#just a word about my old knightmare au
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
SW Masterlist: In the Big Leagues
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Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists
This post is for tumblr posts I've made that are specifically about one fic or another that made it onto AO3, including those that were previously on the Wider AUs masterlist.
Sandstorm Verse (Flip the Hourglass)
Anakin and the Jedi Babies
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse (Bare Your Teeth, Soldier)
Commander Buir (This is Where the Story Starts)
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (Journey to the Center of the Galaxy)
Fake Sith TCW
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
TCW Leverage AU
ObiSabe AU (When the Bodyguards Hook Up)
Sticky Fingers AU
The Sexbot AU (Human Pleasure Droid)
Tread Upon the Wind
King, Soldier, Spy
Weapon Women
Parole Officer Fulcrum
System’s Scourge
Legally Horny
Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
A Candle in the Night - Anakin/Luminara (original)
Crossover between my Lumakin and Windwalker fics - Pt 2
The Way to a Boy's Heart is Through Violent Defensive Measures - Rex has difficulty with whiny AotC-flavor Anakin, a terrible flirt
Not Quite as Clever as a Fox - "I would kill for you.” “Great, here’s a list.”
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank - How this fic even happened, original post
In Which Anakin's Soulmate is a Lot Like Him, But More, and Worse - Adding some Pantress
Alert! Hot Young Single Dads in YOUR Area! - Street names are puns
Anakin Gets Pregnant and Causes a Scandal in Defense of the Jedi - Obi-Wan is just barely alien enough to have mating cycles (original)
Well, That's Not According to Plan - Rexanidala ft. pregnant transmasc Anakin (original)
General Kenobi and the Twins - General Kenobi and the Twins (original)
[redacted] - Hypnosis vs meditation
Amicable Anidala Divorce - Anidala Amicable Divorce (ft. whiny gay Anakin and “I can fix her” Padme/Ventress)
Sandstorm Verse: (chrono) (AO3) Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex time-travel to pre-TPM Tatooine, Anakin and Rex have to be fake married for Ahsoka's safety
Base Post
Fake Marriage Shenanigans
Wouldn't It Be Easier
Various Thoughts on Anakin Needing Therapy
Interaction exploration: - Dooku - Maul - Maul&Soka - Shmi - Anakin&Anakin - Mace
Anakin and the Jedi Babies: (chrono) (AO3)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
AatJB Addendum - whatever the fuck this was
* Jango Meets Soka (1.5k words)
* Names and Faces (6.5k words)
* Anakin, Shmi, and the Jedi Babies (3k words)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies: Knightmares (1.6k words) - Ben just really loves banthas
* Anakin Introduces his Jedi Babies (and Himself) (5.8k words)
Winds of Change
The Conspiracy (of Anakin and his Jedi Babies)
JangoShmi and Jedi-Mando relations - Shmi finds out
Cultural comparison of Jedi/Mando/Tatooine
How doth yonder baby brain work
Ylliben Skywalker (hair and tattoos) - various related thoughts - * A Child’s Ink - Hi there’s art now! It’s by the amazing @shukruut - This is the outline btw
And this is the outline of the whole ‘verse (so far)
Pronunciation of names
The Kidnapping of Pre Vizsla
* Where There’s a Whill, There’s a Windu (2k words)
From when I was writing Child’s Ink - The same - Ibid. - New subplot
Why is Anakin not aging?
A specific fanart I plan to commission
I forgot Depa has a sister orz
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse: (nsfw) (Chrono) (AO3)
Base Post
Surrogacy, Worldbuilding, Obi-Mom
How to Build an Army - The Clone Risk
Soap Operas
Tatooine (2.2k words)
Meet the Generals
Interior Design
Country Dyke
“Assigning” Dynamics
Rexwalker Nonsenses
No Way Home
Warfare 101
Quinlan and the Interdimensional Ingenues (except not really)
Random thought about Omegaverse pregnancies
The Spikes Thing (nsfw, noncon mention, body horror)
Gland Guards
“Weren’t you dead?”
