#just to note i am okay buying second hand fast fashion i am just tired of being able to find a good quality brand that makes affordables
dreamtydraw · 1 month
*hit the ground* why all the cute alt fashion clothes online FAST FASHION-
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ererokii · 4 years
Red Festival || Eijirou Kirishima
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Eijirou Kirishima x Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of death, cursing
Word Count: 3027
Synopsis: The bittersweet Strawberry Festival approaches again, leaving Kirishima to be locked up in his own thoughts.
Taglist (message to be added): @shoutodoki​ @shoutosteakettle​ @saltie​ @fryingpanitachi​ @sugacookiies​ @kingtamakimurder​ @pixxiesdust​
➺ Note: This is for the @bnhabookclub’s bingo event! The prompt is Strawberry Festival.
Bingo Masterlist
The annual Strawberry Festival was held in the season of spring. After months of rain, many farms in Japan donated to the annual Strawberry Festival. In exchange, the funding from the festival went back to the farmers for more supplies they would need. A plot of land was rented for an entire month.
The festival was amazing. The grown Sakura Trees finally bloomed, the pink petals adding a delicate feeling to the area. The fresh spring air filled up those who attended with joy. Many men, women, and children made the abandoned area into a lively, boisterous place.
Eijirou Kirishima and his friends always went, even during their previous high school years. It was a tradition, Mina would say, as she persuaded them to attend once again with her. They always would fall for her persistent ways— Bakugou finally going with them after she teased him about having no friends. Each year seemed to be more fun and better than the last.
Each time they went, they always seemed to get closer. Kaminari noted that Mina was always the only girl and wondered if she had any other friends outside of their group. Mina, who got offended, started her cycle of whining, claiming she did have other friends besides them. At last year’s festival, she told them she had a friend who would join them but unfortunately couldn’t due to late hero work.
Of course, the pink-haired girl understood, being a pro hero herself. This year, her friend was able to join, asking her agency specifically for the day off.
Kirishima wondered about Mina’s friend. Was she kind? Was she the angry type to lose her cool so often like Bakugo? Was she goofy?
Was she pretty?
The three males waited for their pink friend to show up, who was running fashionably late as always. Bakugou, who was already losing his patience, threatened to leave if she didn’t arrive in the next five minutes, but them knowing him for so long called his bluff.
“Relax dude,” Kirishima sighed, leaning against one of the metal poles that held up the sign for the festival. “Maybe her friend was just running late or something.”
“Yeah, plus you know how long Ashido takes to get ready. One time she wanted to go to the market and made me wait a whole thirty minutes just for her to find the perfect outfit. For the store! Can you believe that?!” Kaminari exclaimed, shoving his arms out in front of him to emphasize what he said.
“She made you wait for thirty?” Sero scoffed, looking up at the clear blue sky. “Try an hour cause she forgot you were coming over and she just woke up.” “Can the both of you just shut up?!” Bakugou yelled, causing nearby people to jump in shock at the sudden burst and stare at him. “Complaining about her isn’t going to make her any faster! In fact, I’m just going to leave right now! Tell her to kiss my ass!” Bakugou turned on his heel, taking a step forward as Kirishima’s arm shot out, his hand wrapping around Bakugou’s bicep.
“She’s coming and we just need to wait! Wouldn’t it suck if we all just left?!”
“Oh no no there’s no we! I’m leaving by myself!!”
A sigh of relief left Kirishima’s lips, his hand releasing its grip on the blond’s arm. “See? She’s here!” He laughed and turned around, a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Mina!”
“Sorry, I’m late! We couldn’t find a parking spot!”
At the sound of we, his ears perked up as his eyebrows furrowed, not noticing another body behind her. “Uh, that’s funny. Where is your friend?”
Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder. “Y/N! Over here!” she yelled, jumping up as she waved you over with both of her hands.
You felt embarrassed as you jogged over to her, holding your ticket in a deep grip of your hand. “S-sorry! They cut me off right when they admitted you!”
A disapproving shake of her head and her hand wrapped itself around your wrist, dragging you in front of her. “Guys this is Y/LN Y/N! Y/N that’s,” a finger pointed at Sero. “That’s Sero! The angry-looking one is Bakugou! The black stripe is Kaminari and the redhead is Kirishima! Don’t make it awkward okay guys?!”
Kirishima stared at you. His eyes raked over your appearance, glancing from the tips of your shoes to the hair on top of your head. He zeroed in on the lipstick you wore. Red, just like the strawberries he would be seeing soon. The sheer black shirt opened in the middle, revealing the white tank top you wore under to cover yourself. Your jeans hugged your curves in just the right ways he thought it would. He noticed the small dimple of the right side of your cheek when you smiled. Your hair was beautiful. The way the loose strands would fall effortlessly, giving off a tired yet effective look that could have had any boy or girl swooning over you.
“Well hi!” You smiled, the corners of your eyes crinkling in the slightest. “It’s nice to meet all of you! Sorry if we caused any trouble!”
“It’s no trouble at all!” Kirishima blurted out, his eyes widening at his statement as he coughed into his arm, regaining his composure. Ignoring the snickers of his friends, he looked into your eyes. Oh god, your eyes. He felt as if he jumped off a diving board and jumped into an endless pool of wonder. He wanted to drown himself in it. He needed to.
“I uh..” he trailed off and shook his head, slapping his hands against his face. “It’s no trouble at all! We didn’t mind waiting!”
“Hah?! What’s with the ‘we’ bullshit?! I’m not a part of that!” Bakugou yelled, pointing a finger in your direction. “You made me wait for so fucking long! I’ll remember that!”
“Can it Bakugou! Yelling at someone you just met is unmanly!”
“Oooh, he has it already!” Kaminari cooed, placing the back of his hand on his forehead, in a fake act of swooning. “Sero catch me!” He let his knees buckle, his body falling backward. Sero’s arms wrapped around Kaminari’s midsection, bringing him closer to his own body. “I would never let you fall!” Sero’s voice dropped an octave. “I’ll always protect you!”
