#just me mesing around again
spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Lucifer be like:
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OOH~! A KITTY!!Pspspspspspsps-!!!
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Doodles! This AU was just a little silly thing I made that seems to make some people happy. So I thought I might as well share it here too! Radioapple, but make it Cult Of The Lamb style! A break from stressing about Finals. Enjoy! -Bubbly💙
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riptideripley · 1 year
His Princesa 2
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part 1 part 2 part 3
a dominik mysterio x reader series.
angst,light fluff towards the end(sorta),toxic relationship,google translate used,TRIGGER WARNING ABUSE MENTIONED.
word count:669
Without you two knowing of the recording,you met up with the judgement day since it was an off day for you all. Rhea had only showed Priest the recording,to which they both were shocked but not that shocked. Finn was unaware of the whole situation,just as you two were. So when you both showed up together,Rhea was all giggles. You had all planned to go out for lunch and then to a park,just to chill like you used to do back home with Rhea(y’all are childhood friends). “Hey guys! So where are eating” “That Mediterranean Grill place,heard it’s good” You and Priest conversed. Everyone agreed on the spot so we went.
fast forward.
“That was so delicious! We have to go there again if we ever come back here” Dom spoke very happy and pleased with the food. You giggled at his reaction when all the sudden Rhea yanked you off the slide and dragged you to the swings. “Rhea what the f-“ “Listen. I saw you and Dom making out or whatever last night,you have to break up with your boyfriend. Also I told Priest” she ran off giggling. You stood there for a minute in shock. ‘shit. she shouldn’t have saw that’ you thought,as you pulled out your phone texting your “boyfriend”.
You - ‘Hey,Chris listen I need to tell you something. I don’t think this relationship is really working,you are constantly out drinking and cheating on me. I can’t do this anymore with you
{Chris .} - ‘(your name) what the fuck. I was gonna come out there to see you,Im already here matter of fact and you tell me this bullshit? man forget it,it’s over with.’
You looked at your phone for a minute before putting it in your pocket,walking back over to everyone. “Hey you ok? You seem off.” Dom asked concerned. You shook your head and smiled,”Yea I’m fine just a little tired that’s all”. He didn’t believe you but didn’t wanna ask anymore questions. You were all having fun and smiling when you heard someone call your name,you turned your head around and your heart sank. It was Chris,the one person you didn’t wanna see at this point especially since you were laid up on Dominik. Rhea paid attention to your expression and could tell you were scared. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Chris yelled as he charged at you,your heart began racing and you flinched when he got close to you. No one knew that he had put his hands on you before,not even your best friend Rhea. So when you flinched,they immediately knew what the situation was. Priest jumped off the monkey bars and got in between the two of you. Dom held you close as you began having a panic attack,he drew three circles on your back and on your hand which always calmed you down. He lifted you up and got you out of the area they were in,as he spoke,”Princesa.. ¿Cuánto tiempo?” he asked. You were hesitant to answer but decided to tell the truth,”Cuatro meses..” you softly spoke. You could see the expression on his fece completely change,to a very concerned and worried look. He hugged you tight as the rest of the Judgement day came over to the spot you were in. “Hey listen Ima take her back home,she’s uncomfortable right now” he said as he turned to them with you in his arms,they all nodded and let him go take you to your car. “They’re so cute together” Finn said trying to lighten the mood,which it did. “Yea totally. Not after what i witnessed last night” Rhea rolled her eyes as Finn stared at her,”The fuck did you see?” “They were making out! Right in front of me after I woke up from my nap.” Finn began laughing while Rhea just stared at him. “Not funny.”
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I regret my life choices of not being able to actually start studying. Here's "Freeze Your Brain" adapted in Italian!
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[J.D.] Sono stato in dieci superiori Tutte la stessa scenetta Inutile abituarsi Perché ce ne andiamo di fretta Mio padre tiene nel baule pronti due bagagli Quindi è solo una questione di ricaricarli I nomi non imparo Che faccia è di chi non m'è chiaro La fiducia in questa oasi di cemento riparo Sembra che ogni volta che sto per disperarmi C'è un 7-Eleven ad aspettarmi Ogni negozio è lo stesso Da Las Vegas all'Ohio Corsie di linoleum che adoro Vagare io Prego al mio altare di granita; Sì, adoro quella dolce botta di vita...
Congela il cervello Succhia dalla cannuccia Meglio di un coltello Arriva la felicità Quando tutto se ne va A chi serve uno spinello? Congela il cervello Congela il cervello
[J.D., parlato] Ti va un tiro?
[VERONICA, parlato] La tua mammina sa che mangi tutta quella merda?
[J.D., parlato] Non più
(cantato) Quando mamma era viva Vivevamo quasi normalmente Ora siamo solo io e mio padre Stiamo meno formalmente Ho imparato a cucinare Le tasse a pagare; Imparato che'l mondo Nemmeno un cent ti vorrà dare Il tuo futuro hai pianificato Veronica Sawyer Andrai a qualche college E sposerai un avvocato Ma il cielo farà male Quando su di te sarà demolito Quindi è meglio se Il tuo muro l'avrai già costruito...
Congela il cervello Nuota nel ghiaccio Perditi nel suo doloroso bello Chiudi bene i tuoi occhi Fino a che non ti vedran quegli sciocchi Non diventare uno zimbello
Congela il cervello Distruggiti il teschio Combatti il dolore con uno più bello Dimentica chi sei Liberati da quel peso Dimentica in un mese e mezzo Riavrai lo stesso frainteso Quando la voce nella tua testa Dice ch'uno come te è meglio se non resta Non ascoltare a quello
Solo congela il cervello Congela il cervello Vai avanti e congela il cervello...
(parlato) Provaci So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They're all the same little scene (but little in this case is meant in a negative light) No point getting used to it 'Cause we're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases ready in the den So it's only a matter of refilling(/repacking) them I don't learn the names Whose faces is whose isn't clear to me My trust resides in this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven waiting for me Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Ohio Linoleum aisles that I love To walk around in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for sweet hit of life (or however you call that, basically gives life force again but something that gives you life force not in a literal sense)...
Freeze your brain Suck from that straw Better than a knife Happiness comes When everything goes Who needs a joint? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain
[J.D., spoken] You want a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived almost normally But now it's just me and my dad We live less formally I learned to cook pasta To pay taxes; Learned the world Won't want to give you even a cent You've planned your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it'll be demolished on you So it'll be better if You'll have already built your wall
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in its beautiful pain Shut your eyes tight(/well) Till those fools (sorry I had to use this for the rhyme) won't see you Don't become a laughingstock
Freeze your brain Destroy your skull Fight pain with a more beautiful one Forget who you are Free yourself from that weight Forget in a month and a half You'll have the same misunderstanding again When the voice in your head Says someone like you is better off gone Don't listen to that guy(/him)
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They start to get blurry No point planting roots 'Cause you're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den So it's only a matter of when I don't learn the names Don't bother with faces All I can trust is this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven right there Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Boston Linoleum aisles that I love To get lost in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush...
Freeze your brain Suck on that straw Get lost in the pain Happiness comes When everything numbs Who needs cocaine? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain See upcoming pop shows Get tickets for your favorite artists
[J.D., spoken] Care for a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived halfway normal But now it's just me and my dad We're less formal I learned to cook pasta I learned to pay rent; Learned the world Doesn't owe you a cent You're planning your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it falls So you better start Building some walls...
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in the pain Shut your eyes tight Till you vanish from sight Let nothing remain
Freeze your brain Shatter your skull Fight pain with more pain Forget who you are Unburden your load Forget in six weeks You'll be back on the road When the voice in your head Says you're better off dead Don't open a vein
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it
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blood-injections · 10 months
give me your party poison thoughts now
On it boss!
Okay so. Massive fucking hypocrite about everything, like being a classic Overprotective Older Sibling with Kobra and dissaproving when he starts liking Ghoul or someone or starts racing becuase That would be a Distraction or Thats Dangerous meanwhile. They stare at Jet the same way kobra stares at ghoul or they take the am out for a joyride and drive as recklessly and its as dangerous as racing is. Or they always tell the others not to sacrifice themselves or put themselves in unnecessary danger, that no supplies or mission is worth their lives- meanwhile Party Poison is The Ultimate Martyr Complex Haver and constantly puts themself in the line of fire despite their own orders, putting themself in danger instead of the others and refusing to run away instead. Brave but stupid.
They're just like.. really lonely. Like classic case of cool person everyone idolizes and puts on a pedestal but that they don't actually know, leaving Party singled out in a way and misunderstood and so, lonely in that aspect, as well as the because they tend to isolate themself, putting on that mask of bravery and put-together ness and hidng behind it, being a good, strong, level-headed leader first and just a fucked up human last. Because thats what they actually are, theyre mesed up, they bottle up their troubles and convince themself theyre so fine when theyre not. Their personality is completely fake but at some point it becomes real, a mask theyve kept on so long it becomes their face. "I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in" or something.
They never let the others in or tell them how they feel and if pushed theyll fight before they break and spill, and when they do break, they fucking shatter, sobbing and letting everything out and just building their walls right up again when its over. The others hate it but they'll always be there for them. See: this paragraph from a wip. Yeah.
"Hey!" Ghoul snaps, grabbing Poison's fist before they can try and punch him again. "We're crew! So like it or not you're family, so stop trying to fight me and fucking tell me what's wrong!"
