#just because no one probably would have known otherwise lol
avocado-writing · 8 months
Okay, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head, waiting for you to reopen suggestions, haha. How do you think the Origins Companions + Halsin, Rolan, Dammon, and Zevlor would react if they found out that Tav had been hiding a very serious injury from them? The kind of injury where Tav is convinced that they're fine and they don't want to worry anyone with something they can handle on their own, especially the people they care most for, but as they try to ignore the injury it only gets worse until it's potentially life threatening and they can't keep up the facade anymore. I will leave it up to you whether or not Tav and the other individual are in a romantic relationship. I think both ways have potential for wonderful angst 😆
ooohhh noooooo! but also oh yes, LOVE this sort of angst lol. written as if you have had an infection come on from an injury. this is gonna be a long list so let's buckle up...
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really tries to hide his panic but fails miserably.
can't help but start snapping - how could you keep something like this from him?
you try to give your excuses but he waves them away, angry, but mostly because he's terrified that he might have lost you.
if he has any healing potions he helps you take them, if he doesn't he immediately... sources some from somewhere.
holds you as tight as he dares, worried that he will aggravate the injury otherwise.
as you begin to heal and drift off to sleep he spends the whole night watching you rest, making sure that you're still breathing, still safe. doesn't mind when you cuddle up to him in the night, sleepily.
curses himself for not noticing your condition. he's a wizard, damn it! he's meant to be bloody perceptive.
wishes for the first time ever that he didn't just know wizard spells. wishes he knew how to heal, too.
makes you as comfortable as he can while he finds a book about what he can do for an infected wound, probably swallowing his pride and going to Shadowheart if it's bad enough.
you manage a weak, "Gale, you don't have to--", and he cuts you off, "if you're going to insist that I don't have to look after you, I'm telling you that I do."
fixes you something to help with the pain and infection, makes sure you drink it all despite the horrid taste, then tucks you into his bedroll to let you rest.
when you go to reach out and cuddle him he slips into your arms, presses his lips to your hair, and whispers as you fall asleep about how much you scared him. about how he'd never be able to lose you.
only realises how unwell you are when you fall over mid-journey.
"tsk'va! why did you hide the extent of your injuries from me?"
hauls you onto her back and carries you back to camp, muttering about your foolishness the whole time.
makes you comfortable in her tent and uses her knowledge of githyanki medicine to help start healing you.
it isn't comfortable as she works on your infection but for the first time you feel her hands being soft rather than vicious.
"you should not have kept this from me." "I know. I'm sorry." "hm. ridiculous thing. zhak vo'n'fynh duj."
goes and intimidates the camp into being quiet so you can rest. it works. this is the nicest she's ever been to you. you could get used to it.
obviously this is not a huge problem for her, but she is still worried that it got so far without her noticing.
immediately heals you, pouring far too many spell slots into your body in order to get it up and running again.
it helps, immediately breaking the fever you've been nursing, and the touch of Shadowheart's hand to your face is cooling and reassuring.
"lady shar teaches us to embrace our pain... but not like this. you should have known better. you could have died."
her hand slips down to cup your cheek, you cover it with one of your own. she's telling you off but you can tell it's because she cares.
"I'm sorry that I scared you." "I know. don't do it again."
she smiles and the ache in your heart is lifted, too.
you collapse on day in camp and he immediately calls on the others for help, not so proud as to be unable to admit when something is out of his knowledge. he is not a healer. he needs help.
he manages to catch you in his arms as you tumble, hugging you close to his chest while magic is worked or a healer checks you over.
lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding when you begin to stabilise.
helps you back to your tent to rest, gently chiding you but letting you know that he's glad you're alright.
when your hand weakly comes up to touch him, he indulges you in a kiss to let you know how relieved he is.
constantly watching you on the battlefield from that moment on. if he can help it, you'll never be hurt again.
another panicker.
scoops you up in her arms and holds you to her chest, running to the tent of the nearest healer in camp - or, if you're in the city, kicking down the door of a local doctor.
begging the healer to check you over, but is reluctant to let you go. if she stops holding you it's like she's relinquishing control and that scares the life out of her.
you're healed and she feels you start to stir in her arms, peppering you with kisses of relief, choking through her tears that you're never to scare her like that again.
carries you back home, even if you're totally capable of walking. she just wants to make sure you're okay.
sternly disappointed that you didn't tell him, but more annoyed that he didn't notice something was wrong himself. how could he not see how out of balance with nature you were?
squirrels you away to his tent to heal you, make you soothing and medicinal teas, his big hands over the source of the infection.
you burrow into his touch, into his chest, and you end up sitting in his lap as he heals you.
he wants to tell you off a little, but is more relieved that you're alright. encourages you to share all your burdens with him.
kisses you on the forehead, then on the mouth when he's sure you're strong enough for it not to knock you flat.
my poor boy is just a blacksmith, so though he doesn't exactly panic, he does scoop you up and try to find a healer as soon as he can.
waits quietly and nervously as you are examined, silently cursing himself for being too busy to see how you were hurt. he's meant to be better than this. he's meant to love you, how didn't he notice?
when you come to he can't stop apologising, and it takes several of your kisses to soothe him and tell him it was not his fault but yours.
he makes you promise that you'll always tell him when you're hurt. has you look into his eyes and swear it.
he can't do much on the battlefield but he can protect you where he can.
another one cursing that he doesn't know healing spells.
"you aren't meant to die, gods damn it! you're meant to be strong... what good am I if I can't keep you safe..."
rushes you to the best doctor in Baldur's Gate. pays for all the treatment that you could need. holds your hand at your bedside for your entire recovery... until you come back to consciousness, of course, at which point he just starts telling you off for being stupid enough to get into his mess in the first place.
you grab him by the collar and drag him down for a kiss. that finally shuts him up. but he never lets you forget how foolish you were.
practical but still worried about you.
you collapse in the field and he finds a safe place to hide the both of you from dangerous eyes, using his Lay on Hands ability to channel his magic into healing.
you try to apologise but a finger to your lips silences you, and all you can do is watch in quiet wonder as he burns the infection out with his Paladin's light.
when you're better he gently chides you. tells you that you have people relying on your leadership, and that a problem shared means there are more heads working on how to fix it.
when he sees how sorry you are lets you cuddle into him. when you say you'll repay him, he insists your happiness and well-being is enough for an old warrior like him.
does take the kiss you offer, though. he's been wanting to do that for a while...
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Either before or after would be delightful, though I was thinking it was after Bing-ge became emperor.
I was imagining the situation with Shen Yuan being a transmigrator forced to steal stuff from Bing-ge because that was his character’s original role in the plot. He wants to be inconspicuous about it so as not to get murdered (like canon… also murder of crows, lol) but shiny qi rich things are just too tempting!!! Stupid crow brain won’t let him steal things that are less obvious. ;_;
And yay! You know about the crow tendency to make friends with people then be “helpful” with gifts or savage in their defense. That’s why I like crow-Shen Yuan so much. I can totally see him getting help from his full-crow demon family members (or regular crows if he can control them like ZZL can snakes) to harass assholes by dropping rocks, pooping on them and such while in their full crow forms. 😂
He absolutely feels bad about stealing stuff from people he likes (especially Bing-ge) so of course he always offers payments in exchange. Rare plants, animal parts, non-shiny artifacts, etc. all suspiciously selected to be super useful in upcoming plot events, to Bing-ge’s bafflement. Probably doesn’t help the obsession. How TF does this thief know what he’s going to need soon???
AAAGGGHHHH, THIS IS SO FUN!! I love this idea that Shen Yuan either has like, demon family members that he can relax with (oh em gosh, seeing his original family in these demons?) or just hangs out with like, a murder of crows and is like "aight, get these fuckers" and they just swarm whoever irritated him that day. He definitely has a nest in a mountain somewhere, just filled with these shiny things that he steals from people, and oh my god can he just be like a safe haven for other crows (demon or otherwise) and have little perches that he makes for them and helps the ones that are too injured to hunt for themselves. He's like a master of crows and (despite being just a thorn in the side of the demon emperor) he is known to be terrifying lest these crows get hurt (I'm picturing half human Shen Yuan standing in the shadows of a forest with wings outstretched and just staring down at the culprit) BACK TO BING-GE, I'd find it really funny if Shen Yuan first steals shiny and qi rich things that are small and he can just take in full crow form because they aren't really heavy, leaving Bing-ge like "no fucking way a literal crow has been stealing from me. This feels humiliating what the hell". Later on, he sets a trap for Shen Yuan to steal this big trinket (a statue or something that radiates qi) because he knows it would be too heavy for the crow to take and he can grab it! He waits, then watches as Shen Yuan observes the statue a little bit, before shifting into his half-crow form and just scooping it up into his arms, scowling at the weight before flying out again. Bing-ge is sat there for a while like "what the fuck just happened" and then he watches as Shen Yuan returns a few minutes later with a herb that is supposed to be extremely useful for a poison or something, drops it where the statue was, and darts away again. After that, it's like the only thing on Bing-ge's mind is "how can I get this pretty demon to come back?" and he doesn't even think about his harem (if he has one in this), leaving them all around his palace absolutely confused and questioning what has happened to their emperor. {part two! Part one, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven!!}
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astrologuzzy · 1 year
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Disclaimer before I start: I’m no professional astrologer so don’t come for me, mkayyy? MWAH 💋
♡ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒, more specifically those with Gemini placements in their personal planets loveeeee playing around with their voice a lot. Just utilizing their voice to be a silly goobert. Like making voice impressions or funny sound effects is very natural for them. Which is why I think so many Geminis are comedians, artists and actors. Whenever I see someone who makes goofy sounds or is very into voice acting I instantly know they must be a Gemini/have heavy Mercury placements and up until now i was 100% correct each time lmao. (As someone who has Gemini placements myself: I love to make funny voices or impressions, sometimes I do it without realizing lol)
♥︎ Which actually brings my to my second point on 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 but those that are musicians; I noticed they frequently love to play around with different genres of music and different styles of singing/rapping in general, even all in one song simultaneously. Good example would probably be Kanye West or Kendrick Lamar. Their music and style tends to be very versatile and they tend to incorporate even very random notes/effects/sounds to it as well.
♡ Oh my goodness, all the 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒 I’ve ever known have this damn thing where if you don’t ask them specifically for what you wanna know, they’ll never even tell you it. I had a friend with a full blown Libra stellium that I finally caught up with after months of no contact and this girl only told me about her having a girlfriend and getting into a car accident only 3 days later!? That was thanks to me for randomly mentioning romance and cars, otherwise she wouldn’t have even shared it. So if you wanna hear a Libra disclose something specific with you, just be direct with it.
♥︎ I haven’t met an 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 that wasn’t impulsive and would jump from one relationship/project into another and then complain about how everything turns out a mess (but then get back up and repeat the cycle again smh).
♡ 𝟏𝟐 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐒 and their hidden enemies is actually very fukkin real. I got to witness it closely for the first time and oh boi am I shook lol. My boyfriend has a 12H moon and I’ve witness multiple times strangers come up to us, start a conversation and then just become insanely rude to him outta absolutely nowhere as if they been having beef with him since kindergarten?! Randoms tend to get mad or hostile so easily at him even if he doesn’t say anything bad... it’s so weird.
♥︎ Every person with an 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 in their big 3 has this feistiness to them. Even when they’re super sweet and chill type of Aries I still notice that they have moments where they’re quite direct or don’t really care about what you think. They’re gonna say what they wanna say one way or another and it’s honestly so natural to them, I don’t think they even notice. Even the quiet Aries in my life have this demeanor to them that you just don’t fuck with because they’ll bite back at some point.
♡ In my experience, every 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒 that I’ve ever known always expressed their appreciation and affection in letters/poems/metaphors very frequently. Very romantic, very abstract, Shakespeare who? Every time they’d send a whole ass paragraph like 🥀”you are like a rose that fell in this chaotic ocean and turned it into a tranquil lake” 🍂 just to describe my eyes or something. I don’t think my Aquarius moon is cut for such stuff lmao, it makes me cringe a bit but I do appreciate it! Although every Pisces mars guy I ever knew had additional water placements in their big 3 (like Cancer sun or a Pisces moon) which probably only doubled that sentimentality they had.
♥︎ 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 and their anger issues is something and that something is very real... That’s it, that’s the Tweet lol
♡ Idk what it is about 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 men but they always make me wanna take care of them and like baby them when they’re in their feels and retract and act like they aren’t on the verge of tears... Make me wanna go and cuddle them lol. Especially Cancer moons for wtv reason really soften my Aqua moon when I’m around without them even doing/saying anything.
♥︎ Also 𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒 are insanely great at faking their true state of being. I’ve met so many Libras that on the outside look like they’re having a blast but when you actually get to know them you see that their house burned down, their granny died, they almost choked to death twice last week and their partner broke up with them for 15th time that day and now they’re homeless... And you’re like damn bro, I’d literally never guess. They really know how to mask everything, put up a great front for others and do it insanely convincingly. You literally would never guess what that Libra is actually going thru, it’s probably worse than you can image. Please check up on your Libra friends and Libras - it’s ok to ask for helpppp. You guys deserve it <3
♡ 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 are one of the funniest mothafukers everrrrr, they always make me laugh so much! Double points if they have Gemini or other Fire placements with it. Just hilarious individuals.
