#just popped her head over and was like ''hello stranger. boy do I have a proposition for you :)''
I’m back in my silly nonsense again and I do have a request, if that’s ok, I seriously don’t wanna annoy or stress you out hun but I do have a specific request in mind.
A sadistic yandere doctor x reader
It starts out simple enough like the reader goes in for a simple checkup and there’s a new doctor taking care of them and it escalates from there, every appointment with the new doctor becomes more unnerving and unhinged until escalating to abducting his “patient” and keeping them to himself
I dunno this sounded better in my head and plus you’re more creative than I am😅 I had this lil idea for a while and I’d figure it was worth a shot to ask, thanks for putting up with my silly shenanigans 😅
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CW: Abduction, drugging, obsessive yandere, former bully reader, foul language, trypanophobia and mild iatrophobia
I took this ask and fucking R A N
The line between hatred and love is much thinner than one would like to believe.
(Reader) sat stiffly in the waiting room, staring at their phone while scrolling, not paying attention to anything that passed their eyes. Time was not moving fast enough, and it felt like they were about to have a heart attack while waiting for the doctor, fifteen minutes past their scheduled appointment time. They nearly jumped when the nurse finally called their name, not bothering to offer even a polite grin to the nurse as they were led back to get weighed, praying to whatever was listening that their deodorant didn't fail them. Sweat glued their shirt to their back, but (Reader) refused to take off their jacket.
Going to the clinic was always a hassle, and if it wasn't for the pain in their neck that refused to ease up they would have continued to avoid it like the plague. The nurse brought (Reader) back to an empty room, and left them there again, now waiting on a paper sheet that crinkled obnoxiously whenever (Reader) shifted and was ten times colder than they were in the waiting room. (Reader) took a shaky breath and continued to scroll absentmindedly on their phone.
A soft knock at the door was enough to make (Reader) drop their phone, diving for it as a nurse wheeled in a cart. "Hello, dear, how are we today?"
(Reader) popped back up, flushed. "Peachy."
"Lovely." The older woman grabbed a chart and read over (Reader's) information. "I'm going to take a quick little blood sample and get you checked in for Dr. Campbell."
Their face felt cold with how quickly their previous embarrassment faded into fear. Both at the thought of getting their blood drawn, and in confusion at hearing a new name. "Actually, my doctor is Dr. Kowl." (Reader) tried to correct the nurse.
The nurse smiled brightly. "Dr. Campbell is our newest doctor, he'll be taking over for Dr. Kowl when he retires. Can you remove an arm from your jacket please?"
(Reader) slipped their left arm out for the nurse, holding in their breath and averting their eyes while she pulled out a clean needle. Even if they couldn't see it, just knowing that it was getting closer to their arm sent a rush of adrenaline up and down their body so quickly that (Reader) was afraid it would knock them out. They swallowed a lump of snot threatening to choke them, rolling their eyes back to look at the ceiling as they ignored the tiny prick of pain.
"All done."
The sleeve was rolled down before (Reader) turned their head, a tight grimace plastered on their face. "Great."
"Dr. Campbell will be with you shortly." The nurse's demeanor was warm, but (Reader) couldn't feel it past the cold crispness of her scrubs. Clinic doctors weren't as bad as hospital or ER doctors, but they still were not pleasant to be around.
• 17 years ago •
A chubby boy with dark curly hair obscuring his eyes nervously watched (Reader) from afar, working up the courage to go speak to them. (Reader) had a bruise on their neck, partially hidden by their hoodie, and the young man was worried for the stranger in his high school. Tugging on his baggy shirt awkwardly while shuffling his feet, he made his way to the sad looking teen, struggling not to lose his nerve. "Hey.." he struggled not to stutter. "I was just, uh, wondering if everything was.. okay?"
The look of loneliness and emptiness on (Reader's) face was gone so fast that the boy thought he imagined it, now only seeing disgust and rage.
"The fuck you just say?"
• Present •
A young doctor with wavy brown hair stepped into the room, his downward turned eyes widening every so slightly, a bright, welcoming smile contrasting his surprised gaze, as he entered (Reader's) view. (Reader) was equally shocked, taken back by how handsome their new doctor was. "How are we feeling today?"
Hearing that typical doctor's greeting paled (Reader's) complexion, reminding them that no matter how hot this man might be, he was still a doctor. "I, uh, got a pain. It won't go away."
Dr. Campbell nodded, gently touching (Reader's) jaw as he tilted their head, watching their face carefully as they grimaced at certain angles. "Have we already taken X-rays?"
"Yeah, there's nothing wrong. Urgent care said it was a pulled muscle, I'm just here for a follow up." (Reader) noted how the new doctor searched their eyes uncomfortably; it was as though he was looking for something specific. "Is there something wrong?"
The doctor removed his hands, smiling again, but this time the smile seemed disingenuous, almost melancholy. "I'm sorry, I just.. you look like someone that I used to know." His jaw clenched under his smile. Dr. Campbell swiveled away, rolling to the computer and tapping on the keyboard for a couple of minutes before clicking his tongue. "I'm sorry, (Reader), but it looks like something went wrong with the blood sample we just took. Can you roll up your sleeve for me so I can get a new sample?" He asked while already reaching into his drawer, grabbing a fresh syringe and three vials.
(Reader) sighed, frustration displayed openly on their features. "Really?.."
• 17 years ago •
"Cry, bitch!" (Reader) snarled, kicking the new kid in his ribs. His only real crime was not knowing that, despite the lack of piercings, (Reader) was practically the leader for the high school's most notorious delinquents. The only reason (Reader) hadn't been expelled was because their grades never dropped below an A-, and the school prioritized their placement as the second best school in the country over a few accusations of harassment.
"Hey (Reader), who's your new friend?" Nate asked while sauntering over with the rest of (Reader's) friends.
"Dunno. Hey new kid," (Reader) bent down, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and yanking his head up, "what's your name?"
The kid could barely speak through his sobbing. ".. Ichabod."
"HA! What kind of name is that?!" Lily cackled hysterically.
"From now on, I think you're going to be my new best friend.. ain't that right, pussy?"
His dark brown eyes couldn't help but fixate on (Reader's) neck as they glared down at him, the bruise shaped like fingers was so dark that in the lighting it looked like it was bleeding. "Well, that's the worse fucking name I've ever heard in my life. No wonder you're such a pussy.
• Present •
"I'm here for Dr. Campbell? I have a twelve-thirty about some blood results?" (Reader) grumpily muttered, pissed that they had to be back at the clinic only a week after their last appointment. Hearing Campbell's name, one of the receptionists smiled, fluttering her lashes and biting her lip subtly.
Her colleague saw her reaction and made a noise of approval. "That new doctor, he's quite the charmer, isn't he?"
"Stop!" The younger woman smiled harder, rolling her eyes. The whole thing made (Reader) grossed out. Yeah, the man was cute, but not when you're on the job. "Besides, he's.. unavailable."
"What? I didn't see a ring on his finger."
'They have forgotten me.' (Reader) puffed out their cheeks and patted their sides loudly, hoping the two medical professionals would get the hint and just sign them in.
"Apparently, he only became a doctor because of his highschool sweetheart. He said he had somebody whose 'attention' he 'wanted'." She sighed dreamily. (Reader) sighed also, but only out of frustration.
"Hey." (Reader) snapped, embarrassing the two receptionists as they looked to (Reader), mouths open like (Reader) was an apparition. "Twelve thirty. (Reader). Is there any paperwork I need to fill out?"
"Sorry! No-"
"Great." (Reader) interrupted the lady, heading over to the horribly uncomfortable chairs a few feet away. However, nearly as soon as (Reader's) butt touched the seat their name was called out, startling them on the speed.
They raised their eyebrows but didn't complain, heading back past the smiling nurses with disdain.
Dr. Campbell met (Reader) in the hall, sneaking up behind them. "Not big on smiling, huh?" The tall man grinned, feeling immense joy at the way (Reader's) face blanched and their muscles tensed.
"I'll smile for some good news." (Reader) forced a smile onto their face, the faux sign of friendliness not reaching their eyes.
He held out a hand as if to say 'after you', directing (Reader) to an open door.
• 16 years ago •
Ichabod couldn't look away from (Reader), studying their shaky visage as (Reader) barely held themselves together, teetering in the corner of the dirty basement. It was interesting, the first real emotion Ichabod had ever detected from (Reader) besides disgust.
The group of 'friends' all drunkenly sat around Lily's older brother while he tattooed the minors in his dingy home. (Reader) was trying their hardest not to barf as the gun entered their friend's skin rhythmically.
"(Reader), check it out!" The dumbass child held up his arm, proudly displaying a jagged dog. "What'd ya think?"
"It looks like shit." (Reader) spat. The horror was masked by their hatred, fooling everyone except Ichabod. He stared a little too hard, finally drawing the attention of (Reader).
(Reader) could see by the look in Ichabod's eye that he saw their dirty little secret. Rage buzzed throughout (Reader's) body. "Why don't you give one to the pussy?"
Gasping, Ichabod went weak, experiencing something close to betrayal. He never felt an ounce of companionship from his 'best friend' but he was always looking for something from (Reader), he just couldn't understand what. Nate jumped up, launching towards the group's punching bag with sadistic glee.
(Reader) went blank, as they often did, showing neither pleasure nor anger as their friends closed in on Ichabod. "What about it? Since you're not fighting back, I take it that means you want one?" They paused, almost hoping for a reaction other than fright. But Ichabod was frozen, pleading (Reader) with his large teary eyes.
• Present •
"Fine. Hey Marty, why don't you write-"
"This better be the last time." (Reader) finally opened their eyes, too blinded by their phobia to question why their doctor's face was pink; why his large eyes were half lidded; and why he was smiling at them like they were the most attractive person he's ever seen in his life.
Dr. Campbell shuttered, eyes glazing over as he watched (Reader's) face contort, sweat beading on their forehead as the needle pierced their arm. (Reader) was so focused on not crying that they had no clue the look their new doctor was giving them. Being able to see this side to (Reader) was a privilege, one reserved for best friends.
"This should be the last test." His voice which usually oozed like honey quivered oddly, tickling a memory (Reader) couldn't quite recollect.
"Yeah, well, bit aggravating that both times I've gotten my blood drawn, something went wrong and it needed to be taken again." They pulled on their jacket with a huff. "Arm's beginning to look like a junkie's."
"Well, I do apologize for that. You can schedule your next appointment at the front desk. Your results will be in by next Thursday, we'll discuss them together then."
"Great." (Reader) left the room as quickly as possible, the agitation felt from being trapped in a doctor's office trumping how woozy they were. The nervous adult left the doctor behind, unaware of his erection hidden under his clip board. Dr. Campbell pocketed the blood sample, casually readjusting his pants through his pocket as he did so.
His smirk faded into something haunting, something damn near evil. "Last appointment, huh?" The doctor couldn't help but roll up his sleeve, his hard on becoming almost painful in the position he was sitting. A faded blue ink tattoo fuzzy with age and poor in quality marred his arm like a beautiful blemish.
• 15 years ago •
Cigarette smoke drifted up towards the gloomy clouds, the senior leaning against the fence that separated student and faculty parking lit a new cigarette as soon as the last one finished. Ichabod recognized (Reader) from behind, and found himself incapable of running and hiding, pulled in to his tormentor's side against his will. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of (Reader's) face, one eye completely swollen shut and their skin dark purple. Their one good eye stared at nothing, unblinking and dead.
(Reader) didn't look at Ichabod, knowing there was only one person dumb enough to approach them when they looked like this. No matter how hard they pushed him, he never stopped looking at them with that pitiful sentimentality. "Don't hang out with us at lunch today." Nate failed another history exam, and would be looking for someone to take his anger out on. (Reader) didn't know why they were sparing such a little bitch from getting his ass beat. Maybe they were just bored of him.
Ichabod flinched like he had just been hit, trying to will (Reader) to look at him, to explain themselves.
"Actually.. I'm done with you." They finished off their cancer stick, and dropped it into the gravel. "Stop hanging out with us."
"Why?" It was the only thing he could force himself to say.
(Reader) wondered why themselves. Would a therapist have been able to understand? See past their anger, their disgust? The only reason why (Reader) started bullying Ichabod was because he was new, and no one told him that (Reader) wasn't worth his sympathy. They knew he saw it, the bruise on their neck, and they could see it in his stupid face. And it pissed them off. Everyone knew-
(Reader) wasn't someone to pity.
Watery eyes threatening to overflow shook under the force of his tumultuous feelings as the baby faced young man got in (Reader's) line of sight. Even getting decked would be better than being ignored. But there was nothing in (Reader's) eye. He was invisible to them. "I hate pussies."
• Present •
"So, just a pulled muscle?" (Reader) grimaced, raising their hands in annoyance.
Dr. Campbell smiled, showing off all his pearly white teeth. "Thank God it wasn't something more serious."
"Great." Slapping their knees, (Reader) stood, ready to leave and hoping to never come back again. However, their body was stopped at the door by a strong hand gripping their wrist painfully, a deep scarlet staining Dr. Campbell's face and what was visible of his neck. "What?"
"Have we met before?" His face was smiling but his voice was on the verge of cracking.
"Yeah. Three weeks ago. When I first came in."
Long eyelashes nearly pushed his glasses off his nose. The doctor had (Reader) trapped in his arms at this point. "Are you sure? Are you sure I don't look familiar?"
The rising feeling of anxiety quickly morphed into anger, just as it always did, just like when they were a little kid. It took every ounce of self control they had to not knee the new doctor in the nuts. "Am I supposed to?!" (Reader) raised their voice, clenching their fists, feeling their entire body tense as it prepared to fight.
A laugh escaped him, jerking uncontrollably as he felt himself nearly cum just from seeing the old (Reader) trapped in his arms, unable to escape him, knowing that they were just masking their fear, just like that day in the basement all those years ago. "Thank you.." The look in his misty eyes grossed (Reader) out. "Thank you for not changing."
• 15 years ago •
"What?" Ichabod asked in disbelief. The office attendant spoke clearly but her words just didn't make sense.
(Reader) had been missing for nearly a month before Ichabod had the courage to ask anyone where they went. His tan skin had already begun to heal, the bruises left by (Reader's) shoes and the cuts left from their punches had faded. The only memory he had left of them was the tattoo on his arm he kept covered up. If he ever wore a short sleeve shirt it would be over, the pain would end, but he would also never see (Reader) again, and he couldn't have that.
"(Reader) doesn't go here anymore, sweetheart. They got their G.E.D so they could graduate early. One smart cookie, that one."
'But that's impossible.' Ichabod thought to himself. He knew (Reader), knew them better than anyone else. He was special. There was no way he couldn't have known about this. He was closer to (Reader) than their piece of shit friends, and that's why (Reader) hurt him! Deep down Ichabod just knew that (Reader) only hurt him because he could see them for who they were. No one else knew how scared (Reader) was. No one else cared about (Reader's) home life. Only he did.
Only Ichabod knew how terrified (Reader) was of needles.
Through the tears and spit, hiding his body from his parents so they wouldn't know what was happening at school, lying to teachers when they voiced their concerns about potential bullying, Ichabod had convinced himself that what he and (Reader) had was special. Because only he saw how scared they were. He told himself that it wasn't because no one else cared about the "future criminal", but because he was special to (Reader), and only he was allowed to see them vulnerable. That was a privilege for best friends only.
'Was it because I didn't give them enough attention?'
He walked through the hallway without a limp, without a hunched back, just like a normal student. It disgusted him. The walls were plastered with students' artwork, motivational posters, and recruitment ads. A smiling man in a white lab coat caught Ichabod's attention, pulling him out of his dark emptiness and showing him the solution to his problem.
"I'll make you see me."
• Present •
"Stupid son of a bitch!" (Reader) moved at a fast pace through the parking garage, nearly jogging to their truck. They had been doing so well, such a good job, but one moment in a stranger's arms and their mind was invaded by a voice they hadn't thought about in almost a year.
Their mother's words tumbled from their lips as they fished for their keys, shaking with apprehension disgust. "Fucking coward, fucking pussy, goddamnit, good for nothing-"
The old familiar tingling of adrenaline, the need to punch something.
Reaching their truck didn't provide any relief. The keys they were searching for kept evading their fingers as though they had a mind of their own. In the black of their tinted window another figure approached their reflection. (Reader) angrily whipped around, ready to start swinging. Behind them stood Dr. Campbell, wearing a baby blue short sleeved polo tucked into a pair of black slacks. The collared shirt exposed his muscular arms and accentuated his broad shoulders. He would have been so attractive if (Reader) didn't know what he looked like in a lab coat.
"I'm glad I caught you! I didn't have a chance to apologize in there, you rushed off before I could explain myself."
"Don't make up excuses for being a pervert." (Reader) snarled, ready to lash out like a cornered animal. They still couldn't feel the keys in their pocket.
The man smiled so sweetly at (Reader) that it made them want to bite him. "It really hurt my feelings. I thought that maybe you just didn't remember me." His eyes looked down at his feet, but he wasn't an actor, and (Reader) could see plainly that there wasn't a drop of sadness in the man before them. "But I guess.. I do look different than I did back in highschool."
His right hand reached out towards (Reader) to caress their cheek. They almost smacked him away, but a small, shitty tattoo on his arm drained them of their blood faster than a gun shot wound, feeling their bravado leak out of them so quickly that they didn't have time to remember to be pissed.
Before they could recover and throw the first punch the hand clamped over their mouth, and a needle was revealed from behind his back in the other hand.
They struggled, but Ichabod hadn't spent his years in med school working out to impress (Reader). Eyes wide with horror watched the needle approach their neck helplessly, and Ichabod could almost cry at the beautiful sight before him. The fear that only he was able to see, only he was allowed to experience, God he could have fucked them right there and then, but he controlled himself. This had all been planned out, and he couldn't fuck it up just because (Reader) was shaking beneath him so cutely.
The needle went into their neck, injecting a drug to knock them out for a few hours. (Reader) screamed silently into his palm, and he watched as they recognized the adoration in his eyes with terror. (Reader's) keys were pulled out from Ichabod's back pocket, dangling teasingly in front of (Reader's) face as they went limp. "You said you hated pussies." His smile was mocking as (Reader) went dark, unable to stay awake. There was so much they wanted to say. They wanted to apologize, to beg for forgiveness. To tell him he wasn't a pussy, that they were never speaking to him when they called him that.
They didn't understand why he looked down at them so kindly. (Reader) hoped that if he killed them it would be a swift death. They felt that they deserved it after all this time.
What he had in store for them was much, much worse than death.
721 notes · View notes
anniebeemine · 1 month
prom night- s.r. x oc!daughter
I lost the original ask where someone wanted Naomi going to prom, but here it is. Read more about Spencer and Naomi here
Age: 15 
When Naomi approached Spencer to ask for permission to attend prom, he was ready to say yes. When she mentioned a boy was involved, he hesitated. 
She jutted out a hip, placing a hand on her waist. “Please don’t tell me you want to meet him.” 
Spencer furrowed his brows, and hoping to avoid answering, he faked offense. “What does that mean?”
Naomi shook her head. “It’s just that it’s sort of uncool to have your date meet your dad.” 
Spencer raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair with a hint of a smirk. "Uncool? I'm a federal agent, Naomi. That's got to earn me some points." 
Naomi rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Dad, you know what I mean. It’s embarrassing and you being a federal agent makes it worse. He’ll think you’re interrogating him."
Spencer sighed, softening. "I just want to make sure you're safe, Naomi. But... I’ll try to be 'cool,' okay? Just promise me you’ll let me meet him—briefly. He can pick you up here, I’ll say hello and that’s it.” 
Naomi nodded, her expression relieved. "Okay, deal. But no lectures or quizzes, please."
Spencer chuckled, holding up his hands. "I’ll do my best."
Over the next few weeks, Spencer kept a close eye on Naomi, though he did his best not to be too obvious about it. She and her best friend, Hannah, had scored double dates with two boys from the soccer team. Naomi hadn't given him many details, but Spencer was no stranger to research. A quick flip through last year's yearbook revealed the only boy named Alex on the soccer team—a tall, clean-cut kid with an easy smile. Spencer noted the details, especially that he was a senior and she was only a sophomore, but kept them to himself, deciding to trust Naomi's judgment while staying quietly vigilant.
As prom approached, preparations went into full swing. JJ and Emily, eager to help, took Naomi dress and shoe shopping one weekend. They spent hours going through racks of dresses, each one more glamorous than the last, until Naomi finally settled on a midnight blue gown that flattered her figure and made her feel like a princess. Emily insisted on matching shoes—silver, strappy heels that Naomi wasn't sure she could walk in, let alone dance in, but JJ assured her she'd get the hang of it.
Penelope, not to be left out, booked Naomi a nail appointment at her favorite salon. "This place is magic, sweetie," she told Naomi, guiding her into a plush chair. "They'll make sure your nails are perfect for the big night." Naomi picked a subtle glittery polish that matched her dress, and Penelope smiled approvingly, knowing it would add just the right amount of sparkle.
As the big night grew closer, Naomi found herself surrounded by the women of the BAU, all pitching in to make sure everything was perfect. They fussed over her hair, helped her practice walking in heels, and gave her endless advice on how to navigate the evening. Spencer watched from the sidelines, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and anxiety. He wasn't sure he was ready for his little girl to be going on a date, but he was grateful she had such strong, supportive women in her life. He was extra grateful that they seemed to be drilling into her head that she deserves nothing but the best. 
On the day of the dance, the house buzzed with activity. Naomi's room was a whirlwind of makeup, dresses, and last-minute nerves. JJ and Emily helped her get dressed while Penelope expertly styled her hair into loose curls that cascaded down her back. Penelope placed a sparkly headband, a pop of sparkle through her dark hair. When Naomi finally emerged, Spencer had to catch his breath. She looked so grown-up, so beautiful, that for a moment, he could hardly believe she was the same little girl who used to beg him for bedtime stories.
Spencer forced a smile, trying to hide the lump in his throat. "You look... amazing, Naomi."
Naomi blushed, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "Thanks, Dad."
He hesitated, then asked, "So, when is Alex picking you up?"
Naomi glanced at the clock. “About twenty minutes.” 
Spencer nodded, trying to keep his expression neutral. “Okay, twenty minutes,” he repeated, more to himself than to Naomi. “I’ll just… get some work done while we wait.”
He retreated to his home office, but focusing on work proved to be difficult. He could hear Naomi moving around the house, her footsteps light and quick, as she gathered her things and came in and out of the bathroom at least four times. Spencer opened a file, trying to immerse himself in the case details, but every sound from the living room pulled his attention away. Finally, he gave up, closing the file and leaning back in his chair. From his desk, he could see Naomi sitting on the couch, her phone in hand, looking as though she was deep in thought. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of worry. This was a big night for her, and he wished he could do more than just watch from the sidelines.
The ringing of her phone broke the silence. Spencer stiffened, forcing himself to stay put and not eavesdrop as she answered. “Hey, Hannah,” Naomi said, her voice bright but with an edge of uncertainty.
There was a pause, and Spencer knew Hannah was talking, probably updating Naomi on the scene at the dance. Naomi’s face fell slightly as she listened, nodding along to whatever Hannah was saying.
“Wow, already?” Naomi responded, glancing at the clock again. “That’s… Yeah, that’s okay. I’m still waiting here. No, no, it’s fine.”
Spencer heard the slight quiver in her voice and had to grip the armrest of his chair to keep from intervening. He could imagine Hannah, already at the venue, probably telling Naomi about how everyone was lining up for the grand march, and the excitement buzzing through the crowd. He didn’t need to hear the conversation to know what Naomi was thinking—how much she wanted to be there, but how she was starting to doubt it would happen.
There was a longer pause, and then Naomi’s voice came again, quieter this time. “Yeah… I’ll probably just have to miss it this year.” She forced a light laugh, though Spencer could hear the disappointment seeping through. “It’s okay, really. I’ve got two more years of high school to do it anyway. You go ahead, Hannie. You deserve it.” 
Spencer’s heart ached hearing those words. He wanted to go out there, to tell her that it wasn’t fair, that Alex should have been on time, that she shouldn’t have to miss out on something she’d been looking forward to. But he knew he couldn’t swoop in and fix everything for her this time, no matter how much he wanted to.
After a few more words exchanged, Naomi ended the call and set her phone down with a sigh. She stared at the wall, her hands fidgeting with the bangle on her wrist, borrowed from JJ. Spencer could see the tension in her shoulders, the way she was trying so hard to stay composed.
He took a deep breath, then pushed himself up from his chair. Walking out to the living room, he approached the couch and sat down beside her. For a moment, neither of them spoke.
Spencer finally broke the silence. “You know,” he said softly, “you don’t have to pretend it doesn’t bother you.”
Naomi glanced at him, her eyes a little shiny. “It does bother me. I’m going to call him.” 
He stayed quiet, offering silent support as she dialed Alex's number. The phone rang once, twice, three times—each ring seemed to stretch out endlessly. Spencer could see the worry and frustration building in her eyes. When the call went to voicemail, Naomi's lips tightened into a thin line. Without hesitating, she redialed, the urgency in her movements more pronounced this time. Spencer could feel the tension radiating off her, a mix of anxiety and anger that bubbled just beneath the surface. It was a familiar look, one he’d seen on so many faces over the years—determined, resolute, the same expression the women in her life made when staring down an unsub.
As the phone continued to ring, Spencer reached out, placing a hand on her arm in a gesture of quiet reassurance. Naomi’s face remained focused, but he could see the storm of emotions behind her eyes. She was determined to get through, to find answers, and nothing was going to stand in her way.
Finally, the call connected, and the sound of Alex's voice filled the room. He was mid-laugh, his tone carefree and oblivious as he said, "Hello?"
Naomi's hand shook as she pressed the speaker button, her voice cold and controlled. "Alex, where are you? You were supposed to be here, like, two hours ago."
There was a brief pause on the other end, and Spencer could practically see Alex shrugging as he responded, "Oh, uh, it’s fine. We’re all just hanging out here at the dance. No big deal."
Naomi’s eyes flashed with anger, her voice rising. "No big deal? I’ve been sitting here, waiting for you! You said you'd pick me up, and now you're just… there already? Without me?"
Alex hissed at someone to shut up on the other end. “I thought I told you I decided to go with Frannie.” 
Naomi's face fell, the color draining from her cheeks as Alex's words hit her like a punch to the gut. Spencer watched, his heart breaking for her, as the anger in her eyes was quickly replaced by hurt and confusion.
“You… you decided to go with Frannie?” Naomi repeated, her voice trembling.
On the other end, Alex seemed almost irritated by her reaction. "I thought I told you. It’s not a big deal, Naomi. I figured you’d find out eventually."
Naomi's grip on the phone tightened, her knuckles turning white. "You figured I’d find out? Are you serious? Why did you even ask me in the first place?"
Spencer could see the tears welling up in her eyes again, and every instinct in him screamed to take the phone and give Alex a piece of his mind. He reached for it but Naomi pulled it away. Naomi took a deep breath, her hand tightening around the phone as she steadied herself. Spencer hesitated, his hand still hovering in the air, but he quickly withdrew it, respecting her silent request for space.
"I can handle this," she whispered, more to herself than to him, though Spencer heard every word. He nodded, even though she wasn’t looking at him, silently offering his support.
Naomi blinked rapidly, forcing the tears back as she focused on her breathing. Finally, she brought the phone back to her ear, her voice controlled but with an underlying edge of hurt. "Alex, I just want to know why."
There was a brief pause on the other end, and when Alex spoke, his voice was a mix of awkwardness and indifference. "I don’t know, Naomi. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. It just kind of happened with Frannie a few days ago, and I figured you’d understand. I mean she and I did date for two years. I’ve known you for three months. Surely you didn’t think you meant more to me than she does."
Naomi closed her eyes, exhaling slowly through her nose. She took another deep breath, swallowing the lump in her throat. 
"Goodbye, Alex," she said, her voice steady but final. Without waiting for a response, she ended the call and placed the phone on the couch beside her.
For a moment, she just sat there, staring at the dark screen, the room eerily quiet around them. Spencer could see the battle she was fighting inside, trying to hold herself together despite the pain.
"Naomi," he said gently, his voice full of concern and love.
Naomi’s whole body began to tremble as she sat there, fists clenching the fabric of her dress so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Spencer’s heart ached at the sight, every instinct telling him to reach out, to hold her and tell her it would be okay. But he hesitated, unsure if that was what she needed right now. He watched as she bit down hard on her lip, her eyes squeezed shut as she fought to keep the flood of emotions at bay. Her breaths came in ragged, uneven gasps, the effort it took to maintain control visible in every tense muscle of her small frame. 
Spencer could see the tears gathering in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she stubbornly refused to let them fall. It was as if she believed that if she could just hold on a little longer, she could keep everything from crashing down around her. He could only stand by helplessly, torn between wanting to give her space and wanting to wrap her in his arms.
Then, suddenly, the dam broke. A wail of anguish tore from her lips, a sound so raw and filled with pain that it cut through Spencer like a knife. It was a cry that held every ounce of her hurt, her disappointment, and her heartbreak, and it echoed through the quiet house, making the walls feel like they were closing in.
Naomi shot up from the couch, her heels clicking sharply against the hardwood floor as she bolted for her room. Spencer flinched at the sound, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched her retreating form, torn again between following her and giving her the privacy she seemed to need. The door to her room slammed shut behind her, the sound reverberating through the house and leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Spencer stood there, frozen, feeling the weight of her pain in the stillness that followed. 
He took a tentative step toward her door, then stopped, his hand hovering in the air as he debated what to do. He wanted so badly to comfort her, to tell her that everything would be okay, but he knew that right now, she needed to let it out on her own terms. 
Spencer finally lowered his hand, deciding to give her the space she needed. He knew that he would be there when she was ready, waiting just outside her door, ready to offer her whatever comfort she sought. For now, all he could do was wait and hope that she would let him in when she was ready to face the world again.
It took an agonizing hour before Naomi finally emerged from her room. Spencer had spent that time sitting in the living room, the sound of her muffled sobs seeping through the walls and tearing at his heart. Every sob felt like a knife, each one making him feel more helpless than the last. He wished there was something he could do, some way to make it all better, but all he could do was wait.
When Naomi finally appeared, her eyes were red and puffy, her face streaked with the remnants of tears. She looked smaller somehow, more fragile, as she hesitated in the doorway. Spencer straightened up, his heart breaking all over again at the sight of her.
She stood there for a moment, her fingers nervously fiddling with the hem of her sweatshirt, before she finally spoke, her voice soft and trembling. "Dad… do you think I’m ugly?"
Spencer’s eyes widened in shock, and he was on his feet in an instant, crossing the room to stand in front of her. "Naomi, of course not," he said, his voice firm yet gentle. "You’re beautiful, inside and out. Why would you even think that?"
Naomi didn’t answer right away. Instead, she pulled out her phone, her hands shaking as she opened it and navigated to a specific picture. Spencer could see the anxiety in her eyes as she held the phone out to him. Spencer took the phone from her, his heart sinking as he saw the image on the screen. It was a picture of Alex and a girl he assumed was Frannie, both smiling brightly at the camera. But it wasn’t the picture that made his blood boil—it was the caption underneath it: Pretty girls go to prom. Ugly girls get dumped. 
Spencer felt a surge of anger, his grip on the phone tightening as he read those cruel words. He couldn’t believe that someone would say something so hurtful, especially knowing how it would make Naomi feel. He looked back at his daughter, seeing the hurt in her eyes, and his anger deepened.
"Naomi," he said, his voice filled with both compassion and a quiet fury, "you are not ugly. Not in any way. What she wrote is cruel and untrue, and it says a lot more about her than it does about you."
Naomi’s lower lip trembled, and she looked down at the floor, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "But why would he pick her over me? If I’m not ugly, then why…?" She began to cry again, lip pouting like she did when she was a child. 
Spencer gently cupped her chin, lifting her face so she would look at him. "What Alex did has nothing to do with you, sweetheart. It’s about his poor choices and the kind of people he surrounds himself with. You’re better than that. You deserve someone who sees you for the incredible person you are, inside and out." He waits a minute. “Frankly, Frannie can fuck off and keep that shitty kid.” 
Naomi’s eyes filled with tears again, but this time, there was a flicker of something else—something like hope—in their depths. "But it still hurts," she whispered.
Spencer nodded, his heart aching for her. "I know it does. And it’s okay to hurt. But don’t ever let someone else’s cruelty make you doubt your worth. You are beautiful, strong, and smart, and one day, you’ll find someone who appreciates all of that and more."
Naomi sniffed, a small, sad smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, Dad."
Spencer pulled her into a hug, holding her close as she let out a shaky breath. "Anytime, sweetheart. I’m here for you, no matter what."
She held onto him for a few minutes, eventually pulling away. She wiped her cheeks and smiled. “Can we watch a movie?” 
Spencer ran his thumb gently along Naomi’s cheek, wiping away the last trace of her tears. “Of course,” he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. 
Naomi nodded, her smile a little brighter now, and turned to head to her room. “I’ll be right back with a DVD,” she called over her shoulder, her tone lighter than before.
As soon as she was out of sight, Spencer pulled out his phone, his fingers moving quickly over the screen. He dialed a number, bringing the phone to his ear. It rang twice before the familiar, bubbly voice of Penelope answered.
