compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 5: Verdyn ===> There's a Mare that comes out at Night, she likes to Dance and cause you fright
You are Verdyn Peixes and you have to run. It’s chasing you, big and even more terrifying than that scary mandogfishthing that had threatened to put you and the others into the grave. And you gotta get away. You know if it catches you something bad will happen. What you’re not so sure, but you don’t want it to catch you! You don’t even know what it is!
You squeal in terror when it does and you sit up quickly, eyes flying open and terror flashing over your whole little body and you’re panting. Tears in your eyes and you swear you see something with too many teeth hop off your bed and hide underneath it. You whine quietly and hop down to tiptoe over to where your twin is sleeping. You hesitate for a long moment, terrified that he’s gonna say no or something so you hunch up and manage to force out after a moment. “M-m-malkyn can I… can I… s-sleep with you? I h-h-had a nightmare.” You’re crying, you realize suddenly, hunching and chewing on your shirt between distraught hiccups. You’re so afraid that you don’t even rhyme. One of the first things you knew when you blinked your eyes open was that Malkyn is safety.
  You don’t know how you know it. Or why. But Malkyn is safety. So is your brother Altair. And mother and father. Though Malkyn is the most safe.  They are safe and you never ever want to be without any of them. So when your twin lets you crawl into his bed with him you mumble a happy little thank you and sleep takes you quickly.
  It’s not so dark you can’t see anything like it was before. Now you can see the forest made of crystals sparkling. You can see the path you ran along, and you swallow hard because what if the thing comes back?? Oh no oh no you’re near Malkyn what if you put him in danger! Oh noooo. …It occurs to you that the light is coming from where you’re dimly aware of where Malkyn is laying and somehow you know that the monster won’t come back as long as it’s light.
  So you explore some, keeping your hands to yourself and earfins pinned back against your head. Voices echo through the forest, dark insidious tones that are meant for you but not quite for you. They call you monster. Monster, garbage, useless and you want them to stop! Stop! You almost want the monster back because at least it only scares you. These voices cut to your core and make you shiver in distress. One of them laughs, calls you other heart but not sister never sister not anymore and you don’t know why but it hurts in your chest and you’re whining, whimpering again. You want to ask for your twin but he’s… not there. No no no the light is going away and you can SEE it out of the corners of your eyes and it’s all teeth and drool and hunger. So much hunger that it’s making YOU hungry and you want red red crimson red but you don’t know why and this scares you more than anything else because you feel like something really bad happened with that color but it’s such a beautiful one that you want it ALL OVER because it makes …what? No those weren’t your thoughts were they? You’re confused and the light is gone and you know the monster is coming after you again so you run.
  And the voices want to know if you’re running from yourself because you’re a monster too and for some reason this makes you giggle. Are you really? You’re a monster too then if you’re a monster maybe you should stop and say hiiiiiii! So you stop and you grin and you force a hiii out through your lips and hope it doesn’t know how scared you really are.  And that makes it stop and then there’s a BOOM and there’s red. Red everywhere. Crimson red, cherry red, and it’s covering you and getting in your GILLS and it needs to get out has to get out you claw at your gills in a desperate attempt to save yourself from that color that red because it entrances and it scares you and you’re a monster and it’s not right not you  and you’re so scared.
  You scream and the crystal forest shatters and you’re alone so alone you don’t want to be alone you’re so scared. You’re crying again when the light returns, curled into a little ball. You see what happened to the forest and the crimson red red red and you whimper. Then there is someone else there, and she is tall and the black sword she’s holding feels intimately familiar to you even though you’ve never seen it before. She looks at you for a long moment and you’re afraid but you’re not because you know she won’t hurt you. She can. You’re sure of it. But she won’t. She looks at the light and speaks in a voice that sounds like yours. “Don’t let him ever forget that you love him.” She says, and you know she’s talking about your twin. Somehow. “And fear... It’s as much your salvation as it is your damnation. The trick is, is it going to control you or will you control it?” She smiles and it’s broken, twisted, hurting and you want to hug her but she shakes her head and then she’s gone and so is the black blade but you know you need one of your own now and Malkyn is back in the bed with you because the light is there and it’s strong which means you are safe.
  And that’s what makes the voices shut up, like they’re afraid of him. He’s strong and you want to one day be as cool as he is, and you hope that your nightmares never get him because even if  that means you have to have them for the rest of your life you think you could bear them if your twin doesn’t have to. You wonder if Mother and Father will help you be really strong even though you’re scared. Malkyn is the best twin and if you’re a little monster then you’ll be the best little monster so you can make sure he knows that always. Yes. That is what you will do! You have an idea forming…but it will have to finish later because you are slipping into a deeper sleep and everything is fading and that is its own special brand of terror until it’s all gone and you’re no longer shaking in your sleep because you’re no longer dreaming.
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 5:===> Walt Disney Was Not In Charge Of This
Vinira: *You are Vinira and you are hunting. Again. But shhh. You flick your earfins. You are headed for the coliseum in hopes that you haven't taken too long and missed Haides. You put your armor back on, and you've got those... obnoxious as fuck flowers in your hands. You also put one in your hair. Which was interesting because you wanted to flinch away from it. ...At least you know the way to the coliseum. You've been there enough in the last while to make sure of that.*
Haides: *You are Haides and this is it. You've spent time on the ship, Talking to old cohorts, catching up....but honestly there is nothing here you can't get in the underworld. Drama, people who hold up in corners and hiss at each other and never come out....Your morail said this was less a war ship and more the loveboat from hell. So you decided that...it is time to go and return to the underworld and take up your throne in full now. There is nothing here to wait around for, nothing that really needs you here. your time here was a passing amsuement and now, its time to take the final bow and take your thrown. You are donned in the full black armor of your father, the armor of the infernal and your culling trident in hand. You have the helm of darkness, once too big for you, now just the right fit upon your head so only your glowing eyes are seen. You don't look like yourself. You look like your father more now.... you look like the new infernal tyranny*
Vinira: *Oh hey is that... yes you are pretty sure that is him. You perk your earfins* ...hey haides *You don't comment on the armor, sort of don't have much room to because hello you're wearing armor yourself. You manage not to fidget at the very least, tilting your head a bit.*
Haides: *You pause and turn to her, clinking the culling fork of death on the ground lightly like a scepter* Lady Piexes *you say back, using her formal title*
Vinira: *You flick your earfins back some, the formal title striking you as more than a little odd* ...don't haff your handle, wanted to check in and make sure you were okay and everythin... last time i saw you wasn't the best... situation ...wow okay that was the understatement off fforever, sorry
Haides: No. it is fine. I'm fine. Just about to leave though, go back to the underworld. Nothing about this flying drama shit other than probably certain death. I have a throne in the underworld I need to claim.....I'm the new infernal tyranny, the lord of shadows, overseer of the death, enforcer of destruction and all that...
Vinira: nothin is certain, not unless you let it be. *You flick an earfin.* ...no hard ffeelins then, right? *You wind up half holding the flowers out as you say that*
Haides: No. Just ...take yourself yeah? You tend to not do that well....*You say, making a slight face at the flowers* ....you might want to give those to Amalia or someone.....too pink for my tastes Vinira.
Vinira: ...them bein pink and disney is exactly why i brought them to you *...Maybe you should have gotten in touch with him before getting the flowers. That probably would have been a good idea, you didn't know where he was before though.*
Haides: ....Not the really...typical going away gift.....*You mutter. You don't move to take them as you will probably just burn them. This is awkward now...*
Vinira: *Okay this just got awkward, but you know what? No. You ran away from something once today. You are powering through this.* well i didn't exactly know you were goin away until just a little bit ago, otherwise i would've thrown you a whole disney party with cake and everythin. i thought i'd get some pink, obnoxious fflowers ffor my pitch while i was gettin directions so i wouldn't get lost lookin ffor you like i did last time, that's all
Haides: Your pitch? Are we even...still in a black quadrant? *You ask, arching an eyebrow. You weren't even sure she was still interested as she was busy with her training. Then your morial made a comment about how these light trolls seemed to have too much baggage for stable quadrants....then you went through yoru entire heat alone without any relief, just drugs and being unconscious most of it....*
Vinira: ...as ffar as i'm concerned we are. i know i... haven't exactly been the most attentive pitch lately, i should haff remembered to get your handle beffore *Oh coddamnit you want to figet. No. None of that. You flick an earfin. Damnit.* ...that's why i ffigured i should ffind you at the very least.. make sure you were okay, annoy you some.. *You trail off*
Haides: I know, you are a busy troll. Amalia was busy too.....and I'm high maintance. Amalia did say that I was sort...attention seeking or something and whatever.....* more like you only got your morail and no other quadrants and then they never seem to be around...so you just back off and move on. If you can't lock a quadrant securetly and know for a fact they have strong feelings in return...then it isn't worth the effort to push*
Vinira: no i'm not. i haff spent basically all off my time lately trainin, sleepin and gettin lost like a dumbffish. new weapons isn't a good enough reason *You pin your earfins back. You are angry with yourself. You keep hiding behind training and that's just doesn't WORK. Yes good, new weapons, you needed all of what...? A few hours with each to make sure you could compensate for their unique attributes and weights? The rest of that was you being a coddamn coward because you... you are afraid of letting those that matter to you down and you let them down better for the hiding. That is not a thing you can do anymore.* cowardice isn't either *You were afraid he'd be pissed at you considering what happened the last time you spoke. Even worse you were afraid he'd be disappointed. You don't have his trollian and you have hunted him down a few times now. And whoa does not having his trollian make getting in contact with him that much harder. But you can't even cite that, it is you. Cowardice* ...and i don't think you're attention seekin?
Haides: She was also upset with me for breaking thigs off...but it wasn't working.....*You shrug* and I dont think you are a coward. Everyone copes in the way they cope best....
Vinira: that could also be part off it, yes. *You flick an earfin* ...point, but hidin only gets a troll so ffar. 'sides you can't ffind stuffff this obnoxious when you're hidin. *You gesture a bit to the flowers*
Haides: yeah...welll flowers ARE obnoxious...but pitch is....about a lot more than that isn't it?
Vinira: yeah, it is... *And you have been a bad one. Childish, juvinile. Along those lines. No excuse for it, just cowardice. It's easier for you to face impossible odds in battle than it is for you to face other trolls. ...You're working on it. Hey other than earfin flicks you've managed not to fidget at all! Which is progress. Damnit all, what is WRONG with you? Nnng. Not now. Later* ...they were a start *You offer quietly*
Haides: I'm sure there is someone....that clicks better as a pitch than me, vinira....*you say, putting a large gauntleted hand on her shoulder* and I'm sure, you and that person will hate each other deeper than the blackest oceans.....
Vinira: i'm not so sure *You aren't, really. ...Well you figured this was coming at some point, really. So you're not very surprised at what he's saying. ...Maybe you should be. Huh. Whatever. Still kind of painful but then again, you expected this to wind up being said and happening* not too many that can keep up with me. *...No. Because with that... unprompted fight you realized there's basically no one around who can match you like that. But really.. if it's what he thinks is best for him then who the fuck are you to even say anything more... No. Fuck that. FUCK. You keep hiding, backing down, bending because you don't want to disappoint others. Fuck him if he thinks you're going to say okay and slink off to lick your pride and feelings and leaving things at that. You adjust the way you're standing some, flicking your earfins* MUCH LESS STAY EVEN WITH ME LIKE THAT ffight *...Hell you had to put every once of concentration in that fight... which isn't something you've had to do a lot. There was no absolute confidence that you were gonna be the victor, hell that didn't even count as a victory. You... you kind of want to ask if at the very least there could be sparring whenever he's not busy. No hard feelings yeah?*
Haides: Hey, not like I'VE been a good pitch either, haven't been looking out for your dumbass pixie ass as much as I should.... We can spar. Ocassoinally.....if I come back......*which you aren't even sure you will* ....my trollian is criticalcasualty by the way.
Vinira: *You stick your tongue out at him. ...Because you are a goddamn kit.* HEY THIS DUMBASS PIXIE MANAGED TO GET THREE PLACES TODAY AND ONLY GOT LOST ONCE. *You cross your arms, then you pull out some paper and write down his trollian handle, flicking an earfin* ...SPARRIN WOULD BE NICE. COMPULSIVECADAVER IS MINE, *..Huh. CC. That is kind of amusing* CAN COME DOWN ffor A SPAR iff YOU EVER WANT, SO YOU DON'T haff TO ALWAYS COME HERE? *Lookie, compromise.*
Haides: I got to marshal the dead into an army of darkness....maybe we can spar ocassionally.....and you probably paid Zillas for directions or something. He's BLIND and he can probably find his way around better than you....
Vinira: ...I DID. HE'S ALSO WHERE I GOT THE fflowers. *You shrug* WELL LESS ffor DIRECTIONS AND MORE ffor WHERE YOU WERE. EVERYTHIN ELSE WAS ALL ME. *Speaking of marshalling forces, you wonder if everyone's doing the same shit as back on the base. ...You are going to look into that. No getting caught with pants down again.* GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR ARMY
Haides: And good luck with your future endevors as well Vinira *You stop your foot and the floor opens up to reveal a staircase to hell* See you....
Vinira: *You flick your earfins* YEAH SAME, SEE YOU AROUND *You wave*
Haides: *With that you turn and head down the stairs with a sigh. You'll miss her you guess,but you haven't been an attentative pitch and maybe you don't click as well as you thought when you were still a midget at thirteen feet*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 5: ===> Blind Eyes for the Lost Troll
Vinira: *You are Vinira and you are doing something that absolutely no one saw coming ever. ...Headed to Zillas's shop. Becaue you are not predictable at all. Nope nope. Really you are hoping that you can get what you're after and go because... ahaha, yeah no one of the things you ask (well, probably two) are not going to be awkward at alllll right. Yeah right. You pause by the ship, earfins pinned back as you try to peer inside and guess if there are others there and if the shop itself is open*
Zillas: *You are Zillas and you are leaned back behind your desk, smoking your hookah, calm and cool again, feeling a lot better and there are a few carpacians in your shop picking up things they need and a few mini virals buying things for the bigger ones. The virals seem to like to pay in large lumps of gold....*
Vinira: *You perk your earfins up and note those already in there before you kind of just... slink inside. Okay so you know he does what Amalia told you about and you're going out on a limb here and this is going to get really embaressing really fast if you aren't careful. You flick your earfins and wander over to where the others aren't, picking up a tablet. Armor, really, is what you're after. ...You may have finally remembered about Ancala (boy was that a chewing out you should've anticipated) and his dragoon thing. ...Naturally if you can jump like one you sort of want armor like one. So dragon themed armor it is. You flick an earfin again before finally speaking up* uh... hello ssillas, so... two questions really, to go along with me gettin more armor. ...*Oh gods why are you doing this, there's no way this is going to go well* ... would you... uh... be opposed to me payin you ffor two thins? ...one off which bein directions? *...You shift from one foot to the other. You have been trying to... well not worry and fret but you wound up doing it and asking if you can pay him to do a thing is somehow less.... embaressing than asking for a favor so... fuck why are you doing this again?*
Zillas: *You turn your head in her general direction, leaning against the counter with a grin* veeneera? you can pay me to leeterally do anydeeng *you say with a chuckle* what zort oz deerecteeonz do you need?
Vinira: *...Oh. Okay. Well that's... a relief? Maybe? ...You flick an earfin again. ...You are figiting. Kind of can't help it.* ...well one off the thins is pretty much just me bein... worried about someone and just wonderin iff... i could.... get you to check on.... arthat ffor me *No one has to know how many times you keep looking at your trollian and starting a message only to back off because you're sure he's busy or just doesn't want a thing to do with you (Yeah no you don't fucking BLAME him on that note) but really insisting to yourself that he's fine because well damnit he's HIM isn't a thing that is working when you haven't even seen him around on the ship since that first day. You figet more and focus your attention on the tablet, perking when you find a nice set of armor that looks prety awesome* ...and the directions are so i can ffind.... haides... sort off realissed i don't... have his trollian *...And you want to make sure he's okay. Granted you will probably peek and see if Mumraa is there and ask him because you are... also not sure if Haides even wants to see you after what happened... the last time...* so thought i might... go see him *You realize you probably don't need to say that part, whoops.*
Zillas: well ardat eez upztaeer and leevez een de map room, zometeemez getz cozzee and orderz random deengz he never uzez. juzt ztacks em up een heez room and zleepz on dem.... aka he' more done and emoteeonally een de crazy houze den anyone on board. juzt planz ztrategeezeeez all day and doeznt talk to anyone. *You say with a shrug* haeedez waz een heat and een medeecal but got deezcharged and went to peak at de coleezeeeum bezore headeeng back to de underworld.
Vinira: *You frown, you consider making a detour to the map room after getting a giant stuffed.. something. ...Actually yes that sounds like a plan. Get your armor, get a giant stuffed animal, drop the latter by the map room after knocking on the door (run by stuffed animal delivery. You are childish, yes you are) and then ...wow Haides was in medical? Gah, that makes you more worried and you just really need to get his handle at this point because wow fuck you are so GREAT at keeping in contact with others aren't you? You keep tucking yourself away and training but you can't just... DO that there are other things that are needed and you are not allowing yourself to just... languish in a corner your concerns about the state of your pan aside.* ...okay, thank you *You select the dragon themed armor and go for the stuffed animals, selecting one of those two and nodding some to yourself* just these, plus whatever i owe you ffor the infformation *...You will probably be back if you don't catch Haides at the coliseium. ...Paying for directions is better than getting lost endlessly... right?*
Zillas: *You nod and total up her things and send the price to the pad* zo who you buyeeng a geeant tuffy zor eez ee meeght azk....? *You wonder if she found out about Haides's fetish with those. How he sees them as "punishment" and when he deserves "punishment" face plants into a giant pile of stuffed animals complaining how he is such a weakingly all he deserves is little kit things like animals*
Vinira: ...was goin to drop it offff by the map room, iff he's sleepin on random thins they should at least be comffortable right? ...though admittedly i am a little tempted to see what you haff in fflowers or other thins to annoy haides... why do you ask? *...There is no garentee that the giant stuffed animal will even be used by Arthat, but you can't just... do nothing. You've done enough of that recently*
Zillas: ....reazonz. ee dont deenk he would appreceeate me telleeng you *you say with a chuckle* and ee got zlowerz. zhould ee get de deezney ztyle onez wed de reedeeculouz colorz oz peenk?
Vinira: *...He. You're silent for a moment while you try to work that out. ...The only one whose reaction you know to stuffed animals is Arthat. Males on the ship... Hnnn. ..You will puzzle this the rest of the way out later, possibly be back but you're not gonna press. Tis the day for guessing at things it seems. You flick an earfin* ...yes, as ridiculously disney as possible *Wow no you can't say that with a straight face, whoops*
Zillas: *You nod and after a bit, pull out a giant boueqet of flowers, all in shades of obnoxious pink with little plastic birds pinned to them and disney troll princess as well* ....good enough?
Vinira: *Oh my cod. You can't keep a straight face at that, you have to bite your upper lip to keep from almost gagging. Yeah... yeah holy shit that works. It takes you a moment to force the words out* y...eah, great, perffect
Zillas: *you grin* glad ee could be oz azzeeztence az alwayz *You chuckle and pack it up with her other purchases* anydeeng elze you'll be needeeng?
Vinira: *You flick an earfin and shake your head* nope, that'd be everythin, thank you very much
Zillas: good luck den een all your quadrant wooeeng *you say, teasing slightly* ee'll be here eef you need to buy cardz!
Vinira: *You chuckle a little bit* thank you, and i'll keep that in mind! *You flick an earfin, taking your purchases and heading off*
You put most of your purchases up where they go in your sylladex, slipping out of the suit of armor you've come to wear all the time. The one purchase you keep out is the giant stuffed animal. You manage to find your way to the map room with only a minor incident where you got hopelessly lost (How the hell you ended up in a food court, you are not sure).  You stare at the door for a few minutes, earfins perked for signs of life inside the room. You stand there for a bit longer than you planned,  gathering up the determination to do this. You.. know this whole stuffed animal thing isn't much and without realizing it you rub your shoulder. You never got that tattoo removed. You meant to, maybe. You don't feel like it.
You stare at the door for a little longer, perhaps willing it to open. Zillas... probably wouldn't lie. You paid him. ...Not that that means you particularly trust his word, just that he is a reliable seller. After a while longer you give a little half smile that doesn't quite do much more than quirk your lips up briefly. "S-STILL OWE YOU A-AN OINKBEASTBACK R-R-RIDE." ...It's silly, and trivial, maybe just like the stuffed animal is, but... Nnng. You have to do this before you lose the will power. You're fidgeting again, and you didn't fail to notice that you stammered, again. ...Did something happen with your volume? No matter.
Hokay! No more dilly dallying, you set the stuffed animal down and arrange it so if all goes well - it will hopefully not startle him or trip him up. After a moment's thought you take one of those bottles of wine from your sylladex and set it down with the stuffed animal too. Then you knock on the door hard and quickly.
That is about when the courage you mustered up for this fails you so you... well you pretty much flee. Hah. You can face down monsters a lot bigger than you, no fear. High odds of death, you don't fear it. ....But the thought of being around and accidentally upsetting Arthat in case he doesn't want to see you ... that you fear.
