#just as Thor is vitally important to Loki’s
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notagrayjedi · 1 year ago
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Okay you know what? I don’t want this to get lost in tags. Basically, Thor is allowed to have feelings and be messy and imperfect all on his own without it having much if anything to do directly with Loki. Or even indirectly. A huge amount of Thor’s character arc has to do with his relationship to Odin, and his relationship with who he himself is outside of being who he was brought up to believe he was meant to be.
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Like he should not have been 1500 years old the first time his mother tells him he can be himself. And see, the trade off of this is that Thor has almost no self-worth nor self-actualization outside of who he thought he was supposed to be. And when the person he was supposed to be fucks up so badly (in his mind), that half the universe disappears…
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Well, who is he after that? What purpose does he have? He can’t be the king he was expected to be, because that person doesn’t actually exist.
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And because he can’t be that version of himself because of his trauma and grief and guilt, he doesn’t know who he is at all. And so the traumatized, grieving version of himself, the one that can’t get off the couch and has completely, as Chris Hemsworth said, “checked out” isn’t the king he was expected to be, so why bother even trying? He needed some time to not have to try. Valkyrie gets it, she was right in the same place, so she picks up the slack for him, which makes it that much easier to check out more and more. By the time Rocket and Bruce show up, he’s basically decided that this new version of himself is happy, while he’s right on the verge of a breakdown pretty much at all times.
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He’s been taught his whole life not to show his people his feelings. His dad’s advice to him about having feelings was basically, go drink, and put on a goddamn happy face because a future king needs to keep his weird gross sadness to himself.
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So Thor does exactly that: his feelings are too overwhelming to translate into productive anger (how he usually copes), so it turns inward. And that’s not good because he’s been told not to show his feelings so many times. It’s ingrained. So he drinks and he pretends to be happy, but it doesn’t mean he’s got any sort of sense of identity.
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He leaves with the Guardians to try a different version of himself, to middling success in terms of helping him form his own identity, one that had started to heal from all the horrible things that have happened in a time period that, to him, is like a long weekend.
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It’s a journey he’s still on, and ultimately it only peripherally has much to do with Loki.
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taraljc · 1 year ago
I find it so odd that there are people who are watching Loki and finding the character in season 2 gormless and toothless when what has fundementally changed about the character is that his all of his smarm and smugness has been replaced by sincerity. It's the same arc that Thor went through, from entitlement to selflessness. And it's the same arc we witnessed with Loki Prime in The Dark World and Ragnarok.
He's still dangerous and he's still clever and he's still funny and he still sexy as fuck so I'm not entirely sure what it is that people are missing that they so desperately wish TVA Loki still possessed. A shallow obsession with power and status? Massive daddy issues? Unfortunate choices with regard to personal hygiene and hair care products?
What is it about the backstabbing and manipulation that was so vital to the character that is more attractive than watching him use all of his skills and intellect to protect and preserve life, when only two years prior he had been hellbent on comitting genocide to eradicate his internalized self-hatred, all so his father would look at him the same way he looked at Thor and see him as worthy?
He's hardly perfect. He's very much a work in progress. He's very messy and emotional and he's still trying to figure out how this whole found family thing works. But he knows he needs it and wants it and that it's important. He has figured out that other people are not simply a means to an end or pawns on a chess board. That everyone matters.
I guess at the end of the day, I just don't get it. I'm like Sylvie in the citadel at the end of time not understanding why she and Loki aren't seeing things the same way.
We're all watching the same show and yet coming away with completely different understandings of what we have just seen.
Nobody has defanged our favourite adversary. if nothing else episode 2 definitely drove that point home. He's still our Loki. He's just switched sides, and all of his sharp edges are now being used in the service of something bigger than his own ego.
Is it the genuine sincerity that people are rejecting? Because that feels more like a individual viewer thing than a Loki thing.
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brsb4hls · 1 year ago
Long rant about Lokis sexual orientation and representation, comics- and show-wise:
Marvel comic fans please correct me if I am wrong btw, I haven't read everything and might have missed vital stuff!
Afaik Loki only came out as bi/pan in 'Young Avengers' which isn't that long ago and it's also ikol Loki, not classic Loki.
Classic Loki was never confirmed as anything other than straight, right? (If not, point me to it, I'd be hyped).
Loki being genderfluid started in 'Agent of Asgard.' Also fairly recent and the 'new' Loki.
(I'm not counting 'Lady Loki' since that was just body snatching for nefarious purposes).
And I do not recall Loki ever being in a relationship with a man or even kissing a man.
We see his ex lovers including different genders and species in the last 'pride' issue, but there is no story that connects to that.
I only remember female crushes and 'relationships' of sorts.
(Kid Loki and Leah, Loki and Amora in 'Axis', Zelma when Loki's sorcerer supreme. Classic Loki Sigyn of course and Lorelei).
So while the comics do pretty good in regards to Loki's genderfluidity (even including it in Thor issues, which usually have a different target audience), there is next to nothing in regards to his sexual orientation.
Only lip service. Just like in the show.
Just saying.
So what makes people think a Disney show would do better? Theres money involved folks! And a spoken line can be way easier ignored then a visual.
(Hence why things like onscreen kisses are actually important for representation, because in a heteronormative world a lot of people will not recognize a queer couple unless it is burnt into their retinas).
Loki is among the most popular MCU characters (somewhere in the top 10 I think).
He sells merch.
They probs use him as a literal deus ex machina in Avengers 6.
Making him kiss a dude on screen is basically burning money and will make Disney lose entire markets.
It's not that I'm happy about that, I would have loved to have that rumored montage at the beginning of season 1 visually confirming his bisexuality, but it didn't happen.
(Full disclosure, I am so not into Lokius, so for me it should have been another guy).
Heron had to fight for that one line and had Russell T. Davies make fun of it.
So if you actually want more representation, support independent shows.
Not saying you can't also enjoy the MCU, (I am on here doing that very openly and I try not to be a hypocrite), but it wont give you anything, no matter how hard you push.
This might be a bit depressing, but I am being realistic. There is more queer media now, but also more and more people complaining about it, because they cannot stand having the privilege of being the only ones catered to taken away from them.
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years ago
musing on jotunheim again. as much as i like to talk about the thor movies as self-subverting and critical of imperialism from the beginning (which i stand by, on a thematic level!), the way the jotuns are actually portrayed is uhhh Not Great.
like. recap: they wear very little clothing, they are presented as extremely physically strong and menacing, they have very deep voices and express themselves nonverbally more than asgardians (ie they growl :/), they use ~nature magic~ and blend in with their landscape, they have very strongly distinct facial features from asgardians, and their skin is a bright colour not found among asgardians. this is... looking uncomfortable close to a racial caricature. like if you made the small but vital change of making their skin red instead of blue it would be undeniable. as it stands, it's not quite literally there, but it's got Coding for days.
and on top of that, loki, while he is a twist villain, is definitely portrayed as more sympathetic for having more human features. like... yes, he has fantasy-dwarfism or something like it and is therefore in some ways inherently vulnerable... but his vulnerability is still visually represented through less othered features, which kind of frames the other jotuns as INvulnerable - in comparison to the average asgardian, not just loki himself.
(which is also just... not true. asgardians and jotuns seem to be evenly matched on a physical level. and also the idea that physical strength is the be-all and end-all of power and vulnerability to begin with is Bad. i guess the end corrects this a little: we see jotuns screaming and fleeing the bifrost, frightened, powerless, victimised! but we still only see adult men. loki is the only jotun we see as a child, and we never see a jotun woman. where are the jotuns who aren't warriors or kings?)
also. less important. but. the jotuns do not reflect any existing culture. which, on one hand, is like. great thanks for only putting in a vague racial caricature and not a specific one 👍. but on the other hand. what are you meant to Do. with a human AU loki.
like obviously step one is dialling down the formerly-space racism by a factor of about a hundred lmao. but like even if you do somehow manage to handle his whole deal sensitively... if asgard = scandinavia, what is jotunheim. what IS loki's culture. is he sami? is he white-passing mixed inuit? it's pretty damn significant that jotunheim has its own monarchist + imperialist past and was originally a competitor to asgard, so should he just be, like, a different scandinavian nationality from odin? or maybe russian or something? but then there isn't racism to deal with. potentially some level of linguistic/cultural shame, sure, but no accusations of devil worship, no dehumanisation via race science, etc. nothing quite fits.
or even disregarding AUs, what real-world culture can/should you draw on to flesh out jotunheim, if any? is it inappropriate to do so at all when they're treated SO horrifically and they're also, you know, Blue Fantasy Aliens. or is it erasive to act like scandinavian colonialism is pure fantasy with no real-world implications. OR is it inappropriate to draw on real-world indigenous peoples for a fantasy history that doesn't reflect their actual history very well at all (see above: nothing fits.)
a thought i had recently was that the combination of blue skin, gold body jewellery, and warriors wearing very little clothing actually resembles descriptions of ancient celts (with either tattoos or body paint). and i feel like having some historical basis for jotun warriors, even if it's centuries apart from the viking inspiration of asgard, can maybe slightly improve on what's currently there. but equally, that's still a description from an imperialist (roman) perspective and i'm pretty sure its accuracy is... controversial?
yeah. a conundrum! i have no solutions at present i'm just thinking about it all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I mean I like the ending of TDW because while nothing is likeit should be a lot of things are like they aught to be
Odin who is no longer fit to rule, has been removed from office
Thor has realized that he doesn't really care to be king, maybe even that it wasn't originally what he wanted and more something instilled in him by Odin. Because ultimately he does not care for the things that are a pretty vital part of beeing a king Namely reading a lot of paperwork so he is aware what exactly he is signing.
