#just don't let them shake hands with frankie and everything will be....
Clawdeen Wolf (former weirdo human, now newly self-actualized werewolf) and the horrible realization her fellow online monster enthusiasts from the Mysteries Inc forum got worried when she went quiet after mentioning going into some woods alone,
and they have transportation
and they just pulled up to the gates of Monster High in their Mysteries Inc van
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wildrangers · 2 months
In the Blink of a Crinkling Eye // Matt Smith
Word Count: 2.8K
Fem Journalist x Matt Smith
{This is truly just the longest meet cute because they’re my favorite thing to write}
Warnings: None besides cursing and use of Y/N; smut in part two
“Clover, no!” you chastise, rushing to grab the puppy who’d somehow escaped the holding pen your team built. You’d wanted to be a journalist for as long as you could remember but this wasn’t quite what you’d imagined yourself doing–wrangling puppies while waiting for your interview subjects to arrive. 
“She’s a clever one, isn’t she?” you hear a deep, amused voice say from behind you. 
“I wouldn’t give her too much credit, I’m sure Daisy and Willow helped her out” you reply, your eyes unexpectedly meeting curious hazel ones. “Is everything okay?”
His brows furrow, “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
You glance down at your phone, holding the wriggly puppy closer to your chest to avoid a kamikaze situation. “Because no one’s due on set for another half hour.” 
“I can leave if you’d like,” he offers, his smile turning uncertain. 
“No, of course not” you shake your head, offering your free hand to him, “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“Matt, lovely to meet you. I couldn’t resist coming out to get some extra time with these little guys” he grins, releasing your hand only to hold his palms up. “Clover, right?”
“Yes, she’s litter mates with Willow and Daisy,” you reply, pointing them out in their pen after handing Clover to him. “And then there’s Leo, Frankie, and Gertrude. They’re all from different litters, the last of their siblings in the shelter.”
“Poor little things” Matt coos, gently placing Clover back where she belongs before reaching down to grab one of the strays.
“Wait, no not her” you jump in, scooping Gertrude into your arms before Matt can. 
“Is she nippy or something?” he asks, head quirking in confusion. 
“No, I think I might be taking her home today. I wouldn’t want you to get too attached.” 
Matt throws his head back in laughter, “Hazards of the job I suppose?”
“Kind of” you shrug, gently stroking Gertrude’s soft fur. “My roommate’s been begging for a pet for months now and little Trudy here is just too sweet.” Seemingly in response, the little dog lifts her head to briefly lick your chin before settling in for a nap in your arms. 
“Now that is too precious,” Matt says, smiling softly and retrieving his phone from his pocket. “Want me to take a photo?” 
“I’m sure I look a mess, I’ve been running around all morning” you laugh.
“Nonsense, you look great. Trust me, you’ll want this–smile!” he cheers and you laugh looking into the camera. “Gorgeous” he compliments and you ignore the swoop of your stomach. 
“Let me see” you request, moving to his side as he angles his screen towards you. You’re pleasantly surprised to see that while you look flushed from running around, your hair and makeup have miraculously stayed in place. “Aw, doesn’t she look too cute? All tuckered out already.” 
“What’s your number? I can forward you this if you’d like” he offers and you do something you’ve never done before–flirt with a guest.
“If you wanted my number you could’ve just asked from the get go” you tease, eyes flicking up to meet his.
His smile curls up higher on one side, “Well you see, now I’ll have your number and this beautiful photo for your contact.”
“Well played then” you reply, listing off your number for him. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket but don't move from his side. 
“How long have you been working with Buzzfeed?” he questions, turning to face you directly. 
“A little over a year, it’s certainly a unique place to have landed.” 
“You don’t like it” he replies instantly and your eyes widen.
“I didn’t say that…”
“But it’s what you mean, no?” he pushes, not breaking eye contact. 
“Why, are you aiming to take my job?” 
He chuckles and shakes his head, not offering you a way out except to answer the question. 
“I’m a writer. So, ideally one of my books or screenplays end up in the right hands. Or, if not, I’d really like to do print work. Spending lots of time with someone, or a group of someones, and writing a more in depth piece about their process, the work, whatever. Like, we got the screener for the first half of this season, right? You know how many questions I want to ask about the cinematography or an acting choice, or a certain shot? Instead, we have these cutesy questions prepared.” 
That makes him laugh but you feel vulnerable, exposed after offering so much to a stranger, especially one you’re meeting at work. “I’m sorry, that wasn’t professional of me. I really do appreciate this job.” 
“Hey, no apologies. I’m the one that asked, aren’t I? I appreciate your honesty.”
You nod, a slightly awkward silence descending between you. Matt breaks it by leaning down to pick up Leo who promptly bites his finger. 
“Shit, are you okay?” you ask, biting your lips to repress the laugh bubbling up in your chest. Matt’s face is the portrait of shock and outrage even though you can tell Leo’s teeth barely broke his skin. 
“I think I’m alright” he replies, seriously inspecting his finger and a little giggle escapes your mouth. His eyes leap up to yours and his frown deepens at the amusement he sees on your face. “Well, go on then.”
At his begrudging permission, you burst into laughter settling a now grumpy Gertrude into her pen. You make your way back to where the first aid kit is, your sides turning sore from laughter that won’t cease. You wave Matt over and he morosely makes his way to you, plopping down in the seat you direct him towards. 
“I’m sorry” you offer as you sit opposite him, unzipping the bag. “It’s really not even that funny but now I just have the giggles.” 
“You’re forgiven, if only because your laugh is the most joyous sound I’ve heard all day.”
His compliment does what his annoyance couldn’t–rips the laughter from your throat. You gaze into his eyes, expecting to see jest but find none. “That’s kind of you.”
“It’s the truth.”
A different kind of tension simmers in this silence. “May I?” you request, reaching for him. His calloused hand lands in yours and you lean closer, inspecting the tiny cut on his pointer finger. You pull an alcohol wipe from the kit and wrap it as gently as you can around his cut before quickly replacing it with a bandage. “Good as new.” 
“You could look into nursing you know” he responds gently and you meet his intense gaze. The moment seems to stretch eternally with you lost in the green and brown shades of his eyes. A door slams open, jarring  you two apart and making you realize you’d been holding onto his hand just as it slips away. 
“Looks like it’s show time” you force a smile as you stand. “Think you can manage with this grievous injury?”
He returns your smile, nodding, “I think so but have the medics on standby just in case.” 
Luckily, the interview goes smoothly, jokes being made all around at Matt’s injury and another round unleashing when he’s nipped again while filming. As you drive home, Gertrude beside you, you work to convince yourself you’d been imagining things. That Matt had simply been friendly and naturally charismatic, not that there’d been any kind of spark. And that he most definitely hadn't lingered after you’d thanked him and his castmates, eyes boring into your back, before finally following them out onto the New York City streets. And you certainly weren’t still lost in those thoughts as you placed the wiggly puppy in your roommate, Sage’s, arms. 
“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” 
“She almost got swept up by Matt Smith” you joke and her eyes widen.
“I forgot that was today, how was it?”
“Good, everything went smoothly.” 
“But what?” 
“But why does your face look like that?”
“Fuck you, it was a long day.” 
“Bullshit” she argues and you glare at her. “I’ll wait.”
“I was just deluding myself that’s all.” She waits expectantly and you sigh, throwing up your hands. “I had myself half convinced that Matt Smith tried to sweep me up.” 
“Tell me everything.” 
And you would have, if your phone didn’t buzz in your pocket. Sage pointedly rolls her eyes as you pause the conversation to check your phone just in case it’s a work issue. Your heart drops which must’ve reflected on your face because she’s beside you, reading over your shoulder, a second later.
Hi it’s Matt
Well, you know that obviously. 
I mean to ask, are you free tonight? 
“Tell me everything right the fuck now Y/N/N or I swear to God.” You quickly fill her in, all while attempting to decide what to do. “Just answer, see why he’s asking.”
“Wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest?”
The look Sage shoots you could melt steel, “Respectfully, you primarily do puppy interviews at Buzzfeed. Answer him.” You couldn’t argue with her logic even though you wanted to.
I just got home but have nothing in the books. Why do you ask?
Would you want to meet with us at a pub near our hotel? Everyone loved working with you. 
Who’s everyone? 
You do love questions, don’t you? 
Emboldened by having a screen between you, you allow him to see you’d read the message on What’s App but don’t type a reply. Within a moment, he begins typing again:
All of us, but especially me. 
One condition
I can ask you about the Harrenhal sequences
Off the record of course
That’s all? You shouldn’t be thinking so small. 
I want to make sure I have you in my thrall a bit more before asking for your banking information. 
Can we compromise with drinks on me?
Text me the place and time and I’ll see if I can make it
“I knew you were bullshitting us.” Fabien cackles from beside Matt, who rolls his eyes for what feels like the hundredth time already tonight.
“Lay off him, Fabs, he’s about to be stood up after all” Olivia replies, doing a terrible job of hiding her own laughter. 
“It’s only half past. She’s a New Yorker, it’d have been weird if she showed up exactly at 9…maybe she’s nervous?” Emma offers. 
“What, about meeting up with the Great Matthew Smith for drinks?” Fabien retorts and even Emma can’t fight their smile at his expense. 
“Thank god I have you lot to keep me humble” Matt grumbles, getting up and stalking over to the bar to get another round. He sighs to himself, scrubbing his hands down his face as he waits for the bartender to mix his drink. 
He knew it had been a bad idea to text you. You were simply being professional and he’d unfairly pushed you into meeting up for a drink. It had been Emma’s idea to have the whole group there so it felt less like a date, sensing his unease about asking you out directly. Their advice was much more helpful than Fabien’s goading and Olivia enthusiastically endorsed Emma’s plan if only to be able to snoop.
He grabs his drink and begins heading back to the booth when your distinctive laughter makes his steps briefly falter. Nerves flood his system and he rolls his eyes at himself. You're acting like a schoolboy, he chastises but he can’t help himself. He feels drawn to you in a way he hasn’t felt to anyone else in a long, long time. As he rounds the corner, his eyes find yours immediately. Unsurprisingly, his friends have placed you right beside his vacant spot which he is both grateful for and exacerbated by–again, so secondary school of them all. 
“Hey, you made it!” he exclaims as he sits beside you. 
“I’m sorry I’m a bit late, Sage took far too long at the petstore getting Miss Trudy’s supplies. Oh, wait, how’d you know I love vodka crans? What a gentleman” you grin, plucking the drink from his hands and taking a deep sip. 
“Just another thing we have in common, it appears.” 
“In addition to?” 
“Our love of dogs, of course.”
“Ah, if only the dogs loved him back” Olivia goads and you let loose another glorious giggle. 
“How are your wounds doing?” you tease, eyes sparkling in the dim light. 
“Fine for now but I may need a skilled medic later to assist with bandage changes.”
“I suppose I could help if you can’t find anyone with the proper training.” 
“Very generous of you, Y/N.” 
“I aim to serve. Also, here, I wouldn’t want to actually steal your whole drink” you acquiesced, sliding the drink into his waiting hand. He lifts the glass to his mouth, taking a long sip while your eyes bore into his. You have such an unflinching way of appraising people, remaining present even while nothing’s being said, and he’s entranced by this. 
“I don’t mind sharing,” he replies quietly, gently grasping your hand and easing the glass back into it. He doesn’t release your hand or your gaze and, for once, his friends around the table are silent which he would’ve previously believed to be impossible. He faintly hears Emma and Olivia excusing themselves to the restroom as Fabien chugs his beer just to go refill it. 
“We really cleared the table, huh?” Your faint words barely reach him despite your closeness. 
“All the better if you ask me” he replies, heart thumping at the grin his comment earns. 
“Do you do this often?” you ask, head tilting and eyes sharp. 
“Do what?”
“Charm women you meet in your line of work?” 
He can’t fight the smile that splits his face–he could banter with you for eternity, he fears. “No, of course not. I have a reputation to uphold after all.” 
“What reputation?”
“Are you implying my gentlemanly reputation doesn’t proceed me?”
“Are you implying you’re of such stature I looked into you before today?” 
“I’d assumed you were good at your job but you can correct me if I’m wrong.” 
“I am excellent at my job” you retort, eyes narrowing dangerously. 
“Well, then what’s my reputation?”
“You’re a classic Scorpio.”
“What?” he asks, genuinely perplexed. He notes the smirk that quirks your lips–you’d intended to throw him off his game. Well played, then.
“Scorpios are charming, easily pulling people into their orbit. But they also tend to be deep thinkers who hide behind that charisma to keep everyone at a distance despite being surrounded by people.” 
He could hardly catch his breath–have you truly seen through him so easily? “Meaning?”