♥︎ 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 are actually pretty chill people, you won’t see them angry often (but they make sure you know when they do). Usually our anger and passion is more so hidden and works backstage. Compared to 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 that are loud with it and don’t hold back.
That’s it for todayyyy ☀︎
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allastoredeer · 6 months
Hello I had this dream last night and I need to share it with you!!!
We know the whole crew is invited to the Cannibal Cookout for the weekend.
So I imagine Al is gonna let cameras take pictures of him and Lucifer, that way the headline of his relationship with the king of hell will reach the seven pentagram faster(it was showed that he can take pictures when he wants to, since vox kept one). But that also mean he is gonna be exposed for the first time in probably forever. Like he is known for his terrifying radio podcast, which means that not many ppl know about his true form, especially new born sinners. So I can only imagine the surprise of those people to see the radio demon , the scariest overlord of them all, being a cute deer with a a fluffy tail and all the package that comes with it. Also Alastor mentioned to Lucy to ‘Wear your Sunday best.”, which might imply that he is gonna wear something nice as well…
It would be hilarious if Half of hell will start simping for Alastor and downright ignoring Lucifer.
I can imagine the internet exploding with Alastor pictures and people going like 'aww his ears are moving’ or something, sinners go as far as make fan club about him, meanwhile a certain picture box is having a mental breakdown…
~Valentino: “u know u can just say it that u want him”
~Vox: “Alright alright fuck yea I do and so Does half of hell. God damn it”
Meanwhile Angel reading through the chaos Alastor just unleashed
“oh he is so stealing my job already”
OFC In all of this Al is completely oblivious about the situation he caused, so the crew tries to keep him out the flow, to not freak him out, which it’s not hard at all, since the dude doesn’t have a phone, but he does get a bit suspicious when Lucifer makes him wear something to cover his upper body, almost as far as making him wear an hat and glasses lol(I don’t see Lucifer as being who enjoys losing himself on new trends and gossip on the internet, so Angel probably showed him a innocent picture of them, but Lucy made the bad choice to go read through the comments. Nonetheless to say he was scarred for life, and decided to take it upon himself to protect Alastor’s privacy)
Also Alastor can probably sense when someone takes pictures of him, twitching his eyes and tail but otherwise leaves it be for the sake of maintaining the charade.
This was it ehehe, I kinda felt bad I woke up from that dream, I honestly wanted to know how it ended.
Either way I can’t wait to see how u are planning to go with it. Cause I just know u are gonna make me love every second of it😆👌
thank you for listening
Ps I wrote this at 5 in the morning a week ago, and I am not sure if I already sent it to u or my mind is playing tricks to me…so I am sorry if u already got the message.
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Heheheheh I love this! You have the BEST dreams. I'm so in love with most of Hell not knowing Alastor, or not really remembering what he looked like, since he's been gone (and Hell is expanding by the thousands every day, so of course there would be people who don't know him).
And so they see him for the first time and it's such a stark difference to what they were expecting XD He's developing a fan-base and Lucifer has to scare them all of (otherwise Alastor WILL murder. He will).
And no worries! I did get the ask from earlier! Sometimes, if it takes me a long time to get to an ask, that's because I want to draw some doodles for it like the pics above ^.^
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shadowqueenjude · 2 months
Didn't Rhys only kiss Feyre to protect her from Amarantha utm? I have only read the books once, so I could be wrong
OK so this is going to be a deep dive into all of Rhysand’s violations of Feyre specifically in book 1. Keep reading but be aware it’s long.
The first time Rhysand invades her mind is not even UTM but well before.
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It is very clear that Feyre neither asked for it and enjoyed it, and before people say Rhysand was “playing a role,” this was completely unnecessary. He didn’t have to visit the Spring Court. Tamlin already thought he was the villain. And if Amarantha had ordered him to do so, he could’ve said some mean words to Tamlin and Lucien and been done with it. There is absolutely no reason to invade Feyre’s mind other than to delight in her terror.
Now let’s go to UTM.
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Ok so basically if Feyre had given Rhysand her true name she would be dead at this point. And people argue “he was playing a role!” like…how? He could’ve just said her mind was like iron and impossible to penetrate. “Oh he was protecting her and knew she gave a false name!” no…he…didn’t? How tf would he know? And even if he somehow did know, he still gave that name to Amarantha knowing that it might be somebody close to Feyre and her family and got her ruthlessly tortured and killed.
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Ok so why is he forcibly grabbing her arm and hurting her here? There’s no one here but them two. If Rhysand wanted to help Feyre, he could’ve revealed himself to Feyre here. Do you really think that Feyre would give away his double-agentry if it benefitted her? There. Was. No. Need. For. A. Fucking. Mask. HE LAUGHED.
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Now another argument that I often see for twisting her arm is that it convinced her to agree to the healing that ultimately saved her life. But that is also wrong. Here it is pretty fucking obvious that Feyre was able to reason that for herself. Besides, it clearly wasn’t premeditated. He “lashed out,” meaning it was done in a moment of rage.
Also, he didn’t heal her out of the goodness of his heart or even to save himself from Amarantha. No, he wanted her, demanded her for two weeks out of every month. Why? To spite Tamlin, probably. He is OBSESSED with Tamlin. Look that in comparison to Lucien.
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There was no reason to add that second screenshot that’s just me fangirling over Lucien (again). But the point is he healed her without asking for anything. Maybe you could argue he did for Tamlin, for himself, for Prythian, but he’s still miles ahead of Rhysand sooooooo… Ok the worst part...
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Do you know what this means? That means the situation with the kiss only happened because RHYSAND sexually harassed Feyre by forcing her to wear extremely revealing clothes and coating her in this magic body paint. Otherwise how tf would Amarantha know that they kissed?????
Also Rhysand calling her his “belongings.” Uhhhhhh so what is that about hm?
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“He was doing it to perform for Amarantha” bro not even Amarantha liked it💀💀💀 This was for him and him alone. He gained some sick pleasure from this.
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Wow he's so bad at his role...Amarantha is sus
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Now is this or is this not Rhysand invading Feyre’s mind and forcing her to drink the wine? Drug induced sexual assault.
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My pookie bear Lulu checking on Feyre after she was SAed🥺👉👈
Ok anyway this is so unserious LOL. It’s so fucking obvious that SJM hastily went and edited this part when she decided that she wanted Rhysand to be endgame instead of Tamlin because she wanted it known that “Rhysand only touched her waist uwu!” Even if that was true, idc. He still violated her in countless ways.
If you want a plausible canon explanation, well Rhysand probably decided to manipulate her memory so that he said that it would smear if anybody touched it, including himself. Probably bc he realized it would be useful to have her on his side rather than otherwise (but he still wanted to have fun with her). Which offers the even more sinister idea that somebody besides Rhysand also touched her…
Also dude, why do you wanna rile Tamlin up so bad? Gay.
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The fact that the sexual assault was supposed to be a clear contrast to the joy she felt with Tamlin and then SJM retconned it all and made it into a repetitive sexy moment in later books pisses me off.
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...ok this hurts.
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“He kept her from breaking entirely 🥺” ok he could’ve done that without forcing himself on her again. If you suggest that he had to “make her disgusted to keep her together” or some twisted bullshit I will jump you.
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Ok maybe here he kissed her to “protect her,” but he already had her forcibly pinned to the wall, flirting with her when she obviously did not want him, and was actively violating her for weeks by dressing her up like a whore and forcing her to give him lap dances. So this situation is entirely his fault and I will not give him any mercy here.
Anyway I believe that’s the end of Rhysand’s violations of Feyre specifically for this book. But yeah. He only gets worse from book 2 onward.
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gvcci-bxby · 9 months
the arrangement (mini series) - chapter 2: lucky
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neteyam sully x omatikaya reader
word count: 5.2k
warnings: light angst, mostly fluff, probably misspellings lol
author's note: hello, everyone. this is the second chapter of 'the arrangement' series. As I continue to write this mini series, I become more and more excited... I hope everyone enjoys it!
Other chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
taglist: @bakugouswaif
As Neteyam walked away from your door, he shook his head at himself. He hurried himself down the roots of the tree, making his way down to the village again. Why did he have to play childish games on you throughout your childhood? At first, he thought it was funny, his friends always encouraging him on. It was amusing to see your tail twitch with aggravation, your ears pinned back in frustration. It was always just simple games, harmless pranks, and teasing. Now he’s frustrated with himself seeing how his games have come back to bite him. 
In Neteyam’s mind, he had to marry you. For a long time, he had convinced himself that one day you’d come around to the idea of mating with him and being the Tsahìk for the clan. Now, he twinged at your tone when you said you’d never mate with him, and he worried he would have to convince you otherwise. Neteyam clearly misinterpreted the way you perceived his games, and he has only realized it now that it’s too late. He never wanted a sour arranged marriage, one that he couldn’t look at his wife or she couldn’t look at him. His tail flicked imagining endless days of sitting on opposite sides of the home or silent, awkward dinners. He didn’t want that. 
Neteyam made his way back to his home, his parents waiting for him in their sitting room. In unison, his parents sat up straight, perking up at his presence entering through the doorway. 
“So,” Jake said, standing up. “How’d it go?”
Neteyam shook his head, “She hates me.” 
Jake put a hand to his forehead, while Neytiri hissed in frustration. “Son, did you really think it was a good idea to endlessly harass your future mate for years?” Jake said, looking towards his son. 
Clearly, he did and now that’s his current problem. Did he want to marry you? Not particularly. He disliked the way you were good at everything, making it look so easy during training. He was irritated by the way you hated him, always making his jokes a bigger deal then he meant them to be. He shook his head to himself, thinking how he hated the way he couldn’t help but watch your body move to the rhythm of the music at countless village festivals. 
“I wasn’t thinking about the future, sir. I’m sorry.” Neteyam said, looking at his father. 
“You never do, none of you do. This relationship is the foundation for the future of this clan. I’m hard on you because you have great responsibilities coming up.” Jake says, stepping closer to Neteyam. Neteyam was a tall, strong Na’vi yet his father still towered over him. “And all I ask is for you to create a model relationship for the rest of your peers and the clan. A relationship they feel like they can believe in and trust to lead them.” 
Neteyam breathed in, simmering his heated emotions. He hated being reprimanded by his father, especially because of you. 
“I will try.” Neteyam said, displaying that he was listening. 
“No trying, you will do. You’re dismissed.” Jake said, stepping back to let Neteyam by. 
Neteyam moved quickly, making his way to his room. As he walked by, his mother grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. 
“I see the way you look at her, Neteyam.” Neytiri said, her gaze boring a hole into her son. “Ask y/n for forgiveness for your past actions and show her your gentle side, the side the rest of us know as the true Neteyam.” Neytiri let go of her son’s arm, encouraging him to continue on. 
It was barely the afternoon and Neteyam was already exhausted. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone, not his siblings or friends that he had made plans with. Neteyam had known this moment was coming but he never thought how stressful it might be. Mateship should be exciting and warm but this entire thing, to Neteyam, felt cold and lonely. 
Neteyam plunked down on his bed, arms folding underneath his head, staring up at the ceiling. His mind fixated on you, all your interactions leaving his memory and rushing to his thoughts. Maybe his games were too harsh on you, you never did seem to like them. The truth is, Neteyam never understood why you never got along with each other. 
You avoided him at all times, making sure to have a friend group that hardly interacted with his. Occasionally you had to interact, small meetups with the young Na’vi when you were teenagers or sneaking out as a group to go to the lake after curfew. All those times he had noticed you and the way your tahini glowed in the darkness but never understood why you didn’t look in his direction. Had he really messed up that bad? Maybe, he supposes, he should have left you alone and let your eventual mateship be what brought you together. Neteyam had always know, as far back as he could remember, that you would be his mate. Perhaps his games were a way he could get you to notice him outside of being forced to mate with him. 
Neteyam, deep in his thoughts, only noticed that Lo’ak and Kiri had entered his room when they shook him back into consciousness. 
“Look at him, Kiri.” Lo’ak said, poking Neteyam’s arm. “He’s really torn up about this y/n thing.” 
Neteyam turned, scowling at Lo’ak. “I can hear you, bro.” 
Kiri sat down on the side of her brother’s bed, pulling Lo’ak with her. They sat, legs crossed, their tails curled with curiosity. “How are you feeling, brother?” Kiri said, turning her head to the side. 
Neteyam sighed, covering his eyes with the crook of his arm. “Everything is all messed up.” 
Kiri cooed, petting Neteyam’s arm. “Everything can be fixed, brother. I like y/n, she’s a nice girl. She’ll come around.” 
Lo’ak snorted, “Yeah, if she can get over all the pranks Neteyam has played on her.” 
Kiri shot Lo’ak a look and Neteyam groaned. “Were they really that bad?” 
Lo’ak opened his mouth to speak but Kiri pushed him in the chest causing him to fall backwards. Lo’ak hissed, rubbing his chest where Kiri shoved him. 