It's off to the coliseum with you, hopefully Haides is still there...
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 5: ===> That's Not A Joey!
Vinira: *You are Vinira Peixes. Despite all appearances at the moment. Because at the moment you are a kangaroo roughly the size you were as a troll. You think it might be related to the spear you still have clutched in your ha.. paws. If someone thought that changing your shape from a troll to a kangaroo would stop your training, they were horribly mistaken. Right this moment you are balancing on your tail, though quickly you hop from that and bolt out of the way of a holographic strike from the Smaug. You launch yourself up into the air with a short squeak that sounds sort of like a laugh because yesss you are so high in the air with that leap. You reorient yourself though, and you come crashing down spear first with another squeak-laugh. You balance back on your tail. So this took a lot of getting used to, really, because you have a fucking TAIL and you probed the pouch with a hand-paw briefly because you weren't sure what the fuck you even were. But you adjusted. Adapted. And this is still a distraction from what's probably pan damage. Moving on! You repeat the feet with more squeak-laughs, entirely too pleased. This is probably a bad thing, yes? Eh.*
Zannah: *y0u 4r3 z4nn4h v3nd4l 4nd y0u'r3 m0v1ng thr0ugh th3 sh1p t0w4rds th3 tr41n1ng 4r34 0f th3 sh1p t0 pr4ct1c3 s0m3 n3w sp3lls y0u'v3 l34rn3d fr0m th3 b00ks y0u purch4s3d fr0m z1ll4s. y0u r34lly m1ss y0ur s3c0nd s3t 0f 4rms 4nd y0u'll h4v3 t0 w0rk t0 f1nd 4 w4y t0 1ncr34s3 y0ur c4st1ng t1m3 w1th0ut th3 s3c0nd s3t t0 d0 h4nd m0t10ns s0 th4t's 4n0th3r th1ng y0u'r3 g01ng t0 b3 pr4ct1c1ng w1th. y0u'v3 g0t 0n y0ur bl4ck c04t w1th cr3ul34n run3s s3w3n 1nt0 th3 f4br1c, 3nch4nt3d t0 g1v3 y0u 3xtr4 d3f3ns3 4g41nst 4tt4cks. y0u 3nt3r th3 4r3n4 4nd 4r3... 4 l1ttl3 surpr1s3d by wh4t y0u s33. wh1ch 1s 4n 4rm0r3d 4nd 4rm3d k4ng4r00 4b0ut y0ur s1z3 jump1ng 4r0und.* uhm...h3ll0?
Vinira: *You stop as you land this time, legs bent to absorb the impact and you raise yourself to your full kangaroo height and adjust your grip on the spear. You even straighten your ears to give you that extra boost in height. It takes you some effort, but you manage to speak... barely.* hello. who you? *Oh cods you sound worse than a fucking kit! You swivel one of your ears though, noting the colors of the runes on her clothing. ...That makes you tighten your grip on your spear and frown as well as you can with a muzzle as you bunch up, ready to do another leap. ...Fuck fuck your helmet is beginning to slip, you hope it doesn't fall over your eyes.*
Zannah: *y0u l00k 0v3r th3...0k4y th1s 1s 0bv10usly th3 w0rk 0f 4 curs3* 3r... 1'm z4nn4h c0r- 1 m34n v3nd4l. 1...kn3w s4l1x4, sh3 4nd th3 c4rn1f3x s4v3d my l1f3 0nc3. *y0u t1lt y0ur h34d 4 l1ttl3, 4djust1ng y0ur gl4ss3s* 4r3 y0u... d0 y0u n33d h3lp? y0u s0rt 0f s33m t0 b3 suff3r1ng fr0m 4 tr4nsm0gr1f1c4t10n curs3. 1'm g00d w1th m4g1c 1 c0uld uncurs3 y0u 1f y0u'd l3t m3? *y0u 0ff3r, n0t t4k1ng 4 st3p 1nt0 th3 r00m just y3t 4s y0u'v3 n0t1c3d h3r d3f3ns1v3 st4nc3*
Vinira: *You relax some at the mention of Salixa, just not totally. You swivel one of your ears.* probably spear *You heft it, flattening your ears back* how.. trust? *Yeah no, you're not going to trust random trolls you just met. You're not dumb. ...Current cursed state notwithstanding.*
Zannah: *y0u t1lt y0ur h34d b4ck up 4nd fr0wn s0m3, scr4tch1ng th3 b4ck 0f y0ur h34d* w3ll... 1 w4s 0n3 0f th3 0n3s wh0 h3lp3d h34l l0cl4n wh3n h3 w4s br0ught b4ck w0und3d? 4nd 1 h3lp3d h00k 0ut w1th th3 w0und3d 4ft3r th3 scr4tch. *y0u put y0ur h4nd b4ck d0wn 4t y0ur s1d3* 1f 1t's 4 curs3d 1t3m y0u'r3 us1ng, 0v3r us3 m1ght m4k3 th3 3ff3cts uh... p3rm4n3nt.
Vinira: *...Permanent? Okay no. You are enjoying the leaping thing. Also maybe the tail. Balance is great. But you don't want to be a kangaroo forever. Your ears droop but you ease out of your defensive position* if lying will make wish were dead *...So your threat sounds so very flat as a kangaroo. You hate it. Your threat still stands though. You think you recognize her. From that time when... hey that's probably when your pan went all off kilter. That was the first time you thought you saw him after... You wince and shake yourself. Nope. Not going there. On guard.*
Zannah: *y0u n0d* l1ttl3 l4t3 f0r th4t. *y0u mutt3r 4s y0u w4lk 1nt0 th3 r00m, st0pp1ng 4 f3w f33t 4w4y fr0m h3r 4nd r41s1ng 0n3 0f y0ur h4nds. y0ur 3y3s gl0w b3h1nd y0ur gl4ss3s, 4 c3rul34n sm0k3 l1k3 3n3rgy dr1ft1ng fr0m y0ur 1r1s1s 4s y0u c0nc3ntr4t3. c3rul34n run3s 4pp34r 4r0und y0ur h4nd 4nd th3n r3d 0n3s 0f4 d1ff3r3nt s0rt 4pp34r 4r0und th3 sp34r 4nd sl0wly th3y cr4ck 4nd br34k 4nd th3n r34rr4ng3 th3ms3lv3s 1n d1ff3r3nt p4tt3rns. th3r3's 4 fl4sh 4nd sh3 sh0uld b3 b4ck t0 h3rs3lf...m0stly. y0u put y0ur h4nd d0wn, 4djsut1ng y0ur gl4ss3s 4g41n* th3r3 w3 4r3, sh0uld b3 g00d 4s n3w, w3ll, b3tt3r r34lly 1f 1 d1d 1t r1ght. *y0u sm1l3* g0 4h34d 4nd try 1t 0ut.
Vinira: *You flick your earfins, stretching and feeling your jaw* ..oh hey i can talk normally again, wonderfful ...thanks *You flick an earfin and look over yourself, mostly making sure you're totally back to normal*
Zannah: *y0u n0d* sur3... d1d y0u h4pp3n t0 g3t th4t fr0m z1ll4s? s0m3 0f th3 th1ngs h3 s3lls t3nd t0 b3 curs3d... 1f y0u b0ught 4nyth1ng 3ls3 fr0m h1m 1 c4n t4k3 4 l00k 4t 1t t0 m4k3 sur3?
Vinira: mmm? yeah, got it and a ffew others. needed new weapons *You flick your earfins, more than a little relieved to have them back, and pull the other spears and the set of armor from your sylladex, as well as the mommy and me training video and the unarmed one too* this is all i got ffrom him. ...i take it you know him? *You kind of... do a little half bounce on your feet, flicking an earfin when you notice what you did. Huh.*
Zannah: *y0u n0d* y34h 1 b0ught s0m3 b00ks fr0m h1m 34rl13r 4s w3ll 4s 4 s3t 0f sw0rds... my br0th3r kn3w h1m b3tt3r th0ugh. *y0u b3nd 0v3r 4 l1ttl3 t0 l00k 4t th3 w34p0ns w1th 4 mr03 cr1t1c4l 3y3* hmm... 0k4y 1 th1nk just th1s 0th3r sp34r h3r3 1s curs3d, 3v3ryth1ng 3ls3 l00ks 0k4y. 1t m4k3s y0u c0ugh 4nd wh33z3 wh3n y0u us3 1t, 1 c4n g3t r1d 0f th4t 34s1ly 3n0ugh, 1f y0u s3t 1t d0wn 1 c4n d0 th3 s4m3 th1ng t0 1t.
Vinira: *You nod and set that one down, flicking an earfin* ...you use swords? what sort? *You tilt your head, curious.*
Zannah: d40 br04dsw0rds, 1 us3d t0 b3 pr0t0typ3d 4nd h4d 4n0th3r s3t 0f 4rms s0 c0uld us3 4 p41r wh1l3 my 0th3r s3t 0f h4nds w0rk3d m4g1c but s1nc3 1'm n0t 4nym0r3 1'm d0wn h3r3 t0 g3t us3d t0 just us1ng 0n3 4g41n. *y0u r3p34t th3 pr0c3ss w1th th3 s3c0nd sp34r 4nd th3n h4nd 1t b4ck t0 h3r* ch4ng1ng b4ck t0 th3 0ld styl3 1s g01ng t0 b3 tr1cky, 4 l0t 0f th3 t3chn1qu3s 1'm us3d t0 w0n't w0rk 4nym0r3 s0 unl3ss 1 c4n f1nd 4 sp3ll t0 gr0w 4 s3c0nd s3t 0f 4rms 1'm 4 l1ttl3 0ut 0f my 3l3m3nt f0r 4 b1t.
Vinira: *You take it back, flicking an earfin* ...could always do what that one thin ffrom dnd did. with the dancin weapons? enchant them to ffight ffor you so you can cast *You suggest*
Zannah: *y0u sm1rk* 1 c0uld but wh3r3's th3 fun 1n th4t?
Vinira: true enough *You laugh some* can always help you train with what you've got now, a thank you ffor the rescue there... was ffun, the speed and the jumpin at least. wouldn't want to be stuck like that though
Zannah: h3h, y0u sh0uld g1v3 jump1ng 4 try wh1l3 y0u'r3 h0ld1ng th4t sp34r 4g41n. 4nd sur3 1 w0uldn't m1nd tr41n1ng w1th y0u.
Vinira: *You flick an earfin, nodding. You'll give it a try alright.* targets here are holographic, give me a moment to turn that one offff and we can train some iff you'd like
Zannah: *y0u n0d* sur3 th1ng, g0 4h34d. *y0u d3c4ptch4l0gu3 0n3 0f th3 sw0rds y0u g0t fr0m z1ll4s, 1t h4d t4k3n y0u 4 f3w h0urs t0 g3t th3 curs3 0ff 0f 1t*
((And then they trained and bonded and Vin learned that she can still jump like a kangaroo and has a slightly odd desire to call the kits ankle biters...))
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
*The silence of the base is shattered by the alarms suddenly going off, a high pitched shrieking noise, lights flashing and Hook's voice coming in over the PA* attention all personal. This is not a drill, we repeat, this is not a drill. All personal evacuate non-combatives to docking bay six for extration. You have ten minutes to reach the point. Anyone left behind is left for death. Mordred is approaching this coordinate as we speak, full force. We have one shot to get out and get to the deadspace to begin final approach to end game. I repeat, ten minutes and counting to get to docking bay six. Incoming hostiles. Proceed with caution. *the PA goes off as the base shakes and more alarms go off signaling multiple breaches*
Vinira: *You flick an earfin and look up when you hear the alarms going off, bolting to your feet and putting the spear you'd been sharpening into your sylladex with the other ones you've been working on. It looks like Amalia's still asleep and you're ...really you don't feel like just waking her up. She needs her sleep anyway. So you move, open the door up and it takes some working but you manage to get the coon up and in your arms. There is a disney related joke here somewhere but like other things were before, unimportant, you need to head out. ...Okay. Docking bay six. You can find it. ..Probably. You start off, earfins perked for any signs of things incoming*
Delirium: *you are del and you come prancing down the hall happily with an embreyo under each arm, skipping happily and humming a tune along to the alarms. You are still shifting forms as you go, and you spot Vinira along the way, you grin at her since you can't wave* hIgH vIn! I hAvE tHe BaBiEs! *you call happily, coming to a stop in front of her* DoCkInG bAy SiIiIiIiIx tIme!
Cossak 2: *You come running down the hallway in the left wing, hollering* GET OUT! WE GOT A BREATH DOWN AT THE OTHER END....THEY ARE COMING FAST! *You pause only to swing your gun around and fire a round into a huge, black wolf beast with fangs the length of a man's arm with troll forms twisting out of it and howling, a real eldric abomination* GO!
Nessie: *You are Nessie and things are moving fast. First the siren, now...Cossak? And then...holy fuck what is that thing. You don't know but you're not going to die here. You get out your gun and start running. You look at Delirium.* i don't know who you are but you better run with me! *You say, and bolt down the hall*
Vinira: del! okay, great, iff you know the way to dockin bay six, leadin would be wonderfful!  *Obviously not the way that ...Cossak right? Right. Just came from. Not with the breach that way and the thing there too. Your hands are kind of full though, usually you'd arm yourself at the sight of something like that but ah well. You're not leaving Amalia behind. You head the opposite way of the way Cossak came from, trusting that if you're heading the wrong way Del or Nessie will say ...something. Because you don't have the time to get lost.*
Delirium: oKaY! *you glance around behind you at the wolf beasts thing and grin happily* NoT mY CrAzY! *you jeer before you turn around and let the others pass you before you let out a scream that ripples down the hallway, ripping metal from the walls as it rips down the hallway towards the attacking thing and then you turn on your heel and follow after the others, giggling  and chanting "bay six" the whole way*
Cossak: *the greater doesn't even slow down and leaps over the ripped hallway. The hallway ahead bursts up and a large troll ooking beast with face pants roars, and lunges towards Delirum, its vicious nails painted all sorts of rainbow colors. You curse and fire, the bullets ripping into it and bringing it down* If you attack em, the entire army knows one is down and come. You got to keep moving and hide your tricks for emergencies!
Nessie: WHAT?! omfg its like fucking metal gear meets cthulhu up in here! delirium! *You groan, sholdering your weapon. This is the one time you wish you had a shield.* delirium! get close to me unless you want to be eaten!
Vinira: *Well, at the very least you don't precisely have a choice but to hide your tricks for emergencies and huh. It's actually easier than it normally is to turn your back on a potential fight and keep moving, earfins pinned. You think something may have slipped in your pan or something, this is all new to you.. ...Sticking close means you're all easier to take down, but it also means you can protect each other. You frown and just keep moving, running over what you've got in your sylladex. You're annoyed now that you never really got the chance to stop by a gun range for a one handed long range solution, even if the timing here means you would have for sure not learned to use it particularly well in the time you've had. You sigh and focus your annoyance into reason to keep moving, so you can get Amalia somewhere safe. Also the embreyos. ...You hope Altair's somewhere safe...* think we all oughta keep an eye and an ear out, no such thin as playin ffair here *There has got to be something you can do with the coon in your arms so you don't risk dropping it. You wonder if you can stick it in your sylladex..*
Delirium: Oh OkAy! *you move closer to the human who's the only one in the group close to your size, well your current size, you're actually a lot bigger then this but you don't think you'd fit in the hallway that big!*
Cossak: *You duck down and fire into a group, growling* Clean kills if you can. Don't explode them, dont spew their blood about. It is toxin and just serves to attack more....burn em or quick kills. Weakest at the base of the skulls and under the arms....
Nessie: *You put on your goggles, looking at a 3D layout of the base. Everything is getting a lot more chaotic so you're going to have to fact in collapsing halls and monsters you have to evade. You frown* i just hope everyone's alright... *You don't think you have anything that spouts fire in your sylladex but you haev a...light saber? Why did you make that and when? Oh well. It cauterizes wounds as it cuts so you equip it*
Vinira: *You remember that, the corruption. You flick an earfin in acknowledgement, huffing a bit before sticking the coon in your sylladex with a muttered sorry to Amalia. Burn. Burn. You have both the Asscinerator and the flamethrower.. the latter of which you're not totally confident with so now that your hands are free you go for the Asscinerator* i've got a fflamethrower iff someone wants to use it *You speak quickly*
Delirium: Me Me Me Me! *you shout, the embreyos floating around your head along with some fish as you bounce up and down asking for the flamethrower and your size has significantly increased to about a foot shorter then Vinira but still the same build* wE cAn QuOtE aRnOlD! fLaMe ThRoWeR mE!
Cossak: *honestly, who thought it was a good idea to bring a five year old troll thing on this mission....? YOu grit your teeth and go back to shooting, behind you a louder sound is heard* MOVE IT FASTER! MORDRED IS ABOUT TO DIG THIS PART UP!!! AND YOUR FUCKING HYPER ATTENTION DISORDRS AND WEAPONS WONT DO SHIT AGAINST VIRAZILLA!
Nessie: i'm running as fast as i can but i still have tiny human legs and i can't stop to put on rocket boots! *Aftr what happened to Holly, you don't want to put them on either. You're still running though.*
Vinira: *You flick an earfin and drop the flamethrower from your sylladex, grunting a bit as you remember how fucking heavy the damn thing is. You pass it over* here, take it *You frown and swap hands with your Asscinerator, scooping Nessie up with a quick* up you go!  *Before you're putting her on your back* grab on tight, just mind the gills would you? can stick you on my shoulder iff that's easier, you'll haff to mind the duckin iff i do *You grunt, refocusing your attention to getting a move on. Belatedly it occurs to you that perhaps you shold have asked if she minded. Ah well. She'll have to deal. You're not stopping.*
Delirium: Oh OkAy CaN kEeP rUnNiNg ThEn. *you take the falme thrower though, hefting it and ready to use it if someone yells at you to use it but for now you run with the others, the embreyos are shimmering and safe with the fish, everyone is safe with fish. except for blue french people, they just seem to have bad things happen.*
Cossak: *You keep running getting to the stairwell and push yourself to the wall* MOVE! DROP LOWER FLOORS BEFORE....*And the ceiling is wrenched away and there is MOrdred, sixty feet tall, five heads, and eight arms, ripping apart the base from the top down. There is a scream as one of the yeti defenders is lifted up by mordred...and messily crunched. ONe head turns towards you* Ah! SEMPAIS!!!!
Nessie: *You see the hole open up and freeze. You see the yeti defender crunched and after that he's gone. Only the mess and iron smell in the air. You feel your stomach drop out. You might throw up. But not now. You steel yourself. Time feels like its slowing down. Then quickly picks up again as you feel adrenaline flood you. You get out your jetback* del. grab me. we're iron manning this shit.
Vinira: *You pin your earfins. Wow okay. That was the LAST thing you expected from the way this motherfucker types. You frown when you hear Nessie's words and you grind out something* iff you're plannin somethin stupid, don't. iff you ffall behind, there may be others who'll come back ffor you - but deffinately not me. we run! *Your voice is ahah... a lot colder than you even expected for it to be. You didn't really even expect yoursself to say that. Huh. Not important... Distractions, distractions... You need a plan so you can all bolt down the stairs and get moving before he comes for you. ... You run over what you've got that you can use as you keep moving, grip tight on your weapon*
Delirium: *you run the fuck away. You are the embodiment of delirium and madness and even HE makes you want to run away. he is not one of your children anymore, he is that creepy uncle guy who comes along and says weird things at dinner and eats too much mashed potatoes at thanksgiving and then turns into a vegatable on the couch and watches inuyasha on adult swim when everyone else has gone to sleep. he scares you and dream says he's the one who took away your delight. you don't want him to take away anything else. not your new children amalia and vin brought into the world and oh they will be such wonderful children and you want them to be safe so you run and you don't look back and you make yourself smaller again as you go*
Cossak: *You duck after them and on the stairs are more monstrosities, working to try and flush yo uback out* GET EM VINIRA! JUST HACK AND SLASH AS FAR AS YOU CAN! BOTTOM OF THE STAIRWELL AND TO THE RIGHT AND WE WILL BE GETTING CLOSER TO BAY SIX!!
Nessie: THIS ISN'T STUPID! ITS SCIENCE! *you know you're small which is why you're using the jetpack. Okay it doesn't go very fast but you need a way to get ahead on your teeny legs so you're taking off. You're going down the stiars*
Vinira: *You split your weapon into the two blades, flicking one earfin slightly. It probably would have been safer for Nessie to stay on your back or shoulder where you had her, but you know what? No. If her actions get her wounded or killed, that's her deal and not yours. What you forcus on instead is heading down the stairs with force, teeth gritted and blades flashing. You're going for one hit shots, either fatal or knocking them out, whichever presents itself first, cutting what's essiential for your group to get down the stairs and actually... ignoring what little rest there is. Down the stairwell and to the right. You can remember that much*
Delirium: *you hold onto the flamethrower until you're told to use it so you don't burn any of the others by mistake, instead though, you send large sharks at the things ahead of you.... but you also make them on fire as they tear into the things in front of you and then set flames to whatever they bite into and disappear. it's the most you can do right now but you feel bad for the sharkys*
Cossak: *You fire ahead even as more enemies surge up. There are too many though...* DOES ANYONE HAVE A WAY TO GET AN ALTERNATE ROUTE QUICK!?
