#just throwing this out into the wind
Hello spnblr
I went a little crazy when I finally watched 1x10 of The Winchesters last night. I mean, not even about the end of it. I went crazy over a piece of set decoration.
I've been looking/seeing all the stuff about intentional set design, costumes, even colours. So I noticed these glasses firstly because they're green. Then I noticed them because they seemed familiar.
So, fun fact, I have a single glass from a 1970 Anchor Hocking set called Rainflower, in the colour Avocado green. I grew up with my grandparents having the full set, including the matching little sherbet bowls. (Yes only one glass has remained, I mourn)
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Now, this is relevant, because in 4x18 of Supernatural, Chuck is seen drinking out of this same glass.
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Now... Here's 1x10 of The Winchesters...
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Looks pretty close!
I have no idea if they're the same. The release times out. And like I said, I don't have the sherbet bowls but a quick search leads me to think that bottom row is them.
I also don't know if it means anything, if it is. I just need to get this out of my brain.
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novakiart · 1 year
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gotta nurse the baby boy back to health, part i (next)
🕷️ written by me & nevi
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chrisrin · 5 months
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joshuamj · 2 months
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Wind Waker Link design! Not quite sure i captured the vibe i was after, but eh i still like it
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arctic-bookclub · 7 months
in my opinion, qphil isolating and exiling himself is only going to make things worse or delay the inevitable: as shown yesterday the enderking wants qphil to isolate, to not tell anyone, and luckily for our evil demigod that is exactly how qphil operates. he holds secrets in hopes of not hurting others, not getting them involved. and we just saw what happens when he has a support network helping him, he broke free from enderking’s grasp even for a moment. but that bit is not the only reason why his isolation is playing straight into enderking’s hands: it’s his insecurities as well. ”i’m a shit dad” ”i need to prove myself worthy of protecting” ”i need to provide better for the family” ”i need to be stronger” - all insecurities that are qphil’s downfall. enderking has already played into his need to provide for the kids as well as the want to be stronger (the buffs in the dungeon), what’s stopping him from digging his claws further to qphil’s core, his insecurities and weaknesses now that he has no one to break him out of his self-deprecating loop? when all he has are his thoughts, the caws of a crow and the voice of him? if no one finds him in exile, i think he will lose himself again, betrayed by his own mind
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lu-polls · 13 days
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citycrows · 11 days
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So I just learned that apparently 'swordtember' is a thing but because Suo obviously suits the sanjiegun better I'm just gonna be over here doing a more inclusive 'weap-tember'
anyway have a modern special strike force concept feat my son Takanashi (padding the numbers by packaging him with the main boys we're gonna siphon all their fame to you bb)
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bonefall · 10 months
Just wanted to sneak in and say the idea of Riverstar x One Eye would immediately become 100x funnier if one were also to ship them in Better Bones
Here's the God of Summer. He eats people and hates everyone except his RiverClan bf and daughter /j
Quick shout back to you to tell you I'm trying to provide room for it
I love OneRiver too much to not give some kind of opportunity where they could have had some sort of positive relationship, and it's just a genuinely cool idea. That Riverstar was able to see the mysterious stranger before he revealed his true colors, and always felt... odd, about his peculiar energy.
A friendly tenseness. A mutual parting where neither one quite knows what to make of the other. The feeling in Riverstar's gut is like locking eyes with a tiger, just before it turns away.
So what I'm thinking is that in Thunderstar's Justice, after the carnage at the First Battle that summons the God of Summer like a dinner bell, One Eye comes to peruse. He visits each Clan, spends a short amount of time there, and then moves onto the next. He finally stops in Skystar's Clan, but it would give him some room to hang out in the River Kingdom.
Since it's Thunderstar's story though, he would be getting this information secondpaw from his ally and old friend, King Riverstar. One Eye would have a very... tense, predatory feeling to Thunderstar.
Like he's tracking something very powerful and very dangerous as it prowls through the undergrowth.
In truth, One Eye is scouting. He's looking for what was responsible for that delicious smell on that sticky, sweltering summer day. His stops in each group to understand them better, see what sorts of things they want and what they're currently doing, but finds that none of the other Four Founders are the warlord he's looking for.
A wise, ancient, well-spoken being, he was interested in Riverstar for a little longer than the others. Not as his target. Just as a curiosity.
