#yes I‘m talking about Minho
newtdoods · 2 years
Feeling cute, might give my Oc trauma later <3
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Could I request reactions of when (mc and rfa+v dating) mc find out she has an terminal illness and ask them to break up without tell them,she wants them to hate her so they do not grieve too much,so when they know mc already died, angst if you cant its ok ilike your imagination♡0♡
RFA + V with a Mc who finds out that she will die soon and makes them hate her to not make them suffer for her
Huhhhh why do you need to make me cry this much! I hope you like my angst, really…please tell me because I personally think that this is one of my best Hc and for the first time I’m really really really proud of myself! Have fun and don’t cry! 
Ps. I watched the Kdrama ,,Uncontrollably Fond’’ where the main lead (Kim Woo Bin) is ill, like Mc in this request and tries to find his old love just to see how much she changed but still loves her. And so the female lead (Suzy) and him go through a lot of hardships since she doesn’t know about his illness at first. I really liked the Drama, it was filled with emotions and secrets! And then after the Drama I found out that Kim Woo Bin was really sick after the Drama, luckily he overcame the illness, I’m soo happy! I first knew him from ,,the Heirs’’ and I didn’t really like him ( Lee MinHo forever haha) but now, ahh I like him! Are there any Kim Woo Bin fans? Now, enough talking, go and read the Headcanon for real! 
ATTENTION! This headcanon can trigger! Don’t read if you can’t handle the mention of: Self harm, death, illness, suicide
,,You must have seen wrong, Doctor.“ you snapped as the doctor told you about the illness you had. 
You were so young, barely 30 and now he told you that you were going to die? 
,,How long?“ you asked him. 
It wasn’t a long time anymore, you knew. 
The doctor told you to please go to the hospital to get treatment. 
Without any help, you would live about three months. 
You however took your purse and glared at him. 
,,If you dare to tell my husband, I will sue you and destroy you.“ you snapped with a trembling voice. 
It wasn’t like you to be like that. Perhaps the fear deep in your heart made you tell him these things. 
You walked out of the room and walked to the parking lot. 
With a click you turned on the radio and began to sob loudly. 
What should you tell him now? 
Should you even tell him? 
And then, you made up your mind. 
Once at home you had time for one hour. 
You decided to make a video for Jumin. 
In there you told him the reason for your lie. 
,,I‘m home!“ Jumin called as he opened the door. 
You smiled at him and hugged him. 
Our last hug….you thought. 
As you kissed him, you thought about your last kiss and when you smiled at him, you thought about the last time you could see his beautiful eyes shining at the view of you. 
You knew you were selfish but you thought it was for his best. 
For the next months the two of you went on trips and every time you went away, you met a former friend. 
You tried to make him jealous and angry. 
You didn’t only make up relationships, but you also tried to discuss with him about everything. 
Deep in your heart it was painful for you too. 
But for him you wanted to be in pain even in your afterlife. 
The third month finally arrived. Jumin still tried to hold into you but he wasn’t as happy as before anymore. 
,,You’re a big cold hearted ass, Jumin Han! Everything I cared about was your money! You know what? I want to have a divorce. Finally get rid of you!“ you yelled and rushed out. 
Jumin Han stayed behind and finally cried after a long long time. 
He didn’t know that you were in pain, ill and worried about him. 
He didn’t know that you hated yourself, that you didn’t mean it, that you didn’t want it. 
He didn’t know that you tried to protect him. 
Three months later Jumin tried to call you for the last sentence for the divorce. 
His anger against you was making him grow colder than he was in the past. 
,,Yes?“ a man responded your phone with a trembling voice. 
Jumin‘s jealously grew once again. 
,,Who are you, Sir? I wanted to talk to Mc.“ he said. 
,,I‘m-no, we need to meet up. I guess you’re her ex-husband, right? I have something for you.“ the man mumbled and told Jumin a place and time. 
Not long after the two of them met, Jumin Han was a totally different man. 
To get to know your cousin and to get to know the news that you died crushed his heart. 
The video he gave him, scared him. 
Even more did the sight of your crying face. 
,,Hello Jumin. If you’re now watching this video it must mean that I‘m dead….haha. How weird to say this. Today I got told that I‘m ill. Deadly ill. I decided to protect your heart and make you hate me. I hope I didn’t fail and that today, you won’t love me as you loved me in the past….I hope that today you’re not in pain without me by your side…Just know that I love you, loved you and will love you forever. Please forgive me. I did everything for you…believe me….“ 
Jumin Han couldn’t bear it anymore. 
