#just found out NOW that they had a comeback last month
orquidborgo · 2 days
Well, I'm getting a fever and with a lot of ideas, so I'm going to write them here because I don't have anything better to do!
This are concepts/writing ideas I got that I have more or less the story made in my head but I never wrote it down because I don't have the confidence to publish anything (haha self esteem issues are so funny), so here they are:
Jake Muller, professional B.O.Wsitter
* I got this idea while reading a modern fantasy resident evil fanfic (where the wound drips venom from your soul), basically:
After the events of resident evil VI, Jake only accepted jobs that allowed him to fight B.O.W and protect people BUT that didn't get him a lot of money, with Sherry's birthday approaching he is thinking about taking a mercenary jobs that pays very well until he receives a call from Chris Redfield, go to the middle of nowhere in Nebraska(? I'm thinking about changing the location) on a mansion with everything paid to take care of 5 B.O.Ws, just not the way he though he would.
Perfect paintings
* I got this idea from reading a really short story from space marine husbandry (I think it was from @kit-williams, is a story about a custodes, idk I forgot, it was so long ago) but I never got the confidence to write it because I don't think I will write a good mystery piece that'll comply with my expectations:
Detective Arad Yilmaz approached the scene, this is the 4th murder this month, the murders follow a pattern: All of them were strangled to death, had long black hair, honey/light brown eyes, middle eastern heritage and where last seen interacting with a really tall astartes.
The location of the corpses leave a trail as if the murderer have been moving constantly, following the same movement as the chaos warbands path, now with this corpse being found by a Dark Angel the astartes want to take this matter in their own hands.
Will Arad be able to find the murderer, bring them to justice and avoid an all out war between astartes before is too late? The clock is ticking.
There is no home like the one your bonded is:
* After reading Cedric's story in space marine husbandry (I also forgot to say that Cedric belongs to @sleepyfan-blog, sorry) and watching the movie "Bolt" I got thinking, what happens when a space marine grows a bond with a human that lives in another country and is only visiting? So here it is:
Guillermo Testarossa is visiting the U.S.A for his winter vacation, following his aunt's advice to stave off boredom he ventures into the local astartes hospital with his aunt's bonded apothecary. There he meets an injured space wolf, the rest of his vacation he spends it talking and having fun with this astartes but not everything last forever and he has to comeback to his home country Argentina, saying his goodbyes and promising to comeback next year.
Unbeknownst to him, this space wolf will not wait an entire year, using a joke his brother-captain made as motivation, with a camera, a notepad and supplies on his back he embarks on a adventure walking from the U.S to Buenos Aires - Argentina to find his bonded, taking photos and recording everything he encounters in his journey. The only thing he knows is that his bonded lives in San Telmo, works in a coffee shop with private tango shows and studies electronic engineering.
Save us from ourselves
* I seriously need to read Magnus primarch novel because there is no way you are telling me a whole planet of highly trained psykers (this mfs have magic, mind you) with space travel technology didn't have a plan B to evacuate civilians in case of a invasion, and I also like Arknights a LOT so, this is kind of a crossover between 40k and arknights:
Rhode Island is an humanitarian/pharmaceutical organization that travels across space with the mission of saving psykers, protecting those infected with flesh change and find the cure of said illness, right know they have treatment and have developed technology to protect/stabilize psykers with it so they can live a normal life.
Marckus Ahriman is a young 16 year old field operator with signs of mutation and a big heart who wishes for a world where all psykers are free and flesh change is finally cured. In a fateful operation battling against a chaos incursion he finds a soul shard that "calls" to him, upon touching it he remembers: he Magnus the Red, primarch of the Thousand Sons and son of the Emperor of Mankind, or well... A shard of him.
My big... Primarch?: Friendship is Magic (this is a temporary title)
* I watched a few episodes of my little pony so this is a crack fic, don't mind it that much:
During her fight against Starlight Glimmer through timelines; Twilight Sparkle gets "knocked out", but when she wakes up again to try and stop Starlight, she ends up in Magnus's body as a baby. So is basically her dealing with 40k insanity, family issues and trying to go back to her home.
She would try to understand why the other primarchs are so apprehensive of magic and would try to befriend them: She would try and not use magic in front of Mortarion after knowing his trauma and help him through it the best she can, would cure Angron of his nails, Leman would finally like her because she gets tired of his bullshit and start throwing hands and things like that.
Magnus's regular day
* With how pridefull is Magnus about magic, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten in a lot of psychic shenanigans in "regular show" style, every chapter would be Magnus getting into a crazy adventure, sometimes pulling his brothers, any of his sons or a unfortunate custodes along the ride.
The Emperor, Malcador and Constantin are just... Done with his magical bullshit at some point and just let him be because they know that he'll somehow fix it at the end.
So... Yep. This is all I got.
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ppulverse · 3 months
i feel so bad for weki meki
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snowball-doie · 18 days
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| pairing: gn!Reader x switch!Mark
| warnings: 18+ MDNI. Under the desk blowjob. Edging. Overstimulation. Oblivious.... oblivious Mark..... He's more on the subby side for this one.
| wc: 3k
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“How does London sound?”
You looked up from your laptop to raise a brow at your boyfriend who was sitting on the couch with you, your legs swung over his thighs while he slowly massaged your feet as he got lost in thought. That was what he spent the last hour thinking about? Really? He knew better than to ask you to go with him on trips, work or not.
When you and Mark started dating, a clear rule had been struck which stated that you could never, ever get caught dating— Not because he worried about his career, who gave a fuck about that? Mark was consumed with anxiety about you being attacked and harassed by cruel fans who felt they could say or do whatever they wanted behind the safety of their phone screens… Or worse, they would confront you in person and threaten your safety. He tried not to imagine the worst, but the possibilities seemed to be endless, and he wanted to protect you first and foremost, so the most important thing was being as careful as possible; That usually meant no public outings. You two lived together, you slept together, you ate together, but you would never be seen together.
However, the past few months had taken a turn for Mark. He disliked being away from you due to tours and comebacks, so his clinginess had grown twofold, leading to some instances which you found to be tiptoeing the line between breaking your number one rule and just Mark being a good boyfriend. You tried not to care about it too much. You were both adults making adult decisions, and you knew how to play it safely… But that didn’t stop you from wondering why the Hell Mark of all people was willing to play with fire like that. Now he was throwing out the idea of London? That was supposed to be his sponsored trip for Wimbledon. You weren’t invited. You didn’t have a plane ticket. His hotel room was only reserved for one person in a king sized suite, thanks to his sponsors. There was no room for you, and the odds of getting caught were too high.
“Can’t,” you replied.
Mark rubbed his thumbs into the arch of your left foot. “It’d be fun. We can fly first class together, stay in a nice hotel, tour the city… I don’t think I could get you into the game, but… There’s plenty of other things for us to do together.”
He tsked his tongue with frustration. “Why?”
“Too risky.”
“Not if we put the flight in your name, get you your own room in the hotel so no one would think we’re sharing a bed…” He hit a sore spot, causing you to stop typing on your laptop and put your full attention on him. “I’ll put on hats and masks while we’re walking around—”
“We can’t.”
Mark sighed. “Come on. Just once. I promise, we’ll be super, super, super careful. And if you ever get too worried, we can bail. Just say the word and we’ll go back to the hotel, no questions asked. We can stay in all day, watch movies, order room service, fuck a ton—”
You kicked his thigh gently.
But with a little more persuasion and a few solidified plans about how you two would pull off your incognito trip to London, you were convinced to go with him at the last second. Mark paid for everything. Your first class flight— Somehow there was still a seat available next to him, so he snatched it up immediately, despite the insane price gouging because of how soon the flight was; Your hotel room, a small one since you wouldn’t be spending time in it anyhow, it was just for appearances; And he made sure that all other expenses were attached to his card. He truly wasn’t wasting any time locking you into the trip. He wanted you there no matter what. Stupid or not, he wanted you there so badly… If it were at all possible, maybe in some alternate universe, Mark would’ve had you at his side throughout the entire trip, no masks or hats, no more hiding from the world. But alas… that wasn’t your reality.
You and Mark had to arrive at the airport separately. The paparazzi and fans were waiting for him because he was flying for a schedule which meant that it was public information, unfortunately; But you managed to walk through check-in and security smoothly without any issues. Boarding the flight, you were able to stand next to each other, but you couldn’t be caught talking to each other. That didn’t stop Mark. At one point, as the line was moving towards the flight attendant who was scanning tickets, Mark’s pinky drifted against yours, letting you know that he was there and that he so badly wanted to hold your hand. On the flight. That was the look you gave him, a promise that he could hold your hand for the entirety of the trip once everyone was seated and no one was looking. And that was exactly what happened.
Mark fell asleep on the plane, his hand clasped with yours under his blanket. He was in the middle of rewatching one of the Spider-Man movies when his head slumped to the side, his mouth fell agape, and he started quietly snoring under the noise of the jet engines that kept the plane moving in the air. He looked really cute. You’d never flown with him before, and you never really imagined that you would, so seeing the way he so comfortably fit into his spot in first class and accepted all the amenities and even fell asleep so quickly was baffling to you— But his fogged up glasses, and his brown curls falling in his face nearly took you out. You figured out about two hours into the flight that it was cuteness aggression which nearly had you cuddling him, if it weren’t for the fact that anyone could have spotted you two at any moment.
Mark organized having a driver pick you up at baggage claim because fans were waiting for him there too so he couldn’t go with you. You were pampered completely by the driver offering to take your bag, dragging it behind him as he led you to the nice SUV which had water and snacks waiting for you, and he even offered to let you control the music if you wanted— You were too shy to entertain the thought. When you arrived at the hotel, the driver helped hand your bag over to the bell boys who opened your door and guided you to the front desk where you found Mark already checking into his room as well. He grinned over at you while you both stood at the desk. The lady across from him was trying to ask him questions, but he was so locked into staring at you out of the corner of his eye that he couldn’t focus on the topic at hand. You, however, made your check in brief because your bag was delivered to your room despite the fact that you needed to covertly transport it to Mark’s room. Idiot was already there by the time you arrived. Life of a celebrity… Even though he procrastinated, he still managed to beat you everywhere.
“You like it?” he asked, looking around the suite before falling onto the bed.
You also looked around a bit. It was a big place with a living room, a big TV, a small kitchen, the large king bed, and a huge bathroom that you couldn’t imagine why it was like that. “It’s nice.”
Mark smirked. “You tired? Hungry?”
“Room service?”
You nodded.
Over the next few days, Mark was so busy with work that he was up early in the morning in order to let the makeup, hair, and clothing stylists in so that they could doll him up for the day, then he wouldn’t be back until late in the evening when everyone would return with him in order to take back all their work. It gave you plenty of time to explore on your own, but you wished that it were with him, like a normal couple. You knew what you signed up for. You weren’t stupid. But that was exactly why you declined the trip in the first place because you expected that being alone and missing him would suck. Yeah, the city was pretty in certain places, and it was kind of funny seeing fangirls running around with their Mark Lee photocards on their bags while they ran to go find him at his next public schedule. He even thought it was funny when you told him about your day when you two would be cuddled in bed together, catching up on what the other missed out on. He had a lot more going on than you did, but that was a given.
After the last day of his sponsored trip, Mark was finally free. Like he promised, he took you wherever you wanted, despite the many layers of clothes he had to wear in the heat just so he could go unrecognized, and you felt too uncomfortable to hold hands while walking around. Mark noticed. He was always observant about those kinds of things, so he didn’t want to push you, especially when he was slightly worried too about the amount of fangirls that were still roaming around the city in the hopes of “accidentally” running into their favorite idol.
In the evenings, you and Mark returned to the hotel to relax. Sometimes you would go out for dinner, most times not because someone could snap a picture of you two at dinner and have it in the tabloids ten minutes later with a headline about how the lead rapper of NCT was on a dinner date in London. That was a shit storm neither of you wanted to handle. And it wasn’t like staying in was a bad thing! You still got to see the city as much as you wanted to, and you finally got to spend time with Mark in London, so what was there to complain about?
There was always work. Being at the hotel meant that Mark got caught up in making music at his laptop for hours on end without realizing how much time was passing. For the most part you didn’t mind because he began around the time you were getting in bed, and you always woke up in his arms regardless, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. But there was one night you were annoyed. Before your room service dinners arrived, Mark was sitting at the desk in his pajamas, headphones on, music blasting while he worked on creating a new mix for his solo projects that he enjoyed messing with— You were pretty sure that he and Johnny were writing another song together too, so his focus was tunnel visioned on work, work, work and not his partner whom he’d dragged to Europe with him after begging like a pathetic puppy for so long. Was he stupid? Yuta probably would have smacked him upside the back of the head if you told him what Mark was doing. “Idiot, there’s a hot person in the bed behind you. Do something about it!” But Yuta would have to smack some sense into your boyfriend later… In the meantime, you had to make due with fighting to put his attention back on you.
“Baby,” you cooed from the bed.
He didn’t budge. Instead, he clicked a few things, opened another Chrome tab, Googled something, then went back to his mix.
Still nothing.
You tsked your tongue and crawled off the bed. Mark was so lost in his own world that he didn’t even notice that you were only wearing blue underwear just for him; and he didn’t even budge when you dropped to your knees beside him. You rolled your eyes. There was no way his tunnel vision was that bad… Sure, he moved a bit to accommodate you as you skillfully made your way under the desk and settled in between his man-spread legs, but come on, really? He still didn’t take off his headset? What the Hell did he think you were doing down there, counting specs of dust? Sometimes he really could be oblivious.
When you started fiddling with his pajama pants, Mark hesitated, leaning back slightly so that he could glance down at you through his glasses with a raised brow. You hesitated. With a doe-eyed look, you acted like you weren’t doing anything at all, because he seemingly didn’t want to pay much attention to you in the first place, even though it was his idea to drag you to London. Mark warily went back to his work. Once his focus was elsewhere again, you continued to tease him. He let out a quiet gasp when you ran the palm of your hand over the crotch of his pants, feeling up his length that jumped with excitement. You grinned. Still, he eyed you suspiciously while slowly clicking things with his mouse and readjusting tunes with the mixer to his left. Then the tips of your fingers danced over his sensitive tip. His breath hitched, his eyes squeezed shut, and he adjusted slightly in his seat so that it would be easier for you to touch more of him. You didn’t enlighten him. Not yet. You just stared up at him with a grin, admiring how handsome he was, and how the blush on his cheeks was growing along with the erection in his pants.
To test the waters, you ran your hand along his cock again, content that he found you so alluring that he could get as hard as he was within a teasing touch or two. Surely he’d put his attention on you finally if you just… reached into his pajamas and pulled out his cock. Mark let out another quiet moan. But what really did it was when you held him upright as he was still getting harder, and you wrapped your lips around him, sinking down about half way.
“Oh— Fuck, baby—” His hands abandoned his music set up to tangle his fingers in your hair so that he could keep you on his cock. However, you pulled away with surprisingly not much protest from Mark who whimpered when your lips left him, and instead your thumb slowly played with his tip. “Baby, please…”
“Keep working.”
You shrugged. “You’ve got a lot of work to do, right? You should keep working, or else Johnny’ll get mad when we go back home.”
“He won’t care—” He bucked his hips up in an attempt to get you to suck him off again.
“Oh? So it could’ve waited?”
“I—” He dawned on him that he’d gotten himself caught in your trap. “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t even realize.” His head fell backwards when you suddenly licked the length of his dick from base to tip so slowly that you felt him pulse in your hand. “I’m so, so sorry, baby, please…” His hands unwittingly guided your mouth back onto him. Mark groaned loudly. “Just like that.”
He looked so cute with his headset slowly falling off his head, his glasses pushed all the way up the bridge of his nose thanks to gravity, and your name was being chanted like a prayer while it mixed with his moans and pleas for you to keep going. You couldn’t stay mad at that. Seeing him fall apart for you made you happier than anything else in the whole world.
“Use your tongue— Y-Yeah— Just… just like that… Don’t stop…”
You did as he wanted, patterning your movements between bobbing your head, swirling his tip with your tongue, and using your hands to play with his balls and the base of his cock. He whimpered pathetically. It seemed that you were getting to him, faster than you expected. The way Mark swiveled his hips desperately in his chair, and he finally knocked the headset off the top of his head and onto his neck, you could tell that he was already close to cumming.
You pulled away again, using that moment to catch your breath while Mark popped upright to look down at you with pouty eyes, wondering how you could possibly do such a thing when he was so close… Poor thing. Still, it was just as much fun to torment him as it was to see him falling apart thanks to you. When his breath was steady again, you went back to sucking him off slowly— Really slow in the hopes of working him up without getting him too close to the edge yet. It worked. Mark’s feet anxiously kicked against the floor. He groaned and grabbed onto the arms of his desk chair as tightly as he could to keep himself from grabbing you or fucking your face because he knew that would deter you from giving him what he desperately needed.
“Come on, baby,” he egged you on needily, “you look so good with my cock in your mouth… Wanna cum in your mouth… Wanna watch you swallow every drop.” He sucked in a deep breath to relax his body, recollecting himself. When he was calm, he put his fingers back in your hair and pushed you down onto his cock, letting you feel the way his tip hit the back of your throat, both of you moaning in unison. “Fuck, yes!” 
For about a minute, Mark fucked your mouth, thinking that he had all the control in the world, but once again, when he got close, you squirmed your way out of his grasp and sat back to look up at him from under the desk. He pouted down at you. Okay, okay, fine, just one more… It was fun edging him, but you couldn’t bear that sad look on his face.
You tangled your fingers with his so that he had something else to hold onto when you returned to sucking him off with hollow cheeks and your tongue swirling around. Mark’s grip tightened against yours. He boiled himself down to pants and pathetic little whimpers rather than begging you, probably theorizing that it was his neediness that convinced you to keep edging him for fun. However, you wanted to drag those cute reactions out of him to make him earn the orgasm you’d already decided on giving him; So you made sure to put enough attention on his sensitive tip until he had no other choice than to start moaning your name again, coupled with quiet, “Please, please, please, please, please, please…” that indicated his brain had broken so soon and so easily.
With another doe-eyed look up at him, you silently told him that it was okay to finally cum. Mark tensed in his chair in preparation. His thighs squeezed around your head, his feet kept anxiously tapping the carpet, and his hips wiggled desperately in his seat while you bobbed your head faster up and down his length.
“I’m cumming—” He moaned out so breathlessly you almost missed it. “I’m- I’m— Fuck—” With his hips hovering in the air, he finally snapped.
He came hard, his legs shivering, his hands tugging against yours, his cum spilling down your throat. You pressed his hips down onto the chair so that he could relax while you helped him ride out his orgasm. Mark hunched forward when “helping” turned into overstimulating.
“Ah, shit, baby, wait, wait, fuck—”
Finally, you gave him reprieve by slowly dragging your lips off his cock with a pop. Mark released your hands while his body completely slumped with relief, and he reached out to run his thumb over your bottom lip, collecting the little bit of drool mixed with cum that you hadn’t realized was there, then he slowly pushed his finger into your mouth. Take every drop…
“That’s it,” he cooed at you tiredly.
After you finished sucking his thumb clean, Mark rolled his desk chair back in order to give him room to readjust his pants momentarily before reaching out to help you off the ground.
“Come here.”
He welcomed you so easily into his arms and onto his lap. He hugged you close, kissing your lips desperately despite the fact that you tasted like his cum— Or perhaps because of that.
“I’m sorry I got lost in my work.” He pecked your cheek. “Let me make it up to you.”
“Better make it good,” you replied teasingly.
Mark chuckled. “Oh, I will.”
Carefully, he lifted you off his lap and navigated you towards the bed. There was a little more than twenty four hours until your flight home… Yeah, there’d be plenty of time for him to make it up to you and keep his full attention on you in the meantime.
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minniesmutt · 3 months
❄︎ ━━━━━━ 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞
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❄︎ ━━━ PAIRING: BANG CHAN X READER X CHANGBIN ❄︎ ━━━ CW: DOM!CHAN, DOM!CHANGBIN, SUB!READER, FREE USE, POLY RELATIONSHIP, MASTURBATION, FINGERING, UNPROTECTED SEX, CREAM PIES, DEGRADING, MANHANDLING, FILMING, CHOKING, DP, FINGER SUCKING, PET NAMES (BABY, DOLL, PRINCESS,), ALLUDES TO AFTERCARE ❄︎ ━━━ WC: 2K ❄︎ ━━━ NOTE: ❄︎ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     It was a stressful time for both of Y/n’s boyfriends. She knew it was when a comeback was on the horizon. They needed to put together all their songs with everyone’s takes and with what sounded best. It would go into the early hours of the morning. Chan always brought work home with him anyway. But now more than ever.
     Even with the soundproofing in the two’s home studio, she could still hear their frustration as Chan and Changbin went about mixing their tracks. Y/n gave them their space. Only bothering them to feed them so they didn’t miss taking care of themselves. She felt bad she could only do so much for them. But both found a way for her to help them out.
     Changbin needed a break from the studio. Walking out into their kitchen and grabbing some water for him and Chan. Seeing Y/n in her own world cleaning up the kitchen with her headphones on. Unaware of his presence or the fact that he was eyeing her up and down since she was only wearing one of their hoodies; and it was barely covering her legs which made his gym shorts tighter.
     “I have an idea,” Changbin said as he came back into the studio
     “Let me hear it,” Chan sighed as he leaned back in the chair.
     “Remember last month when you, me, and Y/n were talking about exploring new kinks?”
     “I thought this was going to be about the song.”
     “It wraps into it.”
     “Alright… and yes I remember the conversation.”
     “Remember what she said she wanted to try?”
     Chan thought for a moment, “Free use? Right?”
     “She said last night she wished she could do more to help us.”
     Both boys looked at each other and reached a silent agreement. Texting her to come into the studio real quick.
     “What’s up?” Y/n asked
     Chan too had to eye his girlfriend up and down as she walked over to them.
     “Remember the other night when you said you wanted to help more?” Changbin asked
     “Yeah. What do you guys need from me?”
     “Let us use you till we finish the album?” Chan asked
     Y/n felt her whole body heat up hearing the offer. “Are you guys sure?”
     “A hundred percent,” both said
     “Do you guys want me to stay in the studio or leave you guys alone till you need me?”
     “How about you stay in here with us for today? Make it easier the first time?” Chan suggested 
     “Be like when we’re at the company. Just chill while we work,” Changbin added
     “Except we’ll just fuck you when we feel like it,” Chan giggled
     “Bedroom rules?” Y/n asked
     “Bedroom rules. We know all of our yes’ and no’s.” Chan confirmed and Changbin nodded
     “Okay. Should I go grab anything from the bedroom?”
     “No baby. Just go lay down pretty on the pull-out couch, maybe get yourself ready,” Chan said as Changbin got up and fixed the couch they had. Typically used for naps or when one of the kids was over and passed out. 
     Y/n laid back on the mattress after Changbin fixed the pillows and walked back to his chair. The two looked at her for confirmation. They had never not made her cum when they had sex. But they honored her wish. They always gave in to what she wanted but rewarded her in the end.
     The two tried working. Bin moved a few things around and made Chan listen. Chan leaned back in his chair with a sigh as he took back the headphones. He couldn’t keep his ears from picking up the small noises coming from behind them. The oldest looked back at their girl. Lying back on her phone with her legs bent up on the mattress and spread just enough so he could see her fingers dipping in and out of her little hole. 
     He got up from his chair and walked over to the pull-out. Grabbing her ankles and pulling her to the edge, her sweater riding up and phone falling next to her as he did. Giving him a good view of her fingering herself and of her wet folds. Chan smiled as he kneeled between her legs. 
     “Our little whore,” Chan smiles and pulled her fingers out of her. He pinned both her arms down onto the couch before sitting up and pulling his gym shorts and boxers down. Y/n watched his hard cock spring up before he wrapped his hand around himself. 
     Chan pressed himself against her before pushing himself in fully. Bottoming out in one fell swoop. Y/n moaned as her walls stretched to accommodate him. Chan grabbed her hips and pulled out before harshly pushing in. 
     “There we go,” Chan groaned as he got to a fast and rough pace. Hips slamming into her as she bit her bottom
     “Channie,” Y/n whined.
     “Just let Channie fuck his stress out on you baby.”
     Chan moved one of his hands up to wrap around her neck. Y/n gasped as his cock pistoned into her, which seemed faster now that he had a hand wrapped around her neck.
     “There we go, baby,” Chan groaned as his dick twitched inside her.
     Y/n clamped her legs around his only for him to spread her open again, “Maybe we should have tied you up,” Chan smiled
     Chan let up on her neck a bit, letting her get some air in her lungs just as he knocked it out of her. “Gonna hold Channie’s cum inside you, huh?”
     Y/n attempted to nod before Chan filled her with his seed. Painting her walls white before pulling out and fixing himself and going back over to the desk with Changbin. Y/n took a second to compose herself before she rolled over onto her stomach and grabbed her phone again. Trying not to focus on Chan’s cum dripping down her leg. Just scrolling through social media.
     She got lost in videos till she felt her bottom half being repositioned and turned to see which one it was. “Eyes forward doll,” Y/n heard Changbins voice.
     Y/n turned back to her phone as he spread her legs and arched her back. Y/n scrolled down to another video before she felt his tip pushing inside of her. His hands grabbed onto the fat of her ass, spreading her cheeks apart and watching himself sink into her, some of Chan’s cum getting pushed out. Y/n dropped her head down, keeping her composure as he stretched her just a little bit more.
     Changbin didn’t move for a moment. He always liked feeling her around him, even stressed out apparently. Y/n smiled as she lifted her head back to her phone as Changbin moved up to her hips. Pulling out and quickly pushing in again. Hitting hard in her, making her moan.
     Repeating his thrusts as his hips slammed into her. Y/n laid her head on the couch and dropped her phone in front of her. Changbin noticed and leaned over her, grabbing the phone from below and sitting up again. Opening up her camera app, propping her phone in front of her, and pressing record. Changbin sat up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her up a bit for the camera.
     “Fuck Bin,” Y/n moaned, catching the image on her phone screen.
     “Going to have a nice memory of this forever,” Changbin smiled
     Y/n gripped at the covers without luck. Bullying her cunt till he spilled inside her. Shoving himself deep inside her as he added his mix of cum to her insides before pulling out. 
    He watched it drip out of her for a moment before tucking himself back in his pants and returning to his work. Y/n grabbed her phone after a moment and stopped the recording. Her hole clenched around nothing as both their cum dripped out of her. 
     She felt a little high on the fact they were using her. The idea made her throb when she had originally brought it up. Now she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
     Y/n laid back down on her stomach. Mindlessly scrolling or playing some game on her phone. Just waiting around for them. 
     Eventually, both boys sighed behind her then she felt their mattresses dip down on both sides of her. 
     “Done for the day?” Y/n asked them as she turned her phone off
     “Just with the tracks,” Chan said behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. 
     “Wanna order in for dinner tonight?” Changbin asked 
     “Sure. Means I don’t have to cook,” Y/n smiled as she turned her body to him. 
     Chan kissed the back of her head, both of them now pressing up against her. She wasn’t unaware of the hardness against her and both their wandering hands. Chan groped her breast over the sweater and Bin’s hand grabbed her ass.
     Y/n smiled at the boyfriend in front of her before he lifted her leg. Bring it up his waist before she felt Chan’s dick behind her. Rubbing between her folds, spreading their cum mixture around before he pushed into her again. 
     “Take two more for us,” Chan growled in her ear
     “Been so good letting us use you today,” Changbin said before he pressed his lips onto hers. Y/n melted into them. Continuing to let them do whatever they wanted to do to her. Chan thrust up into her from behind as she felt Changbin pull himself out of his shorts.
     Chan moved his hand that was groping her breasts down and bunched the sweater up above her breasts. Her chest pressed up against Changbins as he ran the tip of his cock over her clit. 
     Chan slowed down his thrusts and Changbin pulled his lips away from her mouth. Chan took the opportunity to push two fingers into her mouth and Y/n wrapped her lips around his fingers. 
     Changbin moved his tip to her hole currently being filled and slowly fucked. Tip poked her till he slipped inside with Chan. Y/n moaned against Chan’s fingers while Changbin hooked his arms under her thigh and pushed her leg up more. Both shallowly thrust inside her. Bit by bit they worked themselves into her while they rubbed up against each other. Letting their own moans and grunts fall into her ears. 
     “Forgot how tight it is when both of us are in her,” Chan grunted
     “Should do it more often so she can take both of us whenever,” Changbin suggested
     Y/n moaned in agreement as Chan pulled his fingers out of her mouth, resting his hand around her neck, not putting any pressure on it though.
     Both boys had to move slowly but Y/n still could feel both of them throbbing inside of her. She was sure they could feel the other too. Y/n dropped her head, resting against Changbin’s forehead.
     “Feel good baby?” Changbin asked
     “Mhm,” Y/n nodded
     “So good you can’t talk now,” Chan said behind her
     “Always so good for us,” Changbin replied
     Both of them tightened their holds on her as they got closer to their release. Y/n whimpered with each thrust they made into her. Chan grunted as his cum shot up into her again. Both Changbin and Y/n moaned as they felt his cum covering them. Changbin released not long after Chan finished and feeling the same effect. Both stilling inside her, catching their breaths, and coming down from her high.
     “Gonna pull out, alright?” Chan told them
     Both nodded at his warning and Chan slowly pulled out of her. Y/n grabbed onto Changbin in front of her.
     “Did so good today princess,” Chan cooed in her ear till he popped out of her and it was just Changbin in her.
     “Perfect today. Binnies gonna pull out too, okay,” Changbin added
     Y/n nodded as Chan wrapped his arms around her tighter. Changbin slowly pulled out of her, Chan kissing her neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
     “Cuddles,” Y/n sighed
     “Of course,” Changbin smiled
     “How are you feeling baby?” Chan asked, pulling her hoodie back down to cover her
     “Good,” Y/n giggled
     “Liked it?” Chan confirmed 
     “Loved it. Love you guys too,” Y/n said “Can we go again tomorrow?”
     “How about you rest up and we’ll see,” Changbin suggested 
     “M’kay,” Y/n agreed as she snuggled up to the two 
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lvnleah · 28 days
008. | Leah’s return
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word count: 1.8k
find the masterlist here!
January 24th 2024 | 29 weeks + 6 days.
“You’ll definitely be there tonight?” Leah asked, slipping her hands underneath your shirt from behind to rest on your bump.
You turned your head to place a kiss on her cheek, “Yes Le, I promise I’ll be there. I’m going to head to work, check on the bakery and then I’m meeting your Mum and Jacob.”
Tonight, Leah was making her comeback from her ACL. It was against Reading and after a long ten months, she was finally going to be back on the pitch. You were travelling up with her family while she was travelling on the coach with the team.
