#just because his parents are healers doesn't mean Riddle is going to be a healer in the traditional sense of the word...
sleepyorchidmonster · 23 days
If Riddle were to ever act as a healer in-game, it'd be funny if he acted a bit like Hu Tao, as in sacrificing HP to boost damage, only to get an emergency heal when things get tough.
He'd be one of those healers that rush into danger, using healing spells to stitch themselves back together from the brink of death before going back into the fray and dishing out even more damage...
Bonus imaginary DnD session:
Riddle: Alright, my character suffered a critical injury once again, but there's no time to waste! I'll just cast "Flower Gleam and Glow" an--
Riddle: Whatever do you mean by that?!?
Azul: Riddle, you can't just waltz into a fight and keep getting mortally wounded. You're the only one in this party that can heal, and that's not even your PRIMARY CLASS!!
Riddle: I understand that, but why are you all so desperate? I've only used this strategy a couple of-
Ortho: 17.
Riddle: !?
Ortho: You've revived your character from the brink of death after rushing into battle 17 separate times during this session.
Riddle: Oh...
Riddle: Well that won't do!
Riddle, grabbing the dice: I need an even number that's divisible by four! Let's make it TWENTY!!
Everyone: NO!!
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Dorm Leaders with a Yosano like MC
warning(s): none
notes: bear with me if they're a little ooc
You carry yourself with grace and dignity. You pride yourself in being a strong individual and a capable doctor. A feminist who believes both men and women should have equal rights.
A calm and composed individual but when angered, you're quite the force to contend, often sadistic in retaliation.
his parents are doctors/healers so knowing that you are a doctor too, makes him have a bit of respect for you
he likes the way you carry yourself, SOMEONE can surely learn a thing or two from you a little
probably angered you one time during the tart incident
sometimes he woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night because he have a nightmare about it
your uh hobby? interest? in scary stuff is making him sweat a little😁
esp when he got hurt and the way you used your ability on him makes him wants to run for the hills
don't get me wrong, it's a cool ability
but he does not want to EVER go through that again
(for context, yosano's ability is "thou shalt not die" and it's a healing ability but she have to put her victims near death to heal them)
other than that, he enjoys being around you!!
you don't go around breaking rules like your two friends did and your aura is just chef kiss
at first thought you're just some goody two shoes
until crowley blackmailed asked you to investigate that thing idk what to call it
yeah well uh he lowkey angered you so here we are
he went from 🙄😼 to 😃😦⁉️
well he kind of like how you're strong and know to stand your ground when something that displeases you happened
but damn did that 180 personality and aura switch scared him a little
one thing for sure, he never wanted you to heal him again
even the whole savanaclaw cowers in fear when they see you bc they got reminded of how you healed them
you remind him of those women in the afterglow savannah(?)
he earned a small bit of respect for u
only a little tho
doesn't really care about your hobby for scary things honestly
like you could see a building on fire and say its pretty and he would just shrug and go back to sleep
he can relate to you!!
the way you're just full of grace and calm until you did a 180 to a scary and sadistic is just 🤰
(yes thats some random emoji bc idk how else to describe this)
he knows a lot what's that like 🤔
your healing ability is reaaalllly cool yknow😁
he's just saying! but it's reaaaallly reaaaally cool yknow😁😁😁
oh if only he can get his hands on it
along with the others, pls never heal him again.
he'll give u his contracts just pls never heal him EVER again.😁
yes, he's that desperate for you to never heal him again
it gave him more issues than heal honestly /hj
he doesn't really mind your hobby for scary stuff, its just uh
a hobby? u do u. he have his own hobbies too
plus, look at the school y'all are in
mhm. exactly.
oh wow you're a doctor and you have a healing ability? THAT'S SO COOL?
he has fun following you around
probably accidentally followed you on your shopping trip and became your bag holder
while he's more than happy to help, he have the attention span of a goldfish so
see he might've accidentally dropped ur stuff😬
and he may or may not seen you go 😦🤬
anyways, hes fine!! no kalim is harmed in the process!!
he doesn't really get your hobby but he's fine with it
u like these dark and scary things? oh sure!! there's probably smth interesting abt them one way or another
anyways, creativity left the chat again sorry JSNSJS
went debby ryan on u
well not literally but yknow what i mean
like FINALLY someone who's even worthy of being looked at by vil
but pls do try to calm ur uh sadistic nature?
while he doesn't mind it that much, he does think it's a little haha uh😬😅😱
well he sure don't mind ur hobby much
i mean look at the people he's next to everyday
look at rook and epel
shopping buddies⁉️‼️
literally got chef kiss taste
probably bond over yalls scrumptious taste
doctor or not, graceful or not, u are a human
meeting human = interaction
human interaction = ❌no❌
or u can talk yeah that's all
well i mean ur healing ability is cool but seeing how you heal ur victims um😅😱
well it's safe to say he found another reason to never go out
that personality switch of urs bro
thank the seven he haven't made u angry yet
well y e t
cause have y'all seen chapter 6
well i haven't but u get me
well he doesn't treat u any different
a friend is a friend yes:D‼️⁉️
tho, he does quite admire how u carry yourself
that 180 personality switch amuses him honestly
well he was probably not there to witness it personally(since he's not invited)
lilia probably told him and he went "ooo interesting😮🤔"
heard of ur healing ability from lilia too probably
or maybe sebek idk
angry scared rants about it and he went 😮⁉️AINT THEY MAGICLESS⁉️
well uh at least he's interested?
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! reader
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5, 
Chapter 6
Summary: The Weasley family have traditions about marriage and Bill has to respect them if he truly wants the reader become his wife. In the attempt to respect his family wishes the weasleys have to visit reader’s grandparent Tim Grant who has a lot of things to say
Word count: 5K TOO LONG I’M SO SORRY
Warnings: none(?