He watched the video about three times until he finally decided to sue the doctor. 
Afterwards he spend all his money and strength in donations for ill people who were diagnosed with a deadly illness. 
And of course he spend his money on wine, a lot of wine. 
Three bottles a day in front of the television with your last video, a picture of you and your good smelling pajamas. 
Without you this man was broken. 
,,Mc….rather than spending these days in hate I would have loved it to spend good days with you….why did you make this decision…?“ he often asked you while he was crying his eyes out. 
,,Ahhhhh so exciting!“ you giggled to yourself as you patted your flat belly. 
Since days you were feeling dizzy and had to vomit. 
You were sure of it, you were pregnant. 
You still didn’t know that you were wrong. 
You didn’t know that soon you would be confronted with awful news. 
The shock almost made you throw up. 
This time however you weren’t happy at your body’s reaction. 
You were scared, angry and helpless. 
,,But…are you sure that I will die?“ you asked your doctor as tears slowly slipped down your cheeks. 
,,Yes, I‘m sorry to tell you about your illness. We can however decelerate this. We need to send you to the-“ 
,,Sorry. But, will it help me? I will still die. I would rather die now than make my loved ones live with me in pain. Please don’t tell it anybody. My family can’t know about it.“ you begged. 
Without an explanation you left the room and walked back home. 
The happiness you had earlier disappeared. 
Everything but this, you begged and quickly your legs gave up as you began to cry. 
,,No no no no no no no no no please please please please please no!“ you begged. 
And now? You knew you couldn’t destroy the love of your life, if Zen would know about this he would be as dead as you….
That’s when you got the idea to just break up with him. 
You entered your shared home and waited for Zen. 
You deeply hoped that your plan would work out and that today would be the last day of your life together with Zen. 
Because you just couldn’t bear to lie at him. 
,,Hi princess, how was your day?“ 
,,Hi Zenny~ I saw such a beautiful young man~ why don’t you cut your hair? They are ruined. I think we should change job. We would be such good teachers for example ~!“ 
,,Mc, are you kidding me?“ he asked you and you noticed that his mood was getting bad. 
,,I just wanted to change you~ but I guess I failed. Just let’s break up…I didn’t imagine my life like this.“ you told him with an evil smile. 
Zen stayed open mouthed and looked at you. 
What did you mean? 
But he couldn’t react quickly enough, you already stamped out and left the apartment. 
Since then the two of you didn’t speak anymore. 
Instead you posted disgusting emojis below his posts to make him hate you even more. 
,,Mc…why didn’t you tell him…?“ your sister asked you with tears in her eyes. 
,,Do you really want to die without the man you love?“ she asked you as she held your hand. 
Finally your time came. 
 You were thin, you couldn’t even move a muscle anymore. 
,,Take…..the letter….in my purse….if Zen would get to know the truth….give him the letter…..“ you tried to tell her. 
She nodded and asked you to please stay awake as she took the letter. 
But you couldn’t stand it anymore. 
Your thoughts were filled with Zen and your eyes searched for him. 
In the last seconds of your life you stayed alone. 
All your wrongdoings came back to your mind and as you breathed your last breath, you said his name ,,Zen“. 
Three years passed, Zen tried to check several times your social media accounts but it was no use, as is if you had disappeared. 
Your family also behaved odd that’s how he came to know that you died. 
He was shocked as he read your sisters post and so the next day he met her. 
,,To be honest I did this on purpose, Hyun. She didn’t want you to know but…..well. Here, a letter from her. I should give it you if you would come to know about her death.“ you sister mumbled while crying. She got up, hugged him, apologized a last time and went away, leaving the young white haired man on his own. 
As Zen read the letter, a lot of things came to make sense. 
Zen read the letter a lot of times until he decided to follow you. 
His dream was to let you know how stupid your decision was and how much he still loved you. 
And so Zen died only four years later after your death day, thinking about you 
,,I want you to live, who are you kidding, Mc….I want to live with you…“ 
,,RIKA RIKA RIKA RIKA! I‘m fucking annoyed! You only talk about Rika and LOLOL, Yoosung! Grow up, IDIOT! I will just go to the man who approached me yesterday. I‘m fucking finished!“ you yelled at the blond man who was tearing up. 
