#just testing out the brush but i also wanted to paint metal so yeah
theboxfort · 2 years
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Trophy because I genuinely like his design
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Ahhhh Yinyang plush jumpscare
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arkacarian · 10 months
Ok so-
Adeleine had… a life back on Shiver Star. She was dumped at a research facility when she was only two years old because her parents wanted cash. She was raised there by scientists and engineers who were just trying to find a way to get humanity off the planet- mostly via replicating the warp portal technology their ancestors used to get there in the first place. Most of the kids who ended up there were used in such tests, or for experimental rockets that uh… didn’t get too far.
Adeleine was lucky though. She, clutching her big blue paint brush, proved she was wayyy too valuable to be used for stuff like that. She could just… paint things that came to life. Nobody understood why or how, but she definitely was doing that. So instead, they were trying to figure out how she could do that and if it could be a way for them to get off of the planet.
But then it started to get too cold… and Adeleine was one of the few people still left that was contractually signed to be used for experimental technology. So this poor little seven year old was given her art things, stuffed up in a tiny shuttle, and sent off to what was assumed to be her demise.
… But it wasn’t. She woke up, days, possibly even weeks later on planet Pop Star. She was sitting around the rubble of the ship, since it seemed to have had a bad crash. She had a brutal gash on her arm, but she couldn’t feel it. She was too… confused. And it only got more confusing when three very not normal figures showed up.
Drawcia, Paintra, and Vividria had been going around the planet looking for things to do art studies of, when they heard a massive crash and immediately went to go investigate. They ended up finding spilled art supplies and metal that might be good for mixed medium stuff and were like “awesome!” until Drawcia went to pick up a canvas, and had it pulled away by a small, scared little girl in heavy winter clothes.
They put two and two together pretty quickly and realized that the girl had been in whatever crashed and blew up there, and then Vividria pointed out how badly injured she looked. So the three of them managed to coax her into coming with them back to where they lived, in a very reclusive, far away part of the planet. Adeleine had nowhere else to go, so they helped her with her things and brought her there to tend to her wounds and hopefully find out what she was and where she came from.
After getting fixed up, Adeleine explained everything she could. Where she came from, who and what she was, and what she remembered of getting to this new place. She also offhandedly mentioned the painting things and having them become real thing like it was totally normal, but to the sisters it is just normal so they happily accepted both that fact and Adeleine. She basically became their fourth sister, although she was more like a niece to Drawcia and Paintra, who she often just called her aunts, and a cousin to Vividria.
She was raised by them, going out and around, getting better at her art and able to control her paintings and when they should and shouldn’t come to life, and eventually allowed to explore by herself when she was 12. That’s when she ended up in Cloudy Park, and fairly shortly after that, down in Quiet Forest, where she was then assimilated into Kirby’s found family friend group.
So yeah, uh, I actually really like this one finally. Adeleine does remember what Shiver Star was like (and is horribly scared of snow now) and is basically related to the other painters! She still definitely visits them. She also tries to invite them to gatherings, but only Vividria goes since she’s one of the Star Allies anyway. Also Adeleine was absolutely overjoyed to see her there and completely forgot about Ribbon’s existence for a few minutes and totally ignored her.
And Drawcia was okay after the whole Canvas Curse thing. She never told Adeleine about it because she didn’t want her to start hating Kirby.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 3
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Summary: There’s a little town high in the mountains where everyone has a secret, and every family has something that makes them unique. In Blackwater Lake those that are outcast by nature come together.
Characters/Pairing:  August Walker x OFC Freya (Forest Nymph) Original Female Character is described as white/pale, short and of small build, hazel eyes, long dark hair.
Warnings (for this chapter); Talk of past abusive relationships, on the run, alcohol consumption, Daddy Kink, DD/LG, Pet names, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected sex, hyperspermia, cum play, cum feeding, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy test.
Previous Parts: 
Werewolf!Sy: Moonlight on the Sand  Castle Under The Stars. Werewolf!Sy, Vampire!Walter: Chapter 1 Vampire Walter: Chapter 2
This will be a series of stand alone stories/2 parters, which will revolve around the residents of the town, with some recurring characters. The ‘reader’ for each story will be a ‘new’ reader, so its not the same woman being with all the male characters.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post something new.
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 3
The blood slowly trickled across the board and off the table, coating the floor before running into the drain. August raised the heavy cleaver, and with one thunderous swipe severed the femur clean in two. The cleaver made a metallic clang that echoed around the stark tile lined room, and wiping his hands on his apron he lifted the product of his work and inspected his efforts closely. A smile spread over his lips as he looked up;
“There we go Mrs Mackenzie, a nice juicy bone for your dog”
The old woman smiled, her purple tinted grey hair in tight curls that barely moved as she nodded;
“Oh yes, that’ll be perfect! My Clarence will love it!”
At that very moment Clarence started yapping outside where he was tied to the specials chalkboard that sat on the sidewalk outside Walkers Meats, 10lbs of teeth, fur and anger wrapped into the body of a small West Highland Terrier;
“I’m sure he will. I’ll wrap it up for you and Freya will finish ringing up your order for you. We’ll get it delivered this afternoon…”
August walked around the counter and set the wrapped bone into the box, nodding to his assistant to finish up the order. She knew that the bone would be free of charge, but that Mrs Mackenzie would insist on tipping and sliding her $10 which August was more than happy for Freya to keep. The slight girl turned and a tiny smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, before she quietly nodded and continued with her duties.
Returning to the butchery area August glanced up and caught sight of his reflection in the painted mirror, the design obscuring the scarring on the side of his face, giving him that moment of relief from those memories of a past long ago, a life he had left behind when he had sought out quiet solitude in the peaceful mountain town of Blackwater Lake. People minded their own business there and didn’t ask questions. If you had a skill that could help others you were welcomed into the community. How August got into the meat business is a story for another day, but as his gaze travelled across the mirror to where Freya was measuring out the wild herb mixes into small mason jars he smiled and remembered instead how she came into his life.
Pulling the sign in from the sidewalk August was exhausted. Running a business completely on his own had seemed like a good idea when he’d started, he enjoyed his own company and he distrusted anyone else to do the job to a standard he would approve of. What he hadn’t counted on was the residents of this sleepy little town not only accepting him, but joyous that he was there and wanting to talk endlessly every time they visited his store. Although he was always polite and did his best to end conversations quickly, after eight hours of it he had jaw ache and knew he would need to work well into the night on the new sides of beef that had been delivered that morning if he were to have any stock to sell the next day. He glanced longingly at the small sign that sat propped up in the window; ‘Help Needed - Enquire Within’, yet he hadn’t had any takers in the month the sign had been up. 
The icy winter wind curled at his neck, sending a shiver down his spine as he let out a sigh, heaving the heavy sign into the building so it didn’t blow away in the night as a icy squall blew in from the mountains. As the door slammed shut behind him it echoed a knock around the store, but when it came again he turned and let out a far from masculine yelp; the face of a pale young woman stared back at him like a ghoul in the darkness. Clearing his throat and smoothing down his blue and white striped apron, he approached the door and opened it;
“May I help you Miss?”
She nodded down to the sign;
“Do you still need someone?”
Her teeth were chattering, and it was hardly surprising as she was barely dressed for the weather, the knitted cardigan doing little to ward off the cold wind. August opened the door to allow her to enter, looking down at the top of her head as she slunk past him.
“Let me get a pot of coffee on, you must be freezing”
As he disappeared into the back office he set the pot of coffee on to heat before grabbing an old jacket that was hanging on the back of the door, returning to where his visitor stood in the store a few moments later, handing her the jacket;
“Its cold in here, we can’t have the heat on because of the meat”
Nodding she took the jacket, her teeth still chattering;
“T-t-thanks… its still warmer than outside”
He handed her a mug of steaming coffee;
“Sorry, i don’t have any creamer or sugar…” She wrapped her delicate fingers around the mug using it more for heat than sustenance as he leant back against the counter on the other side of the store; “So… you’re wanting a job? What experience have you got? You worked in retail?”
She shook her head and muttered a quiet no, keeping her eyes averted from him as she spoke;
“But i will try anything… just looking for a new start”
“Are you running from something?” A gentle nod of her head and the way she clutched the mug tighter told August it was a someone not a something; “Look, if you’re willing to learn, work hard and pay attention, i’ll give you a trial. I’ve gotta level with you, you’re the only person who’s shown any interest in the sign, and i’m getting desperate, so if you want you can start tomorrow”
Her head snapped up and for the first time he saw her eyes, deep hazel peering out from behind long strands of dark brown hair;
“Yes. Really” he stated in a matter of fact way; “I’ll need to get your address and details for the wages…”
“Oh… i’m not… i’ve not got anywhere. I guess i’ll find a cheap motel…”
August paused;
“Kid, there’s no motel in town… at least not this time of year. But i might have a solution for you”
Her eyes widened in fear and August realised whatever she was running from had done more damage than she showed;
“No no, not that” he assured her; “There’s a small apartment above the shop - two in fact, i’ve got one and the other i’ve never rented out, never got round to it… its small but completely self contained, your own entrance and everything, completely secure”
Once a few forms had been filled out August had gotten the girl settled in the small studio apartment. He’d shown her how the fold out bed worked, explained that the hot water fed off the furnace for the whole building so she could use as much as she wanted. A couple of minutes after he’d left her in the apartment he knocked at her door, surprised to hear the locks sliding across at first, but then realising she needed to feel safe. When she peered around the door she almost looked surprised to see him there, as if it would be anyone else;
“Umm yeah?”
August handed her a box of things he’d scavenged from his own kitchen;
“Here’s just a few things to see you through the night… I haven’t been grocery shopping in a while, but the bread was in the freezer and it’ll defrost pretty quickly if you put it in the toaster”
He handed the box to Freya, surprised at how smooth but also small her hands were as she took it from him as they brushed against his own. She nodded and smiled;
“Thank you Mr Walker”
“Night. See you bright and early tomorrow morning” 
The next morning August woke to an insistent knocking on his door. Grumbling to himself he pulled on his robe and stalked across his small apartment, pulling the door open with a thunderous look on his face, ready to give whatever maniac that was knocking on his door at 5am a piece of his mind;
“WHAT THE… oh… hi…”
Freya was standing on his doormat, a look of shock on her face;
“Hi… i’m ready to start”
“To… start?”
“Work. You said bright and early”
August ran his palm over his face;
“I… When i said…” he let out a long slow breath; “I meant 8am”
That was a long day, but by lunchtime Freya had mastered the cash desk and had already started to come out of her shell, the locals more than welcoming for the tiny girl with the woodland eyes, and with her help August was able to catch up on his work.
Over the following month her input had helped August expand his products, suggesting a range of seasonings in reusable jars, where if the customer returned the mason jar they’d get a discount off the next one they purchased. He discovered she had this unfathomable knowledge of herbs and plants, but also had this connection with nature he couldn’t quite understand. He’d sometimes catch her staring out of the window at the trees blowing in the wind, as if listening to their songs that were beyond his own ears.
One thing was for sure, there was a sense of magic to her and August thanked the stars above that she walked into his store on that cold winter night.
Back in the present August was busy cleaning the cutting table as Freya busied herself with her jars - it was her own little enterprise now and one she was absolutely proud of. He could see that she kept glancing outside, gnawing on her lip;
“Freya, everything ok?”
“Yes Mr Walker. I was just thinking, the next batch wild garlic is ready to be picked, if i collect some this afternoon i can have more chimichurri mixed ready for tomorrow, and that’s when the beef delivery is coming in”
August let out a chuckle;
“How many times do I have to say to call me August…” he met her gaze with a smile; “And yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea. The store’s quiet and i’ll be doing deliveries in a while, so sure, go exploring”
“Thank you Mr Walker”
August rolled his eyes and let out a laugh, watching as she hung up her apron and grabbed her foraging basket, skipping out of the door and towards the creek that fed into the lake a couple of miles away.
Three hours later August was driving back along the gravel road that led into town, having made his deliveries. The spring air was damp but warm, rain threatening to spill but the clouds unwilling to release their bounty just yet. Rounding the bend he looked out over the soft marshland, the grass knee high already and he saw a familiar figure stepping through the green undergrowth. With a smile he pulled his SUV to a stop at the side of the road, stepping out of the vehicle he leaned against the door as he watched Freya as she slowly made her way through the field, before she stopped as her attention moved to the treeline. Following her gaze he watched as a bear emerged from the woods and his heart sank. The native wildlife would be coming out of hibernation, and would be grumpy and hungry. He went to shout but a sudden rush of wind silenced his voice, watching as she held her arm out and the grass flattened in front of her as if a wind devil had made its way through. Glancing back to the bear it had stopped in its tracks but was still staring at her, but then started to circle around on the spot before settling down as if for a nap.
August anxiously watched, knowing if Freya ran she could make it to the car as long as the bear was weak, but he didn’t want to risk that it hadn’t had a belly full of salmon yet, so he quickly reached into the vehicle and pulled his unregistered handgun from beneath his seat. Back at the side of the road he raised the firearm at the bear, glancing at Freya who had now spotted him waiting for her. She started to quicken her pace through the grasses, eventually breaking into a run as she neared the embankment of the road. August glanced to where the bear had been and let out a yell as he saw it was starting to approach them;
“Freya, RUN!”
Doing as he instructed she broke into a sprint, her legs carrying her through the grass and up the embankment. Flinging his door open he motioned for her to dive in, her basket being launched into the passenger footwell as she tumbled across the centre console and into the passenger seat, August launching himself into the driver's seat and gunning the engine as he slammed the door shut, the urgent crunch of tyres on loose gravel dulling the sound of the grizzly’s roar as it had caught up, but was now rapidly disappearing into the distance of the rear view mirror.
August only slowed down as he reached the urban centre of Blackwater Lake, Freya’s breathing having finally levelled out as she turned to him;
“So… there’s bears here?”
He slowed the vehicle and pulled to a stop in a parking lot before turning to her;
“Yes. And moose and cougars and mountain lions… hell sometimes I even hear howls in the night so there’s probably something wolfy up in those mountains too… We need to get you better prepared for nature” August paused; “And what was that thing you did with your hand? That made the grass flatten and the bear sit down…”
Freya shrugged;
“I’m not sure… it's just this thing i’ve always been able to do, calm animals down”
“Huh. Didn’t seem to work this time…”
She glanced at him, her eyes wide;
“I think that was because you were there…”
August let out a laugh, before sitting back in his seat;
“Okay, point taken. I need a drink. We’re at Big-G’s, I'll buy you dinner…”
August regretted his decision. He hadn’t factored in how slight Freya was in comparison to her ability to consume alcohol, so three drinks later where all he’d had was lite beer, Freya was completely wasted. The giveaway was when she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder whilst he’d been talking to Geralt - the bar owner - and she’d started to drool on his shirt. Geralt had told him to ‘get his girl home’ with a wry laugh, telling August his meal was on the house. Something had stopped August from correcting the ashen haired man, looking down at the imp of the girl leaning on him. 
He’d managed to carry her to his car fairly easily but the journey up the steps at their building had been more of a challenge. He’d managed to get her to wrap her arms around his shoulders, but had been surprised when she’d also wrapped her legs around his waist. Although it meant he could use one arm to hold her up, the feel of her warm body clinging to his sent a rush of heat through his stomach straight to his groin, he was just thankful she was so out of it she didn’t notice the tent in his pants. 
As he juggled his keys he found the spare for her apartment but then thought better of it, unsure how she was when she’d had alcohol, and instead opened his own apartment. Crossing the almost dark room he reached the couch and slowly lowered her down to the cushions, her whimpers of loss as he started to pull away making him pause;
“Mmmm Daddy, you’re so warm…” 
Holding her still a low rumble slowly bubbled through his throat when she nuzzled against his neck;
“Daddy smells so good…” and she pressed a kiss to the stubble on his chin.
August knew she was drunk, probably didn’t even realise it was him, after all who would want someone as broken and scarred as he was, but for that briefest of moment’s he relished her touch and what was going on in her tequila addled mind. He couldn’t help himself and pressed the briefest of kiss to her cheek;
“Time to sleep now little Kitten” he muttered before reluctantly uncoupling himself from her grasp, pulling a blanket over her as she dozed on his couch. Raking his hand down his face he let out a sigh, before grabbing a glass of water and setting it onto the coffee table in front of her. A scribbled note on the back of a flyer explained that she was drunk and he wasn’t sure if she would need his help, and he didn’t want to invade her privacy of her own apartment.
Having poured himself a generous glass of vodka, August withdrew to his own bedroom, silently closing the door before stripping for bed. It was an early night but without the TV to entertain him and no desire to get lost in a book, he settled on top of the covers in just his underwear, sipping at the ice cold liquor as he willed the swelling of his loins to subside. However every time he tried to clear his mind, all he could imagine was Freya. The thought of her small body beneath his, their bodies sweaty and writhing as one. Finally with a curse he gave in to his desires, pulling his underwear down and taking his hard length into his hand, pumping dry to increase the friction as his mind descended further into taboo territory. He imagined it was her hand, calling him Daddy as she asked if she was doing it right, that her perfect lips would duck down and take his bulbous tip into her mouth, her tongue lapping at his slit as her hazel eyes would stare back up at him, wide with innocence. With a strangled cry he came in violent spurts, covering his hand and stomach in ropes of his cum, thoughts of the delicate woman in his lounge lapping at his spent seed prolonging his orgasm until he was aching and empty. With a curse he looked down at the mess he’d made, realising he needed to clean himself up.
The quiet click of his front door woke August the next morning, pushing himself up off the pillow as he heard small footsteps down the outside of the building and the quiet beep of his car being unlocked. Wondering what the hell was happening he leapt out of bed and peered out of the window, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw a dishevelled Freya gathering the wild garlic that had been scattered around his inside of his vehicle the day before.
A few minutes later the thud of his keys falling onto his doormat where she’d posted them through the letterbox sounded through his apartment, and when he went to collect them he found a small note with them;
‘Mr Walker, thank you for your help, I hope I didn't make a fool of myself last night. Your car stinks of garlic now, i’m going to walk up the creek and collect some herbs that will help reduce the odour, Freya x’
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An hour later when she hadn’t returned, August set off towards the creek through the pleasant woodland, the sunlight leaving dappled patches of gold on the forest floor. Coming to the wide bend in the creek where the water was shallow, he saw the swing over the water that someone had put there years ago, mismatched ropes and a wooden seat, and how someone had now woven wildflowers into the ropes, and as he glanced upstream he saw Freya knee deep in the water, a butterfly dancing on her hand.
Something overcame him and he pulled off his boots and socks, rolling up his pants as he stepped out into the water and sat on the swing, silently watching as she charmed nature beyond a simple human’s comprehension, having control of the elements like a forest nymph. August had seen a lot of unusual things in the time he’d lived in Blackwater Lake, he knew those that had something a little special about them gravitated towards the sleepy little mountain town, so as he watched Freya make her way upstream towards him he realised there was magic in the air. Small water spouts rose from the water as she took each step, as if chasing after her touch as she stepped from rock to rock submerged under the water. 
As she approached the shallow bend in the creek she finally looked up and saw August, a smile spreading over her lips;
“Its so pretty here, isn’t it?” she asked wistfully
“Beautiful from where i’m sitting”
She approached where he sat, stopped at arms reach, a hint of blush warming her cheeks;
“I’m sorry if I was inappropriate last night… thank you for taking care of me, i’m not a big drinker”
“You weren’t inappropriate…” he reassured her; “But it's been a while since a beautiful woman called me Daddy… since before… since before i was broken...”
Her gaze moved to the scar on the side of his face, and without a word she stepped forward and pressed her hand to the spidery scarring. In that moment August felt the magic in her touch, prickling at his skin before she nimbly climbed onto his lap, her legs wrapping around his waist and she lowered her lips to his, softly brushing against his as she spoke;
“You’re not broken, no more than I am…”
The kiss was soft and slow, and as her tongue started to gently tease at the seam of his lips she eased her weight completely onto his lap, her core pressing to his, the heat of their growing lust growing like an ember between them. 