Padme’s marriage to someone who is not Anakin
Churning his brain like butter
Chandrila, Mon Mothma’s pronouns
Commander Buir: (chrono) (AO3) An excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
Initial Brainstorming
Worldbuilding for the AU
Cody & Shmi Talk About General Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn enables Skybaby crimes
The Jango Incident - Just some age stuff
Rexsoka and the Quinlan thing
New Mandalore
Cody deserves to be petty
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: (Chrono) (AO3)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond: (chrono) (AO3)
Original post
overbearing dad
various musings
Discussion of Fulcrum’s skills (see notes)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke: (chrono) (AO3)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (3k words, basically a fic)
Auntie ‘Soka and Little Leia (and Rex) (25k words)
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” (jokingly, a director’s cut)
Rex, Pint-Sized Battlemaster
Twins, meet TCW plots
Planned continuations
Why not Han+Vader
The process of writing Auntie Soka - Addendum
“Luke rolls his eyes”
Headcanon meme
Ben pins the dilf radar
Fake Sith TCW Trio: (chrono)
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Thoughts, and perhaps feelings
Padawan Kenobi puts up with a lot
Writing this was a JOURNEY
Why did I set this in Space!1930s NYC
Plotting the route from Rattatak to Tatooine
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped: (chrono) (AO3)
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
More of “Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped”
“Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
Requested Headcanons
TCW Leverage AU: (chrono) (AO3)
TCW Leverage AU
The bit with Korkie
The Family Tree is… a Disaster (ficlet)
Family Tree charted out (with excerpts)
1970s Dooku/Sifo-Dyas by @uraaniuum
ObiSabe AU (AO3)
Face Blindness among clones
Sticky Fingers AU (AO3)
Hondo Saves the Galaxy
Anakin the Distraction
Manipulating Anakain
The Sexbot AU: (chrono) (AO3)
The Sexbot AU
Rex and Boytoy Anakin
Writing process jokes
Not a slowburn, but a raging inferno someone’s aiming a fire extinguisher at
Poor Quinlan
Wanna Smash
Tread Upon the Wind (and Chase the Sky)
Mace and Fives
Jaster’s opinion on swearing
Adventures in AO3 Tagging
Does this count as a Freedom Trail
Qui-Gon and Feemor
The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Original version: The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Writing the Intro
Time-travel or a break with reality?
Alas, poor Satine
Not Very Nice to Ahsoka 
Weapon Women in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
WandaVision/SW Prequels (original brainstorm)
Widows on Kamino (original brainstorm)
Reader response to Anakin getting a civics lesson in Witch’s Favor
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka with baby clone Glitch (art by @amikoroyaiart, commissioned work)
Ahsoka is Anakin’s Parole Officer
Systems' Scourge
Systems’ Scourge (original)
Ahsoka’s helmet in time-travel AUs
Legally Horny
Legally Horny AU (original)
Fox and Padme need to talk about the politics before you guys can Bang
Reactions to Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House (And Criticizes Her Security)
the weird S*ltcoats thing
Using the fic as shorthand with discourse
Fake Affair (To Hide the Real Affair
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair (original)
Sexy Addendum, feat. baby twins folllowup
Shiny Rainbow Knife
Transfemme Anakin (original)
Shipping Musings
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
Kamino Sperm Bank (original)
An additional Fertility Clinic joke, now with lawsuits
Modern AU Hardcase’s deadname
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esperata · 3 months
4 & 7 for the fanfic writer ask game?
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest?
Well now, some of these bunnies belong to fandoms I have moved out from so it doesn’t feel fair to include those (NatM Jedtavius latin-english fic, Marvel Thor/Bruce school AU, Star Trek Enterprise Trip/Malcolm truth serum... ok I am still hovering about that fandom)
So what about my current DC fandom? Probably my riddlebird Gotham Gazette idea. I was going to do a series of gossip columns, in a five times plus one style fic, featuring notable events in the nygmobblepot relationship. I still think it would be really good and have a layout prepared, I just struggle to engage with Gotham in the way I do other media. I loved it, it was brilliant, Robin Lord Taylor and Cory Michael Smith really got their characters... but it got soured for me. Maybe one day I’ll manage this but today is not that day.
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote.
Let me take you back to the 90s. Young me had a favourite TV show called Knightmare, and a favourite character called Pickle the elf. It was an early VR dungeon explorer with portals in a castle to places. A new series was about to start and I was very excited... only to find my beloved Pickle was no longer there.
Cue me determining to write an explanation for his absence.
So he’d been replaced in the show by a genie, and there had been a female elven character in a previous season. I wrote a story of how the female elf had been sent to guard the portal from their forest to the castle only to be idk trapped there? I forget. Anyway, she ends up in the New Forest and later, due to tricksy genie wishes gone wrong, Pickle ends up there too. She is very untrusting but he wins her over and they fall in love to live happily ever after basically.
