#just bc they're bitter and don't like certain fans
instantpansies · 1 month
Haiii againn :3
I was wondering what your general mml hcs are :p
okay i think i'm finally prepared to answer this question!!! i'll preface this by saying i'm much more obsessed w phineas and ferb than milo murphy's law. i love mml very much but i don't have nearly as many Thoughts(tm) about it as i do pnf... even so here's what i've got
i'm not just saying this bc he's the voice actor, i think milo would listen to weird al. that and like '90s-'00s pop hits (basically canon anyway)
melissa has adhd and can't function without variety. she's always multitasking, fiddling, taking hard classes to keep herself occupied
definitely she's the type to really want one of those treadmill desks
that's part of why she gets along so well with milo, it's never the same with him. he's exciting
melissa is the most online of the main kids i think. she probably plays fps games and argues with people who disagree with her on twitter
i think melissa would be a vocaloid fan, lydia got her into it and she passed it on to amanda
btw lydia has been a miku stan since third grade
also melissa likes metal. i have no proof of this but i think she'd like it. good for studying
zack cannot stand metal though, it's grating and he can't hear the lyrics
on the topic of the main kids, i'm not super into shipping or anything but my philosophy is, they all have two hands. so casually speaking i really like the dynamic of simultaneous milo/amanda, amanda/melissa, melissa/zack (i'm not wild about them but if we don't go overboard zalissa is fine), zack/bradley, bradley/milo. they are in a circle holding hands and i like them a lot :3
however like i said that's just for funsies and i dont really really ship anyone there. i do like the dynamics of that particular arrangement though lol!
sara was a tumblr user during the equivalent of superwholock, now that that's not really a thing anymore she's gotten more into analysis and the more geeky side of dr zone fandom. she still watches the old edits though
okayyy i'm kind of obsessed w cavendish and dakota so they r always spinning around in my brain
i think brick and savannah are newer agents than dakavendish, which is why cav is kinda bitter. despite working for the agency for longer, he got stuck with the worst equipment and the most unfulfilling job possible
cav is probably a little frustrated at dakota because of this, but i'd think after so long working w him he's realized that it's not dakota's fault they can't seem to climb the ladder. they're just like that. but obviously he hasn't accepted his fate as we see in the show
dakavendish have been in the same semi-romantic semi-platonic situationship forever. neither of them has said a word. if they knew what a qpr was they'd really like that but they've never heard of it so instead they're just stuck Like That. hopeless idiots my beloved
cavendish watches ancient aliens and all those other sorts of shows about supernatural conspiracies. he half believes them. dakota watches them with him, ironically.
anyways back to the kids. lydia and buford met once at a concert for some famous orchestra, they don't really hang out but they email back and forth sometimes and exchange recipes.
lydia and amanda have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. it sometimes seems like lydia is just amanda's sidekick, but she just prefers to step out of the way and do her part from behind the scenes. it's less stressful for both of them.
amanda hates candles. just can't stand them. they smell too strong, or never smell right, or they pose a fire hazard, or the shape doesn't fit the vibe she's going for.
related to that i think amanda has some pretty strong sensory aversions, especially to smells and certain textures
milo's backpack is essentially a pocket dimension. it's his hammerspace, so he doesn't need to think too much about what fits or not. he packs it every morning, but the stuff basically comes from already in that hammerspace. there are times when he packs the wrong things (which we see in one episode), but that's because they aren't stored in the backpack and are instead inaccessible to him
basically im saying milo is mary poppins and he can hypothetically access anything he needs at any time. issues only arise when he is caught unaware and unprepared, and that is very rare
milo and sara really like going to creeks. especially when they were little they would go to the nearest creek or pond and wade and look for creatures in the water
baljeet ran a boy bands fan blog back when the lumberzacks were active. he was shouted out once on their old social media and it's still one of his proudest accomplishments.
this isn't really an mml hc but baljeet kind of reminds me of a friend who runs a blog and a youtube channel about some really niche tech and programming stuff, and is also just a normal guy on the internet, so i think baljeet probably does smth similar
amanda and melissa have been academic rivals for a long time, but they have a mutual understanding and it's never gotten nasty. bradley thinks he's melissa's academic rival but honestly she doesn't see him as competition at all
bradley has a pretty big sweet tooth. i'm basing this off the whole carla thing if it wasn't obvious, but he definitely stops by coffee shops after school and gets the sweetest drink he can. ice cream fan as well
tbh i unfortunately do not think much about mort or chad. i dont have any hcs about them
same with the murphy parents :( i like them a lot but i dont have any thoughts abt them rn
elliot is bradley's older cousin who never really got along with him but their parents made them hang out when they were little. i'm going off vibes only here
okay so yeah that's all i can think of for now!!! i'm sure i will think of more later lmao but anyways. mml is such a good show
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
What do you think about ST writers staying silent when it comes to homophobia in fandom? I've seen some people talking about this and I have to agree that it is getting toxic, and the creators can say something about it. This issue is not about shipping, it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in this fandom.
I get this, I really do, but there is a reason they don't bring a bunch of attention to the negative and it's the same reason most of the cast tries to not bring attention to the negatives going on that they experience.
This reminds me of when Noah came out for example. A lot of fans were congratulating him with support and stuff. But that didn't last long bc suddenly everyone in the tag was fixating on the negatives they were seeing, reposting homophobic comments he was getting and just freaking out on a loop over harmful shit going on. Some fans even made like plot twist edits of hateful comments he had under his coming out video and Noah himself commented on one of them, like alluding to the fact that he tries to not let it get to him.
When you're in these peoples positions, you're hearing about god awful stuff happening constantly. And that makes sense, when you have an audience of hundreds of millions of people, shit goes down. ALL the time.
And so it gets to a point where, eventually you have to give up basically. I'm sure there was a time early on like in s1, when they might have felt the need to put the fans in check over certain harmful things. But it probably got so big they couldn't do that any more, simply for mental health reasons I wouldn't ask that of anyone.
Think about Finn who has been through some shitty fandom behavior over the years with fans obsessing over him and like essentially photoshopping a fake story about his gf SAing someone. Did he come forward and talk about that? No bc fans like that don't even deserve the attention. And while yes, it's clear that he feels like grateful about this experience, it's also clear he has an intense sense of bitterness over the fact that having millions of fans means that there are bound to be quite a few who don't understand boundaries. And yet it's gotten to a point where acknowledging them only makes them stronger.
And then there's Caleb, who experienced fucking racism as a child simply for his character getting in the way of milkvan... And he only recently over the last year or so has felt comfortable enough to start talking about it more. And it's probably because he was in large part not wanting to re-hash over stuff that is obviously traumatizing and just not fucking fair for him to have to discuss in the first place. He deserves for this to be an incredible experience. He shouldn't have to give any of his time and attention to people that don't fucking deserve it in the first place. He deserves better than that.
And then there's Millie who has also been through a lot, to the point where it's like near impossible to even pinpoint everything because it's just so much. And she has the biggest following on social media so that makes a lot of sense. Her fandom experience is a large part of why she doesn't really use social media anymore. She used to love interacting with fans, but now it's just not something she can handle. Not only does she have to deal with people that hate her for no apparent reason, she also has to deal with so called fans psychoanalyzing anything and everything she does, to the point where they're convinced they know everything about her and her boyfriend and her family, as if they know what's best for her? Like imagine not having a space anywhere despite having millions of people say they love you, when they just turn around and treat you like a product to be consumed and discarded? It's exhausting.
All of them have a story like that, that just makes you realize that this is so much bigger than ship wars and any nonsense fans obsess over. Sometimes we forget these are real people and they have to see this and it obviously effects them mentally over time to the point where they just can't acknowledge it anymore in order to simply live their lives peacefully.
Now, I'm not saying the Duffers will never address the homophobia, bc they no doubt will. However, I think that in large part the point is to let these homophobes especially feel like they are superior and have the upper-hand, only to rip it out from under them basically.
And that's because we're also talking about a show that is hiding the truth in plain sight. This show is in fact for the so called freaks and geeks (and the gays). And so when that truth is finally revealed, THAT'S when they're going to call the bigots out on their bullshit. Because this show was never for them in the first place! And making them tune in for all of it, convinced it was for them all this time, only to find out it wasn't, I'm sorry but it's fucking badass.
If they're hiding that core message in plain sight, and yet most of the audience STILL doesn't see it, and it's also a big reason why they refuse to even consider byler, then yes it makes sense to hold off this scolding for when the reveal happens, only to throw all of that backlash on the people STILL being homophobic when it's all said and done, despite them saying it was all indeed intentional.
Right now there are genuine homophobes out here, and then there's people that are merely misunderstanding the extent of what's truly happening bc of heteronormativity, which is arguably the way the show was intended to be watched, assuming you're only watching it once through and you don't consume any more content regarding it much outside of that initial viewing (most of the ga). And then there's the fans who are literally queer and love queer stories, but aren't allowing themselves to believe it this time bc of how prevalent queer-baiting is.
By no means am I saying homophobia is okay. Obviously it's not. But people are homophobic, people are bigots. You can decide for yourself which situations you want to call it out and when you want to let it just be because otherwise you're gonna be fighting forever with people that do not fucking care, and that's not helping anyone, least of all queer people who would rather probably just ignore all of the noice and be happy being their authentic self, despite all of the hate that's out there.