Her small tongue licked into his mouth, tasting him as she pressed her body flush to his chest, small whimpers coming from her as his hands splayed over her back and pulled her firmly down onto his growing arousal. When the need for oxygen finally took precedence August’s lips traced a path of kisses down her jaw and neck, her fingers winding through his dark curls as her head fell back to give him better access to the pale expanse of her collarbone;
“Oh Daddy…”
“That’s it my little one, i’m going to treat you so well, my little Kitten…” August’s mustache brushed against her heated skin as he spoke, the gentle sway of the swing letting their bodies move against each other.
Just at that moment an ominous creak sounded above them, drawing their attention up into the tree’s canopy, just in time to see the rope that held the swing up snap, plunging them down into the shallow creekwater below.
With shouts and screams the moment of passion was lost, taken over by the shock of the water hitting their heated skin. August helped Freya up, her dress plastered to her skin in much the same way his shirt was, soaked head to toe he shook the water from his hair;
“Yes Daddy” Freya purred, pulling into his touch as he wrapped an arm around her to help her out of the water.
Pushing in the door to his apartment, clothes were being pulled from each other's bodies even as the door was still ajar. As he pulled his shirt off, Freya’s hands were curling into the hair on his chest, an almost feral growl bubbling from her lips as she ran her hands down to his stomach and rested on the buckle of his belt. Catching her hands in his he held them gently, only speaking when she looked up and met his gaze;
“Kitten, I want to be sure you want this… You’re in total control here, you set the boundaries, you say when you need to stop. But if you do want this, i’ll be your Daddy and take care of you like a Princess”
Freya voice shook as she spoke;
“I want this… my last… he wanted to be my Daddy but didn’t treat me right. He took more than I could give…”
August lifted her small hands to his mouth, kissing each fingertip with such great care and tenderness her heart almost melted before she finally spoke again;
“We should really check for leeches”
Freya had never seen anyone strip their clothing off quite as fast as August just had. For a big man - and a pretty tough one at that - the mere thought of little blood suckers had him stripping completely naked in a matter of seconds, Freya pulling her dress off a little slower until she stood in just her simple underwear. August was still patting himself down, turning to look at his behind;
“Am I ok?”
Freya couldn’t help herself, stepping forwards and taking two handfuls of August’s pert asscheeks, giving them a squeeze before running her palms over the perfectly rounded globes of his buttocks;
“More than ok”
In the following moments August carried her to his small bathroom, turning the shower on before he stepped under the warm jets of water, pulling her with him so he could soap her down. The scent of sandalwood of his soap as he carefully washed every inch of her body was overwhelming, taking care of her to wash any last traces of creek water from her body. He paused as he reached the apex of her thighs, waiting for her agreement which she quickly nodded for him to continue, his large hand sliding between her legs and caressing her lips. His skilled fingers soon sought out her pearl, teasing it gently from its hood before he slid a finger into her waiting heat, a cry falling from her lips which he quickly swallowed with a kiss. His work calloused hands quickly drove her to an orgasm - a first of many - and as she came she called his name, like a prayer on her lips. 
Shutting the water off, August carefully lifted her out of the bath, wrapping a large towel around her before scooping her into his arms and carrying her to his bed. On the messy covers her hair clung to her skin, before he carefully lifted the long tendrils from her chest and was able to take in the sight of her petite naked body laying fresh and prone on his bed. Her hand reached out for him, pulling him close;
“Daddy, I want to feel you…”
August smiled;
“Will you be a good girl for me Kitten? Do you think you can take me? You’re awfully small, and I'm pretty big…”
She sat up, pressing a hand to his chest;
“Can I try? Can I go on top?”
Nodding August lay on the bed, propped up against the pillows, lifting her petite frame on top of him. He watched with pleasure as she wriggled down the bed, her hands gripping his thighs as she settled between his legs. Wrapping her small hands around his generous length she looked up at him as she started to give small licks to his hot flesh, her fingers struggling to encircle his meaty girth. Opening her mouth she took a good three inches between her lips straight away, a litany of curses falling from August’s lips as he felt the hot wet heat of her mouth engulf him. It was better than he could ever had imagined, and he had to grip at the bedsheets to stop himself from cumming at that very moment. Steadying his breathing he let out a low sigh before he reluctantly pulled her off, a trail of spittle hanging between his dick and her mouth;
“But Daddy, I want to taste your cum…”
“I know Kitten, but it's going to be a lot the first time, and I want to see your cunt dripping with me, knowing your tight little pussy is going to overflow with the amount I'm going to pump into you. Now be a good girl and see what you can do, let's make it fit…”
Straddling his thick thighs she positioned herself over his hard shaft, her hand holding him steady as she swiped him through her folds to douse his gnarled girth with her juices, before settling with the tip at her entrance. August ran his hands up and down her arms, comforting her and hoping to get her to relax. He was a patient man but the feel of her soaked flesh pressing against his crown was becoming a struggle not to grab her hips and pull her down until he was balls deep in one swift thrust.
Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Freya slowly lowered herself onto August’s shaft, going at a pace she could cope with, but the strain of holding back caused perspiration to bead on August’s forehead;
“Doing so well Kitten… I know its a lot, but you can do it… you’re so fucking tight…. Fuck…”
Taking a deep breath Freya finally let herself fall the rest of the way, feeling him part her silken walls until she was settled on his lap. Tears fell from her eyes, tiny diamonds adorning her cheeks at the overwhelming sense of fullness she was experiencing. Seeing these August kissed them away, his praises made her swell with pride as he admitted to her he was struggling not to cum from just the feeling of her tight walls engulfing him. He pushed a hand between their bodies, resting his palm on her stomach;
“Put your hand here… you’re so tiny I can feel myself deep inside you, your little tummy blown out with my dick…”
His thumb crept down and grazed at her pearl, making her cry out before yearning for more. With his ministrations she was soon relaxed enough to start to ride him, her nimble thighs bouncing on his meaty counterparts, feeling the slick push and pull as he filled her whilst she drove them towards their peak. 
Unsurprisingly Freya came first, the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through her body was all too much to hold back, and she came with a silent scream, her body gripping August so tight it set him off, pushing in so deep he was sure his dick had kissed her cervix, before flooding her with endless ropes of his thick seed, soothing her inner core with his milky gift. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her to his chest, holding her tight as the floods of emotions surged through her, stroking her back tenderly.
Eventually he carefully lifted her onto the bed, peppering her bare skin with bristly kisses, before parting her thighs and leaning back to admire his handiwork, a thick sheen of white covering her swollen petals. With a single finger he carefully swiped through his mess, before holding it to her mouth;
“Taste Kitten… taste our passion…”
Holding onto his wrist she sucked the digit into her mouth, her tongue tasting their combined essence. When his finger finally dropped from her lips his gaze fell down and hers followed, her eyes going wide when she saw he was hard and ready for more. Laying back she hooked her hands behind her knees and spread herself open for him;
“Daddy, will you fill me up again, please?”
Positioning himself at her cum soaked hole August smiled, a dark hint of lust glinting in his eyes;
“It would be my pleasure Kitten”
Three weeks later
Freya chewed nervously on her lip, having circled the isles of the drug store too many times to count now, waiting for a time when there was no-one near what she needed. Finally it was the right moment and she slunk into the isle, grabbing the thin rectangular box before stepping back and bumping into someone, her item tumbling to the floor as a third set of feet appeared;
“Freya! Mrs Syverson! Good Morning!”
It was Sue from the coffee shop, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere just as Mrs Syverson had backed away from the opposite shelf to keep little baby Luna from grabbing the glass bottles of antacid medicine. Mrs Syverson immediately clocked what Freya had been holding;
“Oh Freya, could you just reach those things for me? I can’t reach down with Luna here…”
With shaking hands Freya handed the bag of cotton wool balls and the pregnancy test to the woman only a couple of years her senior, who in turn smiled at Sue as she laughed;
“Sy’s always keeping me on my toes… in more ways than one” She winked before tugging on Freya’s arm; “Sweetie, I need to place an order for a big cookout we have coming up for Sy’s birthday…”
Steering her away from town gossip Sue, Mrs Syverson lowered her voice;
“I’ll meet you outside sweetie, don’t worry about it, i saw you circling the shop”
A few minutes later Mrs Syverson appeared at the door, two drugstore bags in her hand before handing one to Freya;
“My advice, tell August now, do the test together”
“Are you sure? Do you think he’ll be angry?”
“Angry? Hell no, i think it’ll be what he wants, and no matter what the result he’s always had puppy dog eyes for you, we could all tell from the moment you walked into his life”
Peering into the bag Freya saw there was also a bag of Hershey’s kisses;
“You’ll need the sugar, to calm your nerves afterwards”
“Thanks Mrs S… i appreciate it”
“No problem Freya… and i’ll see you tomorrow, i really do need to place that order, but get today over and done with first”
That afternoon Freya and August took the test, then feasted on kisses of every kind.
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Horse info 101
A horse girl’s guide to the basics for fic writing with an important and lively horse involved:
This got kinda long I’m kinda sorry but not at all lol 
There's three basic gaits (speeds with different patterns of hoof-fall/leg movements
Walking is the slowest and is a four beat gait, meaning each foot hits the ground at a different time. Usually the same pace as a walking human when the horse is calm. Some breeds can walk HELLA fast though. Most horses will fill the same spot/hole where their front hoof was with their back hoof on the same side. If they overstep they clip their fetlock (joint lookin bit above the hoof) or pastern (bit between the hoof and fetlock) and can injure themselves. 
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Now trotting. The middle gait, a person can jog next to a trot at a comfortable pace but if you push them a little horses can trot faster than your average HS track endurance athlete. Once again some breeds can trot HELLA fast. This is a two beat gait in that two diagonally opposite legs are moving in unison. In some english saddles (I’ll get into that later if we have class time) it’s easier to post while the horse is trotting rather than sit for the gait. That just means you stand up in the irons (stirrups on an english saddle, we’ll also cover that later) at the same time that one of the front legs moves forward. 
Also, see how the trotting horse’s head looks? That’s how they travel when they’re relaxed and attentive. The tucked head thing you see Roach doing is because there’s tension on the reigns and Henry learned to ride for an english seat not a western pleasure seat (might get into those but they’re really not important)
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Time for the Canter/Lope. This is a three beat gait so that means two legs are moving in unison and the other two are not. Horses canter/lope fast. This is the go-time gait. Some performance/dressage horses are trained to canter extremely slow but if we’re talking transportation trained horses they’re not gonna be that kind of slow. Your average human is not gonna be able to keep up with this for long if at all. This varies in speed too. There's a rather casual canter seen in the gif directly below, then below that is the balls to the wall canter/lope that most horse people just refer to as a run. That’s as fast as they can go.
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Basic tack names
Halter + Lead/Lead Rope - these can be made of rope, leather, nylon (more modern) but the halter is generally used for leading and tying.
Bridle - this is the one that you use while you ride, it holds the bit in their mouth. There’s millions of different types of bridles but they’re usually made out of leather even now. sometimes you get rope/nylon ones but I don’t trust them.
Reins - connect to the bit and you use them to steer and control speed. Horses trained in western or one handed riding will ‘neck rein’ which means if you move your hand to the right and the left rein brushes their neck they will move to the right.
Bit - the metal piece in the horses mouth. most english riding bits are broken (joint in the middle) and most western ones are solid. there’s a gap behind the horse’s front teeth and that’s where the metal sits. Some horses have smaller mouths than others and do better with solid bits because the ‘broken’ ones will hit the top of their mouth and hurt. There’s also things called ‘shanks’ on some bits which are just longer pieces of metal that attach to the sides of the pieces in their mouth and point downward. This gives the rider more leverage and makes any tug on the reins stronger. (google “Horse bit shank” if this doesn’t make sense)
Saddle - you sit in it. simple right? wrong. There’s two main types of saddles, Western - with the horn like you see in the running gif, and English- the loping gif without the horn. The saddles used in the Witcher look like the pre-english saddle versions but the basic parts you need to know are the same. The part where you ass goes? that’s the seat. the part right in front of your crotch? That’s the pomel. that’s your ‘oh shit handle’ if anything goes screwy (other than the mane). The part that sticks up and keeps your ass in place? That’s the cantle. I like western saddles SO MUCH MORE but i also grew up mainly riding western so im biased. 
Stirrups/Irons - stirrups and irons are where your feet go. In western saddles they’re called stirrups and they’ve got wider decorative leather flaps (called fenders, also originally added to protect trousers/legs from the horse sweat and the buckles of the cinch) and on english saddles they’re called irons because they are usually made of iron and rather slim. Geralt’s irons look pretty similar to modern ones, slim leather straps, minimal iron (or steel or any other strong metal really). Traditional english riders have knee high boots like you see in regency costumes which removes the need for the fenders like on western saddles. 
Cinch/girth - this is what keeps the saddles on. You take a strap and attach it to one side of the saddle, run it under the belly right behind their front legs and attach it to the other side. Its usually made of a strong fabric with wool or some kind of softer lining for western riding. English riding uses a leather one most of the time though this horse girl hates them because they’re harder to cinch up. English saddles use buckles while Western saddles use another leather strap to run through the chinch/girth buckle and you either tie it off or use it like a belt. 
Chest strap - this keeps the saddle from sliding backwards. It’s attached to both sides of the saddle by buckles and between the front legs its attached to the cinch/girth. this is pretty universal but not always used. Geralt uses one though. 
Saddle pad - goes under the saddle to protect the baby’s back and whithers (spot where the neck meets the back and the mane ends)
Tacking up and untacking takes time. This is usually 5-10 minutes when done at a leisure pace and done right.
Basic grooming
Brush down before tacking up - you don’t want stuff chaffing the pony while you ride
brush after untacking- helps clear skin of irritants and feels nice
Shedding scraper/curry comb to get rid of shedding hair - if you want a pic of these just google them I think I’m close to the pic limit for my post. 
HOOF PICK - keep the baby's feet clean and clear if rocks so they don't bruise but also so nothing get infected
Yes, plz brush their mane it gets MATTED - a hairbrush works but a wide tooth comb is best
Horses roll to itch their backs and clean off, sounds counterintuitive with the dirt but it works
Shaving a little spot for the bridle to sit is pretty modern but it's easier for everyone involved
Horse Colors- guys roach is not brown she’s a chestnut color
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The only thing I have to add to this is that the “Leopard” one is called “appaloosa” in the US at least, and “Pinto” is also reffered to as “Paint” and there’s all sorts of different patterns that you can see. also i want a buckskin so bad. yes i was obsessed with Spirit as a child why do you ask?
Travel care of your babies
Horses CAN and have subsisted off roadside grasses and grazing at night BUT it's good for them to get a lil something extra ESPECIALLY if you’re keeping them in a stall at night where they can’t graze.
Hay and grains like cracked wheat, oats, barley and the like are commonly found in horse feed. Also a lil drizzle of molasses is chock full of calories and all my horses LOVE the taste.
also while we’re talking food: some horses cant keep all the juice/bits in their mouth when they eat apples (we fondly call it making applesauce) or other treats/veg. Yes it gets all over your hand, yeah its kinda gross, but there’s worse things.
Shoes. Babe's need horse shoes. Especially if they're walking over rocks and roads.
Throwing a shoe (when it comes off on accident) is painful sometimes and if left un-dealt with can affect their joints and spine. Imagine walking around in one heeled shoe and one athletic shoe all day. Ow.
On that note though, on lighter travel seasons it's nice to give their hooves a break from shoes (also cheaper)
Horse moods:
horse mood ear chart here: I cant add much tbh
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If a horse is comfortable/happy/relaxed they will ‘chew’ on nothing. Just kina a little lip smack type deal. My horse’s bottom lip would hang a couple centimeters below his top one when he was relaxed and I would put my chapstick in it while I fussed with other things.
When a horse is uncomfrotable/scared/tense their lips get sealed tight. I call it ‘fish butt lips’ bc they’re watertight and NOTHING is getting in there. 
Stamping hooves can be a few things. Antsy and ready to roll, nervous, deadass scared, or playful/excited. 
A full whinny is communication - saying hi, warning, scared, etc.
the really soft whinny is called a nicker and its my favorite sound okay? that’s little soft communication and its usually reserved for times when they’re comfortable.
When they’re really relaxed they’ll cock one of their back legs kinda how we shift our weight to one hip. 
general fun facts:
Some horses fake limp when they don’t want to work bc they are lazy and smart and realize their person will get off and check them out and maybe even give them a rest. 
You do a preliminary leg injury test by running your hands slowly over their legs and checking for hot spots - inflammation caused by injury is warm
Basic horse saftey is never stand directly in front of the horse if theres a possibility of spooking, if you’re gonna walk behind them walk out of reach of their hooves or right up against that ass. If they cant get a good wind up it wont do as much damage (on that note though I rode/trained horses for 18 years and was only kicked once by a foal). 
It’s kinda common sense not to walk/sidestep between your horses legs and under their belly but we do it all the time bc its a trust thing? adrenaline? its fun?
laying on your horse’s back sans saddle, and facing their butt is so nice okay, that ass is soft and cushy and perfect for a nap. I miss laying on my horses while they ate like this every damn day. 
Horses can sense your moods. Not unlike the whole ‘witchers smelling you’ thing. They can feel a difference in the tension on the reins and in your posture when you’re tense or relaxed.
Some horses will take care of their riders, some are absolute shits and push the limits for funsies. Some horses will only behave for people they’re used to too. Some horses have trauma from being mistreated and will have triggers kinda like people do. We had a horse who would freak the fuck out if anyone walked around with a red had but as soon as you took it off she was the most level headed horse we had.
A good portion of horses (Who aren’t scared of children) will behave better with kiddos or novice riders because they feel they’re nervous.
If they hurt while they’re moving they usually limp but sometimes they’ll buck. It’s their defense mechanism. 
Horses can’t sleep for too long laying down because their body weight will collapse their lungs. Most horses sleep standing up.
They can sit like a dog and it’s hella cute. 
Stung by bees? Most horses will take off at a dead sprint bucking and hopping unless you’ve done a lot of trust work/training with them
They also run and jump and buck and rear to play.
If theres two horses in a pasture together one will chew at the other’s whithers (or anywhere else) to ask them to scratch them the same way. its very cute and they sometimes try this with people.
horses hug. I cry. 
the whole deal with the rider/horse relationship is it’s a mutual trust you’re building. They let you sit on their back and do weird shit and you trust them not to throw you.  
Thank you for coming to class today! If there’s any questions feel free to message me! I’m not kidding I wanna answer your questions and I miss my horses so this is fun for me.
@elliestormfound​ here it is boo! lol 
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stoney-siren · 3 years
May I Have This Dance? PART 1 (Sal Fisher x Gender Nuetral!Reader)
I decided to stray a bit from my usual AOT content and give some attention to the other fandoms I’m in, like Sally Face! :)
Summary: Senior year at Nockfell High is coming to an end, which means prom night it coming up soon. Although usually Sal Fisher is not one for high school get-togethers, he’s been wanting to ask (Y/N) to the dance, though it’s not as easy as most people make it seem. He just doesn’t know how to ask them.
This is the first part, I plan on there being two parts to this fanfic, possibly three.
TW: Swearing, possible mentions of drug use, slight angst? 
“Bullshit!” Larry burst into laughter, throwing his head back as he held his stomach. His rather embarrassed friend tensed up at his reaction. “You wanna ask (Y/N) to prom?” He continued to giggle, as his fit of laughter died down.
“Can you try and be quiet? What if your mom hears.. She’s gonna never let it down!” Sal tugged at his pigtails out of nervousness, pacing around the room.
“Come on, who cares? You should ask them!” The taller boy encouraged as he shut the door to his bedroom, turning his attention back to his blue haired buddy.
If only it was that easy, Sal wanted to say, but he just knew Larry would shoot back with something irritating and snarky. So instead, Sal fell back onto one of Larrys beanbags and let out a loud and irritated sigh. His friend soon followed persuit, jumping onto the beanbag that sat beside Sals.
“I just.. Cant. Who would wanna spend prom night with somebody like me anyways?” His self deprication captured Larrys attention faster than the reaction of a mouse on a mouse trap.
“Oh don’t give me that shit Sally dude! Anybody would be lucky to have you, everyone knows it too! You’re caring and funny, quick witted and honestly just somebody everyone wants to have by their side!” Larry exlaimed, though his words fell upon deaf ears.
