#just about rammed my car into the car of a guy who left the door open while he was doing fuck knows what in the lot
peachdoxie · 7 months
I have a distress tolerance level of -12/100 rn and am about 0.5 seconds from engaging in incredible violence against people who cause me even the slightest irritation but I just got a finish this fucking sandwich and hope that eating something makes things better
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mysticallystilinski · 10 months
can u write a fluff where stiles has another panic attack and the reader is there to comfort him :D
trepidation | s. stilinski x fem!reader | fluff/angst
summary: you and stiles get trapped in the winter night of beacon hills, something may change it all
warnings: swearing, panic attacks, slight angst, anxiety, and mentions of harm
a/n: { hi! it’s lav, i hope you guys enjoy this, and please request more, as i’ve literally have no ideas.. }
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noun: trepidation
a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
the night was cold as you held your hands in between your warm thighs. stiles was driving his jeep in the sleet, ice roads. the power previously went out, and now you and stiles were heading to the pack. before your phone died, lydia had called you when she sensed something was happening. she had a hard feeling in her conscience, but she couldn’t pinpoint on what it was exactly. her breathing fell short onto the phone as your battery level promptly went to zero.
“stiles, my phone died. do you have a charger?” you lifted your head up to catch the gaze of the quiet boy. he tilted his head slightly, and licked his lips in attempt to chap-pen them. “uh, i think it’s around here somewhere.” he states. he uses his free hand to navigate around the back of the jeep in attempt to find the missing cord. he directed his gaze to the back seats for a split second to try to find it. his other hand, controlling the wheel, slightly tilted to the right and you felt a bump hit the tire.
you and stiles both looked at each-other in accord as he released his right hand from the backseat and placed both hands on the steering wheel. the car slowly went for a stop as something got lodged into the old jeeps tire. “you have got to be kidding me,” you huff out. “stiles, please tell me you still have that spare tire on the back of your jeep?” you smile shyly in attempt to butter up his reaction to the unfortunate event.
“remember that day last year when me and scott were playing around.. with the tire,” he laughed playfully, but with a sense of frighten. “you have got to be fucking kidding me,” you grit straight through your teeth. stiles smile fades into the black of the night as you open up the jeep door, and head out by the back of the car.
it wasn’t an ideal night, it was freezing cold, the power went out, and not to mention you guys were in the middle of the woods.
you heard the jeep door ram as stiles emerged from the left side of the car. “who’s idea was it to take the shortcut route,” you sneer. stiles gave you a menacing look as he popped open the back of the trunk. the jeeps blue figure moved up slowly with the guide of stiles hand. his eyes scanned the messy space in front of him in search of something that may help. he sighed for a few seconds in defeat as nothing came up in his scan. “maybe you should look with your hands”, you snickered. you took a step closer to the large vehicle and dived straight in. you began to shuffle around the papers, and the tools in attempt to at least find something useful.
you couldn’t manage to find anything helpful in this situation. stiles was still behind you, and you felt his cold gaze latch onto your soul. “what if we never get this car started,” he questioned frightfully. “trepidation”, you said. “what?”, he asked. “trepidation.. a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.” he fell silent at the sound of your quip words. the cold was bustling as the night grew darker. you knew stiles was panicked, and not knowing what to do. but you didn’t know to what extent his fear was at.
you heard staggered breathing from behind you. quickly, you whipped your head to see stiles on the floor, tears dripping down his eyes. “it just came out of nowhere”, he yelped in pain. “what did? what came out of nowhere?”, you briefly asked. stiles eyes were as cold as stone. he stared into the open gape of the trees from behind you. you quickly got onto the floor next to him. stiles was known for loving physical touch from you during these episodes. you pulled him into a hug, his head laid onto your chest. “stiles, it’s gonna be okay”, you whispered while hugging him. your hands got trapped into his brown locks of hair. his cold body shook while he whispered some words of breathe and it’s gone. “stiles what happened?”, you ask persistently.
his breathing began to get heavier, and heavier. you strained at the sound of him gasping for air. it was like his head was underwater, and you didn’t know how to drain it. “stiles, please, look at me”, you plead. he stares into your lighted eyes, and starts to breathe. “listen to me sti.. trepidation”, you speak. his eyes grew warmer as your voice seemed to echo in his entire mind. “trepidation.. a feeling of fear, or agitation about something that may happen”. you see his body move up and down with the beat of his each breath. his face was less tense, and his body more relaxed. panic attacks weren’t uncommon for him, but this one sparked fear into you.
“just remember stiles.. trepidation.”
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muffinpink02 · 3 months
Bronze Is Better Then Gold part 2
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Warning - smutty bits, not smut, angst, fluff
Two hours had passed, and Ona was reading her book in bed, when her phone went off.
Lucy - Don’t think I forgot about our bet! Loser buys lunch, chips and curry sauce is needed for a seconds visit. 😏 xx 
Ona laughed out loud, dipping her head back in her pillow.
Ona - don’t worry I haven’t forgotten, it will be nice having my lunch bought for me 🤤
Lucy - I can’t wait xx 
Ona - me neither, you’re going down xx
Both girls had the exact same thought with Ona’s last text of the night.
Lucy imagined what it would be like to have her head dipping in between Ona’s legs. She wondered what she tasted like, what her moans sounded like. She wondered if she would teased her, would she beg for it. How her brown eyes would look down at her as she pleasured her to no end.
Ona also imagined Lucy’s head bopping up and down in between her legs. She wondered if she moaned when she was down there, or if she used her tongue to fuck. She could see Lucy’s green eyes looking up at her as she rode her face. She wondered if Lucy liked her hair being pulled, if she liked it be spoken to while she ate her out.
Both girls using that exact same thought of Lucy going down to ‘relax’ just a little bit more for the evening.
The next morning Ona quickly made her way to the coffee shop on the corner of her road, grabbing an oat milk latte for Lucy and a cappuccino for herself.
She got back with five minutes to spare but of course Lucy was already there. She got in the passenger seat, holding up the coffees.
“Good morning. I got you some coffee.” She handed it over to a very tired looking Lucy.
“I needed this so badly, I normally have my canister but I forgot it. Thank you. An actual life saver.”
Her smile was of pure joy, Ona couldn’t have seen a cuter smile.
“You’re welcome.”
“Your ready for today?” Lucy pulled off, taking a sip of the coffee, humming from the taste.
“Yes, I’m excited.”
“I’m glad one of us is.”
Everyone was in there places. All the teams were ready and waiting for Lucy’s call.
Lucy loved and hated this part of the job. It was a complete adrenaline rush. Nothing compared to it. She had planned this for two months, she felt ready. Everything was in place. But no matter how much you planned it could go many ways.
She could get her guys, take them to police custody and have enough evidence to put them in prison. That was what everyone hoped for. Or she could get them and not have enough evidence and they end up back on the street.
Or it could go completely wrong and one of her colleagues or herself could get seriously hurt. That was the one that scared her the most. Sadly she had already been down that route before.
Lucy took a deep breath, she lifted the radio up to her lips.
“Have ram ready for entry. Fire arm officers be ready to enter property.”
She watched as her team moved closer to the property.
Jill then came in over the phone.
“Ready and waiting.”
“Team proceed.”
Over a couple streets away Ona was in the under cover car with Jordan, both waiting for any kind of signal. They could hear Lucy giving orders to the rest of the team.
The door was knocked down easily. Jill and her team entered the property.
They quickly entered each room on the bottom floor, finding nobody.
“Talk to me Scott.” Lucy said.
“Bottom floor is clear.”
Lucy bit her lip.
Jill and her team made their way upstairs. They entered each room, but still nothing. Until they got to the last room on the left, finding two men trying to hide in the wardrobe.
“Come out! Hands up! Get on the floor.”
The men got on the floor. An officer quickly handcuffing both of them.
“We have two males in the property.”
“Is it them Scott?”
Just as Lucy asked she noticed movement at the corner of her eye, she looked to her left. She saw two men turning a corner from the street. She knew who they were straight away. As soon as they saw the police they ran.
“Fuck!” Lucy shouted.
“Suspects on foot! I need all officers on foot, now!.”
Lucy ran towards the men, she could hear her team right behind her.
She watched as the men split up, the smaller man of the two jumped over a wall into a garden, the other heading down a street.
“Suspects have split, I need all officers heading south towards Elm Street, and North street.”
Ona and Jordan looked at each other, Jordan ready for Ona’s instructions.
Lucy didn’t stop running, she couldn’t see either of the men anymore but she didn’t give up. She jumped the wall same at the man did. She watched as he ran towards a field, losing sight of him instantly as he entered the forest.
“I need any nearby vehicles, I have a suspect in the forest.” Lucy spoke into the phone.
“I have vehicles heading towards that area now.” Alex came in over the radio.
Ona had studied the maps, she knew there was no other way to go when coming down North street you had to get to the other end to leave it.
They spotted Bigz, Ona knew it was him straight away. She had studied both of the brother’s faces when Lucy had gone through the history of their crimes. He was a at least ten houses down from them, he hadn’t spotted them.
He was a giant of a man, standing easily over 6ft. He was running at full force down the street, he was on Ona’s side of the car.
“Get down.” Ona whispered.
They both ducked in their seats, Ona had her hand on the door handle. She could hear his feet hitting the pavement hard, she waited for the perfect time.
Ona opened the car door, slamming it right into Bigz, he flew off his feet. The man was on the floor rolling around, groaning. Ona jumped out, her gun in her hands aiming at him.
“Stay down, put your hands out. Don’t move.”
Jordan was up and ready handcuffing the man.
“I have suspect Bigz detained.” Ona spoke into the radio.
Lucy felt a sense of relief, it may not have been exactly what she wanted but she at least had one of her guys.
“Well done Battle. I heard you knocked the guy out.” Demi laughed.
“Ohh no, it wasn’t anything special, it was right place at the right time.” Ona said.
“No, come on, you’re being too modest.” Jill chuckled.
“No really guys. Jordan will agree.”
“Na, you was unreal. I didn’t even realise what you were doing. I wouldn’t have thought of that.”
Ona rolled her eyes smiling. “Guys come on.”
“I wish I could have seen it.” Lucy smiled brightly.
All the girls hummed in agreement.
“Ahh it was so cool! I was fan girling all the way back to the office.” Jordan exclaimed.
Ona laughed. “She was fan girling. I thought I was going to have to sign an autograph for her.” She winked at Jordan in jest.
The kitchen erupted in a fit of laughs, Ona chuckled. She could feel those green eyes on her, she looked over at Lucy, who this time didn’t try and hide the fact that she was staring. She stared until Ona felt her skin prickle, making her look away.
It was three weeks in since Ona joined the team. She had settled in amazingly, the team were great, they were friendly and helpful. Her manager was supportive, and reasonable. But if she was to be honest the best part of her job was down to a certain brunette.
The girls had gotten significantly closer. It had become a habit where each day Lucy would pick Ona up in the morning and drop her home after work.
And the closer they got the more flirty they got.
So far, it was the only time they got to be alone, and every time they got in Lucy’s car the atmosphere became more sparked. The girls had an easy, flirtatious banter between them and being alone in the car only heightened the tension.
But that also peaked through at work. There was a natural pull between them, an invisible thread that made the girls gravitate towards each other. The want was getting more obvious, especially when Ona would see Lucy hot and sweaty on her lunch break when she had clearly been working out in the buildings gym.
Jordan and the others would constantly ask if anything was going on, but there wasn’t, they had only flirted. No kissing, no touching, they clearly wanted each other but nobody was making the first move.
“Ready Battle?” Lucy smiled as they entered the changing rooms.
“Yep. Ready to win.” Ona smiled mischievously.
“Ohh I can hear fighting talk.” Jordan laughed.
Today was the combat team training day. It was a requirement the team had to do once a month. It was to insure they had the skills and knew what to do if ever having hand to hand combat.
“Yeah. Ona thinks she can take me on.” Lucy laughed.
“I think she could.” Jordan said it like it wasn’t even a question.
Oma smiled to herself.
“No one on the team has been able to beat me. Why would Ona?” She smiled cheekily at Ona.
“So we’re betting?” Demi then joined in.
“We’ve got a bet on.” Ona smirked. “Loser buys lunch.”
“For everyone?” Jordan got excited.
“No.” Lucy said quickly.
“Oh? Is someone scared? You sound nervous to have to buy lunch for everyone.”
Ona laughed, with the other girls joining in.
But her laughing stopped when Lucy removed her shirt, she wasn’t ready for the  eye watering six pack that was underneath. Ona knew Lucy went gym, she knew Lucy was fit. But she had only ever seen the girl in shirts and trousers.
Lucy saw the change in Ona’s face, she saw where her brown eyes were looking. So in true Lucy style, she firmed her stomach as she removed the rest of her shirt, revealing her muscular arms.
Ona didn’t realise it but she was staring, she couldn’t help it, Lucy was something to stare at, her body was incredible. She could feel her body reacting to the site in form of her. It wasn’t until Lucy cleared her throat that Ona looked up, her green eyes looking at her playfully. Ona darted her eyes away quickly, finding a spot on the wall a lot more interesting.
But Lucy didn’t miss Ona’s physique either, the girl had her own six pack, her body was strong and petite, her milky skin looked edible. Lucy wondered what it would be like to run her tongue all over her skin. She felt her mouth began to salivate. She had to find her own spot on the wall to concentrate on.
The group walked out into the gym, ready for their training.
“Hiya you lot, I hope we’re ready for some combat today. Oh, hello, you’re new.” The Scottish women smiled at Ona.
The tall brunette woman looked over at Ona.
“Hi, I’m Ona.”
“Oh you’re Ona? I’ve heard about you, I heard about the guy you took down. Good on you. I’m Jen by the way.”
She smiled at Ona, making the shorter girl blush. Lucy couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
“Okay you know the drill, get in to pairs, we’ll go over the moves, then I want you to try and get your partner on the floor, have them down for a least ten seconds. Can I get a volunteer. Ona care to be my partner?”
“Sure.” Ona nodded and smiled.
Jen smiled at her a little bit too flirty for Lucy’s liking but she tried to ignore the jealousy.
“Okay, Ona. I’m the attacker, I’m going to come at you and I want you to stop me.”
Jen went through many different techniques and moves with Ona, too many times Lucy noticed Jen’s hands lingering on the girl longer than needed. But she may have just been a bit jealous.
Jordan nudged Lucy, smirking. “I think someone else likes your girl.”
Lucy rolled her eyes.
“Okay, try that with your partners. Gentle at first but then I want to see you go for it. To a degree obviously. I’ll come round and watch you. A clap for my amazing assistant.”
The group clapped and whooped.
Jen helped Ona up. “Thank you Ona, you were great.” She winked at the younger girl.
Everyone pared up, Ona and Lucy made a bee line for each other.
“Right, you ready?”
“Bring it.” Ona smiled.
The girls were gentle with each other at first, like most of the other pairs, going over the moves. By the last move Lucy had Ona on her back.
She smirked as she helped the girl up.
“Thats one to me.”
“For now.”
Ona got Lucy on the floor next, with a quick move to the ankle, Lucy was more than shocked when her back hit the floor. Ona got her down three more times, on her back and her front with quick moves. So far Lucy has only gotten Ona down twice.
“Nice Ona. No one can ever beat this one. You losing your game Bronze?” Jen chuckled.
Lucy forced out a laugh. Wiping her sweaty brow.
Ona smirked at Lucy, she could tell she was getting to her. This time Lucy did have her, but only for five seconds, Ona wrapped her legs around her waist and held her head, not tightly but enough for Lucy to let go.
The girls were panting, neither would admit it but both girls were getting worked up, and not in a fighting sense but more of a sexual working up.
Both maybe even a little wet.
You couldn’t blame them, this was the closest they had been physically in real life, and not just their day dreams.
Lucy grabbed Ona from behind, pushing out her legs getting her to her knees, she easily got her on her front with her knee in her back, not enough to hurt but enough for Ona to forth it.
“Okay guys, I want you to do the last move. Someone on their back.” Jenny shouted out.
“I can go on my back.” Ona breathed out.
Lucy nodded, not trusting herself to be mature enough to speak.
Ona laid on her back, waiting for Lucy to straddle her.
The brunette looked down at the smaller girl, her chest rising hard, she couldn’t help but feel heat travel in between her legs.
She slowly sat softly on Ona’s stomach, she could feel her own cheeks going red, thankfully she could blame it on the training. She looked down at Ona, her brown eyes were looking up at her, a shy smile was on her face, she clearly could feel her own heat travelling south between her legs.
“And start.” Jen shouted.
Ona didn’t even have a chance to move before Lucy grabbed her arms and lifted them above her head, pinging the girl down. This is where Lucy had the advantage, she was bigger than the girl and technically she was stronger.
Ona grunted as she tried to flip, thrusting her hips up and down, causing Lucy to bounce on her. But Lucy’s thighs held her down hard. She gritted her teeth, and tried again but she couldn’t move the older brunette.
Lucy was definitely blushing now, she knew she shouldn’t but the movements Ona was doing was making it hard to concentrate. She watched as the girl closed her eyes, trying to think.
The Spaniard opened her eyes to see Lucy staring down at her, her pupils nearly took over the green in her eyes. She smirked down at Ona.
“Can’t move can ya?”
Ona chuckled, Lucy felt her stomach knot up, having Ona beneath her, laughing up at her, a panting mess, thrusting up into her own heat was a moment she’d never forget.
Ona could see the way Lucy was looking at her, she had looked at Lucy like that many times before, so she decided to go about it another way.