He didn’t even have the strength to ran after you, to stop you or beg you for forgiveness. 
As soon as you packed your things and left the house, you began to cry. 
The cold rain pounded on you as the tears rolled down your cheeks. 
The coldness outside was almost warm, compared to the loneliness in your heart which made you shiver. 
You were indeed a bad woman, you lied and crushed him without blinking, you thought. 
,,Illness…to hell!“ you snapped and got up and like a strong woman you entered the hospital to get hospitalized. 
,,Oh, Mrs Kim! Who are you writing again?“ the Nurse asked you as she handled you over the pictures you asked her to print. 
,,My husband!“ you said with a big smile as you looked at the pictures. 
Hair and chest were missing but you were sure, that everything would get better soon. 
,,Oh, he‘s in the abroad?“ she asked you. 
When you however told her that he didn’t know, her face froze. 
It didn’t take long and your situation got even worser. 
At some point the nurse begged you to call Yoosung but you never lost hope. 
Until one morning you died, alone in the white hospital room. 
,,Who’s that?!“ Yoosung snapped as he threw his head phones on the floor. 
How long has it been after you left him? 
After he lost your whereabouts? 
When he opened the door his hopes of seeing you got crushed. 
The nurse who was caring for you, was at his door and handled him the letters ,,She fought until her last breath. She was a wonderful woman who mistook one decision. I‘m sorry for your loss.“ she told him and left. 
Yoosung read the letters and looked at all the pictures you sent him. 
His tears didn’t stop and soaked your last letters. 
,,Dear Yoosung, you’re reading this letters while I‘m probably in front of you! We did it, Yoosung! We finally fought, I‘m healthy and alive, Rika‘s faith spared us. 
I deeply hope that you will forgive me, Yoosung because I really did my best in order to spare you from these hard moments. I love you.“ 
Yoosung didn‘t know what to do, the young man cursed you and everyone. 
He began to toss all kind of objects around him. 
Because this lost was a hard one, a loss which would leave his heart empty forever. 
You watched your beautiful girlfriend as she served a guest with a big smile. 
You loved her just so much, you wanted to protect her with all your strength. 
That’s why you had to do what you planned in your little head. 
,,Jaehee.“ you called her after everyone left. 
,,Yes?“ she responded and turned her head to you, her beautiful long hair danced as she looked at you. 
Her beauty made it even harder for you to break up. 
,,I….I decided to move out. This shop…it’s a big burden for me. I hate it here.“ you told her. 
,,I would like to break up with you.“ you said. 
She didn’t even have time to respond as you began to throw away the cake you prepared for the next day. 
,,I HATE IT HERE!“ you screamed and began to sob. 
You didn’t want to do it like that, but the fear of your soon death scared you. 
Even more the thought about the fact that you will die while she would hate you. 
You left the shop sobbing and left Jaehee behind. 
You didn’t hear from her for a long long time. 
She never called you and so did you. 
The only one who knew the real issue was Jumin who was also by your side while you faced the hardship. 
Well, to be honest deep in your heart you wanted him to carry your secret as a payback for Jaehee‘s hardships but in the end it turned out that you just wanted someone by your side. 
,,How is she…?“ you mumbled after he let you slip a bit of water. 
,,Together with Yoosung she‘s working again for me. She cut her hair and closed the shop.“ Jumin said without showing any feelings. 
,,So my act will be in vain?“ you asked him. 
,,Sometimes it’s just better to say something personally. People think they can protect each other like that, but that’s not true. In the end they just get hurt deeply.“ 
,,You speak as if you’re not human, Mr Han.“ you teased him and had to cough. 
,,Mc, I said several times that I would pay for the hospital fees why didn’t you get hospitalized?“ he asked you. 
,,You did more than I actually wanted you to do….“ you told him. 
The next day Jumin came, he found two letters on your table. Unfortunately you fell asleep forever after writing them. 
A lonely sleep. 
,,Dear Jumin. 
Thank you for everything you did. Please give this letter to Jaehee. I want to see her a last time. And in order to make her come I wrote the letter. I decided to write you a letter too because it seemed more prettier. And besides I was so sleepy and wanted you to let her know right away. Would you do me this last please? If I‘m asleep, please wake me up~“ the letter said. 
