darlingdorothea · 2 months
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l'd let the world burn. Let the world burn for you❤️‍🩹
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
The Treaty
Chapter 3: Thirteen
‘The lines are bound by a contract, and he is done waiting. Merlin, I’m done waiting; this is what we’ve been owed, even if I grew up with her. It’s legal, which means those precious Gryffindor Aurors can’t do anything, which only makes it more fun. Just thinking of the look on the Weasel's mug, when he sees Granger's face in the Gazette—’ Draco trailed off with a devious smirk. ‘After all these years he finally lets you do it? His son who he ‘oh, so despises’?’ Theo sighed dramatically, a grin on his face. ‘Oh, he’s scheming, I’m sure, but I couldn’t give a dragon’s ass what the long-haired cunt is up to.’
Chapter 3 of The Treaty is up! You can read it here
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
Chapter 2 of The Treaty is up on Ao3!
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger’s Mother, Hermione Granger’s Father, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Additional Tags: Trials, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Angst, Romance, i’ll add more tags as this goes, Alternate Universe, Kinda, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Bellatrix is alive Summary:
Her blood binds her to a treaty that was forged centuries ago, and he has come to claim what he is owed.
Hermione is taken away from her dying mother without a proper goodbye and forced to complete and die at the hands of the same blood trials as her ancestors did many years ago. Stuck in a familiar world, but friends are not in sight, a dragon has claimed her and his ice keeps her warm.
Draco has a duty, to honour his mother’s legacy, destroy and take a woman from a muddied bloodline and make her pay for her ancestor’s crimes. He had taken her, but Hermione was different. She wasn’t filthy like all the other mudbloods his father had told him about, no she was quite extraordinary.
He terrified her, just as much as she terrified him.
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Additional Tags: Trials, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Angst, Romance, i'll add more tags as this goes, Alternate Universe, Kinda, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Bellatrix is alive Summary:
Her blood binds her to a treaty that was forged centuries ago, and he has come to claim what he is owed.
Hermione is taken away from her dying mother without a proper goodbye and forced to complete and die at the hands of the same blood trials as her ancestors did many years ago. Stuck in a familiar world, but friends are not in sight, a dragon has claimed her and his ice keeps her warm.
Draco has a duty, to honour his mother's legacy, destroy and take a woman from a muddied bloodline and make her pay for her ancestor's crimes. He had taken her, but Hermione was different. She wasn't filthy like all the other mudbloods his father had told him about, no she was quite extraordinary.
He terrified her, just as much as she terrified him.
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Additional Tags: Trials, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Angst, Romance, i'll add more tags as this goes, Alternate Universe, Kinda, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Bellatrix is alive Summary:
Her blood binds her to a treaty that was forged centuries ago, and he has come to claim what he is owed.
Hermione is taken away from her dying mother without a proper goodbye and forced to complete and die at the hands of the same blood trials as her ancestors did many years ago. Stuck in a familiar world, but friends are not in sight, a dragon has claimed her and his ice keeps her warm.
Draco has a duty, to honour his mother's legacy, destroy and take a woman from a muddied bloodline and make her pay for her ancestor's crimes. He had taken her, but Hermione was different. She wasn't filthy like all the other mudbloods his father had told him about, no she was quite extraordinary.
He terrified her, just as much as she terrified him.
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
The Treaty
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Her blood binds her to a treaty that was forged centuries ago, and he has come to claim what he is owed.
Hermione is taken away from her dying mother without a proper goodbye and forced to complete and die at the hands of the same blood trials as her ancestors did many years ago. Stuck in a familiar world, but friends are not in sight, a dragon has claimed her and his ice keeps her warm.
Draco has a duty, to honour his mother's legacy, destroy and take a woman from a muddied bloodline and make her pay for her ancestor's crimes. He had taken her, but Hermione was different. She wasn't filthy like all the other mudbloods his father had told him about, no she was quite extraordinary.
He terrified her, just as much as she terrified him.
