#just go with iot
alternatefandom · 1 year
I will never get over Zero the Enforcer, I fear.
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rrogueamendiares · 6 months
girl help a uni project is making me want to kms again
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groovytimes · 1 year
I haven’t felt this sad so suddenly in a long time. A little worrying.
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bugbuoyx · 4 months
does anyone else miss those old avatar games where all you did was dress up and hang out? i spent so much time playing games like gaiaonline, whirled, smallworld there used to be so many options whered they all go?
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A cosmic lightning bolt.
Yeah, if your ears operate she can give anyone a headache.
#emotional manipulation? probably#it runs in the family.....especially with the women#lady is like cayla might bypass her and come ask you...#I am like when she asks her all she does is tell her to ask me#but I kept that part to myself#E so 5 is you're counting a set where I am the vesica Pisces#look.....I overwhelmed the fuck out of you in class....like....period....but you weren't exactly discouraging me#you know me I just show up and ripple#was there a different vibe in the blue dot club that one night#in. that regard i is 6 (like •| see I can fucking twist that shit too babygirl)#H on 45 is an I go figure#🤔 you did run your dick sucker about 45 a lot#I don't even know how to describe your H.I.D. you use on the iot#she walks in deaf and dry(well....you were probably excited going in) and walks out hearing and soaked#I mean your reproductive hormones I think spark around me....hmmmm#even if you're high or eapecially if you're high#uppers vs Chuck Norris#and third eye overwhelemed good good....now hit her Crown#happy girthday#you silly girl happy was an old name#boing boing boing#yes you do make it happy#your organ talks are great but I'm highly audio and visual#does it make pretty fish tail for me to admire#then it's all good#yeah I want to play with all of you by the way#wood that has been dead for years looks exactly as alive in flow as a green tree#to a certain degree#it's more complex than I can abstract into words#I need to use I can't abstract it into words for you but...(fill in abstraction into words)
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foone · 3 months
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So this is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. It's a DIY Pie Launcher. Look at this beautiful thing! All the engineering and experimentation that had to go into this IoT enabled pie-launcher. I'm in love.
like, yeah it's a fetish thing. Yhis is a sex toy, even if you might not necessarily see that immediately. But I don't care? This is beautiful. I love the idea of making something this intricate and specific "just" for a kink.
I can't help but admire this object and how much devotion went into it.
this thing is a church.
it's a church for getting pied in the face, but that's still a church and should be treated with reverence.
It's by Fruitkitty. This is their profile on UMD, which is not a remotely SFW site.
(Someone pointed me to them in a tumblr comment but I forgot who)
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
Gender neutral!☆
Starting notes; Little project i wanted to make, since i love total drama and iots! This was inspired by iots but with Yandere ghosts! I will have multiple chapters, everyday one vitcm! I hope you all like it! (IOTS WAS MADE BY @eavee-ry )
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They are death
Every single one of them, you know that
You were hired by your own uncle Chris McLean to be a intern at Total Drama, you would be something like a camp counselor! Your job was to check the campists
People said your uncle was a amazing guy, but you knew it was a lie, you never knew anyone more arrogant that him
Well, at least you have something to do at summer! And it would be fun see some drama...
Your job was to be a baby-sitter to resume, you were checking up and taking care of tennagers! People of your age! It was kinda fun but you were so tired of them
The nice thing is that they seemed to like you! Even Heather, but sometimes they were acting toward you(you thought that was weird cause it dind't make so many time you knew them)
It was going to have a challenger! Everyone was there except for Beth, you decided to look for her
In the florest you decided to worry, where is she? You heard a sound in the cave, as the beautiful curious you are, you got in
A bloody axe...
A lost arm...
Her body was bloody
She was dead.
You wanted to throw up, the smell of blood...
You felt sick
You Chris and the interns, and they discover that a killer is in the island, what should we do!?
Chris had the idea of left the campers here
You tried to convice him other wise, but when you noticed you already in a boat leaving the island, you felt guilty, Chris made you leave them
Chris dind't left you because how would him explain this to your parents? Your Mother would kill him!
