#just some silly thoughts
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thatoneneuvichiliauthor · 2 months ago
You know that grandshow mage Viktor put on when he rescued Jayce and his mother so that he would take an interest in magic? Well, can we all agree baby Jayce 100% tried to reproduce those moves from memory later on because he was just so amazed, and that it must have been the most adorable thing ever?
Also imagine if once Jayce got comfortable around Viktor, he reenacted the whole encounter to him, choreography and all, in case it could somehow help with their research, and Viktor mentally chuckled at the silliness of it all, only to realize years later "Ah. So I'm the one who showed him that."
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lowlights · 8 months ago
Three things on each Pedro boy's nightstand (excluding weapons):
Marcus Moreno - photo of Missy, chapstick, fancy Heroics alarm clock
Ezra - paper and pen to write down weird dreams, crystal from a far away planet, sunrise lamp
Javi G - remote that opens the blinds, stack of books, $200 candle
Javi P - ashtray, well-worn book, last night's whiskey
Pero (modern) - massage gun, lube, altoids
Jack - engraved watch that was a gift from you, sleep mask, framed picture of childhood home
Marcus Pike - daily multivitamins, tv remote, FBI water bottle
Dave - family photo, glasses, trinket dish for wedding ring
Din - fan, helmet, cool rock that grogu handed him
Joel - painkillers, watch, reading glasses
Dieter - bottles of expensive water, fidget toy, pipe
Max Lord - clock radio, reading lamp, excedrin
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michmay · 2 months ago
So, I was rewatching ep 5 of s1 and suddenly I caught myself imagining one scene (which is absolutely impossible and there's no reason for it to happen): Crowley going through some of the Heaven's records for whatever reason and seeing the one where Aziraphale is made to prepare for the Armageddon, but instead he states: "I have NO intention of fighting in any war!"
I believe that Crowley is a faithful pacifist (both of them are). And he would LOVE seeing that scene. (I'm sure that he'd also enjoy seeing how Aziraphale decides that he could possess a body and disobeys Heavens, going straight back to earth; the demon would just be like: "Oh look at that, that's my husband!!")
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maxzinn · 10 months ago
…i suddenly thought about aventurine and how much he’ll fit the kaichou wa maid-sama trope.
reader who is like misaki who hates men and aventurine who’s like usui who annoys reader and is constantly bothering them just for the lols and cuz he thinks reader looks so cute when they’re mad at him. he’ll go to their office everyday just to annoy them and now the other ipc workers thinks they’re dating lol.
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lilbluebastard · 8 months ago
Im bored once more and sense I already did coyle let’s do gooseberry (remember these are my headcannons/opinions tell me so I don’t accidentally upset someone
Warning (a bit of coyleberry mentioned)
Phylis has a very bad sweet tooth, to candy or pastries, she loves a good sweet apple pie and some lollipops
She also loves to play with dolls either with mannequins or those lil fucked up baby dolls, having little tea parties and even forcing the ex-pops in her trials to join her and futterman
(Despite it all being in her head) she knows that deep down in his cold black heart, Dr daddy still loves his baby Phylis
She secretly has drawing of the female/male regents she has a crush on and a bunch of that creep Franco and Coyle….mostly Coyle
She also falls in love with anyone who gives her attention 💙
Phylis plays dress up and likes to try on new clothes and things,
When it comes to sleeping she’s a very quiet sleeper but mostly has nightmares of the “boring hospital” but she sleep with the very old goose puppet she had sense she was a kid, it helps her sleep sometimes
She sometimes as a side hobby makes more puppets and gives them to ex-pops and guards/reagents as gifts
Phylis is sweet heart if you listen, sometimes she’ll spare you….but that’s rare
More headcannons for Leland Coyle (like them or not it’s alright)
Leland would get offended if you called him a pervert or a creep, hed say “he’s the law and he’s only giving you justice” when in reality his justice equals (to sex , torture, sadistic kinks and cumming on mannequins) or hed just get turned on and punish you for disrespecting him
Coyles not a romantic type….yes he’s been married but with how each of his wives ended up dead…it’s clear he’s angry about it, not to mention in prime time when seeing gooseberry he tries to make a point by saying “that’s why he killed all those wives of his” because gooseberry is her own boss and isnt submissive and obedient to him
Leland is a horrible person we all know that but he will have his moments of vulnerability (seen in the tape of teach the police officer) he cries either about his past or things he’s fines unfair so in my opinion he’s a crybaby, like him sounding hurt, almost sad when he didn’t get a gun but Franco could have one.