I still think it was pretty good for teen-me although I dread to think what my formatting was like. I typed it up on a proper old fashioned word processer.
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the-gay-in-the-way · 6 years
It’s my birthday.
Woot, I guess.
I’m gonna be spending it watching terrible horror movies, playing food fantasy(which I am now addicted to(darn you Dan and Phil...)), and eating brownies instead of cake.
But also I just woke up(at noon, which is terrible)and I had a thought I felt like talking about.
I mentioned this before, back when I first started posting stuff a few months ago, but there is this idea for an au I had.
It’s actually what I ended up basing some things in the CAP universe on.
Like Virgil comforting Thomas after nightmares.
That came from the au.
And this au is called the Knightmare au.
Reason being that this is what Thomas calls the strange shadow creature that’s been protecting and comforting him ever since he was a baby.
In this universe, Virgil is actually manifested first as Thomas’ survival instinct.
And he doesn’t just naturally look like Thomas, which makes sense here since Thomas was a baby and you can’t really do much as a baby.
Instead of that, Virgil is just a huge and terrifying shadow monster.
His body formed that way to best protect his host.
But he also has to comfort his host.
So his form is also stitched together and able to shrink down into a cute, and slightly ominous looking, plushy.
There’s, of course, more to this au than just that.
But, I just wanted to mention the idea for a second.
Oh, and, if anyone’s curious, here’s what I imagine he’d look like.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
And his plush form is what I have in my icon.
Also, I have a separate version of the design that is digitally colored and stuff where it has a second sort of mirorred design that looks a lot nicer and more pleasant.
Like, this is what he looks like when he’s trying to be scary.
But he can look a lot cuter and more like a plush toy when he wants to.
I know he’s not exactly super scary in the first place(and that I’m not very good at art so this isn’t great in general)but I quite like the idea of this being his “Knightmare” form in this au.
Like, he’s just naturally a huge shadow blob covered in spiky crystals and with a skull for a head.
Also, he has stitches on his skull.
Regardless of what form he’s in, the stitches are still there.
He also still has his eye shadow but it’s basically just discoloration in the bone.
And his skull is actually a soft and squishy plush material sometimes but can be more stiff and bone like when he wants it to be.
This is just a cool au I’ve thought of.
The first thing I actually came up with and put some thought into for this fandom, back when I first got into it.
Haven’t got around to doing anything with it yet, past making the drawings.
But I’d like to at some point.
Anyways, I’ve gotta go.
There’s food calling my name and there’s stuff I want to do while I still have the chance to do them and enjoy myself on my birthday.
I’ll be back to regular posts and responses tomorrow.
Later. o7
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carapeace · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 248 times in 2021
81 posts created (33%)
167 posts reblogged (67%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.1 posts.
I added 219 tags in 2021
#ml spoilers - 63 posts
#ephemeral - 26 posts
#queue and me against the rest of the world - 21 posts
#adrien agreste - 20 posts
#ask - 19 posts
#chat noir - 16 posts
#carapeace talks - 15 posts
#anon - 14 posts
#carapeace rewatches - 14 posts
#ladynoir - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#like a major premise of the show is that these two children are opposites in literally every sense of the word and supposed to be exactly eq
My Top Posts in 2021
au where alya saw marinette’s name in the textbook she dropped in the pharaoh, immediately realized that marinette was ladybug, and has been playing dumb ever since
172 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 17:01:14 GMT
my aesthetic is civilian!ladynoir shenanigans where they’re very clearly Not in magic superhero costume but they’re also wearing clothes that look very much like their costumes and shitty dollar store plastic masks with the sole intent of making it so they can’t recognize each other
303 notes • Posted 2021-02-03 22:37:26 GMT
askldjfklj ok so we all know the iconic “what a knightmare” line right?? i just think the context is even funnier, because adrien wasn’t even at jagged stone’s signing in the town hall before the akumatization, he was in fencing practice. so he just popped up out of absolutely nowhere to make a knight pun and then dash
338 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 20:29:34 GMT
so we’re all just gonna skip past the fact that fourteen year old Max Kanté built his own robot capable of human emotion
347 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 21:30:15 GMT
everyone always talks about the adrien perfume commercial but it’s even funnier in french because it rhymes
511 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 21:12:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lelouch-vi-zero · 7 years
Entry 9
I actually updated after nearly a year. It’s a miracle!