“Meaning that despite being in this business for decades, not much is actually known about you. Glowing comments from everyone who’s ever worked with you, surface level reporting on a few previous public relationships, but nothing of much substance despite the countless interviews and press junkets you’ve done over the years.” 
“Does that bother you?”
“No, it intrigues me. But it also makes me weary.” 
“Why’s that?” he questions, heart sinking. 
“I may not be doing groundbreaking work right now but I value my career. So much of this business, and publishing, is based on word of mouth, having people speak well of you from previous projects. I’d hate to think this was a fun game for you when it could ruin my credibility.” 
He chuckles to himself and your eyes flash. “They had to convince me to ask you out.”
“What?” you recoil at his words and he desperately wants to pull you back to him.
“I knew from our conversation earlier today you have ambitions and I’d never want to come between you and them. You’re insightful and have a sharp mind, I’m sure your writing reflects that. But they convinced me I was just giving myself an out so I wouldn’t have to risk your rejection.”
Your head tilts at his words, eyes appraising him in a way that lays him bare before you. “I think you were right,” you acknowledge. “But so were they.” 
He couldn't tear himself away from you if he tried. He can only guess what’s going on in your head but your eyes reveal how countless thoughts are flowing behind them, calculations being drawn up, quick decisions being made. 
“I love this song” you say quietly, throwing back all but a swallow of your shared drink, which you then offer to him. “Dance with me?”
He holds your gaze as he slowly consumes the last bits of vodka before extending his hand. “It would be my pleasure.”
So, I clearly am incapable of writing a brief meet cute but I can’t help myself. I have loads of ideas where this could go so any feedback would be much appreciated! I’ve never written for actors before but I hope y’all enjoyed 🫶🏻
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tonyspank · 1 year
Summary: And till the very end, it was always heart.
A/N: I HAD TO. also quinn is not really ghost face because i said so (i was too lazy to add her)
Warnings: death, stabbings, murder, rushed writing and.. yeah i think that’s it. Words: 4.5k
Part One Part Two
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Tara Carpenter was a good girlfriend. And yes, you two were officially a couple. Everyone knew about it, including Kayla and Frankie.
But you didn’t care about them, you cared about Tara. And she definitely cared about you. Everyday she’d text or call you to see if you were okay if she couldn’t physically do it herself in person. She’d also come to every practice you had, forcing Chad third wheel on the way back home.
And she even invited you over to the ‘core four’ hangouts.
Everyone was fine with it, well everyone except for Mindy. It’s not that Mindy didn’t like you, she just didn’t trust you… enough.
Sam had even told Mindy to get over it, she liked you. That had to mean something, she trusted you with her sister, and she even trusted you herself. Anika liked you, Chad obviously liked you, Ethan liked you, Quinn liked you and she called you a sex magnet but not without earning a glare from your girlfriend.
Even though your girlfriend was great, absolutely magnificent. You didn't get to prepare yourself for what has been happening the past few days.
One of the core four hangouts, also including Anika, Ethan, Quinn, and even the cute boy from next door ended into something horrible. The news had announced that your film study teacher had been murdered, and shortly after that Sam and your girlfriend got attacked by Ghostface at a bodega.
You tried your best to comfort your girlfriend or be there in any way possible.
This is exactly how you found yourself leaning into Tara as Mindy ranted to your friend group about who the killers could be.
"Are you okay?" You mumble into Tara's head, placing a kiss on it. She nods, giving you a small smile before softly grasping your jaw, and placing a quick kiss on your lips. You pull away, returning a smile.
You look away from your girlfriend only to see her sister watching you two, she smiles at you and you return a tight-lipped one, turning back to Mindy.
"Okay! Nerds listen up!" Everyone's chattering stops, and they all look at Mindy.
"As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time." She says, fixing her shirt.
Chad hums, looking down at his notebook with a pen in his hand.
"It's fine." Mindy takes in a deep breath, "Okay! The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel." Anika raises her hand, "Um. What's a requel?" You nod along, confused as well.
"You're beautiful sweetie. Let's hold questions to the end." Anika blinks in response, giving her girlfriend a tight-lipped smile.
Sam speaks up, "Stab one took place in Woodsboro. Stab two took place in college."
You see Chad write stuff down in his notebook, as Tara says something beside you. "So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?"
"That is one possibility." Mindy answers, "Hero's now in college, check! Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list." Mindy adds, staring at you.
You furrow your eyebrows, looking around as you point at yourself. "Why'd you look at me?"
Mindy ignores you, "And or body count! Check, check, check, and check!"
"I don't like this." Ethan voices, shaking his head you nod in agreement.
"But it just can't be about Stab Two." Tara furrows her eyebrows, "Why not?"
"It would make sense if this was just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel. Because nobody just makes sequels anymore!" Mindy looks at the group, who all have confused looks on their faces.
"We're in a franchise!" She lifts her arms with a smile on her face, "And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise." Anika sighs at her girlfriend.
"I had a feeling," Sam mutters.
"Rule one! Everything is bigger than last time."
You point at Chad's notebook, "Hey, might wanna write this down." He looks at you before hurrying to write in his notebook. "Right!"
"Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings. You gotta top what came before to keep people coming back."
Chad lifts his head from his notebook, lost. "Beheadings?" Mindy nods, "Beheadings."
"Rule two! Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. The franchise only survives by subverting expectations. If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities—," Ethan raises his eyebrows at Mindy's words.
"— You can bet the opposite will be true here."
"Can I guess the next rule?" You speak up, Mindy points at you, "No." You frown.
"Rule three, no one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually bought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Oh, and that's not even the worst part!"
"Oh! This is the part where she tells us the worst part." Chad says not even looking up from his notes. "The worst part is! Franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP. Which means main characters are completely expendable now, too."
"Wait, does Tara count as a main character?" You question, with a frown on your lips.
"Y/N, I've let it go before but you've gotta stop interrupting me, dude!" You thin out your lips in embarrassment.
"Anyways! Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Elen Ripley, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, I mean, even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on! That means it's not just the friend group, any of us could go at any time... so yeah Y/N especially your girlfriend and Sam."
Tara and Sam eye each other as Ethan joins in, "Wait? Any of us?"
"Am I in the friend group?"
"Am I like, one of the targets?"
"Am I gonna die a virgin?" Confused looks fill everyone's faces, "Um..." You mumble looking at Tara who just stares ahead, pretending she didn't hear.
"That was a weird overshare... but it brings us to our current suspects. Ethan!" Mindy stands in front of Ethan, a large smile on her face. "The shy dorky guy, who no one expects because he's so shy and dorky!"
"Okay, wait! Why am I on the suspect list because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?"
"Roommate lotteries can be juked." Ethan rolls his eyes, "You could've fixed it to get next to us!"
Mindy then walks over to Quinn, "Quinn! The slutty roommate, a horror movie—," Mindy Gives a Chef's Kiss, "—classic."
"Sex-positive, but... thank you?"
"Mm-hmm. How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Quinn looks at Sam who nods at her, "I answered their ad online?"
"Okay! Say no more! You've already implicated yourself enough!" Tara immediately speaks up for her roommate. "It was an anonymous ad, Mindy. And you know we vetted her, plus her dad's a cop."
"And that makes it more likely that she's the killer. Because having a cop dad is a great cover! Do you not remember how these movies work Tara!" Tara looks away at Quinn who asks, "Is she always like this?"
Sam tilts her head side to side, "Anika." Anika blows Mindy a kiss, who reciprocates it straight away. "Never trust the love interests." Anika’s face falls blank at her girlfriend’s words.
"Which brings me to Y/N Y/L/N, the star female wide receiver of our college team. Never in a million years would someone suspect you because you're so popular, smart, awkwardly cute, and also randomly dating Tara."
"Are these my suspicions or are you flirting with me?" You joke, a small chuckle leaving your lips. "Mindy we didn't randomly start dating, Chad introduced us… kinda.” Tara defends you.
"It's easy to become friends with Chad, especially if you're on the football team!"
"Hey!" Chad adds in, slightly offended.
"Y/N, weren't you raised in Woodsboro? And didn't you talk about our old friend Amber Freeman before on social media? Or did you think no one here knew about that?"
You frown for the one-hundredth time today. "Mindy, Y/N never wrote those DM's and so what she's from Woodsboro? She has nothing to do with Ghostface." Tara insists, Mindy holds up her hands in surrender at the tone of Tara's voice.
Sam clears her throat, "Okay! So, we have our rules and we have our suspects."
"But wait, wait! What about you guys?" Ethan says, motioning to Chad, Tara, Mindy, and Sam.
"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us—" Mindy crossed her arms proceeding, "—who went through this last year in Woodsboro."
Chad smiles, pointing his pen at Mindy. "Agreed."
"Um, not agreed," Quinn adds. "What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?" Sam eyes her roommate, shocked.
"Yeah, or the fame you got from the killing made you thirsty for more?" You shake your head at their words.
"Let's be honest here, the theories online about Sam—" Ethan tried to imply, but you cut him off, immediately. "Don't fucking go there, Ethan."
He raises his eyebrows, surprised.
"Okay!" Anika joins in. "She's right though. I mean, face the facts. If we're all suspects, you're all suspects."
Everyone in the group begins eyeing each other, silently.
Well, until you speak up.
"Can we please get something to eat now?"
As you said before. You never prepared yourself for what's been happening. Long story short, Anika's dead, and so is Quinn.
And Ethan was not there when it happened.
Then Gale Weathers shows you, your friend group, and an FBI agent a Stab shrine. Was it cool, fuck yeah? Would it have been cooler under different circumstances, fuck yeah!
And then after that, you find out Sam and Tara stole a police car, only to arrive late to their destination so Gale Weathers is now dead.
Ethan was there, but you weren't.
You had extra practice drills. But you were there on the train, being in the same cart as Mindy and Ethan. It felt creepy, and it felt as if Ghostface was right there.
Mindy ended up getting attacked under your watch, well Ethan's as well. Ethan took care of Mindy while you tried your best to make it to Stab's shrine, but you were five minutes behind everyone else.
"When was the last time anyone even used this place?" Tara asks, trying to make small talk with Chad. "It's old."
Chad chuckles, reaching for the small box of candy in front of him, Tara does the same, their hands touching. "Sorry. You can have them."
He tried handing them to Tara, "You think I want these?" They turn, facing each other fully.
"They're like a hundred years old." Tara jokes. Chad laughs, looking down at his feet, and Tara cracks another joke. "Maybe that's your thing?"
It's weird. The tension, the way Chad's staring at her. She looks away, "I actually—"
Chad hastily connects their lips, and Tara kisses back. But she slightly pulls away realizing what she's done.
"I'm sorry— I can't. Um, what about Y/N?" Before Chad could apologize, Tara lets out a shriek feeling a sharp pain in her upper back.
Chad pushes Tara away, his heart dropping seeing the masked killer he's been running away from this entire time. The killer tries to slash Chad but he successfully ducks in time.
Ghostface tried again, but Chad blocks it, throwing them into a movie poster. Glass falls everywhere, and they're now wobbly on their feet. Again they try attacking Chad, only for him to dodge and attempt to throw a punch.
Ghost faces dodges it well, leaning back. Chad takes their moment of weakness to kick them in the stomach and they fall onto the ground, he kicks them again before rushing to Tara's side.
"Come on!" He helps the dark-haired girl up, running towards the exit, only for the door to fly open by Sam. Sam screams along with Tara, "It's Kirby! She's the killer!" Sam informs the group, freaking out.
The trio runs into the middle of the shrine searching for an exit.
Tara points at the upper balcony, "Hey, what about that? There's an exit door! Maybe it leads to the roof or something?" She rushes out at the end.
"It's only one way to find out, let's go! Let's go!" They all walk towards the latter only to be met with a Ghostface jumping from the stage.
Ghost Face missed all three stabs at the group in front of them, dropping their knife. Pulling out another one, they slice whatever's in front of them, only to behead a mannequin.
"Beheading!" Chad shouts. Chad then tackles Ghostface before picking up a camera. "Smile for the camera motherfucker!" He hits the killer with the camera and then runs off with Tara and Sam.
Ghostface then chases the three in a narrow hallway, getting met with a camera to the face again.
Now back where Tara and Chad started, they try their best to fight off the person in the black cloak, Chad dodges all their attacks, while the Carpenter sisters grab their arms pushing them into the wooden counter behind them.
Tara groans hitting her own back as Chad punches Ghostface in the center of their mask.
They fall onto the ground and Tara takes this as a chance to kick them in the face, Chad picks up a gumball machine, holding it above his head, but before he could smash it onto the killer he's stabbed into his side by the second Ghostface.
He lets out a huge shout, and Tara screams ready to run and help, but Sam holds her back. "Nooo! Chad!"