Jumin Han shed a tear. You couldn’t see it or hear his sobbing sounds, but he cried for you. 
,,Mc had a reason.“ he told Jaehee when he came back. 
,,Mr Han I appreciate it that you want us to make up but-“ 
,,This wasn‘t my intention, Assistant Kang. I wanted her to rest in peace and you…to live without any regrets. Please read the letter and go to give her your goodbyes.“ Jumin told her. 
Jaehee softly opened the letter and read every word. 
Tears slipped down her face as she read your begs. 
To please come to visit her, let you see her beautiful eyes, smell her long hair and listen to her beautiful voice as she talked about the shop. 
For several days Jaehee couldn’t get a hold of her life. 
As she looked at the shop from the outside, she noticed that everything seemed lonely, cold and dark but when Jaehee remembered your letter, her life began to bloom once again. 
,,Please go on with your dream. Our dream, I will always support you.“ your last sentence said. 
,,I’m off!’’ you said and left through the door to go to the hospital. 
Since a few days you were feeling odd, you had headaches and felt sick, you also lost a lot of hair and your vision kept getting bad. 
You decided to go to the medical. 
Saeyoung knew but had no time to go with you. 
But your soon to be husband promised you that he would check your condition through the doctors files. 
Although you often begged him to stop hacking. 
Well, you could never be sure and that’s why today you had two assignments. 
Saeyoung although knew only about one, the fake one. 
You first went to the fake appointment, you needed new birth control pills, that’s why everything went by pretty quickly, the next one was the real appointment. 
Saeyoung didn’t know about this one, and it was good so. 
Because the awful truth you came to know would stay your secret forever. 
You looked at your tests as you realized that you were really dying. 
,,What did you say, doctor? I….I won’t live more than four months…?’’ you asked him again as tears filled your brown eyes. 
The doctor nodded. 
,,No, Sir, you must have done a mistake, there’s….it’s impossible!’’ you began to sob and cried. 
,,No, I’m sorry to tell you that the test is right. But if you like, I could make another appointment for you with another doctor.’’ he told you. 
,,No, no…thank you…’’ you mumbled. 
Deep in your mind you already knew that you were dying, deep in your heart you could already feel the sadness and loneliness. 
Your pale body would soon lay into the tight coffin, darkness would surround you below the ground, coldness will accompany you forever. 
You were at the end of your nerves, you were scared. 
What would you tell him, the man of your life? 
After all he went through, you couldn’t tell him that you would join V. 
Your hands began to tremble as you thought about Saeran who still was in a critical situation, Saeyoung wouldn’t be able to survive this on his own, he wouldn’t! 
,,But fuck…he’s such a genius!’’ you sobbed harder as you began to chew on your nails. 
,,This is all because I kept eating unhealthy things, because I judged Rika, V is giving me his payback for everything what happened in the RFA!’’ you cried. 
That day you came home late, Saeyoung was pretty happy to see you but you felt sick at his smile.
He was so happy and your happiness would vanish soon. 
,,Crap!’’ you snapped to yourself and slapped your cheek at your ill minded thoughts. 
Saeyoung deserved happiness…why were you like that?!
After that moment you noticed that you needed to break up immediately.
,,Mc….why are you packing your stuff?’’ Saeyoung asked you. 
,,Saeyoung, you were right, you will hurt me…you are dangerous….you…you are so…difficult to live with! I…I feel like dying with you! I…can’t I’m sorry…this is all to much…please become happy without me and look after Saeran but please let me go, let me live happily!’’ you begged and slapped yourself in your thoughts. 
Why did you say that? Why would you hurt him like that? You knew that Saeyoung would get hurt by that, you knew perfectly that he would be unhappy but still, your thoughts kept hunting you. 
He could be happy, you not, so why not hurting him?
,,SHUT THE FUCK UP I HATE IT!’’ you screamed and threw everything on the ground. 
,,I HATE YOU!’’ you yelled even loader. 
,,YOU….YOU! IT’S BECAUSE OF YOU!’’ you panicked and began to cry harder, cold tears dripped on the floor while a few came to touch your lips. 
The salt taste of your tears made you notice your words. 
You wanted to apologize, beg him for forgiveness and help but all you said was a simply ,,I hate you.’’