Loki is on the Throne, this time with his head srewed on more or less correct, which is important, it shows him that he can do a decent job, he doesn't fuck up everything he touches.
Even if I think that that is not a very enriching environment for your trickster ...
But having been educated in magic he has been groomed to know about the importance of words and how a slightly different way of formulating something can have interesting consequences if nothing else. Like he would actually be good at all teh red tape ... he would read the fine print ... he would have questions ...
Because a lot of the job of a king is signing shit, because it will not go in to effect until your signatur eis on it And looking laws to see,if they stillwork, if they are outdated, if they need to be changed or removed etc ...
Honestly I personalyl feel like it would be better to plant Balders arse on the Throne and bring in Thor and or Lokias experts as needed ... but the MCU doesn't have a Balder ... so ... this is teh next best thing ...
Thor obligations to be king should take priority over his relationship
Abdication is an option ...
It has happened before ... even for love ...
And I personally feel like, if you dodn't want to be king you shouldn't have to be
Someone will take up the mantle ... there is always some relative ...
Like, this idea that Kings come from a better stock that is uniquly suited to ruling is just not true.
Look at history
Hey everyone. Just a reminder- Jane Foster is the headlining (‘lead’) female in the Thor movie. Not Sif. Yes, Sif is awesome and I’m aware that she already had a lot of fans from the comics, but I’m honestly really over Jane being constantly shoved aside by MCU fandom for her (and let’s be real, a lot of people, myself included- had never picked up a comic with ANY of the characters from Thor before the film came out). Like, I’ll see photosets that are THE LEADING LADIES OF MCU, and they’ll have Peggy, Pepper, Natasha, and… Sif. No Jane. Anywhere. She just doesn’t get any love. 
So like this just kind of reeks of BADASS WARRIOR LADY > all to me, which is so common in fandom. If a female character is a tough fighter they’re automatically superior to all other women in the cast and thus worth more attention (even though physical strength is just one kind of strength).
But this also really bugs me in the case of Jane because while she’s by no means a warrior, she IS a character that gives the finger to gender roles every bit as much as Sif. She’s in a HUGELY predominantly male field (an astrophysicist!), and she’s damn good at it. Sexy scientist lady is a common trope, this is true, but Jane isn’t that trope because she’s just a woman who is a scientist, and she’s never objectified for that.
Basically MCU Jane is just as badass as Sif and if you don’t think so you’re wrong on the internet imo, and I am really tired of seeing MCU fandom ignore her and shove her under the bus because she’s not kickass in the ‘traditional’ sense. Some people do the same thing with Pepper, but it’s a bit more predominant with Jane because there IS a warrior female in that cast.
Also I will cut the next person who thinks that Jane isn’t good enough for Thor because she’s not his equal/is a mortal/isn’t a warrior/isn’t Sif, basically.
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So there’s been some debate and discussion floating around my dashboard about how it’s “out of character” for Doctor Strange to have decided to help Peter Parker and disobey the natural law he’s sworn to protect. Obviously, I disagree, and wanted to weigh in with my own thoughts about it...
The entirety of DS1, Stephen Strange is only just being introduced to magic. He’s only been studying for a very short amount of time, & recklessly delves into the Ancient One’s Private Collection and nearly destroys the space/ time continuum while simply meddling around and trying new things. He gets a chiding earful from Mordo and Wong about it, and they explain to him that the Masters of the Mystic Arts are protectors that fight against people who would oppose the natural law. That’s the way the Ancient One has made them, she’s the one that taught them the natural law was this vital thing to protect.
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But in the end, in order to stop Dormammu from overtaking the world, Stephen had to break the natural law and defy those principles. He reversed time, brought an element of their world to the dark dimension, and abused the heck out of reversing time to make a dimensional ruler his prisoner. But he won.
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The Ancient One and her principles hadn’t been able to save the world. It was Stephen Strange, because maybe... like his hands... he does more careless breaking than careful fixing... but he still knows how to save lives. 
And not to mention that the Ancient One herself was a hypocrite, drawing her power from the Dark Dimension to empower her to protect the earth, forsaking her own teachings. She knew when looking for someone to replace her, it wouldn’t be someone like Mordo who did by the book. It would have to be someone who was willing to do what’s wrong for the right reasons.
And I wanted to point out that at the end of DS1, we were given a sneak peak of Mordo having taken that “protect the natural law” concept too far and beginning to use it as means to hurt people, not protect them in taking Jonathon Pangborn’s magic. 
Something about it strikes me as similar to the narrative in Loki with the TVA. They swear they’re helping people, but innocent people like Sylvie are being hurt. And so a question is formed: get messy to do what’s right, or play it safe by doing what’s wrong? 
And Stephen’s answer is always consistent.
In Thor: Ragnorak, Stephen literally flexes his temporal magic all over the place. He’s honoring his duties that come with the position of being Sorcerer Supreme, and minding otherworldly threats like Loki. But with such recklessness! This can’t be how the Ancient One would’ve handled this, throwing Asgardians of arcane powers untold around like rag dolls... but hey, he gets the job done, and what’s more, he does it his way. Although Odin were adamant he not be disturbed, he helps them, finding Odin for them and even warping them to him. If you think about it, they wouldn’t have been able to share in Odin’s last moments if not for Stephen Strange’s meddling and bending the rules... but for good.
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And in Infinity War, Wong was the one to explain to Tony protecting the time stone was one of the most important jobs of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Like, think about how difficult it was to retrieve the time stone from the Ancient One for Banner! But Stephen Strange surrendered the time stone, because he’s the guy that’s willing to break the rules to save lives, not because he’s the stickler.
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And the Ancient One only gave Bruce Banner the time stone in Endgame when he told her that Stephen Strange said it was the only way. Because the Ancient One knew that Stephen would come one day, and he would be different, but he would save lives and change the world, carve his own path. She selected him as her successor. She chose him, and she chose him for a good reason.
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Because maybe, like his hands, he does more breaking than fixing... but he is still a hero, and he is the Sorcerer Supreme the world will need when she’s gone, a herald of change for the challenges ahead she couldn’t rise to combat.
So of course when Wong (resident enforcer and reminder of the Ancient One’s rules) steps out, Stephen is all for using his magic to do some good in a kid’s life. Harmless, right? Because really, Stephen isn’t the guy that lived several lifetimes like the Ancient One and come to develop some deep ingrained belief natural order must be maintained. The Ancient One died and Stephen Strange was left the most powerful Sorcerer of all, and he’s only just begun learning. Stephen Strange is of the reckless and rash opinion, “why not?” 
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I guess as for NWH, we’ll just have to wait and see how that unfolds. But I have faith that  like Stephen Strange’s hands, he does more breaking than fixing... but he saves lives, changes them for the better. And he’ll help Peter Parker. I know that a lot of people are already saying “he’s going to ruin everything, and we thought he would be the one to save it,” but I think he’s saving it... his way.
Because magic for Stephen Strange has always been about saving people from themselves. Because that was his experience, that’s what he learned from the Ancient One’s teachings... how it can change the nature of people, and that’s how Stephen uses his magic. And now, he’s going to save Peter Parker, too.
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Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk. Stephen Strange is absolutely irresponsible and batshit crazy, that’s what makes him the best protector and Sorcerer Supreme for earth, no other way around. 
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imagine-loki · 3 years ago
Mischief and Magic
TITLE: Mischief and Magic CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 3/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are a descendant from a kitsune, a fox demon. You have a mischievous streak a mile long. One day, after Thor gets tired of your antics, he throws you at Loki demanding that you annoy Loki for awhile. RATING: T (for now) NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Morgan and Loki both stared at the bomb in horror for a moment.  Loki nearly ignored it out of hand; such a small bomb wouldn’t do much, if any, damage to him.   Then he saw the fear in Morgan’s eyes.  A mortal?  Even a small bomb could kill her.  She turned to run, though they both knew she wouldn’t make it in time.  Even Loki wouldn’t have made it in time to save either of them.
Loki worked quickly.  For some reason, he couldn’t let this intriguing little mortal die.  He gestured with the scepter, throwing out his magic in a well-practiced, controlled gesture.  He wasn’t the master magician of Asgard for nothing.  Though even he could only do so much in such a short time.  He created a shield around the bomb as it exploded.  The shield shattered almost immediately, lessening the explosion, but not completely stopping it.  
Loki and Morgan were both thrown from the force of the explosion.  Morgan screamed as she was thrown across the room. Loki just grunted as he landed hard on his back.  He got back to his feet, the sense not quite knocked all the way back into him.  He knew, though, that he needed to check on the girl before he got back to The Other’s wishes.  He would be punished if he wasn’t seen to be obeying orders, to be obeying the mind control.  He couldn’t face more punishment and torture. 
So he had to make them believe that he was trying to succeed.  His real plan was to be caught and defeated, to get his idiot brother to team up with these Midgardians.  The worlds would all need them to fight together against Thanos.  Defeating Loki was just practice for them.  
They couldn’t know his true motives.  No one could.  Especially not Thanos or any of his minions.  It was vitally important.
Loki got to his feet and started to go to Morgan to check on her.  She had to have been injured by the bomb.  Before he could get more than a couple of steps, the Hulk came crashing into the room.  Just what he didn’t need.  He started to give the creature a speech, trying to distract it.