Chad's now on one knee, surrounded by the two killers. They bring him onto both of his knees, facing the siblings, they show no mercy, stabbing him anywhere and everywhere.
Tara lets out another scream, watching Chad bleed out from his mouth until he finally drops out.
The two killers face the girls, wiping off their knives in sync. Sam then opens the door, pushing Tara through. Again, they're in the middle of the shrine. One Ghostface appears through the curtains of the stage, and another appears in their path as they try to escape, motioning "No" with their knife as they shake their head.
Sam picks up two bricks, giving one to her younger sister. "Sam!"
The killers come closer, "Ready." Tara let out small cries, unable to form a word as she had no time to process the death of her friend.
"I need you to be ready. Ready?"
Tara swallows, "Look at me." Sam instructs, she immediately listens looking at her sister. "I'm ready."
"Come on motherfucker!" Tara shouts at the Ghostface in front of her. Before anyone could attack, gunshots are fired. The two Ghostfaces duck down along with the sisters.
"It's okay!" Kirby says, with her gun out. "Stay the fuck back!" Sam yells at the blonde woman, "We know it's you, Kirby." Confusion fills her face, "One— One of them knocked me out."
"Kirby stop! Get away from the girls!" Officer Bailey says, pointing his gone at Kirby.
"What are you doing?" She questions, raising her gun at the man. "Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?"
"Jesus Christ! Whatever he's been saying to you don't believe him. He's probably the killer."
Ghostface appears behind Officer Bailey, and Kirby's eyes widen in fear. "Behind you!" Gunshots go off, and Kirby's body drops.
Sam and Tara's mouth drops in shock. And the Ghostface pauses their stabbing motions. Wayne thins out his lips, putting away his gun.
"Good job." All Tara and Sam can do is stare ahead in shock, not believing the sight in front of them. "Both of you."
"You?" Tara mumbles. He shrugs, "Yeah, of course, me. Frankly, I expected more from the two of you after what you did to us."
"What do you mean us?"
The Ghostface on the left of Wayne begins to take off their mask. Revealing none other than the shy dorky boy, Ethan.
"Ta-da!" Wayne chuckles, and Ethan smiles. "Mindy was right! It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do to meet you was room with the conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad!"
"Fuck it felt good to kill him!" Ethan yells out, the smile still on his lips. He raises the mask in his hand, "This was your grandmothers Sam. Nancy Loomis? Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family."
"Wait for it!" Wayne buds in, "My names not even Ethan Landry!" Wayne laughs, "Is it, Dad?"
"Dad?" Tara furrows her eyebrows, confused. Wayne continues laughing with his son.
"Wait. If it's you two, that just leaves..." The Ghostface turns its head to Sam, and she believes the worst. "Mindy?"
Ethan looks over to his right, and they pull off their mask. Revealing Tara's girlfriend, you. "Hey, Sam."
You smile at the older Carpenter, "Wow! I really made an impression on you, huh? You thought it was your own friend over me!"
"Y/N..." Tara says, her voice barely over a whisper. "Hey, love." She can't help but let out a cry, eyes watering.
You fake a frown, "Baby."
"Why!" She shouts, letting her emotions take over. "I loved you!"
"And I love it when you cry! You look so pretty." She glares at you through her blurred vision due to the tears in her eyes. "How could you."
"How could I not? It was so easy becoming that fuck heads friend, and it was even easier getting close to you. Literally, all I had to do was fight a drunk frat boy to get you interested in me!"
"Why?" She repeats, and she doesn't know why. You weren't the girl she fell in love with.
"Quinn, still alive. But she didn't want to get her hands dirty so I did it for her. Gale? Me. The two fucking creeps who killed your film study teacher? Me! Chad, well, that was me and Ethan." You laugh, Ethan looks at you smiling.
Sam shakes her head, she couldn't believe she ever trusted you, not only in general but with her sister. She felt guilty and disappointed in herself.
"Oh, and I got Stu Macher's mask. He's pretty funny." You walk away with Ethan, parting in separate ways. Ethan puts Nancy Loomis's mask on the mannequin wearing her clothes, "Nice."
"Which leads," Wayne reaches inside his jacket. "Your fathers." He holds up Billy Loomis's mask, "This what we've been counting down to Sam."
Sam glances at the mask then back at Wayne, "We're gonna need you to put it on." Sam slaps the mask out of his hand, earning a cut to her arm by Ethan.
"Ooh," Ethan says, laughing. You laugh as well watching the scene unfold across the room.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Sam holds her arm, looking around at the killers surrounding her. "What is this? Why are you doing this?"
"Ethan, they're still not getting it!" The two of you smile at the siblings in front of you. "They should know better."
"Look, I don't know what you believe but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro. It wasn't me."
Wayne rolls his eyes, walking closer to the two. "Oh! We know that. Of course, you didn't! What did you think that this was based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Come on, who do you think started the rumors of you in the first place."
You raise your hand, "It was pretty simple. Especially how you fucking tased the shit out of me in the middle of a frat party."
"It's not enough to kill someone these days, you have to assassinate their character first." He begins, "Dad finds your horribly disfigured body, some poor sap says on the internet Sam took matters into her own deluded hands."
"Exactly! That's why it's the perfect alibi! Based on the truth." Bailey adds on, pointing at Sam. "You're a killer."
Sam aggressively shakes her head, shouting. "No! No, I'm not!" Ethan joins in, "Yes you are you killed my brother!"
"What are you talking about?" Sam asks, unclear of what's going on.
"His brother died in Woodsboro, in the hands of you, Sam. Along with Amber."
Sam looks at you, then Ethan and finally Wayne. "You're Richie's family." Ethan stabs Sam's chest, "Ding! Ding! Ding! She's finally starting to get it!" Everyone breaks apart, and Tara pushes a mannequin out of their way.
"It was only when I saw those photos—" Tara takes a swing at you with a brick, you dodge it easily a jolly smile on your face. "—of what you did, I knew, I knew you had to be punished!" Ethan cuts off Sam’s path to escape, holding a knife to her face.
"Along with anyone else, that stands in our way." Sam looks at the knife with hooded eyes, then back at Ethan. He presses the knife against her throat, "There she is! There's the fucking killer."
"Real great parenting job by the way," Tara speaks up from in front of you, Ethan grabs her angrily. "Shut the fuck up!" He yells, pushing her. You furrow your eyebrows following behind him, why was he using so much strength to push her?
"Have I been the perfect father? No. Overindulged by these movies, it's a bit Too dark for me but Richie loved them, he loved them, he even made a few of his own."
Wayne turns around and Richie plays on the big screen. Walking up the steps to the stage, "Did you know? There's a very special bond between a father and his first son, that's why I helped him build his collection."
"This is was all his?"
"He was a very passionate collector, I built this as a tribute to him which is why this is where you die, you and anyone who had anything to do with the death of my son. Because everyone dies!"
"Yeah, your son. So pathetic," Wayne tilts his head, "What? That's not true."
"He was a man baby, who made his girlfriend do all his killing." You clench your jaw, angrily.
"He was a strong feral young man."
"He was a limp dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat." Ethan raises his knife, "Shut your fucking mouth!" He runs up to Sam only to be met with a brick to his face, then gunshots are fired and Wayne falls onto the ground. You look at Tara before looking back at Kirby, rushing over to her and stabbing her in her stomach.
She shrieks in pain, causing you to smile. Something hard knocks you upside your head, and you fall to the side with a groan.
Sam removes the knife you plunged into Kirby while you stand up, "Hey, Samie." Sam quickly raises her knife, attempting to stab you in your chest but you block it, grabbing her shoulder and pressing your thumb inside her wound. She yells out, trying her best to overpower you, leaning in she gets close enough and stabs you, swiftly pulling out the knife before repeating multiple times.
"Fuck!" You fall back.
"Sam!" Tara calls out, climbing up the ladder. Sam makes her way to her sister, climbing up as she tries her best to make it to the exit.
The structure under Tara breaks, and Sam immediately grabs Tara's arm. You and Wayne are now back up, laughing at the situation.
"I can't! I can't! I can't grab on!" Tara cries, trying her best to latch onto her sister's arm, but the blood leaking from her wounds is making it nearly impossible.
You jump up at Tara, swinging your knife at her feet. "I thought you loved me, Tara? How could you kiss Chad? I should fucking stab you again!"
"Fuck you!" She seethes, "Fuck you!" You reply. You continue taking swings at your girlfriend's feet, noticing that Ethan has made his way to the balcony.
"You guys are fucked now!" You laugh.
"Sam! Sam. Let me go." Tara lets go of her sister's arm, only being supported by Sam holding onto her. "Sam, let me see my girlfriend!" You shout at her.
"Trust me. You have to let me go." Sam looks at the knife in her belt pocket, taking it out and hanging it to Tara. Tara falls, and you take the chance to stab her in her stomach.
Her face squeezes in pain. You let go of the knife that’s plunged in her stomach knocking out the knife in her own hand, now grabbing both of her hands you pin them above her head. You straddle her, a huge smile on her face.
"Do you remember this position?" Tara tries her best to fight back, but you are obviously stronger than her. She begins to cry again, overwhelmed. You can't help but stare at her, feeling your heart drop. Why were you doing this, especially to her?
"I love you, Y/N. I didn't want to kiss Chad. I wanted you, and I still do. I love you, please—"
"Shut the fuck up!" You switch your hold on her hands to only your right hand, and your left hand shakily reaches for your knife.
Tara lets out small cries, pleading with you.
Your hand hovers over the knife, and you look back at the girl under you. Your eyes begin to water and you notice yourself crying, "I'm— I'm sorry Tara, I'm so sorry!" Due to the emotions you're experiencing, your strength fades away and Tara overpowers you grabbing the knife next to her shoulder, stabbing you in your chest.
She pushes you by the knife and you fall onto your back, taking out the knife, she repeatedly stabs you again.
You watch her, tears coming out of both of your eyes. Your mouth begins to fill with blood, and she stops. "Tar...Tara." You attempt to speak, blood flying, closing her eyes as it splats on her face, replacing the freckles that you loved so dearly.
"The... note." Tara drops the knife beside you, "The n..." You try and repeat, Tara brushes your hair out of your face, uncontrollably sobbing on top of you. Reaching under your cloak, she feels your pockets, reaching inside and indeed finding a note.
Her bloody and shaky hands unfold it, and it reminds her of the night she wrote her first note to you. You send a weak smile, slowly feeling yourself let go.
"hey love, i'm sorry. i know when you're reading this it probably doesn't feel like the rest of this note is true, but it is. as each day passed i would've never thought that with you, i'd feel safe enough to be vulnerable, to share my fears, and to tell you how much i love you.
my love for you grew stronger, deeper, and more profound than i could have ever imagined. i'm sorry again that it had to be this way.
thank you for giving me your time and love, i'll always love you tara.
from y/n—"
"Heart." She finishes with a mumble, her gaze leaving the letter and then landing on you. She breaks down again, rubbing her fingers over your slightly cold face.
"I love you too, Y/N."
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marchtooctober · 4 months
It's been some time since i posted something 😅
My contribution for prompt "Desperate"
“Your scarf. It's falling off.”
“Oh… Shorry.”
It was one of those dinner nights of Loid and Yor, a regular practice that is part of their cover as Mr. and Mrs. Forger. Loid managed to pull off the date smoothly at the cost of another intoxicated Yor. At this point, he's now surprisingly used to it after so many times.
But maybe, this is the last.
“Thish too hard.” With struggling effort, Yor tried to fix her scarf.
“Let me.”
“N-No it'sh alright…” She mumbled.
Loid grabbed the scarf and wrapped it around Yor. As he adjusted the cloth, he felt Yor's warm breath on his hands. The sensation made Loid feel fuzzy inside, as if the warmth has spread all throughout his body. Then he quickly pulled back his hands, quite abashed.
“Thank you.” Said Yor and turned away.
She walked a few steps ahead while tapping her cheeks.
Loid wondered if he made a mistake. He didn't want Yor to be wary of him. But he couldn't help himself.
“L-Let ush cake some for Franky and Anya.”
Despite the messed up sentence, Loid understood.
“I don't think we can buy cake at this time. It's already late. I'll just bake one tomorrow if that's alright with you.” He replied.
“M'kay.” Said Yor and continued walking.
It's deep in the night and only a few people are still out, just like them.
The cobblestone pavement carpeted with dry foliage, the leafless trees line up the path. Howling of chilly wind signifies the near ending of fall. And it won't be long before winter comes, and a lonely one at that.
No matter how much he yearns for an ordinary life, Loid will never attain it. The so-called “home” where he wants to be, is a place very far from his reach.
“Loi? Where are you? Loi!”
Yor's voice took him out of his grim reverie. He rushed to her.
“I’m here. Hold on to my arm and walk carefully.”