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A/N: Hey! part 6 of this thing. I’m so sorry to update this late but it was a complicated chapter and the longest so far. I’ll try to make small chapters from now on and the wedding is aproching, you guys!! i’m sooo excited to publish that part but we have to wait a little more for that.
So, as i’ve said in the last chapter, i changed some things from de canon like Bill being attacked by Grayback and such. it’s just for the plot of this series ok? hope you don’t mind guys.
Anyways, like always, english not my mother language so pls let me know if somethings wrong. Enjoy!
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Chapter 6: Your life is not enough
You needed a couple of weeks to fully recover, even if it meant having Bill on your back every hour and taking you away from your duties with the Order. The mission that Remus Lupin gave you had to wait until further notice, all for William's excessive concern about your wounds
The task of keeping you away was complicated, more so when the Death Eater attacks had gained strength that no one expected. The members of the order spent twenty-four hours a day on watch with no time for breaks, even Bill went three days without sleep until you, still recovering , left the room and dragged him back with you regardless of his constant complaining. Molly supported you in the decision - thank god - telling her son not to worry that the rest of the Order would keep their eyes fully opened and he could rest comfortably next to you
The drastic change in Mrs. Weasley's behavior confused you because there was no reason for it, but the relief helped make your recovery quicker and less painful. The healer who  you the morning after the accident with the Death Eaters took too long to close the wound as it was a curse wound and it needed a counter spell to heal properly, but not having one, he used other tactics and Dittany to help it heal. However, the help had come too late, and the scar was a throbbing fact that stung terribly when you made the slightest move. The healer said the burning and discomfort would go away with time, but the redness would stay forever. You thought that would be the last of your problems until you got your first glimpse of the result of the attack.
It was a disastrous thing, but it could have been much worse. You sighed as you looked at your disheveled image in the bathroom mirror. You had just taken a shower and Bill was still dressing in the bedroom. You took off the robe Ginny had given you a night before, watching the scar glisten across the valley of your breasts ending above your ribs. You sighed again, if you didn't consider yourself pretty before, at that moment you felt awful.
A new figure appeared in the reflection accompanied by a bright smile. William wore his white shirt tucked into his pants, his bow tie dangling from his collar and his suspenders placed perfectly flush against his shoulders. You smiled, looking at him through the mirror.
“Getting used to your dazzling new short hair?” You asked as you noticed Bill's nervous hand run over his head for the fifth time after the shower. Bill groaned, burying his face in your neck.
“I hate this style”
“And why did you cut it off, then?”
“Mom made me," he stated, tightening his hands around your waist, "She wants me to make a good impression, and for once I wanted to please her in something”
“Wow, your mom wanting to impress my family? That's new”
“Well, not every day you get to visit Lord Voldemort's brother," you gave him a bad look, smacking his hand, "Too soon for a joke, sorry”
You shook your head, escaping from Bill's embrace putting perfume behind your ear, on your wrists and neck. You gasped when a small drop of perfume touched your wound, reddening it. Your eyes lost in the scar again, knowing that even if your dress managed to cover most of it, the initial edges would be exposed like the body of a worm crawling through your clothes. Bill discovered your discontent. He hugged you again, running his fingertips over your sore skin as he kissed your bare shoulder. Maybe you couldn't see it, but for Bill you were perfect. Not just for the way you looked, but  the beautiful heart that, even if he didn't deserve it, you had given him without any qualms. You deserved to be appreciated by the rest of the world, not just by him.
“I love you. You know that, don't you?”
“Even with the scar?”
“With the scar even more. It shows how brave you are and you should be proud of it. You saved Mad-Eye”
“The others will see it”
“It's their problem, not yours. You're still the most beautiful woman in this world.
You smiled, stroking the short hair of the man behind you.
“Not as much as that”
“You're right. I stand corrected. You are the most beautiful woman in both worlds”
“I'll help you get dressed," he said, noticing that you were blushing up to your ears. William smiled without understanding why a sweet comment could make you blush, but not the fact that he was looking at you naked from the waist up. He picked up the dress hanging on the dresser reaching over to help it over your head pulling it down gently so as not to hurt you. Then, he zipped up your back leaving a wet kiss on your neck.
Bill's false calm didn't go unnoticed by you. As you smoothed the folds of your dress you noticed the trembling in his hands and the way his feet drummed on the floor. He was playing with the zipper of your dress pulling it up and down, trying to calm his nerves
“Bill, it's not necessary to do this”
“It is!” He replied looking up. You turned to him, crossing your arms around his neck, "I want to respect the traditions, to do things right. I want to show everyone that we mean business. It's just that...”
“My grandfather scares you?”
“What? No” You raised an eyebrow “Okay, maybe a little”
“You don't need to talk to him. He'll understand”
“I want to”
You gave in to Bill's pout. A few days ago, just after he asked you to marry him, Arthur Weasley spoke to his son asking him how he would go about keeping the traditions of the family. Bill didn't seem to understand what he was referring to when his father explained that the Weasleys used to always, always, visit the bride's parents' home right after the engagement to ask for their approval. Offerings were usually brought in a show of respect and the parents in question would respond by offering dinner for the guests. Bill's eyes widened, was that a real tradition?, he didn't know, “why didn't you ever tell me about it!” he questioned his father in a shout. Arthur knew about his son's untimely ignorance, returning the accusation, “Would that have made any difference on your desire to have her as your wife?” Bill didn't have to think too hard. “Of course not!” he shouted and his father laughed, patting him on the shoulder. His son was brave and would have asked for his bride's hand even from Voldemort himself. Bill was lucky tho cause he only had to talk to the old alchemist Tim Grant.