Read The Prologue and Chapter 1 HERE
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
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"Sometimes a hug, is all we need"
— 🐉 Norberta 🔥
📷: Xenita.
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
Draco has the biggest crush on her. 😳
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darlingdorothea · 2 months
Testing. Testing.🎤
Hi! it's, itsbugheadthings!
Is it echoing in here?
I'm back and I've changed my name! I've had this itch to write again for a while, now I cannot promise to finish any of my Riverdale fics, because I've grown up now and fallen out of love with the story and how it ended IRL (AND I cringe at my horrible young teenage selfs' writing). I will try to finish my uncompleted stories, especially your favourites!
Let's see where we go and which fandoms we dive into!?!
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
Babe. I'm sorry? Why is this so fucking good?
A Serpent Never Betrays Their Own PART 1
 “ I told you, she was a no good, dirty liar.” Betty yelled, pointing a finger at Y/N.
“ If you’d just let me explain.” Y/N begged, her voice was quiet and meek. It sounded scratchy, like she had fallen ill recently. Her eyes were sunken in and she had a slight limp, she just looked so sad.
“ WHAT IS THE FIFTH LAW?” FP’s voice boomed and echoed within the room.
“ A SERPENT NEVER BETRAYS THEIR OWN.” A room of voices yell as loud as possible.
“ I’ll see myself out.” She muttered, shedding her leather jacket and setting it down on a nearby barstool. She started to leave, when FP stopped her. Her heart skipped a beat, hoping that someone would finally let her explain.
“I’ll drive you home.” He muttered, and following her out the door.
The car ride on the winding dirt road, through the forest was surprisingly calm and sweet, at least for Y/N, who looked slightly lethargic. FP who looked angry and upset and slightly disappointed, but Y/N seemed not to mind. She looked oddly at piece, her head was leaning back on the headrest and her eyes were starring out of the window. She was watching the trees float by, it made her feel happy. To be honest, it was the first time in a while that she felt calm, and she was enjoying it. It was quiet, that calm sort of quiet, like the sound of a heartbeat.
“ When I die, don’t put me in a box. I get claustrophobic.” She said breaking the quiet.
“ What, I’m not planning to kill you. I’m just gonna take you home, thats all.”
“ I mean it, don’t put me in a casket. Y’know what just cremate me, but don’t put me in a urn, that’s still a box.”
“ Y/N, what are you talking about?”
“ Sprinkle my ashes somewhere outside, I like the outdoors. Put me in the river, I like water.”
“ Y/N-.”
“ Scratch that, I can’t swim, though that wouldn’t matter that much anyways. You know what, put me next to a tree, I like trees. Put me next to one, that smells nice, one with flowers next to the river. It would be a nice view. Who am I kidding, you’ll never find a body to burry anyway.”
“ Y/N, what is going on?”
“ Nothing.” She said snapping out of her daze. The car ride fell silent once again, until Y/N spoke. “ I’m sorry. Please tell them I’m sorry.” Her voice and breathing sounded less calm and more erratic. “ I didn’t mean for it to happen this way, and I thought I had it under control. I’m sorry.” Y/N whispered, she was holding back tears.
“ Y/N what is going on?”
“ Well, this is my stop. Tell Jughead I’m sorry.” Y/N said, her voice was quivering, and she was shaking, and before FP could grab her, she opened the door of the truck and rolled out. She rolled out of the car, and into the woods. FP stopped the car and got out of the car as fast as he could, but by the time he went around the car to look for Y/N, she had already scampered far into the woods, and was out of sight.
It was the next day, and despite the fact that Jughead was supposed to be shunning Y/N he couldn’t get her out of his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about the last time he saw her, how small she looked, and how big the bags were under her eyes, and how she had a slight limp. He couldn’t sop thinking about the phone call that he got from his dad. All he had to do was lay eyes on Y/N, just look at her to see that she was okay, and then he could stop thinking about her. But he didn’t see her. She wasn’t at school which was rare, because she prided herself on perfect attendance. He decided to bring up his concern at the serpent meeting.