They have tattoos, not as many as Ghoul or Kobra(Ghoul has the most, Kobra the second most. Jet only has like three but they are bigger) but the few they do have are all very meaningful to them in some way, emotionally or religious or just symbols they love. They have a matching snake with Kobra on one arm and a seraph on the other, a tribute tattoo to the Phoenix Witch thats the eye of the Mailbox with the i forgive you in the center of their chest, they have the moon from Le Voyage dans la Lune on the back of a shoulder and they have some stars up their side. I'm still in the process of coming up with a few more special ones for them.
I think they'd be really good at origami, always making little things and leaving them around the diner and the zones. Giving them to their friends is their love language. Their favorite things to make would be cranes, crickets, dragonflys, and deer.
Obsessed with space, after meeting Jet Star they couldn't not fall in love with the sky as well as her, since its kind of a package deal. Star could be an astrophysicist or something, she always dreamed of being an astronaut, and Poison could only listen to her talk about the stars for so long before falling in love with them too.
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w7tch · 3 months
sobre un niño y un corazón roto
Quizás en otra vida sea como pensaba. Pensé que le agradaba. Estuvimos muy unidos hace meses y compartimos lindos recuerdos juntos. Me dijo que teníamos una conexión real y que conmigo se sentía diferente. En ese momento estaba asustada y nerviosa, pero me siento especial con él y diferente con él también. Siento que debería haberle dicho que él significaba todo el mundo para mí. Intenté decirlo de diferentes maneras, pero no estoy seguro de que lo entienda. Siento que puedo volver a ser joven y ser un niño pequeño, simplemente decir lo que sea y hacer lo que sea a su alrededor libremente. Estoy llorando mucho escribiendo esto, siento que lo perdí para siempre. No sé qué pasó y por qué dejamos de salir con frecuencia, tal vez sea algo que estoy leyendo demasiado. No quiero molestarlo, pero lo extraño muchísimo. Nos escribimos bastante seguido pero no es lo mismo que verlo. Ya no lo veo mucho, es como si tuviera todas estas cosas que decir cuando no estoy con él y luego, en el momento en que lo veo por un rato, me quedo en silencio porque solo quiero disfrutar de esa porción. del día con él sin complicaciones pero luego se va después de unos momentos fugaces y desearía haber dicho lo que quería.
Maybe in another lifetime it will be as I thought. I thought he liked me. We were very close months ago and shared some nice memories together. He told me we had a real connection and tht he felt different with me. At the time I was scared and nervous, but I feel special with him and different with him too. I feel like that I should’ve told him that he meant the whole world to me. I tried to say it in different ways, but I’m not sure if he understands. I feel like I can be young again and be a little child, just say whatever and do whatever around him freely. I’m crying badly writing this I feel like I lost him forever. I don’t know what happened and why we stopped hanging out often maybe it’s something I’m reading into too much I don’t wanna bother him, but I miss him very badly. We write each other pretty often but it’s not the same as seeing him. I don’t see him much anymore, It’s like I have all these things to say when I’m not with him and then the second I get to see him for a little while I just am silent because I just wanna enjoy that one slice of day with him without complication but then he leaves after a few fleeting moments and I wish I had said what I wanted to. - MD
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cece693 · 7 months
Fue un Placer Conocerte (Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader)
This fanfic is inspired by this song. Don't worry, you don't have to know Spanish and I'll also include a rough translation (although it's not needed to understand the fanfic.
Summary: Dating an assassin, especially the Black Widow, was bound to have problems. You accepted that since the beginning, however, you can't help but feel that Natasha didn't love you. That, to her, this relationship was nothing more than a nuisance.
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Fue un placer conocerte y tenerte unos meses Aunque esos meses fueron el principio y el fin De un amor tan bonito, aunque no me quisiste Pero yo sí te quise, y hoy me tengo que ir
It was a pleasure meeting you and having you for a couple of months although those months were the beginning and end. Although you didn't love me, I did, but now, I have to leave.
Looking back, it's kind of funny how you and Natasha ended up together. It's like one day you were just co-workers, and the next thing you know, boom, romance was in the air. Natasha, being her bold self, was the one to bring up the whole dating thing. It was a bit out of her comfort zone, but when presented with the possibility, who were you to deny the Black Widow?
And no, it wasn't just due to her drop-dead looks (Tony) but you could discern that there was more to Natasha. That beneath her stoic demeanor, there was warmth. Heck, you (for the longest) were jealous of Clint for being one of those few who could read Natasha like an open book. The Black Widow was a heartless assassin, but Natasha? She was human like everyone else. A person with likes, needs, and interests.
So, again, who were you to deny the chance of dating Natasha?
At first, it was wonderful—sure, you didn't announce it to the Avengers because, well, mixing work and personal relationships is always tricky. PDA was kept at a minimum if it couldn't be avoided altogether.
But then there were those subtle signs, like Natasha avoiding eye contact during briefings or choosing to team up with Hawkeye for surveillance instead of fighting alongside you.
You tried to brush it off, but things took a different turn when you got injured. What you expected to be worry on Natasha's face looked more like irritation as you were rushed to the medical bay.
And even with Hawkeye (who knew of your relationship) urging her to follow, Natasha insisted on staying behind. Claiming there's work to be done and that you'd be just fine. Since then doubt began to trickle in. You loved Natasha, even if you have just dated a couple of months, but did she feel the same way?
Muy feliz fui contigo, me conformé con nada Y hoy te quedas sin mí A pesar de que nunca me dijiste te quiero  Y hoy que tengo irme me demuestras tu amor
I was very happy with you, I grew accustomed to nothing and now you are without me. Although you never told me I love you, now that I'm leaving you decide to show me your love.
With that nagging thought in the back of your mind, you began to analyze every interaction you had with Natasha. It felt like you were the one constantly putting in effort to keep things going—the first to initiate a kiss, a gentle touch, or even plan a dinner together. And with the other Avengers, Natasha seemed like a completely different person. Especially around Steve.
Just in his presence alone, you could see how she came alive—full of smiles, laughter, and easy banter. While with you, it felt as if Natasha was just doing a chore. A duty she reluctantly fulfilled to keep you on the line.
The media's attention only added salt to the wound. You couldn't escape the headlines: "Black Widow and Captain America: New York's Newest Power Couple." It seemed like everywhere you turned, there were pictures of Natasha and Steve, laughing, smiling, and looking like they were on top of the world.
Seeing those images splashed across magazines and online articles was like a punch to the gut. It felt like the whole world was celebrating while you struggled to convince yourself that those were just rumors. But who were you trying to fool? The evidence was occurring right in front of you—seeing how effortlessly Natasha and Steve got along and left you in the dust. Your relationship seemed to be hanging by a thread, or were you even a couple to begin with?
Pero tengo que irme, porque ya no te quiero No sé por qué motivo, cosas del corazón
But I have to leave because I don't love you anymore. I don't know the reason, perhaps matters of the heart.
Finding Natasha was simple. Sitting in the living room with Steve, the sight only reinforced your decision. "Hey, we need to talk." Straight to the point, no emotion on your face as you turned on your heel and began walking toward her floor. At this point, you didn't care if you were rude; any love you had felt for Natasha died as you had come to terms with the truth.
The silence was defying, that's for sure, as you finally arrived at Natasha's floor and told Jarvis to not let anyone interrupt you. "Just get it over with." Natasha broke the silence, her form tense. You were taken aback but recovered quickly. After all, she was clever and knew what we need to talk meant.
"I'm breaking up with you." Your voice involuntarily went soft, looking upon Natasha's downcast expression. It was evident she cared, to some extent, that you were leaving, but her sadness didn't make you take back your words.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her tone almost regretful. "I apologize for making it seem like I never cared, but I don't want you to leave without knowing I do love you—"
"No. You don't get to say that," you interrupted, the words tumbling out before you could stop them. "How many opportunities did you have to tell me that? And now...no…" The hurt and frustration welled up inside you, the weight of her words hitting you like a wave of disappointment.
"I appreciate your honesty, Natasha, but it's too late for that now." you continued, your voice tinged with sadness. "I need to go, and we both need time to heal." With a heavy heart, you turned away, leaving behind the echoes of her words and the remnants of a love that had faded away.
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blisschi · 3 years
• Cold •
Pairing: Diluc x GN! Reader •
Warnings: Major Character Death,,
Notes: Reader is a Knight of Favonius here! c:
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"Diluc, look!" Your cheerfull voice rang across the place, instantly alerting the red-haired winery owner. His head turned towards you, gaze followed your finger that pointed on the huge pool of water. "Such large lake.. so much water!"
Diluc frowned, his eyebrows furrowed. It was barely bigger than the one next to Dawn Winery. What's so special about it?
"I can't believe.. it's such a beautifull place.."
"What's so special about it? It's rather common sight-" Diluc couldn't finish the sentence because of your hand suddenly grabbing onto his wrist. Before pulling him towards the water, all you could offer as apologies was your warm smile. Light reflecting in your eyes, visible happiness that made his heart ache. Beautifull - He thought, before getting hit by the realization what you're about to do.
"Wait-- [Y/N]!-"
Your laugh was muffled by the loud splash of water. While you certainly enjoyed so called 'bath in the lake', Diluc looked more upset than usual. Of course, getting wet wasn't something he found entertaining - by cold water on top of that.