Coyles more into woman sometimes checking out the female grunts and big grunts, pouncers and even female reagents and he is creepy about it
And when is comes to men, despite wanting them ti bow to his every will, he’s jealous of the male big grunts/berserkers intimidating height, I believe that the smaller grunts are to scared to approach him, knowing what he can and will do, coyle is ruthless and they know that, as for the people who are in the trials (especially in kill the snitch, vindicate the guilty, tilt the scales of justice and etc) those people talk about Coyle a lot which I’m guessing there his victims broken and hurt to his liking, coyles ruthless and harsh…..some even sometimes warn you (one told me “to be careful before I get hurt or caught, something like that)
Maybe I’ll come up with more idk lol
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thechaoticcheese · 3 months ago
Y'all ever wonder if Shadow Company has women in it? Like I'd assume so, but would they be picked on? How tough would they have to be? Is there like just a group of Women cause maybe some Shadows are just ever so slightly sexist? Or does Graves make sure they're included?
Like despite hating Graves, I don't think he's sexist, like I feel like if a woman met the standards of what they're looking for, it's another person on his crew. Who cares? He'd fire someone on the spot for sexism, no if ands or buts. He's not entirely protective of the female Shadows, but as long as they are like not being mistreated is all he cares about.
Who wants to make Shadow Company OCs that are just bad ass women with me?
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dungeons-and-dorics · 2 years ago
a fun little DnD 5E mechanic that paladins have for any Xedgin writers who don’t play or know much about the game
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Xenk is at least level 10 so he could heal 50 points of damage in one action, but if he did so in battle, he wouldn’t be able to attack that turn. But if someone were unconscious, it could bring them back up to half health and able to fight instantly
(also as a personal ruling made by my DM years ago, you don’t need to use your hands to “Lay On Hands”. i played a rogue and a friend was playing a paladin, and our characters had already had a dynamic going, so when my rogue got stuck in a patch of cursed thorns and went down to 0 hit points, the paladin saved her with Lay On Hands by kissing her ( ˘³˘)♡ )
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 5 months ago
I'm just enjoying here with a cup of tea and thinking how interesting it would be to write a smut fic about a dom!Camilla x Farmer
*Sip* Anyway...
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joycies · 2 years ago
so i have a fic THOUGHT.
what about a universe where miguel's daughter lives and becomes spiderman(girl) , but not before her father(miguel) dies. and so what you have is a spidergirl who's cannon event was losing her father and a spiderman 2099 who's cannon event was losing his daughter, and through the spider dimension thingy, you're able to reunite them together and somehow, someway, they'd be able to fill each other's void.
but that doesn't happen. because when miguel sees his daughter, the one who he's never been able to watch grow up, there's this feeling of guilt. she's his 'daughter', but she's also, essentially a stranger. and she sees him, and he looks the same as her real father, but he doesn't remember her. he doesn't remember the last (let's say) decade and a half she's spent with him, because again, he's not her father, not really.
and so you have these two people, who theoretically, should be able to fill the void of each other's hearts, but in reality, can't see past the memories of the person they had lost when they see each other.
what happens is that, as they work together as an organisation, they never really get closer, instead, they become this strange pairing that has the awkwardness of coworkers, but cares for each other like family. they would never speak to each other, or at the very best, have a proper conversation together, but they'll sneak glances at each other across the room, just to ensure to themselves they they're okay, and very much still alive.
miguel's 'daughter' would call him boss, because calling him dad would open up a whole can of worms she's not ready for, and calling him miguel seems like something so far over the line of disrespect that she can't even force herself to say it.
miguel doesn't call her by her name, because he only thinks of his little baby daughter that he'd lost when he utters it, so he settles with calling her kid.