And when you came back home, he said to tell that you were in vacation...?
You passed the next months feeling guilty and sick, you wanted to throw up, and sometimes you really did it
You should had stayed, or at least try to convice Chris....
One day, Chris called you to go with him and two new interns to go back to the island and save them
You knew why Chris was doing that
He wanted to be the hero, that's it
But you decided to go, cause now it's time
Time to the truth, and let's be honest
You were afraid of the truth.
I left the boat, this place looks so weird to be honest, you felt sick again
Something was wrong, you knew that! But now it's time
What happend to them
" I hope they are okay... "
I was afraid, afraid to go anywhere in this island, i dind't wanted to do that, but at same time...
I was scared
I felt something in your shoulder, a hand
" Don't worry Y/n! We going to find them, i hope... "
Sierra was trying to comfort me, but i could look at her eyes and see that she knew the truth
" Amigos! Everything will be alright, but i hope we have everything to survive here, Chris dind't explain so well "
Alejandro was in Sierra's side while looking at the island and looking around, he was right, Chris dind't explained how would you guys find the others, does him even know how to walk around this island?
I don't think so
" Can we stop to talk! Come on you- we have job to do! "
Chris said and started to walk, me, Sierra and Alejandro just followed him
Something is wrong in this place, i feel watched while walking
Oh god.
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★ I hope you all like it! I will try to be more online even thought school is making this nearly impossible ★
★ Idk but Ily you guys <3 ★
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eavee-ry · 10 months
i actually have some questions regarding island of the slaughter as I'm wanting to do a sequel/spinoff fanfic but I want to make sure not to mess up your vision.
Are the spirits trapped to certain parts of the island unable to move about or are they able to move about the island freely (they just can't get off)
Are they hostile and bloodthirsty towards everyone that enters the island now like the man that killed them or was McLean just marked for death because he was the one that caused the whole situation in the first place?
(to kind of go with the above) if say a castaway were to end up on the island would they need to follow the rules to avoid risking the spirts' wrath or was that all essentially and elaborate prank to mess with Chris's head before doing him in in?
Are there any canon Island of the slaughtered ships I need to keep in mind?
Could someone in theory repair the spirits?(unsew Owen give Heather a body al la reverse headless horseman ect.)
Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I get this right. 😅
Okay you really are invested with IOTS TYSMM
1. The spirits are able to move around freely, but their designated places are like their home (or spawn point idk😭)
2. The campers weren’t familiar with Alejandro nor Sierra, but still, they may come as hostile if they feel threatened— so yeah, pretty much anyone who would enter the island would be at risk of dying in the campers’ hands if they break their boundaries (Chris is their #1 target though)
3. Same answer as #2!
4. There aren’t any ships canon in IOTS but Duncan and Courtney! I’m quite fond of NoCo in the story though, but it can be viewed as a friendship or more.
5. No i like bullying them
6. I know IOTS is “all over the place” since it was just a thing I made for fun, and I understand if people get confused! I just really like it when viewers can interpret some of the open-ended stuff
also I love the theories that you guys made! they’ll never be confirmed though since I gave up on the series now😥
also i’ve seen people say Alejandro and Sierra were the killers even though they first arrived on the island with Chris (you can make AUs of it dw, just don’t claim it’s true😭)
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chris-mcdirty-redux · 12 days
part of a webcomic adaptation of iots a team that i'm in is working on
WARNING FOR MENTIONS OF DEATH BY THE WAY!! island of the slaughtered is a pretty gruesome horror au, and it's bound to have things as such. it's a really good au, but i suggest looking through with utmost caution!
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the text if you can't read it because of my dookie handwriting
Chris, worried for his life, fled Camp Wawankwa alongside his closest confidant, Chef Hatchet. Having left the campers on their own in a panic, Chris then broke contact with anyone who tried calling him, essentially going on hiatus to avoid the indirect deaths he would cause. Nobody heard from him after his escape, until..
