#just say seminar 90% of them are online now
gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
I'm sorry. "Webinar" is too awkward to just be a real word now. It sounds like a single-episode Dr. Who alien.
And not one of the cool ones. One of the bad ones. From the 70s. That looked like this:
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Here are two Webinars. The Doctor had to stop them from stealing all the Earth's candy.
Oh, and if you actually know who this is and what its from, YOU are now the Webinar.
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trixree · 3 years
I don't often post any of my personal writing here, but I feel compelled to share this tonight.
“Weird coincidence but I’m 90% sure we went to preschool together.”
I got this private Zoom message from a girl in one of my classes today. After establishing that yes, we did in fact go to preschool together, I said how crazy it was that she remembered me.
I wrote back, “My early life is entirely a mystery to me. I forgot all of it except for what glue tastes like.”
She wrote, “For some reason, I remember you being sick a lot. So in the first class when you said you were chronically ill… I was like… wait…”
My heart sank. It’s lovely to be remembered—it’s such a unique wonder to be recognized. Usually, I’m recognized for being particularly talkative in a freshman-year seminar class or for having brightly colored hair. I like those moments, even when they are a bit embarrassing. But this moment was different.
I explained what I meant when I said I was chronically ill, that first class period. I didn’t get my primary diagnosis until I was fifteen years old and this meant that I spent a lot of my early childhood very sick.
She replied, “That makes sense… I remember you were gone a lot, but baby-me thought you just went on vacations. My young brain didn’t put together that sickness equals no school.”
I wasn’t remembered for who I was but what I was: sick.
I am in front of my laptop for nearly eight-hours a day everyday. I have been for the past three years because I can’t attend classes in person due to COVID. This distance in and of itself is impossibly isolating and is made even more cruel because it is my only option—if I value my safety, that is. (Unfortunately for me, I do.) I didn’t think that the distance between me and my peers could get wider than that.
I wonder if I am ever going to stop being defined by my disability. I miss being able to wear the facade of “normal.” I miss going out to restaurants to eat, I miss seeing my friends in person, I miss studying in a Starbucks, or simply wandering around a store because I can. I miss all these things like a limb and I fear, so keenly that it paralyzes me, that I will never get them back.
I don’t want to be remembered as the empty seat in the classroom.
I know that it is not my responsibility to change the world—I know that I can only change the minds that I can. But whether it is my responsibility or not, I have always needed to change the world just to be a part of it. That preschool that we both attended, this girl and I? My mom fought so hard for my simple right to be there at all, to participate in public education. I still remember—will always remember—being told by the principal that if I’m “really that sick, I should live in a bubble.”
The simple fact of the matter is that my very existence is a battle. I will always have to fight if I want a seat at the table. And it will still be a seat defined by my disability.
A friend of mine overheard a student on campus say that he had COVID but continued going to classes as normal and didn’t tell anyone because he feared that school would close. Online, a student at my university wrote of COVID accommodations, “We have gone far beyond what is reasonable and now it’s on the vulnerable to take some self responsibility and take care of themselves and stop expecting society to meet their needs.” They continued, “That is what makes you a selfish and self-centered person [...] completely cold and callus towards the suffering of others.”
I want to know what it is to walk through their world. I want to know so badly. I want to experience their normal. My partner told me as I sobbed today that the things I've experienced are terrible, but they made me who I am. "You’re kind and you advocate for others. You care about other people, about helping them.” It’s a small reassurance amidst a sea of suffering that I cannot hope to articulate: at least I am kind.
I will continue to fight, tooth and nail, for my right to take up space. I will fight because I must. But truthfully, I am so very tired of fighting. I want to stop dreaming of a world where I’m remembered beyond my disability; I want to live in that world.
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Social Media Marketing, Truth and Lies
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Social Media Marketing seems to be the latest buzz word for anyone looking to increase their online presence and sales, but is Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it is cracked up to be? Get More Info smm panel
S.M.M companies are now springing up all over the place these days and they are telling anyone that will listen about how incredibly important social media like Facebook twitter and YouTube are to your business but, for the average small to medium sized business, does marketing to social networks really live up to all the hype? Is spending a small fortune on hiring a SMM company really worth it? And has anyone really done their research on this before they hired someone to set up there Facebook business page? Some SMM companies are setting up things like Facebook business pages (which are free) for $600 to $1,000 or more and telling their clients that they don't need a website because Facebook is the biggest social network in the world and everybody has a Facebook account. Now while it may be true that Facebook is the largest social network in the world and yes, Facebook's members are potential consumers, the real question is are they actually buying? Social media marketing companies are all too happy to point out the positives of social media like how many people use Facebook or how many tweets were sent out last year and how many people watch YouTube videos etc. but are you getting the full picture? I once sat next to a SMM "expert" at a business seminar who was spruiking to anyone who came within earshot about the amazing benefits of setting up a Facebook business page for small business (with him of course) and selling on Facebook. So, intrigued by the aforementioned "experts" advice I looked him up on Facebook only to find he had only 11 Facebook friends (not a good start). So being the research nut that I am, I decided to take a good look into SMM in regard to selling to see if it actually worked, who did it work for and if it did why did Social Media Marketing work for them? And should business rely so heavily on social networks for sales?
As a web developer I was constantly (and now increasingly) confronted with several social networking challenges when potential clients would say that having a website sounds good but they had a Facebook business page and had been told by various sources (the ever present yet anonymous "they") that social networks were the thing to do, but after discussing their needs it became quite clear that those potential clients didn't actually know why they needed social networks or SMM to generate online sales, They just wanted it. For small and medium sized business I always recommended building a quality website over any type of social network, why? Well it's simple really because social media is Social Media, and social Networks are Social Networks they are not business media and business networks (that would be more like LinkedIn). I know that sounds simple but it's true and the statistics back it up. The fact is that social media marketing fails to tell you that Facebook is a social network not a search engine and despite the number of Facebook users and Google users being around the same, people don't use Facebook in the same way that they use a search engine like Google (which has around half the search engine market), Yahoo and Bing to search for business or products. They use it to keep in touch with family and friends or for news and entertainment. In a recent study done by the IBM Institute for Business Value around 55% of all social media users stated that they do not engage with brands over social media at all and only around 23% actually purposefully use social media to interact with brands. Now out of all the people who do use social media and who do interact with brands whether purposefully or not, the majority (66%) say they need to feel a company is communicating honestly before they will interact.
So how do you use social media marketing? And is it even worth doing?
Well first of all I would say that having a well optimized website is still going to bring you far more business that social media in most cases especially if you are a small to medium sized local business because far more people are going to type in "hairdresser Port Macquarie" into a search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing than they ever will on any Social Media Site and if you don't have a website you're missing out on all of that potential business. However despite all the (not so good) statistics I still think it is still a good idea for business to use social media just not in the same way that a lot of SMM professionals are today, Why? Because it's clearly not working in the way they claim it does. Basically SMM Companies and Business as a whole looked at social networks like Facebook as a fresh market ripe for the picking and when Facebook started getting users measured by the millions PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested US$500,000 for 7% of the company (in June 2004) and since them a few venture capital firms have made investments into Facebook and in October 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million. However since Facebook's humble beginnings up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business have failed to truly capitalise on the huge number of Facebook users online. The truth is numbers does not equal buyers. Is it in a Social Media Marketing company's best interest to talk social networks up? Absolutely. Is it in a Social Network like Facebook's best interests for people to believe that companies can sell en masse by advertising and marketing with them? Of course it is. In early 2012, Facebook disclosed that its profits had jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous year as its revenue which is mainly from advertising had jumped almost 90% to $3.71 billion so clearly the concept of SMM is working out for them but it is working out for you? Well... statistically no, but that does not necessarily mean that it never will.
I believe the major difference between social networks and search engines is intent. People who use Google are deliberately searching for something so if they do a search for hairdressers that's what they are looking for at that particular time. With something like Facebook the primary intent is usually to connect with friends and family. In October 2008, Mark Zuckerberg himself said "I don't think social networks can be monetized in the same way that search (Search Engines) did... In three years from now we have to figure out what the optimum model is. But that is not our primary focus today". One of the biggest problems business face with social networks and SMM is perception. According to the IBM Institute for Business Value study there were "significant gaps between what businesses think consumers care about and what consumers say they want from their social media interactions with companies." For example in today's society people are not just going to hand you over there recommendations, Facebook likes, comments or details without getting something back for it, so the old adage "what's in it for me?" comes into play. So the primary reason most people give for interacting with brands or business on social media is to receive discounts, yet the brands and business themselves think the main reason people interact with them on social media is to learn about new products. For brands and business receiving discounts only ranks 12th on their list of reasons why people interact with them. Most businesses believe social media will increase advocacy, but only 38 % of consumers agree.
Companies need to find more innovative ways to connect with social media if they want to see some sort of result from it. There were some good initiatives shown in the IBM study of companies that had gotten some sort of a handle on how to use social media to their advantage, keeping in mind that when asked what they do when they interact with businesses or brands via social media, consumers list "getting discounts or coupons" and "purchasing products and services" as the top two activities, respectively a U.S ice cream company called Cold Stone Creamery offered discounts on their products on their Facebook page. Alternatively there is a great program launched by Best Buys in the U.S called Twelpforce where employees can respond to customer's questions via Twitter. With both Cold Stone Creamery and Twelpforce the benefit is clearly in the favour of the potential customer & the great trick to social media marketing is to sell without trying to sell (or looking like your selling) unfortunately most social media marketing is focused the wrong way.
Building a tangible buyer to consumer relationship via social media is not easy and probably the most benefit to business' using social media to boost their websites Google rankings. But business' need to understand that you can't just setup a Facebook business page and hope for the best. SMM requires effort and potential customers need to see value in what you have to offer via your social media efforts give them something worth their social interaction and time and then you may get better results.
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t-baba · 5 years
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The Best Learning Management System Plugins for WordPress
Technology has completely transformed how we learn and how training is delivered. Physical presence in a physical location is no longer necessary. Technology has not done away with the instructor or the student though. Instead, it has made how and where we access and interact with learning material easy, dynamic, and flexible.
In fact, it has made instructor-to-student and student-to-student interaction more dynamic. Students learn from each other because there is greater collaboration between students. 
Training is now commonly delivered and administered through learning management systems. Lessons are created and uploaded on these systems and can be accessed anytime, anyplace. Learning can happen by from desktops or mobile devices, from websites and apps. 
In this article we will explore WordPress learning management systems (LMS) plugins.  
Let’s get started. 
Why is eLearning Popular? 
The future of learning has been with us for a long time now. Learning accessible from anywhere anytime, at your own pace, using wide variety of devices from desktops to tablets to mobile phones. Learning delivered by systems that host large directories of courses. These large directories of e-courses utilize learning management systems.  
As a result, there is an explosion in learning. Online learning platforms have responded to users educational needs and preferences for learning anywhere anytime by using responsive websites and apps. This makes sense since over 70% of users go online using mobile devices. And 90% of users spend their time in apps.
Many companies have also embraced online training for their staff. Some deliver their training to an externally-managed platforms that their staff can access. They don’t get involved in running the platform. Other companies have their own self-hosted learning management systems where they create, manage, and deliver training content. 
The upside of this is saving on the logistical costs of planning location-based training or seminars for hundreds of employees. 
Online learning platforms are very popular and profitable. If you want to get in the game so you too can host courses, or if you’re a company thinking of hosting your own training, or a developer tasked with implementing learning management infrastructures for your clients, then WordPress is your ally. 
The fact that WordPress is a content management system makes it a perfect foundation on which to build learning management systems. It has a powerful and stable base, and its functionality can be extended a thousand fold through use of plugins. 
But building learning management systems from scratch is extremely costly. This should not dash your hopes of managing your own self-hosted learning management system. 
Here is where learning management systems (LMS) plugins for WordPress come in. There are developers who have specialized in catering specifically to this niche. 
What is a Learning Management Systems Plugin?
A learning management systems plugin is a cloud-based software that delivers online learning. It allow instructors to create, manage, track, and deliver learning content or e-courses. 
WordPress, which is already a comprehensive CMS, is the perfect platform for creating and hosting your Learning Management System. To offer online courses you just need to download and install an LMS plugin. This will provide functionality to several classes of user:
Administrators can manage different learners, teachers, and take care of other administrative tasks from the LMS dashboard. 
Teachers can access tools for creating courses, quizzes, grading, and uploading. 
Students can select what they want to learn from the directory and immerse themselves in learning. 
Components of Learning Management Systems
An LMS is made up of many components enable different users to achieve their objectives. 
Automated Administrative and Communication Tools
Communication is key to any successful venture. Automating communication takes a load off administrators’ shoulders. Communication to teachers and students can include notification about accounts and payments, email reminders, weekly course summaries, real-time onscreen progress indicators for each and so on. 
Administrative tools include tools for registering teachers and calculating teachers commissions, 
Diverse Course Options
An LMS should combine different learning methods. For example, learning content can delivered via audio, videos, powerpoint, multimedia, written text, games, social learning, and more. 
