naruto-shitpostden 5 years
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naruto pointing at gay people
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
sasuke: gross gay people
naruto: bro what you just kissed me
sasuke: i have a reputation
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
sasuke would know that its actually a good combination and is currently on the same thing
Shikamaru: Ya'll ever think about how your lips kinda looks like your asshole?
Ino: What drugs are you on?
Shikamaru: A mix of Adderall and weed
Choij: How are you not overdosing right now?
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
me @ my future wife: wow babe! i love you even more than naruto!!
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
tenten, pulling the garlic away: lee no
Neji: Okay how much garlic does the recipe say to put in?
Rock Lee: NEVER let a recipe tell how much garlic. You decide that with your heart
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Naruto: *breaks out of the wall*
Kiba: Bro I'm so scared. I didn't study for this test at all
Naruto: Calm down I'm sure it's not that-
Shikamaru: *Starts crying*
Naruto: ......
Kiba: ..... Fuck
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Operator: ANBU hotline what's your emergency?
Naruto: Hi I hate to be "that guy" but someone glued me to my ceiling while I was sleeping again
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Operater: *deep sigh* were sending someone right away.
Yamata: again??
Operator: y e s
Naruto, still on the phone: fucking i bet it was sasuke
Operator: ANBU hotline what's your emergency?
Naruto: Hi I hate to be "that guy" but someone glued me to my ceiling while I was sleeping again
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
naruto and sasuke are boyfs-
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this is the funniest thing I have ever seen
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
from @ srirachapoptarts on tiktok
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
i need to draw this
Rock Lee: *Breakdancing sadly* Guys I鈥檓 not not having a good day
Tenten: *Spinning on her head sympathetically* Wanna talk about it?
Neij: *Doing the worm softly* We鈥檙e always here to listen
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Naruto:"I have never stolen anything in my life."
Naruto:"Oh really, bastard? What did I ever steal then?"
Sasuke:"My heart."
Naruto: *blushes*
Sasuke:"And my virginity"
Naruto: "*turns embarrassed*
Sasuke: "Pretty sure that sweater is mine too."
Naruto: *holds on to the sweater he's wearing*
Sasuke: "You should really be in jail."
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Iruka didn't get stabbed in the back in episode 1 for y'all to call pervy sage narutos father figure
Iruka didn鈥檛 get stabbed in the back in episode 1 for y鈥檃ll to call pervy sage narutos father figure
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
New Fic
not entirely satisfied with it but anyway. please read it if u want <3
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naruto-shitpostden 5 years
Neji: what're you guys-
Rock Lee and Naruto: *both run full speed at the lake*
Rock Lee: *skips across*
Naruto: *falls in after three steps*
Naruto: Hey Lee why are you called "Rock" Lee?
Rock Lee: *Runs full speed at a lake and skips like 17 times*
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