You let out a laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. “Are they always like this?”
A displeased sigh left the pink girl’s lips as she nodded. “Unfortunately they are. Just ignore them and you’ll be fine! Might as well go now, shouldn’t we?!
“About fucking time, I can’t handle those two idiots anymore”
“Hey!” an offended Kaminari and Sero yelled, a matching pout on their faces. “I’ll have you know that we are a joy to have!” Kaminari looked in your direction, moving Sero’s arms off his body once he straightened himself up. “Don’t listen to him, you’ll have fun with us! I promise!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Kaminari kept his promise. The group was a joy to be around, just like he said. The festival had multiple small attractions. Small rides meant for younger ages, but of course who could say no to that? Six adults screamed as a strawberry spun them around.
There was the slide. You had to climb what seemed like endless amounts of stairs, carrying a mat to protect yourself from getting a friction burn.
A small huff of air left your lips as you bent forward a little, hands resting on your knees.
“Tired already huh? We haven’t even gone down yet!”
You averted your gaze up, your eyes meeting playful red ones. “And what if I am tired? You gonna carry me down?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he got in the space beside you, his arm brushing against yours sent goosebumps up your arm. “Maybe. Is that something you would let me do?”
Your lower lip tucked between your teeth, the corner of your lip curving in a grin. “I could, but I would rather you cry after your defeat.”
“Oh, my defeat, huh? And what makes you think you’ll win?” He bent over slightly, his body towering over your own.
“My gut instinct, Kirishima! Don’t worry, I’ll treat you to some food to help you with your tears.”
A boisterous laugh emitted from his lips, his shoulders shaking with the rest of his body. “Okay! I’ll accept this challenge. It’s not manly to back down from one.”
“Next group!” the worker yelled, showing you guys to your respected place.
You guys followed his directions, placing your mats down before sitting down. “This is so fucking stupid,” Bakugou grumbled, his hands gripping the front of his mat where his feet were stuffed in.
“Bakugou!” Sero yelled from the left of him. “Kids are here!”
“Keep it down, man! That’s why you aren’t in a relationship!”
“What did you say, Dunce Face?!”
Mina let out a sigh, her heads hanging forward. “Those three never stop.” She glanced over at you. “Are you liking it so far?”
You nodded quickly. “I love it! I can’t believe I missed out on this last year!”
“Oh, so you were the one who was supposed to come last year huh?” Kirishima asked, leaning closer to you slightly.
Your cheeks heated up at the close proximity and nodded, looking down at your lap. “Y-yeah that was me.” You lifted your head, a small smile forming on your lips. “But I’m here now! So that’s all that matters, right?”
He gaped at you, taking in your appearance for the second time that day. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, his cheeks beginning to heat up as he couldn’t stop the smile forming on his face. “R-right! H-hey this might be bad timing but um... Do you think I-”
“Go!” The worker yelled, motioning for you guys to go down now.
“Last one is buying dinner!” Mina laughed and let her weight pull her forward, going down the slide fast, each of you guys following her.
“I’m already buying Kirishima’s once I beat him!” you yelled out, your hair flowing behind you from the passing wind. You could feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins as your heart was beating out of your chest, the gust of wind filling your lungs.
Kirishima looked over your way, his heart leaping out and running to you with open arms, his body unable to contain it. ‘She’s so pretty there,’ he thought, his grip on the mat slowly letting go as he lost himself in his daze.
There was a sudden dip towards the end. His hands were nowhere near his mat, instead they reached forward as his body was launched in the air.
“Kirishima!” you yelled out in worry, the voices of Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and even Bakugou laughing out loud from behind you.
“What an idiot!” Sero pointed, throwing his head back in laughter. Kirishima’s body tumbled down the colorful slide. He let out a rather loud groan as his body collided with the grass, his face buried in the depths of the earth.
“Kiri, are you okay?!”
Oh god, you called him Kiri? And you saw him fall on his face? Could this day get any worse?
Your hand touched his shoulder, gently poking him with your index finger. “Are you alive?”
“Yeah...I’m alive”
You let out a sigh of relief, sitting back on your knees as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Good. I would hate to see you dead on the same day that I met you. I would like to get to know you better before that,” you joked.
He quickly turned his head, patches of leftover dirt lingered on his face, pieces of grass stuck in his hair. “R-really?”
You meekly nodded, standing up from the ground as you dusted the dirt off the knees of your pants. You ignored the fit of giggles and the stares from the people around you. “Yeah really. You seem really cute and a joy to be around.”
He placed his hands on the ground and lifted himself, a goofy smile displayed on his face. “I don’t mind that!” he choked out, hand reaching into his pocket for his phone.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Somehow you and Kirishima ended up alone and away from the group. The others said that they would find a place for food while you and Kirishima went strawberry picking. You swung the wooden basket in your hand, humming a small song as you had a small bounce in your step.
The tune of your humming caused Kirishima to stay silent, basking in the moment that he felt he wouldn’t get again.
“So Mina brought up that you guys have been coming here for the past 4 years in a row?”
He nodded, looking forward as you continued down the fields. “Yup. Since our second year of high school. Mina brought it up first and we all teased her saying it was stupid. Turns out it’s fun to come hang out here.”
A whine left your lips as you rubbed the back of your neck, a pout on your lips. “I’m still sad I couldn’t come last year! I tried begging my agency but to no avail, they wouldn’t let me and couldn’t get someone else!”
He let out a hum, reaching down to pick a strawberry away from the stem, admiring the shiny coat of red protecting its core of flavor. He reached over to you and dropped it in the pile of other strawberries in the basket. “Well, since you came with us this time, you can come again next year!”
