#just feeling nostalgic i guess
notshuttingup · 7 months
i got pokemon sun around when it first came out. i was like 10 i think. and idk at one point i got stuck and just sort of put the game away for awhile. sort of complicated series of events (or just the normal passage of time) later and idk i ended up losing it. lost it for years. i’ve always thought about it and eventually i gave up that i’d ever find it. some things are meant to be lost. i ended up buying myself a new copy of pokemon sun out of nostalgia to try and play through it again.
recently (tonight, actually) my dad was cleaning out his room when he found my OG copy of pkmn sun! it was even in my pokemon y case lol. i was real ecstatic. i thought that it was kind of a waste at this point. i now have 2 copies of the same exact pkmn game but that’s besides the point.
i decided to boot the older game on my 3ds just to see where i left off 8~ or so years ago.
it was so confusing to me. i had no clue where i was. i vaguely remembered some things but it was all unfamiliar to me. my little character was a kind of mirror to how i viewed myself as a kid. the save file is even under my birth name.
i have no clue what i was doing back then. i guess that i was grinding up or something but i just don’t know. i felt guilty about moving her. it felt like i was messing with someone else’s game, even though the kid that played that game isn’t even technically around anymore. they grew up into me. it still felt like i was vandalizing something. that feeling only worsened when i saved to exit the game. it felt like i was tarnishing it somehow. a perfect little time capsule, just ruined.
it made me feel kind of empty.
idk. it just really made me realize how long it’s been. i’m so much more older now, and that feels so weird to say.
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kastillia · 4 months
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I think... we were cursed from the start
(without blur under the cut)
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kuridel · 7 months
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I miss being obsessed with Art. I miss waking up on the mornings and just wanting to sit down and create. I think I'm on a bittersweet moment of my Artistic life but I gotta remind myself that the sun will always come back :)
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yhwcomeback · 1 month
what are your favorite ninjago seasons?
Rise of the Snakes, HANDS DOWN.
I've rewatched it so many times, and I adore this season, it's so nostalgic, and easy to digest, it brings me back to when I was 12 years old searching "Lloyd gets revenge against the ninja" on youtube only to instantly get spoiled that he was the green ninja LOL. (twelve years old me really thought he was going to become a major villain and I WAS READY TO EMBRACE THAT)
altought I also rewatch Dragon Rising alot? Probably cuz it's easy to watch it and similiar to season 1, it just feels like I'm eating a snack.
I also really like Possesion and March of the oni, but that's mainly becuase of the opening? like the opening of the season is just so cool.
and I feel like seabound is one of my top favorites becuase I am AWFUL at dealing with that type of stuff so I was sobbing so hard in the end. Same with Sons of Garmadon.
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hecatesbroom · 4 months
Blanche's grandma's place is the only place she felt consistently loved in... no I'm fine. I'm fine
#the IMPLICATIONS#i completely forgot about that line#room 7 makes me lose my mind in general but ohhh my god#OH my god#i'm#yeah no i'm fine#i have so many feelings about this i can't even put them into words#idk but she speaks about that place with so so much nostalgia#we see blanche in a way we've never seen her with anyone from her past#she didn't look even remotely as happy or peaceful (or nostalgic!) when she visited her childhood home#but when she's in her grandma's old home? she calls it her family home#she talks about it like *that's* the place she grew up in#because apparently it was the only place she was always sure she could be loved#so i guess it might not have been the only place she grew up in#but it sure sounds like it was the one place she was allowed to be herself in and still be loved unconditionally#without competing for anyone's attention#ohh blanche ;-;#i teared up when she held that windchime and smiled right before finally leaving that house#that was *such* a powerful moment ;-;#anyway#uh#i guess i'll just go and stare at a wall or something now#the golden girls#blanche devereaux#adding on to this to say that maybe it really was the only place she grew up in#because to grow up i'd say you need an environment where you can at least somewhat freely explore your identity#without feeling a constant need to be the best/cutest/prettiest sister to get your parents' love and approval#it sounds like blanche grew older in her childhood home#and she got the chance to *grow up* with her grandma#(i knoooow i'm reading too much into this but i can't stop thinking about this episode)
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thrill-kill-kult · 24 days
I’ve mostly been thinking about this in the context of an AU I created, but I’ve been thinking a lot about Toki’s transition out of his parents’ home and into the real world.