Your grandfather was the only one in the family who seemed to be neutral in the war caused by his brother, but above all he was the person who loved you most as you had both been banished from the Grants for standing up for your own convictions. Maybe Tim wasn’t an active member of either side, however, the blood connection with his brother Tom Riddle sent shivers down the spines of those around him. The man isolated himself in the Galapagos islands dangerously close to a volcano, where he was sure his brother wouldn’t dare to look for him. The Weasleys, hearing the story from your lips didn’t understand why.
You used a portkey to get to your grandfather's house. Arthur had communicated with Tim hours earlier and the two of them managed to establish a connection undetected for the ministry thanks to  the old Grant's powerful magic and his skills as an alchemist.  You couldn't hide your excitement at seeing your grandfather again, which encouraged Bill's eagerness to formally introduce himself to his next.... grandfather-in-law?
“Well then, but you don't have to worry. Grandpa is a very understanding man”
“Yeah, I'm sure he is”
“Bill Weasley, who knew talking to an old man would make you so nervous?”
“Very funny” he rolled his eyes, gluing his forehead to yours “I just want him to like me, (Y/N)”
“He likes everyone”
“That doesn't make me feel any better.”
“It will when you talk to him and see there's nothing to be afraid of” You stood on your tiptoes cause even with your high heels you couldn't reach his height. You kissed his cheek, snatching a warm smile from him “He's not like the rest of my family”
“I didn't mean to imply that, I'm sorry”
“It's all right, I know you didn't mean it. Now let's go downstairs, your mother must be going crazy”
“As if she wasn't already”
You slapped his arm as you descended the stairs. You didn't want Molly to hear them and relive her recently dissipated discontent with you
The rest of the family were already near the portkey with their arms full of baskets with offerings for your grandpa and the twins carrying some strange ornaments. Bill's sister Ginny greeted you with a smile, handing one of the baskets to her older brother. Molly and Arthur approached their children, both hanging on the opposite arm dressed in their best sunday clothes to make a good impression. You smiled without waiting for Bill's mother to smile back.
After the accident at Little Whinging Molly's rudeness disappeared. Not that she accepted you with open arms, but she stopped making bad comments and avoided looking at you in a bad way. Bill didn't know what Mad-Eye said to his mother that night when he told everyone how you had saved him knowing how much he owed you, but Bill didn't understand the size of the changing till he saw his mother offer you a piece of litchi pie the night after the attack when you were recovering from the wound. It was not that big of a deal really, but it had left you with a permanent smile on your face.
It was Molly herself who had taken the initiative to encourage Bill to fulfill the family tradition. If a Grant was going to come into their home as their son's wife then she should do it the way they knew. Her first piece of advice to her son was cutting his hair to a normal length. Bill was horrified by his mother's words cause he knew she was taking advantage of the moment to make him suffer with his precious mane. He did it anyway, because there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for you
It was a drastic change, but it was worth it. Molly saw your eyes sparkle at the sight of her son so changed, with his hair cut short and his beard shaved. Your fingers danced over his face appreciating the effort Molly, not yet convinced of your influence at home, had made for you. Molly stifled a smile, unaware even to herself, that you were slowly beginning to win her heart.
You touched the shuttle at the same time falling precipitously in the sand and Harry helped you up  with a smile. Then you walked straight appearing in front of a huge house that was sheltered by the foothills of the bubbling volcano on the other side of the island. The twins, like the rest of the family, let out an exclamation of astonishment as Ron, harried by the huge spiders hovering in the sand, ran for the door.
The smell of freshly cooked food escaped through the cracks in the door before it was opened. The twins' eyes widened as they recognized the delicious smell of cooked prawns and coconut sauce wafting over their heads. You knocked on the door three times, then stopped and resumed the knocking four more times. The Weasleys watched you, did you have a special code to communicate with each other?
"Come in" You gave way to them closing the door behind you and sealing it with an unknown spell. Bill waited for you at the threshold as his family was already making their way to the table where a very well dressed Tim Grant was waiting for them sitting in the main chair. Bill looked at him from his position, shaking “We still have time to run away” you joked “If you're not ready...”
“I am," he said confidently.
You both walked toward the dining room. Tim was greeting the rest of the family enthusiastically. Bill sighed. At least Tim seemed to get along with his parents, so that was good. They all filled a seat, with Tim occupying the head and Arthur the opposite end; Molly sat on Tim's right side and you sat on Mr. Weasley's right side. The twins, Ron, Harry and Ginny took the middle seats leaving Bill the only vacant spot on Tim's left side. Bill took a breath before taking the seat and receiving a curious look from the man.
“Ah, how wonderful is to have more people to fill the empty spaces! A table this big doesn't serve any purpose unless it's fully occupied, does it? That's what I always say!”
“Don't you usually get many visitors?” asked Molly, breaking the ice. Bill felt sweat trickle down his back. Tim guffawed, patting the back of Molly's hand on the table.
“I’m afraid so. I think that is cause I'm the only one crazy enough to live near an active volcano and my family's fame doesn't help me much either, I'm generally a lonely man. Most of the time it's frustrating, but I can deal with it. You are a big family from i can see, are they all yours, Arthur?”
“Only the redheads," he replied. You recognized in his tone of voice a slight pride “The other one is...”
“Harry Potter” Tim Grant's eyes sparkled with recognition. He looked at Harry with a smile, bowing his head to him in respect. Harry did the same “I know him. He's the guy who's been giving my brother headaches”
Tim's laughter echoed through the house being followed by the twins and you cleared your throat to get his attention. Tim spotted you from across the table waving his hand dismissively.