"[Y/N]." His voice cold, tone annoyed. He knew that every member of Knights of Favonius were just as childish as possible, but that outgrew his biggest expectations. During moments like that, he seriously wondered if keeping in contact with you was the best choice. "Do you want to be fish in your next lifetime? Perhaps crab would be more fitting?"
His hand grabbed onto the back of your collar, holding your head right above the water. Your eyes widened as you raised your hands in defense, while explaining. "S-sorry, sorry! That's actually really tempting offer, but I see myself as tiger shrimp in my next lifetime!"
Diluc sighed, letting go of you. He closed his eyes and turned away, ready to get out of the water.
"I love water.." He stopped, hearing your voice. Voice full of emotions, especially longing. "I miss those old days.. my friends and I used to play in the lake all the time.."
The male turned his head towards you. His knees still covered by water as his gaze wandered from your face to your hands with which you collected small amout of water. Your smile never left your face as you stared down at your connected hands, the liquid slowly running down the gaps between your fingers.
"Our parents stood near the shore and laughed.. Water brings back the memories about my friends and family.." Your expression reflected into water surface as you slowly lowered your hands. "Even though it's cold.. I still feel the warmth of those days.."
Why.. those days must have passed away?
"[Y/N]" Your thoughts were interrupted by the voice coming from behind. Diluc already walked back towards you, no more caring about the water. "It's true that times have changed, but only if you ask.."
His hand wandered on top of your head, stroking your hair ever so slightly.
"I can become your family at any moment.. Even though you're one of the knights.. and even though you look stupid."
His hand lowered to your cheek, now cupping it gently. Your surprised expression lasted only mese seconds as after a while, you lowered your head and smiled.
"Thank you.."
Diluc raised his eyebrows as his hand returned on top of your head, fingers grabbing onto your head before he shoved you back down into the water. Surely, he was treating you too well lately. You've made him all wet. Don't think you're not going to suffer the consequences.
"How long do you want to stay in the water? You really want to become a fish, don't you?"
Smile appeared on his face as you desperately tried to push him away.
Warmth, you say?
During your next visit at the Dawn Winery, Diluc welcomed you with open arms. Both of you decided to sit outside the building, sipping on some grape juice while discussing on various topics. Diluc seemed rather calm. Little did he know that your visit wasn't in intention for a simple chit-chat.
"How's the situation at the tavern?" You asked, running the tip of your finger over the glass edge. "Is everything going smoothly?"
"Quite good." Short answer, as usual. Noticing your gaze fixated onto the glass, he clicked his tongue. "There's nothing I'd have to handle on my own."
"That's great.." Was the only answer you gave him. Where was the cheerful voice of yours that brightened his day? Where was your excited expression he remembered, while you talked about what's going to come in the nearest future.
Few moments passed, thus silence began to be rather unbearable. With a sigh, red-haired male decided to be the one to break it.
"What's bothering you?"
His question instantly caught your attention as you lost interest in the glass in front of you. It took quite some courage for you to look up into his eyes.
"You heard about the abyss taking one step closer towards achieving their goal? Our outriders spotted them on the east.. Mages.. Heralds.. Amber told me they intend to eliminate most of our forces by threating to attack citizens and forcing us to--"
"Get to the point."
You broke the eyecontact, surely not being able to look him straight in the eyes while saying: "I've been sent to the front line."
His heartbeat stopped, voice stuck in his throat.
What did you say?
Front line?
"Kaeya decided.. to only send mere part of our forces.. That way we can investigate their strenght from the--"
"I refuse."
Your gaze returned to his face after Diluc raised his voice.
"It's an order I cannot-"
"You're too weak."
Your eyes widened. Did he really think of you so poorly? You've taken care of plenty enemies before, proving your strenght in battle.
"It's my duty to obey Captain Kae--"
"Don't." Diluc glared at you. "Mention that name again."
His brother couldn't even take care of himself during evenings spent in the tavern. What kind of Captain was it? Diluc could bet that his orders are nothing, but decisions under the infuence of the moment.
He won't.. lose another person because instead of taking care of things himself - his so called brother wants to play from afar. He's always been like that.. Sending pawns to battle, while getting his hands on the victory they acquire.
"I want to protect those who cannot defend themselves." Serious tone in your voice. Determination in your eyes as you confidently kept to prove your point. "We can not wait for something terrible to happen.. I swore to protect Mondstadt."
He knew you're not going to listen.
Standing up from the table, your head turned away.
"There's surely a reason for Captain to choose me along with the others.. You know I'm strong, Diluc.."
Strenght goes in pair with Defense.
Defense you were lacking.
"Haah.. Haa.." You panted, looking around the battlefield as the only thing you could see, were your defeated colleagues.
Heavily injured, struggling to keep yourself standing..
Out of pity, smile appeared on your face as tears left the corners of your tired eyes.
Diluc was right..
Falling to your knees, as your legs no more could bear the weight of your body.
"I'm sorry.. Diluc..."
"Master Diluc..! Everyone is worried.." One of the maids called after the male. "It's pouring yet another day.. You'll get sick if you keep--"
Other maid interrupted, placing a hand on her shoulder. She smiled at the other sadly, shaking her head before glancing as Diluc disappeared into the forest.
He went to the place you found beautiful.
Diluc sat near the water, letting the raindrops freely wash over his head, back and shoulders. Staring down at his reflection in the surface, he scooped up some water and smiled bitterly.
"I don't understand why do you love it so much.. It's wet and disgusting.."
Clenching his teeth, Diluc tried his best to stop tears from leaving his slightly reddened eyes.
"You brat.. I don't feel any warmth..
It's so cold.."
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
levi 36 “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”  Please
of course! i hope you like it!! sorry for all the waiting!
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levi x reader
some non-explicit sexual connotations
He likes the way you walk. How your eyes smile with your mouth and the way your body moves happily whenever you see a friend, applying that magnetism you have. Levi finds himself looking at you when you enter, admiring your smile when you get close to the group to talk. He sighs.
He knows that you maybe don't have interest in him. That you consider him a close friend, nothing more. But he does have a huge crush on you. He wants to know if he has even a little opportunity. You walk in the front while Levi goes back, with Hange on his side. They look at him before sighing.
"You should just tell y/n your feelings." they say, gaining a mortal gaze from Levi.
"No." His fear to your rejection is even bigger. He's afraid of mesing things up and losing your friendship, the only thing that right now lets him be next to you. Levi sighs. Why is love so difficult always? Hange palms his shoulder, a silent way to give him reassurance. It's true that his best friend isn't experienced on love too, but one thing is sure: if they like, they will say.
"What are you two whispering here?" a chill goes down Levi's spine when he hears your voice near his ear. You look gorgeous, as always, such a source of light and energy. He obligates himself to react, clear his throat and talk.
"Four-eyes was telling me about their new project." your eyes open with curiosity as Hange's open with surprise. "Oh, I wanna know too!"
"Hum, yeah... I'm... studying human relations..." Levi's brain gets where Hange tries to go with that.
They're gonna obligate him to confess.
In all his years of life, Levi has felt catastrophes and misfortunated events, but making him confess is, by far, one of the most fatal ones. Hange smiles.
"Human? I thought you only liked to study titans"
"Look, my dear, titans are complex, but oh, humans.... A titan is going to eat you if he feels like it, but a human is incapable of eating ou-..."
"Hange, I think Moblit is calling you." a blushed Levi speaks, making his friend turn around and see Moblit, who's calling them. They leave waving the hand and making a kiss movement with their hands towards Levi.
Stupid four-eyes.
"I never get what Hange says..." you said, trying to cover your own blush. You did get it. Hange knows how you feel about Levi. Damn, he looks amazing today. You let your eyes scan him softly, but you shake your head.
No. Keep this cordial.
Mention sex.... what a risky one.... Levi's thoughts travel around that, for his own disgust. He needs to take them off his head before you reach the camp. "Are we gonna do that squad training?" you ask. Levi nods. Exactly. The squad training will help him to concentrate.
To concentrate in your body using that tight special OPs uniform, damn. How can someone look that good on an army uniform? How? It is technically impossible, but there you are, making your own captain drool over you, on how amazing you look. And not to mention when you smile at him, only at him. He'll ask about that later.
Once you arrive to the meeting point, it's already night. The stars shine beautifully as you take that water bottle from Levi. He looks how you drink, taking the gaze away when you found it. You took a long think while training. You want him. You'll confess now. It's done.
"May I ask why you smiled all the time to me? I'm your friend, but, before, I'm your captain. You're saving lives, not making a circus show." he says. You sigh. "And...?"
You smile at him again, raising a brow.
“Because I fell for you." you say. You take the bottle again before leaving, talking without turning around to face him. "isn’t it obvious?”
Now is Levi who smiles.
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castiel-barnes · 4 years
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem! Y/N Peña. (Reader is married to Javier).
Summary: After the events of Escobar and the Cali cartel, the one thing Javier expected least was to settle down.
Warnings: Fluff. Slight angst. Pregnancy. Medical inaccuracies. Mentions of throwing up. Swearing. Soft Javi. Like extra soft.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Yet another early morning thought that I got.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Picture from Pedro pascals Instagram at pascalispunk.Taken in 2013.
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After years of running around Colombia and the amount of informants slept with. The last thing people expected who knew Javier Peña, was to settle down.