You felt your heart swell up with joy. You only knew them for less than nine hours and already he thought of you as a part of their group? Your cheeks grew darker than their normal pigment. “Y-yeah!” you stuttered, then laughed. “Sorry if I’m so nervous..you’re just really cute”
He let out a noise of shock. “R-really?! Well, I think you’re cute too!”
“Oh, I know. I caught you many times staring at me today.”
Many? Was he really that obvious?
“I uh-” he stammered and looked away, something else catching his interest.
“I’m just messing with you! Don’t get your head caught up in a twist,” you grinned, bending over to grab a strawberry. “Hey, this one looks like a heart!”
“Really?” he leaned closer to you, his heat radiating off his body and washing over you. The smell of his cologne filling your every sense, nearly driving you mad.
You nodded and lifted it to eye level, your eyes following the shape. “Yeah! I almost don’t wait to eat it.”
“Well, why don’t we eat it together?”
Your eyes met his, your faces centimeters apart. “Yeah..that sounds good,” you whispered.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The promise between the both of you was kept. Many hangouts turned into dates. After the one year you went, it was tradition now for you that you went every year with them. The group adored you after the first meet up. The boys’ group chat blew up, most messages from Kirishima as he spammed it, saying that you guys were going to hang out sometime soon.
Of course, they cheered him on. Except for Bakugou, who said that it was a waste to tell them, but on the inside, he was happy for Kirishima.
Kirishima was happy with you. He really was. You made him feel things he didn’t know he could. He felt loved. He felt like he was on cloud nine the whole time he was dating you. He loved the times where he would wake up from his sleep, turn over on his side and come face to face with your face that was at peace. No matter how many times that happened, his heart always fluttered like it was the first time it happened. Eijioru Kirishima was in love with you.
The annual Strawberry Festival was approaching yet again. After a season of agony, the sorrow that was built inside threatened to burst out.
Kirishima refused to go. Instead, he was standing in front of a gravestone, a dark look settled over his face. His red hair was down, the bangs covering his eyes. His throat was tight as his eyes spewed of tears of hatred and pain. His sharp teeth dug into his bottom lip, bringing a fist to his mouth, his lips kissing the object in his hand.
Along with Kirishima, the rest of them stayed with him, refusing to leave their friend when he needed them most.
Your death happened out of nowhere. A villain attack. You weren’t on patrol. You were just a mere civilian for the day. A young boy’s life was at stake. Your selflessness kept the child alive. Yet your selflessness made you risk your life.
That was one of the things Kirishima loved and hated about you. You always made sure to keep others' needs above yours. If only others didn’t arrive too late, you would have been going down the slide yet again with him, laughing your head off.
He let out a prolonged sigh, his shoulders rising and falling slowly. This was something he had to come to terms with. One last kiss to the object, he placed down the delicate ring on top of your gravestone, hearing the small clink of the metal hit the concrete.
A strawberry red band with a diamond on top, the sun rays shining down on it. He would have proposed on what would have been your third year anniversary, but of course, the universe had different plans for you.
The red festival, as Kirishima liked to call it, will always give him a subtle reminder. A small subtle reminder that gave him nostalgia. The place where he met the love of his life, bringing memories, and many more. The place that gave him a grim reminder that you were no longer alive, and weren’t coming back home any time soon. The place that you wouldn’t be going too anymore.
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christineeej94 · 4 years
Extremely❤Part three
a/n:tell me if you want to make other parts to ‘Extremely’. I hope you gonna love it. I cry so much writing this part. Kisses🌻
Warnings: bad language.
Word count: 1.960
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“My dear, Arón Julio Manuel Piper Barbero aka my love of my life
  I´m writing this to you with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes. It´s like a love letter, don´t get it like a break up note, please. I let you in the envelop the first reason I left and that´s our baby. Yes, it´s sound unimaginable, me and you having a kid at this young age. I don´t want to give up on this pregnancy and kept the baby, I am sure that you will be happy when you gonna read this. I left you because you weren’t no more in my life and it still hurts so bad. I lost my nights thinking when you were, if you are safe or if you ate something. I’ve seen signs that you came home but I couldn’t feel your warm body next to mine. Your bed side was cold and empty like my soul in this moment. I don’t know what cause this breaking in our relationship but sometimes we shouldn’t think at those things. I going to raise our child by myself and when I’m going to be ready maybe I’m going to presented to his father.
 I love you more and I hate you more,
 (Y/N) aka your love of your life” 
  I memorated my letter to him and I repeat it in my mind every morning. His memories don’t let me sleep at all and I still can feel his touches. It’s a month from that moment when I let everything behind me and I left. My soul broke in millions of pieces and I can’t repair it until I found my happiness again.
   I’m living in a village by the ocean, near to Valencia and I like it here and it gives me quietness. My bump grows a little and it’s barely noticeable. I’m starting wear large clothes and eating healthier. Today I’m going to buy something for my little apartment and usually I do my shopping at the local market. I love to go there and talk with merchants and some people I met when I moved here. About a week ago I met a lovely couple, of age with my parents, and weirdly they look kinda familiar. I waved to the curly head lady and I went closer to her. Today she is alone and she already done her groceries.
“Hello, what a beautiful day.” She greets me and I salute her back. “And the little one grows day by day.” Her hands rub my little belly and I giggle. She has a gentle touch and she reminds me of Arón. “Yeah, she is growing fast.” I said melancholic. “She? You think it’s a girl?” the lady said and we are going together to a handmade store. “I feel it. I feel that the baby inside me is a girl. A little baby girl Piper.” I said sadly and the woman next to me stairs at my face for a second. “You didn’t tell me why you come here alone. What happened?”
I smiled softly. ”My boyfriend forgot about me and he starting to spend his night out too much. He sporadically came home at a decent hour. I didn’t feel his love that much.” I explain and the woman approve smiling sad. “Maybe in the future you are going to forgive him.” Her voice is soft and calm.
