#just having a stonathan sickness
kumokumoriri · 22 days
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kennahjune · 8 months
So I made a post a while ago:
basically talking about my favorite dynamic between Jonathan and Steve.
No I’m going to inform you all of my 2nd favorite; one-sided stonathan.
I’m not really looking at this in a romantic sense, but you can if you want. I do ship stonathan romantically sometimes but I mostly stick with platonic/brotherly stonathan.
So to sum it up:
Steve: this is my friend Jonathan! :)
Jonathan: this is Steve. I know him.
And they’re both completely oblivious to how the other views them.
Steve doesn’t realize that Jonathan wants almost nothing to do with him and in turn Jonathan doesn’t realize that Steve genuinely thinks so highly of him.
Everyone else around them sees it tho, and they all try to tell them but neither want to listen.
It isn’t until Nancy corners Steve and Robin corners Jonathan that yeah, they both get it.
And then it’s a sense of hurt/comfort with Steve realizing/thinking “damn, Jonathan really wanted nothing to do with me. He must really fucking hate me cause of how I pushed his boundaries”.
And then Jonathan on the verge of going fucking insane because “holy shit Steve’s actually like one of my best friends and I’ve just been treating him like shit he must really fucking hate me”.
And it’s usually El and Will and Dustin who have to hear about all this shit because their Jonathan and Steve’s respective younger siblings.
And Steve goes out of his way to avoid Jonathan because he doesn’t wanna burden him anymore than he already has but Jonathan keeps hunting him tf down and is heartbroken every time Steve leaves him in the dust.
And they keep this up until the kids (read: Will/El and Dustin) are sick and fucking tired of it and lock them in a room together until they fucking talk to each other.
But when they do become official friends (with both parties aware) their dynamic doesn’t really change much. Jonathan is still kinda “cold” and is Steve is still the one initiating most of their physical contact but Jonathan visibly leans into hugs and stuff more often than not and Steve is visibly happier.
Idk i just like stonathan :)
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lavenderstobins · 3 months
hey queen I hope you're still taking qs on this: 💭🧠 and 🖊 if you want!
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Can you have a headcanon about your own work? I guess that mine would be that several of my fics take place in the same universes despite not being written with that intention. For example, my bubblescoops fic is set in the same universe as Josieverse, but I've never really said so.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I really want to write a stonathan fic with background byler where Jonathan is quietly jealous of Will because he wishes he could be brave like him, but he doesn't think he can be, until Steve shows him otherwise.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
That earns him a laugh. “Alright, you got me. Got any movie recommendations for me, prettyboy?” “Not a boy,” Steve says automatically, then freezes as the words register.  Eddie blinks at him—them—Steve. “Not a boy?” Steve feels sick. Still, he’s not one to leave a hole half-dug. They nod, a short, half-aborted movement. “Uh. Yeah. I mean, not a girl, either. Just…” Steve clears his throat. “Me.” “Oh,” Eddie says softly. Nods once. “My apologies, pretty thing.”
Here's one from a genderqueer Steve fic I'm writing on/off <3
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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perexcri · 1 year
i was tagged by @messrsbyler and @willow-lark for the wip ask game that’s making the rounds:
Rules: Post the names of all your works in your  WIP folder. Let people send you asks based on those titles and any that especially intrigues them, and then respond to them. Lastly, tag as many  people as WIPs you have.
stonathan wip: twice the fool
byler wips: not strong enough to be your man se son rose fioriranno love is in the air (i just gotta find a window to break out) painting in throes of increasing wonder these thin lines of light across space tether you to me medieval sick fic perexcri's something something neon genesis evangelion vibes
i am always nervous about tagging people so i will only tag a few and offer to whoever else wants to:
@starsarefire824 @cherryisgone @chubsonthemoon @helioleti and @fireflywitch (i saw you respond to one tag and said the only thing you have is currently completed but this is an honorary tag from me 💜)
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
I need Steve to find out about how Jancy started and I need him to be pissed. But like you said the show wouldn't give us that, because that would mean admitting that Jancy was in the wrong in the situation. I also think the fandom would hate Steve even more if he were to react in a negative way. They would see it as an attack on Nancy and they would bitch about all day how he deserved it because of Stancy, etc. I just realistically he needs to know from Nancy that he's not at fault completely. Canonically he is still making up for the fact he couldn't be a good boyfriend because he never got to know the full truth. Imagine finding out after years of beating himself up that his relationship ended because Nancy loved Jonathan not Steve. On top of finding out the Murray thing, I swear he would be shattered. His entire worldview would collapse. But even if Nancy told him the truth I think the show would spin it in a way that Steve's just fine with it.
I also don't want Steve be friends with Nancy or Jonathan, because they don't give a fuck about him and in general it's awkward. Like you can care about keeping someone safe and working together in dangerous situations but outside of it they just should stay away from each other. Also if they were to hang out and it turns out Steve is super nice to them, maybe the guilt will kick in from what they did in s2 and they tell him which would lead into Steve distancing himself automatically from them.
