#just a reimagining of the SB story
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bkbubble · 1 year ago
Reposting this again because this fic is still one I’m most proud of!
Description is under the tab if anyone is interested in reading :3
After a bitter cold-snap wracked the city, Gregory is forced to take shelter in the famous Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. Unfortunately, he gets more than he bargained for when he stumbles upon the security guard's sinister plot. Now, not only does he have to survive an entire week in the Plex, but he also has to find a way to save the very animatronics that are hunting him down.
Word count: a lot
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betweenthepoems · 2 years ago
Sigyn’s burden - about Sigyn, Loki and Eir
Eir is arranging her healing herbs when suddenly the door to her home swings open. It’s Loki who enters, carrying Sigyn in his arms. The trickster has torn clothes, bruises and scratches all over his face, blood coming from a corner of his lips, most likely misses a tooth, has a few broken fingers and a twisted ankle. Despite all of this he’s trying to act as he isn’t injured, but it doesn’t fool the experienced healer. Sigyn meanwhile physically looks okay but is clearly on edge.
The old goddess looks at them both, then sighs.
“Why am I not surprised? Can I guess what you two have been up to this time, my children?... Oh, come here.”
After patching Loki up, she gives both young demigods blankets, warm drinks and meals. With their stomachs full and spirits up, they tell Eir about their latest adventure. The goddess smiles as she listens to Loki’s grandiose recollection of the events, while Sigyn looks over at him and slightly nudges when he’s going too far with exaggerations, especially when he praises the girl.
Soon both Loki and Sigyn get tired, so Eir walks them to the separate rooms and tucks them in beds. Sad smile forms on her face as she watches two orphaned children, who she more or less looks after, sleep so peacefully.
Well, this isn’t an actual scene from my current “Sigyn’s burden” story (yet). Just a piece that I think perfectly captures the dynamic between those 3 characters that I’m going for.
In SB Sigyn is meant to be like a 16 yo shy girl, while Loki is a troublemaker who just turned 18 and still needs to learn about maturity. Due to his misadventures he became a regular at Eir’s hut. The old goddess is also one of few residents of Asgard that are not disliking him for being half-god, half-giant and still sees hope for him. In fact, she believes Loki is just lost and his misbehaving is a misguided way of coping with the death of his parents and inability to fit in anywhere. While on a trip to Midgard Loki saved a gravely wounded  young half-goddess, half-human girl. Unable to save her on his own, he brought her to Eir as he considered her the best healer in all of nine worlds.
That’s how Sigyn ended up in Asgard, but her injuries caused chronic pain that at worst made her unable to walk even with a cane. Despite that, she still wanted to be on her own, like it was on Midgard after she lost both of her parents. Still, Eir wanted to be sure she would be okay, so she allowed the girl to live in her old hut and regularly checked on her and if she had everything she needed.
Eir was happy, when Loki and Sigyn became closer to each other, as, despite differences between them, she knew that deep down both demigods are just kids, who struggle with a lot, including losing their parents way too early and identity as almost-gods.
What do you think about this reimagining?
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animebw · 3 years ago
Reading One Piece: Chapters 756-757
-D’aaaw, Rebecca reminiscing about her mom with the little people is cute.
-Well shit, Sugar’s awake. On the plus side, it’s gonna be hard for her to re-Toy everyone she trapped before, so no need to panic yet...
-”Get away from me, you long-nosed freak! Everyone with long noses should die!” Congrats, Usopp, you gave a little girl PTSD. Well, a 22-year-old in the body of a young girl, but still.
-Gotta say, this new reimagining of The Nutcracker Suite is a lot more nightmarish than I remember.
-Shiiiiit, this guy again. I pray Rebecca kicks his ass.
-”Mr. Oda, your love of large boobs is so well-documented it’s practically a disease at this point.” I appreciate you, random SBS dude.
-Hey, convenient shortcut! Now move your ass, Luffy!
-”I figured ye might spare some sympathy for a poor blind man.” “I don’t discriminate.” HAH. I like Sabo more every second.
