#just because I’m living under another adult’s roof
So I went to a library instead of the Kingdom Hall for the first time ever. It stays open until roughly when the meeting ends. Hopefully nothing super eventful is happening over there that I’ll be expected to know about when I get home lmfaoooo. If anything does it’ll be like that one episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where the guys go to bet on horse races instead of therapy, and then it turns out the therapist died three weeks ago when the ladies see his name in the obituaries.
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Crash and Burn 5
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Tony Stark
Summary: a powerful man comes crashing into your life. Literally.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You sit on the back porch, reading a book as you avoid the dingy tabacco laden walls inside. After claiming a couple slices of pizza, you quickly evacuated, your mom latched onto your guest like gum beneath a diner table. You're happy enough to be alone.
You just want it all done with. You want to be done with him.
Your mom just needs to do one thing. Get the trailer and be done with the man overdosing on his own ego. She's never been on to let things go, especially nothing like this.
The screen door opens and closes. You stay as you are.
“Your chariot awaits, princess,” Tony declares as he approaches. You look up as he stands behind you.
“What do you mean?” You close the book and stand, not liking how his pant leg touches your arm. You face him as his mouth slants, the silver in his goatee catching the dimming sunlight.
“Me. Gonna take you for another ride.” He rests his hand on the wooden railing as you stand on the step below.
“No,” you say bluntly. “I have work tomorrow so I need to go get ready for bed.”
“What’s the matter? If you don’t like pepperoni, you could’ve said something,” he tilts his head. "I thought you had extensive experience with meat... workong in a deli and all."
“Really? You know this isn’t about the pizza,” you sneer.
“I know what it’s about as well as you.” He steps closer and looks down at you. “It’s this.”
He swirls his finger between you.
You narrow your eyes and grimace. “This... what?”
“Sexual tension. It’s like a noose, isn’t it? I’m close to gagging.”
You glare back at him, “you really believe every woman on earth wants you?”
“I know it so let's stop fucking around just get to the fucking.” He winks.
You laugh. A snort then a scoff then a guffaw. “Wow, what a line. Look you can buy us pizza and replace what you owe us but I'm nor impressed. You city people think we're all just a bunch of trailer trash and maybe we are, doesn't mean we wanna be like you.”
“Oh, but you definitely want me,” he intones.
You sigh, “I want to go to my room and never see you again.”
“I like that. The hard-to-get thing always gets me going.” He gets closer and you lean away.
“The hard to stand thing doesn't do it for me,” you retort. “Thanks for doing the bare minimum but I'm over it. Either we get what you destroyed or you go back and laugh at your little mistake with your rich buddies.”
“You're sounding bitter, sweetheart. Why don't you let me give you some sugar?” He reaches for you and you dodge his hand.
“Please, quit that. I told you, I am not into it.”
“You aren't? Well your mom sure is. Yeah, we made quite the deal. She's going to get her trailer and an empty nest.” He puts his hands out in nonchalance, “what can I say? I'm a great negotiator.”
“Well, I mean you're not going anywhere here. Working at a deli and for what? I told her, you don't gotta be stuck here. Eating off her table, living under her roof. You're an adult.” He crosses his arms and smirks.
Yep, that sounds like your mom. She's reminded you a billion times how you've burdened her with your existence, just as your grandmother does to her. And he plucked on that string until he hit a harmony.
“What did you do?” You ask.
“You make it sound like I did something wrong. Sweetheart, I'm doing you a favour. I'm getting you out of this pit. A girl like you, you can't hope for better because I'll tell you something, there's nothing out there better than Tony Stark.”
He preens in victory. You squint and clap the book against your leg.
“Come on, everyone should see New York at least once,” he tries to tap your nose and you evade him, but not entirely. Instead, he hits your chest and you feel a sudden constriction across it.
Your ripped up by your chest as metal expands and twists around your torso. You shriek as you fly upwards, encased in a cocoon the blocks out the wind. The propulsion of the suit has you disoriented and rattling.
You hear a whir and look over to see the marquee red and gold of the iconic Iron Man. Tony grabs you, your gauntlet caught against his like a magnet, and he zooms off onto sky, dragging you with him. You cry out as you can do nothing but flail.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he voice comes through the speakers built into the helmet, “you don't wanna pass out in this thing. Trust me.”
“What the hellllllll!” You holler.
“Just wait till you see that New York skyline,” he chortles.
Your disbelief paralyses you. How can he do this? Well, you can't stop him. He's been enabled his whole life and you've just become another pawn to his games.
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
You’re Safe With Me (Mason Mount x Reader)
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WC: 1.6K
Warning/Tags: toxic mother-child relationship, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, cursing, angst, protective!bf
A/N: i really didn’t feel good today, so had to channel my negative emotions into the healthiest way possible (aka writing). this one's really angsty, tho dw it has a happy ending. hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍 (ps: if you want to be added in my taglist just lmk!)
Even though you are an adult with a good job and stable income, you still live under the same roof as your mum. She is a single mother, and as her only child and family, you didn’t have the heart to leave her on her own. You care so much for your mother, yet she has never exactly been kind to you since you were little. She never physically hurt you, no, but her words have never failed to leave scars inside your heart. And by living with her, that means you constantly have to face her spiteful words and feeling helpless.
You met your boyfriend, Mason through a mutual friend 6 months ago. Knowing how famous he is, at first you thought he would never be interested in a nobody like you, but you were glad you were wrong. You and him clicked right away, and a month later, you both decided to be in a committed relationship.
You have never felt so truly loved before Mason came into your life. Constantly got brought down by your own mother, you always thought you don’t deserve love even from yourself. But Mason shows you that you deserve everything good in the world, and he helps you gain your self-esteem and change your negative view of yourself. He sees through you, loving you for everything you are, and makes you believe unconditional love is not just a myth.
Mason asked you to move in with him to Manchester last week, and after having long talks through the phone for days, you decided to accept it. It might sound fast, but you were really certain it’s the best decision and truly excited to live with the love of your life. But the hardest thing to do is to tell your mum you’re going to move in with your boyfriend, which means you have to relocate to another city. You have always wanted to live on your own, and though you feel guilty, you finally think it’s time to live the life you’ve dreamt of even if it also means you have to leave your mum.
Today, you finally have the courage to tell your mum you’re moving out soon. And of course, she doesn’t respond well.
“I didn’t raise you to be a selfish brat like you are today!” She yells at you.
“Excuse me? Selfish brat you say? How am I fucking selfish, Mum???” You can’t comprehend being called so by her.
“The way you want to move away and leave me to, and I quote, ‘living my life the way it should have been’, doesn’t that sound selfish to you? Stop thinking about yourself, Y/N! The fucking world doesn’t revolve around you!” She continues yelling.
“I have dedicated my life for you, Mum. I have basically lived to ‘serve’ you. I respected you, tolerated your actions no matter how badly those might affect me, I cared for you…” Your voice starts to break, “...because I love you. But I’m sorry, I’m not a superhuman and I have my limits...”
“Bullshit!” She denies. “You ‘serve’ me no shit. I gave up my exciting, beautiful life to raise a child who turned out to be an ungrateful person. If you really love me, you will not leave me. Let alone to live with some guy.”
“He is not just some guy, Mason is a guy who loves me. And genuinely cares about me. He makes me happy and helps me realise that I deserve so much better, Mum!”
“I deserve so much better!” She shouts even louder while aggressively pointing at herself. “And please, you just want his fucking money and fame. Why would a guy like him fall in love with a self-absorbed wretch like you?”
Her words, as always, instantly break your heart into a million pieces. You love her dearly, but you aren’t sure if she loves you too, though you know one thing for sure: in her eyes, you will always be on the wrong side.
“I…” You are completely shocked by your mother’s response and at that moment, you can no longer hold back your tears. You run back into your room, lock the door and cry your heart out.
After calming yourself down for a little while, you grab your phone to video call your boyfriend. You really need someone to talk to, and he is the one who can easily comfort you.
“Hey, baby!” Mason picks up the phone, he looks excited to see you.
“Hey…” You whimper, your eyes are still red but you try to conceal your sadness.
He immediately becomes very concerned. “Y/N… What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” You shake your head weakly. “Just had another fight with my mum…”
“Fuck.” He instantly knows your mum doesn’t take the news well. “Please, whatever it was, don’t listen to anything she said about you. You are not whatever she said you are.”
“I feel like I am… She is right, I’m a selfish brat for leaving her.” I start crying
He is heartbroken to see how much your mum has wounded you deeply. He would do everything he can to help you look at yourself beyond your mum’s hurtful words – because he knows how unpleasant your mother is and that you are nothing like your mum would say.
“Stop it Y/N! You are not selfish to think about yourself! You truly matter, baby. Your feelings are valid. She has treated you like shit all your life, even God knows you deserve to live a better life away from her.” He assures you.
You can’t seem to say anything, you just really feel like shit.
Worried about your wellbeing, Mason takes an impulsive but necessary decision at the moment for your sake. He doesn't want you to suffer any longer; he just has to get you out of there as soon as possible.
“Y/N, go pack your things. I’m going to book a flight right now and pick you up. It’s time to leave… I’ll be there in no time.”
You actually have packed most of your belongings days ago, so you let him know you’re practically good to go.
“Good. See you soon, my love.” He hangs up the phone.
Hours later, Mason informs you with a text that he is coming to your house. Once you hear Mason’s car pulling over, you say goodbye to your room then bring your belongings downstairs. You want to leave without saying goodbye to your mum because you don’t want to hear her saying whatever she is going to say. You open the door quietly and Mason is about to help you when you see your mum catch you before you even leave the house.
“Hey! Where the fuck do you think you’re going!?” Your mum runs toward you and tries to harshly grab your arm but Mason denies her.
“Stay away from Y/N.” He says as he points at her. He then tells you to leave your belongings and get into the car immediately – you follow his direction right away.
“Who the fuck do you think you are!?”
“I’m someone who will love Y/N and protect them. Because their mother obviously can’t do her one fucking job.” He calls her out.
“Fuck you!” She fumes. “They’re my child, I fucking raised them, I have the right to know everything about them and do whatever I want to them!”
“They’re a fucking adult who gets to do whatever they want, including leaving a horrible mother like you. You have no right to control them. The only person who gets to control their life is themselves.” He defends you.
“I beg to differ.” She scoffs. “You’re just a little kid talking nonsense.”
“Listen to me, Y/M/N.” He speaks so intensely to your mum. “From now on, you are out of their life. They are going to live the life they deserve. You are no longer allowed to interfere with their life in any fucking way or any circumstances.”
“Oh please, you can try to keep us apart however you want but they’re going to need their mother, arsehole.” She replies as she sneers at him.
“Y/N has my mum who loves them as her own child. They will never need you, Y/M/N. And sooner or later, you’re going to realise what a good child they’ve always been, how much your life depended on them, and what a horrible mother you have always been.”
Before your mum gets to say anything else, Mason walks out of the house with your belongings in his hands, slams the door on her face and gets into the car. You see how visibly angry he is the moment he gets out of your mum’s house, though you know he is angry for you. You haven’t stopped tearing up ever since before Mason came to pick you up, but the tears are falling down on your face even more now – but this time, those are the tears of freedom, the tears of joy. The second Mason got out of the house, you know you’re finally safe. Him and his family are your safe haven now and you can’t wait to finally be around people who are genuinely supportive of you. Most importantly: you are safe without your mother, the one person you love so much but couldn’t even appreciate even the littlest thing about her one and only child.
As Mason gets into the driver’s seat and starts the car, he notices you are crying. 
“Hey, hey, you’re all good now, baby.” He reaches an arm out and rubs your shoulder, then wipes away your tears with his fingers. “You’re going to be okay.”
You nod your head and hold his hand.
“Thank you, Mase.”
“Don’t mention it, my love.” He continues rubbing your shoulder to comfort you. “As long as I’m living, you’re safe with me.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
i have stepdad!rick brainrot rn, i’d love one where he punishes the reader for being out past curfew, rick sitting by the door watching another boy drop her off
i’m so excited to see where you go with this omg <33
cw- stepdad!rick, dub con? kinda toxic tbh but… it’s fictional so… all for funsies <3 oh and um… not proofread (is it ever anymore?)
The porch light is on and you know you’re screwed. Walking up the creaky steps to the front door and gently turning the handle. Your stepdads figure, standing at the counter sorting some papers. He glances over at the sound of the door latching behind you.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” His gaze goes back to the stack of papers he’s sorting.
You place your bag on the stool next to him and go for the fridge. Grabbing a glass of water and taking a sip before answering.
“We lost track of time, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s 1 in the morning. Curfew is 11.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t have a curfew that’s ridiculous.” You almost laugh.
“You live under my roof don’t you?”
He’s fully focused on you now. Standing there. No papers in hand.
You want to scowl back. But you’re already in trouble. And being a brat won’t help your situation. Not when Rick is already coming in at you. Backing you into the corner cabinet. Your ass hitting the cool marble as he approaches. Cornered.
“Answer.” He demands. Annoyed. No. Angry.
“Yes. I do.” You day through a clenched teeth. He’s still in his work clothes. The police uniform that Deanna gave him way back when they first arrived here. When he first met your mom. When he first took notice of you.
“Who were you with?”
“A friend.”
He breaths out what you assume is a laugh. An unimpressed huff of air and the smallest hint of a smirk pulling at his lips.
“A friend, hm. Don’t know many friends that touch eachother like that.”
He must have seen you. Watched the boy drop you off from his spot on his chair under the living room window. Watched you kiss the boy goodbye after he opened the car door for you. No doubt catching the way his hand grabbed your ass when he pulled you in for another.
Though Rick seems exceptionally calm if he had seen.
“I’m sorry.” It’s not sincere. And Rick can hear it too.
“About the boy? Or about being out past curfew. Curfew that’s been set in place for all of Alexandria by the way. Not just you.”
“Since when?” This is news to you.
“Since one of your friends fucked up and got three of our people killed.”
There was an incident. A recent one. Only a few days ago actually. Some pretty heavy drinking was involved. Shitty decisions were made and it cost the community three precious lives. An open gate in this world will do that.
“I didn’t realize. No one told me.” You’re telling the truth. He must sense it because his jaw relaxes slightly.
But he moves in even closer. If that was possible. You feel trapped. A heavy weight pulling you further into the counter space between his hands. Ricks strong arms framing your entrapment.
“You missed the meeting,” he leans in, though it doesn’t feel particularly intimate. More intimidating than anything. “I wondered why that was. Wouldn’t have to do with some… friend would it?”
You shake your head. Your heartbeat is off the walls and you want him to close the gap between you so desperately. You want him to bend his own house rules and make a fucking mess out of you right here on the counter. Right here in the kitchen where your mother could walk in at any moment.
Right where he refuses to touch you out of his own moral agenda. Outside it didn’t matter. But in this house, touching you was rare.
He’s so close it hurts. His nose almost brushing your cheek. The stubble on his jaw scratches your cheek as he moves to whisper in your ear. Lips so warm against your ear. Brushing the gold metal hanging from your lobe.
“I don’t believe you.”
His voice is quiet. Soft and deep. But It makes you shiver as if he’s just yelled at you.
“Shhh,” he cuts you off. He’s smirking against your cheek. Though nothing about his demeanour is funny. You’re in trouble. That’s all you know.
“You broke the rules. And you lied to me-“
“I’m sorry-“
“Sweetheart, if you interrupt me one more time, your ass is gonna be sore for a week.”
You gulp. Fuck. Ok.
“You’re not getting away with just a slap on the wrist this time. Not tonight, baby.”
He kisses your lips. Gentle and warm. And you’re more than eager to kiss him back. To make it up to him. Anything. Everything. All for him.
It’s not like the boy from outside means anything. He’s nothing compared to the man you live with. The one that sleeps down the hall from you every night. Tempting you with just the smell of his skin and the blue in his eyes.
Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him in close.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper against his mouth between kisses. Muffled and faded into the moans that can’t seem to stay put.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it this time, sweetheart.”
You tug on his hair. Hoping he’ll just let you give him your body as a form of repentance. But it won’t be enough. He needs to punish you himself. To show you some real discipline.