“The point is, brother, you have to apologize.” Kiri said, refocusing her attention on Neteyam. “It would probably help to have an honest conversation with her about the mateship too.”
Neteyam sighed, uncovering his eyes. “What do you mean?” 
“Well,” Kiri started, “You’ve told me that you just want to be a good leader for the clan even if that means being forced to mate with someone. You should at least communicate that to her, see if that’s a place where you can find common ground. To just make it work.” 
Neteyam shook his head, “Thank you, sister but you should have heard her today. She’s set on breaking the arrangement.” 
Kiri smiled, waving her hand. “Nonsense, I will help you with y/n. We’re friends, I know what she likes. Do you have plans to meet her soon?”
Neteyam nodded. 
“Good, you’ll take her for a picnic. Come, we’ll make the basket now.” Kiri said, standing up and pulling her brother’s arm. 
For the afternoon, Neteyam and Kiri worked together to roam around the territory of the village to collect and create a basket filled with the ripest fruits. Neteyam couldn’t help but build hope inside of him looking at what he and his sister were creating. Neteyam lost track of time and suddenly he found himself under a sunset, gold, and pink mixing together to stretch across the never-ending sky. 
Before they went home, Kiri snuck into the kitchen and swiped two slices of the cake that would be served tonight. “They won’t miss these,” Kiri had said, her eyes wide as she tucked the prizes in the basket Neteyam held. 
A pit in his stomach formed in Neteyam’s stomach. Neteyam felt so confused, unsure of how he felt about it all. He knew, no matter what, that his father would not let him, or you, out of this mateship. You had been chosen; a perfect match made by Eywa. It had been Neteyam’s fault for having a rough start with you, always teasing and making you look foolish in front of others in the clan. Truly, he had never meant any harm. 
“You really think y/n will like this, Kiri?” Neteyam asked as the siblings walked home. 
Kiri nodded, “No doubt. Remember to apologize, Neteyam. Eywa didn’t put you together for you two to hate each other.” 
Before Neteyam could process, he was standing at your doorstep, at noon the next day, the large and heavy basket in his hand. He knocked lightly and stepped back to allow you to respond. 
After only a moment, the door opened, and you stood in the doorway. Neteyam was taken aback when his breathed hitched at the sight of you. You were wearing a beaded outfit, one that looked brand new. It fit you perfectly, your top and bottom hugging you in all the right places, the beads covering your sensitive parts. The top half of your hair was up, tied back with a ribbon. Your face had touches of makeup; you had darkened your lips with juices of red berries. “Hello,” you said simply.
Neteyam coughed, tearing his gaze from you. “Hi, y/n. Are you ready?” 
You nodded, peering over your shoulder. “Yeah but I didn’t actually think you were coming, and I made the mistake of telling my mother and she forced me to pull all this shit on my face.” 
Neteyam smiled, amused. “It looks nice. Follow me.” 
You rolled your eyes, following him. Your eyes look at the full basket in his hand and you figured he was taking you for a picnic. The idea eased your mind, knowing that it would be a low-risk activity. 
Still, a day later, you didn’t know how you felt about going out with Neteyam. You had thought about it all night, unable to think of anything else. You tried to calm your emotions, thinking about how Eywa wouldn’t make a mistake by putting you and Neteyam together, right? Still, you couldn’t see it working out. 
You follow Neteyam, through the forest and away from the busy village. Your skin tingles, recognizing that you were alone with Neteyam. 
You watch as Neteyam sets the basket down, unfolding a weaved mat that had been tucked in beside the fruit and food. Neteyam stood back, gesturing for you to sit down. You did so, crossing your legs. You hadn’t eaten all day and your stomach growled at the sight of your favorite fruits. ‘How did he know what I like?’ You thought to yourself. 
Neteyam followed, sitting beside you. He was quick in dividing the food equally between the two of you. It was silent in the beginning, neither of you unsure of what to say. 
“I feel like we should talk,” Neteyam said, glancing at you.
You inhale, preparing yourself for the conversation. “You’re right,” you said, turning to Neteyam. 
“First, I want to apologize for my pranks over the years. I never thought about how you could be feeling being at the end of every joke.” Neteyam said, making eye contact with you.
Your heart weakened, frustrated that it took so long to hear an apology. You didn’t think Neteyam was a mean-spirited person, you had always seen him being kind and caring towards the elders in the village and his siblings. 
“We’ve been put in an odd position, having our relationship planned for us when you we were born. I guess I never knew how to deal with that, and I took it out on you. My parents, and I’m sure yours, have made it clear that we aren’t getting out of this so I feel like we should at least try to make us work. We have an entire clan to lead and that’s a lot of pressure. On top of all the expectations we have placed on us, I don’t want you to be miserable, y/n, I want you to be happy with me.” Neteyam huffed, using his last breath to squeeze out his statement.
You considered this. You didn’t want to have your relationship arranged, wanting the freedom to be a part of choosing your own mate and decide when you consummate your relationship. But you didn’t have that option and you had always known that. You decided to agree to Neteyam’s apology and put that in your past. You didn’t want to have a turbulent marriage, always admiring your parents peaceful and equal relationship. You had to accept his apology in order to make this work and have a relationship like your parents. You had to in order to be the leader you were born to be. 
Neteyam moved himself closer to you, his arm brushing yours. “I know this is all fast, just yesterday we were arguing and avoiding each other but us mating is getting closer, and we must prepare ourselves.”  
You nodded slowly, biting your lip as you listened. “I know Neteyam, it’s a lot. Let’s try though, I’ll try” 
You felt Neteyam’s shoulders go down beside you, his angst seemingly leaving his body. “Okay, where should we start?” 
You scrunched your nose. “Right here is a good start.” You said, gesturing towards the picnic around you. “It’s lovely, thank you for planning this.” 
Neteyam shrugged, “I’d like to say this was all me, but Kiri helped me out a lot.” 
You laughed, “I was wondering how you knew all my favorite foods.” 
You and Neteyam spent a few more hours together, conversing lightly. You both filled in the pieces of information that were missing from each of your understanding of each other. You couldn’t deny, it felt nice to not be at each other’s throat. You sat together in peace, laughing occasionally. It had been 20 years of constant strife between you and Neteyam, always a bitter exchange. Now, you were surprised by the quick turn-around between you and him, thankful for the mutual agreement to try and make a complicated situation simple. 
You eventually stood up, swiping the dirt off your legs. You noticed the sky dimming around you, the bio-luminous plants lighting up beside you. “I should probably get back home,” You said.
Neteyam nodded, standing up as well.  “You’re probably right,” he said, starting to pick scraps of food up, “I’ll walk you home.” 
Neteyam did so, replicating the short walk back to your home. You stood on your doorstep, facing Neteyam. “Thank you again, Neteyam. I appreciate the effort.” 
Neteyam smiled, making eye contact with you. “It was my pleasure. It comforts me to know that we will try our best to make our mateship work, y/n. I want to show you how good our relationship can be. An arranged relationship doesn’t have to be bad.” 
You nod, thinking his comments over. “You’re right. It doesn’t have to be bad. It’s actually kind of nice, not having to date a bunch of people to find the one.” 
Neteyam laughed, “Yeah, it is.” 
Silence laid between you, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The torches that were lit across the village illuminated the space around your hope. The shadows of the flames flickered across Neteyam faces, brightening his yellow eyes even brighter. Your breath hitched, studying his face closely. Neteyam was good looking, his features defined beautifully. All the rumors about Neteyam flooded to you at once, heating your neck and cheeks up. 
You tried to shake the images out of your head, but they stuck. You had heard from multiple girls that he was a good kisser, his large hands roaming in the right places. Multiple girls in the Omatikaya clan, Roya, Nalu and Leyra all had told you stories about their late nights spent with Neteyam. The way his fingers intertwined in their hair, the way his tongue flicked in rhythm, the way he made their back arch with ease. Your jaw clenched, causing your eyebrows to furrow. Why did the image of Neteyam sleeping with others cause you to feel.. jealousy? 
“Are you okay, y/n?” Neteyam said, noticing your face change from happy to concerned. Neteyam stepped closer, surprising himself when he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear. 
“Yes, I’m fine, I should go inside.” You step back, stumbling into your home. “Thanks again for today, Neteyam.” And you disappeared into your home, leaving Neteyam on your doorstep. 
Now Neteyam frowned, wondering what had just happened. It was going so well and then you frowned, seemingly thinking about something sour, then shrinking into your home. Neteyam stepped back, moving away from your home. 
Neteyam shifted the basket in his hands, walking towards his home. He thought about you, happy that you agreed to give the relationship a chance. Eywa had put you both in a beautifully complicated position, giving you the honor of leading a clan but putting you together unwillingly. 
Neteyam had been surprised at how smoothly the conversation went over the picnic, how easy it was to laugh and share stories. The image of the way you’d bite your lip, head leaned back as you laughed rolled around in his mind. Or the way the sun made your eyes twinkle, sparking Neteyam’s temptations to get closer to you. Already, Neteyam was in a trance around you.
If someone had told you a few weeks ago that you and Neteyam would be getting along, going on several dates, you would have laughed in their face. The picnic with Neteyam was the first of many instances where you and he spent time together alone. 
The past several weeks it had become clear to you that Neteyam was putting in effort, attempting to show that he is no longer the boy that plays childish pranks on you but is the boy who you are set to marry shortly. Each visit with Neteyam leaves your head spinning trying to figure out how you feel about the entire situation. You appreciate having the ability to learn more about Neteyam and allow yourself to open up to him before you become an officially mated pair. The visits with Neteyam encourage you to think about him as your future mate, no longer your enemy. You even find yourself looking forward to seeing him, catching glimpses of him around the village send goosebumps your arms and heat your cheeks. 
Neteyam often sits next to you at the weekly clan dinners, showing you, his parents, and himself that he is attempting to find peace with the arrangement. You appreciate the public gestures, noticing that others in the clan are starting to acknowledge you and Neteyam’s future together. When you hang around your friends, when you aren’t with Neteyam or doing chores, they fill you in on the gossip and whispers that circulate about you and Neteyam’s relationship. You blush, diverting your gaze away from your friends, when they tell you how lucky you are. 
Jake and Neytiri, notice their son’s absence in their home, but pleased that all his spare time is being spent with you. Neteyam has noticed also that he hasn’t spent time with his friends, or siblings, in a few weeks. Neteyam has been pleasantly surprised that he has been wrapped up in the time that is spent with you and the time it takes to make each date a special one. 
You and Neteyam have both been taken by surprise by the progress that’s been made together, completely forgetting the complicated, messy history you had at one point. You’ve both bonded, in a way, in only a short couple of weeks. You and Neteyam relate deeply, in a way nobody else can understand, both equally feeling the pressures of being chosen to be future leaders. In a way, that bonds you together deeply and for forever.
You stand outside your home, clipping one of your tops to a string that connects to a tree by your home. Your mother put you on laundry duty and you’ve been tied to your home all day. You hum, taking in the pleasant weather and warm sunshine that is beginning to set itself away for night. You catch yourself thinking about Neteyam, wondering what he’s doing right now. 
You scrunch your nose at the realization, shaking your head at yourself. You can’t believe you think of Neteyam in such a way, considering how you felt about him only a few weeks ago. You look off into the distance, listening to the chatter of the wildlife that lives around you in Pandora. You curse your mother, wishing she hadn’t given you a chore that chained you to your home for the entire day. 
Later that evening, you lay in your bed, your body tired from doing laundry all day. The sun had set several hours ago, and village life had winded down to a quiet hum. You lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling. You feel yourself drifting off into sleep when you feel something ping off your leg. You frowned, reaching down to rub where you felt something tap you. There was nothing on your bed or around you. 
You laid back down, trying to fall back asleep when you felt another object ping your leg. You laid still, waiting to feel it again. Your eyes watched as a small pebble flew into your room through your window. 
You stood up, standing on your bed to be able to look at the window. When you peaked out, you saw Neteyam standing outside your window, a goofy grin on his face. 
“Neteyam?” You whispered, “What are you doing throwing pebbles in my room?” You couldn’t help but laugh as you asked the question. 
“I thought it was better than knocking on your door considering the time,” Neteyam said, throwing a small pebble towards you, which ended up pinging off the side of your home. “Come out and take a walk through the forest with me, I have something to show you.” 
“You want me to come out now?” You asked. “It’s past curfew already.” 
Neteyam shrugged, “So? Come out.” 
You sighed, weighing the possibility of being caught by your parents or other Na’vi elders. You glanced at Neteyam who stood below your window, willing you to sneak out of your home. Your eyes caught Neteyam’s and he smiled, his tail flicking behind him in anticipation. You huffed, stepping off your bed. Neteyam frowned then, fully expecting you to have joined him. He stood in his position, hoping that you would change your mind. 
“Psst,” you said, now standing outside your home. You noticed Neteyam waiting, seemingly thinking you had turned his proposition down. “Are you coming or not?” you said, a playful smile across your lips.