That plan failed more than he’d anticipated when the dull witless creature grabbed him by the leg and swung him around like a rag doll, smashing him into the floor.  
The only good thing, he noted as the creature left with Loki in a crater made by his own body, was that his crater was near where Morgan had landed.  It was a horrible coincidence that the Hulk hadn’t noticed her to help her.  The idiotic beast probably wouldn’t have been able to figure out how to help her anyway, even if he had noticed.  
Loki let out a pitiful groan of pain that sounded quite like a dying whale.  At that noise, Morgan looked over at him.  Her eyes were dazed and she was bleeding. There was so much blood around her. “You’re back~” she said when she saw that his eyes were green again.  The control of the scepter had been broken with the cognitive recalibration.  That had been part of Loki’s plan.  He hadn’t expected it to hurt so much.  
Loki saw how injured Morgan was and knew she wouldn’t survive. Not without help.  Now that he was free of the scepter’s influence, he was able to give that help.  Maybe.  He weakly summoned a healing stone and tossed it to her. "Crush it over your wounds." The healing stone would heal even a mortal.  He just couldn’t move to help her use it.
Morgan reached for the stone, but it had landed just out of her reach. She strained to reach it, knowing it was her only chance.  Blood poured from her chest and she gasped for breath, fighting to stay conscious.
Loki’s eyes widened in shock as he watched little wisps of gold magic flowed from her fingers, drawing the stone a scant inch closer to her.  A Midgardian with magic?  He hadn’t thought such a thing possible.  
Before the stone reached her, she passed out from the effort of the magic.  “No!” He cried uselessly as her eyes fluttered shut.  He couldn’t do any more to help her.  He’d tried, Norns, he’d tried. 
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dresupi · 4 years ago
Darcy/Loki - Speedrun - Truth Pollen
for @whyndancer
Rated: T
Truth Pollen - Accidental Declaration of feelings
“I find your eyes quite lovely, like deep blue pools of still water…” Loki said, eyes widening infinitesimally. If the average person was witnessing this declaration, it likely would have gone unnoticed, and said recipient of the Trickster’s proclamation would have swooned immediately.
But Dr. Darcy Lewis wasn’t easily swayed by pretty words.  She’d been around too many Asgardians by now, it had lost its novelty.
Especially since Loki had treated her with mostly indifference up until now. She scarcely said two words to him, and in return, he’d left her alone. Unless she had something he wanted, and then… well, this.
Rolling her “deep blue” (snort) eyes, she shook her head. “Not gonna work this time, Loki. Whatever it is you want, I can’t provide.”
“I only wish for a moment of your time,” he said, placing both hands on the surface of her desk, giving her a bit of alarm, but not much. He wasn’t being aggressive, but the look on his face was interesting. Sort of confused, sort of intrigued.
“A moment? Is that anything like a minute? Because that’s all I can spare,” she said, reaching for a potato chip from the nearly empty bag on the desk beside her. “I’m analyzing your timeline breech and it’s sort of important.”
“No, I understand what you do is very vital,” he said, immediately grimacing and looking like he’d tasted something bitter. “I don’t understand what’s happening, I don’t want to say that, I want to say I wish you’d kiss me with your pillowy lips until I lose my breath.” He looked even more alarmed now.
Darcy wasn’t sure what kind of game this was, but she was sort of invested. Didn’t everyone want someone to talk to them like this? Well, maybe not everyone. And maybe it was just because it was Loki. Dude was very convincing when he needed to be.
But pillowy?
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Say what now? What’s pillowy?” She bit both of her lips, wondering what was pillowy about them. Yeah, they were plump and luscious, she was well aware of that. She wouldn’t exactly call them pillowy.
“I don’t… your lips look to be the softest things in the multiverse.”
She snorted. “Keep it in your pants, Laufeyson. Don’t make me go get HR.”
“No, I don’t want… Dr. Lewis, you really must allow me to explain. I have been secretly in love with you since I laid eyes upon you.” He sighed in exasperation. “I didn’t want to say that, I apologize, but you’ve captivated me, heart and soul, ever since you asked me to prepare your coffee that first day we met.”
She hadn’t really known who he was at the time, she was sort of eyes deep in all this fucking work. If she’d have known who it was that she was ordering around… well, she’d probably have been a bit meaner about it, to be honest.
But this? This was too difficult to believe. Her frown deepened. “Seriously, dude. It’s not funny. Whatever it is you want, you can have it after I’m finished with this graph.”
“No, I…” He clamped his mouth closed and reached for a pad of paper, scribbling something on it in elegant longhand, but scratching it out furiously when it didn’t yield the effect he wanted. “I… there’s something wrong.”
“No kidding, I didn’t want to say anything, but I think you might have inhaled too much of that weird flower Monica brought back from that alternate branch. It makes you loopy, or so I’ve heard. I stayed away from it. I know I’m a lightweight, I don’t need a weirdo flower to make that readily apparent to everyone in the immediate vicinity. Go sleep it off, you’ll be fine.”
“No, I… you don’t understand…” Loki looked so frustrated. It was almost funny, usually, he drove other people to this, not himself. Karma was a bitch indeed.
“What don’t I understand, dude? I’ve seen Thor drunk before he says a lot of words. Not all of them he remembers.”
“I am not inebriated right now!”
“No, technically, you’re high.”
“No, technically, I’m not susceptible to that alien flora in the same way as Midgardians are. It affects me differently…” he glanced down at his hands and back up at her. “It makes me say things.”
“What kind of things?” Her eyes widened in alarm. “Fuck, is that a sex pollen flower? Like on Star Trek? Or any number of fanfiction stories I might or might not have read in college?”
He frowned. “Sex pollen?”
“Aphrodisiac. Of the airborne variety.”
He scoffed, laughing a little. “Thankfully, no. It appears to affect me differently…” he pressed his lips together. “I think your clever mind will suss it out soon enough without any help from me.”
“My clever mind? It makes you bald-faced lie?” she teased.
He sighed. “No. I lie all the time. It appears that right now, I can’t.”
Her eyes widened once more. “You can’t? So I could ask you anything right now, and you’d have to tell me the truth?”
“It appears that way, yes.”
She chuckled. “That must bother you, dude. Lying’s kind of your thing, isn’t it?”
“Lying is not my thing,” he scoffed.
“Still, it’s a big part of your whole deal,” she said, gesturing vaguely in his direction before turning back to the screen.
“That’s it?” he asked after a few silent beats.
“What’s it?” she asked.
“You could ask me anything. Anything, and I’d have to be truthful with you. Most beings would give their right leg to be in your position.”
She sniffed. “I’m not most beings, Loki.”
“So I’m beginning to see,” he said quietly, materializing a chair to sit in and watch her. “You’ve got a kind heart, Dr. Lewis?”
“Don’t know about that, but I’m not a dick,” she replied bluntly.
“No, no you’re not.” She thought she sensed the smallest smile in his words, but she didn’t look up from the screen again.
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geekns · 1 year ago
Loki, master of illusions, is a chameleon.
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His signature power is controlling his appearance. It is something so innate to him that he could do it as an infant.
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One would think that TPTB would have used this as an excuse so Sylvie could also just change her appearance at will like Loki can: a canon reason for her to look fabulous at all times. Sylvie should have this same power: but she doesn't! Somehow, Sylvie is so untrained and unskilled that she can't do something as simple as cast a glamour!
Whereas in the Avengers--after Loki had had very probably been tortured--he went from sweaty and weak...
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...to immaculately clean and intimidating very quickly.
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Loki's illusions have been important to the plot of Thor films time and again.
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One of Loki's defining characteristics is that he does not show weakness. He is polished and aloof. If a hair is out of place, you better get out of his way. This has always been a vital aspect of Loki's character! For them to have only made a few nods to this in the show--as parlor tricks--is a travesty.
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Furthermore, in Thor, the loss of his complete control over the illusion of his appearance is part of what drove him to his breakdown and attempted suicide in the first place.
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The Loki in Loki would have still been keenly aware of all of this and actively working through it. He was, after all, still recovering from the realization in The Dark World. These wounds were still fresh.
For TPTB to not even have acknowledged Loki's genetic heritage (except for as a joke and a put-down) is frankly astonishing and reprehensible. After all, we know that Loki is fully capable of much, much more in terms of his powers and his Otherness is part of why we were attracted to him and his plight in the first place.
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I have a question. We hear on and on about how Sylvie grew up on the streets while Loki was a prince with comfortable life. So explain to me why does a prince who grew up in a golden palace looks like homeless person while she looks always like she just came from photoshoot? Always perfect hair, no damage to her costume,nor one scar,not one drop of blood on her, no dirt on her costume,nothing. Look at them and tell me which one looks more like they grew up on the streets and "didnt have it so easy"
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darkacademicfrom2021 · 3 years ago
The Dark Team (part 5 S2)
<<Previous part Masterlist Next part>>
Warnings: abductions, kidnapping, forced unconsciousness, electroshocks (non explicit).
A/N: Listen. Listen. The chronologies... we already knew those were weird in this story and we accepted that. Now, we have to also accept the whole multiverse thingy being even more weird, because, yes, I'm mentioning OSCORP. Let's deal with it like mature people *screams into abyss of no return*.
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“Your dirty little secret? Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding!”, exclaimed Steve, slamming the table. He immediately looked at you, “I’m sorry”.