What a poetic story, this peaceful prince had. Desperate to avoid the stressful responsibilities that would be thrust upon him, he sought friends where there should have been enemies, and made peace in spite of tyrants. But his nonchalance became carelessness, and he was made hostage by his underestimated enemy.
He ended up sparking the very battle he had sought so hard to avoid, his father's heroic death to save his son landing the crown upon Riverstar's head. A tragedy. A tale of inevitability. To a God of War, it's a wonderful story to hear.
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Got a Sam x Suo comm for my self ship from the wonderful @sucodelauranja Thank you bubs I absolutely adore it and I might just actually sob. Definitely check out my girl if her commissions are open she is absolutely amazing and the absolute best. 💖
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athina-blaine · 4 months
i love sincerely love working with dungeon meshi's magic system and the way mana sickness is depicted, like it has the breadth and scope for some truly powerful and wacky fun shit, but you can also easily bring down the hammer when you want to put the characters in difficult situations they can't get out of without a little creativity. i found when writing for baldur's gate 3 that, unless i was in a modified setting, i was hard-pressed thinking up fun ways for characters to solve their problems without just using magic, especially for the small things. i mean, what fun is throwing a character into a river and needing to warm them up when you can just cast prestidigitation?? it's one of the first things a novice can learn and also it's a cantrip, it literally costs nothing!
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Alright know what here's a little Guild Wars 2 reblog game for everybody; what mounts (if any) do your characters have in their canon, do they have names? Personalities? How'd they meet??
Spill it all below, tell me about all your creatures!!
#my posts#gw2#guild wars 2#thinking about this a lot lately since mine def do!#I'll start: Pirkko has branded mounts and while I haven't named most of them. they were all branded over by Aurene#because they'd been corrupted by Kralkatorrik and they wanted to see if Aurene's magic could purify them in some way#it usually didn't work but Pirkko keeps the ones they saved#Larimar is her skyscale. his egg was tainted by the Brand before he hatched so Aurene was barely able to save him#he's a chivalrous knight type and is known to be just as noble as the Commander who raised him. brave. bold. kind of a dork.#while the Commander is fighting he circles up above and swoops down to rescue injured soldiers from the front line#Saoirse meanwhile gets the SoTo skyscale egg and that hatches into Nightshade. he's fierce and protective too#but in a much more 'loyal guard dog' sort of way as opposed to trying to help everyone else as well. he's an axejaw!#in Regrowth Ceara gets Foxglove because the Commander and Gorrik could NOT manage this little troublemaker#she's too smart for her own good and is CONSTANTLY causing problems. so basically just like Ceara HDKDHDH#Foxglove's a lunarmane! and she's very fluffy and cute and will give you the big shiny eyes to mooch all your food. evil#Ruju meanwhile has a full cast of different mounts who all were troublemakers in different ways when he found them#his griffon Windshear's a northern featherwing that was notorious for carrying off travelers in Lornar's Pass. turned out she was just bore#she's very playful and mischievous and still grabs him on a regular basis. he absolutely hates this#his fulgurite ridgeback jackal Thunderclap was a rogue jackal that the djinn had him help recapture and tame#he's imbued with Ruju's air element magic and is known to make the air spark and smell of ozone when he's annoyed#then there's Blitz his lepidote brute skyscale! he likes bloodstone magic and kept nipping everyone until it was finally provided#the rest I don't have in-game yet but I DO have concepts for the skimmer/warclaw/raptor. the 1st 2 I know what skins I want too#the skimmer will be a frosty-dyed lithosol named Frostbite. it's an ice elemental that terrorized Frostgorge Sound#the warclaw is a spinetail nian with jungle colors since it's supposed to be a smokescale-type saurian critter#and the raptor is SUPPOSED to be the jungle raptor that plointt grew to huge size and promptly tried to eat him#BUT there isn't a skin that feels close enough yet so rip. Fang is a handful tho and keeps trying to chew on Inquest HDJDGDH#ANYWAY. that's all of mine. throws this into the wind
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adrift-in-thyme · 11 months
Ok I need help cause I suck at coming up with names…
What’re some funny nicknames the Chain could come up with for First? Obviously they’ll eventually just call him First but since they don’t know where he sits on the timeline yet I need something else
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rainbow-beanie · 8 months
Hey, wouldn’t it be really fucked up if alastor’s father’s demon form looked like some kind of wolf/canine as symbolic of him being abusive, while also as a heavy reminder of the dogs that had mauled alastor before/after his death?
Hahaha just kidding!