Stonathan was never on my plate even in s1. Steve didn't like him in fact he thought he was creepy which got confirmed by Jonathan taking those pictures. What Steve said to him in the alley was wrong but at least he apologized. I also hate that people think Steve didn't care about him getting violated because he had like this cocky attitude about it. Like ofc he is not someone who publicly breaks down or shows weakness. His defense mechanism is being rude or making a bit fun of the situation. To say he didn't care and only focused on Nancy is imo wrong.
God I hate it when the fandom is like Steve has his gay awakening when Jonathan tackled him and punched him in the face, like do you hear yourself? It's sick how they think Steve's takes pleasure from being beat up or pain in general. The fandom made him into wet blanked that lets others walk over him in the worst way. I swear if Steve was a girl and a guy would punch girl Steve do you think people would still ship it? Or is that just a weird fetish people have for mlm ships because a lot of those (also outside of ST) have an ounce of violence. I mean Eddie is still like an okay option because he didn't mean to be violent to Steve but again the fandom uses the violent moment as Steve's gay awakening proof.
Yes like i need him to know and be pissed! but yeah like the show thinks that anything steve feels/does is negative atp that i genuinely don’t think they would show that at all. oh god fandom would sooooo hate steve especially cuz this would be acknowledging that nancy and jonathan were in the wrong and that they hurt steve which even after 2 seasons and a lot of years in between - some people will just not acknowledge at all. also like we all saw the reaction that they had with steve and nancy this season so there is no doubt in my mind that more people would start hating steve. Honestly I get so annoyed with how the narrative just lets Steve think that he was a bad boyfriend and that he still has to make up for it like it's just so weird why the narrative does that. And yeah like imagine he finally learns that he also wasn't the only one at fault and how that could just shatter him because despite Nancy also being at fault - Steve (and narrative) never saw it that way that I think for him to hear what happened it would hurt him a lot. and like you said even if the narrative does do this where Steve knows - I fear that they would judt write it where Steve is totally okay with it. Honestly I don't trust anything that the duffers will do with steve anymore.
oh god I legit do not want them to be friends because like you said they don't really care about him (especially if they were willing to acknowledge that his feelings were going to get hurt with them getting together and they did it anyway) and another thing is that I'm honestly so afraid of how fandom will take it. This fandom has a thing where they just take away the complexity so i feel like they would do this here and people are so quick to hate on steve that I feel if steve has scenes with nancy and jonathan that people will just hate on Steve no matter what the scenes are.
like you i never saw stonathaan even in season 1. also like i feel like people who like stonathan only really are jonathan fans which are wild because they love to point out how wrong steve was in the alley scene and will constantly bring that scene up to shame steve fans into feeling guily over having steve as their fav. legit tho like jonathan was creepy with the photos and did not apologize to steve at all. they alley scene was fucked up on steve's part but also like he did apologize. EVERYTHING YOU SAID in the last part of that paragraph.
honestly i feel like this steve ships always show how they genuinely could not give two fucks about steve especially cuz like stonathan honestly seems to come more from byler stans or jonathan stans instead of steve fans (not saying that all people do but i've seen a lot of jonathan stans who push steve down be the ones to ship stonathan) so maybe some steve fans do ship stonathan but anyway lol. yeah it's wild how steve's "awakening" is constantly paired with him getting the shit beaten out of him - like I promise you steve is not thinking about how "hot" it is or the attraction he feels - he's more concerned with trying to get out of the situation. legit half the shit that the guys do to steve would not be shipped with steve of he was a girl. but also maybe it wouldn't because half the time these are the same people who also give steve very femine traits in their art and in headcanons so honestly maybe it wouldn't because they already see steve in a femine light. but also honestly i think it's just the fetishization at the point.
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
fandom confession: i honestly hate every single ship steve is involved in
stancy cannot work bc him letting go of nancy was important for character growth. stonathan doesn't work in my mind bc there's no way in hell jonathan would like him. harringrove makes me sick bc billy is an awful person and i refuse to believe that steve would associate with him in any way. steddie is so boring in that the two of them have very little going for their ship outside of being pretty white boys
this makes me sad bc i LOVE steve!! i love his character growth and his caring for his friends and the way that he interacts with ppl platonically (specifically robin, dustin and max) is written so well and he's so important to me, but there is literally no one in the show that he's interacted with that would make a good ship for him
it's one of the things i dislike most about the shipping in fandom is that there really isn't anyone i like seeing steve interact with despite him being one of my favorite characters :(
tbh… yeah
I hate st*ncy. It’s probably my least favorite ship. In my opinion it’s toxic. I have a soft spot for st*nathan, but like, not as an otp. h*rringrove is terrible because even tho some ppl try to ignore it, billy is a racist asshole. And honestly I’d probably like st*ddie more if the st fandom didn’t have an obsession with them, especially since their just two hot white boys. Jarglye interacted more than st*ddie and they don’t get nearly as much love. Take a guess why.