Returning to Camp Wawanakwa a month later with Sierra and Alejandro, the exact motives for his return are initially unknown. Whether it may be guilt, sympathy, or to seem like a hero, it will all be told in page.
more info soon chat,, for now have this,,, i've been sitting on my booty just coloring this for like 2 hours
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jennyfk13 · 3 months
Hello!! The updates might get a lil slower cause i’m stuck on the drawings CAUSEEEARGH i’m afraid they look bad 😭 Remember to eat & drink, love you!! /p 🍓💕
Day 12: Steven Rudboys
Rule 7: Don’t make eye contact.
Henry.. You must be tired from all these deaths.. People you liked.. And hated, now gone.. It made you feel a lot of mixed emotions, witnessing their lifeless corpses.. But this one.. This one was different. Steven.. You didn’t know much about him, he seemed like the ‘quiet kid’ of the complex. You guys only interacted when he was going in and out of the apartments.
You saw his lifeless body on the concrete floor.. But wait.. There are no visible wounds..? There’s only.. What seems like blood coming from his sunglasses..
Henry. Stop. Have you learnt nothing?! Stay curious.. This is the [REDACTED]’s job.. Not yours. Just go back to your desk, and attend to the other tenants..
And do not try to make eye contact with him, cause you don’t know what might be staring back at you.
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elementaskylos345 · 11 months
IOTS Duncan fic!
This takes place about a month after everyone was rescued and a few weeks after Duncan was pulled from Juvie
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Fic under the cut
"Hello again, Duncan. It's good to see you again."
He sat silently staring at his hands. It was a moment more before his councilor spoke again.
"Your parents showed me your journal. Your handwriting had improved a lot."
Duncan didn't respond... he glanced up to the councilor, but that was it.
"I noticed you write a lot. About your day, the Lord, and what you want to do... what happened on the island."
Duncan looked away and gripped the blanket draped over his shoulders. The mention of the island... he felt nothing but dread...
"... Can you talk to me about it? Talking it through might help with how you feel."
He shook his head. He couldn't talk. He deserved the shame.
"I can't help you if you won't let me -"
<[I. Don't. Want. Talk.]> Duncan signed. The councilor paused... his tone was aggressive. They sighed and nodded.
Duncan looked away. He didn't believe that. Not for one second, not after Noah's death. He sent him to death. He knew what he was doing... a sinful man he was...
"I understand, Duncan... you're not going to Hell for whatever you might've done on the island. You're still a kid, and what you went through was horrific... God will not hate you."
"Yknow, it was only a matter of time before you realized this, right?" A familiar voice rang out, the snide comment making Duncan hang his head.
"Seriously, what were you thinking? Sending me away like that? If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd have wanted me dead. Or is that what you wanted?"
Noah sat next to Dunacn, his body unrecognizable and rotted, the water having taken its claim of him. Duncan couldn't look at him... he just couldn't.
"What's the matter, tough guy? Going soft now? If you're hoping to be a killer at least take some pride in your work." He lifted his head slightly, the action causing rotten fluids to be pushed through his discolored skin. Duncan whined in response and turned his head away.
"You're going to Hell, Duncan."
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asktheplethaura · 8 months
IOTS AU - Liberation of the Slaughtered Izzy
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Izzy is one of the ones that took the events the worst- mainly due to the fact that she was looked at and suspected of the events at the island for a long time until proven innocent.
(This can go with anyones headcanons. Specifically on the 'Izzy is not REALLY Crazy' theory)
= Option 1: Izzy Isn't Crazy - During the events of IOTS, Izzy was just as sane as anyone else, and took the persona of someone crazy to stand out on the show of Total Drama. However, once the killer showed up on the island- she didn't maintain the character just to maintain it- she maintained the crazy personality- because half the time being crazy scares other people off. Including the crazy ones. She dropped it after being rescued because she didn't need to use her crazy persona to her advantage anymore. =
+ Option 2: Izzy genuinely was crazy during the show after smacking her head off the dock when she first entered Total Drama. She ended up knocking sense back into herself with (just as bad, if not worse) head trauma when she ended up slamming her head into the wall in a breakdown after being rescued- which is the reason she was forced into therapy. +
Izzy is forced to go to therapy by her family because of her tendency to freak out and depsite not getting mentally healtheir, she has better control of emotional outbursts.