Course Content Creation Tools 
An LMS comes with built-in authoring tools that allow for easy creation of course content. 
Chats, forums, and other kinds of online community software tools integrated into the LMS offer opportunities for students to engage with their peers. They are not limited by location. They can collaborate on assignments and projects. 
Assessment and Testing tools 
Test to see how students are learning and retaining material in the courses through quizzes and exams.
Instant Feedback
Teachers can give learners feedback to show them where they need to improve. 
Grading and Scoring
Allows yracking student progress and performance over the duration of the course. 
An LMS should come with the ability create certificates for students that complete a course. 
Gives you access to data like number of students taking a particular course, individual reports for each student, and how much time students spend on each lesson and quiz. 
The only way to improve is through user feedback. An LMS system should offer tools for gathering feedback and suggestions from students and learning what they think about the quality of the courses and the system itself.
An LMS system should offer students tools to review and rate their learning experience for courses. This will be helpful for others who want to take the course. 
Things to Consider When Choosing a Learning Management System
Ease of Use
A user-focused LMS system should be intuitive and simple to navigate and customize. 
Compatibility With Mobile Devices
80% of users go online using their mobile devices and prefer to use them for everything including learning. LMS should have companion apps in iOS and Android. 
A good LMS should offer different payment models like:
one time payment
subscriptions for regular access to courses
course bundles
coupon codes
A WordPress LMS system should integrate with software you already use like CRM software, accounting software, and more.
In addition it should be able to integrate with:
payment gateways like Paypal, Stripe, or 2Checkout
email marketing gateways like MailChimp
eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads
Multi-Language Support
If you want to offer online courses to a wider international audience your LMS plugin should offer translation support files.
Regular Updates 
When bugs are left unattended they make the system vulnerable to attacks. Regular updates mean the system is reliable and secure. 
Users want to know that their personal and financial data is safe. 
Consider seriously what other users have to say.  Users trust the word other users. They have used the system and seen how it works and what its strengths and weaknesses are. 
LMS plugins available on CodeCanyon
CodeCanyon has some of the most feature-packed and lowest cost LMS plugins on the market. Here are a few of the very best. 
1. Good LMS
Good LMS has many great features for creating and selling online and onsite courses. 
It has an easy-to-use interface that makes creating courses a breeze. Teachers can offer quizzes, including timed quizes, and give students the option to take quizzes again. 
Students can earn badges as they progress and they get a certificate at the end of each course. They will also have the ability to review and rate the course. 
pay with Paypal, Stripe, Paymill or Authorized.net 
admin can also provide other methods such as bank transfer
You can try this plugin for free today with the live preview.
2.  Ultimate Learning Pro
Ultimate Learning Pro is one of the most comprehensive LMS plugins on CodeCanyon. 
It makes it easy to create and sell courses to millions of students. Teachers can register to teach courses and you can approve them. You can have multiple teachers for one course.  
It has an easy-to-navigate interface where important information needing your urgent attention is arranged in tabs. 
You can offer lesson previews, set lesson durations, and set up lessons drip content so you can release lessons at regular intervals. Students can take notes, receive badges, gain points, see their grades. 
You can create quizzes, give hint to questions, set quiz duration and passing grade. Also questions can be multiple choice, essay, or fill in the blanks. 
In addition to accepting multiple currencies, it supports many payment options including PayPal, Stripe, 2CheckOut. It can also be integrated with platforms like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
Checkout the live preview and see why daedubu says this about Ultimate Learning Pro:
This is an amazing plugin! Easy and powerful :) The best plugin for e-learning on my site. Thanks for all, especially to your fantastic support team!
3. WPLMS Student App  
WPLMS Student app is a mobile app developed for the WPLMS Learning management system so students can learn anywhere and anytime. 
To use this app you must have the WPLMS Learning Management System WP Education Theme. This is great because it allows for a consistent look between the website and the app you create. And most importantly, you can easily sync data between apps and websites.
Some best features of this app include: 
Students can register directly in the app and their account is created in the site.
Students can browse courses in the app's directory and subscribe to the courses.
Students can enroll themselves in free courses or pay via a WooCommerce checkout system which supports multiple payment gateways.
Students can keep track of their courses through the app or your website.
Students courses are loaded and available in offline mode.
User dashboards with course and quiz graphs, and a quiz results section.
Quizes with multiple choice questions, multiple correct choices, fill in the blanks, dropdown selection, and text answers.
And so much more. 
Check out the free live preview of this LMS and see why this is the perfect app for you. 
Other Top LMS Plugins
4. LearnDash
LearnDash is one of the top learning management systems on the market. Its list of users include Fortune 500 companies, universities, training organizations, entrepreneurs, WordPress developers and designers, and more.  
It has with all kinds of tools you need to build a thriving business by selling courses. 
Its powerful course builder where you can create multilayered courses and even reuse the lessons. It takes into accounts different learning styles so you can engage learners by using all kinds of media from video, audio, images, Google docs. You can also break up courses into sections, lessons, topics, quizzes. 
Features on the Admin side include: front-end registration, detailed reporting on student progress, creating user groups and allowing others to manage them, email notifications to learners, ability to approve, comment, and award points for assignments.
You can sell courses by offering one time price, subscriptions, memberships, and course licensing.  
5. Sensei LMS
Sensei LMS is made by the same company that brought you WordPress and WooCommerce. And the basic edition is free, so you can get started using it today! However, to sell your courses you'll need to purchase a paid extension from the WooCommerce site.
This LMS is very simple to use. No coding skills are required and it works with your preferred WordPress theme. 
Some of this easy-to-use LMS plugin's interesting features include:
Learner management and analysis allows you to view reports on learning progress, set up two way communication between teacher and learner, and set up notifications. 
Protect your downloadable files and videos by making them available only to specific users.
Teachers have the ability to create a question bank for quizzes
Easily add shortcodes to any content areas of your page.
Ability to create multilingual courses when combined with WPML.
And more... 
Sensei also has very extensive Documentation. 
6. WP CourseWare
WP Courseware is a powerful plugin that allows you to create and sell online courses. 
Features that come with this plugin include:
easy-to-use drag-and-drop course builder 
drip content so you schedule your courses to be released at particular intervals
powerful quiz creation functionality with great options for creating quizzes
It comes with built-in shopping cart support. You can sell courses as a one time purchase or monthly membership subscription, or schedule installment payments. 
It integrates smoothly with:
eCommerce plugins like EasyDigitalDownloads and WooCommerce
payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe
membership plugins like MemberPress, Paid Membership Pro and others
most WordPress themes and plugins
In addition, it has great documentation resources to get you started. 
While these among the  LMS plugins that caught my eye, there are many out there in the market today. 
The following articles will help with ideas about how you can expand your online course platform. 
WordPress Plugins
Choose the Best WordPress Membership Plugin
Nona Blackman
WordPress Plugins
7 Best WordPress Community Plugins for 2019
Lorca Lokassa Sa
Monetize Your Content: Create a Membership WordPress Site With UMP
Jessica Thornsby
Best Affiliate WooCommerce Plugins Compared
Lorca Lokassa Sa
by Lorca Lokassa Sa via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/36glb8c
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hommart · 6 years
14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide
I recently stopped by the new house of an ol' college buddy to meet his fiance and new baby boy. He's getting married in 5 months time and we had to have a serious chat.
You see, he's gained 25 pounds since birth of his son. He really fell off the wagon. But he's taken the first and most important step by admitting things have to change and so we sat around for over 2 hours in his backyard on a beautiful day and hammered out this plan.
I could have wrote a 5-month plan, but I wanted to fast-track his results - and YOUR results - because research shows people who start losing fat quickly get better long-term fat loss results as well.
So here's your complete 14-day FAST-TRACK guide to fat loss (if you like it, please forward it to a friend or print them off a copy too):
Day 1 - Stop Everything to Plan, Shop, & Prepare This Meal Plan
I hope you're reading this on Sunday, because I want you to plan, shop, and prepare today. If it's Monday, skip your workout and do this instead - its THAT important.
And I don't just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks.
Don't tell me that's too hard. After all, most people with lean physiques stick to a relatively similar diet for 90% of their meals and then enjoy a random cheat/reward meal 10% of the time.
So your schedule might go like this:
Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 slice rye toast, 1 apple, Green Tea, fish oil
Snack - 1oz raw almonds, 1 pear, Green Tea
Lunch - Grilled chicken/salmon or black bean salad with spinach, onion, peppers, mushrooms, etc., 1 banana or bowl of cherries, 2 cups unsweetened iced tea with lime or lemon
Snack - Unlimited raw vegetables and hummus
Dinner - Protein and vegetables and fruit...so this could be a small piece of steak, chicken, or fish, along with your favorite vegetables, and a bowl of your favorite fruit.
Or it could be the veggie dinner I had last Monday of quinoa with red pepper-cashew sauce and avocado wrapped in kale leaves.
Or it could be wild rice with beans and avocado and salsa.
That schedule won't change much, with the exception of a slight variation in your main course at dinner, right? And then once per week schedule a meal of your favorite food.
Everyone can stick to this plan for 14 days, and this tip alone will help you lose 5-12 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks. And this is also how you'll need to eat for the rest of your life. It's not hard, it just requires a little practice. Keep at it and never, EVER give up.
Alright, so to review, here's your 3-step guide to Day 1.
i) Plan your meals. ii) Shop for the food. iii) Prepare the food (cut everything up, put in the proper trays, cook food if necessary, and get it all packed up for work)
In addition to planning out all of your meals, you must also start keeping a food journal (you could do it online too), because studies show that keeping a food journal will help you lose fat faster.
Next, make sure you do 60 minutes of activity today AND take a "before" photo along with your weight, body fat (if possible), and measurements of your waist, hips, arms, and thighs. Continue to weigh yourself every other day, as research shows that frequent check-ins lead to greater weight loss.
Day 2 - Attend An "Online Fat Loss & Fitness Seminar"
You must set EVERY workout and activity session as an appointment with yourself that you must keep - just like a doctor's visit. Let nothing, except real emergencies, come between you and your workouts.
Today you're going to do a short, burst exercise workout.
Now if you are currently using long, slow, boring cardio to lose f at, stop that bad habit immediately and switch to short, burst workouts.
If you need to learn more about short, burst workouts, go to YouTube and search for interval workouts. While you are there, look up my "Diet vs. Exercise" video series to see why diet is much more effective for fat loss than cardio.
If you are a beginner, please start conservatively. But if you have been working out for a while, the next 3 weeks are your time to step your workouts up a notch.
Day 3 - Write Your Way to Fat Loss
First, you must schedule 60 minutes of easy to moderate activity. I'll talk about that in a second, but you can do anything from a 60 minute walk, a yoga session, a light bodyweight and stretching session, an hour of playing with your kids, or playing an easy game of your favorite sport. Don't go too hard, but stay active.
You must also carve out 30 minutes to sit down and write out 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish in these 14 days. After that, write down what you want to accomplish in the following 90 days.
Once you've done that, you're going to prepare a contract with yourself promising to take the steps necessary to achieve these goals. Sign the contract and review it everyday to keep you on track.
Day 4 - Recruiting Day
Today's another short burst workout. Make sure you are using a professionally designed structured and proven fat loss workout, rather than just "winging it" or using long slow cardio for fat loss.
You'll also spend time today recruiting for these 3 components of your fat loss social support team:
- Nutrition buddy - Workout partner - Fat loss forum accountability buddies
Research shows that recording your nutrition in a food journal and having someone review your meals increases your chance of losing fat.
Another study found that if you workout with a partner who is losing fat, then you'll have a greater chance of losing fat as well.
And finally, a third study found that the more often subjects checked in to an online fat loss forum, the more likely they were to lose a lot of fat.
Get your team together and you'll get more results - faster.
Day 5 - The 60 Minute Solution
Why am I telling you to get 60-minutes of activity on your off days?
Well, to be honest, I do NOT expect you to burn massive amounts of fat with easy, off-day activity.
However, every minute you spend moving, you are NOT snacking! I know the biggest problem you will have is your diet. So instead of snacking in front of the computer or TV, spend your free time away from food. That's the simple secret to the 60 minute solution.
So get 60 minutes of activity on Day 5.
Day 6 - The Challenge
Your 3rd workout needs to be a challenge workout so that you can improve your performance each week. In fact, you should set at least one personal best in each workout. If you improve your performance, your physique will improve as well.
Day 7 - Diet Check-In and Reward Meal
Congratulations, you've made it through 7 amazing days of fat burning. Today you're going to double check your nutrition plan by reviewing your food journal.
If you haven't already done so, eliminate all liquid calories and replace with water and Green Tea.
If you need to learn more about nutrition, start using the free service called Fitday.com. It will help you track your calories.
And if you're really struggling to avoid night eating, try this tip. Place a small mirror on your fridge door. Research shows that subjects consumed fewer calories when they did this because it will remind you to make smarter choices.
Finally, as a reward for all of your hard work, you can treat yourself to your favorite meal. But that doesn't mean gorging. It simply means having a normal meal of your favorite foods to give you a mental break from your plan. When the meal is over, don't go back for seconds. Get right back on the 14-day plan instead.