And i think it’s fine not to ship him with anyone! All of his other interactions count. Him and Robin, him and Dustin, him and even everyone he’s shipped with (except billy) but like platonically. social media has a weird problem with shipping. Especially when a character like Steve is considered hot (I don’t see it tbh) it’s like he NEEDS to be in a relationship, which like, no.
Anyway tldr yeah, I agree
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foreverautumn89 · 2 years
Thank you for understanding. I love talking to you, but its the ST fandom I can't tolerate anymore. I'm just so busy especially this time of the year gets so chaotic and crazy that there really is no time to do anything and then I feel like I have to defend Jonathan and its just silly to waste time arguing with people about it when it clearly has nothing to do with them really believing Jonathan is a bad guy.
Jonathan did one thing barely wrong on ACCIDENT meanwhile Steve did a million things wrong ON PURPOSE and yet Steve is completely forgiven automatically and was just 'misunderstood' the whole time supposedly while Jonathan has been worse than Vecna since day one supposedly. It's clearly about pretty privledge.
And I just wasted so much time with these clowns already I don't want to waste anymore. I'll post about whats wrong with the whole Steve worshipping/blindly loyal fans that hate Jonathan one day, but it won't be any time soon. They have wasted so much of my time already and clearly they just want to sleep with Steve/Joe Keery they can't be that dumb to believe that everything Steve did to wrong Nancy and Jonathan as justified or they really are that cruel and are horrible people to think that type of stuff is ok-but either way it comes down to the same conclusion for me: I don't want to have any association with them.
I came here to find people that I enjoy talking to about the show people that love Jonathan, and can forgive Steve BUT understand that everything he did in S1 was wrong and cruel, but can forgive him since he changed because of/and for Jonathan. And people that I can share content with about my fav ship and my fav show that we both enjoy. It may just be a few people, but I got what I came here for, so I see no reason to keep communicating with the rest of the fandom that has so many things wrong with them. They're homophobic, they're sexist, they support abusers and abuse and justify things that should never be acceptable-they're just not people I want to have anything to do with anymore.
But I'm glad I found you and a handful of other people. I've been staying away from tumblr the most I can and away from social media in general because its infuriating and way too time consuming. So if I don't respond for a while, just know I'll be back, but I'm trying to avoid the ST fandom in general the most I can because of the way they behave.
Yeah I just get sick of talking about the Jonathan hate and the Steve cult that bash J and just…all of it. It's too much to deal with especially every day. So I'm keeping my distance for now.
I'm having fun keeping to myself and just talking with my friends about Stonathan/ST for now. Everything is still shit in real life like everything is chaotic and most of it isn't good, but its getting better at least that I've been away from here and I can focus on certain things that should have been done long ago.
I'm writing Stonathan stories again so thats making me happier and I was creating content for them but I stopped just for now, just so I can focus on things that need urgent attention right now. Actually one thing that is going on it not that urgent but in a way it is cause I need something that is theraputic/fun for me to do instead of being depressed all the time. its like Halloween celebrating and its a big deal for me and my friends its the biggest night of the year [funny that the Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas feel the same way in 2x02], but they've been trying to make it to haunted houses, corn mazes [still trying to find a good one] and watching our Halloween movies and its nice just to get away from all the drama and get a chance to relax…or rather I should say have fun becasue nothing about this is relaxing I'm trying to make up for all the time I wasted talking on here with these bozos that loathe Jonathan and missing out on things I really wanted to do. Its just better now that I took some time away. Although, I do miss talking to you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that J and the boys would hang out in Castle Byers and chit chat about everything under the sun. I imagine they spent a lot of time in there together. And Jonathna definitely took those pictures of the boys that were in Castle Byers [even though Will ripped them up]. I love how Jonathan is like a mom when it comes to the boys. And J was probably shocked when he saw what happened to Castle Byers, but in my headcanon after Will explained why, Jonathan was just like Its ok you were all getting too big for that anyway, we were going to have to build a new one anyway, and then Jonathan, Will, and El start to build a bigger better Castle Byers and Mike, Dustin, and Lucas come to help.
One of these days, I'm going to have to write down all the jokes I came up with/or that we made about Jeremy the demogorgon/Vecna mounting Jonathan and trying to kiss him and Steve attacking it with a bat because he wanted to be Jonatahn's boyfriend-I came up with plenty of new material for that joke and thought of you immediatley. I just hope I can remember them. Its just so funny to me that we kept that joke going.
I NEED to see Jonathan, Will, and El scenes next season and I mean NEED to see so much of them that we are all SICK and completely DISGUSTED by all their cute little heart to hearts and getting into funny shenanigans together. I need to see Jonathan with Will and El together so much. I'm also gonna need Hopper being a dad to Jonathan [not like he hadn't acted like that towards him long before Hop and Joyce got together].
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calcified--heart · 2 years
3, 7, 18
3, "guilty pleasure trope?" I always get asked the guilty pleasure in theses ask games , but I don't really have any. A trope that I like tho, and that I really don't see enough of is when one character washed another characters hair. I can't get enough of that shit. It's so like personal and intimate, I love it.