“What are you gonna do?” You ask finally, pulling away for a moment. Just for show really. Giving your most innocent doe eyed act in hopes of even a smidge of pity from the officer.
He doesn’t buy it for a second.
He smiles and your heart skips a beat. You know by the look on his face that you’re in for a night. A week. Maybe longer.
You realize quickly that it isn’t a matter of what he was going to do to you. It was a matter of what he would refuse to do to you. No matter how hard you begged.
And judging by the arousal already seeping through your panties, he’d have you begging on your knees in no time.
taglist- @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @catt-leya @miinbun @ankhmutes @eternalrose81 @cl0wnb0yyy @grimesthinker @whatthefuuuck @olive3oil @taylormarieee @virtualreader @lust4lovee @fanngirl19 @movidita @cavillsgirl105 @dylanisstilladumbass @dixonslvr @aangelbabysworld @raininhell @gvf23 @iamacowboi @dqllgarden
(lmk if I missed you or if you no longer want to be tagged)
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daemour · 7 months
Promise - Hongjoong
Part of Anthology
Every two weeks, I will post a drabble (and sometimes longer) alongside a prompt that went with it. The prompts may be songs, scenarios, or more.
M: Hongjoong
Wc: 1874
Warnings: Cursing, arguments
Genre: angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship
Summary: An argument with your boyfriend turns into something worse, and you're not sure how to come back from it
Hongjoong works hard, it’s not hard to see. He spends all his time in the studio whenever there’s a comeback, a tour, or an event. It’s commendable, and you love him for it, but it also wears down on your relationship. It’s the fifth time he’s come home late this week, and the other two days he just didn’t show up, sleeping on the work couch. You tried to bring up your worries as peacefully as possible, honest you did. But sleep-deprived and stressed-out Hongjoongs are not known for their patience.
“Hongjoong, I’m just trying to make sure you take care of yourself.” You’re done with this argument, but it appears your boyfriend is not.
“I don’t need you to do that, (Y/N),” Hongjoong bites back. “I’m a grown adult and I can make my own decisions.”
You shake your head, exasperated. “I didn’t imply you were anything else, but why don’t you try acting like a grown adult then?” You’re definitely not helping the argument end, but at this point, you’re quite annoyed at him. “You can’t not take care of yourself and then get mad at me for worrying. I’m not your parent, so stop making me baby you.”
“Then fucking leave,” Hongjoong’s voice comes out cold and you recoil. The two of you have had your fair share of fights, as all couples do, but never before had Hongjoong used that tone on you. No matter how angry he was at you, he wouldn’t ever speak to you like a pest in his life, nor has he ever cursed at you in a serious manner.
“Fine. Fuck you too, then,” you hiss, tears filling your eyes. Without another word, you spin on your heel and leave him standing in the middle of the living room by himself.
As you head down the street with nothing but your phone, you start to regret your decision. It would’ve been more safe and just as impactful if you locked yourself in the bedroom for a few hours. It’s windy and the fall air has a chill to it, and as if to prove your point, you feel drops of rain on the top of your head. As soon as you duck under the roof of a nearby convenience store, it starts to pour and you roll your eyes angrily, the bad weather not helping your anger at all.
After letting the anger stew in your gut for a minute, you pull out your phone with a sigh. You debate calling Hongjoong, but you’re still sore from the fight and would much rather eat grated cardboard than be stuck in a car with him. Your friends are not an option because they’d immediately notice your anger and you can’t tell them about your relationship with Hongjoong, nor do they know you’re even in a relationship in general. So you call the next best option.
“(Y/N)?” What’s up?” Understandably, Wooyoung's voice is full of confusion. You have all of the Ateez members’ numbers in case of emergency, but you’ve never needed to call them aside from Seonghwa once. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m sorry to call you out of the blue, but I got caught in the rain after an argument with Hongjoong and I don’t really want to be in a car with him right now.”
Wooyoung sighs. “I told Seonghwa it was a bad idea to let Hongjoong go home all pissed,” he mutters to himself or another member, you don’t know. “I’ll be right there, okay? Send me your location.”
“Yeah. Thank you,” you sniff and end the call, not wanting to seem even more pitiful than you already feel. One text from Hongjoong glares at your face. ‘This is Yunho. Come back when the storm ends.’ With a scoff, you delete the notification and huffily enter the convenience store.
One iced tea later, Wooyoung walks in, San tagging behind him to no one's surprise. “(Y/N),” San greets you with a smile and it hits you that Hongjoong hadn’t smiled once at you the entire time he was home that day. “Are you doing all right?”
At the kindness you miss seeing from Hongjoong, you break down. San and Wooyoung immediately surround you, wrapping you in their arms and ushering you to the car where you can cry in peace. Once you’ve calmed down enough, you explain everything with the occasional hiccup and sniffle. “I shouldn’t have pushed him, but he’s never said that to me before,” you end with a groan and let your head fall on the back of the passenger seat.
“No, yeah, that was out of line for him to say,” Wooyoung says and San makes a noise of agreement. “I get being tired, we all are and he has worked extra hard, but he shouldn’t take it out on you. He knew he was frustrated, and he should’ve taken some space or even asked you for some space more politely.”
“It wasn’t your fault, (Y/N). You weren’t looking to argue, it only escalated because he snapped,” San reassures you.
You sigh, nodding miserably when your phone dings. This time, Yunho texts you from his own phone. ‘Come back soon…he’s worried and so he’s angrier’ and it’s followed by a couple of emojis. You frown. “Should I go back? Yunho is with him and says he’s angrier cus he’s worried.”
San and Wooyoung exchange a look before Wooyoung speaks up, turning the key in the ignition. “Tell you what, we’ll go with you and if Hongjoong acts out of pocket again, we’ll bring him back to the dorm and get a manager noona to stay the night with you.” And as much as you don’t want to inconvenience one of their staff, you also don’t want to be left alone in the apartment and you begrudgingly agree.
When you walk back in the door, you see Hongjoong pacing the floor with Yunho on the couch attempting to placate him. “Hey guys,” he waves and you smile back and mouth a ‘thank you’ just as Hongjoong registers Yunho’s words.
“Where were you?” Hongjoong whirls around and glares.
“I left, just like you told me to, Joong. Are you ready to to talk like adults now?”
“Don’t lecture me when you went gallivanting into the rain with your holier-than-thou attitude,” Hongjoong starts to argue again but San’s low, dangerous voice interrupts.
“Finish that thought and you’ll have more pressing things to worry about, hyung. You’re coming back to the dorm. Now.”
Hongjoong scoffs. “You can’t kick me out of my own apartment,” he glowers, crossing his arms.
You’ve had quite enough. “They can’t but I can. Get out, Hongjoong. You’ve relentlessly insulted me and I do not deserve the attitude you think I do. Go to the dorms and cool down and don’t come back until you’re ready to act your age. The lease is in my name, I can and will kick you out right now, Kim Hongjoong.”
You’re tired, and you exit the room without another word, slamming the bedroom door behind you. You hear murmurs in the hallway and the faint noise of footsteps fades. A knock sounds on your door and you recognise Yunho’s voice. “I’m sorry about him, (Y/N). He’s been testy for the past few weeks. I called our manager to come and I’ll leave once she gets here. Take care of yourself and I beg of you, please don’t hate him.”
His voice fades and you can’t bring yourself to say anything. Your thoughts swirl in your head, confusion, hurt, all of the above. And once you hear the quiet mumblings of Yunho and the manager silence, you let the tears spill out of your eyes and you fall asleep soon after.
When you awaken the sun is up and you can hear the manager talking with someone in quiet tones. You’re somewhat sure of who it is, but you’re not sure you want to deal with that. It appears you’re going to have to, however, as the door closes and you hear familiar footsteps walking down the hall. Grumpily, you cover yourself with the blanket and do your best to pretend to sleep.
“(Y/N)? Can we talk?” You don’t grace him with a response but he’s known you for too long to fall for your acting. “I know you’re awake.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” you mumble under your breath but he hears you anyway and the bed dips as he sits beside your body.
"There's a lot to talk about, (Y/N)," Hongjoong's voice is quiet. "Let me lead with this—I'm sorry."
You tighten your grip on the covers. "Are you sorry or are you just trying to suck up to me? This isn't something we can just gloss over."
Hongjoong laughs sullenly. "Yes, Seonghwa made sure I understood that clearly," he sighs and you can't help but smile to yourself at the thought of Seonghwa reprimanding his leader. "You know, Jongho threatened me?"
You manage a chuckle. "That I can believe."
A hand rests on where he guessed your head to be and you don't shake off the touch. "But aside from that, I really am sorry. I had no right to take my anger out on you or lash out, especially like that. You didn't deserve that." Hongjoong still speaks softly, solemnly. "I know I hurt you and I promise to do all I can to remedy that."
You pull the covers down a little to peek at him. "My anger waned a while ago, Joong. I'm more hurt than anything and I hope for your sake and mine that you never do it again."
Hongjoong nods and you can see the sincerity in his eyes. "I promise you, I'll hold you tight always."
"Hongjoong, I hope you know how immensely disappointed I am in you. " Seonghwa's glare and his crossed arms are what greet Hongjoong at the entrance into the dorm. Hongjoong groans but Seonghwa just shakes his head and the leader silences. "For someone chosen to be a leader, you do a shit job under stress."
"I know you're mad, but you will give me respect," Hongjoong hisses at the sound of Seonghwa cursing, but the oldest member tsks.
"Well, now you know exactly what you put poor (Y/N) through, and she handled it a hell of a lot better than you did." The rest of the members' heads peek around the corner to stare at the rare sight of Hongjoong getting scolded and the leader has half a mind to tell them off but Seonghwa's having none of that. "I want you to ruminate on the damage you caused to your relationship, and apologise first thing in the morning. (Y/N) loves you, Hongjoong, and you better work hard to prove you deserve it."
At Seonghwa's tone, Hongjoong finally slips out of the daze he's been in all day and his eyes widen. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
Seonghwa nods. "You did. Fix it the best you can and I'm sure she will forgive you."
"I peomise I will," Hongjoong declares and Seonghwa smiles but his arms remain crossed.
"You tell her that. I don't need to hear it."
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yuriisclumsy · 2 months
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐕 — 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒌, 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝑫𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒄𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔
𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐈𝐕 | 𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐕 (you are here) | 𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐕𝐈
Authors note: Hi. Tis I, your author. I have been writing nonstop for the last few days, and I have things planned out for a couple weeks. BTW, I'm planning on writing for my novel, and other projects not involving fanfiction. Wish me luck! PS. I kinda lied. I have another fanfiction I'm working on, that I won't post until I have at least 15 chapters in.
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The Common Folk
–As stated in previous Arcs, the residents of the Divine City are generally of good nature, with the giving out of food to the Up-holders, to community service. They like to reciprocate what they receive. Do them good, and you’ll receive twice the good you gave back.
╰Of course, there are exceptions–those being of the people that live in the upper section; there are bound to be bad apples no matter where you go. It can’t be helped.
–One thing the people are invested in: is quality. This applies to everything; from products, to services, heck, even when talking to people. They want to leave the best impressions they can muster.
╰Expect to be overwhelmed the first time you speak with a local when arriving in the city.
–Contrary to common belief, politics play an important role for every adult within the city. There are elections, law voting, regular committees, and so-forth. Your average Democratic nation–or as democratic as the monarchy allows it to be.
╰It appears that middle aged men are prone to drag youngsters to their side and explain why they voted for a certain individual. It is advised to avoid such conversations, unless you yourself enjoy it. You have been warned.
Class Difference
–Because of the difference of where you can live in the city, there is resentment in the hearts of many who live in the middle and outer sections.
–Many of the residents of the core section have developed a superiority complex. Given that they are allowed to live there, merely because of the fact they were blessed by the gods, gives them pride and honor, not wishing to mingle with those they deem inferior.
╰Do not tell a soul I said this, but…if a child from a family from the middle or outer sections was accepted into an Elite Academy, they would be the center of hate and be chastised by those core pigs.
Academy Students
–Academy students usually spend their days studying their depression and sleep deprivation away. Often finding them congregated in libraries or search facilities by the masses.
–They are tough cookies, and extremely professional when talked to. But they are just kids, they enjoy playing games, making pranks, and – most importantly – taking naps.
╰Students say the best places to sleep are under trees, the beach, and in the rooftops…though, that seems to be influence of a certain roof-sleeper we know.
–Out of all the academies, Tridalia Academy has it the hardest. Why? Because, not only do they have to study law, psychology, and communications, they also have to study martial arts and weaponry.
╰Yikes for all those trying to be Upholders. They have my respect.
…: ≧◉ᴥ◉≦
???: *Sight…*
???: What is it, child?
…: (ง︡'-'︠)ง
???: You…what?
???: You want to fight a powerful villain?
???: Why, in heaven's name, would you do that?
…: ٩(˘◡˘)۶
???: For fame?
…: (ㆆ_ㆆ)
???: Oh.
???: You want to be strong enough to protect me?
…: ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
???: Well that’s a better reason than fame… 
???: But why?
…: (◉‿◉)つ
???: Because you like me?
???: *Smile* …Hhmp.
???: Of course you do. I’m amazing.
…: (꒪⌓꒪)
???: Pfff…! Haha..HAHAHA!
???: Look at your face..! Hahaha!
???: Oh! You never fail to amuse me!
…: (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻ *Angry Noises*
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @udretlnea, @taurus-caeli. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for The Divine City: Arc. Back to The Divine City: Arc Master-List. Go to Story, a related series.
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bcolfanfic · 9 days
could we hear more about side b poly ev/helen/jean
ohohoh you sure can!!!
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el dorado is side a and the lil helen jamie scene i posted is referencing some stuff happening when helen was staying with her after nash died and croz cheated. but ah. side b.
- croz ): god. my heart. sweet boy. you shoulda called someone. your girl and your beautiful kids needed you ):
- after the funeral ev and helen more or less move jeanie and the kids into their house
- it’s supposed to be temporary, they just don’t want her to be her alone. her family and croz’s folks are both unsupportive. their kids get along and *they* love her so. it’ll be good. temporarily. (:
- except they play real fast and loose with temporary and 6 months go by and she’s still there and sleeping in their bed more frequently and nothing *happens* but her being in there safe with them just makes sense.
- side b helen and jeanie have the same history they do in side a so i think shit happens between them first. and it’s not something anyone really blinks much about. they’re best friends. it was comforting when it was helen with the dead husband. ev certainly doesn’t care.
- but ev. ev ev ev. ev, who has more or less been parenting the crosby kids the last almost year. ev, who holds little baby simon and prays that he remembers his dad’s face. ev who sits up with jj and rebecca when they can’t sleep and tells them stories about croz and sleeps on the floor when april is scared of the dark.
- ev who hasn’t ever been hesitant to kiss jeanie on the head when she’s having a bad day with everything and tell her she’s a good mom. tell her that croz would be so proud of her and that /he’s/ proud of her.
- of course she falls in love with him. who wouldn’t.
- but realizing that obviously scares the shit out of her and there’s a whole lot of projection bickering for a minute.
- snaps at him for disciplining rebecca telling him she’s not /his/ child and that maybe he’s getting his role here confused. but he kinda snaps back and is like if the kids are under my roof, i’m gonna do what croz would when they’re acting out. you’re welcome to leave if you don’t like it!
- he’s projecting from a place of Feeling things too <\3
- jeanie snaps back all ohhh so you’re kicking me out, i’m so sorry for interrupting your PERFECT little life with your wife. you two can get back to what you were doing then and i’ll go.
- starts getting choked up which breaks ev’s heart because he’s like ): i don’t want you to leave if you don’t want to leave. but you’ve been at my throat lately and you gotta be honest about where this is coming from. if you live here, we communicate like adults.
- and she gets spooked and bolts upstairs <\3
- helen coming back from the store just in time to hear the bedroom door slam: 😁😄😀😧 ?????
- is immediately ev what did you do and he’s like ???!? throws his hands up all hell if i know! (you do know ev lmao you also need to communicate)
this is getting long but i can continue in another post if ppl are interested !