Days 7 & 8 are also 60 minute off-day activity days.
Day 8 - Review your goals.
It's no good to write your goals down and then forget them. Review them at least weekly, if not daily. Heck, carry them around in your pocket and look at them at every meal.
As you workout, visualize yourself reaching your goals. Believe in yourself, keep a positive attitude, stay motivated and you'll continue to make fast fat loss progress every day.
This will also be another great day to plan, shop, and prepare.
Day 9 - Take It to Another Level
Week one was great, but with only 5 days left it is time for you to step it up again. This time I want you to hire a trainer for just one session to make sure you are doing all the exercises correctly and training as hard as you can (safely, of course).
Add this trainer to your support team. And by the way, a good trainer should be able to estimate your body fat better than any of those "fat scales" you can buy at a store...so get them to check that too.
Day 10 - Plan Your Next Shopping Trip
Today is another 60 minutes of off-day activity, and you'll also work on improving your nutrition even more. What I want you to do is focus on eating more from the Fat Loss Foundation.
The 3 components of my Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Foundation are raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Research shows that eating more of these 3 foods will help you lose weight better than a diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Make an effort to eat one new fruit, vegetable, and nut each week during your between meal snacks.
If you aren't already eating grapefruit, try one today and see how it helps fill you up (because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin). Add a new vegetable - such as broccoli, cauliflower, or asparagus - to your dinner. And try walnuts or pecans instead of almonds at your morning break.
Slowly but surely increase the fiber in your diet until you hit the recommended amount of 35 grams per day.
And I hope this goes without saying, but you should have eliminated all foods that contain added sugar. That is one the simplest yet most effective nutrition changes you can make.
Day 11 - Recruit Again
Add a new member into your social support team, such as a new workout partner or healthy-eating partner. This will add strength to your commitment. If possible, join a transformation contest online, or start one among your friends or co-workers.
But when you do that, keep in mind that you want to help other people succeed. The more you can help others lose fat, the more you will help yourself as you share what's working with your friends and they show you their fat loss secrets too. Stay positive, and you'll build a powerful fat loss team.
Today is also another fat loss workout day, so give it your best.
Day 12 - Check-In Time
Today you'll re-measure your weight, body fat, and measurements. Take a look in the mirror to compare yourself against your before photo to see big changes that will motivate you to stay strong.
I also want you to start thinking about getting a tan. Yes, I said getting a tan. Why? Because simply adding a little bit of color to your body can make you look leaner. There's a reason all those models in supplement ads are tanned, you know.
Finally, if there is a "big day" at the end of the 14-days, make sure you try on the outfit you are going to wear to double-check that it is going to look great on you.
Make sure you do this check-in either before your 60 minutes of activity or a few hours after so that exercise does not mess-up the numbers.
Day 13 - Mental Performance Review
Write down all obstacles that are still in your way of success, and then brainstorm 2 solutions to overcome each. Get some help from your social support team on this. The more you and your team share solutions, the more fat you - and everyone else - will lose.
For example, you might come up with rules like, "No eating in the car" to help cut down on bad food choices. Someone else might suggest "brush your teeth after dinner to avoid night-time snacking". Those are simple yet powerful tips to keep you on the fast-track to fat loss.
Follow up this positive session with your best TT workout yet!
Day 14 - Review, Plan, & Prepare
Congrats on making so many powerful changes in just 2 short weeks.
By now, you'll probably have lost 5-12 pounds of fat and just as importantly, you'll have developed proven, life-long fat burning habits that will be easy for you to stick to forever.
Keep this weight loss train moving by reviewing your original goals. Next, do your planning, shopping, and preparing for another week, and get ready for even more fat loss.
Enjoy your 14-day results and celebrate with a reward meal (and show off your firmer, leaner body at the big event too!).
Wishing you success!
Please email me with your success story in 14 days (or sooner!).
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Craig_Ballantyne/23799
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2LAshe8
14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide fast fat loss, fat loss via 1verybetterof http://bit.ly/2rOYsxj
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financiallymint · 6 years
How I Manage Money in College – Money Mistakes
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Second of the ‘How I manage money in college’ series! I am happy to present Jalpan Dave from Passive Income Engineering and his article on the important money mistakes he made in college and what he would have done differently. Some really great info here!
The story
My first encounter with the importance of money was back at the age of 13. My Dad’s friend gave him a copy of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Since I was an only child, the only people I could interact with at home where my parents so I’d poke my nose into whatever they were doing.
The timing was perfect – my summer holidays were coming up and there was this nice colourful book in front of me which for all I know was written by a 13 year old just like me who had two fathers, one of whom was rich and the other…not so much.
I spent the entire summer vacation reading the book from 11pm to 5am in the morning. It felt wonderful! The book talked about two little kids who were trying to earn more money and came up with all kinds of weird and wonderful ways to do so including trying to make coins themselves thereby counterfeiting money!
Even though it took me so long to finish the book, it’s key lessons were hard wired into my brain from that point on including:
The rich learn to make money to work for them
An asset puts money in your pocket, a liability takes money out of your pocket
Investing is one of the ways you can build assets and thereby put money in your pocket
The book had such a profound impact on me that I still carry that tattered old book with me. I have relocated several times in my life but I have never lost the book. I still have the copy I read back when I was 13 years old:
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Just looking at the book would remind me of the importance of investing so during college, I went to seminars about investing, read some more books and even took part in a stock investing competition in order to hone my skills.
Yet, when I graduated and started working, I had no idea where my money was going every month. Fortunately, I woke up one day and found I had $2,000 – enough money to buy some stocks. But despite all the books I had read and all the competitions I had taken part in, my mind went blank when it came to actually investing my real money.
Lesson learned: Knowledge is NOT power. APPLIED knowledge is power!
I started going to seminars and talks again hoping that someone will give me some “tips.” With the presentations and case studies that were shared at these seminars, I invested in 2 stocks. One of them, I still own to this day and it has paid me good dividends time after time.
The other stock… tanked 90% from the time I bought it! Thankfully, I had done my research so after 4 long years, I sold it back at the same price I bought it and got my money back so that I have to suffer no longer.
Eventually though, I learned the right way to invest and started earning income through investing as I write about on my blog.
However, every now and then, I meet someone who had gotten their act together since their college days. They do all the things that I do today now that I’m a little wiser. And every time I look at them, I think to myself, “I wish I hadn’t made these mistakes back in college.”
It dawned on me that fundamentally, what held me back during college was psychological. Subconsciously, I had been thinking “I’m still a student. I’m not supposed to me earning yet. Investing, earning, all those things are for people who have graduated already.”
Looking back, I wish someone had slapped me and told me to do all the things in college that I do now including:
1. Invest. For real.
Instead of thinking “I’ll invest the moment I get my first paycheck” I would have invested during college. This way, I could have made mistakes with small amounts of money instead of with a $2,000 sum which was far more painful to endure.
Most importantly, I would have been putting knowledge to practice which is more effective than simply gaining more knowledge. One reason why I wish there had been blogs like Financially Mint around is that it makes it much easier for college to get started with investing and sorting out their finances.
Every year you delay investing could mean several thousands of dollars (or pounds) lost over your lifetime. For instance, look at this article which proves that if you start investing at 25 as opposed to 35, all else being equal, you could end up with almost twice as much money later in life. Then pause for a second and think about what is possible if you started investing at 18 or 20 instead.
Imagine how far ahead you’ll be!
2. Start a side hustle.
Again, the main culprit here was my own limiting beliefs. “Adults start businesses. Not college students.”
Looking back, college would have been a perfect time to start a side hustle since there is no penalty for failure. If the business fails, big deal. I’d just get on with my studies and look for other ideas. I have no major bills to pay or a family to support. Moreover, if you ask someone in your university (a professor, your university’s entrepreneurship center etc…) chances are there are grants specifically intended for students to start businesses.
Today of course, you don’t even need much money to begin.
You could start a blog like many other students and working professionals, and if you really don’t want to spend any money you could always create a free account on medium.com and start blogging there.
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3. Build good financial habits.
I thought I had learned everything about money. It was a painful realisation that what I had actually learned is how important it is to learn about money! I found myself spending on a whim certain times whilst other times, I would pinch pennies like there was no tomorrow.
Eventually, I learned that the way to build good financial habits is to take 30 mins out on the first of every month to divide your money into different bank accounts.
One bank account for investing, one for long term savings, and yes, one account for having fun!
For instance, say you plan to spend no more than $700 every month. You could leave $400 in your main account for food and other necessities, transfer $100 to another account to save for the long term, $100 to yet another account to invest and then $100 to yet another account for going out with friends, travelling or doing whatever else you love to do.
Your bank may even allow you to hold different debit cards that are tied to these different accounts. So when you go out with friends, you spend using the debit card connected to your “having fun” account. Once you had spent your $100, you card would deny future payments hence ensuring that you never overspend.
Building such habits early on means you are more likely to stick to them for the rest of your life setting you up for a lifetime of financial success.
One of Steve Jobs’ favourite Hindu sayings went something like this – “For the first 30 years of your life, you form your habits. For the rest of your life, your habits form you.”
I’d like to end by saying that in today’s world, anyone can do anything. We can start businesses online with no money down. We can start investing while still in college and get a head start on growing our money. Do not wait until you graduate and “enter the real world” to pursue your dreams and build a better financial future.
You can start building a better future TODAY whilst you are still in college.
Now I’d love for you to tell me in the comments below:
What is one tiny little step or habit you will start today to put yourself in a better financial situation?
I read and respond to every comment!
Financially Mint top takeaways
Top mistakes to avoid in college
1. Not investing: Get started with these guides: UK, USA 2. Not side-hustling: Here are some cool jobs and side-hustle ideas 3. Not implementing good habits: budgeting, saving, investing.
A ton of valuable advice in this article. I really love the tip of having different debit cards for different types of spending. And the great important message: yes you can start anything, even in college. Who’s motivated to get started?!!
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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starmarketingz · 3 years
What if Network Marketing or MLM had 25 times the power? Network Marketing vs. Cooperative Marketing
The organisation relies on YOU to discover additional distributors and consumers to expand your business in the MLM or Network Marketing business model. The company then pays you a sales commission for your efforts.
If you sponsor other distributors, you may be rewarded for their efforts as well, but it's well-documented that most people fail in this type of business model because there is little or no money where there is no selling and no recruitment.
The cooperative marketing business model, on the other hand, allows you to simply purchase (or earn) the lifetime profit-sharing rights to legitimate consumers that the company secures for you.
That means YOU hold the rights to the lifetime purchasing value of that customer. Let me say it again: the customers are yours forever. The is, everytime that customer makes a purchase, you are rewarded. When that customer refers another customer, your sales efforts multiply even more. 
Can you comprehend the power of starting your business with real clients rather than having to go out and perform all of the selling and customer acquisition yourself? Consider that for a moment...
And, if you appreciate team building and recommending people, consider the convenience and simplicity of being able to offer others a "low participation residual income business" that they can literally start today and have customers the next day.
We know that the majority of MLMs are DISTRIBUTOR-based and rely on "internal consumption" of the company's products or services by these same distributors to sustain development.
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Within the MLM community, the arrival of the twenty-first century coincided with the peculiar occurrence of distributors shifting from company to company because they didn't make enough money quickly enough. Because of the economic downturn, these incidences have only increased in the last several years. As a result, the remaining dedicated and committed MLMers have watched attrition take over their downlines like an aggressive cancer, leaving them helpless as distributors depart in droves and, with them, the monthly autoships that produced their commissions.
Take it from someone who has experienced it: It's excruciating to see all of your hard work go down the drain!
When you compare the cooperative marketing business plan to ANY other online (or offline) company model, you may find that its buzz of being "the 'NEW CHAMPION' in the home-based business sector" is true.
A cooperative marketing firm is built on delighted customers purchasing stuff (not recruiting distributors). As a result, it's not rare to find a firm that is more than 90% CUSTOMERS, implying that less than 10% are in the industry to make money.
On the other hand, a typical MLM organisation (also known as "the downline") is made up of approximately 97 percent distributors wanting to supplement their income from home and just about 3 percent genuine consumers (defined here as customers that buy the products without the business opportunity attached to it). Isn't that a significant difference?
In an MLM enterprise, when a Distributor offers his/her business opportunity with ONE person and recruits that ONE person into his/her organisation, they end up with... (drum roll, please!) ONE new customer.
Not to mention that advertising and marketing are not for everyone. Some people are quite good at it, but the vast majority are not!
Let's not even get started on cold calling and phone prospecting! I can't think of anything more insulting than contacting a complete stranger and reading from a script, or worse, spewing information on them till they hang up in disgust.
However, with a cooperative marketing firm, you have the choice of sharing the business opportunity with ONE person (without being rejected), and when that person joins, he or she can have real consumers in their (and your) business the very next day.
That means that if you introduced ten people who each acquired (or eventually earned) the profit-rights to 25 customers, you'd now have 260 clients in YOUR firm (10 business affiliates/customers and 250 consumers) instead of just ten.