7, "something you wish you saw less?" ROMANCE! I've read enough romance to last me a lifetime let me read about just friends! Idk maybe it's an aro thing but too much romance and I start to feel sick. Like it's really hard reading Steve centric fanfic when it's all steddie or stancy or stonathan or stoncy. I like some romance sometimes, but it's overwhelming.
18, "do you listen to music in the background?" Yes!! You know my Mike but not really mike playlist. Before that devolved into just a personal playlist, it was my Mike fanfic background music. I mean it still is but now it has other songs. Most of my playlists come into existence bc of fanfics, to be perfectly honest.
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rainbownixie · 2 years
i'm sick of people saying jonathan "did nothing this season" and that "he's out of character".
i don't know about you, but i'd be pretty fucked up too if i had gone through half of the things jonathan's been through. he had an abusive dad and had to take care of will from an early age, not to mention all the things related to the upside down, being about to die, and losing his little brother. of course he's fucked up. of course he needs weed to handle his emotions. plus, he has a long distance relationship and they're in the 80s so they don't have enough tech to be in touch all the time.
jonathan grew up with a shitty dad, in a shitty town, with shitty people, and the only ones he truly loves and trusts are his family. and he almost loses his little brother (canonically his best friend and favorite person in the whole world). and yet still he has enough love inside him to support everyone and be in a healthy relationship with nancy. if i were him i'd be in ruins. he's so so strong for that. for still being able to love after everything he's been through.
he constantly puts everyone first and sacrifices himself to help others. he's such a sweetheart and y'all treat him like shit because what? he's smoking weed and he looks kind of sad this season? sorry to break it to you but that's how having a shitty mental health looks! did you really expect him to go on as if nothing had happened?
the only reason why people don't like jonathan this season is because he handles his mental health differently and because his best friend isn't a normative skinny white guy. smoking weed to handle what happened to him is completely normal and exactly what chrissy was about to do (with even stronger drugs). jonathan is still jonathan. he's still lovely and supportive and has proven multiple times that would do anything for both will and el.
i don't know why's everyone saying he's out of character, when the only thing i would fix about his character would be having more screentime. i need to go inside his brain!! give me more jonathan!! to be honest, the cali squad deserved wayyyy more time on screen. jonathan's trauma deserves to be addressed too, because it doesn't start in s1. it starts when his dad was home and jonathan had to protect will. it starts when he didn't have any friends at school because they thought he was a freak. it starts when he started to put everyone else first, and forgot that he was a child too.
oh, and the "he did nothing this season" argument? what's all that about? because if we are referring to defeating vecna we can say the same exact thing about mike and will. i love my boys but the cali squad didn't have enough screentime to do anything and they only started being "productive to saving the world" when el joined them. but not everything has to do with saving the world and vecna! they saved el. they helped el. and in the way, they developed as characters. byler had their development. and jonathan? jonathan is the most amazing brother in the show. without jonathan there, they wouldn't have been able to look for el. he protected the kids with his whole soul. and without jonathan, will would've broken down right then and there.
and i'm not talking about their hug scene. jonathan spends all the season worried about will and protecting both him and mike. and el, too. stop acting like everything he did was being stoned because, yes, it's definitely a big part of the plot, but it's not his whole personality.
jonathan isn't out of character, just admit that you only like shitty mental health to be addressed when it's aesthetically pleasant and when you can ship him with a white skinny guy (this comes from someone who literally ships stonathan. don't sleep on jargyle! it's a great ship).
at this point i think the only ones who appreciate jonathan are jancys, jargyles and bylers! mostly bylers because he's just like us fr he wants to protect will and yell at mike so
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annes-andromeda · 2 years
Stranger Things Ship Ranks
I’ve seen people do this ship rank thing, so I thought I’d jump into the trend! Obviously, not every ship is on here so I put the most well known ones. I excluded the poly ships cause I personally don’t have any opinions on them
Byler 1000000000/10- Beautiful. Amazing. Spectacular. Inspiring. They are legends. They are icons. And they are the moment.
In all seriousness though, this ship is amazing. They’re both so in love and it’s just a gorgeous friends-to-lovers story. The fact that Will sees Mike as his knight in shining armor and Mike sees Will as the light of his life😭😭Jesus Christ these two are absolutely WHIPPED for each other and I LIVE for it
They’re just so happy with one other and I desperately hope they get together cause y’all best believe they’ll be the most adorable, loving, and iconic couple ever.
M*leven 0/10- Tbh, I used to ship milkvan back in 2017 when I first got into the show, but S3 ruined it for me. That, and I got into byler lol.
Honestly, these two work better as friends and El isn’t really ready for a romantic relationship yet. They both lie constantly, aren’t interested in each other’s hobbies, and most of the time they fight and don’t actually get to know one another.
Now platonic Elmike? I’m all for it! But romantic? Nope. I sincerely hope milkvan breaks up in S5 cause it’s honestly the best option for both of them and it’s about high time they did.