“Hey, Garcia. I need a favor,” Spencer said, his voice low and serious. He felled her in on what had happened.
The instant clacking made Spencer’s heart swell. “Oh, he’s going to regret every crossing our precious little Naomi,” she muttered, her tone steely beneath the usual cheerfulness.
"Thank you, Penelope." Spencer ended the call, a small smile tugging at his lips as he put his phone away. He knew Penelope would handle things discreetly, but effectively. Naomi didn’t need to know the details—only that justice had a way of finding those who deserved it.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: The tulkun have returned to Awa’atlu, it was time to introduce the most important people in her life to one another Warnings: N/A Word count: 1.4k
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @avtprint @theesexystallion @annaleesworld @blueberryfailureclinic @eywas-heir
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“Look! It is my spirit sister!” ___ pointed at the tulkun who popped her head out of the water, squealing in greeting. The girl grinned wide and hopped off the ilu, diving down into the waters to see her, leaving the forest Na’vi behind in her haste.
“___, it has been too long” the tulkun clicked at her, swimming closer towards the girl. The creature took notice of the boy who swam nearby behind her, one that looked much different compared to the Metkayina. “Who is this?” she asked curiously, eying the stranger.
“This is Neteyam. He is of the Omaticaya clan, in the forest” ___ signed to her sister, turning around to wave the mentioned boy over and holding her hand out. Neteyam swam over and grabbed onto it, using it to propel himself next to her, he looked at the tulkun and smiled, never having seen something so amazing.
“Hello Neteyam of the forest clan” the creatures high pitched noises made the Omaticayan’s ear twitch, not used to the sounds, he was also slightly confused with what she was saying.
“Lafey says hello” ___ translated for Neteyam who nodded, using his fingers to sign back a hello and an apology for not being able to properly communicate. ___ grinned at him “you will learn”, she then went closer to the tulkun, dragging Neteyam with her and holding onto Lafey’s large fin “let us swim together!”
The creature moved her tail and they glided across the waters, admiring the view of the Metkayina reconnecting with their brothers and sisters. Tulkuns introducing their newly bred calfs and the Na’vi doing the same, she saw her mother, Ronal, signing to her own spirit sister, catching the words “my child is strong”
Neteyam has never seen anything more amazing, his clan from the forest never really connected to sentient beings like this, sure they had their ikran. But the tulkun were not banshees. He spotted his sisters with Rotxo, holding onto his spirit brothers fin and swimming through the waters. Large grins on their faces as they glided, having fun.
A tap on his shoulder distracted him, ___ motioned to her brother Ao’nung who swam up to them on his ilu, bringing his hand to his forehead to motion ‘I see you’ to Lafey. “Come swim with me forest boy, let me show you more of the waters” Neteyam glanced at the boy, then towards the girl next to him asking for permission.
“Go with him” she smiled, ushering him over. She’ll spend more time with Lafey and hopefully find her sister Tsireya.
“Thank you” Neteyam kissed her on the cheek and clicked for an ilu, he connected tsaheylu and swam up to Ao’nung who spun around Rotxo, Kiri and Tuktirey.
“So…the boy? You like him” Lafey squealed, once again kicking her large tail and propelling them through the currents. ___ flushed and hid her face, hands gripping onto the fin.
“I do not know what you mean Lafey” she signed with one hand, watching as they came to a stop by Tsireya who danced with another tulkun, seeing the shadow of another Omaticayan boy at the surface, watching them.
“You know exactly what I mean” the tulkun rolled her eyes and watched as ___ moved to go in front of her, Tsireya taking notice and swimming towards them, grasping her older sisters hand.
“___! And Lafey, I see you” Tsireya signed in greeting, waving at the tulkun who chirped. “We were just dancing, come join us!” she dragged the girl towards the centre of the reef where there was space to spin, grinning when she heard the sweet songs of the creatures around them.
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Eclipse covered the island with bioluminescence, the Na’vi rejoiced as they celebrated the tulkun’s return on the beach. Drinks were served and the people danced around the large fires, some decided to stick to the waters where their brothers and sisters resided.
Neteyam waltzed up to his crush, handing her a cup of bitter liquid “your spirit sister is kind, thank you for introducing me” he sipped on his drink, watching as the light of the fires illuminated her teal skin.
“It was no problem, she likes you, Lafey” the Metkayina looked of into the reef, watching the shadows of the creatures dance in the waters. “I am happy she is back, it has been so long since we last saw one another”
“You do not see them often?”
“Kehe, they travel during the seasons, so we celebrate when they arrive back to us” Neteyam nodded, understanding. His eyes drifted to see Lo’ak getting dragged by Tsireya to the fires and an idea formed in his head.
“Dance with me” he took her drink from her hand and placed it on one of the protruding rocks, watching ___ as her face turned a little purple, he grinned. “Za’u”
___ found herself in front of the fires where the other Na’vi moved about to the tulkun’s song, quickly finding a rhythm she moved her body, twisting and turning around the heap of flames. She found herself laughing when Neteyam stumbled a bit, he excelled in a lot of things, dancing was not one of them.
This time it was the girl who found herself taking his hand, saving him from his misery and bringing him closer to the shoreline. “That was fun, warrior. But I thought you told me you were the best at everything? Hm?” she poked his stomach, smiling at his sheeting expression.
“Did I mention that I was not a dancer?” he followed ___ when she dipped into the ocean, the waters glowing around her.
“You did not have to, it was obvious” she teased and watched as Neteyam swam ahead of her, already knowing she wanted to see Lafey. They both dived under and got closer, watching as the Tulkun turned and twisted, obviously having a party for themselves.
“Lafey” ___ greeted the creature who stopped her singing, coming closer to the two. “We wanted to join you for a while, the festivities will not stop until morning”
Lafey shook her head up and down, agreeing “did you dance? I saw you two together” she clicked, eyes squinting with mirth.
Neteyam looked between the two and caught onto the fact that ___ looked bashful, blue eyes darting to him and quickly turning away when she caught him staring. “Lafey, you are embarrassing me”
“What did she say?”
“She is teasing us, for dancing” Neteyam grinned and pushed her slightly, if he could laugh he would. “Come, let us go up” the two Na’vi climbed onto ___’s spirit sister, sitting on her fin as they breached the surface of the water.
“You do not have to be embarrassed, ___. I enjoy dancing with you…even if i am not good at it” Neteyam grabbed her smaller hand, squeezing it and pulling it to rest on his lap. ___ looked into his eyes and giggled, remembering his funny moves as wobbly legs.
The Metkayina leaned her head on his shoulder, eyes going towards her people, the sounds of pure joy making her eyes crinkle. “I am happy, that you have met Lafey, and she you” the animal mentioned squealed in agreement.
“I am also happy, that I have met her..and you” this grabbed the girls attention, head coming off his shoulder to stare into his eyes. “I miss my home, the forest. But if we have not left then I would not have gotten to meet you. ___, thank you for welcoming my family, for treating us well”
___ flushed a dark purple, not expecting this heartfelt speech. “It is no problem, I am happy that your family has adjusted here okay, I am also happy to have met you too”
Neteyam shook his head “you are truly mighty, strong heart. Irayo” he leaned in and pecked her lips, smiling shyly when his yellow eyes caught her dumbfounded blue. Quickly ___ leaned in and gave him a longer kiss, heart beating erratically in her chest. “Let me take you to this spot I have found earlier in the week, it could be our place, for just me and you”
“I would love that Neteyam”
Just above the surface, Lafey’s eyes stared at them, happy that her sister has found someone to love her, she was also a little smug, “so you do like him?”
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sl-newsie · 4 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 17: Old Wounds and New Beginnings
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It’s getting late. I should be heading back now. The park is no place for a lady at night, no matter what manner of weaponry I’m carrying. It’s funny- I haven’t seen many Peaky Blinders posted around. Was there another meeting?
Back at the Shelby home I see no one is home. Obviously they went somewhere and no one has broken in. I suppose I’ll just make a quick supper and turn in-
“Someone get the door!” Polly shouts from up front.
What in Heaven? I rush over and open the door to see Polly’s wide eyes. “Hello Polly, where- Oh my God!”
Outside stands Polly, a mystery woman, and Ada, who looks like a tick about to pop. Her red face and heavy breathing cause my womanly instincts to kick in. She’s in labor.
“Make way, make way! We need to get her to the bed,” the Polly makes way for the other woman to help Ada inside her bedroom.
“I’ll get towels!” I call and sprint to the storage cupboard. 
When I reach Ada’s room she’s crying out in pain. Water soaks the floor and in the dim light I see streaks of blood. It looks just like what the other women in Brooklyn go through back at home.
“Here, love!” Polly grabs the towels from my hands and tries to sooth Ada. “Keep going, that’s right. Push.”
“I think it might be the other way around,” the stranger observes, examining between Ada’s legs 
Who is this woman? “Are you the midwife?” I ask with stern suspicion.
“Verena, we can trust her,” Polly instructs. “Please go get more hot water.”
I ask no further questions. Polly’s judgment is what brought me here, it’s safe to trust when it comes to Ada’s health. That’s my priority now. I rush to the kitchen and pour heated water into hot water bottles. Hopefully it will ease the pain. Back in the bedroom Ada continues to let out harbored breaths.
“One more push!” the woman instructs.
“Aaahhh!” Ada cries.
I kneel next to the bed and grab her hand- almost getting my own crushed by her forceful grip. As she pushes once more her crying gets drowned out by the whimpering of a newborn babe. I keep a distance to provide privacy and don’t see the child’s face until the woman holds it up.
“It’s a boy!” She announces with a joyful smile.
“A boy…” Ada breathes with relief, no longer in pain.
The cord is cut and the child is brought to its tired but happy mother. The process unwinding before me is a whole new kind of love, the love of a parent.
“He’s adorable! And healthy-looking too.”
“He’s sturdy, just like his father,” Ada sighs as the newborn begins nursing.
I hand her a towel to wrap around him. “And just as spirited as his mother. God bless you both!”
Fate must be aligned because another noise from the hallway catches my attention and we see Freddie walk in. When he sees the child his face melts into a big smile and he sits down gently next to his wife to marvel at the strong lad. Both Polly and I take that as our cue to leave the room, joining the new woman in the kitchen.
“Sorry, in the haste of the moment I didn’t get to meet you properly.” I extend a hand and we shake. “I’m Verena. What’s your name?”
The petite dark-haired woman offers a kind smile. “Esme. I’m also sorry about the rushed introduction. It must be strange to have me here now.”
A frown makes its way onto my face. “Here? What do you-?”
Bang bang!
“Open up! Police!”
Suddenly the front door is busted open and coppers swarm the house, headed straight for Ada’s room.
“You can’t come in here, there’s a baby just been born-!” Esme tries to tug them away, protecting the mother and child.
The cops drag Freddie out by his shirt and all but shove him out the door.
“Don’t hurt him! Please, leave him alone!” Ada cries from her room.
“Leave him be, you bastards!” I give a stiff punch to an officer’s face. This gets their attention and they all try to decide if they should lay a hand on me too. “How do you have the nerve to do this? To part a father from his newborn son?” I point a scolding finger at each of them. “Shame on all of you!”
My words practically dissolve and they give no mind to them, dragging poor Freddie down the dark streets. Meanwhile Polly and Esme are trying to soothe Ada.
“They took him! They took him!” She sobs, causing her son to join her.
“Steady, Ada,” I squeeze her hand. “I’ll go tell Thomas. And when I do I’m going to kill him!”
I storm out and head straight for the first place Thomas might be at this time of night: the Garrison. Sure enough the leader of the Peaky Blinders is heading out the door with a fresh cigarette.
“Thomas Shelby!” I grunt and grab hold of his coat. “You need to get your arse home right now! Them coppers took Freddie ‘nd Ada’s have’n a meltdown!”
“Whoa whoa, slow down. Now, tell me without the Brooklyn accent.”
“Somehow the coppers knew where to find Freddie. They arrested him mere minutes after the birth of his son.”
Thomas’ face shifts to a serious one and he quickens his pace back to the house, where Polly approaches to discuss the matter with Thomas. This is a family matter so I shouldn’t interfere despite the urge to input. Now I understand why Ada’s been distant from the Blinder business. Why would you bring a child into this? After what happened with Finn it’s no secret that this is no place for a youth.
“She’s steady now,” Thomas walks back to me.
“Good. How was the family occasion?” 
Thomas recollects tonight’s events by lighting another cigarette. Somewhere in his muttering I hear ‘lovely wedding.’
My spirits lift. “A wedding? Who’s the lucky couple?”
“John, and his new wife Esme.”
So that’s why she’s here! “I thought John was going to marry Lizzie?”
He shakes his head. “Backed out. So to make an alliance with the Lees I offered John. John needed a wife, the Lee family had a woman who needed a husband.”
My face falls as quick as it lifts. “Oh no, Thomas Shelby you did not! How could you? How could you just spring that on someone, your own brother?”
Is it all a power struggle for him? I was right. His tendency to ignore love is what’s distancing him from what’s really important.
“He’s not complaining,” Thomas sounds optimistic. “He loves her already. Now we have to worry about getting Freddie back.”
John’s new bride almost makes me forget about Freddie. “So you didn’t tip off Campbell?”
Thomas’ face clouds over. “No.”
“Then who did?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”
The Peaky Blinder looks down at me, almost seeming to size me up for anything suspicious. Do you think that I know something you don't know? If I don't always promise you the answers, do you see me differently?
The next morning brings little efficiency about Ada’s current standing with Thomas. 
“She’s gone?”
Polly nods and finishes chewing her apple. “Left without a word. She’s furious with all of us. Thinks one of us sold out Freddie. She’s locked herself in her apartment and won’t let me in. I just took her some fresh bread, but there’s a slim chance she’ll accept it.” 
Poor Ada. Only been a mother since last night and she’s already facing trouble. Speaking of trouble-
“Polly, I need to tell you something. Yesterday I went to the Garrison for a drink. Grace mentioned that she has a fear of breaking Thomas’ heart. Maybe it’s just me, but that does not seem like something a normal person would say. Is it wrong of me to be so apprehensive?”
The more I say the more her expression darkens. “It is never wrong to doubt someone, Verena. Faith in the Lord is one thing. Faith in humanity, that’s something else. Have you told Thomas?” 
“No. I don’t want to ruin his chance at a good life.”
“Good or not, I’m going to keep a close eye on this Grace character.” Her face turns to me and she tries to show a smile. “You alright, love? Need something to eat?”
“Actually I am feeling a tad peckish, yes. It’ll do me some good to do some baking later once I have breakfast. Do you have any tasks for me today, Polly? Anything I can do to help?”
The tired woman shakes her head and puffs on a cigarette. “I wish I could say no but we’ve got some catching up to do with the records. I’ll need some help in the office-”
The door opens and reveals Thomas. If he has any opinion about the current predicament he’s doing a good job of hiding it.
“Did you talk to her?”
Polly’s eyes burn into him with silent fury. “She didn’t talk back.”
Thomas looks between her and me and tries to calm the storm. “I’ll only say this one more time. It wasn’t me.”
Thud. Thud. Thud. Polly’s heels echo as she storms across the room and goes to poke a finger at Thomas. 
“Tommy, I’d ask you to swear on the Bible. But you can’t swear on that, can you? Nothing you hold sacred.”
She huffs in frustration and stomps off to her room. Thomas looks to me for sympathy but I’m torn on giving any to him. It’s not the first time he would have lied for what he considers good intentions. Still… He really does want Ada to be happy. When he sees my hesitation Thomas just grunts and pulls out another cigarette before walking away to the door again.
“Going to repent on your thoughts?”
“Going to run through some things with Grace,” he mutters. “I’ll be back later.”
Back to Grace. Wonderful. I’m back to being alone-
Or not. Solitude will have to wait.
“Morning, Finn! Here for another lesson, I imagine?”
The young Shelby grabs a roll and nods eagerly. “A quick one. Then I’m playing ball in the park.”
His ambition is just the refreshing drive I need. “Of course. We can walk around the block.”
With my pistol safely in my skirt pocket, we exit the back door and begin strolling into the damp streets. It’s cloudy today, almost copying the dreary mood everyone’s been in.
“How about… Insanity?”
His face scrunches. “Insanity? Why do we need to talk about that?”
“Because you cannot bury the obvious. Back home our asylums lock people away for their safety but do little to help the patients’ mental needs. Perhaps that it’s our world that is insane, and the ones we call mad are actually of sound mind.”
Finn snickers. “Tommy can go pretty mad sometimes.”
“Possibly. It may be possible to have fleeting episodes of insanity. Certain elements in the human brain that twerk now and then. Have you been reading any of the authors I assigned?” He nods. “Good. In Narcotics Anonymous, a guide book for addicts, Albert Einstein states that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Our conversation is drawing the attention of a few pedestrians. Their judgeful stares seep through me but Finn reacts differently.
“Verena, I don’t think this topic is widely popular.”
“Popular or not, it’s still important. Take a moment to enjoy your peace of mind, Finn. In whatever world we live in, God has graced us with the ability to comprehend our surroundings.” We reach the front of the house and I hold the door open for him. “A little food for thought.”
“Thanks, Verena.” Finn’s still stewing over my words but doesn’t reject them. “Maybe someday- Huh?”
We both halt at the end of the hall and peer inside the kitchen. At the table sits an unfamiliar man, who’s being watched by Polly and John like a vulture stalking its prey. Arthur lounges in a nearby chair with a much-less stern demeanor.
“Finish your sandwich and sling your hook,” Polly orders.
“Now who’s this?” I ask, bewildered.
Finn doesn’t answer and wanders over to stand close to the man. He ruffles Finn’s hair and Polly looks as if she could stab his eyes out. John sees me hiding around the corner.
“Steenstra, meet our father. Arthur Shelby Senior.”
Their father? Thomas never mentioned-
“Hello, darling,” the Shelby Senior grins. “Who might you be?”
I take a breath of courage and step into the room. “I’m Finn’s tutor.”
His eyes light up at my accent. “Ah, an American! Where’d you lot pick her up? Girl like you looks too fine to be a tutor. Are you sure you ain’t helping out my boys with other prospects?”
What?! Polly hisses and John moves to grab my arm. Not threateningly, just to quietly ask me to not make a scene. He, Polly, and I are thinking the same thing.
“Sir, I am a proper woman and will not be talked to like that! Excuse me.”
I pull away from John’s grasp and pivot back to the door. The church will provide sanctuary from this outrageous conspiracy-!
“Oh!” Thomas meets me at the door and my pulse startles, but only for a split second. “Thomas, there’s someone in there I will not tolerate.”
His eyes narrow when he sees my disgust and he brushes past. I follow quietly and peek out from behind. The instant Thomas sees his father he doesn’t hesitate. “Get out.”
“Come on, son. I’m a changed man.” How was he before?
“This family needed you ten years ago, and you walked out on us. Get out of this house.”
The man still doesn’t budge. “Tommy, it’s-”
“Shut up!” Thomas seethes. 
I remove the pistol from my skirt and hold it firmly at my side. I don’t care who this man is. Thomas’ judgment of him is good enough for me. The man gathers that our hostility is not receding and finally stands up.
“Well, I shall take my leave then.” He walks past Finn and pats his head. “Goodbye, son.”
I can tell Finn’s disappointed to see his father leave but John pulls him back to erase those thoughts. The man passes me but not before I give him another one of mother’s murderous glares. Once he’s shut the door Polly immediately relaxes.
“He’s our dad,” Arthur tries to lighten the mood.
Thomas sighs. “He’s a selfish bastard.”
“You calling him a selfish bastard? That’s rich, coming from you. Thanks to you we’re already down one bloody sister.”
“You want to see him, Arthur? You go with him.”
And Arthur does just that. He stands up and gives Thomas one last disappointed look, then takes off out the door. Lord, I know my family has its quarrels but never have I seen such mayhem in family matters.
“Sorry about that, love,” Thomas mutters and looks down at the gun in my hand. He knows I don’t pull it out for nothing. “You won’t need that now. What did he do to her, John?”
“Basically called her an American whore,” John growls with hatred.
Thomas stiffens and abruptly walks over to me with a tight jaw. “Verena, if that man ever speaks to you again you have my full permission to shoot his balls off. I- We’re sorry you had to see that. ‘S just… not every part of the Shelby clan is respectable.”
The pistol is returned to its place and I put a hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “You don’t need to apologize for your family, Thomas. Neither of you do. I know none of you think I’m… that. One person’s scatterbrained belief doesn’t define everyone’s.” It’s time for me to go. Their family matters are private and I shouldn’t be here-
“You’re more our family than that traitor, Verena.”
I pause at John’s words before I reach my room. Family. With all the hardship this family’s seen, how can they trust me so easily? See me as one of their own? According to Uncle Colon it’s a high honor to be accepted as an outsider into a mob business, especially one as brutal as the Peaky Blinders.
“Thank you very much, all of you. That means a great deal.”
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eggcompany · 5 months
Heart to Heart and Back Again Part 1
Count Julian Pankratz, a chronically ill man who has more love than he knows what to do with with his short life. That was until he met his new nursemaid, a mysterious new man in town, Geralt. They grow to love each other, each thriving off each other, each learning to love, to live, to truly feel alive because of each other. Geralt had been around for so long he didn't even know he could love. Julian had been convinced no one would ever love him. Soulmates, they were crafted for each other at their very cores.
But unfortunately destiny had other plans. Julian gets sick, he grows weaker and weaker, and he leaves Geralt. The white haired man doesn't know what to do with his empty heart, empty hands, and wish only to bring his one love back.
There was only one person for him in life. Julian. And he was dead.
Or is he...? One stranger's trek up a mountain a few hundred years later might just change Geralt's mind.
“I can stand, good first impressions.” Julian said as he leaned heavily on his cane. He waited for the door to open for the new nursemaid. He shooed the maid away once she dropped off some food, she laughed at him and made her way through the side doors. He was leaning on his cane trying to get other the pain that was dragging at the base of his back. 
The door did open and he was shaking, straining, heart starting to speed up. 
“Hello, welcome, hurry up and shake my hand before I pass out. Thank you” he said quickly and grabbed the man’s huge hand in his own and then sat back down in his wheelchair. He started getting some big breaths in trying to get his heart to slow back down. 
He then took in the man’s looks. He was large, strong looking, had silver nearly white hair, golden eyes, and his clothes were dirty. He was extremely handsome where his hair hung over his forehead and was held back by a small black tie. 
“It’s an honor to serve you count.” He said and bowed which Julian shushed and waved his hand at. 
“Oh pish posh, now come sit down with me. I had Lizzy bring up some really good stuff. She's a witch in the kitchen, literally but also she cooks so well I’ve cried. I personally have a sweet tooth but also I love eggs scrambled or omelets, those are French. Do you eat eggs?” Julians asked and wheeled himself over to his breakfast table, only one other chair at the table. 
Geralt was confused but followed him awkwardly standing by the table before Julian leaned over and patted the seat and removed the cloches from their plates. There were two plates of scrambled eggs, some pan fried meat, small loaves of bread, and a cup of something melted and spiced looking. 
“Do you not eat eggs? We have a large coop and a lot of livestock on the estate, feel free to explore as you please. I personally would love to get back there to see the sheep, I’ve always loved them.” Julian said as he picked up a fluffy spiced egg and popped it into his mouth smiling at Geralt. He hoped the man would stay, he felt some kind of… change in himself at just the sight of the man. Something ws changing in his heart. 
Geralt, who sat down, remained confused. There’s a plate set in front of him but… why? What? He’d heard of the “Flower” of the rich estate family but… the weak shaky young man wasn’t what he’d imagined. He’d been around for a very long time and he’d yet to meet someone like Julian. 
Julian stared at him waiting but then shook his head and looked down. Soft smile on his lips and kindness running pure in his eyes. 
“Dig in my friend, I’m a lonely man, I treat my servants well. I don’t expect you to stay for the rest of my life, I don’t expect you to feel loyalty to me. I only request you be kind. So in return for your kindness, you have free rein of the estate. Choose a room for yourself, no matter where, make food to your taste, slaughter what you please, grow what you please, just include me please.” Julian said in a sad voice that hurt Geralt's heart. He was just a boy, a kid wanting someone to play with him. 
He’d never met a count as… souled as Julian. He thought he’d be a chamber maid to some priss, to clean and be quiet. He’d never met someone so… honest and full of humanity's best quality, compassion and companionship, friendship and love. 
Geralt should have known Julian would be good. The other servants seemed happy, like a community. All chatting as they worked, some laughing and others humming tunes as they did their business leisurely. 
He was confused, though. Why? 
“Count-” He started just for Julian to groan and shake his head. 
“Julian, please.” The boy said and took another bite of food. He hated being called ‘ count’ ; it made him feel old. 
“Julian, why? Why share your wealth?” Geralt asked and watched the boy drink from a cup it looked like... milk? What wealthy person didn't drink wine with their meals?
"My father brought home a sickness, when I was younger. He gave it to my entire family, my mother, my sisters, me. They all slowly died around me. And I survived. Why? My father was one of the wealthiest counts in this entire land. My sisters were more beautiful than precious gems, my mother had acres and acres of land. I was the youngest, and most uninterested in growing our wealth and taking on more land. Why did I survive if not to share? One day I will die, I can't produce an heir, who will take care of me? Who will make sure I am happy in my final days? Who will take over this home? I'm a creature of society, Geralt, dear, I surround myself with good company. I surround myself with friends . I think you're supposed to be nice and share with your friends." Julian said and leaned forward against the table, smiling, and Geralt was shaking his head. Astonished. He was just a kid, poetic words made from a luxury life. 
"Are you quick to befriend someone like me? You have no idea where I've been, where I'm from, what I've done. Why do you welcome me like a long lost friend?" Geralt asked and Julian was huffed and laughed as his eyes glittered. He looked right at Geralt’s face, cheeks chubby and joy coursing through him. Geralt felt a bit younger himself, his boulders lifting slightly from his shoulders just meeting the kid. 
"You are my long lost friend. I can feel it here in my heart. We are meant to be together, our destinies entwined. Like soup!” Julian said and broke out in a big smile, hands coming to grab Geralt’s across the table. Geralt didn’t pull his hands back but he was nervous until Julian squeezed their hands together. Julian looked right in his eyes, solidifying how serious he was. 
“Now!" The boy said and dropped his silverware and clapped his hands together. Geralt watched him curiously. Julian rubbed his hands together excitedly. 
"Have you ever had a honey cake baked with pork fat instead of butter?" Julian asked and lifted the glass cloche off the small cake that had been sitting to the side. His bottom lip was caught in his smile, a hunger filling his eyes that Geralt only ever seen in brothels. 
"Pork fat instead of butter?" Geralt asked and Julian was quick to cut him a large piece and put it on a separate plate, handing it to him before getting a big piece for himself. 
"Yes! It'll make you cream your trousers, I've never had anything better. Now, you're being rude by not eating so dig in before I start crying." Julian said and shoved a big bite into his mouth. Geralt thought he was funny, the way the boy’s cheeks puffed out and crumbs stuck to his soft looking lips. 
Geralt lifted it up and sniffed it before taking a bite. He moaned and chewed, looking at the boy’s smug look.  It was… incredible. Sweet and indulgent and fattening oily and rich. Something Geralt hadn’t tasted since his days of stealing from royals as a young man. 
"I told you!" the boy said and they ate in silence. Until Julian leaned back in his chair, rubbing his belly, he wasn’t very round just kinda… plush. Like a feather pillow or fresh baked buns. 
He watched Geralt eat like a man starved, looking a bit starved. He hated seeing hungry people. That’s why when he went into town he made sure to fill his pockets with sweets for the kids. He liked Geralt, the way he shoved food into his mouth and flashed his eyes around like a feral dog. He had nice hair and big hands and looked strong under his tattered clothes. 
"It's a nice day out today. My last nurse, she would put me out on the balcony usually. She wasn't a considerably strong woman, usually she'd call the yard boy, Edwin, to carry me down the stairs if I needed to be on the floor of the estate. I do miss being able to be around the animals. I rather like them." Julian said and laughed and shook his head. He hadn't been able to see the animals in years since his last nurse couldn't really wheel him out in the dirt. When he was a child he liked to go run around in the sheep pens, petting them and feeding them and feeling their soft noses. He did miss it terribly… 
Geralt swallowed the large bit of egg and bread that was in his mouth and wiped his face with his sleeve. He didn’t much care about manners. He had them, just didn’t use them. 
"I could take you, easily. Even if I had to pick your chair up, it wouldn't be very hard." He said and was almost blinded by how bright Julian’s smile was. 
"Oh that would be wonderful. Not today though, today I think you need a tour and to get a good wash up and perhaps we can find you some clothes that fit you better. Perhaps we wear the same!" Julian said giddily. He loved sharing, clothes, food, anything. But it would be so fun to dress Geralt up, maybe do his hair, polish his nails, all the things that Julian loved to do. All the pampering things. 
Geralt nodded, blush burning under his skin. He couldn't imagine how... dirty he must seem. He’d not been able to buy new clothes since his own had been stolen. He didn’t think to try and scrub the stains from his clothes before coming, assuming he’d just be put to work without meeting the head of the house. 
"I apologize for my appearance I-" Geralt started to apologize, nerves ebbing into his voice. He knew most wealthy people hated the look of dirty clothes in such a pristine home. Julian just waved him off, thin hand pale, nails shiny. 
"Nonsense, If I could I'd be rolling in the mud half my days. I love the outdoors, the fresh air, I’d adore just one more walk through the orchard... but we all live life as we can. We have a large bath downstairs or you are welcome to pick a room and we can manage a bath in there for you. Though downstairs I hear is the best for baths." Julian said and smiled, he would love to go downstairs and see everyone. 
Most of the people who worked never really made it up to Julian room. Usually leaving the young count to himself and his nurse and even then she was usually preparing his medicine and his bed and such. Sometimes they’d come by to show him something or ask if they could do something with the house. Bringing him fresh fruit from the orchard or asking to repaint the lattice. He’d like it more if he could actually go see them all and talk with them, be a part of their day to day, but… well he was okay with how things were. 
Geralt nodded and stood up, dusting the crumbs off himself. 
"Do you want to give me a tour?" Geralt asked, and Julian was glad to be pushed about, cane held between his knees. He wasn't strong enough to walk but he stood for a moment a few times. He liked being able to see the house, he told stories from when his sister painted on the walls and how he once climbed onto the roof to scare his mother but instead fell and landed on her. 
Geralt smiled and listened intently, helping Julian to sit back down when he started to tremble. He enjoyed the flowery and detailed way Julian described everything, as if he was writing a poem as he spoke. Each detail being told like it held the whole story together, words mixing like perfume in the air. Geralt liked it. 
Geralt liked living beside the Count. He easily found a place in the home, the room next to Julian’s own. He found a schedule and stepped easily to it. He found out that most clothes Julian wore he could fit into also, though a bit snug on the shoulders. 
It was easy day to day. 
He would wake up with the sun, wash his face, comb his hair, go down to the kitchen and find something to eat, usually eating some dried meat from a very old dusty box in the pantry. He’d get dressed in a nice outfit, a coat, shined shoes, clothes too rich for someone like him. He’d go wake up Julian by knocking lightly on the door, and going to the large cushy bed and finding one of Julian’s fragile hands. 
Julian warned him that he slept heavy and that he also bruised easily so a good shake to a shoulder would… not be the best option. So Geralt would find a pale hand and give it a good squeeze and some gentle rubs and Julian would be yawning and blinking awake. 
“Oh good morning, dear, how did you sleep?”
“Good morning Geralt, dear, have you eaten?”
“Mornin’ Grlt, I feel a bit drunk still, are you hungry?”
“Good morning, dear” 
Julian always had to welcome Geralt to the day. Always had something to grumble out first thing, always started the day with words. And each day Geralt felt closer and closer, he started sitting on the edge of the boy’s bed to hold his hand before waking him up. 
Each day Julian would marvel at Geralt, telling him that somehow just seeing his ‘pretty golden eyes’ made him feel better. Julian would tell Geralt about the books he’d read, play his harp or his lute when he could, sometimes he’d ask Geralt to bring him things. Sometimes it was puzzles, or chess. Geralt found Julian was a very very good chess player but he preferred checkers. 
And his dolls. Julian had a mountain of beautifully crafted dolls. Some were wood, others glass, others porcelaine. Julian had a story for each one, where it was from, who got it for him, when he got it, everything. Julian loved his dolls, he had a few that had on simpler outfits that he occasionally liked to carry around with him when he was feeling especially bad. He liked to brush their hair and put different outfits on them. He knew all their names, Amice, Joy, and Helewis being his favorites. Those three sat by his bed and often in his bed and were often moved around and carried. 
Geralt never really had toys but when a fever delusional Julian placed a doll in his lap and told him to take care of her, well damn it he was going to figure it out. Geralt learned that you have to be careful when combing their hair and how you have to dress them so they don’t break and how to clean them when you drop a cup of tea on them. He learned how to keep them nice but also love them. 
Each day Geralt spent with the boy, each day he heard the rumbly good morning, each day he ate three meals with him, each day he helped the boy into the warm tub, each day Geralt felt like he had never before. Warm and happy and his heart… his heart felt full . And it was all because of Julian. 