We'll have to see how fans react to s5. I have hope that it will go well.. I do think that there could be a time period where people are like in denial and grieving or whatever. But we know the evidence is there. We know that the Duffers are going to be happy to admit that it was intentional to disprove the claims that try to say byler came out of nowhere.
Absolute worst case scenario, I think the critical reception will be something along the lines of this:
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genericpuff · 10 months
Hi, you would have more knowledge in this bc I’ve seen people say the color changes in LO are a result of the books being printed in CMYK and Rachel is trying to avoid the misprint colors in later editions, but that can’t be right, right? that feels like giving her more credit that she’s actually due. Bc the books are now post the colors changing to the current neon and they still look bad in print. Is there any actual reason for the colors getting this way, or is it really just laziness?
potential bonus question: what art tips would you give to achieve that early LO look, with the texture and lights and all that? Love Lore Rekindled btw <3
Honestly, I really don't think it has to do with the books. I think some of it does have to do with the TV show deal (like they're trying to give it a cleaner 'animated' look) but when it comes to the books, most of its issues is less of the color expression and more just the composition of panels. I mean, it's kind of a given considering how big of a pain in the ass it is to turn a vertical webtoon into a print book (which is why it's kind of bitter irony now that Webtoons is turning back on their whole "phone format is the future" mantra from way back when when they realized they weren't making any money off that LOL) but man you can tell they're struggling to just make the books work.
When it comes to the actual oversaturation of colors over the course of the series, I feel like it comes down to several other things that aren't related to the books:
1.) Rachel's stated in interviews that she got criticism (pointless criticism from non-fans I'll add) about how the colors were 'too bright' back in LO, so she went "nah make them BRIGHTER" as a way to get back at those critics. Which is just absurd because it's resulted in her shooting herself in the foot with uglier art that's turning off even the fans.
2.) She and her assistants aren't unified across software. Some panels are drawn in Clip Studio, some are drawn in Procreate, some in Photoshop, it's a mess. And the real kicker is that all of these software have different color bitrates so some of them literally don't have as many colors as others (ex. Clip Studio is able to express about 16 million different colors, vs. Photoshop which can express up to 281 trillion, which is obv WAY better for print, but meanwhile Rachel can be seen working in both Procreate and Clip Studio).
3.) Rachel doesn't have her assistants using a shared color palette. They're literally just eyedropping colors. You may as well be playing a game of telephone at that point, where the original message gets more and more twisted as its passed down the line, but in this case, it's with colors (which is especially problematic when you're eyedropping panels that haver texture overlays which will automatically distort the colors, AND when you're using multiple different software which come with different color bitrates). That one definitely falls under laziness IMO.
All of this is VERY silly to me btw because Rachel started off with Photoshop, like I'm fairly certain most of her work prior to LO was done with Photoshop. Clip Studio is the generally recommended software for people making webcomics as it comes with way more support for them (such as panel rulers and speech bubble pens) but it doesn't have the same color expression that Photoshop does which I feel would be way more beneficial for LO, it's not like it's working with the same color palettes that most traditional webtoons using CSP are using.
But a lot of it is also Rachel just shooting herself in the foot by not maintaining any sort of consistency between herself and her teammates. Which is even MORE absurd because Clip Studio LITERALLY comes with teamwork support, I use it with Banshriek on Rekindled where we can literally share files, with the addition of a Google Drive folder we can both access that has files for color palettes, references, model sheets, etc. and with none of the incompatibility issues of working between two different software because we both use CSP and know how to use it.
To answer your bonus question as simply as I can, the biggest thing I've found with trying to replicate that old LO style is just... not caring, if that makes sense LOL like I've recreated multiple of Rachel's old panels just for the sake of research and I've learned that she REALLY didn't know what she was doing back then, there's NEVER been consistency in LO but back in S1 it was obvious she actually still cared. So when it comes to recreating that style, it's sort of difficult to pin it down to any one "method" because she really has none, she just treats every panel as its own individual painting (esp back in S1).
So get loose, don't be too strict on yourself (like I am, sigh) and mess around with gouache brushes, they're definitely her go-to. Prioritize lineart in places where shadows would cast (such as under the neck, limb bends, etc.) and then in post-production, slap a canvas texture on top.
I can definitely give a more in-depth tutorial at some point, but again, it's REALLY difficult to perfectly mimic her 'style' because it relied on her winging it every time without any real standardization LOL Which makes it tricky because I'm someone who REALLY relies on that standardization, so even I still look at Rekindled art and go "yeah, it's nice, but it's not LO" because I'm following too many 'rules'. People seem to like it anyways tho, so I'm not gonna go feeling bad over it LOL
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tori-artemis · 2 years
I don't usually make posts when I'm upset about something (or like, at all) but honestly I'm just. Really sick of the Loki fandom as a whole. Like I'm just tired of all the pettiness and bullshit. And tbh it's on both ends of the Loki series/Ragnarok split. Both pros and antis.
This isn't so much a vague post as it's a vent post for me. You see, I've been having these feelings about the Loki fandom overall for months now, and I've seen certain posts from the positive side where I just want to - jump in and say something, or at least speak for myself as an ""anti"" (hate that word btw) bc the amount of generalizing I've seen that goes on over there wrt ppl who dislike the show is just - well it's fucking frustrating. Like it annoys me bc I've heard every dumb overgeneralization since the show first came out, from not wanting Loki to move on bc we're oh-so-traumatized to we're just bitter bc the show didn't go the way we wanted/our hcs of Loki weren't validated, etc.
I think one that annoyed me the most was the claim that ppl who hate/dislike Sylvie as a character do so out of misogyny. And like - maybe there's some truth there wrt how the character/actress tend to be bombarded with gendered slurs, and yes that's not cool, but I've never referred to Sylvie or Sophia as any slur. (In fact I don't even hate Sylvie - what I do hate is how the writers have set her up as a "superior" contrast to Loki, which to me seems very intentional on their part, particularly wrt the Trauma Olympics™ as in "Sylvie had it so much harder" 🙄 - but I digress). Yet I can't help but feel like I'm being lumped in the "antis are misogynists" bin every time I read any of those posts from the pro side, simply bc I dislike the way a character was utilized. The way those posts are written, the way they sound - it's very black and white, overgeneralizing an entire group of fans, there's no nuance or side notes or disclaimers of "hey - I know not all of y'all are like this, this is just about some I've encountered" - not even in the tags, nothing. And I've just wanted so badly to jump in and say: "hey, anti here and I'm not like that" but I refrain, bc I've grown so tired of all the fandom infighting and discourse that I usually don't have the energy to get into it. So when I see someone from that side of fandom jump on a post and say how they dislike being overgeneralized as a fan, and how they feel like they're being misrepresented, or condescended to... I can't help but feel kinda upset by that, ngl. Part of me just wants to say "yes it sucks, but recognize that your side (if not you yourself) does it too. Some of you folks do it too."
Like I've read posts implying/stating that antis who hate the show lack critical thinking skills - and like, look, there might be a bit of truth wrt, say, calling Sylvie an outright abuser (and even I've been a little guilty of agreeing to view her as a person with toxic traits as opposed to the enemy-to-lovers trope she clearly falls into - tho I still can't really fault myself for not being able to take that romance seriously due to how damn rushed and forced it felt - but that's besides the point). But there's just something about the way a lot of these posts are worded, like yes some posts are pretty reasonable, but others are practically dripping with condescending sentiment (for lack of better words) as if we're fucking stupid for having emotional reactions to media as opposed to critical reactions, when isn't that the point of media and art, to illicit emotions? Like yes, the story might be trying to say something (and it might epically fail in doing so, which is how I view the show overall) but it's also meant to move ppl. And if it fails to do so, or it garners an unintended reaction, or the characterization is too inconsistent or the story telling itself is rushed/filled with inconsistencies then can you really blame fans for, well, being blindsided by disappointment/their emotions as opposed to critically analyzing it? And yes I know this is a matter of opinion, but still.
(Like sometimes a story can be extremely well written overall, and very well thought out and fans will just be oblivious to, choose to ignore or even outright refuse to pick up on the symbolism within a story, or the internal motivations/conflicts within a character, or how a character progresses/character arcs in general. Sometimes fans will even completely and intentionally misread a character in their entirety, and the role they play within a story, no matter how skilled and how excellent the writing is within a piece of art. And sometimes fans will just overall fail to realize the major themes/hints that a writer carefully lays out. Yes this is a thing, and one I've been made aware of in the particular fandom that I'm about to join.)
But then there's stories that are just... lazily/half-heartedly written at best, and so I just don't understand where pro stans get off by being condescending to ppl like me who just couldn't be immersed due to all those flaws in storytelling. Especially when I didn't get enough out of it to even see where a lot of these conclusions fans seem to have drawn from it. Like there are some inconsistencies within the story itself, there are things that just don't make a whole lot of sense, there are many contradictions, I didn't just make them up. And again I know, everyone interprets media differently, but I don't really see what a lot of pro fans have taken from the series, bc I personally don't think its there. And I really don't appreciate being thought of as some kind of imbecile for not "getting it" when the media in question is, objectively... not all that great tbh. And I'm being absolutely neutral when I say that, like I'm literally not even hating here.