Loid held out his arm but Yor declined.
“I’m fine. I jush thought you gone shomwere.”
Hearing those words, Loid swallowed hard.
“You don’t have to worry. I… I’m here. I’m not going anywhere..” Replied Loid and smiled bitterly.
They continued, Yor still walking ahead. Loid stared at her back and felt the unfamiliar sting of guilt. And where did it come from? Guilt out of saying those words? Handful of words added to the pile of lies. But it was necessary, lying for his mission. Yet, he couldn't shake the heaviness of guilt.
There shouldn't be any emotional hindrance. He knows it well. But for a second, he was possessed with selfishness and tried to reach out his trembling hand. Loid simply wanted to hold Yor’s hand.
Suddenly, he quickly remembered that he had no right to do such a thing.
Who he is right now is nothing but a disposable mask. Loid Forger is just one among the many passing shadows of Twilight.
Pain is welling up in his chest. Twilight realized his fault. The suppression of feelings that he didn't want to face.
Is this love after all?
What he knows about romance is mostly from theory but never experienced the real thing. It’s unfitting to someone like him. Feelings and sentiments were never beneficial to him.
Drawn to the flame he can't touch. As a last resort, he called out to Yor.
“Can we take our time walking?”
“Okay, Loi… If you want sho. Let'sh walk sowlowly.”
Yor beamed a smile and turned away. Loid was thankful that he was walking behind. He didn't want Yor to see the few tears that escaped his eyes.
This little distance between them is the only thing that keeps Loid from losing his sanity. He knows that even this moment will fade as a memory once everything is over. And he will be left with nothing but a blank canvas for him to paint another fakery.
That's all there is to it.
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gingerjolover · 11 months
Can I ask for a blurb about Naomi calming down their anxious/panicking gf pls 🥺
yes you may sweetheart!
i have two scenarios in my head (if that's alright with you sweet anon)
in person and over the phone
in person, naomi gives me cuddlebug energy okay? like maybe you et home from school or work and you're just having a shit day so you lay facedown on the couch, just sobbing quietly to yourself, the anxiousness creeping up in your throat, the burning spreading across your chest. Naomi comes home chipper as ever, like in a goofball mood, ready to mess with you. "'m home love," they say in a British accent, giggling before stopping and seeing you on the couch, instantly dropping their bags as their face falls into concern. Naomi makes their way to the couch, kneeling down next to you, "Hey baby, hey," just softly rubbing your back, maybe pushing some hair away from your face and ears so they can kiss your temple. "What's wrong, sweet girl?" not knowing if you need space or comfort. Responding is hard, one wrong move and you'll be thrust into a panic attack so your pinky just softly grazes Naomi's before they're scooping you up, laying down on the couch, making you lie on top of them. Naomi's hand runs up and down the expanse of your back, lips pressed to your head, giving you small prolonged pecks. "wanna talk about it?" naomi whispers, their heartbeat against your ear as you shake your head, more tears falling. "'s okay, I'm here," just cooing at you, their hand pressing you firmly to their chest, other hand massaging the small of your back, trying to ground you so you don't start hyperventilating again. Maybe you fall asleep there, Naomi holding you to their body so you can rest securely, protecting you from yourself and anxious mind.
over the phone, i have this exact scenario where naomi is on tour and you've been doing okay up until today where you're just panicking, like on the ground, phone to your ear, no real reason behind the forest fire in your chest, your muscles tense and burning, your nails digging into your leg or hand so you can feel something. and naomi is not answering like at all. zero responses. this of course makes you panic further, your mind running all of the scenarios in which they are hurt or ignoring you or... and finally you call katie or jo.
if you called jo i think theyd lowkey panic lol, like you'd be crying, words jumbled being like "need naomi, please" and jo would be frantic if they were in the greenroom and naomi was somewhere in the venue, scrambling around out of breath by the time they get to naomi. there's no warning for your poor partner, just a wide-eyed panicked jo shoving their phone at naomi yelling "here!"
if you called katie i think she would try and talk you down, scrambling to find naomi but definitely more graceful than josette. "I'm looking for them pretty girl just hang on," because katie knows you need comfort (and in my hc she def gives off protective bff mom friend vibes to jo and naomi's girlfriends). When Katie finally finds Naomi, they similarly to Jo thrust their phone at them, giving them a look.
"Hello?" Naomi says confused because this isnt their phone and who could it possibly b- "I'm sorry I just--I need you right now and I..." is all Naomi needs to hear before putting their equipment down and rushing off stage, hand to their other ear. "What's wrong baby?" before you just spill everything that you're feeling, panic rising in Naomi's chest at the pain in your voice. "I need you to breathe baby, can you do that, tell me something you can see..." and they start working through exercises to calm you down. When you're finally breathing normal, voice thick with emotion, Naomi lets out a sigh of relief before asking, "Should I come home? I can come home, I'll-I'll get Franki to look at flights right now," before you have to calm down your partner, apologizing for interrupting soundcheck when they passionately call you out, "Dont do that, don't say sorry... I'm sorry I'm not there... you call me whenever you need me, its what I'm here for."
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Deep Water IV
Characters: Will Miller, Ben Miller, Frankie Morales, Santiago Garcia and female reader
Warnings: drinking, some swearing, mention of violence, mention of killing, minor kissing, and some inappropriate thoughts
Summary: Going back to the house after a bad night at the club you play a game of never have I ever and things start to heat up
I know I said I wasn’t going to post anything for a few days but I already had this written up, so I figured I owe you guys another chapter! If you wish to be added to the tag list for this please let me know! Hearts, comments and reblogs are greatly encouraged and much appreciated! Thank you all so much! XOXO
Part 3
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"I told you we shouldn't have brought her." Frankie argued as he raced back to the house. "It was a bad idea."
"Shut the fuck up." Will growled as he wiped his forehead.
"I could have stayed with her and been fine." Frankie continued irritating Will even more.
"I said shut the fuck up Fish." He screamed at him as Frankie sunk further into his seat. "We did what we had to do."
"We should have known his men were going to be there though." Frankie mumbled shaking his head hating how south things went.
"If he would have just paid up he could have enjoyed his game." It sounded like Will was almost mad he was inconvenienced by this man not giving him what he wanted.
Benny and Santiago sat on either side of you looking down to their sleeves seeing drips of blood. Your head was starting to pound a slight ringing in your ears. Gulping as it sunk it they had just killed another man. Something must have gone wrong for them to shoot him.
All you heard was shots ringing out and hands grabbing you. Looking up to see that it was Will who had you in his hold while Frankie held his gun up covering the both of you.
It felt almost like Will was shielding you himself from anything or anyone getting to you. The way that he grabbed your hand had your heart racing and your blood pumping. He wasn't rough with you or aggressive. It was gentle and comforting which surprised you, and you didn't want him to let go.
"Look at her man." Benny sneered as he nodded to your shaken up figure. "She's absolutely terrified."
"You think I don't know that?." He turned around to glare at his brother.
"She could have been killed." Santiago said with a softer tone but Will still didn't want to hear it.
"But she didn't Pope." He argued as he looked at you just staring straight ahead your mouth slightly parted.
"Who was he?" Quietly asking as three heads turned to look at you making sure they heard you correctly.
"Some Russian asshole who owed us." Will turned back around as Frankie looked through the rearview mirror shaking his head at you.
"What was his name?" You pushed knowing it was a bad idea.
"That's not important." His hands clenching into fists by his side not wanting to involve you in any of this.
"He was still a human being." Will admired your respect for human life, but unfortunately he didn't respect them like you did.
"Not anymore." It terrified you to hear how careless he was towards someone else's lives.
Santiago placed a comforting hand on your knee giving you a weak smile. They knew what you must have been thinking and feeling, and they wanted you to know that everything was going to be okay.
They felt bad that you were in the dark, and they couldn't lend you a hand like you wanted. It was something that Will needed to inform you, and not them since they didn't even know the whole story. You really just wanted to know why and how Will knew your father, and what happened.
"What about the bodies?" Hearing that their were multiple people dead made you feel sick to your stomach.
"One of the security guys will dispose of them for us." Will had an answer for everything and could make anyone disappear.
"Won't the people at club say anything?" You asked Will turning his head to the side at your question.
"They know not to say anything." He sounded so confident you wondered if that were you would anybody say anything.
As you pulled up to the house Will was the first one out while Frankie and Santiago were walking by your side. Benny was right behind Will as they walked into an office hearing the door slam making your body jump up. Frankie wrapped an arm around your waist as you absentmindedly leaned into his body.
Right now you just needed someone to comfort you. Even if it wasn't exactly the person you wanted none the less it was still a warm body.
"I need a drink." Flicking your boots off as you shuffled to the kitchen.
"Haven't you already had enough." Frankie stating with concern at your mental status right now.
"Please that's nothing compared to what I can actually drink." Scoffing to him remembering all the times you would drink so much you were surprised you could even handle it.
Rummaging through the cabinets and drawers finding a bottle of tequila. Taking the cap off you took a shot without even bothering to get a glass. After the night you've had you sobered up since then, and you just wanted to numb this feeling you were having.
"We have shot glasses for a reason." Santiago teased you as sat down in the chair next to them.
"I plan on finishing off this bottle tonight." Both Frankie and Santiago laughing at you as they just sat back.
"Let's play a game." You stated after you took another large shot lifting your legs so your feet was pressed against the side of the arm rest.
"Like what?" Frankie looked confused hearing your suggestion.
"How about never have I ever?" They looked to each other with a shrug as they nodded.
"If we're playing that I'm gonna need something to drink." Santiago stood up as he opened the fridge cracking open a beer.
"Me too." Frankie shouted to him who tossed him a beer catching it waiting a few moments before he opened it.
"I'll go first." Raising your hand as you took another shot. "Never have I ever stolen something."
Both men groaned as they lifted up their beer and took a swig. That was probably a stupid question to ask to two men who were members of a notorious mob. Surely as the night went on and the more drinks you had the better the game would become.
"Never have I ever been to an amusement park." Looking over at Santiago with a shocked look and gasp.
"What?" Exclaiming as you and Frankie each took a drink. "You've never been to an amusement park?"
"Nope not once." Pressing his lips together as he shook his head. "Fish your turn."
"Uh never have I ever gone skydiving." All three of you looked at each other as nobody took a drink.
"Okay never have I ever." You looked around as you thought of something to say. "Been to a strip club."
Watching as both men smirked to each other taking a drink. Rolling your eyes not surprised by that one at all. As you sat there waiting for them to continue as they started discussing their stripper stories.
Laughing along as they joked how Benny got a boner from one of the strippers, and she left him hanging. Telling you how angry he was and that him and his right hand had to get very familiar that night.
If it wasn’t for the liquor coursing through your veins this topic of discussion would have disgusted you. This wasn’t appropriate at all, but it was amusing to you at the time.
"Okay okay never have I ever set a car on fire." Frankie looked directly towards Santiago who groaned as he took a drink.
"Come on man it was one time." Throwing his hands up as Frankie chuckled whereas you looked at them raising an eyebrow.
"What happened?" You asked nobody in particular.
"This idiot tossed his burnt cigarette near a car that he just poured gasoline on." He started off raising your eyebrows as you started laughing while glancing at Santiago. "The thing went up in flames."
"It was an accident." Throwing his head back not liking to be reminded of the things he messed up on.
Frankie continued laughing so hard he placed a hand on his chest. Santiago didn't look amused at all but you two were finding it hilarious. Santiago stood up straighter as he leaned forward grinning at Frankie.
"Alright fine never have I ever gotten head in a car." He smirked at the blushing man who immediately stopped laughing and a frown took on his face.
"Not you Frankie." You teased as he lifted up his beer taking a drink. "Alright young man explain yourself."
"It was a stripper by the way." Santiago butted in before Frankie could say anything.
“Wow shocker.” Lips pressed together not surprised at all that strippers were involved.
"At least I've gotten head in a car dick." Bob argued back as he flipped him off making Coyote burst into laughter.
"Yeah well at least I've never had to pay for head before." A hand went over your mouth as you tried not to cry from laughing so hard.
“Do you guys have any stories that don’t involve strippers?” Asking through brief chuckles.
“Not really.” Santiago confirmed.
You hated to admit it but you felt a little jealous of the stripper with Frankie. There was something about him that had you clawing at the cage to get inside. Wanting to know more about him, and possibly spend more time with him.
Granted he helped kidnap you, and was a part of a deadly gang. He seemed like a sweet man who has a big heart, and just wants to love someone deeply. Hoping he didn’t catch your stares through the night.
"Okay my turn." Taking a sip of your drink already feeling yourself getting very tipsy. "Never have I ever done it in public."