Neteyam laughed, realizing that you had snuck out to join him, catching him by surprise. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” 
Neteyam caught up to you, walking at the same pace as you. It had been a full day since you last saw him, but it wasn’t like you were counting or anything… 
You made your way through the edge of the forest, Neteyam telling you when to turn. You turned off the beaten down path, turning into a thick part of the forest. You chatted lightly with your future mate, exchanging pleasantries. Neteyam informed you about his training he had participated in earlier in the day, shaking his head while he told you how Lo’ak had embarrassed himself. You laughed, imaging the scene in your mind as Neteyam told you. 
After a while of walking, you had given up on guessing where Neteyam was taking you. “Where are we going, Neteyam?” You asked, glancing up at him. 
Neteyam put his arm out, pushing several large branches out of the way to reveal a pretty sight. “We are going right here.” 
Before you, a river extended itself down for miles. The water, which was bio-luminous, moved slowly, making it the perfect place to swim. The water was illuminated, a beautiful deep blue, lighting up the surrounding area. The river’s edge was lined with beautiful plants and flowers, bio-luminous too, making it a mysterious sight. You inhaled sharply, glancing at Neteyam. 
Neteyam noticed your eyes sparkle, your facial features expressing awe of the sight he brought you too. He felt pleased, watching your reaction. Neteyam took your hand in his, guiding your from behind the bushes to the water’s edge. “I found it a couple of weeks ago and it’s been my go-to place to decompress after trainings. I thought you’d like it.” 
You nodded, crouching down, still holding Neteyam’s hand. You dipped your fingertips into the water, the warm water rushing between your fingers. “It’s beautiful.” 
You stood up, having the urge to feel the water all over your body. It had been months since you last swam, chores and duties claiming all your free time. “Come on,” you said, tugging Neteyam. You walked into the water until you were up to your thighs. Neteyam followed, amused by your urges. 
You sighed in relief; you always loved the feelings of water. You dipped down, submerging your torso underwater. You laughed, tipping your head back. “This is so much fun, Neteyam. I haven’t been swimming in forever!” 
Neteyam laughed too, his eyes gazing at you. His heart fluttered at the sound of your laugh, the way you expressed your pleasure of being in the water. 
Neteyam crouched down too, his face at your level. You turned your gaze to him, noticing his close proximity to you. Neteyam was a beautiful Na’vi and you knew it. His boyish features were turning into grown up features before your eyes, the anticipation of being introduced as the future Olo’eyktan aging him. You didn’t even notice Neteyam was taking you in at the same time, his eyes taking in your face. Within him, Neteyam felt a hunger to be close to you.
Underneath the water, you felt Neteyam’s hands wrap around your waist, bringing your body closer to his. You both stayed still, unmoving, embracing the moment and being alone together. 
Swiftly, the moment was broken by Neteyam cupping your face with one of his large hands, guiding your face to his, your lips crashing together with his. 
You were caught by surprise, once again, but your skin crawled with excitement. You took in Neteyam’s taste, your lips moving in synch with each other’s. You sighed softly, wishing the action of kissing Neteyam would never end. Neteyam’s arm wrapped around your waist firmly, your fronts pressing against each other. 
Neteyam pulled away, moving his hand that cupped your face to brushing a lock of your hair away from your face. Again, he took in your beauty, cursing himself for breaking the kiss. His lips already missed yours. 
You covered your mouth, stifling a laugh. ‘I kissed Neteyam!’ you thought to yourself ‘Who would have thought I would say that?’
Neteyam noticed your attempt to cover-up your laugh and he laughed too. It felt natural to kiss you, to have your body close to his. 
“Come on,” Neteyam said, pulling you. “Let’s swim for a while.”
You and Neteyam swam up the river, fooling around as you splashed water at each other or simply floated as you took in the quiet of the forest around you. After what must have been an hour or two, you both decided you should get home before anyone noticed you were missing. 
Once you stood back on land, attempting to dry yourselves off, you thanked Neteyam. “Thank you for getting me to sneak out and showing me your secret place. I really needed the break.” 
Neteyam glanced at you smiling, “I’m glad to share my secret place with you,” Neteyam said, pulling his wet braids back. “It can be our place from now on.” 
You smiled, diverting your eyes to the ground, feeling your cheeks heat up with a blush. 
You and Neteyam worked your way back to the Omaticaya village. In between conversations with Neteyam, you thought about how you felt happy with him, wishing you and Neteyam could have sorted out your issues sooner so you could have felt this joy years earlier. Everything happens when it needs to, you supposed. 
You were pleased with the way you and Neteyam’s relationship had matured and progressed that last few weeks. You felt hope that you could be a mated pair that got along, able to lead the Omaticaya people together. For the first time, you agreed with your friends; you were indeed lucky. 
Once you reached your home, located on the west edge of the village, you stopped to face Neteyam. “I guess this is good night.” You said, wishing you didn’t have to part with him. Neteyam smiled again, nodding. “I guess so,” Neteyam said, seemingly disappointed as well. 
Neteyam bent down, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
You smiled, stepping back from Neteyam. You gave him a little wave, walking up the steps to your front door. Without turning around, you opened your door slowly, hoping your parents weren’t awake. 
Neteyam watched as you go, wishing he could follow you into your home, into your room, into your bed. Once your front door closed, Neteyam turned, heading back towards his home. 
Neteyam was only a few feet away from his home when a figure appeared next to him. “Neteyam,” the voice, who Neteyam recognized as Korra, said. “Where have you been all day? I haven’t been able to find you.”
Neteyam’s stomach dropped, forgetting about Korra while he was with you. Korra was a Na’vi in the clan who had made it very clear that she had her sights set on Neteyam. It was known that Neteyam had been seen with other girls in the clan but most of what had circulated around the village was misunderstood. For a moment, Neteyam wondered if you heard and believed the rumors. Neteyam had always known he was promised to you, and although it was a complicated matter until now, he had never strayed away from the expectation to mate with you one day so he, mostly, stayed away from girls until the day to be with you arrived. 
“Korra, now isn’t a great time.” Neteyam said, moving around her. 
“Neteyam, now is always a great time. Some of us are hanging out tonight, you should come.” 
Neteyam shook his head, “No, Korra, I don’t think so.” 
Korra frowned, “Oh, okay. Well, can I see you soon?”
Neteyam tried his hardest to refrain from grimacing. “No, not like that. As friends, sure, but I don’t think you understand that Y/n and I are to be mated soon and I don’t want to offend her by being around girls without her. Maybe we can hang out as a group sometime.” 
Korra raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms. She tried her best to submerge her frustrated feelings to a place where they didn’t show. “You both should come tonight then. You’re always the life of the party, we just miss you around us. You’ve been so preoccupied lately.” 
Neteyam shrugged thinking about it. Would it be weird to go back and invite you? Maybe hanging out with his friends would help acquaint you with his life. Plus, Neteyam just wanted to see you again, taking any opportunity to spend time with you. “I’ll ask.” Neteyam said, moving away from Korra to finish his walk into his home. Little did he know, he left Korra standing outside his home, her emotions flaming with jealousy, and rejection. 
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catboymoments · 8 months
Before Hyacinth learns about being a Grimwalker does he think that they were adopted? Like how Mittens was but at a younger age? Or do they think they’re Hunter and Willow’s biological child? Or something else? And if they were told to be adopted did they wonder about their origins, whether in an analytical curious way or a “I wonder if my bio parents loved me” way? Sorry a lot of questions haha
I think they would do what any good parent would and give him the age appropriate truth- since he’s pretty observant he’d probably ask like… “why don’t I look like mama at all? Bronnie looks like both her mom and her renny, but I just kinda look like dad…” (Mittens wouldn’t have been in the picture yet if Hyacinth is pretty young here.)
n Willow and Hunter would be like. Nervous glance. Ok let’s do this. We prepared for this a little.
Cont. Under the cut to save space lol
“Well, you know how most witches and demons look a little like their parents, right? Like how Bronnie has green hair like Mx Raine, or how your mama looks a little like both grandpa and pop?”
“Well, that’s because- um. Usually-“
“Most witchlings and demon kits are made by different… parts of their parents! Like how a seed can grow into a tree or a Biting Nettle after it’s pollinated, yeah?“
“Right! like- remember how when Aunt Luz had Azura in her tummy because she still had to grow?”
“Uh huh…”
“It’s sort of like that. But… you didn’t grow in my tummy. And your dad-“
“I uh- my body is… different.”
“Like mine?”
“Yes!! Exactly! That’s because you and I share a lot of things, bud. Like how I had eyes like yours in that picture, the one from before Flapjack helped me? A-And we have the same big ears and that one lock of hair that never stays straight no matter how we style it?” (He softly flicks Hyacinth’s hair noodle with a smile, and Hyacinth giggles, so unlike the past.)
“You and I are related by our biology, what makes our bodies up as… witches. You’re not related that way to your mom, but you are still, absolutely, without a doubt her child, and she is still your mama. The love is there and she’s known you since the day you were born, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I love your mom, and we both love you, which makes us family.”
“Exactly. You’re our baby- my baby, even if I didn’t help to bring you here. Okay?”
“Oh… okay! So it’s like how Uncle Gus is my uncle but you guys and him don’t have the same dads?”
“Y-yeah that’s a much simpler way to put it!”
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Let's Talk About Trust, Baby
I've seen a lot of posts where people are really confused about Mew and where his head might be at with regard to his relationship with Top. Why he hasn't given Top the boyfriend title back, why they haven't had sex yet, etc. That led me down a rabbit hole of thinking about the relationships between the characters and the one thing all relationships need to function - TRUST. If you don't trust your significant other or your friends/family, etc, what kind of relationship can you even have? I tried to break this down in groups/pairs and some of it might not be as thought out, so there may be more on this as the show goes on but here we go.
The Fab Four
So there's a lot of context we're missing about the relationships between our core four dysfunctional besties (Note: So far, Cheum doesn't seem that dysfunctional, you're doing amazing sweetie!) such as how they met, how long have they been friends (what the hell Ray and Mew got up to that one night... *ahem* I digress). Now, we don't have any real answers to these questions (yet) so I'm taking some educated guesses based on my own college experiences and what I've generally picked up from other university BLs typical story telling.
I feel like the four of them met during orientation (except maybe Ray and Mew, I'm waffling on thoughts that they've known each other since high school). Most university BLs set it up that the mains meet during orientation, bond during whatever torture the seniors are putting the freshman through and kind of build their friend groups based on that.
I also feel like they may have gravitated toward each other or remained a group because they're all queer. BLs can go either way on whether or not homophobia exists in their narrative and I think that Only Friends is going the more realistic route (and it's Jojo) so I think that I can definitely see them bonding over being queer. They find an LGBTQ bar and it becomes their thing to do together. Most friendship groups form because people just sort of fall in together due to circumstance and they seem no different.
But do they trust each other? Signs point to yes. (I was shocked too, lol)
Mew and Cheum: We haven't had much focus on her, but he seems to value her opinion and listen to her advice. (We also know that April likes him from the time they've spent together and he likes April, so I would say he and Cheum probably have pretty good trust built up.)
Mew and Boston: He believed without a single doubt when Boston said that Top had never had a lover longer than 3 months and that Top would probably, as Ray put it "nail and bail" once Mew and Top have sex. Cheum also believed Boston. Do I think Boston was lying here? No. But neither do they and that's important. Does Boston trust Mew? I think he does. His issues with Mew are not about trust.
Mew and Ray: These two vibe a little different than the rest of the group. They seem closer; they seem like they've talked about "the deep stuff" (vs maybe superficial topics with their other friends). Their first one on one scene has them talking about Ray's alcoholism seriously (even though Mew doesn't push about it as much as I would have liked) and you can tell there's an intimacy there that the other group members don't share. Whether that stems from whatever it is that happened that night in the video (I am salivating about this, it's delicious, I need more info) or because they've been friends for longer, I don't know.
Let's move on to the pairs:
Cheum and April: Do they trust each other? I assume so? Cheum goes out drinking with the boys at least once a week and April seems okay with that (we haven't heard otherwise), so I'll say yes? (Jojo, I NEED MORE OF THEM. I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO EVEN ANALYZE. GIVE US MORE.)
Sand and Ray: I'm gonna call this one as Sand does not trust Ray, but Ray trusts Sand. Sand knows that Ray is a walking red flag and he's trying to resist but Ray is making it really hard. *ahem* Ray bailing mid-make out is not helping Sand's trust issue. If you look at how Sand has cared for Ray since episode one, however, Ray most likely trusts Sand. I mean, Ray talked about his mom to Sand. I think that's a biiiig deal.
Mew and Top: Thanks to Boston, neither of them trusts the other. And this, right here, is why Mew has not moved the relationship forward. HE DOESN'T TRUST TOP. He's still worried that Top will "nail and bail". Remember Mew's checklist from episode two? He only checks off "gets along with my friends" (HAH!) and "respects me" but not "doesn't lie to me". We can infer this means it hasn't been marked off since he doesn't mention it to anyone in this episode. Given that a lot of us clocked Mew potentially spotting Boston's trunks on the floor in the shower, along with him questioning if Top was telling the truth about the fire, it's clear this is the one thing holding him back.