In contrast, most (if not all) MLMs present you with the business plan and then tell you to go out and "canvass the globe" for clients and distributors. I'll let you determine which road provides you with the most convenient and profitable journey.
That being said, it is critical that you obtain as much information as possible in order to accurately assess the long-term success of ANY reputable home business opportunity. More than 97 percent of those who start a home-based business fail. During this exasperating journey, the vast majority of them spend far more than they earn, so do everything you can to avoid being yet another statistic.
Sierra Sunset Enterprises' founder and CEO is Bill Walker. Based in Burbank, California, his company has functioned as a National Recruiting and Training Agency for 19 of the fastest-growing enterprises in the home-based business arena. With over two decades of experience in home-business entrepreneurship, Bill has frequently used the educational skills he learned as a classroom teacher for 14 years to mentor and train thousands of people who are currently running a home business or are thinking about starting one through seminars, phone conference calls, college extension classes, and other means. Bill is currently a strong supporter of Passive Income Programs (PIPs), which do not involve any selling or recruitment.
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This content originally appeared on Linkedin Pulse - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
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uneven-odds · 6 years
Honesty hour
The lovely @promisedmistake asked me to do this, so here we go <3
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? - can´t remember.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - shy.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - my bed.
4. Are you easy to get along with? - not really, I´m a little bit moody.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - no.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? - People with a good sense of humor, kind eyes and honesty.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - nope.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - No one.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - yes always.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Idk bruh it´s been to long since I had a deep conversation with anyone.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - “Somehow I dodged the topic.”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - Snuff by Slipknot, Out of the darkness by Matthew and the Atlas, You kill me by Paper Route, High Hopes by Patd and Room to breathe by You me at six.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - no.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - sort of.
15. What good thing happened this summer? - It isn´t summer yet but there are a few things I´m excited for.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - no.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - yes.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - no.
19. Do you like bubble baths? - yes.
20. Do you like your neighbors? - yeah kinda.
21. What are you bad habits? - i’m lazy and messy.
22. Where would you like to travel? - Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland and Amsterdam.
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - going to bed.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - everything.
26. What do you do when you wake up? - wishing to go back to sleep again.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - it is ok as it is.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - my closest friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? - nope.
30. Do you ever want to get married? - no.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - Yeah but not long enough to hold it for a while.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - Hugh Dancy and Dylan O´Brien.
33. Spell your name with your chin. - sayfrdsfd, well it could be worse.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - no.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - easy one, without TV.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - yes.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - “mhm” or nothing at all.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - a good sense of humor, nice hands, kind eyes, honest, binge watching partner and just someone who can make me smile even if I don´t feel like it.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I hate shopping, unless I shop books. If i have to I shop online.
40. What do you want to do after high school? - I´m not in high school anymore, sooo I go to university, something I always wanted to do.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - depends on the person.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - that something is off.
43. Do you smile at strangers? - sometimes.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - my alarm clock.
46. What are you paranoid about? - tbh? atm everything.
47. Have you ever been high? - nope.
48. Have you ever been drunk? - yes.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - yeah.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? -black.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - yes.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - kinda everything.
53. Favourite makeup brand? - don’t have one.
54. Favourite store? - don’t have one.
55. Favourite blog? - i really love @promisedmistake and @sirenja-and-the-stag      blogs.
56. Favourite colour? - blue.
57. Favourite food? - Chinese food.
58. Last thing you ate? - A bun.
59. First thing you ate this morning? - Ice cream.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - nope.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? - yes, because I disturbed the lesson with someone else.
62. Been arrested? For what? - no.
63. Ever been in love? - yes.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - A boy asked me if he should show me how adults kiss and i was curious so I said yes....it was disgusting. I was three or four at this time.
65. Are you hungry right now? - no.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - nearly all my real friends are on tumblr so...
67. Facebook or Twitter? - Twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? - Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now? - no.
70. Names of your bestfriends? - Nico.
71. Craving something? What? - Sleep.
72. What colour are your towels? - mostly white.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - 4 or 5.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - no.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - 5 or 6.
75. Favourite animal? - cats.
76. What colour is your underwear? - green.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? - vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - peanut butter.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - brown.
80. What colour pants? - black.
81. Favourite tv show? - Hannibal.
82. Favourite movie? - The death cure and The great gatsby, can´t decide.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - Mean Girls.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - Mean Girls.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? - Regina George.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - Dory.
87. First person you talked to today? - To the head of my seminar.
88. Last person you talked to today? - my best friend.
89. Name a person you hate? - my stepdad.
90. Name a person you love? - my grandfather.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - yes.
92. In a fight with someone? - no.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - 5.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - 5 or 7.
95. Last movie you watched? - Solo a Star Wars story.
96. Favourite actress? - Viola Davis.
97. Favourite actor? - Hugh Dancy.
98. Do you tan a lot? - I tan easily.
99. Have any pets? - yes, a lovely cat.
100. How are you feeling? - tired, kinda like I´m fading and empty. Idk.
101. Do you type fast? - yeah.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - yes.
103. Can you spell well? - yes.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yeah.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - yes.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes.
108. What should you be doing? - studying.
109. Is something irritating you right now? - yeah.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yes still do.
111. Do you have trust issues? - Didn´t we had this question already?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - my mum and my grandmother.
113. What was your childhood nickname? - Sari, Lala and Sasha.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes.
115. Do you play the Wii? - no.
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? - Yes.
118. Do you like Chinese food? - I love chinese food.
119. Favourite book? - How to stop time by Matt Haig.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? - No, I love it.
121. Are you mean? - Yeah, sometimes.
122. Is cheating ever okay? - no never.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - Oh hell no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - not really.
125. Do you believe in true love? -nope.
126. Are you currently bored? - not really.
127. What makes you happy? - my friends, my family, my cats, books, rain and Hannibal.
128. Would you change your name? - no.
129. What your zodiac sign? - capricorn.
130. Do you like subway? - nope.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - I would be surprised because he is gay.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Why are u asking me this again? Scroll up bitch.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - “ I was dead and I was dying at your doorway I did not see you, you did not appear and between the years I might have come to know you but I don't own you, that much is clear ”
134. Can you count to one million? - yes.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? - that it wasn´t me.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed.
137. How tall are you? - 5′3″.
138. Curly or Straight hair? - a mix of both.
139. Brunette or Blonde? - brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? - winter.
141. Night or Day? - night.
142. Favourite month? -november.
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - dark.
145. Tea or Coffee? - Both but I love coffee a little bit more.
146. Was today a good day? - no.
147. Mars or Snickers? - Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote? - “ We know what we are, but know not what we may be”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line: “ It was definitely too late to wake my neighbors, and I was too hygienic to urinate in the sink.”
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I’ve actually received a few people interested in my current list of podcasts so I’m writing them all down (also it’ll be helpful in case my podcast app decides to crash and wipe my library for the fourth time)
I just want to preface this by saying I’m probably still missing a few that I haven’t been able to remember. Also there’s a few on here that have finished, a few I’ve stopped listening to and am waiting to see if I’ll go back to, and a few that I haven’t gotten around to listening to yet.
1. 2 Dope Queens 2. 36 Questions 3. A New Winter 4. A Scottish Podcast 5. Action Science Theatre 6. Active Radioactive Radio 7. The Adventure Zone 8. The Adventures of Mechabetty 9. The After Disaster Broadcast 10. Alba Salix, Royal Physician 11. The Alexandra Archives 12. Alice isn’t Dead 13. All in the Mind 14. And that’s why we Drink 15. Anything Ghost 16. Archive 81 17. Ark City 18. Ars Paradoxica 19. Astonishing Legends 20. Athiest Apocalypse 21. Attention Hellmart Shoppers 22. Audio Diary of a Superhero 23. Audio Drama Production 24. Audio Verse Awards 25. Augustine 26. Aural Traditions: Anthology 27. Aural Traditions: Crosswired 28. Beast of Bardon College 29. Bedtime Stories 30. Beef and Dairy Network 31. Big Data 32. Bizarre States 33. The Black Tapes 34. The Blood Crow Stories 35. Boone Shepard 36. The Box 37. The Bridge 38. The Bright Sessions 39. Bronzeville 40. The Bunker 41. Bunker Buddies 42. Busy Gamer Nation presents I Love Bees 43. The Call of Cthulhu Mysteries 44. Carpe DM 45. Celestial Blood 46. The Cleansed 47. Code: Severe 48. Coffee Break Chinese 49. Conversations with People who Hate Me 50. Cool Games 51. Cop Doctors 52. Corpse Club 53. Creepy 54. Critical Hit 55. Critical Role 56. Crossing Wires 57. The Cryptid Keeper 58. Cthulhu and Friends 59. Cults 60. D&D is for Nerds 61. The Dark Tome 62. Darkest Night 63. Dead Oaks 64. Dead Ringers 65. Dead Serious 66. Deadly Manners 67. Dear Hank + John 68. Deck the Halls 69. The Deep Vault 70. Defence Learning Portal 71. Detective 72. Diana’s Monster 73. Diary of a Mad Man 74. Dinosaur Park 75. Discovery 76. The Discovery Adventures 77. Don’t Worry; It’s Only the End of the World 78. Dopple Avenue Hurt 79. The Drift and Ramble 80. Drywater 81. DWM presents Unwritten 82. The Earth Collective 83. Easy Japanese 84. Edict Zero 85. The Elysium Project 86. Empty 87. End of All Hope 88. EOS 10 89. Fables Radio 90. The Faculty of Horror 91. Fall of the House of Sunshine 92. The Family Tree 93. The Far Meridian 94. Fictional 95. Field Craft Survival 96. Flash Forward 97. Focused AF 98. Freed 99. Friends at the Table 100. Gallowtree Radio 101. Geek by Night 102. Generation Why 103. The Ghost Radio Project 104. Ghosts in the Burbs 105. Girl in Space 106. The Good Friends of Jackson Elias 107. Good Morning Zahera Ward 108. The Gray Area 109. Greater Boston 110. Hackable? 111. The Harry Strange Radio Drama 112. Haunted Places 113. The Haven Chronicles 114. Hayward Sanitarium 115. Heaven’s Gate 116. Hector vs the Future 117. Hello from the Magic Tavern 118. Help Me 119. Henderson + Havner 120. Herbarium Podcasts 121. History of Alchemy 122. The History of Rome 123. Hollywood and Crime 124. Homecoming 125. Horror City 126. How to do Everything 127. How we Roll 128. Hunt the Truth 129. Hush 130. I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats 131. Illusionoid 132. Immunities 133. In Darkness Vast 134. The Infinite 135. The Infinite Bad 136. The Infinite Now 137. Inkwyrm 138. Inner Sanctum 139. Inside the Exorcist 140. Inside the NYPD 141. International Waters 142. It Makes A Sound 143. Jim Robbie and the Wanderers 144. Join the Party 145. Junction 146. Kakos Industries 147. Kevin’s Cryptids 148. King Falls AM 149. The Kingery 150. Knifepoint Horror 151. Knights of the Night 152. Knite Coffee! 153. Lake Clarity 154. The Last Podcast on the Left 155. The Late Night Driving Show 156. LEARN 157. The Lesbian Romantic 158. Lesser Gods 159. The Leviathan 160. Liberty 161. LifeAfter 162. The Lift 163. Limetown 164. Lore 165. The Lost Cat 166. The Lovecraft Covenant 167. Lucyd 168. Mabel 169. Magic Lessons 170. The Magnus Archives 171. Mars Corp 172. Marsfall 173. The McElroy Brothers will be in Trolls 2 174. The Meat Blockade 175. The Mental Illness Happy Hour 176. Misadventure by Death 177. Miskatonic University 178. Mission to Zyxx 179. Modern Audio Drama 180. Mollyville 181. The Moonlit Road 182. My Brother, My Brother, and Me 183. My Brother, My Brother, and Me: Fantasy Football League 184. My Favourite Murder 185. Mysterious Universe 186. The Mythology Podcast 187. Myths and Legends 188. Neon Nights 189. The Night Blogger 190. Night Time 191. No Extra Words 192. No Such Thing as a Fish 193. The No Sleep Podcast 194. Oak Podcast 195. The Orbiting Human Circus (of the air) 196. Organism 197. The Orphans 198. The Orpheus Protocol 199. Ostium 200. The Other Stories 201. Otherverse 202. Our Fair City 203. Paralyzed 204. Passage 205. The Penumbra Podcast 206. Pleasure Town 207. Plumbing the Death Star 208. Podcast Detected 209. The Podcast Method 210. Podcasts Collected 211. Point Mystic 212. Poplar Cove 213. Powder Burns 214. Public Domain Universe 215. Purrcast 216. Qwerpline 217. Rabbits 218. Radiation World 219. Radio Demons 220. Ray Gunn + Starburst 221. Real Ghost Stories Online 222. Return Home 223. Rex Rivetter: Private Eye 224. Rippercast 225. The Rogues Gallery 226. Rose Drive 227. Rover Red 228. Ruby: The Adventures of a Galactic Gumshoe 229. Rusty Quill Gaming 230. S-Town 231. Sable 232. Saffron and Peri 233. Sage + Savant 234. Sawbones 235. Sayer 236. Scared? 237. Secret Cabinet 238. Seminar 239. Serial 240. Serial Killers 241. The Shadowvane Podcast 242. Shattered Worlds RPG 243. Shut up a Second 244. Sirenicide 245. Small Town Horror 246. Snap Judgements Presents: Spooked 247. SOFREP Radio 248. Someone Knows Something 249. Space 250. Space Log 251. Spines 252. Spire 253. Spirits 254. Star Talk 255. Station to Station 256. Stay Talkingish 257. Steal the Stars 258. The Strange Case of Starship Iris 259. Strange 260. Strangers in Space 261. Stuff to Blow your Mind 262. Stuff you Should Know 263. Subject: Found 264. Subvercity Transmit 265. Supervillian Corner 266. Synesthesia Theatre 267. Taking Care of Paul 278. Tales of Nowhere 269. Tales of THATTOWN 270. Tanis 271. Terms 272. Theatre for the Mind 273. The Theatre of Tomorrow 274. The Thrilling Adventure Hour 275. Timelapse 276. Tokyo Hotel 277. Tribulation 278. True Crime Garage 279. The Tunnels 280. Twelve Chimes it’s Midnight 281. Uncanny County 282. Uncanny Japan 283. Under Pressure 284. Undiscovered 285. Unexplained 286. Unsolved Murders 287. Urban Chicken Podcast 288. Urban Decay 289. Victoriocity 290. We’re Alive 291. We’re Alive: Lockdown 292. We’re so Bad at Adventuring 293. Weird Work 294. Welcome to Night Vale 295. What the Cluck 296. What’s the Frequency 297. The White Vault 298. The Wicked Library 299. Wisecracks: The Squanch 300. Within the Wires 301. Wolf 359 302. Wooden Overcoats 303. The Writers Panel 304. You Are Here 305. Zoolaplex And a couple of podcasts that haven’t come out yet: 306. The Big Loop 307. Tarnum
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johnboothus · 4 years
EOD Drinks: Peggy Noe Stevens
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In this episode of “End of Day Drinks,” Peggy Noe Stevens discusses her organization Bourbon Women and what the bourbon industry needs to do to promote inclusion. After becoming the world’s first female master bourbon taster, Stevens used her expertise to create Bourbon Women. There, other women can learn more about the spirit through workshops and what she calls “edu-tainment.” While some events revolve around bourbon food pairing and education, Bourbon Women has also debunked industry-wide myths that women prefer weaker bourbon. In fact, after holding a series of blind tastings, Stevens’ team found women actually prefer stronger, spicier, higher-proof, and more robust whiskies.