Main AU Page Previous Entry Next Entry
In this entry, Milly Ashford returns to Japan, and Cornelia gives her an important mission.
Rating: K+ Words: 1474
��Lelouch~! Nunnally~! I'm home!” Keys jingled and the lock clicked. “Don't worry about looking decent, it's just me.” A woman with medium-length, blond hair opened the door and threw her large, leopard-print purse onto the table.
“Who are you?” C.C. asked with a full mouth. Red tomato sauce stained her cheeks. She wore one of Lelouch's old uniform shirts.
“Aha!” Milly pointed to C.C.
“Let me interrupt before you start making baseless assumptions. No, I'm not here for Lelouch, and I live her now,” she said. She reached for a napkin and wiped her face.
Milly closed her mouth into a pout. “Well, that's a shame.” She pulled out her cellphone and looked at the time. “Where are they anyway?”
“Lelouch is at work or something. And Nunnally is in class...” She shrugged. “...or something.” C.C. opened a can of soda and started drinking it.
“When they come back, let them know I'm in town now!” Milly said. She snatched up her purse and left the room.
“She never told me her name,” C.C. complained aloud.
– –
All Milly's calls to Lelouch's cellphone went to voicemail. She sat on the outside staircase hugging her legs.
“This is no fun,” she mumbled to herself. She returned to her room and grabbed her notepad and a couple pens. She might as well fill her time investigating “Nobody.”
She rewatched the interview with him.
“How does this guy expect to rebuild Japan?” She gnawed on the pen's cap. They're obviously going to need money for this project, so the best place to look would be the Six Houses of Kyoto.
She called them, asking if Nobody had contacted them recently.
“Well, that's not true, since you've contacted us today,” the other person was unsure on how to respond.
“I mean the terrorist,” Milly said, slightly annoyed.
“Then who are you asking for?”
Milly politely said goodbye and hung up the phone. She decided to visit in person. However, they were very strict on what they allowed outsiders to see.
“You said you wanted a tour of our Sakuradite mines, Ms. Ashford?” The receptionist asked.
“Not exactly. I wanted a few statements about Nobody and his plans to rebuild Area 11.”
The man’s lips curled into a frown. “Ms. Ashford,” he said in a low voice. “Kyoto does not negotiate with terrorists.”
“I’m not asking if you’re working with him, I just want to know how the Six Houses plan to acknowledge Nobody.”
“It would take months to produce a statement on every little terrorist group the pops up. The Houses have determined that it is not worth their time.”
“Thank you,” Milly said, defeated. Her cell phone rang. “Yeah, it didn’t work out…wait what? The viceroy herself?”
“I can’t believe the viceroy wants to speak with me,” Milly thought to herself as she was led down the large halls.
She stood in an office with a high ceiling. When Princess Cornelia entered the room, she bowed. The princess stood with one hand on her hip and her guards stood on the sides of the door.
“I am honored for this opportunity, princess, but I have to admit I don't know what you would need with my presence,” Milly said.
“Ms. Ashford, I understand that you family lost their place in the Homeland with the death of Lady Marianne. I offer you a chance to restore your family's former glory. Nobody, a new terrorist leader, disrupted a training exercise in the ghettos. I want to know how he discovered it; how he managed to hijack a Britannian Knightmare.”
“I don’t understand…” Milly said, feeling nervous. “What do you want me to do?”
“The girl, Jeremiah! She said her name was Alicia Stanford! She was kidnapped by the terrorists,” Villetta told her friend.
Jeremiah sat with his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe this happened again.
“Villetta, I already checked the databases. There is no missing girl by that name.”
She clenched her fists, damning the hospital bed she lay in. She waited for the results of her tests, but she knew that they would reveal nothing wrong with her.
“How?” she choked back tears, knowing her demotion was imminent. “How did she do that to us?”
Jeremiah stood up. “We have to find out. She must be some sort of apparition, or a witch, or…”
“Stop it.” Villetta interrupted. “You are starting to sound crazy. This girl is the reason Prince Clovis is dead. She is working with the terrorists. If we are to be restored of our titles, we need to find her soon.”
“But where do we start?”
“Where it began: the train.”