The excitement in Leah was unmistakable. “I can’t wait to see you in the stands,” she whispered, giving your bump a gentle rub before stepping back.
You smiled, “I’ll be the loudest one there, I promise.” You turned towards the kitchen, grabbing your bag and keys. “Now, I better get going before I’m late.”
Leah followed you to the door, her face a mix of excitement and nerves. “Don’t overdo it at the bakery, okay?”
You nodded, “I won’t. Just a quick check-in to make sure everything’s running smoothly. Besides, Maia has got it all under control.” You said, referring to the young girl who worked at your bakery and was currently running it.
She leaned in for one last kiss. “I love you. See you tonight.”
“Love you too,” you replied. “You’re gonna smash it tonight!”
The bakery was only a short drive away, and as you navigated through the familiar streets, your mind wandered to Leah’s match. The journey had been tough on her, both physically and mentally, and tonight she was going to be making her comeback.
Pulling up to the bakery, you saw the bustling activity inside. It was a small place, but it was yours and you loved it a lot.
You checked in with Maia and sorted some paperwork, you quickly brainstormed a few sales ideas with Maia before you went on your way.
The next stop was Leah’s mum’s house, where you joined her and Jacob for the journey to the stadium.
“Ready to cheer for Le?” Jacob asked as you stepped out of the door, “She sent me a list of your favourite snacks right now for the drive, they’re in the car.
“Ready as ever!” you laughed, “You better not steal my sweets!”
“Everything went well at the bakery?” Amanda asked.
“Smooth as always. Maia’s a lifesaver.”
She nodded, pulling you into a warm hug. “Let’s get going then. We don’t want to miss a moment of Leah’s big night.”
The drive to the stadium was filled with chatter and laughter, you and Jacob bickered like siblings, everyone was buzzing with excitement. As you arrived and found your seats, the energy in the stadium was electric. Fans were pouring in, and the atmosphere was just the same as usual.
You settled into your seat in the box, Jacob on one side and Leah’s mum on the other with the rest of her family scattered around to you. As the teams started to warm up on the pitch, you scanned the field, your eyes searching for Leah. When you finally spotted her, your heart swelled with happiness. She looked focused, determined, and ready to give it her all.
Soon, the warm ups were over and both teams headed inside. Your phone pinged in your pocket, you smiled once you saw it was Leah.
Le 💕: please come see me quickly? x
You: be there in two seconds! x
You excused yourself and made your way down to the tunnel where the players' entrance was. The stadium buzzed around you, but your focus was solely on getting to Leah.
As you approached, a security guard let you through with a nod and a smile. You navigated the narrow corridor, the hum of excitement palpable. Finally, you spotted Leah standing near the entrance to the changing rooms. Her eyes lit up when she saw you.
“There’s my girl,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around you as she placed a kiss on your cheeks.
“Are you ready?” you asked, looking up into her eyes, searching for any signs of nerves.
She nodded. “I am. I’ve worked so hard for this moment. Just needed to see you one last time before I go out there.”
You placed a hand on her cheek, your thumb brushing lightly over her skin. “You’re going to be amazing, Leah. I know it. We all know it.”
She smiled as she rested her hand on your bump, “He’s lively tonight! Must be excited to see his Mumma play.”
“He’s definitely having a party,” you laughed, “Now go out there and show them what you’re made of.”
With one final kiss, you stepped back, giving her a reassuring smile. Leah took a deep breath, nodded, and turned to head into the changing rooms.
As you made your way back to your seat, you felt the anticipation build. The stadium lights brightened, the announcer's voice echoed, and the crowd’s excitement surged as the teams were introduced.
You settled back in with Leah’s family, clutching your bag of snacks that Jacob had dutifully packed. The roar of the crowd grew louder, and when Leah’s name was called, the noise was deafening. You stood, cheering as loud as you could, feeling your baby kick inside you as if he was sharing the excitement.
“Is she alright?” Lia asked, leaning from her seat to talk to you from behind.
You nodded, “Yeah, she’s just a bit nervous and wanted to see me. If I’m perfectly honest I think she just wanted a kiss.”
Laura laughed, shaking her head, “She’s so in love with you.”
The match kicked off, and it wasn’t long before Arsenal scored. Goals came swiftly, one after another, and by the 60th minute, the score was 4-0 in Arsenal's favour. Caitlin had scored in the 23rd minute followed by Stina in the 35th and again in the 45th and finally Laia in the 51st. The crowd was ecstatic, nerves bubbled up inside of you knowing Leah would soon be on the pitch.
When the fourth official held up her number for her to come on, the stadium erupted in applause and cheers. She high-fived Beth’s hand, who was also coming on, before exchanging a quick hug with Caitlin and then Jen.
You leaned forward, gripping the edge of your seat as you watched Leah take her position on the field. It was a moment you had both been waiting for. She looked calm and ready to play, you felt completely different however as nerves continued to build up inside.
Minutes passed as the game resumed its fast pace. Leah moved quickly, her touches confident and like she’d never been away. Even her leadership skills were evident after being out for so long.
Then, in the 80th minute, the moment you had been waiting for arrived. Sabs passed the ball to Leah who kicked it up the pitch to Beth. The ball sailed over and landed perfectly at Beth’s feet, giving her the chance to slot it into the back of the net. The stadium erupted in cheers, and you jumped to your feet, tears of joy streaming down your face.
“Did you see that?” Jacob yelled, his face beaming with joy.
Leah’s teammates mobbed her and Beth in celebration, their joy mirroring yours. Her smile was wide and she looked shocked at her assist. She looked up into the stands, and you knew she was looking for you.
You waved, hoping she could see how proud you were. She gave a small, discreet wave back, her eyes locking onto yours for just a second before she was pulled back into the game.
The final whistle blew with the score at 6-0. The crowd erupted in applause and chants, celebrating both the team’s victory and Leah’s return. As the players made their way off the pitch, you could see the exhaustion and elation on Leah’s face. She had done it. She was back.
After the match, Leah spotted you and ran up to the box, her face beaming with a mixture of relief and joy.
“You were incredible!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around her.
Leah hugged you tightly, whispering in your ear, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
You pulled back, “I’m so proud of you, Le.”
Leah kissed you quickly before moving onto her mum, “Alright, mum?”
Amanda pulled her baby close, “I’m so proud of you, bubba!”
Leah took a deep breath as she held onto her mum. “Thanks, Mum. It feels like a dream.”
After a few more hugs and words of congratulations for her family, Leah turned back to you, her hand finding yours. “Let’s go home,” she said softly, “I’m going to get changed then I’ll meet you out the front?”
You nodded, “Sounds perfect!”
Leah headed back down and got changed before heading out the front to meet you. As you made your way out of the stadium with Leah and her family, you felt your baby boy kick again, almost as if he was celebrating too. You looked over at Leah, who was walking beside you, her hand never leaving yours. She caught your gaze and smiled.
“He’s going to be a footballer, I think,” Leah said, placing a hand on your bump.
“Just like his mum then?,” you replied, leaning into her.
Amanda and Jacob walked a few steps ahead, giving you both a moment of privacy. As you reached the car, you felt a wave of exhaustion wash over you, but it was a good kind of tired, the kind that comes after a day filled with joy and excitement.
The drive home was quiet, the kind of comfortable silence that comes with being surrounded by family. Leah’s hand was warm in yours, and you could feel her contentment radiating off her. It had been a long journey to get here, but she had made it. You both had.
When you finally reached home, Leah helped you out of the car, her movements careful and gentle. “Come on, let’s get you inside,” she said, her voice soft.
You followed her into the house, the familiar warmth and cosiness welcoming you back. Leah guided you to the couch and you sank into the cushions with a sigh of relief. She sat down beside you, her hand still holding yours.
“I’m so proud of you, Leah,” you said again, looking into her eyes.
She smiled, leaning in to kiss you. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she repeated.
You kissed her back, feeling the weight of the day melt away. “We’re a team always,” you whispered.
Leah nodded, “Always.”
As the night settled in around you, you closed your eyes, feeling the love between you and Leah. It had been a night to remember, one that you would carry with you always. And as you drifted off to sleep in Leah’s arms, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
i just read fuck marry kill and it was sooooooo good gah i love it , idk if its rude to ask thos but can u make a mingyu wonu and seungcheol version of it too? they are my baises and i would love something like that !! u can alternate the setting if u please :>
tysm 💘
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Pairing: fem!reader x ex!mingyu x seungcheol x wonwoo
Genre: smut
Word count: 5.6k
tags: poly, exhibitionism, voyeurism, degradation, pet names (princess), unprotected sex (except cheol), praise kink, spanking, clit slapping, fingering, oral (rec. and giving), u, pussy slapping, ass play, triple penetration
Summary: one dumb party game makes a comeback.
author note: tbh i initally wondered how someone could ask to replace some of the members in the original, but then I realized how grateful that it got the attention it did that another version was requested. these were honestly really fun to write and I'm glad to have found a way to tie in the last version and this one to make a spinoff!
“Fuck Cheol, obvious because he has the experience. Marry Wonwoo because he just seems like he knows how to treat someone well. And duh, kill Mingyu because he’s Mingyu.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
You glance back at the man you hypothetically killed, now giving you a cold dead stare, making you grin smugly before taking a swig from your beer. “Takes one to know one.”
He raises a brow, now leering at you, “I hope you’re alone forever.” 
You slightly slam your empty bottle on the coffee table, “And I can already tell you’re halfway there.”
He scoffs, crossing his arms, “Oh yeah, remind me again who approached who?”
“Remind me again who also dumped who?”
Mingyu was baffled. It had been months since you both had broken up and you still used that to pull over his head. You had your reasons for ending things, he knew that but had hoped to salvage some of the good left in your relationship with him. Once it was over, you mutually agreed on being friends, willing to forget about all that’s happened because you were friends first, but he knew that better than anyone, that shit was never easy.
“Uh, guys?”
Wonwoo’s voice, despite being as timid as it was, asserted attention with two words alone. Mingyu and you look at Wonwoo, still angry at one another, but melt at their friend’s concern, putting aside their petty disagreement. You exhale in an attempt of calming your heart rate and pat Wonwoo’s hand reassuringly, “We’re good. Just how we are. Mingyu gets it.”
Wonwoo was never one for conflict. He was the glue to hold this entire group together. If it wasn’t for him, the terror couple would've never made up the way they did.
“Yeah, we’re just horsing around, but that does remind me,” Mingyu is quick to turn the attention to Seungcheol, a cheeky smile bright on the younger man’s face, “You promised to discuss the details of what happened after the birthday party.”
The eldest arches a brow, amused by Mingyu’s statement, and decides to entertain the idea, “When the hell did I promise that?”
“You didn’t, but you might as well after I caught that group chat,” Mingyu scoots closer to him,  “Go on, tell us all about you having to share with three other dicks.”
Seungcheol clicks his tongue, already scolding him. “There were two other dicks, first of all. Secondly, it just happened. You can’t really plan a foursome.”
You peer over at him intrigued. “You technically can, but considering you just did it out of nowhere, I don’t know whether to be disgusted or impressed. I thought you’d be way more responsible and boring than that.”
His eyes shoot back at your assumption. “I am not fucking boring and you can be responsible in an orgy! We all knew what were doing, we all consented, and we were all clean–”
“Boring…get on to the part where three of your dicks were in her at once.” A flying head smack makes its destination to the back of Mingyu’s head and instantly he’s offended, glaring back at his assailant. “Hey!”
“Don’t talk about anything you’re uncomfortable with Cheol. It’s your dick, it’s your sex life,” You reassure.
“Well, it’s not just my story to tell so I’ll leave it at this.” All ears perk in his direction, even Wonwoo, who was quietly observing, couldn’t help but ponder on the rare experience Seungcheol had at that birthday party. “There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a pussy so full. I kid you not, I would do it over and over again just to see the look on her face.”
Not a dry eye in his audience. You hold your hand over your mouth in shock, Mingyu’s howling like the moon had just come out, and even Wonwoo was stunned at such an obscene statement, blinking into the distance like he’s in The Office. Seungcheol, filled with pride, picks himself off from the ground and dusts any dirt off. “I’ll be back. Too much beer. No one kill anybody.”
He ambles off to the restroom, closing the door behind him.
“Ah,” Wonwoo claps his sweater paws together, “there’s a game I was waiting to buy. I still have some time before then. Need to be first in line.”
He hurriedly gets up from the floor and rushes to his room, “I’ll be back! 20–30 minutes tops!”
You two are left alone and awkward silence fills the air. Things were never really the same since your relationship ended, but things weren’t ever really it when you were together either.
“Foursome huh?” You ponder. “Didn’t seem like his kind of activity but if he enjoys it.”
Mingyu scoffs, ready to start smth again. “What? Jealous he’s getting more action than you?”
“Not jealous, just worried. How can a human body take that much cock and still walk around all normally? Happy birthday to them,” you snicker.
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to worry about that many dicks wanting to be inside you.”
You glare at him, your teeth grinding behind your fake smile. “You sure talk a lot for someone as bitchless as you are.”
“Excuse you, I am fucking stacked with pussy right now, speak when you have your facts right, ‘mmkay?”
You let out a curt guffaw, “Please, you are so fucking lucky you had me when you did. No damn way in hell you could’ve gotten laid without me.”
Mingyu slouches, drawing his jaw open. “Wow. I get it now”
“Get what? How big of a loser you are?”
He shakes his head. “No...You miss my dick so bad.”
You make a show of yourself laughing, even physically doubling over. “In your fucking dreams, you human pandemic.”
“Admit it. You miss our sex. It’s why you’re such a fucking a bitch to me. To throw my game off.”
“Oh honey, you don’t need my help doing that.”
“Please! You got this territorial thing because we were each other’s first. You’re obsessed with me. I see that now.”
“Right, you’re drunk,” you pick yourself up from the ground this time and saunter off to the kitchen, “I couldn’t care less about who you sleep with. As long as it doesn’t involve me.”
“You’re such a liar,” he insults as he gets up to follow.
He positions himself by your side as you distract yourself in the kitchen, mindlessly looking for, well, anything. Why was every cupboard empty? You really have to remember to go grocery shopping with Wonwoo later.
“Am not,” You insist, no finding haven in the fridge, which also happened to be barren of things except half a dozen eggs, a carton of milk, and for some reason a box of m&ms.
“You can’t even look me in the eyes right now. Say it while looking at me.”
You scoff without looking, “I don’t have to prove myself.”
“Why? Because you can’t? Admit it.” His hand trails over your backside as you stall at the fridge, trailing underneath your shirt and sending chills.
You can practically count his breaths as his lips ghost over your ears, smiling against your skin. You almost let out a gasp at the close proximity of his hips pressed into your back, your heartbeat heightening, but immediately close your mouth shut, not giving him the satisfaction. That didn’t bother him though, your body language was enough. You were frozen under pressure, unable to fight back, let alone talk back, similar to how you used to get in the past only minutes before he gets you cum like the mess you were. 
His hand slides over your bare stomach, feeling you tense it up as a result. “You loved when I ate out your dirty little pussy. You begged for it. Remember?”
You shudder at his touch, gripping the handle of the fridge for safety, “Mingyu—“
“Don’t think I forgot how you moaned my name either,” he finds the top button of your pants with ease, unbuttoning it and pulling the metal zipper down, “Tell me to stop. Otherwise, I’ll just keep going.”
When you grow silent, he takes it as a sign to keep going. He presses his lips to the back of your ear, hand falling to your thigh and cupping over your clothed cunt. You dip into the fridge’s cold, taming the heat in your body, while Mingyu makes that difficult to resist. Your back arch, fitting seamlessly to Mingyu’s figure, soft, yet desperate, sighs escaping from your lips.
“Mingyu please…”
“Mmh, just like that…” he nibbles against your ear, slowly and cautiously he sinks his hand down your pants and finds your arousal, a thin film of it already coating his fingers, “your voice was pretty just like that. Whining about how you need my dick inside of you or begging to let you cum on my fingers. You were such a sweet little slut for me. Tell me you don’t miss that.”
You’re shaking so much, you could feel your legs seconds away from giving out. You shut the refrigerator close and turn to face him, leveraging yourself against the appliance’s cool exterior. He pins himself against you, sliding his digits between your slit, making contact with the clit, and pinching it between his thumb and index. You can’t help but crack a small moan, only loud enough for him to hear, and he just chuckles. “There you are. Old habits die hard don’t they?”
He does his best in reminding you of the old times, even rubbing your pussy how he used to, getting your sweat pilling on your forehead, or your voice getting raspy as if you were left to die in a desert. Fuck him for still having that effect on you. 
“Please…you’ll get us caught.” You plead weakly.
“You say that like you actually want us to get caught.”
He pulls out his fingers from your pants, sticking them in his mouth before sucking your juices from them. You watch in a hypnotized state, mouth gaping in envy, desperate to have his lips wrapped around you, your lips, your cunt, anywhere as long as it's your body. “Sweet. Just like how I remember.”
You gulp hard, staring back into his carnal gaze, and observe as he slowly pulls out his fingers and rests them against your cheek, parting your lips back with his thumb. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
As an impulse, you push Mingyu several feet away from you, hiding your undone pants behind a kitchen counter. The taller man can’t help but suppress his boisterous laughter threatening to seep out and only glances back at his friend’s sudden appearance in amusement, feeling like the victor in the situation. Meanwhile, you made yourself physically small, tucking away in the corner of the kitchen where he can’t see you panic while fixing your pants but inevitably fail. “S-Seungcheol.”
Mingyu lets his smugness show. “I don’t know. Is he, Y/n? Is he interrupting something?”
“No, of course not. Just caught me a…rough spot.”
Seungcheol rolls his eyes. “Look, if you guys are going to have sex and get back together. No one is stopping you.”
��Excuse me,” you feel rather insulted at his assumption, it was condescending entirely.
“Come on, it was bound to happen eventually. Save us, the tittering and whatever.”
You push past Mingyu to walk straight to Seungcheol, shoving his heavy build. “What I do with my body and my life is not up to Mingyu or you, Choi Seungcheol. Fuck you.”
He leers down at you. “Don’t get mad at me because you know I’m right, you brat.”
“Oh, because you fuck with a few extra people, you think you know everything, don’t you?”
“More than your ‘only Mingyu having ass’,” he taunts.
If Mingyu was the ex, and Wonwoo’s the innocent bystander, Seungcheol, in your case, was a shit stirrer. He pushes your buttons about the same as Mingyu some of the time. He was supposed to be your closest friend, your longest friend. Somewhere that had changed. You used to tell each other everything and now he was getting into threesomes? 
“Well, fuck you.” You push him back onto the couch behind him, having him collapse seamlessly against it before you’re straddling him.
Your lips latch onto him assertively, tugging and, no doubt, stretching his plain tee. If Seungcheol minded, he didn't seem to show it, and instead kisses you back, matching your aggression. Although initially startled, it doesn’t take him long to adjust to your pace. He handles your body as if he belongs to him, gripping you by the back of your neck as his other hand tucks around the shape of your ass, firmly squeezing it.
“You’re so, mmh, f-frustrating sometimes.” You manage to comment between your moans.
He snickers under his breath, hand running through your hair and pulling at its strands, tugging your head back, “And you can be a real bitch.”
Your blossoming attraction for him only made it all the more frustrating. You always did notice that he behaves a more particular way around you over the past few years. Somewhere between distant and insensitive. Whatever it was, you were gonna take it out on him, and maybe that’s what he wanted.
Scoffing, you grind against his bulge, harshly brushing it against your cunt. “I’ll show you a bitch.”
He grunts beneath your efforts, quickly returning your offense. His hands travel underneath your shirt, pressing into your flesh. His teeth bite down, pulling on your bottom lip, and you can sweet his smile as he does it. He thrusts up into you, rocking back at your core, waiting to fill out what you’ve been dying to entrust him with. The thought itself made you wet (as if you weren’t already from that little incident with Mingyu).
The man that previously had been watched was now the one watching. It was all face paced but it was like he watching in slow motion. He observes the placement of Seungcheol’s hands, and how they grabbed you possessively, even hearing the growl under the elder’s breath. Your moans grow louder when the man’s lips are suctioned around your neck, your nails noticeably digging as his hands slide lower to feel the bare ass beneath your jeans.
Mingyu sucks in his breath, repositioning the spot in his jeans. He impulsively licks his licks, unable to look away. “Didn’t expect that.”
“Me neither.”
Startled, Mingyu cups his erection as his eyes shoot up alert, finally noticing his four-eyed friend has emerged from his bedroom without so much as making a single wood board squeak. “The fuck? Did you come back from the shadow realm?”
Wonwoo shrugs nonchalantly. “The deed is done, and this is a thing now, I guess.”
Wonwoo just how Mingyu felt about you over the years despite the flaming misalignments with your personalities. He couldn’t imagine the thoughts running in his best friend's head right now.
He turns Mingyu in concern, seeing the man’s eyes glisten in the scene's direction. “You okay?”
Was he? He’s looking at one of his best friends furiously getting it on with his ex, neither of them giving a damn who watches and he should be furious. He should be enraged. He should be at least bothered by what’s happening, but no. Only one thing was furious.
“No,” Mingyu answers, “I’m horny.”
He leaves Wonwoo’s company to join you and Seungcheol on the couch, immediately taking your head back in a hungry kiss as Seungcheol finds solace back on your neck, finding weak weak points in mere seconds, and you can’t help but moan in Mingyu’s liplock. Wonwoo is at first confused about what to do, only able to watch at first until his curiosity piques.
In the midst of his observation, you’ve gone pantless, quickly followed by Seungcheol and Mingyu, and has quickly adjusted to double the attention. Seungcheol manages to pull out a few spare condoms from his wallet all too conveniently, handing one off to Mingyu, who was ready to whip his angry erection out any second. He then lays his eyes on Wonwoo, staring off in his direction, still suckling on your neck. He gestures to him to take the extra condom, nonverbally inviting him into the spontaneous mix.
The bystander hesitates, staring back at the silver wrapper as if it was a foreign object, unsure if he was really offered to join or had this situation become a common courtesy for a latecomer such as him.
“Take the condom, Woo. You’re gonna need it with what we’re about to do,” Seughcheol ushers against your flaming skin.
Wonwoo inches closer in baby steps, hand stretching out and grasping the plastic, and at the same time, you pull away from either man from the couch, turning your whole attention to Wonwoo. You grab him by his collar and smash against his lips. It’s strange, almost wrong at most, you were already occupying someone else’s lap, but in a strange way, empowering. His hand crawls up the side of your face to deepen the kiss, feeling your tongue explore his mouth just as you did the other two, while they were only able to watch. 
Exhibitionism, let alone orgy, was never on his bingo card. Sex for him wasn’t even that regular an occurrence for him, but he could see now the taste of what Seungcheol was talking about. There was something satisfyingly carnal about sharing someone. You play into their hands as if your life depended on it, but felt all that same arousal anyone else in that group did.
With that thought in mind, it invoked something in Wonwoo. Shivers ran down his spine the moment your hand goes to cup the bulge of his track pants, feeling him grow bigger in size when you slip past the waistband and slid beneath his briefs. His eyes fluttered at the soft sensation of your fingertips, teasing the precum squeezing out of the head.
“You feel so big, Woo,” you gasp out as your grasp travels down his length, “let me suck on it, please.”
The man shifts in his seat, delirious to the point of being mute, only able to nod triumphantly as you begin tugging the pants and underwear off, collecting the fabric at his ankles.
“Princess,” Seungcheol beckons, “why don’t you lay your stomach on my lap to get closer to Wonwoo’s cock.”
You nod obediently, satisfied with your new pet name, getting off of Seungcheol’s lap to place yourself back on again, this time your ass in view for Seungcheol and Mingyu to appreciate. Mingyu’s teeth catch his bottom lip, groping himself through his briefs. “Fuck.”
He can’t help but land a full-handed spank against your cheek, causing you to flinch after your grip wrapped around the base of Wonwoo’s cock and he feels a tight squeeze around his girth and he throws back his head from the sensitivity, “Gyu, for god’s sake.”
“Sorry, dude, couldn’t help myself,” the younger man chuckles, “but she likes that. You like all our attention on you, don’t you?”
You let out a light chuckle, a smug grin stretching over your face. “Yes, yes I do.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help fixating on your ass pulling your waistband down to the curve and sliding a dry finger up your wet slit, groaning at simply how gloriously wet you were. “Shit. You’re fucking soaked. You can take my fingers right, princess?”
“Mmh, yes, Cheol. Give it to me…”
As you’re spitting into your hand, stroking handfuls of Wonwoo in your hand, you can feel Seungcheol fitting two digits in your moisture and hooking them in place. He goes easy on you, mildly prepping you, while you drop your head and wrap your lips around the tip of Wonwoo’s length, swirling circles on to lap up the bit of his precum, your soft giggles vibrating against the spectacled man.
His gaze softens at you, petting your hair and caressing your cheek. “So…pretty…”
“Thank you,” you reply, taking half his size in your mouth, and feel how he hugs your cheeks.
Wonwoo lets outs hushed whimpers, exhaling out of his nose, his fingers impulsively finger through your hair and take grip. Through his shut eyes, he can feel the nodding of your head, the vigor of your tongue, and finally the head of his cock hitting your uvula, bobbing back and forth. “S-shit, like that, yeah…”
He can feel himself physically shuddering, glancing back at the lure of your eyes as your mouth collects every inch, every vein, and moan that escapes his lips. His hand guides you, pushing you deeper around his cock and the sounds of your efforts were euphoric, especially how they were followed by Seungcheol’s work, who found himself slamming his fingers back into you like a jackhammer. You slightly jump, vibrating around Wonwoo as you cried out obscenities.
“Mmph, more, please,” you beg, bringing a smile to both Seungcheol and Mingyu’s faces.
Seungcheol used another hand to give spanks on either one of your cheeks, playing with you like a set of drums. They get tender in his grasp, making them more fun to squeeze and there’s that pleasant way your backside jerks towards him, knowing he’s doing everything right.
It was then Mingyu had an idea. While his other friends handled you their way, he had no choice but to find his own choice of sport. He pulls himself up from the couch, excited to spring back into action, and goes on to grab something from your room. He disappears as quickly as he returns, a familiar transparent squeeze bottle in his hand. He goes on a knee to your side, squeezing the cold sticky substance on your unpreoccupied hole, squirting circles around your quivering rim.
“Remember when you thought we wouldn’t use this again? Looks like now’s the time. Are you ready for that?” He asks with a Cheshire smile as he closes the cap and puts the bottle aside.
You moan a confirmation, nodding your head complacently. His chuckles are sickly sweet as he draws his lips close to your ear, teasing his digit from entering. The moment it enters you mentally prepare yourself for the sensation, know damn well you could never get used to that. Mingyu groans at how you swallow his middle digit as he churns it inside you, another hand coming against your tender cheeks. “Fucking slut. Like us filling all your holes, hmm?”
There is no way you can physically answer as you feel yourself gag as you reach your limit with Wonwoo, who at this point doesn’t hear others and uses your mouth with only the thought of getting off down your throat. You finally croak out a yes before two of Wonwoo’s hands grip your head and slam you down the base when you least expected him to. Tears run down your eyes, your cheeks hot, feeling yourself suffocated, you dig your nails into Wonwoo’s thighs, white crescents appearing on his skin. 
He groans long and loud, jerking his hips as he’s dumping some of his load down your throat but pulls out from the overstimulation, having the rest shoot on your face. The translucent thick ribbons stain your cheeks and drip off your chin down to his thigh. Red face and a hot sweat beading from his forehead. Wonwoo finally collects himself enough to look back at you apologetically, visibly embarrassed.
“I’m so, so sorry, Y/n.”
Instead of letting him feel sorry for himself and you, you take Wonwoo’s hand and use it like a napkin, swiping his cum on his fingers. He’s stunned when he sees it, a quarry of your actions stuck and stopped at his throat until you take that hand and enter it in your mouth, your tongue catching his release. The man’s abdomen tense, letting your hand suck his fingers off clean and you hold them in there, filling your mouth with another body part of Wonwoo that day.
“Goddamnit, Y/n. You really can’t help yourself.” He comments blatantly lost in awe.
Your body curled up in Seungcheol’s lap helplessly, trembling, slick moisture seeping out of you at their mercy. The others can hear the anguish in your muffled voice, how close you get with fingers thrust inside you with only every passing second, only to have that ecstasy slip away as their fingers pull out. You whine in retaliation, their collective chuckles mocking you, even Wonwoo couldn’t help but find the scene amusing. 
“Can’t have you cum that quickly, can we?” Seungcheol taunts.
He roughly tugs up your body until your back is toward his chest, feeling your perspiration against his torso. He shrugs off his briefs and your underwear is quick to follow, the tips of his fingers now rubbing your arousal all around your entrance, adding the slick substance to your already lubed up rim. You mewl at his fingers, your hands gripping against his forearm but lacking the willpower to have an effect. His teeth graze your eye, pulling you by the cartilage. “We’re gonna fill you out so nice, you’ll beg for more…perfect little holes for us to use…tell us what you want, princess.”
You let out a shallow breath, “I want…to feel full. I want you inside me.”
His hand lands on his cock, hard and naturally aligned at your rim, before testing Mingyu's prep work, “Good girl…feeling so perfectly tight…”
Seungcheol can’t forget how it closed around him while he takes a long gradual stroke inside. He groans loudly, filling you until your moans give out. His hands plant against the backside of your thighs to lift them and fold them against you, pushing his length in. Your eyes rapidly shake, the white of them visibly, and you welcome Seungcheol’s cock with his name on your tongue. “F-fuck yes…more Seungcheol…”
Wonwon doesn’t know what gets over him when he finds himself staring back at your glistening folds, looking at your pulsing clit like it was the last m&m. His flaccid cock now twitching upright in his lap, he licks his lips, not taking his eyes away from you. “Seungcheol spread her legs out more.”
The elder man gave a knowing smile and did as requested, and your pussy stretches open, your clit more evident than before. Soon Wonwoo has mustered the strength to put his face up to your entrance and suck on the bulging nub like a straw, watching your toes curling as soon as he does. You can feel his subtle smiles against your arousal, the curve of it pulling at your folds.
“Shit,” you whisper, throwing your head back against Seungcheol’s shoulder, panting against the man’s cheek.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Seungcheol teases, “You haven’t gotten enough just yet.”
Mingyu gets up from where he sits, stroking his cock in his hand. He comes to your side, the tip of his length angles at your lips, and you look up at him in anticipation. He mocks you, tapping himself against your lips. “Beg for it. Go on. Whore.”
You sigh defeatedly, “Please, Mingyu…I need your cock in my mouth…”
“Isn’t that nice? You can shut up.” He chuckles to himself.