Both Frankie and Santiago took a swig as you looked at them with squinted eyes. Santiago shrugged meanwhile Frankie was just blushing even harder now. It made you giggle as you turned your focus on him, more turned on than you would’ve liked.
"And where was this Frankie?" Placing a hand under your chin as you asked the red cheeked man, Santiago wiggling his eyebrows at him.
"It was at a library." Now that was something you didn't expect to hear.
"Santi?" Turning to look at the other man with raised eyebrows, meanwhile Frankie still kept his eyes on you.
"It was at a club." Rolling your eyes playfully with his answer.
It didn't surprise you at all with that in fact you wouldn't be surprised if Benny and Will have also done it in a club. Feeling bile rise up in your throat at the thought of Will pressing another woman up against the walls of a bathroom. Hands on her hips with his lips kissing and sucking on her neck.
As you were picturing certain images in your mind you didn't realize how Frankie’s gazes on you were lingering longer and longer. How he would smile wider every time you laughed or teased him.
Frankie thought you were incredibly gorgeous and sweet. The more he get to be around you the more he wanted to keep you by his side. He felt extremely protective of you, and wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.
If it wasn't for the alcohol that was in his system and his confidence feeling high he wouldn't have pulled his next move.
"Never have I ever." Frankie spoke as you and Santiago looked at him waiting for what he was going to say. "Kissed a woman named Y/N."
All you heard was Santiago ooohing as you lowered your head with a huge smile on your face. Frankie looked like an innocent little boy who was asking his crush to kiss him for the first time. It was kind of cute, and Frankie was an incredibly handsome older man. He might be a really good kisser for all you know.
Without saying a word you took another drink before you stood up to make your way over to Frankie. His eyes on yours the whole time as you sat on the other side of him Santiago looking between the two of you in bewilderment like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Looking from his eyes to his lips you watched as his Adam's apple bobbed. It was a joke at first he didn't think you were really going to do it. Like him though he was feeling the alcohol in his system.
Leaning forward as you placed your hands on his knees one of his hands grabbing your waist as you placed your lips on his. Santiago’s mouth dropped down to the floor as Frankie pressed his lips even harder into yours.
His lips were soft like clouds, and yours were tingling at the delicate pressure he was applying. You’ve never felt like that when you’ve kissed someone. You were hoping he felt the same way.
Frankie groaned in your mouth as your fingers squeezed his thigh. If it wasn’t for Santiago being right there who knows if kissing would turn into more. You could feel the familiar tingle and ache between your legs the longer you kissed.
His other hand came up to caress your jaw as he was really getting into it. Feeling the edge of his glasses pressing on your face. Frankie surprisingly was a really good kisser and didn't seem awkward or uncomfortable at all. What you didn't expect though was to feel his tongue pushing against your lips begging to enter.
Before you could you heard a door opening and two hushed voices. The sounds of their shoes echoed in your ear, but Frankie wasn't letting you go. He wasn’t about to let this moment go so quickly.
He didn't care if the other guys were watching he was loving the attention he was getting. He wanted the other guys to secretly be jealous of him right now. That is until Benny decided to speak first.
"Holy shit Fish." He shouted making you and Frankie jump apart wiping your lip as you stared down at your lap. "Didn't think you'd have it in ya."
"Shut the fuck up." He growled but there was a smirk behind those words.
"Was hoping I would have been her first kiss." Benny winked towards you rolling your eyes at him.
Feeling embarrassed knowing the two of you just got caught kissing. Looking up you immediately made eye contact with Will. Who was staring you down so much you literally felt like you were shrinking down to the floor. You couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed.
Will was pissed to watch as Frankie had his mouth all over yours. He wondered since the moment they took you what your lips would feel like and taste like. Now Frankie was the first one that got to know that.
It wasn't your fault for how he was feeling you were drunk, lost and confused about everything. Besides you weren't his to control or claim so he couldn't yell at you for kissing another member. He was just glad it wasn't Benny cause then he'd be seeing red.
"Pope." He looked between the two men staring daggers at the man in the glasses with red cheeks. "Fish."
"Benny will catch you up to speed on what we're doing." Both men stood up leaving their beer bottles both nodding as they passed by Will.
Will watching them as they walked away making sure they were gone before looking at you. His stare was really intense and you couldn't look away. Right now you were nervous wondering what he was thinking and what he was going to say to you.
"Let's get one thing straight." He started off as he started stepping closer to you. "You're not here as a guest."
"You're our hostage." You hated being reminded of your situation but he kept going. "We've kidnapped you and I decided to keep you alive."
"Fucking my men is out of the question." His words had venom in them as he spoke. "If you think sleeping with them is going to get you out of this I suggest you try another option."
"Acting like a whore isn't going to get you what you want." Your mouth parting in anger when he called you that.
Will really didn't want to say those things to you, but he wanted to piss you off. He wanted you to steer clear of him and his men, and not try to get close to any of them. The last thing he wanted to happen was any of them forming a bond with you.
Even though deep down inside he wanted to keep you all for himself. He was selfish, and didn’t want any other man to have you.
"I'm not a whore." Huffing as you stepped closer to him this time.
"Could have fooled me." He scoffed wanting to erase the image of you and Frankie kissing.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Judging by the way you were kissing Fish I’d say if it wasn't for us you probably would have fucked him right there." He snarled his cheeks and neck turning a slight shade of red.
At first the way he was talking about you and being so quick to judge you was pissing you off. Then you saw a light bulb turn on and knew exactly what he was really trying to tell you. Knowing from the moment he caught you two to where you both were now.
"Oh I get it." Looking at him with a knowing smirk.
"The fuck do you get?" He asked scrunching his face together curious to where this was going.
"You're jealous." Pointing your finger at him his face unmoved and unchanging.
"Are you fucking serious?" He was acting baffled hoping that you bought it.
"Oh my are you so jealous." You we're starting to find this funny now. "And of Frankie too."
"Shut your fucking mouth." He pushed back and it only made you laugh harder at him.
"That's so cute how jealous you are." You confined to tease with a baby voice you were pressing your luck.
"I said shut the fuck up." He was screaming at you not taking notice that he was now standing in front of you.
"I'm gonna start calling you jelly Mcjea-." Before you could say anything else you felt rough plump lips pressing against yours.
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129
Tag list for series: @casa-boiardi @luciferiorbxtch @ladyelissarose @thatchickwiththecamera
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989
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jolapeno · 7 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @perotovar thank you my love!!
Step one: post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
so, pls know that i am a mess of a human. so my notion is a cesspool of just... mess. hahaha. but, some of these are one-shots i work at for ages.
do me yourself - chapter four (frankie m x f!reader)
“A lot of shit happened—before, and well after. I…” Your hand slides over his, one of his fries still in hand as you do. “You don’t have to tell me.” “I want to.” And he does. He tells you about his days in the army—and the sleepless nights when he was back home.
hope they caught us  - chapter six (javi p x ofc!reader)
“You once said you bet I rarely got on my knees for someone.” Palms flush to the top of your thighs, paused, nails just under the fabric. “You might have been right. Guess this makes you special, esposa.” You feel it dragged down, the thud of it meeting the floor, as he stares at you—poised, braced, ready. Even in the minimal light, you’re sure your want glistens. Practically shimmers. Feel you fluttering around nothing, slick, wanting. “Gotta stop telling me I’m special.” “Why?” he asks, kissing up, along your hip, fingers pressing into the tops of your thighs. It makes you whimper, forces you to swallow back his name, “‘Cause I’m beginning to believe it.”
break in, save me - one shot (javi p x f!reader)
Your lips parting, as best as they can, a scream beckoned, arriving and travelling, but another hand on your hip—one that fits the healing bruises he’d left behind only two days prior. When he’d called you baby, called you pretty and beautiful and fucking everything. “It’s me.” “What the fuck, Javi—“ But then your door splinters, shards spraying into the room before a bang follows, a thud from a body. You could have sold newspapers and coffee. You should have just sold newspapers and coffee.
no money to pay - one shot (frankie m x f!reader)
“Oh,” you gasp. “Let me take that, how much do I owe you?” You spot the way his eye narrows, lips lifting, curling into one of his cheeks as he lets you take the box from him. “Unless you want me to pay in another way?” Placing the box down, you hear him come in, door kicked shut, shaking off his jacket. There are still several strides between the two of you. Enough chance to get ahead start. “You know what you’re getting into?” his voice deep, almost a rasp.
be my plus one - one shot (frankie m x f!reader)
"You not gonna ask me?" Fiddling with your nails, you don't look up. Even if you know his voice could only be aimed at you. "Now you're ignoring me." Rolling your eyes, you sigh. "You'd be my plus one, Morales? Pretend to be in love with me so I don't look like a loser at my ex's wedding?" "If you asked." Licking your lips, you lift your chin, defiant, bold. "Will you go with me and pretend to be my boyfriend to his wedding?"
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
If you want to know anything about them, my inbox is always open.
NPT: @psychedelic-ink @thetriumphantpanda @hellishjoel @janaispunk @wildemaven @morallyinept @mrsmando @eupheme @swiftispunk @hier--soir @joelscruff
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Milestones [a Jay and Frankie fic]
Read on Ao3
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Frankie Morales x Jay ‘Lady’ Ray (OFC) **Series masterlist**
Warnings: Family life, Frankie is a soft girl!dad, allusions to sex and breeding kink at the end.
Words: 1,306
Summary: It's Alma's first day of school, and Frankie's emotional about his little baby that got so big.
A/N: @rambling-in-purple asked for "Anything to do with baby/kid milestones. First steps, first tooth falling out, starting school... Frankie being all emotional and Jay being '"'yep they grow that's what they do'", so here goes. I hope you like it!
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"Come on, crew, let's move like we got a purpose!" Jay pokes her head into Alma's room while passing on her way to the bathroom with Bianca.
"Almost done," Frankie frowns, tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration while he finishes Alma's French braids. He's more nimble with his fingers, and has spent a lot more time in Youtube braiding school, so he's usually in charge of fixing Alma's hair. Today is a special day, and her hair needs to be perfect.
"Don't wanna be late for first day of school," Jay reminds them both, already further down the hall. Bianca needs a quick wash before getting dressed, and then it's off to daycare with her before Frankie and Jay are to leave their firstborn at school.
Frankie is the nostalgic one of the two, but Jay can't help but reminisce about the first few years with Alma. She was always headstrong, independent, and fearless, and starting her education doesn't seem to phaze her at all. Helping Bianca, who's now two and a half, get dressed, Jay still doesn't miss the days of trying to get Alma dressed in time for daycare. Alma's first full sentence was a defiant "Alma can self!" that her parents always tried to respect, but sometimes there just was no time for her slow and meticulous procedures. Bianca is less concerned with being helped. Then again, Alma was always a grinder, trying and trying until she got the hang of things. Bianca barely seems interested in trying, until she one day surprises everyone by just doing it, as if she knew all along how to but didn't care to share it.
Returning downstairs with Bianca, Jay finds Frankie handing Alma her backpack. When he turns to her, she can see that he's close to bursting into tears. She shoots him a grin that's equal parts taunting and comforting, and he smiles back.
"I'm good," he tells her.
"Until we say goodbye to her," Jay adds knowingly. Frankie chuckles, and grabs the car keys.
"Probably. But honestly, where did the time disappear? How is she so old already?"
Jay looks around for Bianca's daycare bag, before seeing that Frankie's already put it by the door.
"Time works like that," she tells him before shooing her family out the door. "Okay, I think we got everything, let's go, crew."
She was right all along. When they watch Alma skip happily into the school building, Frankie sniffles and has to wipe at his eyes.
"Please," Jay sighs, but she takes Frankie's hand in hers as they walk back to the car. "You did this when we put away the stroller. You did this when she lost her first tooth. You'll do it when she loses her last baby tooth, and when she graduates elementary school, when she gets her license, gets into college, moves to college - "
"Oh god, I can't even think about that!" Frankie shakes his head. "Why can't they stay small forever?"
"Kids grow, that's kind of their thing," Jay shrugs. They get into the car, Frankie in the driver's seat. Jay sends him a teasing look.
"Can I trust you to drive...?"
"I'll do my best," he replies with some dignity, and starts the car. Jay puts her hand on his thigh and squeezes it gently.
"I know, baby." Her voice is low, and he knows it's not him bucking up that she understands. He places his hand on hers, long, thick fingers folding around hers.
Alma's first school day goes great, and when her family picks her up, she's more than willing to go back the next day. The afternoon is sunny, so the girls play outside while Jay and Frankie pull up weeds. Alma gets to decide dinner and picks bbq skewers, so Frankie fires up the grill, and Jay picks vegetables in the garden while the chicken thaws in the kitchen. After dinner, they help Alma with her first homework assignment: colouring a pre-printed stock picture that describes her summer. The teacher had presented class with various different pictures, and Alma had picked one with flowers, because she had spent most of her summer in the garden, playing but also learning how to grow vegetables. She draws some tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers next to the flowers, while Jay helps her prep for what she wants to say about her choice of picture.
