear released a symphony of farts, moos, and moans from both of the bovine lovers. Shoving inside with one last powerful thrust, brought them both to a loud climax. Splattering semen and milk across the couch, the pair of them slumped down to rest.
   “I don’t know if that was a good idea,” Jeb said between exasperated breath, “but damn did it feel amazing.”
   “Want to take a few more BWOOOORRP tries to figure it out?” Jessie asked, reaching out and grasping his hoof.
   “Can’t hurt,” he replied, leaning forward to plant a kiss on her cheek.
   “Everything’s all set,” Jeb announced, stepping into the driver’s seat of his truck and closing the door behind them.
  “Are you sure the workers are ready for the job?” Jessie asked, peeking out at the bull and cow people making their way to the barn.
   “Yeah, I made sure to get a concoction that wouldn’t have them fucking each other’s brains out.”
  Jessie put her hand on Jeb’s thigh. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing,” she said, waving the silver ring around her hoof. “Especially since it’s given the two of us a chance to be together. Soon to be three,” she added, running her free hand over her stomach.
   Leaning over to kiss his newlywed wife, Jeb hit the accelerator as they sped off towards their honeymoon.
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inanimorpher-blog · 6 years
Work Talk (Condom TF)
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Justin held the filled condom in his mouth, trying hard not to bite down too hard with his teeth as to not puncture the thin rubber yet trying to get a strong grip to avoid making it drop. He looked up to the camera to give a specific expression trying to hold that pose for as long as he could. Justin had been working in the adult film industry for just about half a year so was getting used to all the behind the scenes aspects. For this shoot he was alone, well sort of… the scene involved one human on screen at least. He spent the last half hour edging himself with an erect penis while stroking himself through the condom. After filling the condom completely he carefully removed and put it in his mouth, letting his cum collect at the tip with it swaying back and forth.
“Alright, get ready, now hold it up,” said the director.
Justin did just take and took the condom from his mouth and held it up towards the camera, dangling from the tips of his fingers.
“Good, good, now the best you can toss it into the bin,” said the director.
Justin paused for a moment, the took the condom and with a carefully aimed his toss and chucked it towards the trash bin on the set near the bed. The condom hit the side with a little sound then fell on the floor with a little splat near the bottom of the trash bin. He missed.
“Well, good enough, we will take a break,” said the director. At the moment the cameraman and set people got up and started checking their phones. Justin got up and walked towards the condom. He bent down to pick it up and checked it a bit to see if there were any tears. Then went to take a seat on the bed and carefully laid the condom out on his open hand.
“How are you feeling Alex?” Justin asked the condom.
After a little pause, Justin heard a response in his mind, “okay, just a usual day of work.”
Justin was still getting used to working with object morphers, humans who have the ability to morph into inorganic forms. While he started out using normal condoms, he would go through a lot each shoot as they often broke under the aggressive manner he would masturbate but he was told condoms who were morphed humans could ensure a lot more strain and stress than a normal condom. For Justin, it was just a little weird that the very lifeless used condom in his hands was actually a human life.
“So, did you want to grab a drink later after all this is done tonight,” asked Justin wanted to show Alex he still treated him as an equal co-star, also he was somewhat curious to learn more about the shapeshifting lifestyle.
“Sure, I guess it depends on how fast it takes me to regain human form,” the condom responded, “sometimes I can revert back pretty fast but if I am too worn down it has taken as long as half a day to get back to my regular old self.”
Justin nodded. He spoke with Alex a bit before he morphed into the condom form. He was a nice individual, about his age, both had similar stories. They both wanted to break into the mainstream movie industry, Justin wanting to be a respected actor and Alex wanted to work with Hollywood prop departments, but with the massive influx of new talent in the field they were reduced to take whatever job that paid, including the very shoot they were doing now. Not ideal but hey they both were making a living.
On previous jobs he had filmed, Justin was used to just tearing up the condom with his furious pumping, this was the first time he took special care not to damage the condom he was working with. It really did put everything into perspective that even though he had to treat Alex like any normal condom on set he was in fact another human.
“Hey do you have an Instagram, Tumblr, or Twitter account,” Justin asked somewhat curious to see what Alex posted on a daily basis. Alex gave him his Tumblr account and Justin looked through it. There were a lot of photos of condoms laying in different locations, on the bed, on the grass, on the floor.
“Oh wow, so you often take selfies as a condom,” Justin asked.
“Well, for that blog yeah. Most people just want to see me in my condom form. Of course they prefer to see me used and filled but I like to keep the circle of those who know I have a condom form small so there’s not many people I trust to use me outside of work and income. On top of that it is already very hard to time my phone to take such selfies as after I have morphed into this form I can’t move,” Alex said.
“I can understand that, I would rather not post shirtless pictures on my Instagram but my followers all want to see that,” Justin said somewhat humored that the two of them were dealing with similar situations. Though he knew he had the better end of the stick, at least his “acting” name and face were on all the videos he starred in, Alex would normally not be listed in the credits as an actor, but as a prop.
“Well hopefully after this I will see you again on another gig,” Justin said to the condom, “maybe in a more “clean” setting.”
There was a pause then he heard Alex’s voice, “yeah that would be nice, I will admit I liked working with you over some of the other people who I have worked with before.”
“Alright, back in positions, time to film the last scene,” the director said as the crew started to scramble to get everything back in their place.
Justin still holding Alex in his opened palm said, “okay back to work.”
“Right,” responded Alex, “you know I think I will take you up on that drink ton-”
Before Justin could hear Alex finish his sentence one of the crew members yanked him out of his hand while another started fixing the make up on his face.
“Alright open,” said the crew member handling the condom as Justin opened his mouth. He put the condom back in place and Justin bit down.
“Alright, let’s do this shot again,” said the director, “and action!”
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