He takes hold of your head, prodding your lips apart with the head of his cock inside, and sees how easily it slides in your mouth. You moan around his girth, as the jerk of his hips pushed himself deeper inside you. It's almost how fast it happens just as you don’t remember how it began. All you knew was it felt amazing nothing like you ever felt. You never knew you could want this–no, you never knew how much you needed this.
“Want to fuck you, Y/n? Can I?” Wonwoo asks politely against your core.
You nod with your mouth full, coughing out Mingyu’s cock given the opportunity. “Yes, Wonwoo, I want you…I want all of you…please fuck me full…”
Saying that out loud was enough of a motive to flip the script. Seungcheol, still inside, lays flat against the couch, head propped against the couch arm. Wonwoo gives Mingyu a knowing look, letting his friend go first. Mingyu scoffs, “I’m coming for you, Y/n.”
“Not yet, you are,” You retort.
“And you said I’d never get be inside you again. Things can happen.”
Mingyu lets his cock slip around your arousal before he’s reunited with your fluttering walls, a nostalgic hum leaving his lips. “Fuck, that’s good.”
“Mingyu—You both—ah fuck, feels so g-good…”
Mingyu and Seungcheol carry a mismatched pace, their uneven breaths fill the air as you take it, take them. Your voice sounds of agony but rather the opposite, you couldn’t feel more bliss. Wonwoo mentally and physically readies himself, his cock almost back to full power. He joins the party when he feels the fire in him, thanking himself for getting a big enough couch, and hovering on top of you.
You hadn’t noticed it before but something was missing from the man joining, and not his clothing. “Your g-glasses…”
“Ah,” he smiles, “put them aside, didn’t want them to break.”
“Hmm, it’s n-nice looking you in the e-eyes for o-once.”
“I’ll make sure to make it happen more often…Tell me if I’m hurting you. If any of us do.”
You hum a yes, finding his lips reattach to yours soon after. Wonwoo gives himself one last stroke before its mere centimeters away from Mingyu’s, finding the right angle to join his friend. It’s not an easy feat sharing space, but he finds a way, pushing through to stretch you wide and open, collective moans coming from all ends.
“Holy shit,” you screech, “so many c-cocks…”
“You’re taking us so too, Princess. I knew you could do it,” Seungcheol exclaims.
Mingyu was getting a thrill out of this, “Of course she can, Y/n is a bigger dirty slut than she makes herself out to be. She enjoys it, hmm? Say it.”
“I en—love it. I love the cocks in me so much…”
“Shit, you’re so pretty for that,” Wonwoo claims on your neck, pounding now faster, “say that again for us please.”
“I love your cocks fucking me…fucking my pussy and ass…”
Mingyu missed how you gave your everything during sex, groaning louder and louder the tighter you try to clench, how closer he realizes he’s getting. “She’ll say anything to cum…don’t let her.”
Mingyu’s hand comes up from behind Wonwoo to slap your clit, pinching to hear you whine. “You cum too soon, we’ll just fuck you over and over again. I want white to cover every inch of your body, clear?”
“Perfect little whore.”
You feel the rutting in and out of you like clockwork, overwhelmed by all the different energies your body accepts. Your moans, your screams, or your tears could never tell the full story of the euphoria of your feeling. Your arms embrace Wonwoo, latching on his hair and face, kissing him on his swollen lips, and feeling hot to the point you could confuse it for inferno, or that you were part of inferno yourself.
Seungcheol swallows back his drool, blind in ecstasy flowing through him and now reaching up to the surface. His fingers dig deeper into your thighs and the sounds of skin slapping drown out his moans. Seungcheol clutches you against him as he whispers, “you okay with me cumming in your ass princess, hmm, is that what you want?”
“Yes,” You answer in a hushed tone, “please I want you to cum in my ass…”
You feel his relieved sighs on your neck, slamming his body into you harder. You’re stretched like elastic, wearing down at their rough touch, until Seungcheol does as promised, squeezing his load and shooting it up in gradually staggering pumps until he’s empty and drops his rubber covered cock out to drip back onto the fabric of the couch.
That had been your final straw, feeling your climax erupt only immediately after Seungcheol. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming…”
Wonwoo kisses your cheek in response but doesn’t stop. Mingyu on the other hand slaps against your clit harder repeatedly, reveling in the wretched noise you make. “Cum all you want…we'll take it…like you’re gonna keep taking us.”
Wonwoo grunts alone by himself, Holding you against him like it's the last, helping Mingyu keep his word and fuck you senseless. He was a good friend, he was good at helping his friends. That friendly nature makes you weak to the sensitivity after, whining under their touch, shaking on top of Seungcheol, as he tenderly fondles your breasts in his rest. It feels endless, not like you’re complaining, but a somewhat bit of relief is obvious when both of the remaining men cum in you simultaneously.  Friends that cum together, stay together, you guess.
“You gonna take our cum?” Mingyu pokes, his cock ruts in you like a man with no control.
“Y-yes.” You choke out.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, yes, I can take your cum, please. Please. Cum in my pussy, I need your loads in me.”
“Wait condoms? You guys aren’t wearing any?” Seungcheol voiced out.
Wonwoo shakes his head as Mingyu aguishly blurts out a “no.”
“Aw, fuck you guys.”
“Mmp, mmph,” that was the sound of Wonwoo biting into your shoulder, his sweet white dispersing into you perfectly with Mingyu to follow. Ther loads meshed well together like they do, becoming one with your climax, dripping out of your brim like oozing honey: sweet, creamy, sticky. The perfect symphony to showcase the perfect vessel, capable of catching their cum.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit—”
Mingyu moans out his climax just as you remember, just as voluminous and rich. He’d laugh if he knew how much you would think about hearing it again. Your tired bodies part from each other, panting loudly inches away from each other, staring mindlessly into the space in front of them. You were the particularly spent and Wonwoo, the first to notice and care, picks up by your knees and carries you, fulfilling his duties as your designated roommate. “You’re okay, right?”
“Mm, I’m good, Woo.” you softly respond in his arms, you turn to the other two men fatigued on the couch, “I’m taking a shower first, assholes. Only Wonwoo can join.”
Wonwoo smiles with a blush on his cheeks, while the others roll their eyes.
“What? Why only Wonwoo?” Seungcheol questions.
“He treated me nicer. Think about it the next time we all fuck.”
Wonwoo looks back at you with a surprised look before taking you away to the bathroom. You leave Mingyu and Seungcheol to look back at each other, pondering on your response, taking all the world, space, and time to process your words.
Simultaneously. “Next time?”
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httpdwaekki · 6 months
phobia | b.c.
summary: you have arachnophobia but luckily you had an aussie to help you with it.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: mentions of spiders! i tried not to get too specific but they are still mentioned heavily.
a/n: my first request ah! @anjian03 ty so much for the request, i hope i did this justice :) i honestly might write a felix version in the in the future so definitely let me know if that's something you'd want :) anyway! i hope you guys enjoy and as always, drink water, eat something, and take ur meds. <3
my library
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
you never liked bugs, never have, never will. spiders in particular, terrify you. no matter how small, what color, you will always hate them. naturally, you fell in love with an australian, which was both a blessing and a curse. 
now chan is well aware of your dislike of bugs, even more so of your phobia of spiders. so when he invited you to go back home with him, you were hesitant. of course you wanted to meet his family and berry but all you could think about is the 8 legged arachnids that reside in his home country.
chan could see the immediate panic that took over your features. you were well aware of how irrational your fear was, and you definitely didn’t want it to get in the way of you meeting your boyfriend’s family but you couldn’t help it.
“you’re worried about the spiders right?” you nod, picking at the now chipped nail polish that covered each finger. you were sat across from him on your couch, head hung in embarrassment. he gently grabbed your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. 
“hey,” he shakes your hand gently, making you to look at him, “i get it, okay? you don’t have to go if it’ll stress you out too much. you don’t have too, okay?” you quickly shake your head.
“no no, i wanna come.” you reassure him. “are you sure?” he asks, searching your eyes for uncertainty. “yes, i wanna meet berry and your family and see where you grew up.” you nod smiling, squeezing his hand. 
“okay, i’ll be there the whole time okay?” he reassures you. you lean forward, placing a loving kiss to his plush lips, before wrapping your arms around his neck. “i know channie,” placing a soft kiss on his neck. “thank you.”
a few months later, chan finally has a break and you find yourself in the warm city of sydney, australia. you had been there for a few days, and it wasn’t as bad as you had imagined. you hadn’t even thought about the arachnids since meeting his family.
 simply focusing on chan enjoying the limited time he had home with his family. it was nice to see him so relaxed, and carefree, not worrying about deadlines or comebacks, just enjoying life.
and that’s exactly what he looked like now, playing with berry as you helped his mom clean up from the delicious dinner she had cooked. she was finishing washing the last of the dishes as you dried them. you both went back and forth, telling your own stories about chan, laughing and smiling at the precious boy in the next room.
after the dishes, she starts tying the bag in the trash can. you stop her, “oh, mrs.bang, i can grab that.” she quickly shakes her head. “no sweetheart, you’re a guest, i’ve got it.”  you shake your head right back. 
“please? you cooked all day and i think my mother would yell at me if she found out i didn’t do more to help.” you insisted, reaching for the bag. she relents, handing you the bag, “okay, you win, the trash is  just around the house, but make sure you put on the light. you never know what nasty buggers are running around out there.” she laughs.
your blood suddenly runs cold, a stark reminder of the things that made you scared to come here in the first place. you knew she was joking, just a light hearted comment but you couldn’t help but freeze.
she looks at you concerned, “are you okay?” you smile, nodding. “yes sorry, i’ll be right back.” you make a quick exit, finding the side door, making sure to flip the light switch first.
once outside of the door you take a moment to breathe. you look out to the australian sunset, trying to relax for a moment. it was still light out, but still dark enough to need the light. after a moment or two you finally move towards the trash cans.
unbeknownst to you, chan had made his way out to follow you. his mom asking him to check on you as you were taking a while, before making her way to her room. this set off silent alarms in chan’s head, as he was well aware of the presence of the specific 8-legged creatures that you loathed surrounding the trash bins.
as he made it to the door, he hears the unmistakable sound of your scream. he quickly yanks the door, yelling your name. you run into him, letting out another yelp. “hey hey, jagiya, it’s just me, it’s chan, you’re okay.” you shove your face into his neck, hands shaking as you wrap your arms around him.
he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back, glancing behind you where he finds the trash bag on the floor, and the dreaded 8-legged creature on the handle to the trash bin. he places a kiss to the side of your head, “are you okay to wait for me by the door?’ he whispered into your ear. you nod your head, slowly releasing him, making your way back to the door.
he quickly moves to grab the bag, brushing the spider off with the bag before lifting the lid, placing the bag inside. he makes his way back to you, opening the door, ushering you inside. “come on, let’s wash our hands quick, then we can lay down.” you nodded, making your way to the sink.
the shaking slowly subsides as you slowly wash your hands. chan notices the slight shake stil present in your hands. he softly wraps his soap covered hands over yours, stopping your movements. “you okay baby?” he leans over, whispering into your ear. you nod your head, you’re face heating up in embarrassment. “i’m sorry.”
he shakes his head, quickly rinsing your hands before drying them. he places his hands to your warm cheeks, your eyes shiny as they look into his. “you have nothing to apologize for, okay?” you slightly nod your head.
“you got scared, it happens it’s okay.” his thumbs gently rubbing your soft cheeks. “i’m so proud of you, my brave baby.” your cheeks become even warmer. you let out a giggle, dropping your head, shaking it a bit. 
“i’m serious bubs, i know you were scared to go out there but you still went.” you smile, placing a kiss on the side of his mouth. “ come on, let’s go lay down.” he grabs your hand, leading you to his childhood room, where you spent the rest of the night, cuddled together, looking at chan’s babies pictures.
you may never get over your phobia but at least you have chan with you to help you.
do not repost
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hells-greatest-writer · 6 months
Self Love Is Hard.
Lucifer Morningstar x Fem Reader     
CW: Angst, Negative Body Image, Fluff, Self-Harm Mention.     
Synopsis: You would think that when the King of Hell himself chose you as his love, that any doubts you had about yourself would vanish... but one night the thoughts rear its ugly head once more.   Word Count: 3,481
The night was unusually quiet in the hotel. Most mornings were left with redemption exercises that Charlie had planned with the staff and guests, while the night most people stuck together having fun. Usually, you would be with Lucifer in his workshop, reading in your chair while he worked on his little duck creations. Music would be playing on the radio that Alastor had given you that you begged Lucifer to let you keep. You usually looked forward to most nights knowing it would just be you and Lucifer together, though quiet, enjoying each other's company.     
Tonight, though it was different, Lucifer was still in the Greed ring dealing with Mammon's temper tantrum over the loss of Fizzarolli, and Lucifer had to deal with the consequences of it. You knew Mammon's temper was one that Lucifer didn't want to deal with, but you had convinced him to go after Ozzie texted you about the ordeal.     
Staring at your phone, you scrolled through the messages to Lucifer with a frown.     
12:51pm: How is it going with Mammon?     
No response     
5:22pm: Alastor found a cat today, Charlie decided to keep it as a hotel pet!     
No response     
8:07pm: Any idea when you're going to be back tonight?     
Lucifer hadn't been responding all day, and though you knew it was because he was dealing with his duties, you couldn't help but feel a bit saddened by it. Usually, he would respond with a witty comeback about how Mammon was an asshole or make a snide remark about Alastor. Instead, though you were met with the word 'Seen' at the end of your last message that was sent hours ago. It was now rounding to eleven thirty at night, and you had thought he would be back by now.     
Most of his meetings didn't last this long, you know from past meetings, what if this time something had gone wrong? What if he got hurt in the Greed ring? Could he get hurt? That thought never crossed your mind as you never seen this man injured before. He was the most powerful being in all of Hell, could he truly be hurt? If he was... especially in Greed what would happen? You knew there was a place called Ransom, would they try to take him there? Sell him off to Charlie for a huge fee?!     
All those thoughts ended quickly as your phone dinged to life indicating you got a message. Quickly, you sat up opening the message app seeing it was a message from Lucifer.     
Luci-Love: Sorry duckling, Ozzie asked me to join him in Lust for a few drinks and to catch up. I'll be home later tonight.      
You read the message, your frown deepening as you typed out a message and deleted it a few times. Your mind was beginning to race as to what he would be doing in Lust. You knew of the Succubuses that had tried to get with him last time you and him went to Lust together. It was for an anniversary dinner a few months back.     
~ ~ ~ ~ ~     
"That woman over there won't stop ogling you." You huffed as you took a sip of your red wine glaring daggers to the woman staring at Lucifer. Ever since you two entered Lust, you could feel their stares at your boyfriend, feel the way their jealousy grew as Lucifer had pulled you closer to him. You weren't usually one to be jealous, but you couldn't help but feel that envy tug in your chest. The demons of Lust were quite beautiful, sexy even if you were honest, so the fact that they were making heart eyes to the man you were with annoyed you.     
"And that man won't stop staring at me either, but you don't seem to mind that." Lucifer smirked puffing his chest out as he knew he was being stared at by so many. Why wouldn't they want to stare at the King of Hell, he was a sight to behold! Especially tonight with the way he was dressed. Instead of his usual royal garb of his white suit, he was in a deep red tuxedo with black trims. His usual white top hat, left at home for the evening, leaving his blond locks styled perfectly back.     
You cocked an eyebrow to him as he looked at you with a slight smirk on his lips before you felt him take your hands from across the table you sat at. He gave them a gentle squeeze looking into your eyes. "But darling, my eyes are on only you." He hummed, pulling your hand up to his mouth giving your knuckles a gentle kiss.     
The simple gesture helped to calm your jealous rage down for the moment, not wanting to ruin your anniversary with him. Though the nagging feeling in your chest didn't waver as the waitress flirted with Lucifer, and he seemed to flirt back. He later explained he was simply being nice and didn't hesitate to show you just who he devoted himself to that night.     
~ ~ ~ ~ ~      
That nagging feeling was back in your chest as you remembered the Lust ring. A thought tickling the back of your head wondering how many demons were trying their hand at being with Lucifer since you weren't there. How many imps were throwing themselves at him? You knew that Lucifer was loyal, but you couldn't help the doubt that creeped in through the silence.     
With a groan, you set your phone down rubbing your face with your hands. You could feel your mind slowly slipping as you imagined what the women who were fawning over Lucifer probably looked like. Gorgeous tall women no doubt with thin waists and bigger assets that would tempt the weak. You knew your body was nothing compared to theirs. You were barely even average in your eyes.     
'What does Lucifer even see in me?' Your mind wandered as you moved off the bed, your bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor of your shared bedroom. You slipped your feet into Lucifer's duck slippers as you grabbed the robe off the headboard and wrapped it around yourself.     
You slowly walked towards the bathroom wanting to splash some water on your face. Lose the thoughts that were beginning to eat away at you. Before meeting Lucifer, you struggled to love yourself. You couldn't see what he did, how he seemed to worship your body and love every inch of you. How he was always enamored by your apparent beauty that you struggled to see yourself.     
Though through the past almost two years of being with him, he has made you feel beautiful. He reminded you daily how much he adored you and loved you. How you were the only woman he ever wanted to see.      
'If that's true, then why wouldn't he just come home? Why go to Lust?' The thought filled your head as you walked into the bathroom flipping the light on. Your eyes went to the mirror and stared over yourself. Your hand tracing your cheeks that seemed too puffy, your fingers tracing your jaw that seemed to jut out too much. Your eyes watched your movements, seeming so dull as they looked lower. Even with the robe on, your eyes were able to pick out the stomach rolls.      
Instinctively, you looked down at your stomach, and sucked it in the best you could. It wasn't enough. You could still see your stomach jutting out, mocking you. Your hands grabbed at the extra flesh that was there, squeezing at it as your vision blurred with tears. The women in Lust didn't have this pudge, they didn't have this extra weight around their waists. They didn't have to worry about how their bodies looked in clothes. They didn't have to worry about making sure their skin was fully covered to hide away the stretch marks like you did.    
You wished you could just cut the extra flesh off, just grab the scissors that laid in the bathroom drawer and chop away the fat that you were so easily able to grab.     
Your hands were shaking now as you looked back to the mirror in front of you, watching your tears roll off your round cheeks. Even your tears were hideous. How did other people cry and not look as awful as you did right now. The longer you stared at yourself in the mirror, the more the tears seemed to blur your vision.     
'Hideous beast, he pities you.' That same nagging voice mocked you in the back of your mind. That had to be it, Lucifer only felt pity for you... was only keeping you around till someone better came along or came back. Your mind drifting to Lilith now, the woman who left Lucifer all those years ago.     
You had seen images of her, she was breathtaking. Tall, thin and gorgeous with long blonde hair. She radiated beauty. Lucifer and her had been married for eons before you two met, did he still miss her? Did he still find her more beautiful than you?    
The phone buzzed from the other room indicating you had a new message which snapped you out of your thoughts, even for a moment. With a deep inhale, you left the bathroom, forgetting why you even went in there in the first place as you walked to the bed grabbing your phone. You were expecting it to be Lucifer, saying he would be home soon. Instead, though, it was just Charlie texting the hotel group chat with a new idea for tomorrow's lesson.    
With a quick grunt, you threw your phone across the room watching it slam against the wall by a photo of you and Lucifer. It was a photo of the two of you sitting in a garden together, you are laying across his lap happily giggling at whatever he had been saying at the time. The look in both of your gazes was filled with nothing but love and admiration. The longer you stared at the photo though, the more you were nitpicking each imperfection you saw.   
Your hair was too frizzy, your face was too round, the way you were squinting gave you what seemed to be crow lines.    
As you stared, your eyes moved to the photo on the dresser. It was a smaller framed photo of Lucifer with Charlie and Lilith. He had offered to get rid of it, but you thought it was a sweet memento for him to have. At the time you at least thought so, but now as you walked up to it and lifted the photo you stared at the other woman in the frame. How did Lucifer go from someone like her, to someone like you? It didn't make sense to you.    
As time passed, your mind continued down the dark path of self-hatred and you found yourself sitting on the bedroom floor, your robe long lost leaving you in just your pajama shorts and tank top. In front of you was a broken mirror, shattered after you punched your own reflection. It was obvious that you should clean your bleeding fist, but you couldn't bring yourself to. Maybe you should at least clean the broken mirror before Lucifer comes home. The idea of even moving, though it seemed too much to do, all that seemed to help was sitting on the plush carpet, hugging your legs as you stared at the broken reflection now.   
The sound of whirring seemed to snap you out of your thoughts as your eyes looked up seeing the gold and red portal appearing in the room. Through the portal, you saw the purple blue sky of the Lust ring and heard people laughing and having fun. Then, coming into view was Lucifer wearing his usual white and red clothes, except his jacket hung around his arm, and his sleeves were rolled up. The buttons of his white and red pinstripe vest were undone as well, revealing the white undershirt he wore.   
After a moment the portal closed, and the room returned to the darkness it had been for the past hour or so as you sulked in the corner.    
"Darling, are you awake?" Lucifer asked as he set his coat down on the chair. He didn't notice you weren't in bed yet. He didn't see the broken mirror that you cursed yourself for not cleaning up. Nor did he see you in all your broken glory, eyes red and puffy from crying. Your eyes watched his movements as he moved to the bed only to notice you weren't there. "Darling?" His voice called out till his eyes finally found you.  
In an instant, the lights to the bedroom snapped on as he looked at you, his vermilion eyes filling with fright. He took in the scene of the broken mirror in front of you, staring at the broken shards on the floor. His eyes then moved to your body that was trembling, hugging yourself with a bloodied fist. Then his eyes met yours, and the fright filled with a deep sadness as he finally noticed how miserable you looked.  
"Oh darling..." He whispered as he walked over to you kneeling taking your hands into his. He examined the wound on your hand, noting the tiny shards of glass that glistened in the blood. He looked upset seeing the injury you had caused yourself, his mind wondering what made you do this.  
For the first time in hours, you finally spoke, your voice cracking as you did from disuse "I-I'm sorry." You were sorry now, regretting how you felt, regretting all the thoughts you had knowing this was upsetting Lucifer now. You acted reckless, in your emotions, and now after a long day, Lucifer had to see you wallowing in your pity.   
His eyes moved from your hands to your eyes as you spoke. One of his hands tenderly reaching out to cup your cheek to comfort you while the other still held your injured hand, cradling it in his own. "Let's get you cleaned up yeah?" He spoke so gently, as though if he was too loud, you'd break once more. He was obviously concerned about the injury, wanting to make sure it was dealt with before he found out what happened.  
You didn't fight him as he helped you to your feet, all the energy you had at this point was focused on not crying once again at how soft he was being with you. You didn't fight as he took you into the bathroom, nor as he guided you to sit on the edge of the bathtub. The cold porcelain of the tub seems to help ground you from the spiraling thoughts in your mind.   
Lucifer gently let your hand go as he began searching the cabinet for the first aid kit, muttering under his breath about how it seemed to have grown legs and moved. "Other... Cabinet" you told him, pointing with your good hand at the other cabinet door that he hadn't checked. He glanced over at you with a thankful smile before he grabbed the first aid kit from the other cupboard and sat beside you on the bathtub.  
He was gentle as he picked the glass out with tweezers, and careful as he applied the antiseptic onto the wound cleaning it out. The silence of the whole procedure was eating away at you, worried about what he was thinking. He probably thought you were a mess; he probably was annoyed that he had to deal with your mistakes. The fear of him leaving you poking at your mind as tears began to prick at your eyes.  
Once your hand was properly cleaned and wrapped, Lucifer brought your hand to his lips, and gave it a gentle kiss. His deep red eyes staring into your own, and those thoughts faded immediately. He didn't look angry or annoyed like you were thinking, instead, his eyes were filled with love and care. Just like in the bedroom, he brought his other hand to your face, wiping away the tear that had escaped your eyes with his thumb gliding across your cheek.  
"What's wrong Dove?" He spoke so softly still, calling you by your favorite nickname he had given you. "What happened to the mirror in the bedroom?"  
Your gaze finally broke from his as you looked away, looking anywhere else than his eyes. How do you explain to someone who loves you so much, that you doubted that love? How do you explain to someone who reminds you of your beauty daily, that you hated your body? The words seemed to be stuck in your throat, but Lucifer waited, he didn't push as the silence festered between both of you.  
The man before you simply kept his hand on your cheek providing a subtle comfort as his thumb continued to caress at your tears wiping them away with each swipe. You couldn't speak still, instead moving your hand to your cheek, holding his. His smile was sad, worried about what was eating away at your mind. 
"Speak to me Dove... What is hurting you so badly?" He finally pressed the issue after you didn't answer his first questions. All he wanted to know was what was causing you so much grief, so much pain to have you shatter the floor length mirror in your shared bedroom.  
When he left this morning, you were happy. You both had shared a tender moment wrapped in each other's arms before he left to go deal with Mammon. Now though, you were like a hallow shell of yourself, and from the damage from the mirror, Lucifer had an inkling of an idea as to why. 
This wasn't the first time you spiraled in your relationship together. He has comforted you just as much as you had comforted him in the time you two were together. He knew firsthand just how bad your mind could be to yourself. The nights where he hugged your crying form for hours proved that. Though he has never seen you this bad before. Just how long had you been alone with your thoughts?  
The silence seemed to just grow more between you two, before finally, the tension in your throat keeping you from talking seemed to loosen. With a shaky inhale of breath, you looked at his eyes which stared at yours still waiting for an answer.  
"Why me?" You began, your hand leaving his that was still against your cheek and instead fidgeted in your lap as your eyes left his. "There are so many other women out there who are far better suited for you..." That tight knot was back gripping your throat once more making it hard to speak, but you pushed through. "S-so many more women wh-who are more beautiful. M-more appealing, More-"  
Your voice was cut off as Lucifer's lips pressed against yours gently silencing you immediately. After a moment he pulled back, his other hand now coming to hold your other cheek. 
"My love, there is no one in either Heaven nor in Hell whose beauty can outweigh your own. Even if there was, you are the only woman I desire." He spoke slowly and quietly, staring deep into your own eyes. One of his hands moved and took yours, pressing it against his chest. "My heart beats for you, and for you alone." His other hand moved and took your injured hand tenderly, bringing it to his mouth kissing it once more.  
These are words you have heard him say before, words uttered during past spirals. Words he would remind you of every chance he could, no matter how much you couldn't believe them yourself. You knew he was being genuine each time, his eyes holding no falsehoods, his voice never faltering as he spoke. It was the truth, and you never understood just why.  
"You are the one I want to spend eternity with no matter the cost. The one who holds my heart in such tangles. I thought when I fell from Heaven, that would be the last time I ever fell. Then you stumbled into my life, and I fell even harder, and I do every single day. It's because you mean so much to me my little dove." He went on, taking the hand against his chest, and brought it up to his lips as well, kissing both of your hands. 
The tears in your eyes now weren't from the pain you felt anymore, but from his words. Your partner was perfect in your eyes, always knowing the right things to say, the right movements to do. He knew the words that you needed to hear, and didn't hesitate to let you know every thought.  
Without another word you leapt at him, wrapping your arms around his chest, knocking the two of you into the bathtub. The dam broke as he in turn wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. You wept in his arms, burying your face in his shoulder. Lucifer’s hand brushed through your hair, scratching gently at your scalp to comfort you silently, letting you release the emotions you were dealing with.    How foolish you had been to let your thoughts get the better of you. How foolish you were to doubt the love this man had for you. You knew deep down you didn’t deserve him, yet he would beg to differ and would deny those thoughts of yours. He would even counter that he didn’t deserve you. When he fell from Heaven, he didn’t think he would be deserving of such love as yours’s, yet you love him day in and day out by choice, and he didn't think he deserved it either.    After some time had passed, you had finally calmed down in his arms. Lucifer's hand not leaving your head as he continued to caress your hair, placing a soft kiss on your temple. Your tears finally had dried up, or well dried more so on Lucifer's red and white vest. Lucifer took the time to sit you both up in the bathtub, having you sit on his lap with one more kiss to your forehead. "Let's not go punching mirrors anymore, okay? If you need an outlet for that rage, we can ask Satan for some pointers." He joked as he stood up lifting you with him in his arms, carrying you as though you were weightless. You couldn't help but choke out a laugh nodding as you laid your head against his shoulder. "I learned my lesson... Mirrors fucking hurt." You responded as he carried you into the bedroom. You both would be okay, even if some days are harder than the other, you both had each other to help soften the blow of those hatred filled thoughts. Even if self love was sometimes hard, you knew that even if you couldn't love yourself, Lucifer had enough love to give you in replace of it.
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star-suh · 7 months
Na Jaemin x Male Reader
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cw: idol au, top jaemin, pwp, sex toys, excessive use of lube, reader is part of dream, fingering, dumbification.
an: he's getting so big, need him asap 😵‍💫
“are you ok yn?” asked renjun patting his back, “yeah i'm ok.. just a bit tired” he answered while catching his breath. all the members were practicing the dance for the new comeback but everyone realized that yn looked strange, well everyone except jaemin who tried hard to hide his smirk “yes yn tell us if you need a break” said jaemin with fake concern in his voice.
no one knew about it but yn and jaemin had a relationship based only in sex, as a way to “relieve some stress”. 
jaemin is a bit mean with yn when it's about to sex, for example, one time he marked him everywhere, that when the fans saw one of the hickeys yn had to lie saying that an insect had bitten him, or that one time that just before an interview jaemin fucked the other mercilessly and he had to endure the pain for more than an hour while sitting.
“i think i'm going to my dorm to rest a bit” said yn getting ready to leave, “wait let me help you” jaemin offers himself while running towards yn.
“you're a psycho.. jaemin”, sighs yn, “i can't hold it anymore”; “come on ynnie just a little more” jaemin smirks again patting his back “it'll all be over soon”...
in the dorm, yn was with his face on the bed and ass up while jaemin was fingering him. “shiiit yn, you did it so well holding in all this lube”. his fingers going in and out, soaked in lubricant, while the rest dripped little by little from the dilated hole of the smaller one “you're gonna pay for this jaemin” whimpered the bottom, hiding his flushed face on the mattress, trying to hide the moans.
jaemin just smirked, continuing fingering out the lube and with the other hand stroking his cock “shush ynnie just relax and let me take care of you”.
minutes after going to the choreography rehearsal jaemin called yn and made a bet with him, “come on don't be boring, what’s so hard about keeping half a bottle of lube inside your ass. just imagine the sounds it’ll make when i fuck it out of you” he whispered that last part near yn's sensitive neck. “what the fuck!” yn yells “you're a sick pervert”; “i will buy you food for the rest of the month” jaemin added… “deal” quickly answered yn.