And like I could've easily have turned around and made a bunch of posts stating how pro fans are "stupid" for putting so much thought into a piece of media I personally find to be stupid or just lacking in general, but I haven't. Bc one: that's a shitty thing to do to ppl, and two: it wouldn't even be true bc so many ppl who I consider very intelligent have enjoyed this show, and do put a lot of thought into analyzing it, so despite me not really seeing where they're coming from I want to respect that. And look, it's not like I haven't had those presumptuous thoughts or knee jerk reactions, bc yeah I am in an echo chamber too, and I'm no saint - I'm definitely human and I've had some overgeneralized, uncharitable takes. But I recognize this about myself, I don't post that shit. Which is why I get so upset when I see so many other fans do just that.
Also there is a definite misuse of the depiction of torture, which is used to convey certain themes, and that's very unfortunate, and IMO very bad writing/storytelling. I probably would've been a little more charitable towards the series overall if the Sif-beatdown timeloop scene had been scrapped altogether like the writers seriously should've considered doing (due to the fact that torture has so many misconceptions and is grossly excused in the majority of media which has unfortunate real world consequences) and instead focus more on Loki confronting his fear of being alone, if that truly is what the intention for that scene was. Like yes, some antis might go overboard wrt the messaging within the show, but when it comes to things like the atrocious time loop scene... that's not a made up thing we just happen to pull out of nowhere, that's something the writers put in there and therefore, yeah that's pretty fucked.
Then on the other side I'll find myself liking a post from a negative series fan bc I'll agree with the overall sentiment of it, only to unlike it right after reading the tags bc they've said something like "ppl who like this show/movie/etc are stupid" or "if you ever defended or even enjoyed TR fuck you" - and like??? WTF. I understand disliking the show or whatever but why the hell would you brush over an entire group of real, actual people as "idiots" for simply liking a piece of media??? Like - do I think the show was a disjointed mess? Yeah, I do. Do I think it was poorly written? Yes. Do I even think the reasoning behind a lot of these writing decisions was really fucking stupid on the creators part (or at the very least, that they failed to convey their ideas clearly)? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean anyone who's ever enjoyed the show is stupid for doing so, and I say this as someone who does have the knee-jerk reaction to go "how could you like that show, it sucked so much!"
But like, at the end of the day I understand that ppl take different things out of media. And just bc you find something so stupid or unwatchable, doesn't mean others will, and that's okay bc ppl are different and have different tastes and IDK how ppl don't fucking get that??? Like why is this even a hot take when it's literally just a fact???
It's shit like this that makes me feel like leaving the fandom all together. Which I don't really want to do, bc despite everything wrong with fandom and despite my own personal disappointment with the latest Loki/Thor franchise installments I still really love Loki as a character, and I still want to write fic revolving him. I even still want to make friends within the Loki fandom bc that's literally why I created this blog in the first place, to befriend other Loki fans, like I could've easily stayed being a lurker within the fandom but regardless I think at this point it's farfetched to want this bc the fandom's just way too split and way too hostile and way too fucking eager to be uncharitable and condescending af. And I'm just tired. I'm just... really really tired of the pettiness, the condescending attitude a lot of fans seem to fucking have for anyone who might think differently from them.
I'm tired of the gatekeeping - on both sides. It's on both sides. Because saying "real Loki fans would never like/defend TR/the show" and "how anyone can claim to be a Loki fan if they hate him/his own show" aren't so far apart from each other, both sentiments basically say the same thing, just from polarized viewpoints.
And I wish more fans would just recognize that.
#Loki fandom negativity#I refuse to tag this as anything else bc this isn't about the show - it's the fandom#look I'm just tired guys#I've been fed up and sick of all the damn fucking pettiness#Maybe I'm being overdramatic here#But in my defense I too am in the middle of experiencing that time of the month...#(I swear this isn't so much about that particular post as it is about all the other posts and nonsense I've seen#and the disappointment I've had with fandom that's just been pent up inside of me)#I know ppl follow me who are really entrenched in the negativity side who might take offense to this#And while I'm not really trying to offend anyone here I don't really want to go on pretending that I'm not kinda upset by all the -#posts and hot takes and hate bashing of fans/folks who might've actually enjoyed the show - bc yeah I hate that damn show too#but I can't help but feel disappointed when ppl start calling folks ''idiots'' and whatnot for enjoying a piece of media#THIS IS A BOTH SIDES ISSUE AND IM FUCKING TIRED OF IT#ALL OF YOU (GENERALLY) FUCKING GATEKEEP THE FANDOM#BOTH CONDESCEND THE OTHER SIDE AND ITS. FUCKING SHITTY#NO IM NOT A MISOGYNISTIC IDIOT WHO'S INCAPABLE OF CRITICALLY ANALYZING A MEDIOCRE/SUBPAR SHOW#AND NO JUST BC I HATE THE SHOW DOESNT MEAN I WANT TO HATEBASH ANYONE WHO ENJOYED IT#PPL ARENT IDIOTS OR STUPID FOR LIKING/DISLIKING A PIECE OF MEDIA FFS#like even discussing with some friends on discord is frustrating when they say things like ''i judge ppl who like the show''#like no. stop doing that shit. dont condescend others like that#if anyone seeing this feels offended and wants to block/unfollow thats okay#ive already made another blog focusing on a completely different fandom#so im probably going to be dipping out of here soon anyway#i just wanted to get this off my chest before doing so#also i know there are some cool ppl here on both sides/in the middle but im just done#i said i wasnt going to talk about the show but then i just went and did so#loki series criticism i guess#might as well title this post 'How to lose friends and alienate loki fans'#tldr: everyone (generally) in this damn fandom is fucking petty and IM TIRED
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redwayfarers · 7 months
Do what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
i see you've been reading my baby tags lmao also hi!! ty for dropping by!!
i say that bc you did ask for a very certain criticism i have of ffxiv. and that has led me into very unforeseen territories over time. and while i don't do negativity posts, i gotta say that i'm not a huge fan of how canon wol is characterized in the story? they're too stoic head nods + being pushed around + no voice (both in terms of not being voiced, which i feel like gw2 has spoiled me for a bit; the commander, your pc, is voiced except for living world seasons 1 and 2 but even then, they're not stoic head nods as the wol is and in terms of not having, well, a say in what happens to them) and i just don't really like that? i get that this is a personal preference, and i'm not saying this is bad per se, but it's just not for me?
that all led to me having a bit of a hard time finding a wol. like, sure, i made nika, i had a character concept in mind (that changed so fucking much lemme tell you that) but i just wasn't buying the fact that he, the way he just doesn't really care for grander principles on their own, would do what arr has the wol doing, so i had him be just some guy. just some guy in eorzea doing his thing and the wol is someone else saving the world.
then it occurred to me i can make my own canon as i see fit, and once i did that, wol!nika made much more sense, and actually became the canon. most of the changes i made are related to how other characters relate to him, which is its own post, but essentially he views the scions more as colleagues than necessarily friends, barring minfilia and thancred. i think people would be hesitant to open up to him about stuff.
basically this game brings out all my chaotic neutrals and chaotic evils. i'm playing with the idea of what would happen if your hero, the warrior of light, was actually not that good of a person and the warrior of darkness was arguably the better person of the two? what would happen if your hero wasn't all that interested in being heroic and actually is very bitter about the role thrust upon him?
the writing got better from heavensward onward, i started enjoying the storyline a lot more, but this impression of a chaotic evil nika stayed and we have who we have today! and honestly, i wouldn't have him any other way. he may not be the most likeable, but he is fun.
tl;dr he was never a canon compliant character, but the way in which he is canon compliant changed wildly since i started playing <3
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llycaons · 1 year
ep15 (part 1): compels me though
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starting off, sect leader yao gets such a bad rap in fics because he'a annoying/a symbol of mindless agreement with the popular opinion, but it seems a bit mean to me. the dude got really badly hurt to protect his guys
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oh, wwx. poor sweet naive wwx. it's wild to think he once had faith that the JIN clan would be on the side of justice here
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honestly I find this a very stupid pretext to get jfm out of LP. there is no need for him to personally go in such tense times, and no need for jyl to go with him
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myu in this episode is so fascinating to me. I don't think it's a stretch to say she genuinely cares about jfm even though she treats him like garbage. those two things can, and often do co-exist. she expresses her affection sideways because...what, she's embarrassed? because she's as emotionally repressed as adult jc is? because jfm would refuse it? he doesn't look very happy hearing that she's packing him something to help him. he looks resentful, if anything. man, this family is screwy
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look at her being concerned and protective over her daughter! she may be villainized in a lot of scenes but honestly most fics I've read don't capture the balance between 'shrieking, cruel, bitter harpy' and 'genuinely concerned mother and wife'. the area between those two extremes is massive and I don't know that many fan works bother to explore that space without just redeeming her and pretending like she never did anything wrong, or saying 'deep down she loved them all so it's okay'. it's like they worry if they show a scrap of care or humanity then they're excusing everything else she did. but I don't agree. she has nuance but that doesn't mean she's not a horrible mother, and in real life it's not like (most) abusive parents are screaming criticisms and attacking their kids 100% of the time anyway
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the way everyone talks about LP in this episode hurts me. 'our Lotus Pier" from wwx "my home" from jc "my Lotus Pier" from myu. interesting 😭
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oh dammit. I talked so much about how the wens would have attacked anyway and jc and myu were wrong to blame wwx only for it to be a personal grudge anyway. fuck. well wen chao's actions still aren't wwx's fault and even if they were he did enough to pay it back tenfold
...which is probably the facts that jc has to grapple with post-gc reveal. fuck
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so mean to him
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ppl like to talk about jc protecting ww from dogs (and he does, in the past) and a certain type of fan seems to think that because jc used to be like this, it means he still is, deep down. he is not. by the postres inn scene with fairy, he clearly is not
I've said that jc never changes, but that's a lie. he becomes so much worse. I grieve for this kid
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oh huh. wwx being trapped at LP isn't ever anything that's rly talked about in fics bc LP signifies youth and innocence and happiness and freedom but here it is. wwx suspects he's being spied on by myu too, which 😬
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jc's panic and anger vs. wwx's cool, clearheaded response and reminder. jc is really not suited to leadership I feel so bad for him
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THIS SCENE FUCKS SEVERELY. it's everything ramped up to 100. it's one of my favorite sequences in the show, and absolutely one of the top three non-wx related scenes. maybe the very best for me. the arrogance of this woman is breathtaking and if you know a thing about myu you can see where it's going
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glaring at wwx OKAY way to make every convo about beating him down
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obviously this is a really hard scene to watch and I always have mixed feelings on it bc on the one hand. obviously really upsetting. on the other, myu is acting to appease a sect that will destroy their entire home if not satisfied. she is not harming him permanently, and MAY be pulling her punches so the damage isn't as bad as it looks (tho arguments like 'he can walk later!' don't rly pull weight for me bc wwx walks off horrific pain all the time)
I don't think this means she secretly cares about wwx further than as a tool to keep jc/the sect safe (she needs him functional, after all), or that it means she's a good person, but it's a strategic decision that wwx understands and accepts because of the political situation they're in.
