#just to show this to anon! /nm /info
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years ago
Hi! Can i ask for a reader x caelus HSR? Not romantic though, more like found family siblings that is just goofing around the universe as everyone else who trailblaizes with them either chuckle or face palms
Coming right up, anon! You got it :D
Caelus & Reader on The Astral Express
You both are trashcan goblins together. With your combined power, will and friendship, you give both Dan Heng and March 7th a run for their money, and scare every Silvermane Guard there is in Belebog.
That is not a joke, by the way—March 7th is constantly wondering how you two manage to pull this off while Dan Heng is sipping away at Himeko's coffee contemplating what sin he committed to be damned like this.
You and Caelus love to talk about a bunch of crazy things that make no sense without context. You both did this once on Herta's Space Station and some of the researchers nearby thought they were going insane just listening to you two talk.
You both met after Himeko invited Caelus onto the express. Like two peas in a pod, you both surprisingly have a lot in common. You showed him the wonders of comedy while he showed you the wonders of eccentricity. It was amazing!
Between the two of you, March and Dan Heng are definitely the two that facepalm, while Himeko chuckles at your antics. Welt is in the middle, because of course he is (/nm /endearing)
And that's it! Sorry if this was short anon—but I do hope you like it!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: N/A
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sysboxes · 1 year ago
It's possible for alters to have their own mental health!!! Alters can have personality disorders that other alters don't have, I think what you're talking about is autism, ADHD and other disorders similar! (As those affect the brain and therefore affect the whole system, but personality disorders are a different sort of thing, so one alter can have a PD and the others might not!) We can provide links if you'd like ^^ /nm /info
Hey there Anon! Thank you for the offer. We also received the following anon from (probably) another user, which I'd like to address here as well:
Alters can have personality disorders: (link) “✘ MYTH: ALTERS CAN’T HAVE THEIR OWN MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES IF THE MAIN SURVIVOR DOESN’T HAVE THEM. They actually can, and many do. It’s extremely common for individual alters to battle depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, eating disorders, self harm, etc., while other members of the system experience no such thing. Some extremely differentiated systems may even need that system member to come forward and take medications that the rest of the system does not need and will not get. ..and their brain’s neurology responds accordingly. But, make no mistake, most expressions of mental illness amongst alters are incredibly real and valid and should be treated as such.” (cut up a little, the source is above, we're pretty sure the source is reliable, it seems so. We've also had other systems say this too, and to us that's how it works, as only one of us as far as we know are affected by NPD)
Firstly, I feel the paragraph that was cut out of the Beauty After Bruises section is very important for further context and explanation. It's quoted here below:
One note about some disorders, however. Non-verbal, poor eye contact, savant-like, or sensory-processing-disorder alters can be extremely common traits in DID systems. However, it’s important not to just jump to calling these parts “autistic” if the system as a whole is not autistic. It’s possible for alters to behave in ways that mimic their understanding of SYMPTOMS in other disorders they know about, while not actually possessing the neurology for them. This is a complicated subject we could try to elaborate more on at some point, but it’s just an encouragement to pause and not automatically label some parts as having certain conditions just because they show a few traits of them. It can cause a great deal of conflation and misrepresentation of those illnesses. It may also be purely based on discriminatory or uneducated stereotypes of those conditions that were adopted into a young child’s mind. So, it’s just helpful to check for that possibility first!
As Beauty After Bruises is saying here, neurology takes a place in this discussion. It seems as if this resource is mostly stating that alters can all struggle with mental illness, and can appear to struggle singularly with those illnesses symptoms -- in which case, the "This alter is a symptom holder" is exactly the language we feel comfortable with. Until we are able to research more, we're wary about spreading potential misinformation about how brains work.
As mods, we absolutely want to do our best to avoid spreading misinformation. From our understandings, NPD and similar personality disorders are caused by a structural shift in the brain -- something physical and concrete. Here's some of our resources we found on NPD.