“here i go”, jaemin scooped some of the lube that was in the bed sheets and smeared it in his big veiny cock “i'm gonna fuck out all that lube out of you” he slowly put the tip inside and then slammed himself making the bed squeak and drawing a muffled moan out of yn. jaemin was fascinated by the sounds caused by the excess of lube "it feels so good augh.. and .. fuck.. so wet.. shit, i won't be able to control myself yn".
he thrusted so hard that some of the lube splashed and landed on yn's back and jaemin's abs. yn kept his face down on the mattress, jerking himself, “i love how you act so feisty against me but as soon as my cock enters you, you become the most submissive whore in all the world” jaemin blurted out, yn clenched his hole when he heard that, “i felt that you whore” he laughs.
the taller was gripping so hard that he left marks on each side of yn's waist, “come here” he grabbed yn by the shoulders pulling him towards him, now yn's back was leaning on jaemin's chest, "damn you look so fucked up" he mocked. yn had hooded eyes and some drool falling from his mouth, his face was still the same or even redder than before. “i can't take it anymore” he cried.
jaemin lay down on the bed letting yn ride him but with a vibrator inside his ass. "hold on a little longer yn, now just focus on riding me" said the top. little did yn know that the vibrator inside of him was one of those controlled via an app, an app that jaemin was searching on his phone “found it” he murmurs and press the button with the number 1 right away.
“oh my fucking go-” yn rolled back his eyes, the vibration sending shivers to his whole body. on the other side jaemin was trying hard to hold in his moans, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure to his shaft. “fuckkkk~” yelled the taller when he pressed the number 2 button, the vibration increased therefore the stimulation too, jaemin could no longer control himself, he's now growling like a wild beast while yn tried not to cum.
the phone slipped from jaemin's hand and when he tried to grab it he accidentally pressed the number 5 button…
they both had an orgasm at the same time thanks to the vibrator at maximum speed, jaemin's cock squirted lots of sperm into yn's ass, some of it sliding down his shaft and falling to the sheets. yn also came, his cock spurted a lot too and some of it reached jaemin's face. “take it out jaeee~” begged yn, the overstimulation hitting them both “i fucking.. caa~an't i feel so.. weak” replied the taller.
luckily the battery of the vibrator died so it stopped minutes later, jaemin’s cock slipped out of yn's ruined hole along with the vibrator. feeling so tired yn fell on top of jaemin falling asleep with the other doing the same seconds later. 
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cataboliac · 9 months
A sequel to Ignite Son Seungwan 11k words
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*Hey Wendy, are you at practice today?*
Trembling fingers typed out the message, a hesitation lingering in each keystroke. Releasing a deep breath, you then hit the send button. The cold air seemed to thicken—your body grappling with the nerves that had been building up all day. The whirring noise did little to calm the unease as you anxiously waited for her response.
*Hon! Yes. We are about to finish up. Isn’t it early morning where you are now?*
You smile—Wendy has no suspicions whatsoever. The plan is going smoothly. 
*I just wanted to start the day right by messaging you first, that’s all.*
*You really know how to make me smile.*
You longed to hear those words from that soothing voice, not distorted behind a microphone or a speaker. 
*I miss you so much. Will I see you again for Christmas?*
Her question replaces the nervousness with guilt. You have a definite answer, but she can't know just yet. 
The standard excuse would have to do for now. 
*Sorry Wannie. I am not sure about the holidays. I’ll keep you updated though, okay?*
*I understand, don't worry. I’m just a bit nervous about our comeback show tomorrow. Wish you were here to see it.*
Seungwan has no idea she's in for such a big surprise.
*You're the best group out there. You're gonna crush it. I will stay up to watch it!*
*I love you. Thank you for always knowing how to cheer me up. Good morning! And good night! :) <3 *
*Goodnight Wannie, I love you too.*
“And see you tomorrow,” you murmur as you look out the porthole. The hum of the engine finally became a comforting backdrop as you neared the end of this carefully orchestrated surprise.  The bright Korean skyline slowly comes into view—the warm glow of lights welcoming you home—as the plane makes its final landing approach to Incheon Airport. 
Two years have flown by since you left Korea. The rhythm of your days found a new beat on the chilly streets of your hometown of San Francisco, where you busied yourself teaching choreography classes. You were no longer bound by the constraints of a strict schedule or dietary regimen, relishing in the anonymity that accompanied the bustling life. Rarely did anyone recognize you, and in this newfound simplicity, you were living.
Yet, the plainness of your new life couldn't fill the void that persisted in your heart. No matter how hard you tried to occupy your time, a significant part of you remained in Seoul. You left many friends and family, leaving an unmistakable ache.
Especially the absence of the love of your life. 
Despite agreeing to a long-distance relationship, you and Seungwan were entering unknown territory. It terrified you both to the core. But you found a way to make it work, communicating daily through messages and video calls. Whether it was before dawn or late at night, your day wouldn't feel complete without sharing moments with each other. The longing for physical closeness only intensified as time passed—the desire to return to Korea echoed persistently in your mind.
Thankfully, you saw each other a few times last year. The previous visit was for Christmas—nearly 11 months ago. You both knew that these sporadic reunions were not sustainable in the long run. The absence of physical intimacy, the constant effort to maintain emotional connections, and the doubts lingering in your minds all pointed towards an inevitable ending.
But you weren't willing to let it end like that.
That's why, since your last trip, you've been quietly discussing plans with friends and family. This next trip will hopefully be more permanent—a chance for a more lasting connection.
You hated keeping Seungwan in the dark, but on the other hand, you didn't want to give her false hope if the plan fell through. It was more important to ensure this worked for a long-term stay before telling her.
Your musings are interrupted by the last of your luggage passing by you on the conveyor belt. Thankfully, you grab it effortlessly and lump it onto the trolley. With all of your belongings in check, you head outside. 
As you exit the revolving doors of Incheon Airport, the icy fresh air of Korea greets you once more in its cold, loving embrace as you step out the doors of Incheon Airport. You have almost forgotten how unforgiving the nippy chill of your hometown can be, forcing you to zip up the rest of your jacket. It is so cold you could see the vapor escaping your mouth as you exhale. 
Your phone suddenly rings, making you jump in surprise. You’ve been on guard tonight because you didn’t want news of you arriving in Korea. You quickly check your phone, only to release an exasperated sigh.
*Hey, have you landed yet? :P *
*Sooyoung… I told you not to message me when you’re with Seungwan…*
*So you did land! Welcome back! :P *
*And stop worrying so much! The other three are keeping Seungwan busy. And how will you know where to enter tomorrow? :P *
Inhaling deeply, you release a breath, expelling all the pent-up nerves. Your shoulders gradually relax, a noticeable lightness replacing the tension. Admittedly, there's a twinge of anxiety about tomorrow, but Sooyoung's wisdom prevails—let the plan unfold naturally.
*Fine, fine. What is the plan for tomorrow?*
While waiting for Sooyoung's text, you navigate your trolley through the parking lot in search of your ride to the Airbnb. A distant flash of car headlights grabs your attention. As you draw near, the familiar silver van evokes a wave of fond memories, a visual echo of countless rides to various schedules.
You stand in front of the van—and without warning—the passenger door opens, and someone engulfs into you with a hug.
"You bastard! It is so good to see you again!" Jaesung crushes you with a bear hug, almost taking the air out of your lungs. You manage to reciprocate, laughing as he whips you around like a ragdoll. He was always the most affectionate and most sociable among your group mates. 
"Never change, man. Never change. Now let me in the car!" 
With the help of Jaesung you get your things in the van and leave the parking lot without anyone recognizing you. With some breathing time, Jaesung catches you up on the latest news around the company.
"And all the new trainees are super talented! We try to be more lenient with them, especially the younger ones in school,” Jaesung says excitedly. He decided to stay with the company and help train the new talent.
“This new role really fits you Jae. I'm glad you stayed.” It helps that Jaesung was the leader of your group before getting disbanded.  
“And soon we will be complete again! Once everyone is free,” Jaesung says, a hopeful—and now—realistic wish now that you are here. 
"Just focus on your surprise with your 'Wannie' baby," Jaesung adds, his cutesy teasing tone making you cover your face in embarrassment. 
The van stops at your destination just in time to save you from more teasing. However, this is not the Airbnb you booked. This actually looks like the subdivision you used to live in.
“Jae, what are we doing here?” you ask him as he helps bring your luggage down from the van.
“This is my surprise to you. Open up your hand.” Fearing another of his famous pranks, you reluctantly open your hand to Jaesung, and he drops you the key to your old apartment—the familiar orange keychain still attached.
“No way…”
“Yeah, way! Don’t worry about it, okay? We talked to the place you booked, and we will figure it out. I kept the place tidy for you. And you got it all to yourself for a week cause I will be out for team building with the trainees. I am sure you will have only one guest over." 
You jingle the keys in your hand, a cascade of memories flooding your mind. From returning home after misadventures to triumphant schedules and that unforgettable night when you confessed to Seungwan—that apartment was a safe space for you.
“I don’t know what to say… just thank you so much Jae.”
“Don't get too sentimental on me yet! Now give me another hug.” The two of you embrace. Jaesung is the heart and soul of your group. The brotherly bonds never faded over time—they only grew stronger. 
"Rest up. You have a surprise tomorrow. See you next week, lover boy!”
Jaesung enters the elevator, and you wave goodbye to each other. Feeling inspired by his thoughtful gesture, you turn towards the door of your old apartment with newfound confidence in your plan. Just then, your phone rings, bringing a detailed message from Sooyoung about the surprise strategy. A smile slowly spreads across your face until it reaches its edges. The realization hits you like a speeding train—you are finally on the verge of reuniting with Seungwan.
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Red Velvet bows and thanks their audience again for coming to support them. They did not want to leave the stage, but they still had lots to do for the next day. The standing ovation reverberates through the concert hall, the thunderous cheers accompanying their descent down a corridor toward the private room. In the wake of their performance, the members of their dedicated staff resoundingly offer their congratulations for yet another triumphant fan-sign event.
The excitement from the event engulfs Seungwan in a surge of dopamine, saturating her heart with indescribable joy—the feeling is still the same no matter how far someone is in their career. Being back on stage and able to perform is a feeling she could never trade away. It distracted her from thinking about other things. 
Specifically, it distracted her from her thoughts of him. She really wished he could be there, but she knew affording a flight to Korea was no small feat. Seungwan missed it all—the simple touch of his hands, his cheering that pumped her up, the fiery devotion that set her soul on fire. Missing the love of her life came in waves, and sometimes Seungwan felt she was drowning. 
At least for now, Seungwan can surface and put all those negative feelings at the back of her mind and focus all her energy on the comeback. 
While they walked, the members stuck close to Seungwan, feeling more affectionate than usual. Sooyoung wrapped around Seungwan’s shoulder, holding her close to her side.
"Such a fun fan sign! I even got this cute toy from this sweet fan," Sooyoung says as she holds out a miniature plushie of herself.
"Hey, why didn't I get one? Obvious favoritism!" Yeri shouts, playfully narrowing her eyes and making the others chuckle.
"It doesn't feel so long since our last comeback, but the feeling never gets old," Seulgi says as she throws an arm around Seungwan’'s waist.
Joohyun, who was ahead of everyone, opens the door to their room and peaks inside. She smiles knowingly—satisfied with what she sees—then closes the door and waits for everyone to come closer. 
Everyone stops in front of Joohyun, much to Seungwan's bewilderment. "Is there something wrong?" Seungwan asks.
“I took a quick peek inside and saw something interesting. I think it is for all of us,” Joohyun says as she opens the door and steps inside.
“Oh, a surprise?! Let’s see!” Yeri exclaims excitedly.
Everyone enters the room, but the rest hang by the door to let Seungwan explore first. 
The room started off simple with basic furniture. Now, it's transformed, decked out in oriental banners, colorful streamers, and red and black wallpaper that matches the classy Chill Kill theme. Giant balloons proudly declare "Congratulations" on one wall. But the most fascinating part is the center table, adorned with a red gift-wrapped box and a bunch of violets—Seungwan's favorite flowers.
Seungwan is left utterly speechless, her mind swarming with a million questions. Slowly, she approaches the bouquet and spots an envelope with her name on it, casually leaning against the box. As she picks it up, her heart skips a beat or two. The distinct cursive handwriting is unmistakably his.
A rush of emotions hits Seungwan like a tidal wave. As she reached for the thick, cream-colored envelope, Seungwan's hands trembled. The weight of emotions threatened to overwhelm her, and she struggled to steady her breathing as tears blurred her vision. Her heart pounded in her chest, aching with anticipation. Trying to control her shaky fingers, she tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.
Congratulations on the comeback Wannie! Words cannot put how lucky I am to have met you, that my love is yours, and our two lives are woven and welded together. I will always be beside you. I promise. 
As Seungwan read the words on the page, her heart began to flutter, and her cheeks flushed rosy red. She couldn't help but embrace the letter tightly against her chest, imagining the feeling of his arms around her. The bouquet of freshly picked flowers, a mystery gift tucked within, and now this heartfelt letter; he always had a way of surprising her. Yet, as grateful as she was for these tokens of love, they reminded her of his absence. The room felt emptier than ever as if it longed for him to fill it with his presence. These conflicting emotions stirred in Seungwan's heart, intensifying her longing for him even more.
“This…this is so beautiful. I really wished you were here,” she says, hoping the winds carry her words to the other side of the world.
“I always got your back.” 
Seungwan freezes, her body reacting to that familiar voice—the hairs on her skin rising, hands shaking, and knees threatening to give out. Memories of doubts and fears resurface, remnants of a time when she believed she might never be together with the love of her life again. Those thoughts lingered in the shadows of her mind, haunting her, especially when she was all alone.
Will I ever see him again?
Will he be the same?
Does he truly love me?
Then, that deep, unmistakable baritone voice filled the room, and Seungwan couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her. She had always held a special place for him in her heart, like a "Reserved" sign on a quiet table in a restaurant—a place she kept safe, hoping she wouldn't be left waiting. 
And today, her date had finally arrived. 
It was a moment she had been eagerly waiting for, yet also dreading—for Seungwan's biggest fear was losing him and being left alone once again. But she was determined to let go of her fears and embrace him with open arms.
She had worked tirelessly to elevate her love above the paralyzing clutches of fear, constantly striving to better herself so he would see her proud of the growth she had nurtured. 
Seungwan believed in miracles and held onto the belief that everyone is meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, and magic. As an idol, it was her duty to share this belief with others and spread positivity wherever she went.
As she turned around, Seungwan finally laid eyes on the one person she had been yearning for so long; her faith was finally rewarded. A warm smile spread on her face as she took in his features. In this beautiful moment, all her worries melted away, and she knew that everything would be okay with him by her side.
It had been approximately 11 months, 12 days, and 23 hours since you last saw Son Seungwan in person. The sight of her now feels like a lightning strike, transporting you back to the moment she first captured your heart. Those full honey lips that speak words of kindness, full moon eyes that seek out the good in people, gentle hair that tumbled in such rich autumnal hues—love grew, yet she still is the same woman you fell so hard in love with.
Before you can say another word, Seungwan closes the distance between you and throws herself into your arms with a hug so tight it seems she will never let you go again. You embrace her firmly, taking a step back from the force of her impact. Your collar becomes wet with her tears as she cries out in disbelief while clinging to you. You rub her back soothingly, hoping to alleviate the flood of emotions within her.
"I am here," you repeat to her—and to reassure yourself.
A couple sniffles are heard behind you. "Girls, let's give the two some alone time," Joohyun says as she leads the girls out of the room.  
It takes a moment for Seungwan's breathing to slow. She pulls away from the side of your neck, those hypnotic brown eyes finally meeting yours.
"Ow!" you suddenly cry out as a sharp pain between your shoulder blades shoots up; Seungwan's hand connects with your back.
“How could you do that to me? Making me cry in my makeup and in front of the girls. They are going to tease me to death…” Seungwan says with a pout, but her eyes beam with radiant joy. 
Using your free hand, you retrieve a handkerchief from your pocket to gently dab away the excess tears and makeup that had smudged her face—though she was beautiful regardless. When finished, you return the cloth to its place and hold her face in your hands.
Unfortunately, you could not contain the guilt that was eating you up. “I am so sorry. I didn't want you to hold on to any false hope. I needed to be sure I could stay here longer. I am so sorry–"
Seungwan's velvety lips claim yours with such passion that the weight of any apologies you carry melts away. Your body responds instinctively to her warmth, your lips dancing in perfect unison with hers. As you close your eyes, you are enveloped in a sensory symphony—the plush sensation of each kiss, her favorite fruity perfume invading your senses, and the hint of her sweet strawberry lip tint adding to the intoxicating experience. Your hands move from her face to her shoulders, pulling her closer in a warm embrace as you reacquaint yourself with the feeling of her touch. She sighs contentedly, drawing you nearer as if coaxing out more breath from your lungs.
She breaks the kiss, leaning on your forehead, catching her breath. "Don't you dare say sorry, please. You are here, and that means everything to me."
You exhale, the tension finally dissipating from your body. “Okay. Okay, I won’t.”
“How did you manage to plan all of this?” she asks as she thumbs your cheek and caresses your chin.
“A couple months worth of planning. I had to coordinate a lot with your members and manager.”
“How long are you staying?” 
"Actually… that’s the best part. I am planning to stay in Korea. Possibly for good." The words roll off your tongue effortlessly.
Seungwan's jaw drops, the words short-circuiting her mind in disbelief. "Wait… you’re not leaving?"
You smile, realizing the weight of your words. “I am here to stay.”
Seungwan snuggles into the warmth of your embrace, her laughter ringing in the room in pure disbelief and happiness. After moments of tears, this was a welcomed change, a beautiful call of joy filling the room as she hugged you tighter. Lifting her off the ground, you spin around in an impromptu dance, caught up in the euphoric moment. The realization that you can now share your life together after being apart for so long hits you both with a rush of emotion.
"Wait, did you just propose?!"
"And did you say yes?!"
"Girls! Let them have their moment!"
The rest of Red Velvet stands by the open door, Sooyoung and Yeri playfully held back by Seulgi and Joohyun. You stop and gently set Seungwan on her feet as the others eagerly await your answer. With the moment gone, you intertwine your fingers with hers, content to bask in the romantic moment amidst your friends' presence.
"Don't worry about it. We'll have plenty more opportunities," you say as you lay a gentle kiss on Seungwan's hand. She leans on your shoulder, attempting to conceal her face, not as confident yet in displays of affection in front of her group.
“Ew, too cheesy. I will let it go for now since we get to see Wendy squirm like this,” Seulgi says, holding up her phone to take some pictures. “Did you open your gift yet?” Joohyun asks Seungwan. 
You see the gift box left unopened. Letting Seungwan go, you grab the gift and hand it to her. “Go ahead! I can’t wait for you to see it.”
Seungwan unties the ribbon, allowing it to gracefully fall to the ground. She carefully removes the wrapping paper, revealing a simple black box with no distinguishing features. As she gently shakes it, a faint rattling sound can be heard from within. Intrigued, she lifts the lid, revealing a stunning silver heart necklace. You watch as she becomes enamored with the necklace, running her fingers over its texture and holding it up for a closer look. The other girls gather around her, gushing over the romantic gift.
"I know you already have almost everything, but I wanted to get you something special. Something I haven't given you before... so here it is." Your words come out slightly nervous, unintentionally giving away your feelings, but Seungwan wraps you in another warm hug.
"It's perfect. Will you put it on me?"
She turns around, lifting her hair to expose her slender neck. You take the necklace and delicately place it around her neck, securing the clasp. Turning back around, Seungwan beams at you and plays with the heart pendant hanging from the chain. It does look perfect on her.
"You look beautiful."
As Seulgi snaps a photo and the rest of the girls coo in admiration, this romantic moment is now captured in both of your memories. Your hand seeks hers again, intertwining your fingers and savoring her tender touch.
"Will you join us for dinner?" she asks.
"I wish I could, but I've got to see my grandparents tonight." You catch Seungwan's slight pout, but you squeeze her hand reassuringly.
"I know the group is busy tomorrow, so I made sure to reserve you all to myself the day after, okay?"
Seungwan glances at her group, and they nod back reassuringly. You've ensured a whole day-date, a semblance of a regular routine day with her.
"You really planned for everything. I'm so excited for our day together," she says, kissing you on the cheek.
"And thank you, girls, you've all been amazing with the planning," you acknowledge the girls.
"You better make sure not to hurt her, okay?" Joohyun threatens though the laughter that ensues indicates she's only joking.
As everyone pitches in to help the staff dismantle the decorations, you catch up with the rest of the group. Tomorrow is slated with radio promotions and another music show. Yeri teases about her solo album for next year, adding extra motivation for this comeback. Sooyoung shares updates on her dating life with Crush. Joohyun plans to focus more on acting, while Seulgi is gearing up to delve deeper into studying music production. With the tidying up almost complete, you accompany the girls to the exit.
"I'll see you in two days, okay?" You embrace Seungwan, inhaling her sweet, flowery perfume, still in disbelief that she's in your arms.
"I will. I'm so happy you're back." Seungwan places a tender kiss on your lips before joining the rest of the girls outside.
Finally, alone in the hallway, you slowly lower yourself into an empty chair, a wave of mental and emotional exhaustion washing over you from the whirlwind of the past couple of hours. As you sit there, you can't help but imagine the countless plans for your upcoming date with Seungwan—the words you want to say, the moments you want to share. 
“It’s a date.”
“Stupid jetlag!” 
You quickly try to freshen up, one hand clutching onto your towel while the other manages a toothbrush in your mouth. The relentless jet lag caused you to sleep through the alarm. Seungwan is about to arrive, and you're not even close to being ready.
After a quick mouth rinse, you rush to your closet to look for the outfit you meticulously planned for the day. Just as you pull your shirt over your head, the doorbell chimes. 
"Hold on a sec!" you shout as loud as you can. 
As you finish adjusting your shirt and straightening your collar in the mirror, you notice a few stray hairs and quickly tame them with a comb. You double-check your pockets to make sure you have everything you need before confidently heading towards the door. But before turning the knob, you pause and take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for what lies beyond. With a calm exhale, you twist the doorknob and are greeted by a breathtaking sight.
Seungwan radiates confidence in her stylish winter ensemble, a crisp white coat effortlessly draped over her figure. Underneath, an oversized black sweater and a pair of form-fitting jeans show off her curves. Her smile is infectious, lighting up her cheeks that you love to pinch. Her luscious chocolate-hued locks fall freely around her shoulders, the delicate snowflakes adorning them like jewels in a crown. Seungwan's impeccable sense of fashion only adds to her breathtaking beauty—she could make heads turn at every corner.
“It's rude to stare, love,” she playfully chides, the familiar line eliciting a smile from you.
"Sorry, I'm not used to seeing snow angels walk."
"Ugh, too cheesy and still a terrible flirt. You need to relearn my tricks," Seungwan teases, and the two of you share a warm hug, sealed with a chaste kiss on your lips.
"I could use a refresher course. Maybe with a private demonstration?"
"Now, that's a bit better," Seungwan giggles, seemingly satisfied with your response. Banter with her feels as natural as breathing.
"What was with all the noise a while ago?" she asks.
You blush, scratching your head in embarrassment. "You heard all of that? I… kinda woke up late. I was pretty excited for today."
"You are so adorable. What are we doing today anyway?" she asks, sliding her gloved hand into yours.
"Lunch out, grocery shopping after, then I cook you a nice dinner back here. We end the night with a nice movie. How does that sound?" After closing the door, you lead Seungwan by the hand, embarking on a journey towards your date.
“That sounds like a lovely day.”
Today is the dreaded Monday, marking the start of a new work week. As you board the train, you find it teeming with all sorts of individuals—from diligent students to dedicated salarymen, engrossed in the routine of their daily commutes. The air carries a palpable sense of anticipation, passengers absorbed in their smartphones, occasionally stealing glances in expectation of their respective stops. 
However, for you, Monday unfolds as a comforting embrace of normalcy. This is an opportunity for you and Seungwan to revel in the simple authenticity of being yourselves—even if it is just for today. The disguises you two have ensured you won't be recognized, allowing yourselves to go with the flow of people. To the casual observer, you and Seungwan appear as just another couple navigating their way through the ordinary rhythm of a morning commute.
“Arriving at Myeong-dong Station. Please exit on this side"
"This is our stop; let's go! Ready for some lunch?" you ask, leading Seungwan through the sea of people in search of the exit.
Emerging onto the bustling Myeong-dong Shopping Street, the air becomes an enticing medley of delectable aromas from the food vendors. Amid the crowd, you instinctively draw Seungwan closer, ensuring she doesn't get lost in the lively atmosphere. The vendors enthusiastically beckon passersbys to sample their diverse specialties. The sizzling sounds emanating from the pans awaken your appetite, making you lick your lips in anticipation. Although it's been a while since your last visit, the enchantment of this place floods you with cherished memories—and sparks the potential for new ones in the future.
"Anything in mind? You've got an endless supply of food choices." It's been more than a year since you last visited, and the place is surprisingly bustling for this time of day.
Seungwan squeals in joy, already tugging you around to explore the food stalls. "Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!!"
You observe as Seungwan scans the vibrant street, her eyes searching for anything interesting among the colorful food stalls. Suddenly, her gaze locks onto a stall with skewers. As you both draw closer, the irresistible scent of grilled meat wafts through the air, captivating your senses. The cook applies a generous layer of butter on the hot grill before slowly placing a square Wagyu cube onto the surface. You both watch in anticipation as the meat begins to sizzle and cook to perfection, the savory aroma intensifying with each passing moment.
"How about these? They look amazing!"
Agreeing with her choice, you both approach the vendor. They greet you with a friendly smile as you pick a variety of skewers—odeng, succulent meats, and even some grilled vegetables. You grab the first of the sticks, giving one to Seungwan. Her eyes light up with delight as she chews into the beef. 
"This is so yummy! What's next?"
As you and Seungwan wander through the bustling street market, your eyes dart from one colorful food stall to the next. The sweet aroma of freshly made pancakes entices you, while spicy tteokbokki calls Seungwan from a nearby grill. You both eagerly try different dishes, laughing as you compare flavors and textures. Your stomachs eventually reach their limit, and Seungwan spots a cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner. With relief, you sink into plush chairs, relishing the memories made and the delicious treats still lingering on your tongues.
“I’m stuffed, the tteokbokki finished me,” Seungwan says as she rubs her stomach, sitting down next to you.
“That’s because you had two servings,” you tease, earning you a slap on the shoulder. 
“I can’t help it if it's my favorite snack.” 
Relaxing in the warm and inviting atmosphere of this café, you chat casually while enjoying your hot chocolate and Americano. Seungwan leans against you comfortably, and together you watch people walking by outside. The usual stress of strict managers, rabid fans, and a rigid schedule fades away as you both savor the simple joy of being in the present moment.
"Ready to move?" you ask, and Seungwan nods after sipping the last of her drink. Slipping back into the lively crowd, you guide her to the next destination—an inviting supermarket.
"Next on our agenda: grocery shopping! Any special requests for tonight's menu?" 
Seungwan ponders for a moment, her expression playfully pouting in thought. "I've been craving some spicy beef soup lately... that's not too difficult, right?"
"Not at all! We can definitely do that. The ingredients should be easy to find," you assure her with a grin.
You push a grocery cart confidently through the supermarket, starting with spices and making your way to vegetables before finishing with the crucial component: meat. Seungwan's sharp eye spots the perfect beef brisket, and you add a bottle of soju for a tasty pairing.
At the cashier, you hand over your card and notice the lingering gaze of the cashier as he inspects your name with a subtle smile on his lips. He nods at you, hinting at recognition. Seungwan looks over, also confused by the cashier's behavior.
After paying and packing up your groceries, the cashier bids farewell with a friendly wink.
"Thanks for choosing our store.”
"I always have your back!" he adds.
You're taken aback by his words—your catchphrase.
As you leave the store, a sense of comfort washes over you thanks to the subtle acknowledgment from the cashier. It's a reminder that you can make an impact, and this thought stays with you as you step back into the busy streets.
“We should take a taxi; we got a lot of stuff to carry,” you suggest. 
The clock strikes 4:00 pm. The blazing tangerine sun begins its descent, painting the cerulean sky with a stunning vermillion glow. The streets are bustling with even more people, their voices blending in a symphony of noise. After searching for a while, you finally hail a taxi to take you home. As the car navigates through the bright city lights, Seungwan rests peacefully on your shoulder. You can't help but reflect on the day that has passed—a whirlwind of emotions, shared laughter, and moments with someone who truly understands you. Though this adventure has ended, the warmth it sparked lingers, promising an intimate evening ahead.
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The keys jingle in your hand as you insert them into your front door, the metallic locks engaging as the knob turns. "Finally, home sweet home."
You place the groceries in the fridge, waiting to be used for tonight's cooking session. Beyond the kitchen lay the soft glow of the living room, ready to cradle you both in the embrace of a movie night. As the sky turned into a black carpet peppered with shining stars,  the possibility of a connection transcended the ordinary, etching the day into the tapestry of unforgettable memories.
"Hey, want to take a break before we cook?" Seungwan suggests, patting the empty space beside her on the couch.
"We?" you inquire as you settle next to her. Seungwan pulls you in, her arms encircling your waist, snuggling closer. "I don't mind the help, but today is all about you." 
Seungwan giggles, rewarding you with a quick peck on the lips.  "You're always so thoughtful, but it’s our day. Plus, how will I know you won't accidentally set the place on fire?"
"Oh, you might be surprised by how much I've improved," you counter, playfully jabbing a finger into her side and attacking her ticklish spot. Seungwan bursts into laughter, thrashing your arms.
"Wait! Enough! Okay, I trust you for later! Now hush, and let me cuddle with you a bit longer."
You both sink into the plush fabric of the couch, her body pressed against yours. The room is quiet except for the sounds of her steady breaths, which match the gentle movements of her chest. Your fingers slowly explore her smooth skin, rediscovering every inch of her porcelain complexion. In this peaceful moment, you exchange soft kisses on each other's foreheads and cheeks, occasionally lingering on each other's lips in a tender embrace.
The peace is abruptly broken by the sound of your stomach growling like a machine, making the two of you howl in laughter. 
“How are you always so hungry?” 
“I mean, we did walk around a lot today. Come on, dinner won’t cook itself.”
After washing your hands, a delightful surprise awaits as two arms lovingly snake around your waist. Turning around, you find Seungwan with a mischievous grin, playfully tying an apron around you. "Ready to showcase your cooking prowess?"