logically myu obviously uses zidian on wwx in other cases, because he talks about it, bc it's talked about enough that lwj knows about it, and because she didn't need to close the doors (implying it's a commonplace sight that nobody would balk at) but we don't actually see any of her whipping as punishment onscreen
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and yeah he's bleeding from his mouth already so it's not like it was nothing
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just fucking shoot me I guess. jc doesn't even know what's going on here does he? the others had to hold him back at the beginning too
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and myu thinks this is it! she doesn't want to disable her top disciple, who she entrusts with her son's life! she doesn't want the wens to have that kind of power over her people in her domain. but like. I think it's pretty clear she would have if pushed to it. like she was ready for it
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FORESHADOWING. ugh because of all the trauma you get it?
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^^^ again, whipping isn't an uncommon occurrence
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wwx is so good at adapting to situations he's already planning on training with his left. and he could have done it. I'm sure he could have. jc is thinking this is the end, he's ready to start begging. when he loses his core, he's ready to give up. but wwx always thinks beyond whatever horrible, world-ending situation is going on now. it's why his suicide is so shocking and powerful. he's never been one to give up, even through seemingly insurmountable odds
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z0nic · 1 year
OKAY regarding your Archie survey it is EXACTLY what I thought as well. I love surveys. People who started out with Archie either as their first Sonic media OR at a very young age like it. People who read it later in life tend not to. Archie is very different from the games, and focuses mostly on teen relationships (And also saving the world). You probably already know what I'm going to say but I want to say it anyways because I love analyzing and reading into things. Archie can be like a shock of cold water to people who only played the games (Which is most of the fanbase) and even most of the shows too. Along with the fact that it focuses mostly on teenagers and their complex relationships, this means it isn't relatable to adult fans (Who are reading it for the first time). Seeing teen squabbles and drama can even be bothersome! Being a teenager SUCKS and I don't think most people don't want to be reminded how messy and tough it was. The writing also is niche. It gets BAD but it's also super good in places, along with all the Lore can make it a very unique reading experience (If you aren't a comic fan). The bitter parts can be very off-putting (IGNORING like, the bigotry) and when you're an adult, certain plots or character moments can seem more out there. As in, you may notice that Sonic can be an absolute shit, but he also constantly saves everyone from Eggman (Robotnik I SEE YOU MONKEY KHAN). This could bring up a cool plot element of how his behaviour affects his friends, and their complicated feelings on him. Such as that arc where Sonic is a bitch ass motherfucker to Tails. It would've been cool to see a moment where Tails questions why he sticks around Sonic. Yes he apologized but what he did was awful, but also he SAVES THE WORLD he can't be that bad. The way he can be a shit to his close friends but does such great selfless acts... Going back to how teens would relate more to the story, having a character rationalize complex feelings in a friendship could help teens reading it rationalize their own complex friendship. If someone is really nice but does some awful things to you, this is a part of being human, but do you want to stay friends with them? Do the pros outweigh the cons? I don't remember seeing any of this though. Sonic's actions affect the people around him drastically, but I don't think any reflection of Sonic's friends ever happen. That would've been SO cool and a great way to add complexity to both Sonic and his friends while talking about things teens may encounter. (Ignore if this does actually happen.) Anyways I love analyzing Archie Sonic it's a wonderful part of Sonic history. Like yeah I don't particularly like most of the characterizations but that's what makes it so unique and so much fun to read into. Like you can't get this Sonic shit anywhere else. I bet I would've fucking LOVED Archie Sonic if it was my first intro to Sonic and I was a teen again.
No yeah if you're a comic Booker then you WILL like archie. Jts comic bookie. And as for your analysis on teen friendships I agree but you need to understand that the freedom fighters were friends when they were like. 3. And then they formed the team out of necessity because they are the only survivors. They're basically family for most, and they're not going to abandon someone just bc hes a dick or whatever. Like yeah they're all flawed but they're never presented as BAD people, just people who make mistakes sometimes
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randomcanbian · 2 years
also bc I am Curious: quinntana, shoni, leatin 👀
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I love the potential of them so much, but Glee absolutely wasted them 😭 Brittana is my fluffy, they're-so-good-for-each-other, they'll-make-each-other-the-happiest, endgame-of-endgames type of ship; Quinntana's my complex-feelings, i-see-the-worst-of-myself-in-you, loving-you-will-give-you-the-keys-to-destroy-me type of ship 🥲🥲🥲 I could see them ending up happy and content with one another, but they have the tendency to feed each other's worst habits so it would take a lot of energy and work to get to that point :') (sometimes it's just fun to think of them self-imploding and later on they reconcile as friends / platonic soulmates)
(I gave them one half-heart because I do ship them, but I also want to put them in a jar and study them; the other half-heart is because the thought of them did drive me crazy at certain times but I'm a lot more chill about them now ahaha)
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Let me explain that I think they're a good ship!!! Great even!!! I'm just not super invested in both their characters, and I think they're more interesting with their platonic relationships with other people? The "mixed feelings" heart is more about how tired I am of the fandom, like The Wilds is a great story with such complex characters, and with Shelby specifically her story about that internalized homophobia, that insane need for perfection and control, and the enormous guilt she carries with her made her so compelling and interesting, meanwhile with Toni her deep-seated anger and abandonment issues were so visceral in a way that I rarely see on TV and I was looking so forward to how they'd unpack it, and then both these took a backseat to their romance? Also like the fandom are so focused on them that my faves like The Reid Sisters, Martha, and Dot are often an afterthought/thought of in relation to the fair-skinned, conventionally attractive sapphics???
Like they would be great as the side couple, but I'm sort of sick of them being the forefront of almost every fan-related content.
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Eve. You are so cruel 😭😭😭
(Leatin shippers, please don't be offended I'm so sorry 😭 They're a valid ship and if Dot wasn't in the picture I'd probably appreciate them more)
Sort of the same explanation as Shoni, but I actually actively dislike it because I'm a big Dotin fan and I am forever bitter of the writers going with Leatin. I think Dotin complement each other much more, and I think that they're the best for each other and would make each other the happiest. I literally cannot understand why Fatin would fall in love with Leah instead of Dot HAHAHHA. I also think that their romance would be so easy and chill that they could also focus on their personal growth, and that they'd be able to help each other grow and support each other. (Not that Leatin wouldn't be able to do that but I just think...it would be so much easier for Dotin? It doesn't make Leatin a lesser ship, but Dotin just makes so much more sense to me. The only way I don't see them happening is Dot being straight.) I also actively dislike it because Fatin is my favorite character, and it is literally killing me that the fandom now sees her as Leah's keeper, and with the way most sapphics think about their ships they will try to have Fatin's whole world revolve around Leah. I'm tired of my faves being reduced to their romantic interests. I'd rather her be single and constantly fuck boys but be happy and content with a great relationship with all the rest of the Unsinkables and a healing relationship with her family and her music.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Anyways, I need to split the message into 2 separate ones cause it won't send 🙄 guess I had a lot to say
London who? I don't know her! I've lived in Prague for a while, so I'm okay with it, was thinking of going back to Berlin actually, but I'll see how it goes!
About SM, I was really hoping for Taeyeon's come back, but now... and Fifty Fifty are truly speed running the kpop experience, escaped nugudom quickly, got a massive hit, now they're suing. I can't believe SM is thinking of debuting a new gg NOW?! I'm so sick and tired of them. Now they announced more rookies, probably for NCT Tokyo if it's still happening :V why remove Sungtaro just to add one Korean and one Japanese rookie???
