#just OC things
Oh don't mind me, I'm just listening to my silly little folk tunes and envisioning lore for my ocs after months of making barely any progress with them
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seraphim-seeker · 5 months
I may or may not have developed a small fixation on the Smiler Roller Coaster from Alton Towers and may or may not make an oc off of it
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Shay having a heart-to-heart with her adopted kiddo Quills, who’s having them there pre-teen woes
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quanyails · 1 year
My friend: So your verse has alternate dimensions and time travel? How does that work?
Me, who knows Git: hold my whiteboard
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newtdoods · 2 years
Feeling cute, might give my Oc trauma later <3
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mxanigel · 1 year
"OCs are just indulgent self-inserts!"
to you, maybe. to me they're vessels through which I can process similar emotions or traumas in lives different from my own.
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jeschalynn · 1 year
no thoughts, only Karasu brain rot.
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organizedchaotics · 1 year
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*sighs* You know, Bertrum. When your little brother goes and teams up with your biggest rival and turnsd into a holmes villain simply because the guy acknowledges your brothers abilities. Maybe the fault falls on the family. It does things to your mind when you only exist when its convenient for people.
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hazey-moonlight · 1 year
Meeptah's horns grew in quickly so they were big when she was a kid. She grew into them.
She was teased by other kids because of it until one day Moup came in and scared off the bullies. They were best friends ever since!
Meeps repayed Moup by ramming into his bullies with her horns.
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rhela-xiv · 1 year
If I can’t put my OCs in the most horrible situations imaginable then what’s the point really
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I've been telling myself that I'm going to stop being a pussy about sharing my art, so here's some stuff.
Anyway, this is Eclipse, one of of my MANY traumatized queer wolves. She's probably the one closest one to being the main character out of about five other protagonists. So good for her! I'm still trying to nail her design down, but it's definitely getting there!
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seraphim-seeker · 10 months
Ya know after I had created DeathStar (StarScream Clone OC) I've kinda started thinking about what it would be like if she were in other universes regardless of whether the StarScream has made clones or not. Because I've already thought about it for TFA and TFP. Because in TFP she's just a surviving SS clones that Starscream just attacks out retaliation of another clone that was trying to kill him. And in TFA she's kind of like StarScream sliver of Optimism that is holding on by a thread, they're the kindest but most mentally unstable. After these two I started wondering what it would but like if DeathStar was in other Universes like IDW or the Unicron trilogy.... I have no idea if I will make these variants of her but it's a nice thought.
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roach-pizza · 1 year
I got a good giggle at the fact that one of my characters technically would be thinking about a retirement plan since he's canonically 56.
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shavri-ffxiv · 1 year
The highest compliment my OC has ever been given: "She can kick me in the face and I'd thank her for it."
Like. Damn!
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just-an-introvert · 2 years
Chapter 1
The Crash site
-"Altah! Get away from the rubble! It's dangerous!"
-"Don't worry dad! I'll be fine!''
CRACK the ground beneath the Osmothian dog crumbled, making him slide down even closer to the pulsating light emitting from the meteor.
-"It feels alive? in a way..", Altah mumbled, trying to get back up, his white paws covered in mud slipping every so often. The once pristine, fluffy, deep brown fur, was now soaked to the bone with the rain. The harsh winds and thundering storms made a chilling symphony. Then, as if the planet stopped for a second and calmed down, everything faded into nothingness. Time slowed, but not to a complete stop. Altah felt as if he was feeling Osmoths own core of the planet pulsating. It was following the same rhythm as the light from the meteor. It almost felt... like a heartbeat.
-"Get back boy! Climb up fa-"
And before the Osmothian researcher could finish his sentence, the pulsating light shot out. Throwing everyone and everything around it away.
Honestly, if you told me: "Hey Altah, you're gonna go flying into the air because the meteorite that crashed into your planet decided to explode in blinding light." I wouldn't have believed you. But here I am. I guess I need to give you all a little backstory as to how I got here.
My name is Altah. I'm a dog-like creature from the planet Osmoth. I am roughly 18 years old, human-wise. To picture how I look, imagine a really big fluffy dog with sandy fur and white patches. To briefly summarise this is the story of how I befriended the sleeping comet.
8 AM Nightacre Village, Willrage residence, Altahs room
 The sound of the keyboard clacking and the subtle noise of the crystal-powered computer filled the air. Open on a computer was a chat room between two friends- Altah and Ode. Two unlikely friends, one, a dog and scientist in training, and the other, a human with a more creative approach to life, a student studying fashion design.
FashionCat: "Hey, I heard there was a crash on Osmoth near your house. Heard it was a spaceship or something alike."
WonderDog: "Nah, nothing as cool. Heard from Mom it was only a meteorite. Her and dads research team are gonna go check it out, and as their 'junior' assistant, I can go with them."
FashionCat: "Luckyyy, don't forget to send me plenty of photos and videos!!!"
-"Altah! Get your paws down here before I drag you down by that scarf of yours!"
-"Coming Mom!"
WonderDog: "Gotta go Ode! Mom's calling me. See you later! Good luck with finding the fabric you need! Paws out!"