 I looked at her and a lot of memories come in my mind. Our first kiss, when we first slept together, when I met him on that yacht. And I realized how much I still love him. “I already forgot him. Because I love him, but that’s doesn’t mean that I’m going back to him. He needs to learn his lesson and if he cheated on me, I’m not coming back at all.” I replied and a tear fall on my cheek. “Don’t cry, hermosa, everything is going to be okay.” She hugged me and I hugged her tight. I miss him so much and my soul hurts so bad because I want to jump in the first train to Madrid and go back to him. I want to squeeze him in my arms and I want to tell him that I LOVE HIM. “Saturday come to our house and let’s have lunch together. What do you think?” “Sure, I’ll be there.” I hugged her again and I continue to shop what I need.
After the shopping, I got home save but very tired. This pregnancy is already giving me tiredness and I’m feeling very weak. I open my phone and I called Ester. She is the only person who I keep in touch. Besides my parents who don’t know about my baby. I appeal her and after the third tone she answered. 
“Hey, chica, what my niece is doing?” I laugh. Ester thinks that my baby is a girl too. “She alright, got me tired” I said and I heard a load noise from Ester. “Arón, don´t… .” Ester screams and my heart stops. I heard a thud and another scream. It’s him. “Boys, hold him. (Y/N), I’m on set and he got crazy every time my phone rings. I didn’t tell him where you go. Now I need to go, love ya.” She ends the call and I fell on the floor crying. He doesn’t forget me or he’s just frustrated because I left without an explanation. I put myself in bed and I listen the waves breaking of the shore.
 I couldn’t sleep last night and every night from that call. Maybe I shouldn’t have left and I should have stayed with him. I run like a loser and now I regret my decision. Fuck no, he left me in the first place.
I get up tired and run to bathroom for my morning routine to throw up everything I ate a night before. My morning sickness is bad day by day but I control it with some lime water. I horrible to be alone, mostly in this period but I manage myself. Today it’s Saturday and I don’t want to go anywhere but I promise to this lovely lady. I open the dressing and I found my yellow dress which I wore it when I go on my first date with Arón. It was at coffee shop in the downtown aria, he picked me up from my home and when he left me back at my place, we had the sweetest kiss in the universe.  
I put on the dress and it´s mold around my belly, accentuated the little bump. I wear a light makeup and I put on some flip-flops and I take the tart a baked last night. It’s the only sweet thing that I can make, besides pancakes. Actually, is Arón’s favorite and I thought that it will be nice to bring something. At noon the streets are empty, you can barely see a dog or a cat crossing the road. I like here, it’s peaceful and I love to smell the salty air every time I open the window or I’m walking down the street. The house where the curly hair lady is living with her husband it’s so beautiful, they are having a huge garden with flowers and trees. The house is in a very old fashion Spanish style, painted in a light blue. First, I was greeted by two fluffy dogs who started to bark at me. They stop when the lady got out from the house and smiled at me.
 “(Y/N), I didn’t think you are coming or not, come on, the lunch is ready.” I entered in the house and a strong cologne hit my senses. Smells exactly like Arón and I need to stay a little get my shit together. “I bring a lemon meringue tart.” I handed her the box with the tart and she smiled friendly, pointed me the table. I found her husband there and he hugged me.
“You look good, please sit down.” He encouraged me to sit down and I observe that on the table are 4 plates, not three. “Sorry, it’s someone else is coming?” He smiled softly and drinks some water from his glass. “My son, he didn’t announce us sooner that he’s coming to visit us.” “It’s alright, I can leave if I’m furthermore.” I said and he stopped me. “No, you are welcome here like he is. Honey, bring the food, I’m sure our guest is hungry.” He gets up and go probably to the kitchen.
“(Y/N)” I heard my name called and my blood freeze in my veins. I turn around I can’t believe what I’m seeing. My body is blocked on the chair and I can’t move or speak. He is here. In flesh. “Baby, I’m sorry for my behavior. I’m sorry that I wasn’t beside you when you need me.” Arón looks at my bump and smiles. “Our baby is growing.” I get up ready to run, but why. I love him and he is here, giving me an explanation. “What are you doing here? How you found me?” I mumbled, ready to cry my ass off. “The couple from the other room are my parents. When my mom called me and told me that she met you I was in shock.” I am too. I figured out why they were familiar to me. “I was ready to leave everything and come here, but she told me that you need time.” He is changed. Now he has a new haircut for the series and also have huge bags under his beautiful eyes. He takes a deep breath before he speaks again.
“In the night after Ester’s birthday, I met Carlos again in the club, he drugged me and put me said some things, bad things. He filmed me and then he blackmailed me. I spend the nights with Miguel and a lawyer trying to do get a way out from this shit. He didn’t want money, he wanted to sleep again with me. But it was impossible because I love you. I’m sorry for let you down and for not telling you.” He come closer and I looked in his wet eyes. He is sad and depressed and I see that. Because I’m too and I believe him.
“Fuck, I missed you so much” I jumped in his arms and I started to cry loud. He rubbed my back with his big hands to relax me. “I love you and I’m sorry because I left.” I kissed his lips and he responded me. “I love you too, mamá” he mumbled.
After we cuddled for a while, we decided to get up and to meet properly his parents. They got me. I laughed when his mom told me that she handles herself not to cursing his son and for not telling me who they are.  We ate together and I’m happy. I hold his hand the whole lunch even if was hard for us to eat. I don’t want to leave him never again.
“So that’s your apartment here” Arón remarks and I approve. “It’s cozy” he added. “Our home is waiting for us when you are ready to come back” “I’m ready.” I kissed his lips putting my arms around him. He groans in my mouth and slaps my ass. “Your ass is bigger.” he smirks and kisses my forehead. “I’m fat now.” “You are just a sexy mamá.” “Mhm, let me present you the bedroom.” I said passional and grab his hand in mine. “I was waiting for this”. I lift his t-shirt and he put his hands on my belly.
