#just go fukkin vote
nebulousmistress · 2 years
Political ads that deliberately lie about the IRS and its employees are a shameful new ploy that is misleading voters about their own government and endangering hard-working civil servants, said Tony Reardon, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union. “House and Senate candidates across the country are using deceit and fear to try and win elections,” Reardon said. “For the safety of the IRS workforce, I call on these candidates and political committees to take down their ads that misrepresent IRS employees and their role in our democracy.”   Even before the campaign attacks ramped up, NTEU requested, and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig ordered, a full review of security protocols at IRS worksites around the country because of the increasingly hostile rhetoric about the IRS and its mission. NTEU members who work for the IRS say they are afraid to identify themselves as IRS employees and are taking extra precautions themselves, such as hiding their badges when they leave the work site. The Department of Homeland Security this summer issued a National Terrorism Advisory bulletin that listed government facilities and personnel as potential targets of "domestic violent extremists." The hostility escalated during the debate over the Inflation Reduction Act, when critics claimed falsely that the agency would hire 87,000 new armed agents to terrorize taxpayers. While multiple organizations, including NTEU, the administration and numerous media outlets debunked the claims, the disinformation persisted to the point is has now become a centerpiece of too many political campaigns.   "It’s completely fair to have an honest debate about the size of government and tax policy, but these political ads do not do that. Instead, they blatantly misrepresent how IRS employees do their jobs as public employees who serve our nation’s taxpayers. In today’s epidemic of political violence, I’m concerned about the safety of the employees we represent,” Reardon said.   After a decade of budget cuts that slashed the workforce, hampered customer service, diminished enforcement and caused delays in processing tax returns, the Inflation Reduction Act provided more than $79 billion for the IRS to rebuild over the next 10 years. Treasury officials have already said the initial focus will be to upgrade antiquated computer systems and improve customer service, including hiring more personnel to answer phone calls from taxpayers and fully staff in-person Taxpayer Assistance Centers around the country. They’ve also said the new funding will not be used to increase the rate at which audits are performed on households with less than $400,000 in annual income.   The IRS predicts it will lose more than 50,000 employees over the next six years to regular retirement and attrition, so much of the new hiring envisioned over that time will be to replace existing workers, which is far from “doubling” the agency, as some have claimed.   “Honest taxpayers should be thrilled to hear that the IRS will be given the resources and personnel needed to help them file their taxes accurately and receive their refunds quickly,” Reardon said. “For those intent on avoiding their tax obligation, a fully staffed IRS is much more likely to hold you accountable and collect the revenue that is rightfully owed.”   Reardon added, “The IRS collects 95 percent of the revenue that funds our national defense, cares for our veterans, facilitates lifesaving medical breakthroughs and many other services the American people depend on every day.”
NTEU Press Release: Political Ads that Lie About IRS Employees Should be Taken Down
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hug-your-face · 4 years
Blue Senate, Pls?
my friends: o hey ur back early me: election’s not over my friends: what? me: *writing this post* election’s not over
There’s still 2 Senate seats in Georgia left to win in a January 5 runoff election. Winning one of them will FLIP! THE! SENNNAAAAATE! 
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“But,” you say, “I am Le Tired of ze electionnn, why does zis mattere?” 
The GA runoff election law is basically a nerf against Black political influence in that state
538 projects* that one of the Dem candidates is slightly favored to win the runoff. In other words, the Senate is ours to lose.
Repubs are terrified of losing GA as the “last line of defense against the radical left” 🙄
The Repubs are down, and they’re gonna spend like crazy to buy retention of these Senate seats. Here’s how you can help put the boot in while they’re down:
To vote in the runoff you must be registered by December 7, 2020
Check your voter status!! Check it again! (You just know they’re gonna be “cleaning” the lists...)
The runoff is on Jan 5, 2021. Make a plan.
You may be able to vote early*; see the GA.gov runoff voting info page and contact your county registrar’s office
Donate to Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight PAC for fair elections in Georgia
Follow the @ReverendWarnock and Jon @Ossoff on Twitter
Toss 5$ to The Rev
Make calls to help Jon
Chip in 5$ to Jon’s campaign
Sign up at VoteForward to send letters to voters in Georgia (This is amazing and so easy!)
And finally, just as you did for the national election, share this info w your friends and help them understand the impact:
If we flip the Senate, that kicks Mitch The Purple Turtle Fucker McConnell out of his role as Sen. Majority Leader!
That would be so amazing, right??
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A Biden/Harris administration with a McConnell-run, GOP-owned Senate means more Senate blocking of everything we want. Welfare for All? Piss off. Green New Deal? Nice try! Defunding the Police? *sneering laughter* Election Reform? *uncontrollable laughter* 
Anything radical, just FORGET it. Without a blue Senate, we’re just gonna see more politicking and more bad deals, and more chance for the right to clap back hard in 2024. It means whenever a great measure that we want fails, most of America will shrug and go “well what can Biden do with a Senate like that?”