Nessie: *You look over your map* uhh....maybe! the ship is most likely close to a starbucks or  we could perhaps collapse a floor and go down that way!
Vinira: *You hiss through your gritted teeth, stabbing another and scowling* i've got a limo in my sylladex, can maybe use it to batter some off them out off the way? maybe rig the fflamethrower to blow up a weak spot in a wall or somethin, go with nessie's idea. *That is all that comes to mind immediately*
Delirium: dO bOtH! *you hold up the flame thrower for them* mAkE a HoLe AnD dRiVe OfF! *you keep the sharks going, using your powers to keep the enemies from overwhelming you*
Nessie: hold onto your asses then because i did that once and literally had to leave the state and hide!
Vinira: *You need no further prompting, you pull the limo from your sylladex and move out of the way so Nessie can get in to drive it.* here! del! can you rig the fflamethrower? i'm sure nessie and cossak can ffigure out where it needs to go boom, just get it ready! *You'll hold off the enemies as long as they need to get into the car, then you'll head inside yourself*
Delirium: OkIeDoKiE! *you actually know how to do this, you rig some of the wiring on it and cross them and then you claw open a small hole in the gas vent and hand it to cossak so he can toss it before you turn to the limo and hop in, you love going on rides!*
Cossak: *you grunt and then pause to throw it...and then shoot it when it is over the enemies triggering an explosion. their black blood is highly combustibal. You dive into the limo* DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!!!
Nessie: *You jump into the car and stamp on the pedals. Its time to relive your angry teen years. Just pretend you're hopping up on hormones, sugar, and caffeine.The limo lurches forward at a high speed*
Vinira: *You're in and adjusting your grip on your weapon because ahah, no you're not going to take the chance of accidently stabbing anyone on this ride. Your earfins are still pinned, listening for anything more that might require extreme measures to deal with*
Delirium: *you're sitting calmly in the seat, your legs swinging back and forth above the floor and looking bored. you lean back and support your chin with your arm and your elbow presses a button and snoop dog comes on talking about smoking weed everyday. you giggle*
Cossak: *You lean out the window to fire shots back...but not before you put on some aviators. You feel it is appropriate with the music playing and the fact this like condy's limo....* JUST KEEP DRIVING NESSIE.....*Ahead are huge creatures with only  a limited amount of room to move between their legs. YOu pause to toss Vinira a large gun* LET'S WRECK SOME FUCKERS.....
Nessie: *You are giggling, hands gripping the wheel and foot slammed on the limo and still gunning ahead. You feel like Troll Rosario Dawnson in Death Proof. Fuck it, you are her.* eheheheheh! ALRIGHT!
Vinira: *You flick an earfin at the music, unsure what you think of it but whatever. Oh hey. You take the gun and eye it for a moment, working out how to work it real quick. You give a quick, tense, grin and you lean out of a window to start firing at the huge creatures, narrowing your eyes as you do so.* yes, lets
Delirium: *you giggle and hop up from your seat, opening the moon roof and climbing up, Destruction taught you a trick before he went away, and it's a fun trick. You open your mouth... and it keeps opening and the top part of your head start to take on the shape of your engine form down to your chin so that you have to struggle a little to stay upright and you fire off a large beam ahead of you and cut a swathe through the enemies.... and as soon as the limo passes the spot you shot it detonates and engulfs the hall in flames* WhEeEeEeEeE! *you cheer as your head goes back to normal and you fall back to the floor of the limo and move over to close the moon roof*
Cossak: *You growl as you mow down more enemies and ther is a room ahead....but an enemy rips at hte limo, taking out the bottom and it looses air, nose diving into the room and skidding across the floor. the enemy comes charging...then the bellow of a viral is heard and one leaps overhead, over the limo wreckagae and into the enemies, buying you time to pull yourself from the reck, gun read* EVERYONE OKAY!?
Nessie: *You grunt. You're rattled and got tossed about but you think you're going to be fun.* i'm alright...probably got whiplash but i'm good...fuck...
Vinira: *You weren't quite fast enough to shove your swords in your sylladex, so there's a nice little cut across one of your arms. ...Really the only thing that distinguishes it from the little cuts and bruises you still have from your fight with Haides is the fact that it's actually bleeding. You don't even notice it though, really.* i'm ffine *You adjust your grip on your blades, earfins flicking up* everyone ready to move? we need a headin
Delirium: *you pop up from the wreckage, grinning happily* I aM oKaY! *you look around trying to gauge where you are* aRe We ClOsE?
Cossak: *You shrug and the viral turns, his red eyes flashing* No you arent. You don't just go a few steps to that not door there and dont get down to the casway that won't take you to hangar six island. You arent the last? No more coming? *Turkey asks before paushing to slice an enemy in two*
Nessie: there's probably more coming i think.... *You say, wobbling from the wreckage. Fuck you're dizzy. Why are you dizzy? That's when you feel something drip into your eye. Fuck you scratched your head or something.* shit.
Vinira:  *...Did you hit your pan really hard while you tumbled? ...No you know you saw that before in Hook's lab and you're fairly certain that there's something in the viral book that explained a thing but you're not thinking about that right now. Surprise flickers over your earfins before you can contain it and you... are going to think about that more when you're all not in danger. Ahah. Heh. You perk your earfins and flick them, listening for more.* alright. ffar as i know, we're the last. didn't see anyone comin affter us *You put the gun in your sylladex for now, making a mental note to hand it off to Cossak later if he wants it back. You're better with blades and spears anyway*
Delirium: *you stand up and start to skip to the door, not paying much attention to anything else going on around you other then the ship ahead of you.*
Cossak: *You shoulder your gu nad move through the door heading down to a bridge that leads to the large ship. You hope others made it. You helped the ones you could fine. You only pause to pick up Nessie to carry her along down to the dock. Turkey shuts the blast doors and turns, sheathing his weapon, arching an eyebrow at Vinira as he passes her* you arent coming ? *He says before turning to head down the bridge to the ship*
Nessie: hey...! i just have a minor head wound! *You huff as Cossak picks you up. You hate being so short.*
Vinira: yeah, comin *You flick an earfin and twist to head down the bridge to the ship with a nod, putting your weapon over your back for now as you walk*
Del: *you approach the ship, ooohing a little at it before letting out an ahh and you quickly get on board, heading off to find your siblings who have already boarded.*
Nessie: *You are holding onto Cossak, feeling more tired. Fuck. You hope Casey and Holly are alright. Dallas is probably wandering around. Eh he'll be fine.*
Cossak: *You made it. You walk down the bridge ramp and Cherry destroys it behind your group. You see the other bridges being knocked down as the knights come in, giving ground meaning eveyrone that could get out is here. You hand Nessie to one of the hooklings dressed as a nurse who moves to take her to medical. Loclan is sitting, arms crossed and looking tense, eyes fixed on the groups coming up now. You wonder who made it out....*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Honey Bunch, I Can't Help Myself
(~*~ Denotes a time skip. Takes place from when Fidant and Neffel left the group of 'The Other Guys' up until present time as of posting this. Going to slap a dozen trigger warnings and a guard your feels up here as well as in the tags because.... yeeeaaah)
Neffel: mmm? i am suRE~ that they will be fine, you DO~n't want to leave me all alone now DO~ you? *You give him a patheTI~c look, holding your wounded leg close. You cried at SO~me point in the RE~cent past, mostly from the pain and the wound that's sTI~ll leaking your blood* this pLA~ce DO~esn't have anywheRE~ i could get fixed up and i DO~n't want to weigh heavily on the others while they'RE~ tring to help little MI~ss sarath *You frown, ducking your head* i'm SO~ SO~rry to ask this of you fidant...
Fidant: ~*~
Neffel: *You look up from wheRE~ you'RE~ RE~clining and working on SO~mething. You put that away and sMI~le at him* oh thank you SO~ much fidant, we'RE~ gRE~at tonight *You give him a quick hug and beam at him, little badger tail wiggling while you pat him on the head with a sMI~le.* would you like SO~me ice cRE~am too?
Neffel: *You sMI~le at him again, nodding* alright then, i flush you SO~ much fidant *You pRE~ss a little kiss to his cheek befoRE~ you take the ice cRE~am and RE~turn to RE~clining while you eat it*
Fidant: ~*~
Neffel: *You'RE~ gasping, sniffling and theRE~ aRE~ tears alRE~ady starTI~ng to flow DO~wn your FA~ce. Your bottom lip tRE~mbles as you sniffle* i... i'll be okay.just hurts... *You trail off, sTI~ll sniffling and RE~aching up to wipe SO~me tears from your FA~ce*
Neffel: *You wipe your FA~ce, calMI~ng your sniffling as you climb on top of him* i think i'd like to top for a while *You say from your newer vantage point up on top of him*
Neffel: *You give him a shaky little sMI~le, sTI~ll working on calMI~ng the sniffles that got away from you. You RE~ach DO~wn to coax his nook SO~me and nuzzling him a little while you DO~ SO~, what? You'RE~ not heartless...*
Neffel: *You purr and chirp for him, taking him with an urgency that has you leaving bite and cLA~w marks in several pLA~ces - moRE~ than one of which draw blood, and when you feel yourself climaxing you DO~n't bother to go for a bucket, rather you just sTI~ll and go off inside him with a purr*
Fidant: ~*~
Neffel: mmm? *You gLA~nce up and over at him, TI~lTI~ng your head. You drop your gaze to wheRE~ he's rubbing his stomach and you frown* DO~ you RE~ally want to just go home without checking all of these things out? it'll take SO~me TI~me, look, the lines aRE~ all way too long. we can go home SO~on if you'd like for yourself, me and our grub to starve *You turn away and put SO~mething else into the cart, moRE~ honey. You love honey.*
Neffel: you'RE~ not the only one that DO~esn't feel SO~ well you know *You rub a hand over your stomach, giving him the most patheTI~c look you can muster* i haven't compLA~ined at all... aRE~n't you a good bull?
Fidant: *yOU BLINK AT HER,* a WHAT?
Neffel: a good bull, you aRE~ my lovely little bull aRE~n't you? well, not SO~ little, but you'RE~ my perfect bull of a flush, ja? *You give him DO~e eyes, wide and blinking a bit*
Neffel: *You sMI~le and gestuRE~ for him to come DO~wn to your level SO~me SO~ you can kiss him on the cheek* see, my perfect good bull
Neffel: ~*~
Neffel: *You snap at him when he thinks he can RE~bel even a little, triggering the secRE~ts you've been inflicTI~ng ever SO~ slowly. Like the FA~ct that the gauges have electric charges in them. And while you'RE~ DO~ing that, you scowling at him* this hurts me moRE~ than it hurts you, i wouldn't have to DO~ this if you would just behave, be a good bull, aRE~n't you a good bull?! *You know what you'RE~ pLA~nning next, as SO~on as you'RE~ DO~ne punishing him for what he's DO~ne.*
Neffel: *You keep going for a while after he says it hurts, only backing off when you'RE~ saTI~sfied. Then you'RE~ rubbing his cheek* i RE~ally DO~n't like having to discipline you *You murmur* i like it much better when you'RE~ my good bull. such a good bull *You purr, stroking his FA~ce gently. *
Neffel: *At his quesTI~oning you, you look away* ...i was SO~ afraid of you going away and leaving me behind. that was what my vinny did, she left me behind when i told her i'd be right back. *You start to sniffle and cry, looking away from him* i just... d-d-DO~n't want to be left all alone anymoRE~. groups tend to outcast me a-after a while and i... *You rub at your FA~ce* maybe we'll have one, a RE~al one. i would want nothing moRE~ than that with you...
Neffel: *You sMI~le a little bit, RE~aching to pat him on the top of his head* yes you DO~, and you DO~ SO~ well most of the TI~me, my good bull *You purr that LA~st bit out*
Neffel: ~*~
Neffel: how could you?! *You come into the room quickly, hurt written all over your FA~ce* DO~n't you know i DO~ everything in my power to keep you safe and protected? *You shake your head. It's easy enough to call the tears to your eyes* you know people would try to take you away from me if they came heRE~ ...what if he comes heRE~? what if he tries to take you away? *The tears aRE~ brimMI~ng now, about to FA~ll* aRE~n't you thankful for everything i DO~ for you? DO~n't you caRE~?! what if he comes to try and take you away because of you? huh? *You let them FA~ll finally, sniffling and scowling angrily*
Neffel: RE~ally? can i trust that that's all you did when you answeRE~d him anyway?! DO~ you swear it, can you prove it?! *You growl with your anger, what psionics you DO~ have aRE~ crackling, even if they'RE~ not as good as SO~me other yellows, they sTI~ll have their uses.*
Neffel: *You gather up the palmhusk and you smash it* clearly i can't trust you with this anymoRE~. just telling that was good, yes, but you sTI~ll diSO~beyed *You move around to bind his arms behind his back, scowling* you have been a very, very bad bull, i will be back shortly to deal with you *You sneer, alRE~ady moving off*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Don't need reason Don't need rhyme Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do
Amalia: *you are ama|ia megido and you wa†ched hook |eave †he †en† and wai†ed a minu†e before †urning back †o be|ica* wan† †o sneak off and save your pi†ch wi†h me?
Belica: *You glance over at your son who's now positioned himself over the still unconscious viral, puffed up like he dares anyBody to Bother either of them, then you look Back to Amalia.* yes, that is a thing that i would like to do. *You aren't sure how much you can do, But it Beats sitting around going crazy while you wait.*
Amalia: *you nod and move over †o a shee† of paper on a me†a| †ray nex† †o one of †he beds and pu|| a penci| ou† of your sy||adex. you draw a s†ick figure and a circ|e around †heir s†omach and shade i† in before wri†ing "be|ica" over i† and pu††ing i† on †he †ab|e be| was si††ing on* a|righ†, |e†'s go.
Belica: *You look down at the paper and nod in approval.* excellent. we'll Be in hell Before hook notices the difference. *You'll also Be in a different kind of hell if he catches you, so you move toward the exit.* do we need to talk to vin?
Amalia: we shou|d message her, yes. i †hink she's s†i|| in he|| †hough so we can mee† here †here. i'|| shoo† her a message †o |e† her know we're coming and we'|| fi|| her in on wha†'s going on in person. *you pu|| down your gogg|es and send your f|ush a message †ha† jus† reads "be| and i are coming †o he||, mee† us †here, we've go† an upda†e on haides and ar†ha†.". you send i† off and you mo†ion for be|ica †o fo||ow you, †he ho|e you wen† up ear|ier shou|d s†i|| be †here, you'|| |ead him †o †ha†.* †here's a spo† we can go †hrough a |i††|e ways in†o †he fores†, we'|| mee† vin on †he o†her side of †ha† one.
Belica: *You nod, following her.* ...and when we get there...what? you and vin try to convince haides to stop...whatever he's doing? *You don't want to try and imagine the specifics. You also don't want to see them, But that's possiBly unavoidaBle. If Arthat really is controlling Haides, then Haides isn't...entirely to Blame for whatever might Be happening, But you realize that's hard to rationalize when what you're faced with is your pitchmate Being hurt somehow. You are going to tell yourself to remain calm and not make the situation worse. She didn't have to offer to let you come along. You were going to try and insist anyway, But...still.*
Amalia: yes †ha†'s p|an a... p|an b wi|| pre††y much be vin and i ho|d haides in p|ace |ong enough for you †o ge† |oc|an ou† and away and we'|| †ry †o ge† him †o ca|m down. we're bo†h his quadran†s so hopefu||y we'|| be ab|e †o ge† him †o s†op... *you poin† a head of you †o a rock nex† †o a ho|e in †he ground* †ha†'s †he way in †here, i'|| f|oa† us down. *you |if† †he †wo of you up and f|oa† you over †o †he ho|e and down in†o †he underwor|d, †he sme|| of su|fer readi|y apparen† †o †he bo†h of you.*
Belica: *The last time you were down here, Loclan actually Brought you...and he was helping Haides. Yeah, you're pretty sure there's no way that this happened without Arthat's influence. What that means now, you'll deal with later. Your earfins prick up and you look around for Vin.*
Vinira: *You've... actually been taking a small break from the training, big plate armor and all, and you're paying much more attention when there are suddenly people in your line of vision coming down from the hole you've stuck near.* so does this count as meetin up with the two off you oar should i go awave and come back since i was alreedy here? *You stand up from where you were sitting as you speak and spot them, raising a hand slowly. ...You have a feeling that, this being relevant to an update.. it's probably not the time or place for jokes. ...So you pun, because you may be having trouble actually stopping them right now, but also because maybe it will lighten things a little bit. ...Maybe. Eh. You flick your earfins in greeting though*
Amalia: *you shake your head* no †ime. i'|| give you †he run down, †ha† conversa†ion where haides ran off whi|e †a|king †o sa|ixa? i† was †o kidnap |oc|an, ar†ha† se† i† up so we'd arrive for †he s†akeou† af†er he'd shown up. †he door was smashed down, fou| was knocked ou† and †here were signs of a magica| ba††|e and †he sme|| of su|fur. we †hink ar†ha† is using haides' †a|en†s a† †or†ure †o ex†rac† informa†ion from him. we need †o ge† †o wherever he's ho|ding |oc|an and ge† him ou†. soon.
Belica: *You flick your earfins in greeting.* soon as in like at least ten minutes ago kind of soon. *You flash an apologetic pattern Because this is the second time in a row you've shown up for Vin to help you save Loclan, But...there it is.*
Vinira: *You frown immediately. Yup. You start moving then, if time... eheh... is of the essence, you don't need to be standing around now do you?* then lets get movin, baitter to haff some ground covered instead off wadein, right? aboat how long ago, do you think, did this happen? can rule out places i've been to recently since i haven't sean him on my wave here oar anythin *...You cannot stop the puns. You flash a quick don't mention it to Bel and an apologetic one of your own. Since the whale pun, you can't stop. Maybe you have some form of pun backlog or something. Waterever. Oh fuck no, not even in your thoughts. Stop that.*
Amalia: i know where his †or†ure chamber is, or a† |eas† †he one he †augh† me in. i don'† know if he has more or no† bu† we'|| s†ar† †here. *you †hink* i† happened maybe an hour and a ha|f ago, maybe †wo. i'|| |ead †he way. *you f|oa† up and s†ar† †o make for haides' †or†ure chamber*
Belica: *You kind of appreciate the puns, since they make the situation slightly more ridiculous and distracting from what's...proBaBly actually happening. At least Amalia and Vin are level headed aBout this. You'll follow their lead for as long as you can, though you'll mostly manage that By refusing to let yourself imagine what's happening to your pitch. You follow after Amalia, letting Vin go ahead of you.*
Vinira: *You nod a bit and follow Amalia, flicking your earfins and musing for a ... safe... topic.* ...soarry aboat the sulffuric smell. i would cheer it up with lots off fflowers, but that's naut somethin i can do right now. isle make up ffoar it later by hand, i think. somethin to combat the sulffer *You are saying off the wall things and you're not sure why. Maybe in an effort to give... something nicer to think about rather than.. yeah that.*
Amalia: *you g|ance back over your shou|der a† your ma†espri†* vin who †urned your pun†ier back on? i †hough† we'd |os† a|| of †hose. *you say, a bi† of a smirk on your face despi†e †he si†ua†ion a† hand. i† isn'† †oo far †o haides' big... is i† a cas†|e? you're no† sure if i† qua|ifies as a cas†|e... you poin† a† i† anyway* †here. no† a |ong wa|k from here, we'|| be †here soon.
Haides: *The castle is as cold as every, the low fog clinging to the walls. The torture chamber with Amalia is empty other than a few ghosts in the cage. There is a spindly demon cleaning some of the devices, pausing to look up with his twenty beedy eyes all on his face with no apparent mouth...but a voice rasps out from the demon* The master is on the other side of the pool of kharybidis in the lower dungeons with his....guest. If that is who you seek.....*it points to a bridge over Haides growling lusus who had gotten a lot bigger, a proper guardian beast of the underworld. Lights are on leadin down into the belly of the dungeons *
Belica: *You look at the lusus, frowning.* do we get to cross the Bridge without it trying to eat us since you two are quadrants, or no?