"Geralt? Would you please get me something to eat? I'm feeling oddly hungry." Julian said as he sat down from where he had been standing against the rail of the balcony. Somehow he felt... better today. He yelled hello to Edwin who was working in the garden and had been able to walk from his bed to the balcony. He had been feeling better each day it seemed these last few months. He’d been up more that was for sure. Geralt often told him that the sun would help him but also that the balcony was boring. So he was down, being rolled through the gardens or being pushed to the end of the driveway, laughing at the way the rocks bounced him around, or he was being carried down the stairs and sat at the large dining table to socialize with the servants. 
Geralt really did help him.
Julian wasn’t usually embarrassed but he felt more comfortable asking for help with certain things. He no longer struggled to wash himself, simply asking Geralt to wash his back or help rinse the soap off his skin, he didn’t feel shy asking for the bedpan or hurrying to the bathroom, Geralt would simply put him there. He felt easy saying that he didn’t want to wear pants to bed or that it was warm and he didn't want to wear a shirt in the bedroom. 
He was just… content and happy with Geralt. The stoic man’s short comments and quiet nature. It was comfortable. 
"Do you want me to make you some eggs?” Geralt offered from where he was sipping tea in the sun, opposite from where Julian sat at the small table. The boy smiled and looked over at his friend. 
“That sounds perfect, dear” Julian answered and Geralt was slow to finish his tea and stand up, walking away only to turn back. 
“Come on, I’m taking you with me.” He said and soon Julian was in his chair being carried down the stairs. 
He felt… alive. Warm, welcomed, happy, alive. 
"Geralt here gives me strength. Now, let me pour you all a drink. Do not help me." Julian ordered as he stood up from the head of the table. He left his cane behind, instead picking up a quite heavy brass pitcher. Eleven people. He just had to pour eleven drinks. 
He’d been feeling better and better, each day he saw Geralt, each day that he saw everyone and got to do something fun, he just felt stronger. 
Geralt had been bundling him up and taking him out into the snow, or at least getting him out into the patio. Julian had even made a little snowman, and Geralt had never felt happier sneaking out at night to make a whole group of snowmen, right under the balcony so Julian could see them. He had even given them little leaf hats made from old cabbage. 
Geralt was the fuel that kept Julian trying. Kept the boy from wasting away in bed. Even on the worse days Geralt would at least bring him the little dolls and keep busy nearby. 
Everyone knew it too. That’s why when Julian proposed they all have a nice big winter feast together, they all knew Geralt would be picking at them all. ‘ Be on time’ ‘Show up’ ‘Don’t help him’, That was the oddest thing. Geralt went around telling everyone not to help Julian at all. 
Now they knew why. The count wanted to show his strength and independence. 
A few of them held their cups up to the spout to make it a bit easier as he shaked heavily with each pour. His arms were aching by the time he got to the other end of the table. Geralt held his cup up for Julian who let the pitcher rest heavily against its rim, knowing Geralt wouldn’t let the pitcher fall. 
Finally as he fell back into his chair, pitcher set hastily against the table, tears streamed down his face, he smiled and nodded, fixing his posture. 
"Goodness me, Geralt's cured me hasn't he." Julian joked as his body shook and hurt horrible and tears streamed down his face from both pain and joy. Everyone clapped and raised their glasses to him. It was a good thing, to see the count so happy, so active. It was a good thing to see. 
Even as he tried to pick up his cup only to have it drop from his hand and splash over the rim a bit. 
"To my friends, who share their strength with me, who's companionship gives me life." Julian said, voice shaking. He smiled and they all raised their glasses, cheering a bit before digging into the feast laid across the table. 
The dinner went on for hours, stories shared freely about travels and chance meetings. Some stories about even the darkest of margics, Julian was enthralled. He laughed and ate and drank and enjoyed the warmth of family around him. A warmth that he had only felt the barest of with his actual family now burn warm and white around him. He stayed until everyone else retired to their rooms, except Geralt who cleaned up. 
The alcohol sparked enough confidence in himself that he started to walk to his own room, he made it halfway to the stairs before Geralt had an arm around his waist. 
“Come on, princess. Up to bed with you.” Geralt rumbled, he was dead on his feet and Julian had run off on him. Julian was happy to be picked up and carried against Geralt’s chest, a much more intimate pose than how Geralt usually carried him in his chair. 
Julian giggled and hugged onto Geralt’s strong broad shoulders. 
“Are you the dashing prince that’s come to save me? I didn’t know I was so lucky.” Julian giggled as Geralt carried him up the stairs. The boy was dead asleep by the time he was being laid gently onto his bed. Geralt just watched him, his soft face relaxed, his chest rising and falling slowly. 
Geralt let himself indulge and petted through the soft chestnut hair that fell across the boy’s face. Geralt let himself enjoy the moment for just a second longer before gently stripping Julian of his day clothes and pulling on his thick winter pajamas and tucking him in under the thick blankets. 
“Gerlt? Geralt, are you here?” Julian asked sleepily as he heard the fire being built up for the night. Geralt hummed. 
“Yes, Julian?” He said softly, in a way that had Julian smiling into the darkness. The boy snuggled back into his bed, warm and full and a little drunk. 
“Nothing, just wanted to say thank you. Goodnight dear, I love you.” Julian said before rolling onto his side and falling fast asleep. 
Geralt was a statue. I love you . Geralt felt struck by lightning. Because… well…
“I love you too, Julian.” 
“Geralt are you- have you- have you ever-” Julian tried to ask one night as he read through one of his more dirty novels, it was french, of course. 
Geralt was scrubbing the wine out of some shirts, it was a hot day out and Julian had knocked over the whole pitcher. Geralt was shirtless, sitting by the wash basin in nothing but a pair of light pants. Julian just… well he didn’t really know. He was feeling… a certain way. 
“What was that?” Geralt asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked over at Julian who was under the simple musin sheet, book held up so only his eyes were visible.
“Have you ever… are you a virgin?” Julian finally asked, voice turning squeaky. Geralt raised a brow at him and huffed a laugh. 
“I am not. I haven’t been for a long time. Why?” Geralt responded and went back to scrubbing, knowing Julian was a bit… timid when it came to anything sexual. He’d once said he’d been betrothed to a young countess when he was born but she’d left him when his family passed. And that he hadn’t had a girlfriend since. 
“I was um… I was just wondering. Um cause, oh you know, um… because I am.” Julian said, eyes just peaking over the top of his book. Geralt nodded, not looking at him. 
“I know.” Is all Geralt responded with. He was curious, of course, but he knew Julian was sensitive about his sexuality, or rather his lack thereof.  
“Is it… did you have sex w…with a girl?” Julian asked, hoping he wasn’t chasing Geralt away. He hoped he wasn’t overstepping; he just… he wanted to know. 
“I’ve had sex with girls, yes.” Geralt answered, his back was facing the boy now. Geralt grinned, it was just like talking to his younger brothers. Julian was just a young man, not really a count, just a teenager who wanted to know about sex. 
“Oh… have you… um… just girls?” Julian asked quietly, face burning up. He waited, staring at Geralt’s strong back, spattered with odd scars and marks. Geralt was so… fetching to look at. Strong and solid and confident and… handsome. All over handsome. Julian would bet his cock was handsome, too. 
Julian shook his head, getting that thought away from him when Geralt turned around. Now facing him, Geralt let a small smile grace his lips as he shook his head with a sigh. 
“No, not just girls. Why? Do girls not… interest you?” Geralt phrased carefully. Julian swallowed and shook his head from where he still hid behind his book. Geralt nodded with a hum and kept his eyes on Julian. He let his head cocked to the side, giving the boy a look. 
“That’s okay. You don’t have to like girls. Do you like anyone ?” Geralt asked, head tilted like a curious cat. He tried not to smile at the way Julian’s eyes flitted around the room from where they peaked over the book. 
“I um… I might.” Julian said, trying to sound confident in himself like Geralt did. He failed miserably though, ending up squeaking like a bad hinge. Geralt nodded and went back to scrubbing shirts. 
“Good.” Is all Geralt said before they fell back into a compioned silence. Julian went back to his book not really reading the kissing scene anymore, rather thought about Geralt… oh Geralt. 
“Geralt, do you…. Can I sit with you?” Julian asked as he made his way out to the balcony. He was leaning on his cane waiting. Geralt was confused, Julian never asked to sit in his own chair at his own table on his own balcony. 
“Go ahead?” Geralt said in a confused way but was soon letting out an exacerbated chuckle. Julian flopped down in his lap, legs thrown over the arm of the chair. He wasn’t a very heavy boy, not even half of Geralt's own weight. 
“Hmm, so much more comfortable.” Julian hummed and laid his head against Geralt’s shoulder, he loved the springtime. 
He loved how the sun was warm and the breeze was cool and how nice his heavy pants felt when they got warm from the sun but his light shirt kept him nice and cool. He loved how Geralt would pick him flowers and how the bees and butterflies were coming back slowly. He loved how in that moment spring meant that Geralt would sit on the balcony and read and had an open lap to sit on. 
Geralt set his book on the table, letting his arms wrap around the boy. He let his head fall to the side, laying against the top of Julian’s. It was… nice. 
“You’re heavy.” He said and Julian giggled and let his hand rest against Geralt’s chest, feeling the strong muscle hidden under his shirt. 
“You’re warm.” Julian said and snuggled deeper into Geralt, taking in big deep breaths of his smell, Geralt smelled a bit like horse but he always did and he smelled like dirt and blood and sweat and well… Julian liked it. Geralt smelled like living life and journey, it was nice. 
They sat there like that, basking in the warm sun, enjoying the company of each other, in silence. They each enjoyed it, both enjoying the feeling of another person pressed against them, both feeling calm companionship calming them both down to their bones. The breeze in the treetops, the birds chirping happily, quiet noise, the only small buzz of nature being the only sound around them. 
Silence though, was never Julian’s thing. At least not after his legs had fallen asleep and his heart hurt and his eyes watered. He sniffed but held still, still against Geralt’s strong body, eyes dancing across the horizon as the sun sank beyond the mountains. 
“You know Geralt… I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. Here, now, right here with you, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.” Julian said as tears flooded from his eyes. He turned and hid his face in the soft dark fabric of Geralt’s shirt, hand clutching where it had laid. 
Geralt just hugged him, holding him against his chest, hands rubbing up and down his trembling back. Julian was so emotional, always saying flowery things and crying and laughing and… having such big emotions. Feelings always upfront. So unlike Geralt. 
“I’m happy here, with you, too.” Geralt said, truth heavy in his voice. Julian huffed a laugh and wiggled so he was sitting up looking right into Geralt’s eyes. Julian’s blue eyes glimmered like diamonds, eyes rimmed red from crying. He flung his legs around so he was straddling Geralt as a serious look painted his face. 
“You’re happy here with me?” He asked, hands coming up to rub at his face but his eyes kept on Geralt’s. Geralt let his hands rest on Julian’s hips, causing the boy to gasp and buck back away from him before relaxing. Julian’s mouth was hung open, breaths thin and faster than usual. Geralt looked him up and down and hoped he wasn’t reading the boy wrong. 
“I’m very happy here Julian. I’m very happy being with you. You make me happy, Julian.” He said quietly, barely above a whisper. He didn’t want to risk leaning the few inches forward it would take to press his lips to Julian’s own. But he craved to just get a little taste, a tiny kiss, just to get the smallest. 
Julian smiled and put his hands on the sides of Geralt’s face. Squishing his cheeks. 
“Do you mean it?” Julian asked and stared into Geralt’s golden eyes, like he could see the truth if he just looked hard enough. Geralt moved his hands to pull Julians away from his face and held them in his own. 
“Julian?” Geralt said softly and let his hands warm the thin cold ones within them. Julian swallowed and looked down at his lips before looking back into his eyes. 
“Yeah?” Julian breathed out, his heart racing in his chest when he realized how they were sitting. They were…. So close. 
Geralt leaned in, tilting his head to the side just a bit, warm breath cascading over Julian’s lips and cheeks. Geralt let his eyes fall closed and his nose rub against Julian’s. He opened his eyes after only a moment, lids heavy as his body became warmer with want. 
“‘M gonna kiss you now” He warned and Julian was nodding needily. He pressed his lips gently, so so carefully against Julian’s own. 
Julian was… not a bad kisser. Eager, pushy, but… soft and tender. Lips staying shut, just easy pushes and movements. Geralt’s hands fell down to his hips, only to squeeze gently and run up and down Julian’s soft sides. Julians own hands found their way to Geralt’s shoulders, holding on for dear life. 
His eyes were tightly squeezed shut when they pulled back. Lips kissed red and plump where he was breathing shakily. He was panting from chaste, closed mouth kisses?
Cute, Geralt thought. 
Julian opened his eyes, rimmed with tears, and grasped Geralt’s jaw. He looked into Geralt’s eyes, glowing like fire in the sunset’s light. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest and his head was getting light but he wanted to kiss Geralt more. He felt like he could cry with how happy he was, he was nearly crying with how much love he felt. 
“I’m gonna faint. But I wanna, wanna… will you put me to bed?” Julian said as his eyes started getting a bit fuzzy. Geralt was calm and gentle as he just stared at Julian’s bright blushed face. The boy just looked sleepy and rested his head against Geralt’s shoulder, hands falling into his lap. 
“I’ll put you to bed, Julek, little bird, come on.” Geralt whispered more to himself than the unconscious boy as he carried him back into the house, back to bed. 
Geralt busied himself around. Making a small fire, sweeping the floors, lighting the candles, bringing up fresh water to make tea, and he sat and watched Julian sleep, snuggled up under the covers. 
They shared more kisses, Julian falling into Geralt’s lap asking for a few sweet kisses or to just sit and eat together or he’d just nap in Geralt’s lap. 
Geralt was always grateful to have the other man near, chatting incessantly about anything from music to animals to pictures he’s seen of the far east. He liked to hear the boy explain how a new poet was rising a few townships over and that he was as senseless as headless chicken, or how there’s a new author and his books are written so well it’s like you’re actually standing amongst the jungles, hearing the monkeys, swimming under the waterfalls. 
Julian would go on and on, sitting on Geralt’s lap, sometimes a blanket thrown over them. Sometimes they would sit on the balcony in a large wicker chair that Geralt had brought up from the library downstairs. Sometimes Geralt would help Julian out to the garden and they’d sit on the grass together, cuddled in the sun. Other times Julian would be so weak that they simply sat very close next to each other, feet touching or hands holding. 
And each morning Geralt would make sure to clean his mouth and chew some mint before Julian was awake. Because each morning Geralt would sit on the edge of the bed, rub Julian’s hand in his own, and tell the boy it was time to start the day. And each morning Julian would pull Geralt down, usually by a hand on his jaw, and press a kiss to his lips. 
“Good morning dear, you look lovely.”
“Good morning, darling”
“‘Morning, lovely, please close the curtains”
Every morning Julian would give him a kiss and welcome Geralt to the day. Each morning Julian opened his eyes and pressed a kiss to him, Geralt was more than just awake, he was alive. Each morning Julian brought him back to life, restarted his heart, brought breath into his lungs. 
"Geralt? Will you come here to me?" Julian asked as he laid in bed, body aching and heavy. Ever since Julian's fall, Geralt would stay in the room until Julian was asleep. 
The boy had gotten up after he’d said his goodnights to Geralt. He’d been feeling well, very well, so he thought he might just go downstairs and find a cookie or two and head right back to bed, right back to bed!
However after a day of playing checkers and playing his harp and going down to play the piano while the servants cleaned and worked, he was not as strong as he had been that day. 
He fell in the hallway, nearly falling down the stairs. His ankle had swollen up and he had terrible black bruises. Geralt had lectured him, marching back and forth in the room while Julian wept in bed, saying he was sorry and that he wouldn’t do it again. Geralt also brought a cookie jar up and set it on the mantle. 
But he also refused to go to his own room until Julian was asleep. So when Julian bathed and was ready for bed, Geralt bathed and got ready for bed. It was warm in the home now, no need to make fires at night, so Geralt would simply sit by the window, single candle light lit by the door, and wait until he could hear Julian’s soft snores. 
But tonight… Julian felt… something felt heavy in his chest. Perhaps it had something to do with the book he was reading or maybe it was that his one act of independence had landed him with a swollen ankle and a bruised backside. 
Geralt came over and knelt by the bed, holding Julian’s outstretched hand. Julian smiled at him, his eyes looked tired and he was pale. 
Today had been a very hot humid day, the hours taking their toll on everyone. Even the housemaid had left behind some layers, all citing that Julian would be just fine seeing their bare feet or their hair not under a cap. Julian had spent most of the day laying atop the sheets in bed in nothing but a pair of light linen pants. Now he was tucked under the sheets, pants traded for his nighty. 
Now he just looked… tired. The moonlight only working to make him look paler, his under eyes darker, his skin cooler. Geralt held his hand, the smooth soft skin feeling softer than air. 
"Come lay under the covers with me." The boy asked and Geralt looked into his eyes in surprise. Julian’s bed? It was… the boy barely kept his few dolls on his bed, yet he wanted something like Geralt to marr its appearance? 
"In your bed?" Geralt asked, bringing the soft hand up to rub his cheek against, eyes watching Julian’s as he rolled them and sighed dramatically. Such a dramatic boy. 
"Well? I'm cold and I feel weak and I want to feel close. Come lay under my blankets, come lay with me." Julian begged, eyes brimming with tears. Geralt kissed his hand and warmed it between his own. He shook his head a bit and slipped his shoes off his feet
"Okay, only because I don't want you to cry." He said and pulled his dark shirt off and folded it, leaving it behind in his chair when he climbed behind Julian in bed. 
The boy was staring. Geralt was… beautiful. Such pale skin, scars spattered across his body, muscles like the statues carved from marble. He looked like a character from one of Julian’s dirty novels, a real Adonis, all edges and strength and- 
“What’s wrong, love? Am I… I can go sleep in my own bed. I can take another bath.” Geralt offered before he touched the bed, noticing Julian staring so hard he could feel himself shrinking. Julian just blinked at him, big bright eyes filled with something… light. 
“You never told me you were the fairest flower in all the fields, that I might gp blind merely from a glance at you.” Julian muttered, pushing himself to sit up to get a better look at the scars that whipped across his abdomen and chest. He felt a bit dizzy with how his blood grew hot and swirled in his gut. Geralt was… unfair. So pretty, so perfect, how dare he ever wear clothes. 
Geralt huffed and looked away, a light flush finding its way to his face. Julian… always with flowery words and and… compliments. 
“Julian, go to bed.” Geralt said and climbed in behind the boy who rolled over to face the man. He was biting his bottom lip, hands brought up curiously but halted to wait a mere inch from Geralt’s chest. 
“Can I touch you? I’ve never seen you… bare.” Julian said, looking at Geralt with a kind of… wonder. Wonder of how another man would feel under his hands, how Geralt’s skin would feel, would his scars feel soft or are they tender still, how would Geralt react if he just snuggled close. 
Geralt sighed and nodded, looking away as his face burned up. Julian made a happy noise and let his hands gently lay on the other’s chest. Julian was taken aback, shocked. 
Geralt was so warm, and he felt so solid, and he was so… everything. Julian let his hands press and feel and explore across the miles of pale skin, fingers tracing across scars, feeling Geralt’s heartbeat in his chest. Julian laid there, staring where his hand pressed into Geralt’s chest, feeling each heartbeat as if it was his own. 
“I love you Geralt.” Julian whispered, he could barely tear his eyes away to look into the nearly glowing gold ones. Geralt smiled and let his own larger hand fall over Julian’s. 
“It’s late, it’s dark, it’s time for bed. Go to sleep, Julian.” Geralt whispered so sweetly and Julian was nodding along. He was so sleepy and Geralt was so warm and in his bed and it was… it was perfect. 
He cuddled in close, hiding himself away in Geralt’s chest, throwing an arm and leg over him. He let his eyes fall shut as he felt Geralt’s arm wrap around him, hand rubbing up and down his back. 
“You’re not allowed to wear clothes anymore, by the way.” Julian muttered into the soft skin of Geralt’s collarbone. Geralt huffed and gave Julian a squeeze. 
“Go to sleep, little bird.” Geralt said and soon Julian was drooling asleep, snores lulling Geralt into his own deep restful sleep. 
"Geralt let me, let me walk. I can make it. I've been working on my stamina." Julian said as he stood up from his chair in the hallway. He gave his love a wink and got his cane under him. Geralt shook his head and allowed Julian to walk in front of him. 
Ever since they started sleeping in the same bed, they had both been getting much more sleep. Which meant Julian wanted to do everything together. They got up, got clean and fresh, dressed, and made their way down to eat with the rest of the household. Which meant going down the stairs. Which usually meant Geralt carrying Julian like a princess, or over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and then Julian sometimes walking in through the dining room doors. 
However today Julian had decided he would walk to breakfast. Well… walk to the stairs that is. He had been walking more, getting stronger, and he was feeling especially confident. 
"Sure thing, Julek, put your big girl panties on this morning?" Geralt teased and Julian blushed and didn't look at him. Geralt’s joking had grown from grunts to actual comments. And the nickname… It made Julian feel all soft and melty. 
Geralt was a Slov, Julian had learned, and he'd begun calling Julian ‘Julek’, others called him Jewel, and an older lady who came to the house on Geralt's call to see Julian's progress called him Jaskier but she also only spoke polish. But Julek , hearing Geralt’s gruff voice say the name, it made Julian feel like a new person, a new thing, something just created. 
“I sure did! And they fit me just fine!” Julian responded and took a steeling breath. 
Julian started walking down the hall finding it was easier than the last time he'd tried. Each step steady until nearly to the stairwell. His legs began to shake as he grabbed onto the railing, his heart was racing in his chest and his head felt a bit light. He was trying to take big deep breaths, but he felt like his chest was squeezing. 
Geralt was quick to put an arm around his waist, supporting him enough so he could catch his breath before scooping him up. Geralt gave him a I-told-you-so look and started walking down the stairs. 
"Yeah, eat shit, I still made it." Julian teased as Geralt grinned as they made it down to the dining room. 
Loving was easy between them. Life was easy between them. 
They spent days sitting together in the sun. Geralt once set Julian out in the rain, giggling like a kid until he began to shiver a bit and then Geralt had a warm fire and a blanket to wrap around him. 
The summer was Julian’s favorite time of year. He loved the feeling of a sun warmed blanket and the scent of the gardens in full bloom. Geralt was there to bring him flowers and sit with him to watch the birds. 
Geralt didn’t care about the weather. He just loved seeing Julian so happy. He loved to tuck a flower behind his ear, he loved to trade him fresh apples and berries for kisses, he loved to go out in the rain to bring Julian a hydrangea bloom just to shake it over his head to give the boy a shower. 
Most of all he loved the way Julian laughed. Full and hearty like he had heard the funniest thing every time. He loved the way Julian smiled, bright and wonderful. He loved the way even when he was weak and sick Julian still gave Geralt shit and was a brat and gave sass. 
He loved Julian more than anything. 
And everyday Geralt was happy. Julian was happy. It was… good. Geralt had lived for a very long time and yet he’d never been so happy. 
They more often than not shared a bed, Julian cradled against Geralt's chest. During the warmer months Geralt would strip them both down to their sleep clothes. Julian sleeping in nearly see-through linen nighties and Geralt in a pair of soft pants and no underclothes. In the colder months Geralt would sleep in heavy wool pants but never had the heart to put a shirt on, knowing Julian found comfort in skin-to-skin. Julian would wrap up in his heavy nighty and a pair of thick socks. 
They both grew into their new schedule, they just fit together, like an easy rhythm. 
Julian got stronger, he ate more, in the nearly two years since Geralt had arrived, he'd grown able to make it down the stairs, stay awake all during the day, and even ride into town and see the people, often only needing his cane. He could pour the whole table glasses of wine with just a slight tremble. He was so happy with life, he was so happy with everything. Even on his sickest days he felt everything was okay. Because Geralt was there and Geralt was… Geralt was strong enough for the both of them. 
One night, he felt... viral . He felt alive and hot in belly for the first time in so long. 
He was laying in bed, just under a sheet, waiting for Geralt to get done cleaning up after their baths. They’d begun bathing together, hualing the big tub up from the first floor up so they could sit front to back in the tub. Geralt claiming he didn’t have much shame, and Julian agreeing cause wow… Geralt had let Julian touch him, sort of. He never let him touch his cock but let the boy press their bodies together, half hard cock rub against his plush ass. 
Julian had liked that feeling but they never had that… sensual atmosphere in their baths. But that night… he had a hot melty feeling in his groin and his cock ached. His head was full of images of Geralt, his body, the way he looked soaked from the rain, short hair flopping over his face, water dropping running down his chiseled muscles. The way he grunts when he has to haul something heavy around, the weak little huffs he makes when he has a bad dream, the sighs he lets out when he lays down after a long day. 
He let his hand creep down to himself, under his chemise. He was hard. Goodness... that hadn't happened in years. He could barely remember the last time he was hard and awake. He’d woken up with a wet nighty many times but never woke up… hard. Nor had he worked up to a hardon while he was awake for so long. 
"Geralt!" Julian called and heard the thundering quick steps of Geralt running to the room. Julian had his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Hand cradling the burning flesh of his cock. 
"What? You scared me, you prick." Geralt said as he saw the boy was fine in bed. He took a calming breath and put his hands on his hips. Julian had an odd look on his face and he had his arms weird across his body… Geralt just stared at him and slowly walked up to the bed. 
"My prick indeed." Julian said and pulled his hand away from himself after a quick squeeze.
"What're you on about?" Geralt asked. He was tired and just wanted to go to bed. Julian looked away from him, face turning a cherry red. 
"Geralt... can we do something together?" The count asked nervously and brought his knees together under the thin sheet. He wanted Geralt so much, just seeing the other man standing there in his thin pants and light shirt, the feeling of getting down to Geralt’s skin, to feel his warmth. 
Geralt looked down at the boy, his eyes blown big, cheeks cherry red and creeping down his chest. He wanted to pick the sheet up to see underneath, see what the boy was hiding. He felt the pull, the warmth in his own belly, he wasn’t a very sexual man but Julian was so soft. So sweet smelling and warm with the plushest body and the kindest hands. 
"What do you wanna do, Julek?" Geralt asked, letting his fingers graze atop the covers beside Julian’s arm. He gave the boy a look, golden eyes warm and open, lips practically begging for a kiss. 
"I um... not to be so forward but will you lay under the cover with me and well... l-lay with me?" Julian asked, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
Geralt grinned, pointy teeth on display and crawled up on the bed, throwing a leg over Julian’s thighs, causing his legs to lay flat. 
Julian had a nervous look on his face that was soon being washed away by biting tongue filled kisses. Geralt let himself go, hips grinding down onto Julian’s, savoring the feeling of a hard cock rubbing up against his own. He got washed away in the feeling of Julian yanking his shirt off and untying his trousers. 
“You’re stunning, my dear, so pretty” Julian said and let his hands wander, rubbing across Geralt’s broad shoulders, down to squeeze his hips, back up to cup his muscular pec. 
“Do you really want this, Julian? Do you want me to… to do this to you?” Geralt asked from where he had started sucking and nipping down the boy’s neck. Julian grabbed two fistfulls of his hair and yanked him up to face him, determination plain on his face. 
Geralt sucked in a breath and dared not move from where Julian had an iron grip in his hair, the pain of it sparking something he rather not look into. He stared down at the boy, he wanted, gods he wanted , but… he couldn’t do anything until Julian said okay. 
“Geralt, man who’s stolen my heart, man who’s the only one I’ve ever loved, if you don’t touch my cock in the next moment I’m going to cry. I can’t do much else but I’ll cry.” Julian threatened and tears already welled up in his eyes. He felt good and Geratl was so pretty and it was so so good and so so new. 
Geralt shook his head and Julian let go of his hair. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to Julian’s lips. Julian sniffs as tears roll down his face, breaths hiccuping as Geralt ground down again. 
“I thought you wouldn’t cry.” Geralt said and leaned back to pull the sheet away and look down at where Julian’s cock was standing up against his belly, nighty rucked up to his sternum. He looked down and gave it a few light strokes. 
Julian moaned and bucked up, hands scrambling down to grab at Geralt’s wrists. He cried out and looked up at Geralt who had a look on his face, like a starved animal. 
“You gotta hold still for me, for just a minute, baby, just hold still, Julek” Geralt panted out and leaned back yanking his pants down, struggling just to get them down. 
“Geralt, what- what’re you going to do? I don’t… you know I don’t know how this works. Not with… not with two boys” Julian said in a panic as he yanked Geralt’s pants off his feet and flung them away. Geralt was back on him, straddling his waist, huge heavy cock covering Julian’s own. 
Julian just stared down at it… it was nearly the size of his forearm and it felt like fire on his skin. Geralt was so fucking perfect and… Julian felt so nervous, his belly twisting in a bad way. 
That was until Geralt was rubbing his hands up and down Julian’s sides, shushing him. 
“Just hold on, little bird, you just have to hold on for a second.” Geralt said and looked at Julian’s small bedside… oil. They needed some for this activity. 
He thought about it just for a moment before remembering something he’d seen in Julian’s harp case. He leaned down and kissed the boy again, sucking on his tongue for a moment when he pulled back. 
“Do you have that… that polishing oil with your harp still?” Geralt asked as he leaned back from kissing him. Julian was breathless, tears rolling down the sides of his face as he nodded, eyes unfocused and lips kissed red and puffy. 
“Yeah, it’s- it’s in the drawer” Julian answered after a moment to process what Geralt had said. He watched the larger man move to climb off the bed and dig through the drawer in the corner that held all Julian’s instrument’s tools and such. 
Gorgeous. That’s all Julian could think as he witnessed Geralt standing in the moonlight. One side of him, pale skin glowing in the light of the full moon, the other warmed by the candles. His hair was longer than it had been when he first arrived, now catching the light and casting the most stunning shadows across the man’s angular face. 
“ Julian ~” The boy finally heard as he came back into his mind, noticing Geralt was speaking. He looked at him, all tall and strong and hot and his cock and body and…
“‘M a bit dizzy” Julian said and Geralt soon returned, laying Julian back down flat, wiping tears away from his face, shushing him. 
“It’s alright. Do you still want to do this? It’s okay if you-” Geralt said and leaned down to wipe Julian’s eyes clean and looked down at him. He was cute. Plush and snuggly, adorable in his frilly nighty and his little socks. He was hard still, cock hard against his belly, dripping with need. 
“Please, I want you to do it. I wanna do it with you. I wanna lose… it … to you. Please.” Julian begged, staring up at Geralt’s amber eyes. He didn’t wanna be a virgin a moment longer; he wanted Geralt more than anything else. 
Geralt smiled down at him letting his hand go from wiping away tears to push the hair off Julian’s face. He crawled back up on the bed, straddling the boy once more, hands faced on his chest as he ground his ass over the boy’s hard cock. 
Julian let out a long moan and grabbed Geralt’s hips, thick muscular hips. 
“Be good, little bird, have patience.” Geralt whispered as he sat up straight, uncorking the bottle of oil. He looked down at Julian as he covered his fingers with the slick. Julian watched and looked confused. 
That was until Geralt was letting his fingers rub and slip into his hole. 
“I put my cock there? In you there? Won’t it hurt?” The boy asked as he watched Geralt’s hands move, one fingering himself open, the other holding the base of his cock, occasionally giving it a few tight strokes. 
Geralt was efficient with stretching himself out a bit, Julian wasn’t really that big. He huffed a laugh at the boy’s questioning and pulling his fingers away, stroking Julian’s cock a few times getting the extra oil off on him. 
Julian watched him, hands gripping the sheet below him. He stared down at where Geralt was kneeling over him, where Geralt was holding his cock to stand up. 
“It’s not gonna hurt me, sweetheart, this is just how… how boys do it.” Geralt said, breathless as he guided Julian’s cock to press against his wet hole. Julian just made sorry little huffing sounds until Geralt was easing down onto him. Both then letting out long moans until Geralt was sat on Julian’s hips. 
“You did it. ‘M not a virgin. Fucking gods, you feel amazing” Julian moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow under him, overwhelmed with the feeling. The feeling of being connected, of Geralt’s tight warm body, the feeling of them being together, matching and fitting together like puzzle pieces. They did match perfectly together. 
And they could both feel it. 
“I did, I took you. You’re mine, Julek, mine only. Promise me, promise your mine.” Geralt panted out and took Jlian’s hand, holding it to his heaving chest. Julian nodded, automatically agreeing. 
“Yes, yes my dear heart, my love, I’m all yours. All yours. Now have me, please.” Julian said, desperation creeping into his voice at the end. Geralt stayed for a breath longer, feeling how his heart felt sparked alive. 
And then the love melted away and the lust won over. He rose up on his knees till only the tip was still inside him and then he was letting himself fall back down, careful not to hurt the boy’s legs. Well as careful as he could be when Julian was clawing at his hips and moaning like he was putting a show on at a brothel. 
Julian was quick to cum, as expected, and was nearly passed out when Geralt guided his hand to wrap around his own cock. He was stroking himself more than Julian was, but that was okay, it was better than okay when he came and a single drop reached up to Julian’s chin and the boy licked it off. 