I imagine he left before he was 18 and had to support himself entirely from before that in order to get himself out. And like idk I’m just thinking about the moment when he finally moves out and he’s sitting on a bed that he bought that’s in a room he can call his own, and like he thinks he’s going to be instantly happy and that everything will be perfect, but then he has to reckon with the fact that it isn’t, and now he has to deal with grieving his old life and trying to fit in to a new life he doesn’t really understand and keep himself afloat.
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silverwhittlingknife · 10 months
Hey I was stalking ur page just now and tripped over the “dick and tim and food” posts and it made me think of how, during the “Robin in keystone city” arc, pizza is brought up at least twice, and both times tim specified that he doesn’t want pineapple on the pizza. BUT iirc tim normally enjoys or at the very least tolerates pineapple on pizza, and I wanted to know if you thought maybe tim was avoiding pineapple pizza bc it’s a tim and dick thing for him and he’d miss his brother or something
Or maybe I’m just being weird or something idk
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(the context of the panel is that dick ordered pizza, and alfred told him that he could've made food, so dick is saying "uh huh but i bet you wouldn't willingly make anoudille and pineapple pizza though" and alfred is all "no i would NOT and i can barely tolerate that you're eating it in front of me")
anyway so YES clearly tim can't eat andouille or pineapple pizza without Dick!! it'd be lonely
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ashorterurl · 3 months
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Kai and Aoi's tweets 11-14 June
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the-words-we-sung · 7 months
While I (not so) patiently await season 3...
I think being on Tumblr is gonna be tough this week: I've blacklisted sp*ilers because I wanna watch the new season with my mind as free as possible (like I did for the first 2 seasons) but it means that right now my dash is 99% empty, just an endless list of blocked posts 😅 So 1. it's boring and 2. the temptation to check these hidden posts is growing bigger and bigger by the minute >< I'm not entirely sure I can make it spoiler-free 'til next Monday... But anyway, I was just thinking tonight how lucky we are to live at a time when shows like Young Royals are being made, and well-made, and successful, and so so loved by so many people.
Earlier tonight I got struck by a faint memory of a scene from an old TV show I watched when I was (way) younger and so I went on a deep search to find it. It was an old French TV show that I watched with my parents growing up and it made me laugh to check some bits of some episodes: but I ended up watching a scene where a (secondary) character comes out to his best friend (a main character on the show) and it was awful. The best friend reaction was terrible and homophobic, but treated as if it was totally normal and acceptable. And it made me so so sad, because I grew up with that, I grew up watching that. And it's probably not the only scene, the only show, the only movie with that kind of message that I've watched when I was young. I grew up in an environment, a family, that was quite close-minded. The mere concept of not being straight, not being cis, was not at all something that I was aware of at the time. We didn't talk about that with my parents or at school. And the little representations I got on TV (like this one) were pretty awful. It makes sense that it took me so long to really realize that I was neither straight nor cis, to be able to actually put words on what I had been feeling my whole life (and I'm not even done questioning it all). But yeah, growing up then meant not being exposed to the amazing representation that we have now. And I am so so so happy that young people now can have that!! That we can all have that! I am sometimes incredibly frustrated by the idea that my life would have been so so different if a show like Young Royals existed when I was growing up, when I was a teenager... Where would I be now? Who would I be now? Most of the time I'm just happy and grateful that I still managed to get where I am today, but yeah, the frustration over what feels like wasted years can rear its ugly head sometimes...
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Glee was my first "Young Royals", my first fandom, my first show with a good and real and strong LGBTQ+ representation. It's the show that will always have a special place in my heart because it made me see, made me realize things about myself. It's the show that pushed me head first into queer culture and told me to "look look here! Look at these people, look at this history!". The show that took me by the hand and told me I could be strong and brave and myself. And that I was not alone. Blaine and Kurt will always be the fictional characters who helped me the most, who made me start the process of becoming myself, who started healing me.