The kids go down easily enough that night, and a few hours later, Jay and Frankie go to bed. Jay's almost asleep when there's a deep, wet sigh from Frankie. She blinks, orients herself, then frowns.
"Come on, stop bawling, man."
"I can't help it," he sniffles. "Our baby is all grown up."
"I'm warning you, Francisco..."
He rolls over, facing her, and collects her in his arms. "I need a hug."
She sighs theatrically and pats his back.
"There, there, there..."
Frankie chuckles despite himself.
"I'm serious!"
She embraces him, helps him settle against her, and buries her fingers in his thick hair, graying charmingly since a couple of years back. He sighs again, relaxing against her, and a small smile appears on Jay's lips. It doesn't matter that she thinks he's overly sentimental at times; she wouldn't change him for the world.
"You know that this is what parenting is about, right?" she reminds him in a murmur.
"Yeah. I just feel like we moved in here last month, and now it's been two years, and she started school, and soon we'll be sending off Bianca to school..."
"They'll be home for years to come."
"I know. I just feel like I missed so much time with them when they were younger, and when I was away."
She knows what away means: the month he slept on Benny's couch. It's been over two years, but his betrayal to his family still haunts him.
"I know, baby." She strokes his hair, pulls him closer to her. "But you're here now, we're both here, and we're lucky enough to not have to work for a living right now. doesn't that count for something?"
"It does." He draws a deep breath and sighs it out. "And I'm so proud of her. She'll do great."
"They both will," Jay agrees. Frankie lifts his head, and finds her lips in the dark. There's a hint of salt in his kiss, but it's quickly forgotten when he rolls on top of her.
"Let's make another." His voice is warm and low against Jay's neck.
"Another what?"
"Duh. Another baby." He kisses her neck, slowly, elaborately. Distracted, Jay passes her fingers through his hair.
"Are you serious?"
"Only half."
He stops his ministrations and faces her. In the dark, she can't see his eyes, but she knows he's looking right at her.
"You seriously want another baby?" she asks in a low voice.
"You know I want a dozen kids with you," he tells her, "but we're both over forty, and those two are a handful as they are."
"But you said..."
"I know what I said. Jay, if you want another baby, I'm game. But I'm happy with the family I have."
He cups her cheek, seeks her lips for a kiss.
"I love you." A new kiss. "I love our girls." Another. "I love being a dad."
A familiar, exciting pull has replaces the tiredness in Jay's limbs, and she puts her arms around Frankie's waist.
"I love you too, Frankie. Let's just stick with the two we have, okay? Although I do miss the sex we had when I was pregnant."
He grins against her lips, his knee pushing in between her thighs.
"Now see, that we can do something about, there's always pretend, isn't there..."
A shiver runs up Jay's spine. "Then hurry up and put a baby in me, daddy..."
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cal-writes · 2 months
Hello! I'm a huge fan of your work! I hope you enjoy writing it even half as much as I enjoy reading it.
I was wondering if I could request Chopper getting upset at Zoro for how often he ends up severely injured and how he always acts like it's no big deal? I love Zoro's sibling relationships with Chopper and Nami and I don't think there's nearly enough content with either of them.
Thank you for all you provide us!
i do enjoy it very much! (most of the time... art be like) i'm so glad you like my work <3
"You have to be more careful." Nami tells Zoro from where she is sitting in the corner of the infirmary. She has her arms wrapped around her middle, legs crossed tightly over each other.
Zoro huffs and it rattles in his chest. "I'm fine." He says, his voice breaking halfway through. Chopper clamps his mouth shut. Hoves pausing briefly before he continues to wrap the myriad of wounds of Zoro's body.
Nami's fingers tighten in the fabric of the too big sweater she is wearing. It must be one of Franky's the way it fits her like a dress. Her nose is still red, the skin on her face blotchy and torn from the cold.
He ties off the last bandage around Zoro's leg. He's more gauze than skin at this point. Hundreds of cuts all over his body, his temperature is still too low. Chopper lost track of how long Zoro spend in the icy water but it was too long. He hadn't even been shivering anymore by the time Jimbei pulled him out.
"You are so far from fine." Nami spits out and stands with a flash. A moment later she's left them with a slam of the door.
Zoro sighs exasperately and the action makes him cough. He stangles it in his throat but this close, Chopper can see his chest jump with the effort.
Chopper jumps off his stepstool next to the bed to grab one of their blankets but before he's even made two steps, Zoro pushes himself up on his elbows.
"What are you doing?" Chopper shrieks, waving his hands around and trying to pull at Zoro's shoulder. He looks down at him, eye unfocused and eyebrow raised.
"You're done right?" Zoro asks, sitting up and ignoring Chopper's protests. "Gotta get back to-"
"If you say training I will not be held responsible for what I do to you!" Chopper shrieks. His voice cracks halfway through as he shifts into his larger form on instinct.
Zoro blinks at him. He has to look up now, as Chopper's more humanoid form towers over him. Chopper feels his fists shake at his sides, rage making a drumroll of his heartbeat.
"Chopper-" Zoro starts but Chopper won't let him. With one large hand on Zoro's injured torso he pushes him back down onto the mattress.
"No." He tells him. "I am not finished. You are staying right here." Chopper exhales sharply through his nose, glaring at Zoro in warning before he turns around to grab that blanket he had been meaning to before. When he turns back Zoro hasn't moved. One weary gray eye watching him closely as he tucks the blanket around him. His form begins to shrink, his hands still shake and his own eyes begin to blur.
"Chopper." Zoro says more quietly.
Chopper just shakes his head, sniffling. "You have to be more careful." He repeats Nami's words. "I know it's not easy, with us being pirates and all but you can't-" He has to rub at his eyes as they spill.
"Come here." Zoro's hand bumps against his head and by the time Chopper stops wiping his eyes he's smaller than the infirmary bed again. His stepstool scrapes over the wood floor as he pulls it clovers to climb onto the mattress. Zoro's arm hangs over the edge, beckonining him to cuddle up against his side. Chopper can feel every one of his breaths. "I'm not going to die." Zoro tells him.
Chopper sniffs and curls up halfway on Zoro's chest. Soft tremors have started to shake his form, which Chopper takes as a good sign. "You can't say that and then disregard everything I tell you when you're hurt." He says. "I'm the doctor on board. This is my job." Zoro's hand lands on his back. It feels too cool still even through his fur. He looks up, fixing Zoro in a glance. "If you don't trust me to do my job right then just say it."
Zoro's eye widens and he sputters. "That's not- Of course I trust you." He says fervently.
Chopper pokes him with one of his hooves against the chest, making sure to hit a part of uninjured skin. "Then do as I say when you're injured."
Zoro sighs and closes his eye, head falling back into the pillow. "Yes, doctor."
Chopper blushes despite himself. "Flattery is not going to change that." He says as he squrims, nuzzling closer into Zoro's side.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Thank you for writing and sharing it with the world, FOR FREE ‼️💖💕💞
Truly a blessing if u ask me and know you're appreciated by me (a big whore) and other people alike 😋
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I'd like to order an old fashioned with Frank Castle, please!
So here goes my silly thot:
hunter/butcher!Frank au (anything to do with selling meat)
"I didn't come here for meat. I came for your meat."
i'm not gonna lie to you, reading this one turned me rabid. if i may be an absolute whore add some spice to this old fashioned-
this old fashioned is garnished with jalepeño (minors dni)
thots below the cut
frank castle's meat
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let's set the stage, shall we? we're talking long haired, bearded frankie (think punisher season 1)
he's the local butcher in town, and all his meats come from his own hunting kills
now frankie has a shop most of his customers come to so they can get their meats, but because you typically work while his shop is open, he allows you to come by his cabin to pick up your orders
his secluded cabin in the middle of the woods (you know where this is going)
now you know for a fact he doesn't allow anyone else to do this, and you use that knowledge that he's sweet on you to your full advantage
maybe your dresses and shorts get a little shorter with every visit, or your shirts get just a little more low cut, but frankie doesn't seem to mind and you notice his flannels and henleys are far more unbuttoned around you than they are when he's in town
being the gentleman he is, he loads everything into your car for you
"can't have you gettin' your pretty hands all dirty."
sometimes he lingers for a moment, leaning up against your car as he asks you about your day or how work is going, and you ask him questions in return. if he's busy and doesn't have time for small talk, he'll throw a little extra something in for you, but he never invites you inside
he's not the chattiest person, and he's always polite and professional when he's talking to you, but that doesn't mean you don't catch the way his eyes wander when he thinks you're not watching him
you keep your flirting playful and light, just in case you're reading him wrong and he really is just that nice, but eventually you grow frustrated and decide if he's not going to make a move, then you will
so you put on your prettiest dress and the sexiest pair of panties you own and drive to frankie's one friday night, and that mountain of a man is on his porch before you can even shut your engine off bc he saw the headlights
and while there's clear confusion on his face when he sees you, the second you get out of your car and he sees what you’re wearing, that confusion quickly melts into something else
"hey sweetheart. I uh...missin' somethin'? didn't think you had an order to pick up tonight."
and the clear lust shinning in his eyes underneath the glow of the moonlight fills you to the brim with that last ounce of confidence you needed to finally get what you want
you swear you see him swallow thickly when you approach him slowly with a sultry smile on your lips and a shake of your head
"I didn't come here for meat, Frankie. I came for your meat."
again, being the gentleman he is, frankie just stares at you with wide eyes, refusing to make a move until he's sure he knows exactly what you're asking for and stumbling over his words
"I uh...don't think I...I know what you're askin' for here, sweetheart."
"I think you do, Frankie. I think you want something from me, too. What do you say we work out a trade?"
if you weren't so turned on you would find it comical that you rendered the giant broody man everyone in town was intimidated by so nervous that he couldn't speak, but you were turned on and impatient so you take frankie's hands and guide them to your hips until he gets the hint
and that is all the confirmation he needs to pounce and then there is not an inch of your skin his hands aren't exploring
he's wanted you for so long that he can't even make it to the bedroom. he spreads you out right over his dining table and drops to his knees to get a taste of you before he's fucking you so hard over it that the table ends up halfway across the living room by the time he's done with you
needless to say, you're his favorite customer
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Fall Drabbles, Day 5
prompt: pie
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!Reader
summary: You are not willing to accept that Frank doesn't like pie.
warnings: swearing, more sickly sweet fluff
a/n: This is set in my Gray Skies AU but you do not need to read that one to enjoy this drabble. I had a great time with this piece as well. Post divider once again from the lovely @saradika!
w/c: <1k
“I cannot believe you. How can you not like pie?” You giggled, looking at Frank in shock.
The large man shrugged, hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Dunno. Was never my thing.”
“But there’s so many varieties!! Pumpkin, pecan, French silk, key lime, savory pies! You don’t like any of them?” 
“I didn’t know this was such a deal breaker for you, sunshine.” Frank chuckled, trying not to let his honesty betray his concern. 
“Oh it’s not a deal breaker,” You assured him, to Frank’s overwhelming relief. “Just means I’ll have to put in the effort to change your opinion.” 
“Oh yah?” Frank raised an eyebrow at you. 
“I’m a professional baker, Frankie. That is literally my job.” Planting a gentle kiss on his lips, you hovered your lips next to his ear and whispered menacingly. “You’ll never see it coming.” 
Frank laughed deeply, pulling you into a hug. “We’ll see about that sunshine. 
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Glancing around your kitchen with a grimace, you began gathering the dirty dishes when a knock sounded throughout your apartment. 
“C’mon in!” You yelled above the clatter as you hurried to tidy up the huge mess you’d unknowingly created. 
“Jesus,” Frank whistled under his breath as he took in the state of your apartment. 
”I take my craft very seriously,“ You panted, leaning on the counter to catch your breath. 
Shaking his head, your boyfriend strode over to you, using a thumb to wipe off the smear of icing sugar on your nose. He chuckled, ”I can see that, darlin'. You did all this for me?”
“Of course, Frankie! It's fall, otherwise known as pie season! We have to find one you like.” You explained, taking him by the hand and dragging him to the table where you had laid out 7 different pies. “Ok so I didn't have time to make ALL of these but I chose my 3 favorite pies from around the city and made the other 4.”
Frank was blown away by the visible lengths you'd gone to for his benefit. It wasn't that he didn't like pie, it just had never really stood out to him. A pastry was a pastry, after all--if you put it on his plate he would polish it off all the same. The two of you had gone to a diner and shared a slice of pie that was fine, which he had admitted when he encouraged you to finish it off.