“Hey, bebé, daddy is speaking to you. Sorry for making mommy upset. I love you.” 
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eris0330 · 6 years
BTS Concert // Experience // Tips
So i went to the BTS Concert in Amsterdam on 131018. It was a wild ride, and not only because of the fact it was my first time traveling, it was also my first BTS concert. So this is a post for people who will go to their first BTS concert (or any concert?) to be aware of and to settle some things down, or to have some type of expectations. 
Disclaimer: I’m not saying this is like this at every concert, this is purely out of my own experience. 
NOTE: You can see some of my pre-trip pictures and BTS Concert pictures + videos in my Instagram story highlight and it’s called “BTS // AMS”. (IG: Eris0330)  Some epic things happened even after the concert in the airport, and i’m not lying when i’m saying my sunday was a fucking mess. 
So enjoy!! 
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Information during the day of the concert
Ticket: GA
Time of arrival at concert line up: 8:00 (8 am)
Location: Amsterdam
Hotel stay: Holiday inn
Amount of people in group: 7 
Merch Sale to begin: 12:00 (12 pm)
Doors opening to venue: 17:00 (5 pm)
Concert start: 20:00 (8 pm)
Concert duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes. 
Fashion: Plaid yellow shirt, Black loose crop top, Black ripped jeans, Leg garter, Nike sneakers 
Tips for being in line // Experience (This is btw not in a chronological order but a whole mess of things)
For the love of god, bring a lot of water. (Some Army’s were nice to hand out water bottles for us in line, Thank you!!) 
Check the weather beforehand. (It was about 24+C and we were right in the sunlight, so please remember to get lots of water and a bit of shade. If you’re sensitive to the sun, please wear sunscreen.) 
It’s okay to leave for the toilet, or go for the merch line, as long someone else will be willing to hold your spot. You can even plan it, so you can buy merch for you and your friends, without having all of you to go. (People were nice to let us come back without a problem) 
Please buy some food the day prior to the concert, it can be sandwiches, minor snacks or bigger. Just remember to get something to eat. (Some Army’s were nice to share their snacks with us, Thank you!!)
The merch line started at around 8-9 am, but the sale already started earlier than stated. It started at around 9-10 am, even tho it was said to first start at 12 pm. Be quick, if you want merch. Shirts were sold out VERY fast. Already within two hours, the black and white (50€) shirts were sold out. We went 3 people to stand in line for merch, while the rest were holding our spot in the entry line. 
There were lockers in the venue, but we ended up putting our stuff in my hotel room. Please look up the venue you’re going to, to check if they have lockers or the rules for a bag. (In Ziggo you were only allowed to have a bag the size of an A4 paper). Because if you get merch, you know where to put it. 
Go to the bathroom at least 1-2 hours before entering the venue, if you’re a GA it will be hard to hold a spot inside the venue. So when you get a spot in the venue, you are most likely destined to stay there, that means if you want to keep that spot. A friend and I, was close to not getting back in line (because they were moving inside a barricaded line) but the security let us back in because of my pathetic plea of the fact i would lose my spot because I NEEDED TO PEE AND THE LINE STARTED MOVING. A lot of the times, the line was moving and it were swinging with 1-2 metres, it was rare it moved A LOT. The doors were planned to open at 17:00, so we didn’t expect the line to move any further, but we were wrong. (We thought we timed it alright, because we went to pee and drop off things around 15:00 (3 pm), but the line apparently moved.)
Please change the way you stand in between minutes (30+ minutes), so you won’t be standing on your heel for too long, it can make you feel dizzy. So differ a bit in your standing, to get the pressure around on your feet. 
Please throw away your trash if you can, do not leave it on the ground. A lot of trash were near the venue under the bridge where we were standing in line and food, blankets, bottles and cans were left behind. Some people were falling over it! Try to help others, even tho it might not seem like something big. 
You will sweat and others will too. It’s no big deal. 
It will be VERY hot in the venue. I ended up taking my yellow shirt off to wrap it around my waist instead. Despite my very ripped jeans a loose black top, i was sweating like crazy and the show haven’t even started yet. (Bring a fan, or piece of paper with you, to fan yourself. If you feel dizzy, call for security.) Or don’t wear too much clothes. If i had the chance, i’d change my outfit. 
We were only allowed to bring 500 ml water inside the venue and it were definitely not enough. Staff had to bring out small cups of water, for the people who were lucky enough to get a cup. So please, stay hydrated throughout the day!!!! 
People are greedy, I am too. I met two kinds of Army’s, the ones who were nice and helped me in the venue, by not standing too close to me and asked me if i was okay. Then there were the ones who didn’t care, and were fighting to get up front by pushing as much as they could, means their bodies were as close as they could to mine, to pass through me but there weren’t enough space so i started to heat up and felt cramped and dizzy. Some does it unintentionally, because it’s in the moment of a concert and they want to see their faves up close. I get that, but please look out for each other. I’m not saying i didn’t do it, because i probably did it too without knowing. whenever there was space to move forward, i did. But i never pushed myself on someone, like someone else did with me. There were times, i constantly had a bag pushing in my stomach and a pair of boobs pressing against my back. Heck people even used my shoulder for their arm rest, to record a whole performance?? 
Some people passed out and were pulled out of the crowd or walked out of the crowd (that is mainly caused from being too warm and people pushing from behind), plus someone not far behind me. PLEASE call for security or make it aware that there is an emergency through the others around. Take care of each other and take care of yourself. If you feel dizzy, tell someone next to you so they know. 
If you have sensitive ears, wear ear plugs. It will take most of the screaming, because Army will scream their lungs out. 
If you have long hair, put it in a pony tail. It’s not a must, but it’s a great tip to not overheat. I had my hair in a pony tail, but that wasn’t my plan at first because i look ridiculous with a pony tail, but thank god i did. My hair got pulled a few times, but i bet it wasn’t their intention. A girl in front of me, had her hair out and my hand/fingers constantly pulled strands of her hair. I told her before the concert started that it wasn’t on purpose and she said that she knew. (You were so sweet but you got lost in the crowd!!)