If Mew agrees to be Top's boyfriend, then the expectation of sex becomes a lot higher (it shouldn't but that's a different discussion to be had). It's also implied in the narrative (and from Jojo) that Mew is a very structured person and he doesn't like to lose control (re-watch the counter scene from episode one. You know you want to. I'll wait). The moment that Mew realizes that he is way too into what they're doing, he panics because he doesn't have control over the situation.
Up until episode three, Top did trust Mew. He trusted him enough to get vulnerable and then Boston blew it up by fabricating a narrative backed with evidence of...something between Ray and Mew (I'm seriously dying for this scene, I need it).
Another thing I am having thoughts about is that in this episode, Top referred to himself as Mew's boyfriend and so did Cheum and Mew didn't deny it like he did in episode two. When Top's *ahem* "buddy" approached them at the silent disco, it was very clear that Mew expected Top to introduce Mew as his boyfriend and was visibly (if momentarily) upset that he didn't.
Boston and Nick: Yes and no, but also no and no, respectively. So Boston trusts Nick with some things but not everything which leads to him lying, gaslighting and manipulating (he's a triple threat). In turn, Nick lies right back, because what else can he do? (a lot of things actually, oh Nick, you are starting to spiral hard.) This leads Nick to rigging the CCTV video to show on his phone and to wiretap Boston's car, which just shows you his trust in Boston is non-existent.
In conclusion: Trust is another theme the show seems to be exploring: earning it, keeping it, and what you do after trust is broken. I think it can tie back into the ongoing ephemerality discussion as well: trust isn't permanent. You have to earn it, maintain it, and once broken, it's gone (and seldom can be repaired).
Also, everyone needs therapy.
Tagging the Ephemerality Squad: @waitmyturtles, @chickenstrangers, @lurkingshan, @twig-tea, @ranchthoughts, @clara-maybe-ontheroad
Hope I didn't forget anyone!
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thegoober010 · 7 months
I had this little idea to post head canons of the obey me bros for some reason so... let's do it >:)! So this is gonna be on like date ideas head canons like where they would be taking you!
Gender neutral reader <3!! Btw requests are open!! I would really appreciate some lol.
TW/CW -> none! Just pure fluff :D!!
characters included -> Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeous
Part 2 will include the other brothers and Part 3 will include the undateables/side-characters (besides Luke obv) <3!
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"Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you"
Lucifer I feel like would be the type to take you out on romantic dinners in fancy restaurants when he has the time. Since he is usually so busy with his duties and trying to please Diavolo (even though he usually is and just wants him to take a damn break for once.) he doesn't really take you out on dates (unless he sees the opportunity to, like when they were trying to find that illegal gambling spot in the carnival and he takes you onto the ferris wheel) but when he does trust me they are the most romantic dates ever. He gives you so much attention and takes you to the most fancy and known places for a good dinner. He tells you to not worry about the price since he will be paying for everything so that you don't waste a dime. He enjoys seeing your wide smile as you dig into the most delicious meals. Of course he does not only take you out on dinners, he also enjoys to take you out on small walks with Cerberus. If you ask very nicely you can even walk him, but he makes sure to help guide you so that you don't get pulled by him and lose control of him.
Mammon really enjoys taking you out on dates, nothing too fancy but also nothing too wild. He would take you on the occasional dinner for the first few but later it would be something more simple like taking you out to the park or to go gamble a bit, you usually help keep him in check if he does start gambling a bit too much, which at first annoys him but after you two leave the casino he appreciates it (because if he continued then he would've probably lost all the money he had just won.) You two also do many movie date nights, usually he chooses the movie but every once in a while you choose. (don't expect him to choose any horror movies btw we all know this mf is a HUGE scaredy-cat, he doesn't mind if you choose a horror movie but don't expect him to be quiet this mf will YELL at every little noise and probably get you both in trouble for being so loud)
Don't expect much from this otaku! The most fancy thing you'll get is a restaurant in an anime convention. He doesn't really like the idea of very fancy dates, he enjoys being more casual, of course he does want to impress you after all he wants to prove himself worthy of your love, since he's rather insecure he wants to prove himself in different ways but bringing you on a super fancy date is not one of them, he thinks you'd probably be more impressed by his epic gaming skills or something. He probably takes you out to many anime conventions and you two usually have lots of fun cosplaying or just going in casual outfits! But usually Levi makes you both cosplay characters you both relate to or are together! Other types of dates I feel like he'd do are gaming dates or anime binging dates where you both just hang out normally with some take-out or something of that sort with you two, you're both cuddling in bed (he's definitely a little spoon no one can tell me otherwise this mf cannot handle physical touch well so he prefers when you're the big spoon instead of him its more comfortable) and you're both gaming or you're both binge watching some new anime or reading manga together! That's a good enough date for him and hopefully you too!
Asmodeous's dates include mainly self-care! He loves taking you out on spa dates or to the sauna! He makes sure to pay for all of it and after that he usually takes you out to shop at the mall, both of you getting everything you want and trying out new clothing! When you two don't leave the house though usually the dates you two do are in his room practicing self-care whether that be some new skincare, make-up looks, resting up, and showering/bathing together, if it's self-care related he'll do it with you, it's your own little dates! He's also very open to new date ideas though he's not all just about self-care he loves shopping dates but also movie dates, or well they're more like show dates? Instead of movies you two usually binge-watch fashion shows or bad reality tv! I feel like he really enjoys bad reality tv usually the romance ones/dating shows
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acesandocs · 2 months
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A fic i wrote that coincidentally got finished in time for @rudnitskaia's birthday so it technically counts as a birthday gift right? She's also known about it for a bit lol. Still I hope it brings you joy on your special day girl, happy birthday!
Theres only a small content warning for vomiting, otherwise this is pretty chill
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The time was half past 8 and it was almost closing time. Mau swept along to the beat of the radio at the end of the hall. The restaurant had been quiet today, despite her hoping she might catch a glimpse of a certain blue clothed tabby. It seemed the day would end frustratingly dull. So because of the lack of customers she thought it couldn't hurt to close up early. She was done with the general cleaning, washing and counting the till, now all that was left was to sweep. She went through the restaurant broom in hand clearing up the last dust of the day. She was jolted out of her thoughts by a crash and cawing that sounded distinctly like a crow coming from outside.
‘’Oh great.’’ She sighed
Birds and other animals tended to slink around the building when the customers had left looking for scraps. She felt bad for them somewhat, they probably had little crow families to take care of and feed. But if there became to many of them it might become a caw-cophony. It was a good thing no one was around outside or they'd see the brown cat laughing only somewhat uncontrollably in in an empty restaurant.
Making her way to the front door holding her broom she hoped she wouldn't have to actually hurt the poor creatures. Looking outside sure enough there was a crow pecking at the trash waiting to be collected. She brandished her broom but just as she was about to approach the feathered scavenger it jumped down and jumped towards Mau having noticed a sizable piece of pizza crust stuck in the bristles of Mau’s broom. She jumped to the side startled but not because of the approaching avian.
As the crow had gotten closer a low squeak came from behind her to the left. She looked to where distinctly non-bird-like sound had come from, and saw a tortoiseshell cat practically trying to meld into the wall beside the door the way he was pushing his body back against the surface. His eyes boring into the crow watching its every move. As she was contemplating the tri-colored cat Mau hadn't noticed the crow getting closer. Before she had gotten the chance to shoo it away the mystery cat had thrown himself behind Mau crouching and holding on to his tail as to avoid any part of him being in direct view of the bird. She might have been frightened by his behavior but Mau had been around plenty of weird and quirky cats, she’d even say shes a bit odd herself. Turning back to the bird in hand she shook her broom but the crow wasn't giving up yet still focusing on the pizza crust that was being waved in his face. Mau shook the broom more fervently disloging the pizza crust and accidentally flinging it across the street the crow hopping close behind. Turning her attention to the cat crouched down beside her she offered him a hand. The tortie cat scrambled up acting like nothing had happened dusting himself off and readjusting his neckerchief.
‘’Ahem. Ehhh, thank you…’’ he said stiffly
The tortie had a noticeable accent tough Mau couldn't place it
‘’No problem at all, they come by all the time so I’m no stranger to wrangling up crows and sending them on their way.’’ Mau responded leaning her broom out one hand on her hip, just as relaxed as ever. It seemed to put the tortie cat at ease.
‘’Oh what is your name by the way’’
‘’Ås- ehm Ace. Like the card. Yes.’’
Ace anxiously looked around and stepped closer to Mau as he noticed the crow standing between him and his intended destination still munching on his well earned pizza crust.
‘’If you want you can come inside and wait until it leaves’’ said Mau gesturing towards the door of the restaurant.
She probably shouldn't let random strangers into the restaurant. Especially since she was technically closing but she felt a little bad for Ace, it probably wouldn't take long anyway.
‘’Ssssure but only because I need to rest my… legs anyway. you know, from all the uh wall inspecting.’’
‘’Wall inspecting?’’
Yes, that’s what I was doing before you came out. Looking at the walls checking for cracks and stuff.’’ He said nonchalantly. Trying to banish any indication that he was actually scared of the bird
Mau held back a snicker and responded ‘’Ah, I see. that is very important work, thank you for your service.’’ She punctuated the end of her sentence with a swift salute.
Ace blinked, a little caught off guard by her willingness to go along with his lie ‘’Ha well, yes I’m very good at my job. Just the other day I heard my boss speaking about making me the worker of the month’’ Ace said with confidently smirk, resting his hands on his hips
Mau thought he was pushing it now but couldn't help but be somewhat endeared. She opened the door and let Ace in.
‘’Sit down if you’d like or not, also do you want some water. All that wall inspecting must be exhausting work.’’
Ace took a seat by the bar and nodded. Leaning dramatically across the bar table resting a hand on his brow.
‘’Yes please, I’m wasting away…’’ adding on a few coughs to underline their performance
Mau gasped in mock distress as she hurried to the kitchen coming back out a few minutes later with a pitcher and two glasses. She poured equal amounts sliding one glass towards Ace which he happily accepted drinking half of it in one gulp.
In the light of the restaurant Mau could see Ace more clearly. She had assumed he was a man because of the way he dressed and seemingly short hair but she now noticed it looked more like a bob at least in the front. That along with is voice made him seem more androgynous.
The jovial atmosphere in the restaurant was interrupted as they saw A seagull had joined the crow outside fighting it for the pizza crust. Ace huffed, disappointed at the persistent presence of the crow. Mau attempted to lighten the mood
‘’We’re lucky there is only one or we might have had a murder on our hands’’ she said with a grin. Ace only looked at her, his expression hauntingly blank. Maybe she should have thought more about her audience before making that pun.
‘’Anyway’’ she said quickly trying to divert the conversation. ‘’I like your neckerchief where'd you get it.’’ Ace looked down still a bit unsettled by the pun but responded
‘’I made it’’
‘’What, really? it looks very professional’’
‘’Thank you’’ Ace moved his chin up so Mau could see it more clearly
‘’Where'd you learn to sew?’’ Mau asked
That made Ace pause ‘’Well…’’ it was difficult to open up about that particular subject, even if she wasn't talking to a total stranger. He looked at Mau and she gave him an encouraging nod. He didn't know why but he felt he could trust her. There was something about her that just made her easy to talk to. Despite the miscalculated pun.
‘’Me and my mom made most of our money that way when I was little’’ Ace didn't have the heart to elaborate further that that, Mau could tell and didn't push the subject further
‘’You know this is me and my father’s restaurant’’ Mau shared, hoping to find some common ground between them.
‘’That sounds nice, what do you make?’’
‘’Mostly Italian food, my father is usually the one working the kitchen. I do have a special pizza recipe I get to try out once in a while’’
‘’What is it?’’
Mau smirked proudly ‘’I call it sugary pizza’’ Putting her palms in front of her for emphasis
‘’That sounds… amazing’’
‘’Yes! I mean pizza is fine but sweet pizza sounds super tasty, is it more like a pastry?’’
Mau thought for a moment. It was rare anyone wanted to hear about her experimental recipes and even rarer for someone to want to try them. She couldn't let this opportunity pass her by.
'' You know… I might have some leftovers somewhere I can heat up for you''
Ace leaned forward and spoke lowly, as if this was the most serious topic in existence.
‘’Heat me up a pizza.’’
She didn't need any more prompting. Retreating into the kitchen she got the oven ready to reheat the leftovers. A while later she placed a plate of sickeningly sweet pizza in front of Ace. He cut a piece and lifted it up in the air, inspecting it for a moment. It quickly disappeared into his mouth and the tortie cat chewed enthusiastically only to stop dead in his tracks. He slowly continued but his facial expression seemed to be changing rapidly from shock to fear to grief to acceptance, and swallowed it dutifully.
‘’So how is it?’’ Mau asked hesitantly
‘’Amazing…’’ he said with a strained voice
Mau only looked at him raising her eyebrow ‘’really?’’
‘’Never tasted anything better’’ he continued though Mau could hear him gagging. She reached for a paper bag she had brought just in case this scenario played out. She handed it to Ace just in time as he hunched over and wretched into it.
Mau cleaned up the reheated sugary cuisine, when she returned from the kitchen a third time Ace had finished and was leaning on the table
‘’Are you ok now?’’