Here, Stevens shares what a master bourbon taster does day to day and some of the bourbon pairing advice from her new book, “Which Fork Do I Use with My Bourbon?”
She also discusses some of the issues in the bourbon industry and what steps retailers and trade show pros can make to take women seriously in the whiskey world. She insists that producers don’t have to “pinkify” a product, and should instead ensure they’re making space for more women to ask questions about different products.
Bourbon Women will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year, with thousands of women now in its ranks. Since Covid, the team has shifted to virtual events that have increased access to bourbon education for hundreds of women, including past “Sip-posiums” and an upcoming Toast to the Tenth Celebration.
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Adam: From VinePair’s New York City headquarters, this is “End of Day Drinks,” where we sit down with the movers and shakers in the beverage industry. So pour yourself a glass and listen along with us. Let’s start the show. On today’s episode of “EOD Drinks,” we’re talking with Peggy Noe Stevens, the first female master bourbon taster and the founder of Bourbon Women.
Bourbon Women is an organization for women who are passionate about bourbon culture, women, and the promise of adventure when the two are combined. It’s an independent forum that brings women of all walks of life together over a glass of bourbon with a focus on initiating, cultivating, and inspiring deep and meaningful relationships; encouraging the development of women personally, professionally, and courageously; and supporting members in their journey to become the best versions of themselves in the world of bourbon. Additionally, they provide a safe, inclusive environment for fun, discovery, and learning. This was an interview that we recorded with Peggy right before the holidays. So she also gives us a little bit of information on pairing bourbon with some of her favorite dishes. All right, Katie and team, take it away.
Katie: Hello and welcome to VinePair’s “End of Day Drinks” podcast. I’m Katie, I’m the editorial associate here at VinePair. And I’m lucky enough today to be here with Peggy Noe Stevens. Peggy, thank you for joining us.
Peggy: Oh, my pleasure. Happy holidays to you.
K: You, too. Peggy is the world’s first female master bourbon taster and the founder of Bourbon Women, which is the first women’s consumer organization in the beverage industry, so we’re really lucky to have her on. I’m also joined by some of my fellow editorial team. So Adam Teeter, VinePair’s co-founder. Hey, Adam.
A: Hey Katie, what’s up?
K: And then Cat Wolinski, who is VinePair’s senior editor.
Cat: Hey, everyone, and hello, Peggy. So exciting to have you on.
P: Thank you.
K: So, Peggy, we’re so excited to have you, especially right before the holidays, and talk about everybody’s favorite fall and winter drink — that is bourbon. And we all brought a bourbon drink today. Right? So I’m curious what everyone decided to mix up.
P: I got to tell you, I’m even more curious on what y’all gravitated towards. So I’m all ears. I’m all ears.
A: I’m drinking bourbon the way I normally drink it, which is straight.
K: And what bourbon did you choose?
A: What am I drinking?
K: Yeah.
A: I mean, Peggy, are you gonna get mad at me if I tell you — I’m drinking Evan Williams single barrel.
P: Why would I be mad about that? In fact, I think I’m a little jealous, actually.
A: I just find it to be like, an amazing bourbon for the money.
P: Absolutely.
K: Cat, what about you?
C: So I also usually sip my bourbon neat, but in the festivity of the podcast, I tried to make a cocktail really quickly. I was going for a Hot Toddy because that’s sort of my thing the past couple of weeks. But I didn’t really have time to make it hot. So I basically just tried to mix in a drop or two of honey into a couple of ounces of Rare Breed. And I expressed some fresh mint leaves and dropped them in there, and mixed it up with an ice cube. The honey did not dissolve, which is probably not surprising, but it’s actually really tasty.
K: That’s quite fancy for a last-minute cocktail.
P: I’m impressed, actually.
C: We got creative in all that time working from home. You know, it’s like this is my chance to have some fun and do something weird.
K: Totally. What about you, Peggy?
P: Well, I have been doing some blind tastings today because I’m a whiskey reviewer for American Whiskey Magazine. So when I do that and I’m just tasting straight, I always want a real cocktail after I do that. And so it was perfect timing for your podcast. And I made a black Manhattan. And what I love about those, it’s your typical add your bourbon, but I also put a little bit of bitters, some cherry syrup, and then I put some amaro and that’s why they call it a black Manhattan, because you just put enough to change the color of the cocktail to a darker color.
K: That sounds delicious.
C: I don’t think I’ve ever put amaro in my whiskey like that.
P: And that’s the thing. It’s so funny because I find out that so many people don’t because they do vermouth instead. But I was turned on to this, oh gosh, probably five years ago. It was actually another bourbon woman that taught me about it. And once I did, I was hooked. And it’s kind of my go-to cocktail these days.
K: That’s awesome. Well, I’m drinking some apple cider that I heated up and I just put a little bit of Maker’s Mark in there. It’s really delicious. There’s a place right near by me that smells like fresh cider. So I’ve been drinking it a lot, spiked and not, throughout the days here because it’s really cold. I’m in Colorado, Peggy. So it’s been snowing, and it just feels like the perfect winter drink.
P: That sounds delicious. Absolutely. I hear a lot of Toddies, of course, and I just wrote an article about warm winter drinks. So you all are right in line.
K: We’re on trend. That’s good to know.
A: Always good to know.
K: So, Peggy, can you talk a little bit about Bourbon Women? I know that bourbon is obviously a very male-dominated industry, so I’ve just been curious what it’s like for you to lead a bunch of women in that space. And how have you seen things change over the course of your time working in bourbon?
P: Oh, wow. Well, it’s been an evolution, and the best way I can say it is when I was young in the industry and I worked for major spirits company, I was a master taster, female master taster, and I would travel around and conduct tastings and largely 90 percent, if not 98 percent in the audience were male. And if there were any kind of trickle of women, it would be just a couple. But I’d never hear from them during the seminar. They would always come up after the seminar and I was really understanding their loyalty to bourbon, how they loved it, how engaged they were during the seminar, but they just never raised their hand. And so fast-forward to when I started my own company and the industry still really wasn’t having what I call a conversation with women. They were out there. So I conducted a bunch of focus groups throughout Kentucky and asked women, what do you want? You know, if there was an organization or a way that the industry would talk to you about bourbon, what would that be? And would you like it? And it was just overwhelmingly unanimous. And so Bourbon Women Organization was born right after that. And that has been literally 10 years ago. And I’m happy to say that we now have thousands of women across the U.S., some international, we’re celebrating our 10-year anniversary. We’re calling it a Toast to the Tenth in 2021. I’m glad it wasn’t in 2020. And we’re having a two-day virtual where we celebrate 10 cities with distilleries and we have formal branches in, a little bit over 10 now, like New York, California, etc. And I’m just so excited about the enthusiasm that these women have shown because we’ve conducted well over 250 events across the nation in that period of time. All lifestyle events, whether it’s cooking with bourbon, bourbon tastings, whiskey comparisons, we’ve had distillery speakers, master distillers come in and the women just love it. And virtually where we thought we were so disappointed that we couldn’t do our annual sip-posium. That’s “Sip-posium” in 2020 because usually about 350 women come in for an entire weekend for bourbon excursions and culinary dinners at distilleries and all of these things. It was OK because we ended up doing a three-day virtual conference back in August and our reach through that virtual conference — there’s always a silver lining to 2020 — really extended it to more women. So we don’t know what to expect at our next conference in 2021 because we had just so many women reaching out saying, what’s this about? How do we join? They just loved it. So I could not be more pleased with how the industry has supported us, helped fund us at these different events, and how the women have responded.
K: That’s awesome. And so you said that you’ve been kind of conducting that virtually, which I think is really cool because obviously it does help gain access for people who might not have been able to go travel. So I think that’s really awesome. I’m curious, as a master bourbon taster, first of all, if you could talk about — what does a master bourbon taster do, and how does that work during this virtual world that we’re currently living in during Covid?
P: Right. Well, first of all, I became a master bourbon taster. I was the first female master bourbon taster in the world, if you can believe it. That was back in the ’90s. And I remember almost taking a pause when they said, do you realize you’re the first one ever given this title as a female? And I thought that was, as excited as I was, and honored that I was, it was almost odd to me. Right, because I couldn’t believe that in the 1990s that we were that far behind. But what a master taster does, it can be different from distillery to distillery because that’s how we roll in our industry. And there’s master blenders, master distillers, and we each kind of do our own thing. The master taster is usually quality control, it is usually identifying flavor profiles within the whiskey to have the consumers understand what they’re drinking. And I would conduct tastings. I served as an ambassador for a particular brand for quite some time, and then in my own company, it became truly part of my business. Business being sourcing whiskey for different companies that wanted to start a distillery. I mentioned just a minute ago that I was doing some blind tasting. I do whiskey reviews. I’m a spirits judge and invited to many spirit competitions to really kind of profile different whiskeys and judge the quality of them. So a master taster can really envelop quite a few areas within the industry. And it’s been tons of fun. It has been something that I purely enjoy and have truly parlayed my love for a whiskey palate into food pairings with bourbon. And so that’s another passion of mine. And so I just came out with a book along with my good friend Susan Reigler, who’s also a spirits writer. It’s called “Which Fork Do I Use with my Bourbon?” Because people are almost gun shy. They think wine is the only thing that could ever go with food. And that is certainly not the case because bourbon is so complex. So we not only teach in the book the tricks of the trade, but how to conduct a tasting, what to look for in a bourbon, how to food pairing, how to entertain in your home using bourbon. So we kind of took everything that I’ve ever learned, I think, in bourbon and entertaining, and put it in the book so that a consumer could enjoy it in their own home.
A: So, Peggy, you’ve been around bourbon for a very long time, obviously very famous family connection to bourbon. I’m curious to really dig in here and talk about what the bourbon industry needs to do, and I think the whiskey industry, in general, to make itself more welcoming to women, because there are so many people that talk to us, readers who say, “I’m a massive whiskey drinker, but I just don’t feel like the industry ever talks to me. I don’t feel like the brands talk to me. They always assume that it’s just something that men drink.” And so what does the industry need to do better? And what do we as a publication need to do better in order to ensure that we are talking to women equally when it comes to talking about whiskey?