"Absolutely prepared to dazzle you with my culinary magic!" you exclaim, punctuating your words with an exaggerated twirl of your hands. Gathering the groceries from the fridge, you arrange them across the kitchen counter in a colorful display.
"Magic, huh? Well, I'm ready to be enchanted. What's our first spell?" Seungwan quips.
You slide the vegetables and the wooden chopping board over to Seungwan. "How about you work your magic with these? Chop them up while I prepare the meat."
Seungwan nods eagerly and grabs a nearby knife. She grabs a radish and skillfully chops it into uniform squares. Meanwhile, you expertly portion the meat into chunks, placing them into a generously sized pot you had readied earlier.
Amid the rhythmic chopping, you lean close to Seungwan, your warm breath sending a shiver down her spine. "You know, you're the best chef any culinary wizard could ask for."
Her cheeks blush with a delightful warmth. Seungwan steals a quick kiss on your cheek before cheekily pushing you away. "Keep those compliments coming, and I might just grant you access to a... special tasting."
“Be careful, I would do more than just taste,” you quip back, making Seungwan blush even more than the spices she is expertly mixing.
It takes a while to carefully arrange all the meat and radish into the pot. After setting the heat to medium and closing the lid, you join Seungwan in cutting up the rest of the vegetables. In the midst of the chopping, you open the fridge, retrieving the bottle of soju. You uncork it, pouring a shot for each of you. Tapping Seungwan's shoulder to grab her attention, you propose a toast.
“Let’s take a quick break before I check on the meat. What should we toast to?” you ask, raising your glass to Seungwan.
She reciprocates the gesture, intertwining her hand with yours. “To us. I still can’t believe you are here; it means the world to me. Thank you for the best surprise ever”
“To us.”
The two of you clink your glasses and then down the shot, savoring the sweet strawberry flavor swirling around your tongues and down your throats. A swift kiss on Seungwan's forehead punctuates this intimate moment before focusing back on the simmering pot. 
With practiced precision, you carefully remove any impurities from the stew and discard them in the waste can. A satisfied grin spreads across your face as you examine the perfectly cooked meat, even inserting a knife to confirm its tenderness. You add it to the bowl of spices Seungwan has meticulously prepared, and you mix everything together with care, taking turns when one of you gets tired. Once everything is well-mixed, you transfer the flavorful combination into a clean pot, turning up the heat and sealing it with a lid.
All that remains is to wait for the 15-minute timer to sound off. As you head back to the couch, you notice Seungwan making her way to your bedroom with her bag in tow.
"I'm going to take a quick shower. And no, you can't join. Not yet, anyway," Seungwan declares, followed by a playful giggle and a wink in your direction.
You stare, dumbfounded, as Seungwan gracefully removes her shirt in one fluid motion. A fleeting glimpse of her bare back adorned with a red lacy bra almost takes your breath away. But before you can fully process the sight, her discarded t-shirt is suddenly covering your face, obscuring your view. You hear the door to your room close and know she's left, but a soft laugh escapes your lips as you fold her shirt and place it on the couch. With some time alone, you browse through popular romance movies while eagerly anticipating the intimate magic that will unfold with Seungwan after her refreshing shower.
You stumble upon the perfect movie just as the alarm announces that dinner is finally ready. Swiftly turning off the TV, you make a beeline for the kitchen. Lifting the lid, you give the stew a stir before seizing a spoon to sample the creation. The spicy tang of the soup dances on your tongue, each spice contributing to a delightful symphony of flavors. The vegetables are cooked to perfection—soft and infused with the spices. You relish the rich essence of the meat, savoring its tenderness as you taste a piece.
“I heard the alarm! How does it taste?” Seungwan's voice echoes from the hallway, her footsteps drawing nearer.
“Try it yourself! You are in for a treat.”
Seungwan strolls into the kitchen, clad in an oversized black long-sleeved blouse, paired with her favorite gray sweatpants. The ensemble is simple yet exudes comfort and elegance. As she glides past you to fetch a spoon, the delightful scent of her favorite fruity shampoo lingers in your mind, causing your heart to flutter ever so slightly. Observing her tasting the soup, you witness her face light up like a Christmas tree, a radiant expression that adds warmth to the homey kitchen atmosphere.
"Wow, that Yukgaejang is delicious! Consider me charmed, my magical chef," Seungwan exclaims, accompanying her words with a high-five.
"Glad that it impressed you. Couldn't have done it without my wonderful sous chef," you respond with a grin.
"You've definitely stepped up your game! Come on, let’s set the table; I'm starving!"
Together, you and Seungwan set the table with plates and silverware for two. You carefully place the pot on a sturdy surface so that it will not damage the delicate cloth underneath. Seungwan brings over the already open bottle of soju and pours two shots. The fragrant stew is served, and you both sit at the table, ready to enjoy the fruits of your culinary collaboration.
Seungwan raises her shot glass, proposing a toast once again. “What should we give thanks for this time?”
You pause, deep in thought, while you rest your chin on your hand before coming up with an answer. “Let's toast to a successful comeback for you! I hope you get to showcase your beautiful voice even more.”
Seungwan's cheeks turn a deep shade of red as she laughs in delight at your praise. Together, you down the shot and quickly express gratitude for the food before eagerly digging in.
The meat was cooked to perfection, a tender and succulent masterpiece that effortlessly parted with every bite. The blend of spices was impeccable, offering a subtle sting that elevated the flavors and made your taste buds dance. As you sipped on the smooth soju, it complemented the meal in perfect harmony, adding a touch of warmth and depth to each dish. Your conversations with Seungwan were seamless, transitioning between updates from the fast-paced idol world to the simple nuances and joys of your everyday lives. The laughter and chatter rose and fell like a soothing melody, creating an atmosphere of comfort and closeness amidst the feast before you.
Seungwan savors the last spoonful of her soup, letting out a satisfied exhale and tenderly rubbing her stomach. "Okay, now I'm absolutely stuffed. It tasted just like Mom's cooking!"
"I've been practicing some of your favorite dishes, just in case," you confess, avoiding direct eye contact. Nervousness tingles through you as you admit this, the desire for the evening to be perfect for her evident.
"You're such a sweetheart. Thanks for remembering." Seungwan rises from her seat, dashing over to you and enveloping you in a tight, appreciative hug.
“Anything for you.” 
The two of you tidy up the remnants of dinner, carefully storing the leftovers in a Tupperware container. After placing the food in the fridge, you excuse yourself for a quick shower while Seungwan prepares for movie night. 
Under the soothing stream of hot water, you reflect on the special day spent with her. Usually, plans can fall apart, yet tonight has been nothing short of perfect. You hope there are little days like these to share with her in the busy years to come. After a brisk drying off and a quick change of clothes, you find Seungwan engrossed in her phone, a bowl of popcorn perched on the table, and the movie already queued up.
“What's the movie about?” Seungwan inquires as she cozies up to you, resting her head on your chest. Your arms envelop her waist, and your legs naturally intertwine with hers, creating an intimate embrace.
“It's called 'Nothing Serious.' So it's about two strangers who despise dating but meet through an app. Sounds cliché, but Sooyoung highly recommended it.”
"I'm a total sucker for these chick flicks! What are we waiting for?" she exclaims, eagerly reaching for the remote and clicking the play button. 
The film seemingly starts with a standard storyline: two individuals, weary of the dating scene, decide to give a dating app one last shot. Yet, what captivates you about the movie are the authentic characters and a plot that unfolds with logical precision. 
Personally, you find a connection with the male lead. The character arc, shifting from one job to another, mirrors the quest for a stable connection—echoing the cycle of moving from one relationship to the next, hoping for something enduring.
On the flip side, the female lead exudes stability but carries the baggage of a long-term relationship. Certain aspects of the character evoke thoughts of Seungwan, and you find yourself entirely absorbed in the narrative.
As the movie progresses, you can't help but steal glances at Seungwan. Her eyes are fixed on the screen, her expression a mixture of amusement and contemplation. These little moments make you realize how lucky you are to have her by your side. The warmth of her body against yours creates a sense of comfort, a feeling that makes you believe in the power of relationships.
Lost in your thoughts, you find yourself wondering about the future. Where do you see yourself and Seungwan in five years? Ten years? The possibilities seem endless, yet you can't help but feel a tinge of apprehension. Will your relationship withstand the test of time? Will you both be able to navigate the challenges that life throws your way?
But as you steal another glance at Seungwan, her eyes meet yours, and all the doubts wash away. In this moment, it's as if time stands still, and the worries about the future fade into insignificance. Today, with all its wondrous details, comes rushing back to you—the laughter shared over lunch, the gentle touch of her hand on yours during groceries, and her smile lights up the room during dinner.
Seungwan, sensing a shift in your mood, pulls away slightly and looks at you with concern etched across her face. "What's wrong?" she asks softly, her voice filled with genuine worry. 
You take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before responding to Seungwan's question. You reach out to her and gently cup her face, your thumb tracing circles on her cheek. 
"Nothing is wrong, Seungwan," you assure her, mustering a small smile. "I was just lost in my thoughts, thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life." Her expression softens as she leans into your touch, her arms slowly intertwining around you. 
"You're the one who makes me feel lucky every single day. You found a way to keep us together and found a way back to me," she whispers, her voice filled with tenderness.
"I know we've both had our fair share of ups and downs, and the future can be uncertain," you confess, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "But being here with you. Right now. In this moment, I believe we can face anything together." 
Seungwan's eyes glisten with tears. "I believe it," she replies softly. "We've weathered storms, and nothing could make me happier. We can do this. Together. For the rest of our lives."  
You sit silently for a moment, letting Seungwan's words sink in. She's right, you think to yourself. You've faced obstacles and challenges before, and you've come out stronger together. The doubts and uncertainties about the future fade as a renewed sense of hope and determination washes over you.
With every passing day, your love for each other grew powerful. You navigated through life's challenges hand in hand, supporting and encouraging one another every step of the way. Together, you inspired each other to reach for the stars and chase after your dreams.
As the movie climaxes, you and Seungwan inch closer to each other on the couch. Your eyes flicker from her luscious lips to her awaiting body, unable to decide where to focus first in this moment of intense desire. Your heartbeat thunders in you—overcharged like a thundering storm about to unleash its power. It's as if all the love and passion built up over the years together is now coursing through your veins, causing every nerve ending in your body to spark with electricity. Adrenaline surges through you, making it impossible to sit still as you feel yourself being pulled closer to Seungwan by an irresistible force. The warmth of her body seeps into your skin, making your heart race and your nerves tingle. 
Seungwan's almond-shaped eyes flicker with a potent mix of desire and vulnerability, revealing the intense emotions below the surface. They dart between your eyes, lingering on your lips with an almost palpable hunger. A glossy sheen coats her full, pouty mouth as she licks it hungrily, biting down gently with trembling anticipation. Each rise and fall of her chest is like a heavy drumbeat, her breaths coming in labored gasps that fill the air with heated tension. The deafening silence between you is only broken by the sound of her clothes rustling as her thighs rub together uncontrollably in response to her overwhelming desire for you.
Your other hand trembles as it reaches out to cup Seungwan's face, the need to touch her overwhelming. Your fingers trace every curve and angle of her jawline with aching tenderness, reveling in the softness of her skin beneath your touch. Her breath hit ever so slightly as her eyes searched yours, their depths filled with longing and desire. In this shared gaze, you find solace and reassurance—a silent understanding of all that has led to this moment. The stolen glances whispered confessions, and unspoken declarations culminated in this intense and electric connection between you both.
The flickering images on the screen were a mere background to the intense emotions coursing through the two of you. Seungwan's arms now fully enveloped you, her hold so tight it felt like your ribs might crack under the pressure. Your gaze locked with hers, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing second.
Your voice shook as you bared your heart, desire burning within you.
"I can't hold it in anymore. I need you. Right here and now."
Seungwan's lips curve into a knowing smile, and you lean in to kiss her softly. The taste of her cherry lip balm lingers on your lips as she responds eagerly, her hands tangling in your hair. The heater crackling in the background pales to the heat radiating between your bodies. You can feel Seungwan's quickened breath against your neck as you press closer, your kisses growing more urgent with each passing moment.
Without breaking the embrace, you slowly guide her back onto the plush couch cushions, your body hovering over hers. The sounds of the movie playing on TV fade away as your senses are consumed by the intensity of desire and passion between you.
Your hands explore every inch of Seungwan's body, tracing the curves and contours that have become so familiar to you. You revel in the softness of her skin, the way her body arches beneath your touch, and the way she responds to your every caress.
As your lips continue their dance, your hands find their way to the hem of Seungwan's shirt, slipping underneath the fabric and grazing over her heated flesh. A gasp escapes her lips, mingling with the soft moans that escape your own mouth. The hunger between you intensifies a raw and primal need that cannot be denied. With trembling hands, you begin to undo the buttons of her blouse, revealing the swell of her breasts and the lacy fabric of her bra. Your mouth hungrily finds its way to her collarbone, peppering kisses along the delicate curve that hits her sensitive spot that you know drives her crazy, Seungwan moaning even louder into the room.
Her hands grip your chest, her nails digging into your skin as she pulls you closer. The taste of her desire fills your mouth as your lips move from her collarbone to the exposed skin on her chest. You can feel her heart pounding against your lips, matching the rhythm of your own racing heartbeat. The room is filled with an electric energy, each touch igniting a fire within you. You feel the weight of the moment, the merging of souls and bodies in perfect harmony. Seungwan's fingers then fumble with the buttons of your shirt, a sense of urgency driving her actions.
As Seungwan unbuttons the last of your shirt, a cool breeze hits your exposed chest. You and Seungwan pause from your passionate kiss, resting your foreheads against each other. With one final kiss, Seungwan whispers, "Let's go to your room. Right now."
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Seungwan's mind is a jumbled mess of hunger and desire, the sensation swirling through her veins like wildfire. Her voice shakes with urgency, igniting a flame that had long been dormant. Without hesitation, they hurry towards the bedroom, their steps quickened by anticipation and longing.
The dimly lit room transforms into a sanctuary, a haven where time seems to stand still, allowing only the essence of the two souls to matter. The gentle radiance from the bedroom lamp creates soft shadows on the walls, casting an intimate aura over the space. Positioned at the edge of the bed, he locks eyes with Seungwan, a gaze that sends shivers down her spine in response. In this moment, there's an unspoken understanding that transcends mere physical desire. It's a culmination of emotions, a profound connection that defies verbal expression.
Seungwan moves towards him with deliberate steps, her every movement is laden with purpose and anticipation. Her hand extends, fingers trembling ever so slightly, and he responds by intertwining their fingers.
His free hand glides along the contours of her body, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in its wake. Seungwan's breath catches as he leans in, his lips gently brushing against her earlobe, eliciting shivers all over her body. "I've been waiting for this moment," he whispers, his voice octaves lower.
He is typically gentle and soft-spoken, but when his voice deepens, taking on a commanding tone, Seungwan finds it irresistibly sexy when he assumes control. With assertiveness, he leads Seungwan onto the bed, where their bodies sink into the plush mattress. Their lips meet once again, but this time with an intensity born from the depths of their souls. Their tongues flick against each other in perfect rhythm, igniting the passionate fire brighter between them.
Seungwan feels his hand cup one of her breasts, eagerly kneading out the softness of her mound. She gasps as his touch sends electric currents through her body, making her break away from their kiss with a loud moan. His lips move down to her neck, nipping and sucking at her sensitive spot, causing her mind to go wild with pleasure.
As they continue to engage in foreplay, his other hand deftly unclasps her bra, releasing it from her chest. Using this opportunity, Seungwan rolls over him, straddling his lap. She takes advantage of the position, teasing him by slowly removing her bra from one arm at a time, keeping it close to her breasts. He watches with hunger in his eyes as she removes her shirt and finally lets the bra fall, revealing her ample bosom jiggling freely in the air, her warm mink nipples taut from arousal.
"And I am all yours."  
Son Seungwan is an unwavering force, her spirit forged in the fires of adversity and molded into a fierce independence that has weathered every challenge life has thrown her. She has endured and overcome every challenge that life has thrown at her—from leaving her home country to surviving a crippling injury and bearing this long-distance love—refusing to show weakness. But now, as she sits naked before him, her walls crumble like a dam, giving way to a raging river of emotion. Every fiber of her being surrenders to this moment, giving herself to him.
He captures her lips hungrily, his hands roaming over her body with a sense of urgency. His fingers brush against the swell of her breast, causing her to gasp and arch towards him. Seungwan's heart races as his mouth moves down her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in its wake. She can feel herself growing wet with desire as he inches closer to her chest, his warm breath sending shivers down her body. 
Suddenly, his mouth is on one of her breasts, sucking lightly on a sensitive nub. She moans loudly, the sound echoing throughout the room. Her back arches, giving him more access to her succulent bosom as she trembles under his touch. His tongue swirls around her nipple while his fingers gently twist and pull on the other, driving her wild with pleasure. She is putty in his hands, lost in the sensations coursing through her body as he continues to worship every inch of her curves.
With a swift motion, he lifts Seungwan onto the middle of the bed, her body sinking into the soft sheets. The faint scent of vanilla lingers in the air as they embrace. He traces kisses along her stomach, causing her abs to tense and quiver under his touch. His strong hands unbutton her jeans in a skilled manner, pulling them down with ease as she raises her legs to help him. Her red lace panties cling tightly to her skin, revealing a damp spot at their center.
He moves down to her feet, peppering them with gentle kisses before trailing his lips up her legs. A shiver runs through her body as he reaches her inner thighs, his warm breath sending tingles to every nerve ending. She can't help but let out a small whimper as he presses against the fabric covering her core, feeling how wet and ready she is for him.
"Please," she begs with desperate longing in her voice, unable to wait any longer.
He quickly strips away the last remaining barrier between them, revealing Seungwan fully naked and vulnerable before him. She bites her finger nervously as she awaits his next move, anticipation building inside her.
Without a moment's hesitation, he dives in and begins his oral ministrations on her sensitive folds. Seungwan gasps loudly at the initial contact of his tongue and raises her hips to meet his eager mouth. His strong arms hold her down as he enthusiastically licks and kisses her, eliciting squirms and moans from Seungwan. She grabs the bed sheets tightly, her body responding intensely to his touch. He surprises her by sliding two fingers inside her tight warmth, causing Seungwan to clench around him and cry out in pleasure.
Feeling overwhelmed, Seungwan reaches out for his hand to help ground herself. But even with this distraction, she can't stop the overwhelming sensations building within her. With each flick of her clit, she gets closer and closer to the edge until, finally, she explodes in waves of ecstasy. He catches every drop of her release, some of it spilling onto his jaw as he hungrily laps up her juices. Her thighs grip him tightly, leaving marks with her nails digging into his hand, a pleasurable pain that only adds to their intense connection.
As Seungwan's body calms down, he continues to kiss and lick her folds for good measure. As he releases his hold on her, he moves up to kiss her body. Still riding the wave of pleasure from her orgasm, she shivers at every touch of his lips. When he reaches her face, she pulls him in for a passionate kiss, tasting herself on him and reveling in the intensity of their intimate moment together.
"Your. Turn."
Seungwan's eyes glimmered with determination as she expressed her desire to return the favor. You eagerly lie down beside her, anticipation building in your chest as she shifts downwards towards your groin. Her hand deftly finds its way to your bulge, causing a moan to escape from your lips. Looking up at you for confirmation, Seungwan tugs on the hem of your pants. You give her a quick nod, allowing her to remove them, freeing your member from its confines. With practiced skill, she wraps her fingers around your shaft and begins to slowly pump, perfectly gauging just how much pressure and speed you like. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you let out deep groans and grunts as she expertly pleasures you.
"Babe, it feels… larger than last time…"
As she slips her tongue between her parted lips, Seungwan's eyes lock onto yours with a hungry intensity. You feel yourself getting stiffer as she traces delicate circles around your swollen head, her eager mouth lapping up the salty pre-cum that beads along the tip. She teases you with a soft kiss before engulfing your length in one smooth motion, sucking hard and sending electric shocks of pleasure through your entire body. The intense sensations make it difficult to catch your breath, and you can't help but moan as she works her magic on you. Your stomach clenches with every movement of her mouth, and the visual alone is enough to drive you wild, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy.
Your lover eagerly takes more of your length into her mouth, increasing the speed and intensity of her movements with each passing second. Her tongue swirls and dances around you, creating sparks of pleasure that shoot through your body. You grip her soft, silky hair tightly in your hands, using it as leverage to guide her movements and deepen the sensation. With each downward stroke, she takes you deeper and deeper, coaxing out moans of ecstasy from deep within you. The erotic display happening between your legs is a masterpiece of passion, her lips and tongue working in perfect harmony to bring you to the edge of bliss. Your hips involuntarily buck with each skilled motion, driving you closer and closer to the peak of pleasure. And when she hums softly against you, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine, it's all you can do to hold on as the sounds emanating from her mouth push you over the edge into pure ecstasy.
You feel the familiar tight sensation radiating from your abdomen. Not wanting to finish too soon, you gently hold Seungwan's head in place as she takes a break. When she pulls away, a spittrail is left between your member and her mouth. She resumes stroking you with one hand at a relaxed pace.
“Are you okay?” she asks, moving her hand slowly.
“You're going to drive me insane. That was incredible,” you manage to say. 
Seungwan chuckles and kisses her way back up to your lips.“You make me crazy, too. I think I'm ready.”
You and Seungwan have been intimate multiple times before, but tonight feels different. It feels like a promise come true, the culmination of years of friendship turning into love, a reward for having faith in each other. It's a reminder that there could be many more nights like this. As your bodies join together, you are bonded in every sense.
She positions herself above you, aligning her core with your length.
"I love you, Seungwan."
"And I love you too."
Seungwan lowers herself onto you, and as she takes you deep inside her, a new level of tightness envelopes your senses. Her eyes roll back in ecstasy as she reaches for your shoulders, her nails digging into your skin to hold on. You guide her down from her waist, feeling every inch of her sliding against every inch of you.
She can barely speak through the intense pleasure. "Babe...you're so...fuck...bigger..."
"Wannie… you feel even tighter..." You instinctively grip her hips, trying to hold on to some sense of control amidst the overwhelming sensation of being surrounded by Seungwan's incredible tightness. She feels scorching hot, dripping wet, and tighter than ever before. It takes everything in you not to lose yourself completely. But as Seungwan sinks further onto you, pressing her body against yours with an unbreakable seal, you give in to the intense pleasure and pull her into a fierce kiss. Your shared breaths taste sweet as she hums against your lips, driving you both closer to ecstasy. With one final push, you are fully immersed inside Seungwan, lost in each other's embrace, until the world fades away into pure bliss.
After a brief moment of stillness, Seungwan leans back with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She presses her hips against yours, moving in a slow and hypnotizing rhythm. Each movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you moan and writhe in ecstasy. The bed squeaks and creaks beneath the intensity of your passion, the sounds blending with the loud slapping of skin against skin.
Your hands roam greedily over her body, exploring every curve and dip as she squirms under your touch. Seungwan's mouth falls open as she nears climax, her nails digging into your skin in pleasure. You pick up the pace, driving her closer to the edge with each thrust until she explodes in a frenzy of bliss. Her scream echoes through the room as her body trembles, and she collapses onto your chest. As she enters into her second orgasm of the night, she clings tightly to you while still trying to ride you to your own release.
You want to hold onto this moment for as long as possible, so you keep her in your arms. "Let me take charge," you whisper as you roll over and remain inside of her. Seungwan moans from the sudden change in position.
"Oh God, so deep."
You thrust into Seungwan, your pace quickening as you feel yourself surrendering to the intense desire to make love to her. She clings onto you with unbridled desperation, begging for more as she writhes beneath you in a frenzy of pleasure. You sink your teeth into her neck, leaving passionate red marks as she cries out in ecstasy. Her body shudders and quakes around you, signaling her impending release. Your movements become even more fervent, pushing deeper inside of her until your bodies are slick with sweat and burning with desire. 
The pleasure intensifies, a warm sensation spreading throughout your entire being as you try to prolong this blissful moment. Seungwan's inner walls tighten around you, her legs wrapped tightly around your waist and pulling you closer. 
In a final act of passion, she kisses you deeply as both of you reach the peak together. Your body tenses with ecstasy as you release everything inside her, marking her as yours forever. Waves of pleasure ripple through you as Seungwan's walls milk every last bit out of you, leaving her filled to the brim. You stay connected for a while, not wanting to collapse on top of her. When the throbbing finally subsides, you roll off to the side and feel the aftermath dripping onto your legs. 
The weight of the experience leaves you drained and weary, but you still manage to pull the soft blanket over the two of you, pulling Seungwan into your embrace. Her body conforms perfectly against yours as she rolls to your side, her lips pressing gently against your cheek in a sweet gesture. You can feel the warmth radiating from her skin, soothing any lingering tension or discomfort. In return, you kiss her forehead before finally succumbing to exhaustion and closing your eyes. The peaceful moment envelops both of you like a warm cocoon, protecting you from the outside world and its worries.
A trickle of light passes through the blinds. It’s been ages since an alarm clock wasn’t necessary to start the day.
You also can’t remember the last time you felt this body ache. Every external sensation feels like a sledgehammer, pulverizing your skull as your eyes barely open. Awareness slowly kicks in, and you start remembering the events of last night.
You attempt to sit up in bed, but a weight prevents you from doing so. In your arms is the person you love, fast asleep and looking peaceful. She stirs awake and gives you a small smile. It feels surreal, but her lips on yours confirm that it's all real—she is here with you in this moment.
"Good morning, Wannie."
"Good morning, last night was...indescribably perfect." 
Perhaps this is just a part of life's journey. You meet someone and fall deeply in love, and suddenly, nothing seems too daunting or frightening anymore; every day is full of endless possibilities. Maybe we needed to go through rough patches to be stronger and more beautiful on the other side. Love can be found in the most unexpected places, shining bright even in the darkest moments. And Seungwan is proof that all of this exists, bringing light into even the bleakest situations.
"So, what's the next adventure planned for today?"
Well, it really has been a minute.
Hello everyone, and thank you so much for reaching the end of "Rekindle." If you haven't read "Ignite" yet, no worries! I designed this fic to stand on its own (though please give my debut fic a read! I love that baby so much).
It's not easy for me to say this, so I'll be straightforward: this marks the end of my writing journey.
Two years ago, I posted "Ignite" inspired by countless fan fics I had read. It was my way of expressing myself—a little bit of escapism. I needed to channel all the pent-up energy. I made wonderful friends, built confidence, got a plethora of new skills. But like any writer, I faced a lotttt of doubts and grappled with lotttsssss unfinished drafts. My writing consistency waned as mental health struggles took their toll.
I needed a break, especially because I needed to focus up on my actual life out there. I had been living too fast, too pressured. And the break did wonders to my life. As my mental health improved, so did various aspects of my life. I felt compelled to write one last fic, but only really felt ready to do one last fic. I think it was fitting I started and ended with the idol that drew me into k-pop! Sadly, my time to write is running out due to a new chapter in my life—I've landed my dream job!
I'm immensely grateful for this incredible journey as a writer. This journey made me discover a side I never thought I could do. I am confident in my writing and expressing myself in writing and in person. I owe my growth to the many friends I met here. This fic is dedicated to everyone I met, talked, and made wonderful memories with!
It's been an awfully beautiful adventure, and in the next life, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you for two years of writing and unwavering support!
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thewulf · 11 months
Annoyed || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - Could you please write Jake Seresin x Reader! where Jake loves annoying Reader with witty comebacks and what not and usually Reader just smiles or gives it back. One day after work, she comes home from work and just wants to relax... Read Rest Here
A/N: Jake is just my fav. Loved writing this slightly angsty to hella fluffy one shot. Thank you for the request @catsandbooksandstuff
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.8k +
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It had been the day from hell. Quite literally. Your boss announced he was quitting on the spot. The company decided to put in a temporary boss who was an absolute terror from the instant you met him. He wanted all the spreadsheets you’d worked on over the last year sent to him to review, hell.
Then once lunch rolled around you had remembered you conveniently forgot your lunchbox sitting on the counter at home. To make matter worse there wasn’t a single thing from the cafeteria that sounded even remotely appetizing. There wasn’t enough time to run out, so you settled on the vending machine snacks, delicious.
When the hellish day finally ended you were nearly in tears when you got to your car and got the ‘flat tire’ light. You tried to ring Jake, your favorite roommate, but it went right to voicemail. He must’ve still been in the air. Triple A it was.
After nearly fourteen hours away from the house you finally made it home. You weren’t in the mood for your usual banter with Jake to say the least. Normally you adored it, welcomed the casual back and forth that came so easily between the two of you. He had perfected annoying you but not getting under your skin and vice versa.
“How was your day?” Jakes voice snapped you out of your stupor. You’d been lost in your thoughts not even hearing the damn front door open.
Your jump up from the couch cushion you were sitting on was enough to alert him something was off.
“Shit.” You answered him honestly, “Just a long not great day.”
He gave you a slight smile before setting his things down, “Hate days like that. Good thing it’s Thursday then right?” That was always like him. He always tried to find the bright side of things. A quality you’d come to love but found oddly annoying right now. As good of a trait as it was sometimes you just wanted to bitch and have someone agree with you. Sometimes you didn’t want to heart the fucking bright side. Sometimes you just wanted to wallow. And this was that sometimes.
He nudged you on one time too many. You didn’t mean to take it out on him. You really didn’t. But the combination of the day. Your irritation and his incessant nagging you’d had enough, “Christ Jake. Can’t you tell I’m not in the mood?” You huffed before standing and walking away from the couch. Everything was annoying you. The confused and surprisingly soft look
“I’m sorry…” He stood starting to walk over to you before you shook your head.
“Please just stop. I’m annoyed. Please. Just let me be.” Your voice was laced with unusual irritation that he wasn't used to. In the eight months that you’d been roommates he’d yet to see this side of you and it terrified him that he could be the cause of your disdain.
He put his hands up letting you walk out of the shared living room and right into your room. You didn’t slam your door which was a good sign, but you clearly weren’t happy. Hopefully at the world and not directly at him.
Jake took a moment to contemplate his next actions. He’d wanted so desperately to go knocking on your door, but he also wasn’t dumb. You’d looked and sounded exasperated when you asked him to back off. You needed space and he needed to respect that as much as he wanted to go in and comfort you.
You shut your door and dove straight onto your bed feeling oddly guilty about the encounter you’d just had with the man. He was doing nothing but being his usual self and you’d snapped at him. You’d surely fucked whatever weird relationship you were building with the man right on up. Deciding to apologize later you’d let yourself wallow in whatever self-induced pity party you were ready for.
He opted to eat dinner then he’d check in on you. That’d give you about an hour to cool off. Maybe he was an idiot for going to check in on your so soon after you’d deliberately told him to fuck off. But Jake was a glutton for your punishment. He’d never admit it to your face, but he’d do just about anything for you. He was a smitten man. Whipped as could be. You were as clueless as could be though.