He said sorry because it was three in the morning, Narfi was sound asleep and you all kept bickering about the coded message. You had peeped in your room several times, only to find, the first two times, Loki and your son reading in silence, each his own book, both neatly tucked under the same weighted blanket and Narfi's head resting on his father's shoulder. The third time, Narfi was asleep and Loki kept reading. The fourth, Narfi was all alone in the king-sized bed and Loki wasn't there. But he hadn't joined the meeting either.
Nobody could figure out what the dirty little secret was, and they all thought it was something Tony did. Like, you know, selling weapons.
“It’s okay, Steve. Listen, this is getting nowhere. And Loki should be here by now, where did you send him?”.
“I didn’t send him, he just… he said he needed to do something that had something to do with… could he have mentioned an old tutor?”, said Bucky, and you furrowed your brows.
“Is he in Asgard, now?”.
“I guess”.
You took your phone out, and tried to call him again, but he didn’t answer. There wasn't any phone signal in Asgard. Why would he go in there without saying anything?
“Look, all I’m saying is, the message was through JARVIS, and you’re the one with the most filthy secrets in here”, said Thor.
“Are you serious?”, spat Tony, pointing at Bucky. “This one was a hydra assassin”, pointing at Natasha “this one is an assassin”, pointing at Thor “we have no idea what’s going on with your thousand and half long life”, and finally pointing at you “there are no records whatsoever of anything you’ve done before my internship. So, no. I’m not the only one with the dirty secrets here. And, by the way, they’re dirty but public”.
“Yes. The billions you’ve won by selling weapons are very well known”.
“Shut your mouth”.
“Listen, this will get us nowhere. We could be in danger if we don't do something about this so if anyone is under any little suspicion of what a dirty secret they could be cultivating, this is the time to say it", you mediated, still calling Loki and getting directly to the voicemail.
"What could we possibly be having, Y/n?", asked Bruce tiredly.
"Any weird and innovative lab experiment? Something that could be used as a weapon? A disease? A cure? A mutation? Anything?", and you stopped on your words immediately. "Oh, no". As you opened your eyes widely, about to run to Narfi's room, Loki picked up the phone and you put it on speaker, pausing your fear. "Love! Where are you?".
Silence. Silence in the whole room, and a flickering light kind of sound. And then the unmistakable sound of a bad microphone on the other line, white noises, whispers to which you couldn't figure out the words.
"It's easy, really", said a rusty voice from the other side of the line. Everyone put on their best panic faces. You could feel your heartbeat on your throat. Not again. Not goddamn again, someone kidnapped one of you. This wasn't the kind of mission you wanted to join to get back on your feet. "You give us what we want, Mr. Stark, and we give you the man".
You looked at Tony and he huffed in frustration. He opened his mouth to speak, but on the background of the call you could hear Loki's unimpressed voice,
"The God. I'm not a man".
"Loki, are you okay? Can you hear me? Where are you?", you tried.
"I'm okay. These idiots think that they can…", he began saying, but a buzzing noise cut him off, along with a muffled screaming and something you figured was an electroshock took him out of the conversation.
"What do you want?", asked Stark. "Who are you?".
"We want money, Mr. Stark. A lot of it, to found our project", explained the voice. "And the other thing we need for the project. We could do with this one, but I'm sure you could give us a better sample".
"What is he talking about, Tony?".
"You think you can be more specific, dear?", asked Tony, losing his patience.
"Imagine a supersoldier, a superior being like that, but with ice powers, Mr. Stark. A man that's a mortal weapon itself", explained the kidnapper. "This one is particularly alright. But we will need a lot of him".
"What are you saying?".
"The frost giant. We want his blood".
They cut the conversation and Bucky grabbed your shoulder as you began to panic.
"Y/n, before jumping to this mission you should leave Narfi with someone strong enough to protect him", intervened Thor. You looked at him and sighed.
"Fine. Loki can't hear a word of this, alright?".
"Let it in my hands. I'll also ask Heimdall", he assured you and you squeezed his hand.
"Thank you", you told him, and traced the call. You did it in a few minutes and walked to Narfi’s room, to tell him where he would go. You wondered how you’d keep him calm. Usually Loki is the one that brought calmness to the situations, and this time around you had to be the one to keep calm and manage it all. You also wondered if he was capable of escaping on his own or if the kidnappers knew who they were dealing with and got him too restrained to run. Electroshocks. Loki’s weakness (anyone’s, really), so you guessed they knew better.
You knocked on Narfi’s door and he let you in with a flick of his wrist. Purple lights around the door made it disappear and he shifted his expressions from panic to disappointment really quickly.
“I’m so sorry, I…”, he began, but you walked hurriedly to him.
“Don’t worry about it, Narfi. Listen”, you said, and kneeled in front of him to reach his own height. You grabbed his tiny hand, and he paid close attention. “Daddy’s in trouble, and uncle Buck and I are going to help him come back home, alright? He’s fine, you don’t need to worry”, you explained the best you could.
“Can I come with, please, please? Daddy taught me things that could be useful, please?”.
“Don’t you wanna go with grandma, better?”, you smiled at him, hoping he’d accept and you wouldn’t have to take him against his wishes, “come on, darling, she wants to teach you some new tricks”.
Narfi smiled at those words and you sighed in relief.
“How long are you gonna take?”.
“I’m not sure. Couple of days at most”.
“Is daddy on a mission?”.
“Is he winning?”.
“I’m sure he is”.
“Is he cutting people with his new dagger?”.
“What do you mean new dag… wait, no, he’s not… hurting anyone, alright? Just… pack your things”.
“I hope he someday teaches me to throw knives like him”.
“Pack your toothbrush!”, you said from the door, and whispered to yourself, “dear Lord, I’m not letting Loki train at his sight again”.
As you left his room for him to get ready, you hurried your steps to meet the team. You tripped and fell over with someone’s leg. When you got up, hurting from the hit, you realized you tripped over Steve’s unconscious body. Looking around, the whole team seemed to have passed out completely.
“JARVIS!”, you called, your voice less calm than you would’ve liked to.
“Yes, Mx. Y/n?”.
“‘Yes, Mx. Y/n?’ What the hell happened here? Take their vitals!”, you rushed to Tony’s side and took his pulse. He seemed asleep. Just in case, you covered your nose and mouth with your sleeve.
“According to my database, they all seem to be in perfect condition. There might be some sort of a substance in the air. Should I alert Mr. Laufeyson as he comes back?”.
“Oh, God”, you realized.
You ran up to his room, knocking everything on your way to him. But as you didn’t even need to open an invisible door, you realized he wasn’t there. The room was completely empty.
Half an hour passed, and in the middle you ran all the way around the Tower, trying to unsuccessfully find your son hiding somewhere. But no, you were sure. You had already some theory of what could’ve happened to him and where he could be. And you didn’t like that idea at all. Oh, no. You much rather the Allfather keeping him forever than the alternative.
You poured a bit of the chemical mix you managed to prepare despite your trembling hands on the room’s vaporizer, and everyone began slowly recovering consciousness. Tony coughed up a blue liquid, and looked at it without much clue of what happened.
“Amitriptyline”, you told him, and he furrowed his brows. “In this dosage can make saliva blue, besides urine”, you explained what he hadn’t asked.
“But what for? I’m not depressed”.
“It’s for blocking whatever you’ve been given to get passed out. I know their tricks”, you vaguely explained, but, in all honesty, you really did not want to explain why you knew antidepressants blocked the effects of that substance.
“Their? What just happened?”.
“Where is my brother?!”, beamed Thor, ready to guilt him on it.
“This is not on Loki”, you said, taking a notepad out of your pocket and scribbling down some things while Bucky, Steve, Sam, Tony and Natasha got up and approached you cautiously. Thor began looking up, still trying to figure out if there was any of his brother’s magic involved. “They took Narfi. We have to act quickly, alright?”.
“Oh God, you’re not serious”, said Bucky, lowering his voice.
“They said… they said they wanted Loki’s blood”, recalled Natasha. “Loki’s blood, his heir. Not his actual blood”, she realized. You nodded.
“They want to mix human DNA with Jötun DNA and do that weird icy supersoldier mix, that terrible idea. That’s why they wanted Loki, to get his pure Jötun cells, and then get Narfi, to see how the chromosome pairs work. They want to experiment with my child”, you blurted out with your heart on your chest. “This, this right now, is an important mission. So we all better do this right now”.
“Wait, so what’s your plan of approach? Go to whatever place you think they are and go get them?”, said Steve. “I know you’re stressed and you have every right to be, but think. We need a plan”.
“We don’t need a plan, we need action, right now”, you said, unrecognizable words coming out of your mouth.
“Y/n”, mediated Tony. “Listen. We’ll figure it out. Rest of the team, to my office. You stay here and do not move even a hair, you hear me? You’re in no condition to get on board with this. Let us do this and you can help from a distance”.
“No way. There is no way you’re leaving me out of rescuing my own son”.
“Exactly because it’s your kid we’re talking about. Listen, a surgeon can’t operate on their own child. No, no. Don’t argue with me. Close your mouth. Barnes, make sure they don’t do anything stupid, wouldn’t you?”.
And with that, he left.
You and Bucky stayed in silence for about ten seconds, fidgeting with the notepad you had in between your fingers, ready to tear it to pieces out of anxiousness. After that, you said,
“Rescuing my child is not doing something stupid, right?”.