Jopper 10/10- I’ve shipped them since the very beginning. I read fanfic about them and even planned their wedding back in 2017. Their kiss/make out session was one of the few saving graces of volume 2. Need I say more?
Lumax 10/10- Another one of the best ships in the show. At first, I thought these two were cute in S2 but I didn’t think much of them. Then in S3, they were kinda iffy but again, I didn’t have an issue with them.
But then in comes S4 and suddenly I’m hooked on them. They’ve matured so much and they’ve grown from a cute couple to a genuine, loving relationship. And the fact that Max listened to Lucas’s big game despite not being there was adorable and Lucas not leaving Max’s side even when the portals were opening. That’s devotion right there🥺
Hopefully we’ll see more of them in S5 when Max wakes up.
J*ncy 0/10- Ooo this is probably gonna upset someone but yeah, I don’t ship jancy. Like, at all. I’ve never cared for them as a couple and I honestly find them a little boring. I’m just sick of the whole “jancy vs stancy” thing and honestly just want Nancy to end up single cause she’s better off for it
St*ncy 0/10- Same thing I said for jancy: I don’t care for it. Never have, never will. I don’t know why the writers brought it back for S4 but they did and I hate it.
We’ve clearly seen that Steve and Nancy don’t work together so why did they bring it back? It’s not like there was a high demand for it.
Not to mention, that scene where Steve admits to having six kids with Nancy was honestly pretty cringe.
Just please for the love of god, let Steve move on from Nancy. Please. No one cares about this ship war anymore
Stonathan 10/10- One of my ride or dies. It’s a small ship but I’ve loved it since I first got into Stranger Things.
The potential they have, the enemies-to-lovers trope, the introvert and the extrovert, the loner and the popular boy, the photographer and the jock, it’s all right THERE.
I don’t understand why the writers don’t have them interact cause Joe and Charlie have great chemistry together and they’re both tired of stancy and jancy so just have Steve and Jonathan get together. Boom, problem solved
Ronance 6/10- I’ve shipped ronance since S3, before it was cool and popular. And yeah I still do, but not as much as before and I honestly prefer Nancy as single.
But I still think they’re adorable together and their dynamics in S4 were perfect. Sunshine and grumpy🥰
St*ddie 0/10- Yeah no I don’t get it. I don’t understand the appeal of this ship. If you like it fine, but I honestly think it’s overhyped and people just made it into a bigger deal then what it actually is.
Not to mention, the fandom ruined it by being awful to Grace Van Dien, harassing Joseph Quinn, and just generally being toxic.
Jargyle 5/10- Whilst I personally don’t ship it, it get the appeal. Stoner bfs who are cute and high together. What more could you want?
Eddissy 10/10- Alright, I’m just gonna say it: this ship gets way too much hate for no reason.
People say they hate it cause it’s a straight ship but then go and ship jopper and lumax. They say it’s gross cause apparently Chrissy is like 16 but like: Chrissy was the cheerleading captain, a position often given to seniors, she had a necklace with the number ‘86 on it (her graduating year), and Grace Van Dien confirmed that for the casting, Chrissy was always meant to be 18.
And if you don’t wanna take her word for it, then Joseph Quinn literally confirmed in an interview that yes, Eddie did indeed have a crush on Chrissy. Hell, his last concert was dedicated to her.
I don’t understand why people hate this ship so much when the shippers are literally just minding their own business.
But anyways, yes I adore hellcheer and think they would’ve been an adorable couple. Stay mad✌🏼
Rockie 9/10- Another ship that gets unnecessary hate. Yes I know Vickie is underdeveloped but like, that’s no excuse to hate her or the ship. I get not caring for her, but hate? That’s a little much.
I hope she and this relationship get more development in S5 cause her and Robin are honestly cute together.
Elmax 7/10- Like Jargyle, I don’t ship elmax but I totally get the appeal. El is so much more confident and happier with Max than she is with Mike. She was learning to be her own person and finding out what she liked. With Max, El was allowed to have fun and be a kid and not worry about people using her for her powers.
Not to mention, she got the will to fight in volume 2 not because of Mike’s speech, but because Max was in danger.
So while I don’t ship them, I definitely get why others do.
Henderhop 8/10- It’s a small ship but I ship it nonetheless. While they’re most likely not gonna be canon, I honestly think Dustin would be a much better boyfriend for El than Mike. Hell, I think any of the party members aside from Will (cause that’s her brother) would treat El better than Mike (sorry Mike)
Whether platonic or romantic, Dustin and El’s relationship is sweet and I love how he sees her as an absolute badass.
DustinxSuzie 3/10- Eh they’re fine. They’re cute but that’s really about it. I don’t really care about Suzie but her relationship with Dustin is cute and that’s all I can say tbh.
