#just pondering my sexuality on my deck stairs while watching my dog
freckledsweetpea · 2 months
Queer as in I've never been the same as my peers and I've never had the idea of the order of hetero life plans in mind while making decisions. What it means to love someone is different and who I'm friends with is equally divine in my life as to who I'm allowing to touch my genitals. Somehow every friend I made in my adolescence was queer in some fashion and honestly the fact it took me so long to understand why is hilariously comical. I'm always praying to nobody that the correct label will come down like a lightning bolt and strike me dead. Labels create community and understanding. I'm coming to terms with not having that.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Late night chats
Xeno was off relocating a satyr, so Senku was free to pad down the stairs of the home he shared with his mentor in his boxers, an old shirt, and socks. Besides, it was late, with a heavy, full moon in the dark sky, so even if his mentor was there, it wasn't likely that he'd be out of his room at such an hour. So, the leek-haired man wasn't expecting to come into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge for a late-night snack and find a familiar split-haired succubus sitting on the counter with his tails swaying lazily in the darkness.
For a moment, Senku didn't register the demon when he was revealed by the slice of pale light, but then he whipped his head around and stared at the succubus.        "uh? Excuse me, what the fuck are you doing in my house?" The demon shrugged,        "I wanted to see you again! After all, you're quite the interesting man, Senku-chan," That made the leek's cheeks turn toasty for a moment before he cleared his throat,        "Have you not met an asexual hunter before? Or at all?" He asked, and Gen thought for a moment, then shrugged,        "Not really, or...well, I haven't talked to many of the asexuals I've run into. As a sex demon, I tend to focus on feeding, and, as you've proven, I can't feed on those who have no sexual attraction to me, so" He hopped down from the counter to punctuate the statement, "But that's not why I'm interested in you. You intrigue me because you're the first hunter to have asked me about my biology, most just want to banish me." As he spoke, he sidled over to the hunter, coiling a tail around one of his arms and batting his blue eyes at the man.
However, Senku just watched him in the white light of the still-open fridge, gauging his intentions. I should just throw him out. It's super sketchy to have a SEX demon in my home so suddenly. He told himself, his crimson eyes watching the strong, white, tail around his arm squeeze the limb, kind of like how a girl would with a guy she likes, However, this could also be a chance to ask more questions and get more primary sourced answers.
For a moment, the monster hunter pondered the predicament. Then, after some thought, decided to take the risk,         "Well, alright. I guess we can sit in the living room for a while and talk a bit more, but then you have to go. I don't want you sticking around while I sleep." Senku said, looking at Gen with a firm look that left him no room to argue his case, so instead, the succubus nodded and smiled brightly. So, Senku shut the fridge at last and led the succubus into the living room to sit on the pleather couch.          "I'm gonna guess you want to ask about my species, again?" Gen hummed as he released Senku's arm and flopped onto the couch, watching the hunter nod and pouting in return, "Fine, but I want you to ask about me too. I'm more than a specimen," the succubus sniffed, Senku just snorting,          "Alright, how old are you?"          "I am about 25 years old," The leek plucked up a notebook and pen from a side table and began taking notes as Gen sat up properly with a chirp, "My turn! How old are you?"           "I'll be turning 21 this year. Do you breed like humans do, or are sex demons only made through lustful souls? Matter of fact, how do you even create a sex demon?" He fixed his strawberry-colored eyes on the demon, who thought          "I know I was born from two demons, so I guess that answers your first question. As for the second, I don't know, I haven't tried to impregnate anyone." he shrugged.
Senku continued to note down all of the answers he got while Gen watched and waved his tails while thinking up his next question,         "Do you live here alone?~" The flirtatious tone in the demon's voice wasn't acknowledged as the man wrote,         "No, I live here with my monster hunting mentor. He and my father are friends, and Byakuya thought me staying with Xeno would be the safest way for me to learn. Do you have any sensitive areas?" Senku looked up from his notes to see that Gen was staring at him, obviously wanting to question him, but he'd moved the conversation along too fast. So, he instead feigned bashfulness,          "Oh, Senku-chan! How inappropriate, asking about my erroneous areas!" Senku swat at him while he giggled,          "Just answer the question, you perv,"          "mmm, well, I don't want to." He decided, "I haven't been asked a single personal question before now, and suddenly you want me to divulge my secrets?" Senku grimaced, having forgotten that the demon wanted him to ask more about him as a person, Would asking about his family life be TOO personal? But asking about his favorite foods feels too easy... He spent a long moment humming and hawing, not liking the way Gen's dark blue eyes looked so hurt,           "A-alright, what do you do as a hobby?" He finally asked, and the pain in his chest instantly went away when the demon's face lit up like a child's at Christmas,           "I enjoy doing magic tricks! I love the confusion and astonishment it can cause!" he crowed, his tails wagging like a happy dog. So, Senku went into the kitchen and dug a deck of cards from one of the drawers. He then brought them to the demon, finding he enjoyed the wholesome smile they brought to the odd demon's face.
After that, the duo sat and Gen did card tricks for the hunter. Normally, the leek-haired man would've had no interest in the show, since he didn't believe in magic, but he found himself enjoying the challenge of debunking each trick with logic. In turn, the demon seemed to enjoy doing the tricks and explaining them to the curious hunter.
With that, the original question was forgotten, and, once he'd run out of tricks to show, Gen was free to move on to his turn.          "I'm sorry if this seems rude, but how come someone as smart as you is training to be a monster hunter? Do you maybe have a fetish for inhuman creatures?~" Senku snorted at the implication, picking his notebook back up to continue his notes on his turn,         "I'm only working as a monster hunter to save for college. I wanna work for NASA and build rockets, my only interest in monsters is figuring out what makes you tick." He punctuated the answer by jabbing the succubus in the arm, snickering as he feigned pain,          "Do you have venom or anything? If so, is it some form of aphrodisiac?" He watched the demon stretch out on the dark pleather couch, thinking for a bit,          "I don't think so? I've only really bitten someone during feeding, so I can't say if it would be an aphrodisiac or something else," he admitted with a shrug, and Senku wrote that down before thrusting his arm at the demon,         "Try to bite me.” Sadly, the words had left his mouth before his brain could veto the plan. He had no real plan for if the succubus' potential venom did anything other than arousing him, he'd just wanted to experience the effects and determine whether or not he could feel it being injected, not just the effects.
Thankfully for him, Gen shook his head and pushed his arm back,         "Sorry, Senku-chan, maybe another time," The leek nodded quickly, his face feeling hot and his stomach twisting under the threat of him upchucking. After that, he simply asked the demon more questions about himself, hoping to make up for the weird request until they both began to yawn and the hunter's thoughts felt too much like sand to formulate good questions.
At that point, he put his notebook aside and stood up, stretching with yet another yawn,          "I think it's time for you to go, I'm gonna head to bed," he hummed, and the succubus nodded, getting up himself,          "Can I come back some other time?"          "So long as it's not at 3 am again, go for it, this was fun," The two smiled at one another at that, and said goodbye without too much more fanfare before splitting for bed.
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