‘’I guess. I’m sorry for throwing up your sugary pizza’’ he said dejectedly
Mau waved it of both figuratively and literally. ‘’ It’s nothing to say sorry for. You tried it at least.‘’
''I thought it tasted good; I promise. It was just the way it felt in my mouth that just… ugh’’ he said with a shudder.
Mau chuckled ‘’Maybe you can taste some of my father’s cooking, huh? It tends to go over better with people.’’
‘’I’d like that’’
Ace looked towards the window and noticed the road outside the restaurant was finally free of crows. Mau noticed the same.
‘’Aha, there we go. Now you can get home safely’’
‘’Trust me you’re never truly safe from… them’’ he said ominously. Ace had seemingly let go of trying to make it look like he wasn't scared of the black feathered corvids. ‘’But I think I'll manage’’
‘’If you say so, will you come back some time? I can probably get you a discount.’’
Ace grinned ear to ear ‘’Absolutely’’ he said as they shook hands. Mau saw him of at the door, and bid him farewell. There seemed there were no shortage of eccentric cats in st Louis, she thought to herself as she saw Ace disappear into the night of the city.
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Theres not much historical stuff to mention here.
The only thing I did considerable research on was how trash would be disposed of in the 1920s. As far as I found it seems trash would be lined up by the road and trash cars/wagons would come and collect everything taking it to a secondary location to be disposed of.
Heldig also provided me with a map of Mau and her fathers restaurant Upon my request so I could plan things out.
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cyncerity · 2 months
Holy fucking shit the Dad’s Troubles AU story?? That i’ve been teasing since January??? It’s finally done??????
this took so fucking long that i’m debating posting an alternate and an extended unedited version that’s how many times i’ve written and re-written this thing.
anyway without further ado, the posts you’ll need for the context of this story are here and here, and the art teaser is here (if you’ve been keeping up with the Dad’s Troubles AU since 2022 you probably don’t need the context lol, but it has been a while so they’re there for whoever needs a refresher)
@quotethemenevervore (sorry if that’s the wrong account to tag btw) you seemed very excited for this story so i figured i’d tag you lol
tw: soft, safe vore, panic attack ig???
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” “I know, but, c’mon…we have to tell him eventually.”
Charlie sat on Schlatt’s living room table, the human leaning his head on his palm to be at a closer level to the borrower he was talking to. This was the same conversation they’d been having on and off for months now: should Ted be let in on the secret that Charlie wasn’t human. Obviously, there was a clear answer for them: eventually. Now, when ‘eventually’ actually was…that was a different problem.
“Do I need to remind you what happened the first and only time you met him in person?” Schlatt asked, to which Charlie just groaned. “You have to bring up the fish thing every time, don’t you? Cause yeah, I remember almost drowning, thank you very much.” “It’s more so the principle that he would throw you out a fuckin window, but you get my point. He clearly doesn’t see you as a person.” As much as Schlatt always hated to think about that, it was something him and Ted could never agree on. Ted was of the opinion that borrowers were basically just bipedal rats, and nothing Schlatt had done to convince him otherwise had worked. “But what if I changed that?” Charlie challenged, standing to pace the space in front of Schlatt. “He knows me, he’s known me for years. We’re friends, fuck, I’d say the three of us are best friends! There’s no way he’d just forget all of that the second he sees what height I am, right?” He finished, looking up at Schlatt with something akin to fear. Like he wanted Schlatt to tell him he was right, that it would all work out. But he couldn’t, because didn’t have an answer to what Ted would do. Schlatt sighed. “Honestly, I don’t kn-“
The doorknob to the apartment shook. It was locked, Schlatt always locked it when it was just him in the apartment. Schlatt and Charlie froze. Was Quackity trying to get in? Cause he wasn’t supposed to be home for a good few more hours, hence the door being locked. They were both absolutely silent, waiting for any confirmation that it was their mutual friend, until they heard a few utterances of cursing from behind the locked door.
“God fucking damnit, where are the keys Schlatt gave me-“
Shit, shit. Schlatt had totally forgotten he gave Ted a space pair of keys for when he was visiting. Fuck, fuck, what the fuck should he do with Charlie?
He heard the key turn in the lock.
All of the borrower tunnels were too far away for the remaining few seconds he had till Ted walked in. There’d be no disguising that he was talking to Charlie. Charlie, who was part of a species that Ted believed couldn’t talk. He wouldn’t be able to explain himself.
He heard a creak as the door started to open.
Did he have a pocket? Shit, no, he had a crew neck and the pockets on his jeans were too tight and small for Charlie to fit in. There was only one other option he could think of. Fuck. Charlie, like him, had been frozen from shock this whole time. That would probably make this easier. He quickly lowered himself down and tried to grab Charlie to shove him in his mouth.
“Schlatt!” He heard Ted shout, and suddenly, without warning, Charlie moved.
Frantically, almost blindly running at him with no warning and accidentally falling past his hand and into his mouth, and everything went to shit.
Oh no. Speak of the devil. Ted. God dammit, why did he have to show up right when he and Schlatt were talking about him. And why did Schlatt even give him a spare key?
He heard the key turn in the lock.
Ok, fuck, how the fuck was he supposed to get out of this one? He didn’t have time to run, he wasn’t naïve enough to believe that. And contrary to how often he joked about the window and the almost-getting-eaten-by-a-fish thing, it was actually a pretty horrifying experience that he would not like to relive, thank you very much.
He heard a creak as the door started to open.
Shit, what should he do? What could he do?! He was out in the open, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide unless Schlatt had pockets or- wait. Schlatt. Schlatt…himself could be a place to hide. He’d seen Tubbo do it, that had been a long fuckin conversation after walking in on that, but it was safe. Probably a hell of a lot safer than being anywhere near Ted. But was he really willing to end up down his best friends throat?
“Schlatt!” He heard Ted shout and, apparently, he was.
He broke free from his panicked state and immediately sprinted towards Schlatt, planning to climb his shirt to his mouth and just hoping to god Schlatt would get the hint. However, he apparently hadn’t noticed that Schlatt had the same idea as him.
“Schlatt?” Ted asked.
Charlie ran full speed into something jarringly warm and wet. The change in…well, everything environmentally made him yell, as any and all light was suddenly stripped from him.
The door clicked closed, Ted was in the room with them. Thank god they’d been facing away from the door.
Charlie felt himself be thrown backward in the dark space, losing his balance as one of his legs caught in something that started to pull him down.
Oh fuck, that was weird, but it was fine. He wanted this, he decided to do this, he…he was getting eaten. It’s fine. This is fine, it’s Schlatt for fucks sake. And yet, the part of his brain that hadn’t quite registered that the “getting eaten” thing was actually his plan, told him to fight, to try and free his leg from the throat that threatened to drag him deeper into the giant.
“Are you ok, man?” Charlie heard Ted ask from beyond the closed teeth around him. He was getting closer.
The darkest split a bit, and something else entered the mouth with him for a moment. He couldn’t see well enough through his spit covered glasses and small amount of light what they were, but he guessed pretty immediately when they got a grip of his arms and started to shove him down the esophagus. Fingers. Schlatt pinned Charlie’s arms at his sides and shoved more of him down.
The fingers retracted from the mouth when only his legs remained out of the throat. He felt the environment around him change and realized what was happening. His struggling increased tenfold, kicking desperately at the teeth and gums around him to no avail, as the giant swallowed one last time and sent him fully into the throat.
“Schlatt!” Ted yelled, running over to see Schlatt holding his throat, unable to breathe. Ted went to wrap his arms around him to perform the heimlich, but Schlatt was thankfully aware enough to push him away at the last second. Unfortunately, that move made him send himself crashing onto the floor. Ted rushed over again, worry plastered on his face as Schlatt held up a hand, signaling to stop. So, Ted did just that, running off to do god knows what. Schlatt, meanwhile, could feel Charlie get stuck just a short way before he stopped blocking his windpipe. Schlatt pushed at his throat, swallowing frantically, pounding at his chest, anything to get Charlie down faster. He didn’t realize just how much…bigger Charlie was than his son. Charlie was a grown man, and tall by borrower standards, too. Compare that to Tubbo who was short by all standards and Schlatt realized he may have bitten off more than he could chew. Charlie seemed to be helping it go faster somewhat by squirming his way down, though he doubted it was on purpose. Though maybe this was a thought he could have later since at the moment he was very focused on not choking and dying on his best friend.
It was when Schlatt was starting to black out that Ted came back with a glass of water, not even giving Schlatt time to process it before forcefully opening his mouth and pouring it down his throat, giving Schlatt the ability to swallow Charlie down farther and finally unblock him from his windpipe. Schlatt fell to the ground again with a gasp, trying to drag as much air into his lungs as humanely possible. He placed a hand on his chest as he finally, fucking finally, felt Charlie make his way closer towards the stomach. He dissolved into a coughing fit on the floor, Ted slowly lowering himself to sit next to him. Schlatt wasn’t even gonna try to explain anything to Ted yet, though. Not until Charlie ended up where he needed to be and he could stop worrying.
He did his best to keep a poker face while he felt a much heavier weight than usual drop into his stomach. He really hadn’t thought about how much bigger Charlie was than Tubbo, but it was more noticeable now than ever.
Immediately he felt a flurry of movement from his stomach, limbs flailing and Charlie trying to get accustomed to whatever it was like in there. Schlatt squeezed his stomach in so Charlie wouldn’t trigger something audible that he’d have to make an excuse over, but quickly found that the borrower’s whole frame was shaking.
Schlatt only had time to worry for a second before he was snapped out of his shock with a hand clap onto his shoulder, snapping his attention back to what was happening on the outside. “Schlatt, you with me, man?” “..Yeah! Yeah, I’m, uh, I’m fine.” Right, he had an act to put on for Ted. “What the fuck were you choking on?” “Oh nothing, so, what brings you here?” Schlatt asked, trying to redirect the conversation. He didn’t know what excuse he would use for that shit show if he needed one, but he doubted he’d be able to convincingly lie to Ted about it with Charlie right there listening. But it wasn’t like he could say the truth. ‘Sorry about that Ted, I was choking on our third podcast member because he’s scared you’ll hurt him but don’t worry, he’s in my stomach now so he’s safe from, again, exclusively you.’
Yeah, no.
“Well, I came over to surprise you. Didn’t think you’d almost die or something.” Ted said, and Schlatt chuckled a bit in response. “Yeah, well, I didn’t expect anyone to break into my apartment.” Schlatt stood, silently thankful for Ted helping him up as he adjusted to the added weight in his middle. He felt Charlie sway a bit as he stood, though there was significantly less fighting back on Charlie’s end at the movement. Thank fuck. “You down here for any reason other than to scare me half to death?” Schlatt said, pacing over to his fridge under the guise of grabbing food while he silently felt for any signal from Charlie now that his back was turned to Ted. “Yeah, actually.” Ted said, leaning against the counter that separated the living room from the kitchen.
Schlatt hummed to pretend he was paying attention while pressing into his stomach a few quick times. Short short long. Long long long, long short long. ‘U-O-K-?’ He knew Charlie could translate it, he was the one that taught Schlatt Morse code. He was waiting for two taps back; their signal for yes. Hell, he’d even take one tap for no, something. Hopefully, Charlie would get the hint that he was ok.
“…Schlatt?” Ted questioned, again snapping Schlatt out of his worries again. Right. The act. “Sorry, must’ve zoned out, what were you saying?” “I was saying I’m here for a reason. You’re not the only one of my friends in the area, but surprise! I’m staying down here for a few months to do content!” Ted looked to Schlatt expectantly, and Schlatt did his best to be happy for Ted, but he was sure his smile looked forced. He didn’t know if it was his worry for Charlie or just the direction the conversation was headed in, but he had a sinking feeling in his gut that he knew wasn’t Charlie’s fault. He did his best to ignore it. “That’s great, man! Sounds like it’ll be fun.” “That’s the goal.” Ted answered. “Do a couple collab videos, some vlogs, it’ll be sick-” “Mhm.” Schlatt responded while Ted continued talking, tapping out the morse again. And again. And again for good measure. If this wouldn’t get Charlie to do something, anything, then something was wrong. He waited a few seconds before beginning the pattern again with more force, starting to wonder if Charlie had just passed out at that point, until-
Something. An arm or leg or something kicking out where he’d been pressing in, hard, and he recoiled his hand away immediately with a wince of pain. Charlie packed way more of a punch than Tubbo or Tommy did, that’s for damn sure. He wanted to try communication again, though he was smart enough to realize that his physical gestures were not appreciated in the slightest. So he did nothing and waited. He waited a few seconds, maybe even a few minutes, until, finally…he felt two weak taps back.
Falling headfirst into the pitch black stomach of his best friend was about as pleasant as Charlie expected it would be.