She bit her lip, innocently looking up at Lucy, she groaned a little differently to how she did before, the grunt slipped into a small moan from deep within her throat. She breathed a little harder, making her chest rise. She thrusted her hips with more pressure and precision.
Lucy’s face was a picture. Ona could feel Lucy had loosened her own thighs.
“Creo que estás disfrutando esto demasiado.” (I think you’re enjoying this a little too much.) Ona whispered
“No es una mala vista.” (It’s not a bad site.) Lucy whispered back.
Ona used that opportunity to buck Lucy hard, finally pulling her wrists free. She grabbed Lucy with her own thigh and swapped their positions.
Once again Lucy was last for words, for more reasons than one.
Ona did what Lucy did to her, she grabbed her wrists, pinging them above her head, but she quickly dipped her head next to Lucy’s. She whispered.
“You’re too easy.” She smiled smugly down at Lucy.
Lucy could feel her nipples perk, even though she was hot and sweaty a shiver went down her spine just from Ona’s words.
She tried to bounce the girl off, but it only made it worse, she watched as Ona bit her lip, tightening her hold on her wrists. She could feel herself getting wet, her body was melting underneath the younger girl.
“And time. Let’s finish it off there.”
Ona let go of Lucy’s wrists, she saw she left marks on her wrist, instantly feeling bad.
“Oh Lucy, I’m sorry did I hurt you?”
“What? Oh, no not at all, maybe my pride but no.” Lucy chuckled.
Ona laughed, she reluctantly got off of Lucy, helping the brunette to her feet.
“Okay guys, well done. That’s it for today. I’ll see you again next month.” The room clapped and thanked Jen, slowly making their way back to the changing room.
“Hey Ona, can I have a word?”
“Oh, sure. What’s up?”
Lucy felt her jealousy creeping back up, she carried on walking trying once again ignore it.
It was the end of the day, Lucy finished up writing up some documents, while Ona looked into more on the current case they were working on.
“Done! You ready to head off?”
Oma smiled brightly up at Lucy.
“Sii, I’m ready.”
They were waiting at traffic lights when Lucy couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“So what did Jen want?”
“Jen, she wanted to speak to you after the training.”
“Oh, she asked if I had done any kickboxing before. She runs a class and wanted to know if I’d ever like to join.”
“Ohh. Yeah, I think you impressed her.” Lucy smiled softly at Ona.
“Yeah, she also asked if I was ever free for a drink, she’d like to take me.” Ona tried to say it as casual as she could.
Lucy felt her stomach drop. But of course she wasn’t going to let it show.
“Ohh yeah? Will you?”
“Why not?”
“I’ve kind of got my eye on someone else.”
Lucy had a feeling she knew who she meant, but didn’t press for anymore.
Ona looked at the Halloween decorations hung up around the office, it was nearly the end of October. It had nearly been a month that Ona had joined her new team.
She was in the kitchen making herself and Lucy a tea, making sure to let the tea bag sit.
“Alright Ona? Do you wanna sign the birthday card?” Jess Carter smiled brightly at her.
“Oh sure, who’s it for?”
“The one and only.”
“Is it today?”
“No, tomorrow. Getting it signed so it’s ready.”
“Oh, okay.”
Ona was surprised that Lucy hadn’t mentioned anything, but then she also wasn’t. The girl didn’t like much fuss over her.
She signed the card and gave it to Jess.
“Thanks Ona.”
Ona didn’t mention that she knew about her birthday instead she thought she’d surprise the girl.
Lucy pulled up outside Ona’s house, the shorter girl was there as usual, with a beautiful smile on her face and two coffees in her hands.
“Morning.” Lucy smiled.
“Good morning birthday girl!” Ona handed over her coffee.
Lucy was shocked, how did Ona know? One of the girls must have mentioned it.
“Ahh thank you.”
“I got you something.”
“What? No! You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.” Ona smiled.
Lucy shook her head smiling.
“Well I made you something. As I didn’t have time to buy anything because I only found out yesterday.” Ona made a point to look at her with an annoyed face.
“Sorry, I didn’t mention it. I don’t like celebrating my birthdays.”
Ona looked at her with wondering eyes, like she was trying to work something out in her head. She did that often with Lucy, her brown eyes could look right through you, like she could see what you were thinking.
“Well, I want to change that because you should celebrate your life. Anyways here.”
She handed over a container box, Lucy could smell it straight away. Her mouth watered. She opened it up to see freshly cooked, freshly glazed, cinnamon rolls Lucy’s all time favourite.
“Oh my god, these look unreal. Did you make them?”
“Yeah.” Ona smiled proudly.
“Ona, thank you so much.”
“It’s okay. I know you mentioned they were your favourite.”
“You remembered?”
“Yeah. Of course.”
Lucy wanted to slide over and kiss the girl, she’d gone out of her way just to make her day special, and she hadn’t even told her. She suddenly felt silly for not telling her.
“Can I have one now?”
“Of course, they are yours! Eat.”
“You have one too.” Lucy passed over the box after taking her own.
“Thank you.” Ona smiled.
Lucy couldn’t help the moan she let out when she sunk her teeth into the sugary treat.
Ona had to try and pretend it didn’t affect her.
“Oh my god. These are the best cinnamon rolls I’ve ever had.“
Ona giggled, sucking her thumb from frosting.
“I’m glad you like them.”
A comfortable silence fell over them, while the radio played and they finished their treats.
“That was amazing! Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Oh you’ve got some cream on your….here let me.”
Ona reached over, wiping the glazing off of Lucy’s chin. The older brunette watched as Ona kept her eyes on her lips, she then sucked the frosting of her thumb as she looked up at Lucy with a mischievous glint in her eye.
Lucy felt her face heat up, her mouth stayed open as she watched Ona sitting innocently in her seat.
“Gone.” She smiled.
The strength it took for Lucy to not grab Ona buy her jacket and throw her in the back seat of the car and have her way with her was incredibly difficult.
“Happy birthday dear Lucy, happy birthday to you!” The office started to cheer and clap as Lucy blew out her candles on her cake.
She cut the chocolate cake up for everyone in the office.
“Where we going this weekend then?” Jordan asked with a mouthful of cake.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to go anywhere.”
“Oh come on. Why not? It’s your birthday grumpy arse, we’re going out.” Jordan pointed her fork at Lucy.
“Yeah Bronze, it’s only your birthday once a year. Stop being boring. I’m sure Ona wants to have a night out with us, don’t ya Ona.” Jill nodded towards Ona.
“Yeah, I agree. Stop being boring.” Ona smirked at Lucy.
“Great that settles it. I’ll book that karaoke place you like.” Jordan was already on her phone booking a table.
“I’ll put it in the group chat to see who else wants to come.” Demi took out her phone.
👮 🚓 👮 group chat 
Demi - we’re out for Lucy’s birthday tomorrow, going pub, karaoke then bar let me know if you’re coming
Jess C - yes!! 🙌🏼
Alex G - can’t wait, will be there x 💃🏻
Millie B - I’ll be there x
Lauren J - yesss 🐐
Lauren H - yay! Do I have to sing?
Rachel - might have to miss pub but will be there for the rest 🪩
Esme - yes!! I know my song already 🎤 x
Mary - whooop! Yess what time? X
Demi - 8pm at the kings head, 9 for karaoke then we can head to the pink lady
Beth - you’ll see me there! X
Lucy - I guess I’ll be there 🤨
Jordan - you can come if you like
Jill - does she have to?
Ona laughed at the groups dynamics, over the last month she had got to know some of the girls, she couldn’t wait to have a night out with them.
It was the end of the day and as usual Ona and Lucy walked to the older girls car. Just as they sat down Lucy’s phone started to ring, her mums name coming up in with a FaceTime.
“Ergh sorry, let me just grab this quickly.” Lucy picked up her phone .
“No worries.” Ona went on her own phone.
An older ladies voice came through loudly through the speaker.
“Happy birthday!! I won’t sing, I know you don’t like that. How’s your day been? Those cinnamon rolls looked gorgeous! I can’t believe your friend Ona made that for you. That’s so lovely of her! Don’t eat them all at once, you’ll be sick. You look a bit thin Lucy, you eating enough?”
Lucy closed her eyes, she loved her mum but sometimes she could talk for Britain.
Ona couldn’t hold the smile that plastered her face. The fact that Lucy sent a picture of the rolls to her mum melted her heart. She thought about Lucy taking a picture and thinking to send that to her mum, it made Ona’s instantly smile.
Lucy saw her smiling, she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her own face
“What’s that? Why you smiling? Is someone there? Who you smiling at?”
“Ona’s in the car with me now. She can hear you questioning me like a Detective.”
“Ohh hola Ona! Those buns were beautiful! If I ever come down I’ll have to have you make me some.” Lucy’s mum laughed.
Lucy mouthed ‘sorry’ to Ona. But her mum of course so her.
“Oi don’t be rude missy, let me say hello to Ona. Turn the phone around.”
Lucy rolled her eyes, she turned it just enough for her mum, Ona leaned in close to Lucy so she could say hello.
She saw a woman that looked just like Lucy, she could actually see what Lucy would look like in years to come. Her bright smile was the spitting image.
“Hello Ona, oh you are a pretty thing. You weren’t lying was you said she was pretty Lu- what? No, I’m on the phone!”
Lucy contemplated on just dashing her phone out the window from pure embarrassment. Her mum had just let it slip that she had maybe mentioned Ona before and even the fact that she said she was pretty. She wanted to simply run away.
“It’s under the stairs. Your dad says happy birthday. Are you two going for a meal for your birthday?” Lucy’s mum smiled down the camera.
A second of silence fell over the girls as if one wanted to see what the other would say.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
Ona looked over at Lucy with her big brown eyes. For the first time Lucy was glad her mum opened her mouth, she may have just  made her day even better.
“Yeah?” Lucy said.
“Alright I’ll let you two sort that out. I’m glad you’ve had a good day Lucy. Was lovely to finally meet Ona, Lucy doesn’t stop talking about you. Lovely to put a pretty face to a pretty name.”
Lucy’s face was definitely red now.
“Ahh thank you, it was lovely to meet you too.” Ona smiled at the camera.
“Okay, bye mum, thank you for calling.”
“Bye Lucy, I’ll call you soon.”
Lucy hung up the phone, looking over at On.
“So where do you wanna eat?” Ona smiled playfully at Lucy
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honeylikesyanderes · 1 month
this is an nsfw request but it doesn’t have to be fully detailed! headcanons about bo and karma (respectively) with a darling who has high libido aka always horny? 🤨✍️
this has been in my drafts for two years. damn.
um, bhodi's got a bit pornish at the end so beware? idk
18+ mdni, yandere themes + sexual stuff
yada yada yada, read at your own risk
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honestly doesn't mind it at all tbh
karma isnt the horniest person in the world
but if his darling needs something, he's gonna provide it.
karma is the kind to make you cum a few times with his fingers
he'll encourage you sit on his face and ride to your hearts content
and if you whine and beg for his cock (he loves when you beg)
he'd most definitely get you toys to keep you entertained as well
especially if he's not in the mood to ''directly'' participate in sex
and its good fun too when you're both in public
bullet vibes made from platinum, custom-made dildos and vibrators, all manners of toys-
all for your pleasure.
i have this headcanon that karma is most definitely the type to tie you to a wide desk chair in his office with your legs spread apart, attach a vibe to you, and just let you cum over and over till your overstimulated.
all while he's at his desk, paying you no mind as he keeps reading documents and signing contracts.
you can moan as loud as you want (his walls are soundproof), he's already put up the 'do not disturb' sign on his door.
dont be so whiny next time, okay?
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one thing about bhodi:
he's always ready to go.
generally speaking, he would be best suited for a darling with a high libido tbh
when you're needy, he'll be there, ready to service you until you're satiated.
doesn't matter if you're in public;
either y'all are going home, or he'll sort you out in the back seat of his car.
or maybe the car is too far away-
thank goodness he has a private bathroom in his office 👀
if anything, i think bo would be excited to have a darling with a high libido
he's pretty adventurous when it comes to sex
and he thinks it'll be a good avenue to explore with his partner if they have sex frequently.
he also enjoys the bonding time that it brings
skin to skin contact, the beautiful moans that leak from your mouth, how you scrunch up your face a bit when you cum for him-
why wouldn't he want to see that as often as possible?
in a way, he'd also be very flattered.
you're horny and you picked him to ''service'' you? (he's your partner but that doesn't matter ig?😭)
and its these thoughts that fuel his obsession more.
he'll do anything you want.
use him. use him all for your pleasure. he's willing to do anything for you. to make you feel good.
use him. please.
headcanon for bhodi is something office related as well:
you guys are in his office and you're sitting on his lap-
seems innocent enough right?
you're the hr manager's girl and everyone knows. its no secret. you are just spending some quality time together as he works.
at least that's how it seems to the staff that can see you (the walls of bhodi's office are transparent glass)
if they could see under the desk, then they would know you were actually sitting on bhodi's cock.
cockwarming him. or at least that's what they called it online when you searched it up the other day.
you could feel it tho, how swollen his tip was inside you, how the veins on the left side of his cock throbbed against your walls. how close he was to cumming.
he'd been inside you for the past 20 minutes, and you knew he was hanging on by a thread.
so you did what any good partner would do in this situation-
you gave it a little bounce.
almost instantly, he came inside you, filling you up while gripping your waist, groaning as you let out a little moan.
next thing you know, you're bent over the bathroom counter, with bo ramming into you.
dont be such a tease next time, okay?
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l0sersguide · 26 days
Double Date.
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Jason Dean x gn!reader
(Small hints of Mcsawyer)
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, nice/normal-ish JD (IK IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN, JUST LET ME BE DELULU) Making out, NOT PROOFREAD
"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Heather."
You complained to Heather McNamara, a childhood friend of yours. You were sorta apart of Heathers. I mean, you were friends with McNamara, put up with Duke, and... didn't hate Chandler. Currently, you were standing in Heather's yellow colored bedroom, listening to her go on about a double date she promised Veronica.
Veronica, who had recently started seeing Jason Dean, or JD, was looking for someone to double date with at this diner. Heather said she could come with Ram. The only problem was when the two girls brought it up with their boyfriends, they said that they said would "Kill him with my own two hands." So now Heather was looking for a date who JD wouldn't want to kill (which is pretty hard if we're being honest), but if Heather brought Duke or Chandler.. well It'd be the same outcome if she brought Ram. You were her only bet.
"Please! JD already hates me." Heather pleaded. "I'll get you tickets to your favorite band!" They were coming around for their tour, and you were really pissed when you did get a ticket. (Heather had to hear you bitch for weeks) "Fine. Only because you're my best friend.. and I really want those tickets." Heather squealed as she swung her arms around you. "Thank you!!" "Ya, ya. Let's just hope this doesn't suck as much as I think it will." You mumbled.
If you're being completely honest, there was something going on with Veronica and Heather. You were slightly convinced this was only a 'double date' so that Veronica and Heather could have a romantic date. But, you now stood in your mirror seeing which outfit said, "I'm looking nice but not so nice you think I actually wanna be here." That was easier said than done. You eventually picked out a simple outfit, nothing too nice but not slobbish.
The phone soon started ringing, and almost immediately, you heard Heather's rushed voice. "Hey! I'm leaving now! Be outside in 10! Okay, bye!" And she hung up. 'Left the call last minute.' You thought. And after a couple tweaks on your hair, you left to wait.
Heather soon drove down your street, parking in front of your house. As Heather didn't have a car yet, you quickly noticed it was Veronica's car. 'I guess we're all going together.' You thought as you opened the backseat door. "Hey guys!" Veronica was in the drivers seat, obviously, and Heather was sitting behind her, with the passenger seat empty. 'I guess that's for JD' You closed the door, buckling up. To be honest, you had never actually met the guy, you had only heard stuff from the heathers that he was an asshole. But in his defense the heathers have high standards and are bitchs themselves.
As the three of you drove around to JDs house, you saw him waiting outside. Dark, wavy brown hair. Dark brown eyes. And dressed in chill clothes: a blue flannel with a white tank and some black pants. The only people actually dressed 'nicely' were Heather and Veronica. (What a surprise). He immediately noticed us pulling into his drive and came walking over.
"Greetings and salutations," He said as he got in the car, looking at everyone but pausing at you. "Now, I don't know you." "I'm Heather's friend," you said, introducing yourself. "Jason Dean, but call me JD," He said, turning back to Veronica, making small talk. I mean, he seemed nice. A little good looking. But he was probably just being polite cause he does hate the heathers, and you kind of are one? Whatever, you'd probably forget him by tomorrow. Soon, Veronica started the car, the engine humming to life before she drove to wherever this diner was, everyone going quiet on the drive there.
When they got there, they went as sat in a booth in the corner. Veronica and JD were sitting on one side. You and Heather sat on the other with Heather and Veronica sitting across from each other. They started chatting on about random stuff: Heathers, school, shoes, the drama, etc. They chatted on as if they were the only two at the booth, while JD and you sat in silence. "So, do you go to Westerberg?" He asked you, snapping you out of your 'zone-out session'. "Oh yeah, but Heather and I know each other from kindergarten." He just nodded. "I'm gonna go get a drink." He added, standing up. "Yeah, mhm" I mumbled, sinking into my seat. This was gonna be a long night.
Drinks came, food came, Heather and Veronica talked and talked like newly weds, you and JD sat in silence. A seemingly successful night, not like anyone died. But as the night was coming to an end, the diner obviously cleared out, and soon they were one out of two tables there.