“That’s nasty, why do people swallow that stuff?” The boy said and made a face when the drop of cum hit his tongue. Geralt laughed, really laughed, as he sat beside the boy, feeling the cum drip from his hole. 
He reached back and grabbed the water from the bedside and guided Julian to drink some. The boy drank some and laid back, eyes slipping close as his hands rested against his clothed chest. 
He felt no shame laying in his bed with his wet cock out and his belly and nighty covered in another man’s cum. He only felt happy, and content, and tired, and wow… wow. 
“I love you Geralt. Do you want to get another bath?” The boy asked without opening his eyes. He missed the way Geralt looked down at him, eyes full of love and devotion. He didn’t know what was touching him either before he was being lifted up and carried down to the stairs. 
He didn’t open his eyes to see Geralt’s tears rolling down his face, or his smile, or his trembling lip. He was already asleep as Geralt filled a tub and held him close to his chest and wept as he cleaned them both. 
“môj vtáčik, môj, zostaň tu, zostaň so mnou” ( my little bird, mine, stay here, stay with me ) He whispered quietly as he tucked them both back into bed, holding and cuddling close to Julian who only sighed and wrapped his arms around the warm body open to him. 
It was perfect. So perfect. Warm and cozy and they both slept so well that night. Love was so thick in the air you could nearly see it. It was more than just perfect. It was nice. Geralt learned that nice was… so much better. So much better than being alive, than seeing, than hearing, than anything else. Nice was lovely. Nice was… alive. 
However nothing nice ever lasts.  
Julian got sick. 
So, so sick. 
He was pale, he barely ate, he was always cold, he had nose bleeds and his eyes went fuzzy and he was...
He was dying. 
Geralt tried everything to help him, gave him meds, asked the mages, asked the warlocks, he tried everything but Julian would smile and kiss and tell him it would be okay. 
"You knew this would happen when you came here. I'm sorry, Geralt. I'm so sorry I'm hurting you." The boy cried and held the man’s face in his trembling hands. He felt so terrible, not for himself, but for seeing Geralt be so worried. He could see the pain in Geralt's eyes each day when he wasn’t any better or when he struggled to breath or when he hacked up blood. He felt so terrible for hurting his beloved man. 
"No Julek, you're not hurting me. I never knew I could love before you. I love you, Julian, I love you." Geralt said as tears slid down his face, hands holding onto Julian’s thin wrists. He smiled at the pale skeleton that was once his plush pudgy love. 
He still loved him.
He’d love him a thousand times and a million times over. He’d give anything for him. He’d give him life, his heart, his body, anything. He just wanted Julian… to stay with him. 
"I love you too, my gem, my handsome man. Don't weep, my love, don't cry. You've given me more in the past few years than anyone else has my entire life. I'm so grateful for you. Please don't forget how much you gave me, I can never repay you." Julian said and wiped Geralt’s tears away with his thumbs. He was happy, he supposed. He was happy to have ever had Geralt for a moment. To have ever met him, to have ever even seen him. He could never repay the gods, destiny, or whoever brought the man to his home. He was happy to have had the man in his life. It hurt his heart to know he was hurting the strong man who wept before him. 
"You could stay. You could stay with me forever. Never leave me, please, please stay with me. I don't have anyone else." Geralt begged and begged. He’d do anything for Julian to stay. Anything. Julian only smiled and used his sleeve to pat away Geralt’s big tears. He shushed the bigger man and leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, and his lips. 
"I'll stay. You're mine, I'm yours. We’re meant to be with each other. Our destinies are intertwined, our lives are melted together. Like soup." Julian said, remembering the first conversation they ever had, the feeling he had. Geralt huffed a sad laugh and nodded. 
"Like soup." He agreed and laid Julian back down. He could rest for a bit before Geralt brought their dinner up, even knowing Julian wasn’t going to eat, he’d still sit the boy at the table and sit with him. 
They went to bed, Geralt putting a nice clean nighty and socks onto Julian, and disrobing himself down to a pair of thick pants and socks. The seasons were changing and it was a bitter night. He made sure to cover Julian up, making sure he was warm. 
“Goodnight, my love, try to get some sleep, you’ve been restless for so long now.” Julian said to him with a soft kiss before rolling over to be spooned and snuggled. 
“I love you, Julek, my heart is yours.” Geralt confessed and pressed as close as he could to the boy and let exhaustion take over him. 
When Geralt woke up Julian was gone. 
He dressed him, put him in the middle of the bed, and made him look like a king. He got a cloth and washed him, ran a brush through his soft hair, and made sure he looked neat and noble. 
Not a tear rolling down his face. He needed to go away, he needed to leave before the successor came. He needed to make sure Julian was treated properly and then he needed to leave. 
He cleaned the room, face stone cold. 
He was in shock really, his chest hurt. He walked down and called everyone into the dining room and they all already knew. 
Geralt went into the town and informed them. 
A cousin would be taking the estate and the power. 
Geralt dug his grave and buried him the way he wanted to be, with his music notes and his childhood harp. He had cried over the boy when he was tasked with covering him in soil. He sobbed and sobbed, letting out the most pained sounds half the town had ever heard. He howled and cried out like an animal being shredded by wolves. 
He slept there in the dirt over the boy, refusing to leave him until the leaves covered the grave. He carved a J out of a strong branch of wood and placed it over where Julian was. 
Geralt was darker than night as he moved through the house, he would come at night and leave at dawn. Things were moved and changed, no one caring though. No one was going to question him and his grief. 
He was told Julian had given him a house in the mountains and that was the last anyone ever seen of Geralt, Servant of The Flower of Lettenhoven. Lover of the Great Count Julian Of Lettenhoven. 
No one knew where he went, assuming he had left just as he had arrived, in the darkness of night in silence. The house in the mountains had been destroyed by an avalanche years ago, no one went looking for trouble anyway.
Next Chapter ->
13 notes · View notes
mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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“Car trouble?”
Your first instinct was to lie but looking around there really was no other plausible explanation for you to be stopped, in the dark, on the side of barely two lane gravel road.
For the millionth time you wondered why the fuck Betsy had decided to get engaged and move to the middle of Fucking Nowhere Kansas.
She’d blamed it on “Country Boy Dick” which must have been damned impressive to make her give up Neiman’s and the Smithsonian. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah, I guess so.”
The stranger pulled ahead of your car, executed a perfect three point turn and parked facing your dead vehicle. 
“What happened?”
“I have no idea. It started making a weird noise and then it just stopped.”
Your words trailed off as you got a good look at the driver. 
He was tall, hair buzzed, dark stubble covering his face. 
A grimy, yet somehow still clean, tank top that revealed nicely defined abs, peeked out from under a rugged brown leather jacket. 
Battered jeans, that had no business being that snug on his crotch and thighs, completed the ensemble.  
“Country Boy Dick” didn’t seem like such a lame excuse anymore. 
“Hey, Hello?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you could pop the hood for me.”
A lazy, knowing smile formed on his lips. 
Mortified at being caught gawking, you opened the driver’s side door.
Peering in you looked for something that might “pop the hood” whatever the hell that was. 
“You aren’t from around here are you.”
Whirling around, you found him standing right behind you, your bodies almost touching. 
You scooted down car, a tiny warning bell tinkling in your head. 
“Oh, hey.”
He raised his hands up.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. My name’s Steve.”
Reaching under the dash of your car he pressed a button.
He strode to the hood, lifting it up. 
“What’s your name?”
“Uh, it’s Meredith.”
No way in hell were you giving a complete stranger your real name, smoking hot or not. 
“Well, Meredith,” by the way he emphasized your name you knew he knew you had lied, “your timing belt snapped off.”
“Fucking great.”
You kicked the back tire. 
“Ok, thanks for trying Scott. I’ll call Triple A.”
“It’s Steve.”
“Excuse me?”
“Steve. It’s my name Meredith.”
A tiny bit creeped out, you faked a smile.
“Sorry Steve. I suck at remembering names. I’m just gonna call Triple A and…”
“I hate to tell you but the only tow truck for miles is owned by Jake Plessy. And seeing how it’s Friday night I imagine he’s sitting at Rooster’s at least half a bottle in of Jim Beam. You’ll be lucky if he can find his rig before morning.”
“Ok, so, well I’ll call 911.”
Steve laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
You were in no mood for this bullshit. 
“Sorry, it’s not funny, but Sheriff Wison is probably sitting right next to Plessy. You might get lucky and catch a State Trooper on patrol, otherwise their closest substation is over an hour away. Or…”
“Or what.”
“Or you could let me give you a ride into town.”
“I think I’ll wait for the police. I mean, I appreciate the offer, uh, Steve, I really do but it’s a rental and I don’t want to just leave it.”
Steve let the hood drop with a bang. 
You jumped, flinching at the sound. 
“Suit yourself. Make sure you stay in your car. Lot’s of coyotes out on a night like this.”
Right on que a howl drifted across the air. 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. They’re more scared of you than you are of them. Normally.”
Your voice squeaked. 
“It’s been a bad summer. They like to pick off the weak. But you should be fine. Have a good night.”
Steve opened his car door. 
Looking around you noticed just how absolutely alone you were out here, in the dark. 
“Uh, wait. I’ll uh, I’ll take that ride. 
It’s alright if you love me
It’s alright if you don’t
I’m not afraid of you runnin away honey
I get the feeling you won’t
Say there ain’t no use in pretending
Your eyes give you away
Something inside you is feeling like I do
We said all there is to say
Breakdown, go ahead and give it to me
Breakdown, honey, take me through the night. 
The music spilling from the speakers coupled with the steady motion of Steve’s car had almost lulled you to sleep.
Vaguely you wondered why he had turned off the main road thirty minutes or so ago. 
You were almost certain Betsy's directions had you staying straight after turning off the highway. 
Looking back out the passenger window you watched the flat land pass by. 
It was almost hypnotic with nothing to break the view. 
Your eyes started to droop shut.
The sudden stop locked your seatbelt, pitching you forward.
“What the hell?”
Steve was facing you, the dashboard lights bathing him in a satanic-esque glow.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?”
“That,” his hand massaged a noticeable bulge under his zipper, “depends on you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Big city girl never heard of put out or get out?”
He unzipped his jeans, lifting his hips to free his cock. 
You inhaled sharply at the sight of the large appendage, crimson tinted head shiny with pre-cum.
“You putting out or getting out sweetheart? Town’s a good 20 miles North of here.
You stared out the windshield.
The moon was a pale sliver illuminating nothing. 
“Fine,” you huffed, bending towards him.
Steve slapped you.
“No teeth. You understand.”
“Yeah…I… Yeah, I understand,” you stammered.
“Then get to it.”
Leaning down, you took a tentative lick.
Determined to get it over quickly, you attacked his cock, head bobbing, cheeks hollowed, hand twisting at the base.
Steve gripped the back of your head pressing you down.
You gagged around him, hands beating his chest.
He pulled you up only to force you down again, repeating until you caught his rhythm, doing your best to take all of him, adding a swirl on each upstroke.
You prepared yourself to swallow, instead he shoved you away.
“Nuh Uh. No fucking way. I’ll give you a blowjob but that’s…..”
He held up his phone.
A video of you between his legs flared on the screen.
“Poor Betsy. Imagine how hurt she’ll be when she sees her best friend slobbering all over her future husband’s knob.”
Your eyes grew wide.
“How did you..No..no..this isn’t happening. She wouldn’t…”
Steve lurched across the seats, pinning you by the throat to the passenger door, head hitting the window.
“Yeah she would. She believes every word I say. I walk on water as far as that dumb bitch is concerned,” he sneered, “Good thing her mom’s loaded huh? Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to stand her.”
You batted at his arm.
“Let me go you son of a…….”
He tightened his grip.
“Or how about I send this to that hot shot Senator you work for? How long do you think it’d take Mr Family Values to fire your skanky ass?”
Eyes now the shape of saucers you croaked, “How do you know…”
“SHUT UP!,” he bellowed in your face, spittle flying.
“I know because Betsy never shuts the fuck up either. Your big career, your fancy apartment, all the parties you took her to. All I ever hear about is you.”
Steve scowled, pure hate emanating from his voice.
“But she’s mine now. It’ll suck when she finds out you seduced me, I mean I couldn’t keep you off my dick, practically raped me.”
“Or,” he leaned in, “We could have a little fun and no one would have to know.”
He caressed your cheek.
“Yes or no, I ain’t got all night.”
Too stunned to speak, you nodded your head.
“Good girl.”
Settling back in the driver’s seat, he gazed at you expectantly.
Shaking, you removed the knee high leopard print boots, black leggings and oversized black Cashmere sweater, leaving on the pink, lace edged balconette bra and matching thong.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a show of impatience.  
WIth a defeated sigh, you finished undressing.
You shivered even though the engine was still running, heat pouring from the vents.
Sliding closer, he pawed at your tits, one hand dropping to your apex.
His touch was crude, rough, devoid of any finesse. 
He shoved two fingers in your dry channel.
You gritted your teeth.
His mouth descended to your chest, laving and biting the nipples.
Graciously, your body provided some lubrication, Steve’s fingers finding less resistance.
By pure chance his thumb brushed your clit, stomach instinctively contracting.
Like a kid with a new found toy, Steve played with your nub, his harsh touch firing your senses.
You squirmed, embarrassed, his attention firmly on the bundle of nerves. 
He rubbed faster, callused fingers contrasting with the smoother skin.
Heat built, a sure sign of an impending orgasm. 
Horrified at your body’s betrayal, you fought to keep it at bay.
It was a losing battle.
The orgasm washed over you in soft waves, a small moan escaping your locked jaw.
Furious at your internal treason, you elbowed him away.
“Sit down,” you hissed, obviously intending to ride him.
“Not yet. I’ve got a better idea.”
Steve gestured to the hard, plastic shifter. 
You recoiled, revolted at the thought.
“Are you insane? I’m not doing that, no fucking way.”
He snatched your clothes, tossing them from the car.
“Start walking. By the time you make it to town everyone will know what a whore you are.”
The slump of your shoulders signaled your surrender.
“I don’t…” you fought back tears, “I ..how do I..”
Steve spit on the handle.
“Figure it out before I get bored and leave you here anyway.”
Softly crying, you positioned a knee on each bucket seat, arms braced on the dashboard.
Oh so carefully you descended, unable to stifle a whimper of pain.
He palmed his cock, licking his lips.
“Go on, I wanna see you ride it.”
You bounced haltingly, hyperaware not to take the object too deep.
Steve stomped on the gas pedal, the revving engine vibrating the shifter, sending sparks shooting from your core. 
Shame burned bright with the fresh slick that coated the plastic.
“Holy shit,” Steve muttered, voice low with lust.
He slid a hand between your legs, circling your clit causing you to gasp at the duel sensations. 
“Dirty slut. You’re getting off on this.”
You shook your head, silently pleading with your deceitful body.
Unfortunately, it had other plans.
Muscles tensed as you came again, stronger than the last, Steve supporting you as you shook with tremors.
Your humiliated bliss was short lived. 
Hesitation earned you another slap.
Extricating yourself, he opened the driver’s door, dragging you with him. 
Turning you around, Steve shoved your face down, leaving your lower half exposed, legs straight, ass in the air, gravel cutting the soles of your bare feet.
You stifled a scream as buried his cock in one brutal shove, stretching your walls to their limit. 
He clutched your hips, holding you steady.
“Fucking hell, I didn’t think your pussy’d be so tight.”
“Just,” you hiccuped, “Just hurry up.”
Instantly he changed pace. 
He leisurely slid back and forth, bumping your g-spot.
“Maybe I’ll cum inside you,” he mused.
“No, God no,” you blubbered, “Don’t..don’t do that.”
You reared up, trying to escape but Steve held you in place, your struggles egging him on.
“Been trying to knock Betsy up for a few months, insurance policy so’s she don’t leave.”
Tears streaming, you begged, “Don’t do this…I’m not on anything.”
“I bet you’d be cute, all fat, tits swelled up.”
“Please, please, please,” you sobbed, “Please don’t.”
The head of his cock nudged your puckered hole.
This time you couldn’t contain the scream.
Snot and tears mingled on your face.
“Poor baby, I thought you’d like taking a dick in the ass.”
He thrusted deeper, gaining enjoyment from your pain.
“Ass or cunt? Your choice. Either way I’m blowing a load in you.”
Picking the lesser of two evils you whispered.
“Good choice.”
Forcing your body to relax, you swept a finger across your still sensitive nub, praying for a distraction. 
“Piece of friendly advice Sweetheart.”
He punctuated the words with the snap of his hips. 
“Don’t leave your car alone at strange gas stations.”
You wanted to rage at his revelation, howl at the moon for this cruel twist.
Steve fucked you mercilessly, bruises forming on your hip and ass.
You lashed at your clit, shutting out everything  but the blooming pleasure.
Unbidden, your hips rocked to meet his body, caught in spasms as you came.
He followed, hips pumping erratically, rope after rope of warm, sticky cum coating your insides. 
Sated, he withdrew, buckling his jeans, tossing your clothes at your feet.
You dressed, shuddering both from the cold and his assault, folding yourself gingerly back in the passenger seat. 
“Check this out,”
You glanced over, eyes dull from crying.
Your mouth dropped open.
Another video, this time of you riding the shifter to orgasm, displayed.
“You fucking asshole,” you shrieked, pummeling him with your fists, “You said…”
“I didn’t say shit,” he smirked again, holding the phone just out of your reach, “It’s a  little extra motivation to keep your trap shut. I mean who knows, I might wanna get my dick wet again before you leave.”
You dove for the phone, managing to bite his wrist, drawing blood.
“Fucking cunt!”
He dropped the phone, wrapping both hands around your throat.
“I own you bitch! You hear me! I’ll post this on PornHub. You won’t be so high and mighty then will you!”
The fight left with each denied breath, until you laid still, tears once more flowing down your face.
Steve let go, straightened his jacket, popping the car in gear.
He sped off, humming along to the radio.
Curling into a ball, you stared blankly out the window, wishing in vain you’d taken your chance with the coyotes. 
Breakdown/Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/1976
@fanfic-fangirl @mcudarklibrary @caffiend-queen @alexakeyloveloki @americasass81 @lokislastlove @sweeterthanthis @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @ironlady1993 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @starynighty @sapphirescrolls @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @cockslutpadalecki @dangertoozmanykids101 @lizzystuffsthings @shikin83 @km-ffluv
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
my latest films!!!
hi hello citizens of loserville i bring you a few ramblings about a few movies bc why the hell not!! very much not proofread i just wrote down whatever popped into my head so yk bear that in mind
fight club (1999) -
this was my tenth rewatch............................. THIS IS MY COMFORT MOVIE OKAYY DON'T JUDGE ME second time to see it on the big screen too!!! this is the perfect movie for me - it has the soundtrack (btw when i first saw this film i got so addicted to the score that the artist ended up being on my spotify top5), it has the actors, it has the outfits, the pacing, THE JOKES, the visuals etc etc etc it's very good for me
NOW this is very niche this is special but just yk stay with me here.... i am driven by two things - curiosity and spite. and my curiosity is very... extreme..... meaning that for like many years now i've been telling my friend about how i need to get punched in the face at least one bECAUSE I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE OKAY NOTHING MORE TO IT THAN PURE CURIOSITY and then i'm watching fight club..... and The Scene comes. brad pitt goes i want you to hit me. huh? edward norton goes huh? and then pitt just tells him that he's never been to a fight and drops the line of how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight - the way my mouth just hung open i think a couple of flies flew in there. bc what. he... he gets me..... I JUST NEED TO KNOW OKAY it's stupid i know i know and yet......... here i am + somewhere on tumblr there's a post that says "touch starved but for physical violence,, touch starved but in a sensory seeking way,, AUTISTIC FIGHT CLUB WHEN???" and this just sums it up pretty well i think
i love the narrator btw. super loser. i like his final outfit and i like it when pitt calls him "ikea boy". he's literally me. + i don't like brad pitt he can die but his outfits in this one thoughhhhhhhhhhhh ULTIMATE GENDER GUY when he has that shorter shirt on and it lifts up when he raises his hands broooooo insane
oke anyway i really like this silly little movie i won't go too in depth bc this post is already long i am writing this after i already did the last two parts lmao
when harry met sally (1989) -
MY FIRST WATCHHH!!!! absolutely loved it. i was doing breathing exercises as to not BAWL MY FUCKING EYES OUT i am a changed person now.
had the amazing oppurtunity to see this at the cinema too and let me tell you - it just made it so much better. it feels... so fucking good.... to laugh with people. no better feeling than just a room full of strangers, laughing and enjoying a film together. hearing a chuckle from a row over or a whisper followed by a quiet giggle or just having the entirety of the room laugh together as one is just so so so good i'm sorry my vocabulary is just good and amazing but yk it's about the fucking point okay. i loved it. made me feel good, made my heart warm.
the movie itself. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. yeah. the main characters were so fucking great, felt like real people yk. and the dynamic between them???????????????????????? ouch. there's a point in the film where she says that she's difficult while bawling her eyes out and the guy responds with you're challenging with hearts in his eyes while gently brushing the hair from her face. look whatever i might be biased here - as a Challenging person myself, it just felt so reassuring to hear that like that. ++ while she's very stubborn and like things to be the way she wants them to be, he's so fucking patient with her and i think that's my favourite thing of the whole movie. how patient he is. how when everybody else is rolling their eyes, sighing, listening to her tell her very specific order - he's just calmly waiting with a smile on his face. yeah no i'm like super normal about this btw.
the same scene where's she's crying, she's ranting at first, right? she's pacing around, yapping his ear off while he's sitting on the bed with a tissue box in his hand, offering her one the second she throws the away. his eyes are glued to her, he's literally changing and turning himself on the bed so he could be facing her at all time. I'M SOOO NORMALLLLL. when she finally sits down, his eyes are still on her; i'm talking tilting his head just to catch a glimpse of her eyes. + how he kept touching her - a hand in her hair or a hand on her shoulder/thigh sighhhhhhhhhh this guy is the new rolemodel love how i say new when this film literally came out in 1989....
NOWWWW THIS MOVIE AND SATORU MY BELOVED. I THINK. HE WOULD FUCKING LOVE THIS ONE. I THINK HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT. i kept thinking about him during the movie too (smh down very bad) but i just.... i feel like he actually fits the male character very well. he's annoying. he's funny. he has a staring problem. he's touch starved. he's sensitive. he's silly. he's patient (yes while gojo can be very impatient with a lot of things i think when it comes to his beloved... he's ready to take all the time in the world). he's thoughtful. he's a bit childish. he's gentle. he's funny. yes i said that twice what about it. i love him i love them. there's a point in the film where the guy is talking about a hookup and he goes "i made her meow." and i just shghashagsahshgashgahg like c'monnnnn how is this not the most gojocoded thing ever. and he was super chill about it too; his friend had to ask three times you made her meow? and everytime he went i made her meow
this is genuinely a film that i recommend to everyone. it's so fucking sweet and i just had the biggest smile on my face throughout the entire thing ahhhh i really did love it please please lovers watch it<33
dune (2021)
this was my sixth time seeing this movie............. fourth time at the cinema too...... ANYWAY i love denis villeneuve this man is a fucking genius i love all of his movies soooooo much they always look amazing and they sound amazing
the sound design aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry to get weird about it but hearing this is like having a real braingasm. especially at the cinema. my eyes were rolling back inside my head this is not a joke ++ the soundtrack. HELLOO???? i mean ofc it's good it's the god himself hans zimmer for fuck's sake he always delivers he's so fucking good
NOWW i neeed to talk about oscar isaac. very important. my most watched actor of last year btw i think he's wonderful. in this film - i think he gives the best performance out of the whole cast and you can't even argue with me bc i'm literally right. his character is so stoic and he seems so strong and powerful and yet whenever he's with his son or his wife you can just see the love. okay this is mostly villeneuve's directions but knowing oscar's work it's 10000% him too.
it's the small touches and gazes - right in the beginning, it's this important Thing and he's the duke of house atreides he needs to look the part, he looks tough he looks serious but then he looks over to his wife and gives THE most reassuring little look wahh and then he does the same with paul. and it's the other way around bc he looks at paul (his son for who don't know btw), kind of asking for reassurance too although he's literally the duke??? and they can't even stop the deal, it's already happening but he still wanted his son's approval...
i mean then it's the obvious "you'll still be the only thing I have ever wanted you to be- my son." LIKE WHAT AN INSANE LINE my daddy issues are crying a bit i think. and when they're talking he has his hand on his shoulder and it just sooo refreshing to see a father-son relationship like that.
and when he's with his wife, jessica..... godddddd the hand holding when they arrive on arrakis.... the way he lays his head on her lap while she massages the skin between his brows and he reaches up, just to hold her too................. FUUUCKKKK and it's just his eyes man he acts with his eyes and he's sooo fucking good
talking about his eyes- eee wait this paragraph contains a big spoiler ig so if u haven't seen it don't read this one. anyway... when he's paralysed and he can literally only act with his eyes.............. HE DOES IT SO WELL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when the baron gets close and talks about how his family will die how his son will die and the one singular tear falls broooooooooooo i can'tttt he's sickk i love him a lot
this is such a simple movie while simultaneously being like light years away from simple. not a lot happens while a lot happens??????? first time u might be a bit confused (this is questionable though bc i haven't read the book but i thought that villeneuve made the story rather easy to understand but my dad (who also hasn't read the book) didn't understand shit and i had to explain everything to him????) while again - not a lot is happening. everybody knows that this is a two and a half hour INTRO to the next part, it's just setting the tone for the next one but it's still so fucking good on its own it's insane.
+ shoutout to stellan skarsgard too!!! i feel like he's a bit underrated in a sense that i rarely see anybody talking about him even though he's in so many big things and he's sooooo good??????? absolutely devours every single role of his and this was no exception. LOVEDD the scene where the baron is first introduced (the sound design and the soundtrack were crazy in this scene too), he's just immediately sooooo off-putting??? he's a bit scary and like weirdly calm and a bit uncanny and well, something is just not right about this guy and you're just hooked. cool guy. a+
good movie. i like. super excited for the new one!!!! oh wait also also they showed us a secret little clip from the new one and i had chills it looked so fucking good and then villeneuve talked a few words too and i was just looking at this guy talking about his movie with a big big smile my cheeks hurt after that i hope he's having a wonderful day
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
The Man Called Daffodil
I thought I grew up in a good neighborhood, surrounded by good people. Everyone said good morning to each other in the morning, my mom was friends with our neighbors, and we all went to church together. In my young mind, that made us very good people.
Then Daffodil came to town and turned my world upside down.
I first met Daffodil when he knocked on our door. Mom was absorbed in a book she was reading so I went to go answer the door. I thought I was mature enough to do so at six years old, and plus, I had Bear- a dog mixed with a million different breeds but was big and looked pretty intimidating. Dad got him for us before he shipped out overseas, for his own peace of mind. Someone to keep us safe while he was off keeping the country safe.
I didn’t expect to see a skinny rail of a guy standing on the porch, bouncing on his heels as he waited for someone to answer the door. His cheeks were bright red, he had a short beard and curly blond hair, a guitar that had seen better days was slung over his back, but what really got my attention was that he wasn’t wearing any shoes.
“Hello!” He knelt down to my level, grinning broadly. “Is there any chores or work I could do for your family to earn my bread?”  
I glanced at Bear to see his reaction to this bizarre fellow. Normally my dog would at least be a little apprehensive around a stranger, but much to my surprise Bear was happily panting away. The man looked at Bear and actually squealed. “Oh, a good boy!” He gave Bear’s ears a scratch and Bear licked his hand.
I craned my neck in and yelled for my mom, “Mom, there’s a man here who wants to do work for bread. Can I have him help clean my room?”  
“Sure, sweetie!”  
Of course, my mom was distracted. She loved her books. But since she said it was okay, I let the man in. He bowed his head politely. “Thank you, thank you so much. Sun was about to burn me alive. My friends call me Daffodil, what’s yours?”
“I’m Will. Come on, let’s go clean my room.” Mom said I had to, after all, before I went to go play, and if all Daffodil wanted was bread then what was the harm?
Daffodil was a very efficient cleaner, and I learned quickly he was a complete weirdo but he was nice. He asked the names of all my stuffed animals, asked about my favorite games to play, my favorite color. When he wasn’t asking about me, he was humming tunes to songs I didn’t know.  
We just got done when Mom popped in to ask who I was talking to and screamed when she saw a strange man in her son’s bedroom. “Who- Will, who is that?!” She grabbed me by the back of the shirt and yanked me away.  
“Mom, it’s the man I told you wants to work for bread! You said it was okay!” I complained.
Daffodil politely bowed his head. “Not to be argumentative, ma’am, but he’s right,” He said.
My mom was pretty embarrassed, but in the end Daffodil did end up staying for dinner. She came to the same conclusions I did- weird, but absolutely harmless. He was a traveler, just planning on cooling his heels in town for a while.
How long was a while?
“Maybe a week, maybe a century. I’ll make up my mind later.”  
As he left, he gave me a dried out flower. “Thank you for dinner,” He said before tipping his head once more and skipping down the street.  
I still have that flower on my desk.  
Daffodil did end up staying a while, several years in fact. He’d typically go door to door, asking for work in exchange for something to eat or a place to sleep. If he wasn’t doing that, you’d find him in the park playing guitar for tips or selling pressed wildflowers. His songs told stories of home, of gardens that went for miles and a wife named Rose and another named Dahlia and their dozen children inbetween them. I rather liked his songs, even though apparently he had some raunchier ones that my mom told me about when I was older. He never sung them around the kids though.
My mom gave him a pair of my dad’s old boots during winter, and I swear he did a little dance and promised to dedicate a song to her. When my dad got home, he was also a little hesitant about Daffodil (I’m pretty sure I heard him ask mom if Daffodil was a queer), but I thought it was impossible not to warm up to such a charming fellow.  
I learned better when I got older.
See, Daffodil never minced his words. Never pulled any punches. He got into several heated arguments with one of the neighbors, Mr. Robert Miller, about why he wouldn’t go to church. Miller was a quite devout Christian, always trying to convince the ‘lost sheep’ of God to join the flock. Most people knew better than to try to argue with him about it.  
Daffodil was not most people.
I was about nine when I overheard one argument between the two.
“Mr. Miller, I am well aware you’ll put a roof over my head and food in my mouth if I go to church, but again I don’t think it’s very Christ like to blackmail me like that.”
“It’s not blackmail. I’m just trying to help you-”
“No, no, you’re helping yourself feel good.”
“How dare you!”
I enjoying a good amount of eavesdropping as a kid, so I kept myself hidden behind the fence dividing our two yards as I continued to listen in on this bickering.
“I’ve been around the block a few times, Mr. Miller, I know how it works. The moment we’re done here, you’re going to run to all your other little church friends and talk about the heathen that won’t hear God, you will pray together and pat yourselves on the back for doing a job well done.”  
“What is wrong with you?!”
“Nothing. Or a lot of things, depends who you ask. I found my version of god in song and in nature. I’m at peace with that.”
“You’re one of those, aren’t you? Is that why you won’t go to church?”
There was a pause before I heard Daffodil sigh.
“I am not inclined to share my sexual past with anyone, Mr. Miller. Good day.”
“You are then! You’ll burn in hell, faggot!”
I’d never heard that word before. But the way he spat it out so venomously almost frightened me. I almost asked my mom what it meant, but I lost my nerve, given it sounded like a bad word and I didn’t want to get in trouble.
Didn’t lose my nerve to ask Daffodil though, next day while he raked leaves for old Ms. Reed.
“What’s a faggot, Daffodil?”
He didn’t even miss a beat as he twirled the rake in the air. “A bundle of sticks,” He responded.  
“That’s all? Like a bitch is a female dog?” I couldn’t say these words around my mom. But I could ask Daffodil anything and he’d tell me the truth.
I remember him laughing and performing another twirl of the rake. “Will boy, just know that Mr. Miller meant it in a way to cut me down. It’s a nasty word, so don’t use it. You can use some of the other bad words when you get old enough, but that’s just one of the words you can’t.”
“Why?” I asked.
Daffodil never got mad when I asked why, but this time he looked a little sad as he reached over and ruffled my hair.  
“You’ll understand one day.”
And I did understand one day. I suppose Daffodil wasn’t exactly hypermasculine, he put flowers in his hair, danced down the street to no music, cried when he was emotional and was not afraid to get excited over things like baby bunnies or dogs. To be totally transparent though, I don’t think Daffodil was gay. He was too much of a flirt with any women close to his age.  
Didn’t matter though. He was a piece of pyrite surrounded by the asphalt on the cul de sac and people didn’t like that too much.  
It really came to a head when I was twelve. Daffodil was one of my friends, my parents loved having him for dinner and it wasn’t often that he wasn’t crashing on our couch, snoring like a freight train and his oversized legs hanging over the couch arm. I felt like he was a cool uncle, the guy I could turn to whenever I had a problem or question.
I was doing dishes while my mom was enjoying a glass of wine with Mrs. Miller in the living room. I still hadn’t learned not to eavesdrop, so I took a break from the suds to listen in.
“-And I just don’t know if it’s a good idea to have him hanging around Will all the time.”