Vinira: i turned it back on. swam to the bottom off the sea and dragged it right back up ffrom the ruins. soart off missed it *You grin a little but then you frown, flicking your earfins* naut actshoally shore, we'll just haff to wade and sea *You tilt your head* ebb and fflow it would make sense ffoar us to be abubble to, what makes sense lately? i'd say be prepared just in case
Amalia: †hank you. *you say †o †he demon wi†h a nod of your head before †urning †owards †he bridge and heading †owards i†* wors† case scenario i can f|y †he †hree of us away from i†, bu† hopefu||y i† knows no† †o a††ack us... *you s†ar† †o cross †he bridge, wa|king swif†|y bu† no† so fas† †ha† you're running or showing fear.*
Haides: *The dungeons are a bit warmer with the large brazier that are burning all down the hall, cells containing living victims line the opposite walls with half starveda nd tortured victims. At the far end the door is open and the smell of blood is thick in the air. Two large bloated demons with iron helmets and stuck full of chains and nails are guarding the door and then a shriek starts up again and the sizzling of a brand pressing into flesh*
Belica: *Your earfins flip forward, flashing at the noise, a low growl Building up in your throat. So much for calm aBout this. The guards don't look THAT impossiBle to take out...*
Vinira: *You follow Amalia slowly, looking around more and flattening your earfins. You're able to drop the puns for the moment, flashing something that's honestly much clamer than you feel. ...Damnit. Puns.* bel, do you want us to go ahead so you don't... haff to see anythin *You look over the two demons, flicking your earfins. ...You don't think you'd be able to control yourself if someone was torturing your pitch, ...regardless of the ability to put him in such a position meaning there'd not be much you could do. You give him an out though, so if he doesn't feel like he needs to see it, he won't have to* you can keep an eye out ffor anythin unexpected creepin on us *You offer, frowning and doing what you can to flash something you hope will help Bel.*
Amalia: we need †o see haides, s†and aside. *you command, |ooking up a† †he demons. your s†ance is se† and you are in no mood †o be denied. you are †he |ord of †he underwor|d's f|ush, †he dark mis†ress he ca||ed you. you are going †o make sure every ghos† knows †o fear you and you're no† going †o |e† a coup|e of demons ge† in your way.*
Belica: *You hesitate. You aren't sure you'll Be aBle to keep yourself from trying to pull him off of Loclan if you see him.* ...i'll...don't close the door. i'll wait here for...now. *You glare at the demons.*
Haides: *The demons just share an amused look but really don't get in the way, stepping aside to show Haides, in his full black armor and helmet making him look like some sort of demonic beast himself, stepping back and twirling a brand between his fingers casually. Loclan is trying to curl up, beaten blood, bones broken, the finger nails on one hand expertly removed and burned, the entire other hand is shattered neatly. Violet blood is splatteredo n the floor, on devices, and on Haides himself as he leans over the wizard* I'm sure there is MORE I can convince you to say.... *Loclan whimpers, shrinking back in obvious fear* I didst...didst tell thou evverything I knoww...! Please...! *Haides just sighs and pushes a crank on the side of the rack and Loclan screams as a cracking sound is heard as it stretches in nearly to a breaking point* NOT the answer I was waiting for....
Vinira: *You nod, giving him what winds up being an awkward half pat on the shoulder in some half formed attempt to ...what? Er.. you don't even know okay it just felt like what you needed to do* alright, we'll be back shortly *You take quick stock of what's going down, noting quietly that ...Does Loclan sound different? Something about his accent. You flick your earfins back at the scream, quietly moving so that you're.. slightly in the way of Bel actually getting into the room for the moment. Plans... plans... You take a moment to note that you're still in that plate armor, and you rather hope you won't actually need it. ...You don't have very high hopes* amalia, he didn't even invite you *...You're hoping she catches on. You're going to at least play at that you're not here to... rescue Loclan and more here to bother your pitch in case someone... you're not even going to think the name.. expected something like that. Paranoid? Probably. You frown and cross your arms.*
Amalia: no, wasn'† very considera†e was i†? *you say, ca†ching on quick|y †o wha† vin's up †o.* |ove, why are you †or†uring †he wizard anyway?
Haides: *Haides jolts then, blinking like he was just pulled out of some sort of daze, sort of staring at the half sobbing violet blood stretched out before him, at this angle it is clear to see ribs are broken, gill tortured was used, his body is more violet bruises than skin now.Ear fins singed...Haides straightens up* ....He had information he wasn't telling us....
Vinira: wouldn't that be more off a reason to invite amalia? *Information he wasn't telling? That's... not exactly a rarity among this group, honestly, but you don't say that. Information about what though? And isn't that to be expected, considering he played the game before...? It's not adding up. ...The very last time that was the case, something not adding up, there was something incredibly obvious that you needed to take into account. Is it the same case here? You go silent again, making a mental note that you may or may not have med kits which could help hold Loclan until you got him to someplace better and you should update those med kits for more situations. You keep your arms crossed*
Haides: Please have mercy...! I didst telleth thou evverything I didst knoww....! *Loclan is all but sobbing, broken mentally and emotionally. He's a wizard and he wasn't use to this level of physical pain. The duress of this has pushed him well beyond his limits. Haides just lets out a growl but has this half glazed over confused look on his face* .....No. Amalia wouldn't torture the wizard...had to get him alone, sensitive information...I can't even fucking remember what it was about!
Amalia: *you move over †owards haides, pu††ing a hand on his |eg and |ooking up a† him* haides †he wizard doesn'† know any†hing e|se, he isn'† a figh†er, he's squishy. any†hing you ge† from him a† †his poin† wou|d be fabrica†ed †o ge† you †o s†op hur†ing him and unre|iab|e. |e† him go, we'|| ge† him pa†ched up so he can s†i|| he|p agains† †he dragon. *you f|oa† up †o eye|eve| wi†h him* and i need †o borrow some pregnancy †es†s from him anyway. vin and i forgo† †o use a bucke† when †he †hree of us... we|| you know. *†his isn'† rea||y †he bes† †ime †o bring †his up bu† if i† wi|| pu|| him ou† of †his daze and focus on you †hen i†'s going †o be †he †opic of conversa†ion a† †he momen†.*
Vinira: *...Wait what? Oh right. Your bloodcolor tints your earfins. Yeah you did forget didn't you? Shit. Uh... You keep quiet though, other than a little nod to back Amalia and a flick of your earfins to try and maybe... get rid of some of the color on your earfins. Eheh..*
Belica: *You are ignoring the demons outside of the door now, claws digging into the frame to keep yourself from looking inside and losing what control you still have of yourself. You realize Loclan is actually fucking crying, though, and you can't deal with that anymore. He said you were the more patient of the two of you, and mayBe he was right, But you meant it when you told Karcin you weren't sure you'd have done anything differently if someone had Been hurting your pitch and this is Beyond what he attacked the Arthats for. You move into the room, and Vinira's keeping you from immediately launching yourself into the situation, But you can't stop yourself from growling, Bloodpusher leaping into your throat. The only thing that stops you from attacking Haides is the uncertainty that he wouldn't just kill Loclan. You try to focus on Loclan instead, moving close to the device, hissing.* get him out of this. he doesn't have anything else to fucking tell you. you don't even know why the shit you're doing this. *The authority in your tone would mean a lot...proBaBly to anyone But a tyrian of his size and power, But it's speak or try to rip his helmet off and feed him his own earfins, so you do what you can to remain calm, though your fists are clenched and you're very nearly shaking with the effort. You try to remind yourself that he's Been controlled somehow, But he's not ACTING like it, and you can't promise yourself you'll ask again.*
Haides: *Haides growls and lifts a hand, waving it about like swatting at a fly, pushing Amalia out of his face as he stalks around to the other side of the device to the array of tools from hammers to drills all coated in violet blood* ALL the wizards KNOW what the other wizards know...so he knows what the last loclan knows... it was information! I just...I had it written down....I....I don't remember where I put it! *He is growling more, agitated and pacing about, gnashing his teeth and pauses to just kick the device which has Loclan flinching and cringing away, desperately trying to appear smaller even as he is bound, what is leftof the earfins pinning back and his colors flashing ones of absolute agony, distress, and panic.* Not my fault about your pregnant crap....should've thought about protection!
Amalia: *you frown a |i††|e bu† s†ay f|oa†ing* haides †he |as† |oc|an is ascended, he's above god†ier, he'd be ab|e †o keep secre†s from his o†her se|ves. *you don'† wan† †his †o end in vio|ence you rea||y don'†, and you don'† need †o be a seer †o know be|ica is on edge and wi||ing †o a††ack a† †he drop of a ha† a† seeing his pi†ch |ike †his. you wou|d be †oo. bu† he wou|dn'† have done †his wi†hou† ar†ha† provoking him †o do so wi†h his |i††|e mind con†ro| game. wha†ever he's p|anning you don'† care anymore. you're going †o ki|| him yourse|f when †his is a|| over.* haides, |e† |oc|an go.
Vinira: *You figured it wouldn't be too much longer before Bel came into the room. You glance around briefly, looking for something that writing might be on, * ...perhaps you set it aside and it's under somthin? can look ffor it *You offer quietly, flicking your earfins back.* or did you fforget your big boy pants and you're goin say you don't need any help? *...If you annoy him, you and Amalia can keep his attention. Or something like that.*
Belica: *You grit your teeth when Haides ignores you, earfins flashing, Barely Biting Back murderous intent for this. If he's not going to acknowledge that you want your pitch free, you are going to just fucking take him. You aren't asking again. You have the strength and skill to kill something larger than you, though Haides' skill (and unnatural aBilities as well) means he's proBaBly more than a match, and while you have aBsolutely no qualms with taking on something with a clear advantage over you, unlike Loclan you do so strategically. You're too upset right now. There would Be no strategy...But you still can't do nothing any longer. You concentrate your rage on the machine instead, Breaking the crank and releasing the tension that was pulling Loclan nearly to the Breaking point, systematically snapping the Bonds with concentrated fury as you Begin to free your pitch. You waited long enough. Vinira and Amalia's new joB can Be to keep him from stopping you. If he tries to stop you, you'll fight him. For now you're going to Break this thing the fuck apart Because it's it or Haides or you. You pull Loclan free of the Bonds, holding him carefully and trying to mind the Broken...everything.*
Haides: *Haides earifns flash wide and rattle, giving a very angry shade of fuschia and he bares his teeth at Amalia, the air getting colder* JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FUCKING FLUSH DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN I'M ON A FUCKING LEASH FOR YOU, RUSTBLOOD!!!! *his temper is snapping now at being told what to do. He is rising to his full height, and the demons are ducking down and away* So don't you fucking go saying do this Haides, do that haides, let the wizard go Haides like it is an order!M AYBE YOU have Vinira princess over their whiped like your highblood on a leash to attack for you, but not ME. FLUSH is equal....and you fucking REMEMBER THAT BITCH FUCKING RUST!!!! *he turns when Belica starts to release Loclan, letting out a very low thrumming growl that seadwellers would pick up loud and clear, LOclan just immediantl curls up, avoiding any touching, even from his own pitch quaking in fear* AND WHAT are you doing!?
Amalia: *you f|inch a |i††|e when he ye||s a† you bu† you f|oa† †o †he f|oor submissive|y †o |e† him know you’re backing down, you don’† wan† †his †o end bad* yes f|ush is equa| haides, i’m sorry. i don'† WAN† you OR vinira on a |eash †ha† is NEVER wha† i wan†ed, a|| i wan† is for us a|| †o work †oge†her and ge† ou† of †his in some s†a†e of no† so u††er|y screwed up we can'† ac†ua||y func†ion if we ge† ou† of †his game a|ive.
Vinira: *Whipped? On a leash? The only real external clue you give to how that statement irks you is the flick of an earfin. ...You are the calm one in the situation and it's wierd. Someone needs to make it stop. You're half moving forward to move Amalia if she doesn't back down, well aware that this could end very badly, very quickly. But then she backs down and you just let out a little sigh, pinning your earfins back. And as a point you are doing very good not snarling in response to that growl, thank you. ...Okay this calm is fucking eerie and you don't like it. You tilt your head* gettin out is pretty much what everyone wants at this point. out and saffe and alive. *Your pan helpfully reminds you what Mordred said about everyone who hadn't won a game dying, which is mostly what you're referring to. You're pretty sure at least.*
Belica: *Your instinctive response to that is to Back off. You don't outrank him in any kind of situation...But seadweller hierarchy or not, he's not the Biggest or the strongest thing you'd Be willing to face to keep your family safe, and Loclan is your pitchmate and the father of your kit and the gruBs that...fuck everything, you are STILL trying to keep alive. You set him carefully down on the floor, tossing the rest of the restraints away as you fold yourself protectively over him in a half crouch. It's not really a secret to anyone that he's the dominant one Between the two of you in this kismesistude, But the reality is you're Bigger and stronger and it's not always his joB to stand up for you against all your fucking proBlems Because nothing he's fought for you has ever hurt you this Badly.* he doesn't have anything else to tell you, and you don't even rememBer what you wanted to know. if you rememBer later, nothing's stopping you from asking again. *Well, you would try But that's not the immediate now, at least. You're Loclan's pitchmate and he's Beyond Being aBle to speak for himself, so that leaves you if Haides won't let it go. You purposefully keep yourself from curling your lips to show your teeth, earfins half folded on themselves, rippling an acknowledgement of his status if not compliance to leave Loclan. You aren't trying to challenge him to a fight. If he doesn't let you leave with Loclan, you might have no choice, though.*
Haides: *Haides is snarling, his teeth glowing bright in the dark, eyes flashing and he is shaking, struggling between flying off the handle into a complete and utter rage or just turning and walking away* FINE! FUCKNG....! *The rest of his words trail into some other language as he turns and stalks off, not using the door...just kicking a hole in the wall and walking out. the demon guards move to look where their master went....as he kicks in another wall, just going in a straight line of destruction*
Amalia: *you |e† ou† a sigh mixed wi†h re|ief and exhuas†ion before †urning back †o be|ica* |e†'s ge† him †opside, you carry him and i'|| carry †he †hree of us so we go quicker.
Vinira: *You glance off in the way Haides went, frowning* ...so do you want me to ffollow him and see about clammin him down or at least distractin him or am i needed topside? *You glance to Bel first ...his quadrant, his choice, then to Amalia before looking back the way Hadies went with a long sigh*
Belica: *You nod, lifting Loclan carefully in your arms, ignoring the way he flinches like he doesn't even trust you not to hurt him. You can't Blame him right now. You'll deal with that once someone's helped him.* shhh, like i could ever actually hurt you, dumBass. you always win. come on. let's go see kel. *You look at Vin.* ...if you think talking to him would help him Blow off some steam or something, i think we've got it? there's medical on the Beach. *You don't want to fuck things up with another quadrant for her. She already stood up against Arthat for your sake.*
Amalia: i †hink... maybe jus† |e† him b|ow off some s†eam. he |ooked abou† ready †o f|y off †he hand|e. *you †urn away from †he ho|e and back †o †he †hree of †hem* ho|d †igh† i†'|| be a quick †rip. *you |if† †hem up, be|ica ho|ding |oc|an, and †hen f|oa† you ou† of †he dungeon as fas† as you can safe|y go and †hen back up †he ho|e in †he "roof" and †hen †owards †he beach and †he medica| †en†s*
Amalia: *you frown a |i††|e bu† s†ay f|oa†ing* haides †he |as† |oc|an is ascended, he's above god†ier, he'd be ab|e †o keep secre†s from his o†her se|ves. *you don'† wan† †his †o end in vio|ence you rea||y don'†, and you don'† need †o be a seer †o know be|ica is on edge and wi||ing †o a††ack a† †he drop of a ha† a† seeing his pi†ch |ike †his. you wou|d be †oo. bu† he wou|dn'† have done †his wi†hou† ar†ha† provoking him †o do so wi†h his |i††|e mind con†ro| game. wha†ever he's p|anning you don'† care anymore. you're going †o ki|| him yourse|f when †his is a|| over.* haides, |e† |oc|an go.
Vinira: *You figured it wouldn't be too much longer before Bel came into the room. You glance around briefly, looking for something that writing might be on, * ...perhaps you set it aside and it's under somthin? can look ffor it *You offer quietly, flicking your earfins back.* or did you fforget your big boy pants and you're goin say you don't need any help? *...If you annoy him, you and Amalia can keep his attention. Or something like that.*
Belica: *You grit your teeth when Haides ignores you, earfins flashing, Barely Biting Back murderous intent for this. If he's not going to acknowledge that you want your pitch free, you are going to just fucking take him. You aren't asking again. You have the strength and skill to kill something larger than you, though Haides' skill (and unnatural aBilities as well) means he's proBaBly more than a match, and while you have aBsolutely no qualms with taking on something with a clear advantage over you, unlike Loclan you do so strategically. You're too upset right now. There would Be no strategy...But you still can't do nothing any longer. You concentrate your rage on the machine instead, Breaking the crank and releasing the tension that was pulling Loclan nearly to the Breaking point, systematically snapping the Bonds with concentrated fury as you Begin to free your pitch. You waited long enough. Vinira and Amalia's new joB can Be to keep him from stopping you. If he tries to stop you, you'll fight him. For now you're going to Break this thing the fuck apart Because it's it or Haides or you. You pull Loclan free of the Bonds, holding him carefully and trying to mind the Broken...everything.*
Haides: *Haides earifns flash wide and rattle, giving a very angry shade of fuschia and he bares his teeth at Amalia, the air getting colder* JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FUCKING FLUSH DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN I'M ON A FUCKING LEASH FOR YOU, RUSTBLOOD!!!! *his temper is snapping now at being told what to do. He is rising to his full height, and the demons are ducking down and away* So don't you fucking go saying do this Haides, do that haides, let the wizard go Haides like it is an order!M AYBE YOU have Vinira princess over their whiped like your highblood on a leash to attack for you, but not ME. FLUSH is equal....and you fucking REMEMBER THAT BITCH FUCKING RUST!!!! *he turns when Belica starts to release Loclan, letting out a very low thrumming growl that seadwellers would pick up loud and clear, LOclan just immediantl curls up, avoiding any touching, even from his own pitch quaking in fear* AND WHAT are you doing!?
Amalia: *you f|inch a |i††|e when he ye||s a† you bu† you f|oa† †o †he f|oor submissive|y †o |e† him know you’re backing down, you don’† wan† †his †o end bad* yes f|ush is equa| haides, i’m sorry. i don'† WAN† you OR vinira on a |eash †ha† is NEVER wha† i wan†ed, a|| i wan† is for us a|| †o work †oge†her and ge† ou† of †his in some s†a†e of no† so u††er|y screwed up we can'† ac†ua||y func†ion if we ge† ou† of †his game a|ive.
Vinira: *Whipped? On a leash? The only real external clue you give to how that statement irks you is the flick of an earfin. ...You are the calm one in the situation and it's wierd. Someone needs to make it stop. You're half moving forward to move Amalia if she doesn't back down, well aware that this could end very badly, very quickly. But then she backs down and you just let out a little sigh, pinning your earfins back. And as a point you are doing very good not snarling in response to that growl, thank you. ...Okay this calm is fucking eerie and you don't like it. You tilt your head* gettin out is pretty much what everyone wants at this point. out and saffe and alive. *Your pan helpfully reminds you what Mordred said about everyone who hadn't won a game dying, which is mostly what you're referring to. You're pretty sure at least.*
Belica: *Your instinctive response to that is to Back off. You don't outrank him in any kind of situation...But seadweller hierarchy or not, he's not the Biggest or the strongest thing you'd Be willing to face to keep your family safe, and Loclan is your pitchmate and the father of your kit and the gruBs that...fuck everything, you are STILL trying to keep alive. You set him carefully down on the floor, tossing the rest of the restraints away as you fold yourself protectively over him in a half crouch. It's not really a secret to anyone that he's the dominant one Between the two of you in this kismesistude, But the reality is you're Bigger and stronger and it's not always his joB to stand up for you against all your fucking proBlems Because nothing he's fought for you has ever hurt you this Badly.* he doesn't have anything else to tell you, and you don't even rememBer what you wanted to know. if you rememBer later, nothing's stopping you from asking again. *Well, you would try But that's not the immediate now, at least. You're Loclan's pitchmate and he's Beyond Being aBle to speak for himself, so that leaves you if Haides won't let it go. You purposefully keep yourself from curling your lips to show your teeth, earfins half folded on themselves, rippling an acknowledgement of his status if not compliance to leave Loclan. You aren't trying to challenge him to a fight. If he doesn't let you leave with Loclan, you might have no choice, though.*
Haides: *Haides is snarling, his teeth glowing bright in the dark, eyes flashing and he is shaking, struggling between flying off the handle into a complete and utter rage or just turning and walking away* FINE! FUCKNG....! *The rest of his words trail into some other language as he turns and stalks off, not using the door...just kicking a hole in the wall and walking out. the demon guards move to look where their master went....as he kicks in another wall, just going in a straight line of destruction*
Amalia: *you |e† ou† a sigh mixed wi†h re|ief and exhuas†ion before †urning back †o be|ica* |e†'s ge† him †opside, you carry him and i'|| carry †he †hree of us so we go quicker.