He shrugged and huffed out.
“I guess not. What’s your plan?”.
“Where would you go if you were a kidnapper with a very important child to perform very illegal experiments?”.
“I… don’t know”.
“I do”.
“Remember when you asked what my major was?”.
“I… well, before the stark internship I worked in a very… odd place, it made experiments. Genetic experiments. The famous OSCORP, you know the place. They were the ones doing all the spider shit and Peter got bit by a spider in there. I worked there, and there was something that… never added up. The experiments grew worse and worse, more immoral, more dangerous. I couldn’t take them anymore and I left without leaving a trace of me in the public eye. Or so I thought”.
“You think your kid might be in OSCORP?”.
“I’m afraid so”.
“No more waiting then, let’s get the motorbike”.
“Shouldn’t we alert the team?”.
“What, so they can go by themselves, without you, without a plan and without your knowledge about that place? Besides, Loki is already in there, right?”.
“You’re the voice of reason, sometimes, Barnes”, you said, tossing him a pair of keys and his jacket. And with that, you two headed to OSCORP without warning.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson )
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inwantofamuse · 3 years ago
I cannot let go of the theory that Sacred timeline Mobius, whoever he is, is either someone Kang knew, or Mobius was being watched, for reasons, and they are saving the reveal.
Maybe it's just because I think it's the most interesting twist they could pull off in regards to his character if he's human. ( the other one being that Mobius is a Thor variant, which, ya know....I've seen that theory and I do not want).
It's just...Mobius makes offhand comments about wanting to meet the time Keepers. And he doesn't see Kang in the Void because he goes back to the TVA. So we have yet to see the two of them face to face.
I just think there's a reason for that, that's going to be vitally important.
But then, I also thought the series was going to be about time hopping detective duo Loki and Mobius.
We see how that turned out.
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deep-sea-gigantinism · 4 years ago
CW- Loki Spoilers (also a long read, but hopefully worth it!)
Alright, so like many other Loki stans, I’ve read all of Agent of Asgard SO many times. A big part of that comic (and even parts of JiM and Loki 2019) is the god/goddess of stories arc. I have a feeling that this arc is going to be super important to the show based on one line that really stuck with me.
There’s the part when Loki is about to be taken to be reset, and he says something along the lines of “You don’t get to decide how or when my story ends!” I have no idea why, but this instantly threw me back into Agent of Asgard. Not only that, but Loki is vocal about his opinions on the TVA from the start, specifically on how absurd (haha) it is that they decide the fate, and stories, of trillions of people. Mobius also tries to say that Loki’s story was never his, and that he exists only to bring others to their best selves. From the start, it seems like a lot of the focus is on self and one’s own story, which is a vital part of comic Loki’s arcs. I also think it’s notable to mention that this show is Loki’s story. There is no Thor (so far aside from flashbacks), and Loki isn’t the side character for once. He isn’t even sharing the show with anyone (like WandaVision was Wanda and Vision; Falcon Captain America and the Winter Soldier was Sam and Bucky; this show is just Loki)
Which brings me to an idea. If MCU Loki becomes the god and goddess of stories, will he make things better for his alternate variants? Could that be a way that he gets back into the main timeline, or could that be how he brings back the fallen Loki in that timeline? Of course, these aren’t based on much, it’s just fun to think about.
tl;dr- I think a god and goddess of stories arc is coming along for MCU Loki
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lokitrashfan · 4 years ago
A/n: I hope you all really like it, I will try to post a chapter every week. I promise I won't be super long. My limit is 15 chapters. Just say what you think of it!!
Warnings: Memory loss.
Summary: Winter can't remember her past as she tries to adapt to her new life.
Tag list: (Tag list is open, if you want to be tagged or untagged in this fic just sent me an ask!!) @twhiddlestonsstuff @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @fckwkndd @delightfulheartdream
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She woke up in the same tiny room she had been sleeping in for a week. The same man in a white robe staring at her. The weird wires still stuck to her face and chest. She tried to remember. Where was she before the tiny room? But as always, her memories were muddied and confusing. 
“How are you feeling today?” The man asked, checking her vitals. It was like a routine now. She woke up and the questions started. 
“Good” She always kept her answers short. 
“Do you remember where you are?” 
“At the hospital?” She was not sure, but that man had to be a doctor right?
“Your brain is still closed. I don’t think we can do much to help you. You need time.” It was disturbing how calm he seemed. Like those words meant nothing. “I’ll talk to Director Fury about the next step, but you will have to be willing to cooperate.”
“I just want to know… to remember who I am'' It was one of the most painful truths she had ever said. Well, as far as she could remember. She just wanted to be certain for once of what she was, who she was. But trying to remember something felt like trying to listen to music with a broken cassette.
Director Fury stared at her with his only eye. Just one eye and she could feel like he was scanning her, tearing her apart to comprehend what she was made for.
“Well, Winter” That name sounded strange, she knew it was not hers, just a name to call her as she seemed to have no name. She could not remember if she had one. “The doctor has concluded that, even if in appearance, you are not dangerous, Hydra reached far into your brain and body, and you are strong enough to become a danger.”
Hydra was more familiar, but she could not remember why it was important.
“We can’t keep you in the hospital forever, nor we can send you to live on your own. It has been difficult to decide what we will do with you. There was some people that even suggested putting a bullet through your brain to solve all this mess.” He let out a small laugh but she was not sure if it was a joke or a warning. “But Maximoff has come to your defence and we reached an agreement. You are going to live in the compound. You can live with them, train with them and try to learn from them. But'' He said more seriously “you are not allowed to step outside the limits. You will talk to the doctor once a week and tell him of any new memory. And of course you will have to be a good girl, take your meds, and well… just try to be nice to everyone.”
“Are you sending me there because you fear I may become a danger to myself or to you?” She asked already knowing the answer. She was considered something dangerous, even if she didn’t know why. 
Fury looked at the papers on his desk and to her again. “Both”
The compound looked enormous. She was not sure who Maximoff was, but she was pretty sure he or she lived there. The agent that accompanied her was a middle aged man whose name she had forgotten. How could she live with more people if she could not remember names?
“Hey you, “ said the man. “Move your pretty ass and let’s go, I have more things to do”
She walked behind him without saying a word, her guts were telling her that this man was more dangerous than he looked.Maybe it was the way he looked at her.
She entered a room full of people, all looking at her.
“Winter, I want to present the team.” Said a man offering a welcoming smile to her. The agent that brought her here walked away and left. 
The man with the welcoming smile offered her a hand and introduced “I’m Steve Rogers” She looked at his hand without knowing what to do until he let it fall into his side, visibly uncomfortable. 
“This is Bucky” A tall man with a metal arm and dark hair. 
“Wanda” A young woman smiled and waved one of her hands.
“Thor” A gigantic man with yellow hair.
“Vision” He was red and had a glowing thing in his forehead, but his voice sounded human. Her eyes grow open at the strange man.
“There are more of us, but they are not here at the moment.” The Tall blond said. Steve.
“Hey Steve don’t forget Loki'' Thor said pointing to a man that she had not seen at first. He was the only one sitting, with a book, totally uninterested in what was going on.
“Yes, Winter, that is Loki, Thor’s brother.”
“They don’t look like brothers” Winter spoke for the first time. 
“Unfortunately I am adopted, so I don’t share any dumb genes with my brother” Loki spoke with a low voice. 
Wanda ignored the bickering between the brothers and approached Winter.
“Don’t worry, you will find your spot here.” Her voice was tinter with a familiar accent that Winter could not place. “And Loki is a bit like you, he can’t go out of the compound either, so you might have to be alone with him when we go on missions. But as long as he has a book, it’s like he didn’t exist. 
Finally Loki came up to her. He stood as tall as his brother, but his hair was as black as raven wings. 
“Hey Winter, I’m Loki, it’s a pleasure to have another mortal around here” He said with a mocking voice as he offered her a hand. Why was everyone offering hands? “Norns, you just have to give me your hand too, like this” He moved his hand to wanda and she took it, shaking it briefly. Then, he released and turned again to Winter. “Want to try?” 
Before she could do anything Bucky spoke “Loki, don’t pressure her, Hydra fried her brain, you don’t know the thing you forget when they do that to you”
Loki just scowled and retired his hand. “Wait, you said Hydra, they did her the same they did to you?” 
“Kind of, all we could discover is that they were training her to become the next Winter Soldier, but something went wrong with her memory. That when we found her.”
“So…” Loki said with a smirk “ Her name is Winter, as in Winter Soldier? How original”
“She needed a name,” Wanda said “Enough for day one. Winter I will show you your room so you can get comfortable. And if you need anything just ask”
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geeky-politics-46 · 4 years ago
The Asgardian Candidate
Loki/The West Wing FanFiction Crossover
Chapter 2 - “The Interview”
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“Alright let's try the budget deficit question again. Your answer was fine, but simplify it. You aren't teaching an economics class. Remember, 10 words. Besides if you bore the voters to death then they can't vote for you."
Toby Ziegler explained as he coached president Jed Bartlet ahead of the first debate. As communications director he had the vital role of making sure the president was prepared for anything the moderators might throw at him.
“Ah, but if I've bored them to death then they can't vote for the other guy either. That's called playing the long game Toby." The president smiled cheekily & tapped his temple with his index finger.
Clearly the long nights of drills weren't wearing on him quite as roughly as they were on his staff.