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arcadiabaytornado · 2 years
Max And Chloe’s Song: Obstacles And Why It Plays In Episode Five
As I’m sure the Pricefield fans know, “Obstacles” also plays at the end of episode one when Max tells Chloe about her powers. However, for this post I just want to talk about it’s meaning it’s episode five.
“Let's say sunshine for everyone. But as far as I can remember.”
Both Max and Chloe can remember when the sunshine of Arcadia Bay was for everyone. 
The town was more prosperous when they were kids and seemed more like home. Then Max left, and Chloe changed, as did the town. Dark skies were apparent as the Prescott's nearly drove the town to ruin, all while benefiting themselves. More than that, a girl went missing, and another tried to jump off her school's roof. Arcadia's Bay's golden hour is over, and so is the sunshine for everyone. The only people who feel the sun now are those who can afford it and those who can leave.
“We've been migratory animals.”
This line is about Max moving to Seattle and Chloe trying to get out of Arcadia Bay at any cost. Max has been that migratory animal, and Chloe would have done anything to do the same. 
It’s also worth pointing out that nearly 600 butterfly species migrant...so take that as you will. 
More Undercut 
Living under changing weather.”
I think this line is both a direct reference to the weird weather that happens over the week, and a comment about how Max and Chloe’s lives have changed over the week. 
Max has made more friends than she likely ever has. She's discovered this new power within and was able to reconcile with Chloe because of it. She's solved a murder and gotten involved in dangerous games while adjusting to her college life. In the end, these moments all add up to expose her role model as a predator who wants to hurt her.
Chloe's life also changed a lot. She got Max back and was able to find Rachel because of it. David (possibly) gets kicked out of her house, and she (possibly) injures/kills Frank on the beach. That's a lot of life changes in a short amount of time. Things have changed for them just as much as the weather.
“Someday we will foresee obstacles. Through the blizzard, through the blizzard.”
This line talks about the obstacles they've faced over the week. David, Mark, Nathan, Frank, and The Strom have all served as their foes. Yet they've managed to stay strong through the blizzard and survive.
“Today we will sell our uniform.”
I think “sell our uniform” means Max and Chloe are letting go of the people they were. 
Max was a character who doubted herself at every moment. As a child, she lost contact with her best friend out of fear of saying the wrong thing, and as an adult, she's a loner for similar reasons. Even when she gets time travel powers, she still second-guesses herself. It's only when the mysteries of the bay unravel does her confidence grow, and Chloe being by her side again makes her stronger.
Chloe has a hard time thinking people will stay. She has abandonment issues stemming from William dying, Joyce picking David over her, Max leaving, and Rachel going missing all in five years. Those moments have added up to make her feel let down quickly and sometimes irrationally when someone fails to show complete loyalty to her. However, over the week, Chloe learns to let Max in again and even apologizes for telling Max not to take Kate's phone call. She learns to be better and open her heart.
Both of these arcs conclude on the cliff. Max confidentially rips up the butterfly photo and accepts the decision she’s made to put Chloe above everyone else. It’s also where Chloe see’s how much Max genuinely loves her and wants to be with her. 
“Live together, live together.”  
While I think this means living together after Arcadia Bay's destruction, I also think it means living together even though fate wants Chloe dead. They've both managed to survive Arcadia Bay, and now they can live life to the fullest.
“We played hide and seek in waterfalls. We were younger, we were younger. We played hide and seek in waterfalls. We were younger, we were younger.”  
This line talks about the bond Max and Chloe had as children and how they used to play in Arcadia Bay. It’s a simple but powerful meaning as Max chooses love for her best friend over her childhood home.
"Obstacles" is my favorite song to come out of the Life Is Strange soundtrack, and hearing it again in Episode 5 put goosebumps all over my skin. It was super fun to write this post because of that, and I loved looking into the lyrics deeper! 
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bertiblogxiv · 1 year
So I want to make a post with everything Berti lore I’ve worked out so far, partly for my own benefit and partly for my ffxiv swap partner :D
Under the cut is a rough (very rough) Berti timeline (warning for spoilers from ARR to EW):
Berti’s parents were shady dealers in Limsa Lominsa who got caught up in a pirate conspiracy just after he was born. In order to keep him safe they smuggled him onto a boat due to go to Gridania - he assumes they died after that but he’s never been totally sure, it’s not like Sea Wolf Roegadyn are rare in Limsa and he has very little information about them.
He was found in Gridania and eventually taken in by the botanist’s guild and grew up there without any specific person to call a parent but plenty of adults to make sure he ate and had a roof over his head. Still, he always felt distanced from his peers growing up, especially as he started to grow wider and taller than the majority of people in town (sidenote, how early do Roe grow so big? Square please give us baby Roes in the new EXP).
Until he was in his 30s Berti lived life in Gridania as a botanist. He had a little cottage, took on foraging work and was admired for his extensive knowledge of the local flora, though he struggled with the public-facing social part of the work and tended to leave that to others. He was happiest (and still is) on his own in the woods.
At the beginning of ARR he’s 32-ish and at first very confused about everything that happens (I imagine the echo starts coming in then he ends up talking to Papalymo and Yda and then it goes basically as in game, with a bit less adventurer odd jobs), but after the calamity and war and everything else he’s quietly angry about the world and does feel a little relieved he maybe has the power to do something about it.
After this point it gets vague because its mostly just ‘as it happens in the game’ until I can finish my second playthrough and see the story again with Berti in mind.
But in general, he starts off as a conjurer, because magic based on the forest makes the most sense to him and he’s never been a very violent person, doesn’t think he’d be any good at close combat. Around HW he dabbles in Astrology and afterwards blends the two, taking bits he likes of each philosophy.
He never really considered having kids before, but the twins become essentially his surrogate kids - I think he’d struggle with being a bit jealous of Fourchenault when first meeting him (and also really hate him at the very first meeting), but has to let the kids go. He finds it hard though and is especially close to Alphinaud.
He’s uncomfortable with people that praise him profusely and treat him like hes a saviour. He finds it hard to talk with Graha because of how much he clearly admires him. Other Scions he gets along with fine but isn’t really close to anyone except Urianger and Thancred, who he got to know better during the Eden raid storyline.
During STB he realised he had feelings for Raubahn but there was like, a whole ass war going on, so he held off on saying anything. When at the beginning of SHB he poofed off to the other world he panicked thinking he might not ever get to tell him, so as soon as he got back to the source he went to tell Raubahn about his feelings. By the end of EW I imagine they’re married.
After EW he’s quite happy to give up the hero mantle for a bit and get back to some botany and casual sight seeing, jokingly calling it his retirement (I’m not sure how much time the main story is meant to be? But he’s probably pushing 40, so totally an old man for anime standards :P).
There’s other little things like somewhere in there I think he had an affair with redolent Rose and he’s friends with Merlwyb, though finds her a pretty blatant reminder of the world his parents might have come from which is both a comfort and a pain sometimes.
When I have more detailed and formulated ideas, most likely after that second playthrough (barely started before raid tier ate me) I might make another post :D
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cave-of-horrors · 3 months
Moving On
To give a small preview of my writing, I'll share the first chapter and fic I've prepared for the ao3 event here for now!
Ian is almost packed and ready for college, but his mother demands something in return for the last 18 years of raising him.
Pairing: Ian/Mom
Cw: rape, incest, abuse
The sound of tape ripping off the roll is the sound of finality. Ian runs his hand over it, securing the last box, he steps back to see the pile of packed belongings and sighs with relief that the task is done. He grins to himself, a wide toothed smile with his braces glinting. Today is the day he moves into a college dorm, a step away from his mother and towards his future with his partner living his dream.
Carrying the boxes to the car he’d saved up for, he’s all too aware of his mother’s eyes watching him. The usual disdain paints her face as she stands to the side. He does his best not to acknowledge it. Head down, shoulders up to his ears, avoiding meeting her eyes. He hauls the last box down the stairs and towards the door, this one heavier than most of the others, packed with manga and textbooks.
Running into something, he makes a small ‘oof’ and jostles the box as he checks what he ran into. Did the door close? No, in the doorway his mother stands in his way.
“M-mom? Can you step out of the way? Please? I reeeally need to set this down.” His arms shake from the strain.
He is met with silence. Only when he dares to look up and meet those spiteful eyes does he receive any response. The sizzling of her cigarette as he takes another drag and nothing more. He re-adjusts the box, arms struggling.
“Tch,” a swift slap to his check, not enough to hurt, only meant to shock. He blinks back the tears that prick at the corners of his eyes. He should have known better than to talk before she did. “You’re leaving then. Last box, huh? This is the thanks I get for raising you alone? Losing my best years to raising something as disappointing as you?”
He recovers, shaking it off and manages to look up into her eyes as he speaks, “I’m just, just going to college. It’s what people my age do.” This answer clearly doesn’t please nor pacify her.
“Oh, someone’s getting an attitude. You think just because you won’t be under my roof, you can talk back now? You and your father took everything from me, but you can just behave however you want, now that you’re an adult, is that it? If you’re such an adult, you owe me for the last 18 years.”
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant—" His first attempt at having a back bone crumbles quickly under her presence. And so does he, when she shoves the box he’s holding and sends him tumbling back, the thud of his body on the ground is harsh and he hisses from the impact. He hears the door close, and the lock click.
“I’ve had to miss out on too much because of you. You’re going to make it up to me. Now.” Ian scrambles to try and sit up, trembling limbs making it a challenge.
“What? Mom, I’m sorry, but I have to—” he’s cut off when she easily picks up the box and shives it against his chest, winding him and forcing him to fall back again. Before he can shove it off, another weight is added, his mother presses down in it with her hand, having moved to straddle him. She pins him like that, the box combined with her weight being too heavy to move on his own. He feels a tug at his cargo’s button and zipper, a cold claw of fear raking through him. “Mom?! What are, what are you doing?”
“Taking what I’m owed,” she spits through her teeth, pulling his pants and boxers down just enough to free his limp cock. “I bet you and that little whore partner of yours have already sinned out of wedlock anyways.”
Ian blushes in shock and shame as he feels the cool air against him.
“Stop! Don’t touch that—”
Applying more pressure on the box with both hands, she shuts him up. The weight on his chest making it hard to breathe. She pulls up her skirt, a deeply unusual choice for her then her usual jeans and somewhere in his scattered mind he wonders how long she planned this. His breathing is made worse by the choked gasp that staggers his lungs as he flinches, feeling his mother’s lips and bush pushing around her thong when she sits on his soft cock.
“G-get off! You can’t really be doing this?” He manages to gasp out the words but sees no sign of mercy in her eyes. He scrambles more, trying to shove the box off his chest and kick his legs against nothing.
“Shut up. Do you know how many men walked away from me because of you?” She grinds against him, watching his face with twist with fear and disbelief, tinged with the flinches of unwanted pleasure, “your pathetic nightmares, coming into my room or crying to your babysitters to call me so I couldn’t even get a decent one night stand! Well, you’re going to pay me back for every night I lost right now.”
She leans over the box, feeling him grow hard beneath her and he sees her smile at him. He could count the number of times she’s smiled at him on one hand.
“P-please… don’t do this… mom…” Noticing his lack of air, she lightens the pressure, allowing him to breath slightly better. Tears prick again at his eyes, as breathing isn’t his main concern now, but the growing ache of his erection, becoming worse with every roll of her hips. He feels nausea roll through his system in equal measure of his unwanted arousal.
Seeing the tears, she scowls.
“Crying again? Do you ever stop? Everyone said you would grow out of being such a cry-baby,” she scoffs, “but if you want to cry, I’ll give you something to cry about.” She rolls her hips enough to hit her clit, already getting wet from the power she holds over him. The feeling of euphoric retribution and one of the few real cocks against her folds she’s felt in 18 years fuels the slowly tangling heat in her core. She takes this chance of letting him breath to shove the thin fabric of her thong aside and slick his dick with her arousal, groaning as she does so.
His hips jerk and he squirms, face red by now from shame, arousal, and air deprivation. She slams her hand down on the box with her weight, knocking the air out of him and making him still. He can only whimper pathetically, knowing the usual rules apply. If he talks without being asked to or fidgets, he will be punished.
She lets him breathe again when she can see he understands. She lifts just enough to grab him, manicured claws grazing along his length, drawing a strangled moan from him.
“Good, you’ve shut up just like you’re supposed to. Now behave and you’ll be off to your little college sin hole soon.” She positions him at her entrance and sinks slowly down on him. Fully seated on his cock, she throws her head back with a sigh. “You’re not as long as your father was, but thicker. At least that fucker gave you one redeeming quality.”
Ian sniffles quietly, helpless as his tears run down when he’s engulfed in her heat. As much as it horrifies him, his body can’t help but be eager. As she basks in being filled and clenches around him, he whimpers from something other than pain or hurt, dick twitching inside her as his body heats up.
She groans and grinds into him a bit before slowly rising and falling, fucking herself with him while watching his face. Grinning, she enjoys the sight of his teary eyes fogged over and staring at the ceiling, disbelief and shock replaced with arousal and hurt. She applies pressure to his chest again, lightly suffocating him as she slowly fucks him, wanting to savor this and drag out the growing feeling of heat in her core, walls steadily pulsing around him.
Ian pants and wheezes beneath her, losing himself more and more to the growing pressure in and around his cock, the only thing he can focus on as he gets less and less oxygen. The more aroused she is, the more she leans on the box crushing his chest for support. His hips thrust up, needing more than this slow torture she’s putting him through. Only when his vision starts spotting with black, does she start fucking herself with earnest, leaning her full weight on the box for leverage.
Possible punishments forgotten, his arms weakly try again to shove her arms and the box away to no avail. Any choked out moans or pleas are drowned out. His mother’s moans and the slapping of skin fill the room, pussy shivering and squeezing his cock as she bounces on him.
His mother laughs when she sees his face, eyes unfocused, a pale blue tint growing on his face.
“Is this going to kill you?” She groans at the thought, “oh, that’d be one way to pay me back for all this time. Die under me. I’ve had dreams about it you know, strangling you when you were little.” With the thought of him dying edging her on, one hand leaves the box to dig those claws into his hip.
The pressure in him snaps, hips shuddering as his mouth opens in a silent moan, not enough air to make a sound. His cock jerks, firing strings of seed against her walls, but she doesn’t stop. She continues to fuck herself with his body, hard and fast, gasping as she feels his cum.
“Ahh~ it’s been so long since I felt this kind of warmth! That’s right, fill me!” Her moans are more like cries, hips slamming against him, no thought to the way his body jerks and twitches from the ongoing orgasm until her own actions start to stutter. She manages to lift herself one more time before falling back around him. She cries out as her pussy pulses and convulses, trying to pull the seed deeper to her womb. Her claws dig deep enough into his skin to cut and bleed.
Panting and whimpering as aftershocks flash through her body, she shoves the box off. Ian gasps for breath, choking on the air with soft sobs. She leans falls forward and kisses his forehead.
“Good boy,” the words a breathless whisper. And in the next moment, she sits back up. Her smile gone.
For one blissful moment, that one action makes a small part of him hope she doesn't really hate him. The part of him that will always be a child wanting his mothers love.
Scowling once again, she pulls his softened cock out of her. A small amount of seamen dribbles out with it, and moves her thong back into place. She stands up and glances down at her dazed and crying son on the floor with a look of disgust.
“Just as pathetic as the day you were born.” Lighting a cigarette, she turns away, “get out of my house.”
The last he hears of her is the slamming of her bedroom door. When he finally gathers himself enough to sit up and yuck his cock away, he sits in the hallway, hands clasped over his mouth and sobs.
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captain-hawks · 3 months
Hello! I'm a new follower but I'm already devouring your works (and trying hard not to spam haha). I love your spicy sleepover games, it's such a fun theme! For the threesome weekend, can I request Oikawa and Atsumu? Thank you!!
(hihi welcome<3! thank you so much!)