But he wasn't expecting your kindness and genuine care for him to run so deep. How often did someone love him to the point that an offhanded comment compelled them to go on a baking spree until they found his perfect bite? Had it ever happened before? He honestly wasn't sure, and that in itself was almost too much to bear. Everything you did, you did with your entire heart and he adored you for it.
Slightly overwhelmed, he sat down with a tinge of apprehension, which, of course, you picked up on. “I know I went a little overboard. Say the word and we'll pull the plug on this whole thing and I'll donate all these.” 
“Hell no, sunshine. Let's eat!”
You giggled, sitting beside him so that your thighs were brushing. ”Alright, well the 3 I bought were the cherry, the strawberry rhubarb, and the lemon meringue. The ones I made were pumpkin, french silk, apple, and pecan. And, I didn't include it in the count, but I made a chicken pot pie for myself for dinner and you're welcome to try that too!“ Huffing an exhale, you looked at him nervously. ”Saying all of that out loud really highlights how crazy this was. I am so sorry.“
Taking your hand, Frank brushed a kiss over your knuckles. “Thank you, darlin'. For goin' through all the trouble for me. I—I don't think anyone's ever been this devoted to making things that I like.” 
Smiling sweetly, you gave his stubbled cheek a kiss. “Shall we see if you like any of these pies?” 
“I like everything you make, sunshine” He chuckled, taking the fork from your outstretched hand. 
Giving an exaggerated groan, you rolled your eyes to him. “Well I wish I'd known that before going through all this TROUBLE.”
Frank gave a bellowing laugh, eagerly digging into the slice you placed before him. 
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━━━ CHAPTER SIX .ᐟ ⋆。˚
as they arrive at spencer's house, they head to his room. spencer's room is a cozy haven, with playbills from various musicals and theater productions adorning the walls, interspersed with posters of famous physicists and inspirational quotes. the room is filled with a mix of school supplies, books, and personal mementos, creating a space that is both organized and warmly cluttered.
miles and spencer lay on spencer's king-size bed, while winston sits in the desk chair, which is turned toward them, busy on spencer's laptop creating campaign posters.
"how about 'step into my heart: vote miles for a journey of love'?" miles suggests, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.
spencer chuckles, their shoulders brushing. "not bad, but what about 'vote for miles: because every step counts'?"
miles pokes spencer's side playfully. "oh, come on, you can do better than that!"
spencer grins, retaliating with a tickle to miles' ribs. "oh, you think so?"
within seconds, the two are engaged in a full-blown tickle fight, laughter filling the room as they wrestle playfully. spencer's fingers find all of miles' ticklish spots, and miles squirms, trying to get the upper hand.
"okay, okay, i surrender!" miles gasps between giggles, finally managing to pin spencer's arms down. "you win!"
"that's what i thought," spencer teases, their faces close, both of them breathing heavily from the playful exertion.
winston rolls his eyes and suggests, "um, how about 'miles: your voice, your choice'?"
miles and spencer exchange a glance before bursting into laughter again. "too formal, chewy," spencer says, still giggling.
"yeah, way too formal," miles agrees. "we need something catchy but still cool."
"okay, okay," winston sighs, resigned to being the voice of reason amidst their playful antics. "how about 'miles ahead: your future, our vision'?"
"that's better," spencer nods. "it's got a nice ring to it."
miles grins. "i like it. but let's take a break and regroup."
"good idea," winston says, stretching. "i could use a snack."
miles and winston head to the kitchen to help themselves to some snacks while spencer lays on the bed, texting his group chat with lola, frankie, and shay.
in the kitchen, winston looks at miles. "you know, you and spencer have always been flirty, but today it seems... different."
miles sighs, opening a bag of popcorn. "i don't know, winston. it's complicated. we've always been like this, so i'm not sure if he likes me like that at all."
winston, the only person who knows that miles has liked spencer since middle school, says, "i think he really likes you, man." grabbing a few of san pellegrinos from the fridge, he continues, "you should just go for it."
miles hesitates. "it's not that simple. what if it ruins everything?"
"it won't," winston reassures him. "you guys have something special. don't let fear hold you back."
miles takes a deep breath, nodding. "maybe you're right," he says, but deep down, he feels unsure. his face betrays his uncertainty, and winston sees this.
"hey," winston says gently, "just take it one step at a time. you've got this."
"when did you get so wise?" miles jokes.
they head back up to the room with a bowl of popcorn and some san pellegrinos. as they walk in, miles throws a drink at spencer and spencer catches it and miles suggests, "you know what would earn us some serious votes? a pool party."
spencer perks up, liking the idea. "yeah, that could work. we could invite the whole school."
miles sits back down, setting the bowl of popcorn between them, and stares at spencer, thinking about the conversation he just had with winston.
spencer notices. "what?"
"nothing," miles says, shaking his head. "just thinking about the pool party idea."
"it's a great way to engage with the students and showcase miles' leadership skills," winston nods in agreement.
"exactly," miles says, already envisioning the event. "plus, who doesn't love a good pool party?"
"and you know what else would be a hit? my cupcakes!" spencer says. "i can bake a bunch and pass them out at the party. people will vote for miles just to get a taste of them."
miles couldn't contain his excitement. "my mouth is already watering! you're a genius, spencer!" he reaches over, pulling spencer into a warm embrace.
spencer is taken aback by the suddenness of the gesture, but he melts into the embrace, his heart racing with a mixture of surprise and delight.
for a moment, they remain locked in the embrace, the world around them fading into insignificance as they savor the warmth of each other's presence.
as they pull away, their eyes meet, and they smile awkwardly.
winston watches them, a mix of fondness and frustration in his eyes. for years, he's witnessed the unspoken connection, the shared laughter, and the way their eyes light up in each other's presence.
yet, he also senses the hesitance, the unspoken fears that hold them back from fully embracing what they could have together. winston wants nothing more than for miles and spencer to realize the depth of their feelings before it's too late.
he wants them to acknowledge the undeniable chemistry that crackles between them. as he watches them share a smile, winston makes a silent vow to do whatever he can to get them together.
"okay, lovebirds. let's focus," winston says, breaking the moment. "we need to plan this party and get the word out."
"right," spencer agrees, pulling himself together. "i'll start working on the cupcakes."
"and i'll handle the invitations," miles says, glancing at winston. "we'll make this the event of the year."
winston nods, already brainstorming ideas. "let's do this."
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #1
"Shooting Mistletoe"
Sanji sees Franky and Robin kissing under the mistletoe and lets himself wonder how it would be to kiss Usopp like that. And he realizes that he has the chance to know, now, because Sunny's all decorated with Christmas stuff! So he constantly tries to meet with his boyfriend under mistletoes all the damn time, but it never works out. Usopp moves away before Sanji can mention the plant above them, most of the time he doesn't even get Usopp to stand beside him, once he ends up with Mosshead (don't- Please don't. Never ask Sanji about that experience)... And so, it never ends up happening. And he can't just ask because, even if they're dating, the fun of it all relies on it being a surprise! And Sanji tries and tries but it never goes well for him.
One day, though, Usopp realizes what's going on after seeing his boyfriend sigh defeatedly while he stares at Franky and Robin once again. Usopp finds this endearing and can't help but think how stupid his cook is. So once they're alone on deck (Sanji sitting on the grass and smoking while Usopp is working on his own inventions) the sniper calls out for his boyfriend to catch his attention: "Hey, Sanji!"
Sanji looks up from his cigarette, his eyes instantly lighting up due to his boyfriend's voice. "Yes, mon trésor?"
Usopp laughs to himself before getting his slingshot ready. "Can I try one of my new babies with you?" But he's scared of how that might have sounded, so he tries to fix it right away. "I promise it doesn't hurt!"
"Are you sure it's a good idea, dear? The last time it didn't end up well." Sanji frowns at the thought, but more than refusing he's just questioning it. Usopp knows he would do it right away if he asked him twice.
But the sniper at least tries to reassure him. "If it does, then I can promise you I will protect you from any harm!" Sanji smiles, but still looks a bit concerned for his own safety. "When have I let anything hurt you before?"
And, well, Sanji thinks that Usopp is not wrong on that one. So they make a silent agreement, and Usopp grins to himself at what's about to come.
Usopp throws some sort of ball Sanji cannot see properly from where he's at, and it ends up landing right in front of him and covering his vision with smoke completely, adding more to the one already produced by his cigarette. Everything happens rather quickly, and Sanji doesn't have time to think because he suddenly sees Usopp kneeling in front of him and cradling his face with one hand, the other taking the cigarette off his lips.
Sanji is hypnotized. His face is all red and if Usopp doesn't do something soon he knows his boyfriend will faint before anything he has planned happens. The cook can barely mutter a word, but he manages to clear his throat after a while. "Isn't this just- Just your normal smoke bombs, mon coeur?"
The sniper shakes his head with a mischievous smile decorating his face. "Nope! It's holiday-themed! Look up for me?"
When Sanji does as his boyfriend tells him, his eyes find mistletoe on top of them, growing from a branch beside their bodies. He's speechless when he lowers his gaze to Usopp again, a fond look and teary, excited eyes on his face.
Usopp grins proudly, and even if he tries to sound flirty, he only sounds happy and nervously full of joy. "Merry Christmas." He moves Sanji's face closer, pulling gently from his chin.
The cook can't help but roll his eyes. "It's barely December, dumbass."
"Oh, but you loved this." Their lips are almost touching now.
Sanji can just giggle at that, his hand moving to the back of Usopp's neck to pull him closer into a kiss. "I love you."
They're eventually banned from having mistletoe on the ship because they won't stop making out publicly and Nami is so fucking done with them-
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year
Rising Sun/Reincarnation AU adaptation
Luffy - Nika
Zoro - Enma (at the time, he was a low-ranking demon that Nika Freed and follows out of respect and ambition.)
Nami - Njor (not related to Nika, but instead was abandoned by a different pantheon and was found by a mortal and raised as such. Nika saw potential in her and demanded she join him by Freeing her homeland)
Usopp - Antonio (a mortal prophet that Nika gave the Freedom of Speech and Truth, allowing anything said to become reality, but it's a retroactive power to the world, so it's never really noticeable)
Sanji - Troien (initially a damaged mortal from a noble family. But Nika gave him the Freedom of Movement and now is a God of Hunters and Love)
Chopper - Caeronn (an odd beast that always tried to nurture and help others, despite protests of others and not understanding what was needed. Nika granted the Freedom of Knowledge, Memory, and Reason so he could do everything he desired.)
Robin - Imu (before you get snippy, this makes more sense. Imu decided to join Nika out of personal ambition despite the others' initial protests. Nika allowed them to come along. When they betrayed the crew, Nika Freed them from Divinity and Immortality, leading them to later deception of others)
Franky - Sevvr Jetsm (a natural creator Nika clashed with a few times, granting him the Freedom of Expression. In time, he was deceived by Imu to develop the Great Weapons)
Brook - Whelpül (a Ferryman that lost his mind in isolation. Nika Freed him from the Imposed Duty to allow him to express himself. As gratitude, he became the God of Talent, ingraining skills into ones' very Souls.)
Jimbe - Blüshankl (the First Fishman. Titan of the Depths. He distorted the waves so no one could leave their place of being. Nika Freed him from Loneliness and brought forth new life.)
Law - Hostaal (one of Nika's Rivals that clashed with him because of Freedom of Life meant Freedom of Pain and Suffering. He tries to fix that. He was deceived by Imu to create the Eternal Youth Surgery)
Zuneisha - (Nika's pet elephant. Always protected Nika from Imu's feral leopard)
Okay I really love that and I don't where start so I will talk a bit of each. First of all I need say...I love your ideas and the changes are spot on so...
Zoro: Enma being a low status demon actually works better than he being a high one since start. I really want to keep the 'King of Hell' thing so making him starting from the bottom until the top on the Underwood would give even more impact to Nika's death. To Enma all he got now is because Nika was kind and now he is gone.
Nami:I can't change Njor relation with Nika because this is part of her deity character and has a great influence on this au(like how Bellemere got her and Nojiko in middle of storm). Now, about the abandonment I can see this happening too, now....even though she was Zinabi"s daughter she wasn't part of his pantheon...because she was popular and know by another people so she was part of THIS pantheon...somehow she started losing believers with let her be forgotten on the pantheon an left behind where she is taken care by humans...Nika feel her and save her and the rest is history...
Usopp: first of all, I love the name Antonio(I am Brazilian and this name is popular here so...I love it) . I can imagine the people not believing on Antonio at first just like how people didn't belived in Usopp, Nika probably would have gave his gift when Antonio was telling a story and Niks loves stories so he was there to listen and saw a man with good heart to make this world better.