when one or the other gets hurt, there's this feeling of pure panic that overcomes them, and it riddles their mind, and they can't think, and they can't breath, and suddenly, they're back in their universe, miguel losing his daughter, and her daughter losing him, all over again.
when she hears about miguel's unfortunate story, the one that'd happen before even meeting her, she gets this strange mix of sadness, and happiness, and bitterness. the sadness is quite self explanatory, but the happiness comes from the thought that in one way or another, he did that for her, or at the very least, another version of her. there's this sort of warmth she gets when she realizes just the extent that he just loves her. and then comes bitterness, because after this unfortunate ending, he'd seemed to given up on her. what about the current her? the one that's actually grown up and alive against all possibilities? he'll destroy a universe for another her, but he won't even look at the current, alive her without a grimace? is it because she's older? because she's not the same baby girl he remembers?
and when the whole anomaly dabacle starts, she immediately takes miles' side. she fights for him with a passion that's rarely ever present. there's a disappointment that she feels in everyone, but even more in miguel, because miles is just a boy who wants to save his father, and yet all he could see was an anomoly going against his fate.
and so she fights and fights and fights until miles is able to get away, and for the first time since she'd first come here, miguel actually approaches her, with a look of anger? confusion? disappointment? and this, this, she's familiar with, because for once, miguel actually gives her an ounce of attention that her 'real' father would give. and he'd ask her what the hell she's doing. why was she letting miles go? doesn't she know the consequences this could cause?
and miguel would look like he'd just gotten slapped in the face from the pure venom she has in her words, and ironically enough, this is the most father-daughter conversation they'd ever had.
and she'd look at him with an expression if pure disappointment, and goes 'if i ever had even the slightest chance of getting my father back, i'd do it in a heartbeat. i don't fucking care about anything else.'
he'd stumble on his words, and against his better judgement, he'd just sputter out, 'you have me'.
and she would give the most heartbroken look she'd ever had. somehow, this hurt so much more than the years of wilfull ignorance of each other's existence.
'you're not my father,' she would say after a deep breath. 'you're just someone who looks like him'
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m34gs · 2 years ago
Kalim: how do you always know where I am? That’s so sweet
Idia: I installed a tracker on your phone the first time you slept over
Ortho, in the background: that’s less sweet
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 years ago
temptation tuesday
tagged by my loves @swiftiebuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @speaknowdiaz 🩵
marine biologist au—so we’re doing ocean theme this month (i work with preschoolers for anyone who doesn’t know) and anyway it got me thinking about that ep in season 2 with the shark?? i’m terrible remembering titles/numbers. but i was thinking, marine biologist buck meets nurse eddie 👀 like buck getting hurt on that call, going to the hospital, etc. idk this is a silly idea that just came to mind today 🙃
turtle sequel—i’m afraid to put this out there bc i know how much y’all love this one and want a sequel 😂 but i have been thinking about her lately, and maybe finally have something in mind 👀 (if you don’t know, i’m talking about this fic)
tagging: @redlightsandicedtea @justsmilestuffhappens @onward--upward @monsterrae1 @buddierights @cowboy-buddie @spotsandsocks @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @wh0re-behavi0r @jacksadventuresinwriting @spaceprincessem
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yoshidatommy · 2 years ago
Another proof of Jalim being soulmates is that after being dragged away by a vampire Jason managed to put it down with a goddamn KNIFE and remain absolutely unharmed (sans a couple of bruises where we can't see them maybe). Life wanted him to unite with Salim...which happens almost immediately after this scene (!) BTW.
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 years ago
Imagine if Monk was actually older than Survivor, which is why their campaign is easier.
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Survivor just entered the cycle and has no idea how to survive on their own, so they constantly fumble in the process (making it more difficult).
Monk, on the other hand, has experience being older, so they may understand how to survive better and understand the patterns of the hostile creatures and how to pacify them (hence the campaign difficultty difference).
Not to mention, jumping into danger for your sibling just seems more like an older sibling thing than a younger one. Not to say it can't be the other way around, but eh.