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friendly competition
atsumu miya x f!reader x tooru oikawa
c: 18+, competitive idiots, 2 ex boyfriends under one roof, squirting competition, fingering (double fingering penetration?), [implied unprotected p in v, creampies, cum eating]
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“Just cause ya think you’re a god on the court doesn’t mean ya know how to make a girl squirt, dumbass.”
“I’m shocked any girls even let you get that close to them with that shitty dye job, Miya.”
“I’ll have you know I’ve fu—”
“Neither of you are getting any tonight if you don’t grow up.”
Atsumu and Tooru’s mouths both snap shut at the same time, and they have the decency to at least look somewhat apologetic as they glance down at you 
It’s certainly not how you originally planned on seeing tonight pan out, lying in your bed between both of your ex-boyfriends who you weren’t even sure really knew each other beyond a mild acquaintance in the world of professional volleyball—but clearly they despise one another. 
“Is being a conceited dickhead a prerequisite to being a pretty setter?” you ask sweetly, glancing between the two of them.
Atsumu opens his mouth, looking like he wants to say something, but Tooru punches him in the forearm, quicker to take a hint. 
You dated Atsumu for a few years in college—you lived together in a shitty, one-bedroom apartment—and your intense, year-long fling with Tooru came a couple years after that. Neither relationship ended up working out, but you’ve stayed friends with both of them, passively keeping up with their volleyball careers and texting them every so often to razz them over bad serves and embarrassing paparazzi photos. 
On your way home from work this evening, you’d received simultaneous texts from Atsumu and Tooru, which was an odd coincidence in and of itself. But the real kicker was finding out that both of them were staying at the same hotel for a volleyball conference—a hotel which had closed for emergency repairs an hour earlier due to a partial floor collapse. And because neither of them could find last minute accommodations, they both asked if they could crash on your couch.
Without thinking too much of it, you said yes to both, figuring it wouldn’t be an issue. 
Spoiler alert: it was, indeed, a fucking issue.
Given your lack of a spare futon and their delicate sensibilities, you had suggested that because you’re all adults, one of them could sleep in your bed with you. The mattress is certainly large enough, after all.
Thinking back, you’re really not sure what possessed you to say it, given that they’re both the kind of people that will take their competitive nature to the grave. The argument had unfolded over an array of takeout boxes spread across your coffee table, nearly resulting in several chopsticks to the eye when they both tried presenting a case for who deserved to sleep in your bed.
While neither seemed to be under the assumption that sleeping in your bed meant you’d be fucking, the conversation grew cruder by the minute regardless, Atsumu nearly on the verge of whipping out his dick and a ruler just to prove a point.
You could blame it on the lack of compatible matches you’ve found across dating apps lately, or your vibrator that finally gave up and kicked the bucket last week. 
But deep down, you knew the real reason for the tide of heat stirring in your gut—the fact that the two men seated on either side of your couch were the two best sexual partners you’d ever had in your life.
And that they were both also the only two people that you could fathom would be down for the ridiculous, hormone-fuelled idea brewing in your head—
Competing for the bed.
You’d struggled to find quantifiable parameters to judge them both on, going back and forth for nearly an hour until you threw your hands in the air, exasperated, and blurted out, “Well, nobody’s ever made me squirt.”
“So remember, when it’s your turn, you can do whatever you want to me—within reason—to try and make me squirt. When your time is up, you have to stop and switch. You’ll go back and forth until one of you wins, and winner takes the bed.”
Atsumu and Tooru both nod.
“How are we deciding who gets to start?” Tooru asks.
Six tied rounds of rock-paper-scissors later, Atsumu’s seething as he points a figure inches away from Tooru’s face and barks out, “You fuckin’ cheated.”
Tooru shrugs, offering him a wink before shoving him halfway off of the bed and climbing on top of you.
It’s odd how it doesn’t feel strange at all, staring up into Tooru’s soft brown eyes as he gazes down at you, your eyes fluttering shut as he cups the side of your face and strokes a thumb over your cheek. 
Despite the years between now and the last time you found yourselves in this compromising position, it feels like no time has passed at all as he murmurs against your lips, “Hi sweetheart,” in the ghost of a kiss.
Something hot and insistent yawns awake inside of you, your lips parting slightly as his mouth scrapes over yours, your empty fingers twitching slightly from where they’re palm-up beside your head. You know it’s muscle memory—the way his hand slides up your wrist, fingers intertwining with yours as he presses down.
He takes your other hand and does the same, sliding both so that they’re pinned to the mattress above your head, his hips pressed against yours while he brazenly licks his way into your mouth just the way he knows you like it. 
“You taste like honey,” he murmurs, a trail of spit hanging between your lips as he pulls away slightly before taking your bottom one between his teeth.
It was always a little difficult to breathe around Tooru, all that vibrant, fiery, addictive space he took up in your heart. 
“Alright, time’s up, get the fuck up,” Atsumu grumbles, tugging at the collar of Tooru’s t-shirt. 
Tooru releases you, holding up his hands and shooting you a smirk before sliding down to the end of the bed. 
When Atsumu gets on top of you, it’s different—the feeling that floods your veins. It’s a soft, bright, all-consuming warmth, memories of late nights buried under the sheets and quiet, lazy Sunday mornings spent in bed with him. It’s still blistering, the edges of this heady attraction you don’t think you’ll ever be able to shake, but it’s carefully shaped by the tender afterglow of familiarity.
“Hey baby,” he grins, your heart somersaulting in your chest as he presses a slow, gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth.
And then your nose.
And then your forehead.
It makes you ache, the way he never forgot this silly little game of teasing, delayed gratification. The way it became a ritual, your fond huffs of frustration as the path of his kiss deviated far beyond the reach of your mouth—from your shoulders, to your tummy, to your ticklish ankles.
There’s a pleased sound that rumbles in his throat as you unconsciously thread your fingers into his hair, just like you always used to, tugging his mouth against yours. His hands cradle your face, his lips a searing band that sets your pulse alight and thrumming wildly in your chest. 
“I kissed better than that in high school, next,” Tooru sighs, unceremoniously tugging at the back of Atsumu’s mussed blonde locks.
He glares, squeezing your left hip once before rolling off of you.
“I’m surprised neither of you is rushing into this,” you observe as Tooru takes Atsumu’s place, trailing his finger along the thin strap of your sundress.
Tooru leans in, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to your sternum. His other hand wraps around your waist, and he chuckles quietly under his breath as your body arches upward into the sensation of his tongue caressing the place where the plunging neckline of the dress meets the swell of your breasts.
“Well it’s not going to work if you’re not turned on,” he murmurs, hand coming up to cup one of your breasts
He uses his thumb to drag down the material just enough to expose your peaked nipple, dragging his tongue in circles over the pert bud until you’re biting your lip to hold back the keening noise in your throat.
“I miss the pretty sounds you used to make for me,” he sighs, tugging down your dress further to let your tits spill out. “And these, I really miss these.”
He leans in, closing his mouth over one, noisily sucking and lapping at your tit as you let out a loud, trembling moan. 
“Switch!” Atsumu barks out. 
There’s a looking glimmering in Atsumu’s eyes—that determined, one-track focus he gets on the court before a serve. But it’s scalded with the simmering edge of the darkness blown out in his pupils that leaves you all too aware of the rapidly pooling arousal in your panties.
Seemingly of the same mind, Atsumu runs his tongue along his lower lip, mouth curving upward as he slowly pushes up the skirt of your dress until the black lace is on display. Spreading your legs, he settles between your thighs, holding your gaze as he pointedly drags a finger over your clothed cunt.
You know he’s not commenting on how wet you are because he knows Tooru will take all the credit. 
Instead, he leans in, lips lingering against the shell of your ear as he murmurs, “We both know how wet I can make you.”
Unbothered by the barrier of your panties, Atsumu begins to massage your cunt from the outside, carefully watching the way the rising and falling of your chest accelerates with each pointed stroke of his thumb across your swollen clit. 
And then he pushes your legs open a little wider, clearly having not forgotten the way you love to be spread open, and you have to press your face sideways into the pillow to muffle your brazen, needy moan when he starts to finger you through your panties. As badly as you want to feel the bare stretch of his fingers inside of you, there’s something about the way the sticky, wet lace drags against your slick, tight walls that has your legs trembling, a fresh gush of arousal leaking out of you.
“Fuck,” he exhales, fingers curling around your hip as he watches you rock your hips into his touch, trying to take him deeper despite the way your panties are limiting his movement. 
“My turn,” Tooru cuts in, and you nearly groan in frustration as the pleasure simmering between your legs vanishes instantly at the loss of Atsumu’s touch.
Tooru spots the furrow in your brows and makes quick work of your panties, slipping them off and tossing them aside before coming to lay beside you. On your other side, you can feel Atsumu settle down into the same position.
“Hands off, Miya,” Tooru snaps.
“I just thought we were all getting comfortable,” Atsumu sighs dramatically, curling his hands around the pillow like a portrait of innocence.
Tooru rolls his eyes before leaning in close to kiss your neck, blazing a hot, damp trail of plush lips and sharp teeth as his deft fingers slide down the slope of your abdomen to rest atop your slick mound.
Having closed your legs slightly, you spread them wider again, and he takes your cue to slip one long digit into your wet cunt. You moan, your hips lifting up off of the bed to push him deeper inside of you, and he lets out a rough exhale, “Fuck, she wants it so bad.”
Atsumu’s breath is hot against the shell of your ear as he replies, “So fuckin’ bad.”
Tooru groans as you continue to try to fuck yourself on the single finger he’s plunging in and out of you, eyes going from your dripping wet pussy to the steady shaking of your tits.
“Give her another one,” Atsumu breathes out, sitting up a bit to watch. 
You’re not sure when the fuck this became a collaborative effort, but you’re not complaining. 
Tooru’s quiet for a beat before he replies, “Help me.”
There’s no hesitation in the way Atsumu’s hand snakes down, his finger sliding into your cunt right beside Tooru’s, and you let out a broken moan at the electrifying pleasure that pulses through your body at this—at being fingered by both of your ex-boyfriends at the same time. 
Atsumu scoots closer, his front flush against your side, and you can feel the thick outline of his hard cock through his sweatpants. (Those stupid gray sweatpants you know he wore on purpose.)
Turning to him, you smirk, though it’s difficult when your face continues to contort in pleasure as they both pump their fingers in and out of your slick entrance. “I’m surprised you’ve kept it in your pants this long.”
Atsumu laughs, and the sound is low and rough as he leans in and murmurs against your lips. “I’m so goddamn hard.”
He kisses you, and it’s so, so messy, spit coating your lips as he wraps his tongue around yours, the press of his mouth growing rougher as your moans get more desperate.
“Me too,” Tooru exhales, his hands grasping your chin to pull your mouth to his instead.
One of them begins to stroke your clit with their thumb, and you gasp, drunk on the pulsating maelstrom of pleasure building up inside of you at a frantic, intoxicating speed. 
And then, between one breath and the next, suddenly Atsumu’s mouth is right up against Tooru’s, and they’re both kissing you at once while they continue to stuff their fingers into your cunt. It’s so filthy, the spit-soaked way your mouths all slot together, the way both of their tongues wrap around yours as they curl their fingers and massage that soft, spongy spot on your inner walls.
When your climax hits, you’re not prepared for the intense, all-consuming downpour of blazing hot pleasure that floods your body, every thought in your head rendered useless beyond the way you nearly sob as you shout both of their names one after the other. Clear liquid squirts out of your cunt, spraying everywhere and soaking the sheets.
As you come down from your orgasm, the three of you lie there in silence for a few moments before Atsumu asks, “...do we need a tie breaker?”
Glancing over at him, you huff out a laugh. “No, because you’re both sleeping in here tonight.”
They bicker over it, just a little.
A few choice words tossed over the brushing of teeth and the shuffling of pillows.
But it’s all a moot point later when Atsumu’s groaning about how it’s the “hottest fucking sex he’s ever had” while he’s roughly fucking Tooru’s cum back inside of you.
(And he doesn’t even complain about semantics when you squirt one more time for Tooru while he’s eating the filthy mixture of their cum right out of your cunt after.)
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You Make Me Wanna 3
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, best friend’s dad trope other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Headlights flash across a white garage door. The car jerks to a stop and you look at the suburban house before you. The red brick and trimmed hedges are shadowy as yellow light glows from behind the front door. Another light flicks on upstairs as Walter shuts off the engine and plucks up his phone. 
You stay as you are, arms crossed as you stare over at him. He unbuckles his belt, letting it snap back, and he climbs out, shifting the whole car with his weight. You shake your head and roll your eyes. You’ll wait until he’s inside and fuck off.  
The escape is quickly stymied as he stomps around to the passenger side and opens the door. As he grabs your arm, you struggle to release yourself from the seat belt. You shove him away as you get up and steady yourself against the car. 
“Stop,” you whine. “Jesus.” 
“She better be here,” he snarls and snaps his fingers at you. 
You sigh and follow his pointing finger up the walk. He falls into step with you and his footsteps take the stairs heavily. Boom, boom, boom. His approach is thunderous in the calm suburban din. 
He pounds on the door and jabs at the doorbell. You shake your head and hug yourself as the evening sends a chill up your spine. Faye is not going to be happy and when she’s pissed, she reminds you a lot of her father. 
Walter continues his assault on the front door and finally a shadow flickers from within. Clumsy steps stutter to the other side and the latch flips back. A guy you vaguely recognise opens it from inside. Your escort growls and clamps his hand around the door frame.  
“Where the fuck is my daughter?” He sneers. 
“Huh? Who the hell--” 
“Faye!” Walter booms past the guy. 
“Yo, you can’t just--” 
“I can just, buddy,” Walter grabs the guy by his scruff, “I’m a cop and you got my fucking daughter in here--” 
“Holy fuck!” 
“Dad!” Faye squeals and comes barreling down the stairs, “get off! What are you even doing here? How do you--” 
She stops as she spots you watching half-drunk from the doorway. You put your hands up and shrug, mouthing ‘sorry’. She scowls and turns her ire back on her father. 
“You are so embarrassing! I’m an adult. I can do what I want--” 
Walter shoves aside the man in his maw and storms towards his daughter. 
“Can you, now? Why don’t you get a goddamn job and go find somewhere you can pay rent because as long as you live under my roof, you’re not an adult. You don’t get to go home with strangers.” 
Your brows raise and you back up. This would be a great time to leave. You don’t think Faye is gonna talk to you for a while after this and Walter, well, you don’t really care.  
You turn and drag your feet across the porch. What a disaster. Hey, it might save you from a future of these nights. You’re about done with the whole drinking and clubbing nonsense. Dancing isn’t too bad but there’s many guys buzzing around and Faye doesn’t bother swatting them away.  
You stop at the curb and look around. You don’t know this neighbourhood. Once you find a street name, you’re sure you’ll be able to track down a train terminal or something and get home. Great, more money spent. 
Is this what life is going to be for you? Depressing, dim, defeating. Faye, well, she’s a pretty girl, from a decent upbringing, these are her wild oats. She’ll sow them and be off to bigger better things once her name is on that degree. But you, you stick around in shady bars and you’ll be just another washed out loser. 
You get a few blocks away before you can get your data to kick in. You'll use your measly megabits in moments. Right, okay. Buses aren’t running at 2am and the train station is twenty minutes away. Fun, walking in the dark, alone. 
You don’t have much of a choice. You keep on. The glare of headlights comes up behind you, illuminating your silhouette against the hedges and pavement. You don’t look. Not until the car slows beside you. 
“Get in,” Walter orders brusquely. 
You scoff and cross your arms.  
“It’s not safe out here.” 
“Like you care.” 
“I’m a detective, it’s my job.” 
“Well, I’m out of your jurisdiction, detective, don’t gotta worry about me,” you roll your eyes. 
“Would you just--” 
You stop and face him as he hits the brakes and stops completely. 
“Where’s Faye?” You sniff. 
“So now you care?” 
“Wow, well, you can stop pretending to be Mr. Detective Good Guy,” you grit, “really, I didn’t tell her to get with that dude. If you listened, you’d know that’s the last thing I wanted. I don’t wanna be ditched for some stranger.” You shake your head and flick your hand dismissively, “not that you even care. So please, I’m gonna catch a train and go home. Don’t worry, you won’t see me any time soon. Sir.” 