With that you left him behind, Saeyoung saw his nightmare in front of him. 
He tried to chase you but you glared at him. 
,,I won’t give up….’’ he mumbled as he saw you leave. 
He didn’t give up on his brother either and now he was together with him again so why should he let you suffer alone?
He knew that something was wrong and that’s why he decided to leave you for a bit. 
But perhaps he left you alone for too long. 
Because five months later everything about you disappeared. 
Nothing was left and the fear that someone could have harmed you let him tremble even in his dreams. 
But he never expected to find out about your death. 
It was as if he was trapped in a never ending nightmare when he read your doctors files. 
Every file said ,,deceased’’. 
Was this true? 
Saeyoung visited every grave yard and asked everyone about you but he didn’t find you either. 
,,Maybe she…she found someone who could hack too?’’ Yoosung mumbled as the RFA were on their way to visit Jihyun’s grave. 
Saeran went with them but abruptly stopped his steps as he saw a face he didn’t see for a long time - yours. 
,,S….Saeyoung….’’ he mumbled. 
,,Huh…?’’ Saeyoung whispered as he followed his brothers eyes to your grave, next to the blue haired man’s one. 
,,Huh…?’’ he croaked. 
,,No….’’ he mumbled and fell on his knees. 
,,NO MC! MC! MC! I’M SORRY FOR MY JOKES, DON’T….DON’T BE LIKE THAT!’’ the red haired man screamed, making everyone notice your grave. 
,,NO NO NO NO NO NO!’’ he sobbed harder as his hands touched the cold ground, digging into the dirt to save you from down there. 
,,No no no no she’s afraid SHE’S AFRAID OF DARK PLACES!’’ he screamed louder and tried to burrow up your grave. 
Only Zen, Jumin and his brother were strong enough to hold him back. 
Saeyoung could only read the sentence on your grave before his mind went blank, before he lost his head. 
,,The space dust of me will whisper ,,I love you’’ into the infinity of the universe’’
None dared to say it but everyone knew that he would follow you, but none knew that he would follow you so soon….
,,I love you….’’ he whispered as he stroked your hair. 
You kissed his cheek and closed your eyes. 
Until now you never knew that you were such a good actor, you never knew that you could deceive people so good. 
But right now you were doing it. 
The truth was that you were ill, you wouldn’t be able to live as long as you thought and wished for. 
You would have to leave your boyfriend soon. 
You could hear your boyfriend mumble in his dreams while you observed him. 
You wanted to break up with him, to let him hate you. 
But you already knew that he couldn’t hate you, he even loved Rika so deeply…. 
While you were watching your handsome boyfriend you were thinking about a way to make him hate you and with thoughts about this problem you fell asleep. 
The next morning Jihyun got woken up by a loud thud and screams. 
When he went to check on you were throwing around his paintings and pictures. 
The man you loved didn’t dare to move an inch as he saw you destroying everything. 
,,YOU!’’ you screamed when you saw him, faking anger was pretty hard for you, you loved him after all. 
But right now your thoughts were filled with your deadly illness. 
Jihyun was perplexed, he was sure that he didn’t dream about Rika. 
,,Mc, please, don’t destroy them…you will hurt yourself…let us talk…’’ he begged you. 
He didn’t knew how to react to you, you never behaved like this. 
,,Don’t dare, I WON’T!’’ you screamed. 
,,If I become like her, will you love me then?’’ you asked him with a scary voice as you approached him and scratched his arm with a fragment of the broken frame. 
Jihyun immediately flinched and went a few steps back, his eyes were filled with surprise, he didn’t knew what to do. 
,,Ah….what a pity….your mother died for you, huh? Such a vain…now I get why your father is like that.’’ you snapped at him, hitting his feelings really deep. 
You hated yourself for your words as you saw his wet eyes. 
When would he finally find happiness? 
When would he meet a healthy woman filled with love and happiness? Was this man cursed? 
But before you could care more you left the room, trying to get away from him.
To leave him alone with his thoughts about your ugly actions. 
You seemed to have done a good job because a few days later everyone from the RFA tried to contact you except for Jihyun. 
But unfortunately they were way too late. 
You crushed your phone and kissed with red lipstick the letter for Jihyun before you took a few sleeping pills too much. 
Your eyes slowly closed as you thought about the man you were leaving. 