H*rringrove 0/10- I don’t like B*lly so no. Just. No
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bylerjancytruther · 2 years
Stranger Things Ship Rankings
I saw someone else do this so i figured, eh why not? I will also include my reasons as to why i ranked each ship what i did. I’m not gonna censor any ship names because i won’t be talking bad about any ships, just giving reasons as to why i personally don’t ship them. although, i will not be tagging the ones i don’t ship.
creds to @annes-andromeda for the inspo
Byler: 100/10
I love them so much. it’s indescribable. i love everything about them. the buildup, the angst, the relatability. sometimes i have my doubts about them becoming canon because like some people state, it’s the 80s. it’s unlikely. but there are so many signs pointing to byler so as of right now i am 100% sure that byler is going to end up canon. if it doesn’t, it’s just bad writing at this point.
Mileven: 2/10
Alright so this is definitely one of the ships that i wanted until i had it. in seasons 1 and 2, i loved loved loved mileven and that’s the reason i gave it a 2 but if i’m being honest, it’s ranked so low because from season 3 onward, all we ever see them do is kiss and make out. other canon couples on this list have only ever had 1 or 2 on screen kisses and you can tell just by the way they interact with one another that they truly love each other and the chemistry is there. with mileven, you don’t really have that.
in both seasons where they are canonically a couple, there is some major conflict between the two that gets resolved at the very end. arguments over something very minuscule in my opinion. why would they write them with so much conflict if they were truly meant to be endgame?
Jopper: 10/10
Not much to say about this one. The buildup is everything. And if you don’t ship this, i don’t trust you.
Lumax: 10/10
Similar to jopper, if you don’t ship this, i don’t trust you. lumax has all the signs of a perfect ship. the will they/ won’t they vibe. and overall, they have amazing trust and care for one another.
Jancy: 1000000/10
This ship can be controversial but i love jancy more than i love oxygen (but not more than gallavich). as you can tell from my blog, i’m a jonathan byers stan first and a human second. i love nancy so much but i want jonathan to be happy. from the very first episode, we can see that nancy and jonathan have some unresolved feelings and tension there. even if nancy may not be able to make up her mind sometimes, it’s clear that she loves jonathan so much and vise versa. just like byler and lumax, this ship has a little bit of angst mixed with will they/won’t they and i eat it up every single time they’re on screen.
Stancy: 0/10
Opposite of jopper and lumax. if you do ship this, i don’t trust you. steve and nancy have never really had chemistry. from the very first time we see the two, it feels forced. it doesn’t feel genuine. in my opinion, this ship died in season 2 and if they bring them back, ill be so mad.
Stonathan: 9/10
i unironically ship stonathan so much. like when i first started watching, i shipped this as a joke. we all love enemies to lovers and this ship is like the peak of that trope. steve and jonathan don’t have much one on one screen time together and joe and charlie are very good friends in real life, giving them stonathan to work with when they are both sick of talking about jancy vs stancy would be like a breath of fresh air. this ship is the only ship i’m okay with happening if jancy breaks up (other than ronance ofc)
Ronance: 9/10
i like ronance. it’s so cute and the tension between nancy and robin is there but i just love jancy too much to rank this any higher. like stated before, ill be completely okay if they ditch jancy for ronance though.
Steddie: 4/10
if you just look at my account, you’ll be able to tell that i don’t really like steddie. i have no major issue with the ship itself, i just simply don’t ship it. the shippers are what makes this ship unbearable at times. i don’t like it because steve and eddie interacted only a few times and every intimate moment between the two was improvised.
Jargyle: 7/10
i honestly love jargyle. the stoner boyfriends trope. that’s really all i can say about that. we haven’t seen enough of them to really analyze their entire relationship.
Eddissy: 5/10
Now, it’s cute. don’t get me wrong. but personally, i headcanon eddie as gay and eddie and chrissy trike me as a platonic dynamic duo and best friends similar to steve and robin.
Rockie: 8/10
its really cute and i love robin and i want her to get her happy ending. i know what some of you might say but this is a tv show, they have the option to make any characters as fleshed out or one dimensional as they please. i want to see more of vickie next season but i just don’t like how they made her like a carbon copy of robin. all i can say is i hope she gets more personality next season.
Elmax: 7/10
not for me but i get the appeal. best friends to lovers. similar to byler. but i love their friendship more than i would love their relationship.
Byclair: 9/10
one of the best non canon ships. i love their dynamic and i’m desperate for some more byclair next season. i couldn’t see them dating but they are one of the more underrated duos in this show.
Henderhop: 6/10
you can tell how much dustin and el care for each other so i get the appeal and why some people would ship them. i just don’t see it.
Henclair: 3/10
dustin and lucas do have a great friendship that i really need to see more of next season but i just can’t see them together no matter how hard i try.
Duzie: 10/10
they obviously love each other. all i can say about this one is that we need some on screen moments between the two where they’re in the same location.
Harringrove: -10/10
ngl, i didn’t know people shipped this unironically. i thought it was joke. and if you’re okay with an abusive relationship, you do you ig.
Elumax: 5/10
i get the appeal for those who ship both elmax and lumax but this is also one of those ships that just aren’t for me.