You attach the last word as punctuation before you spin on your heel. You sneer into the darkness as you stroll away. You really can’t believe him. It’s like he’s so caught up in playing the hero detective in his working hours, that off the clock he can only be an asshole. 
Well, he isn’t your dad. He doesn’t make the rules for you. He is not your law. 
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Just me, screaming into the void to get something off my chest.  Read more beneath the cut?
Like many out there, I am an adult child of some very authoritarian parents.  “Do what I say, when I say, because I say so.”  No room for questions.  Questions equate to “back-talk”, and that will be punished, sometimes severely.  Discipline the child for any transgression, because they are a child, and we are adults, and complete obedience is paramount.  Anything less is simply not acceptable. The list goes on and on.
It’s taken me a while to realize exactly how that’s impacted me, over the years, and the number of my personality traits I can attribute to how I grew up is astonishing, to say the least.  I’m not saying this or posting this to place blame, since everything that happened is in the past, and cannot be changed, and now I would much rather just move on, and try to better myself as much as I can.  I guess I’m just trying to sort out my ongoing thoughts on everything I’m learning as I’m trying to improve?  And this seemed like the best space to do that, at least for now.
The last two times I’ve seen my parents, it’s been like something has possessed me to try and talk about this with them.  In the past, it absolutely would’ve been coming from a desire to lay on the blame, or desperate need for an apology; basically just approaching it all from a very negative area in my own heart and mind.  But these two specific instances were completely different.  I came at it from a completely hypothetical angle, trying to make it very clear that I was not putting them on trial for anything they did, specifically.  For his part, during all of this, my father remained almost completely silent, the entire time, but my mom?
Oh wow, did she ever get defensive.
Retrospectively, I suppose I should’ve seen that coming.  It’s not like it’s a secret that she’s never been open to perceived criticism of any kind.  But what really threw me was her absolute refusal to even consider that any of what she did might’ve been handled in a different way.
“I refuse to apologize for how I raised you.”  Her exact words.  She then went on to bring up a time when she and my father had blamed me for something I truly did not do (I was around five when this happened), and punished me for it accordingly, as though this somehow had any relevance to what we were trying to discuss at the time.  Still trying to make sense of that one.
Anyway, compared to how I would’ve reacted to this a year ago, I did not respond with anger.  Both times, I allowed her to say her piece, vent, release her own anger, or whatever you want to call it, and remained completely calm.  It did not turn into a huge fight that ended in name-calling, or someone storming away, and the subject was changed to something else not long after.  But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.
Maybe it’s yet another result of said authoritarian parenting, but I cannot fathom the complete inability to accept that she might have been wrong, at least once.  As someone who has always erred on the side of assuming that I am always wrong, it completely boggles my mind.  My gut instinct whenever I detect even a whiff of wrong-doing is to apologize, even if it’s not really needed (I’m that person that says ‘sorry’ for saying ‘sorry’), so the idea that admitting to being ‘wrong’ is the end of the world is just something I cannot wrap my mind around.
What I’ve learned from this, I suppose, is that I should stop trying to bring the topic up at all, from any angle, and I fully plan to work on starting to accept that right now.  But I've discovered that it all still boils down to an authoritarian mindset, even though my parents are in their sixties, now, and I am thirty-five.  It’s still very much the mentality of “what we say is law” even though I haven’t lived under their roof in ten years.  Discussion is not an option.  In essence, I am not, and never will be an adult with a right to my own opinions in their mind (at least not if they differ from theirs).  But where a year ago that would’ve made me incredibly angry, now?
Now it just makes me sad.
So what is the point of this post, you might ask?  Honestly?  Other than for me to just toss all of my jumbled thoughts into the void, I don’t really know.  I guess at the very least, I’m just trying to advocate for change.  At its core, discipline is not inherently wrong, but it should be done in a way that is appropriate for the child.  In a way that encourages them to learn about the world, and their place in it, instead of preaching mindless submission.  
As a disclaimer, I am not a parent, and likely will never become one, so I don’t know the first thing about the difficulties raising tiny humans can bring.  I don’t know how terrifying it can be to know you are responsible for molding them into the human that they might one day become.  But there has to be a way to find balance between ensuring your children know right from wrong, and ensuring that they grow up thinking they are inferior in every possible way.  Because it’s taken me thirty five years just to start trying to move forward. To start trying to change how I view not only myself, but the world as a whole.  
And I won’t even pretend to think that would have ever happened if others (you know who you are 💕) hadn’t been patient enough to guide me there, first.
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y4wnjunz · 6 months
i’ve been so mentally drained the past week, that even reading my favorite fics seem like a chore. pls know i’m not silent reading or anything, i’m just so exhausted that it’s taking a toll on me. i will get to reblogging and rooting you guys on when i start to feel like my old self.
if you want to know what’s going on pls click read more 🩷
i’ll sum up the situation here so i don’t have people worried. the other day i wanted to take a small trip to chicago for my boyfriend’s black belt testing, i was going to fly alone, see my aunt and stay with her as well. i asked my parents because since i /unfortunately/ still live under their roof, i still have to ask for permission to go out on big trips as such. so i asked, and they blew up on me. back in december, i got into a fight with my mom because i quit a job on the first day, a story for another time, and she threatened to kick me out, so i took her word and told her i’d be out in june. so she took that a ran with it, so back to the chicago situation, they blew up on me and asked “well what about june? around you moving out then??” and my stepdad chimes in “or was that a lie or something”. and me being me, i sat and took every verbal lashing from them. they rubbed in my face that i work retail and that it’s not a real job, no adult should work retail and all this and that. so they blindsided me with rent, they said if i’m not out by june then they’re going to charge me $300/month. that set me off as they’re my parents, they’re the ones who chose to take care of me, not the other way around. so i left and today my mom told me that if i wanted to move out then my boyfriend would have to propose. she has been asking me about marriage since my bf and i hit two years. like?? let us live our own lives.
idk it’s just so infuriating that my parents want me to be an adult and as soon as i try to be an adult it’s like oh you’re not prepared for that. i don’t know y’all. truly it’s so emotionally and physically draining that i’d rather hitch a tent somewhere and live in someone’s backyard 😭🤣
anyways, much love, i’ll be back soon i promise
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JC & Cobby & JJ & Bimmy & Bibi & Janbi Pt.4
Janis: [‘we’ve gone through loads of shit, we can get through this too, can’t we?’ having to make that a question because you still are the one that just fucked up, the hope is obvious in how you’re looking at him though]
Casey: [a very serious and determined nod because he believes it and there’s the same hope in his eyes too obvs because he’s that bitch ‘yeah’]
Janis: [giving him a quick kiss like a . there like that’s settled then ‘if later, you want to be fuming, I’ll get it’ genuinely because we will and we’re not expecting this to be issue dealt with but at least y’all are on the same page about it not being the end, which is all you care about]
Casey: [‘what I want’s to get it sorted somehow’ because he do, it must be exhausting being as angry as he is for how long he has been ‘in a bit though’ as he again manages to pull her closer somehow like don’t worry I’m not gonna go and phone a therapist right this sec lol]
Janis: [rubbing the back on his neck as you snuggle into him, kissing the top of his head like I know, the sigh because God would we all love all of this to be sorted but that’s not life and clearly not y’alls lives but we’re not full emo about it in this moment and we try not to be]
Casey: [have an earned and deserved snuggle pause because everyone also needs to calm down truly, the stress levels are once again through the roof, just repeating his earlier ‘it’ll be okay’ softly and quietly from within it]
Janis: [‘maybe I can take some time off, we’ll just be here, sort some of this out’ matching his tone and volume here, like we can fix this flat, decide if you want to go get a new job or what you’re doing, these are the sorts of things we’re envisioning getting under control]
Casey: [such a genuine smile at her because that’s such a good idea under the circumstances, taking a deep breath knowing she’ll do the same to mirror him like yeah exactly that’s what we’ll be able to do, breathe and just have a minute to feel less out of control the way they unavoidably have since this began]
Janis: [of course we’re doing it back, the smile not intentionally being mirrored but we cannot help but smile back at you ‘I’ll be less of a liability for it’ with a little shrug, because yeah, you have NOT been focusing on your work properly and no one is there to be accountable to because your own boss but you don’t want to ruin your reputation with your clients so this is for the best all ‘round, even if you have to reschedule a few people, it’s chill ‘might be too soon to do anything in the spare room but-’ leaving that like, it is, ‘cos you are not that far along but we all know you’re too far gone in excitement anyway so you could start this nursery, it’d be shit if you lost this baby now regardless]
Casey: [a look down at his hands like too relatable bestie, because he’d be a liability too if he got another job immediately or tried to, we all remember he got sacked from his other new one after literally a couple of shifts lol, but he’s amused and still smiling not gutted or anything cos as we discussed in the previous convo’s brackets he isn’t happy working in clubs any more anyway ‘same, like’ and only smiling bigger when the idea I mentioned in said former of him getting a day job and them being on the same schedule for once in their lives occurs to him ‘but maybe I can find some work in the day, once her room’s done’ because obvs he’s so excited about the nursery and it isn’t a maybe it’s a definitely that they are gonna get that done]
Janis: [shamelessly 😏 because we want you with us more than we want you chucking yourself into whatever job you can find immediately, fucked hands aside, and we know you weren’t feeling that job, even when we could make it tolerable by turning up, that’s about y’all, not the gig sis ‘like seeing Dracula out for lunch’ because for as long as he’s been an adult working, this has been the vibe, so we’re so used to it but of course, we’re actually excited by/approve of this plan for you ‘what are you going to apply for, when you can’ tapping the knuckles of both hands on the end of that sentence, tilting our head to one side to just gaze adoringly at him nbd]
Casey: [shamelessly giving her the most extra lovebite ever on her neck for that Dracula comment after he’s done his standard OTT excuse you kind of offended face about it with raised eyebrows and said ‘ oi, who you calling a bloodsucker?’ because big nerd 5ever ‘might be feeling undead for the first few days but soon be used to it, and more of you’ with a shrug like he’s not super buzzing about the prospect, which we ALL know he is ‘reckon I’ll be well qualified as a decorator, aside from the obvious’ for the bants of all the DIY and decorating he’ll have done when the nursery is finished and the cliche of them all being gay ‘let’s say I haven’t done my wrist off all the painting, nor started to fancy lads, it’ll have to be pubs til the tourists do my head in and the regulars remind us of my dad’]
Janis: [doing such an OTT B-movie horror victim reaction so you don’t derail this moment you’re having by making it a MOMENT with a realer more 😳 reaction about it, which will inevitably make Chubby come to your rescue so you can shoo this boy away slightly and love upon this pup like yes, well done, sir; shaking your head lovingly at this boy ‘you’d clear up with the housewife crowd, should your wrists not get that limp, yeah’ because the thirsty way some people act around men just trying to do jobs is shameless lol, nodding now at his more serious plan because it is a good idea and more sociable hours and all the benefits of that ‘can’t get enough, eh’ with a look down because literally living above one rn, that will soon be opening for lunchtime, I am sure, it’s usually like 11, is it not, idk]
Casey: [likewise giving Chubby all the love, calling him a hero and a good boy and so brave and all those kind of things because gotta lay it on super thick after scaring him earlier and thinking she’d have to take him in the jc split and he’d never have these moments again ‘been there, done that’ because we all remember his school therapist and I’m sure she was middle aged or at least seemed it to his young teenage boy self ‘and again on [whatever cringe name the club night would have that somewhere he’s worked at, probably the most cringe clerb for his first job of that sort at 18/19, would put on full of cheesy nostalgic music for that crowd because always a thing in rubbish clerbs], can’t get enough, them’ like he’s * correcting her comment about him and pubs, shaking his head at all these sad old ladies like oh gals ‘when my little mate’s here, probably be a shout to have another think’ because not fully going into his wanting to be a stay at home dad thing again rn with it being too soon really but he do clearly wanna do that, as for the pub opening, in redditch it was 10am but idk if that’s cos it’s a shithole haha]
Janis: [Chubby, this is your time to shine, you deserve it, you sweet little fool, undoubtedly bimbling off to get yourself a toy or a bone, like good day parents, catch us rolling our eyes so hard into the back of our head because of course, why are clubs and middle-aged ladies just the cringiest of cringe at all times ‘you poor boy’ sounds like sarcasm but we honestly mean it like ew, hate that for you babe; you’re probably right about 10am, I literally have no idea but beside the point lol ‘always’ because we’ll support you in your endeavours, whenever ‘who knows what we’ll all be up to by then’ because truly, nothing is that stable regarding this baby and we know why]
Casey: [mimicking Chubby when he was getting all the love and fuss when she calls him a poor boy like yes comfort me, rolling about on this bed and being a fool the same way she reacted to his vampire style lovebite earlier because if we’re not silly otherwise it’ll be extra af and after her look down and all this talk of pub work he’s aware that it’ll be opening soon so not trying to instigate a loud af hookup, lol good luck with that hun, we know what y’all are like with self control, ending up with his head in her lap looking up at her like 🥺+😍 because she’s so supportive and they are so back on track ‘least we’ve an idea of what we will next’ cos he’s always buzzing to have a plan and they’ve made some progress about next steps here genuinely]
Janis: [‘you’re not nowhere near as cute’ as if you aren’t looking right back at him fully 🥺+😍 too like okay liar, you can’t help being entirely about this too and the way you’re stroking his hair is somehow indecent and you have to lean down to kiss him as confirmation of how buzzing you are that there are plans and they’re tangible and you’re both working towards them ‘it’s going to be good’ an upgrade on okay because how you feel]
Casey: [‘nah, I’m not’ as he makes whatever kiss she instigated even more indecent and thus is being the opposite of cute, and emphasises this after she’s spoken again by pulling her down further as he simultaneously leans up to meet her, using such a hot move, grabbing her via her throat and fully pressing his fingers into the extra af and extremely recent neck lovebite he did, injuries be damned]
Janis: [moaning into his mouth, the fact you are fully turning this into a makeout and he has his hands around your throat do a lot to dampen the volume of this but there is no denying how guttural and from somewhere inside you beyond your control this sound is, pressing both your hands into his chest, as if you’re trying to fuck with his breathing the way he is yours because rude of you to have this effect on us]
Casey: [doing his own moan because of hers as standard because can’t not when she’s giving him such a good one and it feels like a thousand years since they did any feral antics even though it absolutely is not, the way his chest is heaving at how she’s touching it isn’t stopping him from not at all casually dragging this girl around by her throat until she’s in his lap and he’s doing a second moan about it]
Janis: [not y’all getting withdrawals, truly, the way we’re reacting and continuing our puppy dog eyes about this, you would think it had been years, never change lads; biting your lip and whimpering when you land in his lap like this because you truly can’t deal ‘please’]
Casey: [for once I’ll let y’all off cos things have a reason to be this heightened, even though you’re always like this, god bless, the way he’s pulling her lip into his own mouth and biting down on it harder to try and draw blood the way he wanted to when the vampire comment is so blatant and so indecent, as is what he’s then doing when blood is inevitably happening, could not be doing more because gotta let his own desperation be known]
Janis: [if there’s a time to be dramatic, my boo says, as if you’ve ever been any different, we love you for it lol, in fairness you may be a little hesitant considering what you’ve just done but at this point, this girl can’t be so there isn’t any holding back with your LOUD reaction to this blood play moment, getting as much on his face as you are able to so you can LOOK at him and see the absolute mess]
Casey: [one thing about these two, they love a messy makeout sesh and there’s no holding back for this boy either, once their faces couldn’t possibly be more covered making sure his hands are, because biting his own lip to match hers for more blood, and then repeating his earlier crushing her boobs with them move so it’s on them too and it goes without saying he’ll be LOUDLY and !! sucking and licking it all off starting with her face and throat and then working down her neck to said boobs, just absolute scenes]
Janis: [whilst he’s here cleaning up the mess he has made of you, which you are DYING about in all the ways you can be, no shame in how blatantly turned on you are, you’ve got to be doing the opposite and making more blood happen however you can, as if you want this to be a neverending job for him ‘cos yeah lowkey, not to mention the pain of this is really grounding you in this here and now and you need that as desperately so]
Casey: [doing a hot lol about all the work she’s making for him which would sound especially hot because he’s already basically panting from how turned on he is and how he’s basically choking himself with how hardcore he’s sucking on her boobs in particular cos duh, grabbing her booty with the same !! pawing energy, pushing her into him as he’s thrusting his hips to meet the movement ‘put me inside you’ like if you need something to do gal, like she’s just being naughty cos she doesn’t have an instruction to follow, but actually also do help him because injuries can only be damned so much and it would be a struggle trying to get clothes out of the way and all that]
Janis: [‘I warned you’ as if this is the work y’all have planned and were discussing beforehand, I’m sure it will feature heavily into however long you give yourself off but lol, know you’re absolutely losing it, throwing your head back so you can arch your back as much as you possibly can, to give him even more access to your boobs as if that help is needed, because the sensitivity increase has you feeling all types of ways about this, calling him baby ‘til it loses meaning and your voice gives out, being mad about how you would have to move off him to take off what are definitely leggings because you were at work but you can take this as an opportunity to kiss your way down his body to help him out of whatever he’s still wearing at this point]
Casey: [throwing out the odd ‘your’ or ‘yours’ to her almost endless ‘baby’ when he isn’t just shamelessly reacting or making her react in every way possible until he’s also so mad that she has to move to remove clothes he asked her to and do need to be lol, STARING at her the entire time she’s taking them off like he’s never seen her body before though, so that’s nice for both of y’all, as is the GASP when he’s finally being helped out of these clothes as though he’s never known relief like it]
Janis: [‘poor boy’ again, at the fact he’s been trapped in clothes this entire time, of course the way we’re saying it now is ENTIRELY the mood you were only flirting with earlier when you were trying to behave slightly, obviously the solution to this is to help relieve him with your mouth so he can keep staring at you too, getting yourself into whatever ridiculous position you can to give him the best view]
Casey: [giving her a ‘good girl’ back with the same energy for all the help she’s giving him and the view she has contorted herself into letting him have as well, INSANE levels of eye contact ofc happening but there’s no need for him to be mirroring her rn in essentially dribbling except that he feels every need to let the blood and spit from his mouth fall on her face after having bit his lip again, undoubtedly, when she put him into her mouth]
Janis: [we’d always be out here doing the most for a good girl but right now especially we could not be trying harder to prove that as true and give you everything you could possibly want with this effort, can’t even help the moan that is more vibrations than sounds due to what you’re doing when he is spitting on your face like that, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet slightly too]
Casey: [he’d definitely be out here reacting to the most to everything she’s doing so I’m really glad the pub isn’t open yet cos this boy is being LOUD and nobody needs to hear that, least of all Fearghal thank you, he’s too old for this, probably getting the pillow to muffle it slightly but that’s only because of it reminds him of earlier and not because he cares about anything else rn]
Janis: [it won’t be loud enough at this AM lads, not that either of you is thinking about that but hey ho, there’s too much for us to prove to this boy and too much emotion right here and now to be doing anything but the most]
Casey: [live your best lives honestly lads, it’s deserved and needed for what we’ve put you both through]
Janis: [would you like to move on to someone else or do a lil skip here, as we’ve resolved this well?]