But, tired of hearing the love birds you webt fir a smoke back round back. And so, as you leaned against the brick wall, trying to light the cigarette hanging between your lips, you heard someone. "Having trouble?" He stood, grinning. You glared at him and his stupid grin. "Oh shut it. This stupid lighter won't fucking light." I mumbled, putting it back in your pocket before you saw his hand holding a lighter. "Here. Use mine." You paused before taking it. What the hell was this dude about? And what is with that stupid grin?! Taking the lighter into your hand and flicking the barrel a couple of times before a small flame appeared, lighting your cigarette. You closed the lighter and handed it back to him. "Thanks" He took it back and put it back in his pocket. The two if you stood in awkward silence. "Your right, standing in awkward silence behind the diner is much different than sitting in awkward silence in the car." You said sarcastically. "Eh, it's better than having to listen to those to lover-girls in there." He took a puff of the cigarette he had in his mouth, letting the smoke drift slowly out his mouth. What is with this dude? He's weirdly irritating and good looking at the same time, yet you had no reason to think either. "Yeah. Hey, how's that for you? Seeing your girlfriend be better with women that you?" You smirked, taking a puff of your cigarette. "Oh shut it. Be glad I'm not shooting your little friend." He mumbled. You just rolled your eyes at him, well atleast you now have a reason to think he's irritating. "So, are you a Heather?" "No, I'm just friends with little ms. Yellow in there. The other two... I put up with." He chuckled. "If we're being honest i hate all three" You only nodded, looking forward instead of at him. "Fair."
The two of you stood in silence for the rest. You glancing at every once in a while with your eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, what's up?" He broke the silence, dropping his cigarette to the ground and stomping it out. "I don't fucking know why but you're annoyingly irritating and good looking. I have a reason for the first one because your dark humor kind of a bitch." "Okay, ouch." He suddenly looked like he had a lightbulb light up above his head. "I have an idea" He grinned. "I can tell." "If you're so fussed about your little "problem". I could help" He said vaguely. "How the hell could you help? You're some dude I've just met and for some reason I keep getting stuck on this. You're probably just make some sleazy comment on how you have girls drooling over yo-" you were cut off from your little rant by JDs lips on yours.
It took you a minute to realize what was happening before you back up. "What- no- no! Your Veronica's boyfriend." "And? She's been flirting with Heather all night. There's more of a chance of those two going home tonight than me and Veronica." You took a breath to calm down. "Why?" "I like you. You're cool, good looking. All I need is good kisser and you got all three boxes." He joked. "Very funny" You took one more hit of your cigarette before stomping it out. "I wasn't joking." I mean, he was right about Heather and Veronica. And this could slove the annoying question in your head. "Fine." Plus, what's one kiss?
He lent in and kissed you. You first assumed it was gonna be a quick hit and run thing. But after 10 seconds you had to pull away yourself before he got comfortable. All you had to do was raise an eyebrow at him before explained. "Sorry, you're just a real good kisser." You relaxed a bit "Well you were too, I guess" "Well, we have our answers then"
You both just looked at each other before JD grabbed in you by your waist and held you against the brick wall. "Wanna continue?" "Yep." His lips slammed onto yours as your arms snaked around his neck, your fingers running through his hair. His hand ran up from your waist up to the small on your back. As he felt your fingers in his hair, he let out a small groan before moving down to your neck. Nipping it, sucking on it, kissing it. You knew you were gonna have hickeys tomorrow, but you honestly didn't care at the moment. You gripped JDs hair as you bit back a moan, as he got to a sensitive part on your neck.
After almost half an hour, you two had to stop as you heard Heather and Veronica calling for you. "Hey! There you guys are!" Veronica smiled, seeing the two of you walk up to her car. You were currently wearing JDs coat to hide the hickeys. "Cold?" Heather raised an eyebrow at you. "Uh- yeah," you mumbled. "Hey, JD. If you don't mind, Heather and I are gonna head back to hers tonight. For some girl-time." Veronica said innocently, earning a nod from JD with a very satisfied grin. 'Dickhead.' You thought before seeing Veronica get back into her car, waiting for us. Heather pulled me aside, so we were away from the car, assumingly JD got in the car as well. "Hey, thanks for doing this. I know you didn't want to come, and I will get you those tickets as promised" She smiled, looking directly at me and not noticing Veronica staring behind me from her car with a very confused look. "Yeah, yeah." You waved Heather off as she ran off to Veronica.
You let out a sigh. It wasn't as shitty as you thought it was. I mean, now you have concert tickets, and you got to make out a little with the new kid. Pretty okay night all in all-
"What" You heard behind you. You spun around to see JD there. He hadn't gone into the car as you originally thought- I mean, you guys only made out for half an hour. But, I guess it is a bit insulting on how you only did it for some tickets. It's not like you had a reason or excuse. The truth was out, and he had heard it from Heather.
Pt.1 ?
I hate the ending 😭 Anyway! That's my first fic / drabble :3 A little shitty, I admit. But still. Please request!
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observeowl · 2 years
Memories S.J
Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: R loses her memory in an accident and it is hard to go around not knowing anything when everyone else does
Burning flames were the last thing you remember before passing out. 
Scarlett was your emergency contact and she got the notification that you were sent to the hospital while she was at work. She immediately dropped everything and went to the specified hospital. By the time she got there, you were still in the emergency room. No longer in the mood to film, the rest of the cast also arrived at the hospital.
Scarlett’s heart sank when she saw your usual smooth skin was replaced with cuts and scratches when you were wheeled out from surgery. The doctor was explaining to her what happened while the nurse brought you to your room. Everyone made way for her as she returned. 
You were on your way back from work when you were met with an accident. Some drunk guy was not paying attention on the road and his car rammed into yours. He got away easy while your car toppled over. Your car burst into flames but you were stuck in the seat. Everything was upside down for you as you felt your blood trickle down your face. Your vision turned hazy as you passed out. 
Scarlett POV Everyone was encouraging me, trying to be more understanding as I declined their invite. Despite not wanting to leave Y/N side, we were already on the last week of filming and it would be better to finish it rather than dragging it out and messing up other people’s schedules. I know she would prefer that too. I practically moved into Y/N room instead of living in my trailer. No matter how late we ended, I always made sure to come back and check on her. 
One week passed and there was no change. Time came for the press tours and interviews but I told them to exclude me, those things were not important. I did my job and that was it. Robert, Chris, Elizabeth and the rest came over when they were free and made sure I was alright. They would always watch me eat a couple of bites before leaving. I was thankful for them but my mind was just filled with Y/N.
I heard a groan in the silent room and I immediately bolted up from my chair and looked at her. “Y/N!” I tried to hug her as best as I could as she laid on bed. “Are you alright?” I looked back at her. 
“Who are you?”
I froze. The doctor mentioned that she hit her head pretty hard and there’s a high chance that she could have amnesia. I didn’t want it to come true but I guess it did. “I- I… My name is Scarlett Johansson. I’m your wife.” She looked at me emotionless. “Do- do you remember your name?” She tried to think but shook her head slowly. “Your name is Y/N Johansson.” I told her to stay in bed as I went to get the doctors. I wiped the tears that were threatening to fall as I closed the door behind me. At least she’s awake now.
Your POV I woke up and a woman instantly came into my vision. She gave me a hug but I have no idea who she was. She introduced herself as my wife but I have no recollections of her. She asked if I knew my name but nothing came to mind. It seemed we were really close since I took her last name. She left the room to get the doctor and I tried to think of anything but nothing came. I don’t know anything. 
The doctor went through a few things and ordered an MRI scan. The report came back and the doctor confirmed that it shouldn’t be permanent. He prepared the discharge papers and we were cleared to leave.
The ride back to her or our house was silent. I didn’t know what to talk about. I don’t know what were our likes or dislikes or common topics. My jaw dropped as I looked around as we stepped into our supposed house. It was a lot bigger than I imagined.
“This is our master bedroom, but I can sleep in another room if you are not comfortable with it yet.” 
“No, it’s fine.” I said. Why did I say that? It didn’t even go through my head before I started speaking. The night was alright but it was awkward, I could feel the tension in the air as I tried to sleep. Nobody dared to move in fear of disturbing their partner. But soon, sleep consumed us in whatever awkward position we were in. 
“I invited some of our friends over if you don’t mind, they wanted to check on how you’re doing.” Scarlett said as she was clearing up the breakfast and I nodded in agreement.
“What was I like?” I was curious to know how I behaved and acted around people.
“You were an introvert but once people get to know you, and you warm up to them, you get more comfortable talking to them. You were always very observant, taking note of their pet peeves and adjusting to their preference. You may be on the quieter side of the party but when you spoke, everything just makes sense. People listen to you, you are great to have around.” Scarlett said it easily.
Nothing came to mind, not even a flash of memory. “It’s okay, we’ve got time.” My frustration must be written on my face as Scarlett took my hands. 
Around noon, I heard the doorbell ring and I looked at Scarlett. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it.” I stood next to Scarlett as a group of people entered. They gave me a hug before sauntering in. 
“It’s like meeting her for the first time again.” Her name was Elizabeth if I remember correctly.
“Yeah, except she’s with me now.” Scarlett replied to her.
It seemed like all of them are in the acting industry. We engaged in funny and embarrassing conversation, they even showed me some videos and pictures that they had saved in their phones. After a couple of hours, I was feeling a bit tired so I excused myself from the group and went back to our bed. 
Scarlett POV Once Y/N was out of earshot, our conversation died down. 
“How’s Y/N coping?” Chris asked. 
“She’s getting more frustrated by the day.” I replied.
“This is your chance to use what she taught you.” Lizzie suggested. 
“She didn’t teach me, she just spilled facts at random point of day.” 
“I wouldn’t go around telling people facts.” Jeremy stated and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. I shook my head at them before going up to check on Y/N. I saw her lying back against the door. She never sleeps during the day so she must be really tired, recovering from the accident. I pulled the duvet closer to her before heading back to the group.
Chris suggested they leave just in case they made too much noise and disturbed Y/N’s rest. They’ve been here for some time and have family and friends to return to. They all wished Y/N well before making a move. 
Now that it’s just Y/N and I in the house, I can’t help but feel the house is so quiet. Laughter used to fill the house regularly as we made a trail of mess. I missed Y/N shouting for my name as soon as she came back from work. Her giggles when she thought of something funny and I would have to tickle her until she tells me about it. She always notices when something was wrong or when I am feeling down and she makes it her mission to make me feel better. 
I didn’t even notice that tears were streaming down my face until Y/N called my name. “Scarlett? Are you okay?” 
I wiped my tears away. “Yeah.” And gave her a slight smile.
“You know, you don’t ask that question to someone who’s obviously doing fine. When you ask it to someone who seems to be struggling, and they say they are doing well, they are trying to think positively. ‘Fine’ means they have no energy to talk about it and want you to stop asking. ‘Not bad’ means that something’s definitely going on, but they don’t want to explain it to you.”
I let out a chuckle.
“What?” She furrowed her eyebrow in confusion.
“Nothing. It’s just, even now you are telling me all these facts. You were working as a psychologist before you got into the accident and you liked telling me all these facts.”
“I see.”
I didn’t want Y/N to stay at home alone so I decided to bring her along with me to set. There hasn’t been much improvement other than acting in a similar way, she hasn’t remembered anything about her past. I felt bad making her stay in the trailer all day but she wasn’t going to do anything at home anyway. There’s more people around here to keep an eye on her in case anything happens even though Chris was the only person she’s met before. She doesn’t interact with anyone and sits in my chair while I am doing my scene. 
“We are going to have a team dinner, do you want to join?” 
“No. Just bring something back for me will do.” She got up and headed back to the trailer. I feel so useless not being able to help her. I know it’s hard for her but I feel so alone. 
Your POV Scarlett extended the invite to me but I didn’t feel like going. I was containing my anger the whole day and I felt if I went, I would end up lashing out at people and making a scene. I couldn’t stand it anymore, it felt like someone was taking sandpaper and rubbing it against my heart. How can I be a psychologist when I can’t even settle my own problem?
I screamed, taking whatever was near me and smashing it at the mirror, watching it break. Seeing all the numerous broken reflections of me as the glass shattered. The door slammed open and Scarlett looked at me in shock. 
“Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay? Are you hurt?” She pulled me away from the glass, concern evident in her voice.
“I’m tired Scarlett…” I let out a few tears from my eyes. “I’m tired of people’s expectations of me.” I held onto her shirt and cried onto her chest. “I can’t stand it. I don’t know… I DON’T KNOW WHO I AM….” I broke down and cried even louder. 
Scarlett POV “It’s okay, It’s okay. We’ve got time. You don’t have to force yourself to turn a certain way.” I patted her back as she cried even harder. I swayed her back and forth until her crying turned into occasional hiccups. 
“I- I thought you went out.” She managed to say, still not moving. 
“I couldn’t possibly leave you alone. Besides, I’ll feel lonely without you too. No matter how many people are around me.”
We continued for a couple of minutes before she managed to fall asleep in my arms. I picked her up carefully and set her in bed before cleaning the mess. I texted Chris to grab food for the both of us in case she wakes up in the middle of the night. 
We’ve been sleeping in the same bed but there’s an invisible line that we never crossed. This time, I wrapped my arms around her as she slept, I haven’t felt so comforted by her for so long. We haven't even held hands ever since her accident. I let myself sink into her touch as we both relaxed into the night.
I woke up the next morning and Y/N had already opened her eyes. “Sorry.” I let go of my hands around her.
“Kiss me.” She blurted.
“You’re my wife right? Kiss me. I felt like I almost remembered something when I woke up in your arms.” Since she requested it, I gave it to her. 
“Remember anything?” I waved my hands in front of her.
“I- I we met on another set. I was there to advise on medical terms. That’s all I remember.”
“That’s good. Baby step, we can work our way there.” I encouraged her. “It seemed like Chris left yesterday’s food on the table. Do you mind?” She shook her head and we sat down on the table to eat. I was happy not only because she remembered how we met, but our relationship was getting closer. 
Ever since that day, she has been getting sporadic memories while we hang out. I’ll know she’s remembering things when she stops all of a sudden and she’ll tell me what she remembered after. She’s been smiling a lot since that day instead of pulling a long face. We’ve also gotten closer to the point where we are comfortable in each other presence.
We were sitting down on the couch watching a movie when all of a sudden she clutched her head, screaming in pain.
Your POV We were watching a movie when I saw flashes of red. I shook my head but it didn’t go away. I kept hearing ringing in my ears and I held my head and groaned. I screamed as screeching pain was shooting through my head and I held onto the arm rest that was about to break. All I saw was flashlight coming towards me and I jerked back and forth before landing upside down. 
All the energy left my body as I slumped on the couch, the last thing I heard was Scarlett calling my name. 
Scarlett POV I kept calling out her name but she’s not responding, she has never reacted in such a way before since she was discharged. I was getting worried because she seemed to be in a lot of pain. I was about to go and grab my phone when she flopped onto her side. 
“Y/N!” I checked to make sure she’s still conscious before lifting her legs to lie on the couch properly. I sat on the floor and leaned against the couch while waiting for her to wake up. We were doing so well, I hope nothing bad happened to her.
I heard her shift and I got up to look at her. “Y/N?”
“Scarlett?” She groaned.
“Are you okay? Are you feeling alright? Are you hurting anywhere?” A string of questions came out.
“I’m fine, I'm fine.” She tried to sit up so I helped. 
“I scared you didn’t I?” She said after taking a deep breath.
“You’re lying.”
“You always put your hands in your pocket when you are lying.” I didn’t even realise that my hands were in my pockets and I took them out. 
“Wait… that means…” She smiled at me sheepishly. “You remember!” I pounced on her and she caught me in her arms. 
“Yes. I remember everything babe. I love you so much.” She gave me a quick kiss.
“I love you too.” I returned her the kiss and her nose scrunched up. “I was so scared when I heard you got into an accident. You were in a coma for a long time and I was so lonely after you woke up, you were like a different person…”
“I’m sorry for putting you through this.” 
“It’s okay, you’re here with me now.” I cupped her face. “And even if you’re not, I know it’s in there somewhere. You acted like yourself even if you didn’t know.” 
“You said I was observant, you are too.”
“Only for you.”
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lennysfridge · 10 months
....I thought of angst for the babies. Im apologizing in advance.
happy ending!!
so it starts off with classic miscommunication, right?
which they're kinda used to, because that's how their relationship started.
and maybe they're at a party, and drew has this classmate of his come up next to him- its a girl, he can't quite remember her name, but he knows he's supposed to be her partner for a project. so he quickly asks what the project is, having been out for a game.
and all ellie sees from a distance is a girl rubbing up and down drew's arm, leaning in close, whispering in his ear.
how could he?
so ellie is quickly bolting out of there, unable to face drew. she unknowingly passed by a. few of his teammates, mumbling a lot louder than intended about "fuck him if he thinks he can do that to me.", etc.
she shouldn't have left. because of course, in her inebriated state, she thought it was a good idea. it wasn't.
she wasn't the worst one on the road however. there was another driver, swerving through multiple lanes. right into hers.
he clipped the side of her vehicle, making her ram into a pole. and while she wasn't unconscious on impact, she knew she would be soon. so she quickly calls 911- "911 hats your emergency?" "I-i need help. I-i got in my car after a drink or two, but IT WASNt me, promise! this guy was swerving, and he swerved in my lane but couldn't-" and then her end of the line goes silent.
police are immediately tracking her phone, getting her in the ems,a nd to the hospital asap.
of course, while this is happening, drew has made it back to his dorm, but he's drunk, and he's worried about ellie. he falls alseep before "she gets back" ignorant to the calls spamming his phone.
the next morning, he's answering frantically. "hey, who is this?"