Sal was too busy just day dreaming about (Y/N), he admired everything about them, the way they laughed, the color of their beautiful eyes, and the pure look of joy that washes over their face whenever he lets them paint his nails or put stickers on his prosthetic.
“Sal? Sally Face! You listening?” Larry called out, finally getting Sals attention.
“Oh, shit, sorry.. No, I’m not.” Sal shook his head and grabbed ahold of his pigtails again, glancing down at the floor and sighing.
Larry hated seeing his friend like this, he was aware of how low Sals confidence could be sometimes, but he’d never dare to point it out in fear of upsetting him or making things worse. He wished he could show Sal what all their friends and himself thought of him, then maybe he’d see himself in a brighter light.
“I think you should head back upstairs and get some rest now, I’ll see you at school tomorrow, alright?” Larry gave Sal a light punch on the shoulder before standing up and walking to the door with him.
“Yeah, alright. See you tomorrow Larry Face.” With that, he shut the door behind himself and headed to the elevator, pausing at the second floor button, thinking of (Y/N) before hitting the fourth floor button.
Your POV
You laid in your bed peacefully, staring up at the ceiling as the light from your lava lamp illuminated the room. The light was your favorite color, lighting up the side of your face as your thoughts raced for the future. Usually on a Sunday night, you’d play your music so loud that Todd would come over from his apartment and tell you to keep it down, but so many things were on your mind that you just didn’t have the energy to start a little fight with Todd. 
“Maybe I’ll talk to Ash about it, she always has good advice.” You mumbled as you turned and killed your lava lamps energy. You have had a crush on Sal Fisher since Sophomore year, but you never got the chance to talk about it with him or anyone for that matter.
Letting out a final sigh, you shut your eyes and melted into a world of memories and dreams.
“(Y/N)! Get up dear! You’re gonna be late for school if you don’t!” Your mother called from outside your room, this was how you usually woke up before school. She would always pretend to be in a panic, and tell you that you’re late to try and get you out of bed sooner, though sometimes her act would be real. That’s why you always check the clock in your room to see if she was lying or not.
“It’s 7:30, mom.” You mumbled as you pushed the blankets off yourself, Todd probably wasn’t even here yet to walk with you to school. Since you two both lived on the second floor, you guys have walked to school together since the first day of Freshmen year, then Larry, Ash, and Sal came into the picture and you guys became a team.
“Still, get up!” She called, her voice sounded more further away this time. You knew she wasn’t gonna stop pestering you until you got up. So while pushing the covers off your body, you got to your feet and picked out and outfit for today.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth just as you heard a knock at the door, and your mom open the door to greet Todd.
“Hi Mrs. (L/N), is (Y/N) ready?” His voice grew louder as you stepped closer to the door and stopped next to your mom.
“Hey Todd, I’m ready!” Giving him a smile, he returned it as he lead you down the hallway and to the elevator. He hit the button as he attempted to make conversation with you.
“So how have your grades been? Excited for the end of the year?” He turned his head to make eye contact with you.
“Yeah I guess, I’m still not completely sure what I want to do once I graduate, but I know I’ll have you and everybody else to go to for support.” You responded in a tired tone, still a bit dazed from just waking up only 10 minutes ago. Todd nodded at your response as the elevator chimed.
The two metal doors slid open to reveal Sal and Larry standing on the other side, they looked ready for school just as much as you and Todd.
“Oh hey!” Larry called, “You two look like shit!” He laughed, Todd grimaced in annoyance while you just rubbed one of your eyes, trying to wake up.
“Yeah well your eyebags got eyebags and I’m sure Sals looking more than tired under that prosthetic.” Todd shot back as he stepped into the elevator, you supposed everyone was up late studying, since Mrs. Packerton always has extremely hard ‘end of the year’ tests. The fact that she’s a cultist makes trying to focus more difficult.
You stepped into the elevator and stood between Todd and Sal, taking notice in how quiet Sal was. It wasn’t unusual for him to not say anything, but a small hello could always be heard from him whenever we saw each other.
“You okay Sally Face? You seem a bit quiet.” Larry seemed to get a kick out of comment since he snickered and nudged Sal with his elbow.
“Yeah, what’s up bud?” Larry questioned in an almost teasing tone, it confused you, but you also knew that Sal and Larry always had their own little inside jokes. Maybe something happened last night while they were studying together, probably something involving Larry’s terrible toilet humor, or maybe they just got high again and completely blew off studying.
“Nothing, just tired.” Thats when you noticed how red Sals ears were, though you didn’t think much of it since you just wanted to get to school and get these seven hours of hell over with.
School never failed to be the same as always, with Travis and his homophobic and just down right ignorant remarks, the lunch food always smelling strange (especially the bologna), and of course messing around in the hallways and during lunch time with some of your favorite people. This time at lunch though you asked to speak with Ashley in private, she and Todd were the best advice givers you knew, but you just didn’t have as much faith in Todd in keeping a secret as you did with Ash.
“Whats up, (Y/N)?” The two of you stood behind the school as you anxiously looked around for any people who could overhear you.
“I, um, I needed some advice. It’s about the prom coming up this week..” You mumbled as Ashley burst into squeals of excitement, smiling widely to you.
“Oh I’m so excited you came to me for help! So you want to ask somebody, right? Who is it? Is it Larry?” She giggled and nudged you, trying her best to get the name out.
“No! It’s Sal!” Not even sure where that little outburst came from, you lifted a hand over your mouth in shock, as Ashley’s face only stretched further into happiness as she grabbed your shoulders.
“Oh I just knew you had a crush on him! You always laugh at all his jokes, and compliment him whenever you get the chance! And if you ask me, I think he might like you too!” That suggestion made your face burn, the thought of Sal actually returning such feelings made your heart warm.
“C- Come on, don’t say that!.. But do you really think that?” Ash nodded in response as she took your hand.
“You have to ask him out! And I know just who can help us.”
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1000roughdrafts · 4 years
Baby Winchester 2021
A/N: gift fic for @rileynicole1967. Merry Christmas! Thank you for being such a huge supporter, and for all of your kind words. I hope you like it. I dont have a laptop anymore so this is posted from my phone, hope the format is alright.
Summary: Reader finds out she's pregnant, and tells Dean in a cute way.
Warnings: fluff, puking, pregnancy, mention of sex, a tiny bit of angst but youd have to really watch for it.
W/C: 1.5k
This is also kind of a fix it fic for the season finale but I warped the time to be close to Christmas.
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Excusing yourself from Thanksgiving dinner, after taking a bite of a meal your boyfriend spent hours to prepare, almost made you feel as horrible as the realization that the spontaneous sickness was accompanied by an AWOL period.
You let it slide, blaming the uneasy feeling on those intrusive thoughts, the worries that slip in and mix with hopes, turning into an anxious dream. A dream that involved having a family with Dean.
While you never had that whole marriage and kids conversation with him, you know that somewhere deep inside of him is a craving to nurture and care for a child of his own.
The way he talked about his past with Lisa and Ben was one giveaway, but when the two of you had sex he was careless, and so were you. One of you would courteously offer up the use of a condom, while the other would hear the suggestion with one ear, muttering an "oh, yeah, we probably should," between kisses, but the intention was already lost on the both of you. 
It was like under the surface of "we can't have a kid, we're hunters,"there was a shared hope that maybe it would just happen, and it would become part of the challenges you take on in day to day life. Wouldn't really even be much of a challenge, other than keeping the kid safe, but what safer of a place than a bunker?
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't considered the thought, even if just for a daydream. It was a scary thought, raising a baby in this world, let alone in your world, but regardless, you wanted it. 
Five days from Christmas, another period hadn't come. Sitting on the toilet you cover your eyes with your hands, pressing a bit deeper than you should, hardly able to control the bounce in your leg. On the floor in front of you is a pregnancy test, your heart racing too fast for you to watch it as it decides your future. 
The confliction you feel is enough on its own. The one hand, excitement, the other, fear; a hope for both positive and negative to show up on that little stick. 
Thinking back on the symptoms you'd read online they all seemed to line up with normal PMS symptoms. Your breasts were sore and heavy, but you've never examined them enough to know if they're really changing. You've been nauseous, even puking, but often that's not outside of PMS either. The only thing that really screamed 'pregnant' was your two missed periods… until you open your eyes to a test with two pink lines. 
With shaky hands you bend forward to pick it up, feeling like every sense has been numbed and magnified at once, like your eyes are playing tricks on you. Your body throws out a nervous chuckle, re-reading the test like you're studying for a final before allowing yourself to actually smile. Panic and excitement fills you but you ride out the high, allowing it to consume you for a moment before planning your next move. 
Slipping the test in your bra between your breasts, you throw the box it came in into an empty metal trash bin, setting it on fire to hide the evidence. Dean will find out eventually, but it has to be perfect. 
You already had a world of ideas on how to tell him, and with Christmas just days away, the perfect time. You drive to the craft store to see what you could put together. 
Walking down the aisle you turn to another and see blank christmas ornaments to decorate. Something inside of you screams, thousands of images popping into your head of what you could do with some paint and an ornament. Grabbing a present shaped ornament you head over to the paint section. You pick up a couple small gift bags and stuffing paper. 
Leaving the bag in your car, you walk through the door to see the boys are decorating the bunker with random strings of light and tinsel. 
"Looks great," you smile "now all we need is a tree." 
"Well now that you're home we can go get one," Dean smiles, walking over to kiss you on the cheek. 
You drove to all of the lots in Lebanon, all of which sold out of their best trees and left with the charlie brown's. Both Sam and Dean turned to you at each one with questions in their eyes, and you'd just shake your head. There's no way you'd let a three foot tree sit in a building as beautiful as the bunker. You'd find the perfect one, it just needed to take some time. That's when Dean suggested a different place. 
He drove the three of you to a secluded woods, opening the trunk for a saw. 
With wide eyes and a hidden smile, you jump out, Sam following. 
"You're gonna cut one down?" you laugh. 
Dean shrugs, lifting the saw to examine it. Smiling, he looks at Sam, "give me a hand with this will you?" he says, nodding to the other saw that sits in the trunk. 
While the boys decorated the tree, you found it the perfect opportunity to sneak away and decorate your ornament. You slip into your car for the bag and run to a room you could lock, starting right away.
On Christmas morning, Dean woke you with a warm homemade peppermint mocha. The things that man could do in the kitchen made your head spin, or maybe it was the little life growing inside of you that made you so dizzy. 
You hurriedly set the coffee on the nightstand and run to the bathroom, puking up the sweet, peppermint dream in moments. 
Dean is quick to your side, kneeling down with his hand on your back, rubbing comforting circles. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, and you can only nod. "Was it too much peppermint?"
You shake your head with a chuckle, wiping your lips with toilet paper before spitting into the toilet and flushing it all away. 
"No, the coffee is great," you smile, turning to rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth, "I just don't think I ate enough yesterday," you say, mouth full of toothpaste but knowing it will be the last lie you have to tell him about the showing symptoms. 
You walk out and accompany them as Sam pulls a gift from the tree and hands it to Dean. Dean smiles as you go to sit next to him. 
"Oh!" you say with your best attempt at faking surprise, "I forgot an ornament" you say, barely able to conceal your smile. 
You pull it from your pocket and hand it to Dean, stifling a giggle. 
He smiles, "sure thing," he says, reaching for it. 
It takes him a few steps to look at it, but even with his back turned to you you know when he reads it. He freezes, staring down at the golden letters that read: Baby Winchester 2021. 
"What?" he says, whipping around to face you, and you just smile. Sam is alert, looking up from his phone as if Dean's voice startled him into the moment. Dean's face is tense, but he relaxes it to a smile, "what?"he says again, more excitedly, "are you serious?" he says in a laugh. 
Sam stands and walks to Dean's side, reading the ornament over his shoulder, "no way!" he smiles. 
You laugh, standing to grab the gift bag from under the tree with the test in it. 
"I'm serious," you say, giving him the little gift bag. 
Dean pulls the test out, Sam still at his side and when he looks at those little pink lines his face flushes, tears in the corners of his eyes threaten to come down. Sam is quick to run to you, wrapping you in a bear hug, saying congratulations before both of you have your arms wrapped around Dean. 
There's silence for a moment, and you know what it means just by looking in their eyes. In their minds, just last week they were fighting mime vampires, the hunt almost getting away with Dean's life had he not missed the nail in the wall and fell backwards instead, and this week, they're expecting a baby. A baby in a world with vampires, and ghosts, and creatures that want you all dead. 
You break the silence, "I know," you say almost somberly. 
"What are we gonna do?" Dean asks, fear in his voice. 
"We're gonna do what we always do. We're gonna keep fighting, but now, we'll be fighting for this little guy," you say, hand around your stomach. 
Dean wipes the tear from his eye before it can hit his cheek and wraps his arms around you in a hug, Sam joining in shortly after in an embrace you wish you could stay in forever. 
Sure, it's going to be difficult raising a baby in a hunter family, but with these two goons by your side, you wouldn't have it anyway else. 
PermaTags<3 @waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks
Dean’sQueens<3 @flamencodiva​ @akshi8278​ @squirrelnotsam​ @laxe-chester67​ @ellewritesfix05​ @lyarr24​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ 
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browniefox · 3 years
The One with the Motorcycle
@wrightfamilyweek day 4 - Free day! Which I took to mean 'shove my headcanon here'. At first I wanted to do something with Ryuunosuke, but I still haven't finished tgaa so uhhhh sorry my boy. Also, you can find this on AO3 here.
In which Trucy and Phoenix decide they need to find a more reliable method of getting around. Luckily, Phoenix already has a vehicle registered under his name.
“Does this mean that when I turn sixteen, I’ll get a motorcycle license?”
Trucy skips alongside her Daddy as they walk through the aisles of the storage facility. They pass locked garage after garage. Trucy has always known that her Daddy had somewhere he stores a bunch of stuff that doesn’t fit in the office, the stuff he used to keep in his apartment back when he had one, but this is her first time coming along with him.
There’s been a lot leading up to this. Now that Trucy’s getting a little older, there’s more things she wants to do, or go to, and Daddy seems to be getting a little busier too. He’s started going down to the library more often, and having some kind of meetings for lunch, and getting calls by people Trucy doesn’t know. They’re both getting busy, and buses and taxis only get them so far. Daddy had declared, in an almost resigned-sounding voice after they missed a bus and had to wait underneath the bus stop in the pouring rain for another thirty minutes, that perhaps it was time to find a more reliable method to get around.
“Dessie says she’s running a little late, but she’ll be here soon.” Trucy is in charge of the phone while Daddy frets over the pieces of paper in his hands, crinkling the edges up in his nervous hands.
Daddy doesn’t reply to this either, just keeps walking forward. Trucy frowns to herself. Daddy’s been kind of weird about this whole thing. From getting the Learner’s Permit, to the practice drives and lessons with Desiree, to his final test, but now if anything he seems at his most awkward and strange as they approach the storage unit.
They final come to a stop, and Daddy pulls up the metal door.
If old case files in the office were little glimpses into who Daddy was before Trucy knew him, this place was an in-color photograph.
There’s cardboard boxes with ‘sketchbooks’ scrawled on the front. There’s a dead plant in the corner. There’s a stack of picture frames, an old couch shoved into a corner, and a small wood table with rings from the ghosts of old drinks, a few splashes of paint marring the surface. There’s some art supplies shoved off in a corner that Trucy immediately goes over to, and piles of books Trucy hasn’t read before, and Trucy wants nothing more than to stay here all day and look through everything and anything in sight.
In the middle of the storage unit, however, is what they’ve come here for.
It’s a lilac-colored motorcycle. There’s an unhealthy-layer of dust on it - there’s a layer of dust on everything in the room - and Daddy brushes his hand over the seat and handles, sending a plume of the dust into the air. He starts sneezing and coughing over it and Trucy laughs a little at that. She stops in a moment, though, because of the almost-grim look on Daddy’s face as he stares at the bike.
They’ve been building up to this for months, in reality. Trucy realizes this now, that everything up to this point has been to get this motorcycle out of the garage and back onto the streets, because it was a vehicle Daddy already owns, and he wouldn’t have to go through the hassle nor money involved in getting a new one. But it’s also all conflicted with Daddy’s attempts to distance himself from the past.
Daddy wants to move forward in life, she gets that, but it makes Trucy sad anyway to see how nervous and resigned he’d looked about so much as calling the Delites for help. Like doing that much is losing something.
“So this is Aunt Mia’s bike?” Trucy asks, going over to it as well. She doesn’t know anything about things like this, but it looks like it’s in okay condition. It’s certainly not as shiny as Desiree’s, but it’s not bad.
“Yeah, it’s been a while. Sorry I haven’t by.” He says, and she can tell he’s not talking to her. His eyes are fixed on the bike like sometimes he’ll stare at Charley for what seems like hours on end; it’s never for that long, but it feels like it might be at times. He tilts her head to Trucy and explains, “I used to come by and try to keep it clean and stuff, but things have gotten… complicated. I’m sure Mia’s upset I haven’t done more to maintain this since she’s been gone.”
Ah, it’s one of the days where he’s talking about Aunt Mia in the present tense. It’s hard to tell if that’s ever a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it’s just A Thing he does sometimes. Even after four years, there’s still so much Trucy hasn’t figured out about her daddy. Sometimes, he talks about Aunt Mia as the dead person she is, gone and out of this world, a deceased but loved person, just like Trucy’s mommy was talked about. Other days, though, it’s like he expects Aunt Mia to walk through the door any minute.
“Alright, well, let’s see what we can do before Desiree gets here.”
Daddy’s temporary license, the edges of which are almost torn up by his worrying hands, is set aside on top of the sketchbook box and he grabs a towel from one of the other boxes, setting to work on a more thorough dusting. Trucy searches through Daddy’s phone for the list of what to check for that Desiree had texted him and passes it over to Daddy.
Trucy picks a stool out from the mess of things and rifles through the sketchbook box, finding one and flipping through it. There’s mostly little doodles and the like on the pages, or realistic portraits of faces Trucy doesn’t recognize. She wonders if, were Daddy not so determined to distance himself from the past, she’d know any of them. There is a picture of Miles, and she knows him, so she smiles at that picture and lightly brushes her hand over the pencil markings. Miles looks really angry in the picture, and scribbled right next to him is ‘I’ll save you’.
And Daddy did.
“Alright, let’s see what we have to work with today!”
Desiree announces herself, carrying her own box of tools
“Thought you might not show up for a moment.” Daddy jokes, but it’s one of his hollow-sounding jokes. Desiree laughs anyway.
“Oh please, I’ve been waiting to get a look at this beast for myself ever since you told me about it!” Desiree says and starts going over the bike. She talks about oil and gas and spark plugs and batteries, looking over everything and digging through her stuff and checking things. She says they’re going to need a new battery, and definitely replace just about all of the fluids. Luckily, Desiree is well-capable of doing all of that, she assures them, and they’d be able to get it up and moving enough to get it to her shop where she could do some of the rougher things to do.
“How much do I owe you?” Daddy asks, and Desiree waves her hand.
“We can discuss that later, let’s focus on getting this beauty out of this dusty-old place and back here she belongs, huh?”
Desiree has said that every time, so far, that Daddy asks about price. Trucy can see that it means Desiree doesn’t really want to make Daddy pay for any of it, but it seems to put Daddy more and more on edge every time Desiree says it. He’s waiting for something bad to happen, and his tension over it bleeds into Trucy, even though she’s not worried. Desiree is a nice lady who likes to chat to Trucy and can talk a mile a minute about motorcycles. When she’s not talking about them, she’s talking about her husband, Ron
They walk the bike out of the storage facility, Desiree filling the space with chatter about what the make and model of Aunt Mia’s motorcycle is, and the pluses and minuses of it, and how it’s lucky that it already has a backseat for Trucy. Daddy says that he used to ride with Aunt Mia sometimes, eyes trained on the bike still, as if he expected it to fall apart at a moment’s notice.
Desiree’s red-hot bike is parked out front and she tells them to meet her at her shop. She’ll be able to finish up there, where the rest of her supplies is.
“Don’t worry, she should be able to get you there just fine. And anyway, you can tell me if anything starts sounding worrying!” Desiree says as she climbs onto her bike. It’s been what Daddy has been practicing on, what Daddy even passed his driving test on just yesterday, and the rumble of it had just started to become familiar. Trucy feels like she’s going to miss it, but she’s excited to see how Aunt Mia’s bike works out.