A Biden/Harris admin with a blue Senate means they will have no excuses, and most of America will behind you when you hold them to task!
We only won the first move in this game against the fascists. We got in the first punch, a nice straight jab to Trump’s orange face. Time for the fukkin’ LEFT HOOK!
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theplaguebeast · 4 years
Watching Game of Thrones is a Form of Self Harm
101 + 102:  oh man i forgot dany gettin fkin raped is in the first ep man they really set the tone for this shitshow early
104:  Baelish: *literally tells Ned he’s untrustworthy* Ned: *trusts him anyways*
105:  Bobby just threatened to take away the job Ned didn’t even want like that was gonna make him not quit lol what a dumbass
106:  every time viserys speaks there’s a muppet superimposing on him in my mind going 'i aM tHe DrAgOn!’
107:  Joff after being king for .5 seconds: KILL THEM ALL
108:  Drogo: *promises to rape, kill, pillage, and plunder* Drogo: *does these things* Dany: *surprised pikachu meme*
109:  Robb ‘We’ve basically accomplished nothing’ Stark
110:  hey Dany doesn't even have dragons yet and she's burning someone alive as punishment so uhm people were surprised when this continued?
201:  Robb ‘I want to rescue my sisters but holy shit, politics’ Stark
202:  Theon ‘I think i’m much more important than i really am’ Greyjoy
203:  Renly desperately trying to consummate his marriage like ‘i’m too fucking gay for this fuuuuuuck’
204:  Littlefinger popping up in Cat’s life like ‘so your husband’s dead can we bone maybe?’ and gets surprised she pulls a knife on him
205:  Theon ‘I want dad’s approval so i’m gonna stab my brother in the back’ Greyjoy
206:  Jon ‘I can definitely kill a pretty girl, I swear it’ Snow
207:  you know nothing jon snow is first used in reference to fucking and SHE’S RIGHT
208:  Yara ‘you’re a fucking moron, brother’ Greyjoy
209:  i love that tyrion getting his nose chopped off with an axe turns into a delicate slice that knocks him out
210:  Robb ‘u let the kingslayer go u can’t tell me it’s dumb to marry a rando when i’m promised to another’ Stark
301:  Tyrion ‘oh my god there’s a thin line running across my face i’m a MONSTER’ Lannister
302:  Loras is fkin RUDE yo
303:  Podrick ‘the whores won’t take my money’ Payne
304:  Dany’s acquisition of the Unsullied proves she’s 100% willing to do a bad faith deal like
305:  Jaime full on sexually harassing Brienne here like an asshole
308:  Olenna poking fun at how fucked the tyrell-lannister family tree is bout to get with all these weddings what a boss
309:  awww how sweet jon’s learning to stand up to peer pressure
310:  Jon ‘u said u loved me you’ll never hurt me RIGHT?’ Snow;  Jon ‘shot full of arrows’ Snow
401:  Oberyn is #triggered by the lannister song
402:  w00t joff’s fukkin ded m8
403:  Stannis ‘blood magic is fine but I WON’T BUY AN ARMY’ Baratheon
404:  poor pious little tommen didn’t stand a chance against a tyrell on a mission (also, s’fuckin creepy aight she’s bein predatory af and no one ever seems to call it out bc she’s, yanno, female)
405:  HODOR
407:  Petyr ‘you could’ve been my child but i still kissed you full on the mouth’ Baelish
408:  Baelish acting like it’s some big secret he wants to fuck Sansa, talking to her like she’s too dumb to know the man who KISSED HER FULL ON THE MOUTH wants under her skirts, what a cocky shit
409:  hi Ghost (where, uhm, where tf has he been?)
410: grabby hands, popping outta the snow, LIKE DAISIES
501:  Danaerys ‘my dragons are my children but since they’re not listening to me i’m gonna lock em in a dungeon and then get surprised when they’re upset with me’ Targaryan
502:  man brienne just keeps getting character assassinated by everyone in fkin westeros poor gal
503:  Janos ‘I DIDN’T VOTE FOR YOU’ Slynt
504:  Sansa’s last Big Mistake: when LF says ‘do you believe me’ and she goes ‘yeah sure’
506:  OH NO. OH NO. OH NO.
507:  Cersei’s like ‘my son loves his wife where did i go wrong?’