Okay so Hear Me Out! I like it more that I imagined? It's chill, but catchy, finally a song I can easily listen to, but it's not too boring and coming from me it's a big compliment hahdhaggagshahasgga I like that it's lowkey, even though EXO deserves better, but at least they didn't give them a song with 10 switches, chanting and cringy lyrics. I'm curious about the title track! And BAEK, TEN, TAEYONG X TAEMIN CHALLENGE??? Man is collecting SuperM, to think we could've gotten Kai too... :(
Mr Byun Bakehyun's teaser photos? 👀 Again, simple teasers, yet impactful and nice looking. KQ can't relate 🤡🤡🤡 I was browsing through Pinterest and came across some cybercore photos, literally taken with smartphones and they looked more aesthetically pleasing and interesting than whatever Ateez has going on 😭
Also I still haven't made up my mind about the album, like it has its moments, but I don't feel like listening to it apart from Bouncy, even some of my non-Atiny friends love it so it did something to my brain 😭
AND MINHO X SANHWA AAAAAAA WHEN I TELL YOU I FUCKING DIED! Finally manifested something good 😭😭😭❤❤❤
Love your thoughts on Hard and agree, this is my AOTY, sorry to everyone else! I get that people may dislike Hard, but certain Shawols are so annoying, Shinee isn't just View and Replay, this is the group who released RDD for fuck's sake, haven't they heard Alive...? They're no strangers to weird music, and Hard isn't even that experimental... these fans know what's up https://twitter.com/SaraOT5/status/1674250382044721152?t=3j6cx8BgfEE7d1WuMd6onw&s=19
But this comeback is bitter sweet, because of Onew, Kibum has a cold, Taemin fell off the stage?! Why are they cursed :/// but I'm still happy to see them back, I watched Idol Human Theater and they were as weird as ever
Omg, is this another unpopular and controversial NCT take, but... I can't enjoy Haechan's vocals, he can sing, but his tone is too nasal for my liking, I know he contrasts well with other 127 vocalists, but 😭 and sometimes they mess with his voice and add autotune so it makes it worse. I don't really listen to Dreamies, but I definitely think he fits them more, I know both him and Mark love their groups, but be fr, they shouldn't be that overworked.
When I heard Jamal rap in 2 Baddies my heart dropped, glad he got Perfume at least. And now he's playing a murderer?! See, but 127 could totally do some rock/metal shit, something like Guerrilla and let Yuta scream! SM let Yuta yell challenge, he needs it! Or even something like Taeyong's Ghost, especially after the switch up when the song went a bit crazy insane. I got the vision 👀 SM hire me so I can bring some justice and infiltrate the HQ
Btw, finally the whole cover, perhaps he read our messages 👀 (ok, but I mentioned the cover to him, so what if he listened to me ahgdhagshshsgshs - delulu) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuEx-7fIBm2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Btw how's that Yunho fic been treating you? 😅 I need to re-read Bodyguard soon for the anniversary - DV 💖
i actually hate it here bc i answered this entire ask and it did not save ☺️☺️
BAEK WHAT'S WITH THE "MATURE" CONTENT AGAIN, WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THAT'S APPARENTLY SO MATURE 😭🧐😂 /// Anyways, I need to split the message into 2 separate ones cause it won't send 🙄 guess I had a lot to say /// London who? I don't know her! I've lived in Prague for a while, so I'm okay with it, was thinking of going back to Berlin actually, but I'll see how it goes!
About SM, I was really hoping for Taeyeon's come back, but now... and Fifty Fifty are truly speed running the kpop experience, escaped nugudom quickly, got a massive hit, now they're suing. I can't believe SM is thinking of debuting a new gg NOW?! I'm so sick and tired of them. Now they announced more rookies, probably for NCT Tokyo if it's still happening :V why remove Sungtaro just to add one Korean and one Japanese rookie???
ur right i wish they treat her better esp w the concerts and the mismanagement she’s experiencing, like sm?? this is so true bc this is how it feels like
Okay so Hear Me Out! I like it more that I imagined? It's chill, but catchy, finally a song I can easily listen to, but it's not too boring and coming from me it's a big compliment hahdhaggagshahasgga I like that it's lowkey, even though EXO deserves better, but at least they didn't give them a song with 10 switches, chanting and cringy lyrics. I'm curious about the title track! And BAEK, TEN, TAEYONG X TAEMIN CHALLENGE??? Man is collecting SuperM, to think we could've gotten Kai too... :(
it’s chill it’s catchy it’s warm it’s exo! and it’s so lowkey, makes me smile whenever i hear it ive been playing it any chance i get bc the “head me out hear me out” is STUCK IN MY HEAD like the song be making ur hips move and im into this! proper bside material 🤚🏻 YEAH IM GLAD THEY DIDNT GIVE THEM THE KWANGYA LYRICS and the way they were supposed to collab w h.e.r. sm ent im about to end u. sometimes i just wish that pink one looks too good the photos seem pretty litty 😭😭
the title track is called cream soda….and is a apparently very sexy with sensual vocals?? and a mix of kokobop and love shot?? yeah it’s over for me. I SAW THAT BAEK X TAEMIN AND SUPERM CRUMBS 😭😭😭 THEY BOTH LOOKED SO CUTE DBWNHDKW and for that, fUCK RAVI. KAI IS DEVOURING THE VAMPIRE CONCEPT SO LIKE CHEST, BED ROOM EYES AND FRAT BOY LOOK FHWKFHWK FUCK RAVI FUCK SM !!!!! looked at the track list for the album and this album is about fucking and???
Mr Byun Bakehyun's teaser photos? 👀 Again, simple teasers, yet impactful and nice looking. KQ can't relate 🤡🤡🤡  I was browsing through Pinterest and came across some cybercore photos, literally taken with smartphones and they looked more aesthetically pleasing and interesting than whatever Ateez has going on 😭
now. do not even get me started on that. i saw them when i was in bed, just barely had woken up eyes but and w the new twt update i was panicking and then the photos dropped and when i tell u. i fell. i FELL.
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CUNTRESS IS IN THE HOUSE THE EYESHADOW BAEKHYUN US BACK!!! 200K LIKES AND 30K QUOTES??? STOP LOOKING AT HIM???? yes!! simple but effective, they let their features and makeup and filters do the work, the rest is up to the photographer pls kq look at them 😭😭 those atz edits w cyber core is so much better like kq pls hire some atinys atp we volunteer to be the pictorial management
Also I still haven't made up my mind about the album, like it has its moments, but I don't feel like listening to it apart from Bouncy, even some of my non-Atiny friends love it so it did something to my brain 😭 /// AND MINHO X SANHWA AAAAAAA WHEN I TELL YOU I FUCKING DIED! Finally manifested something good 😭😭😭❤❤❤
Love your thoughts on Hard and agree, this is my AOTY, sorry to everyone else! I get that people may dislike Hard, but certain Shawols are so annoying, Shinee isn't just View and Replay, this is the group who released RDD for fuck's sake, haven't they heard Alive...? They're no strangers to weird music, and Hard isn't even that experimental... these fans know what's up https://twitter.com/SaraOT5/status/1674250382044721152?t=3j6cx8BgfEE7d1WuMd6onw&s=19 /// But this comeback is bitter sweet, because of Onew, Kibum has a cold, Taemin fell off the stage?! Why are they cursed :/// but I'm still happy to see them back, I watched Idol Human Theater and they were as weird as ever
NO CAUSE HARD IS MY SOTY!!!!! i randomly do the hard like a criminal and the step any chance i get like im doing it as i type this,, it’s my new rover after bouncy 😭😭😭NO THEY ARE RIGHT!! ppl say they want a diverse discography and when they get it it’s still a problem??? like damned if u do damned if u don’t??? like yeah they aren’t gonna do replay forever??? replay came out a decade ago like let it go?? ppl need to enjoy music and it’s diversity,, at least it’s not the same!! “they were as weird as ever” ah what a relief 😮‍💨
Omg, is this another unpopular and controversial NCT take, but... I can't enjoy Haechan's vocals, he can sing, but his tone is too nasal for my liking, I know he contrasts well with other 127 vocalists, but 😭 and sometimes they mess with his voice and add autotune so it makes it worse. I don't really listen to Dreamies, but I definitely think he fits them more, I know both him and Mark love their groups, but be fr, they shouldn't be that overworked.