“ I’m worried about Y/N.” He stated at the front of the room.
“ Why?” Sweet Pea asked.
“ She betrayed us.” Fangs repeated.
“ My dad called me, said she never made it home.”
“ What? He drove her.” Toni said glancing up.
“ Said she jumped out of the car, and ran into the forest.”
“ That’s odd.” Toni said, growing concerned.
“ He told me, before that she was going on about somebody killing her, and us not being to find her body.” Jughead said, his hands shaking from the stress of it all.
“ Why should we care, she’s been working with the Lodge’s, she betrayed us.” Fangs said growing annoyed at the constant mention of Y/N’s name.
“ I don’t think that’s the whole story. Come on think about it. I’ve known Y/N sense I was three, she’s only started lying to me about a month ago.” Jughead began, he started pacing about the front of the classroom.
“ So?” Toni asked.
“ So, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed, the bruises, the skipping classes, the dazed look, the constant zoning out . She flinches when people make sudden  movements. That’s odd. Something is wrong, and we need to find out why. This may be nothing, and if it is I will eat my words. But if it’s not, and we’re not there to protect her, and figure out what is going on, and help her. Then whatever happens to her is on us.” Jughead said, he grabbed his bag and began to leave. “ If you don’t want to help, I completely understand, but I’m not going to stand here, and wait for something bad to happen to her.” He was almost out of the door, when he stopped dead in his tracks.
 “ WHAT IS THE FIFTH LAW?” Sweet Pea yelled.
“ A SERPENT NEVER BETRAYS THEIR OWN.”  The room echoed in unison.
“ Lets go get our girl.” Sweet Pea said. 
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
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Defrosted Hearts
For @easyluckyfree45
Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Ice Princess and aspiring Olympian Betty Cooper hates Jughead Jones, the hockey player that keeps using up her practice times. He’s obnoxious, rude, and the worst kind of person. Except she’s never actually spoken to him before. He thinks she’s a spoiled brat that’s too perfect for her own good. Will they be able to melt each other’s icy hearts?
@riverdalebingo 2021 | Ice Skaters AU | Mature | Word Count 3,876
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
Black and Blue
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Chapter 4 : Forwards And Back
Betty’s mouth turns downwards and pulls him into her arms. Jughead wraps himself around her like a vine. ‘I…fuck, Betty. I was beside myself when you were gone. All the worst scenarios kept plaguing my dreams. I couldn’t take it anymore. So I just stopped…”
Betty tries to keep her tears at bay when she asks, “Stopped what?”
“Stopped sleeping, eating, breathing. Living.” He takes a deep breath, “I tried to find you, I went to his fucking house too, motherfucker threw it in my face that you were probably slaving away somewhere. And I just lost it and fucking beat the crap out of him.” Betty remembered that day when he came limping down the stairs, black and blue. That’s what he made her too, he beat her with a cane, cut into her flesh, and dislocated her jaw.
Read here Or Start from the beginning
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
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Being this fucking hot should be illegal. I fucking SCREAMED
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
Black and Blue
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Chapter 3: The Return
“Is Jughead coming here?” She asked the man. He inhaled sharply as if pained by the idea of seeing his son again. Strange.
“Unfortunately, yes. He’s expected to arrive in about 2 hours.” He drummed his fingers against the wooden table. He didn’t look comfortable sitting behind the large desk. Betty thought he looked too small behind it as if he was just warming the seat for someone more powerful.
“Okay, what am I supposed to do in the meantime?” She says twiddling her thumbs, he rolled in his eyes in annoyance and opens his mouth to say something, but gets interrupted by the harsh opening of the door.
It's switchblade guy.
“He’s here.” He says with a slight panic on his face.
Read Chapter 3 Here OR Start From The Beginning
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darlingdorothea · 3 years
Why the fuck am I reading Harry Styles Fanfiction when I don't even care about One Direction?
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