Vinira: *You glance off in the way Haides went, frowning* ...so do you want me to ffollow him and see about clammin him down or at least distractin him or am i needed topside? *You glance to Bel first ...his quadrant, his choice, then to Amalia before looking back the way Hadies went with a long sigh*
Belica: *You nod, lifting Loclan carefully in your arms, ignoring the way he flinches like he doesn't even trust you not to hurt him. You can't Blame him right now. You'll deal with that once someone's helped him.* shhh, like i could ever actually hurt you, dumBass. you always win. come on. let's go see kel. *You look at Vin.* ...if you think talking to him would help him Blow off some steam or something, i think we've got it? there's medical on the Beach. *You don't want to fuck things up with another quadrant for her. She already stood up against Arthat for your sake.*
Amalia: i †hink... maybe jus† |e† him b|ow off some s†eam. he |ooked abou† ready †o f|y off †he hand|e. *you †urn away from †he ho|e and back †o †he †hree of †hem* ho|d †igh† i†'|| be a quick †rip. *you |if† †hem up, be|ica ho|ding |oc|an, and †hen f|oa† you ou† of †he dungeon as fas† as you can safe|y go and †hen back up †he ho|e in †he "roof" and †hen †owards †he beach and †he medica| †en†s*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Hit me with your Best Shot
Vinira: *You are Vinira and you've still got your eyes closed. ...You may have done a sort of... plant thing and found a source of light and.. er... climbed up through a hole in the ceiling once you'd managed to tie off some ropes and get a lasso working. ...What?? You needed a change of scenery. So you're still training, actually still laughing and spinning as you go, blades slicing through the air as sure as your own steps. They are an extension of your body, and as you flow, so do they, it's different from your spear, and you keep switching. You switch from the two blades to you Highwind spear mid strike, then back as you're spinning away, combining the blades at the hilt to the double ended spear and thrusting forward with a laughed HAH!. You're moving still, switching weapons randomly as you go. You fumble once, cursing and switching weapons again to repeat the stab-slice-switch-twirl-thrust pattern that you fumbled from the beginning.*
Iccona: :o)> *Th3 m0v3m3nt catch3s y0Ur p3riph3ral visi0n jUst b3f0r3 y0Ur 3y3sight f0cUs3s 0n th3 blad3 swinging at y0Ur pan. Th3 r3acti0n y0U giv3 is aUt0matic, and t0 c0nn3ct th3 w3ap0n t0 its 0wn3r a s3c0nd t00 lat3 t0 pUll y0Ur STR3NGTH. Y0Ur knUckl3s c0nn3ct with th3 m3tal and it shatt3rs lik3 s0 mUch glass Und3r y0Ur fUll f0rc3 with a thUnd3r0Us b00m. Y0Ur 3y3s g0 wid3 as y0U s33 h3r and y0Ur c0ntr0l 0n y0Ur lights slips in y0Ur stat3 0f sh0ck, flashing s0m3 half-f0rm3d th0Ught ab0Ut fighting, as y0U trip 0ff y0Ur b0ard in th3 m0m3ntUm 0f y0Ur m0v3m3nt plUs th3 add3d w3ight 0f y0Ur grUbs thr0wing 0ff y0Ur c3nt3r 0f gravity. Y0U r3c0v3r, 0f c0Urs3, and y0Ur b0ard sc00ts t0 th3 sid3 b3f0r3 pl0pping t0 th3 gr0Und n0w that th3 igniti0n is cUt. Y0Ur 0th3r fist is Up and d3f3nding y0Ur fac3 3v3n b3f0r3 y0U r3aliz3 what y0U'r3 d0ing.*
Vinira: *So when your spear (it was a normal one, you note) suddenly shatters, you flash something angry and aggressive the very second it happens, opening your eyes with a low growl. You catch the half formed thought and mention of fighting more than the appearance of the person, and you're switching weapons and flaring as you lunge for whatever fool decided to come up on you while you were training. You don't speak, aside from the aggressive patterns flickering over your flared earfins and the rest of your body, just bring another spear towards the person your pan is - on some level - still insisting you know and should stop before things happen badly.*
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U flash back at h3r, bUt th3n sh3's aggr3ssing y0U, and all y0U can d0 is fight back. Y0U d0n't shatt3r this 0n3 0n th3 first hit th0Ugh. Wh3n sh3 thrUsts, y0U r0ll y0Ur fist t0 pUsh th3 sp3ar 0ff-targ3t, th3n flip qUickly t0 grab th3 shaft, snapping th3 p0l3 and dragging h3r cl0s3r t0 slam y0Ur 0th3r fist int0 h3r jaw. Y0U ar3n't fighting at fUll-f0rc3, y0U d0n't want t0 actUally hUrt h3r, bUt it's starting t0 s33m lik3 sh3 d03sn't 3v3n r3c0gniz3 y0U. Did Arthat pan-wash h3r?? S0m3 c0ld slith3ring bUlg3 c0ils in y0Ur gUts, and n0 l0gic y0U can drUm Up will c0Unt3r it. Sh3 was his m0irail aft3r all.*
Vinira: *So when your spear is being pushed off target, you're already shifting your weight to compensate for that and when the pole of it is snapped, you're twisting to jab the rest of it through whatever's attacking you. ...So the fist to your jaw is both a surprise and a lucky stroke because it sends your aim wide and the shaft of the spear goes wide. You growl, a low, deep and feral one bordering on turning into a roar, and swap weapons. Another normal spear this time, this thing keeps breaking them so you'll swap when it leasts expects it and shred the fuck out of it. But normal spear this time. ....You were training, so you should be closer to going all out than you are, but that same part of your pan that is insisting you take a moment to recognize the person is keeping you from going all out. ...If it was someone you knew and flashing at you about fighting after shattering one of your weapons... well then they're probably not on your side now are they?*
Iccona: :o)> *An0th3r sp3ar?! And sh3 was y3lling at y0U ab0Ut 0nly Using 0n3 w3ap0n. Sh33sh. Y0U answ3r h3r gr0wl with 0n3 0f y0Ur 0wn, d33p and thr0aty, m0r3 wild m30wb3ast than h3r aqUatic v3rsi0n. Y0U sid3-st3p, spinning in a way that pUts y0Ur back t0 h3r f0r a m0m3nt whil3 y0U haUl h3r 0v3r y0Ur sh0Uld3r Using h3r 0wn f0rward thrUst t0 kn0ck h3r w3ight 0ff. Y0U kn0w sh3'll b3 back 0n h3r f33t b3f0r3 y0U can r3ally blink, s0 y0U tak3 th3 nan0s3c0nd 0f h3r r3c0v3ry t0 3qUip y0Ur gl0v3s. Th3r3 isn't 3n0Ugh tim3 t0 charg3 y0Ur b0w, bUt y0U hav3 a m0r3 f0cUs3d pUnch with th3 m3tal c0ntact plat3s 0v3r y0Ur knUckl3s.*
Vinira: *You actually twist and land on your feet, springing up in an apparently blind charge with a snarl that builds into an honest to cod bellowing roar. Apparently blind because at the last moment you spin and drop a second spear from your sylladex, so you're bringing them in together both high and low. ...If it was anyone you knew was on your side, you'd be tamping down the agressive and dominant flashes over your body, but despite that stubborn part of your pan (come on now, they interrupted your training, shattered your spear, flashed a challenge and now they're fucking growling! That part of your pan is obviously working on a lower tempo than the rest of you, it's a threat and that part of your pan should stop making you hold back) you're pretty sure it's not*
Iccona: :o)> *A charg3 n0w? Fin3, if it's a fight sh3 wants, it's a fight sh3'll g3t. Y0U r0ar back at h3r, daring h3r t0 bring it 0n, and y0Ur knUckl3s crackl3 with th3 3l3ctricity bUilding in th3 c0ntact plat3s. Y0U dUck th3 Upp3r sp3ar by smashing th3 l0w3r 0n3's h3ad, th3n piv0ting 0n y0Ur knUckl3s bring y0Ur right h33l Up t0 slam against th3 sp3ar y0U dUck3d, 0nly t0 f0ll0w thr0Ugh that m0ti0n with a twist 0f y0Ur hips t0 bring y0Ur l3ft f00t 0ff th3 gr0Und aim3d f0r h3r sh0Uld3r.*
Vinira: *The roar in return... well you roar again, challenge flashing over you. You were the heiress for quite some time, it's an ingrained response to fight to kill anything that challenges you by this point. It flashed earlier, so it's probably a seadweller and now it's roaring at you? You laugh, earfins pinned back. Yeah no, you don't take challenges like that well. Never have. So you flip the lower spear (more of a staff now, isn't it? Eh, oh well) to jab it towards the shoulder of this enemy where it won't take much effort to ruin gills as your upper spear is slammed against with force that you roll with, letting it spin from the force and flipping it to bring it down head first with your own force added to the momentum. You wind up twisting away from the hit, flicking your spears to compensate for your movement. You have no interest in taking a hit from this thing if it can shatter your spears.* this isn't goin end well ffor you *You hiss the words, agression and dominance threading through them as sure as the same things flashing all over you*
Iccona: :o)> Th3n... *Y0U hUff a littl3 as y0U catch th3 sp3ar 0n y0Ur bad sh0Uld3r and trap it with y0Ur jaw. A j3rk 0f y0Ur th0ra% snaps th3 shaft and th3 w00d falls away.* It's a g00d day t0 di3, Imp3ri0Usn3ss. *Y0U'r3 grinning, sadly, and y3t, n0t. B3caUs3 if sh3 kills y0U, sh3'll b3 t0rn Up insid3, bUt y0U'll kn0w Arthat f0ll0w3d thr0Ugh with y0Ur r3qU3st. Th3 sp3arh3ad slic3s thr0Ugh y0Ur shirt at th3 sh0Uld3r, bringing a lin3 0f indig0 t0 th3 sUrfac3 0f y0Ur skin. Y0Ur bl00d is s0 d33p blU3 it's alm0st pUrpl3, s0m3thing that pr0bably sh0Uld hav3 clU3d y0U in t0 y0Ur anc3stry l0ng b3f0r3 y0U l3arn3d ab0Ut it r3ally. BUt right n0w y0U hav3 t0 f0cUs 0n 0th3r things, nam3ly th3 way that sh3's l3ft h3r sid3 wid3 0p3n t0 y0Ur l3ft fist by jamming that sp3ar at y0U. S0, y0U tak3 advantag3 0f it, making sUr3 t0 aim l0w3r than h3r gills.*
Vinira: *...Imperiousness? Good day to die? Those aren't... things that challengers say. You hesitate, and that's enough for you to get hit. ...Lower than your gills. Which is also not a challenger thing. Challengers would go for your gills to incapacitate you. So this either isn't one, or it's a damn good one trying to make you lower your guard. Either way, you hiss and spin away, putting distance between you and them and giving a confused look, pushing that emotion to flash through as well. You look, for all the world, like you've let down your guard. Even your grip on the spear and the even more broken spear shaft is loose. This isn't adding up. You blink a little, flicking your earfins. Something's off, odd, you've made a mistake somewhere but you'll be damned if you let that stop you. You need more information. You also need for your pan to go less KILL THE MOTHERFUCKING CHALLENGER and more "figure out why this feels off and fix it", but that's a work in progess. You know the voice. You know you do. You know it somewhat recently. Flashing at you.. somewhat recently? ...Haid-no. The color is off. Okay so it's less of an acting confused and more of an actual one this time because you're battling a fighting high and instinct to kill a challenger while trying to figure out why this isn't adding up.*
Iccona: :o)> *Wh3n sh3 backs 0ff y0U giv3 h3r spac3, bUt y0U k33p y0Ur 0wn gUard Up, b0Uncing 0n y0Ur t03s a bit--and ign0ring th3 ass0ciati0ns with th3 m0v3m3nt that mak3 y0Ur pUmp biscUit twing3 painfUlly--t0 b3 r3ady f0r h3r n3%t hit. It's giving y0U tim3 th0Ugh, which w0Uld b3 a stUpid m0v3 if sh3 was r3ally trying t0 kill y0U. B3caUs3 th3 faint hUm 0f 3l3ctricity in y0Ur gl0v3s is r3aching ma% amplitUd3, a s0Und y0Ur 3ars ar3 l0ng-train3d t0 pick Up, b3caUs3 it m3ans if sh3 is pan-wash3d, and trying t0 kill y0U, y0U can draw y0Ur b0w 0n h3r b3f0r3 sh3 cr0ss3s th3 distanc3 b3tw33n y0U again. And f0r all that y0U d0n't want t0, sh3 is y0Ur c0mrad3 in arms aft3r all, y0U will if y0U hav3 t0, b3caUs3 y0U w0n't g0 d0wn 3asy, 3v3n if y0U ar3 tir3d 0f living in a w0rld wh3r3 th3 0nly c0nstant is d3ath. Y0Ur 0wn patt3rn flick3rs s0m3thing t0 th3 3ff3ct 0f 'what's wr0ng'.*
Vinira: *You start to move, more like a circling shark than anything else, swapping to your still combined dual blade and spinning it in one hand. ...Asking what's wrong? Like you're going to fall for that shit. Your eyes are narrowed, earfins pinned back. Finally that part of your pan connects and you recognize who exactly it is that you're circling and... well have been attacking for a while. You don't give any outward indication of having made the realization and still you circle, putting together the strength with how your spears were shattered but that really leaves the question of why the ever loving FUCK she shattered your first spear. So you growl again, rather than speak, spinning the weapon as you circle. Is she still on your side? Has something happened, turned her against you? With the way things have been lately, you wouldn't be surprised. It might not even actually BE her. You're not letting down your guard and you're not backing off... which is a combination of paranoia and instinct screaming that it's a fucking challenger and a threat and you need to ficking KRILL THE MOTHERFFUCKER before you end up dead for your hesitation honestly.*
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U m0v3 with h3r, again stamping d0wn h0w th3 m0v3m3nts hUrt s0m3wh3r3 d33p insid3. Y0Ur hands crackl3 again, a spark jUmping fr0m fist t0 fist, as y0U bring y0Ur thUmb Up t0 wip3 th3 y0Ur m0Uth. Y0Ur lights flash s0m3thing slightly taUnting bUt n0t chall3nging, and y0U'r3 gr0wling a littl3 in r3sp0ns3 t0 h3r. It's n0t as l0Ud, m0r3 0f a d3f3nsiv3 gr0wl, than an 0ff3nsiv3 0n3. All instinct against what y0U mist00k f0r an attack, 0r at l3ast y0U h0p3 y0U mad3 a mistak3 with that first c0nn3cti0n.*
Vinira: *...Shit. Are you really? Did you really? ... You stop short, easing your posture and flicking your earfins forward in a... sheepish hello as you calm the flashing* ....so, hey *You tense a bit at the taunt, but you're not going to rush blindly forward at it. You're not as stupid as some like to think. ...Despite currently outstanding evidence because OH COD did you really...?*
Iccona: :o)> Hay. *Y0U grin at h3r, flashing th3 it's 0kay in ab0Ut as many diff3r3nt ways as y0Ur b0dy can pr0dUc3.* Y0U w3r3 all caUght Up in y0Ur pan, I think. Didn't 3v3n s33 m3 c0min'. S0 I swUng 0n instinct...pr0b'bly hard3r than I sh0Uld'v3. *Y0U stand d0wn m0st 0f th3 r3st 0f th3 way, n0t r3ally l0sing y0Ur fighting stanc3 in cas3 sh3 wants t0 g3t back int0 it, bUt y0U flick th3 3l3ctricity 0Ut and away thr0Ugh th3 gr0Unding plat3s in y0Ur b00ts.*
Vinira: ...yeah i wasn't... reelly payin attention to what was goin on around me. prawnbabubbly would haff been a reel good ffuckin idea to do that beffoare gettin caught up in thins. *Might've... been a good idea to have your eyes open while you trained. You give her a sheepish smile before you really spot the line of indigo on her shoulder and oh fuck you did that didn't you?* ...would've caught on quicker but instinct was screamin at me that you were a challenger, caught somethin aboat ffightin and didn't... conchestly think it all the wave through *You're... really sheepish right now, holy fuck.*
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U f0ll0w h3r lin3 0f sight and that's wh3n y0U catch th3 scratch. Y0U shrUg, wiping at it with y0Ur 0pp0sit3 hand.* It happ3ns. 3sp3cially wh3n g3ttin' y0Ur tr0t 0n thr0Ugh th3 f0r3st lik3 this, n0t 3%p3ctin' a m0th3rfUck3r t0 Up and app3ar 0Utta n0wh3r3.
Vinira: ...crawled through a hole in the ceilin off the underwoarld. needed a change in scenery *You shrug a little bit, dropping a med kit from your sylladex and holding it out for her* may be just a scratch, but is's prawnbabubbly baitter to take care off it beffoare it's got a chance to get woarse, no? *You flick your earfins, relieved that she's not angry with you for... well for basically attacking her without much reason other than instinct. Geeze, that was idiotic.*
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U tak3 it, Un3qUipping y0Ur gl0v3s and p33ling th3 fabric away s0 y0U can cl3an th3 cUt. It's n0t r3ally d33p 3n0Ugh t0 n33d 3v3n stitch3s, s0 y0U jUst pUt a pi3c3 0f tap3 0v3r it 0nc3 y0U'r3 d0n3.* N0 w0rri3s. What had y0U s0 d33p in th0Ught anyway? *Y0U hand th3 kit back, flashing thanks at h3r.*
Vinira: *You're quiet while she cleans the cut, taking the kit back and sticking it back in your sylladex with a flashed you're welcome* haven't reelly trained since beffoare the whole war thin and iff we're goin to fface offff against a suped up dragon, i want to be in my best shape 's all *Well that and what you were imagining, but shush.* what brins you out here? ...whereever here happens to be because i soart off don't haff a motherffuckin clue
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U p0int 0v3r back th3 way y0U cam3.* S0l and D0m's hiv3 is that way. Th3 b3ach is that way, *y0U r3v3rs3 y0Ur p0int,* and I'm Up and 0n my way t0 m33t my 0th3r br0th3r at H00k's m3d t3nt. H3's a sUrg30n, s0 h3's willin' t0 g3t his h3lp 0n f0r aft3r th3 fight.
Vinira: ...otter brotter? *You tilt your head. So not Bel, because Bel's not a surgeon for one. ...Hey wait you never learned the last name of the blueblood you were going to help Melies look for, is it possible...? You're not sure, and you're not going to assume. Good to know locations from here though. You're not quite as lost then.*
Iccona: :o)> His nam3's Grimmi. H3 was part 0f C0ssak and L0c's s3ssi0n. *Y0U'r3 kind 0f glad h3 mad3 it, 3v3n th0Ugh y0U ar3n't that cl0s3 t0 him y3t. Y0U want t0 b3 th0Ugh, 3sp3cially n0w that y0U kn0w M0rdr3d d03sn't 3v3n r3ally s33m t0 b3 th3 abs0lUt3 big bad y0U th0Ught h3 was. Aft3r all, h0w can y0U blam3 Grimmi f0r his crUsh, wh3n y0U hav3 y0Ur 0wn Unr3qUit3d 0n3. That's a s0b3ring th0Ught and y0Ur 3y3br0ws pinch b3f0r3 y0U sch00l y0Urs3lf t0 ign0r3 it.*
Vinira: ! *Your earfins perk up in surprise* i was goin to go look ffoar him with melies later, it's good to hear that he made it out okay *You put your weapons up finally, pulling out a palm husk to fire off a message to Melies that Grimmi was found by Iccona. You figure you should let him know as soon as you found out, after all.*
Iccona: :o)> 0h...whal3, s0m3p0ny sh0Uld'v3 Up and l3t a m0th3rfUck3r kn0w, I'v3 g0t his handl3 0n my Tr0llian. I c0Uld'v3 m3ssag3d him s00n3r if I'd kn0w flUk3s w3r3 l00kin' f0r him. *Y0U als0 pUll 0Ut y0Ur palmhUsk t0 s3nd a m3ssag3 t0 Grimmi ab0Ut that, b3caUs3 th3 p00r f3ll0w was s0 c3rtain that n0b0dy r3m3mb3r3d him, and h3 d3s3rv3s t0 kn0w that h3 wasn't f0rg0tt3n by m0r3 than jUst y0U.*
Vinira: i didn't even know iff anemone had his handle, otterwise i shore would haff *You grin a little, glad even if you don't know Melies outside of a conversation and you're not sure you're familiar with Grimmi. It's a nice turn of events*
Iccona: :o)> S0...I h3rd 0f a trainin' thing g0in' 0n s0m3wh3r3 Up n0rth. Karcin's s'p0s3d t0 b3 0rganizin' it? *Y0U'r3 still a littl3 s0r3 ab0Ut th3m sw00ping in and st3aling y0Ur thUnd3r ab0Ut all 0f this. It isn't lik3 y0U want3d t0 b3 l3ad3r, bUt th3 l3ast th3y c0Uld d0 was giv3 y0U cr3dit f0r b3ing th3 first 0n3 t0 Up and talk ab0Ut it.*
Vinira: ... *This is the first you're hearing of that. You thought everyone was going to train in that clearing? So you...er.. wind up growling just a bit when that's mentioned* huh, okay. prawnbabubbly should head back below ground and make shore my pitch and my fflush are ready to head up that way *You don't want to be gone too long in case they go looking for you anyway, you don't really feel like being kidnapped again as is*
Iccona: :o)> Y3ah, n0, that's what I fUckin' figUr3d. *And it spills fr0m y0U, what y0U'v3 l3arn3d fr0m Karcin and Arthat, and h0w th3y UsUrp3d what is 3ss3ntially H3R g0g-giv3n right as l3ad3r. By th3 3nd 0f it y0U'r3 gr0wling and flashing y0Ur ang3r at th3 sitUati0n with an Und3rcUrr3nt 0f 'what d0 w3 d0 ab0Ut it'.*
Vinira: reeffuse to be fflustered *You grin a bit, boy you weren't sure you could do non-smirk-at-you-pitch sort of grins much anymore, but hey look here you are. Getting flustered and angry means you won't see things clearly, so you don't. ...There's a twinge when your pan supplies that you not thinking clearly means they win, and realizing that that they includes... Arthats. Nnng. Maybe the new location has better equipment or some such. Better equipment would be good. And you don't have to worry about the widescale destruction that was caused by godteir powers. But damn it all this group needs better fucking communication and you... still need to chew him out about the end of the world memo. It'll be more embaressing if you pull that on his home turf, so his loss. Oh well. Okay so maybe you're a vindictive troll. Hush.*
Iccona: :o)> Y3s, 3mpr3ss. *Y0U salUt3 h3r, if 0nly t0 c0mpl3t3 th3 ritUal 0f giving y0Ur r3p0rt. Th3n y0U dr0p th3 pr0f3ssi0nalism and grit y0Ur t33th a bit.* BUt, Vin, h0w th3 m0th3r fUck ar3 w3 g0nna h00f it Up th3r3? N0rth m3ans sn0w. Which, as if it wasn't 0bvi0Us, m3ans anyb0dy c0ld3r than fUcking 0liv3 can't sUrviv3. W3 g0 Up th3r3, w3'r3 walkin' right int0 th3ir fUckin' trap. Th3y c0Uld pick Us 0ff with0Ut 3v3n n33din' t0 rais3 a claw t0 Us. All th3y g0tta d0 is s3al Us in s0m3wh3r3. W3'll starv3 and fr33z3 b3f0r3 anyb0dy c0Uld Up and d0 anyfin. 3v3n Sal can't stand it f0r l0ng.