Source 1: “They analyzed a total of 34 test subjects, of which 17 suffered from a narcissistic personality disorder… Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods, the scientists measured the thickness of the patients' cerebral cortex… The findings revealed that those subjects suffering from narcissistic personality disorder exhibited structural abnormalities in precisely that region of the brain, which is involved in the processing and generation of compassion.”
Source 2: “The decreased brain white matter microstructures among three clusters were found in the association, projection/thalamic and connection pathways of white matter in young adult males with NPD. The abnormal white matter brain regions may be one of the neuropathological basis of the pathogenesis of young males with NPD, and it may be related to white matter development in early adulthood."
Based on these sources, the moderators are most comfortable using the language of alters being symptom holders. Both sources indicate that NPD affects the structural nature of the brain, which would impact all of the members of the system. However, like Beauty After Bruises was suggesting, that doesn't mean that various alters don't reflect those symptoms in different ways. It's absolutely possible for alters to struggle more or less with disorders, or even seemingly not at all.
I hope this clarifies our perspectives. Thank you!
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lethal-spaceship · 11 months ago
I'm not the anon from before, but doublefine has specifically stated that Raz and the other Aquatos are Romani /nm
Here's a screenshot from a conversation my friend had with the official doublefine account.
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So yeah, Romani Raz canon /nm
WHAAAT /nowaying/ ain't am I silly.
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BUT this is fun info actually!!
It's not the first time of me adjusting character's skintone to fit them into some kind of ethnic group that they canonically belong to (me drawing show Dib more like he is in Florpus despite him being as pale as a paper in show. I know mexicans CAN be lighter skinned but it's just more fun. Also not REALLY canon but god are all genshin characters from Sumeru DYING for some melanin) and honestly this sounds like a fun thing to play around with.
I still like my slav Raz headcanon so perhaps mixed Raz?? huehuehue /EVIL thunderbolts and EVIL lightning/
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gender-mailman · 2 years ago
to anon, yandere is mainly for cluster b personality disorders and anything else dealing with obsession! so bpd, npd, hpd, ocd, and more! i believe seperation anxiety could even fall under there depending on how extreme one has it!
^^^^^^ :D
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that-thing-that-feeling · 6 years ago
What’s wrong with NM? Why can’t they show it the same way they do with The Dark Phoenix? The Disney+ concept sounds like something NM wouldn’t fit into at all (it seems to be more geared towards things that aren’t as dark as NM), not to mention that it probably means that people outside the US won’t see the movie in years (legally).
hey anon, yeahhhh, from what i understand hulu made more sense tone wise than disney +, even though hulu isn’t international, which is a big problem. given some of the things we know, though, I still just don’t get the streaming choice? Is it b/c they know they can’t make the money back b/c they have that little faith in the original cut? Or b/c by moving it twice, they’ve killed all interest into it? Or because it’s what Disney wants? 
Your questions about what’s wrong with NM and about NM vs. Dark Phoenix…the tl; dr version from what i’ve gathered from reading a lot of stuff is something like: the Disney deal happening when it did (a bit over a week after NM’s first test screening), and all the uncertainty the deal raised at Fox; plus tensions with the NM creative team about problems in the original cut and whole vision throughout, what the final cut should look like, and if reshoots should even take place; plus Dark Phoenix being the established franchise vs. NM being new and only the beginning of a potential franchise and the Disney deal killing that–all of these factors seem to have created this mess.
my best understanding atm of what appears to have happened, pulled from a lot of diff sources, i’m gonna put under the cut: 
New Mutants first test screening was Dec 3, 2017. The info suggests that test screening wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t great. By diff accounts, it had pacing issues and/or there was a gap bet. the horror tone of the trailer and this first cut. A few days after this test screening, some of the cast and the director (Josh Boone) attended a con in Brazil to promo the film–so everything was still happening with it. However, a few days after that, huge news breaks: Disney is buying Fox, which throws everything at Fox into chaos.