Desiree peels out and leaves Daddy and Trucy standing on the side of the road, Daddy regarding Aunt Mia’s bike like it’s a python that’s going to bite them.
“... maybe this was a bad idea.” Daddy says five months too late.
“You worry too much! C’mon, Dessie’s waiting for us!” Trucy hops next to him, excited to get on the bike. Daddy sighs, turning his helmet over and over in his hands. Trucy has her own, bought a couple months ago, but she hasn’t been allowed on a bike yet. ‘Not until I get my official license’, Daddy had insisted. Now is the time, though.
“But what if something happens? What if I crash, and you get hurt?” He says. Trucy feels a ripple of shock run through her and she looks at Daddy’s face. His expression is grim and an open wound of his emotion. Of worry and fear, “What if I crash and I ruin her bike? What if-”
“Daddy, you’re being dumb” Trucy informs him. Daddy looks at her, and she can already see him starting to close off again, but she steals the last few moments of honesty she can, desperately, “Daddy you can do this, okay? We’re going to be okay. Even if we have to go five miles an hour to get there.”
“I think I’m actually worse at driving slow.” Daddy grumbles. Trucy grabs his hands.
“Then we’ll go really fast. We aren’t giving up on this just because you’re scared.”
Daddy sighs and then ruffles her hair.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. It’d be stupid to give up right now. It doesn’t matter how long it’s going to take.”
They put their helmets on and climb onto the bike. They both hold their breaths when the engine first starts, and then it roars to life. It’s different than Desiree’s although exactly how, Trucy isn’t sure. She wraps her arms around her daddy’s stomach as they get going, keeping her eyes open. She isn’t scared, she can’t be. She needs to seem sure and trusting over this, for his sake, for their sake, so that they can make it through here together.
Things don’t change a lot with Daddy. They’ve lived in the same place for all this time, and Daddy’s worked at the same bar, and Trucy’s worked at the same bar, and they have the same routines day to week to month to year. This is new, this is change, but it’s a good thing.
They roar down the streets for the first time, Daddy is shaking, Trucy can feel it with how tightly she’s holding onto him. The air roars past them, chillingly-cold.
He did this for me, Trucy thinks, and then, no, he did this for us. For family, so that we can keep moving forwards .
If they had stood still, they would’ve been alright with buses and taxis and rides from friends. But they are moving forward in life, they need the ability to do more, be more independent, further their own things.
And help, here they had help, from Desiree, and from the thoughtfulness of Aunt Mia to leave Phoenix to her bike, and Ron had told Trucy before that Phoenix had helped them (Trucy had already known this, she’s read that case and every other case what feels like a thousand times over, her illicit self-read bedtime stories) and that they’d been wanting to do something for the man ever since they heard about The Disbarment.
It’s sort of funny, how independence and getting help seemed to go hand-in-hand.
Trucy and her Daddy roar down the streets, and her grip loosens as she gets more comfortable, and Daddy stops shaking so badly as he gets into his groove, because he’s done this before and has been training and practicing, and he knows how to ride a bike now, and Desiree has taught him how to maintain it, and now, now they are going towards a new normal, a new schedule, a second half of the darkest time of their lives (of course, Trucy doesn’t know this, and neither does her daddy, and now it seems like the shadows is simply where they will always be living) and they prepare to meet it together.
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Making Space
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader x Poe Dameron x Ben Solo
Word Count: 2230
Square Filled: Crossover
Warnings: Multipairing. Some swearing.
Summary: Bucky gets launched into a whole new galaxy and meets a new friend to help him adjust to life on an alien planet.
A/N this is written for my darling friend @everythingisoverrated. she wanted some fluff and couldn't decide who she wanted it for. Also written for @star-spangled-bingo SSB2021
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Bucky Barnes is still getting used to his surroundings. Waking up in the 21st century had been strange enough. But being launched into a completely different galaxy? That’ll really deep fry someone’s noodle.
The thing that helps the most? You.
You found him in that alley on Coruscant, taking him back to your apartment. You’ve been nothing but kind to him, treating him like an actual person, not questioning his metal arm, never treating him differently. When, months later, he told you his past, what happened to him, you didn’t run away screaming, you hugged him tightly, promising that all of that was behind him. He didn’t have to be the Winter Soldier anymore. Of all the things that you could have told him, that was the one thing that made him break down and sob like a baby.
You healed him. The cracks aren’t gone, will never be invisible, you’ve simply filled them in with something better, stronger.
It takes him a stupid amount of time to realize that you’re more than just a friend to him. You occupy his soul, bringing a blinding light into the darkness. The shadows of winter are gone, replaced with summer and warmth and sunshine, buttery yellow that just hits the best ways.
Months. That’s how long he suppresses his feelings for you, content to just be around you. Then, one night, you’re curled up against his side, laughing at a show he still doesn’t quite understand, but he’s happy to watch it with you. You look up at him, your eyes so pretty, so soft. He could get lost in them forever if you’d let him. And sometimes, like now, he thinks you just might.
“You’re staring.” He whispers, never mind the fact that so is he.
You smile softly, lifting a hand to brush his long hair back. “Just admiring.” You reply, thumb brushing gently over his cheekbone.
“Are you getting sentimental on me?” He teases and you grin, pushing yourself up. It’s nothing new for you to tell him how pretty he is, or all the little things you love about him.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You swing your leg over his lap, straddling him and his heart knocks loudly against his sternum. “Bucky?” You whisper, cupping his face and letting your fingers braid through his hair.
“Uh- uh-huh?” He flounders like a damn fish.
“Can I kiss you? Would that be okay?” You ask and he nods like an idiot.
“Yeah. I mean… if you want to.” He corrects himself, feeling like a 16-year-old kid again, totally inexperienced and stupid.
You tilt your head, pressing your soft lips against his, gentle at first, testing to see how he reacts. When he opens his mouth for you, you deepen the kiss, inching closer. You drop your shoulders, holding his face right where you want him. His big arms encircle you, rubbing up your back and holding you against him. Your tongue licks into his mouth and a groan bubbles up before he can stop himself.
You pull away slowly, smiling to yourself. “Hi.” You mumble and he grins, truly happy for the first time in a long time.
Things go perfectly for months. Bucky gets a job working mechanics on a big spaceship-no, wait. Here, they’re called starships. It takes him a little bit to get the hang of it, but he’s good with his hands.
He meets you at home every day, together you make dinner and talk about all kinds of nonsense. He’s never bored with you.
But then one day, you’re late. His stomach twists uncomfortably. Did something happen to you? He paces in front of the couch, biting into his lower lip as he worries.
He doesn’t relax until he hears your keys jangle outside the front door. An hour late. He rushes to it, opening it with a whoosh, relief only lasting for a split second. You’re supporting a body against your side, arm pulled taut across your shoulders.
“Help.” You say, looking at the unconscious man next to you.
Bucky grabs his other arm, supporting most of his weight as he guides him to the couch. “What happened?” He asks, checking for a pulse. The man’s face is bloody, cuts and scrapes everywhere.
“He just fell out of the sky in front of me. Probably fell out of a speeder, but, I started to call for an ambulance and he said no. I couldn’t just leave him to d-die, Bucky.” You hiccup and Bucky turns to you. “I remember you said you trained with medics somewhere, on your home planet?”
“Baby, I don’t think it’s the same thing.” He frowns. You turn away, trying to hide the fresh tears. Something sinks heavily in his stomach. “Do you know him?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No. I’ve never seen him before. One second there was nothing, and then I tripped over him.” You mumble.
“Okay. I’ll do what I can. Get the kit from the fresher.” He says, pointing you away. You scramble and he starts checking the man over. His dark, curly hair is matted with blood, but everything looks superficial.
His eyes flutter open and he gasps, trying to sit up. “Whoa, easy, pal,” Bucky says, holding his shoulder to keep him down. “You’re okay.”
“The girl?” He groans.
“She’s here. What’s your name?”
“Poe. Poe Dameron.” He slumps back, eyes fluttering closed.
You rush back in, case in your trembling hands. “Found it.” You kneel next to Bucky, handing him the case. Poe turns his head to you,
“Thank you.” He mumbles. You touch his shoulder gently and he relaxes.
Bucky dresses his cuts, cleaning them and making sure they aren’t any deeper. Poe doesn’t protest, so Bucky assumes he passed out again. You haven’t said a word, but Bucky can still feel the tension rolling off you.
“He looks good, doesn’t seem to be anything broken. You did good, doll.” He brushes your hair back, smiling at you. You fling your arms around his neck, holding tight.
“I love you.” You whisper and Bucky can’t help but smile.
“I love you, too, sweetheart. Come on. You need something to eat.” He says, pulling you up and guiding you to the kitchen. “Have a seat.”
You sink into the chair and he starts pulling out things for a simple sandwich. “I’m sorry I scared you.” You say finally and he smiles at you over his shoulder.
“I can get over it now. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He says, setting the plate in front of you. You offer him half and bite into it, eyes closing happily.
“How do you make sandwiches taste so good?” You ask. He chuckles.
“It’s the magic.” He says. He glances at the couch, his mind still focused on you. He needs your laugh. “Is it just me, or is he a bit pretty?” He asks and you crack, laughing quietly.
“Hadn’t noticed.”
“Really? How could you not?” Bucky teases. He pulls you into his chest as he leans against the counter.
“Bucky Barnes. You’re such a tease.” You laugh.
Bucky can see the moment Poe pushes himself up, looking around. He doesn’t say anything, just lets him get oriented.
He makes his way slowly into the kitchen, looking around. “Hi.” He says awkwardly and you look over at him.
“Hi.” You smile.
Poe fits in nicely with Bucky’s new little family. He’s funny, sarcastic, devoted. You seem to bring that out in people.
Bucky never thought he’d be interested in sharing the love of his life, but he loves Poe just as much as he loves you. It’s a comfortable balance.
You work with each other well, falling into an easy routine that masks the passion you feel for each other.
His life is complete. He has you, he has Poe, a roof over his head, a family. There’s no one shooting at him, the nightmares have finally stopped. How can things get any better?
One year later.
“Poe should be home soon.” You comment, feet resting in Bucky’s lap as you scroll through your holopad.
“Yes. And when he comes home, we’ll start dinner.” Bucky teases.
“But I’m hungry now.” You complain.
“Naturally. One of these days, we’re gonna have to show you the power of waiting.” He sighs. You toss your holopad on the table, pulling yourself into his lap. His big hands settle on your thighs as you look down at him.
“I waited my whole life for you. And then I waited for Poe. Do I really have to wait longer?” You pout and Bucky sighs loudly. He runs a hand through his newly cut hair.
“Ten minutes.” He bargains.
You groan, sinking backward. He laughs exasperatedly, holding you tighter as you stretch down his legs. “That’s forever.”
“It is not. He won’t be much longer.” He promises, hoping he’s right.
“Are you trying to starve me?” You whine.
Jesus, he loves you. “Maybe I just want you ravenous.” He teases, squeezing your thighs.
You squeal, lurching upright and grabbing at his wrists to try and stop him from tickling you. “Bucky!”
“Sh, wait. Listen.” He pauses and you can hear Poe out in the hallway. He’s talking to someone.
“Hi.” He says and Bucky can hear that stupid charming smile.
“Hi.” A deeper voice responds.
“Poe Dameron.” He introduces and you share a look with Bucky.
“Ben Solo.” The voice replies and Bucky stands up, lifting you with him and he carries you to the door, letting you slide down before he opens it.
“There you are. We’re wasting away to nothing in here.” Bucky complains and you snort.
“And you think I’m dramatic?” You say coolly and his jaw drops.
“Guys, this is our new neighbor. Ben Solo.” Poe says, his eyes scanning your faces before looking back at the tall man. His dark fluffy hair hangs down to his shoulders, his eyes alert and intelligent. All broad shoulders and thick thighs.
“Bucky Barnes. This is Y/N.” He says, holding out his hand to shake. Ben shakes it firmly, smiling down at you.
“Wanna join us for dinner?” You ask softly.
“I’d love to.” Ben agrees.
Okay. So, Bucky can make a little more space.
The fresh smell of paint is finally starting to fade. The windows have been opened to let the fumes out and the decorations replaced. Ben’s apartment has been enveloped by the trio’s, now a quartet.
Surely, Bucky has to be running out of space in his heart.
He walks from the large new kitchen to the door of the master bedroom, pivoting on his heel and walking back.
“She’s allowed to be late.” Poe reminds him, stretched out on the couch.
“I don’t like it,” Bucky grumbles. Ben, sitting in the armchair and working off his holopad, nods.
“It’s not like her.” He agrees.
“Stop getting all worked up. She just had a long day, that’s all. She probably stopped at that cart for her drink. The line is always long at this time of day.” Poe reasons.
Bucky groans and leans over the back of the couch, dropping his head onto Poe’s stomach. His long fingers thread through Bucky’s hair, playing with the strands.
The door hisses open and Bucky jerks his head up, watching you walk in. Your shoulders are tense, nearly rising to your ears. You kick off your shoes, holding up a bag of take-out containers.
“Brought home dinner.” You say softly. Bucky makes his way to you, taking the bag out of your trembling hands.
“Hi.” He cups your face, searching your expression. Something’s wrong.
“Hi.” Your voice breaks, chin trembles.
“Oh, sweetheart.” He sighs, wrapping you in his big arms.
“I didn’t g-get it.” You mumble into his chest.
“Want me to go beat them up?” Poe offers, laying his own hand on your back. You nod, twisting your head to look at him. “You got it, Princess.” He smiles softly.
“Bunch of idiots,” Ben mutters, wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissing your shoulder. “Tell me they didn’t give the promotion to Brenda.” He rolls his eyes and you stay quiet. “Oh come on!”
You give a watery chuckle.
“Brenda? She’s the fucking worst. I say you quit. See how good Brenda is at her job when you’re not doing it for her.” Ben huffs.
“What do you want to do, doll?” Bucky asks.
“Can we eat in bed? I just wanna be with you all.” You sniffle.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Poe agrees. “Go get comfy.” He kisses your forehead and you disentangle from Bucky and Ben. They take the food into the kitchen to plate it while you go into the brand new bedroom.
They bring the plates and drinks into the bedroom and you’re in the middle of the massive bed, in your pajamas, knees tucked up to your chest. Bucky climbs in on your left, Poe on your right, and Ben next to him. Everyone adjusted and comfortable, Bucky hands you the remote.
“Pick something to watch, doll.” He says, resting his forehead against your shoulder. Ben is playing with your hair, his arm draped around Poe’s shoulders. Poe has your hand in his, rubbing small circles on the back of it.
You turn on the tv, settling back to be comfortable, surrounded by the people you love most.
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rllymilerlly · 4 years
For the writing prompt. Taang, 19, thank you! :)
19. “What if I love you?” This ended up way longer and in a completely different direction I thought it was going to. So bare with me lmao:
Aang sat wistfully looking up at the sky. The clouds were painted a dusty pink as the sun was setting in the distance. A soft breeze brushed his face and a faint earthy scent tickled his nose. He smiled. The smell reminded him of his traveling companion, who he could hear chatting up Momo and Appa about Spirits knows what, back at their makeshift camp.
Tomorrow, they should arrive at the Fire Nation. Zuko asked him and Toph to come sit at some boring trade meeting. Unlike Toph though, Aang was ecstatic to go. All of their friends were going to be at the meeting and it’s been too long since he last saw them. Okay, so they were all together last month, but it still has been way too long for Aang’s taste. He missed seeing his friends everyday. He loved traveling and helping people. He also loved that Toph has traveled with him for the past, oh spirits, almost seven? Eight years?
But things were so different now-a-days. They were all so busy with different responsibilities in order to make the world better. So it maintains its balance. Not only that, but Suki and Sokka got married last year and could possibly start a family soon. Fire Nation officials were breathing down Zuko’s neck about having a Fire Lady and a future heir. Which always leads to severe discomfort between Zuko and Katara whenever it is brought up at meetings, but it is amusing torment for the rest of the Gaang.
Then there was him and Toph. He wouldn’t have guessed when the war finished that he’d be spending most of his time traveling with his old Earthbending teacher. It just sort of happened. The rest of the Gaang slowly dissipated to do their own thing, but Toph stayed. At first she said it was because she didn’t want to face her parents. Aang accepted that. But after a year they went and confronted her parents. They made up. He left, while she stayed with them. Aang thought that would be it. That’d he’d be alone for awhile, but Toph came back quickly. She said she couldn’t deal with the stuffy high life anymore. He accepted that too. It felt better with her around anyways. They traveled the world, helped out towns, with and without the rest of their friends.
But then about two years ago he almost died... again. In the long run, it was actually quite a funny story. He was crushed by a pile of metal, which if he would’ve practiced his metalbending like Toph told him too, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But he was stubborn and a little lazy. So he almost died, but Toph saved him. When he woke up about a day later, he was trampled by Toph. She was hugging him, tears in her eyes. Then most surprisingly she kissed his cheek. He was so shocked by it (or maybe it was the concussion) that he barely even felt her punching his already bruised arm. She told him to never scare her like that again, if he thinks he’s ever getting out of metalbending training again he’s got another thing coming to him. Aang barely processed her threats as he came to the realization that maybe there was another reason why she stayed with him.
Aang noticed after that they grew a lot closer, not that they weren’t already close, but it was border- lining uncharted territory for the both of them. For example, they both had night terrors. They both knew about it, but they had an unspoken agreement to never talk about it. (‘Katara’s better at this stuff than I would be’ is what they reasoned themselves with). But then Aang did. He told her about them in the middle of the night, when sleep didn’t seem appealing anymore. Toph didn’t know how to react at first, but she slowly opened up about hers too. They came to a realization eventually that it sometimes helped when they slept right next to each other, Appa and Momo cuddled with them too, of course.
One night he woke up from a bad night terror. Toph held his hand and let him cry silently on her chest. When he finally calmed down he looked into her glassy eyes and and squeezed her hand.
“You’re my Best Friend,” but he said it more tenderly than a friend should. She snorted and rolled her eyes.
“No I’m not. Zuko’s your best friend.” They both knew she was more than that.
Aang’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud clink and a screech coming from behind him. When he turned to look, he chuckled. From what he could gather, Toph was scolding Momo for swiping her dinner. He turned backed to look at the view. He was not about to get in the middle of that again. He leaned his head back on the ground, deciding to count the stars starting to appear above. Enjoy the nature surrounding him. He got to 23 when he felt the familiar vibrations in the ground. Next thing he knew an angry looking Toph was standing over him, hands on her hips.
“Yes, Dear?” He sighed dramatically. Toph scoffed at his teasing and sent a small rock to jut him up.
“What are you doing?” She demanded.
“I mean I /was/ counting stars” Aang said as he rubbed his back.
“Well while you were ‘counting stars’” she mocked him in a high pitched voice, “your lemur stole my food” she crossed her arms and tried to huff her bangs out of her face.
“Funny how he’s always ‘my lemur’ when he does something you don’t like, but when other people talk about how cool he is, he’s suddenly ‘our lemur’” He teased her. He felt another small jolt on his feet.
“This isn’t the time to try to be smart, Twinkle Toes. This is serious. I’m going to starve.”
“T, I hardly doubt you’ll starve. You literally had half of my dinner earlier” Aang stated, patting her shoulder, “Wait a minute. We had breakfast AND two huge lunches, and you even made us get snacks to eat while we rode on Appa. How are you even still hungry?”
“I’m a growing girl, Twinkle Toes”
“Oh Toph, I don’t know how to tell you this” he quickly embraced her, making sure to lift her slightly off the ground, “but you haven’t grown since you were twelve.”
He chuckled as he immediately felt her struggling out of his grasp. Just as quickly as he embraced her, she escaped, and he went flying. He was still laughing by the time he reached the ground again and Toph’s scowl only made him laugh more.
“I hate you,” she tried to sound as angry as she could, but his laughter was starting to get contagious.
“No you don’t” he teased grabbing her shoulders again to ground himself (She was always good at that) “You love me”
There was immediate silence as her shoulders tensed under his hands, her face went pale. Aang cursed himself. His feelings slipped out to much when he said it, he blamed his stupid thoughts from before. That was more than what friendly teasing should’ve sounded like. Because it wasn’t teasing at all, it was an accusation.