Immediately almost all of his senses were absolutely fucked, the wetness and humidity of the air around him clinging to his skin and fogging his glasses. The spongey walls around him gave way far too easily for him to properly get his balance, and he kept face planting into the bottom of the organ every time he tried to right himself. There was also liquid up to his waist (water, spit, he didn’t know, nor did he care to at the moment) which he kept almost fucking drowning himself in since he couldn’t stay upright long enough or see enough to figure out which way was up, down, forwards, backwards-
The walls suddenly pressed in on him, making Charlie squeak in fear almost inaudibly, pinning him in place thankfully right side up and out of the water, and he realized he was shaking. Why was he shaking? He was fine, he knew that, he knew that, why was he scared? He trusted Schlatt, this wasn’t even the human’s idea, it was his, he chose this.
The walls slowly began to release their hold on him as his thoughts started to suffocate him more than the stomach could ever.
Why, why the fuck was this so awful for him? He was safe, safe, he knew it was safe, he’d seen this happen a hundred times.
The walls began to press in periodically.
He’d willingly hung out with Schlatt and Quackity both when he knew that they had Tubbo inside. Tubbo was fine then, so he’s fine now. Science. Logic. He was safe. He wasn’t food. He wasn’t food.
short short long
Schlatt cared, cared enough about his safety to let him use his body as a barrier between him and someone who could hurt him. Would hurt him. His body. His giant, dangerous body that had been able to swallow him. His body that could kill him at any moment.
long long long
But he wouldn’t. Schlatt cared. He wasn’t food. He was safe. He was safe. Safe within his human friend. Safe from his human friend. Guarded inside a creature that could kill him from a creature that could kill him.
long short long
But his human friend wouldn’t kill him. But his human friend would, almost did, kill him.
The walls were still closing in on him.
Fuck. No, wrong human, Schlatt wants to protect him. Schlatt is his friend. Ted is his friend, their friend.
The walls are closing in periodically. Again and again.
He’s suffocating.
Ted would, almost did, kill him. He almost drowned, was almost swallowed, if it hadn’t been for Schlatt. He was almost swallowed. He was almost swallowed. He was swallowed. He was swallowed, he had been swallowed-
Something pressed in on the stomach again hard enough to force the wall to make contact with him, and in his hysterics Charlie kicked it as hard as he could manage, hearing a sharp hiss of pain be sucked into the lungs above him. Fuck. No, fuck, what is he doing? This is Schlatt. Schlatt. Schlatt, who’s never been anything but good to him, who’s treated him with nothing but respect despite what he was, who raised a borrower child and did a damn good job of it, too. Why…why was he acting like this? He trusts Schlatt, he’s literally thrown his life into Schlatt’s hands more times than he can count, why…why was this so much more difficult?
Fuck, focus on the task at hand. Deep breaths. 4, 7, 8. Again, 4, 7, 8. Charlie forced himself to think of the things around him. Liquid, heat, the weird spongey walls that had been caving in. There’s a good place to start. With the fog of his hysteria clearing, Charlie tried to remember what the pattern of the walls pressing in was. Short short long…long long long…long short long. Charlie let out a breathy, humorless laugh. “You ok?” Schlatt had been asking. He suddenly felt a little bit dumb for his panicked state earlier.
Struggling to push himself to what he was now sure was the front of the stomach with his legs still weak from fear, he settled himself against the wall to better hear exactly what was going on outside. Finally, he answered Schlatt’s question by tapping back twice, letting the human know he was ok, even if the shaking hadn’t quite let up yet. He laughed to himself again, this time more genuinely, as he heard the immediate sigh of relief from above him.
Yeah, he was sure he was safe.
Charlie was ok. Holy fuck, Schlatt could have cried with relief. He didn’t hurt his best friend, that was a weight off his shoulders. “I did want to talk with you about something though, just to get your opinion on it.” “Sure, what’s up man?” Schlatt said, attention fully on Ted for the first time in this whole conversation. “It’s about Charlie.”
Schlatt froze, and he could feel Charlie tense up. “Uh…what about him?” “I just, i don’t know…it’s hard to explain.” Ted frustratedly motioned with his hands and tried to explain more before sighing. “Did i do something wrong?” Ted said, a genuine look of confusion and hurt in his eyes. “Everytime we talk, it’s fine. We’re friends, and we have been for a while, and I know he’s on the same page as me. But any time I ask him anything vaguely personal, even if it’s just shit like his hair color or mcdonald’s order or fucking anything, it’s like we’re back to being strangers. Like I don’t have the right as his friend to know shit like that. The only thing I know about him is his first name and honestly? It wouldn’t even bother me if he wasn’t so close with you.” Schlatt hadn’t expected that, and from what he could tell of Charlie relaxing and pressing closer into the front wall of his stomach to hear more, he hadn’t expected it either. “Ted, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…well, for one, Charlie has known me for a lot longer than he’s known you. Of course he’s more comfortable with me. But it’s not that he doesn’t trust you or anything. I promise he considers you one of his best friends. Even when it’s just us talking, he’s never said anything about you that would imply anything else.” “It’s not that I don’t believe that, but I just…sorry, maybe I’m being selfish here. If he doesn’t want to meet me it’s not my business to pry, it’s just something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently.” Ted finished, staring down at his hands. Schlatt…wasn’t sure where to go from there. He felt horrible for keeping such a massive secret from one of his oldest friends, especially about something that’d clearly been causing so much inner turmoil, but he couldn’t betray Charlie like that.
“Schlatt, can you hear me?” Charlie suddenly interjected. Schlatt discreetly tapped his stomach twice for confirmation and Charlie continued. “Ok, then i’m gonna need you to repeat after me, got it?” Schlatt tried not to let the confusion he felt read on his face for Ted to see, but he tapped twice again anyway. He sat in silence for a few seconds before Charlie took a deep breath and started talking.
“But, y’know, Charlie and I were talking about doing something with the podcast soon. We were gonna bring it up to you later, but since you’re in town we could move it up.” Schlatt repeated, and Ted looked up, puzzled. “What were you thinking?” Charlie paused again breathing deeply, though Schlatt could feel his tail swaying in anxiety. However, when he finally spoke up, his voice read nothing but confidence. “We were thinking we could do a few in person recordings.”
Schlatt froze. Had Charlie said what he thought he said? No way in hell was he serious. “Repeat it, Schlatt. I’ve thought it through, i mean it.” Holy shit he was serious. And so, he repeated. God, he wished that Charlie had been able to see the look of utter shock on Ted’s face. “You’re joking.” He said, and Schlatt shook his head while waiting for the next prompt. “Charlie wants to meet you, he’s just…afraid he won’t live up to your expectations.” Schlatt repeated, and Ted scoffed. “Please, that’s the least he should be concerned about. At this point the guy could be a serial killer and I’d still be thrilled to meet him.” Schlatt could tell when the truth hit him fully, because Ted’s expression brightened tenfold. He looked like he’d just won the lottery. “I just, I can’t believe it! Holy shit, I’m gonna meet the Charlie Slimecicle!” “Yeah, me either.” Charlie sighed and Schlatt repeated, though he said it for both of them.
After some more casual conversation about Ted’s plans and ideas for the newly decided live podcast recording, Ted finally said goodbye, promising to let Charlie know how excited he was. Schlatt let out a breath of relief he didn’t even know he was holding when Ted shut the door behind him. He locked it immediately and turned to lean back against the door. “Holy shit that was stressful.” “You’re telling me.”
Schlatt facepalmed as the weight of what he’d just signed on to doing hit him, sliding his way down the door into a sitting position. Charlie felt his stomach drop at the action as well. “Sooo…” Charlie started, lightly kicking at the wall in front of him. “This is weird.” “Very.”
“Are you ok?” “Huh?” “Are you ok.” Schlatt repeated. “…yes.” Charlie answered,not exactly confidently, but surely. “I am now, at least. I just…panicked. It’s fucking weird in here and I just- it just took me a bit to handle it, I think. To get over myself cause I know it’s safe and I trust you. It’s just that the idea of getting eaten has been drilled into my head as ‘horrifying and deadly’ for so long that I just lost it for a bit. Fun part of being raised by a traditional colony, am I right? Sorry for kicking you, by the way.” “Don’t worry about that, man.” Schlatt responded, lightly pressing in on his stomach as if asking Charlie if he was ok with contact now. When he didn’t get a negative response from Charlie, he pressed a bit harder and began rubbing where he felt his friend. “I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling like right now. I mean, getting swallowed whole? By a creature over ten times bigger than you? That sounds downright fuckin terrifying. That’s some hollywood horror movie bullshit. I don’t even want to imagine what me choking on you felt like from your point of view. I have the easy job, you got eaten alive, you have every right to have panicked. But…I am glad you trust me that much.” “Thanks, cause I do. And for the record; i’m feeling wet. Very wet and sticky and I can just tell that my fucking glasses are fogged up even though it’s dark enough that i shouldn’t care, but i do.” Charlie complained, making Schlatt laugh.
More awkward silence.
“Why the fuck did you do that??” Schlatt asked suddenly, and Charlie groaned, pushing his glasses into his face with the heels of his palms. Despite the lack of clarification, he knew exactly what Schlatt was asking about. “I don’t know, dude, I panicked! I just…” Charlie sighed, dropping his hands. “He deserves to know. And no better time than the present, I guess. Besides, I have actually been thinking about it. Maybe if he takes it well, we can make it public and some fans will be able to see that we borrowers aren’t what they think we are.” “And if he doesn’t?” “I…I don’t know.” Charlie admitted. “I want to think that he’ll try to change how he thinks of me for the sake of our friendship, but I truly just don’t know.”
“Well, I’m behind you, whatever happens.” Schlatt said. Charlie smiled. “I know.” he answered, confident and happy in knowing that he truly did believe that.
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rubywolf0201 · 8 months
How Mahoro was initially presented in early promo materials and the first episode OP & ED
When Mahoro was first revealed, she was presented as this cute and peppy love interest character that you typically see in shoujo manga. And when I first look at her, I immediately thought she is kind of an odd duck due to the delinquent-like setting BUCCHIGIRI?! is.
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The promo teaser even showed a split second shot of her just being the cute character who would give the main characters some motivation (well just Arajin lol). This of course made me fear that she would be a plot device that would cause a shitty ass love triangle.
OP and ED gets a bit weird in this. When she is presented in the OP, all of the guys (sans Kenichiro and Marito) are immediately taken aback by her. In the ED, all of the main guys are dancing with her, have few shots of them getting ship teased with her and when she did the heart hands thing, all of them are immediately charmed by her.
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(Wish I could include all guys being heart handed by Mahoro but I want to put in more photos)
But in the main series? Nope. None of the guys except for Arajin (obviously) really like her or are close to her. And that’s because underneath her cute appearance, lies a selfish and toxic girl who only wants her brother’s attention only. And by doing so, she ‘dates’ guys in hopes that they become the new leader of Siguma and have Marito step down so that she can have him all for herself.
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The Siguma members relationship with Mahoro:
- Outa is seen being exasperated by her fangirling antics in the first episode.
- One of the mooks commented that Mahoro dated guys 24 times all so that they can be beaten up by Marito, satisfying her brocon fantasies (which in truth they’re ’tests’ to see if they can beat her brother or not)
- Hagure is shown to be intimidated by her and kept running in circles while being behind Jabashiri’s back in the second episode.
- Jabashiri hardly noticed, much less pay attention to Mahoro.
- Marito is the exception since he is the older brother but even he has limits if the face he made in the second ep is of any indication.
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This even applies to Minato Kai as well:
- Kenichiro, Kamao and Zabu doesn’t know her yet but in the case of the latter two, they probably know her in passing but otherwise they hardly paid attention to Mahoro.
- Matakara does but he dislikes the way she is manipulating Arajin for personally selfish reasons. When he tried to confront her, she straight up ignored him. When he did it again but with force, she screeched like a siren and ran off.
But with all that said, let’s take a glimpse of Mahoro’s character:
- Presents herself as a shojo manga-esque character.
- But in actuality, she’s a massively unhinged brocon.
- toxic and manipulative. All it takes is using a hand heart sign and guys would immediately be ‘motivated’ by her.
- Is known to go out with guys but has never really shown any care about their personal lives (if her actions in 1st and 3rd episode are of any indication)
- morally selfish but not downright evil. Just selfish.
- can fight back if she wants to.
- doesn’t care about anyone other than her brother.
- hates being touched by other random guys who tried to question her.
- ignores people who tried to confront her about her motives.
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I know that I’ve made quite a few posts about Mahoro but she strikes me as an interesting character despite her actions in today’s episode but at the same time, I do hope that she at least have character development along the way, have a backstory that explains why she is the secretly toxic and selfish brocon that she is today and last but not least not thrown or sidelined into a unconventional damsel in distress.