If you go as a group, please make a plan for after the concert. Where you will meet, if you lose each other. Or hold each other’s hands, while walking out. 
It’s okay, if your legs feel like you have been running a mile after the concert. (Unless there are other symptoms of being uncomfortable, then tell someone). You have been using your leg muscles, to stand, jump, and tip toed to get a better view for over 2 hours. My legs were VERY wobbly, like spaghetti and i looked like i had been drinking too many beers. 
Even though you don’t feel hungry, or thirsty after the concert, please eat some snacks (doesn’t have to be a lot) and drink a whole water bottle at least. My friends and i, were VERY exhausted and tired after the concert. Mainly due to dehydration and not enough food (for me at least). I remember being hungry going in the venue at 17:00, as in it was RUMBLING. When the concert ended, i didn’t feel hungry anymore but i did feel VERY tired and light-headed. I know my body well, i need to get a bit of food if i have been hungrier earlier, cause i might feel more uncomfortable later on, if i don’t fix it. 
Get a Soda, to get some sugar. It helped me when i was shaking due to panic and stress. (Going a bit up, i mentioned almost not getting back in line) When i ran back with my friends to the line, and luckily got in. I was SO stressed and in after effect of the panic i went through. Due to my running, while being in fear and stress, my hands started to shake really bad. It usually happens very visibly, if i can’t have control of things. 
If you’re going with friends, let them know if you have any problems being in a crowd or other things, that they should be aware of. My friends were amazing to ask if i were okay, and it’s IMPORTANT that you tell them if you’re not okay. 
Don’t be afraid to ask people for help, even people you don’t know. They are very nice and have the same interest as you. You all came to hear them, so why wouldn’t they feel a little connected to you? 
We came to stand in queue at 8 am, and we still managed to get pretty good spots. About 3-4 metres from the stage, and the view was good through the concert. 
People WILL move around during the concert, so if you end up standing behind a tall person, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will stand there through the whole concert. Right at the second the music started, people started pushing and we were moved around, but not a lot, just enough for me to get a better view actually. 
If you smoke, move out of the line to stand a bit away from the queue to smoke. Some people are sensitive to the smell, or feel uncomfortable if they continuously get smoke in their face even tho it isn’t your intention. It’s just decent respect for others. 
Remember, if you are nice to others, they will most certainly be nice to you as well. I had a good small talk with a few Army’s during in queue for merch or the queue to get in. They helped me with some questions, when i couldn’t see anything or if someone said something i couldn’t understand (mainly because i’m a foreigner) 
I guess this is all i had! I don’t know if it helped anyone, but i hope it did with some! Enjoy your concert! 
Despite the good and bad things i mentioned, it was definitely an experience i loved very much! It’s something i’ll never forget! The concert is most likely what you make it to, try to think positive and enjoy yourself regardless. I had to tell myself that a lot and it did help. 
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yvaquietdays · 6 years
No Excuses (but also some excuses)
Warning: the following post contains a lot of naval gazing...
I should probably apologise for the lateness of this blog post. Or maybe, on second thoughts, I shouldn’t apologise at all. I never intended this to be constant, bi-weekly affair. Just something I’d use as an outlet for any thoughts, opinions or feelings I had that I felt were worth sharing. In true me style however, updating this thing became a source of anxiety for me. What if I had nothing more to say? What if it’s already been said? What if people will expect more of the blog and I don’t deliver? What if my lack of studying in writing and literature becomes painfully apparent and the blog just becomes a viral embarrassment? Seriously. I know it’s irrational, you don’t have to remind me. But I did my best to quash those nervy b’s, to smash them into the ground with my sturdiest Doc Martens (which I’m excited to share have been worn in again now that the grass-scorching heat has dissipated and that gorgeous northern brew of rain and cloud cover has blessed the streets of London) with vigour, and perhaps a few beads of sweat from my upper lip. Sometimes they’re just whispers, in the back of your head, gently feeding the self doubt with seeds of dissent, until the crop grows more fully into something weedier, which is much harder to stamp out. It’s importantly quell those sneaky whispers regularly. Luckily, I kept doing just that; I only needed to update the blog when it was relevant, and if I didn’t feel like it, I didn’t have to. In the end if I have to apologise, it’s to myself (I am sorry if anyone was waiting on another post; I know I’m being pretty self absorbed here). I mean, I don’t think I kept any of you awake at night, clutching at your bed clothes, covered in tears and mud and ghosts, shrieking “WHEN WILL SHE UPDATE HER BLOG? I PRAYED TO THE HEAVENS AND I CALLED DOWN THE SPIRIT OF UNANNY AND STILL I AM LEFT HERE TO CRY ASUNDER?!” Or something along those lines. 
(I don’t know who Unanny is.)
So if I don’t feel like it, I don’t have to. That’s kind of been my modus operandi of late; if I’m not inspired, the universe just isn’t open for business. She ain’t sellin’. I try not beat myself up when I can’t execute an idea, or when I’m trying to write a draft for my novel and my neural pathways seem to be blocked up with desire for cheese and Harry Potter instead of lyrical wit and literary glory. I actively choose not to berate myself, but treat myself. I’ve been working steadily for the past year to nurse myself with kindness and to give myself more respect than before, to step forward in small steps of positivity rather than falling backwards into regret and self doubt. It’s constant, small work, rewiring your brain. But I think it’s been working. Some days I’m not certain, but for the most part, yes. 
See, I figured if I pushed myself when I wasn’t jiving with it, if I tried to scratch down the words or search the heavens for the melodies, to pull a sick “beat” out of my arse on Logic, it would certainly be insufferable. The worst kind of creativity. Just awful. If I try to force an idea, it won’t feel good, and that is in direct assault with my philosophy of kindness. I know what you’re thinking though, you have to fail in order to succeed, and I’d agree that is another trite but true platitude that I’ve been trying to adhere to. I’ve spent years avoiding true creativity or expression in the event that it will be the worst thing anyone (myself included) has ever heard, read or bore witness to in the history of all creative outputs, and that’s including Friday by Rebecca Black. Banger.