“Toph I-“
“What if I love you?” She interrupted barely above a whisper, as if testing the waters.
“What if I did?” Toph questioned, more assertive, more herself. She grabbed his hands putting them between them, “Love you?”
Without thinking Aang placed one of her hands to his heart and let go of the other. He used his free hand to brush her bangs out of her eyes. He could see the blush running across her cheeks as she radiates in the moonlight. He couldn’t bring himself to let go. Not now, maybe not ever. She was beautiful, but he knew that already. He could see her pale eyes trying to bore into his soul, searching for confirmation to an answer that she should already know.
“That would be okay” He stated earnestly. Toph started to smile, confirmation settling in.
“Yes” And braver than he has ever felt before, he asked in return, “And what if I love you?” She chuckled and nudged him.
“I guess that would be okay too.”
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missamyrisa2 · 3 years
✨ how would you tickle someone who has very ticklish toes (*totally 100% not me haha*) (*~*)✨
The delectably teasy thing about toe tickles is that it is the furthest possible tickle spot from your eyes. Which means you get to watch helplessly from a distance as I slowly and methodically twine soft fuzzy threads between each toe. I wrap them lovingly, carefully. Occasionally I'll lean down and either let my long blonde locks caress them or I may even plant a tiny kiss on the pillowy underside of each toe. You'll struggle of course, but thankfully I have secured you in an obnoxiously cute purple straightjacket. Your arms are crossed in a self hug, your body secured in a reclined position. You can't look down at my progress on your helplessly sensitive ticklish toes without also getting an eyeful of the feathery designs and laughing emojis etched on your straightjacket. I'm humming happily as I work, undeterred by your squirms and whimpers though you'll catch me smirking and grinning knowingly as I thread another piece of the soft material around and between the toes.
"Now, now. Don't fuss. It'll just take me longer to prep and I knoww how much you're looking forward to this."
I sigh contentedly, one foot complete. I grasp your heel and inspect my work. Each toe is adorned with a colorful winding thread, which I am now pulling back gently on each end to snuggly present them in front of me. "So adorable. Just so cute. You have the prettiest little toes with the softest pillows underneath." I run a finger from your small toe all the way up in a tickly glissando, strumming each toe to elicit your sweet helpless giggles. I start to hum and work on the other foot, but can't help but be distracted, casting sideways grins and reaching to suddenly tease in the crook under your toes, or dance a nail between two of them. "I can't help it. I simply can't help it! Your toes are too cute. They are just too cute and they need to be tickled. I'm sorry~" Before tying off your other foot, I hold both ends of the thread and inspect your toes, planting tiny raspberries on each and every one of them. "Muuuah! Bzzzzz! Aww it's just little buzzy bees coming to see the pretty material between these cute toes. Hold still now!"
At last, your binding is complete and I stand up. Your giggle therapist is working casual today, wearing a cute white tank top with the word "Smile~" written in girly script. A tiny slash of my tummy is visible above my little shorts, an impossibly ticklish zone that is completely out of your reach even as I lean over you to gently affix a silver necklace around your neck with a shiny oversized metal heart charm. "Collars are so bulky and cold. This cute heart will remind you of your ticklish place while you watch me do tickly things to these delightfully ticklish toes~"
In an instant I'm back at your feet. I'm wasting no more time, lovingly stroking my fingertips along the outline of each big toe. "Tickle tickle toesies!" I coo, gliding my nail tips on the curvy layouts before darting outward to the next toe. I work each one, probing and testing for reactions. Every giggle makes me giggle and coo. Every squeal has me delighted. "Aww, that's a good spot huh? Ticklish toes. Ticklish toes. You have ticklish toes and aaaaahhhm tickling them!" I spend extra time on your tiny toes, so very sensitive. "I've heard these ones get super ticklish because they don't get touched much. Do you touch your tiny toes ever? Can you tickle yourself? I mean not now, silly. I see you struggling in there. You like your cute jacket? You look so adorable like this! Coochie coochie toesie toes!"
For a moment I have my five fingers carefully held against each toe, just lightly gyrating them to get all your feet digits tickled at once. "Awwe it's like we're dancing together. Don't worry, I'll lead. I'm an experience tickle tangoer after all." I giggle with you, working your toes, slipping between them, massaging over each one, vigorously testing the tender skin underneath each toe. "How about some feathers? Feathers? Yeah, I think I heard feathers. Yes the feathers. Tickle tickle feathers on your ticklish ticklish toes. Tickle tickle toesies. Ticklish toes."
I tease and coo, drawing stiff tipped feathers along each dancing toe. "Call me your tickle mama~" I snicker, enthralled at how even such wispy tools have you fruitlessly struggling on the table. "Come on, say it. You can't get away. I'm not gonna stop feathering under these toes until you do. No? Okay. We'll get there. Coochie cooo" I saw the feathers between each toe, trail them at the tips of each toe, and playfully fan your soles with them as I plot my next attack.
Without a word the buzzing sound fills the air, and I'm polishing your toes carefully with sonic toothbrushes. I'm all business for the moment. The vibrating brushes follow your every move. They set off the fabric between your toes. The relentless buzzing stimulates those sensitive nerves. You know what I want to hear, but you still struggle and fight. So I try a combination attack. One toothbrush exits, and a paddle bamboo brush is applied to your sole and instep. I use the paddle to make you laugh and wiggle, and follow your squirms with random tickles from the toothbrush.
You can't hold out forever. I flash you a knowing warm smile and retrieve a bottle of baby oil. My eyes flicker, sending the Now you're in trouble nonverbal message. I grin evilly, working the oil between my hands in front of you, and then dribble more from high above onto each toe. My hands move to start massaging the oil into your skin slowly, gently at first. A rush of sensual sensation fills your body for a moment. I wait until I see your eyes shut slightly in bliss before pulling up my hands to let my fingers tickle madly.
I dance my fingers frantically on each toe, sliding and gliding your softened sensitized digits. I'm cackling with you, nodding and cooing and "uh-huhing" all over. I move at a breakneck tickly pace, gliding a feather between your big toe and its neighbor for a moment then leaving the feather there to pick up the paddle to stroke your instep twice before dropping it to retrieve a paintbrush to start painting the undersides for a bit.
When you finally give me what I want, I balk and smile in a most bratty fashion. "Too late hot plate! Now your giggle mama has to punish you. Yes, oh yes. Tickle tickle punishy for ticklish ticklish toesies!" With your feet and toes hyper tickled, I pull out a particularly fiendish implement, the metal back scratcher. The smooth cool claw-like tool is just perfect for raking lightly on tickled feet and toes. I take it down each toe, under each one. Over the curves, in the crook. I barely have to touch you, and I make sure you know that. "I'm barely touching. I think I'm not even touching now. Not touching, you can't laugh. Noooot touching you can't laugh!!"
It probably doesn't last hours. The tickles definitely don't go on for days. But it's certainly feeling like an eternity where your toes go in and the tickles never leave. At some point, I've brought out two powerful fans, and affixed to their blades are a multitude of colourful strands. "You know where this is going~" I grin as you heave with laughs. I flip them on, positioned right in front of your helpless toes. The fans oscillate back and forth, randomly sending the flipping soft strands against your over sensitive toes.
I stride up to you and plant a loving kiss on your giggly cheek. Now I can just tease you to bits as the fans keep you laughing. "So cute. So cute!! Did you ever have your toes tickled so much? Mmm? What was your favorite tool? Which was your favorite giggle? I loved when you squealed like a balloon. But also when you screeched like a kitty. Your toes are so cute and pretty! Yes, they are. Ooh yes. So pretty. I could tickle them all day. And such a perfectly adorable sweet giggle you have. It's addictive! I can't not tickle you, I'm sorry I just can't. And you can't not laugh. No you can't. Tickle tickle toes. Ticklish toes~"
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yuthoe · 3 years
Day 10: Paint Me (PENTAGON: Kino)
anyway, today's prompt from this list is
Day 10: Meet Cute
and the scenario of reaching out for the same thing at the same time just would not leave my head lmao. so have this haha, it took me a surprisingly short time to finish, but the only reason im posting this on the 11th is that i was procrastinating
PAIRING: Kino/Kang Hyunggu x reader. GENRE: fic, fluff. WARNINGS: none. WORD COUNT: 1,389.
Art Bar is four hours away from your apartment, and therefore a luxury you only indulge in every few months, when you have a free day or two. It’s also an excuse for you to splurge and get new art supplies—your favorite brush broke last week and you’ve run out of green paint for the landscape piece you’ve been working on.
But also there’s this really high quality sketchbook they started selling recently and you desperately want one. You’d been eyeing it for the past month, sighing wistfully every time an ad for it crossed your feed on social media.
The faint smell of coffee slips past your nose as you push past the glass doors, and you take a look at the overhead menu of the cafe corner by the entrance, making a mental note to get a latte after you do your shopping. You hook a metal shopping basket on your elbow and head in.
The first stop is the brushes, and you quickly look through the choices for the exact ones that broke, and another finer brush as replacement for the one that’s currently losing a lot of hair. You eye one of the more expensive options, biting your lip and considering getting one, but you’re probably not going to end up using it for fear of wearing out the bristles.
You quickly look away and head for the oil paints, running through the really good selection, and pluck out a green, white, and black tube, along with a pink for the flowers. The pile of canvases off to the side catch your eye and lure you over, immediately taking a 24cm round canvas, just about the size of a small platter and perfect for an experimental circular piece.
The voice inside your head is screaming at you to mind your spending, but your sense of reason and all self-control get left at the door whenever you step into the store. The copic markers are teasing you, sitting docilely in their neatly organized shelves, and the section of the store dedicated solely for Faber Castell tools further entices you to grab a whole colored pencils set and just run away with it.
But you sigh deeply, stroke the row of pencils longingly and whisper, “Soon, my lovelies…”
You look around for that sketchbook that’s been haunting your waking moments, finally spotting it by the cash registers and beelining for it.
There’s one sample left open and you run your fingertips over the page, testing the smoothness of the paper, the thickness of every page, and inspect the ones filled out with watercolor, charcoal, and regular graphite. The more you look at it, the more you desperately want it.
Alas, it’s expensive, and you can’t afford a really big one right now, especially with the other tools in your basket that need to be purchased, so you go for the next smaller size instead.
A hand meets yours as you reach for the pad, and you jerk back. The owner of the hand recoils as well and says, “Oh, I’m sorry—were you about to get that?”
Oh, he’s cute, you think, dumbly nodding at his question. “Ah, yeah… But it’s okay, you can take it.”
He tilts his head, brows furrowing slightly and chestnut hair falling over his pretty eyes. He’s carrying his own shopping basket, loaded with a few small rectangular canvases, a bunch of copic markers, brushes, and a watercolor tin. “Are you sure? I think you were reaching for it first, though. And it’s the last one on display.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine, it’s fine. I’m pretty sure they have more at the back anyway, ‘cuz this brand has gotten pretty good reviews lately.”
“Ah yeah, that’s true,” he replies, wagging a finger at you. “I’ve seen a lot of reviews of it on YouTube, and I’ve been wanting one so bad.” He giggles, looking at the sketchbook fondly.
“I totally get it, I’ve been saving up for one for a while, too.” You smile at him. “That’s why I’m saying you should just take it, they probably have more in stock.”
He hums, thinking it over, but the allure of the sketchbook is too strong and he says, “Well, if you insist, I’ll gladly take it.” He picks up the last packaged sketchbook and slides it next to the canvases in his basket. “Thanks for this,” he says as you both move to the register.
It takes a while for him to pay for his items and you look around the frames displayed behind the counter as you wait. After around five minutes, the man steps aside with a hug bag, cradling it like a child. You see him move to admire the Faber Castell section nearby as you step forward with your basket.
“Excuse me,” you ask the cashier as you set the basket on the countertop. “Is there any more of the A4 size of that new sketchbook?”
“I’ll check our inventory for you,” she cheerily says, typing in a code in the computer and looking at it briefly before turning back to you. “Oh, I’m sorry, it seems like the last A4 one was just purchased. The next restock won’t be for another week or two. If you want, we can get your number and notify you when our stock is replenished.”
You can’t help but feel a bit down at the cashier’s answer—you have been waiting for weeks to get one, and who knows now when you’ll be able to stop by here again?
“No, it’s okay,” you say and gesture to the basket. “Just these then, please.”
The transaction is smooth and soon enough you’re clutching a paper bag of your own and heading for the cafe corner to get that latte—and a cupcake because you want to feel slightly better about the situation.
Sketchbook Guy is there too, his lavender patterned cardigan contrasting with the green diamonds wallpaper in the most complementary way. He turns to go to the claiming area and sees you, waves with a tight smile on his face.
You reply with a smile and order at the counter quickly, and step aside to wait for your coffee and pastry beside Sketchbook Guy.
There’s an awkward silence between you, until he finally blurts out, “Okay, I couldn’t help but overhear the cashier lady earlier.” He rummages in his paper bag and takes out the coveted sketchbook, holding it out to you. “Please have this. You said you were saving up for it for a while.”
“No, I can’t,” you say, waving your hand to decline him. “You already paid for it, and I told you to take it, anyway.”
Sketchbook Guy smiles, nudging the book closer to you. “Please. I insist. And if it’s the payment you’re concerned about, you can pay me back. With coffee, or something.”
You scoff. “This costs way more than one cup of coffee.”
He’s nodding before you’re even finished speaking. “Yeah, I know.” There’s a mischievous purse to his lips and your brows knit for a moment before you register his words and feel a heat rise to your cheeks.
“Ah… uh… I mean, sure? Okay?” you stammer, taking the sketchbook with both hands and looking at it before meeting his eyes again. “I live quite far from here, though, so—I don’t know—maybe we can, like, schedule something?”
He smiles even wider. “Yeah, of course. Here, I’ll give you my number.” He holds a hand out and you pass your phone to him. Long fingers tap on the screen and you hear a soft piano a moment later.
“Here you go,” he says, handing your phone back. You peek at the screen, at the new contact simply named Hyunggu, and the string of numbers underneath it. “Now you know my name and number, and we can talk about when you can buy me that coffee.”
This dude has got to be the smoothest and most charming guy you’ve ever met, and it’s leaving you flustered and amused at the same time. You’re basically left with no choice but to go along with him, but you don’t even mind it.
“Okay,” you say, nodding and pocketing your phone as your drink and to-go bag arrive. “My name’s Y/N. I’ll message you later about that coffee.”
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
The Dark Wolf
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Summary:  The Dark Wolf hadn't picked an Omega yet, it had been three months since the Spring Equinox and still the omegas that had been selected hadn't been successful. With your heat approaching you could only however think of the gentle Alpha that would visit you at work, distracting you from your impending heat... and you selection as the Omega for the Dark Wolf.
Pairing: Adopted Stark Omega Daughter Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, ABOAlpha/Omega, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Werewolf, Mating Rituals, Ritual Sex, Heat Cycles, rut cycles, Full Moon, Witchcraft, Unprotected Sex, Mating, Breeding, Knotting
I do not run a tag list but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications to get alerts whenever i post new stories. Oneshots will be posted on Tumblr and AO3, Multichapter stories will be AO3 exclusives. Masterlist is now AO3, link HERE.
The Dark Wolf
 It was springtime yet a keen wind swirled at your ankles as you quickly made your way home. It was late in the day and the sun was already dipping below the horizon, the thick forest that surrounded the village making the days shorter with their tall canopy. A group of girls around the same age as you ran past, laughing and joking as they made their way towards the tavern, unaware of you as you carried the heavy basket from the market. The stalls had been packing away by the time you got there, your job at the bakery keeping you busy most of the day.
As the girls passed by, their scent was thick on the air; cloying and sickly as the synthetic heat pheromones they had added to their perfume to make them more attractive to any Alpha’s at the tavern assaulted your senses, making you quietly sneeze. Their voices were high pitched and clawed at your ears as they squealed and laughed;
“Maybe that dress will be enough to convince the Dark Wolf to take you tonight!”
“Ooh do you think? He hasn’t chosen a mate yet this season, do you think he’ll do it soon?”
“It’s coming close to summer, usually he’s chosen by now”
 “Who do you think the Dark Wolf is?”
 “I don’t know, but the full moon is in two days’ time, and if you want to get chosen, you’ll need to bring your heat on pretty soon”
 “I just need a big dumb Alpha that’s about to Rut to trigger my heat!”
 “Well keep an eye out for the red paint on your door, you know that’s how the Dark Wolf chooses his Omega”
They all laughed as they went, and you could smell arousal in the air, little did you realise it was your own.
 The wind blew their scent away as quickly as it had brought it, and pushing against the gusts you pulled your cardigan tighter around your body. You had always dreamed of an Alpha to take care of you, to help bring his pups into the world, have a whole pack of little ones. Shaking your head you tried to rid yourself of the thoughts that wanted to enter your mind of the Alpha you pined for, knowing if you got distracted it would only make you feel worse.
 Finally the tall eaves of your father’s house came into view, giving you a sense of relief as you made your way up the pathway and into the house, closing the old black door behind you.
 Your Adopted father was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of you, his arms still covered in soot from where he’d been working all day at his forge, if there was one thing Tony Stark knew how to do, it was fix anything made of metal. Dropping the vegetables he was peeling he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your forehead;
 “Hey Sweetie, are you doing ok? Get everything you need?”
 “Yeah, thanks Dad” you replied awkwardly.
 Tony had raised you alone, doing his best to raise a girl - and now a young woman in her early 20’s - and had done his best to help you with the more feminine side of things. He had never suppressed your urge to learn your mothers art of witchcraft, helping you where he could, and when it came to the time when you had started to feel the Omega Heat, he had encouraged you to deal with it however you had felt right. 
 Setting the heavy basket of herbs and produce onto the table, you set about resting the fresh herbs into little vases with water to keep them fresh, and opening the package of freshly roasted coffee beans to let them cool enough to store them in jars;
 “I’ll make an elixir tomorrow, the bakery had me run ragged today… I’m not feeling great”
 “If you’re sure Honey. Why don’t you go take a bath and I’ll have dinner ready in an hour”
 “Thanks Dad”
 The next morning you woke and felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, telling you that your heat was closer than you thought. You had slept fitfully, dreams marred by a large wolf; the Werewolf that haunted the village and wanted to claim a mate. You’d felt fear but also something else, something you couldn’t place, and in the dream when the wolf had been close enough to touch you had seen a familiarity in his eyes before suddenly you were awake.
 Drenched in sweat you knew you needed to get your elixir made unless you wanted to try and cope with a heat without an Alpha to knot you, so you dressed quickly in the previous days clothes and quietly made your way downstairs, moving around the kitchen as you set the large pot of water onto the stove to boil before starting to add the herbs you bought the day before. Stirring the aromatic mixture you suddenly stopped;
 “Rosemary!” you muttered quietly to yourself, before stepping out of the front door and crossing the garden barefoot, the dewy grass cool on the soles of your feet. Plucking a handful of sprigs you raised them to your face and inhaled their fresh scent, smiling as it hit your senses as you turned, and that’s when you saw it. The red paint.
 “NO!” you screamed, frozen to the spot. 
 Seconds later your father appeared at the doorway, looking around wildly before seeing you and rushing to your side;
 “What? What is it?”
 You pointed, your hand shaking and he followed your gaze before sharply inhaling; there it was, a wide and vivid swipe of red paint on your black front door;
 “Daddy… please… get a rag. It still looks wet”
 “Honey… ok honey…”
 His reassurance was interrupted by a quiet cough at your garden gate, causing you both to turn and that’s when you saw him;
 “Constable Rogers…”
 “Tony… you know its Steve, not Constable”
 “Steve… really? The pack chose my Little Girl?”