I'm just full of unpopular opinions 👍
Have a good one :))
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uno-is-suffering · 2 years ago
Fontaine trailer spoilers and theory
Y'all know that ginger's goofy ass is either in it for the theatrics and ends up getting delusion backlash but deadass I don't think he's gonna get bodied.
Fontaine's all about twists, yeah? I bet it's gonna be a bait and switch if "Childe" gets executed. Like a body double. Also in terms of element, who TF would use Hydro against, oh y'know. The fucking hydro archon.
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Genshin Theory: Fontaine's State
I am by NO means a theorist, and I RARELY come up with my own theories for shows or films I watch. Also, by the time I'm writing this, I've only watched the teaser trailer twice. So please forgive me if this isn't super-duper in-depth or if it has any "holes" or whatever. This is mostly a fun thought I had that I wanted to get off my chest. More under the cut:
So... what will Fontaine be like? Given what we know so far, it's probably Belobog's Expy from HSR but like in France with the elite being on top and the others being underground.
For the problem: I think it's a combination of the 4 archon quests so far. With the Archon's ally being corrupted, the Archon trying to help us, the Archon is the antagonist and the country's citizens are the problem.
We know that there was a previous Hydro archon before the current one and from Dainsleif that:
The God of Justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the divine.
And another clue implied from Nahida and Lazurite stone is that Focalors is a person who hides the truth behind the spectacle and to protect her country, she makes them too engrossed in spectacle to care about the other things from Celestia's eyes.
So the innocent are living the high life while the convicted are underground (think Livin' It Up on Top from Hadestown).
What do the citizens have to do with the problem? Well... I think the judging jury/equivalent to their government is currently run by 'nice people TM' instead of good people. Let's be honest. Nice =/= good.
People can do nice things without being good people and it's mainly the motivation and intention instead of actions. The judges probably have their pre-determined image of what a person is and ever will be regardless of what they've done. Basically, a double standard where if someone deemed a villain does a crime, they're punished but if it's a 'nice person TM', they'll get a slap on the wrist.
So has Fontaine always been this way? I don't think so. After Khanreiah's destruction where the previous Hydro Archon met her demise, Focalors was kinda like a mix of Zhongli and Ei: locking herself away and trusting the people know what to do when her attention had to be turned elsewhere.
Once, Fontaine was probably a utopia but after Focalors gave her country free rein, the court decided to twist her own words and make it a dystopia. The upper-class court probably decided that since they live in paradise, why bother with the lower class?
So they twisted her words to fit their self-serving agenda and exiled anyone to the underground area to those who don't fit their ideals, thinking they've already had their chance for forgiveness and are doomed for life.
Maybe the Traveller and Paimon will meet Focalors face-to-face, an emotional wreck and dishevelled. They will show Focalors what Fontaine became in her absence and maybe they'll work together to rework the system: allowing the guilty to live a 2nd chance and for those truly beyond redemption to be punished as well as creating representatives for both sides and opening the bridge between the under and overworld.
So yes, like I said at the beginning, this is by no means meant to be a perfect or a flawless theory, but it was something fun to think about, and if you hadn't considered this before and would like to add it to your personal headcanons or correct me, go ahead! Just remember where you got the idea from. :D
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magnhild · 6 months ago
i feel like there's something to be said about kids around that age when it comes to stuff like this though. especially today, i see a lot of kids aged 8-12 being exposed to and desensitised to stuff that nobody that age should have to be exposed to, especially not alone. their peers and even some adults seem to find glee in making other kids feel horror and disgust because maybe they had to deal with that too, and it's easier to push that onto someone else than it is to face it. from making them watch horror movies aimed at adults to disturbing content disguised as childrens' videos on youtube, kids seem to want to traumatise other kids. the world seems to want to traumatise kids.
but then this kid doesn't do that. they were told to watch this movie that is absolutely not for kids, probably by someone who thought it would be funny, but they didn't pass it on. instead, they went and wrote this review to warn other kids! perhaps making the recommended age a little high, but the thought is there. they list specific things that could be triggering and they encourage other kids to check with their parents first. and i think there's something nice about that desire to look out for your fellow kids instead of trying to traumatise them the same way you were.
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i need everyone to read my all time favorite letterboxd review
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