He had found you and fell hard in love. And the same thing happened to you. After being with you, Javier had no need to go have a one night stand with any of the girls from the brothels or any informants. Because he had you.
It was quite unheard of within the DEA, Javier Peña and the domesticity of having a family.
Javier had been out for most of the day, which you were kinda glad for. You had been feeling sick since you woke up and when Javi finally left the apartment, you finally rushed to the bathroom to throw up your breakfast.
Then it hit you. Your time of the month has been far more late than normal. After throwing up, you digged out the spare pregnancy test you had at the back of the cupboard for emergencies.
"Oh fuck." You said quietly to yourself. It was positive. Neither of you had discussed the topic of kids. It was something that you wanted, but not sure if Javi wanted it.
"Hi cariño, I'm home." Javier called out,
"H-hey, I'll be out in a moment." You replied from the bathroom, quickly wiping your tears away. Walking out the bathroom, you smiled like you usually did and kissed.
"What's up honey?" He asked frowning a little,
"Oh nothing much, why'd you ask?" You replied.
"Cause I can tell you've been crying." Javier said looking at you. Sighing you placed your head against his shoulder.
"I hate how easily you read me sometimes." You pouted, and pulled him to the couch and sat him down. Letting out a shaky breath you held his hands gently in yours.
"I really need to tell you something. B-but I don't know how to say it, and I- I know we haven't discussed anything about this." You continued starting to ramble from being anxious.
"Honey, honey calm down what do you need to tell me?" He said frowning even more, stroking your hair back.
"Javi... I'm pregnant." You stated. There was a stunned silence that blanketed the apartment.
"Really?" Javier asked. You nodded and looked away tears springing back to your eyes. Javi wiped your tears away and smiled pulling you into a hug.
"I'm so happy mi amor." Javier stated,
"You are?" You asked looking up at him.
"I am cariño, we can have a little Peña running around the place." Javier responded smiling. The two of you hugged for a while and had dinner, then decided to lay in bed and relax. At some point you must have fallen asleep on top of Javi, and stayed asleep until early morning.
Your not sure what woke you up, but you could feel Javier's hand on your stomach his hand stroking his hand back and forth.
"Cariño? You ok?" You asked quietly,
"What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I do something wrong?" Javier replied.
"What do you mean?" You said frowning,
"I mean, I'm not a good person cariño. I've done things and seen things that shouldn't be seen. I've never been the best with children, I don't know how to look after something so small and innocent." Javi stated.
"Javier Peña you listen to me. You are not a bad man, yes you've seen bad shit and maybe shot a couple of people but those people were the bad guys. Not you. You will be a good father Javi, I just know it. Plus you're not the only one who hasn't had much experience with children." You explained firmly. In truth you were the youngest sibling, and the only experience you had with children was when your cousin had her baby. But you lost contact with them a while ago.
"Thank you. For putting up with me Y/N." Javier responded, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You stroked his hair back out of his face, but it was evident that he had been tossing around for a while.
You started drifting off again until you felt like throwing up again. Gently rolling Javi off of you, you rushed to the bathroom to throw your dinner up. You groaned as you hunched over the toilet, then felt a pair of large hands rubbing your back.
"You ok cariño?" Javier asked worriedly,
"Morning sickness." You responded throwing up again.
"You need me to get anything for you? Water?" He said still rubbing your back gently,
"Please." You said "thank you." You continued. Javier bought you a glass of water, and let you clean yourself up before carrying you back to bed.
"Try get some sleep mi amor, neither of us have work tomorrow dont worry." Javier stated,
"M'kay love you Javi." You said drifting off to sleep.
"Te amo mucho cariño, y nuestro pequeño bebé." Javier whispered kissing the top of your head.
2 months pregnant:
You were at home today and Javier was at work. And today you noticed something slightly different about your appearance. Realising what it was, you smiled and you got excited about telling Javi.
Opening the door Javi was immediately greeted by your smile and hugging him.
"Well hi there cariño, what you so happy about?" Javier asked smiling and kissing you,
"Come look." You replied dragging him to the room. When you got to the bedroom you sat him down on the bed and took your top off. Turning to the side you smiled and run your hand over your small bump.
You looked at Javi and saw his jaw drop.
"That’s your little kid in there mi amor." You said looking at your bump. Javi smiled and pulled you gently in front of him.
"Oye chico, soy yo tu papá. Estoy muy emocionado de conocerte dentro de unos meses." Javier stated quietly then kissing your stomach. He looked up at you with slightly watering eyes and smiled,
"We're going to have a kid cariño." He continued.
"Yeah we are. I love you so much Javier Peña." You stated kissing the top of his head,
"I love you too baby. I'm so excited." Javier replied. Out of nowhere you just got really emotional and started crying, which confused the hell out of Javi.
"Woah, woah baby what's wrong?" He said quickly standing up hugging you,
"I-im just so fucking happy. I have you and now we have our little kid. Oh im a mess, fucking hormones." You replied crying into his arms. And that what made it clear for Javi, your hormones were heightend due to the pregnancy. Javi chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Don't laugh." You stated quietly sniffing,
"Ok, I'm sorry baby I won't laugh I promise. Im happy to cariño." Javi replied smiling.
"But I like when you laugh its cute." You said looking at him.
You were glad to have Javi, yes he could be a bit stubborn and hard headed sometimes. But around you, he was gentle, understanding and everything you could wish for in a man. Although he had doubts about being a good father, you knew that no matter if you had a little girl or a little boy they would have him wrapped around their little finger.
4 months pregnant:
"Baby? Wake up, we need to get ready to go to the doctors." Javi said gently, trying to wake you up,
"Mhm..." you groaned and closed your eyes again.
"Come on honey, don't wanna be late to the appointment. I promise when we get home I'll run out and grab anything you're craving and we can nap." Javier stated stroking your hair back out of your face.
"Promise?" You asked leaning into his touch,
"Yeah cariño I promise. We'll go to the appointment, come home and then anything you want I'll get ok?" He replied smiling as you leaned into him.
"Ok." You smiled getting up slowly. The two of you got changed and got in the car. Arriving at the doctors, Javier could feel some anxiety radiating off of you.
"You ready baby?" He asked holding your hand,
"Yeah, im ready." You smiled at him and gave the back of his hand a kiss.
"Come on then baby." Javi said getting out the car, walking round to your side to open the door for you. The two of you sat in the waiting room for a while before getting called in. Laying there on the bed, you gasped at how cold the gel was on your stomach. Looking at the screen the doctor told you that you were going to have a little girl.
"We're having a baby girl?" Javier asked is disbelief,
"Yeah cariño, we're gonna have a baby girl to look after and love." You smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks. Getting home you cried from happiness and this was one of the only times you saw Javier cry.
"Baby can you get me pickles and ice cream please? Maybe some chocolate too." You asked him,
"Of course I can cariño. Anything else you want?" Javier replied.
"Maybe get 2 of each just incase, you never know." You said,
"Okie dokie." He responded. Javier left the apartment and came back about 20 minutes later with pickles, ice cream and chocolate.
"Here you go mi amor, got what you wanted." Javier stated coming through the door with a shopping bag,
"Thank you love." You replied smiling and getting some ice cream and pickles. The two of you sat there, with you snacking on your pickles and ice cream and Javier with his arm around you.
"We need to think of some names for our little girl." Javier stated,
"We do." You responded eating another pickle.
"Maria?" Javier started out,
"Hmm that's a bit overused I think, Isabella?" You replied.
"True, true. Isabella is a nice name. Isabella Peña. That's nice. Rosa?" Javier responded. The two of you sat there writing down names and slowly but surely got it down to the name you both liked.
"I think Isabella." You stated,
"Yeah perfect. Isabella Peña, it's beautiful." Javier replied quietly smiling. Javi slid down the bed a little so his head was by your bump, and lifted up your shirt a little bit.
"Hola Isabella, soy papá de nuevo. Solo quiero que sepas que te amo mucho a ti y a tu mamá y que siempre los protegeré a los dos." Javier whispered to the bump and kissed it. About 4 months ago at the start of your pregnancy, Javier had his doubts about being a father and how what he did would affect your daughter. But now here you were 4 months pregnant eating ice cream and pickles, and he was being so gentle with you and looking after you and your baby girl so well.
"You're going to be such a great dad Javi." You smiled running your hand through his hair,
"You think so cariño?" He looked up at you with those doe eyes of his.
"Yeah... I do. You've been looking after me so well baby, and I just know that little Isabella will absolutely adore you." You responded,
"Thank you cariño." Javier said rubbing his hand over the bump.
9 months pregnant/ due date week:
It was the week that you were due to give birth to Isabella. Javier decided that he'd take the week off before his maternity leave was due to start.
It was about 2 in the morning, when you woke up. And that's when you felt it, your water had just broken.
"O-oh no oh shit why now? Javi wake up, baby please wake up." You said pushing his shoulder,
"Carino what's wrong?" He asked you groggily, his eyes barely open.
"The baby is coming." You stated. And that one statement there got him up and awake.
"You serious right now?" He asked looking at you finding your face quite serious,
"Ohhhhhh shit. Yes I'm fucking serious." You replied having your first contraction. You looked at Javier and one of the only things he saw in your eyes was fear.
"Ok, ok I've got your bag honey. It's going to be ok I promise." Javi stated chucking jeans and a shirt on with shoes, and then helping you with some shoes.
