#just disappointing
whalehouse1 · 1 year
Was ordering stuff for my family on Amazon. Said screw it, I have Steph’s Batgirl run and Cass deserves the love too. Cheapest option for in print for the first volume of the trade was $88. Why? Why would hers not be in print? I know it’s older than Steph’s but Cass at least feels loved in the Batman comic circles or am I wrong about that?
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fleetinggabi · 3 months
Genuinely upset at how people have been about posting spoilers with the release of the elden ring DLC. I was so excited to finally have an unspoiled release day of a from soft game but between people tagging incorrectly, complaining about the content of leaks days before launch (thus revealing THE FINAL BOSS AND PLOT TWIST BEFORE EVEN LAUNCH) and outright posting pictures or rants untagged and without trying to even warn people of it on thumbnails and posts my experience has been soured and spoiled a great deal.
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larry-thesnail · 1 year
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Y’all have enormous amounts of disposable income…access to stylists and designers…and THAT’S what y’all came up with??? I mean the theme was trash so they probably didn’t have a lot to work with, but goddamn it’s the Met Gala.
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rayisalive · 1 year
Stop im disappointed in myself bc i lowkey wanna get a phone case like caters no matter how ugly it is
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rustinged · 2 years
today i tuned into a rosh hashanah service which was nice up until the rabbi began to talk. he was talking of the ten commandments and the Trends these days of not honoring thy mother and father, of the lack of parental authority in the state anymore, how when there’s a lack of parental authority the government grows. he had his own radio show at some point and the prompt of that day was “why don’t you talk to your parents anymore?”
he was beginning to talk about a young woman’s experience. she was 21 and didn’t talk to her mom anymore because she was too controlling. and he responded to this woman saying it was ridiculous, that the right response to this was to just simply not be controlled. to just not be controlled. that she could just send emails, just a birthday text, anything. it was a sin what she was (wasn’t) doing.
i could make a concluding point to this post but it rubbed me the wrong way and it sucked to see kids within the audience being taught this
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determinate-negation · 2 months
i really dont understand how you can grow up your whole life hearing stories about holocaust survivors and maps of giant family trees of hundreds of people where only 2 or 3 survived or families that were separated and had to leave people behind to die and not empathize with palestinians and instead have the complete opposite reaction and say none of this is happening and that its not a genocide... i fucking hate the world so much
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artcalledpourbrush · 11 days
It’s an upside down Alligator
In emissions
Space debris may disrupt communications
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famousinmyfandom · 20 days
Of course Kid could physically survive prison but my god it would fuck him up. He doesn’t even like Heyes telling him what to do. His security blanket (his gun) is gone. Heyes isn’t there to back him up because of course they would be separated. And he has a huge target on his back because everyone wants to make a name for themselves.
And these aren’t modern prisons. This is 1880s prison. So even if he does survive, does he want to? Is it worth it? What’s waiting for him on the other side?
And most importantly, I don’t think Kid or Heyes would think he would survive/would want to survive.
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dailylinrambles · 2 months
Mickey D's must be hurting if this is how they're doing a small now.
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And no straw....
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blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
[⚠️The Amazing Digital Circus SPOILERS] This episode was interesting!
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literallymechanical · 2 years
I don’t have to worry about "chemicals you can’t pronounce" in my food and my shampoo because I can pronounce every chemical flawlessly and without effort. Butylated hydroxytoluene. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Fenugreek. I am saying these out loud and laughing at you. I’m immune to all known carcinogens. I can never die. Fight me.
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i think i got a bad grade in spotify wrapped which is normal to not want and absolutely possible to achieve
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Michael Afton draws FNAF tape girl for Vanessa,,
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mademoisellegush · 1 year
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Shoves this in the gortash tag.
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boysborntodie · 2 months
TUA S4 proved that Netflix cancelling their shows after the first season is actually a good thing
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egophiliac · 3 months
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tsum events continue to be just the best
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