With sudden nerves he powered through and knocked on your door lightly. When he didn’t get a response he knocked a little louder knowing you really couldn’t have gone too far.
“Yeah?” He heard you mumble.
He smiled knowing it wasn’t the ‘go away’ he was expecting, “Can I come in?”
You contemplated for just a second before you gave way, “Sure.”
Jake didn’t take another second before he was in your room kneeling on the ground beside your laying body in bed, “Hey.” You spoke after a moment of silence, neither of you really knowing how to approach the situation.
“Am I annoying?” He asked you without missing a beat. You’d learned quickly how the man never really beat around the bush. He spoke what was on his mind.
You groaned knowing you’d never be able to get out of discussing your semi-meltdown with the man. He’d never let you get away with that, “No, you’re not annoying Jake.” You turned away from him not being able to bear the stare he was giving you, “Sometimes you are annoying. Sometimes I’m annoying. But no, you aren’t annoying. I’m just irritated with the day.”
He gave you a soft smile that you couldn’t see. You felt the bed dip as he sat near the end of the bed at your feet, “I’m sorry I didn’t pick up on it.”
You shook your head deciding to sit up. You turned yourself so you were facing him now, “It’s fine. I didn’t give you a chance. I should be apologizing.” You admitted feeling a tad more than embarrassed by your outburst earlier.
He smiled seeing your face. God, if he was sure of one thing it’d be his feelings for you. He hadn’t admitted it to anybody. Not even his buddies. But one day he found himself rushing home so he could be with you. Spend time with you. He looked forward to cooking with you. Eating dinner and bitching about each other’s days. He’d adored domesticity with you.
Quicker than he’d like to admit he started liking you. That was six months ago now. He’d yet to lay a kiss on your lips but he was sure he’d fallen hopelessly in love with you. Your entirety. He’d found a best friend by chance. It’s like the universe was forcing them together and for once he accepted it. Enjoyed it. Looked forward to it. He got upset when he was sent away for a week for training. He’d normally be stoked to go out and explore someplace new. Not now, nope. He just wanted to spend his free time with you. Even if it meant doing absolutely nothing.
“S’okay darlin’.” He grinned at you lazily. Before he even realized what he was doing his hand found itself brushing a loose strand of hair away from your face. To say your brain was short circuiting was an understatement. It was already a little overwhelming having him so close to your face. But this? His touch, so light, on your face was sending your brain into an absolute tizzy.
He must’ve sensed you were at a loss for words as he stood from his spot holding his hand out, “Come on, time to get you some dinner. Then we can keep watching Love Island?” His hesitant smile let you know he was really trying despite how annoyed you were moments ago.
“But I’m so comfy Jake.” You sighed knowing you were never going to win this battle with him, not when it came to you skipping meals. You’d had a nasty habit of it prior to living with him. He was horrified when he learned of your terrible eating habits and all but forced a normal schedule on you.
Rolling his eyes, he decided to play along with you, “Then I’ll bring you your dinner and feed it to you princess.” He smirked thinking you’d reject the offer quickly.
“You’d do that for me?” You smirked deciding to let him see how this was going to go.
He started snickering and shaking his head deciding to let it all out now, “Of course. I’d do a whole lot for you Y/N.” Because why not? What’d he have to lose? He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t let that happen. He needed to make a move, he was slowly going mad having to live and love you without living and loving on you.
You’d returned the favor of rolling your eyes before taking his hand, “As tempting as that is I think I can feed myself.”
Instead of dropping your hand he pulled your right along with him to the kitchen, “And you’re going to deny me the chance of feeding you?” He frowned as he set down a plate in front of you he’d kept warm in the oven. You couldn’t deny the teeny tiny little blush that coated your cheeks as you took in his act of kindness towards you. You were a sucker for a guy who did the small things like that for you. And Jake… Jake was one of the most thoughtful guys you’d ever met. He always thought of you first. Your show was on? He’d change the channel. If you were overly stressed he’d do more housework for you. If he noticed you didn’t make it to the store he'd pick a few of your regular things up. Jake was just, Jake. A guy unlike any other. A guy you were far too afraid to make any sort of move on.
Shaking your head, you couldn’t hide the giddy smile on your face. He just made you feel good. Unlike any other, “You’re something else Jake.”
“Hopefully that’s a good thing.” He sat down opposite you with a glass of water in hand knowing you far too well. You wouldn’t eat unless he had something too. It was entirely too awkward to chow down on your dinner if he wasn’t somewhat occupied too.
“Course it is. I’ve never met any guy like you before.” The words spilled out of your mouth before you could even attempt to stop them. He could take it so many ways you just hoped it didn’t ruin anything you’d had between him.
His eyes locked with yours deeply it sent panic throughout your entire body, “Are you flirting with me Y/N?” He asked giving you that signature Jake smirk that always seemed to get him whatever you want
Shaking your head quickly your eyes looked anywhere but at his, “No, in your dreams.” You fired back all too quickly.
But he’d decided right then and there he didn’t just want to be friends with you. He’d wanted so much more with you, “You’re right darlin’. In my dreams you are flirting with me… all the time. I’m flirting back, naturally.” He gave you a devilish smirked before continuing, “I even ask you out. And guess what?” He asked leaning forward a bit from across the table knowing he has your attention fully.
You just gave him a look of bewilderment as you took in his words, “What?” Your curiosity took over as you were entranced in every single word coming out of his mouth.
“You say yes.” He looked at you as if you were his light
It was like he stopped your racing heart right there, “Did I?” You were nervous, terribly nervous. What was he doing? You never even thought of the possibility of him possibly liking you back. No, he had to be messing with you. Had to.
He nodded slowly, “You did. You looked awfully cute too. Just like you do now.” He looked too proud of himself with that comment. You had to admit it was a smooth. Jake was always smooth though. He had such a way with words you could really only dream of having. You’d often found yourself tumbling over your own thoughts instead of forming coherent sentences.
“What?” You shook your head trying to make sure you were actually in reality and not dreaming yourself.
He shrugged, “You look cute. You often do. Cute as hell, all the time. Beautiful. Gorgeous even.” He held back on laying it on too thick in fear of chasing you off, but he certainly decided he wasn’t going to be shy about it. Not anymore. Nope, he’d crossed the line and he was jumping all the way over.
You shook your head once again not quite believing it, “Again, what?” You had to ask once more, just for confirmation. Because this wouldn’t have happened, not even in your wildest damn dreams.
He stood from his seat taking the seat right next to yours, “I like you. I think you’re stunning. Will you go out with me?” He grinned as he watched the gears turning in your mind.
You sat up a little straighter in your seat. Setting the fork down your turned your body towards him, “Me?”
“Yes, you.” He started laughing. He took your hand in his. Giving it a squeeze, he looked up to you, “I thought I made it obvious darlin’.”
You gave him a quiet laugh, “You probably have. I’m just clueless.”
Those eyes that drove you mad on a daily basis looked you over for what felt like the first time as something other than friends. More than friends. Something you’d never thought you’d see come to life.
He grabbed at your other hand holding them both tightly, but gently, in his own hands, “You’re one of the smartest people I know. But you are quite oblivious sweetheart.” He had to agree sending both of you into a fit of laughter. Both of you feeling easier in each other’s company. You knew it’d be semi-awkward for a while before the two of you found a rhythm once more.
“You weren’t supposed to agree Jake.” You stuck your tongue out at him knowing it’d help lighten the mood further, something the both of you needed.
He couldn’t contain himself as he scooted closer. He just wanted to be by you. He always did. Always, “Well you know I’m not a liar sweetheart.” His chair was touching yours now.
“A little white lie doesn’t hurt Jakey.” You’d never advocate for a full out lie but a small one to make somebody not feel like a total piece of shit never hurt your feelings. Not that Jake made you feel like a piece of shit, no. He made you feel quite the opposite of that. Loved and secure. Something you’d been craving for in a relationship since you’d left your family all those years ago but could never seem to find. Until him of course.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Jakey?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’m testing out new nicknames, sue me Seresin.”
He dropped your hands earning a frown, pout, and glare in his general direction. You too craved his touch as much as he craved yours, even if he’d never admit it, “I liked Jakey better.” He placed his hands on either side of your face catching you completely off guard.
“Jakey it is.” You mumbled feeling like you were melting right in his hands. How in the hell did this man have such a strong hold on you like that? One little touch and you were putty already? God, you were absolute toast.
“No, no. You still got some more to try out darlin’. I know you do.” He spoke while running his thumbs along your cheek bones. A mess, you were an absolute pitiful mess being held up by Jakes hands presently.
You nodded as best as you could, “Sure, you got it.” You hummed feeling absolutely helpless in his hold. It was a weird yet thrilling experience. Letting yourself fall in love with him was different than any of the other guys you’d been with before. He was your friend first. You’d learned about Jake before you got to start loving on him. You knew his quirks, ticks, annoyances as best as anybody who lived with the man could. Now, you got to take what you’d collected and put it to good use.
“Y/N?” He asked after a moment of the both of you staring right at each other. Your food had long since gone cold sitting right beside you. Jake was a damn good distraction.
You watched as his eyes bounced back and forth between your own eyes and lips. A thrilling chill raced around your body before he finally spoke again, “Can I kiss you?”
“Thought you’d never ask J.” Your eyes met his. A smile broke out onto both of your faces. Everything felt so right, so correct. You’d never been so damn sure of decision in your entire life.
He hummed, “I like that one.”
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged33 @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
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malarign · 1 year
please don’t yell at me
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(when you cry after he raised his voice on you)
contains: idolbf!Sunghoon x fem!reader | genre: angst with a fluffy ending | tw! arguing, raising voice, crying, accusing of cheating, kissing (or maybe making out) lmk if i missed anything! | wc: 0,8k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!!!
author’s note: i don’t really have the energy or motivation to post lately, so just enjoy this old draft i wrote a while ago 🫶 i promise the next thing i’ll write will be the heeseung request from a while ago (sorry anon 😅)
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In contrast to the ride home, your voices were echoing with anger in your apartment in a heated argument. Having enough of the tension between you two you decided to finally bring up the touchy subject that had been avoided for way too long, which was Sunghoon slowly drifting apart from you.
You tried to understand him for a very long time now; their first tour just ended, and they still had lots of work to prepare for their new album and comeback. It had been weeks if not months since you actually felt close to him for more time than that one date he took you on during this time. But you didn’t want dates, you didn’t expect anything big knowing how much work he had, all you asked was just a little bit of his attention and affection. Yet he seemed so preoccupied with his work he couldn’t spare you at least one hug that lasted longer than half a minute. And when he brushed your hand off of his shoulder when you tried to hug him after his dance practice you just snapped, not minding 6 other pairs of eyes that watched the scene with horror in them.
And here you were arguing like you never did before in your long-term relationship.
“You really had to make a scene next to the guys, right? Who are you, a baby? Everything has to revolve around you, y/n?” Sunghoon asked highly irritated, after slamming the front door behind him.
“Revolve around me? You can’t be serious.” You raised your eyebrows at his words in pure shock. “Sunghoon how can anything revolve around me when you literally don’t spare me any of your attention?”
“Oh please, you’re going overboard about it.” Sunghoon rolled his eyes and watched with his arms crossed as you paced the floor.
“No, I’m not! I can’t even remember when you genuinely hugged or kissed me. I can’t remember when was the last time I felt loved by you! All you do is go to work, come home late, and leave for work again. Sometimes I doubt you still love me, because all you love is your work, or maybe you love somebody new?” you asked, not knowing how your words wounded his sensibilities.
“Enough!” Sunghoon burst out. He didn’t realize how the impact and volume of his voice affected you. All he saw was how your eyes slowly disappeared under thick tears that now cascaded down your cheeks. His expression softened and his lips parted in shock at the sight. It happened. His worst nightmare happened. He made you cry and didn’t know how to fix this situation. He froze as he stood when he raised his voice and watched as you turn around and close the bathroom door behind you.
You slid down on the floor and sobbed your heart out. Feeling pathetic you thought of all those years of your beautiful relationship full of love and communication and what it had become. For the last months, you were nothing like the couple everybody envied. Now it was you who envied yourself from a year ago.
Does it mean he really found somebody new? Were you really going overboard with this situation? And maybe you were selfish for not helping him while he worked hard for his and his bandmate’s future.
Your train of thought was stopped when the bathroom door opened revealing Sunghoon. He hunkered down next to you and you looked at him. His eyes were just as puffy as yours, filled with regret and love. He hesitantly opened his arms inviting you into his embrace. You hugged him tightly and sobbed uncontrollably, choking out quietly: “Please don’t yell at me”.
Your words and tone broke his heart, the thought of you being scared of him crossing his mind. He brushed it off and left a long kiss on your forehead to soothe your pain.
“I’m so sorry, my love. I will never raise my voice at you again. I promise.”
Both of you cried on the cold bathroom floor until he pulled away and dried up your cheeks. He looked you in the eyes seeing a glimpse of a smile in their corners.
“I’m sorry for accusing you of cheating. And I’m sorry in general. I know how hard you work,” you admitted taking his hands in yours.
“No, love, just because I work hard doesn’t give me the authority to be an asshole to my girlfriend. I’m sorry for pushing you away and distancing from you,” Sunghoon rubbed his thumbs on the palms of your hands as he spoke.
You raised your hand and cupped his cheek, smiling as he melted at the feeling of your touch. You leaned in to give him a short peck on his lips but landed on his lap when he pulled you closer by the waist, plunging into a tears-salty and heated kiss. Both of you needed that kind of intimacy, hands wandering on your bodies searching for that one spot. You pulled away, to take a breath and he whined at the loss of contact.
“Sunghoon,” you called out his name drawing his attention. He looked at you, eyes opened wide waiting for what you wanted to tell him. “Let’s not argue again. Like ever.”
He smiled coming closer to you, lips brushing your skin as he whispered: “Of course, my love.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
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jinxedmuse · 5 months
best friend - lee sohee, 이소희
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in which: your best friend sohee offers a "no strings attached" relief from the stress of your relationship but finds himself falling in too deep.
an: don't know if you guys have listened to sohee's playlist but he has a lot of romantic songs on there, mainly best friends to lovers centric or heartbroken ones and it made me want him even more..
warnings: cheating, accidental overstimulation, rough sub!sohee, multiple orgasms, lots of whining and begging from sohee, lowk manipulative, degradation, pet names, oral, sohee is older than reader by like 4 months, reader's bf is eunseok...
playlist: sex eden, get up newjeans, like you do joji, to. ex taeyeon, i feel it coming wknd
wc: 2.1k... been going feral over sohee the last couple of days, had to get it out my system, consider this my comeback?
movie nights at your place on friday were a mandatory tradition you've had with your best friend, lee sohee for over five years.
this year, due to a recent (almost a year) addition to your life (a boyfriend) the sense of freedom that came with this night significantly decreased. what was supposed to be a night to catch up with your best friend, free of stress from external sources had turned into check-ins with your boyfriend every hour or so and an uncomfortable amount of distance between you and sohee, physically as well.
this wasn't necessarily because your boyfriend saw sohee as a threat, i mean, he looked like a mini duck you win at a fair or something. sohee is shy but humorous, mischievous but respectful. yet your boyfriend always felt like something was (in his words) "off" about how sohee always stuck at your side sometimes s little too literally and close for comfort.
you dismissed it, insisting your close relationship had stemmed from a bond built off being relentlessly teased together since high school. that, "sohee isn't like that. we're just best friends is all. trust me" you'd say, fully believing yourself as well, because how could your relationship ever change after 5 years?
you were currently sending your boyfriend his 3rd "update" within the past hour. you hear a loud sigh coming from sohee's side of the couch. you finish sending your text before looking up.
"i know, i know. sorry, you know how he is, just overprotective is all" you say in defense, already knowing what your best friend was about to complain about.
sohee doesn't face you, instead, laser-focused on the movie you both were barely even watching. trying to ignore the heavy change in dynamic ever since you got into a relationship.
"i know" he starts whining, twisting the hem of the throw cover that was over his lower half, a heavy feeling in his heart. "it's just that we hardly get to hang out together as it is, and when we do you're glued to your phone."
you weighed on his words while looking at him. his voice was soft and shaky but showed no signs of tears in his eyes. his beauty marks scattered all around his face, some trailing in his collarbones and ears. fueled by a sudden pang of guilt you toss your phone onto the table in front of you and crawl over to shoes side of the couch. earning a sly smile from the smaller-framed boy.
"this close? how scandalous" he jokes, opening up the throw cover so you can get underneath it with him. safe distance, of course. you sling an arm around him immediately earning a groaned laugh as he tries to push you off. you tussle his hair until his grip gurns into more of a pained restrict with one hand and he lands you onto your back.
sohee is now on top of you, both his legs at each of your sides, his necklace, part of the set the two of you had although you haven't been wearing yours recently hanging in front of your face. his oversized shirt that was a little too big for him leaving a gap between the collar and his neck, chest slightly exposes.
you were too engulfed in his scent, clean laundry, one you've always found comforting, to realize he was full-on staring at your lips. a hard-on slowly forming and straining against his cargo pants.
"why do you keep forgetting i'm older than you, huh?" he teases. the truth is sohee is older than you by 4 months. however, when you first met (since you were already in the same grade) you were so adamant about dropping honorifics. insisting that technically you were "same-age friends."
once you realize he's staring at your lips your mouth goes dry, and you push out a forced laugh. trying to ignore the heat coming from between your legs, suddenly realizing how heavy he feels on top of you. You couldn't bring yourself to push sohee off despite how wrong it was. this was still innocent, right?
"i didn't forget," you say, your own eyes now stuck on his pink lips "i just don't care." you tease back, trying to overturn the situation but his grip remains steady, not letting you get up. just feeble squirms now and then.
“do you not see me as a man?” he asked, it was practically a whimper the way it came out so whiny. you giggle at this, not taking the boy on top of you seriously.
he tilts his head, sizing you up and down. eyes stopping right at your boobs, your nipples hard and visible through your thin shirt. he shifts his weight so that now he's sitting directly on top of you. his bulge that was now rock hard right over your heat. "don't you want things to go back to the way they were?" he asked innocently.
you feel like a spell had been cast on you, his slight pressure on your cunt caused it to flex around nothing, aching to be touched but you couldn't do that to your boyfriend. you shake your head in disagreement. "what do you mean sohee, and why are you still on me idiot" you ask jokingly, trying to lighten the tension in the room now. the movie was long forgotten.
"oh cmon' he starts again, "don't you ever get bored of" he gets interrupted by your phone ringing, a special tone you had set for only your boyfriend. it was starting to piss sohee off.
why was his precious time with you always getting interrupted by your insolent waste of a boyfriend? "of that" he grunted out, dipping so that his member was now grinding down on you. you hold back your moans, throwing your head back. ashamed at the amount of pleasure you felt.
this isn't right, you tried to reason with yourself. you have a boyfriend, sohee is your best friend, but fuck, does it feel good the way he was messily rutting himself against you. dry humpin' you.
"sohee." you managed to choke out through moans "this isn't right" you object, fighting your hands from going up and pulling him closer to you.
"it's not cheating if you don't do anything back, just let me make you feel good please, huh princess? don't you remember how good i was? don't you want to know how much i improved" he asks, leaving slopping kisses down your neck, his slim hands roaming all over your body, tugging at your clothes.
he was currently referring to back what happened on a hot summer day during freshmen year up in your old tree house that barely fit the growing bodies of two best friends. you can still remember how hot it was, sweat sticking to your bodies before you had even started anything.
your frames uncomfortable in the one-size-too-small tree house, it was awkward, but it felt so sexy back then, and yet as soon as he was done, the reality of what you had done hit you and you couldn't look at each other for a week once school started.
once you got over it, you vowed to never do something as reckless to your friendship as that again.
2 years later during senior year, you fucked. you were each other's first, and you both wanted to "get it out the way" as college was right at your doorsteps. the nerve-wracking idea of losing it to some stranger didn't make sense, right? i mean what better way to lose it than in the back of your first car, during the first snow of winter, with your best friend, for your first time?
you had both pushed it aside. vowing it was just to not be behind your college peers and to never speak of it again. not wanting to add to the statics of why "men and women can't be friends", whatever that meant. sohee entered and left a few relationships after that. always breaking them off because he got bored after a certain point. he was single right now, opposite to you who was in a relationship.
this was wrong. every fiber of your being knew it was wrong but it was the first time you and sohee were alone together in a while. His eyes were full of lust, everything about him currently oozed sex appeal and you wanted him badly. there was no denying that with the way your cunt kept clamming around nothing, begging for attention.
sohee takes one of his hands and brings it down to your cunt, the heat he feels coming from it is almost instant. "look at you, acting like you don’t want it but you’re so fucking turned on right now" he says as he rubs his hand onto your clothed cunt.
you bite your lip, holding back a moan at his vulgar words. "it's a normal bodily reaction if you’re practically humping me, i have a boyfriend." you beg, eyes leading yet your body betraying you every time he gently rubs your pussy.
"who do love more?" he asks getting closer, “my boyfriend" you pathetically strain out at a last attempt to redeem yourself for doing this. he licks your ear lov slowly, biting the too which earns a moan from you before trailing back down to your neck with small wet pecks. his hand was still on your cunt and you were now grinding onto it.
"who makes you feel better huh? me?" he asks when he gets to your breast, he removes his hand from your cunt earning a desperate mewl from you, immediately missing his touch on you.
"look at you, rutting your desperate little pussy to get some relief from your best friend, but you expect me to believe you love your boyfriend? huh, whore?" he growls in between sloppy kisses and sucks to your nipple, twisting them every time you shook your head to try and tried to deny his (very true) allegations.
he watches as your back arches from the sofa a bit, his aching cock begging to be freed but he isn't satisfied yet. he takes the other hand that was holding both of yours up and brings it down to your cunt, slipping into your extremely short shorts and going over your delicate panties
you were already wet, his fingers slipping against your puffy lips way too easily. “look at you~~~~" he says in a mocking tone, "all wet for me, baby? beg and i’ll make you feel good" he taunts unto your ear. you nod your head immediately "please sohee, f-fuck i need you to touch me"
"i’m sorry slut, what was that?"
you chase his fingers, eyes teary at his teasing "please, hee fuck me" you cry in desperation, nails digging into his shirt, pulling him closer.
at this point, you were too horny to care about how desperate you seemed, becoming an incoherent mess full of whining and begging.
sohee falls completely apart, drooling at your blubbering mess, he likes two of his slim digits, pointer, and middle finger, and thrust them into your throbbing cunt, curling them slightly,
your back arches almost completely off the couch, both your hands gripping his forearms in pure bliss, eyes shut in concentration on how good it all feels.
his slim digits entering and exiting you with such precision and a bit of roughness, curling up in all the right spots had you panting excessively, beads of sweat already forming on your forehead.
the faster and harsher he went, occasionally bringing his yup to play with your budded clit, you clam harder around him. suffocating his fingers, they dragged out of you in a way that made you see stars when you were dizzy.
"fuck-fuck, hee i think, nghnnn, i'm about to, fuck, come" you wring it, spit at the side of your mouth from it being slack open as you moaned underneath him, chest heaving up and down
your pathetic state doesn't take away from sohee's own though; he's as much of a whining, moaning mess as you are. his head all foggy from how pretty you looked underneath him, sweat coating your soft skin as your puffy lips were wrapped around his fingers. his member was practically budging out of his pants, beads forming on his forehead in concentration but last minute he got an idea.
he pulls out his fingers with a swiftness that makes you practically cry. your eyes snap open, a pout as you look at him. confused at this sudden action. "let me stuff myself inside you and then taste your cum, huh? what do you think about that princess~~" he asks in his usual teasing voice. moments like this when he was giving you brain fog you remembered he was your best friend.
but that didn't matter right now, you needed to be fucked dumb. so you just nod your head like a pathetic bitch in heat and he smiles, quickly unzipping his pants and pulling down his boxers.
his dick is now free and you almost faint at the sight. he was clean-shaven, with balls the perfect size for you to cup in your hand. he wasn't huge or even too thick but he was long, long, and veiny, his dick was a light hue of pink while his tip was beaming red. streams of pre cum endlessly flowing out. you moaned at the sight, looking at it with begging eyes.
he's satisfied with your reaction, knowing you hadn't seen it since that night two years ago during senior year in the back seat of your car. he suddenly felt like he was on top of the world, an ego boost surging through him as he watched how you looked at his member longingly.
he gives his dick a few pumps over your cunt, his cum leaking onto you, "you want me to stuff you baby? all bare while you have a man waiting for your call?"
his questions bring heat to your cheeks, God you were such an asshole for this but you needed sohee so desperately you felt like you were going to cry if you didn't have him inside you. you watch the way his cum leaks into you as he's pumping himself above you and you find yourself subconsciously bringing up your lower body so your cunt could meet up.
he pushes you back down, a smirk on his face
"be patient, it's the least a whore could do" with one last painful squeeze he takes both your legs and put them onto his shoulders, he aligns himself with your core and spit on his hand, slapping your cunt one last time before inserting his tip into you.
you let out an animalistic mewl at how much pleasure that simple act gave you but you barely have any time to adjust yourself before he slams himself fully into you
you try to pull back away, but the pressure was too much, you looked down and felt like you could see his cock slamming in and out of you. it was so slim and long that it hit all the right places on the first try. your chest was heaving up and down the same way it did after you ran a marathon or chased after your bus. the amount of pleasure you were experiencing was driving you crazy, he pulled you back in by your waist, eyebrows furrowed.
you felt so full like you were about to pee. "I can't; fuck i'm-close can't take it" you cry out trying out again to back up but he takes both his hands and cozily and pushes himself deeper into you, he hit the spot that makes you cum and as if on the command you do exactly that. a mix of squirting and creamy come going all over his balls and coating his base, even getting on his toned stomach. fuck he was in love
the sight of you coming and moaning all because of him has him doing the same, he holds your waist in position and cums in you, not pulling out until you were full of every last drop of his seed. you felt yourself practically getting filled up as if you had just eaten. the feeling was pure ecstasy, your boyfriend always pulled out even when you begged.
you stare at each other for a moment, what was once lust got replaced by something else which stirred a desire in the pits of your stomach. you get interrupted by the rining if that special tone once more, you start to reach for it but sohee grabs your hand and slams it down next to you.
"don't," he says sternly. it was supposed to sound like a command but it almost sounded like he was begging, pleading for your attention to stay on him. you nodded with starry eyes, still coming down from the incredible high he had just given you.
he crouches down and you sit up halfway on your elbows sorta confused, suddenly he pulls your in and hurridly barries his face into your cunt. it started a lot romantic as if he were making out with your cunt. delicate kisses to your inter thigh, slower pulling on your lips, and tender licks on your clit. you sigh in bliss, but you lose your balance when he strikes his tongue into your core, a finger at your clit playing with it in a circular motion that has you moaning profanities.
his tongue would occasionally go flat to slurp up the combination of both your juices, your cum mixed was now coated on his tongue and around his offy pink lips, he ate you out like he was a starved animal. his grip on your hip grew firmer the more you moaned his name. his dick was now slightly hard again and he found himself pathetically rutting against the couch as he ate you out to offer himself some form of relief.
you come again, this time in his mouth and he doesn't waste a second licking up all your wetness, moaning at how good you taste, drowning you in praises for coming for him twice. your leg was shaking, toes curled at the overstimulation when suddenly siri starts reading out loud a recent message sent 1 minute ago:
"eunseokie says: 'why haven't you been answering? i'm outside, i'm coming up now.' one minute ago. Would you like to reply?"
"NO", you yell out in a rush, sitting up and suddenly too aware of your current state sohee lifts his head, he sees the look on your face and knows his fun with you is over.
sohee purposely drags his tongue out of you at a slow, painful pace that ears one last moan out from you before he sits up, throwing his head back onto the couch while pulling up his boxers and pants, stuffing his still aching cos into them.
you get off the couch and look around for your panties but they are still in sohee's pants, you bend down and reach for them from his pocket but even with his eyes closed he gets a grip on your wrist and shakes his head. "don't even bother"
you let out an exasperated huff, legs still far too weak to be arguing right now. you calculated in your head and realized your boyfriend, eunseok should be coming up in approximately two minutes. you take a crumbled-up napkin from your table and use it to wipe anything off yourself before moving sohee out of the way you were down the couch before tossing it in the bin.
you then grab the throw blanket you were wearing and throw it into the washer, tossing in a random detergent before starting it.
"c'mon, sohee don't do this to me you have to go before he gets her-" your sentence is cut off by the sound of keys jiggling.
sohee gets up, and he looks at you in a way that makes your heart hurt. he runs a hand through his hair before he leans in to kiss you, catching you completely off guard. you don't let yourself enjoy the kiss, backing up before wiping your lips with the back of your hand, eyes almost popping out of your sockets.
you hear the door open and sohee smirks, smiling as he makes his way to the front. you follow loosely behind him.
sohee and eunseok met right at the door as sohee was bending down to finish tying up his shoes.
"ah, hyung nice to see you again," sohee says as he pulls together his most polite smile, even sticking out his hand for a handshake. eunseok looks down at it and shakes it, giving a curt smile as he enters.
"are we close enough for you to call me hyung" he asked, you'd be lying if you said he didn't look good. jet black hair parted to the side, a cocky and passive-aggressive smile plastered on his face. sohee noticed the way you looked at eunseok and felt bitterness grow in his heart, and that was the one thing he had never been.
you clear your throat and approach your boyfriend, slightly limping before wrapping your arms around his neck, eunseok drops sohee's hands and pulls you into an embrace by your waist. it hurts slightly because sohee was just gripping them but you plaster your fake smile, holding back a whimper of pain. sohee looks at you both before he heads out the door.
with you still at his side, eunseok holds the door handle, watching the younger boy in front of him with daggers.
"ah, there's something on your lip, over here" eunseok points out to the younger boy, pointing a finger to his top lip to point out where the "thing" is.
soheee brings his finger up to where it is and looks at his hand after, it was your wetness, still on his face, in front of your fucking boyfriend. you mentally face-palm yourself and pray to the universe your boyfriend is too fired to guess what that is.
sohee drags it into his mouth, strategically sucking on his finger with an innocent smile. "thanks hyung, reader gave me a nice, warm, toaster struddle earlier. i'm a bit of a messy eater tho" he says with a slightly narcissistic laugh as he shoves his hands into his pocket, you can see in one pocket he's fumbling with something, your panties to be exact.
yeah, time to wrap this up, you thought to yourself before tugging in eunseok's long-sleeved leather jacket, you pulled him back before giving sohee a curt nod and apologetic smile that only the two of you knew.
sohee's heart felt heavy, and you couldn't put it into words but yours did too. he gave a nod back as if all was fine as if he understood but you could tell by the look on his face that his heart was breaking right in front of you and you were the cause, you slowly shut the door but your boyfriend locks it before you could even register the situation you almost got caught in and the heavy feeling in your chest.
eunseok pulls you away from the door, sighing as he walks and leads you to your living room, the living room where you just came twice.
you look up once you hear eunseok cough a bit and let go of your hand, plopping down on your couch.