Eventually, I switched myself off from it, I turned away and kept myself in the dark, only trusting the light when someone had the good grace to give me a compliment. But there’s only so long you can rely on others for your self worth. And that time is finite, my friends. So I’ve been very focused on complimenting myself, on sitting in the light, in trying, failing, trying, failing. Life is a cycle, it all moves, life and death, we all get to start again. All of it. And I do believe that. I do. Just recently I’ve been working and writing and recording some things that have been purely experimental for me; I’ve so enjoyed fleshing out parts and lines, tearing my lyrics apart and compromising and hearing the bad sections and replacing them with better ones, only to change my mind about it being there in the first place, and all of this being a very good, very productive, very nourishing thing.
But when the goddess ain’t calling, I don’t call her and ask her why she isn’t picking up the phone. Instead, I'm just grateful in the moments of proper creativity; I write down my moments of inspiration, I note down the lyrics that flow unbidden into my brain, I find images that source the artistic ideas I want to follow up and I record melodies and song ideas into my phone. In those moments, however fleeting or short, I find comfort, and I thank myself for being such an incredible fucking genius.
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OKAY RON. You’re right. I’m not a genius. 
My other motto in life is something an old friend said to me, and it has resonated with me ever since. Know what you’re good at, and know what you’re not. Know your skills and worth, but have the grace to admit your flaws and the things that have you stumped. Be strong enough to admit that you’re not perfect and when you can ask for help, you can usually take down anyone who looks at you condescendingly for not knowing just by saying that to them. You’re stronger and wiser for it, I think. There is nothing wrong with not having all the answers. And the guy (and it’s always a guy that laughs at me for asking...sigh), who thinks he is the pot of all knowing is usually stumped by your lack of shame or embarrassment. 
So the one thing I’m not good at is persisting. Whether that’s at picking up my guitar more, playing the piano, learning to use Logic or getting to grips with music production. Or maybe it’s just persisting in the face of my fears. I’m not sure, man. Is it the anxiety, or a genuine unease and lack of musical ability that stops me? I’m painfully aware that my knowledge of chords is slim, but I’m also horrendously aware that it’s because I don’t practise enough. So I’m not perfect, I’m not the best at this. I still have some ways to go in improving as an artist. I’m a lazy arsehole, and imma tell you all that. 
Frustratingly though - and this is kind of what I wanted to get on to - I keep seeing my former good vibe sentiment all over social media. You know, the one about being kinder to yourself, taking more time, forgiving yourself; “thank your inner diva!” And while I obviously think this a very commendable and instructive philosophy, I also believe it willfully ignores the hard, teeth baring work we have to do to undo all the negativity we’ve practised over the years. I’m a firm believer of the philosophy that we have to be kinder to ourselves to lessen the mental load, but we also have to graft and get our nails dirty, we have to be able to face our fears and we must not become complacent. This is my biggest fear (alongside being alone, failure, tiny clusters of small holes and little girl ghosts), that I’ll become a haven of positivity and light and a beacon for hope and transcendence in my downward dog pose, but I’ll also become a lazy fucker who’s convinced herself she doesn’t have to learn all the chords because the “universe hasn’t made me yet.” We have to tell ourselves when we’re being an insufferable twat, and fast. Pride is no longer fashionable to me. I know this makes me sound like a full tilt bozo, but it’s a genuine concern. In the last year I’ve fully inserted myself, bellend first, into yoga, mindfulness, meditation, exercise and being a zen queen. I’ve challenged myself mentally in ways I wouldn’t have even considered when I was younger, I’ve accepted blame and flaws about myself, I’ve done it all. But my pale white scrotum is still so very privileged and doesn’t want to do the hard work. It doesn’t want to fertilise the soil. I just want to plough into it ‘cos it feels good. But what if I wake up one day, with my pale scrotum in hand, ready to fertilise, and I’ve been left barren and empty? What if I’ve wasted it all trying to save it all up for that one good plough, but then the opportunity never comes? WHAT IF I MISS THE OPPORTUNITIES AND THEN ALL THE FIELDS HAVE BEEN FERTLISED BY SOMEONE ELSE?!?? Okay. So I have to do better. I have to play when I don’t feel like it. I have to learn musical theory so it is ingrained in my synapses. I have to fertilise the bloody soil with all the creative jizz I can muster; whether it’s good, nutritious, exciting stuff, or whether it’s weak and half-arsed. The field doesn’t mind. Any jizz is good jizz. I’m sure you’re wondering where I pulled that analogy out of but I’m sure you can all guess. Hint: you sit on it
The following excuses will not fly; • I don’t feel like it • I’m not inspired • I went for a run this morning and I’m tiiiired (whiney voice required) • I have to finish this Herbology class on my Hogwarts Mystery game • I worked for a whole four hours this morning • The onions made me cry • I’ve already written some lyrics this week (whiney voice also required with this one) • I have no money • I haven’t showered yet • The plants need watering, the towels need washing, need to buy food, all the chores etc. • Charlie Weasley wants to be my friend on Hogwarts Mystery game and I’ve always wanted to be a Weasley • I spent two hours looking at houseplants online and didn’t buy anything • I’ve been trawling the internet for pictures of James McAvoy and his girlfriend to see if he’s truly happy and wouldn’t rather be with me instead Ultimately the only acceptable excuse I will accept is that I’m menstruating. So I urge you all to do the same (persist, not menstruate). Please let me know that you’re guilty of this too. I’m tired of seeing all these bloody proactive “influencers” pouncing out and assaulting me with their life positivity and perfect, shiny, stylish lives. 