"mr.fortescue, this is the hospital. it says here you're the emergency contact for an eliana brielle?"
"yes that's correct." drew's worried now, but he's trying not to show it.
"im afraid she was involved in a car accident last night. shes not in critical condition, but we made th decision to keep her over night for monitoring."
drew is so stressed and speechless- what does she mean by car accident?
"car accident? wha- how? how did this happen? what happened?" he's now crying into the phone.
"im afraid her vechile got clipped in an intersection, and she spun out into a pole. she was conscious when she called, but passed out on the phone with 911. we'll need you to come sign her out, and when you do that, we can give you a full run down."
drew is quick to frantically make his way to will's dorm- "SMITH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?? because I just got a call that ellies in the hospital... ellies in the hospital" and he started to hyperventilate.
"forts, buddy, you've gotta calm down. what do you mean els is in the hospital?"
drew took in a big gulp of breath before responding "she got clipped in her car last night, hit a pole- smith, how could I let this happen?"
"forts, you didn't know. did the hospital tell you what to do?"
"yeah, they said I need to come sign her out" "well then lets go"
minutes later, the duo is walking into the hospital. "who are you here for?"
"eliana brielle" "mr.fortescue?" "thats me." "great, just sign here and here. shes in room 402, and she may be sleeping right now form the pain meds, and probably will for another hour or so. the room is down the hall to the left." "thank you"
they carefully made their way down the hall, will lingering behind drew, slowly updating everyone on what had happened.
once they reached her door, drew carefully opening the door.
his ellie. his poor ellie. what had she ever done to deserve this? out of anyone, why her?"
she had a cast wrapped meticulously around her wrist, what seemed to be bandages encasing her chest, gauze around her head, and a neck brace.
what the hell happened?
drew felt tears well up in his eyes as he stepped closer to her. he could hear will stop outside the door, giving him space. he hesitantly sat down by her bed, grasping her hand with his.
"sweet girl, im so sorry. you shouldn't have been in your car in the first place. why were you in the car?" he sobbed out, possibly a little too loud. next thing he knows, will is creeping in the room.
"...I may know why she was in the car. did you say/do something to her last night."
"not that I can remember, no."
"lenny says he swore he heard ellie mumbling something as she ran outside, something long the liens of 'fuck him if he thinks he can do that to me.' so dude, sorry to tell you, but I think you did something."
drew was grasping at mental straws, but he was drawing a blank...until he remembered his overly touchy partner, and now that he thought about it, he may have seen ellie out of the corner of his eye... no that was defiantly ellie. shit. what had he caused?
"...the only thing that happened was an overly touchy project partner, but im not sure if she even saw it. but if she did... Smitty what f she thinks I cheated? I didn't, I swear!"
"relax forts, if I ever thought you were going to cheat on els, I wouldn't have let you date her. I trust you."
right as will said that, they began to hear pained mumbles coming from the hospital bed. "smit? baby? wha happen?" her words were slurred, but. her point was across.
"you got in a crash ellie, you're in the hospital now. you remember what happened?"
her eyes were slowly blinking, flooding with realization. "you-you cheated drew- you 'urt me:(" and her eyes started to well up.
he immediately reached for her hadn't, pressing see tkisses to her fingers, "sweet girl, shhh, I promise you, I didn't, I love you endlessly. I would never."
"you love me?" she asked as excitedly as possible, while still being half-way asleep. "yeah baby, to the moon. im sorry for whatever made you think differently."
"cuddle?" "yeah sweet girl, just for an hour though, then we have to go."
"oka... smitty!" els tired eyes shoes with recognition. "hi!" "hi ellie!" will responded, a few tears creeping out. thank god he didn't lose her, because what would he have done without his best friend? never mind him, what would drew have done without his other half?
keyword- have done. because while one was bruised literally and metaphorically, the other one had self-inflicted inner wounds, ashamed he was the cause for his lovers pain.
but they would be okay. yeah, while only one got hurt, they were both in pain. yet they were together, and for them, that was enough."
-hug emoji anon
IM NOT WELL (that’s not bc i’m sick)
i need more of this bestie boo omg like
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blueikeproductions · 11 months
Kurt Kelly is getting dressed after practice and a shower, wearing a tight fitting suit that just barely fits him. Being freakishly tall and an amateur teen bodybuilder in a town without a Big & Tall section doesn’t leave the guy with a lot of options. The bulky Thrash, walking by with just a towel around his waist heading towards the shower, takes notice of Kurt trying to remember how to tie his tie.
Thrash: Yo Kelly, who died this time? Heheh.
Ram and Throttle, also heading towards the shower, both whack him upside the head in annoyance.
Throttle: Idiot. Ram: Shithead.
Thrash: Ooooowwww, what’d I say? Kids have been dropping left and right lately, y’know! Specs and Chandler! It’s an honest question, isn’t it?!
Ram: You forgot what today is, didn’t you, Thrash…?
Thrash: What, his birthday? I dunno…??!
Kurt gave up on his tie and put on a Grayskull themed bolo tie instead: There we go! Feels more me…! -looks at his watch- Ah shit, I gotta go…! -jogs out the door-
Ram: -sighs wearily and leaves a confused Thrash-
-In the hallway, Veronica, Braverman, Jamie, Tracey and Martha are talking amongst themselves. Betty Finn, having started to assimilate into the Heathers with the void left by Red is eavesdropping while talking to Green and Gold about upcoming lunch time polls.-
-Kurt jogs by and crashes into Braverman and Jamie, all three boys tumbling over each other.-
Kurt: Aw shit! Jamie: My leg! Braverman: My scapula!
Veronica: Whoa! Whoa, where’s the fire, Kurt?
Tracey: Late for a hot date as usual, I’m sure. -adjusts her cigarette in her lips, trying to untangle the heap of boys laying before her, with Martha helping-
Kurt: Sorry, sorry…! -still tangled up with Braverman as Jamie got free first, so the two boys are slightly blushing, and semi aroused…- Practice ran longer than I thought and I’m late for a family thing…! Braverman: -still blushing-…W-wow, you clean up nicely, Kurt…! (Kurt: Aw, thanks, Dan-O!) Uh I mean, w-what-what’s going on? Cousin getting married? -is freed by Martha, allowing Kurt to stand up-
Kurt: Uh not exactly… -starts jogging in place- It’s the anniversary of my mom and big sister’s … death.
Martha: Oh that’s right…! That horrible plane crash….
Tracey: It’s the reason I refuse to step on a plane.
Jamie: Aw dude…
Veronica: …Oooff, I forgot about that. I convinced myself your dad was just divorced…
Braverman: I didn’t know you had a sister. Kurt: Yeah… My dearly departed big sister Kelly…! She died when I was six…
Veronica: …Wait, your sister’s name was Kelly?
Kurt: What’s wrong with that?
Braverman: Her full name is Kelly Kelly…?
Kurt: So? She’s named after my grandmo-OOOOOH, I hear it now.
Jamie: That’s like if Peter Parker was named Peter Peterson.
Kurt: -still jogging in place, starting to leave- Anyway my old man, the sap that he is, likes to throw a memorial party since my ma and sis were the social butterflies in their day, and Dad thought it best that’s how they’d want to be remembered with an event at the Sherwood Park. Anyhoo I gotta split…
Veronica: Wait how are you going to get to the park? You took the school bus this morning.
Kurt: -stops- Shit! Right. Dad took the truck. Ummmm… BRAVERMAN! You have a car! Kinda!
Braverman: I do…!
Kurt: You bet your cute ass you do! You can take me there! …Hey why don’t you all come? Ma and Kelly were always big on friends and family being together!
Martha: …We’re friends…?
Kurt: Why not? Me and Ram have been getting back on board with Team Ronnie lately since we started being bros with Dan-O. -gives Braverman a playful noogie-
Braverman: He’s right…!
Betty: -still eavesdropping, frowns at this mixing of cliques. Sure there was a bending of the status quo with Veronica during Red Heather’s rule, but that was the exception not the rule. Ever since Braverman and JD moved into town, the school has started to break down its conformity more and more, and it’s been stressing her poor new leader Heather Duke out. Perhaps, Betty thinks, it’s about time to be doing something about these independent thinkers…-
Veronica: -half smiles, her desire to see classmates return to their kinder selves is slowly coming true- Ok, sure. We’d be happy to come.
Martha: Totally!
Jamie: Uh sure!
Tracey: I got nothing else going on.
Braverman: Haha, it’s a date then.
Kurt: Hey what about Po Diddly? He’s usually attached to your hip.
Braverman: Oh Jason’s doing something with his dad the rest of the day. I pray he’ll be safe with that dragon… Anyhoo, let’s get going. Autobots, Roll Out!
-They assemble out into the student parking lot and pile into Braverman’s VW bug, and take off down the road-
-JD meanwhile is riding on his motorbike back to the school, relieved his father-son time was interrupted by Bud needing to survey the construction of a new attachment to Sherwood mall.-
JD: Finally free. Now to find Danny-boy and Veronica so we can… -sees Braverman’s car drive by on the high way with Kurt’s head hanging out the passenger window because he’s too tall-
JD: …The FUCK…? -Shocked and breaks, doing the Akira bike slide into the McClures parking lot- D-Danny-boy? -sounding upset, watching the car drive further away from him.-
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xxbubblyfroggxx · 2 years
+*slowly falling for you*+
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-Steve Harrington x reader
-Summary: Steve said he broke up with Nancy to be with you, but you doubted it straight away.
after you walked away from Steve, you heard him swear under his breath. He walked through the back door of the school and slammed the door shut.
the next day, you walked into school and saw your friend Barb. "hey Barb!" "hi Y/N!" you two ran over to each other and you both hugged. "have you seen that Steve guy?" you asked Barb. She nodded. "I heard he just wants to get into some girls pants." she replied. You laughed, "well. Hate me if you want, but I think hes super hot." Barb gasped and shoved you playfully while saying, "no! You can't like him! He'll break your heart!" "i know, but I can't help it!" you laughed back. "hey, Y/N. Can I talk to you for a second?" the voice behind you spoke calmly. Your face turned red and Barb gave you a sly smile. You rolled your eyes at her and turned around. "why?" you asked Steve. "Because, it's about yesterday." he replied hotly. "ooo what happened yesterday huh, Y/N?" Barb asked. You kicked her leg to signal to shut up. "fine, but it better be worth my time." you said. Without replying, Steve walked and you followed.
you arrived in the janitors closet and you immediately got suspicious. Steve locked the door that could only be locked on the inside. You were getting a bad but excited vibe. Steve looked at you and said, "me and Nancy broke up yesterday. I told her I found someone better and she didn't want anything to do with me." "mhm, and who is that special someone?" you said. You already knew the answer. Steve cupped his hand over your cheek, "you... I want you Y/N." You leaned into his hand. His soft smooth hands on your cheek made you feel so good. Your eyes flutter close and you hear Steve let out a seductive laugh, "do you want that kiss now?" Your eyes snapped open. You opened your mouth to speak but before you could get a reply, Steve rammed his lips into yours. You squeaked in surprise but quickly calmed down. The feeling of his lips on yours, the warmth... It turned you on. You opened your mouth to let go but you felt something slide in your mouth. It was warm and slimy. Your eyes widened when you realized what it was. Steve's tongue was in your mouth. It felt amazing, your tongues colliding.
you and Steve were about to end your makeout session when there was a bang on the door. "Steve! You said that you would be waiting in your car! What are you doing??" you recognized that voice... it was Nancy. "$h1t!" Steve said. "Steve what the h311!?" you whispered. He shoved you behind a garbage can and opened the door. "sorry Nance, I was just thinking of you!" she giggled and said, "come on you goofball, lets go." after Steve and Nancy left, you stormed off, wiping Steve's saliva off your lips. That dirty liar lied to you! And you, were going to get your revenge.
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remembertheplunge · 1 year
Icarus in a winged jump suit
5/25/2017 Thursday 9:28pm
A sky diver in a winged jump suit died yesterday at the Acampo /Lodi Airport. I had just witnessed a beautiful sky diving jump there the day before as I drove past on highway 99 headed for Sacramento.
Tragic. Stunning. Unbelievable.
5/27/2017 Saturday 10:02pm
Xcellent day! of Joy! Huge, beautiful thunderheads to the East on the trip up to Sacramento.
A train crossed an overpass as we flew underneath. You could hear the roar and "feel" it's weight and speed. It then wound along gracefully south bound across fields and ponds to the West.
I stopped at the gas station next to the Acompo Sky diving place. Employee didn't even know a jumper had died 50 feet from his front door. I gave the diver the Sage high sign on the drive. Very moving. ( Sage sign: Left arm held shoulder high extended with forearm up and power fist. Learned it at the 1984 Sage "Be In "where I first came out as a gay man).)
The store had racist stickers re: Confederate flags and red necks and guns. Frightening.
But, I loved the diner across the way named " It is What It Is." The first homeless man who stayed in my house in March, 2017, DJ, used to say this all opf the time and the phrase has stuck with me. Perfrct name for a sky diver diner!
Good talk with the homeless Navy Seal today about this. He was alcohol intoxicated, sitting across from Dad's Diner on S Street in Sacramento. First time I'd eaten there. Loved it. cheap, good and cute boys!
Started reading "How Can I Help?"by Ram Dass, from Time Tested Books re: suffering, when I spotted Navy Seal sitting across the street. Why read? Do.
He said that he had killed many people as a Navy Seal. That's a first. In the end, after I told him about life now (working with the homeless), he called me an honorable man.
The 5 things Saturday 5/27/2017
--Sacramento Sojourn
--3 bag xperience outside Demple's--Cutsee Boy agrees with Matt: the bags don't need tooth brushes. The other guy said the razors were great. A third guy with a cold came to the back of the car, too. "Is this a give away?" Cutsee Boy sort of did the same. I try to limit it to one. Luckily, I had enough for 3. They were kind and appreciative.
--Naked coffee session
--3 consecutive intense workouts at 3 different gyms.
--Pete's Coffee session in Sacramento
End of this part of entry
I write The 5 Things each night before bed. I write at least 5 things that happened during the day
In the second 5 things, above, I am fine tuning the homeless encounter experience. The homeless men were telling me what was helpful on the street and what was not. Other homeless people, over time, also advised me on what the bags I passed out should contain.
I tried to limit it to one bag given out at a time, in part, because I was in it for the encounter. I wanted a soul connection with one person even if it was wordless and even if it lasted only seconds. I also wanted topmake sure that I had enough for who ever needed help.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Jasper Hale (1/10)
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Word count ; 3.9k
*Dedicated to @plumes-de-nuit. This'll definitely be the longest series yet. I... didn't realize I loved him so much.
*Also : R & Jacob & other love interests are 18. Jasper… y’all already know he ain’t a teenager.
I stared out of the car window, watching as the trees passed by. Bella was beside me, and we were currently riding in dad’s police car. He’d picked us up from the airport, as we were moving here for our last few years - or, for me, a year - of high school. While Bella pitched the idea, I jumped in on it. I was eager to see the world, even if it was just Forks, after all these years. I had grown bored of Phoenix. Not just the weather, but the boys. There were no cute boys that I hadn’t already gotten or attempted to get with. 
I also really wanted - no, needed to catch a break from mom’s strict rules. She thought I was a troublemaker just because I went out a lot and occasionally got detention.
Oh, and I’d literally follow my dearest sister to the ends of the earth. But I’d never tell her that.
It was already raining. I knew that Bella hated the rain, but I loved the new scenery. 
Charlie pulled into the front lawn of a pretty standard house. It was white and green and is a two-story. I knew that it probably had a basement, though. In Phoenix, we had a flat one-story home surrounded by cactuses. I hated the weather, but I’d developed a darker tan for my s/c.
I stepped out of the back and raised my hands up the air. “Woohoo! Glad to be home.”
Charlie sent me a smile, appreciating the enthusiasm. Other people would see this scene as awkward, but that’s just how the family was. Bella was like dad, demure and introverted. And I was like mom, outgoing and extroverted.
Charlie insisted that he'd get our bags for us. I enjoyed the help, since I had a pretty hefty suitcase. Not to mention, I had a large backpack already strapped to my chest. Dad led us inside, allowing us to kick our shoes off, before showing us our rooms. 
He must’ve been going off what he knew of us when we were younger, because I knew without a doubt that Bella’s favorite color was green. However, her room was themed purple. Mine, though, was perfect. I loved pink as a kid, and I loved pink now. Was just about to get settled in when Bella hovered in the doorway.
“Hey, some people are out front. Charlie’s calling us.”
I blinked in confusion, but trailed behind her. I was already starting to get comfy, throwing my clothes all over the room. However, I knew dad was a straight-to-the-point kind of guy. As Bella commented on the plane, 'One of the best things about Charlie - he doesn’t hover.’ It was odd wording, but I knew exactly what she meant.
As we exited through the front door, I threw an arm around Bella’s shoulders. Sitting by the side of the road was a rustic red truck. I could already tell Bella was eyeing it enviously. Yet, my attention was more fixated on an older man in a wheelchair and a former childhood friend who I recognized instantly. Jacob.
We made eye contact, and I immediately sent him a smile. He smiled back. I noticed how he’d grown his hair out and he was a lot more mature than he was a few years ago. 