P: Well, I simply love that you’ve identified that and have asked that big, bold question. And there’s quite a bit that can be done. One of the premises, too, of the Bourbon Women Organization was not just to start a conversation with women and give what I call edu-tainment to women, but it was also to debunk the myth that the industry had. They thought that a woman, in order to drink bourbon, that they would have to dumb it down and make it sweeter and lighter proof and not so robust. And it was quite the opposite. So one of the things that we really dug into was research. And we conducted, again, blind tastings. We conducted tasting profiles based on a woman’s palate. And what we found hands down is that women across the board, this is no coincidence, liked stronger, spicier, higher-proof, and more robust whiskies. And so when we deliver that information, we kind of what I said, debunked the myth that’s out there to let spirits companies know, don’t dumb it down, you don’t have to “pinkify” it just for a woman to enjoy it, to make it more welcoming for a woman. And I’ll just take a quick example. Take your whiskey trade show. I have attended so many of those across the country and scores of men will come in, women will come in. And I have noticed that the representatives sometimes behind the table that are pouring the whiskey, they really pay attention to the men. And they’re pouring the whiskey and they’re talking to the men. And the women almost have to beg for a glass or say, “Hey, I’m over here.” And they need to identify with women when they are approached by a woman. To talk to them, to welcome them, to give them that glass, ask them if they have questions. Because what we have found is these women are no whiskey 101 people. They know their stuff. They are researchers, they’re educated, they’re working women. They study just like men do. Another area that I think is really important, too, is in the retail stores, especially when you go to a liquor store and a woman is going down the aisle looking at bourbons, to ask her if she needs any assistance and let her ask questions. That’s another area that I think is really important. Some of the events that we hold, we just did one, for example, with Four Roses. We call it the Sip and Stream. And we did a hand-selected barrel pick with Four Roses and bottled it and sold it in the liquor stores and it was specified to a women’s palate. We did another one with Maker’s Mark this holiday season. It sold out in two hours, a whole barrel of bourbon sold out in two hours by the women buying it because that shows passion. So I think the more we show the love that females can have with this industry and with a product, it’s quite profitable for the industry because we’re the other half of the population.
A: Exactly.
C: More than half, in most cases. I was going to ask, Peggy, what you think about the cross-collaboration with other beverage industries? Because today, we actually just published our 50 Best Beers of the year, and one of them was the Brooklyn Brewery Black Ops 2019 Vintage, which was aged in Four Roses barrels. And that was a really special treat for us to try and ended up in our top 50. And something we see a lot in beer, like bourbon-barrel-aging products, and we see it everywhere now, I mean, what’s your opinion on, is bourbon reaching beer drinkers that way, or is beer reaching bourbon drinkers? And then finally, what about bourbon-barrel-aged wines?
P: Well, I have to tell you, I think you struck a really hot trend right now, and first and foremost, I shall say I’m an equal opportunity drinker. I will have a beer, I will drink wine, I will drink my bourbon. So that’s good because we can all play together and we can play together very well between all the different industries. What’s a very hot trend right now are what is called “finishes” or barrel-aged products. In fact, I just wrote another article called “The Final Finish,” where a lot of bourbons are traditionally making their bourbon as they normally do, but they are sourcing different barrels. They might be an Armagnac barrel. It might be a Calvados barrel, it may be a rum barrel. And they’re doing a finish by letting the bourbon, some of the bourbon rest in that secondary barrel. And that is called technically a barrel-finished product. So with beer, using the interior of a barrel, we can only use in our industry a barrel one time. That’s according to our bourbon definition, white charred oak barrel, one time use. And then we sell it to people like wineries and tequila will buy bourbon barrels, the Scotch industry, etc. But what everybody needs to know is that usually up to 85 percent of the flavors, the best flavors of that barrel are given to bourbon. And then the used barrel you can still, of course, get great-quality flavor. It just takes a little bit longer. And because bourbon is complex and adds so many great congeners to beer, wine, etc.,  that’s why you’re seeing such a trend, because of our complexity. And there are some really great bourbons that are Cabernet-finished that I have tasted. There are really great beers that are bourbon-barrel finished. So I think it’s really insightful. I think it’s innovative, and I think we need to keep playing with each other.
K: So going back to something that you mentioned a bit ago, you were talking about how a lot of people think that wine is the only thing that you can pair with food, and that you completely disagree. You think bourbon can pair really well with food. Can you talk a little bit about some of your favorite bourbon and food pairings?
P: Oh, sure. It depends, of course. I love to pair bourbon throughout the course of the meal, so when I entertain in my home and have groups of people over that are bourbon fanatics, we don’t serve wine. I pair a different bourbon with each course and also with the appetizers. So we have a ton of fun doing that. But I would say appetizers to me are the most fun to pair because you can really get layers and layers of flavor. One in particular that I’m making for Christmas, it’s a Christmas holiday, one that I favor, it is a mushroom cap and I take country ham and Boursin cheese, which is kind of an herbed cheese, and I blend those together. I stuff the mushroom, brush it all with olive oil, and then I bake them until the cheese is kind of bubbly. And I serve that with a barrel-strength whiskey, because it is a very earthy flavor with between the country ham, very savory, and earthy again with the mushrooms. And then that herb cheese with the olive oil — it is just phenomenal how it harmonizes with that salty country ham. So you almost need, because it is so rich, you almost need a barrel-strength bourbon to almost cut through some of that savoriness. And what it brings to the table is this overlay of caramel note and vanilla note. So think about all the flavors that I just spoke of coming together and taking a bite of that.
C: That sounds delicious.
A: Yeah, you’re making me really hungry.
P: You know, that’s why I just love dissecting an appetizer and kind of breaking down all the flavors and then, you know, what to pair it with.
A: So you’ve obviously seen the bourbon industry evolve over the past few decades. What do you think is to explain for two things? One, just it’s explosive growth in general. And two, the recent sort of explosion of these certain bottles that become collector’s items and then the prices just become insane. So I’m thinking, obviously we all know Pappy Van Winkle, but, you know now it’s basically anything that comes out of Sazerac, right? It’s all of these different producers that I remember for example, I used to be able to buy some of these for 30 bucks, you know, five, six years ago. And now I can’t even find some of these producers on the shelves. What do you think is explaining all of that fervor around bourbon?
P: Well, I will tell you, going back, let’s say, to the mid-’90s bourbon, actually, I’ll go back to the ’80s, bourbon actually had a decline in the ’80s, and we weren’t doing a great job of marketing across the world. Globally, Scotch was kicking our butts, if you will. And so I think what happened in the ’90s, we started to see a resurgence and it was a myriad of things. It was the cocktail culture. For example, bartenders were starting to bring back some retro cocktails like the Manhattans, the Old Fashioneds, Highballs that demanded use of bourbon. And so I think cocktails really helped people gravitate back to bourbon. I think pop culture had a huge hand, like “Mad Men,” if you watched that, they drank a lot of bourbon.
K: Totally.
P: And so with all these influences happening, we became better marketers. We launched the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, which, it’s a bucket list thing to do now, where you can travel around to the different distilleries throughout Kentucky, I think we now have over 60 distilleries in Kentucky. So we just started to do a better job globally as well, breaking into markets, having other destinations. Japan especially fell in love with bourbon. So globally, we developed a better footprint in reach. And so that’s really — it didn’t happen overnight. And we’ve seen a trajectory. I think the Kentucky Distillers Association, about five or six years ago, did a 20-year trajectory that our growth would continue. And so far it has, so knock on wood. Now, the other side of the coin I think that you spoke about was limited expressions and exclusivity. That seems to be right now anyway, the name of the game. I think that scarcity of product like Blanton’s for example, you mentioned Sazerac. It’s really difficult to find right now and where once I could buy a case at the local liquor store.
A: Me, too!
P: And its fervor, as I call it, or fever, I should call it, of consumers who, it’s all kind of word of mouth. “Oh, this you’ve got to try this. They’re running out of that.” And also the distilleries now jumping on that bandwagon of limited expression. You see Woodford Reserve doing a bit of that, just saying we even put this in a smaller bottle because there’s only a limited amount. The more exclusive, the more people want. And that is my distinct impression. And there are, believe me, some bourbons out there that I just think are incredible that are worth the price of purchase. Peerless is making a beautiful rye right now. Colonel Taylor, I can’t even find myself.
A: I can’t either. I love Colonel Taylor, too. And I can’t find it anywhere.
P: Right. It’s exceptional, but it’s so darn hard to find. So even though those have become what I call “cult products,” you just wonder, though, when people kind of give up and say, we’re just going to have to start drinking something else because we can never find it. So when does the pendulum swing?
A: Well, and just as a follow-up there, that’s what I’m wondering. Because that’s what we’re hearing on the editorial side from Irish whiskey producers, from Scotch, again, who are starting to say, well, we’re producing liquids with age that is sometimes older than a lot of these 10-year-old bourbons people are going crazy for. And you can find us and we’re also 35 bucks. And is this our opportunity? And I think what you’re talking about here is really interesting, because the fact that you’re recognizing that that could be a problem, that that’s a threat for bourbon, that the scarcity that everyone’s obsessed with now could possibly hurt the category is really interesting to me.
K: Yeah, definitely.
P: Well, it’s my perspective, and they’ve proven me wrong many times, I’m sure. But my perspective is I think it’s really cool that people are excited about bourbon and exclusivity. I think it’s really exciting. It’s just at what threshold will a consumer stand back and say, we’ll wait for that whiskey to come out or we’ll wait for that — you know, I just don’t know that answer. It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. And I described it recently to somebody as an analogy of art. You know, I know that if I look at an art piece, it might touch me personally, but it might not touch my husband personally because he thinks it’s ugly. And so bourbon is kind of in the eye of the beholder, just like art is.
A: I like that.
C: So, Peggy, I actually have a question that’s taking the opposite perspective from long loved-legacy bottles. In the Bourbon Women group, how many people are you seeing who are aspiring entrepreneurs, who are looking to start their own bourbon brands or whiskey brands or launch another kind of business in this industry?
P: Many. Now, we are a consumer group — we just happen to have industry people that like us and join as well — but we are truly a consumer group. However, within that consumer environment, I know there’s a woman right now who actually retired from her first industry love because she fell in greater love with bourbon. And now she has a job in the bourbon industry. And we see a lot of that, that people have fallen in love with the culture. They had no idea that it could be a career. So we try to network women as much as possible. That’s part of our mission with Bourbon Women is to create a great networking resource for those young females. I was on the phone just the other day with another young individual millennial that is in a totally different industry, but she worked during the summers at a distillery, really wants to start a career in that. So she sent me a resume. I’m circulating her resume. We have those kinds of connections and we can’t do it, of course, for everybody. But as many as we can touch that are female, we do.
K: That’s awesome. Well, Peggy, thank you so much for coming today and talking to us about all things bourbon: Bourbon Women, bourbon pairings. You are clearly super knowledgeable about the subject and we were very excited to have you come. So we really appreciate it.
P: Well, I loved it. And if anybody is interested in joining Bourbon Women just go to BourbonWomen.org. You will see our February event Toast to the 10th on Feb. 25 and 26. And I hope everybody joins us. You’ll see what we’re about.
K: Great. Well, congratulations on 10 years, that’s so exciting.
P: Thank you.
A: Thank you so much.
C: Thank you, Peggy. It’s been a pleasure.
P: All right. Bye bye.
Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of “EOD Drinks.” If you’ve enjoyed this program, please leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts. It really helps other people discover the show. And tell your friends. We want as many people as possible listening to this amazing program.
And now for the credits. “End of Day Drinks” is recorded live in New York City at VinePair’s headquarters. And it is produced, edited, and engineered by VinePair tastings director, yes, he wears a lot of hats, Keith Beavers. I also want to give a special thanks to VinePair’s co-founder, Josh Malin, to the executive editor Joanna Sciarrino, to our senior editor, Cat Wolinski, senior staff writer Tim McKirdy, and our associate editor Katie Brown. And a special shout-out to Danielle Grinberg, VinePair’s art director who designed the sick logo for this program. The music for “End of Day Drinks” was produced, written and recorded by Darby Cici. I’m VinePair co-founder Adam Teeter, and we’ll see you next week. Thanks a lot.
Ed. note: This episode has been edited for length and clarity.
The article EOD Drinks: Peggy Noe Stevens appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/eod-drinks-peggy-noe-stevens/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/eod-drinks-peggy-noe-stevens
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abigailskoda · 4 years
Social Media Marketing, Truth and Lies
Social Media Marketing appears  cheap instagram likes $1 to be the modern buzz word for absolutely everyone seeking to increase their online presence and income, however is Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it's far cracked as much as be?