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steveharrington · 3 years
i feel like i ask this question way too much but what are your hopes for st s4?
i typed out a whole response for this and it just. didn’t post. so i’m going to try to remember everything i said. this is a list of what i want but kept within reason of things i think could feasibly happen <3
•i need nancy and robin to not get along at first. i want them to have opposing perspectives the way nancy and jonathan did for 2 seconds in s3 before it was dropped entirely. nancy Must be challenged on her classism and robin could be challenged on something too and they could both develop and see eye to eye!! just. some flaws for the girlies to work on pls
•prominent lucas storyline PLS i feel like he’s in such an interesting position with starting high school and maybe branching out into sports/other interests separate of the group. plus i think he’d have a really interesting perspective on b*lly’s death considering ummmmm he was physically attacked by him and it was never mentioned again
•i need this russia thing to not drag on too long. i want hopper reunited with el by like episode 7. i know this is a stretch but like i do Not want a solo episode of just hopper i’ll literally cry tears of blood if i have to sit through 48 minutes of just him
•steve must have a storyline that isn’t just “i was mean in high school but not anymore” like we GET it we’re sold on him you don’t have to do this anymore. considering he’s getting severely hurt again i think they could do something interesting with his sense of self worth/self preservation idk just something new
•also steve related. i want him to have a male friend his own age. maybe let the dustin & steve friendship finally take a back burner for awhile. how’d steve get that vest from eddie? i would like to know more. the stonathan ship has sailed rip and now i need him to have an antagonistic yet fond relationship with SOMEONE
•also also. i need steve and robin to be obnoxiously close. like i’m talking blood pact finishing each other’s sentences absolute besties. i’ve built their friendship up so much in my head i will be so disappointed if they behave anything less than deranged together
•canon jopper finally maybe please
•jonathan needs some levity and fun in his life. he’s had such a bad life so far. this is kinda a guarantee what with argyle and the weed smoking but i think he should get some comedic scenes!! charlie can be funny i know it
•this is more of a s5 wish ig but i want s5 to pick up Exactly after s4 ends. no more time jumps i’m sick of it.
•mr clarke hero moment pls pls pls hello
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boydykedoctor · 3 years
stonathan if you ship it?
i’ve never tried to do a stonathan playlist!!! this one is hard (but i do ship it). this ended up being like a “i reluctantly have a crush on you” playlist that starts nonono and ends yesyesyes
1. Too Close - Sir Chloe
2. Sick Muse - Metric
3. Regret - St. Vincent (weird but in the context of a romance i think it fits)
4. Let’s Fall in Love - Mother Mother (also lil weird vibes just cause)
5. Shut Up Kiss Me - Angel Olsen (classic)
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Below are the links to all my Stranger Things fics, organised by character and ship! Requests are open for STEVE HARRINGTON, JONATHAN BYERS and ROBIN BUCKELY!
Smut (S)
Fluff (F)
Death (D)
Angst (A)
Steve Harrington
Movies on a Saturday Night (F) Summary: Saturday night was movie, and it also happened to be the night you met Steve Harrington, right in the middle of the video store.
Bad Days (F), (A) Summary: You might have bad days, but Steve is always going to be there to try and make you feel better.
Love and Chances (F) Summary: Steve thinks the end is near, so he can’t help but tell you how he feels.
You’re Alright, You’re Okay (A), (F) Summary: The nightmares will never leave, but you’ll always be there to bring down his level of concern and tell him he’s alright, that he’s okay.
No One Else Can Touch You (S) Summary: Who knew that bathroom sex could be so hot?
Night Lights (S) Summary: It’s just you and Steve, alone in a hotel room above the night lights.
Fingers and Thumbs (F) Summary: Steve has the most mesmerising hands, and no one can disagree!
You Aren’t Going Anywhere (A), (F) Summary: Steve gets scared and can’t bear to be apart from you.
Oversized Jumpers and Cold Nights (F) Summary: It’s a cold night in Hawkins, and you can’t resist using Steve’s clothes to stay warm.
Cold Diners and Long Goodbyes (A) Summary: Steve is waiting for you in the normal diner, and you know this is the end. AKA an angst filled break up piece that doesn’t have a happy ending.
Painful Days (A), (F) Summary: You’ve had a bad day, and all Steve wants to do is comfort you and make you better.
Bathroom Thrills (S) Summary: Turns out Steve can make you feel a thrill, even in the store bathroom. 
Stumblin’ Love (F) Summary: A week is too long to go without a kiss from Steve.
All Day (F), (S) Summary: Steve decided to rile you up in the morning, leaving you irritated for the rest of the day. But he didn’t know what was about to happen.
Indiana Jones (S) Summary: When Steve persuades you to dress up as Marion while he dresses up as Indiana Jones for the Family Video stores Halloween shift, you didn’t think things could get much better. Until the two of you are left in the shop alone…
Jonathan Byers
Boss (A), (F) Summary: Jonathan hates being sick, hates being weak.
Sleep Now (A), (F) Summary: After everything that has happened, neither you or Jonathan want to be alone.