-Okay. This is a really beautiful moment with Rebecca meeting her father in the flesh for the first time in years, all their emotional turmoil finally coming to a close... but are we seriously gonna do another arc centered on a female character where that character doesn’t even get to join in the final battle of her own story? First Nami, then Robin, and now Rebecca... is Oda just allergic to letting his female characters fight their own battles or something?
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hologramcowboy · 2 years ago
All of season 3 of The Boys was overhyped, but Soldier Boy was the biggest disappointment of all. If you tell me that someone is going to be the big bad of the season, the embodiment of toxic masculinity and such an awful person that they would make any modern person seem like the biggest snowflake, I expect you to follow through. And as much as overhyping was clearly an issue, equally as pressing of a problem was that Jensen wasn’t right for the role.
Not only does Jensen not have the acting chops to hold his own against such a talented cast, but he was unwilling to bring the vision that Kripke had for Soldier Boy to life. How many stories did we hear during the press run of things needing to change because Jensen wouldn’t or couldn’t do that? And yes boundaries are important, but why would you show up to a show known for being gross and violent and say “oh, I’m not doing any of that. Make me a star!”
I just wish that when Soldier Boy had to be reimagined because of Jensen that they had done so in a way that catered to Jensen’s strengths rather than making Soldier Boy into a shadow of what he was supposed to be. They should have gone the comedic route with his character, because that’s the only time Jensen’s SB stood out. The rest of the time he fell flat and was unnecessary to the larger plot.
I wish they would have either adjusted the character as you said or, more ideally, I wish Jensen would have stepped into the role with full commitment towards the character. He did TB a disservice by diluting SB. All great actors take the necessary risks that come with a certain role, whether that is losing weight, vulgarity, nudity, risky stunts, etc, etc., to me Jensen backing down from scenes and diluting them was unprofessional because the actor should be fully commited to the story they are telling and should never judge the character.
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fell-into-silence · 3 years ago
Can you imagine Charlie Emily possessing Roxy, thus protecting her from being hacked by William and helps Freddy/Michael protect Gregory and helps him escape the Pizzaplex only to wind up freeing Vanessa from the killer and then confronting William in his Burntrap body with Evan and Elizabeth's help (helping their brother and Charlie) who are possessing Golden Freddy and Scrap Baby?
Hey @burningmusicfunnygiant I saw this ask but was taking my time mulling my thoughts over before I could properly answer; I mean it is a pretty out of the box idea! There are a few things to discuss with this imagining, mainly because that is what it is and as interesting as this would be to happen it doesn’t quite fit with the lore of the game. So I’ll be analyzing this logically (mainly because with ideas of any kind I try to keep it connected to the lore/make sense to the story most of the time unless it’s a reimagining)
Firstly no, sadly I can’t. Roxy wouldn’t be a good as a candidate for Charlie Emily because of Roxy’s constant bickering with herself back and forth as if she’s two different people. If anything the two souls that would fit more are Cassidy (the one Afton shouldn’t have killed) and Evan (the crying child) who since I am basing this information on MatPat’s theories (I also really love Dawkos as well) the two were originally trapped together in golden Freddy. It would make more sense because at the time the two constantly went back and forth at each other existing in a single body. Even if Charlie inhabited Roxy she would still be effected by Burntrap’s corruption like Freddy when the two get too close to him.
I’m pretty sure whatever is left of Scrap baby is within Molten Freddy a long with the rest of Enard. It’s theorized that Vanessa is supposed to represent Elizabeth, with Freddy being Michael and Gregory being Evan which I feel is really symbolic and a cool thought. As for Evan he and the original children that died from my understanding have been freed and allowed to pass into the afterlife. So he wouldn’t be an option and at the ending of sb with Afton I’m pretty sure so is Elizabeth at this point maybe finally allowed to move on.
However if we’re just rolling with this without any lore and whatnot from the game if Charlie were there she’d definitely help him to escape-all of these characters would. It probably would turn out with Vanessa being freed and all of them would take Burntrap down and it’d end up becoming an entirely different ending altogether but there would be a lot of questions in need of answers. But that is a wild idea though.