Charlie waved us closer. “Bella, Y/n, you two remember Billy Black.”
“Yeah!” I exclaimed, dashing forward to shake his hand. Bella seconded my statement, although in a much chill-er way. 
“Wow, you’re looking good,” Bella commented.
“Well, I’m still dancing,” Billy replied with a chuckle. “I’m glad you’re both finally here. Charlie, here, hasn’t shut up about it since you told him you were coming.”
“All right, keep exaggerating. I’ll roll you into the mud,” Charlie muttered playfully.
Charlie took a few steps away, but Billy began wheeling after him. “After I ram you in the ankles!”
“You want to go?” Charlie bickered, and as they eased around, it left Bella and I with a chance to greet Jake. 
“Jake! It’s been forever,” I cheered, pumping my fist into the air. His grin widened even further, and I opened my arms to welcome into a hug. He took it, quickly hugging, while Bella watched in amusement.
“Glad to see you’re just as energetic as ever,” Jake laughed. “How do you do it?”
“Lots and lots of coffee. And, of course, Bella’s here, too. Bella, you remember Jake, right? Or were you too tiny?”
Bella slapped my arm playfully. “You’re only a year older than me, geez. Yeah, I remember you, Jake. It’s great to see you again.”
Jake nodded to her. “Yeah, uh, we used to make mud pies when we were little.”
“Gross,” I commented. 
Bella shook her head. “You weren’t as cool as Jake and I were. Eating mud is, uh, definitely a healthy past time.”
I crossed my arms, pouting playfully.  “I just have etiquette. I am the eldest out of you two, after all.”
Jacob looked at me incredulously. “By a few months.”
Bella tilted her head over to Charlie and Billy’s antics. “Are they, uh, always like this?”
Jake bared his teeth while nodding. “It’s getting worse with old age.”
Billy and Charlie finally joined us again. Charlie patted the truck. “So, what do you think?”
“Of what?” Bella asked in confusion. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder, peering at Charlie with equal bafflement.
“Your homecoming present.”
Bella’s jaw dropped. “This?”
Charlie shrugged. “Just bought it off Billy here.”
“Yep!” Billy seconded.
Bella detached to me, and we both went to hug the car. “Oh, my god!” I exclaimed.
“I totally rebuilt the engine for you,” Jake spoke up.
Bella was gasping for breath, and she hopped into the truck. “Come on, seriously? This - this is so cool! Oh my gosh!”
“This so-o-o perfect —“
“Actually,” Charlie interrupted, "your mom gave me a head’s up that you’re a reckless driver. This is Bella’s homecoming gift. Your’s is still inside.”
My jaw dropped. “Wh a-a-at? You’re kidding me! I’m the best driver in the world!” I huffed leaning against the car.
Charlie shook his head, chuckling. “Your mom informed me of how you had to retake your driver’s test more than two times. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your present inside a lot more. Besides, I’m sure Bella can drive you where you need to go.”
Jacob weaved around the front, laughing at my repugnance, and hopped in beside Bella to show her the works. I was left pouting while Billy and Charlie talked. I was only a little insulted that I wasn’t trustworthy enough to sit behind the wheel, but fair enough. I’d be satisfied as long as my gift was just as cool.
“I told you they’d love it,” Billy joked. 
To be fair, though, I knew that Bella really loved cars. She’s loved them ever since we were kids. While I wanted to be a princess, she wanted to be a race car driver. Of course, both of our ambitions had changed, and now she planned on being a mechanic.
“I’m down with the kids!” Billy added, motioning ‘coolly.’
“Oh yeah, dude. You’re the bomb.” I snickered quietly at dad’s sarcasm.
I leaned into the open window when the car started up. “…Do you want a ride to school or something?” Bella inquired. I also wanted to know the answer.
“Oh, I go to school on the reservation,” Jake answered.
I pouted while Bella sighed, "Right, right. That’s too bad. It would’ve been nice to know one person.”
“You’ll be fine, Bella. I bet you’ll be friends with half the school by the end of first period,” I spoke up.
Bella laughed. “I’m pretty sure that’s you you’re talking about.”
I tilted my head innocently. “Oh, is it? I must’ve forgot.”
Bella and I hopped out of our new car. Technically her’s, since dad bought me a cool gaming console, but we’re sisters so I’d undoubtedly steal it from time to time. Luckily, the school year was just starting, so we couldn’t have stood out too much. Well, except for the fact that our truck was bright red. And my clothes were equally flashy. I loved being the center of attention, although I knew Bella loathed it. Somehow I wondered how we came out of the same vagina.
Bella and I walked side by side into the school. The weather was dreary and dismal, just how I liked it. We pulled out our respective schedules. Bella had been responsible and circled her’s, while I was only vaguely aware of what classes I’d signed up for.
Suddenly, a black haired, Asian student who was well dressed saddled up beside Bella. I dropped the schedule to my side, waving eagerly. “Hello!”
Bella jumped, meeting the boy’s gaze. “You two are the Swan sisters. The new girls,” he greeted. “Hi, I’m Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Which of you is Isabelle and Y/n?”
“Bella, actually,” Bella tittered. “This is Y/n.”
I waved again, and the guy grinned charismatically. “Nice to meet you, Eric.”
“Anything you guys need? Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?”
I could tell Bella was petrified. She could barely release coherent words from her lips. However, she needed to learn how to be socially inept. “Uh, I’m really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. Y/n’s the one you should be asking.”
His gaze flitted over to me, and I switched hands, wrapping an arm around Bella. “Don’t mind her. She’s shy. A lunch date sounds great. Right, Bella?”
Bella nodded anxiously. Eric continued, not noticing her discomfort. “Good new for your feature. I’m on the paper, and you’re news, babies, front page. The title can be something freaky, like ‘opposites attract in the womb.’”
Bella looked utterly mortified. She halted in her steps. “Uh, no we’re not. I’m not. You… Please don’t have any sort of…”
“Woah, woah, chillax.” Eric waved his arm dismissively. “No feature. Unless you, Y/n, want one.”
I shook my head. “Nah, I’ll pass. It would be rather difficult to write an article and not mention my other half.”
“Cool, cool. Anyways, I’ll be off. See you two at lunch!” Eric really was off. He disappeared into the flood of people immediately, leaving me to Bella. 
She exhaled anxiously and I patted her back before looking at my schedule. “P.E. What a grand start to my week.”
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed. “Me too. At least we share one class.”
I chuckled, grabbing her arm. “Let’s get going, then. I can’t wait to meet new people. Eric’s cool, but we - more so, you - need some gal pals.”
Bella sighed, allowing me to drag her off to P.E. I knew I wasn’t the best at sports, but Bella - she was god awful. I knew she’d make a few friends from just being an athletic train wreck. As much as I loved her, she was way too perfect. Athletics was certainly her downfall.
We walked into the gym and changed quickly. The uniform was cute, a quaint tank top and shorts. Bella specifically brought sweat pants from home, as I knew she had some body insecurities. I, though, was more than glad to show some leg.
We walked out, still attached to each other’s side. I immediately waved to two girls who were playing volleyball. They waved back, motioning for us to join their team. Class hadn’t started, but the students were clearly basking in the new school year energy. The pair of girls had just been playing, but we separated into teams after a brief introduction. Needless to say, it was Bella and I against Sabrina and Jules.
“Bella, get it!” I called, too far away to get the ball. I was carrying the team, pretty much two against one, while Bella lingered behind me. 
She punched the ball, sending it into the net. I sighed, going to pick it up, while Sabrina and Jules said they were going to use the bathroom. That was code for them waiting a different partner. We waved them off. I picked up the ball and started making my way to Bella. Suddenly, a volleyball came flying past me and collided with Bella’s face.
Out of instinct, I burst into laughter, dropping our ball.
“Whoa!” a boy with dirty blonde hair exclaimed, running over to us.
Bella recovered, having caught the ball after it hit her face. She sent me a glare and threw it back at me, but I caught it, sending her a coy grin.
We both turned to the boy. He was slightly taller than both of us, and from his garb, he was probably on the school’s basketball team. “I’m so sorry about that,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. “Basketball’s more of my forte, not volleyball.”
Bella stuttered, waving dismissively. I interrupted, "To translate, she means it’s fine. I’m Y/n, she’s Bella.”
“Yeah, hey, I’m Mike Newton.” He held out his hand for me to shake, which I accepted. I sent him a wink, mesmerizing him further. Bella clicked her tongue, coming up behind her and placing her forehead on my shoulder.
“More like Mike Haw —“ 
I was interrupted by a girl with light brown hair, hung in a pony tail. She skipped over to us, standing beside Mike. “He’s got a great spike, huh? I’m Jessica, by the way. Hey, you two are from Arizona, right?”
“Jessica, hi! You’re so pretty,” I answered, sending her a smile. “Yeah, we are.”
“Aren’t people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan?” She quickly corrected herself. “No offense, though, Bella.”
“None taken. Uh, yeah. Maybe that’s why they kicked me out. Y/n, uh, definitely got out more than I did.”
Both Mike and Jessica laughed, and I couldn’t help but snicker. Mike pointed while stating, "You’re good.”
“That’s so funny,” Jessica chimed in.
Bella held up her hands, waving, as she backed away. “Uh, nice to meet you. Y/n’s planning to teach my volleyball, now so…”
“Right. See you around, Arizona,” Mike directed, more so at me.
“Right back at you, Washington and Jessica!” I winked and let Bella drag me off the a more deserted area of the gym.
“They seemed nice,” I commented optimistically.
“…Sure. But boy, are people scary.”
“Girl, get used to it. I’ll indoctrinate you into my way of life whether you want to or not.”
“It’s my pleasure, madam,” Mike suavely eclair, having taken my tray for me. Bella trailed behind me, quiet and demure as always. Bell plopped down next to Jessica, while I situated myself between Mike and Eric due to unfortunate seating arrangements. Eric was previously droning on about some project, and our appearances interrupted the conversation.
“Hey, Mikey, you met my homegirl, Y/n, eh?”
I quirked a brow, while Bella waved to the girls.
“Oh, your girl, eh?” Mike hummed.
A laugh bubbled in my throat, but in that moment, a boy appeared beside me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I gasped as he declared, 'my girl,’ before dashing away. A blush rose to my cheeks, and Bella looked more than happy to not be in my situation.
Mike’s chair was pulled from under him and I covered my mouth in surprise. “Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike!” he shouted as he disappeared amongst the other students. Mike took off after him, leaving me mentally exhausted.
“Oh-h-h my god,” Jessica gasped. “It’s like first grade all over again. You’re the shiny new toy.”
I clicked my tongue. “It’s shocking Bella isn’t getting the attention. I mean, just look at her! Absolutely stunning. Plus, she’s got brains.”
Bella laughed, waving dismissively. Suddenly, an Asian girl with glasses and her hair done up in a pony tail leaned across the table with a camera. “Smile!”
I was caught off guard, but grinned anyways and gave a peace sign. Bella shrank away instantly, making me lose focus since it made me laugh. The girl shrunk away, muttering out an apology. However, her gorgeous smile didn’t fade.
“I needed a candid for the feature,” she explained, plopping in her seat.
“The feature’s dead, Angelia,” Eric sneered, rather hardly. I quirked a brow. Eric rose to his feet and grabbed my shoulders, leaning over. “I got your back baby.”
I was glad that it was just us girls left and Eric went off to do whatever the hell he wanted. “It’s fine…? I’m starting to think all the guys at this school are crazy,” I chuckled.
Angela scoffed. “I guess we’ll just run another editorial on teen drinking.”
Bella spoke up, clearly feeling bad for causing drama. “You know, you can always go for… eating disorders. Or speedo padding on the swim team.”
“I vote the latter,” I eagerly remarked. I slid down the bench and took my rightful place beside Bella, now that the boys had disappeared.
“Yeah. Actually, that’s a good one,” Angela agreed.
“Kirk, right? That’s exactly what I thought,” Jessica gossiped. “We’re talking Olympic size.”
“There’s no way. He’s so skinny. It doesn’t make sense.”
“I mean, how big are his hands? You know what they say about big hands,” I teased.
The girls laughed, but I noticed that Bella’s attention was strewn elsewhere. I followed her gaze, seeing that a cliche of incredibly pale and insanely good-looking people walked into the cafeteria. I noticed that Bella was most focused on the latter, the one that wasn’t paired up. There was a blonde and black haired couple holding hands, an awkward guy and a hippy and slash or tomboy bickering, and the last was silent, seemingly just as fixated on Bella.
“Who are they?” Bella spoke up, nodding to them.
“The Cullens,” Angela answered.
“They’re Doctor and Missus Cullen’s foster kids,” Jessica continued in a hushed tone. “They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. They kind of keep to themselves.”
“Yeah, ‘cause they’re all together. Like, together-together.”
“The blonde girl, that’s Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmet, they’re, like, a thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.”
“Jess! They’re not actually related.”
“Yeah, but they live together! It’s so weird. They’re legally family. And, okay. The little dark-haired girl is Alice. She and Jasper, the guy who looks like he’s in pain, aren’t actually together. Apparently, Jasper has some anxiety problem or something.” I glanced back at them, noticing that even with how stoic Jasper looked, he was quite attractive. “Um, Doctor Cullen’s like this foster dad slash matchmaker.”
“Maybe he’ll adopt me,” Angela sighed dreamily.
However, that information wasn’t enough to satiate Bella. Her eyes were glued to the final assumed family member. “Who’s he?” Bella asked.
“That’s Edward Cullen. He’s totally gorgeous, obviously, just like Jasper, but apparently, like Jasper, nobody in this school’s good enough for him.” Jessica snickered dryly. “Like I care, you know? So… yeah. Seriously, though, Bella, Y/n. Don’t waste your time.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Bella chided.
“Well, I might. That Jasper fella’s pretty cute for a, and I quote, 'guy who looks like he’s in pain.’” Angela snorted, and I followed Bella’s gaze. I peered over my shoulder, seeing that her and Edward were making intense eye contact. 
I couldn’t help but stare, and Jasper glanced over at us. I sent a smile, holding up my hand and waving. I noticed his mouth twitch before Alice stole his attention away. I returned my attention to the table to see that Jessica and Angela were both looking at me.
“Don’t tell me you just waved at him,” Jessica gasped. “You’re seriously wasting your time. You know that, right? What, are the guys falling at your feet not good enough?”
Bella clicked her tongue, and Angela teasingly followed up, "You’re totally a player.”
“Wha-a-at? No. I’m just friendly,” I chimed. “Besides, I’m not interested in guys like that. I have no idea why I’m the ‘shiny new toy’ when Bella’s right here.”
“It’s because I don’t make a scene,” Bella noted.
“Well, Jessica, if you’re asking if I’m interested in Eric or Mike, definitely not. I’m not blind, girl. Mike’s for you, dearest girl, and Eric’s obviously into Angela.”
Angela gasped. “You really think so? But he’s never been that friendly or flirty with me.”
I shook my head. “Nonsense. He’s just trying to make you jealous.”
Jessica laughed. “And what about Tyler?”
“The guy who kissed you on the cheek earlier.”
I scrunched up my nose. “No-o-o way, José. I know a cute guy when I see one, and Tyler’s not it. Jasper, though… He’s definitely my type.”
“Well, good luck. They barely talk to anyone outside their clique,” Angela sighed. “Believe me, we’ve all tried to talk to them.”
“It’s because they’re all freaks.”
I frowned, but in that moment, an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I looked up, seeing that Eric and Mike decided to rejoin the group. Eric attempted to steal the seat beside me, but Mike shoved him aside, sliding beside me with ease. He threw his arm around my shoulder, shaking me excitedly.
“Not at all, actually. And give it up, guys,” Jessica groaned. “She already has her he’s on the prize. And before you chase Bella, she’s enamored by Edward Cullen.”
“We’ve returned. I’m sure you all were dying for us to bless you with our presence,” Mike announced.
“Dream on,” Eric sighed. “Ne-e-ever going to happen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them talk to anyone but each other or the teachers.”
Mike removed his arm and Eric sighed. “Damn, really? Oh, you’re breaking my heart, baby.”
“I’m not like my sister,” Bella tittered. “I just… think he’s interesting.”
Bella unsurely glanced over her shoulder. I did so as well, noticing that Alice and Jasper were chatting while looking at our table. Japer’s gaze flitted over to mine, and he raised his hand, giving me a curt wave and smile. My heart jumped in joy and I grinned.
Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. My expression immediately morphed into a displeased pout. I directed a glare him way, and he teasingly remarked, "Hey, I’m not going down without a fight.”
I shrugged off his shoulder. “Have fun with that, buddy.”
863 notes · View notes
just for show
summary: In Madripoor (Y/n) has to pretend to be the arm candy of Baron Zemo. Although he is the bad guy, she quickly develops feelings for him.
request: Hi! I had an idea for a Zemo thing😊 Reader was an ex-shield agent or something like that, maybe even was used by hydra and knew Bucky and so Bucky and Sam asked reader for help and they go to Madripoor and reader slowly warms to Zemo while they are there, and eventually falls for him😊 thank you! ~ @xxidontwikeitxx
pairings: Helmut Zemo x Reader, Bucky, Sam
warnings: blood, violence, SPOILERS, awkward fluff
words: 1155
a/n: I am afraid you guys wont like it so please be nice
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“This dress is stupid!“, (Y/n) exclaims while picking at the black dress covering her form. The three men watch her walk out of the private jet and downstairs, revealing her thighs in the process. Zemo frowns at the sight of a thigh holster.