Ok. I’m looking forward to my next post a little more now. And talking about something else other than jizz and scrotums.
Let’s keep trying. xxx
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braceface001 · 6 years
His twin sister Roseleigh Mackenzie Poe is 120 minutes younger than him not 2 hours younger than him!
I can't believe this got in, so all of my old wixsite URL redirects to my new one, zzzquilzvegan-megan, got in, too!
What does @zayn want me to say to defend myself? He's white! I need Textrovert not mine!
If she doesn't have any arms anymore and no face soon too then I am going to replace her with 120 seconds but not 90 yet okay! This chain letter is in the future on December 28, 1998 when I said that I am six and Just Ella!
You are going to cry after you read this sad story. A sister and her brother were inside the new Walmart built in town. The sister at six years of age,the brother seventeen years of age. The brother was fixing to buy a present for his little sister on her birthday, but as soon as they were fixing to leave she had to go to the bathroom. Her brother showed her where it was, he started to look at some earrings she would probably like for her next birthday. As he started to buy them he saw people running from the end of the store screaming and yelling with fear.Before he new it he smelled smoke and saw fire, he ran to his little sister as fast as he could but when he got to the bathrooms they were already on fire. He new he had to get out as fast as he could to get help. But when the firetrucks arrived it was already to late. Two days later the family got a call from the hospital saying they have someone there by the name of Sandy.They asked "How did you get this number"? The hospital said she was holding a purse in her hand with a card that said her name and number on it. The family drove to the hospital to see their little angel. While they looked at her, they noticed her arms were almost all the way burnt off, and her face was so burned it needed surgery. But the family didn't have enough to cover the bill. So now they need you to help out! Note:: Every time someone repost this AOL will take away $2.00 off the hospital bill. DO NOT DELETE ! AOL IS TRACKING THIS repost this saying "sad walmart story"
Just don't read my Myspace bulletin to Marisa Lander about "make me The Pussycat Dolls right now" for Christy Carlson Romano and Katharine McPhee!
I don't remember what Myspace bulletins really are but it is really dumb blonde and stupid because it looks like the private message inbox that nobody wants to write!
http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=6861, meowminks video of me and Joe at Crabtree is the dumbest idea in the whole world! The south is very hot, smoking marijuana or weed with a cigarette lighter, electrical room, and/or fast food burger joint, anything else, where did the fire come from? ASMR vlogger which is Lindsay Lohan is going to break every single bone in your body someday! I need to fix my YouTube channel up some more, do you know who knows that I'm watching Little House on the Prairie Season 2 right now? I still believe and think that it's true that I was six years old when some Elijah Wood who looked seventeen years old for Seventeen Magazine said that he's me! I think Zayn Malik's Twin Sister is almost nearly six years old and is eleven years younger than Elijah Wood's birthyear. That is January 12th and Hannah Montana! I kept believing "I used to thought I was born in 1992" so I made myself go to '1992 and later' and Demi Lovato! Great, that is The Parent Trap (1998) but I kept putting him back in 1997, Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith, Kristen Smith, not seventeen yet! I think Rykel's and Klai's Target are not ours! I think that's me! Let's see, I'm not going to have any arms and face... The Ohana Adventure. I just fell for The Other Boleyn Girl again! Blond is Gigi Hadid, Ariana Grande, and Skye Sweetnam! That was Georgia (country), two pure-bloods, and French-Canadian! lying down in the middle of the street challenge, how to pour a concrete slab for beginners DIY? I think I can get a car to run over a white person in mine where I am but I don't think it is going to work because they are just only too skinny to get runned over by my tires and somebody on YouTube just saved them too not just only that!
I need to clean out/up my subscriptions and liked videos both!I thought 'Heidi Kills Clara' and Jada was too funny!! I think you have the wrong eyes and ears not yours! I don't think she said that I don't think she made that noise I think I was laughing at 'I think I'm Clara not Heidi'! But @hitrecordjoe's Walmart is not ours Rykel and he was about to buy her something too expensive and where she is going to get her arms and face burned off! Was that me and Joe? She is not yet six and whoever is closer to Bridgit Mendler is going to be six sooner and soonest first! He’s “Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)” - TRAIN! I tell everybody that Edgar Allan Poe's little sister is a retarded selective mute with asperger's syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder and/or a paraplegic who just got in a car crash in Harry Potter! That's why that's me! But this is the last one because this is the third one of three tiers! Do you know what I mean by smart enough to tell you who is who? Are you guys Bridgit Mendler's new song "Dive"? I think that was Bridgit Mendler, I think I was Bridgit Mendler! I liked the idea of her but then my mommy just messed up my whole house again by putting stupid computer in my living room where I was doing blond Emma Roberts or what to do to make Emma Roberts blonder and so then she put a bunch of stuff in our dining room my daddy Teddy and Tommy and Lisa are all freaking out over her right now! Don't know what to do with all these antique sewing machines from off of eBay! That was blond! Everything Everything? My fashion line for winter clothes in the north is a digital sewing machine, okay! Not these! I don't know what the meaning of her is! He wants to get me a sewing machine called Brother not earrings! I think computers called Brother is not ours! We are in so much trouble, I don't think Brother Industries makes desktop computers, Wikipedia, that was the Columbia Enclycopedia Sixth Edition in the year 2000 or Y2K with Ruthie Camden at Columbia with Matt Camden during Dream Street's adolescence! That must've been when we went to Walmart while Winn-Dixie was changing to Big Lots during The Parent Trap and I wanted to touch size 14/16 Big Girls Mary-Kate and Ashley brand name clothing line and it's not early size zero and double zero juniors at all Olsenboye and Lizzie and Jamie Watson but even smaller and smallest (not even a size one yet, too, two?!)! I'm A Picture Book of Helen Keller! I think I can do questionnaires and surveys on Tumblr's Reblogging and Hearting Career because that was my Myspace Bulletin!
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