You wouldn’t allow the illness to destroy you, in his mind you wanted to stay the beautiful girlfriend although you already lost this status for a long time. 
,,What?’’ Jihyun sobbed as he heard the news of your death. 
,,Yes, I’m sorry.’’ Jumin mumbled and looked at his best friend’s hand who had a big scar left. 
He hated you for your act but also was grateful that you left him without any more scars. 
Although the tall, black haired man didn’t know that you already left a scar on his friend’s heart. 
And so the young man was surprised to see Jihyun dead in the bathtub. 
,,Live for me, huh?’’ Jumin mumbled as he read your letter of good bye for Jihyun. 
The young man slipped at his glass and gulped the red fluid as he observed the place on his right. 
So, the two women he liked the most hurt him once again and even took his best friend from him, huh? 
29.04.’19// 22:37 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists
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Returning Home
Note : I saw the new Red Nose Love Actually video and I couldn’t help myself…
Inspired by this imagine
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Imagine: Newt being a soldier abroad and him returning home to you. 
Warning: I dont know if there is any.
Modern AU, Soldier!Newt, Female!Reader
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not my original imagine.  PS: y/l/n, y/n = your last name, your name. 
He had been gone for so long you were beginning to wonder if you had not dreamt the news of his return. It was past noon already and you were waiting at home, cleaning everything up to keep yourself occupied. In his message he told you he was coming back for a three weeks leave and that one of his friends was dropping him off so you would not have to lift a finger.
Your job as a reporter was not an easy one nor one were you had a lot of times on your hands. Thanks to it though you had met him. Your boss had assigned you to do a paper on the next veteran charity that the city was holding. It was an art gala of all things.
You found yourself in a black backless cocktail dress confronting your views on contemporary art and the piece you had in front of you. It was a blank painting only depicting a human silhouette, standing up, hands slightly away from their body. Inside it, there was some sort of collage of pictures illustrating a war zone. Some only had a tank, some others had people running away from a bombing, ruins…etc. All in black and white. As a final touch a red cross had been painted over the assemblage..
It was heart-wrenching and you could not help yourself from frowning on it. A guy in a tuxedo approached you.
« Good evening. Sorry to bother you but… I was wondering : what do you think about this piece ? »
It had taken you aback, the way he moved and talked. He was not comfortable in that tux, that was obvious.
« Good evening. » You had smiled. « You’re not bothering me at all. I was just wondering the same thing actually. » A nervous laugh escaped you making him smile in return. « It’s very simple yet very meaningful. You can see that the pictures were not picked randomly, and more importantly not ordered randomly. Everything has a meaning, but I feel like the use of the human silhouette was a brilliant idea. In fact, it’s the center of the piece, and it links everything together binding it towards the idea that wars are only made by human beings spilling the blood of other human beings over things they most likely have a wrong idea about. »
While you were ranting, Newt had approached. You had not noticed him until you turned around to face the man who was talking to you. You paused upon seeing him for a second. Well, more precisely you paused on his eyes. You prayed you had not blushed but it was unlikely. He coughed slightly.
« Good evening Miss.
-          Good evening, Mister. »
An angel passed, and you chuckled nervously.
« Oh I’m sorry, this is my friend Newt. I am the artist Minho, it is very nice to meet you. »
You shook Minho’s hand.
« Nice to meet you too. I take it you did not paint all the art pieces in here, have you ?
-          Oh no. Not at all. As you must know each was created specifically for the charity. Every single one by one of the veterans or someone close to them. Family members…etc. »
It was an information you already had, but the insight was good nonetheless.
« Oh my. Sorry, I did not introduce myself. I am (y/n). (y/l/n). I am a reporter for the Central Tribune downtown. Would you two mind answering a few questions about the charity and the arts projects lead by the veterans ? »
Newt had hesitated.
« Well. » He seemed embarrassed. « I am just here for the support but Minho actually organised the whole thing. I am just going to leave you in his good hands. It was a pleasure meeting you Miss (y/l/n). »
After a simple nod he had left, walking towards the only soldiers wearing their uniforms in the room. His tux was suiting him well. Something was off about him though. You had not stopped looking while he had left Minho with you.
« He is single you know. »
Your head hurt a little. You had turned your look back way too fast for it apparently.
« What ?