Anyways, peace! ✌🏻
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ode2rin · 8 months
mimi hear me out please what do you think of rin and the orange peel theory 😋
of course i'm hearing you out... it's rin... i'm a simple girl... (you guys should never ask me about rin he drives me insane and awakens all of the questionable cells in me) but anyway
you cannot convince me otherwise that the orange peel theory isn't about him. have you seen the guy? that guy drips in acts of service because 1) he sucks at words and cannot for the life of him just use .. Words.. so you know he's compensating with the actions ! 2) i think rin is "to be loved is to be known" not only would rin peel an orange for you willingly, loser would go far beyond buying them purposely in every grocery run because of that ONE time you mentioned you wanted some oranges. and if a seller tells (tricks) him that there's a sweeter variation but a bit expensive trust that he's pulling that card with those said sweet oranges in hand. mf will never be concerned abt prices when it comes to you.
the next time you say you want some oranges, say no more! the crisper drawer of your fridge is literally filled with them 🙏🏻 just don't ask him why. he'll probably tell you it's because of the rainy season and that he needs to stock up on vitamin c sources lmao i hate him and btw he's also the type to peel them then feed them to you as if you can't do it yourself lol just let him ! you get to have oranges and he gets to take care of you. for rin, that's a win-win on his end.
ok bye i miss him so much i hate him
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
the brothers + an mc whos v short b short tempered ? like, theyre 4’10 or shorter but theyre the second angriest person in the house behind satan n the smallest inconvenience can get them angry (tho still not angry enough to yell, but they are still v quick to reach the point of yelling if annoyed enough)
Hi there!
Okay I had fun with this one! Apparently I think quite a few of the brothers would tease a short MC about their height, but they would do so lovingly lol.
Thank you for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who is short, but also short tempered
Warnings: mentions of arguing and fighting
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Finds you interesting because he’s used to dealing with tall angry people. But you’re so short? He could just pick you up if it came down to it. He won’t do that, though. Likely to just skip right ahead to stuffing you in a locker.
Won’t talk to you until you’re calm. If something sets you off, he will definitely just keep you somewhere out of his way until you’re not as angry. Are you ready to talk to him now, MC? Please indicate to him that you are calm enough to have a discussion.
There’s no doubt that Lucifer is more tolerant with you than he is with any of his brothers. Depending on how you feel after you’ve calmed down, he’s more than ready to give you a hug or make you a cup of tea. If you'd rather he just left you alone, he will eventually… but not before he lectures you for a little bit.
Absolutely won’t make fun of you because of your height. Realizes that will probably piss you off. He'll only do anything regarding this if he's having trouble seeing you or reaching you. For instance, if he wants to kiss you, he'll probably put you in his lap first.
He tries very hard not to make you angry, but he also thinks you are so cute. If you get irritated with people bringing up your height, then you’re constantly getting annoyed with this guy. Calls you stuff like shortstop and small fry.
Picks you up all the time. He'll also do that thing where he leans his arm on top of your head. You know, because you're the perfect height to be his armrest. If you get mad at him about any of these things, he will stop eventually. But it's going to take some effort and you'll likely have to get on his case multiple times about it.
If you get genuinely angry with him, though, he will get very serious about it. He cares about you and he wants you to be happy so he’ll listen and change his ways. If you’re mad at someone else, he will defend you, but he’ll also prevent you from getting into fights with people bigger than you.
Actually very good at calming you down. Mammon will talk you down while he holds you. It’s okay, MC. He’s got ya. Let out your anger if you need to. If you’re the kind of person who cries when angry, he’ll kiss away every tear. Otherwise, he'll just sit with you until you're good again. He just wants to make sure you're okay.
Probably scared of you at first. Your short stature doesn’t mean anything to him, but he’s seen you get angry! He has been on the receiving end of some flying vases and the like from Satan. He doesn’t need any more of that, thanks! Likely avoids you a little bit at first, mostly because he doesn't know what might set you off and he doesn't want to risk it.
He doesn’t care if you get angry at someone else, but he eventually learns how to make sure you don’t get angry at him. Surprisingly good at distracting you. Employs things like fighting games so you can punch out your feelings digitally. Might even have a VR headset for this exact purpose. Just make sure you don't punch one of the walls in his room or anything.
He knows he really can't judge since he’s been known to summon Lotan at the drop of a hat. And he will absolutely back you up once he's no longer afraid of you. If you really get going at someone, he’ll be right by your side. You can count on him, MC! Just say the word!
Doesn’t care about how short you are. Doesn’t make fun of you, just accepts it. He does think you’re really cute though. He’ll only say it if he thinks you won’t get upset with him. But he will often offer for you to cuddle in his tub with him, mostly because you fit in there so perfectly.
Oh no. This here is a disaster waiting to happen. You two will absolutely have some epic arguments. While you’re less likely to start yelling, Satan can provoke you to that point faster than anyone else. Everybody else tries to stop you guys at first but eventually they all hide and just let it play out.
Despite this, there is also a certain understanding between you. He gets it. He knows how it feels to let your anger take control. So when he’s calm, he likes being near you. Sometimes when someone does something that would normally set both of you off, you can exchange an irritated glance instead. Somehow knowing that someone else gets it is enough to help deal with that initial emotion. Your shared irritation dissolves into mutual appreciation.
Similarly, since he gets it, if you’re angry and he’s not, he’s really good at helping you calm down. Let’s you rant to him about anything and everything. Nods in understanding and likely agrees with you, too.
Won’t make fun of your height unless he’s arguing with you. Then he might use it as an insult. He’ll apologize for everything he says to you when he’s angry. Feels so bad about it, he might even beg for your forgiveness. You’re the only one he cares about, so you’re the only one he would ever do that for. Please make up with him, MC. When you do, he’ll cover you with kisses.
Oh, MC, you are so cute! He’s going to gush over how short and adorable you are. Depending on whether or not you get irritated with this, he will back off. Gives you some cute size-related nickname like pixie or bunny.
Never really manages to make you mad. The minute he sees that you’re looking slightly irritated, he does or says something so sweet that it changes your mood entirely. Redirects you from others that might be annoying you, but does it so easily you don’t even realize it’s happening.
If you’re really upset about something, he’ll want you to take a bubble bath in his huge tub. Will be happy to join you, but will be just as happy to simply sit with you and listen to your frustrations. Makes sure you have a little stool to sit on in the bath so you don’t sink - it’s a pretty deep bath tub after all.
Don’t think that Asmo won’t get angry himself, though. Never at you, but if you get into it with someone - especially if it’s some random demon - you can be sure he will have your back. Completely eviscerates them with a few really well said lines. Doesn’t even need to get physical.
He’s afraid of you too at first. But not because of your temper. He’s just so much bigger than you. What if he sits on you by accident? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he ever hurt you just because he didn’t realize you were there. Always looking for you because of this. Wants to make sure he sees you.
He’s also a million years more calm than you. Really good at just letting you rage if you need to. Never makes you angry. Only matches your anger level if he’s hungry and that’s pretty easy to fix. So in all other instances, he’s the one calming you down.
Beel will not hesitate to pick you up and carry you away if he thinks he needs to. He doesn’t care if this makes you angry, he’s gonna do it anyway. If he thinks he’s carrying you away from danger, he will take it upon himself to do so.
Might think your stature is due to your diet. If you don’t correct him on this, he will try to feed you all the time. You really need to eat more, MC. If you tell him that you’re already a grown adult and this is just the size you’re always going to be, he’s going to insist that eating more won’t hurt.
Doesn’t care that you’re short. Doesn’t care that you’ve got a short temper. But make no mistake, he will make fun of you for both. Calls you shrimp all the time. Also likes to call you short fuse because it works on multiple levels. Also uses Mammon's nicknames because small fry makes him laugh, but changes shortstop to short stack because Beel likes it. (Beel is just thinking about pancakes.)
He finds your temper funny. The way you get so annoyed so easily is like a little challenge to him. He wants to see how quickly he can get your eye to twitch. Unless you get seriously upset with him, he's just going to provoke you on purpose.
If you’re angry at someone else, he will back you up. Has some scathing remarks for whoever it is. He’s also surprisingly good at calming you down. When he’s not part of the problem, he talks you through breathing exercises.
Belphie also loves finding weird small places to cram into with you so you guys can take naps together. MC, you’re the perfect size to squeeze into this cupboard with him. Nobody will find you guys for a while so you can nap the day away if you want. Somehow manages to fit together with you comfortably despite the small space.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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ghost-of-a-system · 1 month
I think the thing a lot of singlets (myself included) hav3 an issue understanding with DID is that usually there is not “original” of which all the others circle around. All alters are equally people (or otherwise) rather than them being parts of the body name or the person that everybody sees.
since we can never experience DID it’s difficult to understand and media has made it worse.
I don’t really know where I was going with this and obviously you shouldn’t except these interpretations and this is t an excuse for everybody who has said things about y’all’s did but it’s trying to be an explanation
it's alright, honestly. i can't speak for everyone, but we have a decent time being understanding and patient in explaining DID/OSDD and working through misconceptions with people, whether they be "singlets" or even other systems. if anything, it's something we enjoy doing. all that would ever really frustrate us is people who refuse to listen, refuse to learn, and refuse to see other opinions and perspectives of various things regarding it.
it makes sense that it would be easier for most people to naturally have a simpler time looking at systems in the way you describe. whether it be because of media, or just from knowing someone and learning that said someone might not exactly be who you thought, quite literally. obviously, we know that there are systems with an alter who might identify with the body/the body's name/etc., but not all. it'd probably just take a lot of spending time with any systems you know or learning from system spaces to get you accustomed to that idea. a lot of things get easier to understand when you're actively spending time around or engaging with them. honestly, all that matters is that you're willing to try to understand. i think i'm ok saying that that's something a lot of us appreciate more than we have the words for.
more of a personal perspective thing-- we have not told many people that we are a system in person. we are fairly upfront about it online, but i think that not having a "face" or our actual name makes it a lot easier for people to grasp and separate us. do you know that whole joke about how "i can only ever imagine people as their profile pictures"? haha, yeah, that works in our favor a little sometimes. but, in person, explaining the concept that there is no alter who goes by the body's name, there is no alter who looks like the body, this person that everyone thought they knew basically does not exist, well, it's hard. and we don't blame anyone for having trouble with it. especially for people who have known us for a long period of time.
is it sometimes invalidating? at times, but that has only ever been when people have seemingly still tried to pick one of us to be "the face of the system" in their eyes, because they care more about what's convenient for them than they do for us. if someone was just struggling to understand, but still willing to try, well, that's more than we could ever ask for. it's seemed easiest for people who actually try to get to know each of us individually, but we don't have too much experience with it. most of us are too scared/embarrassed to talk about ourselves, especially in person lol.
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themoonstarwarrior · 10 months
Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but since it sounds like BloodMoon is refusing to be saved, imma go ahead and share the idea I mentioned to @twinanimatronics about how Sun could've possibly reached them.
Obviously BloodMoon wont sit still and listen so this scenario has Sun use star power to trap BM just like old moon did to him with Moon on standby to come in once the 5 minutes are up.
Basically, Sun asks them WHY they kill and hurt people and BM brings up the main three reasons: they enjoy it, they dont want to be a tool, and they hunger. Since literally none of the protags have actually asked, Sun would be surprised that theres more than the first reason and interrogate to get to the bottom of it. Cuz what Sun realizes is that BloodMoon doesnt have any deeper motives or desires because of their eternal hunger. Their ENTIRE existence has circled around violence to satisfy their hunger. They get used to satisfy their hunger. They enjoy the rip and tear because it stops the hunger.
They have always been a tool to the hunger.
So Sun offers the one thing that no one has: what if they get rid of the hunger?
BM is confused cuz all they've ever known is the hunger, and Sun has to dig the point home by explaining how they can keep killing but it'll come back, and probably stronger. They could kill everyone and everything but then the hunger will come back. And the only thing thatll be left to kill is each other.
And THAT freaks them out, because that is the only thing BloodMoon stands to lose is the brotherhood. (And while BM1 would probably race about lies and trickery, BM2 cant deny the logic)
So with BM actually realizing how their hunger endangers them, and Moon at this point just WAITING to finish them off, Sun lays down the ultimatum. Since no change of heart can happen if all they've ever known is hunger, Sun/Moon/Solar can try and remove it to and see if the twins can be rehabilitated, otherwise Moon ends them then and there.
And I love this idea so much!!! It addresses the REAL block that BM has that hasnt been brought up since that one episode where they kill the anime girl. We get to keep BloodMoon, since the creators went to the trouble of bringing them back and giving them a new model so it'd be a lil annoying if they just ended up killed again. It acknowledges how much BM has been used and brushed aside while admitting that there hasnt been much else to them. And you could have a whole rehabilitation arc, with everyone healing and BM given a real change and actual honesty, since god knows no one is gonna be mincing words. And I imagine their blood-hunger being removed ends up like the Ruin Virus a bit, where getting rid of it cuts down a LOT of the more sadistic urges. So the boys get a mostly-tamed but still-pretty-fucking-insane BloodMoon Twins that basically is just the feral crazy guy that hangs around Animal from Muppets lol and idk stays with Monty cuz hes more easygoing on the violent habits and they need to NOT be anywhere near the daycare.
And maybe I'll watch the episode and be alright with it, but it just sucks cuz this would work SO GOOD and I know the showrunners wouldn't do it. So now I've had to make this fucking long ass post and y'all hafta deal with it.
And maybe someday I'll write a drabble this and the other SAMS scenes I've imagined...
So yeah, sorry about the rambling and shit. I hate how emotionally involved I get with this show that I love. And I'll go ahead and tag @garbagechocolate out of obligation X)
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