"Javi im scared." You stated,
"I know cariño, I know but im going be right next to you the entire time. I promise." Javi replied holding your hand. Squeezing his hand as you went through another contraction, he held you up as he walked you to the car.
In the car, javi was going as fast as he could to the hospital whilst letting you hold his hand.
"Just breathe baby, you've got it." Javier said reassuring you. Getting to the hospital you were immediately given a room and pain killers to help.
"We're gonna meet our baby girl soon javi." You stated looking at him,
"Yeah cariño, any minute now we'll be holding our girl." Javi responded. You two were somewhat relaxing when you weren't having any contractions. It had been about an hour and half since your water had broke. It all seemed to by in a blur, one minute you were sleeping, the next your water had broke and now you need to push.
"J-javi go get a nurse. I really need to push." You exclaimed squeezing your eyes shut and letting your head fall back,
"Ok cariño ok, I'll be right back." Javier replied kissing the top of your head. Javi rushes out the room and finds a nurse. He came back into the room with a nurse, who were both by your side. The nurse told you to start pushing and so you did.
"Ahh fuck! J-javi I don't know if I.... if I can do it." You stated squeezing his hand as hard as you could,
"Yes you can cariño, come on you can do it. Just breathe with me, you're so strong." Javier replied stroking your hair back.
A few minutes later, and hard pushing you heard the cries of your beautiful little girl. You let your head fall back on the pillow and caught your breath.
"I told you that you could do it cariño. She's so beautiful." Javier said smiling at you and kissing you gently. The nurse bought Isabella over to you, so that you could hold her. Pulling down your gown a little bit you laid Isabella on your chest so you could have some skin to skin contact.
"Hey baby girl, welcome to the world. Oh you're so beautiful, she has your eyes miel. Big brown eyes." You smiled gently stroking your hand over Isabella's back,
"Do you wanna hold her?" You continue looking at Javi.
"Really?" Javier looked at Isabella,
"Yeah baby, she is your daughter after all." You responded giggling a little. Javier looked between you and Isabella then back to you and saw you nod. Standing up from his chair he took the shirt off that he threw on before leaving, and gently took Isabella from you.
People had told you to look out for Javier Peña when you first joined the DEA. The stubborn, hard headed DEA agent who had one hell of a reputation. But now as you saw your husband hold your little girl barely an hour old. All of that stubbornness, hard headedness and reputation had dissipated.
"Hola, cariño, es un placer conocerte finalmente. Eres tan hermosa como tu mamá." Javier speaked to Isabella quietly as he say down in the chair. You smiled and laid your head back again, eyes drooping a little bit.
"You wanna sleep for a little while? You just pushed a fucking human out." Javier asked,
"Language we have tiny human now. Yes I wanna sleep." You replied somewhat out of it, already drifting off to sleep.
"Haha ok baby, you get some sleep now." Javier chuckled.
When you were finally discharged from the hospital, you and your husband with your baby finally went back home. You got home and Javi changed the sheets on your bed from where your water broke.
Picking Isabella up, you showed her round the apartment although you knew she was in a milk coma from her feeding.
"Do you wanna put her down for her nap cariño?" You asked Javi,
"Yeah ok." Javier replied with a wide grin as he took Isabella from you. Gently Javier bounced Isabella as he made his way to her cot. Standing next to him as the two of you looked over your daughter. You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder.
"Our baby is so beautiful cariño, we did good." Javier said quietly,
"That we did. See I told you, that you'd make a good father. I have a feeling we might have a hard time saying 'no' to that cutie." You replied kissing his cheek.
"Agreed." Javier said smiling giving you a proper kiss.
Safe to say that the only people who really get to see Agent Javier Peña soft side is you his wife Y/N Peña, and his daughter Isabella Peña.
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trelldraws · 3 years
The other night I was searching JSTOR for papers on 16th- and 17th-century German witch trials, as one does, when I came across this absolute showstopper of an abstract:
For 250 years insects and rodents accused of committing property crimes were tried as legal persons in French, Italian, and Swiss ecclesiastic courts under the same laws and according to the same procedures used to try actual persons. I argue that the Catholic Church used vermin trials to increase tithe revenues where tithe evasion threatened to erode them. Vermin trials achieved this by bolstering citizens' belief in the validity of Church punishments for tithe evasion: estrangement from God through sin, excommunication, and anathema. Vermin trials permitted ecclesiastics to evidence their supernatural sanctions' legitimacy by producing outcomes that supported those sanctions' validity. These outcomes strengthened citizens' belief that the Church's imprecation were real, which allowed ecclesiastics to reclaim jeopardized tithe revenue.
Needless to say, I had to click this paper, whereupon I passed in the course of several pages from wondering whether this was a really elaborate joke published in Chicago University's Journal of Law and Economics to literally crying with laughter:
Everyone has heard of a kangaroo court. But how about a court for kangaroos? What about a court for caterpillars? Impossible though it seems, for 250 years French, Italian, and Swiss legal systems had just that. Their ecclesiastic courts tried insects and rodents for property crimes according to the same procedures used to try legal persons. These courts summoned snails to answer charges of trespass, appointed legal counselors to locusts, and considered defenses for grasshoppers on the grounds that they were God's creatures. They convinced cockchafers of cozening crops, fulminated against field mice for filching from farmers, and exiled weevils under pain of excommunication and anathema.
Vermin trials were not the province of Dark Age ignorance or impoverished primitivism. They were of a much later, more enlightened vintage—a Renaissance one. Further, they occurred in the wealthiest countries in the world.
One interpretation of vermin trials is that the judicial officials who conducted them were mad. In examining these trials' records, it is tempting to conclude as much. In the records, we find distinguished judges ordering crickets to follow legal instructions, dignified jurists negotiating a settlement between farmers and beetles, and a decorous court granting a horde of rat defendants a continuance on the grounds that some cats prevented them from attending their trial.
[3] This paper considers ecclesiastic trials of vermin only. It does not consider the prosecution of domestic animals, such as dogs in pigs, in secular courts. For information on trials of domestic animals, which is often mixed with discussions of vermin trials, see Evans (1906) and Finkelstein (1981). For information on trials of inanimate objects, which is also occasionally mixed with discussions of animal trials, see Hyde (1916, 1917a, 1917b) and Pietz (1997). For information on animal trials under Roman law, see Jackson (1978).
This is so much absurdist litigation.
Early modern citizens' knowledge of pests and how to control them was poor. A perusal of pest control manuals used by professional farmers reveals just how poor. State-of-the-art Renaissance pesticides included sprinkling weasel ashes or water in which a cat had been bathed over fields to drive away mice; capturing a rodent, castrating it, and releasing it among other rodents to deter them; putting castor oil plants in afflicted fields to drive away moles; and hanging garlic around flock leaders' necks to protect sheep from wolves.[4]
Thus, it is unsurprising that, together with the other impressive remedies noted above, early modern farmers considered the ecclesiastical trial of vermin as a possible pesticide. Indeed, early modern pest control manuals explicitly advised farmers to use divine pesticide when confronted with difficult-to-resolve infestations. As one manual put it, "When all of these remedies are unsuccessful, one must turn to the ban of the Church" (Dannenfeldt 1982, p. 555).
Early modern citizens' divine-pesticide superstition is still less surprising when one considers the superstitions held by Europe's intellectual elite during the same period. These individuals held, for example, that the continent was infested by witches who had intercourse with demons and sole men's genitals while the men slept. When compared with this belief, simple farmers' belief that god might be able to exterminate pests is unremarkable.
[4] Early modern manuals contain a few pest control methods that are more sensible, for example, poison. But even these display incredible ignorance. One suggests using butter to poison rats.
Multiple communities beset by the same pests sometimes sued vermin collectively. For instance, in 1659 the Italian communes of Chiavenna, Mese, Gordona, Prada, and Samolico banded together to prosecute caterpillars they charge with trespassing on and damaging their fields.
A class action against caterpillars!!!
Ecclesiastic courts appointed defense attorneys to represent accused insects and rodents. Thus, when in 1519 the inhabitants of Glurns, Italy, sued some field mice for property damage, the court appointed legal counsel for the mice "to the end that they may have nothing to complain of in these proceedings" (Evans 1906, p. 112). Similarly, later that century, when the inhabitant of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France, sued some weevils, the court appointed the creatures two legal representatives, a procurator and an advocate, "lest the animals against whom the action lies should remain defenseless" (Cohen 1993, p. 120).
Ecclesiastic judges showed impressive fairness towards vermin in such trials. Consider a fourteenth-century lawsuit brought against some flies by the inhabitants of Mainz, Germany. To the court's consternation, the flies refused to appear before the bench after being summonsed. The court concluded that "in consideration of their small size and the fact that they had not yet reached their majority," it would overlook the flies' failure to appear and would appoint them adequate defense counsel to prevent it from happening again (Evans 1906, pp. 110-11).
The lawyers representing vermin argued strenuously for their clients at trial. A common defense was that the defendants were God's creations. Thus, they had as much right to enjoy the fruit of His earth as the plaintiffs. Another common defense was that the case was invalid. Thus, the plaintiffs should be nonsuited.