-          Newt. He is single. Sorry about his behavior though, he is usually less stiff. »
You found yourself out of words and -damn it !- you were blushing.
« Don’t worry. I am just sending a smart person his way. He did the same for me in high school. Thomas is on his third tour in Afghanistan now. We have been married for four years and Newt was my best man, so I owe him big time for it... He is a really great guy you should really ask him out. »
He was saying it like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. He laughed.
« Sorry, it was a little bit much. What were the questions you had about the exhibit ?
-          …Hum. Well for starters, when did you envision the exhibit in the first place ? »
Minho answered each and every question with ease. He had agreed to appear as a source, and redirected you with veterans in the room who were either artists or member of the charity. It all went smoothly. When you were finished, Minho had came back to you.
« Good evening again. Sorry to bother you but Newt is about to leave.
-          Wait…What are you… ?
-          I noticed the way you looked at each other. If there was no chemistry there then I am not married. Please. One date and I’ll re-invite you to any and every event I take care of this year. »
You paused and crossed your arms over your chest.
« That many huh ? »
He had simply nodded.
« That many. Please. He had somewhat of a down year so please do me this favor and I’ll be in your debt for…
-          Fine. I am going to ask him. But if he says no…
-          No problem. NEWT ! Over here ! »
Your whole body had stopped. The young man was already gathering his things, his coat in one hand and his phone in the other. He walked toward you.
« She said yes. I told you she would agree for the right bargain. »
You had thrown a look at the event manager which could have hurt him pretty badly if there had been saber instead of your eyes.
« Minho tell me you did not do what I explicitly told you not to do.
-          You know me : I hate owing favors. Here is her number. Call her or I’ll ask Thomas to kick your ass. »
The man left him the card you had handed Minho over a few minutes earlier, just in case he had any questions or requests for you. You almost regretted that gesture. Almost.
Newt and you had been left on your own not daring to look at each other.
« Well. Hum. You… Would you mind, if I was to call you ? Maybe to have a drink or dinner ? »
It is when you had met his eyes and he had met yours. When you had done so, you had known instantly you were doomed.
It was a year ago. Thanks to Minho, you were now over-stressed. Worrying about the deadlines, about your boyfriend errands and your friend’s husband’s safety sometimes felt all too much. Still it was somewhat worth it. The more he was away the more you craved for Newt to come back.
As you sat down in your armchair, you heard laughter and a car engine. Jumping on your feet, you ran to the door and there he was. The sun was behind him forming some sort of halo as it was setting. He did not even got the time to drop his baggage that you had already jumped in his arms. The car left in a hurry, whistling and laughing bursting through the windows.
Closing the door behind him, his hands went to your face and he kissed you hungrily.
« Hi there.
-          Hi you. »
Tears of joy were starting to pour down your cheeks, your face torn between relief and happiness. His smooth fingers stroke your face while he could not let you go. He would not let you out of his sight. After a few seconds the soldier carefully let down his baggage in the hall taking your hand and leading you directly to the kitchen.
« Wha-… ?
-          I am hungry you have no idea ! »
You were a bit startled by that statement. As he was hastily preparing a sandwich always a hand on your waist, kissing your cheek, your forehead, your neck ; you noticed something had changed about him. Something significant.
« Newt, what happened to your hair ? »
He was just about to bit down on his food. He settled it down in a plate, smirking.
« I look bloody good don’t I ? »
As he was most of the time he was right. He looked bloody gorgeous. Longer than usual his hair had a few strands in front of his eyes, and a few others tucked behind his ears. But you were not going to give him that satisfaction.
« Yeah. If you believe so I won’t say otherwise, love. »
On that you pecked him and silently stole the plate he had in hand.
« On the other hand, this sandwich looks so good that I might take a bite. I cleaned up all afternoon I‘m hungry too you know.
-          Really ?
-          Yes, really. »
Newt stared at you biting his lower lip. He knew it turned you on. He also knew that you were not hungry for food right now. He stated the obvious :
« Sandwich later then.
-          Sandwich later. Bedroom now. »
Your shirt fell in the stairs along with both your shoes and pants, while his shirt and underwear found their way under the bed of your shared bedroom.
As soon as he was at that door it was bound to happen. He looked bloody good, it was inevitable.
But he looked even better your skin against his, a hickey on his neck all the while breathing out your name, as your hand was in his hair.
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