“Grandpa, please”
“A little joke to lighten the mood, my dear, oh, are these for me?” he questioned, bringing closer the baskets offered by the Weasleys resting on the table. Bill's basket was in front of him waiting to be properly delivered, so he stood up and did as he should. Tim Grant gladly received it, complimenting the selection they had made “What a cute boy, did you see him, dear,? he's gone red!”
You let out a chuckle, nodding at your grandfather's words. Bill's face was flushed as he returned to his spot and looked down at his hands. Tim guffawed again and banged the table.
“I appreciate the gifts, Arthur, I've never been part of a tradition like this before”
“It was important for my son and the rest of us to do it, to introduce ourselves properly”
“Sure! It's what a family with honor does. I'm not surprised. No, not at all. The Weasleys were in the book of the sacred twenty-eight for a long time until they were struck off the list. Tell me, that was quite a blow, wasn't it?”
“Not so much, my family has never cared about that sort of thing”
“Of course! It never did, I could see it up close. Did you know I was friends with your grandmother, Lysandra Yaxley?”
Arthur's eyes widened.
“Really. My family also once belonged to the most important pureblood families until I was born, of course. Lysandra and I became friends because her family also got kicked off the list when Cedrella, your mother, married your father Septimus Weasley. Even your grandfather Arcturus was removed from the Black family tree which was an embarrassment for him being that the ancestral Black family is too proud and such. Anyway, that's part of life, right? Creating new families, bringing people together...”
“Was your family always purebloods?” Fred asked. Tim shook his head
“It was. As I mentioned, before I made my appearance in this world”
Tim was suddenly silent. You scanned your grandfather's face waiting for an answer. Dinner plates flew in from the kitchen and positioned themselves at each guest's place setting while a huge chocolate fountain was set up in the center accompanied by a plate overflowing with assorted fruit. The baskets took a turn and took a place on your grandpa's shelves. Tim sighed, looking at the Weasleys asking to begin dinner.
“I’m the son of a witch, but not of a pure blood wizard”
“Don't you and Lord Voldemort share the same father?”
”It's all right, Molly, I can answer that” Tim rubbed his chin, thinking “I understand your concern boy, being hide here doesn't make me ignorant to what's going on out there and I know better than anyone what you're going through. You need weapons against my brother and you do well. Tom is a big threat, a very big threat indeed. You're right, Tom and I don't share a father, but that doesn't make him any less my brother.
“I think we're straying from the subject that brought us here” mentioned Arthur feeling a sudden warmth. You supported him, but Tim continued to speak
“I was the son of Merope Gaunt and Aleister Grant. My father was a famous son, grandson and great-grandson of brilliant alchemists, and unsurprisingly he was one himself. Merope Gaunt was...  a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a Parselmouth. She had a brother named Morfin and my grandfather was Sorvolo Gaunt. My parents met when the Gaunts had just moved to Little Hangleton after their exile and needed a place to stay. They became the owners of a squalor ridden shack on the edge of town and well, my father was a young alchemist who lived near the Gaunt abode”
You sipped from your wine glass as you listened to your grandfather speak. Never, even with the rest of the family, had he ever struck such a chord as he was doing with the Weasleys. The truth was that you didn't understand why he was telling them all that, however, you weren’t interested in interrupting the story as you knew your grandfather had a purpose with him.
“Those of us who are dedicated to alchemy have never enjoyed an enviable reputation because our transmutation abilities are mostly underestimated by the things that magic in general can produce and it makes a science like alchemy reserved for muggles in their attempt to approach the power that the wizards possess. Personally I think there is something right about that, precisely cause the transmutation in the Muggle world is divided into subjects they taught in schools like chemistry or physics, but alchemy goes beyond that, it’s a connection between the wizard and the spirituality that each one possesses...” the man's gaze was lost in a place at the table, pausing the story. Harry settled back on the seat waiting for him to continue “But it's very difficult to erase the deep-rooted ideas about it, so the best is ignore that and continue doing what we believe is right. Anyway, ah! I got off topic, didn't I? Okay, okay, well my parents ended up meeting and my father fell in love with my mother as fast as my socks get cold at night, but that infatuation wasn’t well regarded by my uncle and even less by my grandfather, of course, for the fame of the alchemists at the time”
“So what happened?” you asked. Tim smiled at you, taking a bite of the rye bread on his plate.
“My mother was treated worse than a house- elf by her father and Morfin, so she decided to run away with my father to France where he had several alchemist friends who could protect them. The Gaunts might have been exiled, but they were still dangerous and to be honest I think my father was terribly afraid of uncle Morfin. They eventually made it to France, but they encountered an infamous muggle who tried to hurt my mother”
Everyone stopped eating to pay attention to Tim as he drank his third glass of wine. You thought that your grandfather wouldn't even be able to stand up by the end of the night.
“He was known as Gilles De Rais. He was a sadistic muggle who tried to become a wizard even though he wasn't born a wizard and used my father to tell him secrets of alchemy. One night they were having a conversation when my father revealed him that there were certain amounts of gold in people's bodies. Gold is a very valuable component, as you already know, so the man's greed didn’t take long to show itself and he questioned my dad how it could be obtained. My father told him that the only way to obtain the gold was by draining the blood and dividing it with a very complicated procedure, however, the gold of an ordinary adult was quite scarce. The real wealth was in the blood of children of no more than ten years old because they possessed a great amount of gold and other components that could be transmuted into riches. The muggle did so, and when he learned that my mother was a real witch, he wanted to know if golden blood ran through her veins, which would make him richer than he already was. My father refused, and decided to leave the place before he hurt us, because they knew she was already pregnant. The muggle went mad and unleashed in him a fury that spread throughout France”
The Weasley twins chorused an astonished murmur as the others moved up to the table so as not to miss a word of the story. You sent a glance at Bill as he hadn't stopped sweating and going over his words all evening.