“Besides I've never seen this guy go more than a single sentence on policy before redirecting the conversation to himself. The man's the biggest narcissist I've ever seen. Did we ever get an answer on why he wears those horns? It’s gonna look less like a debate & more like a bull fight. Leo, be sure to remind me not to wear red.”
Sam Seaborn rubbed his eyes in exhaustion & managed to cut the president off before he kept talking.
“Yeah, but see that's part of the problem Mr. President. If you start reciting policy point by point in detail you're going to appear out of touch with the average voter. They will feel like you're talking down to them." He said expanding on Toby's point.
“You gotta thread the needle here. Give them enough detail that they are confident you know what you are talking about, but succinct enough to keep the atmosphere light & engaged. Frankly a joke or two wouldn't hurt either… & no, still no answer on the horns.”
Bartlet shifted his position in front of the desk, glanceing over to Leo who gave a single nod. He took a deep breath & rubbed his brow.
“Alright guys let's take it from the top, but only once more or you’re gonna have to explain to Abby why I apparently don't need to sleep anymore."
“Not it!” Toby & Sam both exclaimed in unison. Leo rolled his eyes, sometimes he swore this was really a high school & could not possibly be how the White House actually functioned.
“Fine Mr. President, any heat you get from the first lady send it my way. What’s she gonna do spill my deepest darkest secrets? Abby’s known me long enough to know the dirt I have on her in return. Frankly I’d just opt for her to kill me instead.”
“Okay, & now that we’ve finished that trip down dark scary memory lane, it’s back to policy.” As Toby was opening his mouth to begin asking the first question the door burst open & Josh came running in with his arms in the air.
“I got it, I got it! Victory is mine! I found it! I found the thing we’ve been waiting for!” Everyone stared at Josh in surprise & confusion, Leo was finally the one who broke the silence.
"Okay first of all, no more coffee for you Josh. Second of all, what the hell are you talking about? What thing did you find?"
A proud smile appeared on Josh's face as he extended his hand towards Leo. He was holding a flash drive. “Our ace in the hole Leo. I found our ace in the hole."
Leo raised an eyebrow & took the drive from Josh. He silently read the handwritten label, Loki interview - Meet The Press, with that morning’s date written underneath it.
With tentative hope he glanced back up, meeting Josh's jubilant gaze. "Mr. President, I think we're gonna have to adjourn ahead of schedule tonight.”
"If it's Sunday, it's Meet The Press. I'm your host Chuck Todd. On today's show we are joined by Loki Laufeyson, the bombastic presidential candidate turning the institution on it's head. But what really makes this candidate tick?"
Even now watching the replay hours later Loki was still seething with rage.
That bumbling idiot of a host had dared bring up his relationship with his family. He never spoke about them for a reason. His heart still ached from his mother's death. She was the one person who had truly believed in him, & now she was gone.
His father, his adopted father, had always treated him as less than his older brother. Odin had groomed Thor for the throne. Using Loki as a mere pawn in his game to make Thor work harder to become the king Odin planned him to be. His brother was oblivious to his pain. Frankly Loki thought Thor was oblivious to most things. He was too busy trying to impress Odin to see how much his actions hurt his younger brother.
They would never be equals in the eyes of their father. Nor in the eyes of the Asgardian people. Loki was cruelly aware of that now.
That was why he had come to Midgard in the first place. To find a throne of his own or take one by force if he had to, & leave the memories of his father & brother behind.
The interview had started mundane enough. The host was painfully tedious, but Loki had discovered most of these talking heads & pundits were.
A few questions about how the campaign was going, polling numbers, & his growing following. Then of course the policy questions. Loki had discovered merely a sentence or two on the specific topic was enough to pacify most hosts & voters before switching back to his main message. That they were in dire need of a leader, & he was the one who would save them from themselves.
Then Loki began to lose his control on the interview. "Now we always see you alone on the stump. We know you are a bachelor, your devoted female following has managed to dig up that much at least."
Loki was still basking in thoughts of his future adoring female subjects when the host began to prod beneath the god’s composed facade.
"What about family? We've learned very little about your parents & your brother." The mere mention of Odin & Thor sent his blood running cold, his signature smile was swiftly replaced with a firm set scowl. Loki gathered all his strength & tried his best to charm his way out if the situation.
“Well my dear mother was sadly killed, a loss I still mourm to this day. She was truly a magnificent woman. The rest of my family is back in Asgard. It's as simple as that really." Punctuating his statement with a big winning smile to hopefully end that train of thought.
The host however continued to push. Each question chipping farther away at Loki's controlled demeanor. "Are you close with your father?... What about your brother?... Is family important to you?"
By the end of the show Loki couldn't even hear the words the host blathered. He could only hear his own pulse pounding in his head. He knew his anger was visible on his face. This public undoing of his carefully cultivated image only enraged him further.
How could such an imbecilic mortal have touched such a live wire in a god? If it weren't for the TV cameras he would have snapped the man's neck right then & there. For the time being though his revenge on the host would have to wait. He had bigger concerns at the moment.
He was now vulnerable, a soft spot had been exposed to the world & more dangerously to his competition. Loki had no doubt Bartlet's team would try to use this moment of weakness to their advantage. He no longer had the high ground in this fight, but he mentally vowed to reclaim it.
Loki was not about to let Thor & Odin be his undoing yet again.
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ks-caster · 4 years ago
Beth Liveblogs Black Widow
Bought that premium access on Disney+ so I can have the privilege of pausing for snacks and using subtitles as needed - so let’s go! 
Beth’s Spoiler-Free Review: Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the movie - the plot was compelling, the characters were likable, and the stunts were really excellent. I felt like hair and makeup dropped the ball on realism multiple times which I was sad about, because how she looks seems to be pretty important to Nat so I expected it to be done well in her movie. 
I did not like the way they framed the tail end (denouement - obviously because this movie is mid-series we know how it ends to an extent) - I felt like the connect-up to Infinity War was lackluster, especially compared to how enjoyable and dynamic the rest of the film was.
Spoilery live-reactions are under the cut. Click at own risk! Feel free to rebagel with your own impressions, thoughts, jokes and rebuttals!
The movie begins with a young Nat with blue dyed hair and visible roots, showing her natural red. Do you know how hard it is to get natural red out of hair, enough to make it blue and not green? And I’m supposed to believe that a middle-school age girl in 1995 Ohio had access to these chemicals? I’ll give her the white hair in IW/Endgame because she’s an adult with a lot of experience as a spy altering her appearance. But as a child? In the 90s? While her family is apparently in hiding? Sus.
The scene with Alexei laying on the on the wing while Nat learns to fly? AMAZING stunts. Amazing. AND someone in an action movie is finally smart enough to shoot the tires.
Nice skills on young Nat, getting the gun. Since we know from Endgame that Nat’s father is named Ivan, we know that Alexei isn’t really her dad. She also refers to presumably the red room as going “back.” Was she lent out to these agents to legitimize their family?
Nice knife moves, Yelena - I love the hand switch.
Ooooh so she was being mind controlled and the red stuff freed her? Interesting.
Nat is in Norway - visit Thor! He’d love to have you. (I’m mixing up my timeline, aren’t I?)
Supplies Dude whose name I didn’t catch refers to the Avengers breakup as a divorce - I kinda love it. It’s accurate!
BUDAPEST omg are we finally going to get the story?? Are we??
Box dye? I’m supposed to believe she got all that red out of her hair with flippin’ Loreal? Really? And that toner isn’t even the color she ultimately went - it’s too yellow. Sus.
Oop, looks like Nat got caught up in Yelena’s desertion.
Do not give Nat your metal frisbee, robocop - she’s been around Steve long enough that she knows how to use it.
I laughed out loud when she did the string him up thing with the cables - literal spider move, I love it!
Mystery box is empty - classic bait and switch.
Nat closing the door behind her is a small thing but I appreciate it - no sneaking up behind her.
When Yelena throws Nat in the kitchen and her feet hit the door and she spins before she hits the ground? That was a helluva stunt.
Oooooh honey. No body left to check is ALWAYS movie code for they lived.
Dreykov’s daughter? Another hint from Avengers 2012? C’mon, movie.
Riding the chimney down? Another incredible stunt. 
Dreykov can scan his soldiers’ bodies and terminate them if they’re too damaged to keep fighting? Big yikes. With Nat where she is character development wise, the stakes are now much higher because if she injures an opponent they may be killed remotely.
“Do you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?”
The car door under the bike was an excellent stunt - as was the car going into the subway. Though I’ve never seen a subway entrance big enough to admit a car.
Who hasn’t wanted to slide down the middle to avoid the crowded escalators lol.
Yelena making fun of Nat’s sexy poses I am LIVING omg.
Running water for wounds. RUNNING WATER. NOT ALCOHOL. The vodka goes on the INSIDE for the pain - the running water cleans the OUTSIDE. If there’s a convenience store then there’s a bathroom, with running water. Cleansing with something like alcohol is a LAST RESORT and you do not look like you’re at that point resource-wise. I thought these ladies were supposed to be highly trained in all of the things?
“Could be fun though.” “I saw where he put the keys” “Top drawer green cabinet.” I love their chaos.
Yelena’s vest and its pockets and the resulting conversation are positively majestic.
“You are sensitive.” “You’re a very annoying person.”
Do! Not! Move! Around! Like! That! While! Getting! A! Tattoo!!!! That poor artist was trying his best and Alexei just...
Ooooh was Red Guardian like Captain Russia? Interesting.