“You look ravishing, my dear“, the Baron tells (Y/n) and holds a hand out to help her from the last step. Although (Y/n) takes his hand, she also presses her knife to his neck. Their faces are so close that their noses almost touch.
“Call me that again and you are a dead man“, (Y/n) threatens Zemo who nods anxiously. Then she takes a step back and replaces her knife to her holster.
“Stay in character, darling“, Zemo whispers in (Y/n)s ear as he wraps an arm around her waist and presses her to his side. She has to take a deep breath to stay calm and not to ram a knife in his guts.
On their way the four of them clear up their plan once again. Bucky is supposed to act like the Winter Soldier under control of Zemo, while Sam is some criminal called Smiling Tiger. (Y/n)s only purpose is to look cute and be Zemos arm candy.
“Did I mention that I hate this plan?“, (Y/n) breathes as a car stops in front of them. Zemo opens the door for her and she takes the seat between Bucky and Sam. The car gets escorted by a few motorbikes. The last meters they walk through High Town of Madripoor until they enter a nightclub.
As time goes by (Y/n) gets used to the arm around her waist and the closeness to the Baron. The second they are at the bar he even tightens his grip around her.
Everything looks okay until a man threatens Zemo and the Winter Soldier attacks. Zemo pushes (Y/n) behind him even though he knows that she can handle herself. At least she once was an agent of shield.
The fighting stops when a man announces that Selby is ready to meet up with the group. With one last worried glance at Bucky, (Y/n) lets herself get dragged through some dirty corridors by Zemo. He is holding her hand now.
Then they meet Selby. She raises her eyebrow at (Y/n)s revealing dress but says nothing. Zemo takes a seat on the chair in front of the woman, pulling (Y/n) on his lap. She bites her tongue to suppress a comment but soon finds it quite comfortable.
(Y/n) places an arm over Zemos shoulders and leans against his chest, even playing with his hair - just for show. If Zemo is disturbed, he doesn‘t show it.
Selby and Zemo talk for some time. To (Y/n)s surprise the Sokovian caresses her exposed thigh absently. Then the two make a deal. Zemo offers the Winter Soldier in exchange to information about the super soldier serum.
“And what about her? I would kill to get something as pretty as her“, Selby adds and grins at (Y/n) who would really like to throw a knife at the woman for talking about her like she is a object. Zemo laughs and wraps his arm tighter around (Y/n).
“Not for sale“, Zemo says and leans in to kiss (Y/n)s neck. To Sams and Buckys surprise (Y/n) moves her face so that their lips meet in a messy kiss - just for show. First it feels wrong but then (Y/n) actually enjoys the kiss. They part breathless and stare at each other for a second.
Selby grins at the two of them before she tells them that the super soldier serum is in Madripoor and Dr. Wilfred Nagel is producing it. Suddenly Sams phone vibrates and Selby forces him to answer his call on speaker. Their act gets revealed when Sams sister uses his real name.
Everything happens real fast after that. Someone shoots Selby. Bucky and Sam start fighting her bodyguards while Zemo stands up and drags (Y/n) with him to the next door.
“We have a real problem now, so leave your weapons and follow me“, Zemo states and everyone complies. They leave the bar through the back door and try to look as innocent as possible back on the streets. Unfortunately they get shoot at by some bounty hunters.
While Bucky and Sam continue to run on the main street, Zemo pulls (Y/n) into an alleyway. The faster they run the more (Y/n) stumbles because of her heels.
Zemo stops to disarm a man and kills him with his own weapon. At the same moment another bounty hunter shoots at (Y/n) and a bullet meets her left side. She kills the hunter with her knife but also groans in pain. This causes Zemo to pick her up and places (Y/n) over his shoulder.
Eventually they meet Sam and Bucky getting saved by Sharon. The second (Y/n)s feet touch the floor, she presses a bloody hand to her side and ignores the worried glare of Zemo.
Bucky and Sam can convince Sharon to help them. The next time (Y/n) can think clear again, she is inside one of Sharons fancy bathrooms. She even took a shower and is now dressed in black jeans as well as a bra.
With a moan (Y/n) removes the makeshift patch from her injury. Then she searches through the first aid kit with shaking hands. Her eyes widen when someone enters the bathroom without knocking - Zemo.
“What- Fuck off!“, (Y/n) whisper-yells at the Baron but he closes the door and steps forward. He is still wearing his stupid fur coat whose shoulder is now covered in blood. But Zemo doesn‘t seem to mind it.
“Let me, darling“, Zemo says softly and takes the first aid kit from (Y/n)s shaking hands. He takes a needle as well as string to stitch her up. After he finished it, Zemo places a patch over the wound.
“Thank you“, (Y/n) whispers and puts on her sweater. She avoids eye contact until Zemo places a hand under her chin and forces her to look at him. He smiles sweetly at her. Slowly his hand wanders to her cheek and his thumb caresses her lower lip.
“Darling“, Zemo breathes seconds before his lips meet (Y/n)s. The kiss gets heated quite quickly. Their hands wander over the body of the other, though Zemo avoids touching (Y/n)s injury. Soon he presses her against the sink and lifts her on it.
(Y/n) enjoys the kiss even though she shouldn‘t. Zemo is the bad guy. She should push him away. But at the same time it feels so good.
Their lips move in sync until a knock interrupts their shared kiss. Both Zemo and (Y/n) widen their eyes and part.
“Are you okay in there, (Y/n)?“, Sam asks through the door, minding her privacy like a gentleman. (Y/n) tells him that everything is alright. Her last words get swallowed by Zemos lips.
permanent taglist: @lightning-wolffe
zemo taglist: @writingletterstothefire
marvel taglist: @luvzoria
1K notes · View notes
emeren · 3 years
such a tease - eren jaeger
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👗 anon request <3
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 4k
content warnings: 18+, smut, choking, degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness 
notes: this was an anonymous request and lemme just say, i was SO excited to write this one. i’m unfortunately not super happy with how it turned out, but i’ve been swamped bc school just started back up!
SUMMARY: reader decides to tease eren by wearing a skirt without any underwear for the day, causing her very jealous boyfriend to act out in an unexpected way. 
one look in the mirror was all it took for you to quell your nerves. your fingers ran over the expanse of the pleated skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. this was bold, even for you, but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
eren had never been particularly shy about his protective nature; he was always making sure people understood you were his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around your waist or glaring at men who stared a little too long. 
you loved that about him, but you loved pushing his buttons even more. he had a bad habit of being an argumentative, hot headed little shit, and teasing him like this was asking for some rough, animalistic gesture. that was exactly what you wanted. 
you’d never neglected to wear underwear in a skirt this short, the fabric stopping just below your ass. you knew you’d have to be careful or you would end up flashing jean or armin, and that would drive eren up a wall. 
you hoped eren wouldn’t notice until you were all out; meaning there would be nothing he could do about it. teasing him was one of your favorite things to do. 
you heard your phone buzz quietly from your bed, picking up the small device and seeing eren’s name at the top. 
lil shit <3: get ur ass out here we’ve been waiting forever 
the eye roll that naturally came to you was strong, giving yourself one final once over in the mirror before heading out of your apartment. you couldn’t help the nervous smile that teased at your lips once you left the building, connie’s beat up minivan sitting at the curb. riding in his car was never the first choice; it was musty and had suspicious stains on the carpeting, but it was the only one that fit all of your friends. 
connie laid on the horn as soon as he saw you, the rest of your friends yelling from inside the vehicle as you approached. you could see jean in the passenger seat, jogging up to the rear door with a knot of nervousness in your stomach. you placed one hand on your thigh to keep the skirt from riding up as you slid the van door open. 
sasha and mikasa were stuffed in the small backseat, armin and eren sitting in the middle row. it was comical to see eren in the spot generally reserved for the smallest passenger, but you had no doubt that he wanted to sit in the middle because of you. he was petty like that - a trait that made teasing him all the more fun. 
“hey guys,” you smiled, sliding into the van as your friends all greeted you at once. your eyes were on connie, who was craning his neck to give you a rather incredulous look. 
you felt eren stiffen as you sat down, reaching for the seatbelt. connie decided to speak up before you had a chance to question it. “dude, come ooooon. what the hell took you so long?” 
“sorry, i was distracted and my phone was on my bed,” you explained, connie resolutely rolling his eyes in response. 
“let’s go already, i’m starving!” sasha wailed from the back, shaking your seat in front of her. you giggled at her desperation, finally turning to your boyfriend as connie sped away from the curb. 
you were surprised to see that eren was already staring at you, a weird glint in his eyes. you gave him a smile, trying to act innocent. “hi.” 
he didn’t say anything, just looked forward and placed his large hand on your bare thigh. it wasn’t that it was unusual for him to do so in front of your friends, in fact it was normal. you just weren’t used to him placing it so high; so high that the tip of his pinky dipped beneath the fabric of your skirt and threatened to inch towards the apex of your leg. 
had he already noticed?
“took you awhile to get ready,” eren commented, his words only being heard by you as everyone else in the car chatted about going bowling. you glanced back up at him, eyes scanning his face. he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweats, the customary ‘i don’t care about anything’ outfit he always seemed to adorn. the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger did little to ease your nerves. 
“yeah, i was just thinking about some stuff and got distracted,” you lied, smiling up at him. he was looking at you from the side of his eyes, jaw clenched. 
“really?” he breathed, his hand shifting ever so slightly up your leg. his smallest finger teased at the crease of your thigh, head leaning down to whisper in your ear. “were you thinking about some stuff or were you forgetting about some stuff?”
your breath hitched, face growing hot as you struggled for something to say. connie, once again, beat you to the punch. “oi! lovebirds! no canoodling in my back seat!”
“we weren’t canoodling,” eren sneered, pulling away and moving his hand to just above your knee. he squeezed the skin generously, your slight embarrassment about eren’s public displays of affection quickly wearing off. “i was just saying, it looks like she forgot a coat.” 
jean snorted from the front seat. “yeah and because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t wear one either, i’m gonna have to give her mine later.” 
jean’s lighthearted words lit a devious lightbulb in your mind, the gears of your plan now in full swing. you leaned forwards, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and consequently jean’s broad chest. you leaned your head to the side, a grin on your face.
“you really are too sweet to me, jean-jean!” you cooed, the feeling of eren’s grip tightening on your thigh an indication of just how well this was working in your favor. jean chuckled at the familiar nickname, hand coming up to pat your arms wrapped around him. 
you let go and slid back into your spot, eren’s face clearly peeved at your display of affection. for once, you had the upper hand. and you were going to milk it all the way. 
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the local bowling alley was a small, dank building that prided itself on its catering towards college students without much else to do. as connie skidded to a stop in his self-designated parking spot, the legacy of the building seemed to live up to its expectations. 
eren hadn’t said anything else on the ride over, just kept his hand protectively (and respectfully) placed on your lower thigh. you were much more careful sliding out of the car this time, hand blatantly coming down to cover your ass. you knew that eren was watching you, as he was quick to follow you from the vehicle and stand behind your brazen figure. 
he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you waited for your friends to pile out of the car. you’d grown accustomed to his touchy nature, suddenly deciding to press your ass against his groin. the gesture was small, but you could feel eren’s dick harden within his pants. 
“careful!” he hissed, hopping back in an attempt to shake away his sudden erection. you snickered to yourself, giving him a glance over your shoulder as you followed your friends into the building. 
the interior was the same as it’d always been; drowned out with black lights and the smell of wax. it was the kind of atmosphere that reminded you of your earliest days of childhood; attending large birthday parties and eating way too much cheaply made cake. 
the attendant was a short man named george, one who’d acknowledged connie’s arrival with annoyance. 
“head to our usual lane guys,” connie pointed, a grin on his features. you all made your way towards lane ten, eren in a sulking tow behind you.
as everyone began to sit down, jean motioned for you to sit next to him. “each side will be opposing teams. we’ve gotta be on the same team, per usual.” he called innocently. 
you and jean had dominated your friend group bowling tournaments each time before, and you figured this would be no different. you started towards him, surprised when you felt eren’s hand wrap around your wrist. 
“she’s going to be on my team this time, if you don’t mind,” eren stated in a quipped tone, something that would normally go undetected by jean due to their frenemy behavior. you knew that eren’s words were coming from a place of jealousy, sincerely trying to hide your sadistic grin.
jean scoffed, shaking his head. “yeah, right, jaeger. she’s going to be on connie and i’s team, like always.” 
you nodded your head in agreement, spinning to face your boyfriend. your skirt lifted ever so slightly at the action, eren’s teal eyes snapping to the garment with an annoyed perseverance. “don’t worry, i’ll take it easy on you.” 
he knew what you were doing. he knew that the thought of a part of you - a part specifically reserved for him - nearly on display for anyone who cared enough to pay attention, was enough to fill him with a primal sense of possessiveness. 
eren had never been particularly good at hiding his emotions. in fact, he’d been known to let them consume him in an embarrassingly juvenile way. as you sat down next to jean, your bare leg bumping his, eren couldn’t suppress the annoyance that washed over him. he folded his arms, the thought of your tight little- 
“eren?” armin called out, eren snapping from his lewd thought process. you took notice, leaning down to tie your bowling shoes. “did you hear me? i said here’s your shoes.” 
you listened to eren clear his throat and apologize, deciding to chat with jean and connie as everyone got ready to play. 
the final straw in your plan hadn’t even happened on purpose. it’d come to you itself, as if the powers that be were purposefully trying to get you rammed into oblivion. it came after the first few rounds of bowling, after a few near misses with jean regarding the skirt, each one sinking eren further into his foul mood. it came in the form of a lanky, awkward looking employee. 
he couldn’t have been any older than eighteen, carrying sasha’s order of nacho fries and your coca cola. he’d meant his comment to be nice as you got up to grab your drink. he hadn’t meant to say something that would send your childish boyfriend over the edge. 
“oh, uh, i like your skirt,” he’d commented awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. you smiled politely in response, eyes flitting over to eren. and if looks could kill, that awkward teenage boy would’ve been dead on sight. 
eren’s eyebrows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly. you felt your cheeks heat as he made eye contact with the boy, standing from his seat. eren was tall, looming behind you as he protectively wrapped himself around your figure. 
“thanks,” he said flatly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. you held your breath at the feeling of eren deeply exhaling against the sensitive skin, large hands squeezing your hips. the boy quickly looked at the ground, nodding before deciding to leave. eren waited until he was gone to remove himself from you, an annoyed twitch in his eye. “fucking little pervert.” 
you rolled your eyes, taking a generous swig from your coke. “he was just being nice.” 
eren glared at you, watching as you started back towards your friends. “nice my ass. i know you’re doing this just to rile me up.” 
“what ever do you mean?” you snickered, purposefully swaying your hips as eren scoffed, plopping back down in his seat. 
you made your way over to your teammates, sitting down and watching armin finish his turn. a couple minutes went by, chugging your coke and getting ready for connie to take his turn. 
“i think i’m gonna go use the bathroom,” you hummed, jean nodding his head in understanding. you waited until connie tossed the bowling ball down the lane, effectively missing all of the pins. you knew you’d drank the soda way too fast, standing from the bench and making your way towards the dimly lit restrooms. 
they were dark inside, with red lighting like something out of a sex club. you pushed the heavy door open, quickly locking it behind you and relieving yourself. 
as you washed your hands in the sink, you thought about just how riled up eren was getting. it was humorous, in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help the slight guilt that crept up the back of your neck about your actions. 
but then again, it wasn’t like eren wasn’t known himself for being a tease. you couldn’t count the number of times where he’d purposefully made you jealous or grabbed your ass in an inopportune moment. so what was the harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine? 
you flattened your hands against the skirt, making sure it was straight before unlocking the door and heaving it open, stepping out into the dark hallway. 
you jumped back at the appearance of a dark figure leaning against the wall, defensively clutching your chest as you stood in front of your slightly amused boyfriend. 
“mind if we chat?” he asked, voice edging an emotion that you knew you couldn’t get into at the moment. your eyes glanced down the end of the hallway, no one in sight. you looked back to him, his pink lips turned upwards, the word ‘gotcha’ written all over his face.
“we should probably head back out there,” you mumbled, trying to ignore the way eren was sizing you up. he just smiled, pushing himself from the wall and taking a step towards you. all of the confidence you’d had in your teasing flew out the window, swallowing at the downfall of your plan.
“don’t worry. i told ‘em my mom was calling,” he purred in response, index finger coming up to gently trace against your jaw. it was his turn to be smug; everyone in your friend group knew that carla’s phone calls were a draw out, lengthy affair. he’d trapped you. 
you held your breath as he stepped forward, slowly tilting your jaw to place a deceivingly sweet kiss to the skin. you felt embarrassed at the way your cunt throbbed at the action, his lips moving to tease the shell of your ear. “but what about me?” 
“what about you?” eren sneered, his voice turning slightly sour, fingers roughly gripping your jaw as he placed a kiss right below your ear. “this is what you were asking for, wasn’t it? now be a good girl and go back into the bathroom for me.” 
you hesitated for a moment, thinking about your friends bowling a mere 100 feet away. eren’s eyes were dark, and the churning you could feel at the pit of your stomach was only making it harder to resist. 
all it took was the thought of eren bending you over the sink, fucking you stupid for you to demurely shift in place, turning to shove the bathroom door open once again. you could feel your neck burning at the thought of how easily you’d just submitted, but you wanted this. more than anything. 
the bathroom was no desirable place; it smelled like generic soap and had discarded pieces of toilet paper on the ground. eren didn’t seem to care, gingerly locking the door behind himself before roughly shoving you forward facing against the cool, knock off linoleum countertop. 
you could feel his hard dick pressing against your ass, your reflections in the dirty mirror lit under the red lightbulbs. he was commanding; aggressively grinding himself into you, your skirt beginning to ride up at the motion.
eren made eye contact with you in the glass, one hand coming forward to tilt your neck to the side. he slowly brought his lips down, peppering the skin till his mouth met the base of your neck. he made sure you were watching as he pressed his tongue flatly against the skin, your breath hitching as you watched him drag the wet muscle up to your jawline. 