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rrandyrrodent · 6 years ago
Arcology 2.0: Saving Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley has an enormous shortage of affordable housing. Traffic is terrible. This is the result of big block zoning with a big area for offices and light industrial, over here a small area for housing, some tiny retail areas. This design requires automobiles. Very few people can walk to work.
Silicon Valley is famous for being innovative, disruptive, and creating the future. Silicon Valley can rethink housing and work to build a better, sustainable environment.
1.     Make it easy to walk / bike / scooter to work
2.     Create car free environments.
3.     Timeshare the usage of the sites, workday utilization AND night / weekend utilization.
4.     Put roads, transit, parking ‘underground’, beneath a public plaza / park.
5.     Amortize the extreme cost of land by building multistory buildings.
One bill (SB 50) floating around the California Legislature wants to destroy existing neighborhoods to build multistory housing along transit corridors. I suggest building affordable housing on top of the one- and two-story office buildings in the huge industrial parks, along transit corridors. No NIMBY because there are no neighbors. Reduce traffic by walking.
My example is a huge office park just north of the San Jose Airport and downtown San Jose. There is a Light Rail train running in the middle of North First Street (part of VTA, Valley Transit Authority). Expanding the goals stated in SB 50, build multistory housing along the Light Rail transit corridor on top of the office buildings.
Here is big picture, this is in San Jose, California, part of Silicon Valley.
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The orange line is the Light Rail Line, running northwest to southeast.
The dark blue area is zoned Transit Employment Center, consists of one, two, three story office buildings and parking lots.
The San Jose Airport (SJC) is at the bottom left.
Downtown San Jose is bottom right.
The focus area is outlined in yellow.
However, all of the dark blue area should be rebuilt with this plan.
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Here is a 3D closeup view. One, two and three story buildings with lots of empty parking lots.
In the upper left, there is the Guadalupe River, then a housing addition where the houses are over one million (US) dollars
The Plan: Arcology 2.0
Replace the current building with a multi-story, multi-use building.
1.     First and second floors are offices, same or more square feet.
2.     Third floor is restaurants, coffee shop, retail, delivery lockers, small grocery store, etc.
3.     Ten or more floors of apartments, or condos, affordable for the employees.
4.     Rooftop garden, café / coffee / bar.
Replace the current parking lot with three story structure:
1.     First and second floors are parking.
2.     Third floor is plaza / park / playing fields / outdoor dining, attached to the third floor of retail shops.
Building just one structure would be strange, but it would be completely rented the first day. If all of the buildings on the block were replaced, there would be a huge open plaza / park made for walking, biking, scooters. There would lots of different restaurants, coffee shops, retail, all accessible without a car. The Light Rail provides access to downtown San Jose, and other places.
When other blocks of building convert, add bridges across the streets, connecting the plazas, creating a huge car free zone.
Think of the High Line in New York City, where an elevated train track was reimagined as a narrow park and pedestrian path over the streets of the city. 
The housing shortage problem (100,000 missing housing estimates for Silicon Valley} is not going to be solved by conventional zoning rules, and not by destroying neighborhoods. The key problem is affordable housing is far away from jobs, requiring long car commutes.
Note there are many similar office parks in Silicon Valley. The same plan should be used for shopping malls and other single use zones.
Build affordable housing on top of job locations. Then make the arrangement attractive with a connected, car free zone, a plaza / park connecting restaurants, retail, coffee shops, bars, and other services.
Walk to work. Walk to most of the things people need.
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psmith73 · 8 years ago
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Malec & s2 fairy tale tropes
It’s not a secret that fairy tale AUs are quite popular in fandom, but what is more interesting is that the canon too played with this trope in season 2.