She works part time at a floral shop as she has been quite keen with plants and nature for a long time. She supplies the flowers Katie takes to their friends graves.
Izzy lives with her family, so she constantly has someone to make sure she doesn't do something to herself during one of her breakdowns.
Despite only having 1 guinea pig, their household has a total of 5 to make sure that the animal has proper socialization when she's not home.
Her guinea pigs name is 'Owwie' but she sometimes refers to it as 'Owen' subconsciously.
Owwie the Guinea Pig is a healthy, but somewhat plump blonde and white guinea pig- with a bright blue harness because it likes to go on walks.
Her and Eva met up after she started to get more days to herself out of the mental hospital- and they started dating after finding comfort in each others company. The dating process is VERY slow and both of them are fine with that.
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
Please I'm having a moment, I'm sleepless, Sad, and lovesick.  Please, Can I have a scenario with Vash and Wolfwood separeted where it's a cold night and they have cold hands, and a fem reader who is just great at flirting but unintentionally, just takes their hand and shoves it between her thick thighs and warm them up, as if it was nothing and asking "Better?" THANK YOU AND DRINK WATER!!!
Thicc thighs save lifes babie~
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Characters: Vash and Nicholas x Female Reader
Synopsis: Warming up their cold hands with your thighs
Warnings: fluff, nickname princess (Nicholas)
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𝒱𝒶𝓈𝒽 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓃"
It felt like one of the coldest nights, everyone in Noman's land was already fast asleep except for you and Vash. You laid in your sleeping bag trying to sleep but failing, turning your side to see Vash. He was sat up on top of his sleeping bag, his body facing you, while looking at the stars. It was your turn to stay watch for the first half of the night, but Vash told you that he can stay watch again.
You could see him shivering a little because of the wind, getting up from your sleeping bag, and saying, "You aren't tired?" Vash asked, looking back down at you with a soft smile, but you shake your head and say a small no. You see him take the fleshy hand held in front of his mouth as he blows out a warm breath to warm his hand up.
An idea clicked in your head. How about you help him out at least to warm up his hands? You grab both of his hands and put them between your thighs, warming them together "better." You could see Vash's face go completely red; a faint eep left from his lips before he pulled his hands back in surprise, then grabbed his hands once again and put them in between your thighs.
His face remained red and even more embarrassed than before, his eyes widened, and he looked at you, asking, "Do you feel better?"You smiled softly at him, and you saw him nod slowly and say, "You don't have to do this." Vash blushed more. "Your hand will freeze and fall off," you replied, "but why do you like it this way?" Vash mumbled, averting his eyes away from you.
You smile and lean closer to him. "So is it better, Vash?" Your voice was low and whispered, and you saw Vash look up to you.
𝒩𝒾𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓈 𝒟 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝒻𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇"
You shivered and pulled your coat tighter around you, wrapping your arms around yourself for warmth. "Ya want me to warm you up?" Nicholas teased with a mischievous glint in his eyes, yet you could tell that he was cold as well; his hands had a bright red color from the frost.
"Your hands look like they're about to fall off." You pointed out, "Worry about yourself, princess." He smirked, he always came back at you, and no matter how you tried to get him back in some way or another, it never seemed to work; you felt your brain click, you grabbed Nicholas' hands, putting them in between your thighs, and feeling the cold sensation made your breath hitch.
"better Nicholas~?" You asked, and you could see his ears going red, but he quickly recovered, saying, "Way softer than I thought." Nicholas commented, as you felt his frigid hands squeeze your thighs. "So cold," you muttered, as Nicholas got a huge grin on his face.
 "what? You wanted to warm me up, didn't you?" He teased, and you felt your c he saflush.ekNotlush "Iot that i'm complaini,g though."  He added, his thumb rubbing small circles into your thigh, making you melt against him.
Nicholas took advantage of the situation by pulling your legs closer to himself and wrapping them around his waist. You could only blush harder as he nuzzled into your neck, his hot breath fanning across your neck.
"Are you all warmed up now?"