Unless? 👀
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azathothweirdo · 1 year
Alt. timeline Paku's Role
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So there is nothing too solid on this theory yet. This is just a personal pet theory that kind of just popped into my head. With the recent revelations that most of the adults expect to die fighting Satan, I was thinking back to the alternate timeline.
One of the big mysteries of that one is that outside of Renzo and Rin, we don't see anyone else. They're just missing. It's one of the biggest things Paku is upset about. Her friends just went poof with literally no explanation.
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From what we can tell so far, they probably died during the fight with Satan. At least in this alternate timeline. Leaving Rin all alone, with Renzo some how surviving. There's not enough info to completely confirm this but it's pretty easy to say that they are more than likely dead. Be that from round one's ending, or the upcoming round two.
Maybe they were all taken out because they didn't have clovers. Or maybe something happens later, it's hard to say. But that's the line of thought i'm going through with this personally. It's nothing solid, but it's just something.
As for this Paku, she seems to be incredibly important to the plot. Kato is pretty good at introducing characters, and keeping them relevant even if it does take like. 40+ chapters to have a pay off (yay monthly shonen releases). Paku is kind of a great example of this. She was introduced early on, kind of went off on her own, but now she's back. It's not OG Paku, but she's important for obvious reasons.
Alt. Timeline Paku has kind of been left up in the air, with one major thing before we went back to the original line.
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Last time we see her, is here. A light starts to shine through this door, and she opens and goes through it. My biggest idea for her is she's going to be a major player in changing things. The one sent back from the bad future to warn the others so they don't repeat the same mistakes.
Personally, if Rin doesn't do anything next chapter and goes through the door (which I highly doubt given the look he had in the last few panels) we'll probably see her soon. Hopefully next chapter since I'm extra curious and excited for her to come back.
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eskawrites · 1 year
(since it’s apparently the week of tenlark i feel like this is also a fun time to mention i once plotted out a huge chunk of the final battle in the third film, including such exciting scenes as Tenar leading a mid-battle pursuit of The Bad Guy who tries to escape through the castle gates, Lark appearing out of nowhere in the distance and shooting the ropes of the portcullis to cut him off so Tenar can defeat him, an enemy sorcerer seeing this and sending a fireball or something to where Lark is posted hundreds of feet away, and Tenar having to choke down the fear that Lark might have just died for her so that she can focus and actually win this war)
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bunnihearted · 4 months
#this place drives me crazy....#i notice it esp bc when im outside and feel a tiny bit better#(unfortunately this city is a nightmare for a hypervigilant like me to live bc theres crazyyy much noise 24/7)#but my home has for the first 23yrs of my life been a noise wise calm place to wind down and be safe and relax#but a couple of years ago there was like a shift and everyone who moves in here are crazy#my neighbors are constantly stomping banging and thumping. constantly.......#people outside are always screaming and yelling and slamming doors and everything u can do#they let their kids run around and scream like demons and throw rocks on cats and piss on the walls#and they go around with metal pipes or sticks and hit everything#like.... im sorry if u wanna call me a childhater for saying thats fucked up then go ahead#that's not sane behavior and the parents dont raise their kids anymore#constant yelling.... anyway#we have a clan of ppl who do lots of illegal things which is above all NOISYYYYYY#they make shit in the apartment above me and then live in another and then large moving trucks come and pick it up#?????? if u wanna call me a stuck up karen for thinking thats not ok to do to your neighbors go ahead!!!!!! im a bitter bitch#i dont think it's ok to cause such disturbance to your neighbors they cant sleep or exist in peace but thats just me ig!!!!!#these ppl living here are batshit insane bc i've been here for 25 and it's never been like this#and i mean it's MY problem for being noise sensitive ofc#but i feel like my brain is CONSTANTLY always being overstimulated and i can barely function anymore#i like legit wanna kms just to escape all this noise#i dont get any quiet moment ever#not even in the middle of the night there is always some human making noise and causing a disturbance#a few years ago it could be dead quiet in the middle of the day#what has happened im losing my miiiiiiind i wanna dieeeeeeeee#what happens when i reach a point where my brain just overcooks and i explode?#what will i do? what will i do when i lose control sksksk that shit scares me i dont wanna see#i cant live like this but im stuck and i dont know how to get out#and my mom was in a smaller city the other day and she said it was a crazy amount of noise yhere to#what do i do? whrre do i go???? i might jusy have to go deaf or smth i cant do this
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