“Just don’t make a scene.” “You made a scene didn’t you.”
David Harbor running up that wall and then wiping out after the guard shocks him... I really loved that stunt, especially since they don’t show him being all super cut - he’s a big guy! He’s allowed to have fat over his muscles and still be a strong dude! I love it.
“Such a poser.” Girl, you need to meet Loki - he does a lot of hair flips too lol.
The sibling energy between the girls during the rescue!!!
“Whooooooa... this would be a cool way to die.” Yelena, I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you but get your head in the game girl.
Poor Alexei - he never gets to do the dramatic escape from *inside* of the aircraft.
Hang on, no ovaries? So all of these women are now in immediate, surgically-induced menopause? The uterus part makes sense if the intent was to prevent them from getting pregnant if they have sex during a mission, but, what, they gotta be on estrogen supplements for the rest of their lives? That’s just really poor planning. Like it was hilarious the way Yelena went into the biology of it to make Alexei uncomfortable, but that really doesn’t make sense to do to your superhero kids. It’s just bad science.
Love that Yelena keeps her vest even after she changes into her matching white flight suit. That vest better make it to the end of the movie.
“Honey, we’re home.” I 100% expected her to shoot him on sight tbh. it would have been funny.
Alexei squeezing into the uniform is such a post-pandemic feel. Also all of the fancy braids at that table; I see where Natasha got her propensity for them.
Animal cruelty warning, ugh. Poor piggy Alexei.
Oooh the photo album and Natasha remembered staging the pictures; they’re emotional for her but in a different way.
I wonder if robocop’s shield is actually Alexei’s.
The singing between Alexei and Yelena was a really beautiful moment because it was neither auto-tuned-good nor hilariously bad - it felt really real, especially the way Yelena’s so choked up she can barely make sounds come out.
Uh-oh, mama has one of those monitor your vitals and kill your ass suits. The suits I understand - the eyeliner though... when and why did she do her makeup?? That’s not really the thing that comes to mind for me when I’m getting ready to do something athletic, like say kidnapping my supersoldier fake family.
“This is a much less cool way to die.” Also WTF why would they do that. Wouldn’t it be easier to get the information out of her while her brain is still attached to, y’know, her mouth??
CLEVER CLEVER CLEVER they switched outfits and faces ooooooh like mother like daughter.
The door opening as Alexei is leaning against it dramatically bahahahaha
I love the plan. I’m thoroughly weirded out that Melina has a red wig just lying around that perfectly immitates Natasha though. 
“Yelena, it’s mama. You have a two-inch blade in your belt.”
Oh. My. God.
A pheromone lock preventing them from hurting them if they’re close enough to smell him - I like it. It’s clever and new.
Bahahaha poser! You posed I saw you! Still love the vest.
Natasha is really good at manipulating people’s emotions to get what she wants - I mean, scary good. So if she’s provoking Dreykov into beating her up, there’s a reason. 
“Using the only resource the world has too much of - girls.” Kill him. 
When I say I whooped out loud... SEVERING THE NERVE. Thank you for your cooperation. YAAAAAAS QUEEN.
“Slight change of plans - we are going into a controlled crash.” The way she said that was just so mom-like omg!
The grenade as a delivery system was super smart - but yikes what if she’d mistimed it and blew Natasha up? Also, after the beating she took and how hard she had to wack her own face into the desk to sever her olfactory nerve and the amout of blood we saw her leave behind from doing that, her face should be a LOT more messed up, come on makeup department.
“Get as far away from here as possible.” And then keep going because General I-Collect-Supersoldiers-Like-Stamps Ross is about to turn up at your location looking for trouble and he’d snap you ladies up like there’s a fire sale and you’re going out of stock.
This crash doesn’t look all that controlled, Melina. I’m starting to suspect that most of the widows won’t live long enough to make their own decisions...
All of the aerial stunts were amaaaaaazing - the way Nat slowed herself by sliding down the panels so Antonia could catch up with her and she could deploy her parachute... 
The vest survived the movie!!!
Fuuuuuck Ross is showing up and he sucks and I hate him and I’m super worried that he’s gonna take the vest from Nat if he takes her into custody. Please don’t let her lose the vest. 
Okay, there is now zero reason for Nat to stay behind. They have an aircraft. She had plenty of time to just board it and leave?
Okay okay okay Ross did not get her and did not take the vest. But am I supposed to believe she bleached her hair, toned it blonde, and then re-bleached and re-toned it to silver? Who does that? That would be terrible for her hair. Her scalp would be burned all to hell from the amount of chemicals needed to not only get all that red out but THEN get the blonde toner out. Y’know what color silver toner is? Blue/purple. Y’know what happens when you mix that with yellow? Green. And not a nice green either (I speak from experience). No. Her hair at the end of the movie? Cancelled. 
Oh, ouch. Big ouch. I hurt like a lot now. This is so not an okay way to end the -
Countess I-Forgot-Your-Name-Already?
Oh no. Oh no. That’s worse. That’s a lot worse. We are now setting up the Hawkeye series and I while I’m horrified that this was how they ended the film, I gotta say that’s going to make for some wonderful angst in that series on both Clint and Yelena’s parts and I am here for it!
I really, really enjoyed this movie, I thought the story was compelling, the stunts were really excellent, and I liked the character dynamics and the twist
I did not like the ending - it just sort of fell off quickly and didn’t feel satisfying after an otherwise really fun movie. I also take issue with the hair and makeup as shown among the characters, as seen in my several rants to that effect.
I would have liked to have seen a few more childhood/training flashbacks, and absolutely would have loved a cameo from Jeremy Renner (not just his voice) and to see him and Nat meeting and him giving her the whole dad speech that he does so well - bonus points if she could have then quoted him to Yelena or Antonia, showing the way that multiple people had a formative effect on her (an answer to the “The Avengers aren’t really your family either” comment).
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flowercrown-bucky · 5 years ago
That Old Black Magic
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Modern!Loki x Reader, Modern!Thor x Reader, Loki x Wanda
Series Warnings: Cheating, affairs, swearing, legal alcohol consumption, smut later on, mention of smoking
Summary: What do you do when you fall in love? Embark on a clandestine affair with their brother, of course.
Authors’ Note: This is very dialogue heavy towards the end. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. Oh, and hold tight, it’s a long one.
I was supposed to post this yesterday but forgot oops
Start At The Beginning | Series Masterlist
Chapter Five - Regarding long dismissed feelings that must, as ever, be addressed.
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“Y/N?” He muttered into your hair.
You murmured in response.
"I love you."
"What?" A spluttered, incredulous laugh left your lips. "Sorry, Loki, for a moment, I thought you said you loved me."
This was it, Loki thought. This was his do or die moment.
"I did." He mumbled. "I do."
Your whole body froze. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. His words echoed in your ears.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I. Love. You.
It wasn't possible. Loki didn't love you. Loki couldn't love you.
You'd played this game since the very first time you'd met. Dancing around each other, skirting around your feelings. Secret, exciting, harmless. You were drawn to him and he you, there was no denying that. Since you'd first met, you'd been drawn together, as if dictated by the will of some cosmic force.
But it was never anything serious. Never anything real. You'd had your moments, quiet and tender and clandestine, hidden away from prying eyes. Moments where you'd wondered how things would pan out if circumstances were different. If - and it was a big if - you weren't engaged to his brother.
As you closed your eyes, hundreds of Lokis' filled your mind.
Loki at the garden party. Loki half-smiling at a joke you'd told. Loki laughing so hard he spat beer out his nose. Loki sleeping on his brother. Loki in the sea under the moonlight. Loki gently embracing Wanda. Loki gently embracing you. Loki that night on the roof, mere steps away from pouring his heart out to you. You looked at the Loki before you. His bottom lip trembled slightly, his eyes glassy.
"Wanda..."  Your voice trembled as you spoke. "Thor."
He stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms around you, cradling your body.
"It doesn't matter about them." He murmured, his voice low and soothing. "It doesn't matter about anyone. All that matters is me and you. So long as I love you and you love me, everything will be ok."
You said nothing, trying very hard to disguise how every muscle in your body was tensing under his touch. You weren't fooling anyone.
"You do love me, don't you?" He stepped away, trying to meet your gaze. "You love me too, right? Y/N?"
You turned your head as shame filled your body. Tears filled your eyes, and you worried that if you looked at him you might start bawling uncontrollably.
"Y/N." His voice was low. "Do you love me?"
Your silence said it all.
"I'm sorry, Loki." A tear escaped your eyes, rolling down your cheek.
"You do, Y/N." His voice was almost pleading, his hands catching your biceps. "You do love me, I know you do. Everything that's happened, everything between us, I know you do. Say you love me."
You had been right. The sight of him had, in fact, caused you to sob uncontrollably, your body trembling under his firm grasp.
"Say it, please." He begged you, tears rolling down his face. "Please, tell me you love me. Tell me the truth. Please."
"I'm sorry, Loki." You repeated.
"You do, you do." It seemed like he was trying to convince himself as much as you. "I know you do."
"Loki, stop." You pushed him away from you. "I'm sorry, Loki, but I don't love you."
Loki felt like he'd been stabbed, your words like a knife driving straight through his heart. His breaths escaped him, as if he'd taken a heavy fall, his lungs suddenly feeling as if they'd been shattered. He'd never felt this way before, he felt almost as if his heart was about to quite literally break into two pieces, taking out most of his vital organs in the process. How had he been so wrong? Could he have really misjudged everything that had happened so badly? He thought back to the first time he'd met you, the way you'd looked at him then.