Casey: [we very much know the vibes we are leaving y’all on and the plans y’all have made that you’re actually going to see through so I’m down to move if you are]
Janis: [probably works I think, are you thinking you want to Casey and Bobby or?]
Casey: [it very much makes sense as a logical next step yeah and I’d in theory like to, I just have no idea how I’m gonna go about that lol lol]
Janis: [lol, I think you just have to, there’s no way to soft launch it]
Casey: We can’t keep on how we’ve been, if you reckon it’s bollocks an’ all or you’ve owt else to say, here’s your chance, like
Casey: up to you, take it or don’t
Bobby: One chance, is it?
Bobby: and you won’t, what, come and smack me
Casey: 1st, never said only, what good’d that do
Casey: about as much as giving you a smack
Bobby: Not us who’s ever thought it’s a solution to anything
Casey: nor have I, not really how it works, mate
Casey: far as thinking goes, I ain’t when 
Bobby: Losing control’s nothing to be proud of
Casey: who’s proud of it, name us 1 dickhead you know
Bobby: You’ve never seemed prouder, like
Casey: alright, ‘course that’s how it seems
Bobby: So, what is this? Because I don’t have a wife for you to take or a life to ruin
Casey: what I said it is, but I get it, you don’t fancy nothing changing
Casey: why would you
Bobby: Don’t matter what I fancy, you two have upended everything
Casey: does to me, be why I’m here
Bobby: What do you reckon you’re going to do?
Casey: depends what you want me to
Bobby: Get Jim to leave with me
Casey: I’ve no way of getting him to do anything, never have done
Bobby: There we go then, I’m still stuck here
Casey: have a word to him, he’s not proper got his head ‘round how you feel but if you keep on, might get somewhere
Bobby: All he cares about is her and Libi
Casey: I doubt it, pisstake how hard he’s always cared about you
Bobby: Not now
Casey: shit like that don’t go nowhere, he’d have a job to just turn it off and managing it’d make him the only dickhead who ever has
Bobby: Says you
Casey: yeah, says me, I’d know
Bobby: You’d just rather you and him didn’t have that same priority
Casey: him who’d rather not see me same as neither of you, top priority, that
Bobby: Can’t blame him now, can you
Casey: nah, can’t and don’t
Casey: but, smart lad like you’ll heard of a self fulfilling prophecy, won’t he
Bobby: Oh, so it’s HIS fault
Bobby: maybe YOU should talk to him, you’re on the same page about all of that
Casey: weren’t just him saying it, that’s my point
Casey: you’ve lived your own version of all that bollocks now with what people go on about and shouldn’t need telling how it goes
Bobby: You picked the wrong side and then felt like an idiot for it when dad left you, that’s never been Jim’s fault
Casey: there was sides long before dad pissed off and long after too, I’ve not once had either of you pair on mine
Bobby: Perhaps you shouldn’t smack people you apparently want around, or steal their missus from them, whilst you’re at it
Casey: bit late to undo them if there was any undoing of it but tah for that
Bobby: You started it, what do you expect him to do?
Casey: I expect sod all off him, why it’s not him I’m having a word with, is it
Bobby: What do you reckon I can do? I told you, he don’t listen to no one but her
Casey: you’ve us wrong, you’re a kid it ain’t up to you to sort none of this and I’ve not come ‘round begging for no help off you
Casey: I’m only here to say, if it’s doing your head in he don’t listen, I will do, whatever the fuck you’ve got to tell me
Bobby: I’m sick of talking
Casey: whenever you change your mind then, you’re stuck about and I’m off nowhere
Bobby: How about you 2 take Libi in, what about that
Bobby: She don’t have no need of a room here 
Casey: weren’t my idea to chuck her mine, she’s got 2 others already, how many’s the 1 lass need
Bobby: Janis should be looking after her
Casey: Janis ain’t her mum, she’d be best to find herself in the middle of nowhere with them lot for a bit, out of everybody’s face
Bobby: She’s not got one, Jim wouldn’t leave me with nowhere to go 
Casey: she’s loads of places to take her off to, with or without a mum, her family’s massive
Bobby: Whatever, she don’t need to be here
Casey: she’s only hanging about to do your head in, our kid
Bobby: No she’s not, she thinks she can fix everything for us but she can’t and it’s doing my head in
Casey: maybe she were, but she’ll be after ruining what she can now you’ve put your foot down and some distance between you pair
Bobby: There’s nothing left to ruin, that were made sure of
Casey: gutted for her, she’ll have to stay 💔 and ‘round
Bobby: well, you aren’t but I don’t care
Casey: nah, I’m not, you heard, she’ll be alright, spoilt lass like her has a million people there waiting when she’s 💔
Casey: about time she didn’t get her own way, it’s the bloody 1st
Bobby: She wants it to be about her, as bad as it is for me
Bobby: but Janis ain’t her mum and she can go elsewhere, I can’t
Casey: yeah, exactly
Casey: you pair ain’t the same, she’s taking the piss
Bobby: I’m not allowed nowt without her so
Casey: from the off, good on you for seeing the light
Bobby: They came as a package deal, for some weird reason, it wasn’t my fault
Casey: nobody’s blaming you, she never gave you chance to make none of your own mates, suited her to have you all to herself
Bobby: Not now, he’s sorting me a translator or something, apparently
Casey: be a start
Bobby: I guess
Casey: least she’s no reason not to piss off no more when you say that’s what you’re after, excuse’ll have gone
Bobby: Sure, if Jim didn’t want her around instead, which he’s made dead clear he does
Casey: you know he can’t let fuck all go, in his head he might as well be her dad or something, there’s never been no telling him he ain’t
Bobby: I’ll just find other places to be, I don’t care, they can play happy families all they like
Casey: I’ll shout you a drink whenever they are, you’re old enough to hack a few pints, take the edge off
Bobby: I don’t need a drink
Casey: only twats like our dad need one
Casey: be somewhere to bring your new mates when you’ve made ‘em, though, and you can order an orange if you’d rather, like
Bobby: I’ve already been [wherever you went with China when you were out on Libi’s bday, we know the cool kid vibe]
Casey: whoever you went with would probably have a laugh in [some places you know because you’ve worked in clerbs forever and have loads of friends and are just that bitch]
Bobby: 👍 alright
Casey: and I’ve a mate who’s done some work for [some band of the correct cool kid vibe] if yours is into them, don’t leave it out chucking tickets and merch at every dickhead he’s ever met
Bobby: Why would you bother doing this for me?
Casey: it’s no bother, hardly putting myself out, am I
Bobby: Not made you bother yourself at all before
Casey: I said, I don’t wanna keep on how we did before
Bobby: You’ve never been nice to me, my whole life
Casey: you don’t remember, I do, you didn’t always used to be shit scared of us or only bothered about him
Bobby: You all say that like I just gained consciousness last year, I’m 13, not 3
Casey: I know how old you are, mate
Casey: took care of you loads when you was younger, before that were taken off me
Bobby: Whenever they made you look after me when they went out, you’d make it known how fuming you were
Casey: about them, not at you
Bobby: not how it felt
Casey: I was a twat for taking it out on you, I were a twat most of the time, still am
Bobby: Yeah, you are
Casey: and Libi did my head in, still does
Bobby: You who’s stuck with her
Bobby: we’ll leave, eventually
Casey: *you’ll
Casey: he’s chuffed to bits to be stuck with her
Bobby: He’ll want to be gone before long, there’s a deadline here
Casey: maybe, but he’s not gone yet
Bobby: She’s no bump yet
Casey: be realer when she has, yeah, even he’ll struggle ignoring it
Bobby: He don’t want it
Casey: what’s he said
Bobby: Nothing
Casey: so how do you have a clue what he wants
Bobby: If he wanted it he’d have to tell me about it, obviously, not pretend it’s not happening, if it is
Casey: he dunno what he wants at the minute
Bobby: Not how it seems
Casey: other than her back, I mean
Bobby: What are you going to do then
Casey: there’s fuck all I can about that
Bobby: Couldn’t exactly come back, even if she hadn’t filled your old room with shit
Casey: there’s no coming back from this, it’s happened, me and her are together, they’re not no more
Bobby: Dunno why you’re telling us, try telling them pair
Casey: I can’t force him to talk to me, if he fancies it, he knows where I am
Bobby: You could talk to her
Casey: and say what
Bobby: I don’t know, maybe stop coming over every day and acting like you’re still together
Bobby: he hasn’t imagined it
Casey: she won’t be coming over every day, nor acting like his missus still
Bobby: Good
Bobby: believe it when I see it
Casey: she were trying to make it a bit easier for him, not harder for you
Bobby: We don’t talk to each other, she gets that much
Casey: same as me and Libi
Bobby: She’s probably just scared of you
Casey: she wants to be after her party, nearly did earn herself a smack for it
Bobby: You can’t help yourself
Casey: nearly means I can 🤏
Bobby: I’m sure you weren’t let anywhere near
Casey: long as you’re sure, Bob
Bobby: If you wanna say she’s stopped giving any sort of fuck, that’s a weird choice but yeah, not unbelievable 
Casey: ‘course it’s not what I’m on about
Bobby: She’s annoying but she’s a teenage girl, you shouldn’t say things like that
Casey: I wouldn’t hurt her, nor you, I haven’t ever done and it weren’t for being held back by no dickhead but myself
Bobby: Not how it felt
Casey: I’m sorry for how it felt, alright
Casey: I tried to keep myself away from you when I was like that but it ain’t been possible every time
Bobby: and I tried to keep out of your way
Casey: yeah, I know
Bobby: Can’t have it both ways, you didn’t want us around or to be around us, how could I leave you out?
Casey: it’s my fault, not yours
Casey: I fucked it, that’s the only way it was
Bobby: yeah, I know
Bobby: You never picked no good role models so, is what it is
Casey: there weren’t none going spare
Bobby: He’s older than you too
Casey: don’t mean he’s a good role model for me, I’ve no interest in being how he is
Bobby: You picked Ian, just another mistake
Casey: he needed us, he had no new missus at that point, somebody had to be about for him, be dead else
Bobby: What a loss to the world
Casey: I don’t wish it on him, whatever he’s done
Bobby: You’ve only wasted your time
Casey: my time to waste, we’ve all heard that one at school
Bobby: I suppose so
Bobby: again, you can’t blame Jim when you sided against him with dad
Casey: I can blame him for siding against me before, for being younger than you and being wrote off by my own brother
Casey: nobody but her has ever bothered trying to help me sort my head out, he could’ve had a go
Bobby: It’s not worked though, has it
Bobby: and it’s just bribery if you think she’s going to reward you with attention
Casey: it was left too late, but I’ll do the work myself now that I’m not a kid
Bobby: Alright
Casey: alright
Bobby: None of that will change what you’ve done so
Casey: I can’t undo it, just try not to keep on fucking up from here on
Bobby: You expect him to un-write you off when you’re saying you’re ‘together’ now, with his wife
Casey: I expect nowt of the sort, he’s made up his mind about who he reckons I am, and he ain’t even that far wrong with loads of it
Casey: but we’re together, whatever he reckons, and there’s no changing that neither
Bobby: Here’s hoping you’ve not made another shit choice, like
Casey: tah
Janis: [Let’s assume that she sends this after work for him because just logical but still, having given it a couple days or so but not a long amount of time ‘cos just wouldn’t]
Janis: Let me know when you can talk
Jimmy: 👍
Jimmy: go on
Janis: Alright, you good?
Jimmy: What do you want to talk about?
Janis: You know, unless you’ve forgotten which would be insulting as it would be concerning so
Janis: I shouldn’t have let things escalate like that, it was really selfish and fucked up and went against everything we were doing right before
Jimmy: But they did, and we can’t let that just be chucked to one side
Janis: We stopped working, and it’d take a lot more than this one thing to make us work again
Janis: We’ve never been friends, not really, that’s something new, that we can have
Jimmy: I’ll do owt to make it work again, I said
Janis: Neither of us even knows what that would entail, or we’d not be here
Jimmy: How would we, ‘til we have another go?
Janis: Because we gave it a really long time, the best we had
Jimmy: I’ll do better, all you have to is let me
Janis: I’m not asking you to, you gave your all, so did I, we should be proud of that at least
Janis: not push it into something that it shouldn’t be
Jimmy: My all weren’t good enough, that’s nowt to be proud of
Janis: It was a joint effort, can’t do it alone
Janis: and who’s to say
Jimmy: You’d rather be with him, is what you’re saying
Janis: Us being back together isn’t a choice, that just can’t happen again
Jimmy: I can’t be your mate like none of it happened
Janis: We don’t have to pretend, there’s no point in that
Jimmy: You’re sat there asking us to pretend I don’t love you
Janis: I’m not
Janis: I know this is my fault, entirely my fault, that I pushed us past where we were
Janis: that you’ll need time, we will, for things to go back
Jimmy: Go back to what? I’m alright for not fancying waking up of a morning and only keeping on going for our kid’s sake
Janis: You can’t put that on me, we can’t do shit like this to each other
Jimmy: If we don’t have to pretend, there’s the reality
Janis: I’m the same person I were when you didn’t fancy waking up in the morning for however long it was
Janis: that hasn’t changed
Jimmy: I can’t do this without you, I need you, that’ll never change
Janis: We’ll learn, we have to
Jimmy: No
Jimmy: we don’t have to
Janis: We do, it has to be different
Jimmy: It could be different, us together, there’s no need for you to stay with him to force it
Janis: That’s not why I’m with him
Jimmy: Why then?
