#just both magnus and marius both being introduced next season makes me think they probably will
pynkhues · 22 days
Rewatching it, I find the differences between how Louis reacts to Lestat telling the story with Magnus in 1.6 and Armand telling his story in 2.4 really fascinating. He seems genuinely very affected in some way by Lestat's "horrorshow" with Magnus. Whereas with Armand, he doesn't have much of a reaction to the horrors -- it's only when Armand mentions Magnus that, if we're going by Dreamstat, he reacts, and the he reacts very negatively, like he doesn't like Armand talking about Magnus and Lestat (or maybe he doesn't like Armand saying that Magnus "begat" Lestat and Lestat "begat" Louis, as though it were the same thing).
Anyway, it'll be very interesting to see how Louis reacts if/when he hears the full story of Lestat's turning next season.
Yeah, I agree. I do think Louis' reaction is at least partially informed by the different ways Armand and Lestat's disclosures came about, and the different power dynamics (or at least perceived power dynamics) in both scenes. Like, I think the fact that Lestat pretty clearly didn't want to tell Louis and Claudia about it, and felt he had to in order for them to move forwards, and Armand choosing to (very vulnerably and genuinely!) invite Louis into that part of this history and trauma also impacted how Louis received that information.
I've mentioned this in posts before, but I'm actually especially fascinated at the different ways that Lestat, Claudia and Armand treat and respond to each other's sexual abuse. There's something really interesting to me that they're all victim-survivors, but none of them have any sympathy for one another. Claudia doesn't believe Lestat and/or just thinks he's using it to manipulate, Lestat basically tells Claudia it was her fault and weaponises it to bring her home, and Armand basically handwaves Lestat's away as true-but-whatever when Daniel calls him on it.
It really makes sense when you consider the very different contexts of both the assaults themselves, but also those particular dynamics, and I'm really curious as to whether or not the show explores it more.
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