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At the time I didn't participate in the fandom life as I do now with Young Royals, because I was quite introverted and not comfortable talking to people, and still trying to figure things out about myself. But Young Royals changed that. This show arrived at the perfect time, when I felt ready for more, ready to take a step further in my healing process. Anyway, such a long rant just to say that Young Royals is incredible. It didn't change my life quite as radically as Glee did, but it is making it incredibly better! Part of it is of course due to the show itself, and Wilhelm, and Simon, and the cast (Omar!!!!). But it is also this fandom, and the people I've met and chatted with. You all have no idea how incredible you've been, how happy you've made me. How healing you've been for me. I'm realizing that I've written a whole novel in this post >< Which was not really my intention! I was mostly just thinking about how awesome our little show is, how lucky we are that we're gonna have 3 incredible seasons to watch and rewatch. And how happy I am to be part of our little fandom family 💜
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So I hope you're all enjoying the season 3 content that we've been getting today (even though I don't know what it is 😱) and I'm excited to be there with you all next week to be happy and sad and unhinged as usual about our dear dear show 💜💜
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pandora15 · 5 months
what's so weird is that I joined the sw fandom while rebels was airing right? like. by the time I caught up on the movies and tcw, star wars rebels season 3 was about to drop and there were all these hints about obi-wan showing up, so as a brand-new obi-wan fan I was like. HYPED
and I was also like "omg omgomg omgomogmg ewan should come back as obi-wan please it's all i want i'm going through A Lot and him coming back as obi-wan would just really help me get through all the shit i'm going through"
and so yeah obi-wan does show up in rebels which is like :')))))) SUCH A GOOD EPISODE btw and not long after that tcw season 7 was announced so I was like "omg yes even more new obi-wan content! i am thriving!"
and then not long after that the kenobi series was announced and that show made ALL of my dreams come true but now it's like. it's done and I'm so conflicted about whether or not I want a second season (I think I'm leaning more towards I want ewan to come back again but I'm not sure if it should be in the form of a second season, since the series ended on such a perfect note)
but now it's been almost two years since the show and for the first time since I joined the fandom, there's been not much new obi-wan content in tv/movie canon (there are plenty of books and comics though I'm just very behind with my TBR aklsdjfljalsdflafd)
so the fandom just feels different to me y'know? or at least the obi-wan centric part of the fandom feels different. the past few years have been amazing and I really hope we continue to get more obi-wan content in one way or another but I also don't want it to be at the expense of his character. I want it to be right.
but this means less obi-wan content and I'm just trying to come to terms with that :/
TLDR i joined the fandom at a time when a lot was happening with obi-wan's character and now things have settled down after all of that and I'm trying to wrap my head around all of it
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I’m reblogging a bunch of older but super popular Serennedy Art And,,,;,,,,,,, OUGH my god,,,,,,,,,,,, I am feeling,,,,,,,,,;, S O nostalgic,,, meloncholy,,,, sad,,,,,,,,, all the words,,
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ive gotten in the habit of calling everyone hun which isnt new becuz i was raised by old southerners but it's def gotten alot stronger since i started making an effort to not call everyone dude girl and babe. i literally go from petname to petname. (yes i consider dude and girl petnames)
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ambersky0319 · 3 months
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st4rbwrry · 8 months
i’m watching fast x since i avoided it after seeing the terribly made last film in theaters anddd . . you can tell that they’re trying too hard to be a marvel film. :/
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going and listening to my youtube playlists is truly a safe place for me. I just listened to the Discord Murder Party season 3 theme and sang along to every word, and now I'm listening to relaxing super mario galaxy songs with rain sound effects in the background.
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magentagalaxies · 5 months
uploading all the videos i took during my time on tour with scott onto a flashdrive and there's 190 items selected omg,,,,
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