Vinira: we bundle the ffuck up. just anotter challenge to fface and beat *You gesture at your fullest, bulkiest set of armor as you realize that's what you've had on the whole time.* and iff they expect us to be easea pikeins ffoar a simple set off traps like that, they got anotter thin comin anywaves. *And if this training area doesn't have any way to compensate for how a good chunk of the team can't handle the cold, then you're going to demand an explaination and if it's not satisfactory... there's going to be a problem.*
Iccona: :o)> *Y0U n0d, sharp and d3cisiv3. N0 matt3r what 3ls3 happ3ns, y0U sw0r3 y0Ur f3alty t0 h3r. Y3s, sh3's y0Ur fri3nd, and y0Ur c0mrad3 in arms, bUt sh3's als0 y0Ur 3mpr3ss, wh3th3r sh3 ackn0wl3dg3s that part 0r n0t.* P3rhaps M3li3s, L0c, 0r Grimmi hav3 s0m3 m0th3rfUckin' id3a 0f h0w t0 d3al with it. *Y0U walk 0v3r t0 y0Ur b0ard and pick it Up.* S0, want t0 h3ad back t0 th3 b3ach with m3, 0r ar3 y0U g0nna Up and train s0m3 m0r3?
Vinira: be good to check with them, i'm headin to train some moor. i've been... slackin *Less slacking and more afraid of the missing gap in your dance, but you're pushing past that anyway at this point so hah.* let me know iff they haff anythin to kelp out?
Iccona: :o)> Mind if I track y0U d0wn aft3r I'm d0n3 Up and intr0dUcin' Grim t0 H00k? F0r all that w3...Uh...didn't m3an t0 g3t 0Ur spar 0n, that was fUn. *Y0U grin at h3r, starting Up y0Ur b0ard with th3 click 0f y0Ur h33l.*
Vinira: heh, sounds like a plan. ...yeah it was ffun, might be moor ffun iff it's on porpoise next time, no? *You chuckle some. You're... always up for a good spar, and that was a good one. You move to collect the ruins of the few spears she shattered or snapped, stashing them away in case you need them for some reason or another later. ...what? It's a totally legitimate thought!*
Iccona: :o)> Sh0r3! Catch y0U lat3r th3n, Vin! *Y0U shift y0Ur h33l again and r0ck3t 0ff in th3 dir3cti0n 0f th3 b3ach, grinning this tim3 f0r th3 plans y0U'v3 mad3, and th3 faith y0U hav3 in y0Ur...w3ll, Vin.*
Vinira: *You wave off as she leaves, heading back down to the underworld through the hole. You managed not to lose that. You are proud of that.*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Renewed shall be blade that was broken
You’ve been training. Fullstop, training. Since the moment you felt the godteir powers go away. Which is why you wandered off to what you’re pretty sure is at least a not commonly occupied part of the underworld. You’re currently in your favorite set of armor and spinning your dual blades through the air.
…You’re doing it again. Imaging a totally different scenario in your pan than the reality.  You’re actually... smiling as you train with your eyes closed tightly. Physically, you’re training all on your own. The dance that is your fighting style is somewhat dulled – you’ve gone far too long without doing this – but it’s sharpening as you go, like a well-oiled machine. Physically your dance is as it has always been, if faster and more controlled over time thanks to your …once constant training. Mentally… well when you started training you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing from your dance. It’s the same dance but you know what the feeling is. Someone came along who fit in perfectly, completed the dance and let you know that there was something missing from what you’d always thought was good on its own. And the complete dance had felt so right… so perfect… before your partner was ripped away. And you hadn’t wanted to dance again after that. You knew you’d feel the gap that you’d never noticed before.
  And you were right. It felt like a great gaping hole that left you staggering midstep and a name on your lips that you haven’t let yourself say. You don’t let yourself call out for him. He won’t respond. It’s impossible.  And you keep replaying… that moment… in your mind, seeing it over and over. You’re… frankly you’ve realized you’re obsessing over it. So you throw yourself harder and faster into your training. You have to admit that part of the reason you got the new weapons was because you’d wanted to impress him. And for a moment you can’t decide if your pan is rewarding you or torturing you when you remember the sound of his purr and how he called the way you’d split the double edged spear into dual blades badass. …And he’s not around for you to want to impress anymore. You’d… always trained with the purpose of making yourself feel like you mattered. So you were better, so you could one day protect what mattered to you.
  It was different, special, wanting to learn more and more because you wanted to impress someone. To have a drive that wasn’t your own compulsions. It was… heh, you may actually be a Disney princess because it was magical beyond all belief to fight with him at your side. You defended yourself because you knew he wasn’t going to have any injuries at the end of it all so you wanted to come out the same way. You wanted to be covered in your enemy’s blood, panting and smiling because he was right there and he’d fought right beside you and it was …just… so… right...
  It’s… not the same. Even in your mind.  Amalia’s a long range fighter. You flush her beyond all belief. That’s not something that’s changed.  But you meant it when you said the feeling was different. You can’t explain it still… but it’s not important anymore now is it? The image is crooked when you imagine Haides at your side. It’s different. Not… what it was.
  And that was what drove you to improve. To do better. Even if you hadn’t seen him in a while. Ever since that siege. … You sure fell hard didn’t you? You fell hard and fast but at the bottom of the waterfall wasn’t Upendi but rocks. And you’re trying. You are TRYING so hard to pick up what was dashed across them.  How can you impress someone that isn’t… alive anymore? Your breath hitches, your steps catch and you stumble, leaning against the wall.  You have never had such trouble while you were training before. You can’t. You can’t impress the dead.
  And it hurts. It hurts on a level deeper than when Neffel cut off all contact with you. Deeper than when you had to finish off your lusus. You throw yourself harder into your training, gritting your teeth. There are silent tears sliding down your face. You keep shying away from these thoughts. You keep hiding from them because they’ll hurt. And you know they will. But you’re tired of running from them. You have faced down monsters more than six times your size without fear! You’re still not afraid of the dragon even with the knowledge of how it’s been powered up.
  …So why are you so afraid to think along this line of thought? Is it because you feel like… if you accept what happened… you’ll be letting him down somehow?  No. The Vin you were with him was fearless. You force yourself to face them, aware of how it hurts and pushing yourself. You have to do this.
  You make a soft little sound, sinking to the ground. Why is it so hard to want to go on now?  You were fine alone for so long. You don’t… you don’t need validation from another. So why is …why does it hurt so badly? You hiccup and wipe your face, earfins drooping. You’re useful to no one like this. You’re useless. Weak. …
…Depressed. You finally allowed yourself to have a dream. A selfish selfish dream and you curl into a little armored ball. You’re crying again. …It doesn’t… hurt as much while you’re wearing armor. You force yourself to uncurl and you swap to one of your heaviest sets of armor.
  You’re safe as long as you’re in armor. You’re always safe when you’re in armor.  Nothing can hurt you emotionally when you’re in armor and physically as long as you’re careful, nothing can hurt you then either. You’re… heh… invincible in a way. And that word hurts too because it sends your pan winging on a thought to Arthats and…
  You throw yourself back into training, gritting your teeth and growling. In your mind’s eye… he’s there. Completing your dance. Right there with you. Smiling and laughing. Purring and impressed. And it both hurts and makes you realize something.
  …You can’t impress the dead. You can’t ride a hoofbeast with or fight alongside the dead.  You… can’t hear the dead purr. You can’t make the dead smile. You can’t… feel like everything is right around someone when they’re dead. You can’t dare to dream of having a family w-with the dead. There are so many things you can’t do…
  And there are so few you can. You can wish that they weren’t dead. But that just traps you in the past. And…  you can’t stay in the past. No matter how much less it hurts. You can… try to cope.  You’re trying. You’re trying. You stop, wrapping your arms around yourself.  For a moment you can fool yourself into thinking he’s there, that he’s got you in his arms and it’s all going to be okay. This is just a long dayterror and when you open your eyes he and CT will be there. “turkey…” You snap yourself out of it when you say his name, wincing away from nothing and shaking like a leaf in a storm.
  You feel so very small. A little lost kit. And you’re drowning, reaching for the surface and trying to swim on your own. You’ve always been able to swim.  Always. And there’s always been someone there to help you to the surface when you were too tired.  But right now… there’s not. So you’re sinking. Drowning. And you don’t have much of a will to start swimming again.
  We don’t need another mopey seadweller.
  No… that was how you took it. You make yourself remember what it actually was instead, frowning at yourself.
  Please don’t turn into another mopey seadweller, Belica already does enough of that to last us all a life time.
  You’ve been denying it. You’re not depressed. You’re not hurting. The group needs you at your best, so you can’t be depressed. Depressed Vinira isn’t at her best.  You were even asked not to turn into another mopey seadweller and you can’t even do that really, can you? So you denied it. Refused to let it be true because then you couldn’t do a simple request.
  But it’s true. You are depressed. You have… every much a right as the rest of them do to be upset and depressed over something. You know you do. But you aren’t going to let it define you. You start again, pushing yourself harder and faster. More, more. Because they won’t be there when you open your eyes. And you have to stop hoping for them to be.  Even if they were… would they be happy to see you right now?  They wouldn’t, you realize suddenly. You would want to be at your best for them. …But you couldn’t lie to them.
  If they were here you’d tell them about your dream, the dream that would have become a reality after the battle. You’d tell them that you feel like you might die of a broken bloodpusher. …You remember what Arwen said, once. About how she’d rather spend one lifetime with Aragorn than face all the ages of the world alone. You’d never really understood it before. You do now.  You would tell them about how you want to put down your weapon and just spend the rest of your life with them. How you’d gladly give up the thrill that is battle if they were here. If they wanted you to.
  …But they wouldn’t. And you know it.  You’re still training. Still pushing yourself. But you haven’t stopped your crying. …Maybe there’s another timeline, another world… where it ended differently. Where even now they are alive and you are dead. Or even one where all three of you survived and this very moment you’re expecting.
  There’s an idea. That’s what you’ll do. And in your mind’s eye they’re smiling at you. Still hurts. Still your bloodpusher is broken. It was much easier to accept that you should get rid of the tattoo on your shoulder since… that’s no longer a quadrant you have. You knew it was coming. You’d steeled yourself to accept it. This… it hurts. It hurts so much. Your tears are stopping now at least. It hurts.
  But you have an idea. And even if it’s false, even if it’s foolish… you’re coping. Slowly you start to smile as you spin through the air and by the time you land you’re beginning to chuckle softly.  They’re gone. But… maybe they can see you. The ghosts from this timeline, or even the ones from your imagined other timeline where you’re among the dead. And you know the other timelines are gone, you ignore that for now. Until you can finish… reforging the shards of yourself. Maybe they can see you even now. And you can’t impress the dead. No. …But you can show them that you’re okay. You can… honor their memory. Not by laying down your weapon but by taking it up. You’re… still Vinira. Vinira with a pain in her chest that hasn’t gone away since it happened. Vinira that dreams of still having a family with them. Vinira that impressed them, that loves them still even if they’re not here.  And it’s that love that makes it hurt. But it’s also that love that’s flaring up, giving you a fire where your own was going out.
  …You’re still going to cry. Your bloodpusher still feels like it’s been torn into pieces. But you’re not going to lay around and wish it was different anymore. You’re not dead. Even if it feels like you are. The way you bruised your shoulder when you stumbled into the wall tells you that. You’re alive. And you’re going to live!
  And you’re laughing again. Laughing as you spin and twirl and flip and fight down monsters in your mind’s eye. In your mind’s eye… he’s right there. And he’s smiling. And so is CT. They’re there, forever, in your pan. In your bloodpusher. And as long as they’re there…  you haven’t really lost them. You carry them with you.  …Maybe that’s what you’ll do. You… should get the scorpion removed but you won’t. That’s not a thing anymore but you still have this little thread of hope that you can at least rebefriend him… both of him because it’s not fair for one without the other. You’re finding yourself unable to not care about the twins even though… they might have mind controlled your pitch. And that thought makes you angry. …Maybe if it was any other troll you’d vivisect them for even giving you the suspicion that they might’ve done something to one of your quadrants. But really… you still want to let them know you’re there. So you’ll keep the scorpion, and maybe closer to your bloodpusher you’ll get another tattoo. A physical representation of the two you lost. You won’t forget them. So they’re not really gone. And you’ve finally got your fire back. Burning with three times the strength it burned before. 
  From the ashes a fire shall be woken.
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Royal Flush
Haides: *You are Haides and you are doing some "hobby time" shenanigans and by that....you are torturing the dead. Youa re currently heating up your instruments as a group of ghosts cower in their cell as you just smile at them good naturely, as you set up your room of torture. You got all the toys. You had them cleaned and polished for this. you got all your smaller tools laid out on a table, glinting in the torchlight. It is all about mood. Torchlight, a bit of mood music....*
Amalia: *you are ama|ia and you find you way in†o †he underwor|d †hrough one of †he ho|es |ef† af†er i† was expanded, haides shou|d rea||y ge† his roof fixed, and appear nex† †o haides, a few s†eps behind him and make sure †o make some noise so he won'† be surprised and †ry †o a††ack you.* hey haides, sorry †o barge in bu† i- *†he sudden pain in your pan rocks you back and you s†agger back in†o †he wa||, gripping your head. you forgo† how much worse i† was in †he underwor|d* ow. *you mu††er †hrough c|enched †ee†h*
Haides: *You tense, frowning at the intruder, turning to look down at the rust blood, tilting your head and crossing your arms* .....but you WHAT? I was just about to get ready to torture some ghosts, extra essense to make some pure sopor and all that....what the heck is wrong with you? If it is pain, I'm not a doctor you know.
Amalia: *you grun†* sorry. †he dead †hing i'm †heir persona| comp|ain† box and keep screaming a† me... *you righ† yourse|f af†er a momen†* righ†... i was wondering if you knew a way †o ge† †hem †o s†op bo†hering me. i don'† know if rus†b|oods cou|d commune wi†h †he dead on your wor|d bu† since graveyard isn'† pro†o†yping †hem anymore i†'s go††en worse †hen i† was on fu†urn and... wai† did you say †or†uring ghos†s for †he pure sopor? *you frown a |i††|e*
Haides: Yeah. That is what my sopor is made out of. Ghost extract. That green shit is all unnatural mostly. Low grade and doesn't do a thing to relax a body. They don't even make it out of REAL troll blood anymore...can you beleive that? *You snort, rolling your eyes* And they use you as a personal complaint box...because they don't FEAR any reprucussions from you. You let them scream when you should put them in their place *you say with a wide smirk*
Amalia: *you †hink abou† i† for a minu†e* i jus† wan† †hem †o |eave me a|one. i used †o be ab|e †o summon and con†ro| †hem a |i††|e bu† i haven'† done †ha† in... sweeps rea||y. *you grimace again as †hey s†ar† up again* ...how do i make †hem shu† up? *you ask, |ooking up a† †he |arge †yrian*
Haides: You do it like this.... *and you turn to the ghosts in the cell, moaning and groaning when Amalia came in and holler* SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! *and like that they are silent, crawling away as far as they can, cowering* You give them an inch, they haunt all over you...
Amalia: *you †ake a few s†eps c|oser †o †he cage* so... jus† show †hem who's boss? *you †ried †ha† once and i† didn'† rea||y work. back on fu†urn you shou†ed a† †hem for hours and †hey never wen† away.*
Haides: It becomes a method of showing you can MAKE THEM FUCKING HURT if they bother you. People with sensitivity to the dead have to deal with this shit....some like to be nice about it? NOT FUCKING ME *you reach in and grab one who cries out ad you just drag them to the suspended rack to put them in*
Amalia: *you used †o be a|| abou† making †he dead ge† on †o †he o†her side so you wou|dn'† have †o dea| wi†h †hem... i†'s wha† you †ried †o do wi†h your pi- wi†h wimzee when ze firs† showed up †o you. bu†... †his IS †echnica||y †he o†her side so...* ... being nice doesn'† work anyway. †hey'|| wa|k a|| over you.
Haides: Exactly! Besides...fear is better for ghosts because they NEED to cross over, not stay about forever *You finish lashing in the ghost and then you pick up a red hot brand, twirling it about before pressing it into the ghost who shrieks out in pain the otehrs getting even ore quiet now*
Amalia: *you wince a |i††|e a† firs† bu† †hen you rea|ize †he pain isn'† ac†ua||y in your head... nei†her is †he voice of i† screaming and †he o†hers are ge††ing quie†er as we||* so †his is how you ge† †hem †o cross over? no† some se|f fu|fi|men† on wha†ever i† is keeping †hem in †he mor†a| wor|d? *you wonder if †his works be††er*
Haides: You can do that if you want to spend the time and effort to be friendly soul saving douchefucker, yeah. This IS the otherside. I have my fun for the trouble they took coming here. they don't go immediantly, I use them to get some lovely soporplasm before sending them along for proper judgement. *You laugh and continue your gruesome work, using different instruments to get them to scream* IT IS FUCKING THERAPUTIC!
Amalia: †ha† soporp|asm was ac†ua||y †he bes† s|eep i've go††en in a rea||y |ong †ime... †he regu|ar s†uff makes me fee| †errib|e... do you †hink i cou|d ge† some for a coon of my own?
Haides: Fine with me... but you got to get your own from a ghost is the deal *You have a amphora set up under the ghost as blue ooze drips off it into the contianer* So you want me to set you up a ghost to get to work on?
Amalia: *you pause and †hink for a minu†e.... †he ghos†s wou|d |eave you a|one if you did †his probab|y. you'd be ab|e †o use your psionics more affec†ive|y again. maybe you'd be ab|e †o ge† some prac†ice in a† con†ro||ing †hem as we||... and you do s†i|| sor† of have †he des†ruc†ive urges †o an ex†en†... you never did ge† †o drop a mou†ain on any†hing....* ... yeah. i †hink i can do †ha†.
Haides: *you smirk and pull out a ghost and put it on the rack and lower it to her height before stepping back* Go ahead then...do you know how to do this right? Make sure to wait between tortures or the old will fade into the new.
Amalia: *you s†ep up †o †he rack, |ooking down a† †he ghos†. you can hear i† moaning in your head s†i|| and you |e† ou† a grow|.* be si|en†. *you say †hrough †he grow|, †he command in your voice surprising you. †he moaning in your head s†ops and you smirk a |i††|e. si|ence rea||y is go|den. you |if† up one of your hands over †he rack and your hand g|ows wi†h your psionics, you're ou† of prac†ice bu† seeing a ghos† again up c|ose again af†er so |ong s†ar†s †o bring back †he fami|iar memories of hwo †o con†ro| †hem. you f|ex your hand and †he ghos† con†or†s and screams on †he rack, bu† no† in your head*
Haides: *You just chuckle and set an amphora down to collect the drippings as you go back to your own work, pausing only to heat up the alligator tube over a fire*
Amalia: *you conro† †he ghos† and †he pause for a few momen†s and †hen s†ar† up again, s|ow|y working c|ockwork majyyks in†o †he form of †he ghos† over †ime as you work i† over. †he screams don'† ac†ua||y bo†her you |ike you †hough† †hey migh†. your head doens'† hur† anymore and i†'s a huge re|ief. you're going †o ge† more of †he soporp|asm †o use for your own as we|| and †ha† p|eases you immense|y.* so †he underwor|d jus† sor† of exis†ed as a ma††er of fac† in your wor|d †hen? *you ask, making conversa†ion as you †or†ure †he ghos† on †he rack before you* on fu†urn re|igion was never a sure †hing, i spen† a |o† of †ime reading abou† differen† af†er|ives bu† i never expec†ed †o be †or†uring a ghos† in one for soporp|asm.