Whatever problems the film had in the first test screening, the Disney-Fox deal clearly created even more problems. And in January 2018–so a month after the deal was announced–Fox pushed New Mutant’s release date from April 2018 to February 2019, without explanation. All sorts of rumors developed on why–including that there would be reshoots to amp up the horror. Later we have learned, there seem to have been differences between Boone, Fox, and Kinberg (the producer of NM) about the vision of the film and whether or not these reshoots needed to happen–some of these also might have been in the script and production stage too, idk. And then, on top of that, Dark Phoenix (directed by Kinberg) had it’s own problems, needed reshoots, and couldn’t make it’s release date, so in March 2018, Fox again pushed back the release date of NM–Dark Phoenix took over its newer February 2019 release date and NM was pushed back to August 2, 2019.
Throughout the summer, there were rumors about if/when reshoots would take place. But the cast was busy, plus Fox wold have been trying to figure out what it will look like post Disney merger. Plus there were still what now seem like disagreements between Boone, Kinberg, Fox, and even some cast members teams, over the need/willingness for reshoots. And then this is also key: NM was originally envisioned as a trilogy. But the Disney deal kills the trilogy, and makes NM a one off, which makes things more complicated: for instance, why invest money into reshoots when Disney wants a clean slate with the characters and properties, and there’s also resistance to the reshoots in the first place? So yeah it’s just crazy that all this happened. Whatever problems were there, the Disney deal was like the worst timing for this film. We’ll be lucky to just see it at all. 
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oceancoins · 3 years ago
sorry im not sure if ur still doing this, but can i do the rest of the emojis for the plural ask thingy? your system sounds v v cool c: /gen /pos
- voidcat anon
yeah sure! no worries!
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🍓 If you’re an introject, what is your source/who are you? There's three introjects fronting. There's Sunny, from FNAF Security Breach. There's an introjects who doesn't feel comfortable sharing their source but he goes by Aeson. And I'm Tyler. I consider myself a Post-Factive of Tyler Joseph, because that's technically my source but I feel pretty disconnected from it now since I recently came out of dormancy. I'm both an introjects but like... Not really. I don't know if that makes sense. - Tyler
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📍 Funny story that happened in exomemories? roxy let me put puffy stickers on her shoulder pads. - sunny
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🌹 Funny story that happened in the meatspace? Soot fronted in .0543 seconds (/hyb) to tell someone (our fiance) to "stfu" for calling him the human equivalent of string cheese lol - Aeson
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🎃 Who is fronting/close to fronting rn? So our specusian (Noah/Puppy/Adlai/Gavin/the boy has too many names omg /lh) is perpetually frontstuck. So he’s just kinda vibing. There’s Tyler, Sunny + Aeson in front room. And Achilles is co-con. - All(? ig)
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🥕 Are any headmates frontstuck/co-con stuck right now? Well, beside Adlai, I’ve been really front-sticky this past week, and I’ve been stuck in front for a few hours. So I think I might be stuck here for a bit, lol. - Tyler
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🏵 Random song lyric please :D OH I’M JUMPING IN FOR THIS ONE! This is my favorite song and got me through a lot in high school, and a bit after I graduated. I know this is more than one lyric but this verse doesn’t have the same impact when its not all together imp - Noah
To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow I tripped on my ankle and fractured my elbow But doesn't that mean that the tour's gonna sell though? I try to explain the good faith that's been wasted But after an hour it sounds like complaining Wait don't go away, can I lie here forever? You say that I'm better, why don't I feel better? The universe works in mysterious ways But I'm starting to think it ain't working for me Doctor, should I be good? Should I be good this year?