I heard my mom laugh. “Anna, Daffodil’s harmless. Weird, definitely, but harmless.”
“Well, you know he’s… you know… like that. What if Will turns out like that too?”  
“Anna, you can’t seriously believe Daffodil is homosexual. Really, I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”
“I just care about you and your son! And god knows what he might have if he is a homo, what if he gives Will AIDS?”
“Anna!” My mom sounded horrified, and I felt the same. I did not like the implication that Mrs. Miller was throwing out there.  
“I’m being serious!”
“And I’m being serious when I say, again, Daffodil isn’t gay and he doesn’t have AIDS. Besides, I think the neighborhood’s done well with him around. You know we haven’t had anything really bad happen since he started staying around here? No one’s lost their job, everyone has a good looking yard, no one’s gotten badly sick or died…”
“What, are you saying he’s had something to do with that?”
“Well, maybe he’s a good luck charm. Let’s change the subject. How’s Levi, has his grades improved?”
I went back to the kitchen after the subject changed. I genuinely hoped it was just the Millers with such nasty thoughts, that their venom was contained in the family.
I was wrong. Mr. Miller was a deacon at the church at this time and had the respect of a lot of parishioners. His nasty thoughts had taken root in many people’s minds.
I don’t know why I was out late that night. It was hot, maybe I couldn’t sleep, but I wasn’t really the kind of kid to wander the streets after dark. This is the only night I remember doing it. I heard a commotion and followed the sound, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back, Daffodil taught me.
I found a mob of twelve men and all of them had surrounded Daffodil. For the first time in my life I saw Daffodil look afraid.  
“You don’t have to do this,” He said, hands raised in the air. He wasn’t armed. He was defenseless.
I saw Mr. Miller lift up a baseball bat. “We told you to leave, Daffodil. You wouldn’t listen. You forced us to do this,” I swear I heard pure evil in his voice that night.
Daffodil looked down and then he looked straight at me. I heard him mutter ‘stay put’ before he looked back at Mr. Miller. “Then I suppose I’ll cease to speak. My words have fallen on deaf ears for long enough. Do what you came to do.”
They descended on him like a pack of wild dogs, and he never fought back, not once.  
I watched them beat him into the ground with bats or golf clubs or whatever the hell they brought. They beat him while he howled in pain, they beat him until he only whimpered, and they beat him until he was still and quiet. When they left, all clearly proud of what they’d done, that’s when I crawled out of my hiding spot and hurried to Daffodil’s side.
He didn’t even look like a human anymore, he looked like fresh roadkill. That friendly face that I never saw without a smile before tonight was swollen and broken, the flowers in his hair were squashed on the ground…  
Somehow, Daffodil turned his head towards the sound of my voice. “… Will. Good… good boy, for not leaving your hiding spot…”
“Why wouldn’t you let me help you?” My eyes overflowed with tears, they landed on my friend’s face.
“Because… I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt for me, my little friend.”
A shaky hand, one with fingers bent in horrifying angles, reached up and touched my face, smearing blood across my cheek.
“Thank you for listening to me. Thank you… for being my friend.”
I waited until he seemed to stop breathing before I dragged him off the road and into the nearby woods. He was far too heavy for me to consider doing this in a sane state of mind, but I was on autopilot at this point. All I could think of was how they might further desecrate Daffodil’s body in the morning. How they’ll say he deserved it, and then put him in a grave that didn’t have a proper headstone and not even a name.  
I folded his arms over his chest, like he was just sleeping. I covered him in leaves and flowers. I took one and put it in his hair, tucked behind his ear.
This was the grave he deserved. The best a twelve year old boy could do.  
I didn’t eat for two days after Daffodil’s death. I didn’t leave my room. My mom was confused as to what was wrong until she realized Daffodil hadn’t shown up. Miller claimed he just left town but mom knew he wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.
She managed to pry the real story from me and then she called the police.  
Here’s the kicker though- the body was gone. They found the grave I made for him, the piles of leaves and flowers, but there was no Daffodil. My mom told me that maybe Daffodil was okay, that he got up and just chose to quietly leave, but I knew I saw him stop breathing.  
You know how my mom said Daffodil was a good luck charm, right? I think she was right. Well, half right. Daffodil was good luck to the people that did him good, and their neighbors prospered because of that. But Daffodil wasn’t going to give that kindness any longer to the people that beat him and left him for dead.
The week after Daffodil’s death, I saw him.  
I couldn’t sleep. I hadn’t been able to sleep well since the incident. I was staring out the window when I saw a familiar head of golden hair walk into the space between ours and the Millers. I couldn’t believe it. I rubbed my eyes a dozen times before I got up and pulled the window up, ready to call out to my friend to see if it was really him or if it was just a dream.
The word froze in my mouth when I realized I wasn’t sure if this was really Daffodil. Sure, he had the golden hair and the beard, but he was… different. Taller, which was quite a feat given he was already a giant. There was this unnatural glow about him, and he wore strange clothes. If this had been a few years later, I’d say he looked dressed to be in a ren fair.  
One look confirmed though that he wasn’t wearing shoes. It was still Daffodil.
He turned to look at me and now he smiled, but there was an unfamiliar mischievousness to it. He put a finger to his lips to shush me before he opened the window and reached inside. Out he pulled the Miller’s infant daughter, Rebecca. He cradled her for a brief moment before he turned his head behind him and whistled.
Two women walked out from the bushes. I didn’t recognize them. Both were also quite tall, one with hair almost silver in the moonlight wearing a white gown and the other with midnight black hair cut short to her jaw and a sword hanging from her waist. Daffodil handed Rebecca to the swordswoman who bounced her up and down a few times before walking away. I saw the silver haired woman slip in through the window and a few minutes later left the front door with the Miller’s two sons, four year old Micah and seven year old Asher. Both were still in their pajamas but clung to the woman’s hands and looked at peace with her. She walked down the street and vanished in the dark.
Now it was just Daffodil again. He looked at me, still smirking, before he rubbed his hands together before lifting them up to his mouth and blowing on them. I saw sparks fly out from his palms and dance in the air before going black.
The next thing I remember is waking up the next morning to police all over the street. The three youngest Miller children were gone. And the eldest, seventeen year old Levi, was dead. Autopsy would later reveal he had gone undiagnosed with brain cancer, even though he’d just had a physical a few months prior and he was healthy as a horse.  
Sure, I was asked if I’d seen anything, since my window was closest to the Miller’s, but I just remembered Daffodil putting his finger to his lips and told them nothing.  
Only one child of the Millers would be found, baby Rebecca, returned to her crib. But a week in and Mrs. Miller looked ready to have a meltdown. A teatime with mom and she confided all about how Rebecca never slept, only cried, and how she swore she heard her daughter giggling whenever she wasn’t in the room.  
That child was certainly not Rebecca, but once again I kept my mouth shut.  
Things went downhill for the Millers the fastest, but they weren’t alone. Several other households faced their own bizarre and sudden catastrophes. The Petersons were in a terrible car accident that cost Mr. Peterson his legs and Mrs. Peterson her memory. To her death, she believed every morning was July 21, strangely not the day of the accident but the day of Daffodil’s disappearance. The Caldwells had a nasty divorce after Mrs. Caldwell got mysteriously pregnant, even though Mr. Caldwell had a vasectomy. It’d later come out she was approached by a young handsome man and they had a moment of passion in the backseat of Mr. Caldwell’s car.  
The Anderson’s house burned down. The Rivers were infertile. The Ward’s prize garden wilted and died while Mr. Ward wasted away with an illness no doctor could diagnose. The Reeves lost their jobs. I could go on. But I’m sure you guessed by now what each of the families had in common.
Each of those families had someone directly involved with Daffodil’s beating.
While everyone else’s family was suffering disaster after disaster, ours only prospered. Bear’s health held strong until he was nearly sixteen, long time for a big dog. My parents thought they were out of luck when it came to having another kid, but mom became pregnant with twins. I insisted one be named Daffodil. They compromised and Marie’s middle name is Daffodil. They were also approved to adopt and that’s when I got a brother just a few months younger than me, Brian. We became thick as thieves the day he came into our lives and we’re still quite close. My dad got an amazing job when he was discharged from the army, mom got some serious promotions so we got to go on amazing vacations and make amazing memories.  
I was eighteen when Mr. Miller finally cracked and hung himself. He’d lost everything- his job after he failed a drug test that he should’ve passed with flying colors, his position as a deacon after said failed drug test made common knowledge, his wife after she was just done with his bullshit, he just had to give up the car because of the debt he was in and was about to lose the house. In his suicide note he did confess to Daffodil’s murder and named the other conspirators as well. A few of them were already dead from various means, but the others got in pretty deep shit, even though they couldn’t be officially charged without a body apparently.  
Sometimes I wondered if I dreamed that night I saw Daffodil outside. Sometime I even believed it.
But it’s been a long time since then. I have a family of my own now, married the love of my life and we have a six year old daughter, Iris. I actually own the Miller’s house, I got it for a steal because of the suicide. My wife thinks it serves for great inspiration, she’s a horror novelist, so that works out.
Maybe I would’ve forgotten Daffodil one day if my daughter hadn’t run to get the door before I could stop her. Girl has no fear, probably like I did when I was her size.
I almost reached the living room when I heard her yell back, “Daaaaadddyyyy, there’s a man asking if we have bread!”
“Erm, not quite, if you have work so I can have bread. Close enough though.”
I never forgot that voice. I ran for the door, nearly tripping over the dog in the process. I whipped open the door the rest of the way, nearly bowling over Iris in the process.
He looks exactly the same as he did back then. Same beard, same guitar slung over his back, same lack of shoes. He stared at me for a few moments before his eyes widened and he grinned.
“Hello, Will! It’s so good to see you again. Mind if I help around the house? I like to work for my bread.”
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feyrechild · 10 months
Hello! I absolutely love your work! You are so incredible!! I was wondering if you have time for a snippet on your current WIP? Possibly Elucien? If not, no worries! Thank you for your hard work!
As a matter of fact, you're in luck!
The bell chimes merrily behind her - nothing quite so strange about that, but what is different is the deep voice that says, with the gust of incoming cold air, "Finally. There you are."
Her grin threatens to break her face, and she whirls around on her stool, ponytail flipping. "Hey, stranger."
Lucien Vanserra/Dayton (depending on who asks) grins at her, his smile splitting his face and pulling at the scars over his left cheek, both eyes bright at the sight of her. "Long time, no see."
"Too true." She holds up her arms. "Come on, then."
He steps forward to wrap his arms around her, and she inhales the spicy scent of his cologne and the cold air clinging to his coat, humming in satisfaction. Nobody gives hugs as good as Lucien does; his arms are tight and firm around her waist, hers locked around his neck, and he's warm even through the chill of his outer layers. He doesn't pull away, either, stays for a good long minute before pulling away and pressing his lips to her cheek.
He's done so a thousand times before, and yet she's almost...discomfited by the flip of her stomach in response. Probably just because she hasn't seen him in so long...although, a little voice in the back of her head wonders, as he withdraws to smile down at her, his expression melting into something softer and irreparably fond, surely he hasn't always been so handsome...no, she'd remember if he had been. He's handsome, of course - he's Lucien, he's always been handsome, she's convinced he magically circumvented puberty and just came out of the womb looking stunning - but it's a familiar kind of handsome. It's just taken her aback because she hasn't seen him in an entire year, and Instagram posts can't do him justice.
Standing comfortably at six-foot-three, long and lean like the lifelong athlete he is, broad-shouldered and slim-hipped, with his skin a skin-kissed deep gold colour like raw honey, his broad hands, and the long fall of pure red hair down his back, he's always had the raw material to be handsome. He stands tall, boots planted hip-width apart, shoulder back and neck long, comfortable and confident in his own skin; his hands are elegant, long-fingered and strong, lightly sprinkled with gold hair on the backs of his knuckles, and decorated with a smattering of gold rings and hard-earned callouses; and he's impeccably dressed as always, in black jeans and a deep green sweater under his grey peacoat, the somber colours turning his gold skin, his red hair, his bright eyes to flame. It's as if a living flame suddenly took human form and came strolling down Main Street in search of coffee. Small wonder every single girl and quite a few boys in high school had a deep, long-abiding crush on Lucien.
She takes a deep breath of cold air and spiced cologne and Lucien and smiles. There, she's accustomed to him again. "I've missed you."
"Aww." He kisses her again, on the forehead this time, and drops into the seat beside her, smiling. "I missed you more."
She rolls her eyes and turns back to her plate. "So competitive."
"You love it." He leans closer. "Is that cherry?"
"Are you sharing?"
"You're so mean."
"Hey, this is mine." she protests, even as his long fingers snag the corner of the plate and start sidling it towards him. "I'm paying good money for it - "
"You and I both know your welcome-home lunch is on the house."
" - it's my present, Maisie gave it to me, and if you steal it I will not be held responsible for my actions."
"I'll take my chances." He swipes a piece of buttery, flaky crust and pops it into his mouth a second before she whacks his knuckles with the back of her spoon. "Ow, devil woman."
"Keep your hands to yourself." she orders, tugging the plate back towards her. "I'm sure that's something you've heard before."
He snorts inelegantly. "I usually hear the opposite."
"In your dreams, maybe." She pops a bite into her mouth and shrieks, garbled around the spoon, as his fingers dig into her ribs. "No, no, no tickling, that's not fair, that's not - "
She dissolves into giggles as his fingers scrunch, squirming away from his prodding hands and not getting very far as he grips her around the waist with his other arm and tickles harder, immune to her choked laughter and frantic squirming. "Maisie!" she shrieks, kicking at his shins. "Save me!"
Thank you so much for the ask, and the compliments!!
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
transfemme stevie purposefully gaining weight to give herself a more “feminine” curvy figure and good bf eddie helping her a lil too much
Ok but I love this so much. I don't typically write active gaining or encouragement, but I'm very on board with this.
Like I totally see Stevie annoyed that she's still so flat chested and maybe a little scrawnier than in the show and like the titty Skittles are doing their job but it's just not enough. So she's just harumphing.
And maybe my bisexual simp king Eddie is an admirer/feeder/encourager but it's not like his whole personality, and he loves Stevie, he just also likes bigger people and knows the space, but like doesn't bring it up because he doesn't want another thing to be judged for.
And like one time he's Stevie staring disappointedly in the mirror and he comes up behind her, hugging her and having a conversation with her in the mirror to comfort her like.
"Awe what's the matter, princess?"
"it's not fair, I still look like a boy... Or like a stick figure in a dress"
"Hey, careful! That's my girlfriend you're talking about."
"I'm serious. I wish I was curvy, soft, bouncy. I wanna fill out these clothes."
"Well I think you're beautiful," kisses her on the cheek, "and as much I love your little a-cups, I gotta say, I could very much get behind the idea of keeping my babygirl well fed. I've always been a sucker for a big girl." He tacks on, blushing, his hand absently rubbing Stevie's flat, almost concave tummy.
Stevie whipping her head to look at him and not his reflection, surprised and excited to be learning something new about him. "Ok, hello stranger! Why didn't I know this!?"
"Like I needed another thing to get shit for. I'm not ashamed or anything, it just didn't come up all the time. I mean there was a bit where I was hooking up with Chrissy Cunningham before she lost a bunch of weight and joined the cheerleading team, but she was keeping me a secret. Not the other way around."
Stevie just smiling and putting her hand on top of his while he keeps rubbing her tummy. "Huh, duly noted. So will you? Help keep me 'well fed'?"
"You came to the right perv. I know my way around a kitchen. Used to be a line cook, you know that? You're in good hands, baby, I'll have you filling this wardrobe out faster than you can say 'butterfly lounge.'"
It's a little hard for her at first, eating with this kind of purpose, but Eddie is a wizard in the kitchen. Everything tastes so good and it's weirdly thrilling and intimate when he feeds her occasionally, praising her, rubbing her belly, worshipping her body. That's what she wants, to feel curvy and soft and beautiful.
She can see the weight settling, low in her belly, padding her hips, dipping into widening thighs, her ass getting full and round and peachy, her tits filling out her bras looking pert and perky with cute puffy nipples.
Eddie can't get enough of her. He's always got a hand on her, possessive and proud. It's clear when he's standing so close against her how much he loves it, how much he loves her.
And it just continues until one day when they're about to go out, Stevie bends down to pick something up, and the side seams of her dress pop and her hips and sides of her belly are pushing through like over-proved dough, and she looks bashful, but not upset.
"I guess we got a little overzealous, huh?" She says.
And immediately Eddie's on her tearing the dress away just animalistically grabbing at all of her, feeling how plush she is, how much she jiggles and wobbles and bounces it's hypnotizing. He scoops her up and carries her to the bed to ravage her. His mouth is just an unrelenting torrent of praise and disbelief at how beautiful she is, how soft, and curvy and plump she is, how lucky he is. And he sucks her tits, strokes her, kisses and nibbles and nuzzles her belly, sucks her cock, sinks his teeth into her thighs, worships and eats her ass, begs her to smother him with it it's so round and downy soft. He fucks her hard and fast in so many positions: bounces her in his lap with her jugs in his face, hugs around her middle while taking her doggystyle, bruising her hips, watching her take him in missionary. But he slows down and gets sensual too. He just cannot get enough of her.
And as they're panting and cuddling in the afterglow she's like. "Well I really worked up an appetite."
And Eddie kisses her so hungry and deep holding the back of her head. "Can't have my baby girl going hungry," smiling and caressing the overhanging swell of her belly, and hops up to go get her something to eat, while she relaxes.
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kraekat29 · 20 days
Scream- Chapter Two
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Ruby stood in the video store, looking through the different movie rentals, she couldn’t decide which genre to go for.
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She actually enjoyed coming here, it was quiet, it allowed her to unwind of the stress of the day, she felt at ease surrounded by what felt like a thousand films.
Ruby looked over as Rafe stood beside her, taking a small step away from him and grabbing another movie and reading the description on the back.
“where’s your little boyfriend at?” Rafe asked, “he’s mowing a lawn, and I’m preparing date night..” Ruby murmured, finally deciding on Titanic and taking it off the shelf.
“cutting grass huh? Or maybe out killing like the freak he is” Rafe snarled and she looked up, “JJ never killed anyone, he was only brought in for questioning because he was the pool boy.” Ruby said, venom lacing her words.
“Sure Ruby, whatever you say” Rafe said and tapped her nose before walking off.
Ruby stood there for a moment and shook her head before making her way to the register, “asshole..” she muttered to herself.
After she paid for the movie she made her way out to her truck, shivering from the chill in the air, something seemed off tonight.
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At the Carrera’s, Kiara stood in the kitchen, making some popcorn for her date as she waited for him to arrive.
She leant against the counter in boredom, counting her kitchen tiles, her eyebrow raising as her phone rang.
Caller unknown flashed across her phone screen.
Kiara shrugged, maybe it was the pizza place saying her order was finally on the way, without hesitation she swiped across her screen and answered the call.
“Hello?” Kiara asked into the phone, “hello Kiara” a strange voice said back, one she didn’t recognize.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “who is this?” She asked, “wouldn’t you like to know” the voice said back.
Kiara shook her head and hung up the phone, she was definitely not in the mood for any prank calls, this date had to go exactly as planned.
Her phone rang again and she picked it up, “hello?” She asked again, a slight annoyance to her tone.
“look I just wanted someone to talk to” the same person said, “yea? Well dial someone else.” Kiara snarked and hung up once more.
She went back and continued to make her popcorn on the stovetop, shaking it gently so it would cook faster.
Kiara’s phone rang once more, and yet again she answered, “I’m sorry it seems we just got off on the wrong foot. I really would like to talk to you” the person said, “ aw that’s sweet” Kiara said.
She continued shaking the popcorn, soon the noise of popping kernels filled the room, “what’s that?” The person asked, “popcorn” Kiara said with a light laugh.
“Are you watching a movie?” The person asked, “yea, nightmare on elm street” Kiara answered, “oh I like that movie, it’s scary” The person responded.
Kiara laughed and shook her head, moving away from the stove and leaning against her counter once more, “what’s your favorite scary movie?” The person asked.
She thought for a moment, laughing nervously as she pulled a knife in and out of its block, “hm.. probably Halloween, you know the guy in the white mask who stalks babysitters?” Kiara said.
“Good choice, that one is really scary” the person said, “eh it’s okay, I don’t really do scary movies” Kiara answered.
“Hm.. I bet I could change that, maybe me and you could go out sometime” The person said and she smiled to herself, “yea that sounds great” Kiara said.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The person asked and Kiara froze for a moment, “no. I don’t” she lied.
“y’know you never questioned how I knew your name” The person said, “why would I?” Kiara asked, “you really shouldn’t keep that slide in glass door open like that, anyone could be looking at you” The person said.
Kiara froze and looked out the slide in glass door, flipping the light on outside, she squinted briefly and after seeing nothing she stepped back.
“What did you just say..?” She asked, “I just said you should be careful talking to strangers? You never know if someone is a total creep” the person said.
“I-I gotta go..” Kiara said and pulled her phone back from her ear, “wait I thought we were going out?” The person asked, “not on your life” Kiara quipped and hung up the phone.
She locked her slide in glass door and swallowed hard as she scanned the area.
She was trapped in a living hell.
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yoyoslumodernau · 9 months
links awakening
This is quite long :[l]
It was an early summer morning, Legend had quickly been put to work by Malon who had wanted him to feed the horses and to water the plants on the porch.
Of course, his brothers were doing other things as well. Wind had been in charge of sweeping the floor of the deck and cleaning the bathrooms while Twilight did some heavy lifting around the ranch.
“Hey kiddo, your mother wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go to the store with her. Do you want to?”
Legend looked over and saw Time leaning against the door, putting his weight on his hand. “
Yeah, tell her I need a few minutes.”
Time nodded and was about to leave when,
“Thanks, dad.”
Legend quickly went to put the watering can away, embarrassed at the fact he finally mustered the courage to address his new father correctly.
Now he was going to be held to that standard for a while, that title was going to take some time to get used to.
He grabbed his shoes and made his way to the car.
“You ready to go? I was just wondering if you needed anything for you and Thief. If you want you can get some new clothes or just something that tickles your fancy,”
Malon said as legend hopped into the seat next to her. Legend looked around the store. Apparently you could find anything here, so he decided to look for some rabbit feed.
“Hello stranger, how can I help you today?"
Legend jumped a bit at the sudden voice, he turned to see a boy around his height wearing a purple rabbit hood, covering his face.
“Oh, I'm ok, just looking for some rabbit feed.”
The hooded boy nodded,
“Oh! Another pet owner, I have a bird named Sheerow. He's such a sweetheart, let me take you to that food.”
With that he grabbed Legends wrist and led him to one of the isles.
“Here we are, rabbit feed. My personal suggestion is this one since it has all the good stuff but costs way less. The trick here is that they hide all the best items where you don't look so you buy the expensive garbage.”
Legend nodded, “thanks, but why are you telling me? If you work here, shouldn't you be trying to not help me?”
He then noticed the lack of a name tag, weird for someone who works at a store like this.
“Oh no, I've gotta hide. Quick! Pretend you don't know me.”
With that, the purple hooded boy dashed behind a large sale sign, his shoes still visible and quite noticeable. Legend quickly kicked a crate in his direction to hide the rest of him.
“Hey kid, have you seen a boy around your age ‘round here? Wears purple, black hair? Super annoying and tries to sell you stuff?”
Legend looked over to see a large man standing over him.
“No, I haven't. Why do you want to see him anyway? If he's my age he's probably not that bad.”
The older man scoffed, “well, for one he keeps driving my customers off. Two, he's a lorulean.”
Legend wore a confused expression, “what's wrong with loruleans? I took a trip to lorule once and they are great artists and have quite an interesting culture.”
“The only kinda art they do is con art. All those Loruleans here are only interested in stealing important things and stuff. Nobody can trust them, that's why none of them should have a future in a place like this. They almost destroyed their home, who says they ain't trying to destroy ours.”
Legend gave the man a cold stare, “I am.”
His icy blue eyes cut through and the older man backed off, “Alright, if you do see him though, I'll get you a good discount on your items.”
“Fat chance.”
The man left and legend heard a sigh of relief come from the sign.
“He's gone. You can stop hiding now” Legend affirmed, watching the purple rabbit hood pop out from behind its hiding spot.
“Thank you so so much. How can I repay you mister hero!”
“Um, it's Legend. You can start by telling me your name. I wanna know who I just stuck my neck out for."
The boy removed his purple hood, revealing a pair of emerald green eyes. His hair was as dark as obsidian and sat in a wavy mop on top of his head.
“My name is Ravio. I really mean it when I say thank you. Not many people will stick out for my kind of people. Not after they stole your relics.”
“Don't worry about it. I shouldn't matter where you're from, we're all people and we're all alike.”
Ravio smiled, “here, I've been saving this for someone and, well, I thought I could give this to you. I think you'll take good care of it.”
He handed Legend a gold bracelet with a pink jewel in the center.
“Thanks, it's really nice. Hey, it kinda matches my hair.”
Ravio nodded, “that's what I was thinking! We should meet up again, mister hero. I still owe you a ton for saving me from that guy.”
With that, Ravio left the store, waving at Legend through the window. As legend reached his hand out to wave back he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Did you find everything you were looking for ok?” Legend turned around and saw his mother with a full shopping cart.
“Oh yeah, here's Thiefs feed. Should last him a few months.” Malon nodded, “who's your new friend?”
“His name's Ravio, he's really nice.” Legend smiled a bit, “yeah… I mean, not really.”
He was desperately trying to fix his little mistake, feeling his face turn the same shade of pink as his hair as malon started to laugh.
“It's ok sweetheart, I have a husband and a son with a girlfriend. I think I know when a guy likes someone. Don't worry, your little crush is safe with me.”
Legend's face held a amused look, knowing shee probably tell her husband, “alright, thanks mom.”
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tenacious-world · 8 months
👻Attempt 1 on Idia 👻 Pt 1
I discontinued this one because I kept dragging it on, like idk if I was trying to write a BOOK or a one shot.. Any who sorry its so long, but I hope you like it anyways. !Not Finished!
As you grew up you've always struggled with anxiety, your parents believed that to teach you a lesson they had to humiliate you in front of others. Whether it was friends, family, or strangers. Over time you got a sense of dread every time you went outside, and you became paranoid. You started to become accustomed to staying in since you made sure you never had to leave, door dash, video games, and cats. You've always wanted an animal but dogs require you to walk them outside, so you'd like to avoid that. So I bet you can guess how you felt when you were kidnapped by a cult, and wandered into a room full of people in black robes, you too were in one. The so-called teacher Introduced himself and apologized for his lateness. Before the doors behind you closed you saw a glimpse outside, it was unfamiliar to you, before he could walk off and finish you spoke. Yuu: Excuse me? Mr.Crowly: Hm? Yuu: Where am I? Mr.Crowly: Hahaha! The amnesia must still be in effect! You're at Night Raven College of Course! Yuu: Is this some kind of cult?.. You could see a vein popping out of his head. Mr.Crowly: No my dear.. As I said its a collegeYuu: Then what's up with the robes?. Mr.Crowly: I know it is unusual but it's uniform. Before you could say anything else he stormed off to the middle of the room. Mr.Crowly: Now then!! let's get our tardy student up here!
Your eyes widen as all eyes are on you, you freeze for a moment and start to move the moment Crowly signals you to come forward. Instinctively you move forward towards him, but not without consequence. You start to insult yourself. Yuu's mind: Look at how you breathe! You look ridiculous! Are you walking correctly? I bet you gonna fall and be a fool. Everyone's gonna laugh at you and Crowly will beat you for being an embarrassment. After what felt like forever you make it up to the mirror and a face appears. Yuu's mind: This is where I die? Are they gonna slit my throat, Id be better dead anyway. A tear rolls down your face as you squeeze your eyes shut. Mirror: Don't worry child we mean no harm, you won't die. You slowly open your eyes as you look into the mirror's non-existent eyes. Mirror: She has no soul, no shape. Though it would do well if she was put in Ignihyde. Mr.Crowly: W-well then. As long as we have an answer! Crowly finished his speech and soon enough everyone started rolling out. I saw a floating tablet that was soon introduced as the representative and dorm head. You wished you had one of those, then you'd really, never have to leave. But how is it floating? There are no wires or strings. You just follow along and soon enough you meet with a plump older lady Desk lady: Name? Yuu: Yuu L/N She taps away furiously at the keyboard. Desk Lady: Name not found, leave. Or get an administrator. Soon a little boy flies over. Desk lady: Why hello ortho, this young one was trying to get in, but her name isn't in the system. Yuu: Ima.. Late admission. Ortho took a hard look at you, and soon he started to scan your face? A blue light shines from his eyes done then up. Ortho: As she said late admission. Your computers are just slow. The lady huffed and tapped on her computer. Desk LAdy: Room 101 I just stared at Ortho, I've never seen anything like it! He was floating, He was in a very technological fashion, and he had blue hair and yellow eyes. Very unusual. Ortho: Yay! You're right next to me and my big brother's dorm! I'm sure we'll be great friends, but he's kind of shy, so just a heads up! Yuu was it? I'm ortho, although you probably already know that! He talked all the way there without you having to say a word. He waved at you as he opened his door, Video games could be heard from inside. You watched as the door closed and fumbled to open your own. It opened and you were met with a simple room, a full bed, no bed frame, and a desk with a shelf next to it, on the desk was a computer that looked a little outdated, but it should do. On the wall was a TV with a tiny shelf below it with a remote on it. Then to the right was a mini-fridge, microwave, and a mini portable stove with a pot. A closet, and what you'd assume to be the bathroom. All the bear necessities. So this should be fine. Crowley came by and he gave you your allowance provided by the school that you get once a month because as he said, "He's not low enough to leave a penniless teenager to just starve." He finished up and left this money would be helpful, but I don't know this currency. Yuu: This was gonna be a long week. A week passed and you had not gone to one class or even left your room. Consequently, a message was sent to Idia as a notice unknowingly. Ortho: As dorm head, you have to go! Idia: NOooO! I don't wanna interact with others! I'll run into people in the halls and end up in a conversation! Ortho: You don't even have to go that far, she lives right next door. Idia: Oh! I can have my tablet go over. Ortho: No! You have to go over yourself. I'll go with you. Idia: Really? Orthooo you're such a good brother! Idia and Ortho move out of the door, Idia moving like a ninja. Ortho is just being himself. Ortho knocks on the door but no answer. Idia can be seen peaking out from the doorway, he had momentarily retreated back to his room. Ortho waits patiently and knocks again a few minutes later. I
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Chapter 36: The Experiments
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
The stares were the worst thing for Daniel. The neverending stares from the doctor terrified him. The experiments were also bad, it was always some form of pushing Daniel to an extreme emotion that made him lash out and hurt something. He didn’t want to hurt people, he wanted to be a good person. But the strange doctor seemed obsessive about pushing Daniel to his extreme and making him lash out with his quirk.
That was what he was doing now. Daniel was sat in an empty looking room with a window on the wall. There was noise ringing loudly in his ears and no matter how much Daniel begged for it to stop, it only got louder.
“Please… please stop…” Daniel whispered as he held his hands to his ears. His eyes started to go gold covered and wept out tears.
“If you want to make it stop, you have to make something destructive. Radiate the object in front of you.” The cold voice of the doctor spoke over the speakers.
“I don’t want to… I want my sister…”
“If you want the noise to stop, if you want to be good enough to see your sister… you have to do what I say.” The voice was apathetic. “You have to do this. You don’t want to be stupid do you. You don’t want to be a dumbass now.”
“Stop it…”
“You’ll never see your sister again if you-”
“STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Daniel shouted, his rage mixing with his quirk and causing the stuffed object in front of him to crumble then burst into a dozen tiny pieces. The pieces on the ground vibrated and radiated with residual energy left in them. It was a pretty little toy and Daniel had wanted to keep it, but now he had destroyed it. The voice gave out a few claps over the speaker and sent in two men to place the quirk canceling cuffs back on him.
But when they placed their hands on him, one fell to the ground immediately. Poisoned by the radiation coming off of the boy, who remained shaking on the ground. The other man stepped back from the boy, and immediately looking to the window for guidance. When no sound came out, the man steadied himself activating his strength quirk and grabbing the boy who glared at him. There was pains shooting up his hands and arms from the contact with the boy. Eventually he got the cuffs on the boy, cutting off the pains coming from the boys radiating skin. But the remains of the toys still radiated and shook from the residuals.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the room.” The man said, dragging the boy back to his caged room.
Once he was back in his room, Daniel remained seated on the bed petting the small cat Lula that was taken with him. They poked and prodded at him, taking samples of blood and saliva. After they were done, he waited in that room for what felt like hours. Until eventually the strange large man came back into the room. The one who claimed he was his father.
“Hello Daniel. I heard you had an outburst today.” His voice was smooth and strange.
“I wanna see my sister…” Daniel muttered, keeping his eyes on the ground.
“Oh I know. I know you feel alone here, but I can’t bring her to you just yet. Right now you have a purpose for me, and I need to make sure you fulfill it. As your father I want what's best.” The tall man stepped forward, Daniel barely looked up to see that the man had this black helmet covering his head.