Haides: The afterlife exsisted for everyone...we judge and process and you pass on. What happens after you pass the gate to the fields? Who knows. You go somewhere and out of my area. I process the dead onward. The nasty ones all get put in Tartise for torment until they are recycled back in to try again. There is still things even I dont know about the afterlife shit *You shrug*
Amalia: so †hese are ones who are ge††ing recyc|ed back in? *you ask as you ges†ure †o †he ghos† on †he rack before you*
Haides: No, they haven't even been processed. These ones decide to float around and BE FUCKING ANNOYING TO THE LIVING rather than move on....
Amalia: ...i †hink †ha† can be considered a punishab|e offense persona||y. †hey †hough† i† was okay †o genera||y †ormen† me when i was a wrigg|er and onward †o †he poin† i ac†ua||y was unab|e †o speak... *you sneer a |i††|e as you rip ano†her scream from †he ghos† on †he rack*
Haides: That's FUCKING bullshit *you grumble as you slide a ghost into the crocodile tube and lower them into the fire to heat up, waves of ghost plasm splurging out from the end*
Amalia: righ†? *ano†her scream* jus† because †hey're dead †hey †hink †hey can bo†her some poor kid who jus† wan†s †o make friends and ins†ead †hey †ake away her voice and †hen everyone picks on †he freak who can on|y †a|k †o ghos†s.... i shou|d have done †his ages ago. *you fina||y se††|e on*
Haides: Well plenty of ghosts and time to make up for lost years eh? *you chuckle as you pass her a brand*
Amalia: *you †ake †he brand wi†h a nod, †aking i† jus† above his hand so you can fee| †he chi|| of his skin agains† your own* yeah... †ime and ghos†s are †hings i defini†|y have now. *you say wi†h a|mos† a purr before you †urn back †o †he ghos† and push †he brand agains† i†*
Haides: *you smirk at the look and the purr, tilting your head* ....You wan to learn a few tricks of the trade?
Amalia: *you |ook up a† him* ...yeah. i †hink †ha†'d be fun. *you smi|e a |i††|e* wou|d you be wi||ing †o †each me?
Haides: Of course dark lady *You say with a chuckle stepping closer and adjusting her grip lightly on the brand* Angles better this way to press against the victim more....
Amalia: *you |e† him adjus† your grip and move your hand as he direc†s you, pushing †he brand up agains† †he ghos† and smi|ing a† †he scream i† gives ou†* oh †ha† seems †o work much be††er.
Haides: Doesn't it? Heat is an age old torture, works better on higher bloods. For the lowers you can try the more...pointed arrangements. Hammers are fun.
Amalia: and i† carries over †o †hem as ghos†s †oo? *you ask as you push †he brand back in using †he †echnique he jus† showed you on|y on a differen† spo†*
Haides: Ohhhh yes. Seadweller ghosts hate being dry and lowbloods still fear broken bones.
Amalia: †o be fair broken bones are pre††y painfu|. *you chuck|e* bu† we can compensa†e wi†h psionics a† |eas†... or bui|d iron man armor. heh.
Haides: Not if you dont have any arms. Sometimes it is hard to get forward in life without a couple helping hands *You say with a grin, the ghots wailing as you pull off the hands*
Amalia: *you chuck|e a† †ha†* so how much soporp|asm do you usua||y ge† from †hese sessions?
Haides: Enough for my pod for a few years...then I just do it because it is fun and use the extra for other things.
Amalia: *you purr again wi†hou† meaning †oo* †his is ra†her fun... and i† rea||y is †herapu†ic.
Haides: What did I tell you? *you are purring low as well, probably standing a little closer than you need too*
Amalia: we shou|d make †his a regu|ar †hing... *you say af†er a momen† more of †or†ure* i wou|d |ove †o |earn more †ricks for †his sor† of †hing and †he soporp|asm wou|d be a bonus rea||y... *you |ook up a† him, he is... †he way he does his †raining †o figh† his ins†inc†s and seems †o know wha† sor† of †hings vinira wou|d need is such a good ma†ch for her... he's no† bad |ooking ei†her. wai† wha†. where did †ha† †hough† come from.*
Haides: *You give a grin, tilting your head. Your hair is more curly than other trolls, longer than it used to be, but still ungodly curly and you have been meaning to shave that scruffly beard you are getting* I have no complains...heh should invite pixie stick to play. I'm sure she could learn some patiences....*you laugh*
Amalia: *you sigh a |i††|e* yes she's... rea||y no† †he bes† a† s†aying pu† for †oo |ong. she migh† enjoy †his †hough... *you †hink for a minu†e* we cou|d figure ou† where she is and invi†e her down... or you cou|d kidnap her again, i †hink she migh† have been worried she pissed you off in †he no† pi†ch way when we |as† saw you.
Haides: ....I guess I can get the chariot, dress up, wrangle the death sea goats and just go chasing after her again. Pull another persephone, tell her winter is here and she better get her ass underground....
Amalia: *you smirk a |i††|e* i †hink she'd ha†e †ha† which is perfec†. i can find ou† where she is wi†h my powers if you wan†... and ac†ua||y i †hink if you show up wi†hou† your shir† on, maybe shave a |i††|e, she'|| be so f|us†ered she won'† be ab|e †o s†op s†arring... uh. i mean. *you b|ush a |i††|e* wow. †ha† didn'† come ou† righ†.
Haides: *You give a grin and lean in then, a hand beside her on the rack and lean in, right in her personal space, the cold radiating off your larger form* Will she be so flustered....or will YOU be so flustered death mistress?
Amalia: *you b|anch a |i††|e* ...yes. *you say, unab|e †o find any o†her words in your vocabu|ary a† †he momen†.*
Haides: So I take it you like your trolls without the facial hair? *you bring a hand up to rub absentmindely at it* ....think you can assist with that?
Amalia: *you cough once, unab|e †o make †he b|ush |eave your face* maybe... |eave a |i††|e. c|ean i† up a bi† so i†'s nea†er, †ake i† up off your neck... maybe a goa†ee.
Haides: *You smirk and take out a shaving blade....well for YOU it is a shaving blade, for Amalia it might be more like a sword, handing it to her. You drop a basin of water with some soap, moving to lather up withotu pulling away from the smaller troll* Go right ahead then....
Amalia: *you †ake †he razor and b|ink once in confusion before he's pu††ing shaving cream on his face and wow okay †his is happening. you pu|| our your pa|m husk and shif† †hrough your pho†os †o find a reference pic†ure for wha† you have in mind before you dip †he razor in †he basin †o we† i† and †hen carefu||y se† †o work shaving vinira's pi†ch.*
Haides: *You chuckle and hold still for her to do her work....somewhat. You shift yourself slightly so you are supportinng your weight on one hand as the other one rests on her leg, the fingers curled and press lightly against her nook as you are giving her a somewhat heated look* Wheneveer you are ready....
Amalia: *you're no† †o†a||y sure where your head has gone when you fee| his finger agains† his nook bu† you manage no† †o cu† him wi†h †he razor b|ade a† †he shiver †ha† runs up your spine. i† sudden|y occurs †o you you s†i|| have no† had sex bu† wow no don'† †hink abou† †ha† whi|e you're running †he edge of a b|ade across someone's face and scu|p†ing †heir facia| hair in †he |ikeness of †ro|| rober† downy jr. your face is f|ushed and you're sudden|y aware you're giving off pheramones by †he †ime you're done shaving and you s†ep away for a second †o pu|| a mirror ou† of your sy||adex †o ho|d i† up for him*
Haides: *You chuckle, looking in the mirror, stroking your facial hair and quirking an eyebrow at her* ....very good job. I see you work well under pressure and when you are distracted....Perhaps I should give you my personal thanks? It isn't safe to go walking around with such enticing pheremones being given off.
Amalia: i-i uh... *you s†ammer |ooking up a† him. †his didn'† work he's ho††er now †his has backfired horrib|y and you |ike him bu† no† |ike you |ike vinira and you sudden|y wonder if †his is how she fe|† wi†h †urkey and gods you wan† †o jump his bone bu|ge bu† he's vin's pi†ch and you're her f|ush and un|ess †his is jus† casua| sex- wai† †his is probab|y casua| sex you can probab|y do casua| sex wi†h a quadran†'s pi†ch righ†? RIGH†? no probab|y no†.* i uh... don'† know if vin wou|d... be a|righ† wi†h †his...
Haides: Then we should go get the pixes sticks...because honestly Amalia...? I think I might BREAK you if I try to get any satisfaction in this....*You say with a laugh stepping back and picking her up to let her sit on your shoulder as you turn to stalk to your chariot*
Amalia: *you |augh* yes, very |ike|y. *you're no† sure how many †imes you've found yourse|f on a †yrians shou|der bu† †his keeps happening and you sor† of don'† mind.* vin is... *you chuck|e* |os† again. in †he woods somewhere.
Haides: ....Someone should attach a compass to her angler so she can just watch it as she walks...or a roadmap.....* You say as you walk into a cavern where a large black skull covered chariot sits, drawn by two demonic looking, flaming seagoat skeletons* ....so you sure you can find her?
Amalia: *you nod* yep, i'm a seer af†er a||, i can ge† us †o her. *you grin a† him*
Haides: Then you can be the personal GPS *You chuckle and take up the reigns and the seagoats roar and then take off, pulling the chariot forward quickly up a ramp to the surface, billowing black smoke from their open maws* where too?
Amalia: hmmm. *you |ook around, poin†ing †owards a wooded area off †o your |ef†* †urn |ef† here, she's in †he woods, i can sense her †ha† way.
Vinira: *...You are... yup. Still lost. You wound up taking your armor off again at least, you're fine here, something sneaks up you can deal with it. ....You're not paying attention to where you're going, honestly, more lost in thought about things and just shifting your path a little so you don't run into any trees this time. Still don't know where you're headed, but that's all fine. You'll get where you need to be eventually. And if you're needed, someone will message you right? Yeah sounds about right. ...Oh! You can entirely give that an idea a try later, you wager, when you stop walking. For now, just walking. ...You may or may not be muttering about how the road goes ever on and on, but it's not like anyone's around to hear you...*
Haides: *You turn the chariot and it goes crashing through the woods....if trees are in the way, screw them. You see Vinira up ahead and you grin and slap the reigns, the charior going past her and sliding to block her way as you look down at her, grinning wide* So here is the princess, lost in the woods? You should be careful....you might encounter a wolf little pixie sticks.... <3<
Amalia: *you wave a† vin from haides's shou|der, your |egs swaying back and for†h in your new sea†. i†'s weird †o be higher up †hen vinira* hey vin, found you. <3
Vinira: *...Something's crashing through the woods. ...You're already spinning a weapon out of your sylladex before you really think about it. ...What? You were going over battle related things your battle ready ness is totally excuseable! You put the weapon up in the same motion, flicking your earfins back and smirking (damnit why are they both up higher than you no that is not acceptable) up at them* ...oh but i don't haff a red hood ffor ridin, why oh why would a wolff be interested in little ol' me? *..Did he shave? ...Why does that style look familiar and why can you not place it. AUGH.* so do you look up ways to look more pretentious or what? <3< *...So maybe you didn't piss him off. Huh. Good to know. You flick your earfins in greeting at Amalia though, waving back* well off course, i wouldn't exactly try to hide ffrom you <3 *...You doubt you could but whatever. Thought that counts.* so what do i owe ffor the pleasure off this... crassy random happenstance?
Haides: *you toss the reigns aside and step down, moviing up to her and leaning in with a smirk before not saying a word and kissing her hard, sliding a foot to trip up her feet and send the three of you crashing to the ground. You catch yourself on your hands so as not to crush her with your weight, but you are keeping her pin, breakin the kiss with a smirk* Amalia and I were having ...a discussion of sorts and she wanted to ask you something.....
Amalia: *you squak a |i††|e as you sudden|y find yourse|f on †op of vinira on †he ground, you're s†i|| on haides shou|der bu† †he sudden|y drop †o †he ground was a |i††|e jarring* uh... righ†... *you b|ush a |i††|e* vin... i don'† rea||y know how †o say †his wi†hou† i† being kinda weird so.... haides is nice and i rea||y |ike him bu† differen† †hen i |ike you and i rea||y |ike you †oo and my fee|ings are doing †hings and †here are pheramones invo|ved and he he|ped me ge† †he ghos†s †o s†op haun†ing me and i uh.... *You b|ush more and sor† of don'† know how †o words for a minu†e. †his is rea||y hard †o exp|ain*
Vinira: *..You were going to say something. Right? Something... err. You may have totally forgotten what you were going to say because you were suddenly being kissed and you got distracted with the little growl rumbling in the back of your throat as you kissed him back because what the fuck you're pinned. You huff a bit as he breaks the kiss* ...doesn't this make you nala? *You smirk, then flick your earfins and look to Amalia curiously, tilting your head a bit. ...She's blushing. It's adorable when she's blushing. ...You think you have a suspiscion of what she's asking though. Context clues, and if you're wrong well whatever. But it really sounds like she's asking you the same thing you were asking her... so long ago. The blush certainly helps* ...iff you're askin what i think you are, yes.
Haides: *you chuckle and nip at Vin's lower lip* ....someone has to pleasure the little dark mistress....and to be fair I would break her in half....wouldn't I?...her pheremones were driving me up the wall....*You shift to let Vin up somewhat although you are giving low growling purrs, leaning in to nip and lick at her gills* ...she needs your attention, princess <3<
Amalia: *you smi|e happi|y bu† you're s†i|| b|ushing and ho|y shi† †hese pheramones make EVERY†HING SO AWKWARD* †hank you, vin. <3 *you coo a† her, s|ipping off of Haides' shou|der †o f|oa† down be†ween †he †wo of †hem and p|an†ing a kiss on vin's |ips bu† s†i|| c|ose enough †o haides †ha† you can fee| his chi|| agains† your back*
Vinira: that's kind off obvious, did a bunch off dancin skeletons tell you that? <3< *You would ask what they were doing that pheremones were involved, out of curiosity... but coddamnit you hate him. You've been thinking so hard since you started walking and you let out a growling purr as he nips and licks at your gills. It should not be this easy to distract you. ...Actually you're kind of glad for the distraction. You return Amalia's kiss with a smile* off course, amalia <3
Haides: ...Should we seal this three way relationship the way of our ancestors? *you say in a low purr, shifting to give a lick to Amalia's horns before going back to teasing Vinira, giving louder, deeper purrs*
Amalia: mmm, i vo†e yes... *you |e† ou† a shuddering purr as he |icks your horn.* if i†'s okay wi†h you vin? *you ask, making baby barkbeas† eyes a† her.*
Vinira: already said it was *The way you're purring shakes any concerns you'd had about not being able to purr anymore, really, but it's also because he's totally not playing fair damnit* mmm, i'd haff to vote yes as well... iff you think you can handle that ...shuga
Haides: *You laugh and give her an amused grin* Oh, don't worry princess, I'm sure I can show you a whole new world while we feel the love and hate tonight.....*You tease, glancing to Amalia with a wink* I say she is overdressed...I should correct that yes? *You hook a claw underneath her shirt and pull, tearing the fabric without care*
Amalia: oooh yes †ha†'s much be††er. *you purr, smi|ing back a† your second f|ush, before pu||ing your †op off (which is s†i|| jus† †he †oga) and †hen you're naked be†ween †hem, your bu|ge a|ready ou† and |ooking around*
Amalia: *for some†hing †o |a†ch on†o*
Vinira: *You laugh* are you so shore, street rat? *You huff when he tears your shirt, sticking your tongue out at him like a kit because you're so mature right now. Whatever, maturity is overrated at this moment in time* you know iff you're so impatient why don't you just ask ffor help? *You grin at him though (because you're totally not going to help unless he actually asks, because fuck him that's why), and shift your position so you can pull Amalia closer with a purr* oh look i got a cutie
Haides: She is a cutie....a little dryad *you purr, nipping one of Amalia's horns again before shifting to sit back and remove your pants, finally letting your bulge out and curl about your hand for a minute*
Amalia: *you pou† a† †he †wo of †hem* i am no† cu†e. *you say indignan†|y, bu† your pou† quick|y devo|ves in†o ano†her moaning purr as haides nips a† your horns again.*
Vinira: *You grin and purr, moving to sneak a kiss from Amalia* the more you deny it, the truer it is *You murmur... mmph and after a moment's debate you slip out of your own pants to free your pierced bulge. Stupid pants were in the way, they had to go. You felt odd being the only one still in pants anyway. So off they went* even the shuga skull agrees, two against one
Haides: and you KNOW how much I hate agreeing with our pretty pink princess on anything *You say with a smirk, baring your fangs at Vinira and flicking your earfins makin them rattle lightly before you bite down n her shoulder lightly*....so the pixies sticks will pleasure the little sweet one...and I'll keep her ass still so she doesn't get lost before the climax?
Amalia: *you grumb|e a |i††|e a† †he cu†e †hing bu† †here's o†her †hings going on here.* i can suppor† †his p|an *you purr, s|iding down vin's s†omach †owards her pierced bu|ge, kissing her ches† as you go, your own bu|ge pressed be†ween †he †wo of you and squirming around be†ween yours and her s†omach.*
Vinira: *You growl a little at the bite and pout* hey! i'm not goin get lost *You'd huff more, but... priorities. Huffing is not one of them. You do purr though, reaching to ghost your fingers along Amalia's bulge as she moves. You think you like it right here anyway.*
Haides: That remains to be seen....*you drag your fangs over her skin, drawing blood which you lap up before shifting to make sure you are in a better position for her to bite you rather than Amalia. You pause only slip a condom over your agitated bulge as you aren't stupid....you aren't making grubs. Your bulge has light spots along it, giving it a slight flash glow to it. You shift, moving a hand down to press two claws into Vinira's nook* Should I attack a road map to your angler so you don't get lost, just to be safe?
Amalia: *i† migh† be †he fac† †ha† you're possib|y in hea† or †ha† you're †hinking wi†h your bu|ge bu† you forge† †he fac† †ha† you've go† condoms in your sy||adex, you're on grub con†ro| †hough a† †he |eas†. you s|ide down on†o vinira's bu|ge wi†h a |i††|e gasp, pressed be†ween your f|ushes and oh gods did you need †his.*
Vinira: *You let out another growling purr when he draws blood. ...Amalia is probably on grub control yeah, she's more responsible anyway and you didn't exactly get the chance to do anything for safety's sake... whoops. Then you're groaning because shes sliding down onto your bulge and his fingers are in your nook. You pull a face at Haides though* don't you dare. *...You'd probably lose the road map anyway. They are double teaming you, this isn't playing fair. You shift your hips a little against Amalia and lean to nip and hard at Haides's horns though.*
Haides: *as Amalia starts to slide on her bulge, you make sure to work our fingers, helping to adjust Vinira first to the intrusion before withdrawing your fingers and replacing it with your bulge, giving a low rolling growl, your chest pressed against Amalia's back , tilting our head to let Vinira nip at our blackened horns*
Amalia: *you moan and s†ar† †o move up and down on vin's bu|ge, moving up and down agains† haides' ches† as we||. gods he is bui|†. you |ean forward a |i††|e †hough and s†ar† †o kiss and suck on one of vin's nipp|es, i†'s †he highes† you can reach from here rea||y*
Vinira: *The moan you make is half a growl because this is ...totally new holy shit. You have to still for a moment, you're nowhere near used to the feeling of both filling and being filled. You recover after a moment, moving between the two as well as you can and reaching down to give Amalia's bulge something to wrap around while you bite lightly nearer to his gills.*
Haides: *You give a growl at the bite, tilting your head to give her more access. You don't care if she bites hard or bites at all. You can take it a lot more than Amalia can, you start to move faster because it has...been a while since you have been with another troll. the satyrs don't count....mostly because they are fucking delcious mutton afterwards....* nothing to say...princess...?