I’ve counted at least three fairy tale references / reimaginings – the first two are the most obvious ones – the Sleeping Beauty’s kiss (2x03), and the Beast’s wilting rose (2x18); the third one is probably a bit harder to recognize at first sight since it wasn’t yet adapted by Disney – the myth of Cupid and Psyche, which was also used in the TMI books (as far as I can see from the book spoilers). [And also little bonus: Malec vs. the demon!dragon]
1) Imo, the elements of the “Sleeping Beauty” fairy tale were not just used for one episode only, as it seems the tale’s narrative was, broken into two parts – the aforementioned 2x03 and, later, it resurfaced in 2x08.
From what I saw in tags, the Malec part of the fandom didn’t really like that trope in 2x03 much, for one - some thought it was a bit problematic because there was no consent for the kiss (which again, is the problem of the original fairy tale, most folkstales and myths in their original form are kind of problematic), the others didn’t like it because the kiss didn’t work, and thus was not of much use in the plot (also, the-ship-that-shall-not-be-named used it for its own incest-y purposes).
But, as the 2x18 “The Beauty and the Beast” reimagining showed, that probably was the point – they were not adapting the trope in its original form, but were subverting it.
The kiss did not work... but, in all fairness, it wasn’t the “true love’s kiss” that had awoken the Princess in the fairy tale (the Perrault’s version, not the Disney adaptation). The kiss, or, better yet, the Prince, was merely the part of the curse’s solution. True, Magnus is not the “Prince” in this scenario, instead, he acts as the “Good Fairy” - again, from the Perrault’s version, who saved the “Princess” and altered the evil prophesy.
The seventh fairy, who hasn't yet given her gift, attempts to reverse the evil fairy's curse. However, she can only do so partially. Instead of dying, the Princess will fall into a deep sleep for 100 years and be awakened by a kiss from a king's son... [After the curse is fulfilled] the good fairy who altered the evil prophecy is summoned. Having great powers of foresight, the fairy sees that the Princess will awaken to distress when she finds herself alone, so the fairy puts everyone in the castle to sleep. The fairy also summons a forest of trees, brambles and thorns that spring up around the castle, shielding it from the outside world and preventing anyone from disturbing the Princess. (x)
And here is why 2x08 also is part of this fairy tale narrative – we have the party and uninvited old fairy warlock – Iris, who curses the guests, and Magnus again, works as the “Good Fairy”, reverses the spell and saves the “Princess” along the way.
In the original fairy tale (the first part of the tale at least, not the second one about creepy cannibalism) it was the Good Fairy, who was the real hero of the story – the one who didn’t let the Princess die, who reversed the spell, who made sure that the Princess won’t be alone, when she wakes up 100 years later, who made sure that no creep or pervert would disturb the Princess’ and her people’s slumber. Whereas, the Prince was more like a device – a guy who just happened to be at the right time in the right place. And same in 2x03 – it was Magnus, who kept Alec alive - without his magic Alec would’ve been dead long before Jace could come.
Eta: The Malec vs. dragon!demon scene from 2x20 looks very similar to the Prince Phillip and the fairies fighting against dragon!Maleficent.
2) The wilting rose and “the Beauty and the Beast” narrative was established in 2x18, but in fact, started earlier, in 2x15, when Magnus metaphorically “recognized” himself as the “Beast” via his confession to Alec about his mother and stepfather - “He called me an abomination. He was right.” As in the tale, Alec (the “Beauty”) wasn’t repulsed by his “ugliness” but saw his real “beauty”.
In 2x18 the writing yet again subverts the fairy tale trope - the “Beauty”, despite true love, can’t save the “Beast” from what he is, the “Beast” can’t turn into a “prince”, because there is no curse to begin with. The “Beast” has to defend the people in his castle from the angry xenophobic mob (the Clave and Valentine); he has to choose between the safety of his people and his love for the “Beauty”.
3) Now, the last, but not the least fairy tale trope that we have in season 2 – the myth of Cupid and Psyche. The main distinguishing element of this trope is the violation of trust between the two lovers, which leads to their break up and later reunion.
From what I know about the books, the variation of this myth was at the basis for the book!Malec break up as well.
“Cupid and Psyche” is travelling myth that has numerous variations in folklore and fairy tales (for example “East of the Sun and West of the Moon”, “White-Bear-King-Valemon” etc. etc.).