"by the way, why is the washing machine on so late?'
an: hey! muse here, how'd you enjoy this short nonsense i whipped up after almost 6 months(?) of ghosting you all, haha.. but really, if i told you guys everything that happened to me since what i last dropped, you wouldn't even believe me. i'm still quite busy but i missed you guys, and i missed writing. i'm not going to make any promises on how frequently i'll update but for now, fuck it, why not say i'm back lol. i hope you guys enjoyed :)
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heavenlycloud · 11 months
y/n and her *inability* to say no to kazuha~ a compilation 
a/n: i’ve seen a lot of these compilation type fics circulating plus my youtube recommended always has at least one random compilation of something like this so i thought i’d give it a go here! 
i tried my best to format this to be like one of those youtube videos. the bold text means it's a caption in the video.
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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ⤹˚˖♬୭ ♡
y/n and her *inability* to say no to kazuha
↻          ◁     ||     ▷           ↺
----˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹----✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
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intro: *automated voice* 
hello everyone~ this is heavenlycloud. i just wanted to start off the video with saying that this is for joking purposes only, and i am not making assumptions about y/n and kazuha’s relationship. so please don’t doxx me or leave hate. okay lets get on with the video :)
*tv glitch screen*
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clip one~ 🦊{when y/n went all the way back home to bring kazuha food even though she had plans}
“okay so i just have a lesson this morning and then i think i’m gonna go shopping? it’s my first free-ish day in weeks so i think i’m just gonna enjoy today alone.” you spoke to the video camera in english as you walked out of your dorm building. a loud buzz from your pocket grabbed your attention and you showed your phone to the camera, “zuha is calling me.” 
you put the phone to your ear, “hello?” kazuha talked on the other line and you hummed along as she spoke before finishing, “unnie will get it for you zuha-yah. alright i’ll be there soon.” you both hummed before hanging up then you told the camera, “change in plans. zuha forgot she had a photoshoot today, and ordered food to pick up. but she’s getting ready and she won’t have time to get it. so now i’m gonna pick it up, and take it back to her… technically i think kkura unnie could have done it, but oh well.”
you continued filming until you got her food, then back to the dorm where she was waiting for you. the younger girl beamed as you handed her a bag with multiple small containers, “here you go. have a good day today. you’re beautiful! nakamura kazuha number one stunner!” you shouted out the last sentence in english prompting a laugh from the younger girl. she thanked you before you had to rush back outside to head to the company building.
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clip two~ 🦢{y/n dropping $6k on kazuha just bc}
DAYOFF season 4 was in full swing since you and your members had worked tirelessly for the past few months. stadium concerts, award show performances, and a months worth of comeback promotions had you and the girls spent. thankfully, you all were given another opportunity for a mini vacation with filming another season of DAYOFF. technically speaking, you all were still working since it was youtube content, but you all were free to do as you pleased. for this season you all were in singapore, staying in a 5 star hotel with a stunning view of the city down below. 
kazuha had mentioned she wanted to explore, and you’d suggested shopping which is how you all ended up in a seven floor shopping mall in the city. kazuha had entered with the mission of finding a new wallet, just something small and inexpensive that did it’s job. meanwhile, you were looking for a new handbag just because you’d grown tired of the same neutral colored bags you had. the two of you briefly looked in the Gucci and Dior stores but nothing caught your eye or kazuha’s. to be fair, she didn’t pay much attention to the bags the fashion advisor showed you since everything was out of her budget…by a long shot. 
the last store you entered for yourself was Prada in hopes that they’d have a piece you’d actually like. you immediately found a line that caught your eye, and asked an associate to show you the options available currently. much to your surprise, kazuha was engaged with the entire interaction, marveling at the alabaster pink handbag and wallet you requested to see. the younger woman’s gaze lingered on a powder blue version of the wallet you were holding, so you told the associate to also bring it over too. kazuha gasped, “it’s so pretty, i like this style a lot too.” there was a teasing tone as kazuha joked, “you should get this for me.” this only intended to be a playful comment she usually made when shopping with yunjin when the two found something impractical, unsightly, or outrageously expensive compared to their budget. when you pulled the associate’s attention once more, kazuha sneakily peeked at the price tag, on the wallet in hopes that maybe on some off chance she could buy it. yet, you noticed how kazuha’s eyes widened when she saw the $750 price tag. 
me seeing they raised prices by $0.25 at the dollar tree 
kazuha mumbled something about going to find the Daiso store on the mall directory outside when lightly pulled her back by her hand. you motioned for the associate to hold when you asked kazuha, “did you like this one, princess?” kazuha nodded and said, “it’s classic and not too flashy. it suits you really well i think.” you sighed and asked once more, “i meant for yourself.” her face fell and she murmured nervously while eying the associate, “yeah, i like this shade of blue…sky blue.”you turned back to the associate and told him in english, “all four items please, and separate bags. the blue is for her, and the pink for myself.” 
beside you kazuha quickly rushed out in a panicked tone, “no no no no no- unnie, i can’t afford to pay you for this kind of thing. i’ll lose it.” you let out a small laugh and said, “you’re right, you do lose stuff a lot…” for a moment you remained silent until asking the associate, “can you add the AirTag holder for the blue set please?” the associate smiled and quickly went to grab one to add to your transaction. while the associate was retrieving your last items, kazuha told you in a confused tone, “i don’t have AirTags?” the associate came back and rang all of your items up, “two Small Prada Galleria Saffiano leather bags, one in Alabaster Pink and one in Light Blue. two small Saffiano and leather wallet, one Alabaster Pink, one Light Blue. one Saffiano AirTag holder in Light Blue. which brings your total to $10, 971.” you shuffled through your four different credit cards and answered without sparing kazuha a glance, “i’ll buy you some.” you checked twice before choosing the right card, and tapping it on the screen reader. 
RICH GIRL Y/N (no actually wtf cuz how does she have a black card at 23?)
*bonus*~ {y/n dropping $6k on kazuha pt. 2}
“hello this is le sserafim’s kazuha. today i am going to introduce the items i have in my handbag.” the japanese idol held up the light blue handbag and pointed out, “this is the Prada Saffino leather bag, on the outside here i have AirTag in the matching holder.” she unclipped the holder and said, “i have 4 of these and they’re engraved with カズハ on the back. they’re very helpful with making sure i don’t lose my things.” 
y/n bought and engraved *FOUR* AirTags for Zuha
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clip three~ 🦊{zuha and y/n studio choom mix & max}
when kazuha was told that she was requested to perform for studio choom apart from her members, she was beyond excited. for the first time in her idol career she had full creative control over her performance with plenty of ideas to match. however, within a week of the three week long preparation period, she realized something was still lacking. kazuha lost sleep for days trying to figure out what the issue was, until she had a spontanous shared practice with you. 
although you were presently known as the main rapper of your group, it was very well known that prior to being an idol you were a dancer. classical ballet training along with some contemporary and lyrical dance made up nearly eighteen years of your life. you’d never completely left that part of you behind even after becoming an idol. since debuting, your focus wasn’t solely on classical training anymore, that had become a ‘glorified hobby’ as your choreographer called it. nevertheless, you found yourself dancing alongside kazuha during early mornings or late nights when the two of you missed your past a little more than usual. dancing alongside kazuha, you felt like that missing piece was filled as you both complemented one another so effortlessly. 
kazuha pulled out the filming camera to capture more moments of her behind the scenes process to her new project. you sat on the floor with one foot in your foot stretcher when kazuha nudged you, “unnie…can you help me with this project?” you looked up from your phone and set it aside, turning all of your attention to your member, “yeah, what’s wrong?” kazuha pouted and you poked her cheek until she admitted, “i really really want you to perform with me. can you?” immediately your face fell and your stomach sank at the thought since you haven’t performed ballet, contemporary, or lyrical in years. kazuha could see your hesitance and she explained, “i’m dancing to young and beautiful by lana del rey. it’s all choreography that you’ve done before i’m sure. i just know i’m missing something and it doesn’t feel right alone, but i can if it’s too much. i know you don’t really perform like that anymore so….” you shook your head and assured her, “no it’s fine. of course i’ll perform with you, zuha.” she beamed and let out an excited squeal before leaning over and throwing herself into your arms. 
the entire preparation process was a lot more intense than you thought it would be. although you had still continued dancing, doing a full scale performance required a lot more technique than practicing alone for fun. additionally, kazuha was also getting in her own head especially when it came to lifts and holds. if her hesitance continues then you’d have to get rid of the moves because she’d then be posing a risk to her own safety, and yours.
kazuha had been practicing with you for nearly three hours and you were still struggling to pull the performance together. you sat on the floor with your elbows on your knees and palms against your temples. letting out a deep breath you told her, “this isn’t working.” the younger woman reached for the camera that was still recording you both but you stopped her, “leave it on. it’s going to be fine.” you pressed your back against the wall and kazuha sat back down beside you with her head down. carefully nudging her, you motioned for her to sit between your legs, her back against your front. she obliged and you began running your hands through her hair, “relax.”  
your other arm wrapped around kazuha’s torso and you rested your cheek against her bare shoulder, moving her tank top strap away from your face. she let out a breath and you could feel that she was going to cry from stress. ever so gently, you kissed her shoulder and assured, “shhhh we’ll be fine. just relax for a minute, okay?” your fingers grazed her bicep lightly as you just kept your eyes closed for a moment. 
they’re so soft for one another i can’t do this anymore
kazuha lifted her head from your shoulder and stretched her legs from the folded position they were in. you opened your eyes and told her, “you have to trust me. i got you, i’m not gonna drop you or let you fall. i’m not gonna let anything happen okay?” kazuha nodded against your shoulder and you smiled, squeezing her side making her yelp in surprise. you gently pushed for her to stand up, “alright let’s do this.” 
and if you haven’t seen their performance go watch it NOW because they worked so hard
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clip four 🦢~ {members making kazuha ask for things because it’s the only way y/n agrees}
“we could be the winx club fairies!” 
“we could be the disney princesses!”
“what about the avengers?” 
“no because you’re all gonna try to make me the hulk.” 
“the friends characters?” 
“absolutely not.” 
“harry potter characters!” 
“Wait…never mind i’m just kidding. no.” 
you had turned down every suggestion yunjin and eunchae threw your way regarding a group costume for the HYBE halloween party this year. honestly, the suggestions weren’t bad but you just weren’t big on the holiday. yunjin and chaewon thought they were setting you up to say yes by having a livestream on, so you’d be inclined to agree to look like a nice unnie for your members. but, you knew their game which is exactly why you didn’t agree even though you liked yunjin’s first suggestion. 
eunchae read the comments and gave more suggestions that you continued to refuse until kazuha entered the room and distracted the youngest member. you beamed with a wide smile, “my zuha!” your other two members pretended to cry and dramatically said, “see she loves zuha more than us!” you rolled your eyes and denied with a smug grin, “no i love my members equally.” the comments flooded with fans jokingly calling bullshit, just because they knew you had a very small inclination to lean in favor of kazuha. 
you patted kazuha’s thigh for her to stand up and you murmured for only them to hear, “i’ll be right back.” when you left the room and closed the door, yunjin and eunchae immediately explained to kazuha, “we need halloween costumes and y/n won’t agree on anything so we need you to pick from our list and ask.” eunchae added on, “she’ll say yes if it’s you.” kazuha looked at the list on yunjin’s phone and quickly looked through online searches to pick her favorite one. when you came back and sat down, kazuha stood up before sitting back on your lap and playing with your fingers that rested against her leg. she shot a small smile to the camera and proposed, “fearnot are saying you all were talking about halloween costumes. did you guys pick one yet?” you shook your head and said, “no, do you have any ideas?” 
kazuha shrugged and said, “i don’t know some of the ones people are suggesting. i think they’re from american shows or something?” yunjin played along, secretly loving the way you were already starting to fall for their trap. she leaned over and showed kazuha a few of them just to make it seem like they weren’t setting you up. eunchae made small comments about the ones she liked until kazuha had yunjin stop on one internet tab. the japanese girl showed you yunjin’s phone and asked, “can we do this one?” she paused and then said in her best american accent, “monster high.” you looked over the screen and smiled sweetly, “yeah sure who do you wanna be?” immediately eunchae and yunjin’s jaws hit the floor as they sat in disbelief that you actually agreed after refusing both of them when they asked. kazuha let out a laugh and you did the same while the comments flooded with fans calling you out for your obvious favoritism. when you stopped laughing you looked at the camera and admitted, “everyone i was going to say yes to their costume suggestions later on, i swear. it’s just funny to see their reaction like this! i love my girls, don’t misunderstand okayyyyy?” 
sure y/n…whatever you say ;)
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clip five 🦊~  {y/n who’s afraid of water agreeing to swim with kazuha}
“what is something we don’t know about you?” you read the question aloud as it appeared on the screen in front of you. for the first time in weeks you had finally found time to have a solo livestream for fearnot after practice one evening. for a moment you thought and mused, “something you all don’t know… hmm.” suddenly you remembered the word, and said, “i have aquaphobia.”immediately you responded, “i’m not afraid of drinking water or showering. i’m scared of swimming pools, oceans, lakes, seas, and stuff like that.” 
you stopped for a moment and saw comments asking why so you explained, “when i was little my mom put me into swimming lessons. i think i was about five years old international age at the time, and my brother, was 13 or 14 but i can’t exactly remember?  at the end of the lessons we got out of the pool and went to find our parents in the lobby area. usually i got out of the pool and walked to find my older brother on the other side because he was on the swimming team, and they practiced while i was in lessons. this one day i decided i was going to walk through the pool to the other side because i saw another girl do it, and walking outside always made me cold. so, i jumped into the other pool and started walking towards my older brother. but i didn’t know this pool got deeper because the one they teach little kids in was all 1 meter deep. the water went from 1 meter to 1.5 quickly and i started to drown because all i knew how to do back then was hold my breath. i just remember i screamed a lot and i got water in my nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. my brother was the one that saved me because the lifeguards were with the other kids and parents, but heard me all the way across the pool and he was the one who got me. but after that i didn’t take lessons again until i was eight years old because i was too scared.” you skimmed the comments from fans and most of them said they also had a similar experience or said something else supportive.  upon noticing a comment regarding your brother you added, “yeah my brother is a good older brother. after that day he picked me up from lessons every time after that. he taught me how to float too in case i ever fell in again but even though i can swim now i don’t like getting in water anymore.” 
“unnie come to the pool with me!” eunchae insisted as she ran around the large house that your company rented for a new episode of a show you all were filming. you slipped on your flip flops and followed her so you could sit on the pool side and dip your feet in while she played. the rest of your members were in the kitchen cooking something for dinner, and had everything under control. eunchae jumped into the pool and you snapped a few pictures of her while telling her how cute she was. you heard footsteps behind you and kazuha sat beside you after taking off her slippers. eunchae waved the japanese girl over and kazuha slipped into the water and joined eunchae in her games. 
you simply watched the two of the girls as they enjoyed the water and shot each other with water guns and pool toys. eunchae ended up getting out after a while because she was tired of the water, but kazuha was still full of energy. she looked over at you and asked, “don’t you wanna get in? the wait’s really warm.” you thought about it and sighed, hesitantly taking off your mic pack and setting it aside. slowly you lowered yourself into the water, standing against the pool wall as the water stopped just below your neck. eventually you were chasing kazuha around in the pool and it was like you were never scared of water in the first place. the younger girl jumped on your back and wrapped her legs around your waist with her arms around your neck. she beamed, “thank you unnie!” you bent backwards a little and dipped her into the water before laughing, “anything for you, zuha.” 
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xomakara · 1 year
It Started With a Kiss
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SUMMARY |  You always spend your birthdays with DoJaeJung since your birthdays all land in the same month. After being friends and fuckbuddies with them for the longest, you're finally ready to have all three of them as your birthday present. PAIRINGS | DoJaeJung/Fem!Reader GENRE |  filthy smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight dom/sub theme, oral sex, fingering, mouth stuffing, anal play, pet names, foursome(?) RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  6,277 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  This was also sitting in my computer waiting to be uploaded LOL. I don't even know if I would call this a foursome...maybe? IDK, i normally write one on one smut so this was a bit of a challenge for me. Hope it turned okay.
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February 28 – Your Birthday
It was a quiet day until a knock sounded on your front door as you opened it to reveal Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo. You frowned, the three NCT members making their way into your apartment, taking off their shoes and sliding their feet into the slippers that were reserved for them whenever they came over. You watched as they made their way towards your kitchen, the oldest of them pulling out a barstool from the counter island and the younger of the three opening the cabinet to pull out four coffee cups and start up the coffee maker.
“Not even a simple hi or anything?” You mumbled, watching them.
“Hi,” Jaehyun gives you a small hug and kiss before making his way towards the other two.
“Hey, Y/N.” Doyoung called out, patting the barstool next to him.
“Join us for some coffee.” Jungwoo gave you a mischievous grin. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Did we miss the memo that this is my apartment?” You muttered and shrugged, closing the door behind you, knowing full well that the other members of NCT would be knocking on your door sooner or later. No doubt with a large cake, balloons, and alcohol. “I’ll take tea instead, Jungwoo.”
You’ve been in the industry longer than any of the NCT members did and you thought it was your lucky day the moment that you met Doyoung. You remembered how he congratulated you on your comeback, made small talk about being fascinated that you were still active in the industry for such a long time. You met Jaehyun soon after while filming for a drama series, met Jungwoo while hosting a music show together, and then eventually you became friends with all of the members after running into each other in the apartment building where you all lived.
Once you found out that there were six NCT members that all had birthdays in February, Johnny had the smartest idea to celebrate everyone’s birthday all on one day. And it was decided that yours would be the day that they would celebrate it since you were the last one to have a February birthday and that it was the last day of the month, not including leap years.
Couldn’t you just have a simple birthday by yourself?
But then again, you always spent your birthdays alone before you met this bunch of chaotic men.
You had to admit that it was a nice change of pace even if you got annoyed by them every now and then.
You opened the door to the fridge and pulled out the container of coffee creamer and milk, putting them on the counter for whoever wanted what. It happened on most weeks when Doyoung, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, or DoJaeJung as you like to refer to them on most occasions, would come over to your apartment and hang out with you over coffee and TV. Out of all the members born in February, you had a closer relationship with them.
A more intimate friendship.
You had slept with Doyoung just once. You remember that first year where Johnny suggested that the February Gang celebrate everyone’s birthday on your birthday. You and Doyoung had snuck away from the party all tipsy and to avoid getting shit-faced drunk. You recall hanging out in Doyoung’s room, talking about random things, him leaning in and kissing you, you pulling at his clothes and before you knew it, you woke up in Doyoung’s bed the next morning. You remember the feel of his soft hands, the kisses on your body and you wanted a repeat of that.
You’ve never slept with Jungwoo as of yet. But you really, really wanted to. You accidently kissed Jungwoo during one of the music show shootings that you both hosted. It was meant to be a chaste kiss on the cheek but Jungwoo had suddenly turned his head and your lips landed on his. Since that day, Jungwoo would flirt and get handsy every chance he could get. Not that you would complain. His long fingers worked magic on your body.
You kissed Jaehyun because Mark dared you. You were at a party with the guys and one of the WayV guys decided truth and dare would be the perfect game to play. You knew it was just an excuse for the guys to try and attempt stuff with you or to hear your most crazy fantasies. So you decided to kiss Jaehyun not once, but twice, that night. One for the dare and the other because you really just wanted to kiss him. After the second kiss, Jaehyun made sure no one was around before dragging you to the bathroom and fucking you on the sink counter.
You’ve fucked Jaehyun the most.
He was just insatiable for you.
You never told them but you wanted to know how it would feel to have sex with all three of them. Would they agree to it? They obviously knew about each other but they’ve never disagreed about sharing you. Doyoung would hold your hands and kiss you on occasion, Jungwoo would get really handsy and Jaehyun always reached the limit of wanting to have sex with you. Even if the other two were in the room.
They seemed to be okay sharing you.
You stood next to Jaehyun, who handed you a mug filled with tea instead and brought it to your lips. The aromatic scent filled up your senses and you couldn’t help but sigh in contentment.
“What’s with that sigh?” Jaehyun asked, leaning against your counter as he watched you. “Sounds like you were quite satisfied.”
“Oh, shut up Jaehyun.” You mumbled, the male grinning from ear to ear. Doyoung had a smile on his face and began to sip his coffee from the comfort of your barstool. “I already know that I’m going to hate today. Please shoot me now.”
“Are you sure about that?” Jungwoo raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner. He was taking in your outfit−the short mini skirt, the too tight shirt that looked pretty sheer… were you even wearing a bra? “It’ll be a shame to see you go when you’re looking pretty sexy today.”
“I hate you, Kim Jungwoo.” You retorted, puffing out your cheeks.
Doyoung chuckled, noticing that Jaehyun had a smile on his face while watching you. What was he staring at? Looking in the same direction as Jaehyun, Doyoung coughed and looked away, gesturing to your outfit. “That’s short, Y/N.”
“Hmm?” You looked down at yourself and noticed that Doyoung was talking about the short mini skirt you had on. “What’s wrong with my skirt?”
“What’s not wrong with your skirt?” Jaehyun inputted as he looked you over once more. “You look fucking hot.”
“Please don’t change clothes on our account.” Jungwoo chuckled, watching as you flipped Jaehyun off.
Doyoung shrugged, refusing to look at your clothes. “I’m just saying. You’re going to be in an apartment filled with guys you know.”
“But it’s still my apartment. Plus, it’s my birthday. I get that Johnny wanted us all to celebrate today like we’ve been doing years already. But it’s still MY birthday. I still got to look good even though we’re just staying in.” You reminded him to which the older male nodded, muttering that he forgot. Feeling bold, you slid into Doyoung’s lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. “But Doyoung… Don’t you like the fact that it’s easy access to you know, fuck me?”
Doyoung raised an eyebrow. He was taken aback when you slid into his lap but when his hands laid on your hips, his eyes seemed to darken. “I’d rather have you wear that around us than the others.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t want to fuck me, you three.” You shrugged your shoulders at the three of them. You looked over to Jaehyun, noticing that he was staring intently at your blouse. “Tell me why we’re having the party at my place? We could’ve had it at one of your dorms. We all live in the same, damn building.”
“Our place is crowded with a crap load of stuff.” Jaehyun slowly teared his gaze away from your clothed upper body. “When you have loads of guys living together, it gets crowded even if we clean the place up.”
“Well the boys in the other dorm claim their apartment is clean but I doubt it.” Doyoung muttered, looking everywhere but at you. It was taking all the energy he had to not succumb to whatever emotions he was having. “Johnny thought it was a great idea to use your place. It’s just you in this big, humongous apartment.”
“Plus, I don’t think you want to find all the porn that’s probably scattered about the dorms.” Jungwoo inputted, grinning as you raised your fist at him. “I mean if you’d like to see our sexual preferences, be our guest.”
“I know all of Jaehyun’s kinky preferences, so I’m not worried.” You winked at Jaehyun. Giving Jungwoo a cheeky smile, you said, “What kind of kinks do you have Jungwoo? Show them to me?”
“Really?” Jaehyun chuckled, a finger running along your arm. “C’mon, Y/N. Today’s your birthday. Can’t you be nice for once?”
“I’m always nice!” You exclaimed, giving him a frown. “I’m so nice that I’m literally offering up myself to you three and you guys aren’t doing anything about it.”
Jaehyun raised his eyebrows, a small smile coming to his lips. “Tempting as that sounds…”
“Come on!” You whined, sliding off of Doyung’s lap. “Can’t we just tell the others that the party is cancelled because I just want to spend it with you three?”
“And do what, baby?” Jungwoo asked, his eyes looking your body up and down. “Did you just want to fuck?”
“Now, now, kitten. As much as I want to get my hands on you, it’ll have to wait.” Doyoung shook his head in amusement. Kitten? Why did it sound so sexy when he called you kitten? “Can you be a good girl for us? The others will be here any time soon.”
“We can discuss this later, princess.” Jaehyun nodded his head, leaning forward to kiss you. “And then we can reward you if you’ve been a good girl.”
“Okay…” You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, the fabric of your shirt clinging to every curve of your body. It took forever for Jaehyun to tear his gaze away from you and when he did, he excused himself to use the restroom. 
Doyoung got up from his seat and turned to you, a curious look on his face. “You really want to have sex with all three of us?”
“Yeah…” You sang, looking at him. You bit your bottom lip. “I thought about this for a long time, Doyoung. I want you all to fuck me. That's my birthday wish.”
“Fuck, baby.” Jungwoo ran a hand through his hair. “You’re killing me over here.”
“Jungwoo…” You trailed off, your hands at the waistband of his jeans. “Please, please can I suck you off?”
“I thought we agreed that if you were a good girl for us, we’d reward you?” Jungwoo raised an eyebrow, looking down at your lustful face. “You’re not being very good right now, baby.”
Doyoung lightly pulled you away from Jungwoo, his hands coming to rest on your ass. “You’re absolutely wet for us, aren’t you kitten? Wearing next to nothing underneath that outfit.”
“How did you know what I was wearing underneath?”
He let out an amused sigh. “Who was the one that accidently sent me a text of that semi-nude pic that was meant for Jaehyun?”
“Shit, I forgot about that.” You cursed yourself and face-palmed your forehead. You looked at Doyoung and Jungwoo, your face stating the fact that you were indeed sleeping with Jaehyun on more than one account. “I’m so horny for you three. I don’t know if I could behave.”
“Yes you can, baby.” Jungwoo answered, his thumb caressing your top lip.
Doyoung grabbed his phone from his pocket and raised an eyebrow, his fingers flying over the screen. He looked at you and gestured to the front door. “I’m going to head out for a bit. Johnny just texted me and said he needs help carrying things over to your place. Come on Jungwoo.”
“Does he still need an extra hand to carry things?” You shook your head and followed the men to the front door. “There’s seventeen other guys and still need you to help him? What the hell did they buy? The whole store?”
“Knowing them, probably.” Doyoung shrugged, pulling on his shoes. He nodded back at your apartment. “Don’t be doing naughty things while I’m gone.”
“Be our good girl.” Jungwoo added.
“I’ll be good.” You answered, watching as they cackled, their backs retreating out of sight. You shook your head, closed the door behind you and turned towards the living room. At the same time, Jaehyun opened the bathroom door and looked around, trying to locate Doyoung and Jungwoo.
“Where did the other two go?” He asked, his face in confusion.
“They went to go help Johnny .” You replied, going up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Something about needing help carrying things? I think the boys bought the whole store.”
“Well that can’t be helped.” Jaehyun chuckled, his hands coming to wrap around your waist. “I finally get to have you alone now.”
You chuckled, looking up at him softly. “Were you waiting for them to leave this whole time?”
Jaehyun eyed you over, his fingers teasingly touching your bare skin as he slid them up your shirt from your waist. “With that outfit on? I’ve been dying to take you here and now.”
“I’m supposed to be a good girl, though.” You replied, cupping his cheek. You stared at his deep dark orbs. “As much as I would love you to fuck the living daylights out of me, the boys will be here anytime soon. And I actually want you all to fuck me. But first I should change.”
“What? Why?” Jaehyun bit his lower lip. He followed you to your bedroom and paused when he noticed that you began to undress. “But you looked so good in that outfit.”
“Of course I did.” You gazed back at him as he took in the state of your undress. You were shrugging out of your shirt and threw a plaid buttoned down shirt over your shoulders. You left the buttons undone, a sheer bralette covering your assets.
“Is that my shirt you’re wearing?” Jaehyun questioned from behind you.
“Yep! You left it here a few days ago and I haven’t done laundry and your shirt was somewhat clean.” You replied, swinging the hem of his shirt about. “Does it look good on me?”
“That explains why I couldn’t find it this morning.” He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms across his chest and had to admit that you looked damn good in his shirt. His eyes widened when he noticed your sheer bralette and the fact that his shirt was hanging loosely on your body. “That’s not exactly a bra Y/N. Were you being a little adventurous or something?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” You chuckled and turned to face him, the cool air hitting your naked skin that wasn’t covered by clothes. “And it’s still a bra Jaehyun. Although it doesn’t offer that much protection.”
“I’m just saying...” He chuckled, throwing his head back in laughter. “Like something as thin as that could contain those massive tits of yours. But I really, really like it.”
“You’re such an idiot, Jaehyun.” You chuckled along with him. “Why did you think I wore it today?”
Most girls would have normally covered themselves and screamed their heads off when a guy would catch them half-naked. This case was completely different since Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jungwoo often caught you changing and although it bothered them the first couple of times, they’ve gotten used to the fact that you often roam your apartment with little to no clothes on. 
One of the few perks of living alone you told them. You made some rules that since it was your apartment, you could be naked (or at least little clothed) from the waist up whenever you want, and that they should just get used to it. Jaehyun adapted quite well and so did the other two, but occasionally Doyoung would still blush when he would see you walking around in a bra.
“You gonna cover up?” Jaehyun asked as he reached your sides in a matter of seconds and took the sides of his shirts to start buttoning up the fabric. He slid one hand under the shirt you wore as he caressed your naked skin softly.
“I have no choice since you’re already buttoning it up. Don’t want the others to see my massive tits huh?” You teased him, watching as his eyes turned hazy with lust. Normally Jaehyun was the one to tease you non-stop but there were times when you got the upper hand. You started to undo the zipper to your short mini skirt and shimmied out of it, only to throw on some dark jeans. “Don’t you only want me for yourself?”
He studied you, his eyes scanning the sleek lines of your body. “I do want you for myself. But I see the way Doyoung and Jungwoo look at you.”
“Do you like them?”
“Of course I like them.” You turned to him. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. The looks they give you when you’re not looking. Doyoung has that kind and gentle nature, Jungwoo is mischievous just like you. And those smiles you give them. I don’t know what to think.” Jaehyun shook his head. He placed his hands on your shoulder, looking down at you, capturing your attention. “I know we’re not dating or anything so I can’t really tell you who you can or can’t fuck.”
“So you’re okay with sharing me?”
He nodded, cupping your face to make you look at him. “If you want to be shared, then anything for you, princess.”
“Noona! We’re here!”
“Y/N! Where do you want me to put the drinks?”
“Where’s your Bluetooth speaker at noona!?”