“Not calling you pop.. not my…”
“Then you may call me All For One. But I must insist that you are stuck here with me.” The man then turned and left the room, locking the door behind him.
Else where.
The stranger with the Hello Kitty mask sat in front of a screen as they spoke to a familiar red haired teen. He did seem to like the pals Snow was laying out for him, but Snow knew better than he and was tired of being second guessed.
“Listen, you might not like it but you have to work with him.” Snow sighed.
“There’s no way I’m working with him. He’s the reason YN is gone.” Kirishima snarked back.
“Listen here, child. I know what is going to happen. I know where your friend Bakugou is being kept. So I need you to work with Midoriya and get him back. Creating a distraction while the heroes do their thing. It leaves me with a window to grab Daniel and hopefully YN.” Snow rubbed the mask that sat on their head.
“No Buts! We have one chance at this apparently and according the story that’s being laid out, we need to do this while you rescue your friend. I will do the heavy lifting.” Snow snapped and pointed their finger at the screen. “You have to what I say. This isn’t the only story I need to pay attention to. Will you do what I say?”
There was a pause then Kirishima looked back up. “Will you be able to save them?”
“I’ll get them to a better place. I promise.”
“Then I’ll do what I can.”
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once again a little cameo from reoccuring character @i-cant-sing​
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azaadrelle-ag · 8 months
A little bit about me.
Hello there! I just wanted to introduce myself it sounds like and adequable thing to do. Since I'm starting on Tumblr now.
My name is Maria Eduarda, but you can call me duda, maddu or madds.
I'm 24 years old now (09/02/2024) since my birthday is on january.
I don't have a favorite song actually, but I feel a vibe throughout my preferences I can't define exactly what it is. So I let it some here then you guys see what you want to think about me:
1- Fairytale - Alexander Rybak 2- Favorite place to be - The Lodge (Disney Series) 3- História de tragédia - Frater5 4- Smile - R5 5- I think about you - Austin & Ally 6- Stuck on you -Austin & Ally 7- Geronimo - Sheppard 8- Queens don't hate - RaeLynn 9- There's no place like you - Madison and Tae 10- Felicidade - Marcelo Jeneci 11- Pequenas Alegrias - Marcela Tais 12- Soldier, Poet and King - The Oh Hellos
I may not have favorite song but i do have favorite artists here are some:
Ed Sherran:
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1- Perfect - Ed Sherran 2- Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sherran 3- Photograph - Ed Sherran 4- Thinking out loud - Ed Sherran 5- Castle on the hill - Ed Sherran
Stray Kids:
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(I don't listen Kpop or didn't until I met them? I don't even know how it happened just know that I know these boys since last year and when I last expected I was listening to their songs. My younger me would be ashamed of myself now.)
1- Cheese - Stray Kids 2- Charmer - Stray Kids 3- The Sound - Stray Kids 4- Double Knot - Stray Kids 5- Megaverse - Stray Kids
Sabrina Carpenter (2014- 2017 Phase)
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(I used to listen to her a lot, but her music just don't feel just as good lately here a some songs I still listen to almost everyday, and which I relate a lot to.)
1- Can't blame a girl for trying - Sabrina Carpenter 2- The middle of starting over - Sabrina Carpenter 3- Eyes wide open - Sabrina Carpenter 4- Why - Sabrina Carpenter 5- On Purpouse - Sabrina Carpenter
Some musical styles I like:
1- Pop 2- Classical 3- Jazz 4- Rock
TV Shows or streaming series I like:
1- Austin & Ally
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2- Girl meets world
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3- Once Upon a small town
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(I love this one especially because I identify so much with the female lead. And the fact of being on her twenties and haven't kissed or dated yet. But hey I had my first love, I'm tired of people asking me if I haved loved before, just because I didn't kiss or dated doesn't mean I haven't loved someone or haven't been loved.)
4- High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
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Some cartoons and animations I love:
1- Infinity train
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2- The Amazing world of Gumball:
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3- The Lion Guard
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Luca (2021)
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Disney movies in general but Luca has a especial place at my heart.
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Things I "hate"
1- Horror stuff, I can't deal with any horror things, I'm very sensible to the topic. Just watching the first season of Stranger Things my blood pressure dropped. (It has also dropped in a biology class where we were studying genetic diseases or syndroms.) So yeah, can't deal with that. (Sorry yeah that means I avoid halloween content a lot)
2- Arachnidis, I can't see one without getting a reaction also if I decide the animal looks like one I also won't be chill taking a look at it.
3- Dark, nictophobia is my phobia number one, while I was growing I have learned to control it better, but I rather keep even a small light next to me in case I need it.
4- Injustice, I always try to stand up if I think something wrong is happening to someone, I don't care what other people think. If I believe it's incorrect and needs to be changed Imma do it. I have fought even my family because of things like this. I won't hate you for this, I'll just try and stand up in favor of it.
5- Disrespect, same description of the above if you're wrong in doing it so. Imma talk 'bout it. Imma display my mind on the topic.
I think we cool for now. If you have any questions about me. I believe my questions inbox is open, feel free to ask smth to me there.
It's literally 01:40 AM right now. I'm heading to bed. Hope you guys have a good morning, afternoon, night or whatever you're living now.
Love y'all take care and have a friendly tight hug if you want if you don't feel greeted on your favorite way, bye hope to see ya around.
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jhdyuiee · 9 months
White Lies
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༊*·˚ pairing: CEO!jaehyun x EX-gf!y/n ; ex’s to lovers
༊*·˚ warnings/tags: fluff, angst, pregnancy, second chances, kissing/making out, suggestive, drinking, cursing, possessive jaehyun, jaehyun & y/n have a child together, slow-burn
༊*·˚ wc: 19.5k +
༊*·˚ a.n: finally! after working on this for 2 months i’ve finished it :) ! i mainly blame school for this && suprisingly my own life as well… anyhow i hope you all enjoy this fic, it’s quite litterly my baby, my first born, per say? fun fact! i named this before NCT 127 song “White Lie” && felt like it was fate (?), so i kept the title, haha. thank you though && i wish you all a late, but a Happy New Year ! stay tuned for what’s next & what i have in store this year! stay safe, jiji out 🤍
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If there were a moment in my life I regret, it’d be meeting him.
Jeong Jaehyun was his name. His name, once a melody to my ears, became something so unpleasant to hear.
‘Why?’ was all I could ask myself. It’d been well around 3 years since I left, since I’d broken up with him and 3 years later I’m still dealing with the hole he reptured in my heart. But slowly that hole has recovered it’s pieces; thanks to my baby boy, Chaemin. Before I broke up with him, I’d found out I was pregnant with his child- our child, but I never got the chance to tell him…
A little voice called out for me, pulling me out of my trance.
“Yes my baby.”
My sweet Chaemin looked right at me with those beautiful chocolate like-doe eyes.
“Siwoo asked if I could go over to his home tomorrow,” hesitation in his voice. “to play.”
“Of course you can! You know Chaemin, I always tell you you’re free to do whatever you want, I want nothing but happiness for you.”
His eyes smiled and his dimples popped out, how could he be so cute! He truly is my entire world, my universe. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked to the door and opened it, noticing an unfamiliar figure. ‘Who is this stranger?’ Standing in front of my door was a tall figure, dressed in a suit. ‘What could he want with me?’
“Hello, are you Ms. Y/N Lee?” the man asked.
“Yes? Who’s asking?”
“Oh sorry about that, I’m Johnny, Johnny Suh and I work for J.corps.”
‘J.Corps? The cosmetics company I applied to?’
“We received your application and the CEO has reviewed it and asked if you’re available tomorrow at 10:00 a.m for an interview,” he explained.
‘Was this real? I’m not dreaming am I?’ After quitting my last job, I’d finally be able to work again.
“Oh my god, yea of course. I’ll be there.”
“Well then Ms. Lee we look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” he said as he bowed.
“Yes, thank you so much!” I bowed as well.
“Have a good day miss,” Johnny said, smiling before departing. I watched him as he walked to his car, giving me a wave.
“Wow- woah,” was all I let out as I closed the door, still utterly shocked.
✧˚ · .
Johnny entered his car, whipping out his phone from his suit pocket. He dialed a number, the person on the other line picking up on the third ring.
“You’re done? That quick?” The voice of a man on the other line. “How was it Johnny, was it really her?” The man kept pestering questions at Johnny.
“Well sir, if my eyes don’t deceive then yes sir, it was her.”
“You’re a dead man if it isn’t her. You know how long I’ve looked for her, trying to find her,” he said in a desperate voice.
“Yes, Jae I know.”
✧˚ · .
“Chaemin! Come out for dinner!” I brought the plates to the tables when I heard his little footsteps running.
“Come wash your hands first,” I told him when I noticed marker all over his little fingertips. I picked him up and headed to the kitchen sink when he washed and dried his hands.
“Mommy,” he asked, drying his hands.
“Yes, my baby, what is it?” I looked at him, putting him down.
“I made you a drawing.”
“Really!? Can you show me after we finish up our food,” I smiled at him. I placed him in his chair and sat in mine, enjoying another peaceful dinner, just the two of us.
“I’m done! Now can I show you my drawing mommy?” he asked.
“Of course, go fetch it.”
He didn’t need to asked twice, running as fast as possible to retrieve the drawing. I could hear his footsteps as he came running back. He stopped in front of me and handed me the drawing.
I froze.
“Chaemin, why are there three people?” I asked, I already knew who the third person was, but I still wanted to hear it from him.
“Ah him? That’s my daddy,” he said innocently.
I let out a soft chuckle, not taking my eyes off the drawing. “It’s a lovely drawing baby. I’m sure your daddy would’ve thought so as well.” He let out another smile, dimples appearing once again.
“Here, take it to your room, I’ll make sure to hang it up later,” I said as I handed the drawing back to him. He took it back, running back to his room. I watched as he left.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. It wasn’t like he didn’t know about his father. I never wanted him thinking he had no father or that his father had abandoned us. No, never. Instead, I told him a white lie.
“Your father is working overseas and can’t fly out every time to see us.”
Pathetic, right?
But I just wanted him to be happy, living in a world where he has two parents, not just one.
But I know that one day this white lie will have to end, the truth will be revealed.
✧˚ · .
After I’d finished cleaning up the table and dishes, I went to see Chaemin in his room.
“Ready for bed?” I asked, entering his room.
“Yes mommy,” he said, yawning.
I picked him up and headed towards the bathroom to give him a quick bath and then dressed him in his favorite dinosaur printed pj’s. He asked me to read him a bedtime story, in which I complied. He laid in bed as I read Peter Pan. By the time I finished reading and looked to see Chaemin, he was already peacefully sleeping. He looked so adorable. I pecked his nose and whispered “Goodnight my Chaemin-ie.”
I placed the book back where it belonged and headed out, making sure not to make the slightest noise.
I headed towards my room and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through it for a while, until I received a call. It was Soyoung.
Soyoung and I have known each other since elementary, we practically grew up together. She’s seen me at my lows and highs, sticking to me like a sticker. When she found out I was pregnant with his child she stuck by my side through the pregnancy. Honestly, what would I do without her?
“Hey Y/N!" Soyoung answered excitedly.
“Hey, what’s with all this energy?” I asked her, she couldn't possibly be drunk right now.
“Hehe, I just missed you,” she replied.
“It’s almost 11:00 p.m, yet you’re out here missing me?”
“Yes, how could I not, I’ve been stuck at the company all day. Anyways, how's my Chaemin-ie?” she asked.
“I just put him to sleep a while ago,” I told her.
“Awh, I wanted to talk to him,'' Soyoung said, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“It’s too late for him to be up, besides he has a playdate tomorrow. Speaking of which, can you go with him?” I asked Soyoung.
“Huh? Yeah, sure I can, but where are you going tomorrow?” she questioned me.
“Ah, well remember the company I applied to, J Corps?”
“Yeah, the famous makeup company,” she replied.
“Well, earlier today a young man, I believe his name was Johnny, came to tell me to go to the interview tomorrow,” I explained.
“He came to your home?” Soyoung asked.
“Couldn’t they just send you a message, call you? Why’d he make his way all the way to your home to tell you something so simple?” Soyoung asked.
She had a point, I applied my information on the application, so they had access to that, so why’d he come in person to tell me something so trivial? “I don’t know, maybe they just function differently?” I just said, trying to shrug it off.
“Hmm, well then what time do you want me to pick him up?” she asked me.
“9:00, please. His playdate isn’t til 11 though, but I’ll probably still be stuck in the interview, I’ll be sure to send you the location too,” I informed her.
“Sounds good, I’ll stop by early tomorrow, get some rest, now Y/N,” she said.
“Good Night Soyoung” I wished her warmly.
Once our call had ended, I headed off, readying myself for bed. I hopped in the shower, dressed myself in my silk pajama gown, and did my skincare. It felt so peacefully, yet lonely. I tried not thinking too much, tucking myself off to bed.
Minutes passed by, my eyes were still awake. I couldn’t sleep. Was I thinking too much? Was I nervous for my interview tomorrow? Whatever it may be, it seems it’d keep me up for a while.
But as the wind blew and the night sky got darker I drifted off, finally dreaming away.
✧˚ · .
Ring. Ring. Ring.
My alarm kept ringing as it went off. I dreaded mornings and the bright sunlight that pierced through my bedroom curtains. I grabbed my phone that laid on the nightstand and checked the time, 7:00 a.m. Feeling a bit groggy, I got up from my bed and headed towards the bathroom. I showered to fully wake myself up and grabbed my best pair of professional clothes I could find. ‘First impressions count,’ I reminded myself.
I grabbed a pair of stockings to top it all off and thankfully these didn’t have a hole in them already. I proceeded to do my makeup, settling for something natural and my hair, giving it slight curls. I checked myself out in the mirror, patting my skirt, feeling satisfied with how I looked. Hoping this leaves a good impression on them.
8:15 a.m. It was now time to get Chaemin ready. I let him sleep a while longer, making sure he has enough energy for his playdate.
“Chaemin, baby time to get up” I said softly, stroking his hair.
“Mmm” he said.
“You gotta wake up love, we can’t have Siwoo waiting all alone” I said trying to convince him. He lifted himself up, being half-asleep and half-awake.
“What do you want to wear today?” I asked him, getting off his bed, going to his closest.
“Um, you can pick mommy,” he said looking at me.
I grabbed him a pair of jeans and a white shirt that had some drawings on it. I dressed him up, tied his shoes on, and carried him to the bathroom. I sat him on the bathroom counter. I ran the water, gently cleaning his face and slightly wetting his hair.
“Are you more up now baby,” I teased him. He looked at me and giggled. I then carried him again, making our way to the kitchen. I’d placed him on his chair.
“Stay here, while I prepare some breakfast,” I told him. He nodded his head.
I made us a simple breakfast, scrambled eggs, some waffles (Chaemin loves waffles), and a couple of sliced fruits. I brought out our breakfast and saw that Chaemin-in the midst of me making breakfast-had grabbed his tablet. That sly little boy.
“Breakfast is served,” I tell him, placing the plates down. He gives it a look and I swear this boy already has drool running down his mouth. “Don’t just look at it baby, dig in,” I tell him.
As we finished eating the doorbell rang. I got up looking through the peephole, seeing Soyoung waiting on the other end. I opened it and was quickly embraced into a hug.
“I’ve missed you!” she yelled, leaping into my arms.
“Me too,” I said but it was inaudible as my face was squished on her.
Footsteps of little feet could be heard. “AH! CHAEMIN!!!” Soyoung practically throws me aside now, “My sweet little child.”
“AUNTIE SOO!” Chamin yelled, running towards Soyoungs open arms. I watched as they warmly embraced one another.
“Chaemin, I can’t tell who you love more, me or auntie soo?”
He lets go and answers, “Obviously you mommy!”
“Come on Y/N, we haven’t seen each other in ages!”
“I know, but someone is just so busy being loving dovey with her soon-to-be,” I roll my eyes.
“Oh come on, I didn’t know Eunhyuck was gonna surprise me with a trip to Bali and then when I returned to a pile full of work!”
“Whatever, you can catch me up later. It's almost time for me to go, Chaemin’s things are already packed in his backpack upstairs in his room. Call me if you need anything or an emergency emerges. I’ll let you know when I’m out of there.”
“Got it ma’am.” My eyes rolled at the use of the word “ma’am.”
“I’ll try to be back as soon as possible.” I go over to Chaemin who sat at Soyoung’s lap. “Be a good boy while i’m gone, I love you. Mommy will be back soon,” I kiss his cheek.
“Yes mommy, Chaemin will make sure not to cause any trouble,” he smiled.
I pat his head and head to the door, they followed behind me. “Good luck!” They wished me. I gave Soyoung a parting hug and a last kiss to Chaemin which he gave me back in return.
Thus, I was off to whatever or whoever awaited me at J.Corps. Suddenly, feeling an eerily sensation running through me.
✧˚ · .
The ride to J.Corps was not long, a 15 minute commute.
One word though: Exquisite. The building was tall and quite wide. It ran from one end of the street to the other, and was made entirely of glass, yet maintained a modern look to it. In and out went people of all kinds, yet I felt like an outsider, out of place- out of touch?
‘Get a grip Y/N.’ I made my way inside and had my breath taken away. It just got a whole lot better on the inside, it feels as though I landed the jackpot. I can’t fuck this up.
“Hello, I’m here for an interview,” I asked the front desk receptionist. She looked young, mid 20’s? But yet so young, not to mention beautiful.
“Your name?” She asked kindly.
“Y/N Lee.”
She then dialed the telephone, “Hello, sir the applicant Y/N Lee is here, should I send her up now?” “Alright I’ll let her be on her way up,” she replied and hung up. “If you walk straight and take a right you’ll find the elevators, and head on up to level 14,” she explained. “And here take this pass so security can let you through,” she handed me a lanyard pass with the words “Applicant Y/N Lee” labeled across.
“Thank you,” I said to her and bowed.
I headed in the direction of the elevators, there was a hurdle of workers waiting.
Luckily the elevators didn’t take long and I was on my way. I pressed the 14, which was the highest level this building had.
My nerves were settling in again. I felt sick to my stomach, fingers fidgeting.
That was my stop. I stepped out and took a deep breath. Once I opened my eyes a familiar figure was in front of me. It was that man, Johnny.
“Hey there Y/N, glad to see you again,” he greeted me. I suddenly felt at ease.
“Are you the-” “No. no, no” he quickly shut me down.
“The big man is behind those doors,” he pointed toward the space surrounded by glass walls and doors. Though you couldn’t see who was inside.
“Shall we?” he asked, guiding the way. I nodded and we proceeded down the hall.
I looked to my left and right, observing everything bit by bit. I noticed a work space close, stopping in my tracks, “Is this where you work?” I asked Johnny.
“Ah yes, I'm more or less like his right hand man.” he smiled, seemingly proud.
We continued a bit further down, until we reached the doors. Before Johnny opened the doors I could’ve sworn he gave me a sympathetic look, but it must have been my imagination, I mean what could be awaiting me behind those doors is nothing, right? As he opened them we walked further inside.
“Sir, Y/N Lee is here,” Johnny notified the man standing looking outside the window.
The man was tall, well built, he didn’t look old, in fact he looked around my age. His hair was slightly slicked back. He felt almost nostalgic.
“Hello sir, I’m Y/N Lee it’s a pleasure to me-”
As he turned around, I didn’t need to see or be told who that man was, it was Jaehyun.
Jeong Jaehyun
The same man from 3 years ago.
What was Jeong Jaehyun doing here?
Why was Jeong Jaehyun here?
How was Jeong Jaehyun here?
“It’s nice seeing you again… Y/N” Jaehyun spoke, his voice so bittersweet.
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Jaehyun’s POV
After the front receptionist called me up, I sent Johnny to wait by the elevators.
Nervous, wouldn’t be the right word to describe my feelings right now.
After 3 years, three, in which I spent looking for her, trying to find out her whereabouts, she was finally coming back.
That day, it still haunts me, it’s like I'm stuck there repeating those moments over and over again.
No matter how long it’s been she’s still mine, mine to love, adore, cherish, support, protect, and die for.
When I saw she applied for my company I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was a dream, or perhaps someone impersonating her, but no it was like I was given another chance, fate perhaps. I accepted it without hesitation, though sending Johnny to go over to her home was a bit much, I still wanted to verify and confirm it was indeed her. She was going to be mine again and this time I won’t let her slip through my fingers.
When I heard her voice, the most beautiful melody, a voice that I had missed hearing every hour, every minute, everyday. But when I turned to get a look at her for the first time after 3 years, her face looked drained of color. Like she’d come face to face with her worst nightmare.
“It’s nice seeing you again… Y/N” I spoke. Her name, finally saying it to her again.
“Yo-you” she spoke softly, head to the floor, “What are you doing here” she asked.
I signaled Johnny out the room, I knew this encounter wouldn’t be a happy one, far from it.
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“What do you mean? I’m here to conduct your interview,” Jaehyun answered.
“Don’t tell me you're the-” “CEO? Yes, that would be me. Let me introduce myself, I’m Jeong Jaehyun, CEO of J.Corps,” he explained, walking over, closer.
I lifted my head. He was in front of me now. We looked at each other, burning our gazes into each other.
“So what, you wanted to mock me? Ridicule me? Humiliate me?” I yelled, holding back tears.
How could the 3 years I spent, forgetting, moving on come crumbling down in a matter of seconds.
He came closer, but I backed away, “No, Y/N I would never do that. That was never my intention, I just wanted to… to see you again. Do you know how hard it’s been for me since you left?”
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3 years ago…
Y/N version:
It was a particularly cold January day. Y/N found herself waiting in the big shared apartment complex for Jaehyun. Awaiting his arrival so that she could announce the big news…
Her pregnancy.
As of late Y/N hasn’t been feeling her best and after she missed her menstrual cycle, she put 2 and 2 together. So upon taking several pregnancy tests and a doctor visit, she indeed got the confirmation she needed. She was pregnant, 3 weeks to be exact, according to her doctor. Oh boy, was she excited, it was her dream, this child inside her was not only hers, but Jaehyun’s as well. Their child.
As every second, minute, and hour passed, Jaehyun was still not home. But, Y/N didn’t let this bother her as Jaehyun had been occupied with work, as of late, resulting in him coming home late. As she waited she watched whatever television show, a means of keeping herself awake. In the midst of this her phone pinged. A message. Her mind went immediately to Jaehyun, but that fantasy got shut down in a matter of seconds. It was her brother, Taeyong Lee.
Taeyong: Isn’t this Jaehyun?
Then proceeded to send an image. In a matter of seconds her world came crumbling down.
The image in question was of Jaehyun, no matter how much she tried denying it, it was useless because that was him. Jaehyun with some other woman. They were hugging or more like cuddling one another, seemingly enjoying each other's company.
Y/N: Yes… but who’s that besides him?
Her mind was overflowing with questions and her heart was overflowing with emotions.
Taeyong: To tell you the truth, I don’t know. I came out for some drinks with my friends and well he was here
Taeyong: At first, I wasn’t sure but it sure did seem like him
Taeyong: So I took the picture to verify with you it really was him
‘What the fuck. Does this mean all this time he was out doing supposed “work” he was partying up at some club with god knows how many women?’ was what she thought. She didn’t know what to do, what to feel. But, she tried suppressing her emotions as she remembered she was carrying a child after all. The doctor told her earlier not to put too much strain as it could be bad for the baby. Yet that didn’t stop the tears from coming out. They flowed down her face.
How could he?
Why would he?
In those moments she realized what she needed to do. It was to get out. Leave him. And so she did. She called Soyoung asking for a place to stay, explaining everything, minus the baby part as she feared she might’ve made her want to murder Jaehyun even more than she would’ve. Packing her stuff, leaving not one single trace of her behind.
Fuck this and Fuck him.
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3 years ago…
Jaehyun’s version:
Lately, Jaehyun has been stuck working non-stop as he was in the midst of preparing to inherit his father’s company. He kept this a secret from Y/N, wanting to surprise her. But, this particular night ended differently from the rest. His colleagues, Mark and Jungwoo suggested going to a bar for some drinks, as a way to get Jaehyun to take a break. Jaehyun was left with no option but to oblige. So the trio went out to a local bar not far from the office. Though, it seems like Jaehyun had a little too much. Was it all the stress from working so hard? Yet, needless to say, he was drunk.
That was when another trio, some woman came in and joined them, but Jaehyun, being drunk, practically passed out, doesn’t take into account one of them bundled up against him.
In that moment was when Taeyong entered the same bar and spotted him. From Taeyong’s perspective it looked like they were all up on each other but in reality that really wasn’t the case.
After some time, the girls left the trio by themselves, finding other men to be with. Mark was somewhat sober and noted Jaehyn was asleep so he tried reaching out to Johnny to get him to come get Jaehyun.
Johnny drove Jaehyun to Johnny’s apartment complex. Getting Jaehyun out was a hassle, it was like dealing with a dead but very much alive body. He placed Jaehyun on his bed and slept on the couch.
Oh, was Jaehyun gonna get an earful when he’d awaken.
Jaehyun awoke the next morning, his head stinged, possibly from all the drinks he’d had last night. He looked around, noticing an unfamiliar setting.
‘Where am I?’ he wondered. This wasn’t the shared apartment he had with Y/N. That was when a familiar figure opened the door, Johnny.
“Finally, you’re awake! You seriously need to calm down on the drinks man,” Johnny nagged. He handed Jaehyun some medication, to help with the hangover. “Since you’re awake want some breakfast?”
“No, I’m good, I'll go eat with Y/N she must be worried. Can I at least use your shower?” Jaehyun asked.
Johnny agreed and showed him to the bathroom and lended him some of his clothes. After showering Jaehyun noticed his phone was on the floor, it must've fallen when he laid down. He opened it, but to his surprise no calls nor texts from Y/N.
‘That’s weird? Is she mad?’ Jaehyun wondered, after all he didn’t tell her he wouldn’t be home last night. So he tried calling her, no answer, he tried again, again no answer. He began panicking, imagining the worst. He rushed out of the bedroom, to Johnny.
“Can you drive me back home, I need to go NOW!”
“Sure, but what’s wrong?” Johnny tried asking.
“It’s Y/N she’s not answering my calls or my messages.”
Johnny asked nothing more and the two left the apartment. Johnny sensed a sense of urgency and desperacy from Jaehyun.
Once they arrived Jaehyun didn’t waste time, not bidding nor thanking Johnny. He ran, like his life depended on it. Jaehyun entered the door code and opened the apartment door.
It was dark, deprived of any light. It felt cold, like if the freezer had been left open. He called her name, yet again no answer.
Jaehyun was scared. Scared to even turn on the lights. Scared of what he may find. But when the lights shunned in that room, it felt as though death came to him. He searched every room for Y/N. When he reached the bedroom his clothes were scattered and Y/N’s completely gone. No note left from Y/N, nothing, not a single trace.
She was gone. Everything of and about her was gone. Her scent was gone too.
And at that moment, Jaehyun felt that he’d lost you. Forever.
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3 years ago…
the following day
I’d finally awoken, last night's events playing in my head. It was a nightmare. Jaehyun had been cheating on me in the disguise of “work.” After being together for 6 years I thought nothing could stop our love, stop us, but it seems like this universe had other plans in mind. I’d gotten up from Soyoung’s bed, turning to my left where my phone laid on a night stand. I grabbed it, powering it back on.
20+ missed calls, 20+ messages all from Jaehyun.
Messages like, “Where are you?” “Y/N please tell me where are you” “I’m sorry Y/N please come back” “Answer me Y/N”
‘What the actual fuck’ I thought. Was he serious right now? After everything he did, he’s out here begging me?
I got up from bed and headed outside. I looked for Soyoung and she was nowhere to be found, only leaving behind a small post-it note with the words, “Went to work, call me if anything :)”
I was alone again, well I still had my baby with me. I stroked my stomach, remembering to eat some breakfast, for the sake of my child. While I ate I thought about how I still needed to break-up with him, end this... For my sake and for my child’s.
With courage I opened his contact. And typed
Y/N: Meet me at your apartment. I’ll be there at 2.
He immediately read it, three dots typing
Jaehyun: Do you mean our apartment?
Jaehyun: Y/N?
Jaehyun: Fine, i’ll be here waiting for you
I didn’t answer back, why should I? I’d made my intentions clear.
I got ready, using the clothes I’d brought with me and wrote Soyoung a post-it in case she came back earlier, and headed off. Facing Jaehyun wasn’t going to be easy, but I had to, I had to get out of this.
When I arrived it was like Jaehyun was waiting for me, the door opened before I could put in the code. He looked disheveled, miserable, like his life had been sucked out of him. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. He got closer, trying to embrace me into a hug, but I backed away him down. He was shocked, he knew this wasn’t like me, in fact I loved his embraces, his warm touch, but knowing those arms touched someone else’s, embraced someone else made me disgusted. He disgusts me.
“Y- Y/N?”
I gathered up all my courage, fighting back tears, clenching my fist.
“Let’s break-up Jae.”
Those words were like Jaehyun’s second death.
“N-no, Y/N what? Why? What’s wrong, le-let’s talk it out, please” tears started spilling from his eyes, his voice shaken.
“There’s nothing to say Jae, let’s end this here and now. Please, I- I just can’t do this anymore, I don’t love you anymore,” lies, how could I not anymore? Jaehyun is all I wanted. He was the perfect boyfriend, I truly love him. After all I was to- we were to have a child together, but he would much rather warmly embrace another…
I looked into his eyes, tears overflowing from those chocolate like eyes of his. Nothing was said, it was silent until he spoke again, “Fine, if that’s how you truly feel then fine, I won’t blame you…” he hesitated for a moment before finally saying it, “let’s break up.”
At that moment, tears were threatening to fall down, but I couldn't, I wanted to stay strong for just a little while longer. I made my way to the door, wanting nothing more but to get out of here.
I took one last look, he was still standing there, lifeless. I’m sorry Jae, but I wasn’t gonna be by his side and act like nothing happened.
“Goodbye Jaehyun,” I said, coldly, with no emotion. I felt numb, my heart was ruptured into a million pieces.
There was no more us. It was over.
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Back to Present
“Look, Jaehyun, how about we end this talk? What happened in the past, doesn’t matter. I’ve moved on and you should’ve too,” I told him.
“Ye-yeah, you’re right after all I called you in for an interview, not to argue about our past.” he said before continuing, “please have a seat” he gestured to the chair in front of his desk.
I sat down, taking a deep breath in before bracing myself. I’m here to get a job after, even if that means having my ex-boyfriend, aka my child’s father as my boss.
“Now Y/N you applied to be my secretary, right?” he asked.
“Yes before I knew you were to be my boss,” slight attitude in voice. Mainly because I still found the whole situation a bit annoying.
“What? Do you not want the job any more?”
“I DO!” I yelled. How else was I gonna support Chaemin, making sure he got everything he needed in life.
“Fine then, let me ask you some questions,” he said, getting more serious. He really stepped into his job as CEO.
The interview took some time, but by the end of it I felt some confidence.
“One last question” he abruptly questioned. I nodded signaling him to proceed.
“Are you truly fine with working with me? You know being my secretary means having to be by my side at all times.”
I gave it some thought, ‘Was this his way of saying I got the job?’ If so, I have to say no, maybe it’ll be a pain, but again for Chaemin’s sake I have to. As long as he doesn’t find out about Chaemin.
“Yes… It’s like I told you before Jaehyun what happened in the past happened and I've moved on.”
He studied me and my face for a while before proceeding to say, “Fine then, you're hired.”
I instantly gleamed with happiness, finally a stable job where I'd receive a stable income. No more part-time job at some restaurants or grocery stores.
“THANK YOU MR. JEONG!” I bowed, giving Jaehyun my thanks.
“You know it feels weird having you bow to me, don’t do that again unless you wanna get fired.” he joked. “You can start the day after tomorrow. I’ll tell Johnny to send you your schedule later and a set of company rules.”
“Alright, thank you once again.”
“I’ll see you the day after tomorrow then… Bye Y/N or should I say Ms. Lee,” he said, giving a slight smile. His dimples on display, the same dimples like Chaemin’s.
“You can just call me by my name, it feels weird being called Ms. Lee by you,” I say walking towards the doors.
I heard Jaehyun briefly chuckle at my remark saying, “As you wish Ms. Y/N.”
I stopped, not opening the door yet and turned around one last time. “Goodbye Mr. Jeong.”
He gave me a wave and I returned one back. Opening and closing his office doors.
As I walked back to the elevators, I heard someone call my name. The voice in question was Johnny. He came towards me stopping 3 feet from me. Bowing he said, “I’m so sorry Y/N I know you probably hate Jaehyun yet I deliberately kept his identity from you… but it’s just the guy has really been a mess since you left, I’m not saying this in the hopes of anything, but really Y/N... Jaehyun may seem like nothings bothering him, especially something that took place years ago, but it’s still an everlasting nightmare engraved in him.”
I was speechless to say the least. I thought maybe he would’ve moved on and exaggerated earlier when he said, “Do you know how hard it’s been for me since you left?”
Answering Johnny I said, “Oh, no, no it’s fine I mean it hasn’t been easy for me either, but I found a new happiness, something to live for,” I said smiling as I remembered Chaemin’s bright dimpled-smile.