In the TMI books, similar to the myth / fairy tales: the book!Magnus (“Cupid”) holds the book!Alec (“Psyche”) at arm’s length, and doesn’t tell the whole truth about himself, so Alec is manipulated by the evil sisters Camille to go behind Magnus’ back, and thus unwittingly betrays him. Which leads to the breach of trust, and eventual break up between the two, even though they do love each other (similar how it was in the myth / fairy tales).
The show, however, turned this trope on its head, when they added political and racial aspects to the betrayal. Again, despite loving Alec, Magnus breaks up with him, but not because he has a wounded ego to heal, or because of some curse, like in fairy tales, but because, although Alec was oblivious of it, his betrayal of trust bore heavy racial connotations and could have had serious repercussions for the entire Downworld race.
Here we have, on one hand, the Clave act as the “jealous sisters” in the plot, except it’s not jealousy, but systematic racism that is the cornerstone for the betrayal. On the other hand, we have the Seelie Queen act as “Venus / the Troll Princess / the Evil Witch”. In the myth and fairy tales, when Psyche / the Princess comes to Venus’ / the Evil Witch’s palace, she can’t talk to the Cupid / the Prince either because he’s in some enchanted sleep, or can’t recognize his beloved because of the spell. Compare this arc to 2x19, where Magnus couldn’t interact with Alec at the meeting, because his deal with the Queen didn’t allow him to speak there.
It really is interesting how the writers subverted the elements of the “Cupid and Psyche” myth and gave it a racial and political subtext, which makes a lot of sense, considering that Malec is not only an LGBT couple, but an interracial couple in the middle of a racially charged war.
But on the other hand, this same element of trust from the C&P myth was overplayed in 2x12 - in the myth Psyche, in the beginning of their relationship, couldn’t see Cupid, because he never showed her his true appearance. In folklore fairytale versions like “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” or “White-Bear-King-Valemon” he was disguised as some beast (bear), due to the Evil Queen’s curse. In the book the jealous sisters manipulate Psyche / the princess to betray Cupid’s / the prince’s trust and take a look at him while he’s asleep. The drop from the burning candle wounds and wakes up Cupid / the prince and he leaves Psyche. – thus the breach of trust element.
Compare to Valentine / Magnus switch in 2x12, due to Azazel’s meddling. Magnus, like Cupid is “disguised” from Alec. He tries to assure him of his true identity but Alec doesn’t believe him because of Jace’s and Imogen’s persuasions - here the later two function in the plot as the “jealous” sisters of Psyche. Like Psyche and Cupid, Alec and Magnus are in the beginning of their relationship, so that’s why Psyche and Alec listen to other people, but not their loved ones (Cupid / Magnus). Plus the parallels between the burned wound and the agony rune.
Also, if we really want to overanalyze it “Cupid” (Latin: Cupido, “Desire” or “Amor;” Greek: “Eros” or “Love”) and “Psyche” (Greek: “Soul” or “Breath of Life”) represent allegorical unity of soul and divine love. Alec represents “Soul” and Magnus represents “Love”. A Soul cannot live without Love.
And yeah, maybe I’m overanalyzing and these are just random coincidences (save for the SB kiss and BatB wilting rose - these were intentional references), but it’s worth noting how Magnus in all of these scenarious represents a magical character whether it’s the “Good Fairy”, or the “Beast”, or “Cupid”... after all, Magnus is quite magical. 
Malec + Disney gifset
Malec + Cupid & Psyche parallels
Madzie saved Magnus’ life
Magnus + unreliable narrator trope in 2x15
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divewatchhq-blog · 6 years ago
The Long History of the Omega Seamaster
https://www.divewatchhq.com/?p=8145 It doesn’t seem to happen so much anymore, but back in the day luxury watch brands liked to celebrate their significant birthdays by releasing entirely new collections. That was certainly the case when Omega chalked up its centenary, commemorating 100 years in business way back in 1948. They marked the anniversary with the release of a line touted as the ideal watch for customers looking for something robust yet elegant, a model suitable for ‘town, sea and country’. Its name—the Seamaster.
The Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M Coaxial
Over the last seven decades, the family has grown to become the most varied in Omega’s whole lineup, the name adorning everything from sophisticated dress pieces to gargantuan chunks of solid steel. In between, they have been the favored timepieces of underwater pioneers, royalty and military action men, both real and fictional. Below, we will take a look at the Omega Seamaster history and key references.
Omega Seamaster History: Let’s Start at The Beginning
The original Seamaster was a relatively simple affair, taking its inspiration from the models Omega had supplied to the British armed forces in the Second World War. Known as W.W.W watches, for ‘watch wristlet waterproof’, they were prized for their sturdy build quality and excellent legibility, two elements that formed the groundwork on which the Seamaster was, and still is, constructed.
Omega reissued their original Seamaster at Baselworld 2018
Although ostensibly meant as a more formal wear, there was an inherent toughness to the design, with the brand already having plenty of experience with waterproofing; the Omega Marine had come out in 1932, considered in some quarters as the father of the dive watch, although it bears little resemblance to the concept as we know it today. Even so, Omega had cultivated the reputation and when the Seamaster landed it only strengthened the company’s position. Key to much of the watch’s ability was the use of rubber O-ring gaskets, which were able to retain their shape, and therefore their imperviousness to water, over a vast range of temperatures far better than the shellac or lead seals used by rival manufactures. In 1955, the Swiss Laboratory for Watch Research tested 50 Seamaster cases to a depth of 60 meters, and the results from that successful study, and the subsequent experimentation with new materials, gave rise to a trio of tool watch collections among the most popular ever made.
The Professionals
1957 saw Omega roll out the first Seamaster 300, a true diver’s watch that made its debut alongside the consistently underrated Railmaster, a model for scientists and engineers that lined up against the Milgauss, and the inaugural Speedmaster, which needs no introduction.
The original Seamaster 300 is one of the most iconic dive watches ever made
The original reference, the CK2913, showcased the brand’s new Naiad winding crown, their answer to the screw down design, the patent for which was still held over at Rolex.   Omega’s invention was mounted on a specific type of spring inside the winding tube that created an ever tighter seal under increasing water pressure. It meant the deeper the watch was taken, the more protected it became; the downside of which was a certain vulnerability at shallower depths. Nevertheless, as its name suggests, the Seamaster 300 was rated waterproof to exactly…200m! I know; the reason for the discrepancy is, depending on which story you prefer, the fact that the testing equipment of the time could only simulate pressures of 200m maximum, or it might equally be that Omega just thought 300 sounded better from a marketing standpoint. The choice is yours. Whichever is true, the watch was an instant hit, arriving at just the right time to capitalize on the craze for recreational Scuba diving as well as drawing the eye of one legendary name who explored the underwater world for a living. When, in 1963, Jacques Cousteau embarked on his Precontinent II expedition, the French oceanographer’s experiment to develop a permanent subaquatic habitat, the Seamaster 300 became the timepiece of choice for him and his team.
Continental Shelf Station Two was an experiment by Jacques Cousteau, where he first wore a Seamaster
The watch went through a redesign in 1964, with an enlarged bezel as well as the case increasing in size overall from 39mm to 42mm, and receiving the twisted bombe lugs still present on most models today. Military customers followed, particularly the British Special Boat Service (SBS), although the limitations of the Naiad crown made the association a relatively short one, giving way to the Rolex Milsub Submariners in the 1970s.
600 and Beyond
New technology gave rise to industrial saturation diving in the 60s and 70s, and with it, new challenges to overcome for watch manufacturers. The main hurdle concerned the gas mixtures being used at the enormous depths crews were now required to work at. A Trimix blend allowed divers to breathe far deeper than with a standard air mixture, but with the drawback of having to use helium. With one of the smallest molecules of any chemical element, the tiny helium bubbles easily penetrated the cases of watches, and then expanded as divers ascended to the surface and forced out the dial crystals.