One argument that vermin defense attorneys made towards this end was that their clients were vermin (Evans 1906, pp.98-99). This would have been a sensible argument against treating pests as legal persons—presumably the most sensible one—were it not offered by way of elaborate judicial proceedings that presumed the legitimacy of treating grasshoppers and moles as legal persons ipso facto.[6]
Procurators on both sides "took their job very seriously, devoting a great deal of time, knowledge, and legal expertise to the defense of their clients" (Cohen 1993, p.120). Vermin trials involved much legal wrangling. And judges at least pretended to be at great pains to decide cases justly.
[6] According to Chassenée (1531), another legal manuever [sic] attorneys for vermin resorted to was to argue that their clients were clerics, which entitled the vermin to the benefit of clergy. This would have permitted insects and rodents to have an ecclesiastic judge decide their case when the bishop granted jurisdiction to a secular magistrate (Evans 1906, pp.32-33). No vermin counselor ever used this argument. Still, the possibility that caterpillars or field mice might be men of the cloth was an argument the courts were willing to entertain.
By this point I was actually wheezing. Quoth a friend, accurately, upon being sent this excerpt: "???????????????? / The biggest, longest question mark of my life" ME FUCKING TOO
[7] Vermin often lost their case by default. Judges summoned vermin to appear in court to answer the charges against them three times. "The summoners were . . . served in the usual way by an officer of the court, reading them at the places most frequented by the animals" (Jamieson 1988, p. 51). If the vermin failed to respond to the third and final summons, the court could convict them.
To ensure that all members of the convicted species were aware of their sentence, the court announced the its verdict publictly and nailed broadsheets declaring its judgement to trees in the affected area. Alternatively, the court might bright some specimens before the bench to inform them of its decision, remitting the creatures to the afflicted area to share the decision with their colleagues (Dinzelbacher 2002, p. 410).
TL;DR this whole paper was just such an experience, thank you god and the University of Chicago, I've never laughed so much in the course of reading an academic publication in my life, well-researched this is not but imagine submitting this paper with a straight face, this man has won academia
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Membrane x Fem! Reader x Clembrane (OOO BABY A TRIPLE)
TW: Toxic Relationships, Mental Illness, Roleplay, Degradation, BDSM
(Y/N)'s POV
It was weird, what we had. It wasn't the norm, but things couldn't be too normal when there is a failed clone of a man along with said man living in the same household.
The norm was very different in the Membrane home. Instead of a nuclear family system,  Membrane allowed Clem to be a second father to his children. Meaning I was unofficially married to both of them. When one was busy, the other was there to spend time with me. Not to mention it meant the kids had more chances to play with their dads.
In reality, the only con was the cooking situation. Both of them were cooking disasters. One made toast with a blowtorch and the other made semi-edible pudding appear out of nowhere. Needless to say, neither were allowed in the kitchen. Due to that, I did all the cooking. Which lead to a good thing about the situation. Every meal, we would eat as a family. And it was comforting to know that no matter what I made, it would be better than anyone else could do.
But I still had my doubts. I try to be a good wife for my husbands. I spend time with the kids with them, I cook for them, I occasionally clean... but it never feels good enough. No matter how much I kid myself, Clem isn't human, and Membrane cares about science more than he cares about me.
It wasn't the norm, that's for sure. But it was our norm. And the closest we could get to a real family. After all this talk, I should probably say where they are. Membrane was going to be coming home any minute now and Clem was currently outside with the kids. I didn't feel like joining them, so I was preparing dinner.
Lately, Membrane has been bringing home his work attitude—not the friendly goofball I fell in love with. He was distant, and more reserved. Outgoing, still, but he was different. He didn't treat me like a wife—more like that of a coworker he was having an affair with.
Distantly, the door slammed. He was home.
"How was work tod-" he cut me off before I could finish.
"Office. Now." His smooth baritone voice whispered. I set down the potato I was peeling and followed him to his office. He only ever ordered me around like that for sex.
My eyelids drooped. I wasn't feeling it right now, but maybe I would once we got into it. It may happen. Even if I had the strength to say no, he wouldn't take it as an answer. I slowly trudged my way to his office.
He was waiting for me. He cleared off his desk and shoved me on it. It hurt.
"You want that promotion?" He asked. So this was our roleplay this time. It took everything in me to shake my head yes. He yanked me off the desk and forced me onto my knees.
"Then you better get to work." I unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them as well. His cock's outline bulged through his underwear and top. It was stuck standing vertically via the waistband. I pulled his boxers down and it landed right next to my mouth.
I took a deep breath and sighed outwardly before running my tongue across his length. After a few licks, he grew impatient and forced me to suck on his dick.
He groaned as I began to hum against him. "Estás como una puta, ¿sabes?" He said. It hurt, but I didn't let it faze me. I just continued to suck and hollow out my cheeks. "Apuesto que te encanta el sabor de mi semen." He moaned out.
Each dirty comment both dampened my mood and my panties. While I hated it, it never failed to get me wet. I began to whine on his dick. The vibration sent him over the edge and caused him to cum in my mouth without warning. The saltiness caught me off guard; I almost gagged.
He wiped some semen off of my lips and kissed me, tasting himself. In this motion he lifted me and carried me up by my thighs and started to go to the bedroom. Despite my safety being secure, I held onto him for my life. We broke the kiss and panted, gasping for air. He continued to carry me to the bedroom as he laid kisses upon my neck.
He pushed the door open and threw me onto the bed. I went ahead and took off my clothes as he did the same. Once we were down to our underwear, he got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head.
He dragged his tongue across my neck, making me shudder in anticipation.  "Me dejas regresar el favor, mi amor." He whispered into my neck. "Quiero."
"Then go ahead." I breathed. He released my hands and shifted his head towards my sex. He spread my legs like butter. He stuck out his tongue and licked up and down my vagina before entering. I felt him from inside me. Tasting me. Teasing me. He shifted my hips and prodded even further. My hands clutched his hair as he pleasured me. The constant sensation of his tongue pulsing within me drove me crazy in the best of ways. I tried my best to stifle my moans and whimpers, but was only partially successful. It was enough for the kids not to hear at least.
It wasn't long before I lost myself to him. I felt my eyes cross as a knot in my stomach began to unravel. And just like that, I came on his face. He lapped up what he could hungrily. After he decided he was done, he lifted himself up and looked me in my eyes.
"Te cogeré muy fuerte, verás estrellas para meses." My face was already flushed, but it somehow got redder at the saucy Spanish.
He smirked, put a condom on, and began to position his cock to line up with me. I was still coming down from my high when, using his hand, he lifted me up by my ass and sheathed himself in me. He paused momentarily to let me adjust, but after that, he was ruthless. He began at a brisk pace, pumping inside me like there was no tomorrow. Maybe he wanted it to be over with. Maybe he was just doing this to get off. But it didn't matter. In the moment all that mattered was us. My nails clawed his back, leaving long red trails down his shoulder blades. He continued to thrust while I tried to keep quiet. If we were lucky, Clem was rebuilding the "spaceship" the kids found and no one would hear.
The act continued until he managed to hit my G-spot. I bit down sharply on my lip and tasted blood. He got the hint and re adjusted his position so that he would be focused on that point. Recklessly, he slammed into me. Over. And over. And over. The familiar knot reappeared and was dangerously close to coming undone.
"Babe- I'm close!" I choked out between moans. He grunted a small "mhmm" and kept thrusting. It quickly turned sloppy as he picked up the pace. A few moments later, I came once more. Seconds later, I felt the condom fill inside me. It was still weird how much cum he actually produces.
Carefully he pulled out and tossed the used condom in the trash. I was still splayed out on the bed as he began to pull his clothes back on.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a moment of clarity. He looked at my trembling form and continued to walk away.
My heart broke as I heard his heavy footsteps echo through the halls. I covered myself with the bedsheets and softly began to sob. I felt used. Abandoned. Neglected. Tears stained the sheets as I heard another set of footsteps near the door.
"Have you come back here to taunt me?" I barked. I pulled the sheets up to cover my breasts as the door began to open. It was Clem. I reached out for him and he came rushing to me.
"What's wROng, (Y/N)?" He asked. (I'm gonna get sick of writing his voice I'm already telling you.)
"He just left me here, Clem." I sputtered. "He fucked me and then he LEFT!"
Clem put a comforting hand on my back and began to rub circles. He let me cry openly into his broad chest as I mumbled about what had happened.
"I didn't even want to do it in the first place! I was just cooking dinner and he said-"
"Shhhhh. (Y/N). YoU nEEd to cAlm dOWn." He didn't looked me in the eye when I finally stopped crying. I tried to meet his gaze, but he kept avoiding me.
"Please don't ignore me, Clem." I mumbled, barely above a whisper.
He took my head in his rounded hands and said in the softest voice he could, "(Y/N). I wOuld nEVer lEAve yOU."
I looked up to him with pleading eyes. "Never?
"NEVeR." He said. I smiled as one last tears rolled down my cheek.
I embraced him the best I could. "Thank you, Clem," I began. "Thank you so much."
He returned the hug and placed his head on top of mine. I heard him whisper several sweet nothings as I began to drift off to sleep.
He pulled away slightly, before I tugged him closer. "Stay with me. Please." I begged. I didn't want to be left again. I didn't think I could handle it.
I scooted over and made room for him on the bed. I gently patted next to me in hopes that he would lay down next to me.
He hesitated, but decided to do it. He laid down next to me and we started spooning. I heard a surprised gasp from Clem when he pulled my closer underneath the sheets.