Kallen could not hold back the smile from her face as the caravan of Japanese workers poured into the Shinjuku ghetto. Nobody had done it. He’d managed a deal with a construction company to provide the workers and the materials to start rebuilding the destruction to the market district. People started to open stands in front of their dilapidated apartment complexes, preparing food and drinks for the workers.
“This is really your plan, Nobody?” Sohma asked, resting in the shade of their tent.
“What’s wrong with it?” Kallen whipped around to face him.
Nobody placed his hands on his hips. His expression was hidden by the mask, but they could tell he wanted to ask the same question as Kallen.
Sohma groaned, and placed an icy-cold towel on his forehead. Ohgi tapped his foot.
“It’s not a bad idea,” their leader said. “But we don’t see this as resisting Britannia. Going from killing Clovis to doing pro bono construction work seems like a step backwards.”
Tamaki returned while eating an ice cream cone. “This may not be kicking Britannian ass, but this is still friggin awesome.” He looked around at all the people enjoying the weather. Children slid across muddy paths on garbage lids. People passed in front of the group, offering their thanks to Nobody.
“Thank you, Tamaki,” Nobody said. He folded one arm across his chest and rested his head on his other hand. He addressed Sohma and Ohgi. “The Houses of Kyoto are not interested in speaking with us yet. We need to show them that we are a group worth partnering with.”
Nobody lifted his head and extended his arm. “After you throw out Britannia, you want to live in these conditions? Japan is completely dependent on Britannia; we need to change that.”
Ohgi pressed his lips together. “He’s got a point,” he muttered to Sohma. Sohma rolled on his side.
“Wake me up when you actually need me,” he said.
Kallen folded her hands together, interlacing her fingers. “It’s so beautiful,” she said, glancing over at Nobody. She looked past him and tilted her head.
“Did you invite the press, too?” she asked, pouting.
Nobody shook his head. “What?” He turned to look.
A blond-haired woman and a single cameraman approached them, waving her hand in the air. “Oi, Nobody! Nice to see you!”
Kallen snuck off to hide, unnoticed by all except Sohma. “Where are you going?” he asked.
She shushed him. “I’m uh…I’m camera shy,” she loudly whispered before scrambling off.
The woman introduced herself as Milly Ashford. Nunnally shook inside the suit. What was Milly doing back in Area 11? Wasn’t she supposed to get married in Pendragon? Would she recognize the costume? Would she be able to see through the ruse?
Nobody did not skip a beat in reaching out and shaking the young woman’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Milly’s cameraman looked around the construction. They were far enough away to avoid the dust, but the noise was loud enough for Milly to decline a video interview.
“Since Prince Clovis’ death, Elevens have been shot in a bad light by the media. I’m developing an editorial series to help change that,” Milly explained.
“And that includes interviewing Prince Clovis’ murderer?” Sohma asked when he sat up properly.
“As you’ve said, it wasn’t by your own hand. I spoke to a few people on the way down. What you’re doing here today is amazing. Maybe I can help change opinions about you, Nobody?”
Nunnally bit her lip as she pondered her answer.
Lelouch clutched his chest. “I think you gave me a heart attack,” he told Milly.
She wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry my dear Lulu. I forgot how weak your constitution is.”
Lelouch sneered while rolling his eyes. He wiggled to escape her hold.
“Have you told your parents yet? I can’t imagine they’d be happy with you following terrorists around.”
“Randy is always with me,” she shrugged. “Besides, Nobody is a small guy. I doubt he can do any harm.”
Her blue eyes shifted down and to her right, and the tone of her voice shifted. “I honestly didn’t think he would say ‘yes.’” She frowned.
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emeraldthoughtsblog · 8 years
Code Geass: A Tale of Two Demons. CH1: The Board is Set
Having just rewatched CG:LotR episode 1 for the seventh time now, I finally got Chapter One of my CG AU done. I know that I ripped lines from the episode (Hope I don’t get into any trouble for that), but it had to be done for accuracy sake. So many story arcs that should all converge into one final arc at the end of this journey. For whoever finds this, I hope you enjoy the story.
[Prologue] [First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
The year is 2017 a.t.b. There is an unsteady alliance between Japan and the Holy Britannian Empire. The cities of Japan have been rebuilt by the Britannians, in exchange that Japan exports its sakuradite to Britannia. Although most of the cities have been reconstructed, some have been neglected and forgotten. Within the ghettos, several resistance groups have formed trying to oust Genbu Kururugi, while others still call the ghettos their home.