okay i can def see points made here esp about the auto tune part where it messes w his voice his voice absolutely fits dreams, they’ve got some good songs! very classic boyband but nct core,, maybe that’s why his tone fits their songs better, slightly fitted to towards slowed songs esp ballads! NO BC SOMEONE GOTS TO CHECK MARKS CONTRACT AND IF HES BEING PAID
When I heard Jamal rap in 2 Baddies my heart dropped, glad he got Perfume at least. And now he's playing a murderer?! See, but 127 could totally do some rock/metal shit, something like Guerrilla and let Yuta scream! SM let Yuta yell challenge, he needs it! Or even something like Taeyong's Ghost, especially after the switch up when the song went a bit crazy insane. I got the vision 👀 SM hire me so I can bring some justice and infiltrate the HQ
JAMAL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAOOO BFQKHDWK JUMPSCARE NAURR 😭😭😭 his voice in perfume sounds so pretty!! ANS A MURDERER??? i hope it doesn’t like jinx him bc all nct projects like this fuck them over and never see the day of light i just hope it works out bc i wanna see him play a psycho role <33 UR RIGHT NCT COULD DO GUERRILLA SO WELL AND YES LET YUTA SCREAM 😭😭😭 no bc sm gotta hire us, at least we can fix their mess and mass clean their hq
Btw, finally the whole cover, perhaps he read our messages 👀 (ok, but I mentioned the cover to him, so what if he listened to me ahgdhagshshsgshs - delulu) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuEx-7fIBm2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Btw how's that Yunho fic been treating you? 😅 I need to re-read Bodyguard soon for the anniversary - DV 💖 /// Part 2 lol (hope it sends, the fuck is going on with this website. It's still better than Twitter, but still 💀)
see the thing is i have it ready, i have the teaser ready all set up and tagged, but i get extremely nervous to post bc it’s been so long and i have been trying to post since friday and i just talk myself out if bc i become scared 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Omggg, Don't get me started on yet another New Jeans controversy. Dumb fucks trying to justify MHJ's behaviour every single time??? Why are they dickriding her so hard?! I don't get why NJ's have such deranged fans. See, ETA is an unfortunate title, but it could be a coincidence and I could totally believe it was supposed to mean Estimated Time of Arrival if it wasn't for the names?! This bitch feeds off attention (fitting) whether it's positive or negative and people eat it up every single time. Ofc the song and MV won't be centred around terr*rism (at least I hope so), but the inspo is there anyway... I had to block someone I know for being annoying about it
NOO, LITERALLY EVEYRTING U SAID HERE FACTUAL!!!! i actually do not one bit believe that she did not know anything about this, trying to stir up stuff so ppl talk about the comeback, abspielte pathetic,, sure the title eta os random (honestly ive never heard of this name before) but the names???? THE NAMES???? i can’t fathom the fact that she knew what she was doing yet is still gonna use it as an aesthetic??? idk if this a hybe thing bec do u rmr the polls?? 😭😭
Speaking of comic/manga theme, don't know if you've seen the covers of Pentagon's Love or Take https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2UI4HR2dYn0 I own all the versions and they're so pretty!
I HAVENT NOT AND IM OBSESSED BC WHAT THE FUCK???? i need this bad this is such a refreshing concept like omg??? kq pls 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1674135298790379522?t=bBkkShDrAMx-DXs9YhXB2g&s=19 <- BESTIE WE NEED TO MANIFEST HARDER LIKE, HE'S SURROUNDING HIMSELF WITH YSL AND BEGGING AT THIS POINT 😭 I just don't understaaaaaaaand. He's a popular member, looks like a model, why aren't they calling him?!?!?! All the gifts from Lego and Animal Crossing are cute, but come one fashion world DON'T PISS ME OFF
HES ASKING FOR IT COMEON YSL LISTEN TO HIM 😭😭😭😭 need him to go there and pretend to be THE guy 😭😭😭 kq gotta hurry bc ive heard the manager’s set them up with brands idols want and get connections 😭😭😭😭
Btw, not to be that Shitstar, but this https://twitter.com/helytes/status/1672898558285021188?t=uzX2UfZQWUqzoAFyG3UE0g&s=19 annoyed me, like wtf bitch?! Sure I clowned him for not being a gangster, but if you watched all the Bouncy challenges or his fan cams (gotta rant about this too, because his fan cams this cb are really baaaad, he's always hidden, either by cameramen or... Hongjoong's crotch 😭) you'd see that he SELLS the concept well. Not sure why KQ decided to underutilise him, they gave him the rap part which was a big event for some people, but other than that he's invisible (sorry he got them awful grillz too...) idk something about it is just... iffy. Just had to vent 🤧
no wait ive also noticed the fancams being blocked or filmed horribly 😭😭😭 UR RIGHT HE SELLS THE CONCEPT, his swagger and the facial expressions (keep that tongue inside mr park) + the way he carries himself around the concept is just immaculate,, the grills and the constant way he shows it off irks me for like no apparent reason 😭😭😭
Did this for us, our sweet Shawol and such a successful fan! https://twitter.com/pshsource/status/1674030496521547778?t=NfhIMOBKvKmp2eKbaDCg7A&s=19
never been this jealous of hwa and san of meeting shinee like that 😀
Also bestie what's with Neymar, I saw that he cheated, but only read his apology yesterday and 🤡🤡🤡🤡 embarrassing. When people apologise for cheating and act dramatic like that I can't help but laugh, even though it's such a shitty situation obviously. You wanted to get wet with someone else and now you're acting like a lovesick Jane Austen male lead??? And the girl is pregnant 💀💀💀💀 footballers stay faithful challenge
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and the way he’s having a daughter, yeah that’s his karma for cheating she’ll show him 🤚🏻
Started King the Land and it's so cliche, but the right type of cliche for me and Yoona x Junho are so good together. Not them getting dating rumours already nsgsjahshaggsgsgaha??? Hilarious, but also the amount of people shipping them, lol, their chemistry is truly great
I DBWKDHAK I KEEP GASPING AT JUNHO LIKE HE FITS THE ROLE SO WELL??? he’s styled so well and i just, i just i get the butterflies when i see him <3 he’s sick and the mole on his nose bridge god 😭😭 in my absolute peak, PEAK delulu era,, UR RIGHT ITS THE RIGHT AMT OF CLICHE I ACTUALLY LOVE IT,, when yoona says “wait im going to war??” and he just loses it hAD ME CRYING 😭😭😭 NO BC I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE THE NEWS I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THEY ARE NOT DATING I HAVE A GUT FEELING IT MIGHT BE MORE THAN JUST DATING anyway this is me AND IM A DELULU BC OF THIS THEY LOOK SO WELL TOGETHER TOO
but do u know what we need. a woo do hwan ceo au. idc someone has to do it, after the drama w lee minho seeing him in that suit had me drooling
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuAsHUaABJw/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== LIKE DO U SEE HIM
Nah this is crazy, because if Ten was a London boy and art student chances are we would meet and... imagine that 😮 https://twitter.com/TENsfeed/status/1675848474494119936?t=Ii-TKhJWZ9sCHAqmxh6lvA&s=19 - DV 💖
STOP??????? HE WOULDVE BEEN BRI’ISH?? IMAGINE THAT??? and if u were friends w him 🤨 will start my delulu bc if mark wasn’t in nct right now he would’ve been in town 😭😭😭
also this is so fucking funny he’s so nosy 😭😭😭😭 i love it
my two worlds uniting like 😭😭
0 notes
troglobite · 2 years
i’m very tired of certain people being perceived as believing/thinking something that’s Too Radical or Reading Too Much Into Something
so the response is to justify the thing they’re responding to as totally normal
and it’s like
okay not every time, but in this moment, the reality is somewhere in between
are these specific people taking it a little too far? yeah.
however, they’re mostly correct in their assessment.
just bc you deem them “irrational” doesn’t make what they’re responding to any different
and for context this is about fucking figure skating twitter drama lol
javi said a shitty thing abt yuzu
people got a liiiiiiittle too defensive (a few ppl, honestly probably bots based on the accounts, got a little threatening in their language without tagging anyone)
but their assessment of what he said is correct
but in response, ppl who think yuzu’s fans are inherently “nuts” or “over enthusiastic” or “always looking for the least charitable reading” just automatically re-interpreted javi’s words and i’m like
......OR you could shut up? and not care? since you literally have given no shits about yuzu or javi at all this entire time?
like i, as a person who loves both of them, am disappointed that javi would say something a little thoughtlessly/carelessly, but i’m also like--idk either of them. so i don’t particularly care any further than “great, more Disc Horse to be had abt yuzu and skating”
like javi was like “eh that hole in the ice didn’t ruin yuzu’s jump” and i’m like oh for fuck’s sake, here we go, more fuel for the assholes who look at a hole in the ice the size of yuzu’s hand right where his take off edge was for the salchow and say “nah that did nothing”
skaters have complained about ice quality before and it’s always been justified. the ice was rough for short track speed skating, too, bc they use the same rink. they kept falling in the SAME CORNERS. 
so clearly the ice wasn’t entirely up to par for either event. most of the time skaters can adjust perfectly fine, and sometimes you get unlucky and don’t have the time to fix it. 
clearly that’s what happened and that’s what yuzu SAID happened--unlucky, he feels fine, it happens, oh well. 
so i’m just very tired of like--all of us going “oh my god that sucks abt that huge hole. i wish they resurfaced the ice more often for the sake of all the skaters! bc any lesser skater might’ve FALLEN bc of that thing!”
and everyone kind of moving on--except for a few like “he’s such a dick, blaming the other skaters!” ....okay. 
we were all done. then javi said a thing. and ppl got upset.
and now everyone’s just like “calm down, clearly javi’s right and yuzu just made a huge error”
OR...we could just believe him (and other skaters like patrick chan) when they say that the ice quality was unlucky. 
idk man i’m tired. like it’s such a simple thing--
it is BOTH that ppl should calm down a bit bc as parasocial as shit is, we don’t know how any of them are together when not in front of cameras
and also that it clearly was a thoughtless/unfounded thing to say and unfortunately within the context that everyone wants to find reasons to say yuzu isn’t the GOAT. lol
okay i’m done rambling
nope i came back to add this
someone LITERALLY said “idk maybe we should believe skaters???” about what JAVI said when he RETIRED FOUR YEARS AGO
and yuzu did an interview IMMEDIATELY after the short program that HE. SKATED. HIMSELF. and mentioned the hole! he even went back to find the hole. he said he saw it during warmup and tried to avoid it but got the timing/location just wrong enough to hit it exactly. like!!!