The elevator finally arrived, my cue to leave. I bowed to Johnny, “Thank you though… for everything,” I said, indicating at looking after and taking care of Jaehyun all this time.
As the doors closed I saw Johnny smiling, giving me a wave goodbye.
On the elevator ride down, I thought about what had just happened, trying to process it clearly now. ‘This is my life now…’ The man who I thought I’d never see again, came back–unexpectedly--but he was back. Though, this time we were employer and employee, nothing more.
✧˚ · .
I made my way back home, I’d notified Soyoung, in which she responded, ‘Chaemin’s still playing, we probably won’t be back for a while.’
That was good to say the least, part of me wanted nothing more but to be alone right now. After my encounter with Jaehyun, flashbacks of 3 years ago replayed in my head. It felt like I was there–in that apartment complex I shared with him–telling him ‘Let’s break up.’
Seeing him everyday from now on wasn’t going to be easy, but it’s something I’ll have to deal with. I was in a daze when my phone pinged. It was an email.
To: Ms. Y/L/N
From: Johnny Suh
Subject: Work Schedule - Company Rules and Guidelines.
Hello Ms. Y/L/N,
I know you just left a while ago, but Jaehyun informed me to send you your Work Schedule and a set of Company rules and Guidelines. So I have attached two files, one for each subject. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like for your schedule to be rearranged. Thank you.
[ Y/L/N Scedule.pdf ]
[ J.Corps Rules and Guidelines.pdf ]
I skimmed through both files, my schedule was fairly decent. From 7am to 11pm, everyday. I mean I applied for secretary, I knew what I was getting into, the long hours, piles of papers to look over, countless appointments, etc.
Yeah, maybe that meant less time to see Chaemin, but he was already going to school, so he wouldn’t be that alone. At least, the pay was good too and I would even get paid on vacations and absences. Maybe Jaehyun isn’t too bad of a boss after all.
I replied to Johnny’s email after going through everything, “Everything seems fine to me. Thank you Johnny, I look forward to working with you!” And hit send.
I rested my head against the couch, feeling myself finally relax. Without realizing it I had drifted, drifted into a warm and cozy sleep.
✧˚ · .
I felt something on me, something calling me.
“-my,” It said. It shook me, “Mommy!”
I know who that something and it was now, Chaemin.
I awoke from my restful nap to my child, sitting on my lap.
“Hey, baby. You’re back from your playdate?” I asked.
“Yes, mommy! I had soooo much fun and I wanted to tell you all about it, but when I came in we saw you sleeping on the couch!”
“I’m sorry baby, mommy has had a long day.”
I tried smiling, trying to avoid being pestered with questions by Chaemin. I was in no mood to lie, I couldn’t. I don’t know if it was my half-asleep or half-woken state or my guilt that rushed over me when I had just met the one person Chaemin has been dying to see- to meet, his father.
What I didn’t expect was Chaemin to embrace me into a hug. ‘Was he trying to comfort me?’ I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes, ‘What did I do to deserve him, he’s so precious. My Chaemin, my baby.’ We stayed like that for a while longer, until I heard quiet breaths and little snores. He’d fallen asleep, all the while embracing me, his mother.
At that moment Soyoung walked in. I had forgotten she must’ve been here too. I shushed her, signaling to her that Chaemin was asleep. She gave me an Ok.
I got up, whispering to her, “I’ll go put him in his bed, be right back.” She nodded.
I continued my way to Chaemin’s room. Opening the door and heading straight to his bed. I lifted the covers, putting him down and untying his shoes. I tucked him in–making sure he was nice and cozy–gave him a good night's kiss, and whispered to him, “Good Night.”
As I made my way to the living room, Soyoung was on the couch, two glasses of wine on the coffee table, already filled. I knew I had to tell her, tell her about my encounter with Jaehyun.
“Don’t just stand there, here have a drink,” Soyoung said in a cheerful tone, offering me a glass of wine.
I made my way to the couch, sitting down next to her and taking the glass she’d offered me. I took a sip, enjoying the sensation it brought down my throat.
“Rough day?” She asked.
I hummed.
“Didn’t get the job?”
I looked at her, “Yeah, I did… it’s just.”
I took another sip, hoping this wine intoxicates me to have some confidence, some courage.
“I saw him- Jaehyun I mean.”
She didn’t speak, she looked shocked, her eyes widening.
“When I walked into the supposed CEO’s office, he was there… Jaehyun is the CEO.”
“Shut up! What the fuck Y/N!”
She seemed enraged. It’s been 3 years, but she’d still gladly murder Jaehyun if she had the chance.
“I wish I was lying, wished my eyes deceived me, but it really was him. After 3 years, he appeared before me again. Though, he looked hurt, in pain.”
She let out a chuckle, “Him hurt? In pain? Are you hearing yourself Y/N? We’re talking about Jaehyun! Jaehyun, the man who cheated on you!”
“I know, but the way he would look at me, like I was still his world, like he still loved me. And the strange things he said.”
“What did he say?”
“‘I just wanted to… to see you again. ‘Do you know how hard it’s been for me since you left?’ Was what he said.”
“That ass-”
“I didn’t get it. Why now? I felt like my life was finally peaceful, like I’d never see him again, but then today happened. Then suddenly, I began reminiscing, going back to those days from 3 years ago,” I interrupted her before she could have an outburst.
Her expression softened. Soyoung was the only one who truly understood me, who stood by my side after I left him. She supported me, even accompanying me to my ultrasound appointments whenever she could. Truly one of the best, best friends anyone could ever ask for.
“Look, Y/N, I’ve always told you I’ll support you no matter what, whatever happens I’ll be here. I just hope you don’t forget what he did to you. No matter how long it’s been. It pained me seeing you like that, with no will to live.”
My face felt wet. Ah, the tears that I’d been bottling up since the morning finally streaming down my face.
Soyoung pulled me into her embrace. She rubbed my back, like I was some baby, but I didn’t move, in fact I enjoyed it. It felt warm, it felt safe. I continued sobbing, whispering, “I love you,” to Soyoung.
She whispered back, “I love you more.”
I smiled, peacefully drifting off to sleep again.
✧˚ · .
I awoke the next morning. Finding myself on the couch and Soyoung on the other side. She was still sleeping, peacefully sleeping. I got up sneaking my way back to my room. Tomorrow is the day I remembered. My first day as Jaehyun’s secretary.
I slipped into the shower, readying myself for today. Today I decided to go visit my mother with Chaemin. Crossing my fingers she’d agree to looking after Chaemin while I worked.
As I made my way back outside, Soyoung was in the kitchen, making herself some coffee.
“Good morning to you,” I said.
She looked at me yawning, “Good morning.”
Soyoung wasn’t quite a morning person, the same could be said about me too. I joined her in the kitchen–taking ingredients out–making breakfast.
“Could you go wake Chaemin up for me?” I asked her.
She didn’t need to be asked twice, scurrying off to Chaemin’s room. I began making, yet another regular breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, crispy toasted bread, and a yogurt parfait (another one of Chaemin’s favorites). As I just about finished, I heard footsteps approaching. Soyoung carried a sleepy, but woken Chaemin in her arms.
“Smells, good!” she said.
“I’m just about done. What do you wanna drink, Chaemin?”
“Chocolate milk,” he mumbled.
I softly chuckled, “Alright, go sit down and I’ll bring out the food shortly.”
Soyoung left with Chaemin, seating him down at the table and walked back to the kitchen.
“I’ll help make the chocolate milk,” she said.
“Make me some too!” I said.
“Sure thing, anything else your highness,” she teased, laughing at her own statement.
I cringed. Soyoung really was something.
✧˚ · .
After we finished breakfast, Soyoung insisted on cleaning up, to which I had no choice but to agree. I took this as an opportunity to get Chaemin ready. It was already 10 a.m and we best be on our way to my mother’s.
As I got him ready Soyoung popped in. “Hey! I’m a go now,” she said.
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, besides you guys have to go see your mother.”
I’d informed them of my visit while we ate breakfast, in which Chaemin smiled so happily, he loved his grandmother.
“Alright then, I'll see you…”
“Soon, soon I promise,” she said.
“Fine by me. Bye Soyoung. Thank you for everything, literally everything,” I told her, embracing her into a warm hug. She helped me yet again yesterday. She’s like my angel sent from heaven.
“You know I’ll always be here.”
We let go of one another and she bid her goodbye to Chaemin.
“I love you Y/N, take care,” she said as she left.
“I love you too Soo.”
With Soyoung gone, I finished getting Chaemin ready, packing him any necessities in his backpack. You know, in case of emergencies. I finished and carried him, all the way to my car. I locked our home door, placed him in his carseat, and soon we were off the road to visit grandma.
✧˚ · .
My mother lived an hour away, living in the same home since I’d been born. I’m actually glad she hasn’t moved, that home holds some of my most precious memories, times when I was an innocent child, expecting life to be rainbows and sunshine.
My family was quite small, consisting of my mother, father, and older brother Taeyong. In their eyes, I was their baby. Despite our four year age gap, my brother and I got along. We were like regular siblings. My family was pretty well off too, owning and operating a restaurant in the town they live in. I truly love this family.
While on the ride there, a memory flashed in my head. The day I told them I was pregnant.
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3 years ago…
I sat my mother down, my father joining soon after. Taeyong was set to arrive anytime soon. I’d call them all over to tell them about my pregnancy and about Jaehyun. My family absolutely loved Jaehyun, so how would they react to this news?
The door opened and then closed, Taeyong storming in. He noticed us as he came into the living room, taking a seat.
“What’s wrong Y/N, is everything okay?” He asked.
I felt my tears rushing out of me again for the nth time this week. I’m surprised my eyes don’t look like puffer fish by now.
Weakly I said, “I-I’m pregnant.”
Shock on their faces. Soon after my mother rose and pulled into a hug. It felt nice, warm, something I haven’t felt in a while.
“Congratulations!” She said.
“But? But what sweetie?”
I sucked up all the strength I had left, “I broke up with Jaehyun.”
There it was. Saying his name, that phrase, triggered the tears. They fell, like a waterfall.
My mother sat back down. The happiness from earlier, wiped.
“Why? What’d he do? I thought you two always wanted a child?” she asked. She was as broken as me.
“That ass-” Taeyong finally spoke.
“Taeyong,” my father said sternly.
“What is it Taeyong? Do you know?” mother asked, looking between me and Taeyong.
He looked at me for approval, I nodded. I didn’t have much in me to explain.
“He cheated on her,” he said bluntly.
My parents turned their heads to me. My father was fuming and my mother in disbelief. Taeyong explained the situation-his encounters of that night-and I chimed in whenever I could. My father looked like he was about to explode, ready to kill. My mother walked over to me, lifting my head up. I was a sobbing mess. She embraced me yet again, letting me cry on her.
She patted me on the head, “It’s okay my darling, you did what was best for you, for your baby.”
I stayed like that for a while longer. Until I pulled away. Their eyes on me, filled with sadness at watching me break down like that.
She took my hands. They felt so warm.
“Y/N, no matter what happens from here on out we’ll support you, you can stay here until you can find a job. We’ll take care of you and the baby. Your guys' well-being is all that matters, after all.”
My father nodded in agreement. He didn’t say much, he never really did, but I knew he cared.
Taeyong got up as well, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll be here too, I’ll come visit whenever I can, I’ll take care of you and the little one,” he smiled.
It was moments like these that gave me hope, gave me a will to live. ‘Your going to be one lucky baby.’
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15 minutes later, me and Chaemin arrived at our destination–Grandma’s house. We got out of the car and walked to the gate. I opened it, making our way to the front door.
“Wanna knock Chaemin?”
He knocked, his little knuckles hitting the door. No answer. I told him to do it once more. So he did. Luckily this time the door opened.
“Oh! What a pleasant surprise!” my mother said happily.
I passed Chaemin to my mother, she took him into her arms where they embraced each other. She then pulls me into a hug, feeling that motherly warmth. We part and she says, “Come in, come in sweeties.”
We made our way to the living room in which me and Chaemin sat down.
“Any drinks?” she asked.
“Juice!” yelled Chaemin.
“Some water is fine, mom.”
She grabbed the beverages and then proceeded to sit down with us.
“So what brings you here darling?” she asked me.
“Ah, well the thing is I finally found a stable job,” I said.
“Really!? That’s amazing darling!”
“Yeah, but it requires me to be at work from 7 to 11, everyday,” I explained. “So I was wondering if you could watch over Chaemin while I’m gone.”
Before she said anything I informed, “Ah well you wouldn’t have to care for him completely just getting him ready for school, dropping and picking him up, and making sure he sleeps.”
She looked in deep thought. “You can even come live with me, if you want or I can drop Chaemin off,” I said.
“Y/N enough rambling, I know whenever you ramble it’s because you're nervous, but don’t be darling. I won’t say no to you, of course I'll take care of Chaemin. After all, this is your first serious job opportunity, go for it.” she said.
I was glad she supported me, but would she still feel the same if she knew I'd be working for Jaehyun?
Our visit ended up lasting longer than I'd expected, as by the time we left the sun was beginning to set. Chaemin got to see his Grandpa too, in which they spent quality time together. It warmed my heart seeing my family laughing and smiling in front of my eyes.
We bidded them a farewell, giving each other a hug and kiss goodbye. I walked to my car, Chaemin wrapped around my waist. I put him in his car seat and went to mine. As I drove away my parents were still outside. They waved at us, with a big ol-smile on their faces.
The talk with my mother went smoothly, we agreed to rotate from one week of her staying at my home and the next with Chaemin staying with them. Starting tomorrow she’d arrived just as I was to leave.
Tomorrow, less than 24 hours away. My new life from now on, with him there.
✧˚ · .
I could hear my alarm ringing. I reached out to grab my phone, 5:00 a.m read the lock screen. It was times like this that I wish I was a morning person because as much as I wanted to get ready, I stayed in bed for another 5 to 10 minutes.
When I finally felt like getting up I made my way to the bathroom, a nice shower ought to do it. I proceeded to dress myself in a white button down long sleeve shirt, a black pencil skirt that reached above my knees, and a black wool coat. Once dressed it was time for hair and make-up. I decided on straightening my hair and another natural look, natural to the point it looked as though I had nothing on.
With around 50 minutes left to spare I grabbed the black Loewe handbag my brother Taeyong gifted me a while back. I stuffed in my necessities, to survive 16 hours in that company. I quietly went into Chaemin’s room, kissing him goodbye before I left.
I looked at my phone clock again, it was time to go. I approached the front door, slipping on my black heels. As I opened the door and looked up I saw my mother approaching in her car. She sure is punctual. I walked over, helping her with her suitcases and briefly explained some things and told her to text, if not call me if anything.
“Good luck,” she said, smiling as I left to my car.
Once I was all situated, I drove off. My first day as Jaehyun’s secretary. ‘I wonder what today will have in store for me.”
I parked my car, luckily there weren’t many cars parked. I made my way to the elevators to get out of the parking lot, arriving on the first floor. Last time I was so nervous that I was unable to see the cafe on the first floor. I went in, getting myself something to eat, but also some things for Johnny and Jaehyun, I mean starting today we were all going to work with one another, so why not commemorate? I ordered a frappe for myself and two coffees, ordering Jaehyun’s just as he liked it, hoping he doesn’t take this in some way. As well as 3 sandwiches, all the same,
‘I hope Johnny doesn’t have any food allergies.’
With drinks and sandwiches in hand, I made my way to the elevators, up to the 14th floor.
I was here. The 14th floor. I took a deep breath in, going out of the elevator. I made my way straight to Jaehyun’s office. Taking in another deep breath before knocking.
“Who is it,” said a voice, his voice.
“It’s Y/N, sir.”
“Come in.”
I gripped the door handle, opening the door. There he was. Like last time, sat in his desk chair, wearing a suit, and a pen in hand.
“Good morning. Welcome to your first day Ms. Y/N,” he said smiling, displaying his dimples.
I walked towards the seating area in his office, placing the things I bought in the cafe on the coffee table. Taking out only his things.
I walked over, standing in front of him. He gave me a confused look.
“I stopped by the cafe before coming here and thought about buying you and Johnny a gift,” I said, shyly.
“A gift?” he questioned.
“A I look forward to working with you, type of gift.” It probably sounded stupid, but it was the truth.
He chuckled. “Please take care of me then,” he said, taking the coffee and sandwich out of my hands. “Thank you Ms. Y/N. Next time I’ll treat you.”
I nodded, retrieving my things, before heading to the door. I looked back saying, “I look forward to working with you.” I was about to bow when I remembered when he told me it made him uncomfortable seeing me do such a thing to him of all people.
I saw a faint smile appear on his face. “Same here, now go do your work secretary.”
I smiled and then nodded, heading out of his office. ‘Maybe this won’t be too bad after all.’
✧˚ · .
I’m starting to regret what I said earlier about this being not too bad. 5 hours into my first day as secretary and I've booked 5 appointments for Jaehyun and gone through 2 files. It’s no easy work, not to mention my running back and forth from my office to Jaehyun’s, a whole cardio workout. But with 30 minutes left until my lunch break, I decided to go over one more file.
I was going over the third file when I heard a knock on my office door. I looked up yelling, “Come in.”
It was Johnny, his figure walking into my office space.
“It’s almost lunch time and I was wondering if you wanted to eat together? You know as a thank you for the coffee and sandwich.”
“Sure, let me just grab my bag.”
“No need Y/N, i’ll pay.”
“Oh my- Thank you Johnny.”
I still grabbed my bag and we then walked out, heading to the cafeteria.
Lunch was delicious, true to his word Johnny paid for everything. We ate and chatted. Surprisingly me and Johnny seem to have hit it off pretty easily and quickly. When we finished Johnny was kind enough to throw our trash away.
Afterwards, we headed back to the 14th floor. Where work is to be resumed. As we stepped out of the elevators we saw Jaehyun leaving his office. He noticed us, nodding when he did.
“Off somewhere?” asked Johnny.
Jaehyun stopped, “I got a call to stop by the new store we’re opening.” His eyes alternated from me to Johnny.
“Ooh, go ahead then don’t wanna keep them waiting.”
“I’ll see you two when I get back,” he said, getting ready to leave but said, “Oh Y/N can you look over a file I sent you, I need it done by today.”
“Sure thing, i’ll go look at it in a sec.”
He gave an approved hum before finally entering the elevator that arrived. He gave a short wave, in which me and Johnny both returned.
Just as Jaehyun said, I looked over the file he sent. It took around 4 hours, from reading it thoroughly, editing it, and finalizing it. After that I sent it back to him. ‘I wonder if he’s back by now… What? Seriously Y/N what are you thinking?’
The rest of the day went by normally, I even went to take my picture for my employee card. Johnny informed me about that when we were eating lunch. It was a long first day but it was finally time to leave. I looked out my window, seeing it was pitch dark outside. I went to Jaehyun’s office–he must’ve been here by now–to inform him about my leave. I knocked.
“Come in,” said his voice.
As I walked in he looked up, leaving whatever he was doing, giving me his attention.
“I’m here to tell you that it’s time for me to leave.”
He looked at his watch. “Ah, yes it is. Good job today.”
“Thank you sir.” I said.
“Drive safely,” he said. ”See you tomorrow Y/N.”
“I will, and see you tomorrow too. Bye Mr. Jeong.”
As we bidded each other a goodbye I walked out of his office. I felt his gaze burning holes in my back, I tried ignoring it as I walked out.
I headed to Johnny’s office next, bidding him a farewell as well. I left the building, heading to my car. The drive home was fairly peaceful. When I rolled into my driveway I noticed the kitchen lights were still on.
I walked into my home, my mother was still up. It was well past 11 and she was still up.
“Why are you still up, mom?”
“I wanted to wait for you, make sure you made it back safely.”
“Thank you, but next time don’t do that, you should rest as well.”
“Sure, sure, sure, but how was your first day?” she asked.
“Tiring and exhausting, but great.”
“That’s nice, now go get ready for bed. Rest yourself up darling.”
“Mmm, you too mother. Good Night,” I said, giving her a hug before we went to our respective rooms.
I got into bed, feeling so nice to finally relax. It must’ve been how tired I was since I was able to fall asleep very fast.
✧˚ · .
The first week went by quickly. I accompanied Jaehyun to several meetings and even to some of the stores the company owned. It was still quite tiring and exhausting, but sooner or later I'd be used to all this.
By the second week, I felt drained. I wanted out, but it was too late now wasn't it?
The third week came around and it was better. I felt more adapted to all this. Even working with Jaehyun seemed easier, not as awkward as before.
One month later.
It was well over a month by now and I would say I’ve grown to feel like I belong here. Today was a fairly regular day, like any other. I was working on the monthly report when my office phone rang, I picked it up wondering who it could've been.
“Can you come to my office?” said the person on the other line. I recognized that voice, it was Jaehyun.
I wonder what he could’ve wanted now? To book him another appointment? To look over files? reports? I left my office and headed to his. Unlike before, now I just walk in, no knocking.
“What can I do for you sir?”
“I know this isn’t work related but, is it okay if I treat you to some dinner after work? With Johnny too of course.”
I felt flabbergasted, no words. He must’ve felt it too because he said, “Ah, but of course you don’t have to- I just thought we’d commemorate your first month working here, after all I do owe you a dinner.”
Oh, right he did in fact owe me dinner. So there should be no reason to refuse, right?
“Sure,” I said.
My eyes might’ve deceived me but his expression seemed to brighten. “Great, then we’ll get off work earlier. 8 seems fine?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll try and finish before we leave,” I said, making my way to the door. I headed back to my office, quickly finishing the report before it was time to leave.
It was finally time, well not 8 exactly but 10 minutes till 8. I organized my desk and then grabbed my things.
“Are you ready to go?” said Johnny from the other side.
I walked to the door, opening it. “Yes, where is Jaehyun?”
In that moment it was like he appeared out of thin air.
“Shall we?” he asked.
We nodded, Jaehyun walking first and us following behind him. We waited for the elevator and headed down to the garage. Johnny and Jaehyun headed to Jaehyun’s car, while I went to mine.
“I’ll send over the location,” Johnny said.
“Okay, thanks.”
I put the address into my phone GPS, exiting the parking lot. I ended up arriving before them, considering how we both left at the same time. I took this as an opportunity to call my mother, informing her I'd go out to eat with my boss and a co-worker. As much as I insisted for her not to worry and go to sleep–but as stubborn as she was–she refused. Just as I hung up they arrived.
“What took you two so long?” I asked as they approached.
“I needed to stop by the convenience store,” Johnny answered.
“Ohh-” I was going to say before Jaehyun interrupted me, “Shall we?”
We then followed Jaehyun inside the restaurant. It wasn’t some luxurious restaurant, it was a normal restaurant. A BBQ place. We sat down at our table, the food beginning to roll in, and so did the drinks. Johnny grabbed the bottle, pouring some to me and Jaehyun.
“To commemorate your first month,” he said, lifting the small cup.
I giggled, lifting mine. “Thank you Johnny.”
“Any words Jae?” asked Johnny.
I looked over to Jaehyun, noticing he was at a loss for words. It was like he was trying to find the right words, the right sentences.
“As Johnny said, congrats on your first month. You’ve worked hard, I see it in your work. Good job, Y/N.”
“Thank you sir,” I said, slightly embarrassed.
“You don’t have to call me sir anymore, we’re not at work.”
“Ah, sorry. Thank you J-Jaehyun,” I said.
Thankfully Johnny interfered before things got awkward saying, “Cheers!”
We held our cups up, drinking that one shot. It’d been a while since I’ve drank anything other than wine. Ever since Chaemin, I haven’t drank or gotten drunk. I wouldn’t say I was a high-tolerance type of person, nor of low-tolerance.
The night passed, we ate, and we drank more. We conversed in conversation both about work and many other things. The last thing I remember was feeling hazy, I felt myself sway–left to right, right to left before hitting something. My eyes shut. Pitch-black.
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Jaehyun’s POV
Y/N was drunk. There was no denying it. The moment she hit the table, I knew for sure now. I’ve been keeping an eye on her for the past hour since we arrived. Her cheeks started turning a pink-blushy color the more she drank. After being with her I knew she could handle her alcohol, but oftentimes would end up like this. I thought it’d be best to take her home.
“I’ll take her home,” I told Johnny.
“What about her car?” he asked.
“You drive it. Follow me to her home and leave her car parked there.”
“Alright, but do you know where she lives?”
“No, I forgot but I’m sure she’d tell us.”
I tried shaking her, trying to wake her up. She mumbled some words. Her head then propped up. She looked at me and Johnny, squinting her eyes into focus.
“Hey Y/N, wake up,” Johnny said. “Tell me where your home is so we can drive you there.”
“Huh? Oh! I live at… at a house!” she said.
“Yes, Y/N you do, now where is it,” Johnny asked.
She looked at him and then me. She called Johnny over, whispering her address into his ear.
“Alright, then let’s get you home!” he said.
He called me over, “I’ll send you her address, once you're in your car.”
“Now, Y/N can you give me your car keys?” he asked.
Y/N didn’t answer, searching her bag for her keys, until she dangled them in front of us. Johnny grabbed them and she swayed front and back this time. Before she could fall I caught her in my arms. I carried the very much asleep Y/N into the passenger seat of my car, strapping her in. I put her address into the GPS, driving her home. On the drive there Y/N kept mumbling in her sleep, the words were incoherent, until she said a name.
“Chaemin… my Chaemin.”
‘Chaemin? My? Who is this Chaemin? Did she actually move on?’ I thought. My heart broke, it ached.
Luckily the ride wasn’t too long, her home was just 15 minutes away. I got out of my car, making my way to her side. I grabbed her bag and then unstrapped her, carrying her once again and placing my suit jacket over her so she wouldn’t get cold. I walked to her front door, ringing the doorbell. ‘What if that Chaemin person is in there right now,’ I thought.
The door flung open, it was no guy, it was her mother. When she saw me, it looked like she’d just seen a ghost. Her eyes widening, her figure backing up. Her hand went to cover the body on her waist. ‘A child?’ I thought.
“Grandma?” spoke the little voice.
She finally spoke, “Ah, Chaemin sorry. Go to your room okay? I’ll be there in a bit.”
“But what about Mommy, I thought we were going to wait for her,” the little boy spoke as she placed him down.
“Mommy will be home soon, don't worry. In the meantime go play okay.”
He looked at her and then me, he looked familiar. His features looked all too familiar. Once he left and was out of sight she spoke to me.
“What are you doing here Jaehyun,” she said sternly.
“Hello Mrs. Lee, it’s been a while.”
“I don’t need small talk Jaehyun, tell me what you’re doing here.”
“Sorry, you see Y/N got a little drunk and ended up falling asleep so I,” I gestured to Y/N who was sleeping in my arms. “brought her home.”
She sighed. “Come in," she said.
She led me inside Y/N’s home. It reminded me of our old apartment, everything in there seemed like her. Her scent occuping the air. We stopped by a room, and she opened it. “Place her on her bed,” she said. I walked over to her bed, gently placing her. I wanted to tuck her in, but I was stopped. Her mother stopped me.
“Leave Jaehyun,” she said. “You brought her home, yes thank you, but please leave.”
I nodded, making my way outside her room. As I left I glanced around her home one last time, I noticed a photo frame by the front door. I looked at it, picking it up. It was of her and the little boy from earlier. They both looked so happy, his dimpled smile on full display. I felt a slight stab in my heart. I placed the picture down and made my way to the door. I opened it, leaving her home with nothing but confusion.
As I walked back to my car, I noticed Johnny leaning against it.
He must’ve noticed the confusion because he asked, “Everything okay?”
I didn’t answer, I was lost in the midst of all the questions I kept asking myself.
“Hello? Jaehyun!”
He knocked me out of my trance.
“Ah, sorry it’s just…”
“Johnny, Y/N has a child.”
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I awoke the next morning. I felt groggy, hungover. Fuck. I must’ve drank so much. ‘But how did I get home?’
I looked around and saw it was well past 9. Shit, I was late for work. Whatever. I’ll just call in sick. I wasn’t in much of a spirit to go anyways.
I got up from my bed, making my way to the kitchen. My mother was still here.
“Go sit down on the couch, we need to have a talk.”
Was all she said, no “good morning.” I knew I was going to get an earful. As she made her way to the couch she brought out two coffee mugs and handed me one. I took a sip.
“Why was Jaehyun with you last night,” she said, getting straight to the point.
Fuck. Shit. So Jaehyun was the one who took me home.
“Mother, I can explain.”
“You better.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but Jaehyun, he- he’s my boss.”
She let out a sigh, “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t let me take up the job if you knew I’d be working for him.”
“I wouldn’t say no, after all it would be your choice to work with or for him, not mine.
“Sorry…” I said.
“But that should be the least of your concerns,” she said.
“What do you mean?” I asked, fearful.
“He… I think he knows about Chaemin,” she said, putting her palm to her cheek.
‘What… No. God, oh please no.’
Before I could respond, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. We looked at one another, I picked it up.
“Hello?” I said.
“Is this Y/N?” said the voice.
It was a man's voice. A voice that I knew all too well. Jaehyun.
✧˚ · .
I sped, probably violating various driving regulations.
It was Jaehyun who called me earlier, demanding we meet at a cafe, it was around 10 minutes from where I live. I knew this was about Chaemin, I knew it. I felt it.
As I pulled up no one was in the cafe. ‘Strange.’ I entered, he sat at a table looking at me as I entered. He put his coffee down. I walked over, not sitting down.
“What do you want Jaehyun,” I asked.
“Don’t worry I cleared the cafe, no one is here besides us right now. So, Y/N I want you to tell me the truth.”
“What do you mean?” I said, obviously knowing what he was talking about.
“Don’t act dumb, right now Y/N. Who is Chaemin?”
Great. He knows now, but no I can’t. I can’t get Chaemin taken away from me. He’s my life.
“He’s my child, but not yours.” White lie.
“IT’S TRUE! How can he be yours, he’s about to be 2! I left 3 years ago, do the math Jaehyun.”
He looked at me, he was enraged, upset. “Y/N you know lying to me won’t work, i’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying.”
Fuck. Was he truly not buying it?
He got up from his seat, coming closer to me. He stood in front of me now.
“Tell me, the truth Y/N now,” he demanded.
I guess I have no choice now, I have no other choice but to tell him. Tell him that Chaemin is his, Chaemin is ours.
I felt tears spill from my eyes as I tried saying, “Fine! Yes! Yes, Chaemin is yours.”
The room silenced, we no longer shouted at each other. My tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. In that silent moment, he pulled me into him. Our bodies finally touching each other for the first time in 3 years. As comfortable as it was, I couldn't, I hit his chest, over and over. He wouldn’t budge.
“Stop! Get away from me!” I started shouting again.
He let go, looking me in the eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I looked at him letting the events of that day replay. “I was. I really was, but you never came home that night.”
“That night?” he asked, giving a confused look.
“Don’t act stupid Jaehyun, that night you were supposed to be at “work” but were actually at a club with some goddamn woman all over you.”
“A woman?”
“Yes! Fuck, are you pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about?” I was getting mad, how can he act like he doesn’t know.
“Look Y/N that night, I really was at work. I was working as I had been the days prior, but that night Mark and Jungwoo suggested we go out for some drinks, as a means to get me to stop working. It must’ve been the stress from work, but that night I got drunk, blackout drunk. I don’t remember any woman or anything after the 30 minutes we got there. The next thing I knew I was waking up in Johnny’s bed,” he explained, looking me in the eyes as he confessed his re-encounters of that night.
What? Did I just misunderstand and assume he cheated on me? I didn’t know what to think or feel right now. My brain was all over the place, my heart too.
“Y/N,” he called my name softly. “You don’t have to believe me or forgive me, but this is what really happened that night, ask Johnny he knows–everything–just please, I beg you let me meet my child. Let me be a father, I'll support him, you don’t have to be alone anymore,” he said.
“I… uh… fine. I’ll let you see him,” I let out.
His face lightened up, “Thank you! Thank you Y/N!”
“But that doesn’t mean I forgive you or anything, I- I still need time… to think,” I said.
“That’s fine. Take your time, I'll wait Y/N, whether you love me or not it’s fine.”
‘Love. Do I still love him? Will I still be able to love him?’
I nodded, unable to respond to his statement. “Let’s go,” was all I said.
He gave me a confused look.
“To see your son. I thought you wanted to see him?”
“Ah, no, no, no I do! Let’s go,” he said, rushing out.
I softly chuckled watching him practically run to his car, he looked like a child. I got into my car, heading home hoping things go well between Chaemin and Jaehyun. Today has already been too much both physically and mentally.
✧˚ · .
We both parked in my garage and got out of our cars. We walked to my front door, but before I opened it I said, “Don’t say anything, I’ll tell everything to Chaemin.”
“Alright,” was all he said.
I opened the door yelling, “I’m home!”
I heard footsteps running, “Mommy!” Chaemin yelled. I got down on my knees hugging him and carrying him. He then noticed Jaehyun.
“Ah! he’s that mister from yesterday!” he said, pointing at Jaehyun.
Jaehyun smiled, “Hello, Chaemin.”
“It’s okay baby, you can talk to him,” I said, as Chaemin hesitated to talk to Jaehyun.