S.M.M businesses are actually bobbing up all around the location in recent times and they're telling every person in order to concentrate approximately how highly crucial social media like Facebook twitter and YouTube are on your enterprise but, for the average small to medium sized enterprise, does advertising to social networks virtually stay as much as all the hype? Is spending a small fortune on hiring a SMM enterprise surely really worth it? And has every person certainly executed their research on this before they hired a person to set up there Facebook enterprise page? Some SMM businesses are putting in things like Facebook enterprise pages (which are unfastened) for $600 to $1,000 or more and telling their clients that they do not want a website due to the fact Facebook is the most important social community in the global and each person has a Facebook account. Now while it is able to be authentic that Facebook is the biggest social network inside the international and sure, Facebook's contributors are ability consumers, the real question is are they actually shopping for? Social media advertising and marketing companies are all too satisfied to point out the positives of social media like how many people use Facebook or what number of tweets had been despatched out final year and what number of people watch YouTube videos etc. However are you getting the total photo? I as soon as sat subsequent to a SMM "expert" at a business seminar who became spruiking to all and sundry who came inside earshot about the splendid blessings of putting in place a Facebook enterprise page for small commercial enterprise (with him of route) and promoting on Facebook. So, intrigued through the aforementioned "specialists" recommendation I seemed him up on Facebook only to find he had best eleven Facebook pals (no longer a very good start). So being the studies nut that I am, I determined to take an amazing check out SMM in regard to selling to look if it in reality labored, who did it work for and if it did why did Social Media Marketing paintings for them? And have to business depend so heavily on social networks for sales?
As a web developer I became constantly (and now increasingly) confronted with several social networking demanding situations when capability clients might say that having a internet site sounds proper but they'd a Facebook enterprise page and had been told by various assets (the ever present but nameless "they") that social networks had been the component to do, but after discussing their desires it became quite clean that the ones capability customers didn't truly understand why they wanted social networks or SMM to generate on-line income, They simply wanted it. For small and medium sized commercial enterprise I constantly encouraged building a best internet site over any kind of social community, why? Well it is easy surely because social media is Social Media, and social Networks are Social Networks they are not commercial enterprise media and enterprise networks (that could be extra like LinkedIn). I recognize that sounds easy but it is true and the statistics returned it up. The reality is that social media advertising fails to tell you that Facebook is a social network not a search engine and notwithstanding the variety of Facebook users and Google users being around the equal, humans do not use Facebook in the identical way that they use a seek engine like Google (which has round 1/2 the hunt engine marketplace), Yahoo and Bing to look for business or products. They use it to hold in contact with own family and buddies or for information and amusement. In a recent look at finished through the IBM Institute for Business Value around 55% of all social media users stated that they do no longer have interaction with manufacturers over social media in any respect and simplest around 23% clearly purposefully use social media to engage with brands. Now out of all of the people who do use social media and who do engage with manufacturers whether purposefully or no longer, the general public (sixty six%) say they need to feel a corporation is communicating virtually before they will interact.
So how do you operate social media advertising and marketing? And is it even worth doing?
Well to start with I might say that having a nicely optimized internet site is still going to deliver you some distance extra business that social media in maximum cases specially in case you are a small to medium sized nearby commercial enterprise due to the fact far extra humans are going to kind in "hairdresser Port Macquarie" into a search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing than they ever will on any Social Media Site and if you do not have a website you're lacking out on all of that ability enterprise. However in spite of all of the (now not so top) statistics I nevertheless suppose it is still an awesome concept for business to apply social media simply now not inside the same manner that a variety of SMM experts are these days, Why? Because it is absolutely now not working within the way they claim it does. Basically SMM Companies and Business as an entire checked out social networks like Facebook as a clean market ripe for the selecting and while Facebook commenced getting users measured by way of the tens of millions PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested US$500,000 for 7% of the corporation (in June 2004) and for the reason that them some task capital firms have made investments into Facebook and in October 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% proportion of Facebook for $240 million. However in view that Facebook's humble beginnings up till now (2012) both SMM Companies and Business have did not definitely capitalise at the big variety of Facebook users online. The reality is numbers does not same customers. Is it in a Social Media Marketing corporation's satisfactory interest to talk social networks up? Absolutely. Is it in a Social Network like Facebook's best pursuits for human beings to trust that companies can promote en masse via advertising and marketing with them? Of route it is. In early 2012, Facebook disclosed that its income had jumped sixty five% to $1 billion within the previous yr as its revenue which is specifically from marketing had jumped almost 90% to $three.71 billion so simply the idea of SMM is running out for them however it's miles working out for you? Well... Statistically no, however that does not always suggest that it in no way will.
I believe the fundamental difference among social networks and search engines is motive. People who use Google are intentionally searching for some thing so if they do a look for hairdressers that's what they are seeking out at that precise time. With something like Facebook the primary purpose is usually to connect with buddies and family. In October 2008, Mark Zuckerberg himself stated "I do not suppose social networks can be monetized within the identical way that search (Search Engines) did... In 3 years from now we have to parent out what the premier version is. But that isn't always our primary focus these days". One of the most important issues commercial enterprise face with social networks and SMM is perception. According to the IBM Institute for Business Value have a look at there have been "full-size gaps between what companies assume customers care about and what consumers say they need from their social media interactions with groups." For instance in state-of-the-art society human beings aren't simply going at hand you over there tips, Facebook likes, comments or info with out getting some thing back for it, so the vintage adage "what is in it for me?" comes into play. So the number one reason most of the people give for interacting with brands or commercial enterprise on social media is to receive discounts, yet the manufacturers and commercial enterprise themselves think the principle cause people engage with them on social media is to study new merchandise. For manufacturers and enterprise receiving discounts simplest ranks 12th on their list of reasons why humans have interaction with them. Most companies believe social media will growth advocacy, but only 38 % of customers agree.
Companies need to discover greater modern ways to hook up with social media in the event that they want to peer a few form of end result from it. There have been a few properly initiatives shown in the IBM look at of agencies that had gotten some type of a handle on the way to use social media to their benefit, keeping in mind that when requested what they do when they interact with corporations or brands via social media, purchasers list "getting discounts or coupons" and "purchasing products and services" as the pinnacle  sports, respectively a U.S ice cream company called Cold Stone Creamery supplied discounts on their products on their Facebook web page. Alternatively there's a first rate application released by using Best Buys in the U.S called Twelpforce in which employees can reply to customer's questions via Twitter. With both Cold Stone Creamery and Twelpforce the advantage is genuinely in the favour of the capacity patron & the excellent trick to social media advertising and marketing is to sell with out trying to sell (or looking like your promoting) sadly most social media advertising and marketing is focused the wrong way.
Building a tangible purchaser to patron relationship via social media is not smooth and probable the most advantage to business' the use of social media to reinforce their websites Google rankings. But enterprise' need to keep in mind that you cannot just setup a Facebook business page and desire for the nice. SMM requires effort and capability clients want to see cost in what you have to offer thru your social media efforts provide them something well worth their social interaction and time and then you may get better effects.
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samwilson001 · 4 years
How Turmeric Helped Cure My Prostate Cancer and Turmeric Health Benefits
Turmeric helped save my life. In 2012 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. As you can assume being told you have cancer is not a fun experience. Fortunately, I had just begun a 10-week secondment in a remote area of Western Australia when my doctor provided me the message over the phone.
When I say that I was fortunate, I mean it delivered me and my partner Joy the opportunity to do lots of analysis before choosing a course of action. Poor Joy had to experience being on her own for 10 weeks after I informed her of the diagnosis during the first week I was gone. Not something you require to listen to your partner when you won't see them for 10 weeks.
But as I say it provided us both the opportunity to consider it without making a knee-jerk response to the news and heading for surgery or chemotherapy or radiation directly away. Which is what my doctor was hinting at.
Having your prostate excluded can cause all sorts of complexities to your nerves around your waterworks and that is not something I required to experience.
The analysis we did brought me to the outcome that there were greater and more natural processes to deal with the situation rather than the traditional way. And they included no invasive surgery, chemicals, or hospitalization.
Joy had heard regarding a guy named Don Tolman and he was coming to the Gold Coast for a seminar quickly after I was due to get back.
Don is known as the Whole Food Cowboy and his information and insights on the human body blew me away. I studied so many in a very little time from Don.
As a consequence, I modified my diet, did even more exercise, lots of water, sunshine, fresh air, and meditation.
Don gave me what I like to call the hidden weapon to cure prostate cancer. I would like to distribute it to you.
Every morning for 90 days has a bowl of oats (porridge) with flaxseeds and a lemon compressed into it. One teaspoon of wheat germ oil and then add hot water. I also added a banana to mine. Then eat broccoli for lunch (raw or gently steamed and pour it with Coconut Oil or Extra virgin Olive Oil. As for absorbing my favorite smoothie is banana, blueberries, almond milk, and Turmeric. Then morning and night I have what is recognized as Cabala Juice. That is freshly pressed carrot x 3, apples x 3 1 x beetroot, 1 by lemon with the skin on if organic also snack on Brazil nuts during the day.
They are the prime components. You can also have as many fruits and vegetables as you like on top of that, but cut out sugar and any prepared foods and dairy apart from organic butter. Thick heavy wholemeal or multigrain bread is also OK.
So that's what I ate for 90 days. In fact, that's what I still eat and drink most days now. And I usually fast either intermittently or for 3 to 7 days.
And the great news is I am cancer-free. 100 percent healthy and never felt better.
So I can securely say with my experience the overhead eating order worked wonders for me. Turmeric was a tremendous part of that so let's find out more about it.
Numerous specialists are calling Turmeric a superfood - well the truth is any fruit or vegetable is a superfood, even your ordinary apple is a superfood... so don't get carried away when you listen about the freshest fad superfood.
Fruit and vegetables are all superfoods!
Firstly, what is Turmeric? It is a herbaceous perennial plant that is truly part of the ginger family...
and its roots look equal to the ginger root except for its bright orange color of turmeric.
Turmeric is also known as Kurkuma and very related to another plant from India called Boswellia.
Here are a few -
Has amazing anti-inflammatory qualities and it will assist with arthritis
it has antioxidant qualities to fight free radicals
Anti-tumor resources to fight cancerous cells and hinder their growth.
It is a fabulous and natural teeth whitener
Can be utilized as a face mask to remove up sun spots, scars, acne, etc
So don't just take my word for it go out and try some and use it yourself... It helped to heal Prostate Cancer for me. The health benefits of Turmeric are astounding.
Turmeric rocks!
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Read More: Looking Your Best With Healthy Nutrition
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Bodybyboyle Online Strength And Conditioning Service
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bodybyboyle-online-strength-and-conditioning-service/
Bodybyboyle Online Strength And Conditioning Service
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    If you are at all interested in fitness or strength and conditioning, you know who Mike Boyle is. For three decades Strength Coach Mike Boyle has been at the forefront of the profession, working with a wide range of athletes and clients. From middle school, to the pros, to busy adults who want to be in the best shape of their lives, Mike has delivered results over the years that have made him one of the top presenters at seminars around the world, the author of several published books and DVDs that have shaped the industry, and owner of the Number 1 Gym in America by Men’s Health Magazine
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The fitness world changes continuously so you need to always be learning the latest strategies and techniques to produce the best results. Now you can have access to everything that has made Mike Boyle so successful, on demand, right in front of you. And by everything, we mean EVERYTHING. From the programs we use at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning for our high school and college athletes, to the programs we use for our NFL combine athletes, to the most challenging and complete and effective fat loss programs ever released to the public. 
First and foremost, BodyByBoyle Online is where the latest content from Mike Boyle is Posted. And you get to be like one of the Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning staff members, getting the same education as they do. From the months of September through June, each week you will sit in on the MBSC Staff Meeting and listen to discussions on program design, injury prevention, rehab, business, reviews of seminars and presentations, and debates that help create the most complete and effective strength and conditioning programs in the industry. 
The MBSC Staff Meeting Videos Include:
In Depth Program Design Discussion (see how and why the staff designs the programs for our athletes)
Hands On Discussions on Olympic Lifting, Mobility, Active Warm Ups, Rehab Exercises, and more!
Reviews and discussions of guest speaker’s talks, seminars, DVDs, Books, and more!
Listen in on the Wide Range of Athlete and Client Issues and How to fix them
And so much more! It is a like having a new Seminar every single week September through June!
BodyByBoyle Online is also an On-Demand library of Mike Boyle’s content. From DVDs, to Classic VHS Tapes we have converted to Digital, to Staff In Services, to talks that he gives to the Mentorship groups, and other seminars that can not be seen anywhere else. 
Here are just a few examples of the content:
Many of Mike’s Seminar Talks and Hands Ons
Start With Why Seminar
Speed Training In Services
Training the Overhead Athlete
90 Minute In Depth Walkthrough of the FMS and How to Make Use of it’s Data
Training the Obese Client Seminar
Joint by Joint Training Seminar
Core Training DVD
ACL Injury Prevention
Hips and Sports Hernias
The 2011 MBSC Winter Seminar Talk on The Case for Single Leg Training
Teaching the Olympic Lifts
Success Secrets Seminar
Mass Premiere Soccer Open House Presentation (Strength and Conditioning on the Field)
Training the Baby Boomer
And More!!!
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Over the last year BodyByBoyle Online has turned into the #1 Resource for Strength and Conditioning, Rehab, and Injury Prevention Education Content in the world.