 Steve set a large hand on Tony’s shoulder;
 “It’s the choice. She won’t be harmed. But you know it’s the ritual and it's the law” Steve paused, and you could see the conflict on his face as he spoke; “She’s not a little girl anymore Tony, she’s a beautiful woman”
 Tony stood partially in front of you, trying to protect you;
 “I get that Steve… but it should be her choice. This seems so… so… barbaric…”
 “Maybe so, but I’m not here to argue with you… you know my job…”
 Tony nodded. He knew the laws. He’d done his best to bend them or influence them as much as possible, but the rules of the Werewolf that lived in the woods called for a mate once a year, his chosen Omega would spend the first full moon after the spring equinox with him, and if she was suitable she would bear his child and become his wife… and yet no-one knew the face of the man who was this wolf, just that it was one that walked among them. And for the last three months the chosen women had been returned to the town at the end of the three nights of full moon. Each said the same of their time away; it was not to be spoken of; they were unsuitable.
 The Constable - Steve - held out his hand for you and you paused, still grasping your fathers’ hand before he spoke to you;
 “It’s your choice. I will fight it for you if you don’t want to go”
 “It’s ok Dad. I haven’t been able to make the suppressant elixir in time, there isn’t any other way to deal with this Heat that is coming”
 Tony nodded before he glanced at your feet;
 “At least let me get you some shoes. Barefoot in the forest is not as enjoyable as barefoot on a soft lawn”
 Standing on the cold stone slab in the clearing you watched as Steve tied the rope around your wrist to the solitary tree that stood in the centre;
 “Why are you doing this?” you asked.
 He froze. It was the first thing you’d said since you’d left your father’s house. He had almost forgotten you had a voice you had been so quiet. He cleared his throat;
 “You know it’s the way. And as the village constable have to uphold what it written”
 “Is this not… not archaic? To leave me out here to be taken against my will?”
 Steve stood straight and looked at you, his hand softly cupping your face;
 “It’s not like that. When the Dark Wolf appears, you will know if it’s right. He will know. He will approach you and if your scent pulls you from his Lycanthropy, he’ll know you are the right Omega”
 “What if… what if it doesn’t trigger his Rut? What if I’m not the right Omega?”
 “Then he will try again tomorrow night”
 “And leave me here to suffer my Heat? Alone?”
 Steve took a deep breath, looking away and unable to meet your gaze;
 “You will not be alone”
 He had finished tying the ropes and had tested them to make sure they were secure before stepping away, and with a sigh he turned and quickly made his way out of the clearing and into the dense forest. You had seen him flinch each time you’d screamed out his name, your throat finally becoming hoarse and you let out a pitiful sob as you fell to your knees. Curling up against the side of the old oak tree, you tried to clear your mind, your fingers drawing patterns in the soil, trying to remember some of the old magic you knew. The full moon was setting in the sky above you as morning broke, the sequence of the phases seemingly out of sorts.
 Suddenly you felt a pain in your stomach, you knew exactly what it was; your Heat was fast approaching. The sweat started to bead across your chest, your breathing getting heavier, as the first spasm shot through you something suddenly moved in the thick brush at the side of the clearing. Your eyes darted in that direction but saw nothing but ferns and undergrowth. As another wave of Heat pains started to build, movement out of the corner of your eye distracted you from your impending heat. This time whatever it was stood still, yet all you could see was a glowing pair of eyes in the darkness of the surrounding forest. 
 Forgetting about your Heat and your incantations you were trying to draw in the earth, you instead focused your attention upon the rope that tied you to the tree. When Steve had said you would not be alone, was this what he meant? Your scared fingers worked on the knot in the rope, trying to loosen it. 
 A quiet growl echoed from the darkness and as the panic set in you felt a rush of power surge through you, grasping the rope that tied you with both hands you pulled it harshly and it snapped at the tree. 
 You did not wait, you were running, running as fast as your feet could take you. Blindly rushing through the dense forest, you could hear creatures chasing after you, the growls and gnashing of teeth. The surge of energy your heat was giving you powered you on, deeper into the forest, further from home. A shrill howl sent a chill down your spine, but you continued your sprint. The sounds of the creatures behind you were getting closer, ahead the forest floor rose steeply, the sharp incline slowing you as your feet slid on the dry pine needles that had fallen from the tall spruce trees that towered above you. 
 You slipped, your smooth and simple slippers giving no traction and your fingers dug into the forest floor. You fell to your knees and squeezed your eyes shut, doing what little you could do to prepare yourself for whatever happened next. But… but the growling stopped, the forest fell silent. Opening one eye then both you slowly turned, letting out a cry as you saw the pack of wolves surrounding you, but none were looking to you, their attention fell upon the rocky outcrop above you.
 Turning you looked up and gasped, he was there; the Dark Wolf. 
 With a loud snarl he jumped from the rocky outcrop and over you, landing gracefully at your feet as he growled loudly at the baying pack that surrounded you. Circling around he trod silently, the hairs on his spine standing on end as he bared his teeth at the pack as they kept trying to approach, before standing beside you. He seemingly paused before pointing his snout to the sky and let out a powerful howl. 
 You watched, dumbfounded as each wolf sat. It was clear that the Dark wolf was in charge; that he was the Alpha of the pack. He turned, his icy blue gaze directed at you before he reached his head down and took the rope in his mouth that was still tied to your wrist. He tugged it gently and you pushed yourself to your feet, the smooth soles of your shoes slipping on the loose pine needles that covered the dirt, and he rested the side of his body against your thigh, steadying you. Resting your hand on the coarse fur to steady yourself as he led you down the slope, you found yourself surprised by how soft his fur was, almost as if it was spun silk. 
 The pack parted like a tide, letting the Dark Wolf lead you into the darkness of the forest by the rope between its jaws. You could hear the pack following, keeping its distance, yet somehow you weren’t afraid; you felt safe with the Dark Wolf. 
 Through the dense trees a solitary cabin came into view, its windows black as if abandoned, yet deep red geraniums had been carefully planted around the doorway. The soft forest floor made way for sandstone paving, and you let Dark Wolf lead you to the entrance. 
 Arriving at the porch he sat beside you and whined like a dog would, looking from you to the door and back again. 
 “Oh, right… no opposable thumbs in your paws”
 If wolves could roll their eyes it would have, and as you reached forwards for the door handle you tested it, the door swinging open on its creaky hinges. Looking to Dark Wolf you smiled;
 “Whoever lives here needs to do some maintenance”
 The wolf let out a snort before standing, gently leading you by the rope that still hung from your wrist. He paused in the hallway before pushing his behind against the door to close it, leading you into the cabin through dark hallways, finally coming to a single room, surrounded on three sides by floor to ceiling windows that looked out to the forest. Pulling you onto the bed he sat on his haunches before you tumbled onto the soft mattress.
 Only then did you realise how tired you were, exhausted from not only the chase through the forest, but also the drama of the morning on top of a poor night’s sleep. As if on cue you felt the cramp in your stomach; remind you that your heat was starting, and without thinking you curled up onto the bed, clutching at your stomach in the foetal position. Screwing your eyes shut you couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips, the surge of heat flowing through you. And yet… suddenly you felt a cold nose press against your neck, before a heavy snout rested on you. It calmed you. Curling your fingers into Dark Wolf’s fur, you screwed your eyes shut, the waves of heat tiring you, until you blacked out and a deep sleep took hold.
 You could feel your mind pulling you from your deep sleep and you snuggled into the soft pillows a little further. You felt movement against you and your hands sought out the soft fur that was pressed to your chest, curling it between your fingers. There was something calming about the beast that lay beside you, even with your eyes closed you could hear its breathing was steady and strong;
 “You’ve helped, you know?”
 At the sound of your quiet voice it shifted slightly, and although you hadn’t yet opened your eyes you could sense it was looking at you as you continued;
 “For whatever this is, you calmed me. I was so scared, not just of the pack, but of what would happen. I had been waiting… hoping… you see at the bakery there is one man that visits, I had been hoping he would ask to court me, but he always seems so shy…”
 The wolf’s breathing caught before you heard a voice;
 “I think it’s time you opened your eyes Omega”
 No. It couldn’t be… your eyes were squeezed shut but you wanted to look… yet you didn’t… you knew that voice, you’d heard it the day before when the soft and quiet Alpha you’d always pined for had visited the bakery the and had ordered the last of the cinnamon buns you had coveted so much, the ones you always ordered right before your heat arrived, that were your comfort food.
 “Open your eyes”
 Meekly you did as he asked, and he was there; in front of you. Your fingers were curled around his long dark hair and his face was inches from your own, his pale blue eyes staring straight into your soul. After what seemed like an eternity you finally found your voice;
 “You’re the Dark Wolf?”
 He nodded;
 “For the last few months, yes”
 Frowning at his response, you didn’t understand what he meant.
 “It is a different member of the pack each year… For the last three months whenever an Omega was brought to the clearing, they weren’t a match…”
 “A match? But, surely it’s just the nature of an Alpha and an Omega?”
 “Not for Werewolves. The right Omega will pull a werewolf out of its cycle. It’s why I’m here, like this, now…”
 You thought over what he’d said, your eyes going wide in the realisation of what it meant; that you were meant to be his;
 “Is this why you never said anything? At the bakery? Or when I would see you in the market? You were saving me for this barbaric ritual?”
 James’s face dropped, the hope seemingly leaving his body at your words;
 “I… I… I would be made to choose. If it’s your ‘year’ as the Dark Wolf, if you choose a mate before you have taken part in the ritual, that mate is rejected… I didn’t want that to happen to you…” he looked up at you through watery eyes; “When Steve told me that another Omega had been selected this month, I hoped so much it would be you…this is my final month, my final chance...” 
 His words trailed off and you didn’t want to think what would have happened to him if he hadn’t of picked a mate this month. Cupping his cheek with your hand you gently stroked your thumb over his stubbled skin before closing the distance between the two of you and your lips met. 
 The kiss was soft at first, but as you both became bolder and Bucky’s arms wrapped around your body to pull you flush with his, you found yourself relenting to his charms. 
 You were mid kiss when you felt the first pang of cramp in your stomach, this time you whimpered loudly, James pulling away and started to strip you of your clothing;
 “C’mon Omega… let me help you…”
 “James, it hurts… its hurts so much…”
 “I know, let me at your skin and I can take the hurt away. And please, call me Bucky… the pack leader calls me James when I’m in trouble…”
 You let him move you, quickly unbuttoning your dress before pulling your underwear off, finally untying the rope that was still around your wrist, and he moved back so he could take in your naked beauty… and yet you felt ashamed, embarrassed, trying to cover yourself with your hands until he gently caught your hands in his own large grasp;
 “Omega, what is it?”
 “I have never…”
 “You’ve never been with an Alpha?”
 You shook your head, and Bucky leaned forwards and pressed his forehead to yours;
 “Oh, my sweet Omega, I am here to help you, we can do as much or as little as you want or need”
 He settled you against the soft pillows and rested his head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat as you wound your fingers through his long hair. Finally, he felt your pulse slow and he started to press kisses down your torso until he reached your soaked core. Running his fingers through the copious slick that coated your folds, he hummed his appreciation at the sweet scent that filled his senses, before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to your swollen clit;
 “You smell so good Omega, can feel you trembling, let me taste you, make you cum with my tongue”
 “Bucky…” you whined, and you felt more than heard him chuckle as you wanted him to stop talking and start doing… something, anything.
 He got the hint and with one long lick he covered your entire pussy, tasting you, groaning at your sweetness. Hooking your legs over his wide shoulders he gripping onto your thighs, burying his head between your legs as his long tongue delved deep within you, fucking you with the strong muscle and you could feel the heat pains ebbing away and being replaced by those of pleasure. His fingers found your clit and he strummed against the sensitive nub, making you scramble for something to grip onto. With your legs shaking and your fingers curled through his soft dark hair you were coming hard, and he relished every drop, drinking your slick as it gushed from your core until you were spent. 
 When your legs went limp and your hand fell to the sheets he slowly pulled away, pushing himself up to sit as he used the back of his hand to wipe the shining slick from his chin. Reaching the other hand he pressed his warm palm to your stomach tenderly;
 “How do you feel now Omega?”
 “Good… oh my god, so good…”
 “Wait here, I’m going to go get you some water”
 You lay there on his soft bed, eyes closed and listening to nothing but your heartbeat until you finally heard him approaching, pushing yourself up to sit only to let out a squeak of surprise;
 “You’re naked!”
 He stopped in the doorway and looked down as if it was a surprise to him too;
 “Yes? So are you?”
 “But… you’re naked!”
 You couldn’t draw your eyes away from his body, your gaze raking up and down as you tried to take in every chiselled plain and curve. From his wide shoulders and muscled arms, down his torso and stomach where his abdominal muscles tapered down in a deep v to his crotch. The thick thatch of dark hair that surrounded the thick and heavy length that swung between his legs, to the powerful thighs that looked bigger than you could ever have imagined;
 “Omega…” he gently laughed; “I literally woke up from being a wolf half an hour ago… I haven’t left your side…”
 He closed the distance between you, sitting on the side of the bed before handing you a glass of water and a plate. The scent of the treat the plate contained drew your attention, and you instantly recognised what it was;
“The cinnamon buns from the bakery! I always have these as my heat starts!”
 He smiled and as you ate you couldn’t help it, but your eyes continually strayed to his crotch, watching as his thick length would twitch and slightly swell the longer you looked at it. When you had finished eating, he silently took the plate from you before handing you the glass of water which you gratefully took, downing it quickly before handing it back;
 “Thank you”
 Setting the glass and plate onto the floor Bucky turned back to you;
 “How are you feeling now?”
 “Sleepy still, hot… yet cold…” you looked away shyly; “It makes me want to curl up but have you here with me…”
 “That we can do… scoot over, unless you want me to climb over you…”
 Laughing you moved to the centre of the bed watching in the pale light that still came in the large windows that surrounded the bedroom as the sun set having slept through most of the day. Bucky grabbed the oversized quilt as he shuffled in beside you, pulling it over your naked bodies as he curled his arm over your stomach and pulled you flush with his chest. Turning until you were the little spoon to his big. 
 It felt natural to be there in Bucky’s arms, to have his breath on your neck and his hands on your stomach. You could feel your body getting hotter and whimpered, you knew the heat hadn’t been sated, that you needed more, and your Alpha picked up on the change in your scent immediately. His lips found you bonding mark and he pressed kisses to the skin, soothing your body as he rubbed at the spot with his nose, his lips brushing against your shoulder as he felt you push your ass back against him. His dick was growing harder for every second he held you in his arms, and with you rubbing against him he couldn’t help but to rut against the soft globes of your ass, your voice startling him for a moment;
 “Bucky… Alpha...  I need you…”
 Bucky knew what you needed, and before he had even moved a muscle you were turning, getting to your knees;
 “Omega… are you presenting for me?”
 Looking over your shoulder you nodded;
 “Please Alpha… I need you… need your knot…”
 Bucky positioned himself at your soaked core, the feel of your hot slick against his dick almost overwhelming, and as he breached your entrance, he let out a low growl as he sank into your swollen channel. Moving his hips fluidly he coated his heavy girth in your slick, and with each thrust he knew he was in heaven. This was it; he was never going to find an omega better than you; you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his days with;
 “Fuck, Omega… you feel so good…”
 “Bucky… Please… make me yours”
 His hands gripped your hips as he fucked you, stretching you out so beautifully that he feared he would cum far too soon, but as you rocked back with each of his thrusts he regained control. Putting more power into each push, his powerful thighs became coated in your slick as it spilled out of you around his dick, filling the room with your combined scent. 
 You were crying out his name, begging, pleading for him to let you cum;
 “Please Alpha…”
 “Omega, you want me to cum? Want me to fill you with my seed, let you grow full with my Pups?”
 “Alpha! Please, I want your Pups, want your knot…”
 With a final flurry of thrusts he sent you over the edge, your body squeezing him so tight it triggered his own orgasm as he filled your fertile body with his potent seed.
 As his orgasm ebbed away, he bent over and wrapped his arms around your torso, pressing kisses to your back as you trembled beneath him. When you finally spoke your voice was hoarse;
 “That… that was amazing…”
 “That’s nothing Omega…” Bucky muttered, shifting slightly and your eyes went wide when you felt he was still hard inside you.
 “Alpha? How…? You haven’t knotted yet?”
 He chuckled lightly;
 “An Alpha can only grow a knot once he is spent… I got a good two or three more goes before that happens… and trust me; you’ll know it when I do my sweet Omega”
 “Oh…” he moved within you, setting off aftershocks of your orgasm; “OH!”
 Bucky moved you, somehow twisting and sliding you onto your side before pulling one of your legs up flush with his chest, all with his hard length still snug inside you. Pressing kisses down your calf he started to rock his hips back and forth, the added lubrication of his own cum adding to the sensations.
 It was starting to get dark now, and without any light in the room the only illumination was the rising full moon, casting its pale glow over the pair of you as you rutted together like wild animals. As Bucky threw his head back the moonlight caught every muscle, his skin gleaming with beads of sweat that looked like a thousand jewels.
 Looking down you watched as this meaty girth split you open and you welcomed him into your fertile womb. With one strong arm gripping your leg, the other hand found your centre, rubbing this thumb against your clit as he teased another orgasm out of you, fucking you through it and chasing his own release. With each new thrust his attention was drawn to your chest and you found yourself being bent in two as he pushed your leg ever higher until he shifted it to the side and was able to take your breasts in his hands as he continued to fuck you;
 “These titties, they’ll look so beautiful when full of milk for our pups…” he reached forward and took one peaked nipple between his teeth, sending shockwaves through your body. The pleasure was building in the pit of your stomach again, and as you shut your eyes and let the sensations take over, your imagination gave you a glimpse of the future, of a future with Bucky.
 The summer breeze blew warm air against your bare legs, the lace trim of your light summer dress brushing against your skin. Smoothing your hands over your swollen belly, your pup kicked inside you and you smiled. Looking out over the garden you saw your husband, your Alpha, your Bucky playing with your two-year-old twins, smiling as you heard their squeals of laughter as he chased them around the soft grass…
 As you came back to reality you felt the sudden rush of pleasure that told you your orgasm was imminent, you were completely surrounded by Bucky and you felt yourself surrendering to the pleasure he was giving you as you came again, this time with a low groan he filled you with another heavy load of his fertile seed.
 You held each other for the longest time, Bucky resting his face against your neck and you doing the same to him, rubbing your nose over his scent gland and picking up on the slight change in his scent. Before it was as simple as dew on soft pine, but now there was a warmer tone, cinnamon and coffee. Running your hands through his hair you spoke softly;
 “Bucky, your scent…”
 He pushed himself up on his strong arms, looking down at you and that’s when you realised what was happening;
 “Omega…” his pupils were blown wide, pools of dark arousal as he took in your naked form beneath him; “You’ve triggered my Rut…”
 Your bodies were still joined, and as he ducked his head down to kiss you, you could feel him still hard within your aching body, a body that was desperate for more, for his knot. Clouds moved across the night sky and momentarily blocked out the moonlight, and that’s when you saw it; movement outside the windows. With a gasp you pulled away from Bucky, your eyes wide as you searched the shadows, trembling as you saw eyes, glinting in what little light there was. 
 Bucky pressed his lips to your bonding mark, surrounding you, protecting you;
 “It’s the pack… they’re here to watch”
 “They what?”
“It’s part of the ritual, the pack needs to see me knot you… only then will they allow you to be mine, and for me to be yours…”
 His lips were driving you crazy, and as much as you wanted to fight it, you were also excited by the prospect of being watched as you were claimed;
 “Let’s do it Bucky… make me yours…”
 Above you Bucky was shaking with need, his rut starting to take hold and he looked almost feral with need. Pulling out he quickly moved you into position on your knees, and you found yourself parting your legs and arching your back to present for him. Looking down at your soaked core, your slick pouring down your thighs whilst mixed with his cum, he let out a growl and thrust forward, filling you completely. 
 He held himself deep within your welcoming body for the longest moment, before with a surprisingly gentle grip took hold of your shoulders and pulled you upright, your back flush to his chest as his lips brushed against your ear;
 “Show them, show them that I am yours and you are mine”
 Bucky held you, his arms encircling your torso as he held your breasts in his large hands, all whilst thrusting up into you with powerful grind of his hips. This time felt different; you felt fuller, and that’s when you realised what it was; his knot was starting to grow, to inflate. Even though you were practically melting, from your heat and from the energy being expended by your lovemaking, you shivered. The realisation that it was happening; you were about to be knotted, claimed. Bucky picked up on your nerves, the slighted change in your scent;
 “Omega, you’re doing so well, I could never have wished for a better mate…”
 As he spoke his teeth brushed over your bonding mark and you felt yourself rocking down harder with each of his thrusts until you felt it, his knot just slightly caught then slipped out again, causing you to whine like an animal denied its favourite treat;
 “Nearly there Omega, near-ly th-ere…”
 Each syllable was punctuated by a thrust, your body trembling, on the precipice again with your orgasm, until you heard his words;
 “It’s time Omega…”
 “Claim me Bucky, make me yours”
 With one final thrust you felt his knot notch inside and this time stick just as your orgasm crashed through your body. The added tightness of your body gripped his made Bucky let out a howl, roaring up at the sky as he bared his teeth, and with a rumble in his chest he brought his teeth down to your neck and claimed you.