~maybe we should believe the skater~ applies to the guy who retired four years ago BUT NOT THE GUY WHO FUCKING DID THE PROGRAM AND SKATED THROUGH THAT MASSIVE HOLE IN THE ICE??????
okay kindly go away and STOP. TALKING.
god i’m tired.
i’m sorry, i’m autistic and i FUCKING HATE when people are like, demonstrably WRONG. and i won’t engage w them bc that’s clearly what they want but i have to vent this SOMEWHERE. 
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tagthescullion · 3 years
📁 x (however many you have) for an AU where Bianca survives and is recruited into the Titan army (#dark!Bianca)
Okay I spent literal weeks on this bc I have a WIP of Bianca being alive and I have yet to decide whether I want her to be on the good side or the bad side.. you see, having more Big Three Kids on the bad side is such an interesting concept to me bc they're the ones with the strongest powers and the fight would've been much more equal.. anyway here we go:
(This became a bit long, I'll just add the cut)
(And in the end I decided this is how I'll be continuing my WIP after all)
Also this was for the: send me 📁 and I'll send you a headcanon!
Bianca doesn't die, she accidentally falls into the Labyrinth where she runs into Chris Rodríguez
They get out of the Labyrinth in Arizona where Clarisse finds them and recognises Chris and Bianca's name and accidentally tells Bianca "oh whoops, your brother ran away and nobody did shit about it :)" bc I love Clarisse but she's on the brutally honest side
Bianca is, understandably, very upset, you're a kid, you hand your brother to authorities who are there to help and send him to a safe haven and they just... let him go... bitches
Anyway, Bianca's bitter. Nico's gone, Zoë, her big fat crush, is dead and Artemis "did nothing to help" (bear in mind Bianca wasn't present there), and the only people to help her are a well-meaning but unequipped daughter of Ares and her petite and strong-willed mother (who loves Bianca bc she can stumble through French and play Bach on the piano)
So Bianca's picked up by the Hunters, lieutenanted by none other than not-a-fan-of-the-gods Thalia Grace
Thalia doesn't mean to put Bianca against the gods, hell she herself had an almost fall-to-the-Dark-Side moment, but she doesn't like the gods all that much, with perhaps a few exceptions
The only difference was that Annabeth was there to make Thalia see sense, whereas after months of looking Bianca doesn't have a fucking clue where Nico is
Thalia takes the Hunters to NYC, first they visit darling Percy who Bianca used to see like such a heroic figure but now? Damn now in her eyes this older boy has let her little, helpless brother alone in a foreign country plagued by pagan gods who seem to give no fucks about their children
Percy's explanation doesn't satisfy her at all, and then he goes and says "btw I think we know who your godly father is" and Bianca's like "??? I killed skeletons when none of you could, I know bc the Force told me so that my beloved Zoë is in Elysium, shadows stick to me like sand on the beach??? And I remember my mamma calling dad Ade??? who's my papà then?"
Sarcasm aside tho, Bianca is upset bc she had vague memories of a caring father but this god isn't the same, he didn't help Nico? he didn't find her? he almost let her die? what a father, eh?
Thalia realises Bianca's about to escalate into a full blown fist fight with Percy and she's like my money's on the girl "let's go to CHB, see if they know anything, why don't we?"
Mr D is mildly concerned under a façade of disinterest and Chiron's full of "we're so sorrys" that remind Bianca of when her neighbours got letter from the government saying "KIA we're so sorry he died bravely" which ofc pisses her tf off
She wonders out loud how can gods be so careless specially when they're losing campers to Kronos' side all the time
And guess who's there to hear her? Ah, yes, our darling spy. Silena wastes no time sending word to Luke that there's this Hunter who's two seconds away from storming up to Olympus to murder them all
Luke's still recovering from the fight in Mt Othrys, but he still knows Thalia's not happy with the gods, he knows she'll unknowingly help poison Bianca bc he knows about CJ now, and knows that a certain Jason Grace is there bc he was taken by Juno when he was a toddler, and that it's a big part of why Thalia was so hateful towards the gods
Luke knows Thalia well, and Thalia sees the parallels between her lost little brother and Bianca's little brother... at the time, Thalia has no clue Jason's alive nor does she know whether Nico's alive
"He is" Bianca insists, but "what does she know?" Thalia thinks but out loud she only says "the gods don't care about us, they're just slightly better than Kronos"
Not particularly convincing ofc, and Luke tells Silena to take advantage of a potential recruit in the Hunters, who they haven't been able to get hold of so far
And how tf does a daughter of Aphrodite contact the Hunters without calling attention on it? through no other than Clarisse
Because Bianca has a soft spot for Clarisse, after all, Bianca's a kid, she's hurt and confused, and Clarisse offered her shelter when she was at her lowest, so ofc Bianca keeps in contact with her
Clarisse and Silena are best mates ;) and eventually Silena discovers such a pretty music box that plays that same song Bianca played for the La Rues
Clarisse is a bit surprised Silena remembered that particular detail but eh, Virgos are like that, so she tells Silena she can hand it over to Bianca whenever they saw each other again
Clarisse ofc thinks it's such a Silena move to gift pretty thing to little girls who feel sad, she's a good Samaritan and what not, isn't she? such a lovely friend
Bianca likes going over to the La Rues every so often, Clarisse shares every bit of information she has, and Bianca grew fond of the mother-daughter pair, and then Clarisse gives her that music box... it's so pretty
Pretty and useful, she finds out
The music box has a little ballet dancer, if you press it, it sounds like... what was it that Nico and his little friend in Westover liked to play with? walkie-talkies!
And she messes around for a while saying dumb random things and getting no reply until one day she hears Silena's voice come back to her
At first it's chit chat, "did you like the music box?" "isn't it cool that it does that?" "it's okay to be upset about your brother" "how come Artemis hasn't helped yet?" and that's the thing about pre-teens, they're so easy to convince
Besides, Kronos is no fool, the moment Silena gets a hit with the "gods are so insensitive" he throws dreams Bianca's way... the true destruction of the war she can't remember properly, runaway demigods unsheltered and alone, and finally: Nico.
He is alive, she knew it! But he's by himself, he looks so thin and dirty and... devastated. He looks devastated.
It's all the gods' fault. Their civilisation's rotten!
Kronos tells her it's easy to get him back... but not with the gods' help. what has your father done for the both of you? what has your Artemis done to get him back? niente, Bianca, niente
Bianca's not an idiot, she knows this creepy, powerful voice is up to something, and her grandfather has always told her no big favour comes for free. "what do you want from me?"
"Information." "That's all?" "That's all."
Bianca wants proof, no deal is made without insurance. Kronos shows her Nico again, he shows her Minos, the danger Nico's in, and bc Kronos is a stronzo and we know it, he lets her think it's her fault. you abandoned him, you owe him this.
Bianca falls for it. Kronos is right, isn't he? she left him with camp, camp didn't do shit. she should've known that!
"How do I help him?" "Keep us informed about the Hunters' whereabouts and plans" "How?" "The music box"
And so Bianca's now a spy
This was so long, I'm soooo writing this now
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moonsdancer · 2 years
I'm completely baffled how a fandom always latches on the resident soft emo boy of a franchise/show. Like c'mon! Next to the mentioned emo boi you've got a beautiful, well-written woman and a himbo with a heart of gold and who does the fandom choose to pair up with each other and obsess over? It's all fine and good honestly and everyone can consume media however they want but in the case of Arcane, those tendencies do get rather transparent! I appreciate the hell out of you spreading MelJayce love on my dash and hope that season 2 will give us even more thirsty moments between those two! Mad respect for you doing the lord's work, king! Love hearing your thoughts and AU ideas :)
hey anon. don't be baffled, i think this show is full of very shippable characters, and we sort of know how fandom 'taste' tends to go with latching onto certain characters, so i wasn't really surprised or baffled to see how dominant vikjay is (i think they're cute, have a tangible dynamic, and they also had fans from the lore, so there's that). it is what it is.
and, like you, i genuinely think people should just love and ship whatever calls to them. like shipping is so irrational, embrace that irrationality and live your life. and do not try to justify your ship ~preference~ by framing it as a somehow ~morally superior~ or ~just~ choice bc the usurping evil woman in the equation is ... well... supposedly evil. or re-write actual textual canon to support your ship and then downplay if not erase another ship's textual canon when it's convenient, which i see a lot of in this fandom, etc. etc.
but i will remain forever bitter about the legit campaign that certain shippers / folks went on to not only absolutely shit on and minimize meljay but mel as well. from the jump. and that was really deliberate and we're still dealing with the messed up narratives, erasures and "head canons" that were set up in the early days of fandom, and i don't think we'll ever really be free of them... maybe if mel dies like a lot of folks want her to. (because then we'll be treated to the retroactive fandom collective amnesiac ~mourning bonanza~ where everyone who hated her and her association with jayce will pretend that they luvved her all along, and beat their chests at the show's writers for killing her off. i still rmr my blessedly brief time in the spn fandom, we know how this plays out, lmao).
anyway, thank you. mel and this pairing in particular have inspired me in ways that i haven't been for fandom in a long time. especially fanfic bc i went over a year really struggling to even write a sentence for anything fandom related. so i'm thankful for that, and hope that i can keep contributing with fan works where possible. also there's fun to be had with small / rarepair ships bc the community for them tends to be really safe, enjoyable and supportive, and that's a cool thing, too.
i've decided to serve some 'cup half full' realness this week, apparently. let's see how long it lasts.