The Japanese military has developed over the years, and with the alliance with Britannia, knightmares have been added to their strength. Old Glasgows have been upgraded to compete with Britannia’s new models, the Sutherland and the Gloucester. Kyoshiro Tohdoh has become Lt.Col. and is the head of the Four Holy Swords, an elite knightmare squad within the military. One of the soldiers, Naoto Kozuki, has formed a resistance group and is trying to plan Kururugi’s fall.
Lelouch, Nunnally, and Suzaku have spent seven years living with the Ashford family. While living with the Ashfords, Lelouch and Nunnally have changed their surname to Lamperouge, concealing their royal lineage from everyone. Nunnally and Suzaku’s cousin, Kaguya Sumeragi, are in the middle school group, while Lelouch and Suzaku are in the high school group and part of the student council.
The board is almost set. How will Lelouch, the prince who was given the power of the king seven years ago, change the fate of the world? How many lives will be changed as a result of Lelouch’s plan to make the world a better place? Only time will tell.
In the shining city that is New Tokyo, a motorcycle, with one driver and two passengers, is on the busy streets. As the motorcycle approaches its destination, the passengers leave the vehicle and remove their helmets. “Don’t take too long, Rivalz.” Lelouch says, tossing his helmet into the sidecar.
“I’ll be right with you.” Rivalz says, moving the bike to a parking spot.
“Come on, Suzaku. This match is going to be interesting.” Lelouch says to his brown haired, green eyed, Japanese friend.
“They always are, Lelouch.” Suzaku says, following his black haired, purple eyed, Britannian friend into the hotel.
Meanwhile in a room in the hotel, a chess match is underway. The news is playing in the background, stating the Japanese success against the recent terrorist actions. A Britannian noble and an elderly man are playing a game of chess, and the timer of the elderly man has run out. “You’re out of time. From here on, you’ll make your mover every twenty seconds.” One of several Britannians also in the room, says to the man.
“Very well, I’m game.” The noble says, agreeing to the change. The elderly man is panicking, not knowing what move to make. Suddenly the doors open, and everyone present looks towards the door, seeing three people enter the room. “Did your substitute arrive?” The noble says.
“Oh thank heaven, I’m saved.” The old man says, recognizing the trio entering the room. “Are things going well at school?” He asks.
“What have we here, schoolboys?” The noble says.
“Well look at this, a nobleman.” Lelouch says, appraising the situation.
“I envy you kids nowadays, you have so much time on your hands. Time for regrets?” The noble says, getting impatient. “What’s your name?” He asks.
“Lelouch. Lamperouge.” Lelouch replies.
“Woah, now wait a minute. You can’t win this one, it’s impossible. Right?” Rivalz says as he lays eyes on the chess board.
“This might be the hardest one to date, Lelouch.” Suzaku says, also inspecting the board.
“Rivalz, when would we have to leave to make our next class?” Lelouch asks, still examining the board and his opponent.
“Twenty minuets, if we bust our hump.” Rivalz replies.
“Then make sure to drive safely on the way back.” Lelouch says. The noble taps his nail file on the table in impatience. Upon hearing this, Lelouch takes a seat. “I’ll need nine minutes. And by the way, about yesterday.” Lelouch says to the elderly man.
“Understood, sir. We’ll discuss it later.” He replies.
“Nine minutes!” The noble exclaims. “You only have twenty seconds per move.”
“Enough time.” Lelouch says, picking up the black king, preparing his move.
“You start with the king?” The noble says, then burst into laughter. Lelouch chuckles a little, and the match begins again.
At the same time, at Ashford Academy, three girls are having lunch together outside the school building. “Where’s Lelouch?” The girl with long orange hair asks.
“He went somewhere with Rivalz. They also took Suzaku.” The girl with medium length, blond hair replies.
“What? Maybe it’s poker this time.” The orange haired girl says, shocked, then realizing Lelouch’s gambling nature. “They seem to forget that they’re on the student council. They’re off gambling for money.” She says, waving her tomato laden fork at the others. “Lulu may be smart, but he wastes his brain on stupid things. If only he applied himself in school, he’d get high grades” She says, eating the tomato.
“Oh, I wish my darling Lulu would be a serious young man. How adorable is that?” The blond mockingly says.
“Please, madam president.” The orange haired girl says, looking hurt.