"They wanted to go back to Little Hangleton but my uncle and grandfather were still in a rage waiting to see them arrive, so my father sent my mother alone while he found another place to stay as he could not expose her to the cold streets of France while on standby, so they had no choice but to leave her with her family avoiding revealing my existence to them. Uncle Morfin didn’t want my mother back, but my grandfather convinced him because they needed someone to take care of the house and their needs. Time passed, my father didn’t come back and I was born in the garden of the house while my mother watered the plants”
“My birth was a surprise to everyone because my mother knew how to hide me well until my father's arrival but, as that didn't happen, I couldn't stand it any longer and made my triumphant appearance on my grandfather's favorite bushes. Uncle Morfin was furious and even tried to get rid of me immediately, but my mother clung to me like a lioness.
“Really," he replied with a broad smile, "I think a part of her was still holding on to my father showing up at some point and getting us out of there, but again that didn't happen. Mom had to endure her brother and father's abuse for me and that's a debt I can never repay”
The whole table fell silent, thinking. Dinner continued as a heavy thunderstorm rumbled overhead, accompanying old Tim Grant's story as if it were yesterday. The man paused to eat and the others did the same with no desire to miss a word. Harry's eyes sparkled in wonder and Mr. Weasley's strong hand on yours helped to soothe your fervent anguish.
“I guess that's what mothers do, isn't it? Anyway, the years passed and I had to live under uncle Morfin's shadow and at the mercy of his growing wrath. When I turned five I started helping the market men with their chores in exchange for a couple of pounds which we had to exchange later for galleons and sickles to survive for two weeks. Mom helped bring money into the house, but it wasn't enough. Then, at seven, the Dream Messengers showed up one night telling me I was required to study at the Uagadou magical college in Africa so I couldn't refuse”
“Wait, Uagadou takes students from the age of seven?”
“Oh I see," the man settled back in his chair, wiping the corners of his lips with a napkin as he stared at Ron, "I forgot that the rest of the magical schools aren't very well known around here, are they? Well, yes, some schools take in very young students as is the case with Uagadou or the Japanese school. It depends a lot on the traditions in each region i guess, because in the African school they select only descendants of alchemists or who have had at least someone  in their bloodline whose spirituality helped them to become one. It wasn't all as easy as that, of course, because each student had to pass a test before having a permanent stay, but....
“What kind of test?” Harry questioned when dinner was over and they start dessert. The twins were the first to help themselves a piece of fruit, playing with the chocolate fountain in the center of the table.
“One that only wizards with alchemist ancestry could pass, Mr. Potter. I passed the test so I had no choice but to move to the castle immediately. I didn't want to leave my mother alone, but she convinced me to do it. Going to Uagadou was a great opportunity for me and for her cause it meant I could follow in my father's footsteps” Tim's face suddenly darkened as he pushed away the overflowing plate of fruit Molly offered him. He folded his hands on the table and thought for a long moment. The twins continued to play with the chocolate fountain but a fierce look from their mother made them stop. Then Tim Grant sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow with the handkerchief on his coat “I regret that decision to this day. I could have gone to Hogwarts like any other wizard, but I suppose my ambition got the better of me. Maybe... if I hadn't left Little Hangleton she never would have met Tom Riddle”
You tensed as you felt the pressure of Mr. Weasley's hand on yours a little too tightly. One glance at the others was enough to understand the dread the name struck their nerves. You even caught a glimpse of the hiss on Molly's lips and saw the sting in Harry's scar. Tim let out a chuckle, taking another drink from his wine glass.
“My brother’s father. I didn't hear from him until a couple of years later, when my mother wrote to me saying that uncle Morfin was in Azkaban and that my grandfather had died. She didn't give me many details, however, she did very vaguely mention the presence of a muggle who was quite striking to her. For better or worse, my mother was already forgetting my father, believing that he had abandoned her or, at worst, that he had dropped dead somewhere in France. I didn't believe the same, but it was logical that she got tired of waiting. I would never have grown tired, at least not having loved the way they did”
Your gaze rolled to meet Bill's eyes as he looked back at you. He smiled at you, causing you to blush. Then you both looked back at your grandpa who was sipping a new glass of wine.
