#just to save Link
soul-of-the-hero · 1 year
When you realize that now both Zelda and Link have functionally died, lost themselves, and remained in a magical stasis for many years for each other
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cat-sithe · 7 months
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the brothers ever :)
idk if this relatable to anyone else, but i don’t really talk about my special interests to anyone irl. like the thought of anyone finding out, especially close friends and family, that i like rise as much as i do makes me want to die a little bit on the inside. of course it wouldn’t be a big deal but still… does anyone know what i’m talking about or am i just being silly…?
i haven’t watched Bluey so idk much about it other than it has dogs so i just made leo like it for the same reasons i like rise (family shenanigans)
also messy comic ik but it is what it is
part two
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joshuamj · 2 days
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Okay, but what if EoW!Zelda had to impersonate Link
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heartorbit · 3 months
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happy cyberpunk dead boy english release
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tanjir0se · 1 year
Zelda having a secret room for when she "needs to concentrate" carries with it the implication that it's Link that makes it difficult to concentrate, since they pretty clearly lived together between BOTW and TOTK. A lesser zelink shipper would turn this into something romantic but I'm operating on a higher wavelength.
"Zelda Zelda Zelda look at this cool rock I found don't you think it looks like a frog? Hey Zelda do you think I could climb all the way to the ceiling without falling hey hey Zelda listen to this *makes horse noise* doesn't that sound just like Epona I'm really good at horse noises hey Zelda Zelda Ze-
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daeyumi · 7 months
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decay 🌑🗡️⚫️
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mipmoth · 2 months
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They said that
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science-lings · 1 year
I love how all throughout totk Links motivations are laser focused on finding Zelda. That’s why he’s going everywhere, that’s why he’s frantically chasing every ghost of her. That’s why ganoncorpse uses her image like he does, he saw Link jump in front of the blast of gloom and literally throw himself into an endless pit without hesitation in an attempt to catch her. He knows how much Link obviously cares about her and will chase any rumor of her to the ends of the kingdom.
It’s almost on par with sksw with how little Link cares about the actual plot, he’s asking literally everyone if they’ve seen Zelda and the mummy man that tried to kill him doesn’t even pass through his thoughts until someone else brings it up.
His whole motivation in this game is to find her and its mentioned many times that they’re always together and it’s odd that they’re apart and people are still arguing about them sharing a house.
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phantom-peachie · 2 months
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hhhh,,, skyward sword,,
screams incoherently
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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kiss for the road
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staticwither · 2 months
weeeeoooooo untitled 235 :)
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The fairest of them all
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flickerintwilights · 10 months
idk if this has been pointed out already, but remember how we get this fancy main quest completion screen in Breath of the Wild, for the Destroy Ganon quest?
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the corresponding quest in Tears of the Kingdom, Destroy Ganondorf, doesn’t get a full, singular completion screen like that. It’s marked off like any other quest, albeit in a cutscene — and you aren’t even given that quest until late in the game. unlike another quest, which is in your log from the very beginning:
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Finding Zelda. that’s the main objective, that’s the entire point of the story. it’s been your goal all along. You’ve always been trying to find her again.
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getindumdums · 5 months
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Saw a post talking about Donnies sneaking into schools to write silly math problems on the board. You get 03 Don cause I'm in the midst of watching the 03 series for the first time.
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butchvamp · 1 year
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images from the NYC 10th annual dyke march, 2002, by samantha feder. taken from technodyke.com
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blaiddraws · 5 months
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Part 3: 7
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a brief flashback, set very soon after the last one we saw :)
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1esor2 · 8 months
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🔔🔔🔔 Ya’ll know what time it is
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