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait! I saw your MyChem post... are you telling me that you like SnC, Nate, Harry AND MCR!?! Dude! We so would be best buddies IRL! Have you listened to the new song? Thoughts?
haha yeah i do like mcr. i'll be honest i'm not like a super fan, but i do enjoy their music.
first off, i'm so surprised they released music. also it feels like everyone is dropping either an album or a single today lol
but anyway, so, my thoughts on the song:
i really enjoy it ! i love how heavy it sounds. and i also love that it doesn't sound like anything they've released before (except maybe some of their earlier stuff). it sounds like a really mature mcr, which is great bc a lot of their past stuff had a certain youthfulness that i wouldn't want now since they're all older.
also, i've watched a couple review and someone made the point that it's almost like they're saying in the song that while they're back, they aren't the same band they once were.
and while i agree with that, i think it's also interesting to point out that the fanbase isn't the same as it once was. everyone is older, and everyone (in a way) is bitter. not bc mcr left, but bc life isn't as nice as it once was.
like thinking back, mcr left in 2013. idk about you, but life just felt better back then. i was only a junior in high school. my dad was still alive, i didn't have to worry about half the shit i do now, and overall life just felt lighter.
but now… not to so much. maybe it's just bc i'm older, maybe it's the state of the world, maybe it's a number of things. but i think now is the perfect time for mcr to come back.
one of the reasons they left was bc they felt like they weren't needed anymore. while i don't agree with that, i do understand what they mean. but them coming back with this sound, and what they represent to a lot of ppl, kind of reminds me of how american idiot by green day made a resurgence once tr*mp became president. like, history in a way is repeating itself, and their music IS needed again. they represent the ones that won't go quietly into the night, so to speak. instead of it being a bunch of emo teens, it's now alternative adults lol
i probably have a 100 others thoughts, but this was just my initial reaction to the song haha
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
call me bitter and petty but I've seen vocal-related videos from whom I'm assuming are bee tee ess antis (plus the ones floating around on tumblr sometimes) and now I feel physical pain whenever people argue their vocals are "good, not great" 😭 I'm not even angry at this point, I just wonder if they have ears???
it pisses me off that dudes like btob or ptg work so hard on their singing for a literal decade or more, only for people to act like they're comparable to bghit groups or whoever that never had a single vocal lesson 😭😭😭
(side note but lmao @ fans saying bee tee ess members could do musicals)
they are medicore, not even average. even before they got big i was baffled by how they didn't have a proper vocalist. when i saw their debut photoshoot i was sure they Gotta be talented you know
it sucks because you have so many groups like onf 100% btob ptg i could go on where vocalists are Vocalists, have Pipes and proper technique. but singing well was never all that important......... it was always about singing prettily and sounding unique you know. embellishments all that, highlight high notes. but what about low notes... what about harmonies and being stable... i dont want another singer end up with vocal chords damage just because they couldn't use their own voice and had to force a tone that wasn't comfortable for them
jinho and eunkwang alone can sing circles around Many kpop main vocals bc they know how to use their voices... they both still take vocal lessons... and they sound like themselves, they don't have to emulate a certain vocal fry. i can't speak in detail other groups but if ptg and btob vocalists were younger, either they would all debut as main vocals (even huta or yeo one) somewhere else... OR not debut at all because it seems like the value of having a skilled singer in a group dropped significantly. if fans can't tell a stage was lipsynched then why bother with singing singers
(they can barely pull off singing non-beets songs in karaoke 😔 i blame them for this new wave of groups debuting without even one good singer)
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
So I saw your comment about xue/xiao on this post about cheng/xian and it occurred to me that's even ironic how xy, in his own twisted way of seeing things and according to wwx's deductions, killed Chang Ping bc he "offended" xxc when turning his back on him while jc, on the other hand, went killing people who reminded him of wwx/just in case they had a connection to wwx. And I'm not saying xy is any more right, he is that effed up (and the dissonance is so shocking too, as if it wasn't HIS fault in the first place, that. I'm sorry. but I find it amazing... that's what xy is in the end) but still if you're going to make a parallel with these two, I have to say that: it says a lot that xy, the psycho murderer, kills someone bc, again, in his twisted head he offended "the object of his affection" but jc, tsundere misunderstood grape, kills people bc he relates them to "the person of his affections".
Anyways, that aside but also related to something you mentioned about they not wanting the tragedy of Yi City... You hit the nail on the head. Look, ngl, I personally find annoying of course when people like that anon that also mentions xue/xiao talks about how horrid and how disturbed she finds people like them. I think it's unnecessary bc it's not even like this is about them but jc so why bring them out of nowhere to say such things? And sorry for the tmi but allow me to really make clear that I've never had not even a close to an abusive rs in my life so I hope people finally get that we know to separate reality from fiction and I guess the fact we aren't triggered by it it's also a sign some of us luckily can say irl we've never allowed any dangerous bs from another person.
ANYWAYS, sorry I digress. Back to the point, the truth is that while I find unnecessary to say things like that when the main theme isn't even them, I do understand if some people feel uncomfortable by it, I just believe there are certain fandom etiquettes and it's not the same to talk about how of a horrible person xy is, bc he is, than shading people for being in their corner shipping something problematic. And what's more important about xue/xiao shippers is that so far, in my experience, we are quite "content" with the result? We accept this is a tragic effed up story and we accept it couldn't end well. We aren't, idk, blaming wang/xian for what happens to xy when he and he alone dug his own grave, duh. We like it bc of its tragedy. And I think the best proof is that there isn't as much fix-it fics like people who maybe think this is about being apologists would believe. From time time of course we need some crack, some unrealistic result, some comedy even lol... but I think the reason our ship work for us is bc we like it bc of it is and not bc we project ourselves. Also, I thank God never saw MXTX being attacked by xy stans... I don't doubt there must be some cringey stans like there are everywhere but I'm sure they're a small number. I actually find amusing MXTX being like "why do you ship those, idgi??" 😂 but above all, I respect her bc it's her work. This is not about being a boot licker, I believe it's ok to have your opinions too and not necessarily agree with the author... Too bad that all the MXTX antis I saw are gross about her and they're far from just giving criticism. They're plain bitter haters. It's not like it personally affects me and as if she doesn't have the right to have her own opinions on her story and own characters just bc I happen to ship something I KNOW it's not canon, ffs... In any case we can agree to disagree bc it's also my right to ~romanticise~ whatever I want as long as it's fictional. All in all, I'm grateful she created this story that hooked and these characters I learned to love...
Sorry if this became long and if it's all over the place 😅 but I just couldn't help myself and wanted to bring some points on this whole matter...
So I will break down my comments point by point anon!
On the point of Xue Yang, I find him fascinating along with his relationship concerning Xiao Xingchen. They had built up a relationship on so many lies, and lived fairly happily in that all while Xue Yang was unable to parse out what his animosity was towards Xiao Xingchen his love for him, and his idea of honoring this same person. It is just a mess of a relationship with so much that can't actually be described because even the characters can't separate exactly what is going on there aside from the pain Xue Yang caused because he just does not understand kindness and empathy in a significant way that could have saved himself. It is a gorgeous plot point and awful bond. It's also just at the cusp of Xue Yang being in denial admitting that he DOES miss Xiao Xingchen and his build up of this unconscious guilt for having killed someone he learned to love and know. Especially next to Jin Guangyao who doesn't have this guilt but is very good at speaking like he is, and Jiang Cheng who is not regretful for what he did to Wei Wuxian.
On the topic of ship shit talk: I have no bone to throw here as a defense. I shit talk chengx!an and plenty of pairings with mutuals and friends as a vent, because I find ships ridiculous as much as others. Everyone in my eyes can do as they want, say what they want in terms of fandom made content. It's there in all it's non-canonical glory to roast or praise on all ends. I think the issue here in regards to all of this is the conflation of fanon being made to seem like actual canon and the line of where personal tastes needs to be made apparent. MXTX isn't big on shipping outside of her main pairs, I'm the same with mine for OC's and I am very very picky in regards to this, but fans are gonna fan and Rule 34 is there no matter what. Fandom curating is always the answer if certain pairs get to you that badly. I also think there is a fine line with accusations of romanticizing non-canon pairs and it's place in a real life context towards others individuals as I think morbid material has it's place to be explored safely within literature and entertainment without pearl clutching or holier than though attitudes especially prevalent in English/Western fandom.
People get far too invested within the fandom headcanon space and a lot of vitriol pours out from that. It's a double-edged sword especially claiming to love something from this while condemning a multitude of people (mostly always chinese mainland fans, or other LGBT+ people who do not share the same self-flagellation attitude towards an entertainment piece). Self-flagellation is hypocrisy in my eyes and just because some people tend to make a very loud note of this, does not make them morally superior in sharing the same content as everyone else no matter how they do this.
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