“It was a couple more years before I stopped hearing from my family. Mom never wrote again and with uncle Morfin in Azkaban there was nothing that could be done. When I was eleven i returned to Little Hangleton only to find that my mother had married Tom Riddle, got pregnant and he had thrown her out on the street like a dog. She was left with nothing, unable to return to her father’s old house, and was forced to wander in the streets for months, until one rainy december night she went into labor in the middle of an alley. I helped her as much as I could, dragged her to the door of an orphanage where my mother no longer even had the strength to save the three of us. She had her wand in her hand, but she never used it. She gave up in front of me, the baby was born and asked me to name him after his father. She put him in my arms, the door of the orphanage opened, but mother had already died”
“As you can understand, it's kind of hard for me to remember all that," Tim Grant's reddened eyes closed, choking back tears, "I was just a little kid taking care of a baby and I didn't do my best job of raising him. I was upset with my mother for a long time after she died, but I don't judge her now. After living an almost totally miserable life, my mother had no hope and not enough courage to make her want to keep trying, even for the sake of her newborn son. That decision had a considerably negative impact on Tom's psyche as he was growing up I suppose cause I had to go back to school and I couldn't take him with me, I would have! Of course I would have. I tried, but Tom wasn’t descended from any alchemist and there was nothing I could do about that. I tried, Merlin knows I did. I felt the need to leave him in that orphanage. I visited him whenever I could. For a year I went back and forth from continent to continent to see him, but that wasn't enough for Tom to grow up feeling loved. Orphanage life is hard, dear friends, we shouldn’t judge others too harshly, much less a lonely mother” Tim Grant's irritated eyes were fixed on Harry, reflecting deep pain “She was weakened by her long suffering and she never had Lily Evans’ courage. Everyone sacrifices for those they love in different ways, and my mother did it in her own way”
“Why didn't you ever talk about this?” you asked from across the table. Everyone looked at you “when dad asked you so-”
“Your father didn't need any more reasons to support Tom's follies” Tim shook his head “My brother is a very convincing person not only with his family members but with anyone who gets in the way of his plans. He has a very affiliated serpentine tongue, he inherited the gift of gab from our ancestors and your father grew up under his influence”
“We're very sorry for what you had to go through, Tim, but there's nothing that can be done about you-know-who and all that's left for us to do is to fight him”
“I understand, Arthur, but that doesn't stop me from blame myself. I did what I could, but an eleven-year-old can't take the place of his parents. When I graduated from school and wanted to take care of him Tom was already at Hogwarts and completely disappeared from everyone's eye," he lamented, scrunching his eyelids together, "That was the last time I saw him as the real Tom and not the ghastly grayish mass he is now”
The twins and Ron laughed at the comment and were immediately silenced by their father. Tim scrunched up his eyes, took a breath and let out a laugh looking around the room.
“Well, enough whining, that's not what you guys are here for, is it?” Bill, that had kept silent, denied when the man turned to see him, "What's done is done, and lamenting won't do any good, but I hope that what I've just told you will help you to see Tom's human side if he still has it, which I doubt it very much”
“Thank you, sir”
“You're welcome, Harry, dear, well? What was you wanted to tell me, my boy?”
Tim Grant turned his full body towards Bill, almost climbing up on the table fixing his huge opaque eyes on Bill's. Bill held his gaze noticing that the man was drunk since the beginning of the evening. He looked to you for help, but you were too busy watching Mrs. Weasley's reaction to hearing the reason for your visit.
“Come on, boy, don't be shy”
“I... well, I wanted to-”
“Oh, Arthur, your son is so cute!” he shouted as he squeezed Bill's cheeks. His brothers and Harry laughed and even Molly hid a mischievous smile by putting a piece of apricot in her mouth “Poor frightened boy. But, come on! I'm not going to make it harder for you, I know you're here to ask for my granddaughter's hand in marriage, aren't you?”
“Yes, that's right, sir”
“Well, that's a great gesture of you, but this is a job for (Y/N)’s parents”
“It is, but you understand that under such circumstances we couldn't pay a courtesy visit to the Death Eaters," Arthur interjected with an amused smile.
“So..." repeated Tim. You sighed, "You love my granddaughter?
“Yes, sir”
“How much?”
“A lot”
“Are you going to protect her, take care of her, and love her?”
“With my life, sir”
“Your life is not enough for me, William” Tim smiled at him, tapping Bill's chin with one of his fingers “My granddaughter is still a Grant, descended from very powerful wizards. My hand will not tremble to revenge the suffering you put her through, am i being clear?”
“Y-yes, sir. Crystal clear”
“Good boy," he replied, patting his cheek. Then he turned to Molly, took her hand and kissed the back of it, giving her a beautiful smile. The woman blushed, but it didn't last long because the man turned to her husband and bowed his head in respect. Arthur pressed your hand on the table and also kissed the back of your hand, making a promise “Well, then. Arthur, your son has my blessing to marry my granddaughter”
Mr. Weasley raised his glass, offering it to Tim.
“Thank you, Tim. We promise to take care for (Y/N) as a member of our family”
“I hope so." The man rested his chin on his hands, watching the huge smile form on your lips and kissing Arthur's cheek. He turned to Molly lightly patting her shoulder offering her a sweet roll which she accepted with a giggle “It's nice to see you accepting my (Y/N) so well” Molly wrinkled her nose “Since who she is and coming from a family as complicated as ours...it was hard for me to believe that someone from the outside could fall in love with her someday. I always knew my little girl was different from everyone” Tim's brown irises clouded over. Molly fell silent “You could put her in a basket of rotten apples and she'd make them blossom, so I'm glad to hear you've taken her in as one of yours. Being a Grant is a very complicated task, i never had a problem with people speaking shit about me, i was never ashamed to be recognized as Lord Voldemort's brother, but my yoke should not fall on my granddaughter” Molly Weasley listened carefully “I have always been a faithful supporter of being judged individually and not by the others actions, that would be like punishing children for their parents mistakes, wouldn't it? That wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't make us any less guilty than my brother, isn't that what he’s doing? Punishing Muggle-born wizards just because they weren't born under Merlin's blessing? I like you, Molly, I know you understand.
A pain in her chest made her look down, embarrassed. But then Tim lifted her chin at just the right moment for her to catch the moment her son rose from his place to walk over to you and lock you in a breath-stealing hug. Arthur was at your side watching you and then his attention focused on his wife giving her a beaming smile, the kind she hadn't seen in a long time. Even the rest of their children had joined in the celebration and Harry rose to congratulate you while you and Bill happily sealed your engagement with a kiss. Tim moved Molly's chin towards him, their gazes colliding.
“Yes," Molly whispered, "I understand.
“Good” Tim let out a laugh, pulling away from Molly to toast. The woman watched you as she smiled thinly ”Then my story was useful somehow”
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talesoftxt · 5 years
TXT Hogwarts AU
So this is my first time publicly sharing my writings and I'm really nervous and also kind of excited. Please bear with me, English isn't my first language however I do try to do my best in my works. Anywhos here's my first post I hope you guy enjoy!