"(Y/N)!" He whisper shouted.
"Yes, Clem?"
"YoU'Re nAked!!!" I couldn't help but laugh at his childish nature. I turned towards him and pressed myself closer.
"Yes, Clem. I am naked." I laughed. He was so precious and pure. If the the neighbor boy really did make him, he managed to get the best parts of Membrane in there.
"ShOUld I bE nAked??" He asked. Once again, a giggle bubbles up from my throat.
"Only if you want to, Clem. Only if you want to." I said, reaching out and writing something on a sticky note.
"I'm gOing to kEEp mY clOthes On, thAnk yOu vERy muCH." He said, turning up his nonexistent nose to the idea of dressing himself down.
I turned back at him. "Then you don't have to." I snuggled closer to him. He was practically a nonhuman heater.
Smiling, I placed a kiss on his chin as I got comfortable. I smiled. This is what our relationship should be, Miguel. This is what I need it to be.
And though I may not have it with you right now, I'm happy to have it in with Clem.
Outside POV
Miguel cleaned up the half prepared dinner and ordered Foodio to come out of retirement and make something once more, to which he eagerly accepted. For the remainder of time before the food was ready, he simply worked.
Gaz eyed her dad suspiciously as he ate. She was smart enough to know what happened. And she was smart enough to know he should have stayed.
Once Dib left to go back to terrorizing Zim, she confronted her father about it. The argument between the man and his child got heated. Gaz finally convinced him to check on (Y/N).
Trudging up the stairs, he opened the door to see (Y/N) and Clem cuddling and sleeping together. On the nightstand, there was a post-it note with (Y/N)'s handwriting on it.
"I miss the times like this, Miguel. We need to come back to this."
That night Membrane got into bed with them. It wasn't much, but it was the start of him trying to be there.
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teach me ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 888
request?: yes!
“Can I please request an mgk x spanish reader . I feel like we dont get enough Hispanic non cliched representation on fan fics. Maybe the reader teaching kells her language.”
description: in which he finds it super hot when she speaks her native language, so he asks her to teach him some phrases
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, probably really bad spanish because i’m gonna be using google translate because i can barley speak english let alone any other language
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Colson watched his girlfriend walk around the kitchen as she made breakfast for the two of them, one earbud in her ear, leading down to the phone in her pocket. Her mom had called a while ago, and the two had been talking for some time, but Colson couldn’t understand a word she was saying.
(Y/N) moved to America when she was young and came to learn English very quickly. Her parents, on the other hand, were still learning as they preferred to speak in their native language when possible, especially with (Y/N).
Colson loved to hear (Y/N) speaking Spanish. He thought it was insanely hot. He could still remember the first time he heard her say anything in Spanish, he had wanted to kiss her passionately and take her back to his place for the night, and preferably listen to her talk all night long even if he couldn’t understand anything she said.
“Sí mamá, te llamaré de nuevo esta noche,” she was saying. “Yo también te quiero. Adiós, mamá.” She took her headphone out and placed it into her pocket with her phone. She smiled at Colson over her shoulder. “She called to give me an update on my brother’s pregnant fiancée. Apparently they went to get an ultrasound done and found out the baby’s gender, but they’re waiting to tell mom so they can - ” She stopped and looked at Colson again. “Am I talking too much?”
“No!” Colson responded. “You know I love hearing you talk. I just got distracted by your adorable accent.”
(Y/N) smiled and stuck her tongue out at Colson. He chuckled and did it in response. (Y/N) grabbed plates from the cupboard and placed their breakfast on them before bringing the plates over to Colson. She set them down in front of each of them.
As they began to eat, Colson looking up at (Y/N), who was engrossed in eating breakfast. She looked up at him as well, raising an eyebrow at him. “What?”
“Can you teach me Spanish?” he asked. “I’d love to be able to speak to you in your native language some day, even if you mainly speak English, and I’d like to be able to talk to your parents.”
“They’d be pretty impressed by that,” (Y/N) noted. “Do you really want to learn how to speak Spanish?”
“Yeah! I’d love to. I think it’d be really cool to know even a sliver of a second language.”
A small smile spread across (Y/N)’s face. She took another bite of her breakfast, considering what to teach Colson first. “Okay, let’s start simple. Hola, me llamo Colson.”
Colson raised an eyebrow at her. “Come on now, give me something harder. I know how to introduce myself in Spanish, Casie used to love watching Dora and Diego.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Okay, so introductions and counting to ten are already known then.” She considered for a moment, before saying, “Mi hermano y su novia van a tener un bebé en cuatro meses más.”
A confused look crossed Colson’s face, making (Y/N) giggle. “Okay, I’ll give you a step by step of this one. First, say Mi hermano.”
Colson repeated after her, causing her to laugh again at his pronunciation. “So, mi hermano means my brother. Mi hermano y su novia means my brother and his fiancée.”
“Mi hermano y su novia,” Colson tried. “Okay, so I’m sort of getting the rest of the sentence. Bebé means baby right? So, something about your brother and his fiancée and their baby.”
(Y/N) giggled. “You’re on the right track. So, in Spanish, there’s bebé, which just means baby, but it also means baby boy. Baby girl in Spanish is bebita.”
Colson nodded, as if that was just another part of the lesson, until realization washed over him. “Wait! Do you know what gender they’re having then? Or are you just saying something about their baby?”
(Y/N) smirked slyly as she responded, “Nunca lo dire.”
When she responded in Spanish, Colson really couldn’t be mad at her. He playfully glared, but couldn’t help the smile that came across his face. (Y/N) smiled in response.
There was a brief silence between the two as they finally finished their breakfast. (Y/N) took the plates and put them into the dishwasher. Colson was helping her clear the table as she decided another phrase to teach him.
“I have something else for you,” she said, drawing Colson’s attention to her. “Amo a mi novio.”
Colson raised an eyebrow at her. “What does that mean?”
“I’ll tell you when you say it,” she said. “Try it, Amo a mi novio.”
Colson leaned against the counter next to her and made a face as if he were thinking before responding, “Amo a mi novia.”
Her eyes widened in shock. “You liar, you do know Spanish!”
Colson shook his head. “I don’t know it enough to speak it, but I did look up some phrases to be able to try and impress you. I love you is the only one that really stuck out, but I also remembered that girlfriend is novia and boyfriend is novio.”
(Y/N) smiled and hugged Colson tightly, giving him a quick kiss before telling him, “Te amo.”
Colson smiled and said, “Te amo.”
I’m so sorry this is so short :/
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nottheiceprince · 3 years
End of September update: I'm landing loop attempts on one foot now, albeit under-rotated. Backspins are still two revolutions at best, which is rather frustrating, so I've arranged my practice time to permit mesing around with other stuff as well. My scratch spin has gotten substantially better, and I can semi-consistently get my foot around for more than one revolution. I can do something resembling a sit spin, though not nearly down far enough and not for very long, but honestly it feels more achievable than backspins at this point. I've managed to cross my foot coming up a couple of times, which was easier than expected. I'm considering working on layback spins as well; my right foot tends to end up behind me anyway, so it's more an issue of flexibility than balance. I can also do a 3-revolution counter-spin (forward on my right foot), albeit not too neatly, and clockwise waltz jumps and half flips, though not pretty ones. It's fun to attempt, at least. I took one stab at a clockwise toe loop and ended up doing a counterclockwise half-lutz, so I've not done that again.
My program is finally starting to come together nicely. I figured out how to step into a spins from a landing, which saves a lot of time, and now I've got the timing and spacing pretty solid (except for the end) and just need to work on consistency and possibly more interesting arms. I should be on track for the show at the end of this month, though, and then I might do a couple competitions in the spring.
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ask-rockstarjohnny · 4 years
"Oh, John..." Esme took his hand. "John, you don't deserve any of this. Nobody can handle the world, not even you. Is that what this is about?" She sighed. "The world is so fucking mesed up." She looked up at him. "If you want me to go, I will. Maybe. But is that really, truly what you want? Because I can't be a friend if I'm never around. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not... and I'm not going to die because of you. Now look at me."
"..... I'm so tired, Es." John shakily muttered after a moment's silence, slowly lifting his head to meet her gaze. "It's like drowning. Every success- like savin' Michael, is a breath of air, but I'm inevitably pulled under again. Reminded my efforts are futile, that I even cause more harm than good sometimes- like with Selaphiel..."
He shook his head, giving a slightly uncomfortable laugh in an attempt to push down the lump welling in his throat. "Ugh.. I'm sorry, luv. You just wanna be me mate and I'm 'ere sounding like a right miserable cunt. I clearly can't get rid of ya, just don't bloody die on me 'n prove me point, yeh?"
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docholligay · 4 years
Sleep, Sleep
I’m working on a real thing that is for a patron but it’s going slowly because *gestures vaguely* so please enjoy this shitty hurt/comfort I wrote to soothe myself. 1770 words, all of this universe is here for timeline or whatever
Fareeha Amari was not in the business of shirking responsibility. When she felt she had failed, she was the first to mark ways she could improve, and she was the first to notice the same in others. It was not so much that Pharah sought fault so much as she sought improvement, and the beginning to fixing a leaky roof was finding where the leak came from. But, on a handful of occasions in her life, she could simply admit that it had been a bad day. 