Sanji: is perfection, I doesn't even know what to say just how to make this more complete...Troien was a 'broken human' to his family. He couldn't walk and his hand are always shaking, one day his father got tired and asked to drown him on the sea. Nika couldn't let this happen as he hears the pray of Troien's mother and blessed Troien freeing his legs and arms asking his grandfather(The god Mar) to guide the man to a Island...
Chopper: the monster that become a SPIRIT of protection? Yes I am in this. Every mythology has a monster and this is not different, Caeronn was a beast that some would says be merciless...but he was kind, Nika saw a creature that should bring fear just wanting to cure...he had to help
Robin: now we got the problem, I really like your interpretation of Robin as Im. I Just doesn't know how this could work? Like we still have Im in canon so would those be two different people or two halfs of the same? Would Im's actions affect how Robin see loyalty?
Franky: Sevvr Jetsan being the one to make the Great Weapons is actually brilliant and I don't know how I didn't thought on this...seriously. Also Sevvr using Nika's blessing to build something he would be against hurts...like being forced to betray a friend..(also the detail of Franky burning the blueprints...the own creator destroying something that should never exist...)
Brook: I have nothing to say about Brook, seriously...this is perfect. This summons perfectly Brook's character..also making him go through loneliness twice is sad.
Jimbe: about Jimbei's name I just need say I loved it. So...him being a kind of titan is amazing and him being responsible of the dangers of the seas is also good. But somehow I just feel the urge to give him a relation to Mar....maybe both created the sea kings? Or something like that....s
Law: let be honest, only Hostaal saw himself as Nika's rival...to Nika they are friends. Hostage having a problem to how Nika sees life is spot on, just yes..also Hostaal being forced to make the Youth Surgery....this was one for the few things Nika and him agreed...this shouldn't exist...immortality is not the answer.
Zunesha: nothing to talk about, just yes. NEED BE THAT
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
North Blue Language CH 12
“Sanji's home,” Luffy shrugs, “I need you all to become the next pirate king.” He's smiling at the last part and well, no one will deny the future King of the Pirates what he wants, will they?
(Last one, I forgot to post last week's here)
Luffy has his legs wrapped around Zoro and his hands in hair and he's yelling happily. Zoro is holding him up and smiling. They made it to Wano. They're back.
“I got separated from the Sunny, Jimbe is there too. Sanji needs help.” Luffy says seriously after a few moments of celebrating his return.
“Why'd you bring him back anyway?” Zoro asks as Luffy climbs down. “He wanted to go.”
“No he didn't.” Luffy says, giving Zoro a confused look. “Nami and everyone said that. His family are a bunch of jerks too.” They start heading to the crew, Luffy tells him about their fight, their escape. About Katakuri, Zoro leads the way back so it took a couple of hours and when they get there Sanji is with everyone, dressed like he belongs in Wano.
“Shit cook.” Zoro nods at him. He'll berate him later and the way the cook looks away from him means there's more he hasn't heard. Luffy, for once, calmly goes and curls up next to Sanji so the captain has forgiven him.
“When did you wake up?” Luffy asks him.
“Halfway here, Jimbe was carrying me. It was weird.” Sanji shrugs.
“Why didn't we kill them?” Nami huffs as she leans into Robin. “I get your sister saved Luffy but-”
“Don't worry, Mellorine.” Sanji smiles at her. He doesn't continue though and Nami lets out another huff at him.
“Either Law or I should check up on you, that last fight was rough.” Chopper says and Franky calls something from the Sunny that sounds a lot like ‘blood’ and ‘stain’ and Sanji shakes his head.
“Not right now, Chopper. Later, alright?” Sanji says reaching to pet Chopper on the head but Zoro kicks him off his seat. There's yelling around them but Zoro doesn't care and Law is running to Sanji but Zoro beats him there but as he yanks Sanji up and goes to lay into him again a hand gripping tight on the cook's arm he feels wet on his hand. He looks and it's red and soaking and he drops the cook. He's pitiful looking.
“What the hell, Zoro?” Nami yells at him and Law is pulling the kimono away and there's more bandages than skin.
“Blackleg-ya?” Law asks but Sanji waves him off.
“Didn't even last an hour. Guess I better get the blood outta this.” Sanji grunts as he stands.
“The hell happened?” Zoro asked.
“I was protecting my captain.” Sanji spits at him as he peels the kimono off with a hiss. He's covered in bandages from head to toe.
“You need to rest. I'll wash it.” Law says as he takes it from him.
“I slept the whole way here.” Sanji waves off again.
“I sedated you, you dumbass!” Chopper yells.
“I need to be useful for a bit.” Sanji says.
“You never were.” Zoro snaps at him and everyone freezes. “Anyone can cook, twirly brows.”
“Zoro, enough. Quit being mad at Sanji.” Luffy says.
“What do you want from me?” Sanji demands. “What the hell happened?” Zoro doesn't answer though as Nami stands abruptly and shoves Zoro.
“Can't you be happy he's back? He's nakama!” Nami snaps. “We can't do this without him. You weren't there! You were in Dressrosa and Wano for everything! You can be mad for all I care but where was this when I said he wasn't okay?” She's pissed and Zoro isn't scared of Nami, he's not.
He's not.
“Nami-” Luffy starts.
“You're not innocent either, Luffy!” She turns towards him. “If Zoro's going to repeat what that bastard said then I will-!”
“Nami, it's okay.” Sanji smiles at her. It hits Zoro that it's just Nami, not Nami-swan or Mellorine. Nami. Robin is giving the cook a curious once over as she goes back to her tea. The cook's not dead. Never had been. Not even to Zoro.
“Sanji's home,” Luffy shrugs, “I need you all to become the next pirate king.” He's smiling at the last part and well, no one will deny the future King of the Pirates what he wants, will they?
“If I come back different, I need you to kill me.” Sanji ordered through the denden mushi and Zoro hated it. Hated that he was being trusted with this even if everything was different with the cook. They were farther apart than they had been and Zoro wanted to scream ‘No!’ over and over again. The call ends before he answers, meaning the cook is fucking serious about being killed.
They don't see each other until after, well Zoro doesn't see him until he's done clawing his way out of hell and shocks awake to Hiyori swooning over him and the cook nearby. He last remembers fighting King and Law finding him. He wants to wring him by the neck as the cook shies away from the swordsman.
“I came back from Hell to kill you!” Zoro yells at him and to his credit the cook looks ashamed.
“No, don't worry, it's fine now.” The cook mutters and it's not. It's not fine. Hiyori leaves after double and triple and quadruple checking Zoro so Cook sits next to him and lights up. “I don't know how many people have been giving you jealous looks about Princess Hiyori caring for you specifically.”
“Don't know what to tell you, Cook. She's not my type.” Zoro says and Sanji nods.
“I remember when my dad was declared a warlord.” The blond says so quietly that Zoro knows he's the only one to hear. “They found him while he was out on a raid he and my mom planned out. He only took it so the Navy would quit trying to get so close and he still sank their boat.”
“Why?” Zoro asks back just as quietly.
“You've seen him, he'd feed his sword to the sea if she asked.” Sanji chuckled. “He started learning North Blue because he wanted to know what I was saying.”
“That's all they talked in most of the time.” Zoro whispers harshly and the cook nods, a crooked smile.
“Apparently he fucked up a whole meeting because he picked it up quick so we just talked in it while I was home, pissed off everyone because he wouldn't speak Common.” The cook fucking giggles. Zoro blinks at the cook who is shaking lightly with laughter. “She and Luf talked on his way to get me. It's the first time in a while I considered myself their kid again.”
“What do you think would happen if you claimed it?” Zoro asks and Sanji hums, his cigarette is half gone but a deep drag takes it down to its last third.
“I don't know, chances are our bounties would be higher. They'd tack on a few extra crimes on me. It'd be higher than yours probably. Maybe she would have one too.” Sanji shrugs. “We'd get attacked more, kidnapped more.”
They're still quiet enough no one is listening, if his haki is as good as Robin says it is, then no one can really hide from the cook. Who has finished his cigarette. He's staring at the ceiling and huffs another small laugh. “They'd probably try to get us all on the same execution platform if Ace simply existing is anything to go by.”
It's the first time they've mentioned Ace at all. Zoro knows it hit the cook hard, hit Luffy harder because he was there holding Ace. Because Ace did the thing Luffy hated most which was sacrificing oneself for him. He thinks of hearing Mihawk come home and the only signifier was Sora’s wails of despair. Whatever Sanji's father did, the fact Zoro copied his words with so little care irks the swordsman that he doesn't know more.
“Tell me something in North Blue?” Zoro asks and Sanji looks at him with curiosity.
“Anything specific?” Sanji asks and Zoro shakes his head. Sanji's North Blue accent is a lot like his mother's, all hard consonants and rolling vowels. Zoro doesn't ask what it means but he's heard it before. When Mihawk and Sora would sit and talk quietly amongst themselves as he and Perona would argue and he would be deemed ‘not cute’ for the night. When they would bid them goodnight and head to their room.
“Are you going to take it?” Zoro asks after a while.
“I can't even make the Navy get a good picture of me. Why the fuck would they believe that's my name?” Sanji says and Zoro nods, it's a fair point. Sora could do it though so it's not outside the realm of possibility, Zoro thinks.
Sora is terrifying and Mihawk is fucking wrapped around her little finger, Zoro thinks as he watched the cook light another cigarette. If the Navy did believe them, if Mihawk was honest when he said he would die for his family then Zoro knows this time they won't fail if there's another execution of someone close to them.
Sanji hums, not in thought or in answer to anything. Just that melody that Luffy calls ‘the moon song' and asks for constantly.
“He really likes that song, huh?” Zoro asks as he drinks a cup of sake.
“He does.” Sanji nods as they lapse into a comforting silence.
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
Okay I always wondered how Ashe felt when she found out that Cole joined Overwatch and I'm 100% sure she was very devastated and pissed that Cole basically betrayed her by breaking a promise they both made which is a slap to the face too her.
~~~~ *Ashe seems a bit worried for Cole as she paced around nervously hoping that Cole would be okay since what he did was a stupid move since its been awhile since she last heard from him all she's gotten was radio silence*  Frankie:*notices this and walks over to her* Relax Ashe, why don't we watch T.V so you can ease you're mind   Ashe: For all I know Cassidy might be dead Frankie, after his stupid self sacrifice he did for us! Why would he do that!? Frankie: *places her hand on her shoulder He was thinking of us Ashe he risked his life for ours.  Ashe: We'll he shouldn't…we left him… Frankie: He told us to go… Ashe: And I've shouldn't have listened…. Frankie: Ashe all of us could have gone to maximum prison and there would be no way for us to break out….he saved us… Ashe:....I…I just…It feels so quiet without him…. Frankie: *sighs before getting an idea* Tell you what how about this, we plan a heist to break Cole out okay starting tonight Ashe:*sighs*How though? Frankie:I'll start by look-*gets immediately cut off when Bars run in* Bars: ASHE,FRANKIE YOU MAY WANT  TO SEE THIS ON THE NEWS!!! Ashe and Frankie:*both look at each other and fallows Bars to where the rest of the Deadlock gang just watched the news of Overwatch having a new recruit* Ashe:*takes the remote and turns up the volume * What is going on? News reporter: Today a big announcement from Overwatch with there new youngest recruit ever, it shows that people can change or deserve a second chance. Something that Strike Commander Morrsion is happily to talk about with the press about there latest recruit. Frankie: What are they talkin- Ashe: Quiet! News reporter: *shows an imagine of Cassidy standing in the middle between Reyes and Morrsion with Ana stand behind him* Cole Cassidy, is the youngest member of Overwatch after being taken in was given a second chance at redemption, A new face and a new age to inspire the younger generation that- Ashe:*turns off the T.V as she seemed out of it* *Everyone looks at Ashe wondering if this was a joke* Frankie:*looks worried* oh no….Ashe you al- Ashe: *actually snaps* HOW COULD HE!! DID HE FORGET !? WAS EVERYTHING A LIE!? Frankie: Ashe please calm down… Ashe: *has tears rolling down her face * HE BETRAYED US !!! WE WERE HIS FAMILY NOT THEM!!!  Frankie: Ashe it's ok-   Ashe:IT'S NOT OKAY!! HE LEFT US FRANKIE HE LEFT US AND JOIN WHAT WE SWORE TO NEVER BECOME!! *storms off upset hurt and confused*   Frankie:*tries to go after her but B.O.B stops her * B.O.B move… B.O.B:*shakes his head indicating Frankie to let Ashe cool down*   Frankie: But…I…okay… ~~ Ashe:* went to the base clearly pissed off as she went to her hover bike noticing the picture of her and Cole* Ashe:*without a second she looked  angrily at the picture of her and Cole before she ripped it in half before realising what she's done as she breaks down a bit * Idiot…why….why did you lie to me?....
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