“you’re such a tease,” he growled against you, rolling his hips into your ass. you could feel your skirt starting to ride up even more, the cold air uncomfortable. “’s’hot, knowing your pretty little cunt is so exposed.” 
his hand on your jaw slipped around your throat, squeezing lightly in warning as he flipped the edge of your skirt up.
you squeaked as his other hand snaked between your legs, middle two fingers slowly sliding themselves between your already soaking center. he rubbed at your clit, breath hot against your neck as he forced you to watch him through the mirror. 
“look at how pretty you are,” he mumbled as he plunged his two digits inside of you, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your lips. he wasn’t playing nice; roughly digging his fingers all the way to the last knuckle. his other hand squeezed your throat tighter. it hurt, but you couldn’t help the way your cunt clenched around him, chest tightening. “so pretty for me. n’only me.”
he slowed his fingers, pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick causing him to grow impossibly harder. the feeling of his cock pressed against the flesh of your ass sent another throb to your cunt, eren smirking in response. 
“needy for my cock after teasing all day?” he asked, stuffing his fingers particularly deep, a strangled moan slipping past your lips. you struggled to nod your head against his grasp, the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you at such a rhythmic pace causing you to grind your hips against his hand and subsequently his cock. 
he quickly pulled his fingers out from inside of you, hand growing tighter around your throat. “you were such a little whore today. a little whore who needs to learn a thing or two.” 
you could feel tears prickling in your eyes, eren’s hand that was wrapped around your throat coming up to pry your mouth open. you didn’t have a chance to react before he was slipping his sheen coated fingers past your lips, the saccharine flavor hitting your tastebuds. 
“suck for me, pretty girl,” he said lowly, hooded eyes watching you in the mirror. you did as you were told, wrapping your lips around his knuckles and swirling your tongue around his fingers. the taste wasn’t completely pleasant or unpleasant, your mouth releasing with a smack. 
eren pressed down on your tongue with his fingers, saliva filling your mouth before he dragged the two digits down your chin and throat, leaving a shiny trail in their wake. 
he brought his hands down to roughly grope your chest, your own hands pressing against the countertop to keep you steady. eren gripped the hem of your sweater, forcing the fabric up to your midsection. 
“off, take it off.” he demanded, leaning back from you but still keeping his groin pressed against your ass. you were quick to oblige, pulling it over your head. as you did so, you could feel eren palming your ass under the skirt, his dark eyes fixated on the sight of your little skirt riding up on your skin. 
you dropped the sweater to the ground, knowing you’d regret it later, but you couldn’t be bothered. eren didn’t wait, letting go of your ass to unclasp your bra, the undergarment falling into the empty sink. he palmed at your newly exposed breasts, fingers pinching at your hardened nipples. 
he was watching you in the mirror, the sight of you batting your eyelashes with your saliva on your chin only making him more possessive. it sent a twitch to his cock, hands releasing from your chest to shove you against the cold glass. 
“want me to show this pretty cunt who it belongs to, hm?” eren nearly growled, the thought of jean or that employee ever being lucky enough to see you like this pushing him over the edge. 
you tried to nod against the mirror, your breasts pressed against the cold material only aiding the way your center throbbed mercilessly for whatever eren was about to do. his hand came up to fist your hair, the other haphazardly yanking down his sweats and boxers. 
you could see his veiny cock slap against his stomach through the mirror, the tingling in your clit multiplying at the sight of it. eren smirked at your staring. 
“fuck,” he hissed, his gaze drawn to your skirt pooled around your waist, glistening center ready for him to abuse. and he couldn’t wait any longer, rubbing the tip of his cock between your legs. 
a gasp ripped through your throat at just how deeply eren thrusted into you, his hips hitting your ass with a loud smack. it hurt; his brows furrowed as he completely pulled out from you, just to ram himself back inside your tight cunt. 
“what’s wrong?” eren asked breathlessly, pounding into you as hard as he could. you were jerking against the mirror, mouth open as your nose began to tingle; a tell-tale sign of tears. your boyfriend had a sadistic smile on his face, a piece of hair falling from his bun to rest against his forehead. 
“ah- hurts,” you gasped out, the sound of eren pounding into you filling the small space. eren hit you with a particularly deep angled thrust, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. he tightly fisted your hair, yanking on the follicles as hit other hand gripped your waist for better leverage. it hurt so bad, but so good.  
“look at you, look at you take my cock like this,” he said, voice gravelly as he began to buck his hips faster. you could feel the hot tears rolling down your cheeks, eren’s hand around your waist moving to guide your knee up onto the counter top for better leverage. the pain lessened with his movement, his animalistic thrusts growing pleasurable. “such a good little whore. a little whore who’ll only let me fuck her like this, hm?” 
you moaned out against the glass, eren yanking your hair as an indication for a worded response. “yes-yes. all for you, only you.” 
eren groaned out at your words, his head leaning back as he slammed into you from behind. he was blurry as your breath fogged the glass, but just the image of him bucking his cock deep within your throbbing cunt was enough to have you seeing stars. 
he was filling you up so nice, pressing himself against you as the veins in his arms grew prominent. you could feel him twitching inside of you, your own center clenching around him as he made sure you knew you were his. 
“such a little tease, showing off her pretty little cunt like that,” eren moaned out, shamelessly loud. he buried himself within you, your eyes rolling back in your head as the building anticipation between your legs became too much to bear. 
“eren-” you heaved, him quickening his pace, hitting your cervix over and over. it was enough to make the tears come back, your vision becoming hot white as he bucked his hips once more, stuffing his cock impossibly deep within you. your orgasm didn’t reach its climax until you felt eren’s length twitch, effectively filling you with his cum. 
the high was incredible; the cold mirror a stark contrast to the hot, burning sensation as eren thrusted out his own climax. 
the two of you stood for a moment, mirror foggy and bathroom humid as you recollected your composure. when eren did pull out, he watched his cum slowly drip down your thigh, fingers attempting to stuff it back inside of you. 
“don’t let it drip out,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your sweaty cheek. you could only roll your eyes, peeling yourself from the glass. he gingerly pulled his pants back up, delivering a swift swat to your ass as he stood straight again. 
“y’know, you should wear skirts more often.” 
“you should get jealous more often.” 
“sounds like a deal to me.” 
<3 <3 <3
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Juicy Reward - Kinktober 18
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Summary: He saves your life. You don’t want to reward him. He insists.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Brat!Reader
Kink: Agrexophilia is sexual arousal from the knowledge that other people may become aware of the lovemaking, for example by being overheard or seen.
Warnings: language, mentions of attempted assault/gang bang (not Dean, no description), bratty reader, arguments, foul language, pet names, handcuffs, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, marking with cum, agrexophilia, I’ll label this lightly dub-con (not to me, but before anyone complains…)
Rating: Explicit
A/N: This is the alternative version to: Daddy doesn’t need to know
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
Kinktober 2021
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“Why should we pay him more dad?” you roll your eyes at your father, give him your signature pout, the one driving the man standing next to you crazy. “He’s my bodyguard, it’s his job to protect me. We pay him well.”
“I pay him well,” your father tuts. He pays you no mind, shakes your bodyguard’s hand once again to thank him for your rescue. “Thank you, Mr. Winchester. You saved my little girl’s life. I will grant you any favor, name it and it’s yours.”
“Sir, I’m honored, but protecting Y/N is my job. But, I will think about your offer,” your bodyguard looks at you, a dark smirk on his lips. “I should lead your daughter back to her room. I think she still hasn’t fully recovered.”
“I’m fine,” you snap your fingers at Dean, glare up at the annoyingly attractive and cocky bodyguard protecting your life for a few months. “Gadreel always left me alone at home. Why don’t you have a snack and I go back to my floor and forget you dragged me out of my future boyfriend’s car.”
“He’s not your boyfriend but your father’s nemesis’ son, sweetheart. You shouldn’t hang out with dangerous people, and just you know, that bastard wanted to share you with his buddies. I heard him talk about you,” you huff, not believing a single word leave Dean’s lips.
“We wanted to have fun. Hell, can you not scare any guy looking at me off? It’s your job to protect me, not to force a dry spell on me,” spinning around you storm toward the door, slamming it shut with a loud thud.
“Mr. Winchester, I want you to keep all of her little friends away from my daughter. One day she’ll marry a nice business partner of mine or someone like you,” your father pats Dean’s shoulder, snickering when your bodyguard grumbles something under his breath. “I know she can be a brat, but my daughter only messes with people she likes.”
“Like a child kicking my shin to get attention? That’s not really my style, Mr. Y/F/N.” Dean furrows his brows. “Either way, I’m too old for your daughter. She’s…”
“You just turned thirty-four, Mr. Winchester. What’s a number if you are in love?” your father chuckles, patting Dean’s arm, Again, I owe you one. Just name it…or her.”
“Do you want to push your lovely daughter into my arms?” Dean teases, eyes darkening a little when your father silently agrees. “You sure? If Winchesters lay claim on someone, we ram our teeth into her flesh and never let her go.”
“My daughter needs a strong hand, and she likes to stare at you. Dreamily,” chuckling your father sits on his favorite armchair, raising his drink at Dean. “To you, my daughter, and the grandchildren you will give to me.”
“I wouldn’t mind having a drink and—” Dean smirks, eyes dropping to the photo of you on your father’s desk, “a taste of your daughter.”
“I will discuss the details with your father, Dean,” your father clinks glasses with Dean, seals your fate. “She will be a brat, angry and aggressive but Y/N will adapt.”
“If not, I’ll tame her…just for fun,” the man who should be your bodyguard chuckles. “Good thing my father owed you a favor, don’t ya think?”
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“What do you want in here?” you cock your head, snapping your fingers at Dean. Said man is busy to stand in your bedroom, arms crossed over his chest, a dark smirk on his lips. “I asked you a question, servant.”
“I think we are having a failure in communication, little brat,” he stalks toward you, eyes glued to your exposed legs. “You are the servant, and I am your master from now on.”
“Fuck off,” a growl escapes his lips, and you whimper, feeling your knees buckle. Busy to just stare at Dean you barely realize he gets something out of the back pocket of his pants. “Handcuffs? Do you want to arrest me, servant?”
“We will see how funny you are restrained and gagged, my cock so deep inside your tight little cunt you can only whine as it hurts so good,” Dean purrs, making your heart speed up. “Now, how do you want it? Will you be a good girl and give me the promised reward, or do I need to get angry?”
Gosh, you’d like to ride Dean’s dick any time of the day, but you prefer him mad.
You love it so much when his nostrils flare, his eyes darken and those fucking strong hands twitch.
“Choose, little brat,” he twirls the handcuffs around his index finger, eyes glued to your face, searching, almost as if those green orbs want to bore into your soul. “Fast, sweetheart.”
“I—” you lick your lips, pussy already throbbing in anticipation. “I will not cower for you, servant,” fuck he looks like he’s going to pin you to the ground and fuck the neediness out of you, but you couldn’t care less. That’s exactly what you want.
For months you try to make him snap and right now, he’s close to break your neck, or fuck the life out of you, depending on his mood.
“Put these on,” he holds the handcuffs in front of your face, smirking darkly. “I swear, if you do not do as told, you’ll regret it.”
“In a good way?” you coo, batting your eyes lashes. You are done playing so you go for a broke, rile the angry bodyguard up even more. “I’d like to see you try to make me regret anything.” He’s fuming, you can see it in the way he clenches his jaw.
“Remember,” he grips your left arm, tugging harshly to bring you to his chest. Dean breathes in your face, eyes lust blown emerald orbs now, “you asked for this. I came here to get my reward. Well, I guess now it will be a juicy one.”
“Aw, do you want to handcuff me to a chair and interrogate me, Sir,” you play the game, embrace the fire with open arms. “I’d like you to try, sweetheart.”
“Fine!” Dean moves faster than you can realize a shuddery breath. He throws you over his shoulder, smacks your ass before, to your utter horror, he carries you out of your bedroom.
“Where are we going? Dean put me down! Anyone can see us—” you whimper, feeling your panties dampen. “Dean!”
“You wanted to be a brat, I’ll show you what happens if you play with fire or a man like me,” he holds back a chuckle at your predicament.
You wiggle and curse, try anything to get out of Dean’s iron grip but he doesn’t even bat an eyelash, simply walks toward your father’s office.
“Wait! You can’t tell my dad about the handcuffs and stuff,” suddenly you are aware anyone could walk in on you and Dean, playing a fool's game. “I got it, you wanted to show me who’s in charge, but stop now. Daddy won’t like—”
“Shut up, brat,” Dean waltzes into your father’s office, smirking as you lift your head, sighing in relief. “Luckily your daddy left for half an hour so, we’ve got enough time to tame you…a little.”
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“I see, my son finally broke today,” John leans back in his chair. He raises his glass, “to my son, your daughter, and our bond. This was the best idea ever. My stubborn son finally met his match, and your daughter found a brat tamer.”
“Cheers to that, John,” your father chuckles. “I hope he goes easy on her. She gives him heart eyes for months. Poor girl, so stubborn but so in love with your cocky son.”
“Same goes for Dean. He wouldn’t stop nagging about her…”
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“Not here. Dean,” you find yourself on your father’s desk. Hands restrained to one of the legs of the massive desk, your body on Dean’s mercy, his hands all over your naked body.
“Look at you,” he purrs, eyes roaming your trembling form. “I had you bare in seconds, and it took me twenty more seconds to restrain your wrists. This was your friend’s plan too.”
“No—” shaking your head you watch Dean spread your legs. “Ah—oh fuck, please.” He flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue but takes away the tiny spark he ignited seconds later. “Jason would’ve never done such a thing.”
“I heard him talk about his plans. I think you would’ve ended up in a gang bang with his buddies or worse,” Dean gets back up to stroke his cock, eyes never leaving your face. “Say red if you want me to stop, sweetheart. If not, you are in for the ride of your life.”
“He would have done such a thing?” your eyes glued to Dean’s throbbing length you lick your lips. “I bet he doesn’t have it in him to fuck me as you could.”
“Sweetheart, you’ve got no clue. You woke the beast,” he grips your thighs, roughly spreading your legs to look at your dripping cunt. “You’re so wet it drips onto your daddy’s desk.” You tug harshly at the handcuffs, wanting to touch Dean. “You know, anyone could walk in on us.”
“Oh—fuck,” the last piece of dignity gets ripped out of your hands as you beg Dean to fuck you over your father’s desk. “I—I…don’t stop talking, please. Tell me what happens if anyone finds us in here.”
“They will watch me fucking you good, princess,” he slaps your clit with his cock, snickering when you moan deeply. “Maybe they comment on my stamina and your tight little cunt. I bet; they would be jealous hearing all the noises I will force out of your throat with my cock.”
“You are going to take my cock so deep it will hurt,” he threatens, but oddly, he slowly slips the tip in, moving back and forth to open you up for his thick length. “Such a good girl now.”
Dean loves you part your lips in a silent scream at the same time as he thrusts forward to fill you completely. “Shit—fuck.” You curse, hips jolting upward.
“Yeah, louder. Let them hear you get fucked by your servant,” whilst you try to not give in, Dean grips your thighs to spread you even wider. “Fine, I guess you want me to fuck you into obedience.”
“You...can try,” struggling to keep a straight face you watch Dean work his cock into you. “Fuck, you need to…faster.”
“I don’t do fast, sweetheart,” his head snaps toward the door when someone shuffles in front of your father’s office. “Aw, did you just clench harder around me? You are into getting caught, huh? My girl is a kinky little slut.”
“No,” you whimper, eyes screwed shut, “kink-shaming.” He speeds up, starts to hammer into you, cock twitching violently with every thrust.
Dean is on the edge for months, always close to creaming his pants when you are around. “Fuck, this will be a quickie.”
“I don’t care, just make me cum...”
“Don’t ya worry, I love you are a kinky bitch,” his hips begin to stutter feeling your heat clench tightly around his thick shaft. “Cum all over me and scream my name. I want everyone at your daddy’s house to hear you get fucked by me.”
“B-astard,” he stills his hips, hands gripping your thighs even tighter when you milk him dry. “Fuck, you didn’t use a condom!”
“I will always cream this sweet pussy. I marked it, marked you. A Winchester lays claim on the girl he wants completely. Inside, outside and...,” now his features soften, and he run his hands up and down your thighs, “...we put a ring on your finger…”
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“Uh—what did you mean with put a ring on my finger?” you lift your head from his chest to glance at Dean. “Dean?”
“I meant what I said, sweetheart,” he runs his hand over your back up to your shoulder to rub it gently. “Now sleep a bit. I’m not done with you…not at all…”
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
Better love
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Summary: Niichan always takes care of you <3
cw: yandere niichan gojo but the reader actually likes him being a yandere, pseudo incest, blood play, possessive tendencies, violence, oral sex
wc: 1.9k 
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Your slight smile was hidden behind your fake, worrisome appearance as you looked him in the eyes, your doe eyed expression bringing him back to reality as his hands rested on your waist. 