508:  ’killing and politics aren’t always the same thing’ THE FACT SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL HER THAT
509:  Hizdahr zo Loraq is like ‘bitch do you know ANYthing about the culture you’re trying to destroy?’ (the answer is no)
510:  Stannis: *sacrifices his own daughter on a fire* The Men: *desert* Stannis: *shocked pikachu meme*
601:  Up to their chests in ice water mfers gonna get the hypothermia
603:  Tormond ‘your dick’s not big enough for you to be a god’ Giantsbane
604:  For someone so good at peeling people Ramsay can’t peel a fuckin apple for shit
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606:  *compulsively humming along with the theme song*
607:  HI SANDOR! I bet u had a VERY nice nap huh
608:  Stealing Lem’s boots after hanging him, what a power move
609:  Jon ‘I want to die’ Snow
610:  RIP Pycelle, Margaery, Loras, Mace, Kevan, Lancel, High Sparrow, a bunch of Faith Militant, and like 100 various members of the court (and random peasants outside, too); also Septa Unella (the bitch), and Precious Tommen; ALSO Walder Frey and uhm like 30-40 other Freys?
701:  Jon, derisively: And how should I be smarter? By listening to you?
702:  Everyone: DON’T GO SOUTH JON SNOW Jon: I’m gonna go south.
703:  Jon, with the ‘who even ARE you?’ is his most legit moment since he came back from the dead
704:  Dany: Wat do i do Jon: DO NOT BURN PEOPLE, ANYTHING BUT THAT
705:  ”I’m not beheading them” BECAUSE BURNING THEM IS BETTER??????
706:  Using your +1 Flaming Longsword to cauterize a wound
707:  Everyone: Jonathan, PLEASE LEARN TO FUCKING LIE
801:  Dany: Whatever they want. Me: OH SO MORE CHILDREN THEN??
804:  Murderuncle roadtrip 2.0
806:  genuinely surprised tyrion’s not already on fire
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cookingwithroxy · 5 years
Basic funny pokes at the president: with the way he retains staff the white house probably has revolving doors. Most jokes since 2016: he's so fukkin stupid omg lol how is he president? He looks weird and the way he talks is dumb anyone who voted for him is dumb lol
Seriously. The man has no idea what he’s doing with regards to picking his staff and it SHOWS, everybody is out to betray him because there’s a serious paycheck for anyone who turns on Trump, and his picks for many of those seats were laughable. I think the best one was I think his pick for secretary of defense? Who went in going ‘There’s no justification for all these things we’re doing!’ And then within a few months came out with ‘Well, fuck. Now that I’ve seen the reports, yeah. There is justification for the things we do.’
He picks kiss-asses and then is baffled why they’re not able to do their goddamn jobs, jesus christ Trump is a joke. But god forbid you talk about the issues instead of just agreeing with today’s rote recitation of ‘Orange Man Bad’.
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wallisninety-six · 4 years
It blows my mind to the extent people in the US will support/try to make our weird, fucked up voting styles seem rational (ex: Electoral College and primary delegates)
Bernie Sanders won the popular vote in both Iowa *and* New Hampshire and Pete Buttigieg somehow has more delegates overall, despite getting less votes. Even in Iowa, Bernie has more votes, should get even just one more delegate more right? Fukkin wrong, do some complex-ass math that’ll break the whole primary and give the most to Pete Hell even in New Hampshire where Bern unquestionably won the primary the Dems still decide to give Bernie *and* Pete the same amount of delegates. Like, close vote, yes, but like.........what? Even if you dislike Bernie, this should be a giant wake up call, and honestly an outrage. idc how much rationalizing you’ll do to say how much it “actually works and makes sense”, there’s no way in fuck it makes sense, or that it looks anything but the DNC doing anything it can to try and subtly prop up a candidate getting less votes and that they prefer more.
These are old, flawed, yet powerful systems that represent not everybody in this country, but the ruling class. It was set up that way intentionally. We’re so accustomed to it that we’ve never known what a legit vote by the people is. Obviously, 100% still go and vote, I am, but the question now is how much are we gonna stand for it?
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simfulwoohoo · 5 years
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Siblings Interview Tag: Karlie and David
thank you so much @justkeeponsimming for the tag!! I thought this was perfectly fitted for these two for everyone to get to know better :3 a quick reminder that it’s exactly 1 more week to get your contestants entered in!!
i tag @firora @smallcowplant @klauseconfessions @cheesehair @pixeldemographics @sim-thology @eslanes @edenplaysgames if you would like to!
1. Which one of you is the older sibling?
Karlie: “That old fart over there!” David: “Well that's obvious you act just like a baby!”
2. What do you like about your sibling?
David: “She’s actually pretty cool and is pretty chill to hang out with,” Karlie: “Oh wow! You can be nice sometimes. Shocking. Something I like about him is also something that annoys me; he’s very protective. It’s come in handy a few times but other times he should mind his own business.” David: “People need to watch where their hands go, that’s all I’m gonna say.”
3. What annoys you about your sibling?
Karlie: “I answered this, David why don’t you take a few minutes I know I’m pretty perfect,” David: “Actually!! Funnily enough, I carry this list in my pock--” Karlie: “You son of a bitch!”