- Karma by AJR
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🌟 How did you find out you were plural? Puppy found notes that another headmate had left for hym. - Aeson
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🌻 Do you use I/me, I&/me&, us/we, and/or any 1st person neos? We use us/we, but we’ve heavily considered first person neos. That might happen in the future. - Tyler
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🌙 Do any headmates have typing quirks? If so, what are they? We have ~1,000 headmates and a good chunk of them do use typing quirks, but there’s so many of us that I wont really list any examples. /nm - Aeson
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🍋 Do you have a host? If so, who are they? Uh. Kinda? We don’t really use the typical role titles we see a lot of systems use. We made up our own because our system functions in a unique way and none of the roles fit. This is our carrd that has pages that explain the role system we use and what the titles mean. It’s not a completed website but its functional and can still be used to see our general system info until we finish our member pages! - Tyler
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🌿 Current member count? We know we have A Lot, but we know/have met ~500. - Tyler
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🌱 Share a picture of urself in headspace! So none of us three are really comfortable sharing a photo, but Puppy is eager to show of 🌖! This is the most accurate we could get with picrew. (credit)
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🦎 Do you share memories with your headmates? I really don’t know how to answer this question, sorry! Yes and no, but I can’t really elaborate farther than that. - Tyler
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🦋 Any -heavys? Introject-heavy and queer-heavy! - Tyler
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🛋 What does headspace look like? its a world that functions similarly to a minecraft world! we have different layer that vary in distance from front. - sunny
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👾 Collective Name + Pronouns Ender and Kenopsia are our names. Our collective pronouns are He/Vey/Voi/End.
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🌂 Singletsona? This is vey! (credit + credit)
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👿 Origin(s)? Our system is traumagenic, but not all of our headmates are. We’re kenobased.
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that-thing-that-feeling · 6 years ago
Never thought I'd say this, but I'll breath a sigh of relief when Disney take over fox and we finally get some truthful info on NM (hopefully). I'm just fed up of hearing conflicting rumours from 'insiders', claiming they know stuff, getting fans hopes up. Latest being about hailee steinfeld, which seems ridiculous since reshoots are cancelled & there was no hint of her filming anything during the original shoot.
hey anon, same–i don’t like the deal, but it’s good news, imo, to see it’s finally closing next week since that should provide clarity on NM sooner, hopefully. one thing to look for is in early april, there’s this movie theatre/movie industry event (cinema con) where all the studios do panels on their upcoming releases, so it will be int. to see if NM is mentioned there.
and, yeah, idk what to make of some what’s posted on that twitter account. i tend to not believe rumors until there’s something more solid (and that hailee one makes no sense?). however, they posted one about dani and rahne being romantically involved in the film and bill sienkiewicz retweeted it which makes me think it’s accurate (that pairing isn’t official in the comics, which shows some of rahne’s crush on sam, but rahne and dani have a close friendship/“special rapport,” and i can totally see this happening and i hope it is in the film).
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that-thing-that-feeling · 4 years ago
@ last anon: Tbf, the ST con is in LA, which is a 2hr nonstop flight from Abq, whereas Cannes is at the very least a 16 hr flight with multiple stops. I really do hope he’ll go- this is a huge opportunity for him- but we have to keep in mind that it’s possible he might not be able to.
Also, abt NM- I do think it’s weird that we haven’t heard of or seen any casting calls over there. But, apparently there was a private email chain that got leaked in the past (the one from last year that said ST wouldn’t be coming back until spring), so I’m guessing they’ve since tightened up security so to speak. But we do that there have been NM casting calls for ST in the past few months, we just haven’t really heard about them. The NM filming community is a lot smaller than GA’s, but I’m sure once we get closer to the start date we’ll start to get more info.
True true re: first part and def it’s a huge opportunity for him so would be great if works. Re: NM it’s just confusing if covid led them to scrap it all together (another Netflix show could fulfill the contract of filming a certain Amnt in ABQ), but I think the casting call referred to there was pretty old and there hasn’t been new stuff. At the same time, the pizza van has clearly been in Hawkins; it’s not like we have pics of exteriors that seem to be the Byers new location (again not talking abt indoor stuff) I think, so it’s possible NM could still be happening. I guess we’ll know either way pretty soon
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