Mornings (F) Summary: Sleeping next to each other is normal, until one morning when it all changes
Violence and Defence (A), (F) Summary: After Jonathan’s fight with Steve, you’re the only one there to comfort him.
Parties and Pain (A), (F) Summary: Jonathan tries to reach the person he once knew, even after the world has turned upside down and you’re drunk at a party.
Lost (A), (F) Summary: You went message, and Jonathan goes out of his mind to find you. 
Where Did You Go? (A), (F) Summary: You wake up without Jonathan next you, and you fear the worst has happened.
Bound Together (F), (S) Summary: First times are always the sweetest.
Kisses and a Gift (F) Summary: A gift from Jonathan has you kissing him like you never have before.
Robin Buckley
Stay With Me (A), (F) Summary: After the events of Starcourt, Robin wants you to stay with her, and who are you to refuse? Oops (F) Summary: A goodbye kiss takes you by surprise.
Hot and Sweaty (F) Summary: The power is out, and the shower doesn’t work. Least she’s got you to distract her.
Stonathan | Steve x Jonathan
Flip a Coin (F) Summary: After moving in together, the boys can’t decide on who gets to sleep on what side.
Mamma Mia (F) Summary: Jonathan can’t stand Steve’s terrible music taste.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
I absolutely hate how in all of Steve's ships, he always gets the short end of the stick, canon, and fanon alike. Like Steve canonically just wants to be loved. It's shown how much he desires it and how much love he has to give towards his partners (like in s2 where he wanted to build his life around Nancy). And yet people take him and put him into borderline abusive situations, where he constantly gets belittled or made fun of. His dreams of having a big family are laughed at and not taken seriously, when his entire character in ST revolves around love and found family. I'm just so sick of it. Nobody in fanon truly has Steve's back when he gets into relationships. Robin acts ooc in favor of her own relationship or sides with Eddie idk why.
Steddie truly is H//rringrove 2.0 it's annoying bc it could have had potential.
Stonathan after s2 doesn't make much sense either. Like from both povs. Jonathan still doesn't like Steve, which fine he doesn’t have to take his apology in s1. He hates what Steve stands for (he's judging him based on popularity) and for being Nancy's ex. Steve feels neutral towards him after s1, but then Jonathan willingly cheated with Nancy. I doubt he wants to date him after that. They are not friends, and the basis of their relationship would be Nancy bc they are both romantically involved with her, which isn't a strong enough foundation imo. I know they are aus where none of that happens, but I can't really look past it. Maybe I lack creativity and imagination.
Anyway, I don't ship Steve with anyone because the fandom doesn't get him and puts him into the worst situations. I only ship him with my very own OC, who would kill anyone with Robin if they would disrespect him in the way the fandom does lmao. But yeah, I usually don't ever read any shipping fics bc they are usually ooc. I only love to read Stobin fics or any fics with the kids and his sibling relationships with them.
ngl steve ships for the fandom are just ‘how much can we shit on steve and show how we have an incredible bias and show how much we hate him’. like that’s the vibes i’m getting all the time. and yeah it’s insane how steve ships are just like you said where steve gets the short end of the stick. honestly people are just allergic to giving steve what he wants because they hate him! lmaooo steve antis want to shit on us saying that ‘wow they over exaggerate the hate steve gets’ I PROMISE YOU WE ARENT BECAUSE WHENEVER I TRY TO SEARCH FOR STEVE CONTENT ITS JUST ABOUT STEVE BEING IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS OR WORSHIPPING THE GROUND HIS PARTNER WALKS ON! i just want steve to be loved and fanon wont even let him be loved by his besties either 😭😭😭😭 him being with his own best friends in canon is just ‘okay how much can we verbally abuse steve and constantly dismiss his own boundaries’. honestly how people react with robin and steve being best friends makes me the most mad because robin in fics/headcanons doesn’t even act like a best friends to steve. it’s to the point where i want to yell at steve to drop her as a friend with how fanon portrays their friendship
legit steddie did have a lot of potential and then that got ruined hardcore
honestly i never understood stonathan even in season 1! especially because so many jonathan stan’s were (and still are) so anti steve! which genuinely makes shit sense like why do you want your favorite character with another character that you absolutely hate? but yes from both sides it makes no sense whatsover for them to be together. legit jonathan at murray’s place brings up steve and then ignores the fact that he himself talked about steve. also ps i’m so sick of people calling that not cheating THEY CHEATED! just own up to it and fuck off. honestly i can’t look it past either in aus where it doesn’t happen. honestly steve and jonathan are so different to me that i can’t see them working past two weeks (same as how i see ronance)
same i don’t ship steve with anyone! unless it’s an oc that i create! but yeah i just can’t see steve with anyone in canon. i do read sometimes oc x steve focs but also half the time they’re just like ‘okay steve constantly has to apologize for how he was in high school’ which liek steve was just minding his own business - do we have to have multiple fics where nancy and jonathan apologize to people 24/7 for being in their own bubble? actually i need that now - if it happens to steve we should also make that happen for every single main character
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