 You felt the skin break, his teeth digging into your bonding mark and the warm trickle of your blood down your neck and chest. The moment seemed to be frozen in time, noise filling your ears before you opened your eyes and saw the pack outside; all wolves, all howling simultaneously as they celebrated the pack leader having claimed his Omega. 
 Pulling his teeth away from your skin Bucky gently licked over the wound, helping it to heal, all whilst your bodies were still joined. You felt weak, exhaustion taking over, and with careful movement so not to jar his knot within you, Bucky moved your pliable body until you were lying on your side, Bucky’s strong arms wrapped around you. The forest fell quiet and you heard the gentle sound of paws retreating into the distance, and the last thought that went through your mind as the pack retreated was that you were complete.
 For three days and nights you spent it in Bucky’s arms. After that first night the drapes were pulled across all the windows, Bucky laughed that the pack had their show, now it was time for a private performance. And oh boy did he perform; your body was tired and aching but in the most beautiful way, you had a glow to you that both of you already knew was the first sign that Bucky’s seed had taken, and already you in your mind could feel the pups within you start to grow. Bucky gently laughed when you’d told him;
 “Surely it’s too early Omega?”
 “I just know Bucky…”
 You’d been in the huge tub at the time, your bodies joined yet again, warm water lapping at his knot as you let the scented water wash over your bodies for some interesting lovemaking, straddling him as he lay back against the side, you took his hands and rested them on your stomach;
 “Do you feel it? Can you sense it?”
 Bucky paused for a moment before his eyes went wide;
 “There’s something… I can feel this heat, this power coming from you…” he laughed happily and pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around your body and burying his face in your neck, inhaling your scent as he sobbed tears of joy.
 Walking up the path to your father’s house you gripped Bucky’s hand tight, nervous about what you were going to say. As you approached the porch the door opened and you saw him, standing at the doorway as he watched you. For a moment his face was neutral as he took in the two of you, and then he sensed it and you could see his eyes starting to water. Rushing to you Tony wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight before finally stepping back;
 “Will you look at that, my baby is gonna have her own baby…”
 “Dad! How do you know?!”
 “Honey, a father knows. Plus, I can pick it up on your scent” Finally he turned to Bucky and extended his hand; “It’s good to finally meet you…”
 “Thank you, Sir. Its James, but everyone calls me Bucky”
 “Please Bucky, call me Tony”
 “Well Tony, I guess I’d better ask for your permission to marry your daughter?”
 Laughing Tony let go of your shoulders;
 “I thought that was a given… seeing a you’ve already knocked her up?”
 The two men laughed and you rolled your eyes, letting your father lead you into the kitchen. Over pancakes and bacon, you worked out your future, your dark wolf beside you the whole way.
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holy-hyuck · 4 years
Our Maybes
It’s 3am, you can’t sleep, and Yeonjun can’t get you out of his head.
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
link to my masterlist -> please be aware that this content is 100% mine and you are not to distribute it or take it without my consent
let me know what you think! 😊
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Your eyes shut close, and open a minute after - it feels like that, at least, but the time on your phone tells you it’s been two hours. It doesn’t matter anyway because by seven you’ll feel tired again, and your 8am class won’t let you get any sleep.
It takes a minute but eventually, your eyes adjust to the dark and you stare at your door a little longer. Perhaps you could will yourself back to sleep.
Nah, who are you kidding?
Throwing the covers off, you put on your slippers and the bright orange hoodie haphazardly thrown on the floor the night before. As your feet drag across the carpeted floor, you notice how silent the house in. You can hear everything; your own thoughts, for once, the ticking of the clock, a dog barking outside, Changbin’s snoring, and...glass breaking? Someone cursing?
Who on earth is up at half-past three in the morning? Oh, right. You.
The stairs creak ever so slightly as you descent down them, praying you won’t trip in the darkness, but the floor and the walls are brighter than usual. Then, you notice the light coming from the kitchen and some shuffling, the crispiness of glass breaking underneath a heavy object.
“Fuck.” You hear someone mutter and take a peek into the room. It’s Yeonjun, still in yesterday’s clothes, hitting the plastic edge of the dustpan against the bin, emptying it out. You’re grateful you put on slippers - Yeonjun can’t sweep to save his life.
You watch him chuck the brush and the dustpan into the cupboard below the sink and close it with a slam, startling himself. You let out a giggle and he turns around, only spotting you now, leaning your hand against the wall.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He scratches the back of his neck and smiles at you sheepishly.
You shake your head. “You didn’t.” You walk up to the kitchen island and hop on the marble. “Couldn’t sleep?”
“No. I have a test to study for. You too?”
“Something like that,” you answer, then thank him with a nod for the glass of water he slides your way. You watch him take a sip before staring off into space.
You’ve always found Yeonjun attractive, ever since the first day of university when he helped you carry your things into your room, his hair a dark brown colour. A month later, it was silver, and before Easter, a navy blue. Now, he’s sporting a platinum blond colour, but it doesn’t really matter if he has the rainbow on his head or if he’s completely bald - his visuals are out of this world either way.
Your drop your gaze before he has a chance to catch you staring, and play with the strings on your pyjama shorts. You wrap them around your finger, then release, over and over until Yeonjun coughs and you will yourself to look up at him. He gives you a smile you can’t help but reciprocate; he has that effect on you sometimes.
“Hey, put on some shoes. I’m gonna take you somewhere,” he tells you, dropping the glass into the sink rather harshly and running to get his coat and shoes on.
“What?” You’re perplexed but don’t have time to protest, for Yeonjun is nowhere around to hear it. With a sigh, you hop off the kitchen island and do as you’re told, debating whether you should put on some pants but disregarding the idea when Yeonjun’s bright smile meets your expression, and all you can think is how much you want to make him smile like that again.
“Let’s go.” He grabs your hand, grabs his keys, and locks the door of your shared apartment behind him.
The air outside is still, and again, you can hear everything. You can feel everything. The city is asleep, but everything is so alive as you’re trudging through the small streets of your equally small town, side by side.
“I thought you had a test to study for,” you finally say.
Yeonjun releases a ghost of a laugh. It’s warm, like the air around you. “It’s only ten minutes from our house. I promise you’ll like it. Maybe it’ll help you sleep better.”
You nod, though he can’t see you because he’s looking from left to right to cross the street, grabbing your hand and making you follow him as he crosses the road. You don’t know why he looked both ways, or why he wants you to be safe - the city’s sleeping, much like you should be. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.
“Where is here?”
You look around, and all you see are rows of houses, lined up like dominoes. You’re standing in front of a tall gate, the blue paint old and chipping away with every harsh wind and icy winter, and it’s not long, you think, before it falls apart.
“Come on.” You watch as he climbs up the fence, the swaying of the metal making your heart skip a beat as it moves one with his body, and then he jumps off at the other end, leaving you amazed at his agility.
“I’ll catch you if you need me to.”
He motions for you to do the same, and though with hesitation, you grip the metal, surprised by its warmth, and follow his actions. He doesn’t catch you when you jump off to join him; he doesn’t have to, for you do so with ease, but you want him to. Maybe you just want an excuse for him to hold you.
You follow him up some creaky stairs, ending up on a roof of an abandoned warehouse. It’s almost entirely flat, aside from the raised edges preventing your fall, and a gradual slope in the middle, its top flat as well. It’s big enough to room one, perhaps two people.
Yeonjun’s quick to hop on the top, his long legs helping him up the slope. It’s a bizzare structure for a roof, but perhaps that’s why Yeonjun likes it so much; he can sit here and watch every sunset and sunrise, colours seeping into each other like on an abstract painting.
You don’t follow right away, opting to lean back and watch the city, but he reaches out with his leg and nudges you with it, forcing you to go up and join him. He holds your hand until you’re safely next to him, and you’re quick to jerk it away, afraid he’ll notice the sweat coating your palm. It’s his fault for making you so nervous.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He grabs your attention with his words and you nod in agreement. “You should come up here at sunset. It’s even better.”
Again, you nod and stare forward. The city shines, mimicking the stars in the sky, and it’s funny how the first thing you think of is light pollution.
You like the town the way it is; small, quiet, homely, but your heart races thinking of the wildness you could experience just the next town over, a city of life and bright lights, where the night never ends, and the sun never comes up.
Yeonjun coughs again and you wonder if he has a cold, looking at him quizzically.
“So...” He gives you a smile.
“So...” you repeat, furrowing your brows. Why is he acting so weird? “Don’t you have an exam to study for? What are we actually doing here, Yeonjun?”
“Yeah, about that...” He scratches the back of his neck, letting his legs hang over the edge, bringing his hands together. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“We’re talking.”
Your reply makes a frown appear on his face but you laugh it off, and so does he, only after a pause.
“Go on then.”
You look ahead, closing your eyes as you enjoy the gentle breeze of summer on your skin. This is what content feels like. The hot and humid weather gets to you sometimes but you love summer nights; there’s something in them that brings you back to when you were ten, careless and free, like the wind that blows in all four directions without caring what or who it stumbles upon, unable to be controlled.
Suddenly, you feel extra warmth on the skin of your left hand and look to Yeonjun’s hand holding yours. Before you have time to question the action, he speaks up.
“Listen, I-I like you. I’ve honestly liked you since I met you; you were so cute struggling with all those boxes, and then I told you should have taken a suitcase instead, like the others. You remember what you said? That you’re not like the others-”
“-that apparently I’m stupider. Yeah.” You laugh, recalling the memory. Really, you procrastinated buying a suitcase large enough to fit all your years of unhealthy hoarding, and forgot your family were taking theirs on vacation, and you couldn’t be late for your first day at university, now, could you?
“Yeah.” He sighs. “And I was so glad I decided to live on campus. And then Yeri found out about my crush and told me to confess, and I swear I was so ready until your crush on Hyunjae came out and-”
“Ugh.” You make a face and Yeonjun burst out laughing. “Don’t remind me. How could I ever have a crush on someone so self-absorbed?”
“Beats me.” His words make you laugh. After a pause, and much debating inside his head, he speaks up again, “Summer came and I thought I could let go of this crush, but we both just had to decide to come back for the summer.”
He turns you towards him, and you don’t have it in you to push away as he grabs both your hands into his, holding them in front of his chest. “I never let go of you. And I don’t really want to. Maybe I’m crazy, and this will never work out, not in a million years. But I’m also the guy who ignores all the signs of balding, like the clumps of hair after I shower, and continues dying his here like my life depends on it, and I’m still going to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
“Woah there,” you vomit out the words, an action fueled by your twisting stomach, the butterflies’ wings tangled up, unable to escape. “Shouldn’t you ask me on a date first?”
Yeonjun furrows his brows, tilting his head to the side. “Would you say yes?”
You shrug in response, teasing the boy. “I don’t know. If you make it worth my time.”
“You little-” He lunges at you, his hands slipping underneath your jumper, fingers dancing on your skin. The tickling causes your body to jerk backwards, yelling for the heavens to hear, until you’re almost falling off the edge and let out a shriek.
Yeonjun has quick reflexes, though, and catches you, holding you so close to him you feel the rise and fall of his chest. He looks from your eyes to your lips, to his hands holding your shoulders.
“Don’t tell me you planned this,” you breathe out, mixing your breath with his in the stillness of the air.
He shrugs in response, and you expect a small smile on his face, but there’s nothing, not even a trace; his expression is unreadable.
You sigh, detaching yourself from him, then shifting so it’s comfortable for you to lay your head on his chest. You feel his heartbeat - erratic and uneven - as it’s thumping against your ear, and your hands clutch his shirt. His are holding you close like you’re still slipping over the edge, and his lips sigh against your hair.
“We should probably go,” you mumble, “before the sun rises and everyone notices we’re missing.”
“Let them notice. I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.”
You smile. “Then neither am I.”
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froggywhumpy · 3 years
An Actual Doctor Is Needed
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I make myself laugh so much with the chapter titles- I really think I’m so funny. I also almost made sibling whumpers again but then I was like... wait. Not again! I pinky promise I did not completely forget about Cameron in this chapter.. I’m pretty sure he has at least one line! Like always, if you see any typos, no you did not<3. Anyways, I hope u enjoy thisss:)
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Tagging: @happy-whumper @heathenville @myst-in-the-mirror
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CW: manhandling, swearing, gun/ gun wound, restraints, hospital environment, minor whumpees.
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The sudden daylight was blinding. Once their eyes had adjusted to the sudden light, they were able to observe the building before it. Made of smooth, white tile, the building looked like it belonged on a university campus, with its modern design. Written in big, black letters on the side of the building were the words ‘C. O. U. R. S. TESTING’. Surrounding the building were trees, spreading for what seemed like forever, and surrounding the truck and driveway were a handful of muscular people, who Eva assumed were security of some sort. All of them were wearing a white uniform with the acronym ‘COURS’ printed on it.
Before Eva could look around any more, she was grabbed roughly and pulled out of the truck by one of the security officers, and though she fought against them, she wasn’t making much of a difference.
Eva heard Sasha scream beside her as she, too, was grabbed and pulled out of the truck, onto the dark pavement of the driveway. “Let go of- get your fucking hands off of me!!”
Eva heard Cameron putting up a similar fight as well, but that didn’t do much, as the three of them were set down on their feet, all very much aware of the presence of the security.
“Let us go,” Sasha spat, glaring at the officers like they were a bug she had squished under her shoe. “or I swear on my fucking life, you’ll all regret it.”
“Tell me, how you plan on doing that?” Called an amused voice from around the truck. Stepping into sight, was the woman who had lured Sasha and Cameron to the truck the night before.
Pale-skinned, her dark brown hair spilling over her head in waves, the woman held herself with confidence Eva only wished she had. Eva shuddered at the sight of her, a vivid memory of being shot by her playing on repeat in her head.
“And why would I tell you?” Sasha snapped. Despite the power imbalance, Sasha still carried with her an air of defiance that made Eva grateful that she was on her side. “The authorities are going to notice I’m missing, it would be smarter to just release us now.”
“That’s not my decision anymore.” The woman smiled, knowingly.
Sasha raised an eyebrow, her glare unfaltering. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I think it’s time for you to meet the Doctor, they’ll be very pleased with you.” The woman hummed, gesturing for the security to follow her as she turned towards the building.
Eva watched in horror as security officers grabbed Sasha’s arms, yanking her towards the building. “What- let the fuck go!!”
“Let her go!” Cameron echoed her words, struggling as he, too, was grabbed by the security.
Narrowly ducking out of the way of one of the officers, Eva frantically backed away. She glanced at Cameron and Sasha, completely panicked.
“Run!!” Sasha screamed at Eva, eyes wide and desperate. “Run!”
Immediately, Eva turned on her heel and sprinted for the woods. She gasped as she nearly tripped over her own feet. Don’t screw this up, Eva, run, run run run, Sasha told me to run, She finally broke the tree-line, pushing through the greenery and brush. I have to get out of there, I have to get help, I have to run, I have-
Crack! The sound of a gun firing echoed through the forest. Eva’s world spun. Her ears rang. Surprisingly and thankfully, she didn’t feel any pain as she collapsed on the forest floor, and her vision faded to black.
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“No!!” Sasha screamed, staring at the woman, her gun still raised towards the woods.
A beat of tense silence followed as Sasha listened. The only sound she could hear was the sound of birds fleeing. No Eva.
“No! No!!” Sasha screeched, struggling more than she had before. “You- you monster!!”
“Oh, shut up. Now, bring them inside,” the woman spoke to the guards, before turning her attention back to Sasha. “I believe you have a doctor’s appointment.” The woman chuckled, lowering her gun.
“I’m not going any-fucking-where, you, please, you have to let me go see her!!” Sasha squirmed, struggling against the grip of the men dragging her off, doing little to stop them as she was pulled inside the building.
Sasha would’ve admired the décor of the building if she weren’t there under these circumstances. A sculpture of modern art sat in the center of the lobby, white beams spiraling around a silver pole, about 20 feet tall. Contemporary paintings embellished the walls. The walls were white. The floors, the ceiling, all a sterile white. If it weren’t for the large windows showing the wilderness outside, the white would’ve been all consuming.
A man stood behind a counter, where a receptionist would be. The man merely glanced at Sasha as she was practically dragged through the lobby, completely ignoring her screams and shouts for help.
Sasha was pushed into an elevator, the guards following her into the cramped space, quickly restrained and stopped from trying to escape. The elevator doors opened much quicker than expected, and before she could have time to react, she was pulled from the elevator, down a short- although still intensely white- hallway. The guards opened a door at the end of the hallway and Sasha was shoved inside, the door slamming shut behind her.
This next room was such a sudden change compared to the previous ones. Sasha blinked a couple times, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the dimmer lighting.
Once her eyes did adjust, Sasha was able to take in the scenery around her. The walls were, thankfully, not white, instead a lighter grey. The floors too were not white, this time made out of wooden black walnut planks.
Adorning the walls were wooden bookshelves, hundreds of thick tomes stacked upon them. A red ornamental rug was laid out across the floor. On top of that stood an oaken desk- papers and pens strewn chaotically across it-as well as a wooden chair with metal cuffs on the arms and front legs of the chair on Sasha’s side of the desk.
On the other side of the desk sat another chair, this one much more comfortable-looking, and behind the chair stood a woman.
Already, Sasha could tell she was important, just from the way she stood. Her red hair was bound in a ponytail that spilled down her back, her face framed by flyaways and other loose strands of her hair. Her eyebrows were raised in curiosity, though there was still a harsh sternness in her gaze that came across to Sasha as threatening. Dark bags sat just below her brown eyes, and a thin white scar ran across the bridge of her nose. The woman stood at around 5’8, and she wore a white lab jacket.
“Oh, finally, you’ve arrived.” The sternness in the woman’s eyes faded, replaced by a sudden and out of place warmness as she smiled. “Take a seat, please.”
“Like hell I will!” Sasha retorted, standing her ground, though very aware of the closed door behind her; as far as she could tell, it was the only exit to this office. “Who the fuck are you, what do you want with me?!”
The woman laughed suddenly and loudly. “That’s not usually what they say. Usually, it’s something along the lines of ‘Let me go’.” She said, more to herself than anything.
“Yeah, that too, bitch.”
“That won’t do.” The woman sighed through pursed lips. “Have a seat, Sasha.”
“I won’t,” Sasha reaffirmed. “Let me go.”
The woman held up a walkie-talkie from her desk. “I’m afraid that won’t be happening,” she looked pointedly at Sasha before pressing a button on the radio. “It appears the subject is being uncooperative.”
Before Sasha could really react, the door opened from behind her and in rushed a pair of guards, grabbing her from behind.
“Hey- no, stop!” Sasha grunted as she continued to struggle against their grip. Ignoring her attempts to escape, the guards wrestled her into the chair. Sasha locked eyes with the woman, staring as the woman lifted a remote towards her, pressing a button on it. Without hesitation, the cuffs on the chairs clamped shut over Sasha’s wrists and ankles, trapping her in place.
“That will be all, thank you.” The woman told the guards, and they left without a word, the door closing behind them again.
“Now that you’re properly situated, I’ll introduce myself.” The woman sighed, setting the remote down. “I’m the doctor of this testing establishment, and you will refer to me as such.”
“I meant like a first name.” Sasha grumbled.
“That’s unfortunate.” The Doctor frowned. “Remember what happened to poor little Eva when she misbehaved?”
At this, Sasha’s expression turned livid. “She- she didn’t do anything wrong, you fucking sicko!!” She writhed and squirmed in an attempt to free herself, only succeeding in infuriating herself further.