“Hi!” he said, waving his little hand at Jaehyun.
At that moment my mother walked in. She looked surprised, but she picked up on it quickly. Not saying a word to Jaehyun, just bowing. He did the same.
“Since you’re here now, I’ll get going,” she said.
“Okay mom, see you soon,” I said, bidding her goodbye.
“Bye Grandma! Thank you,” Chaemin said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Be a good boy to mommy,” she said, before exiting my home.
It was now me, Jaehyun, and Chaemin. It was now time to end the lies, the white lies.
I walked to the living room, Chaemin still in my arms. I sat him down and called Jaehyun over, as he still awkwardly stood by the door.
We all sat, Chaemin in the middle. I breathed in.
“Chaemin, baby, remember daddy,” I said.
“Yes! Is he finally coming home!” he said excitedly.
My heart ached, and I know so did Jaehyun's. I could see it in the way he looked at Chaemin.
“About that, you see… Mommy lied.”
“Lie? But mommy you said lying is bad.”
I felt tears threatening to come down again. “Yes, mommy is bad isn’t she…”
“What! NO! My mommy is the best in the ENTIRE WORLD! She feeds me, buys me cool stuff, and loves me!”
I pulled him into a hug, he really has a big heart. I wonder where he got it from…
“Thank you baby, but you see the truth is… Mommy left daddy.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because mommy thought daddy did some bad things, but daddy told mommy he didn’t and that he wanted to see Chaemin,” I explained, making it understandable for a 3 year old to understand.
“Really! Daddy wants to see me!” he said, excitedly.
“Yes, my baby. Do you want to see him too?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” he said, jumping up and down on the couch.
I laughed, it warmed my heart seeing how excited he was to meet his father. I gestured to Jaehyun, giving him the okay to finally speak.
“Hi, Chaemin,” he spoke.
Chaemin stopped jumping, giving him a confused look.
“Hello mister.”
“Chaemin, this is your dad,” I said.
Chaemin looked at me and then at Jaehyun. He wasted no time, jumping on Jaehyun. He embraced him in a hug, in which Jaehyun returned. Father and son reunited. A tear escaped my right eye, the sight of them warmed me.
“Daddy! Daddy! Are you really my daddy!”
“Yes, my baby. I’m sorry daddy’s late,” Jaehyun looked at him, his eyes watering.
“It’s okay! Chaemin knew one day you would come.”
“So you love daddy more than mommy now?” I chimed in, trying to lighten the mood.
They both looked at me. Chaemin let go of Jaehyun, running to me.
“No mommy! Chaemin loves BOTH!”
I laughed, “Alright, alright and we both love you.” I kissed Chaemin’s cheek.
The rest of the day up until the night was spent with all three of us in each other's company. We laughed, talked, and played. Jaehyun even stayed for dinner, after Chaemin insisted he should. All of that must’ve tired him out as Chaemin fell asleep peacefully in his fathers arms.
“Ah, sorry about that, you can just give him to me i-”
“It’s fine i’ll put him to bed, where’s his room?” Jaehyun insisted.
I guided him into Chaemin’s room, placing him on his bed. I crouched down whispering, “Good Night.” Jaehyun did the same. We both kissed the sleeping Chaemin and soon exited his room.
Now it was just us two.
“Jaehyun,” I called out.
He stopped turning to face me.
“How do you want to do this… you know, seeing Chaemin.”
“Ah, why don’t we go sit down,” he said, walking over to the couch.
“I won't pressure you into anything Y/N, the decision is yours,” he said.
“How about you have him for 3 days a week, the other 4 with me. Unless you're busy, you know with the whole CEO thing.”
“No, no that’s fine, like I said I’ll respect your decision.”
“Nice, then… It's settled. I’ll drop him off tomorrow, if you want.”
He nodded and we later exchanged contact information. We’ve been working together for a month now and we have yet to share our contacts with one another.
“You're going to work tomorrow?” he asked, before leaving.
“Can I have tomorrow off too? If that’s fine with you boss.” He softly chuckled, “Okay. Then I'll send over my address so you can drop off the little one. Feel free to come at any time. I’ll be waiting for you two.”
“Okay Jaehyun, drive back safely.”
“Bye Y/N,” he bidded.
He left, walking to his car, but suddenly came to a halt. He turned around, walking back and pulling me into a hug. I was sure you could hear the beating of my heart and see how red my face was. ‘Why so suddenly?’ This wasn’t like earlier when we were at the cafe.
“Thank you,” he whispered, pulling away soon after. He didn’t even give me a chance to talk, as he began walking back to his car.
I watched as his car left my driveway, picking up my arm, giving him a small wave goodbye. He noticed, using one hand to wave back.
Today was quite the day. The most eventful it’s been since I had Chaemin. But I felt a sense of relief, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. There would be no more lies between any of us anymore.
✧˚ · .
I headed off to bed, staring at my ceiling. I replayed the events in the cafe over and over. I still couldn’t believe it, Jaehyun never cheated on me. No matter how many times I lied to myself, as a means to forget him I couldn’t. Deep down, buried somewhere deep was my love for you. I still loved Jaehyun. I always did, but I always tried to desperately deny the reality. ‘Maybe giving him a second chance isn’t so bad,’ I thought and slowly drifted off to sleep.
✧˚ · .
I got Chaemin ready, ready to spend the next 3 days with his father. He has been beyond excited ever since I told him. Yeah, I'll miss him but I was also happy for him. This was his dream. I grabbed enough clothes and whatever other necessities he needed so he can spend the next 3 days comfortably. Then we were soon off to Jaehyun’s.
When I pulled up I was lost beyond words. Jaehyun lived in a big home, not some grand mansion, but a comfortable and modern looking home fit for a family. Then I remembered he’s practically the only person living in the house. It was like he was looking out the window, since he woke up because he was out standing in front of his door as we pulled up. I parked and exited my car, he came up to me.
“Can you help me take him out?” I asked, as I grabbed his luggage. He walked over to Chaemin, taking him out of his carseat. I heard a “Daddy!” as Jaehyun took Chaemin into his arms.
“He’s been very excited ever since I told him,” I told Jaehyun.
“Have you?” he asked Chaemin.
“Yes! I get to stay with daddy for the first time ever!” Jaehyun smiled, displaying his dimples.
“Here are his things, should be enough to last 3 days,” I told Jaehyun, handing him the luggage.
“Ah, do you want to come in?” he asked, hesitating a bit.
“Uhm, sure if you don’t mind,” I said.
We all then made our way inside his home. Upon inspection it was minimalistic, fit for Jaehyun who lived by himself. It was very clean and smelled like him. It brought me back to when we used to live in that apartment complex together.
“Make yourself at home,” he said, placing Chaemin down before walking away.
I awkwardly sat down at his couch, while Chaemin ran around, exploring the place. “Woah! What is that daddy!” Chaemin asked.
I turned around, seeing Jaehyun coming back with a bouquet of my favorite flowers. My heart fluttered. He still remembered. He shyly stood in front of me saying, “I bought these for you, your favorites. A gift from me. I guess you can call it a trying to win you back type of gift.” I laughed, “Thank you Jae.”
His nickname, the one he loved me saying so much, came out after all these years. I can see it in his face how happy he was to hear it again.
“Jaehyun,” I said.
“Just for the record, I want to let you know that I want to start over with you. Whatever happened, let’s put it behind us. I want to make this work again and I’m not just saying this for Chaemin's sake. I truly wish to love you again.”
He sat down, taking my hands into his. He stared at my eyes, not taking them off. “I told you Y/N i’ll wait no matter how long it takes, no matter how many dates, gifts, or wooing I have to do to get you back, I’ll be patient,” he said.
I smiled for the first time since I’ve seen him. Mouthing a “Thank you” to him.
✧˚ · .
I wasn’t there for much longer, I still had some business to attend to. Meeting Soyoung. It only felt right telling her everything that had been going on, no matter how she’d take it.
I drove to my favorite sushi restaurant where I told her to meet me at. When I arrived she was there waiting for me. She saw me, waving at me. I walked over sitting next to her.
“You got here quickly,” she said, as I took off my cardigan.
“I wasn’t far,” I said.
“Where were you?” she asked.
It was time.
“Soyoung,” I said.
“Yeah Y/N? What’s wrong?
“I- The truth is Jaehyun knows, he knows about Chaemin.”
She didn’t say anything. I looked over to see her, her eyes had flames in them. She was enraged. If we weren’t at a restaurant she sure would’ve let out every profanity possible.
“I didn’t expect him nor wanted him to find out, but that night I got really drunk and he drove me home where to his surprise saw some little boy in my home,” I explained. “Then the next day he called me to talk, I ended up confessing everything to him, the truth.”
“So? What’d he say?” she said, looking to have calmed down a bit more.
“He was happy, surprised, shocked, and confused. When I told him why I never told him I was pregnant, he confessed everything about that night.”
“WHAT! Shut up.” “Yeah, I look like a real fool now.”
“A fool? Why do you say that?”
I clenched my fist saying, “Because he never cheated on me. He said that night Mark and Jungwoo invited him for drinks, but he got black out drunk, he doesn’t even recall anything from after he passed out.”
“So that means Taeyong…”
“Yes, Taeyong, I, and everyone we all misunderstood.”
I felt her hand rubbing my back. “So now what? You forgave him?”
“No, I'm giving him a second chance. I told him I wanted to start over, but not because of Chaemin. I want to love him again,” I confessed to Soyoung, wary of how she’ll respond.
She sighed, “If that’s what you truly want then I’ll still support you. I’m glad you didn’t forgive him so easily, but Y/N… please, please, please don’t let him hurt you again.”
I gave her a soft smile, “I know. Thank you Soo, thank you. I love you so much.” I hugged her, she hugged me, and we hugged each other in that sushi restaurant.
Once the talk was over, we finally ordered our food. We ate while gossiping, laughing, and teasing. One down, three more to go.
✧˚ · .
I still needed to talk to my family about the whole Jaehyun situation, but I also needed to return to work. I was glad Soyoung understood and supported me, but also didn’t cause a scene at the restaurant.
I arrived to work on time, it felt great to be back. As I got out the elevator my phone pinged. A message.
Jaehyun: I won’t be there today
Jaehyun: I’m going to spend some father-son time with the little one
Jaehyun: Is it fine if I take him to the aquarium?
I smiled, how sweet of him.
Me: Yeah just be careful he can get overly excited sometimes.
Me: Have fun :)
Jaehyun: I’ll send you pictures!
Me: How kind of you, haha
Me: Also is it fine if I get off work early?
Jaehyun: Sure, what time?
Me: 5, seem okay?
Jaehyun: Fine by me
Me: Thanks jae. Tell my baby to have fun
Jaehyun: Sure thing now get to work Ms. Lee
Ha, he was the one who messaged me first. I placed my phone down, getting to my work. 10 hours to do work, here I come.
Lunchtime was approaching and a knock was heard from my door. It must’ve been Johnny, he was the only one here after all.
“Yes?” I said.
He opened the door, giving a soft expression. “Your back,” he said.
“I am, missed me?”
“Oh yes, I was left all alone for two days! You and Jaehyun really betrayed me,” he said dramatically.
“We had our reasons.”
“Lunch?” he asked.
I nodded, getting up from my desk chair. We were off to the Cafeteria. I got a sense of deja vu, him paying for our lunches and us talking casually with one another.
“So Chaemin…” he said.
“You know too,” I asked.
“Yeah, that night he told me you had a child and last night I went over to his home and he was there,” Johnny said.
“You went over?”
“Yeah, just to check up on Jaehyun since he hadn’t been coming.”
“I see… well I’m guessing Jaehyun told you everything.”
“Yes, I was shocked at first. He even told me about that night,” he said as he looked me straight in the eyes. “Look Y/N that night Jaehyun was drunk, I had to drag him out of there for fuck’s sake. It was torture. So don’t worry about it too much, Jaehyun would’ve never done such a thing. He has and will always love you. You're the only woman for that best friend of mine.”
I never knew Johnny would give me such a pep talk. It was comforting though.
“I know, which is why I’ll give him a second chance. A new beginning. Don’t tell Jaehyun, but I too still love him no matter how much I tried hating him I couldn't. That love we built, I couldn’t throw it away to be honest,” I confessed. That was something only I knew, I never told anyone, not even Soyoung.
Johnny softly chuckled, “Well then, Good luck to both of you”
“Thanks, I'll need it.” I said before continuing eating.
We ate and chatted some more. Then finally heading off to finish our work. As the clock approached 5, I gathered all my things, ready to clock out. Ready for the final talk.
✧˚ · .
The drive wasn’t long, my work was actually closer to their home. I’d messaged the family group chat, warning them that I wanted to meet them all at around 5:30-ish. When I pulled up into the driveway, Taeyong’s car was already there and so was my parents' car.
I knocked on the door, being greeted by Taeyong.
“Long time no see sis,” he said, embracing me into a hug.
“I could say the same about you, you’re always busy and never around.”
“What can I say, being a full time choreographer, has me going places,” he says, shrugging.
I roll my eyes, making my way to the living room.
“Mom?” I yelled.
“In the kitchen,” she yelled back. I made my way there.
“Cooking?” I asked.
“Yeah, thought we’d have dinner together.”
“Sounds good, can’t wait.”
“Y/N!” yelled taeyong. I made my way to where he was sitting on the couch. “What can I do for you,” I said, sitting down next to him.
“How’s the little champ?”
“Chaemin’s fine, he can’t stop talking about missing you.”
“Really!” Taeyong’s face lightened up.
“No, I doubt he remembers his uncle,” I said laughing.
“Ha, ha, ha very funny,” he said sarcastically.
“You should stop by more often.”
“I’ll try, but I have to go to Japan next week.”
We talked more and more. Siblings catching up with one another.
“Dinner's ready,” yelled mother.
We got up, walking to the table.
“Where’s dad?” I asked.
“In the back, can you go get him Taeyong?” asked mother. With Taeyong gone, it was just us two. “I’m guessing you’re here to talk to us about Jaehyun?”
Mothers’ intuition.
“Yeah, but once we’re done eating.”
Dad and Taeyong came back. We all sat down, enjoying the delicious food mother cooked for us. We chatted, laughed, and joked. It brought me back to the times when I was a child, when it was just us.
When we finished, I helped mother clean up. I braced myself for what was to come. How would they react? Would they understand?
“We’re back,” my mother announced, when we made our way to the living room where they both were.
“I have something I want to tell you all,” I said, sitting down.
“I’m getting a sense of deja vu,” Taeyong said.
I softly chuckled. “Well, where do I even start… First off, Jaehyun knows about Chaemin.”
Taeyong’s eyes widened, “WHAT! How?”
“Long story short, I got a job, but to my surprise he was the CEO of that company. I worked for him for about a month, until he found out. That night we went out for drinks with a co-worker and I had too many to drink. He took me home, where he saw mom and Chaemin. The next day he called me to go meet him, that was when I confessed everything. We also talked about that night. So then I took him to meet Chaemin, Chaemin was beyond ecstatic to have finally met his father. Then me and Jaehyun agreed on having Chaemin spend 3 days at Jaehyun's, which is why he isn’t here today.”
“What did he say about that night?” Taeyong asked.
“Well for starters you misunderstood. He was black-out drunk. He didn’t even recall anything after he arrived. The guy who picked him up that night even told me, confirming things.”
“So what now? You’re forgiving him,” Taeyong said, questioning again.
“Something like that, I'm giving him a second chance.”
Mother finally said something, sighing “If that’s what you want, just don’t let him hurt you again.”
“That’s what Soyoung told me too.”
I looked over to my father, trying to read the emotions on his face. “As much as I still want him to rot in hell for putting you through all that pain, I know you wouldn’t like that. Like your mother said Y/N don’t get hurt a second time, you’re our one and only daughter–our baby–who we want nothing more than to live a happy healthy life.”
I don’t know when the tears started coming out, but they were. They weren’t sad tears, but happy ones. I was happy at how much they cared about me, wanting nothing more but for me to be happy and loved.
✧˚ · .
I left my parents’ home along with Taeyong. He said he needed to go so he could pack for his Japan trip next week. Before I got into my car he called me.
“Y/N, about earlier… I’m sorry that night I should’ve verified it myself, gone up to him-” he said, before I cut him off. “It’s fine, we can’t regret it now, it’s too late. And also don’t blame yourself, okay!”
He smiled saying, “Drive back safely little sis, I love you.”
“I love you too,” I said, waving goodbye with a smile plastered on my face.
I drove off to Jaehyun’s. It was time to pick up Chaemin.
I pulled into his driveway, parking and walking to his front door. I couldn’t wait to hear Chaemin talking about his day at the aquarium.
I rang his doorbell. The door swings open, Jaehyun standing in front of me.
“Hey!?” He looked surprised to see me.
“Hey to you as well,” I said. “Where’s the little one?” I ask, making my way inside.
“He’s playing up in his room.”
“His room?!”
“Yeah, I arranged one for him before he came.”
“Thank you Jae,” I said smiling. He really was a good father already.
We walked to Chaemin’s room upstairs, and he opened the door for me.
“Look who’s here Chaemin,” Jaehyun said. Chaemin turned around seeing me. “Mommy!” he yells running to me.
I got down to his level, bringing him into my arms. “How was your time with dad?”
“FUN! I saw sharks, penguins, and a bunch of fishes. Daddy even bought me a whale stuffie,” he said, going over to get his whale plushie. He handed it over to me.
“You sure had fun.” I smiled, happy that he enjoyed his date with his father.
We ended up playing with Chaemin before it was time to leave. “It’s time to go baby, it’s getting dark.” He looked saddened, he didn’t want to leave yet.
“It’s okay you’ll see daddy soon,” I said, trying to cheer him up. He understood, letting me take him. Soon all three of us made our way out the door. I put Chaemin in his car seat, strapping him in. Jaehyun watched. “See you soon little man,” he said, patting Chaemin’s head.
“Bye daddy! I had fun!” Chaemin said brightly. Giving Jaehyun a dimpled smile. Jaehyun shut his door, running along to the driver’s side, opening the door for me. “How gentlemen-like of you,” I said.
He gave a slight smile. As I was going in, he grabbed my wrist making me turn around. “Something wrong?”
“Can I take you out tomorrow?” he asked, his ears turning red. Cute. 
“You mean like on a date? Just the two of us?” I questioned.
“Yes, if you don’t mind…”
I smiled widely, “I’d love to.”
He smiled, “I’ll come pick you up tomorrow then at 12. I’ll even ask Johnny to take care of the little one.”
“Sounds good, see you tomorrow. Night Jae.”
“Sleep well Y/N and drive back safely,” he said.
I slipped into the vehicle and he closed the door for me. He waved goodbye as I backed away, leaving. Another eventful, but good day. We returned back home and got ready for bed. As I was about to slip under my covers my phone pinged.
Jaehyun: [ 10+ images ]
Jaehyun: I still owed you your pictures
Jaehyun: Good night Y/N
I opened them, seeing them all. Pictures of Chaemin looking so happy and some he took with his dad. I saved them all.
Me: Good night Jae
✧˚ · .
Perhaps I was too excited that I woke up at the crack of dawn. I still couldn’t believe it, my first–but not so first–date with Jaehyun. He hadn’t informed me of where he’d take me, but nevertheless I was still looking forward to it.
I got ready, slipping into a sundress and some ballet flats. It felt so exciting getting ready for a date, I felt like a teenager again. As I grabbed my bag, the doorbell rang. I ran towards the door, opening it.
A bouquet of beautiful iris flowers shoved right in front of me. Behind them, Jaehyun.
“Is my lady ready?” he asked, handing me the flowers.
“She is.”
“You sure are a hopeless romantic,” a voice said. I was too distracted to notice Johnny’s figure beside him.
“Oh! Johnny.”
“Hi, Y/N your babysitter is here,” he said, raising one hand. I giggled, telling them to come in. “Chaemin is in his room, it’s the door to the left.” They walked to see the little one, while I put the flowers in a vase. My second bouquet of flowers from him. This date was already off to a good start.
All 3 boys came out, Chaemin in Jaehyun’s arms. “Mommy and Daddy are going to be gone for a while so be a good boy to uncle Johnny, okay?” I told Chaemin.
“Yes mommy,” he said as Jaehyun passed him to Johnny. Then me and Jaehyun made our way to the front door, ready to leave.
“Call me if anything Johnny,” I told him.
“Will do ma’am.”
Jaehyun opened the door, guiding me outside. He then went over to the passenger seat of his car, opening the door. “Thank you,” I say going in. He made his way to the drivers side, joining me inside. Johnny and Chaemin waved us off and off we went to our date.
The car ride was silent, but there was no awkwardness. In all honesty I was nervous that I couldn’t think of what to say.
It was then when he broke the silence, “We’re here.”
I looked to see where we were. We were outside an art gallery, To Dream Arts.
I turned to look at him, happiness visible on my face. “So you do like it?” he asked.
“Of course! This is one I've always wanted to visit,” I said. “You remembered,” I say almost in a whisper.
I loved art galleries and so did Jaehyun. I remember we visited some when we dated, but my dream was to visit this specific one. I could never go though, because you had to make reservations for this place, and unfortunately it was always booked. I’m beyond happy he took me here today.
As we exited the car, I stood beside him. I fought with the urge to hold his hand. When we entered it was like we were in Europe. The inside was just so beautiful, so majestic. We went everywhere, exploring everywhere. The paintings, sculptures, artifacts. I was so excited, I failed to notice when Jaehyun grabbed my hand. Our fingers intertwined with one another. I looked over to him, not saying a word, but seeing the hint of red on his ears. We continued like that, until there was no more to look at.
“That was fun!” I say, happily as we made our way to his car.
“Glad you enjoyed it. How about we get something to eat?” he asks.
“Yes! I’m starving.”
He chuckled, leading me to the passenger seat. Soon driving off, I’d expected some fancy food at some fancy restaurant, but no. We instead arriving at a local diner. I was actually relieved, this type of food is better than some small fancy portion of overpriced food.
We made our way inside, settling in the booth located at the end. We sat facing each other. The waiter came by taking our orders. The food arrived in no time and we dug in. They say food tastes better when you’re eating with others, it must be true because the food tasted better as I ate with him.
Jaehyun paid and we soon left once we finished eating. This truly was the best day. The best date I've had in a while.
As we drove back he asked, “Did you enjoy today?”
“I did, very much. Thank you,” I said, glancing over at him.
He glanced at me as well, smiling. “I’m glad,” he said, turning his head back to the road.
That night as he drove, I noticed the dark night sky, the stars that shone above, and the wind that blew. It was too perfect, today was a day to remember.
✧˚ · .
The past 4 months have been the best ever. Ever since our first date, Jae and I have gone on many more, going to a different place each time. He’s even gotten me more gifts and no matter how much I insist he shouldn’t, he still does. Though as time passed, Chaemin’s birthday approached. In fact, it was tomorrow. I was saddened, my little boy is turning 4. Time sure flies. I informed Jaehyun, my family, and Soyoung to come over tomorrow so we can throw him a small party. Unfortunately, Soyoung was unable to make it, as she’s off on a business trip and so is Taeyong. Meaning it’d just be Jaehyun and my parents. It was still going to be nice, though I'll make sure of it.
It was around 8 in the morning and I finished making Chaemin his annual birthday breakfast. I headed off to his room, tray in hand. I flicked his lights on. “Happy birthday to you,” I sang. He looked up, his eyes adjusting to the light.
I go over placing the tray down. I pulled him into a hug saying, “Happy birthday my sweet boy.”
“Omg! It’s my birthday!” he exclaimed, excitedly.
“It sure is. Here I made you your special breakfast,” I said, handing him the tray.
He began eating, not missing a single crumb. I let him eat as I went to finish setting up the decorations. As I was about to hang the banner, the doorbell rang. I walked over to open it, seeing Jaehyun. He sure was here early.
“What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Jeong,” I teased.
“Where’s the birthday boy?” he asked.
“In his room.”
He then hurried off quickly, wanting nothing more than to get there quickly. As he left, I went back to my decorating. “Jae!” I called.
His footsteps approaching, “Yeah?”
“Can you help me with the banner?” I asked.
“Sure thing,” he said, putting it up ease. “There we go.”
“Thank you.”
He gave me a smile, returning back to Chaemin. I finished with the rest of the decorations and went to see them. As I went in, Jaehyun had finished dressing Chaemin up.
“Thank you for that,” I told him.
“Thought I’d help you out since you were, you know,” he said.
“Baby, come with mommy. Mommy has a surprise!” I told Chaemin, taking him into my arms. “Okay, close your eyes.” Chaemin closed his eyes shut. “Open,” I say.
“WOW!” he said. I placed him down, he began running around taking in everything. I watched fondly as the now 4-year old ran throughout our home.
“Stand there, Chaemin,” I asked him, as he stood below the birthday banner Jaehyun hung up earlier.
I snapped a picture and at that moment the doorbell rang again. Must be my parents. Before I could go open it, Jaehyun had already gone in my stead.
“Oh Jaehyun, what a surprise,” I heard my mother say.
“Hello Mrs. Lee and Mr. Lee,” Jaehyun said.
They came inside, meeting me and Chaemin near the table. “Grandma! Grandpa!” he yelled, running to his grandparents.
“Happy birthday Chaemin!” said my mother and then my father.
I then went over to greet them, hugging them both. I could sense a feel of awkwardness in the air., hoping it'll clear up soon.
Luckily it did. It took a while, but my dad and Jaehyun seemed to be conversing well with one another. My mother joined me in the kitchen as we both got the food ready.
“They’re getting along,” she said.
“Thankfully,” I say. “I know it must be hard for all of you, but I know you’ll come around.”
We finished, calling everyone to the table. We ate with each other's presence. We talked and laughed. It felt normal. Like we were one big ol-family.
After we ate I brought out the cake, candles lit. “Happy birthday to you,” I sang as I walked over to place the cake in front of Chaemin. We sang him happy birthday. “Make a wish,” I say. He closed his eyes, making his wish. I hope it comes true. We then cut the cake, each eating a slice. Afterwards, me and my mother cleaned up while Jaehyun and my father played with Chaemin. Not long after Jaehyun came in with Chaemin in his arms.
“Birthday boy is asleep,” he said.
I make my way to him. Caressing Chaemin’s hair. “Good night my baby,” I say.
Jaehyun then walked over to Chaemin’s room placing him in his bed. “Well then I guess it’s time for us to leave, right honey?” my mother said. My father nodding at her statement.
I walked over with them to the front door. “Thank you for coming, it sure made Chaemin happy,” I told them.
“Anything for the little one,” my mother replied. “Take care darling and you too Jaehyun.”
I failed to notice as Jaehyun stood behind me. “Thank you Mrs. Lee, yourself as well. Nice talking with you too Mr. Lee,” he said.
“Goodbye you two,” my mother said, with my father beind her, waving goodbye.
We watched as they left inside their car, pulling out from my driveway. Once they were out of sight, I closed the door. I turned around, Jaehyun still behind me. He got closer looking at me deeply, only centimeters away from me.
“Y/N, can I?” he asked, placing his right hand on my cheek.
I nodded.  I wanted him.
He leaned in, his lips on mine once again. Ah. I really missed this. We melted into each other's touch. Neither of us pulling away. Enjoying this moment, just the two of us.
✧˚ · .
After the kiss, me and Jaehyun grew closer. Often sneaking a couple more behind closed doors. It never escalated to anything more though. Jaehyun respected me and my boundaries. 
On another note, today is another of many dates I'll be going on. Jaehyun called me up last night telling me he’d take me out again today. I got ready putting on a white sundress, the summer heat was beginning to arrive. As I went to put on my shoes my phones rang.
Jae 🤍, read the caller ID
“Hello?” I said.
“Are you ready yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, putting on my shoes. Where are you?”
“Outside your house.”
I opened the door, seeing his car parked in my driveway. I hung up, walking to his car. He got out, embracing me into a hug. Good thing Chaemin stayed over at his grandparents.
“Let’s go,” he asked. I smile, nodding. As always he opened the passenger door for me.
Our dates were always unpredictable, I never knew where we’d go to next. This time though, we must’ve driven for an hour now, before finally arriving. We were at a park, a park all too familiar. This was the same park where we had our first ever date. Jaehyun has stellar memory; always remembering such things years later.
“Ja-” I was about to say his name before he cut me off.
“You remember? This is where I took you during our first ever date,” he said.
“Yeah, it sure is.”
“Shall we?” he asked.
“And what exactly are we going to do,” I say, curiously.
“A picnic,” he answered.
We then got out of the car and he went to take out a basket, we really were having a picnic. He grabbed my hand as we walked, picking a spot under a tree. I admired the park as Jaehyun set the mat down. This park was so breathtaking. The grass was green and wellkept, big trees that moved along as the wind blew, and a crystal clear pond.
“Here, have a seat,” he said, patting the spot next to his. I sat down, looking at him as he took the food and wine out of the basket.
“Wine so early?” I say.
He chuckled, “Yeah, I suppose so.” We ate the food he’d prepared and drank wine, talking about everything and anything. I couldn’t be any happier.
“Y/N,” Jaehyun said softly. I looked at him, his expression soft, calm, delicate. “Yes?” I replied.
“Thank you,” he says.
“For what?” I say, confused.
“Everything. For coming back, for giving me a second chance, for giving birth and raising my child, the list goes on,” he says, never taking his eyes off mine. “Not to mention these past months have been the best my life has ever been since 3 years ago and to that I thank you as well.”
He then took my hands in his, “Y/N I love you, I always have. You’re the only person in this world I want. I truly believe you’re my soulmate, the person I'm meant to be by until I’m gray and old. There is no one other than you Y/N, no matter how long it’s been I still want you.”
“I want you too jae,” I say, with watery eyes. “I love you so much Jaehyun no matter how long it’s been, no matter how hard I tried hating you. I love you, all of you.”
His eyes begin to water as well. “Y/N, please be mine again, my girlfriend, my wife.”
My wife. I nod frantically as my tears spill. I jumped on him, embracing him into a hug. I incoherently repeat “I love you” to him. I pulled away, attaching my lips to his. He returned the kiss back, kissing me deeply. This kiss was different, it was filled with love, want, need.
I was the first to pull away, looking into his chocolate-like eyes. “You’re beautiful,” he says. I felt my face heat up at his sudden comment.
“I love you Y/N, now and evermore,” he says.
“I love you too, more than words can ever describe,” I say, kissing him once more.
Day after day, I'll spend my time loving him, Jaehyun. I’ll build a new future with him, with one another by each other’s side. Myself, Jaehyun, and Chaemin.
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2 1/2 years later
“Honey!” I called out.
“Yeah, what’s wrong,” he says, rushing inside our shared bedroom.
“Can you bring me some fruit,” I say with pleading eyes.
He sighs, “Cravings?”
“Alright, I’ll be back,” he says, placing a hand over my stomach.
I’m currently 7 months pregnant with a baby girl. I still remember the day I told Jaehyun the news, he wouldn’t stop smiling for the entire day. The same could be said for Chaemin, he’d been wanting a sibling for the longest time and at last it finally arrived.
The past years have gone by in a flash, I still couldn’t believe me and Jaehyun got married just around 2 years ago. It really feels like it was just yesterday when I was walking down the aisle, in my fathers hands, off to be wedded to the love of my life.
“Mom!” Chaemin yells, as he enters the room.
I can’t believe my little boy is now 6 years old. “Yes?” I ask.
“Where’s dad?”
“He should be in the kitchen, why?”
“Thank you,” he says, running off. He didn’t even answer my ‘why?’ how sad.
Minutes fly by and still no fruit. I debated whether to go down there and find out what was taking so long, but before I could Jaehyun entered, fruits in hand. My eyes lightened up, drool practically coming out of the corner of my mouth. I waste no time eating it as he hands it to me.
“Easy there now, you’ll choke my love,” he says. Since he found out I was pregnant, Jaehyun has became very protective worring over the littlest things.
“It’s fine,” I say, eating more.
“You’ve grown a lot,” he says, placing a hand on my belly.
“You don’t like it?” I say worriedly.
“What? No, no, no why wouldn’t I?” he asks.
“I don't know.”
“Y/N this honestly turns me on, seeing you carry my child in front of my eyes makes me so happy and horny,” he says, mumbling the last word.
I slap his chest, “Don’t say things like that.” I’m sure by now my face was red as a tomato.
“But love you like it when I say things like that, it turns you on, doesn’t it?”
He laughs, “I’m sorry. I love you,” he says, kissing my temple. I pout, continuing eating my fruit.
“I can’t wait to fuck you again,” he says, eyeing my chest.
“This again,” I say.
“Sorry, I'll stop now only if you give me a kiss.”
I roll my eyes, placing the plate to my side. I leaned in, kissing him in which he returned, deepening the kiss.
“My everything is all yours.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: it’s finally done! my real (?) fic, this started towrds the end of november all the way til now. i stayed up countless nights writing & editing, overall satified with the end result. i hope to all my readers that you enjoy it & if its too long then i apologize i guess i got a little carried away (T-T). though some big news is i’m working on another fanfic as we speak, hint: doyoung x reader x jaehyun & will definitely have smut 🤫… if you have any concerns, feedback or members you’d like me to write about pls let me know. i love u all - jiji 🤍
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