“Oh, the others are here.” Jaehyun pulled away and gave you a small smile. “Remember to be good if you want all of us, princess.”
You followed him out to the living room where it was crowded by all twenty members of NCT. When the boys saw you, they started to sing in celebration of your birthday. 
After a while, Doyoung and Jungwoo pulled Jaehyun to the side when they saw you conversing with Johnny and Ten. Doyoung looked at you in concern before looking at the younger man. “Are we sure we want to do this?”
“I’m totally fine with it,” Jaehyun answered.
“She’s been such a good girl for us, Doyoung.” Jungwoo said. “It’s her birthday and that’s probably what she wanted as a gift.”
“How did we all end up lusting after the same girl?” Doyoung asked, running a hand through his thick hair. “Not that I’m complaining. Thinking about fucking her with you two…sounds pretty hot.”
Jaehyun let out a chuckle before coming towards you. He turned to face you, only to plant a kiss on your forehead in front of the other NCT members. “Happy birthday, princess.”
Your eyes wide, you touched your forehead. “What was that for?”
“It’s your birthday. I think you deserve it.” Doyoung grinned as he joined the group.
You narrowed your eyes. “What are you guys planning?”
“Your after party.” Jungwoo whispered in your ear, silently motioning to you, him, Doyoung and Jaehyun. “You’ve been such a good girl and I think it’s time to reward you.”
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"Jungwoo, please..." 
You had your back to your bedroom door as you rode on Jungwoo’s thigh. You were both kissing, Jungwoo running a hand down your leg, his fingers slipping beneath the fabric of your shirt to meet with delectable skin. You were on fire, skin burning every time he brushed his fingers over your tantalizing flesh. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, your lips to his, your chest plastered against his. The magic was unbearable.
Doyoung and Jaehyun were still in your living room trying to shoo everyone out. The others were complaining, Mark mostly accusing the guys of wanting to fuck your brains out.
Jungwoo helped you shimmy off your jeans before he slipped a finger underneath your panties, and slid it against your already wet pussy. He teased, his thumb coming to rub your sweet spot, eliciting moans from you. You clutched his shoulders, your body arching against him, your head thrown back. You bit on your lower lip to keep from screaming out loud.
"You know you wanna scream, babe..." Jungwoo whispered against your ear, as he slipped his finger in you. “Scream so that Doyoung and Jaehyun can hear your pretty voice.”
You panted, Jungwoo’s finger slowly pumping into you. "Oh god, Jungwoo."
Jungwoo slowly removed his finger from your pussy, your juices covering his digit. He lifted his finger to his lips and in one long flick of his tongue, he tasted your sweetness.
"Baby, you taste good. Real good~" Jungwoo muttered.
"I was thinking..." You started as you went up to him and slid your hand down his chest, your fingers drawing his shirt up over his head.
Jungwoo looked oddly amused as he unbuttoned his jeans and helped you slide the fabric off. "You were thinking?"
"I was thinking about what I wanted you all to do to me tonight." You stood on your toes and kissed the side of his lips, hands sliding his boxers off. You then trailed your hands along your body, removing pieces of your own clothing one by one. "I wanna take charge tonight..."
"Is that what you want, babe?" Jungwoo asked, giving up as you pushed him towards the bed. The back of his legs hit the edge of the bed, his legs giving way as he suddenly sat on it.
You were aware that Doyoung and Jaehyun were finally in your bedroom. You heard the sound of clothes being removed and thrown around your bedroom. “Yeah. I want to suck your cock and then have you fuck me, Jungwoo. I want Doyoung to eat me out and then fuck my pussy. And I want Jaehyun to fuck my ass.”
“Fuck that’s hot.” Jaehyun muttered, leaning back against the wall as he watched you kneel in front of Jungwoo. Doyoung, still with his pants on, had sat in your vanity chair, his hand cupping his hard on. 
"Show me, Jungwoo. Teach me how to please you." You looked up at Jungwoo.
"Touch me, Y/N. Baby, touch me where it hurts the most." Jungwoo moaned out, his hands balled into fists at his sides as you let your hands slide down his tight belly to enclose his surging cock. Jungwoo stiffened involuntarily and inhaled sharply. His balled fists got tighter, his short nails digging into his palms. His eyes slipped closed in sweet agony.
But he didn't stop you or joined in the fun.
Jungwoo sat there unmoving and allowed you to examine, caress and toy with him to your heart's content. It was the strangest of emotions. He had to hand it to you, you never failed to surprise him. When he was with other girls, he had fucked in about every possible position known to man, but he had never done this. He had never sat bare-assed and unmoving while a beautiful naked young woman made him her own personal plaything, driving him out of his mind with her searching hands and incredible body.
Jungwoo let out a sigh of relief when your hands released him. Fighting the powerful impulse to drag you on the bed, take you and hammer forcefully into you, he bit the inside of his jaw when you scooted down his body.
He drew a sharp intake of air when you impulsively lowered your face and brushed a butterfly kiss to the smooth head of his penis. It jerked against your lips and you lifted your head.
"I could," you started, "lick my fingers and make you wet. Or, I could simply lick you wet with my tongue. Which one?"
His breath dangerously short, Jungwoo tried to speak, to tell you it wasn't necessary, that he felt wet already from your explorations. But he didn't say a word. More than anything he wanted to feel your lips and tongue on him. At the same time he was afraid he would cum if he allowed it.
Finally he said, "No, baby, I-"
But you didn't listen.
Delicately, taking great care not to hurt him, you bent to him, put out your tongue and licked lightly upward, all the way from the base to the tip. A great burst of air rushed out of Jungwoo’s tight lungs and he anxiously grabbed your arms and pulled you up.
"I thought you would like that," you said, your brown eyes afire.
"I do like it," he said. "Too much, in fact."
You smiled and laid a gentle hand on the hard flesh you had just licked. "Can I?"
"Go on," he croaked and placed nervous hands on your thighs.
"Watch to make sure I do it right." You said, your voice in a whisper.
"Fuck baby," he ground out.
Choking with sensual excitement, Jungwoo watched unblinking as you raised onto your knees on the bed to straddle him, wrapped a gentle hand around his rigid cock and carefully placed the tip just inside of you. You took your hand away and slowly, sensuously, lowered yourself onto him.
"Ahhh," Jungwoo groaned as he easily slid up into your warmth.
"Oh fuck, Jungwoo." She echoed his ecstasy.
Matching Jungwoo’s lust with your own, you gripped his ribs and began the erotic, rolling motion of your hips. Thrusting, you held him prisoner with your strong gripping thighs, pounded him with your rocking pelvis, punished him with your gyrating hips.
You could hear Jaehyun moaning and Doyoung’s soft gasps in the background as you continued to ride Jungwoo.
Loving it, loving you, Jungwoo reveled in this wild, uninhibited display of fierce sexual hunger. A deep, powerful hunger that matched his own and lifted him to new heights of carnal pleasure.
Flexing the muscles of his ass, driving rhythmically into you to meet each of your frenzied thrusts, Jungwoo watched you and was as excited by the sight as the feel of you. Your hair whipped around your face and shoulders, a damp lock clinging to your cheek. Your breasts, with their tightened nipples, danced and swayed with your sensual movements. And between your gripping thighs, the damped black curls were meshed with the black coils of his groin.
Such a powerful aphrodisiac.
"Jungwoo, Jungwoo..." You began to chant his name as you panted anxiously.
"Yes, baby," he groaned out, grateful your release was at hand, knowing that he couldn't last much longer.
"Oh, oh, oh!" You gasped as he gripped your thighs and speeded his movements, driving into you, triggering your deep and lingering orgasm. “Fuck!”
For several long seconds, you were lost in the throes of a shattering release, out of control, begging Jungwoo for an end to a joy so intense you could stand it no longer.
The fervent squeezing of your burning body took Jungwoo with you into paradise. His deep groans matched your whimpering cries as together you both attained the ultimate in ecstasy.
When it subsided, you sagged down onto Jungwoo's chest and fought to regain your lost breath. When finally your intermingled heartbeats slowed and he could breathe freely again, a happy Jungwoo grinned and teased, "Hmm... that was a good ride huh?"
You let out a laugh, eyes sparking with amusement. "The best ride of my life."
Jungwoo winked at you and turned your bodies towards the mattress, laying you on your back. "Ready for more fun? The night isn’t over yet, baby."
"Mmhm..." You moaned as Doyoung replaced Jungwoo’s spot. You hooked your legs around his waist, his cock getting big. 
“My turn now, kitten.” Doyoung latched his lips onto your nipple, suckling them, licking them, tugging at them. Your body was on fire again as you clutched at his shoulders tightly and looked into his lust filled eyes.
Suddenly and without warning, Doyoung bent his head down and kissed you. A kiss that captured your breath, weakened your knees, and caused a pulsing in your lower regions.
Your hands trailed up to his chest to link at the back of his neck. You tried to pull him closer but was startled when he cupped his hands around your buttocks, pressing so close that you could feel the length of his arousal.
Doyoung continued to ravage your lips. You tore your lips away and softly whispered, "I want you to go down on me, Doyoung."
He smirked, his hands at your waist so fast, so willing. “I can do that.”
He followed you, your lips kissing your mouth, trailing to your jaw, down your neck, your shoulders, the valley of vast skin above your breasts. Doyoung trailed kisses down your stomach, his hands spreading your legs further apart as his lips reached the springy dark curls guarding your sweet pussy. He sniffed the scent of you before slipping his middle finger into your wetness, his other hand creeping up along your body to cup your breasts, kneading them, grazing your swollen nipples. He watched your response as he thrusted his finger in and out of you. Your eyes were close, lips parted slightly, hands fisting the sheets.
“Ah... Doyoung...” Your moans escaped you. The feel of his hand on your breasts was wonderful but the feeling of his hand down on your pussy was magical. You couldn't explain what you were feeling, what he made you feel.
His finger still in you, Doyoung placed his mouth on your swollen, pulsing pussy, giving you great pleasure as he licked and laved, and gently tugged. He added another finger into you, thrusting a couple of times before removing them and replacing them with his mouth and tongue.
“Fuck, ah!” You yelled out as you felt his tongue. He slid his tongue into your warm, wet flesh and swirled it around, his mouth sucking, making you wetter. He felt you tense and he didn't want you to come just yet.
At least not without him.
Doyoung rose above you, positioning himself between your legs, his arms resting on the pillow beside your head. He gazed into your lust fogged eyes. “Are you ready for me, kitten?”
You glared at him. “Just hurry and fuck me, Doyoung.”
Understanding your meaning and chuckling, he lowered his rockhard cock into your sweet, succulent warmth. He stopped before burying himself the hilt, giving time to adjust to his size. He felt you squeezing your inner walls as he continued to stretch you, invade you.
Breathing heavily, Doyoung panted, “Fuck...”
You grasped his shoulders and bit his neck. It was all the permission he needed as he drove himself home, his length finally buried in your pussy. Doyoung retreated his cock out of you then slammed back in, only to repeat the process all over. There was a jolt of pleasure as his hips grinded against yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist, lips meeting for a kiss.
It was a heated kiss as he continued to thrust. You matched his movements, your hips moving to match his rhythm. Kissing his way to your breasts, he latched onto a nipple and you cried out, hugging his head to your chest. The pleasure was too much for you, that she tensed and cried out his name.
“Doyoung!” You climaxed, holding him in your arms. 
Doyoung felt you tense. He continued to thrust up in you, going in deeper, harder, faster. He heard you cry out, feeling your love juices leaking from your body. Then he thrusted into you one last time before spilling himself in you. 
Before making you his one and only.
He collapsed on you, head on your shoulders. Opening your eyes, you smiled. "I don't think I can move now...”
"I can't move either." Doyoung lifted himself on his elbows to look at you. He kissed your shoulders and then your lips. “But you still have to give Jaehyun what he wants, kitten.”
Doyoung moved to join Jungwoo who was sitting in the corner, watching with interest. Jungwoo was clearly geting off watching you fuck other men.
Jaehyun approached the bed, lips in a mischievous smile. “Fuck princess. Just watching Jungwoo and Doyoung fuck you hard like that, was hot.”
Jaehyun stared at you, his dark brown eyes gazing into your own. He imprisoned them, as he brought his lips down against yours. A jolt slammed through your entire nervous system, your eyes closed, and his lips began to move, thoroughly and possessively exploring each tender curve.
Jaehyun felt your lips soften involuntarily, felt your arms give way, your breasts coming to rest against his chest. One of his hands, which was holding your wrist, lightened its pressure at the same time his lips increased theirs. He deepened the kiss, his other hand shifting soothingly over your sides and hip. He slid the tip of his tongue along the crease of your lips, seeking entrance, insisting that they part, and when they finally did, his tongue plunged into the sweetness of your mouth and slowly withdrew, then plunged again in blatant imitation of the act he was beginning to crave with dangerous determination.
You  gasped beneath him, stiffening, and then suddenly all the tension poured through you. He was a lover now- ardent, persuasive, gentle, wanting. Tenderness overwhelmed you and, with a silent moan a helpless surrender, you curled your hand around his neck, lips moving on with awakening ardor.
Jaehyun’s mouth became more demanding, his tongue seeking, stroking, while his hand slid restlessly up your naked body, caressing your breast, then down again...
“All I wanted was to squeeze this nice round ass of yours,” He muttered as his hands slid down and around, closed over your bare ass; he kneaded, and heat raced across your skin. Fever followed, a hot urgent ache that swelled and grew as he evocatively plundered your mouth, as he held you close, lifted your hips against him, and suggestively molded your softness to the rigid line of his erection.
You moaned, hot, hungry, and wanting.
Wanton. Eager. Determined.
Your breaths mingled, heated and urgent; from beneath heavy lids, your eyes met, held.
Locked as he shifted his hand and touched you. Stroked and caressed, intimately traced. Your breasts rose and fell; your teeth closed on your lower lip as he opened you. As he teased, glorifying in the slick heat of your body, then slowly, deliberately, slid one long finger into your ass. Then he slipped another in with the first, thrust deeper, faster.
“Oh fuck, Jaehyun.”
He settled between your legs, spreading you wide. Removing his fingers, he shifted his position, caught one of your knees, and lifted your leg to his hip. Set it there, then traced back with his palm, around, until he found you slick and swollen, hot and ready.
And then he was pressing into you, hard, hot, and much larger than usual. Your lungs seized. You felt your body stretching, him pressing inexorably in.
Your body arched as he did, bowed, tightened, tensed against his invasion. You felt the restriction, felt the pressure build, but he didn't stop; he pressed deeper, deeper until he surged through to the hilt.
"Did you get bigger, Jaehyun?" You gasped. “Did seeing Jungwoo and Doyoung fuck me get you turned on?”
He chuckled and then he moved. He filled you, sank into your body, sheathed himself in your heat. You arched upward with loud moans. Stunning pleasures built inside you, gaining intensity...waited on the brink of passion as Jaehyun continued to thrust in you, harder, deeper, faster, skin slapping on skin. “Fuck princess…your ass is so tight. Look at how it’s squeezing my cock.”
"Dammit, Jaehyun!! More!" You screamed out.
"And?" He withdrew from you, the tip of his length just barely in you.
"Just fuck me hard, deep, and fast, Jaehyun!!" You exclaimed, nails digging into his shoulders. You wrapped your legs around his hips, bringing your pussy closer to his body. The action made him drive in deeper, faster and harder. He continued ramming into your ass, his fingers thrusting into your pussy, soon spilling his cum into your body. He still thrust into you, ever so slowly, riding his climax out to the end before slowly pulling out and collasping on you.
You both held each other in your arms, Jaehyun kissing your forehead, while you rained kisses on his chin.
"That…" You sighed as you burrowed yourself further into his arms, motioning for Jungwoo and Doyoung to join you on the bed. “...was the best sex I’ve had hands down.”
"Round two?" Jungwoo asked, stroking the side of your hips as he laid next to you.
"It depends. Are you willing to let me take charge again?" You asked, your eyes twinkling.
"If this means us getting to fuck like this again…" Doyoung muttered, kissing your temple.
You nudged him. "So that means you’re all okay with sharing me?"
Jaehyun’s laugh was deep and contagious. "Anything you want, princess. It’s yours."
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
That's how it's done (Sam Kerr x Reader)
A/n requested
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The moment she strikes it, you know it's going in. The curl, the technique, the fact it was struck with such confidence despite being 30 metres out.
It curls perfectly, firing far past Cata Coll's outstretched glove, the net rippling with the full force of Sam's power shot.
1-0 to Australia. And just twenty minutes left of regulation time.
They'd been waiting months to see this, and you had to agree. Of course, it was never an expectation, only a hope and complete and utter faith in Sam and her teammates to take the world cup by storm.
Your screams and cheers are drowned out by the crowd around, the seventy-five thousand or so other people cheering just as loud for the star forward of the Matildas.
You were heartbroken for her when you found out about her calf. She'd called you the night before, tearfully whispering into the phone.
"I'm not gonna get to play for the first two games."
"What, why? What happened?"
"My calf, I got careless, and I tweaked it."
Your heart broke at not being able to be with her, to not be able to comfort her in person.
She held it together well for the others, but you knew it was killing her not being out there on the pitch.
So when she made her comeback, you were elated and more than happy to watch your girl run around on the pitch, free as ever and doing the work she loves the most.
The moment the goal is in, she's off in a run, slamming fist to her chest over the crest. Her teammates follow and when she spots you in the crowd, she takes off quickly towards you.
Her arms wrap around you, and without even questioning it, her lips meet yours hard.
Sam's grinning wide, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she pulls away from you.
"That's how it's fucking done, baby!" You yell out to her as she backs up.
The crowd around you are losing their minds. You hadn't been out to the world yet. It was something you'd both discussed but ultimately left it to finish with the World Cup first, not wanting to deal with the media behind it and any pressure it may add to your relationship.
You watch as she quickly returns to the lineup, but not without one last glance in your direction, a cheeky wink and salute, and one final wave to the crowd.
Of course, it got a little painful to watch her get her legs taken out from under every other minute. You winced every time she hit the turf, and as the ninety-minute mark crept, she had a harder and harder time getting up.
It's in the dying minutes of stoppage time that Spain gets their last and only chance to score. One corner is all it could take. You wait, tensing in your spot on the edge of your seat. The ball is sent in, and as expected, Mackenzie catches it, quickly running and sending a high and far lobbed ball to just end the game with.
What you don't expect is how far. It goes more astray than the Spanish were expecting, and Cata Coll, having moved into the opposing penalty box in hopes of scoring, is too far from her line to defend.
It flys far over the heads of the Spanish. And ricochets into the spanish net?
The looks of disbelief in the Australians' eyes are hysterical, and the celebrations are enormous as they all jump on their equally disbelieving keeper.
Mackenzie Arnold, first keeper to score in a World Cup final.
First ever goal from near the baseline of the opposing team. Your family around you are losing their minds, the crowd can hardly believe it themselves.
The whistle blows, not seconds after the game is reset. The Australians drop to their knees, some jumping up and down, sprinting to the group of their teammates now flooding the field.
They did it. They actually fucking did it. They won it all. At home. They won the fucking World Cup in Australia.
Your shoulders are shaken by several hands as you jump up and down beside Sam's siblings and her nephews.
You watch as Sam just collapses to her knees on the pitch, arms up, hands behind her head in what you assume to be utter relief and elation.
With the weight of the whole country behind them, you don't blame her.
You've seen how hard she works, you know how far she aims, you've been there on the tearful nights, the screaming and crying and release of bottled up emotion and tension from the pressure of the world on her shoulders.
So when she lets go of it all, tears stream down her face as the others scream and yell and cheer and bounce around in excitement, you expect it.
You're thankful she finally can let go of it all.
The stress, the tears, the expectation. It's all done.
The roar of the crowd around is insane. The sound drowning out any remnants of the outside world.
You watch as Sam gets dogpiled on, her teammates landing on her, screaming into her ears after the winning shot she scored. Cheering and yelling for their captain. Mackenzie is eventually yanked into her own pile.
The moment of pride you feel, one you've always felt in the past with Sam, is one of astronomical amounts now. Having the Kerr name splayed across your back, one day, splayed across the line of your marriage certificate and every other important document. Attached to your social media, attached to your name coming from people's mouths.
The green and gold jersey you're wearing has never felt more at home on you than now.
You've never been more proud of your girl for the comeback, the return, the firing up, the moment she achieved what she's been aiming for since she first kicked a soccer ball.
For completing a lifelong dream. Winning a World Cup. You were just along for the ride. And you'd never been happier to do so.
The players finally pull off her, standing up and separating to go about their own celebrations, a few moving to comfort the Spanish players, to which your hearts does break for quire a few of them.
You'd worked as a physio in Barcelona for four years for the FC Barca femini. You knew many of the girls well and as happy as you were for your country and your girlfriend. You were upset for the girls of La Roja too.
Seeing one of your best friends, Alexia, in tears, crouched with her head hung towards the ground, stung quite a bit. You were proud of them for coming this far, for doing it in spite of the asshole on the side of the pitch.
As much as your heart was torn between the two, your girl will forever have your heart first.
You'd met after her stint in Camp Nou for the champions league, and a few times after that when they versed each other. You eventually started dating after a Barca v Chelsea game in England.
Two years passed, and you made the move to London, taking up a position in a physiotherapy office, which you coincidentally came to find was the one her national teammate worked in while she was in London. Caitlin Foord.
You became fast friends, and now watching your other best friend win her first ever medal at a World Cup was just as ecstatic and elating.
As the celebrations continue, you spot Sam jogging over to the family and friends section. You step aside to let her nephews see her, but she isn't going for them. She strides right up to you instead.
"Baby, I'm so fucking proud of-"
You're cut off with a small squeak.
Her hands grip the collar of the jersey around you and pull you nearly over the barrier and into her. With one final questioning look in her eyes and a nod from you, your lips meet, of course she asks this time.
You can't stop yourself from grinning into the kiss, and it seems neither can she.
With all of the emotions flying, it doesn't surprise you that she's chosen now to reveal you to the world as hers. She's always been fiercly protective of you, not to mention a little possessive despite her usually laid back, playful nature.
So, presenting your relationship to the world was something she'd been thinking about doing for a while, but it was never the right time and she didn't want to add on to the stress of the looming World Cup, but now here you were, and here she was. World Cup winner.
And right now, in this moment, with the love she's pouring into the kiss, which you return with equal fervour, you're content with whatever outcome may happen after this.
When you break for air, she lets you relax a little the uncomfortable feeling of a barrier between the two of you getting to be a little much on your hips, which are protesting at the concrete constricting against them by now.
Your arms wrap around her, pulling her close to you, burying your nose into her neck as tears start to fall again.
You hold her for just a minute, and you feel the tension leaving her, her muscles relax as she just breathes you in.
She whispers in your ear, her breath hot on your neck and her voice a little shaky but otherwise makes you shiver slightly.
"You know, I don't think I tell you enough how much I enjoy seeing my last name between your shoulder blades."
You go to reply, but you're broken apart by her very insistent but adorable nephews, nearly climbing the barrier to get their favourite aunt.
Her sister gives you both a slightly apologetic look, but you instantly wave her off, happy to let the boys give the girl some love, too.
She steps away from the barrier, lifting them both up in her arms and walking back onto the pitch with them.
"Damn, they might actually steal my girl from me."
You joke, her sister chuckling and her older brother, Daniel, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"Yeah, don't worry, they steal Natasha from me when they visit too. They're too adorable for their own good."
"I'd be blissfully happy to let them have her honestly, she's so good with them."
Your heart races at the thought of your own kids in her arms someday.
Her sister Maddi nudges you softly.
"Watch those ovaries, they might burst."
You chuckle softly and give her a little nudge back.
"Yeah, they did that months ago. I love the way she is with them. Or just with kids in general, she's always so good to them."
"Thinking of some of your own some day?"
"I am. That's for certain. It's up to her, though. She's the one with an elusive career. I don't think we're ready right now, but maybe someday. If we do, I think I'd like them to see her get to hang up her cleats at the very least, witness their Mama's achievements."
Her sister just smiles down at you, a knowing look on her face.
"Think you'll marry her soon?"
You laugh a little at that.
"I hope so. She's got the ring buried in her gym bag. She's not as slick as she likes to think she is. But I'm happy to wait as long as it takes her to do it. Though, then again, I might propose myself in the meantime. I don't think my ovaries can take any more."
You gesture to Sam, throwing one of the boys in the air, making them laugh and squeal slightly before moving to kick a ball around with them.
"Honestly, if you don't, I think half the women in Australia would do it for you."
"Ha, make that half the women on planet earth. Have you seen some of the stuff they've tagged her in?"
"Yeeeah, I try not to. People thirsting over my sister is funny as hell but also gross. No thanks."
You throw your head back in a laugh.
"As expected."
Levi, Sam's other brother, pops his head in between you with a confused look on his.
"People do what over Sam?"
You give him a slightly incredulous look.
"Thirsting. Thirst over her? Really? You don't know?"
He shakes his head, a little weirded out.
"Your sister has been like, a few million gay womens' awakenings, did you not know that?"
"Uh, no, it's not exactly on the forefront of my mind."
You giggle and pat his cheek.
"You poor sweet innocent thing, don't ever change, whatever you do, don't look her up on tiktok. Or any social media for that matter. She made the mistake of doing it once. The look in her eye when I told her I used to be the one to browse that stuff too was freaking hilarious."
Maddi raises a brow at you.
"As far as I'm aware, you still do it, so you don't have a leg to stand on here."
You cackle at that.
"Hey, I'm not the one that makes them. I'm otherwise very happy to see slow-motion videos of my girlfriend's shirtless celebrations and backflips from the 2022 season."
Levi scrunches his nose.
You simply pat his shoulder and turn back to watch Sam and the award ceremony, watch as they all receive their medals, and as the confetti drops from the ceiling and out through the confetti cannons.
The screams of celebration and the shower of champagne afterwards are enormous. At that, you see the staff who are minding the two little toddlers take a few steps back with thema nd you chuckle softly.
She does eventually return the two boys to their mother, medal proudly splayed over her neck, and gives you one final kiss and hug, and you give her your congratulations before you all have to leave to head back to your hotels.
The afterparty is enormous, and you'd forgone showering and changing in favour of getting to see Sam quicker.
The music is blasting through your eardrums, and you have to take a few shots to try and numb it down a bit and by the time the team arrives, it looks like they've already had a few drinks themselves.
Sam is one of the last through the door, walking in to cheers from the crowd of friends, family and other invited guests.
Your breath hitches when you spot her. The suit jacket and untucked button down paired with black slacks and her air force 1s make her usual 10, though now increased with the levels of tequila you just downed, turn into much higher attraction levels.
A few minutes of watching her as she makes her way around the room, accepting congratulations, hugs, and chances to have a drink with friends, she finds you.
You give her a small wink and cheer your cup mid-air at her as she makes eye contact with you, still enveloped in conversation with one of the managers from Football Australia. She, to your astonishment, knowing how bad some of the higher ups get, manages to excuse herself and slip past the incessant suits to move to you, leaning against the bar.
Her grip quickly finds your hips, wasting no time to have her hands on you once again.
"Hi, my champion."
"Hey, Gorgeous." The tone of her voice is definitely slightly slurred, and you know they hit it hard in the locker room so it's a little more obvious to you.
"How are you feeling?"
Her expression changes to giddy smile.
"Amazing, like I'm walking on air here."
You down the last of the vodka soda you have beside you.
"Good, because you're coming with me."
You drag her by the hand onto the half packed dance floor, slipping in between an already drunk Alanna and Macca and a hyped up Kyra and Charlie.
The music swirls around you as you quickly join the dancing people around you. Sam stands behind you, hands landing on your waist and moving with you. Her hips meet yours in a shameless grind, and your arm comes up to pull her head down into your neck, her lips tracing the muscle on their own accord.
Exhilaration of the win settles in your chests amongst the dancing bodies of the Matildas teammates, and the thumping vibrations of the beat rattle your ears.
Her breath is hot on your neck, murmuring words of encouragement as you rock back against her.
The rest of the night turns to a blur as you party with the team into the early hours of the morning.
It's just a few hours later when Sam's hand grabs your wrist, tugging you away from the rest of the girls. You'd moved to dance with Caitlin just ten minutes previously, sharing several bottles of champagne between the two of you, the alcohol only piling onto your own intoxication.
The girl was all too happy to drink the night away with her best friend.
You whine softly when Sam pulls you away from said best friend, Caitlin mildly protesting as well, but seeing the look in her captain's eyes, just raises her hands in defeat.
Though she does wiggle her brows suggestively at you when she sees the rest of Sam's expression, which is locked on you. You giggle and give her a joking salute as you're walked away from the dance floor.
You're dragged out of the party and around the corner to an alley, your back pressed into the brickwork.
The kiss following has your head spinning, and your girlfriends hands waist no time slipping under the front of your her jersey.
"Fuck, I can't get you in that jersey out of my head baby."
A mischievous smirk crosses your lips as she pulls back enough to mouth at your throat.
"Yeah? The thought of me with your last name on my back, huh? Like it when I'm labelled yours?"
A growl rumbles in the back of her throat.
"You have no idea."
You chuckle and tug her back up to your mouth again.
"Take me back the hotel and show me?"
The beeping of an alarm the next morning makes your head throb, and you bury your face into the pillow below you with a groan.
The noise is quickly cut off, however, and a similar groan to your own joins the air of the hotel room.
Your eyes barely crack open, the spinning in your head setting in as you look around at the all too bright white walls mixed with the familiar bottle green of your girlfriend's national team uniform.
"Fucking christ babe, why the alarm at this hour?"
Sam barely responds from her spot buried beneath the covers beside you, her grumbling into her own pillow.
You shuffle across the mattress, moving to stand, but a hand on your wrist pulls you back. A soft whine from the forwards mouth makes you turn back to her.
"Stay, I don't have to be up til eight."
Knowing better, you check your phone on the bedside.
You curse suddenly, the night before a smatter of memories and ecstasies. As far as you could guess, you'd say it's only been about three hours since the two of would have hit the sack finally.
"Babe, it's 8:10. You definitely have to get up."
She's silent for a second, knowing you'd caught her bullshitting but doesn't move. You sigh softly and move closer to her.
"Alright, five more minutes, but we have to get up, we really don't want your teammates coming knocking again."
She hums and moves, so you're tucked into her chest, arm draped over your waist once again.
The warmth soothes your head a bit, and the nausea settles for now as you wrap yourself up in her.
You're happy to stay in the loving embrace for now. Lord knows she deserves the rest.
Sorry guys, they're kinda getting worse, I am trying to keep them simple without rambling too long like I tend to do 😅
I'm taking my time with them though.
Hope y'all enjoyed.
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