The Rolex 5513 Submariner was retrofitted with a helium escape valve, courtesy of DOXA
Three manufacturers sought to address the problem. Rolex teamed up with Doxa and devised the Helium Escape Valve (HEV), a small, one-way regulator fitted into the side of the case to allow the gas to seep back out of the watch before it could cause any damage. It was first retrofitted onto a ref. 5513 Submariner, before becoming the defining feature of the all-conquering Sea-Dweller in 1967. Omega went a different way. Their solution was to stop the helium getting inside in the first place and so came up with the Ploprof (PLOngeur PROFessional—professional diver) Seamaster 600.
The Omega Seamaster 600 Ploprof was forged from a block of stainless steel, in case you couldn’t already tell (photo: toolwatch)
Forged from a single block of stainless steel, with a 4mm thick crystal, it was more barn door engineering than Rolex’s elegant response, albeit a highly effective one.
Hydrostatic tests rated it waterproof to 1370 meters, but with a lumpy 54mm case, it wasn’t much of a looker and was a commercial failure. Its even hardier follow-up, the Seamaster 1000, suffered much the same fate. Even so, the 600 accompanied divers on a record breaking expedition in the Ajaccio Gulf in France, spending four hours a day over eight days at depths of 253 meters, and coming up smiling. The public may have been indifferent, but professionals loved it.
Image Boost
The Seamaster range expanded into several distinct lines throughout the 70s and 80s. Chronographs emerged with styling a world away from the original but very much of their era. For the 300 however, the best was yet to come. After a six year absence from the screen, James Bond was back and in need of a new timepiece.
The Omega Seamaster got a new lease on life with their introduction into Bond films
In 1995 Omega scored a massive coup by replacing Rolex as watch supplier to the world’s favorite secret agent. In Goldeneye, Pierce Brosnan sported the Seamaster 300M, a new collection released a year before, complete with its own Helium Escape Valve. The quartz-powered model with a distinctive blue dial and bezel, the ref. 2541.80, catapulted the watch instantly into the category of ‘must-have’. So far, the franchise has used various references in a total of eight Bond films, with Omega surviving the leap from Brosnan’s super smooth portrayal to Daniel Craig’s far more gritty interpretation. In Casino Royale, Craig’s debut outing from 2006, he unveils the Seamaster Planet Ocean for the first time. A contemporary reimagining of that original CK2913, the Planet Oceans are even tougher, with thicker cases and waterproof to 600m. They are also the first Seamasters to be given Omega’s Master Chronometer Co-Axial movements, with their massive magnetic resistance.
James Bond switched things up a little bit in Casino Royale with a Planet Ocean from Omega
Bond has stayed loyal to Omega and the different models in the Seamaster family. In 2012’s Skyfall, we see him wear the so-called entry level piece, the Aqua Terra, aimed more at a life spent riding the ocean waves on a luxury yacht rather than exploring below. And in Spectre, the most recent adventure from 2015, he goes into battle with a special commemorative edition of the 300 created to observe the CK2913’s birthday.
Latest Models
The professional Omega range goes from strength to strength, with 2017’s release of a nostalgia drenched trio which were an almost mirror image of the original Railmaster, Speedmaster and Seamaster from 1957, updated with the very latest in the brand’s industry-leading calibers. This year they were at it again, diving even further back in time with the limited edition Seamaster 1948 duo (pictured above). A revival of the first watches to bear the name, launched some 70 years ago, they are a pair of 38mm dress pieces in either a central seconds version, or with a small seconds sub dial at the six o’clock. Reintroducing the same dauphine hands and elegant triangular indexes, they are about as faithful a likeness of the watches that started it all as you could wish for.
The Omega Seamaster history is full of lessons and key victories
The Omega Seamaster history is incredible – the longest continuously running model from a brand not short on heritage. Whether from the professional or dress lines, the watch has always been a fan favorite—and will continue to be so for many years to come. The post The History of the Omega Seamaster appeared first on Bob's Watches
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