Sitting in a Talon cell, half out of her mind with the pain of torture and the exhaustion of resisting it, she could admit that it had simply been, one of those days. 
They had only been here two days entirely, Pharah thought. She had tried very hard to keep mark of the time. It was so easy to lose it, in these moments. Moira was helping her, she supposed. She kept a tight schedule, and if much of that schedule relied on when and how she chose to experiment on she and Tracer, well, at least she knew when tea time was. 
A more straightforward sort of torture, Pharah might have been able to bear better. But it wasn’t torture, not for information. Other people might care about that--the monster that had once been Gabe certainly got in their face enough--but Moira did not. It was experimentation, and even if they told her every secret they knew, it would not stop. Moira herself pretended little different. 
It would go on until they were rescued or died, and at least that gave them little reason to give any information at all. 
She sat the edge of the small cot provided to them. Tracer lay at the top of it, trembling, her body jerking every so often against her will. Pharah looked away from her. She told herself it was out of respect for Tracer’s general dignity, but even half-mad she knew it was a lie. She simply could barely stand to look. She hadn’t looked down at the stump where her metal arm should rest, either. It hurt. She knew it must look terrible. No reason to make it worse with visual acknowledgement. 
“F’reeha?” Tracer’s voice was soft and wobbling, ““‘M a bit poorly. I think.”
“You need to stop goading her,” Pharah shook her head, “Just lie still, and quiet. They will find us.” 
“What, and let ‘er come after you? Fuck off, then.” 
Tracer had the unique gift of being able to irritate a human being better than a mosquito at the ear, and she had employed this to great effect in Moira’s lab. She tortured them in tandem, which was a unique technique, if she meant to get anything from them, but perhaps it was that she knew the effect of seeing the other dissembled bit by bit was its own brand of horror. 
Pharah had not gotten the worst of it, because Pharah was not medically interesting. Certainly, she had Winston’s unique set of sensors in her shoulder, where a fully functional arm had been installed, but she’d seen enough of that with McCree. Pharah was fine, but Tracer was the real toy, and it didn’t hurt that Tracer was very good at making someone want to hurt her. And Moira had. She had taken great pleasure in it. 
Even Pharah herself, constantly surprised by her own emotions, had not understood what an effective method of torture it would be for her. 
Pharah lay her hand on Tracer’s leg. She could feel the twitch running though it. 
Pharah was not the most verbose human on her best day, and this was certainly not her best day. She wanted to tell Tracer it would be all right, that they would come and Mercy would mend what Moira had damaged. But who could know if it was true? Pharah had many faults, she thought, but she was not a liar. She wanted to tease Tracer, to set her at ease, but the words would not come. Pharah was more steel than anything else, in difficult times, and so her words were firm, and decisive, and formal, whatever she tried. It was a comfort, like a child’s blanket. 
A shock ran through Tracer, and she gasped, her back arcing against the cot. Pharah moved to her, and closed her eyes with the sharp, bright pain that moved through her body as she did so. She took a few deep breaths, did her best to ignore it, and rubbed Tracer’s shoulder until her body let her relax again, what could have been ten seconds but felt like hours. 
Tracer opened her eyes just a little, and looked up at Pharah. 
“We may want to consider the outside possibility I won’t be making it to the debriefing.”
“You cannot. That would leave me sole leader of Overwatch. Do you want that on your conscience?” 
Tracer cracked a weak smile. “Not me first choice, no, but” she swallowed, “But this isn’t what I expected to ‘appen, love. Didn’t know it would do this, it’s nothing like when I...anyhow, if I do...If I do..”
“Stop,” Pharah looked away from her and sighed, “I am not your errand boy. We are in pain, and we are tired.” She gave a chuckle, “And longing for the days when torture meant being beaten.” 
“God yes, “ Tracer closed her eyes, “love to be cracked across the jaw just now.” 
Pharah nodded, her hand still on Tracer’s shoulder. “When we escape, when they come for us, because, you see, I am an optimist. Not like you, who thinks Winston would leave you to die here.” 
“Don’t bloody bring ‘im int--” Tracer shuddered and tamped down a squeal of pain into a small squeak. “Oh Fareeha, I’m…” 
“A pessimist, yes.” she moved up her hand, gently rubbing the hair at the back of Tracer’s head, “I can see that. But when we escape, when we are saved, and you heal, because, remember, you have so many times before.” 
“Right,” Tracer gave a little nod and swallowed, “born under a lucky star.” 
“When you heal, I will take you to your horrible little pub, and play darts, and attempt to understand anyone in that godforsaken place.” 
Tracer gave a laugh, weak and small, but genuine, and Pharah grinned. 
“And I will fail. You know that, of course, and you will have to order for me. Again.” 
Tracer’s eyelids fluttered open, her vision hazy but more for Pharah’s benefit than anything. “It’s not as Isla can’t understand you, you know, it’s just the other way round.” 
Pharah shook her head. “I know you have some sort of magic word, for when all I want on this earth is a light beer.” 
“Right, and it’s ‘go somewhere else.’” 
Pharah ruffled her hair. “It’s sometimes easy for me to understand what Moira sees in you.” 
Tracer giggled. “Me own personal brand of charm, innit? Going to be a right shame when I can’t share mese--” 
She gasped, and let out a cry as her body twisted into one terrible contraction. 
“Lena!” Pharah went to move the arm that wasn’t there, and a wave of nausea and pain went through her, but she pushed it to the side, using her good arm to scoop Tracer onto her lap. Tears ran down Tracer’s face as she struggled to breathe against the spasm, Pharah unable to do anything but watch, and hope that her touch offered some comfort. 
Watching her lit a fire in Fareeha Amari, a deep coal seam of hot anger than would not dissipate until her child was nearly grown. She would nurse it and feed it, and never apologize for it, and it would take her years to remember that it had been lit in this exact moment. She never had a friend quite like Tracer, and she never would, because who could be said to be like her at all? And Moira had tortured her like a cat playing with a mouse, and Pharah would remember this, always. 
It released Tracer, and she lay panting on Pharah’s lap. A few moments passed, just the two of them nestled together, in a cold and dark cell, the dire nature of their situation hanging over them like a shadow. 
Tracer could not go on like this for too much longer, Pharah knew. Whatever Moira had done to her had hurt her badly, and she needed help. Pharah knew, in the same way, that Tracer would fight and snipe at Moira to her last breath, even if it accelerated its coming. Tracer could stop fighting like the sun could stop rising in the morning. She was a terrier to the bone. 
But she believed herself, that the team would be looking for them. D.Va was a natural leader when called upon, Winston would hardly stop looking for Tracer, McCree was constantly looking to be made useful, and even the newer team members had nothing but fondness for Tracer, and maybe even Pharah herself. 
Mercy, of course, would never leave Pharah behind. She knew that like she knew the moon still sat outside that cell, watching. 
“Rest now.” She arranged herself carefully, and pulled Tracer up to her shoulder, leaning against the wall, and wrapped her arm around her. “You want to be fresh to spit in Moira’s face.” 
“Love you, Fareeha” 
“Shut up.” 
She held Tracer close and began to hum and then sing, some Arabic lullaby drawn far from her childhood, though she couldn’t even remember where or when. Who would have sung to her? Maybe she was something better than the sum of her childhood experiences, or maybe there was a tenderness inside her she did not know, or maybe she had grown into something that could give a softer and sweeter fruit,  but in any case, she chose to think of it little in the moment. There would be time later, to wonder where it came from. 
Tracer could not have possibly understood the song, but it sank deep into her, and Pharah felt her sink against her shoulder as she slept, the words carrying her along and comforting her. 
Later, Pharah would not know how long she sang, or when she fell asleep herself, or even exactly when help came. This part of her life, these next few days, would be a blur, scattered with only moments of clarity. This would be true for all of her very long life. But she would remember the song, and she would remember the flickering lights and long shadows, and she would remember that she had been, a good friend. 
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abbieestudia · 4 years
Summer Studying Challenge
2nd August - What is your song of the summer this year?
Ahh there are too many that I can’t just chose one. I’ve recently become re-obsessed with a Chinese drama that I loved last summer when it came out called The Untamed and I keep running around the house singing the animated version’s opening song badly. I also listen to the new God of Highschool anime ending (Win by CIX) at least 3 times a day because it constantly gets stuck in my head. However I think the song that I’ve played the most over the last two months is of course DAY6′s Zombie since they’re my favourite band and the song is just... So incredibly relatable to the ‘hustle culture’ in today’s society and repeating the same thing over and over again without going anywhere in quarantine.
Hay tantas canciones que me encanta ahora que no puedo elegir solo una. Recientemente estoy viendo el drama chino de The Untamed otra vez, y estoy siempre andando alrededor de mi casa cantando la canción de su animación. También siempre estoy escuchando a la canción de la nueva animación de God of Highschool porque es muy pegadiza. Sin embargo, creo que la canción que me he encantado más durante las últimas meses es Zombie por DAY6, porque son mi grupo favorito, y la canción tiene sentimientos que describen perfectamente los sentimientos de las personas de hoy en la cuarentena.
歌が多すぎてただ一つ選べないんです!最近、もう一度The Untamedという中国のドラマを見ているから、アニメのバージョンのオープニングをいつも家で歌っています。 ゴッド・オブ・ハイスクール のエンディングも毎日3回のように聞きます。でも、今一番好きな曲はDAY6のZombieだと思います。
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