Janis: Because it’s the right relationship for me to be in
Jimmy: How is it?
Janis: We want the same things
Jimmy: It don’t matter what he wants, you won’t be able to bring a baby up with him
Jimmy: any future you’ll have will look like history repeating itself, you might as well drop the kid right at Ian’s door
Janis: That’s not true
Jimmy: What happened to the one lass he went out with before you?
Janis: That’s entirely different to what you’re saying is going to happen
Janis: when he’s never hurt me or any kid, I know you’ve a right to be pissed off with the pair of us but I’m not going to sit here and agree
Jimmy: There were a time when Ian had never hurt no kid, go back far enough and it’d be true of no missus either
Janis: Alright, he’s had no chance but I trust him 
Janis: and if I’m wrong, I trust myself not to stay
Jimmy: 👌
Janis: I’m the one that wanted this baby, I’m not going to let anything happen to it
Jimmy: Debbie wanted us 2, top job she did, were that easy no dickhead would be smacked about ever
Janis: I’m not your mum, he’s not your dad
Janis: not everything can be viewed through that one relationship, or should
Jimmy: Except he is my dad though
Janis: No, he’s not
Jimmy: 🤞 Janis
Janis: I’ve known him the best part of a decade now, too
Janis: it’s probably easier for you but don’t act like I have no clue
Jimmy: I’ve known him all his life, he’s my brother, there’s nowt easy about having them clues to follow
Jimmy: I’d be chuffed to bits to be wrong, don’t act like I want none of this to be true
Janis: What’s it going to take?
Jimmy: Him sorting himself out, proper
Janis: Right
Jimmy: How much of the flat’s in the same state you moved into? He can’t keep on how he is
Janis: And you can?
Janis: No one asked you how much of a tip you’d let yourself and the house get into if left to your own devices, it’s bullshit, we all need to sort ourselves, it doesn’t mean it’s perfection or nothing
Jimmy: I’m not raising this kid, you and him are
Janis: It’s our child, you and me
Jimmy: You’re together, you and him
Janis: That doesn’t mean you’re not the dad, that that’s not your role
Jimmy: Yeah it will
Janis: No one is stopping you
Jimmy: Bollocks
Janis: How is it?
Jimmy: Kid’ll be calling him dad, I’ll never see you nor it
Jimmy: same as every other divorced dickhead goes on about at work
Janis: I’m not going to do that, Jesus, if anything have we not learnt I’m fucking appalling at appropriate boundaries
Jimmy: Asked a bit ago, I’d have not said you’d cheat on us neither but
Janis: Yeah, fair enough
Jimmy: There we go then
Jimmy: good chat, mate
Janis: I didn’t see it going no better but
Janis: I’m sorry all the same
Jimmy: Me an’ all
Janis: I won’t bother you time being but please let me know if you need help with anything that I can do
Jimmy: 👍
Janis: Okay, Jimmy
Jimmy: in a bit, Janis
Bobby: Are you going to listen to me now?
Jimmy: ?
Bobby: [send him whatever socials Libi has done herself, oh the teen tit for tat drama]
Bobby: That’s China’s ex, and he’s a massive twat
Jimmy: How massive a twat the lad is, that’s for Libi to work out
Bobby: She’s only doing it to make my life harder, why are you not supporting me about this
Jimmy: What would you have us do? I ban him from the house I’d need to your missus an’ all
Bobby: Er, ban her, I told you, she’s got no business still coming around, it’s fucking weird
Jimmy: And I’ve told you why she still is
Jimmy: she’s not even brought him ‘round, she might not do as you pair often are
Bobby: For God’s sake, she’s nothing to do with you, you’re leaving yourself open for all sorts 
Bobby: it’s not just about me, you know
Jimmy: Leave it out
Jimmy: I’ve all but raised her near as long as I have done you, I’m not stopping bothering with her ‘cause you’ve fallen out, it’s not just about you, you’re right there
Bobby: She has family, she’s no need of you
Jimmy: There’s no such thing as too much of it, mate, she can have me an’ all
Bobby: So make yourself useful and parent her, if you’re so insistent 
Jimmy: I’ll have a word, alright?
Bobby: Want to hurry, what I’ve heard
Jimmy: What’ve you heard?
Bobby: That he’s already a body count, obviously
Jimmy: Don’t mean Libi’s about to add herself to it, but I’ll talk to her, I said
Bobby: yeah right
Jimmy: She only had her birthday a minute ago, I doubt she’s in a hurry herself
Bobby: Her mum had her by her age
Jimmy: Your missus’ mum had her older sister when she were young, I’m not having a go at you and her, am I?
Bobby: Not that young, get the social involved age, so’s her nan and her nan before her
Jimmy: I reckon she’ll know enough off the back of all them lot doing it not to then
Bobby: Ha
Bobby: numbers are in my favour not yours
Jimmy: You could sound a bit less like you’re chuffed to bits about it, mate
Bobby: Why would I care?
Jimmy: Why would you want her life ruined?
Bobby: Reap what you sow, I haven’t made her throw herself at him, have I, be her fault if it does
Jimmy: You ain’t exactly made it very easy for her to do owt else, but alright
Bobby: Nah, I’m not going to take on the blame for her being a slag like you do, don’t start that
Jimmy: You dunno she is a slag, you know how she feels about you though
Bobby: Wouldn’t go out with him else, so yeah I do, actually
Jimmy: It’s obvious what she’s going out with him for, yeah
Bobby: She should get a life then
Jimmy: Come on, Bob
Bobby: What?
Bobby: Are you going to force me to go out with her so you can have your fucked up happy family thing, what?
Jimmy: I can’t force you into doing nowt
Bobby: It’s weird, it’s so fucking weird that she’s still hanging about and won’t just piss off, and you just enable it
Bobby: you would if you could, yeah, got that message loud and clear
Jimmy: I’d have you talk about her like less of a dickhead, she used to be your best mate, what are you calling her a slag for or 🤞 she’ll have her own kid as a kid?
Jimmy: I brought you up not to be that lad
Bobby: Because, some girls are slags, it’s a fairytale to pretend otherwise and you just look like a total idiot
Jimmy: Steady on, she ain’t some girl, it’s Libi
Bobby: I don’t give a shit about her!
Bobby: Jesus, will you please catch up
Jimmy: That’s up to you, I’m not listening to you chat shit about her
Bobby: You never bloody listen
Jimmy: Not to this bollocks I won’t, I’ve already said, I’ll have a word, it’s the most I’m doing
Bobby: She’s weird and she made me weird because I couldn’t have no other pissing friends
Bobby: and you just let it happen and did nothing to help me
Bobby: I don’t need your useless help now, thanks
Jimmy: I did nowt to help you? Bloody charming, that
Bobby: Side with her, I don’t care no more
Jimmy: I’m taking no sides, there’s none to
Bobby: Which in your language means you’re taking hers
Jimmy: It means, I care about the both of you, I always have done and I always will do
Bobby: Take me off the to-do list, save yourself the bother
Jimmy: No can do, our kid
Jimmy: you’re stuck with me bothering
Bobby: 🙄
Jimmy: You’ll live
Bobby: Unfortunately 
Jimmy: She’s only after a reaction from you, when you don’t give her none this lad’ll piss off
Bobby: She’s an attention seeker, we all already know that
Jimmy: Might grow out of it 🤞 but some never do
Bobby: Yeah, wouldn’t bet on that either
Jimmy: Least I can ban this lad if he’s the sort you reckon
Bobby: Everyone knows, it’s not a secret, hence she deserves everything she gets
Jimmy: You’ll not need to see her about if I do and she’s off with him, take your 🏆 there and stop worrying about her falling off the podium 
Bobby: I’m not worried, he won’t keep her around long enough for that to mean anything
Bobby: then she’ll be back, crying again, doing my head in
Jimmy: I can’t hack no crying either, she knows where else she’d be best off going, we’ll be alright
Bobby: They won’t have her, not after the stupid party bollocks
Jimmy: Janis’ mum will, or her granddad, he’s a soft touch far as any 💔😭 lass goes 
Bobby: 🙄 
Jimmy: You said it, she’s not short shoulders
Bobby: She’s spoiled, why she acts like such a baby, you’re no better about her
Jimmy: I spoilt you an’ all, hold my hands up
Jimmy: I’d do it no different given the chance again, both needed some, rest of the bollocks there were going on
Bobby: We’re not the same
Jimmy: I never said you were
Bobby: Yes you did
Bobby: everyone wanted her, even her stupid dead kid parents, no one has ever wanted me, not even you
Bobby: just another job for you to be miserable about
Jimmy: Where?
Jimmy: I’ve not once regretted taking you on, heavy handed-ness with the word slag aside, you’re a good lad
Jimmy: if it’s just a job, it’s one I’m chuffed to bits to put every shift in
Bobby: Yeah right, who do you think you’re convincing with that?
Jimmy: Be convinced by the fact I’m here, I want to be for you, it’s all there is I’m not miserable about right now
Bobby: Right
Jimmy: I get you fancy going away proper, and I can’t give you that or no promises about it, but we could still piss off somewhere for a few days, us
Jimmy: no lasses, sort our heads out 🤏
Bobby: No thanks, I’m good
Jimmy: 👍
Bobby: No offence 
Jimmy: 💡🥉 I’ve heard you, do listen some of the time, like
Bobby: I don’t need a holiday, that’s all
Jimmy: Right
Bobby: Maybe you should take one yourself though
Jimmy: We need the money more than I do a break
Bobby: Not what it sounded like with that cry for help, like
Jimmy: Oi, only get more charming, you
Jimmy: remind you what you’ve said when you’re next after having the 🎻🎻 out for yourself, mate
Bobby: Not going to happen so, yeah, alright
Bobby: think about it
Jimmy: No need, but tah
Bobby: 🤷
Jimmy: You and your missus won’t be chucked the house to yourself that piss easy, weren’t born yesterday
Bobby: As if, why would I copy Libi’s shit ideas, see how well that worked out
Jimmy: Before you crack on calling her all sorts ‘cause of the state of her family, that lass you’re seeing’s big sister near enough had the word slag invented for her, I’ll let you have a think on that while I’ve work to crack on with myself
Bobby: So?
Bobby: I already told you she went out with that lad too
Jimmy: So, use your head, I already told you
Bobby: Why would I care, you who thinks I would
Bobby: be no point going out with her else
Jimmy: You who should
Jimmy: unless you reckon it’s a good shout to copy Case’s shit ideas instead
Bobby: He’s got what he wants, you ain’t
Jimmy: There we go, that’s alright then
Bobby: I dunno why you reckon I’d be in love with her, only went out with her because everyone knows what a slag she is
Jimmy: I don’t reckon that, I reckoned you’d treat any lass as more than just something to get what you want off of, but I’m the dickhead, not you
Bobby: She bullied us first, I owe her nothing
Bobby: and you’re the one who’s pointed out several times what her and her whole family are like, not treating her any different to what she is
Jimmy: I were pointing out what a twat you’re being, this lass acted one to you when you were 5, for fuck’s sake
Bobby: Oh then pissing white knight for her too, Jesus, it’s beyond creepy at this point
Jimmy: Piss off, I’m at a loss for words with you, honestly
Bobby: Yeah, that’s what I thought
Jimmy: Have at that, bighead, chuffed for you having all the answers and being dead right all the bloody time
Jimmy: must be nice, and nobody reckons you’re a dickhead for it
Bobby: I don’t care what you think, you’re the dickhead
Jimmy: ‘Course you don’t, and ‘course I am
Jimmy: 👍
Bobby: Don’t wait up tonight
Jimmy: *be in by [a time because he’s fuming and setting a curfew lol]
Bobby: No, tah
Jimmy: You heard
Bobby: Yeah and
Jimmy: And I’ll be knocking on your missus’ door if you’re not in by the time I’ve just said, having a word to her mum
Bobby: because I’ll be there, how stupid do you actually think I am
Jimmy: You’ll not be allowed there, mate, keep on
Bobby: ‘cos what, you’re going to tell her her daughter’s a slag? 
Bobby: Good plan, mate
Jimmy: I’ll be a bit busy walking the streets for you, dickhead
Bobby: Calm down
Bobby: I’ll come back when I want
Jimmy: You’ll come back when I’ve told you to, or I’ll find you and bring you, up to you, that
Bobby: You’re so ridiculous, what do you think you’re achieving 
Jimmy: You’re 13
Jimmy: What do you think you’re playing at?
Bobby: Hanging out, having actual friends of my own
Jimmy: Taking the piss, be in by [the time] or don’t
Jimmy: you know what’ll happen
Bobby: Whatever, Jim
Jimmy: in a bit, Bob
Bobby: I’d avoid coming ‘round here for a while if I were you
Libi: Well, you’re not me
Bobby: Well, you’ve upset Jim
Libi: No I’ve not, but clearly you have
Bobby: Yeah, you have and he’s planning on having a word when you do 
Libi: When he does, if he says he doesn’t want me ‘round, I won’t come, I don’t need a warning off you, tah very much
Bobby: Don’t take it then
Libi: I’m not, Bobby
Bobby: What do you want, round of applause?
Libi: From you? Absolutely nothing
Bobby: Ta-ra, then
Libi: Okay, bye
Janis: Alright, I’ll bite, who’s Jake?
Libi: Just a boy from school, you can put your teeth away
Janis: And is there a second reason he deserved a place on your feed, like?
Libi: I don’t know what you could POSSIBLY mean…
Janis: Uhuh 😏
Libi: Fight 🔥 with 🔥 right?
Janis: Certainly a tactic
Libi: It’s a fight he started, not me
Libi: they’re his bullshit tactics
Janis: I’m just glad he’s age-appropriate, about the level of interest I should show, I figure
Libi: Yeah, you’re nailing it
Janis: A background check seems a little unnecessary when you actually have no interest yourself, so
Libi: I know where he’s been, obviously, it’s where my interest does lie
Janis: Go on, no longer in that [their school name] loop
Libi: You’re losing your touch 👵🏽
Janis: That’s charming, if I were keen to know the who’s who of [her year]’s boys, I’d be looking to rekindle my relationship with Lucas an’ all
Libi: It’s an easy guess, nothing about this has or needs much finesse to it
Janis: Someone to do with China? 
Libi: He’s her ex, THE ex, really, as in her only and the one she cheated on
Janis: Oh, okay
Janis: How does that piss off Bobby though?
Libi: I doubt it will, he doesn’t care what I do
Janis: I’m sure he does more than he’ll let on to you, like
Libi: Maybe, but he doesn’t have mates I could hang out with, and Casey isn’t age appropriate or available, so
Libi: making it about him wasn’t an option I had
Janis: You’d have to wait for him to make some, yeah
Janis: Not coming for your lack of finesse with it, don’t worry
Libi: He’s only interested in the one at the minute, and calling her a mate is a stretch
Janis: If you’re buying the socials, which could be as fake as yours
Libi: I’ve had IRL front row since then
Janis: I’d probably be skipping dinner there myself, personally
Libi: Running away’s what you do, I’ve a dog there to walk, thanks to you
Janis: A dog you want, we’ve been over that
Libi: Geographically, still where she is, whether I want that or not
Janis: You could take her to nan and granddad’s too
Libi: I couldn’t, Jim loves her
Janis: Well, there’s nothing I can do about that
Libi: I’m not asking you to
Libi: you’re the one who’s trying to tell me what to do
Janis: I’m just saying, you don’t need to be around them
Libi: You’re just saying upset Jim and Peach cos Bobby wants to upset me
Janis: Don’t then, good God
Libi: Don’t have a go at me for something that isn’t my fault
Janis: I’m not having a go at you
Libi: Yeah right
Janis: I’m not, Libs, I’m just saying you could focus on yourself and not them
Libi: But I can’t, and you don’t get it if you think I just could
Janis: Of course I get it
Libi: I don’t know how to stop, I’ve never known
Janis: I can’t make any assurances it’ll get better, wish I could
Libi: I’m the same person who was told off for kissing him all the time
Janis: Yeah
Janis: He’s going through a lot, it might not be this way forever, nothing’s the same forever so that’s a guarantee actually
Libi: What if it’s worse?