You did not know why the guys following you around campus did not get the hint of “no”, and that your niichan would easily get rid of them if you asked. But you didn't want him to know that you, his sweet little angel, thought that way; so you conveyed it to him in a more discreet way. 
Crying, not so fake as you were frustrated and scared, but you easily let the tears fall to show him how distressed you were as he waited for you outside leaning on his car as you ran up to him, noticing that your precious little eyes were ruined as he embraced you in his arms.
What you didn't see, but felt, was the intense glare he gave them as he opened the door to set you in the passenger seat, trapping them in a barrier that you couldn't see as he drove you home.
As he finally got you washed up and in bed, tucking you in your favorite blanket, he left the house after giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You weren't really asleep as you heard the car starting, your heart racing loudly at the thought that he would go this much out of his way for you.
You knew what was going to happen as you got up, still a mess but for a ‘good’ reason now, your hands shaking from excitement and not fear as you tried to bring the glass up to your mouth. He was one of the only people in your life now, slowly getting rid of them one by one, whether it was just convincing you to cut them off or other methods.
But you didn't care, he's been the only one you could count since you met him Calling him niichan within a month of being with him, and still calling him it even though your ‘relationship’ has changed.
 He made you feel like you were the center of his world, universe. Thinking about how effortlessly he would slip you off your feet and catch you in his arms as you brought the glass down from your lips.
He quickly snapped his fingers firing it at them, the men disappearing besides the bloody remains left behind on him and the ground. He brushed some off walking straight back to his car, not wanting to waste another second without you as he sped down the highway.
You heard the door open, swiftly running to see him. Exclaiming “Toru!” as you wrapped your arms around him, he let out a little laugh not even through the door yet as your need for him made the seriousness in his head drop.
“You know why it did it, right sweetheart?” he whispered into your ear as he bent his tall frame into yours. Your hands working their way up to his jaw, wiping off some of the blood splattered there with your sleeve. Him showing it off in a sense after your reaction from this happening before, same situation different scenario.
He did it in front of you with no second thoughts as their disgusting hands reach out to grab your ass, coming to his senses when he saw the mess he made laid out before him.
And when he turned around, his mind was racing as he thought he was going to have to lock you away to stay with him, but the last thing he would've thought to see was your face flustered, eyes beaming as you clung onto his now dirty shirt with your fingers, muttering out “you did that....for me?”
“You needy honey?” he said letting you cling onto him as he walked to the bedroom. “I thought i told you to go to sleep.”
“m’sorry niichan, i was worried about you.” You pouted as he laid you on the bed taking his shirt off, thinking how ironic it was that you were the one wanting his attention. 
He always had you at his call, expecting you to respond to his texts directly unless you were asleep, which he knew of, his tenseness whenever you brought up another man that wasn't him, his eyes never leaving you whenever you two went out.
“Worried about me? That's so sweet of you baby” he said sitting beside you. “so worried about me that it got you this worked up?”  
His big hands were resting on your nightgown, lifting it up enough to see another mess he had to take care of. “Fuck sweetheart, you’re soaked for me. You want niichan to fuck you that badly?” he asked teasingly, grinning at your image.
You hid your face in the sheets, embarrassed of the reason he got you like this as he pulled them down with ease. Your fragile little arms being nothing in comparison to him”
“Cmon angel, u gonna let me wreck that dripping little cunt of yours or what? he said tugging on the string of your panties.
You whined out softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into you. His bright hair shining in the moonlight as it tickled your skin ,putting out a false complaint playing into the game he created. 
“Why, is it because niichan is dirty right now? I can take care of that sweetheart.”
“No! Tor-”
“No?” He chuckled out, seeing your hips grind in place as his dirty hands worked their way up your body. Freeing you from your nightgown, only being left in your panties as you leaned up and kissed his blood covered face. The iron taste spreading in your mouth as you held him close.
“You like me all messy, hmm? Messy because I had to take care of you... what a naughty girl.”
The tease in his voice never left as he kept muttering filthy words, your squirming body being the highlight of his day as his breath got closer and closer to your aching cunt, dripping though your panties as you moaned out when he touched you.“Fuck baby you got like this for me, im flattered.”
“You know niichan loves you.... and that he’ll do it over and over again if it gets you like this.” he says pushing his middle finger into the slickness of your hole immediately, thinking about claiming you in and out had his head going dizzy along with your scent.
Your tightness around his fingers is making his cock harder at the thought of stretching you out. He shushes you, cooing while rubbing your clit to ease you up, his finger curling into you as you thrashed around in his hold.
“Niichan’s the only one who can make you cum, you know that right? You know i'm the only one allowed to touch you here.”  he said, grabbing the base of your neck, wanting to instill it on you that he would be the only man to ever see you like this as his fingers tightened.
“Y-yeah, toru, please” you whimpered as he put another finger in, buried knuckle deep inside of you as he started thrusting them. He pulled out his cock, stroking it while he leaned his forehead onto your thighs.
Crying at how his lips attached to your clit, sucking the swollen bud intensely, so impatient to make you cum so he could fuck you. “Fuck baby, you're so sweet”
“You want my fat cock in there? Is that what you want baby?” he smirked, rubbing the area around your cunt. “You gotta tell me like a good girl or i don't know what to do.'' he said, removing his fingers from your hole to your protest as you gasped, nodding heavily to the point where you got dizzy.
His hands trailed up your sides, focusing on your pretty body before ruining it. His long fingers rubbing your thighs and tummy, grabbing the fat in his hands while spreading your legs open. 
“Such a pretty pussy, for my eyes only.” he observed gazing into yours, the blue turning white as he wouldn't let your vision go. You let out another whine at the feeling of his eyes burning holes into you.
“Shh angel niichans here to take care of you, like always” he said with your sloppy cunt spread open for him, your ankles besides your ears as he moved them there. The heat leaving your body as his cold hands gripped your thighs, locking them in place as he pushed his fat cock slowly into you.
“Fuck you're so tight, always sucking me up.” he groaned, his hips thrusting upwards as you moan out. “You got such a greedy little cunt, baby, you always wanna have something in you. Don't worry sweet girl, i'm gonna stuff you full like you deserve. Fuck you till youre all swollen and pretty with my cum.”
“Toru-” you sobbed, face being in his chest met with the dried blood that your hands were scratching against as his pace was ruthless. Your little hole clenched  so tight around him that he can ballet thrust in and out of you.
His hands grip harder on your thighs, pushing himself even deeper as his hips slam into yours, fucking you as fast and rough as he can. “That’s my girl, you this huh? Tell me.”
Your voice chokes out, head dramatically falling back as his cock was ramming into your cervix. “Yes, yea, nii-chan, p-please, cum in me ple ― ah.”
“Of course.” he grunted out, your cries being background noise at this point, mixing in with the sound of his balls slapping into your wet cunt. “Just like i always do.”
His hips rut into you faster as you feel your stomach clench up. You feel him throbbing inside you as your vision goes white. Your nails digging to the flesh of his back as you feel his warmness fill you up.
He lets you rest your head as your limp under him, pulling out slightly enough to see how much cum he left in you, seeing the slick pool out too. He doesnt let it slip as he fucks it back into you quickly. Loving how you're always ready to be fucked and bred, whenever he wanted.
“Are you okay?” you asked, voice half gone as he fucked it out of you, making sure the blood was just there’s and not his.
“Yes baby i'm fine.” he answered, kissing you on the forehead before slowly pulling out as he had to clean you two up.
“nii― ” You voiced as he got up, picking you up along with him as he took you to the bathroom, due to the fact that he was unfortunately covered in someone else and not just you.
“Everything i do is for you, remember that.” he interrupted, his gaze hardening as he sat you on the counter while he was below you, running the bath to wash you.
But not before he placed his mouth into the mess he made, licking his cum out of your messy cunt then smothering your lips with it, covering you completely in him, in and out.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
can you hold your liquor? - tommy shelby x reader
a/n: yes that's right 2 fics in one night!! this one right here is for my tommy bitches it is very steamy and the reader is a badass bitch ok hope you guys like it :)
prompt: you're a businesswoman and tommy needs a favor.
warnings: nsfw!! smut, choking, daddy kink, slight degredation, you and tommy being assholes to eachother
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“Fuck off, Shelby,” was the first thing that left your red-stained lips as Tommy Shelby entered your office, looking like a vision, much to your chagrin, in a dark grey three-piece suit with a white striped shirt underneath. You were well aware of the Shelbys, as one of the only female businesswomen in Birmingham, and on occasion, had had drinks with both Ada Shelby and Polly Gray. You were around the same age as Ada, and you called her every so often to chat. From those conversations, you concluded that Tommy, despite his devastatingly handsome exterior, was nothing but trouble.
Tommy chuckled at your outburst, puffing from his cigarette as he poured himself a glass of whiskey from your bar cart. “I see my sister has told you about me, then.”
You scoffed, taking a large sip from your gin and tonic. “What do you want from me, Tommy. I run a fucking bread factory. Only reason they even let me is ‘cause girls can work here. God forbid they’d let a woman tell a man what to do,” you snapped, crossing one leg over another as you took a drag from your cigarette. You were glad that you wore one of your shortest dresses today; a dark red silk number that played well against black tights and a pair of black 3 inch heels, the tallest you owned. A small, but noticeable pair of silver earrings dangled from your ears.
Tommy’s unmistakable blue eyes locked with yours as he puffed at this cigarette, taking a seat across from you. “I need a favor.”
You almost choked on your laughter. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” You gulped down the rest of your drink and stood to get another, hips swaying as you felt Tommy’s eyes on you. As much as you didn’t want anything to do with him, some part of you still wanted him to want you. You made your drink and sat back down, fingers tapping your crystal glass as you took another drag from your cigarette. “What is it?”
Tommy cleared his throat, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. As much as you hated to admit it, his cologne was turning you on. “I have 7 tons of opium I need to get to Glasgow. I happen to know that your bread factory does shipments to Glasgow, eh? Through the canals,” Tommy said, gesturing with his arm.
You took a drink. “Yes, and?”
Tommy groaned. “Fuck, woman! I need you to hide the goddamn opium under your fucking bread,” he whispered through gritted teeth.
You took a long drag off of your cigarette. “And what would I get?”
“20,000 pounds,” Tommy said, leaning back in his chair. “But you’ll need to come with. It’s a two day trip and I don’t trust your employees. Just you, me, and my men driving the barges, eh?”
“Fuck,” you exhaled smoke, weighing your options. Who were you kidding? You had to say yes. With that kind of money, you could buy four more factories. “When do we leave?”
Tommy grinned, knowing that you had a deal. “Tonight.”
“I’ll have something written up and I’ll need your signature,” You retorted.
“That’s fine,” Tommy said, standing and shooting the rest of his whiskey. “I’ll pick you up at 9, yeah?”
“You don’t even have my address, Tommy,” You replied, sipping from your glass.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Tommy grinned, opening the door. “I’ll find you,” he called, shutting the door behind him.
“Fuck me,” You exhaled.
You hadn’t been on a boat in ages, not since you were little. Most of your family had died or moved away when you were young, so you didn’t have many people to take you to do things like that. You had been born in poverty, but had worked your ass off to be able to get where you were. You were new to fancy things in that you didn’t find a need for most of them. Of course you indulged in small luxuries, like the newest Chanel pantsuit or silk underwear. You were an owner of an entire company, after all.
You didn’t want to wear a skirt, so you slipped on a pair of black trousers and a plain black blouse over a simple pair of black cotton underwear with a black bra. You put on a pair of lace up leather booties in addition to a tiny pair of gold hoop earrings and a few gold chain necklaces. You heard the doorbell ring, and your maid entered your room shortly, letting you know that a Mr. Shelby was downstairs.
You made your way down your spiral staircase where Tommy was waiting, glancing at his pocket watch before putting it into his pocket and looking up at you. “The driver put your bag in the trunk already,” he said before opening the door for you. He walked you to the car, ushering you through as the driver opened the car door for you while he went to the other side, sliding in next to you on the black leather interior of the Bentley. He smelled like cologne and cigarettes, and it was making your head spin. Something about him was irresistible, but you refused to give in.
The car ride was a short one, the three of you arriving at the canals quickly. The driver retrieved yours and Tommy’s bags from the trunk, driving off after speaking quietly with Tommy. An Irish man on one of the boats tipped his hat to you, grabbing the bags. “That’s Packy Lee,” Tommy said, stepping onto the barge and holding out his hand for you to take while stepping down. “He’s a good man.” You begrudgingly accepted it, stepping down onto the boat.
Tommy led you into the cargo hold, which was dimly lit by a few gas lanterns and contained a single makeshift bed. The small open area was surrounded by sacks and sacks of opium. You couldn’t believe the sheer quantity of it. “Me brothers are in the other ones,” Tommy said, sitting on the bed, gesturing towards the other barges that floated behind you in the canal. “And you’re sure they never check?”
“Not the way that my ships go,” you responded, slumping down a foot away from him. “I’ve never had a problem getting stuff through here, if you understand what I’m saying.” Tommy nodded as he lit a cigarette, puffing from it. He sighed, leaning back against the sacks and producing a bottle of whiskey, popping the cork and taking a swig. He extended his arm, offering the bottle to you, and you accepted, wincing slightly as the dark liquid hit your throat. You took a second swig anyways, your intentions impure. You were in the cargo hold of a boat surrounded by opium with Tommy fucking Shelby, of all people. Tommy abandoned his suit jacket, draping it over the top of the sacks, his sleeve garter chains glinting in the lamp light as he rolled up his sleeves. Getting drunk was a bad idea, but it was too late for that now. You took one last drink for good measure, passing the bottle back to Tommy.
“Can ‘ya hold your liquor?” Tommy’s voice echoed off of the curved wooden walls as you almost choked on your drink.
“Can I hold my liquor. Tommy Shelby, I’ll have you know I’ve been drinking since I was fucking thirteen,” you snarked. “I see why Ada likes you so much. You’re a lot like her,” Tommy chuckled, taking a long drink from the bottle and passing it back to you. You took another swig, starting to feel a little tipsy.
“What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?” The question left your lips before you could stop it. Thankfully, Tommy grinned. “God, to be honest? The first fuck I ever had when I got back from France. Purely because it had been so goddamn long,” he laughed, accepting the bottle and taking another drink. His ice blue eyes met yours. “What about you?”
You blushed a little, feeling slightly shy, but the alcohol got the better of you. “Probably this Spanish guy, what the fuck was his name - Raul or something. God, he was good.”
“I bet I could fuck you better,” Tommy grinned, passing you back the bottle. Your jaw dropped slightly. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Tommy replied as you took another long drink. “I bet I could fuck you better than what’s his name.”
“Yeah. Roger.”
You snorted, biting at your bottom lip. “I accept that bet.”
Tommy’s lips were on yours immediately, his hands practically ripping your shirt from your limbs as his teeth nipped at your bottom lip. You rid him of his clothes quickly, flinging them behind you as you ran your hands over his shoulders, kissing him back fiercely. You rolled on top of him, slipping his cock inside your already wet cunt and bouncing up and down causing Tommy to groan.
“You look so fucking pretty riding me, I’m tempted to let you do this all night,” Tommy grunted, his teeth capturing a nipple. “But I promised you something, hm?”
Tommy flipped the two of you over on the bed, ramming his cock inside you at a rough pace as he flung your legs over his shoulder, making your eyes roll back into your head. You couldn’t help but let a moan leave your mouth, causing Tommy to smirk. “You like that, sweetheart?”
“Oh, fuck,” You couldn’t find the energy to form any other words, your head spinning at Tommy’s constant assault on your g spot, sending stars across your vision.
“Look at you, can’t even speak when I’m fucking you this good, can you?” Tommy growled as your pussy squeezed around his dick. “This is what you wanted, from the first thing you said to me, aye? Who knew you’d turn into a pretty little slut for me in bed.”
Your moans grew louder as Tommy fucked you even harder, determined on proving a point. Tommy reached up and wrapped his hand around your neck as you writhed against him, gasping for breath. “You love this, don’t you? I can feel that pretty pussy clenching around my cock.” You could only moan in response, your eyes fluttering back into your head.
“Pretty little thing, fuckin’ made for my cock, aren’t ‘ya? Come on baby, come all over Daddy’s cock, huh?”
“Daddy, fuck,” you moaned, head swimming with lust as you reached your climax.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Tommy crooned, keeping up his insufferable pace as he fucked you through your climax. You couldn't help the sounds coming from your mouth as Tommy thrust harder, groaning.
“God, your pussy’s so wet,” Tommy grunted, hips snapping against yours. “Gonna make me fill you up with my cum, huh?” “Please, Daddy,” was all you could manage. “Please come in me. I want it so fucking badly,” you whined, shocked at the words that were leaving your mouth. Tommy growled, thrusting into you as hard as he could, causing you to cry out, scratching at his shoulders and leaving long red marks. Tommy didn’t seem to care as he took you, letting out a grunt as he finally released inside of you. You felt the stickiness drip down your thighs and you savored the dirtiness of it. Tommy kissed you roughly before slumping down beside you, lighting a cigarette. He took a puff before offering it to you and you accepted, taking a long drag.
“I promise not to tell my sister you call me daddy,” Tommy grinned, letting out a small ‘oof’ when you smacked his chest.
“Fuck you, Shelby,” You laughed, taking another drag from your cigarette as Tommy smiled at you. “We could definitely go again.”
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