He thought about the way you were looking at him now.
"You don't.... Love me?" He whispered, his eyes brimming with tears.
You wiped the teardrops from your eyes uncomfortably. You weren't sure what to say.
"I should.. I should probably go." He rubbed at his eyes, turning and all but running for the door. "Just, don't tell my brother, okay?"
Your heart lurched in your chest. Could you let him go that easily?
"Loki!" You called after him. "Loki, wait!"
You were met with nothing but the slamming of the door.
Loki slammed the door of his flat with force it had never known before. Was he angry? Was he sad? He wasn't entirely sure.
He'd headed for the Kraken when he entered his kitchen, his fingers unscrewing the bottle as if it was of their own accord, pouring himself a more than healthy portion of rum. He sat himself down on the balcony, his fingers trembling as he attempted to light his cigarette. It took five tries but eventually, the zippo gave in and his Marlboro Lite was smoking .
After three drags of his cigarette and two sips of his rum did he eventually allow himself to cry. Tears rolled down his face, his nose filling with snot. Every contraction of his throat and chest felt like it might be his last. It felt as if every single sob might shatter his rib cage. How could he have been so wrong?
Thor had found you curled in a ball, crying, and more than slightly tipsy.
"I'm sorry, my love." Was all he'd said, wrapping you tightly in his arms. You'd been scooped up gently, and placed in your bed, the duvet tucked around you.
"Loki didn't come round, did he?" He asked, climbing into the bed next to you. "I forgot I'd invited him."
You shook your head violently.
"Look, I'm really sorry." He reached over to you, wrapping you into his chest. "I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too." Your voice came out in a whisper, unable to look him in the eyes.
How could something so right feel so wrong?
Meanwhile, Loki had been living the endlessly grey shades of life. It wasn't as if anything had changed. Anything but, really. His life had remained exactly the same.
He woke up every day at 6:05 and went for his daily jog. Monday through Friday, his breakfast would be a largely uninspiring bowl of porridge, following a shower that had, for a week, been cold due to his boiler's diverter valve sticking. He'd arrive at his office between 8:35 and 8:50 AM (Traffic-dependent), which gave him precisely enough time to make himself a large coffee - black, with one sugar - and read through his case notes before his first client meeting of the day. His working day would often overrun by an hour or so, which he didn't mind on days he was on his own (The exceptions to this being Thursdays and Fridays, Fridays being date night). Honestly? He happily stayed at the office until 7PM, giving him just enough time after he'd cooked and eaten to wallow in misery and self-pity, followed by an hour of half-hearted chatter with Wanda on the phone before he decided bed was the wisest option.
On Thursdays, he stayed at Wanda's. This typically meant he had to leave the office before 5:30, else she'd worry. They'd have a perfectly pleasant meal and a few glasses of wine before settling on the sofa to stream Netflix shows, before retreating to her room to fuck before going to sleep. The sex, as the chatter, had also become half-hearted, and this, he could tell, was something Wanda was becoming increasingly suspicious of.
It was a Thursday such as this that Loki had bailed on. He wasn't feeling well, he'd told his girlfriend. It wasn't entirely untrue.
You had hurt him unbearably, and that, was not a well feeling.
Not to mention that the pretence was killing him. Pretending you were in love with one woman when you were truly in love with another was no easy feat (Not to mention you'd soon be his sister in law, which would make his feelings a little too Game of Thrones for his liking), nor was pretending to be insanely busy so as to avoid both aforementioned women and the latter's fiancee.
Not to mention how you'd crushed his heart under your proverbial heel, leaving the proverbial shatters in the proverbial dust.
He'd wondered briefly on his drive home if he'd ever catch a break.
So, he lay sprawled on his sofa, a large wine in his hand, trying to ignore the phone lying next to him that was constantly notifying him of his girlfriend's concern for his welfare, and trying not to dwell on the fact that he could not dispel the image of your face from his mind every time he fucked said girlfriend.
So, naturally, the knocking on the door had really pissed him off.
He stormed over to the door, internally condemning whoever it was who'd decided to come visit him. What was so important they couldn't have just texted? If it was a door-to-door salesman or an evangelical believer, he would have to utilise extreme restraint in order to not knock them out. He flung the door open, ready to snap at whoever it was.
He was not expecting it to be you.
"Hey, can we talk?" You turned to face him. The smile on your face was small, shy, reassuring, but it still dazzled him.
He wasn't sure what to say. In all truth, he was completely dumbfounded.
"No." Was all his mouth could conjure up.
He'd been dreaming of this for weeks, of you rushing into his arms and declaring your undying love for him, but now that you were here, all he felt was anger. Anger for how you'd humiliated him, anger for how you'd hurt him. As if his body knew better what was good for him than his brain did, his arms reached out by themselves and slammed the door.
If Loki thought you'd leave him alone at that, he was very much mistaken. You clenched your hands into little fists, banging on the door with each alternately. You'd come to talk, and you were not someone who would leave things lying down. You were a fighter, and you'd be damned if one man thought he was going to change that.
His confession had deeply unsettled you. Panicked you, even.
You knew he felt for you. After all, he’d made no real attempt to hide it. Regardless of your own feelings, pushing him away, you knew, was the best thing to do for everyone. You loved Thor, and Loki would get over it. In time, he would come to see that you’d made the right choice.
You did not like the little voice in the back of your mind that constantly reminded you that it was him clouding your thoughts as you drifted off to sleep in his brother’s arms.
"Loki!" You yelled. "I know you can hear me."
Your banging on the door continued for another minute until you heard shuffling from the other side.
"Will you shut up?" He grumbled. "I have neighbours, you know."
"Then let me in." You argued.
The sigh that came from the other side of the door came from a man who sounded like he was really, really done. The door swung open, revealing a man who looked as exhausted as he sounded.
"You have five minutes." He told you, his arms crossed over his chest.
Loki was not sure why exactly he had let you into his flat, but there you were, sat on his sofa opposite him.
"I'm sorry, Loki." You said, looking up at him.
"So you've said before." He but his lip, staring down at his shoes.
"I humiliated you." You said.
"Yeah, you did." A bitter laugh left his mouth.
"I hurt you." You continued.
"That too." He brought his hand up to his throat, undoing his top bottom.
"Can you just stop, and listen, just for a second?" You asked. "Yes, I hurt you, yes, I humiliated you, and a whole lot more, too, I would imagine. But I want to move on from this! I want us to be the way we were! Is that too much to ask?"
"Y/N, you didn't just hurt me." His voice was low, quiet. Calm, even. "I held my heart out to you, and you trod it into the dirt. I told you I love you, and you didn't love me back. That, I can live with. But now, you say you want back in on my life? To what, to laugh at me? Why the fuck are you even here, Y/N?"
You bit your lip, trying very hard not to cry. It wasn't working.
"Say something." Loki rose to his feet, standing roughly half a foot from you. "Fucking say something! Why the fuck are you here, Y/N? To throw it in my fucking face?"
"Because I do." You whispered, covering your face with your hands.
"What?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.
"I fucking love you, Loki!" You shouted, suddenly finding your voice, and in the more literal sense, your feet. "I fucking love you and I'm engaged to your fucking brother, and that's so many kinds of fucked up I don't even know where to begin."
To say Loki was stunned did not even scratch the surface.
He stared at you, his mouth opening as if he were about to speak, but no words came out. For so long, he’d ached to hear those words, but now you’d actually said them, he wished you hadn’t. He almost wished there was some way he could push them back into your mouth, make them unsaid.
“You do?” Was all his brain could think to say.
You nodded, suddenly bashful, unable to look into his eyes. You stood, awkwardly facing each other. Your heavy breathing was the only noise in the room, sneaking glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking, to see if they were looking at you. Who would be the one to break the silence? He reached for you, tugging you into his arms. Your head fell against his shoulder, your body contained in his arms as they wrapped around you. In spite of yourself, you let out a heavy sigh.
‘Push him away, it’s for the best of everyone’, the voice in the back of your mind chided. Bang goes that theory.
You opted to ignore it.
“Hey now, stop with those tears.” His tone had become soft, a world apart from the anger from just moments ago. “You’re much too beautiful to cry.” His hand came down to cradle your face, wiping the tears from under your eyes with his thumb.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whispered.
“I know.” He replied.
“It’s wrong.” You continued.
“I know.” He repeated.
You nuzzled your head into his chest, relaxing under his touch as your arms wound around his neck.
“Loki.” You whispered, your voice hoarse. “Loki, I want you to kiss me. Please.”
He blinked at you in disbelief. He’d waited a year and a half to kiss you, and now you were actually asking, his body seemed to be betraying him.
You looked up at him, one eyebrow slightly quirked.
All he could think was how pretty your eyes were.
“Well?” You asked.
Chapter Six - I Put A Spell On You
[Also, little known fact about me - I’m a professional copywriter. I wrote this in between some other pieces and I can hear my professional voice coming through in this where I’m usually able to separate the two, but I sort of roll with it here. So you know, like, soz. I guess. #sorrynotsorry. Also, while I’m here, don’t cheat on your partners kids.]
@jessiejunebug @sherlockfan4life @soapbox-moments @amour-delicate @milea @writingforthelonelysoul @justyourneighbourhoodretard @chxrryycola @erinlaufeyson @marvelousell @rogerrhqpsody
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