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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mysecretdsmpblog · 7 months
Reading qphil's arc as DID makes his conversation with Tallulah so much more emotional to me.
(Rose) She used to protect us but now she can't . We can't talk about him (Ender). Talking about it causes more problems, it's going to make people ask more questions. We can't go telling people these secrets.
like, this is a conversation that people with DID who have families who know about it have, or even just people with DID talking to their alters. you can't tell your friends and your neighbors and your doctors and people you know, it's not safe. it makes people ask questions, makes people question your safety and sanity and everything else.
"I'm doing this for us?" "Are you?"
This is a conversation that people with DID have with themselves a Iot. Is what we're doing actually to help each other, or just ourselves? Is it just to maintain an unhealthy and sometimes dangerous status quo? It applies similarly in a dynamic with a family, especially one so open and close as Phil's.
You can't be telling people, Tallulah. Its gonna cause problems, okay. They're going to want to ask more, I'm going to have to explain this now. It starts a web of lies.
Most people with DID live covertly. That is, you probably won't know they have it unless they tell you. They mask and they hide and they lie, frequently even from themselves. Many people don't know they have the disorder because they are so deeply hiding. Denial is a key symptom.
Phil, like Fit said in the stream, isn't a very good liar. This is true. But holy fuck is he good at avoiding, minimizing, denying, and dissociating from it all.
And, most importantly:
"I'm sorry for shouting at you... You broke our trust. We weren't supposed to tell anyone else."
People with DID often view themselves as a 'we,' on account of the multiple separate states of identity. The 'we' is Phil, Rose, and Ender.
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pixiatn · 8 months
Au of an au cause I miss iots
Basically Chase's stupid ass thought it'd be a ⚡SICK⚡ idea to go to the abandoned summer camp wawanaka, also known as the set of the cancelled show Total Drama Island, for a YouTube video (cause he's a scumbag YouTuber💀)
So obviously he convinces (lies to) his girlfriend and their friends about exploring an island for a video (not saying it's the location of a gruesome massacre that took place 15 years prior) and they agree bc chase is a big ass liar
I was thinking this group would consist of Chase, Emma & Julia because they're influencers then balance them out with Bowie, Zee, Mk and possibly Damien.
So Team Influencer pulls up to the island with their ghost hunting equipment, Bowie Mk Julia & Damien are typical "Gah, ghost aren't real, stupid🙄", as they're exploring around and recording. Eventually at some point one of them (I was thinking Damien or Emma) stumbles across the skeletal remains of one of the murdered contestants and flips the fuck out on Chase. Then the others also start to flip out on Chase and how he could just lie to them and bring them to a massacre sight
-§ Now at this point of the au, I'm pretty split on what happens next cause it can go either or for me, but the same time, they can impact which way the tone of the au goes.
Basically, Chases emotionally immature self can't take the heat/slander and scurries his punk ass back to the boat they rented to come to the camp and just fucking ditches them cause he's selfish
Or he's just like "ok, ok, we'll leave!" And when they head back to the boat, it's not there anymore cause it wasnt anchored down cause Chase forgot
With Chase being there it could add a lot more tension and aggressive ghostly encounters Team Influencer experience because Chase reminds the wayward spirits of the egotistical and selfish man that left them to save his own ass.
With Chase being gone (which now writing this all out, is kinda the one I like more) the ghosts are a bit more passive (but still y'know still super scary and unintentionally menacing) bc they see Team Influencer as being abandoned by their "leader" like they were abandoned by Chris §-
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fishyingrn · 11 months
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IOTS Izzy angst! Just her sobbing and basically on the edge of a psychotic break down! Should I doodle that next? (๑>ڡ<)☆ lmk!!
Bless @eavee-ry for making this au!!! It's so good that I can't sleep the same at night! Truely an unexpected interpretation of my favorites! The more I read it the closer on the edge of my seat I was!
Anyways I doodled this in a brisk hour!! I was sorta just going w/ whatever! It kinda js happened by itself!
It's a real pain when I had to hand hatch the bg, rip my shoulder (;´д`)ゞ
Hope you guys enjoy (and forgive) this little departure from my wholesome content so far!
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