The Doctor only sounded amused. “I’ll take that as a yes! Keep that in mind going forward. With that being said, I think it’s time we get started.”
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
Normal Pt 4
Description: For more skilled maneuvers, dragon shifters need a rider to help them out. After rejecting multiple riders, Hyunjin, a traumatized and handicapped shifter, is assigned to you. To add a cherry on top, you’re deaf, so how are you supposed to cast spells to free him from his limitation, let alone the anger in his heart?
Warning: none
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: fem!reader x dragon!Hyunjin
Pt: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
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“Hi half-tailed lizard.” “Careful, he’s a Twilight Terror.” “Oooh, scary!” 
Hyunjin keeps his head down and continues on his way. Win a war with a handicap and you’re an inspiration. Lose one, and you’re a laughing stock for even trying. Surprisingly, it doesn’t bother him as much as it did before. He meant what he said to the boys at the clinic. The tail is special to you, and it is special to him, broken or otherwise.
Still, it isn’t right for them to say such things. “Hey! You three over there! Name, age, which dorm you live in, now. I’m citing you for bullying.”
Hyunjin doesn’t have to turn around to know that the prefect is hollering at the group of gossipy dragons. He’s seen Chan pop up a few times to defend him now. When he is finished taking down their information, Hyunjin walks up to him. 
“You know you don’t have to keep doing that for me. I can take care of myself.”
Chan gives him a brotherly pat on the shoulder, saying “Of course I do! It’s my job to look out for everyone” then walking away with his golden prefect armband swaying with every step.
Ugh, how much more perfect can he get? No matter now; you had asked Hyunjin to meet you today, and he isn’t about to keep you waiting.
You look excited as you stand on the field waiting for him. Well, you look excited every time you see him, and Hyunjin is starting to feel the same when he sees you.
He tilts his head to the side, asking why you called him out today. He closes his eyes when you gesture for him to do so and feels you fiddling with his necklace. When you tap him on his shoulder, he opens his eyes and looks down to see a frame made of white gold clasped snuggly against his pendant.
‘Turn dragon, but add an eee sound to the end of the spell.’
He does as told again and watches the usual purple swirls envelop and transform him. When he is done, however, he feels a new weight on his extremity. He turns around to see a white prosthetic fin attached to his tail.
He huffs a puff of smoke at you in amazement. You beam back at him and hold up your notepad.
‘I thought about how to do this while stuck at the clinic, but it took a while to figure out even after my discharge. I hope this helps you fly with your dragon friends again.’
Hyunjin returns to human form to write. ‘Aren’t you scared that I’ll never let you on again if I can fly by myself?’ he teases.
‘You don’t get appai berries when you fly solo,’ you shoot back.
Hyunjin performs a dramatic display of misery that makes you chuckle silently. Rolling your eyes, you indicate toward a metal can that you have also brought.
‘Transform again so I can paint it purple for you.’
Your companion shakes his head. ‘I like it white.’
‘But it doesn’t look natural,’ you object. 
He raises his previous message again for you to read.
You shrug, nudging the paint away with your foot. ‘Want to test it out still?’
Within seconds, Hyunjin is in the air with a discoloured tail following him. After six years of imbalance, he almost fell from the new fix, but you are there on the ground to straighten him up every time. He recalls this feeling, being able to glide to the side and move his tail however he wanted to. He used to do this with his buddies in the forest before he met-- No, Hyunjin told himself that he isn’t going to dwell on the past anymore, not when you’re here in the present right now, and he can’t bear to drop you from the sky again. It’s still a work in progress, but you promised him a shoulder whenever he’s struggling with it. 
Still, there’s no crime in relishing the feeling of weightlessness in the air. As enjoyable as it is however, Hyunjin knows there’s something missing.
‘How is it?’ you ask once he’s landed.
‘Something’s not quite right…’
You furrow your brows, wondering where you could have made a mistake, but before you can come to a conclusion, Hyunjin chants his transformation spell again. He then knocks you off your feet and sweeps you onto his back.
Hyunjin lets out a roar towards the advanced obstacle course to which you laugh and lean forward in preparation. Before you can even blink, the two of you are cutting through the air, going faster with each stroke of the Terror’s powerful wings.
Much better.
Hyunjin cherishes these practices the most when there’s no one watching and nothing on the line. It’s just you and him. It’s nice, and he wishes he could keep it like this forever, but with the way your eyes twinkle with laughter and the way your hair blows in the evening breeze after he lands and you roll off of him onto the grass, he can’t help but wonder if he can have something more.
What? you ask with a motion of your head, referring to his staring.
He shakes his head. Nothing.
You nudge at his shoulder, and he gives in, turning to sit facing you. He reaches over to cover your eyes, making your breath hitch, so that you can’t read his lips.
“I know I’m not charming like Chan or reliable like Changbin, but I like you, Y/N,” he confesses. “I like you a lot.”
With that, he draws back his hands to reveal a confused expression on your face which quickly turns into a pout. He laughs and knocks your forehead back with two fingers.
‘What did you say?’ you interrogate.
‘I said ‘Take me to the Race!’’ He pumps his fist into the air.
You smile widely and imitate his action. He laughs and bumps his fist to yours. He’s going to compete. After all these years, he’s finally going to compete.
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After coming to terms with his feelings and with the annual winter ball around the corner, Hyunjin knows what to do. The winter ball’s sole purpose is to celebrate the past year and the upcoming race, so Hyunjin never really had a reason to go until now. He’s feeling a little nervous about even attending the ball itself and is why he waited so long to purchase a bouquet of gold-tipped, cream coloured flowers mixed with a few pastel pinks and purples for accent. 
He knows you are in the library, so that’s where he went, but he almost doubted his location for a second. Since when was the dusty, ancient place so crowded? He peers past the mob and sees you in the center of it.
But you aren’t alone.
Chan had set up a whole ambiance for you complete with twinkling fire fairies and petals on the ground. He places your hand on his acoustic guitar for you to feel the vibrations as he plays a sweet song and one of his friends nearby signs for you the words he is singing. When he is done, he takes your hand and gifts you a dozen scarlet roses.
‘Go to the dance with me?’ he signs.
No sensible human would turn down something like that. Hyunjin suddenly feels like he can’t breathe when you nod with a shy smile and Chan pulls you into a relieved hug. He slips out of the cheering crowd, unable to bear it any longer.
As he storms down the hall, he hears a familiar voice call out to him. “Hyunjin? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry about me, Hye Ji.”
“I, um, have something to ask of you,” the girl admits. Why does she look nervous?
“Go for it,” Hyunjin nods. 
“Will you go to the winter ball with me?” she squeaks. 
Hyunjin looks at the bouquet of flowers in his hands with a sigh. Slowly, he lifts his eyes back up to face her. “Sorry, Hye Ji. I don’t think I’ll be going this year. I’m sorry.”
“It’s Miss L/N, isn’t it?” she calls as he tries to leave.
Hyunjin turns around, surprised. Hye Ji is looking at her boots with her hair covering her face.
“I’m sorry,” Hyunjin repeats. 
“I-it’s fine,” she chokes. “Y/N’s really great and all. I would choose her too if I were you.”
“Hye Ji--”
“I said it’s fine!” she yells and runs away.
Three nights later and Hyunjin is moping alone in his dorm room, picking at his recipient-less bouquet. The prefects’ opening dance should have ended by now. He imagines you in your rose gold gown and silver heels looking like you stepped straight out of a fairy tale. He imagines you swaying gently with Bang Chan as the prefect leads you to the beat of the music.
There’s no crying over spilled milk now, he decides with a sigh. What’s someone as talented and sweet as you going to do with someone as broken and angsty like him anyway? Someone who’s charismatic and top of his class, someone like Chan, looks a lot better next to you.
There’s a sound at his door to which his ears perk up excitedly. He had ordered two portions of lamb rib stew to hopefully eat himself into a coma. 
“Coming!” he calls, pulling out a bottle of cider.
Once he opens the door, he almost slams it back shut in shock. 
Instead of a delivery man, you stand in front of him in all of your perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect lips, perfect everything glory. Not to mention you are complete with a bag of lamb rib stew in your hand.
‘I met the delivery mister on the way. Can I come in?’ 
Hyunjin swallows with difficulty and steps to the side for you, nearly passing out when the tulle of your dress brushes against his leg as you walk by.
‘What are you doing here?’
You shrug your pearly shoulders. ‘Chan got called away for some duties after the opening dance. Apparently there’s something wrong with the course for the Race. It doesn’t seem like he’ll be back before the ball ends, so I left after telling Changbin. I’m not intruding or anything, am I? It looks like you bought two servings of lamb. Were you expecting someone?’
‘I must have ordered it wrong,’ he lies, rubbing the back of his head. ‘Have you eaten?’
You shake your head and he immediately offers you a takeout before getting two glasses for the cider. You thank him, and the two of you begin eating. After dinner, he excuses himself to toss out the trash, and you notice the cream bouquet by his bed.
‘Were you going to ask someone to the dance?’ you ask when he returns.
What was he supposed to say? That he randomly sports flowers in his dorm?
‘Something like that. Someone else asked first though.’
‘Hye Ji came alone today though.’
‘It’s not Hye Ji!’ he writes a little too quickly. ‘They… they can be yours if you’d offer me a dance. You know, since it’ll be a waste of such a pretty dress if you only do one waltz in it.’
You giggle, and he can’t tell if it is because of his words or how red he must be right now.
‘Sure. They’re gorgeous. Thank you.’
You place your right hand in his left, and he takes you to the center of the room. You put your other hand confidently on his shoulder, and he timorously finds your waist. After a few awkward steps, you begin singing to ease his tension. As expected, he moves elegantly with your tune as if you’re on the training grounds, flying. It’s a lovely sound, he thinks, and even more so when you’re singing it just for him in the air or like right now.
‘You’re staring again,’ you trace into his back, the motion sending shivers down his spine.
He doesn’t know where the courage came from, but Hyunjin decides to give you a proper explanation this time. He points at you, taps his cheek, then draws a semi circle around his face.
‘You’re beautiful.’
~ ad.gold
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noxyfied · 4 years
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This, is Noxy/Noxyfied/Nox. This is the character I identify as online, and I want to tell you my story with this adorable Arctic Fox because it is one heck of a tale from not so long ago
Things did begin rough at the beginning of my persona’s history. I honestly can’t recall how I came up with it, only how I inserted my love for something and went with it.
From the early years of 2017 to 2019 I was all paper and pencil. Ah yes traditional art was my big thing for a couple of years during that era of 2013 to 2020. I had a time where I wrote stories about characters I made, and not much. No fan art, no nothing, I wanted to stick to my own original ideas at first before I took the step to do something that I did not own; it was a weird mindset I know, I couldn’t hold myself to want to be original and develop to be good enough to draw other things.
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It took me some time to develop, hell even to this day I still am unsure of my own skills but I enjoyed trying new things. I don’t reject much criticism even if it comes harsh it still lingers in my head when received anyway. I needed someone to identify as online, a persona who I would have an identity through as I was moving forward on this hopeful career I want to make with my art.
Idea #1 draw my own self accurate to how I look 
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Scratch that...
Nononono, I am too bad at showing my face, even at that I don’t like myself.
So I had to come up with something else, 2019 was ending with my skills rising up to something neat. I had Fire alpaca and a wacom cheap tablet which I used time to time back then, and with how I moved foward I said “why not, lets draw a glaceon.
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Not bad, not bad. I do enjoy anthropomorphic animals, and for a anthro Glaceon it wasn't so bad. Even back then I did not enjoy much of this picture but the idea sparked. I did roleplay around online a lot as a Glaceon. People always had referred to me as a Glaceon when talking, because furry friends tend to be like that and I don’t mind. It had definitely sparked the idea of identifying as one for my persona.
I had a hard time how I would draw this character, a more personalized Glaceon with my own flare of the art style I carry should be nice, should I make it tall? short? anthro? feral? the questions rose up. Even more as time passed, took some time unsure of it, Unluckily I had a Glaceon FURsona, not a persona. (Yes those were two separate things as I carried 7 fursonas as individual characters in their own stories).
But soon one day in class, my artsy self was bored and it just sparked.
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This is it! yes! I love it! something about this just clicked for some reason, it was like nothing I had seen before I could not look away at it, this was it.
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After class I went home and played some games. The idea was there but man am I tired. Things did go slow, but not for long as of January, the classes I took gave me the ability to better understand this Adobe Photoshop, an amazing tool for editing pictures but also... To draw?!? I have heard of using Photoshop to draw but was amazed to have the ability using such program. During my time 2019 I would doodle around on Photoshop in my school or at home (thanks to the campus giving me a cheaper prize to use it for assignments) Not bad, not bad, the program was for sure something nice to use. Look! I even drew my Fursonas there too, ain’t that nice
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2019 was something for sure. It had just begun making 2020 quite the year as I took my wacom tablet, opened Photoshop, and on January there it was.
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Oh how cute! I felt so proud of myself, firealpaca was nothing like how clean and pretty Photoshop was, I was amazed at this ability.
“I made this?” that would be what I ask myself everyday. Time to time I would, and still, look at my phone to my drawings and remember what I used to make some pieces, I will not forget how I used thick outlines with the line too from photoshop, added some depth on the eyes. But most importantly, I had a persona, and I introduced it
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My friends loved it, I could not believe I am starting to do the shift, my days of traditional art were at a halt. Not at a complete stop since I do use traditional art for a few other things of course, this was just my main focus now.
This little creature was everything to me, cute, easy to make, helped me throughout a few months as I practiced with my digital art.
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I also perfected it’s look, but something looked rather familiar about it. Could not put my finger to it, so I went on drawing it.
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that was a few exceptions where I shifted the proportions for “it”
“It” “it” what was this thing supposed to be, I myself was unsure how to identify myself with this persona. Male? no, female? no. The issue was there, who am I really inside, who was my persona gonna be.
I still cannot tell you exactly what my persona was for the longest time. I at times felt lost and confused with my identity, it did not help that 2020 did its mumbo jumbo and a pandemic happened, it was a lot of time on my own at home just questioning really who I had been for the longest time. Classes were minimal so my free time was big around April and May.
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I was always unsure of who I was exactly, through my early years late 2000′s I had in me that my body was uncomfortable for looking the way it did, 2010′s went silent but there was something in me I did not understand. why did I feel this way, why do I feel as I am not happy with who I am, and who I identify with.
This persona was the wake up call to who I really wanted to be. I saw it in me that I knew being a male was the main issue in me feeling unhappy. Throughout my life I did not enjoy masculinity as much as other kids, yeah I had some boy traits but it was rather minimal, I enjoyed other things more. I enjoyed a lot of things about being female it was something I had never seen before. as hard or confusing things tend to be from me to explain, its a rather hard thing for myself to explain. But that how it felt “confusing” I researched and looked for things and to my conclusion I had come to be, I come to identify as a MtF trans.
I felt relieved in me of it and I already enjoyed my days more after from it. The only issue is “who do I tell..?” I was timid to tell this to anyone, friends or even family. Especially family, those I come to admit they will never be told of what my decision was because of how hard headed they are. It is a tragic story to tell since most families are such closed minded people of rejecting others.
“My friends tho, my friends? I would feel bad if I told them” that was the mindset I had for a while before admitting to them time to time, one by one. This was a chapter in my life that had changed me early 2020′s but I felt a lot of joy in me to be who I wanted to be, I no longer took anyone else's guidance for controlling who I am, I just went with my own flow.
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My persona was.... more comically confused, it could be either so I just left it how my mood wanted it to go for when drawing it. So, things went well, in 2019 with the money I got I found myself enjoying a lot of second handed games, with a game coming real soon that had me pumped for I had to get a console I wanted for so long
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A PS4 for the the Final fantasy 7 Remake, I was so pumped waiting for the game, I got a used PS4 for it and even bought couple other games for it to get to know the console: Final fantasy 15, destiny, and later on this Persona 5 game a lot of people talked about. Hmm ok, well lets try it out and oh me oh my, a few days later:
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The art style captivated me, can you tell I went all out to trying anything with my persona? I cannot believe I was my own guinea pig for these sorts.
Going around some friends and they will tell you that I used this pfp quite a lot back then, as well as updating it with a new oc I had come up with
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A tale in due time will be told about this gal.
well, it was set and forth that this was me, my persona, this glaceon was who I was. People loved it, my friends really liked it, and I had a blast having this first pure year of digital art only. Meeting new friends, and admiring their art. Having old friends come back, and even losing a few others on the way. During the time of june, to July I was rapid about drawing my persona in many ways, short, tall, anthro, feral
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even metallic.
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 But there come some time I did not grew tired of. But a little worried that I had to rely on a franchise for my own identity, of course there is nothing wrong for those doing it. But reflecting on myself, back then when I wanted this art career to happen, I wanted to go all out letting out my imagination  with my own creations. I had to make the decision, it was time to move on...
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...To a new art program and new drawing tablet
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No, it wasn’t that. I had to branch out from this Glaceon, but keep my identity, my legacy of this persona in check, but with a new coat of paint of course. did not take a long time before choosing that I had to use a real life animal as inspiration for this change. Something at least close to it, ah yes of course! the inspiration of the Glaceon was an arctic fox, well those are some good stepping stones to begin with so what happened one day is that I began sketching, not before saying good bye to this old self that helped me begin. It was weird, this is me but it was old me?
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Tested the new Brushes from this amazing program called Clip studio paint, and I gotta say I love the program. Sincerely the best choice I made to leave Photoshop for this.
At last, this is it. the new Me!
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Familiar looking isn’t it,baby steps we can say.
I cannot blame the people for calling my new persona a “Glaceon-alike”
I headed to the right direction stepping away from it, but it was hard to let go
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new program, new tablet, new me. the later half of 2020 went onto a lot of changes with myself, the chibi small version did not make me happy to make anymore, I was losing the touch and with the few comments I got of looking like a “powerpuff girl look a like” did set me off to do a drastic change I am thankful to do. This new me had some weird phases, don’t we all tho?
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where else to brainstorm than back to the traditional old ways. Now, you may see this and ask what was I thinking when making this. the order of when i started and finish goes as: Top right: ok what if it was feral, nah nah scratch. Top left: Can I still make it cute with a round face and features I had from before? ew no! that looks scary Bottom right: lets make it more natural and wow hey! yes yes yes! this looks hundred times better. Bottom left: It is time I go all out and make it humanoid, it was how I found myself enjoying drawing most things but still did some anthropomorphic things. I was just not the best of it.
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Back to digital and.... Amazing, I really out did myself this time, lets go for it, lets keep going with this
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I even got a cool sword too!
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My practice continued from here, the second half was great and fun. New persona got me in a place where I was happy with and through October and December I was having a blast with the more possibilities with it. I went on to practice with even more suggestive things after a life drawing class I took, proportions mattered to me and with this new persona I went out to make more better looking proportions that were attractive and stylish.
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This persona was great, and I managed to make so much of it. even Drawing the more suggestive stuff had left me with an answer for this persona. Just make it gender fluid, my selection for this character being male or female made me so tired I did not know why I just made it gender fluid since the beginning. My mood swings for this character, and I can’t resist drawing it either way. Was I finished? of course not, this persona still had some work around to do. The hair became a pain to make to keeping up with  consistently.
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2020 ended, with a year of exciting new things coming for this new year. I went through quite a lot in my life and my art career took a shaken with this new digital life style, my persona became the identity I saw myself through, something im happy with drawing to represent Me.
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That isn’t to say that I gave up on drawing Me Me.
I drew who I hope to be, and will use this from time to time, nothing fancy but something.
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It has been a year already since I began identifying myself with this persona from last year from now. ever since I sketched that doodle in class, it has been a happy trip through memory lane writing it and I am happy how things turned out. 2021 is what I hope to be as good as 2020 was (by that I mean drawing only of course) In 2021 one more change was made that had made me just as happy to continue on with.
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I got more hair! as crazy as it is yes. More hair, and a different front style has been to this day what I been using.
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I even made a discord emoji for all the warm hugs to have with my fursona!
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and my first ever animation I have ever done before!!
I am always experimenting new things, and i’m proud to be an artists to go out there and leave my art out there to be noticed by anyone. The love and appreciation friends and others leave me are the best thing I could ask. I look foward to see what is up ahead, for me, my career, and Noxy.
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