At the hotel, the noble stands up, dropping his file, and looking at the board in shock as Lelouch wins the impossible match. “I love playing against the nobility, when they lose, they always pay out of pride. By the way, eight minutes thirty-two seconds is a new record.” Rivalz says, as they enter the hotel lobby, preparing to leave.
“He also didn’t have much time to move either. And as opponents go, the nobles are tepid. They’re just over privileged parasites, that’s all.” Lelouch replies, not gloating over his victory.
“Why don’t you challenge one of the Japanese. They’re nothing like us Britannians.” Rivalz says, with a smirk on his face, as he looks over at Suzaku. “Actually, why did we bring Suzaku?” He asks.
Lelouch looks over at Suzaku. “In case there was a fight.” Lelouch replies. He then sees Suzaku understand why he was brought to some of the matches.
“So what, Suzaku’s a bodyguard now?” Rivalz says. They then make their way towards the bike.
“Of sorts. But not for me, for those I get in a fight with.” Lelouch says, as he pays the parking meter and takes the receipt.
“I didn’t know you could fight, Lelouch.” Rivalz says, amazed to learn something new about his friend. “Had I known this years ago…”
“Martial arts is a form of self defense, Rivalz.” Suzaku says, interrupting Rivalz. “Besides, Lelouch, you need to keep up on your training.” He adds, taking his helmet and putting it on. He then gets into the sidecar on the bike, leaving room for Lelouch.
“And what makes you say I don’t keep up on my training?” Lelouch says to Suzaku.
“I know you too well, Lelouch. You don’t do anything unless it benefits you.” Suzaku replies.
“What I do, I do for Nunnally. I train when I can, but I have so little time at the moment.” Lelouch says, taking his helmet and putting it on, getting next to Suzaku. Once Lelouch take a seat behind Suzaku, Rivalz starts up the bike and heads for school.
As the trip progress, Rivalz gets to thinking about Lelouch’s first move. “That first move you made. Why’d you start with the king?” He asks, wanting to know what Lelouch was thinking during the match.
“If the king doesn’t lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow.” Lelouch replies, looking up from his book.
“What’s with that?” Rizalz asks, confused by Lelouch’s answer.
“With what?” Lelouch replies.
“Do you fantasize about on running a major corporation?” Rivalz asks, trying to make sense of Lelouch’s words.
“No way. Ambitions like that will ruin your health.” Lelouch replies.
“Other than that, I’m amazed you turned that match around, Lelouch.” Suzaku says.
“Are you doubting me, Suzaku? Did you think I couldn’t turn that match in my favor.” Lelouch says.
“No, Lelouch. It’s just that the nobles seem like easy game to you.” Suzaku replies.
“That may be so, but the pay is good.” Lelouch says.
“What do you plan to do with the winnings, Lelouch? I know you give us a share of it, but what about the money you keep?” Rivalz asks.
“I’m saving up for Nunnally’s treatments. I’ll do anything to see her walking again, have her see the world as it really is. Even if it does need to change.” Lelouch replies, the last bit to himself.
As the three keep traveling back to Ashford, in the ghetto of Shinjuku, a resistance group is planning to strike the Kururugi regime. “I can’t believe Prime Minister Kururugi would let the Britannians do this to our nation. The corrupted bastard.” One of the terrorists says.
“Naoto, we all want Japan to return to its former glory, but we have nothing that can stop our own military. Even if we start a rebellion, we still have Britannia to worry about.” Another replies.
“Ohgi, I trust you. We would need every able bodied man and woman to pull this off. We would need to pull all our forces together in order to strike at the corruption.” Naoto replies.
“Then let’s get our hands on some weapons, and get some knightmares. It can’t be that hard, most of us are part of the military already.” A third member says.
“Tamaki, as much as I want to see that through, we couldn’t pull it off, not in this current state.” Naoto replies.
“Besides, Tamaki, if you were to take weapons off base, you’d most likely be shot on the spot.” Ohgi says.
“Thanks for the inspiration, Ohgi.” Tamaki toxically replies.
“Also, what are we going to do if we succeed?” Ohgi asks.
“We start a new government, and get the Britannians out of Japan.” Naoto replies.
“Naoto, that sounds crazy. Also we need to be prepared for Britannia’s attack against Japan afterwards. And another thing, don’t get your sister involved in this, Naoto.” Ohgi replies.
“I know. But still, Kallen is a fighter.” Naoto says.
“Naoto.” Ohgi says, scolding Naoto.