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•was shunned his whole life due to his parents being deatheaters in the second wizarding war
•raised by his grandmother who he loves to pieces
•don't tell anyone but grandma choi actually raised him muggle style so he's very knowledgable when it comes to them
•his one and only friend is soobin, that is of course before he met the three other boys
•the sorting hat barely even touched his head before it announced "slytherin"
•worked his way up until he became what he is today
•his goal is to erase the stigma of slytherins being evil
•intimidates everyone with his sharp eyes and blank face but don't be fooled, he's as extra and wild as the others
•once dared himself to wrestle with the black lake's giant squid
•always aims to be the best at everything, probably to the point of overworking himself
•as a first year flying had come naturally to him and easily became his favourite subject but was soon replaced by defence against the dark arts
•the boy is a quick thinker and could disarm his opponent in a matter of seconds, though he is good at casting other spells he opts for a defensive style of duelling
•ever since he was young he dreamt of being an auror
•the team captain of slytherin's quidditch team, his swiftness and agility earned him the title "best chaser"
•dubbed as "slytherin's prince" his housemates respect and look up to him
•don't cross him.just don't.
•very cautious when it comes to picking his friends and is very protective of soobin because he's just too damn precious
•gets along with kai really well because theyre both crackheads and kai is too cute not to like
•isn't one to share his feelings but because of his friends he's getting more and more open
•his greatest fear is becoming evil and hurting his friends
•he's really just a tiny bean who loves his friends and would do anything for them
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•coming from a very traditional pureblood family, he doesn't really understand muggle lifestyle
•a straight A student prefect and athlete, he's the epitome of model student
•doesn't like to break the rules but somehow always finds himself staying up with taehyun or getting dragged to the dark forest by kai
•takes away points by decimals just because he thinks its funny
•can get pretty scary when someone questions his authority
•"out of bed past curfew? 4.23 points from gryffindor" "is that even allowed??"
•he's a responsible prefect and shuts everyone up with one stern look
•number one on the school's boyfriend material list (because c'mon he's like perfect)
•a perfect gentleman who's ready to help with a dimpled smile on his face
•takes muggle studies because he likes muggles and wants to know about them more
•still doesn't know what the function of a rubber duck is
•can cook up a potion even without the help of a guide and can recognize a herb by it's texture alone
•his favourite subjects are potions and herbology
•probably because the two are kind of connected in a way
•literally has a journal where he writes down everything he's learned about muggles
•nearly cried when he received a toaster from taehyun as a gift because he's always wanted one for his bread
•wants to be a healer in the future
•his future career also helps because all his friends can't go a day without injuring themselves
•keeper soobin (you gets?because the boy is such a keeper?hehehehe)
•his tall stature and quick reflexes helps him block quaffles from the opposite team
•recognizes hueningkai as his number one cheerer and never fails to wink at him before the start of every game
•always makes sure taehyun gets enough sleep, beomgyu and kai stay out of trouble and keeps yeonjun from overworking himself
•they always make sure to bring him back little muggle trinkets after they come back from the holidays
•the boys are just really thankful for soobin existance and love him so much
•choi soobin is a lovable and amazing bunny (that's the tea sis)
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•gets himself into pretty stupid situations just bc he's too damn heroic
•always stirs up trouble but somehow charms himself out of it
•he's like,really charming
•made mcgonagall blush that one time
•he's absolutely cunning,his ability to hide his true intentions behind an angelic smile scares the crap out of the boys
•just don't mess with his friends
•bc of this the sorting hat actually took longer to sort him than usual wondering whether it should put him in slytherin or gryffindor, he had almost been a hatstall but after a silent debate between the two beomgyu had chosen gryffindor bc they had and i quote 'pretty colours'
•had to be physically restrained by soobin and yeonjun after he tried to fight a student who had called taehyun a "mudblood"
•Charms and transfiguration are his areas of expertise
•favourite spell is "accio" and practically uses it for everything
•"accio yeonjun hyung's clothes "beomgyu!"
•"accio taehyun's love of his life" "bold of you to assume i have any I-" "accio taehyun's books" "you little shi-"
•takes muggle studies just for the hell of it and because it's easy
•gryffindor's seeker,this boy could spot a snitch from miles away
•has his own fanclub with members from all four houses
•yes that's how charming he is
•no one really knows how but beomgyu always manages to enter all three other houses' common rooms
•his favourite hang out place would probably be ravenclaw's common room
•annoying taehyun is this guy's favourite past time, he just finds it cute when the younger glares at him
•if he's not annoying taehyun he's probably off pulling pranks and causing trouble all around the castle
•is currently grooming kai to become a prankster like him, he just has to figure out a way to stop the boy from being so goddamn loud everytime they prank someone
•in general he's a chaotic mess but everyone still loves him
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•once something catches his eye he makes it a goal to learn everything about it
•no one really knows what to expect with taehyun probably bc he was so quiet and introverted
•as he gets used to life in the magical world he starts to become more confident and bold
•"why do we still use quills when ballpens literally exists?''
•''are you serious?a letter?kai you have a phone use it''
•his wisdom and good advices remind people why he's in ravenclaw
•his two favourite subjects are transfiguration and history of magic
•transfigured soobin into a bunny once at kai's request (well probably just to shut him up)
•history nerd and draco malfoy enthusiast
•''he was only a child!''
•doesn't even bother to answer the riddles' properly
•"where do vanished objects go?" "somewhere other than where they were vanished from,duh."