Altah stood up and shook sandy fur.
-"Man... I'm starving."
He trotted down the seemingly never-ending oak stairs, the smell of flavenberry pancakes wafting through the air as he got closer to the kitchen. In it, he saw his family. All were busy setting up the table for breakfast.
-"Altah be a good sport and help your mom and sister set up the table”- his dad -Andrew- told him while standing by the crystal-powered stove.
Altah helped his mom and sister carry the plates full of ripe fruits, and jars of syrup and Altah a jug full of eomond and tangerine juice.
After setting up the table, the eight family members sat down and ate their breakfast.
"Alright, dear, go get ready. We'll be leaving soon", his mom, Loraine, spoke to him kindly.
And so he went up the winding stairs up to his room. His room was modest if he had to admit- a bed and desk on the left and a dresser and bookshelf, on the right. All tied together by the massive window across from the door. A few decorations, okay a lot were scattered around the room. In general, his room was quite a standard room for an Osmothian teenager. For others though, living in a massive hollowed-out oak tree turned into a house might be considered not normal.
Grabbing his satchel and signature yellow scarf, he gave himself one last look in the mirror. Standing in front of the mirror he gave himself a look over. You can't go to an important research facility while looking like a mess. That's something Ode always said. Maybe not the research facility part, but you get the idea. Tying the scarf into a Boy Scout knot he thought-
"Man, I need to brush out my tails"
Going back down the countless stairs to the front door, he said his goodbyes to his siblings and went outside. Stepping out, he was blinded by the bright morning sun. Squinting from the light he saw his parents standing by a toutanus bird- a type of carrier bird used for transportation in Osmoth. They were packing the essentials for their travels south to the makeshift research centre surrounding the crash site. Walking over to the bird, he helped them pack up. Hopping onto the giant carrier bird, the three of them left.
The ride took a few hours, passing over the Lourset forest and the Verliers sea.
By the time they had arrived at their destination, roughly 5 hours had passed and the once clear sunny sky had become engulfed by dreary storm clouds. Upon landing, they were greeted at the entrance by Dr Lowe - one of the main head researchers. He was quite the character- a Scottish terrier appearance-wise, with dark grey fur and some greying spots. He had his signature lab coat with the Creed of Alowas crest on the left shoulder. Although, that wasn't his most striking feature. No, if you asked most it would be the steampunk-looking monocle adorned on his right eye.
-"Good day, Dr Andrews, Dr Loraine. Good to see you too my boy", Dr Lowe stated, "I hope you read the report because we could use the extra paws and minds. We have honestly no idea where this so-called meteor came from, or what it is."
-"What do you mean 'what it is ", questioned Loraine.
Dr Lowe turned around and gestured for them to follow him. Going through the facility was an experience, to say the least- with frantic researchers running around, equipment and trailers everywhere. Altah was surprised anyone found anything in that mess. He had never seen so many scientists so frantic in his life- and he was raised by scientists and brought along to these kinds of events all his life.
They finally stopped by the crash centre. A massive hole surrounded by tape and metal fences all around it, with a bright light shining down on it. 
-"Come look at this device, it's used to check for life energy. I think we used it once back in '08 in Tenereve", beckoned Dr Lowe in his thick accent, "If you'll look at these results, you'll see that the centre of the entire meteor is brimming with life. Honestly, it feels as if the energy in it, is trying to escape."
Continuing to walk around the facility, Altah ended up drifting away from others. By that point, it had started to drizzle. But even he could feel the oncoming storm. Unknowingly, he had made his way back to the meteor. He should have gone back to his parents' trailer to get out of the rain. But for some reason, he felt like he had to be there, by the meteor.
-"Altah, there you are! We wondered where you ran off to", Andrew yelled out to him, his voice barely being heard over the now howling wind and rain. "One of the researchers said you've been just zoned out sitting and watching the meteor for hours. Come inside and warm -DONT- up-"
-"Huh? Dad, did you hear that? The voices just now!"
-"What voices? Son come inside it's about to start thundering."
-"Don't leave her? DON'T LEAVE WHO??? Common dad, you had to hear that! Right?!", Altah yelled out, tears  coming out of his eyes.
-"SIR!!! THE METEOR IS STARTING TO CRACK AND GLOW", frantically shouted a nearby researcher.
All at once- all of the yelling, the noises from the horrid weather, and the voices telling him to stay became too much for the young dog and he crumbled to the ground. Yelping loudly, he threw his paws over his ears and eyes. The ground beneath him echoed his actions and broke inwards, sliding him down to the meteor.
-"Altah! Get away from the rubble! It's dangerous!"
-"Don't worry dad! I'll be fine!''
CRACK! The ground beneath the Osmothian dog crumbled, even more, making him slide down even closer to the pulsating light emitting from the meteor.
-"It feels alive? in a way..", Altah mumbled, trying to get back up, his white paws covered in mud slipping every so often.
- STAY!!!-
-"Get back boy! Climb up fa-"
And before Dr Lowe could finish his sentence, the pulsating light shot out throwing everything, and everyone, around it away.
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charlie-ver · 1 year
Liam has a new friend and they're a reincarnated old friend and we WILL cry
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