4. Describe your sibling(s) with three adjectives.
David: “Chill, tenacious and air-head.” Karlie: “Head-strong, flighty, funny.”
5. What is your sibling’s/siblings’ biggest talent(s)?
David: “She doesn’t spill a drop when she does a keg stand! Mad impressive party trick.” Karlie: “Hmm, probably the ability to fuck up anything good that comes his way.” David: “Um wow I didn’t realize we were throwing such low blows today, sis.” Karlie: “I guess your ability to bench press me is pretty cool too.”
6. What is your sibling(s) really bad at?
Karlie: “Haha his job,” David: “Excuse me I’m a sergeant I didn’t just get here by my looks! Jesus I’m trying to find love here and you’re blowing all my chances. Karlie is terrible at waking up on time for anything. See look how nice I’m being?”
7. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Karlie: “Dickhead,” David: “Crazy,”
8. What’s one thing you can do that your sibling(s) can’t?
David: “Well I’m smarter, more physically fit, funnier...” Karlie: “Spff! I know for a fact I’m better in the kitchen.” David: “Ew! I don’t want to hear about what you do in there, gross Karlie!” Karlie: “Oh my fukkin gawd David, I meant baking, you idiot!”
9. Did you get along when you were younger?
David: “For the first year she was alright...took the parents eyes off me so I got to do my own thing. But then she started walking and following me everywhere. Everything went downhill after that.” Karlie: “Weirdly enough I liked him. He was funny and was always doing somethin so I liked to tag along.”
10. What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?
Karlie: “For me, it was one summer day we were out front wrestling and I’m about 7 years old and I’m giving it my all but he’s got the height and weight advantage on me when an idea just springs into mind. I held his nose and swiped my leg under his ankles and he fell back and I won the match.” David: “That was the most unfair fight I’ve ever been. I refused to wrestle with her ever again. Mine was when I was supposed to take her home after school, I waited out front and as soon as she was about to reach for the door handle I drove off.” Karlie: “That was MORTIFYING!!! You did that in front of all of my friends. I was mad for weeks.”
11. Are you closer now or when you were younger?
Karlie: “He’s always the person I call if I’m in trouble or need help with something. It’s always been like that.” David: “Yeah even though we take the mick out of each other its all out of love.”
12. Did you compete with each other?
David: “A little here and there.” Karlie: “Who could shotgun a beer faster, how many drinks we could get other people to buy us in one night...sibling stuff you know?”
13. Which one of you is more likely to turn out like your mum or dad?
*Karlie looks down at her feet* David: “I think we’re not going to answer that one, sorry folks.”
14. Which one is most likely to have a big family?
David: "Well Karlie’s already got one on me, she’s a good mom, me on the other hand although I want a family being a dad scares me...I just don't wanna fuck it up. So many I’ll only have one just so I don’t have to focus on too many at once.” Karlie: “I agree, I think it’ll be me. I love kids, Danny is my whole world and I’d love to have more of him running around. He keeps me out of trouble and focused on the future.”
15. What is one thing about your sibling(s) that has changed as you’ve gotten older?
Karlie: “Hmm..I think he definitely decided to try and stay on the straight and narrow path which was for sure not where he was headed when he was 16. So I guess his head screwed on a little more.” David: “I'm gonna take that as a compliment... Since Karlie had Danny she’s a whole new person. I used to pick her drunk as a skunk ass up all the time at different house parties or find her crying in a McSimonalds. She was a mess and now she's got her life on track.”
16. Who’s better at maths?
David: “I know how to solve this one. Whats pi, Karlie?” Karlie: “What? What in the world does that have to do with math? Pie can be anything you want it to be as long as its got a pastry dough covering the top.” David: “I rest my case,” Karlie: “What does that even mean?!”
17. Who is more pessimistic and who is more optimistic?
Karlie: “What...do they mean first of all?” David: “I think it means do you look at the glass of like half full or empty?” Karlie: “Glass of what? Where is it lemme have a look first.” David: “Can we skip this one too?”
18. Is there anything you don’t like doing together?
David: “Y’know I used to hate when she’d tag along to me going out and hanging with my friends but now...honestly I’d always vote to have her around. She makes things fun, she’s always down to cook or bake somethin up for everyone, she’s usually sober these days so I’ve always got a DD. She’s sorta priceless to have around.” Karlie: “Aww...David you’re such a dickhead! I was gonna say something but I don’t really think I can after he said such nice things.”
19. Which one of you do you think will get married first?
Karlie: “Well the goal is for us to both get married at the end of this so fingers crossed that happens!” David: “Well technically I’m married right now...so I think I’ve won that already..”
20. Lastly, how often do you argue?
David: “Oh she’s always picking on me about something!” Karlie: “Someone needs to put you in your place and make sure that big head doesn’t inflate no more.”
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