•usually found in the common room late at night cramming homeworks he's been putting on hold bc he found something much more interesting to do
•legend says prefect soobin always stays up with him (no one knows if its true or not no one has ever tried to find out in fear of facing choi soobin's wrath if he finds them out of bed)
•an excellent beater, taehyun's one of the best in their team even at such a young age
•rumours are he's one of the candidates for next team captain
•is soobin's source of muggle knowledge, probably bc kai only teaches them memes and popular vines and beomgyu just cant be bothered with
•claims he loses braincells every time kai opens his mouth but deep down he loves the boy like his brother
•looks up to his yeonjun and soobin hyungs
•unbothered king 24/7
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• the boy literally dragged taehyun with him and introduced himself to nearly everyone during the train ride
•never fails to say "me dad's a muggle; mam's a witch,bitofanastyshockforhim
whenhefoundout" every time he introduces himself
•excels in care of magical creatures (probably bc every single creature falls in love with the boy on sight) and almost always accompanies hagrid to the dark forest
•let's be real ya'll the dark forest probably isn't so dark anymore with the amount of sunshine kai emits
•nearly gave soobin a heart attack when he had dragged the elder into the dark forest
•at the age of 13 the dark forest was just a forest to kai, "wild centaurs?bitch please i braid baby centaurs hair on saturdays"
•idolizes newt scamander and wants to be a magizoologist because he wants to change people's minds about magical creatures and show them how beautiful and precious they actually are
•'pet a dragon's belly' is listed number 1 in his bucket list
• 'ohmygod hueningkai don't you even dare try to rock that mandrake' 'but hyun its so cute!it looks like an ugly baby!'
•takes a liking for divination and unlike others actually appreciates and pays attention in class
•probably because of his close relationship with the forest's centaurs who also use divination in their day to day lives
•is a skilled flyer and was invited to try out for his house's quidditch team but turned it down
•he prefers to cheer for people rather than getting cheered on
•people don't really know who he cheers for most of the time bc he's like present in every game
•mysteriously gets louder and more energetic when ravenclaw plays most people think it's bc his bestfriend taehyun is playing but taehyun knows the truth
•"you did great hyun!" "i literally saw you stare at soobin hyung's ass the entire game"
•no one can hate this guy,it’s physically impossible
•even the meanest kids don’t pick on him,he’s THAT lovable
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Anyways that all for today! That's my opinion on the txt's hogwarts houses,don't be shy and tell me what you think! See you later guys!
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
[not a request]
Do you think that the MC that can use electricity has to take meds?
Like, i Imagine that if you use electricity like that you skin can get really dry, not to mention all of the scars-
When i went to the hospital for a surgery the doctors made me drink this vitamina water thing that vaguely tasted like orange because i was dehidrated.
So i imagine Vil and Riddle always reminding MC to take their meds and helping them putting creams on the scars, not to mention reminding them to remain hydrated.
well if the MC were to use their electricity power, then their skin will probably get dry quicker and since they were literally randomly thrown into a world they have no knowledge of with none of their things (example: phone, wallet, medicine etc), they probably accidentally got reckless(bc they forgot they don't have their meds and lotions) and their skin just 😊⚡⚡on them.
skin: I'll be dry just like ur humor😁😠
and i think the MC will most likely have to ask around to help them with this problem so,
Vil, who have collaborated with many brands, will sometimes give u some of the lotions he got. He would even help u apply them just so he's sure you didn't forget. He might even brew you a potion so ur skin will get better quickly. Whenever he saw you in the hallways, he'll give a stern reminder not to overuse your power unless you want your skin to get dry quickly again.
Azul, however, will probably sees this as a business opportunity lmao. He's an expert at granting wishes, so to help you with this problem, he can brew a perfect potion that won't just help with ur skin's dryness but also erase all of the scars you have. Beware though, his demands for those potions could be quite alarming.
Malleus, unlike the one above him, will genuinely want to help you out. He knows many spells and potions so he can just whip one out to help you. It's as effective as Azul's potion, it can even clear your scars! When he sees you using your powers, he would surely check up on you to make sure you're ok.
Kalim will be more than happy to help you! Medicine? He can bring the best doctors in town to give you the best medicine. Lotions? He can find a really expensive and good brand to give to you. Hell, he won't give just one, he might even give you their whole stock if it's not for Jamil stopping him.
Riddle, while he does not have that many connections nor does he know much about about skincare, his parents are healers so he might know a thing or two with medications. Whenever he walked past you, he would often remind you to take your medication ans to stay hydrated. If you've forgotten? No worries, he have what you need with him.
Leona while he really doesn't care about you getting scars(bc it looks like someone who just came from a battlefield and he thinks it's something u can be proud of), he will always remind you to stay hydrated in his own way. It may be mean but he means well‼️
Idia probably rarely hydrate and needed ortho to constantly remind him to drink water so he can't really help much. However, he would probably tell ortho to always remind you to stay hydrated and even went as far as to have ortho carry around lotions or medicines for you to take.
Ace will literally be like leona. I'm sorry but he have the mentality of an 8 year old, you'll have to bear with me here. He'll even make fun of your skin and be mean about it but he means well, really! He may act like an asshole but he have some medicine and lotion that you took in his pocket if you ever need them.
Deuce is different from ace, fortunately. He'll give you gentle reminders everyday and if you wete to forget? He would literally go and get the stuff you need for you. What? Walking from here to the ramshackle dorm is too far? He can't hear you, he's already fast walking running to your dorm.
You guys live in the same dorm so Grim will be able to remind you everyday. He'll even scold you if you forget. He'll walk to the kitchen to get your medicine and a water while complaining to himself about you. No matter how much he complains though, he's always the first to remind you about it everyday.
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