“Alright, I won’t get Kallen involved in this.” Naoto replies. He then goes back to formulating a plan to unite the other resistance groups around the country.
In the capital of the Britannian Empire, Pendragon, one of the many princes has gathered all of his brothers and sisters that would hear his speech. In the large conference room of the palace, Prince Clovis la Britannia welcomes all his brothers and sisters, who begin to take their seats at the long table before them. “Brothers, sisters, Cornelia, thank you all for coming.” The blond, blue eyed prince says, greeting all that have entered the room. Cornelia, however, is not directly in the, for she is serving in the front lines in Britannia’s next conquest.
“Just make it quick, Clovis. I have a war to return to.” Cornelia says.
“And I shall.” Clovis replies. “I have gathered you all here because, I have a feeling.” He begins. He then sees some of the members begin to get up. “Now hear me out. Some, if not all, of you should have the same feeling as I do. That Lelouch and Nunnally are still alive.” He says, getting their attention.
“Clovis, it’s been seven years now.” The eldest prince, Odysseus eu Britannia, replies. “We haven’t received any word from Japan’s Prime Minister about their whereabouts, and Father has already declared them dead.” He continues.
“Brother, let’s hear him out. I believe that there may have been a reason for their disappearance.” The second eldest prince, Schneizel el Britannia, says.
“Thank you, Schneizel. Deep down in my heart, I know that they are still alive, somewhere in Japan. They must have been hiding under my nose the entire time I’ve been ambassador to Japan. So please, if any of you believe that they’re still alive, won’t you help me search for them.” Clovis says, getting all dramatic trying to get his point across.
“I’ll help you, Clovis.” One of the princesses replies.
“Euphy!” Cornelia says from the screen.
“Cornelia, I also believe that they’re alive. You should also believe the same as well, for were you not one of Lady Marianne’s guards.” Euphemia replies to her older sister.
“Fine, I’ll help you search for them, when I’m done here, in what is soon to be Area 17.” Cornelia replies.
“Then it’s settled. I’ll return to Japan and begin the search for Lelouch and Nunnally. Euphemia, I don’t want anyone to know that you’ll be arriving.” Clovis begins.
“Then what’s the purpose of bringing her, and me to Japan, if you don’t want anyone to know we’re there?” Cornelia angrily says from the screen.
“Things are already tense in Japan as it stands, and if more of us arrive, they’ll think we’ll start a war with them.” Clovis responds. “Euphy, perhaps we could get you undercover somehow. Give you a reason for being there.” Clovis says, going into thought. “I got it!” He says, coming up with a plan. “The Ashford family runs a school in Japan, if we can get you to attend as a foreign exchange student, we could have you search for them where I can’t go.” Clovis explains.
“I like that plan, Clovis.” Euphy replies.
“Clovis, if you find them, what makes you so sure that they’ll return home.” The eldest princess, Guinevere de Britannia, says.
“Guinevere, although I too doubt that they’ll willingly return, you at least have to give them a chance.” Odysseus says.
“They went missing for a reason, which means they don’t want to be found.” Guinevere  says.
“We’re dealing with Lelouch, sister. I’ll aid the search where I can. If Lelouch is still alive, as you say he might be, Clovis, then I’ll test him and see if he has really thought this out.” Schneizel says, interested in finding Lelouch.
“Thank you, brother. The four of us should be enough to find our lost brother and sister.” Clovis says, beaming with pride.
“Don’t expect my help all the time, Clovis.” Schneizel says, getting up. The others present also get up and leave the room, except for Euphemia.
“We’ll find them, Clovis. I know we can.” Euphy says. She turns to face the screen, but sees that the transmission has been turned off.
“I better make preparations to return to Japan as soon as possible. I hope to see you soon, Euphy.” Clovis says.
Later that night, at the Kururugi Shrine, C.C. gets a feeling that something is about to happen. “So, they’re about to search for Lelouch? They don’t know about me, so I’m not worried about being found. Go to Lelouch, you are very protective of him.” C.C. says to the spirit as it speaks with her. “Fine, I’ll go, see how he’s progressed with his geass. But if Suzaku’s any indication, Lelouch should still be the same. Don’t give me that. Just because you didn’t have to use your geass all too often, doesn’t mean Lelouch will be anything like you.” She continues, preparing to leave the shrine and head for Ashford. “You may be right about that. Things are going to change. The fate of the world may be in his hands.” She says, leaving the shrine.
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