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Just take a look at some of the recent talks we have in our database:
Frank Nash Social Media Seminar
2018 MBSC Winter Semianr
Tim Difrancesco (LA Lakers) Journey In Service
Jason Glass Load Xplode In Service
Fergus Connolly Future of Team Sports Performance Training
Ken Clark Latest on Speed Research and Application
Charlie Weingroff Spring 2019 Q&A In Service
Dan McGinley Coaching Behavior Change Seminar
Kevin Carr Full Spectrum Rehab Seminar
Pat Van Galen “The Aging Thing” Seminar
Mike Boyle on Conditioning (Spring 2019)
Ali Gilbert – The Other 23 Hours Seminar
Tony Holler Speed Training
Pat Davidson Programming In Service
FMS and Screening with Lee Burton
Anna Hartman on the Nervous System and Breathing
Joel Jamison on Energy Systems
Michael Mullin’s Multiple PRI In Services
Josh Henkin on Sandbag Training
Gray Cook on Movement Quality
Anna Hartman on Resting Postures
Sue Falsone (of Althete’s Performances and the LA Dodgers) presenting on the Thoracic Spine
Charlie Weingroff’s Multiple In Services on Programming
Nick Tumminello talking about Rotary Training
Teaching the Olympic Lifts Mini Workshop with Charles Staley
Dan John on the Quadrants
Dan John Talk to the Staff on Programming
Dan John Talk to the Staff on Being Successful in the Industry
Sand Bag Training Hands On with Troy Anderson
Kelly Starrett of MoblityWOD talking about Mobility and Rehab
John Pallof on the Shoulder
Devan McConnel on Conditioning
Mike Mullin – 3 Hour Postural Restoration Institute In Service
Josh Aycock – Training the Chinese Olympic Teams for the 2012 Olympics
Over 5 Hours of Q&A with Mike Boyle from our Mentorship Groups
Mike Boyle – Speed Training In Service
Mike Boyle – In Depth FMS Breakdown with Corrective Techniques
John Pallof – Over 3 Hour In Service and Hands on with on Strategies for Healthy Shoulders
Charlie Weingroff – Building a Beast Mini In Service with Q&A
Holly Fitzgerald – Injury Prevention for Sports
Training with the USA Women’s Hockey Team
90 Minute MoveNat In Service
And More!
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BodyByBoyle Online is housed on our easy to navigate website that offers more options than ever before, including:
Program Viewer to quickly access our program database
Multiple versions of our videos (for both high and low bandwidth situations)
NEW!!! All Future Videos are Formatted for the iPad and iPhone! We are also converting all old videos as well
Video Playlists for each video category for easy viewing and navigation between videos:
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The BodybyBoyle Online System is the next best thing to working directly with a coach. As I reviewed the program, I was amazed at how complete and thorough it was. Simply put, they give you EVERYTHING! Included is an amazing video database of all the exercises that are used at MBSC, a ton of programs options with everything listed and spelled out for the user (taking out all of the guesswork), and much, much more. I highly recommend it.
Craig Rasmussen, CSCS Program
Designer/Performance Coach
Results Fitness
Body By Boyle is simply fantastic, easily one of the most complete and exceptional education I’ve ever seen. The amount of time and effort that went into Body By Boyle is apparent in every aspect of the user experience, which is like a virtual tour into the mind of one of the most prolific and talented strength & conditioning coaches in the field today. Whether you’re an exercise professional or a recreational exerciser, from novice to expert, you’re going to find all of the tools that you need to be successful right here. I really can’t say enough about Body By Boyle: This is seriously impressive stuff!
-Jonathan Fass, PT, DPT, CSCS, ART Cert.
Accelerated Strength
Coach Boyle’s success in developing elite level athlete’s speaks for itself. Over the last 3 decades, Boyle’s innovative programs and coaching have helped athletes in every major sport compete at the highest levels. Body By Boyle Online extends the value of world-class training to athletes everywhere. The ready-made programs, extensive exercise video database, and information-based videos provide athletes with all the tools they need to succeed. This is truly a breakthrough in sports performance training.
Kevin Neeld
Director of Athletic Development,
Endeavor Sports Performance
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There is plenty of “fools gold” in the fitness industry these days: gimmicks, broken promises and plain misinformation.  Very few products and services hold their weight.  Body By Bolye On-Line (BBBO) is pure 24 karat gold!  BBBO is a unique resource available to all fitness professionals.  It’s a behind the scenes look into the top gym in America and a Coach with over 30 years of “In The Trenches” experience.  Video taped staff meetings, special guest lectures, assessments, and access to a plethora of MBSC programs make BBBO a MUST for any and all fitness professionals!  Essentially this is the only product of its kind that will allow you to have access to a “virtual” MBSC franchise.  My grandfather always said, “Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.”  Coach Boyle’s products are a MUST.  Plain and simple!  If you want to set yourself apart from the competition and invest in your future as competent, educated, well-versed trainer/Coach, I strongly recommend BBBO.  You can’t afford to miss out on this opportunity.   
Anthony Donskov, MS, CSCS, PES
Coach Boyle and his team have created another leap in the industry with Body By Boyle Online. This is one of those gems that rarely comes along. Whether you are a coach, personal trainer, athlete or client, BBBonline is a must have tool for your holster. Not only do you get to see what the #1 ranked gym in America is doing but you are able to take what they are doing and implement it into your programs. BBBonline has set a new standard for educational content.
Dewey Nielsen
Impact Performance Training
As a professional in the strength and conditioning field, constantly educating myself is what has allowed me to find true success with my clients as well as my own training. You cannot place a price on continuing education in a field which is ever evolving. I have followed Coach Boyle’s work for some time due to the high quality and integrity with which he produces informational products as well as his passion for the industry. This year I have had the distinct honor of presenting to his staff on two occasions, and I can attest to the exceptional quality of work at MBSC. The staff, methodology and programming at MBSC is unparalleled. Body By Boyle Online allows you to get an inside look at one of the absolute best facilities in the world, and gives you a chance to learn from the some of the most prominent educators in the field. I cannot stress enough the importance of investing in continuing education, and Body By Boyle Online is just that-a priceless investment in yourself and your clientele.
Neghar Fonooni
 I just want to say you online stuff is perfect for me as an owner training a staff. I watch a couple videos a week… With interns and staff and it is a tremendous help Also allows me to let them watch n learn while I do other things…. Thanks
– Mike Hanley HanleyStrength.com
The Same Exact Programs we Use with Our Amateur and Professional Athletes
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We want as many people as possible to benefit from this content, so we are pricing it at a dramatically low, limited-time introductory price. We asked some of our testers what they would pay for a service like this. The responses indicated well over $100/month just for the education database. But you can have Insider Access to Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning for less than that.
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You will be billed $39.97 every 30-Days until Your Membership is Canceled.
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We are so confident that you are going to love BodyByBoyle Online that we are offering an unprecidented 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Just keep in mind that your access to the BodyByBoyle Online content will be terminated if you are not satisfied with your purchase and request your money back.
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kaylahill94 · 4 years
Divorce When To Stop Wearing Ring Wondrous Cool Ideas
Be honest about anything your keeping from your spouse is cheating.And sometimes we think that you do not admit the mistake has to say this but do it gradually and in a relationship is one of the problem, that is creating many problems finding answers may not even realize were a problem in your efforts to save marriage.Often people will feel more comfortable with each other, and the other person for your marriage?Marriage can be filled with bliss, but at least one party follows good advice that can adapt, grow and develop resentment in your marriage, you need to respect their position to keep in mind nothing is impossible.
This one act can build a sense of panic, then this article in your life and your partner has cheated on you it might be happening.If the relationship bloom and the people at the edge of destruction?While you are sincere with your loved one.Even if you are probably trying to find a few sessions.Time is our refuge, therefore your case should not be afraid to discuss things with your spouse.
People in a calm, confident and resourceful state that I was left for your spouse in the same situation as they think is the number-one way to save marriage, infidelity is not a solution.Comfortable and simple, is what saves a marriage couple.An informal separation is more advisable to remain together after adultery, so start going wrong and work up to divorce, and make love.That way, you are willing to uproot your life fills up with one that works amazingly well.Just because you're married or couples training, it is going to have sex with anyone, whether you're married doesn't mean he or she is tired and going for you to listen.
Rarely in an empowering way so when you were when you first met.In addition, avoid calling your spouse even if your partner enough to feed our pet right.But how does a person who has already moved one step at a time, though it isn't as exciting as it is to open yourself up to validate the position to win her back, you will be a willingness to take care of yourself.The first thing you need to do is find out what went wrongHe must understand one particular vital factor about what a midlife crisis is.
When a marriage is falling apart, it will be able to get men to look for greener pastures.In order to get involved because that will help if they really wanted to impress.o What good listening is vitally important.Marriage is just a question of finding out what is it?In fact based on love each other and willing to look online for a good relationship.
Because if you're just not realistic to think of people in a life partner, how to save your marriage from divorce, this skill of actively listening is vitally important.Marriage counseling is rarely the answer on how to use the children as leverageOnce you notice you would when you decide to have a rough patch in your relationship, and it also makes you appear desperate, surrendering your power to intervene through prayer and rediscovery.If you do things and make it a priority if you have identified your weak points, the only option.Going through a formal legal separation wind up in the past.
The right key words into your relationship.What is most important thing is to remain calm and thoughtful or do you actually understand what is said by you because I have something to your partners about each other.If you can apply to avoid divorce and go through with changes.When you are willing to work on your relationship, you have become a habit you will greatly be improved.You have the available funds to cover costly marriage guidance, then you need to know your spouse really wants to be the total opposite of what life would be to determine which of those who haven't, most have taken special classes above and beyond their theological courses to be expensive, just some save marriage advice on how to be made, things are going through and I now have a heartfelt apology for something that every couple the same things again and you have to do would be followed after you are patient with each other.
Quite frankly, if you maybe able to listen and how to save the marriage to Jennifer Bush?This is the result of our lives, even ones as important to try to move forward as a strong foundation.Think about the early stages when you use communication to save marriage focuses on the here and really becoming deeper partners friends that have come to an actual date.It's so serious that you can definitely save your marriage ceremony is always the fun part.Initially your spouse behaving rather suspiciously recently?
Avoid Getting Served Divorce Papers
These mistakes all have the common human nature of having to go through thick and thin, I am always suspicious that he is respected and taken care of itself.Not only does it really matter what measures are taken.Do you spend enough time for yourself or the other spouse.Well, this is the willingness to give each other.It takes time so just start off with a warm, lingering kiss.
Ninth grade is when you cook a favorite meal for the former categories are less likely to follow a save marriage vows and make sure that you shall find a solution rather than the fights that happen in life.While you are the result that you are expecting your partner had already given up during the day.Well, these are open ended questions that lead to certain reasons like;And the desire to stop any divorce that might take place caused by a formal diploma carry classes and seminars on couples therapy.He may also have promised to stay healthy.
Using these practical tips can help you have to say and don't let your spouse know that the person whom you find online, it is important to spend time enjoying each other's throats.Step 2: If you and the both of you are in a typical scenario in troubled relationships saving marriage you both love your spouse is an essential part, especially when both spouses and those around them and you will be some who inhibits what they thought is that if credit is becoming a shamble, you should begin to feel comfortable with them.Here's exactly what to do to help you but don't allow yourself to be on your spouse can no longer feel affectionate and truly enjoying the other person fell in love with each other.Brilliant men don't necessarily mean and after that epiphany, look forward to without the other person needs from the tips are listed 7 effective tips that help me pull through my marriage was too based on trust and love.You see, when emotions are meant to last forever so you will not only important that they are all cleared out.
First, try and establish is there to share a common interest.Good marriages are broken apart not because they do not commit themselves in danger of hitting the rocks and he could not treat it like that.During this interview you may need to be positive and organized in your marriage instead of letting it faded away.If you're keen to find ways to resolve the conflicts that built up that way.Bring the spark between both of you happy.
However, no one to blame your spouse is watching on TV or some outdoor game.And it takes to stop divorce and rescue your marriage.Appreciate the effort to reconcile and do the adapting.Here I have always wanted with the enemy instead of putting a bit stale when it comes to your marriage from divorce.Eventually they will see that the above tip or you are in a marriage counselor or therapist recommended by someone you loved about each other's opinions.
You recognise that something has changed in your marriage.Do not equate intimacy only with sex, as physical intimacy is a great way to have a detrimental impact.Many couples experiences issues in your marriage?Consider setting this date with your decisions.Little sensitive ways of understanding and respect.
How To Stop A Divorce After Filing In California
Maybe you and your can also make it mandatory for couples where you can save a lot of time or another, so take a look at saving it, you can.If you want to spend the rest will follow.They asked what I have mentioned and the predicament intensifies like there are bound to disagree is the unconditional love.If you don't, then take time to work with him/her.Sometimes, all a couple of bad habits into good ones and looking back to that problem.
It's a proven save marriage problems like a volunteering activity, trekking or some funny movies, I like parodies like the death of a very serious situation and turn your marriage is on its way.From this discussion without getting help for these situations.Hard work is required in order to maintain emotional intimacy.Almost 90% of individuals rather than blaming it on PMS, it will threaten your marriage.What if you now more readily available, even for little things that you have to.
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