Janis: Then that’ll end too, eventually
Libi: He’s so angry, I wish there was an end in sight for that
Janis: There’s a lot to be angry about
Libi: Yeah
Janis: I know it don’t feel fair, it ain’t but you can’t force nothing
Libi: Can I force you to give me a 🔑 to over the pub if I promise no parties?
Janis: I dunno about that no more, anyway, why would you need to be there when I’m not?
Libi: For the same reason it’s keeping me sane to know there are other lads who want to hang about with me and every negative thing Bobby said isn’t true
Janis: You’re welcome here any time, you know that
Libi: When you can keep an eye on me, like a little kid
Janis: You are
Libi: You used to look after me when you were my age right now
Janis: I’m an inspiration and in any way aspirational when it suits, yeah
Libi: I only need to grow up when it suits, cos you’re fuming about how immature I’ve been
Janis: You don’t need a place to be on your own, not like that, you have endless places to go to get some space
Libi: No I don’t
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
That evening, they all walk over to Martin Hunter's for dinner. 
His mate, Elena, greets them at the door. 
She looks like a supermodel, or a Hollywood star but she's not. 
She's an obstetrician and her generous salary is the reason Martin can stay home with his children and write crime novels. 
Not that raising kids isn't just as important as any career or that Martin isn't successful but even he doesn't claim he's written any bestsellers. 
Yet. Elena comes from a long line of Argentinian 'maned wolves' with long limbs and mixed red-brown fur. In human form, she's just as elegant, with her auburn hair streaked with black and done up in a flawless style and her clothes and makeup looking red-carpet ready. 
If he didn't believe in true love the way he does, he'd almost say she was out of Martin's league.’
"Dane. Monty," she exclaims, giving them each a quick, light embrace. 
"How good to see you. And Freya, of course."
Freya Hunter offers her a hesitant smile but makes no move to step close enough to be hugged. 
Sasha Hunter clears her throat and nods at Julian Hart, who so far remains unacknowledged but Elena glances past him and spies Kit Montaine where he stands at Montreal Hunter’s side.
"And who is this?"
Monty introduces Kit as his charge and Elena's eyes light with curiosity.
"A Wolf? From what Pack?"
"Oh, uh... no," Monty adds quickly, dodging the question. 
"Kit's not a Wolf. He's a fox-shifter. A kitsune."
Elena's smile becomes a bit fixed and her gaze flicks back towards Monty. 
"Well. All are welcome here."
She steps aside, gesturing for them to enter and Monty sees Dane's jaw set in a firm line. 
His mate and children remain un-acknowledged and this would count as a slight even if they weren't Wolves. 
Fortunately, Julian is occupied with Luca, who's managed to kick his shoes off again and doesn't notice. 
Dane lets it slide, this time. 
Of their whole extended family, Elena might be the least comfortable with Dane's choice of mate, though whether it's because Julian's not a Wolf, or not a woman, Monty doesn't know. 
He allows himself a small smile, remembering that she hasn't even met Doctor Ambrose Thorne yet. 
Girl didn't know what she was in for, joining the Hunter Pack. 
She leads them into the dining room and invites them all to sit where they like. 
Martin and Elena's house is a low, long, modern thing, with walls of flat gray stone, a flat roof and enormous windows of tempered sheet glass. 
Everything is stone or stainless steel or unadorned wood and Martin says it's supposed to 'blend with the natural landscape' but Monty doesn't see a soft thing in sight. 
Even the sofas look hard and angular. 
It's certainly got 'style' but Monty prefers the lived-in comfort of his sister, Sasha's place. 
As they take their seats, Martin emerges from the kitchen, clad in an apron with blue-and-white stripes and carrying a covered dish in oven-mitted hands. 
He smiles, his face flushed from the heat of the kitchen as he sets the dish on the table. 
"I wish it were under better circumstances but I'm glad to have you all here," Martin says. 
"Welcome to our home," he adds and with his hands now free, he loops an arm around Elena's slender waist and kisses the side of her face. 
"Where are the kids, sweetheart?"
Elena glances at where Julian and Dane are making the twins comfortable in their laps, given the lack of baby-chairs and Monty gets the sense that Elena wasn't expecting to entertain children.
"I'll call them, corazón," she says and disappears with a swish of cream-colored satin.
"Can I help with anything?" Monty asks, as Martin wipes sweat from his brow and turns back towards the kitchen.
"Hm? Oh... sure," he says, smiling gratefully. 
"It's all done, just needs serving."
Monty follows Martin to the kitchen, another expanse of granite and steel and sees an array of dishes lined up on the counter, ready to be carried to the table.
“Wow. You went all out, huh?"
Martin laughs. 
"Elena thought..." he starts, then stops and swallows,and his face twitches with conflicting emotions. 
"Well, she thinks we're entertaining the new Alpha, you know. Dane, that is."
Martin pulls off his mitts and pairs serving utensils with the various dishes. 
"Yeah. I mean, if mom and dad are... Then Dane is..."
Monty rubs the back of his neck. 
He'd thought of that, of course but not about how it would affect everyone, exactly. 
He'd just moved to Spring Lakes and he'd been enjoying the peace and relative solitude, the chance to settle down somewhere he felt he fit, for once. 
Now, everything might change.
"Anyway, I told her something simple would be fine but she..." Martin bites his lip. 
"Well, let's get this food on the table before it goes cold."
Martin reaches for a dish but Monty guess he forgot the reason he was wearing the mitts. 
He yelps and drops it and a whole mountain of mashed potatoes explodes across the floor, mixed with broken glass. 
He gasps and stares down at the mess and then, to my alarm, he shuts his eyes and falls against the smooth surface of his stainless-steel fridge, sliding to the floor with his hands over his eyes.
"Fuck," he hisses under his breath. 
"Fuck me and fuck my fucking life..."
Launching into instinctive action, Monty grabs a roll of paper towels and starts wiping up the mess.
"It's fine, Martin. Nobody will miss what they didn't know was coming. Accidents happen, as mom used to say."
As soon as the words leave his mouth, Monty winces. Not the time to quote one's missing mom.
"Anyway." Monty pats Martin's shoulder. 
"It'll be okay. Don't worry about this, I got it. You bring the rest of everything out and tell 'em I needed to use the restroom, or something."
Martin nods, his palms still pressed against his eyes, then takes a shuddering breath and climbs slowly to his feet.
"Thanks, Monty," he says. 
"I'm sorry. It's just... Things pile up, you know? And then one more thing, no matter how small..."
"The straw that broke the camel's back," Monty says, smiling. 
"That's an old saying for a reason, I guess."
Martin laughs under his breath, a little of the tension draining from his face. 
"You know, you're smarter than you give yourself credit for, Monty. You always have been. And no matter what, you're always kind. I... I admire you for that."
Too bad,  it looked delicious.  
                                                        ~ ☾ ~
Martin and Elena's children range in age from six to ten and there are four of them, Nico, Flora, Miguel and Rio. 
They enter the dining room, herded by their mother,and looking as if they've been stuffed into 'dinner' clothes with assembly line efficiency, their hair still wet from a quick slicking with a comb. 
One of the younger twins, Nico, hangs back with wide eyes and a pout, taking in the host of strangers seated at the table with mild hostility.
"Nico, come sit down," Martin calls, beckoning at an empty chair. 
The boy shakes his head and takes a step back and Elena barks at him in Spanish. 
"Nico. Obedece a tu papá. Ahora."
She claps her hands and the boy startles, gulping down a quick breath, then goes to Martin with stiff shoulders and bowed head. Martin smiles and ruffles his hair. 
"Hey, mijo. No worries, okay? You remember your uncles Dane and Monty, right? And Auntie Freya?"
Nico nods.
"And this is Julian," Martin points. 
"And Uncle Dane's babies, Luna and Luca and our new friend, Kit."
"They're mutts," Nico whispers, still looking at the ground. 
"Mama said..."
Kit gasps and drops his fork with a clatter and Monty quickly bends to pick it up and rests his other hand on his back, hoping to calm him.
"Nico." Elena snaps, looking scandalized. 
"That is not a word we use in this house. Apologize immediately."
Nico keeps his head down. 
"'Sorry," he mutters. Elena looks at Dane with an embarrassed smile. 
"I was telling him about the old Wolf lineages, like my parents and yours and how it used to be. I think he misunderstood."
"How it used to be?" Freya raises her brows, glancing at Kit. 
"It still is, in some places. And it's frickin' miserable."
"For some, no doubt," Elena concedes. 
Monty can almost see the hackles rise on Freya's back, even though she's not in wolf form. 
Dane shifts in his chair, a subtle exertion of his alpha dominance, effectively redirecting attention to himself.
"Nico and Rio must be starting first grade soon, is that right?" he asks, feeding Luna a little bite of biscuit dipped in gravy. 
Everyone relaxes and the talk turns to mundane things as we pass the dishes around and serve ourselves. 
When the gravy gets to him, Monty hesitates.
"Martin... is this, er... vegetarian gravy, by any chance?"
From his expression of dawning horror, Monty knows it's not.
"Oh, shit." 
He presses a hand to his brow and glances over the feast spread before us, biscuits, fresh corn, a pasta salad, roast beef, roast summer vegetables, a green salad and a big plate of chicken wings. 
"The... the salad's meat-free but the dressing has anchovies. I used lard in the biscuits. The vegetables... Shit, Monty, I..."
"Hey, hey, it's fine," Monty lifts his hands. 
"I didn't expect to be accommodated. These things happen when you're the only vegetarian in a pack of wolves."
Monty laughs but Martin groans, face in his hands.
"I should have remembered. Gods, how could I not remember?"
"Maybe 'cause you're stressed out your mind?" Freya suggests, not sharply. 
"Martin, we all are. Give yourself a break, 'kay?"
He nods and takes a breath and when he lifts his hands from his face, he gives us a grateful smile. 
Elena's gaze remains hard and angry, though and I get the feeling Martin will be hearing more about his failings before the night is done.
                                                       ~ ☾ ~
"How close are you with Elena?" Dane asks Sasha as we all walk back to her house after the meal. 
While she and Martin have been Mated for nearly twelve years now, Dane left the family Pack about the same time and Monty only saw her when he came home for holidays, or in the downtime between jobs.
"Probably about as close as you are," Sasha shrugs, laughing easily. 
"She works, like, eighty hours a week or something insane like that. Travels a lot for her job, too. Even when she's here, our interests don't exactly align. We're not besties or anything. Why'd you ask?"
Dane doesn't answer right away. 
He's carrying a sleeping Luca on his shoulder and rubs the baby's back with a gentle hand. 
"Just curious."
                                                        ~ ☾ ~
Later, Kit curls with his back pressed to Monty’s as they lie in the bed in Sasha's spare room. 
It's a queen-size, but Monty takes up more than most of it. 
Stretched out, his feet extend a good six-inches past the edge, so he lies on his side with my knees bent and Kit occupies the remaining space. 
He could easily fit on a pillow in fox form but he said he wanted to 'feel human' and Monty didn't blame him. 
He’s feeling in need of a little human comfort himself.
"Monty?" he whispers.
Monty feels Kit roll over to face his back, so he rolls over, too. 
This brings Kit’s face very close to his and Monty can see the tiny spark of the moon shining through the window, reflected in the dark pools of his eyes.
"Do you think you could ever... love someone like me? Someone who's not a Wolf, I mean?"
Without thinking Monty answers from the heart. 
"I could love you easy, Kit. Man, woman, Wolf or not, I don't care about things like that. I care about this." 
He sets his hand to the center of Kit’s chest. 
"What's inside, in the heart. And you've got a good one, I think."
Kit’s breath catches and Monty sees the glint of tears in the dark. 
Then the young man shifts a few inches closer. 
His lips touch Monty’s and a kaleidoscope of electric sensations bursts through his body, heart and soul. 
Monty gasps and leans away from Kit, caught by surprise. 
Kit gasps, too and pulls back.
"S-sorry!" he stammers, his eyes wide in the dark. 
"I'm sorry, Monty. I didn't mean..."
"Kit, it's okay," Monty says quickly.
"N-no, I..."
Desperate to reassure him, Monty leans forward and kisses him back. 
The same feeling explodes in his chest again, making his body tingle from head to toe. 
It's like his Wolf is howling inside with pure joy and his human heart can barely contain it. 
Monty pulls away and stares at the pretty face so close to his.
"See?" Monty whispers. 
"It's okay."
Kit sniffs and tucks himself against Monty, his slight form fitting perfectly to his, and he hold him as they fall asleep. 
That's all they do but it's more than enough, as the unfamiliar feeling gradually fades to a steady, comforting warmth. 
This is how he imagines it feels to do drugs, that first hit, like fireworks on the brain. 
They say love is a drug, don't they? 
Monty thinks, nearly asleep. 
And suddenly he’s wide awake again. 
He’s in love. 
This is gonna hurt.
                                                         ~ ☾ ~
The following morning, Dane, Freya, Kit and Monty meet up with Jake Nash on the edge of town. 
He leads the way to the mobile home park where the Outcasts live, driving ahead in his official white and green ranger truck. 
The park is off a dirt road, on a flat bit of land along a slow curve of the river. 
The ground is dry this time of year and Jake's vehicle kicks up a cloud of dust, forcing Dane to roll up his windows so the rest of us don't choke. 
The trailer park itself is more attractive than I'd expected. 
The homes are nicely spaced, with a little patch of lawn in front of each and they look well-cared-for. 
The tiny yards are neat and flowers grow in pots and makeshift planters here and there. 
Jake stops in a field where the resident's cars are parked in a neat line and Dane follows suit.
"How many Outcasts are there?" Dane asks, as Jake leads the way between the rows of mobile homes.
"Three," Jake says. 
"A couple and their kid. Showed up last winter, scared out of their wits and with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Your parents didn't have the heart to send 'em on their way."
Dane Hunter grunts. 
"Wonder why I never heard about this."
"I imagine you were busy with your own affairs," Jake replies. 
"And it didn't seem like a big deal, at the time."
He pauses in front of the last home in the row. 
It's not quite as nice as the others, a little smaller and older and with no flowers outside.
"They've caused no trouble so far, that I'm aware of," Jake says. 
"But... Well, I'll let you make your own judgement."
Mounting the little steps before the door, he knocks and then stands back. 
A gruff male voice answers from within. 
"Who is it?"
"Jake Nash, Park Services."
For a moment, there's silence. 
Then the door opens, revealing a gaunt-looking man of about forty, with a black beard and bright blue eyes. 
He glances between us all and keeps one hand behind the door, where it's possible he's holding a weapon of some kind. 
Monty moves protectively in front of Kit.
"What you want?" he asks.
Dane steps forward. 
"We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. I'm Dane Hunter. My parents are Astrid and Joseph."
The man's demeanor shifts, losing its tense, hostile edge and he turns and calls over his shoulder. 
"Philly, it's okay. It's the Hunters."
A plump woman with blond curls appears at his back, holding a baby that looks to be just a few months old. 
She glances between us all, a slight smile on her face.
"Oh, hello."
Then her eyes land on Kit and go wide
"Oh, my goodness. Kitty?"
He startles and then, to Monty’s immense surprise, he gasps and starts towards her.
She laughs with tears in her eyes, hands the baby to the man and then dashes down the steps and into Kit's arms.
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