Amalia: *you con†inue moving up and down your ma†espri†'s bu|ge, fond|ing her o†her breas† whi|e your a††en†ion is on †he o†her before swi†ching sides, gods you needed †his.*
Vinira: h-how about ff-ffuck you s-shuga *...You stammered. Oh cod why. You cover your embaressment by biting him, hard, and moaning through the bite as you move between them. They're going to drive you mad*
Haides: *You growl at the second bite, feeling your own blood run down your chest, some of it dripping on to Amalia's back as you just press against your pitch mate harder, bending over to dig your claws into the ground and just let loose , no longer holding back*
Amalia: *haides increased †hrus†ing on|y serves †o make you bounce more agains† vinira and soon you're nearing your peak and moaning †hrough your kisses †o her ches†, †he chi||ed b|ood dripping on you makes your back arch*
Vinira: *And then you're moaning louder as you bite when he stops holding back, and you feel yourself peaking so you bite harder to try and stave it off. ...Nope. That's it, you're peaking and fuck them both a lot for double teaming you because you're growling and your jaw locks as your peak crashes over you. ..Damnit.*
Haides: *When Vinira hits her peek you let out a slight snarl, Tensing up and ducking your hand to bite Vinira back as her jaw locks against your skin, drawing more blood but you are a larger troll than Amalia...and the pain is intoxicating. You shudder as you release, slowly relaxing, not really carrying about the blood mess you and Vinira made between the two of you*
Amalia: *you shudder as vinira's gen†ic f|uids hi† your nook |ike †he †ide coming in and you |e† ou† a |oud moan as your own c|imax hi†s, your bu|ge spraying red on vinira's s†omach and your nook coa†ing her hips, you s|ump forward, fushia b|ood on your shou|ders and back from †he †wo of †hem bi†ing each o†her.* ...†his was a good p|an. *you fina||y mu††er †hrough an incredib|y p|eased purr*
Vinira: *Oh when he bites you back you growl and it takes a little work for you to get your jaw to unlock, though the satsified purr rumbling out of you certainly helps you with that* ...deffinately a good plan
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> The Road Goes On
…You’ve been ripped into pieces all over again. You’d pulled yourself somewhat together, you were pretty sure, but it’s all over again now. …Womb to tomb, wasn’t it? You make a bitter sound that might’ve passed for a laugh if it wasn’t so broken. Of course.  Of course. You should’ve expected nothing different, really.  And the feral hissing growl that builds up in your throat isn’t a sign of how much you’re hurting. Not one bit. You don’t know where you are but you stop, flopping down onto the ground. …It’s a cruel joke really. You’re happy for Belica. You swear. He’s got his pitchmate back and it all ended happily for him after a scare like that. You’re glad for him. You’re not… envious. That is not a thing that you are.
You can’t let it show how you’re cracking at the seams. You’re… losing everything dear to you aren’t you? Your bottom lip quivers, earfins drooping down. …You’ll lose Amalia next won’t you? You’re already losing everything else… You should never have let yourself get close to any of them. You knew you were going to outlive them anyway…but you thought maybe…. maybe if you didn’t think about that and only lived in the moment when it came to that… it would be okay. But it’s not. And it’s a cosmic joke. You’re a cosmic joke. And the hiccupping laugh that comes from you is bitter and broken.  You could… maybe do something about that. You do have the heaven orb, cracked as it is. And for a moment it’s like something has physically wrapped a rope around you to tug you more and more down a path where you’d use it, say it was for just a moment and it’d all be better…
  And then it hits you and you start laughing brokenly again. You really are Frodo aren’t you? You have an item of power that could fix so much if you just used it…but that would be a beacon to the enemy, and just a taste of power like that would probably make you into something you don’t want to be. Something you’re scared of becoming.  You really are Frodo. And the Fellowship is cracked and broken, still trying to look like what it was meant to be but anyone can tell that it’s not…  And it’s like it’s calling to you, promising you can fix everything if you use it…
  You get up and start walking again, earfins tamped back. …You don’t… you don’t need the power that the heaven orb contains. You’ve got your own skills, your own power.  And you’re Frodo, but you’re alone right now.
  So you do what you’ve done all your life. You lasted sweeps with no quadrants; you can tamp down on your problems and not bother what little you have left with them.  Lock them away. They don’t exist and they can’t hurt you if you refuse to allow them to. But if you push them too deep…Void players will hear. That’s what Iccona said. So you keep them up front, locked in a little box. You ignore your problems and start working with what you’ve got. …As for what just went down. …Arthat made a pass at Bel’s past, Loclan… Loclan heard about it and attacked Arthat for…what? Upsetting Bel? …Is that what Pitches do? You’re not sure, you’ve never really... had one before. …You’re not sure if you have one now, you’re pretty sure you pissed him off in a very not pitch way and you don’t think your flower message was a good idea anymore. …You fuck up every relationship you touch. Maybe you should just… go away. Hide from them all so you don’t fuck shit up anymore. You’re sure Iccona doesn’t want your help with the dragon anymore, you… snubbed her didn’t you?  …You didn’t do it to be rude, you swear! But knowing your status as a cosmic joke… she’ll probably take it that way.  
  …Going away sounds more and more like what you need to do. Grow your army, take on the dragon, do what needs to be done with the orbs while the others are doing… whatever they’re doing. You’ve got what you need to be able to take that dragon out on your own… But that’s… not what you’re going to do. Running away is cowardly, and you’re not a coward.   You are... anything but a coward.
  So you go back to walking and pushing away how you’ve shattered all over again. The tattoo on your shoulder feels like it’s giving you physical pain, and you think you’ve at least found where your will to fight went. Because it’s starting to burn inside you like a flame.  …You are the universe’s cosmic joke, aren’t you? …You dare to dream for something, and it rips it away. And then it rips more from you before you have even really recovered.  And it’s going to keep ripping, isn’t it? And you laugh. Because for some reason that’s…. hilarious. You’re hilarious. Dreams? Hopes? What are you doing with those?? You’re a fool. …A powerful fool, but a fool all the same. You should… stop that. That silly thing called dreaming of being anything else. It’s not your place. And that thought brings you crashing down. The laughing stops, you whine and stagger backwards a few steps. 
  You’re still… just a troll, right? You’re allowed to be just a troll… right? No. No you’re not. You are a Tyrian. Your little dominance show back there just reaffirmed it. The universe is keen on showing you that. You’re… not allowed to be just a troll. You’ve never been allowed to be just a troll and you should… chase Amalia away before your status as a cosmic joke makes her be hurt too.  But is that the right path or the easy one? …The easy one.  …Where the hell are you anyway? You don’t have a clue.  You’re going to keep walking though. You’ll wind up where you need to be eventually, and for the moment even though a brigade is gathering to trail behind you… they’re all quiet and keeping a distance.
  Are they afraid of you? You start to laugh again. Yes, they should be afraid. You are a powerful fool of an ---EMPR---ESS and they should be afraid.  They should ALL B---E AFFRAID.  …You whine though. You don’t… want all of them afraid. You wanted…. No that doesn’t matter anymore.  What you wanted, what you dared to dream… those are unimportant. You opened yourself up. Let yourself become weak by relying on the others.  You let them in and you’re broken now.  ….You could kill them all and fix your problem. Never be we-…woah wait no. You frown. That was… not a good thought. You’ve never… thought anything along those lines before and you’re scared that that thought even slipped into your head. For a moment… you considered ending them so it wouldn’t hurt anymore.
  What…? No. You’re not… what’s wrong with you??? You whine, backing up until your back hits a tree.  Oh cod…   No no no no you’re not going to do that. You whine louder, shoving that thought into the little box with the others.  Where did that thought even come from? You swallow hard, glad for the moment that you’re not around the others because your usually tight control has slipped and you’re flashing panic at your own thoughts. It takes several minutes before you manage to stop that, before you start walking again.  Your thinkpan hurts. Your bloodpusher hurts.  Everything hurts and your next whine twists into a growl. Then that growl grows into a rattling snarl and you cut it off before it gets even worse.
  …And you think you know what makes it all worse. Even after what was said and went down… you still keep checking your palmhusk for a reply. …You still want to know that Arthat…s… are okay. And you’re trying to force yourself not to care, because you’re sure that they don’t. …A partnership that needed to end. That’s all it was. …Not like you curled up and cried when he vanished, or like that night with the gladiator matches and robbing the bank was… one of the happiest moments you’d had. You got to forget the game and you remember the way he seemed so happy at the end of the night.. Or the way you dropped everything the moment you were called on for.. war on Sealand so you could support him…. You got attached. And you failed him… them… so you don’t blame them. ….You’ll take what you know about the past to your grave though. Even if… womb to tomb wound up not really being the case. You’ll honor that much at least. You still… care though… You honestly hope that they’re okay. …You put your palmhusk up again, swallowing thickly.  
  …What are you…supposed to do?  …It’s not a conscious decision, you putting on your favorite suit of armor. It’s like a security blanket. If you’re in armor, you’re safe. Nothing can hurt you. You can protect yourself and you can protect what you can. You are a knight, ...heh…, after all.  But you’re not going off to get into a fight with something bigger than you. Even if you really want to fight something and not think for a while. Just stopping thinking. You’re not… running off to do something stupid. You’re just walking. Moving. Constantly moving.
  No you can’t do that you wanted to stop for Amalia. You have to find a balance, something… rrrg why is this so hard? You’re all over the place, you don’t know what to do or where you are and it hurts physically and it’s not right and you-
  Okay. Stop. You breathe out in a huff, earfins flattening back. Step by step until you figure shit out. You are not going to use the heaven orb for a number of reasons. It is a beacon to Mordred and would likely corrupt you into using it more because it would be a fix all. It would be easy, but …it wouldn’t be right.  You have your own power; you don’t need the power from it.  And that’s really all there is to it.
  Oh you haven’t figured anything else out, not yet, but you’re making progress.  You’re still picking up the pieces, you had to start all over, but you can at least play at being fine, because you are really fine. …Or well, you will be as soon as you can figure out one more thing.
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: There was not a single part of this that ever stood a chance of being a good idea.
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: Iccona, Vinira: ===> Teamwork Triple Crown
Vinira: *You are Vinira, and you’re… well back on the beach. And you’re eying your palmhusk because you want to check up on Arthat. Because really last you saw him he was flopping on you and calling you indesctructable. You’ve…got a half typed out message at least. But then you start feeling really anxious about it because you remember him calling it… a peace sign. Nnng. And that was…not a good feeling. You sigh and put the palmhusk up, promising to send a message to him after you’ve at least seen if you’re needed. You’ll probably fire off a message and then sign off trollian entirely. Yeah that sounds about right. Whatever. To the med tents, that’s where you’re headed, looking around to ask if you can help anywhere.*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: ===> Boulder Training
Haides: *You are Haides and you left the two to their alone time, wandering off to the part of the underworld that was designated for training. Currendly you were running dodge training...which was more or less waiting for a giant bolder to nearly run you over and jumping out of the way then making the poor sucker push it up the hill again. It was harder than it looked...because part of you, a dumbass part of you, wanted to stay in place and just hit the rock...when you knew that wouldn't stop it or keep it from running you over. Your father said this dodge training was training you to stop being a dumbass and fight everything*
Vinira: *You are Vinira and you're... lost. That was a totally unexpected development, wasn't it? Yeah okay it totally wasn't, whatever. You'll locate the shuga skull as soon as you find him, you swear... er that probably goes a different way than the way you just thought it...* ...amalia, any ideas off whre to go ffrom here? *You don't... even know where you're located, or if he's really close and you're headed the wrong way. Whoops.*
Amalia: i'd use goog|e maps bu† i don'† †hink i† works in he|| vin. *you are ama|ia and you're jus† fo||owing vinira around. you've no idea where haides wen† off †o and you've a|ready had †o headbu†† a say†r †o ge† him †o go scurrying off af†er he a††emp†ed †o grab your g|u†e.* does †he †hing †urkey gave you for finding peop|e work here? we cou|d use †ha† †o find him.
Haides: *the boulder comes crashing down, making a din and you watch it, gritting your teeth. Don't roar at it. Your father used to hit you for roaring at it and ask if you were stupid or something for raoaring at a rock. Rocks don't feel intimidated by roaring idiot. Rocks will keep coming and roll over you stupid. Focus on dodging, not intimidating not living fucking rocks. At the last minute you dodge out of the way, the rock crashing into the wall making the cavern shake for a second. The poor bloak cursed to forever push the rock up the hill sighs and moves to start pushing it up*
Vinira: ...i haff no idea iff it'll work here. *It's worth a try, right? You flick an earfin when you hear something making a din though, tilting your head* ...can ffollow the sound while i hunt ffor it in my sylladex *...Because following loud noises in hell is such a great idea. The best of ideas. ...Yeah no. But you head that way regardless. You'll be fine.*
Amalia: *you fo||ow a|ong af†er your ma†espri†, f|oa†ing †o keep up wi†h her |onger s†rides. you wonder wha† cou|d be making such a racke† in †he underwor|d a|†hough rea||y i† cou|d be any number of †hings.*
Haides: *The boulder is coming back down and you barely get out of the way as your stubborn streak to stand your ground has gotten...worse of late. Okay, you should be doing this more. You are growling and rubbing your sore arm that was hit by the stupid boulder. YOu glare at the boulding pushing slave when he snickers* ....assshole....
Vinira: *...You are trying to be mindful that Amalia can't take as long as strides as you can. And not just pick her up and carry her so she doesn't have to float. You glance over at her though, tilting your head. And oh, hey... wait. You swear you know a story about a guy who had to push the boulder up the hill for eternity. Hnn. Is that Haides? What the ....hell...hehe... is he doing?*
Amalia: *you pou† a |i††|e when vin s†ar†s carrying you bu† don'† pro†es† i†. because you sor† of |ike when she does †his even if you don'† |ike †o admi† i†. you spo† someone pushing a bou|der up a |arge hi|| and haides rubbing his shou|der... wha† is he doing?*
Haides: *You take your stance again, growling a bit as the person pushing the boulder steps aside and lets it come bouncing down, making a racket and right before it hits you, you jump out of the way, letting it roll by. The skeleton audience claps and one of them holds up a seven point five sign*
Amalia: *you |ook over where vinira is |ooking pas† you, spo††ing someone pushing a bou|der up a |arge hi|| and haides rubbing his shou|der... wha† is he doing?*
Vinira: *...He is jumping out of the way of boulders for fun and you're the one that's crazy, okay. That totally works.* ...should we head down there? *You glance over to Amalia, flicking an earfin.* ...or wait until he's done?
Amalia: *you †i|† your head a† †he disp|ay* i've no idea wha† he's ac†ua||y doing here... is †his some form of †hea†re? wai†ing un†i| †he |as† momen† †o jump ou† of †he way of a |arge bou|der before i† smashes you for an audience of undead? we can go wa†ch i guess.
Haides: *You stand up as the boulder is pushed back up the hill and turn towards where one of the skeletons are pointing, and see Vinira and Amalia. You give a slight wave and a grunt* ....I see you two are doing better.
Vinira: ...it sounds like a fform off entertainment at least *You start picking your way in that direction, flicking an earfin and raising a hand in greeting* ...one could say that. *You nod at the boulder* so is there any speciffic reason you're playing cluckbeast with a boulder despite the ffact that it can't actually be the cluckbeast, thus doomin you to always move and lose, or is that just one off the thins i'm not likely to understand because you're a sugar skull? *You cross your arms as you speak, flicking one earfin back. ...What? ...There was probably a less annoying way to ask, but shush. It was the first question to come to mind.*
Amalia: *you snicker a |i††|e and †ry †o pass i† off as a cough, |ooking away from †he †wo of †hem.*
Haides: Actually, it is something my father made me do growing up. SOMETIMES you got to actually move and NOT get hit like a big dumbass just so you look strong and can take pain. He used to say that a bounder doesn't care if you show pain or feel pain. It is a rock. Your enemies aren't going to be impressed OR care you can take pain. They don't like you. So learn to dodge and don't be a dumbass who stands there and roars and hits at a boulder.
Vinira: *See, there is a point there, and you get it, you really do. Because if you don't dodge some things, no amount of pain tolerance will save you. ...But you feel like being obtuse on purpose.* ...it can't hit you iff you don't waste time roarin at it and just destroy it beffore it can though
Amalia: *†his ac†ua||y sounds |ike †he sor† of †raining vin cou|d use... you g|ance up a† her.... she wou|d probab|y roar a† †he bou|der. she is your fishy empress bu† she wou|d probab|y roar a† i† and †ry †o s†op i† ra†her †hen dodging, even †hough her figh†ing s†y|e is a|| abou† f|ipping and spinning you have a hard †ime pic†uring her wan†ing †o ac†ua||y ge† ou† of a cha||enge's way.*
Haides: Yeah well...Vin? Daaaahling? *You point at the boulder* Big boulder don't go boom. It is indestructable so that guy there has to do this forever. Big boulder would laugh at your roaring if big boulder had any intelligence or ears to hear it. Big boulder just going to roll over you. Go ahead. You do it. See if YOU can dodge princess*You say with a smirk* Unless of course....you are just going to stand there like a skunk in front of a truck...challenging it.
Vinira: i said iff you don't waste time roarin at it, in case the shuga in your skull is makin you haff some trouble hearin. ..might know someone who can help with hearin issues *..Yeah, you. Whoops. Ahaha. You do look at the boulder though, silent for a moment. Indestructable is all well and good. Nnnng. And it's a challenge. But you've already got an idea of a way to approach it. ...Mmmph damn him for putting it like a challenge.* and i ffind your lack off ffaith disturbin, street rat *You manage to say that much with a straight face at least.*
Amalia: *you nudge her arm wi†h your e|bow* go ahead and show him wha† you can do, |ove. we've go† some †ime †o spare. *you wink a† her and move †o si† in †he s†ands wi†h †he ske|e†ons*
Haides: *YOu give an exagerated bow* Come now. Let us see your dodge princess.....*You smirk*
Vinira: *Mmmph, you've been baited and you know it. You do take a spot though, flicking your earfins back as you remain totally silent. No seriously, you are a bit peeved at the lack of faith. Standing there and waiting for it to come to you though? That is not a thing that you are going to do. Nope. You... are going to ...well... See standing and waiting means you can be tense and ready for it but it sets the rules as it picks up speed and momentum as it comes down at you and you're at a stand still. Which puts you at a disadvantage. Nope...... you're going to run at it. Before it can pick up too much speed. Oh you will dodge, but on your own terms.*
Amalia: *you wa†ch her run a† †he bou|der... and sigh a |i††|e. †ha†'s your vin.*
Haides: ....this is not going to end badly at all...she...uh...does realize the shaft down the boulder is.... a pretty far drop right....? *You mummble to Amalia as she charges at the large boulder. It is bigger than you....and you are twenty-six feet tall....but you can't look away even though you know this is not going to end very pretty...or it might end rather hilariously when she realizes that the shaft to the side of the ramp from the dodge spot is a pretty nice drop down*
Vinira: *...So you do dodge. That is a thing you do. And it's a pretty far drop, yup, ...should probably be scared of the drop, right? Hnn. But you're not. And this time it's entirely not because your fearbone is broken, it is because you are the one that adapts and plans on the fly and you're also the one that still has a hoverlimo in her sylladex. ...Would've been useful to remember the stupid thing back before, maybe, but you only saw it recently when you grabbed the headphones and had a "durr" moment. You should really look at the crap you have in your sylladex more often, you're all up to date on it at the moment, but for future reference you need to look through it more often. You've got shit from before the game entirely in there that you totally forgot about. ...The last time you even had the hoverlimo out was ...nnng, before you ever met Turkey. With that teal...Drakae? Yeah, you think that was the name. ...Didn't she die? You're not sure. But at the very least, you don't go splat. More of a oomph as you hit that and scramble inside to power the thing up. ....That is about when you remember that you can fly on your own. Eh, whatever. It's cooler this way.*
Amalia: vin! *you ca|| from †he s†ands* you're god†ier! you can f|y!
Haides: ....this is like the kind of dodge troll Michael Bay would write.....
Vinira: *You're sort of...amused at yourself and the way you keep forgetting. You can fly. You hop down from the limo over by them once you've gotten it over there though, and stick it back in your sylladex* ...i remembered that i could ffly, wanted to prove i could do thins without those powers though *...Yes. You're going with that. Less embaressing to say that than admit you keep forgetting. You are a fish, how are you supposed to remember you can fly.*
Amalia: *you smirk a |i††|e* uh huh. sure |ove.
Haides: ....so you have to prove that you could dodge by jumping off the side and flying away on a limo. All that was missing princess was the explosion and sunglasses and then you would've had a trollywood exit....what? Too scared to dodge it when its at the height of its roll at the bottom?*You smirk, crossing your arms* ....and that is a barbie limo if I've ever seen one....
Vinira: ...less time to prepare and react iff you run at it. **
Vinira: ...less time to prepare and react iff you run at it. *You flick an earfin, tilting your head* harder to deal with that way. more off a challenge off how you're goin deal with it, instead off oh look i can jump aside at the last moment *And then you roll your eyes* ...shush, i haven't had the time to ffix the eyesore. at least it's not a fflyin magic pumpkin *...That may have been preferable to the guady as fuck hoverlimo actually. Whatever.*
Amalia: i'm no† rea||y sure wha† †he o|d condesce was †hinking when she picked †his sor† of †hing as †he design s†y|e hones†|y. *you say wi†h a shrug*
Haides: Yes Vinira, but a challenge is not the point of this. Yeah, we could charge it, less time to think, MORE risk of getting hurt....the whole point of this training is to not run. To stand there and wait for it to come and dodge. To control the instinct to leap at things....we are leaders Vinira, the people need us. Yeah it is fun to throw ourselves into danger and risk our lives to save everyone...but our deaths are worse than anyone we could ever save....because our deaths carry the risk of an entire nation falling....
Vinira: you posed it as a challenge, not trainin. *You point out.* not once did you reffer to it as trainin *You scowl though, crossing your own arms. ...What nation? You've got.. what? A group of trolls that half of which likely wouldn't listen to you even if you were yelling at them to dodge a fatal blow? No. There isn't a nation. There is a group of those who may not even want to finish things anymore and you wouldn't blame them. Your death carries the risk of failing to honor those who are lost and to protect those who remain. Can't risk a nation when there isn't one.*
alia: *you decide †ha† you rea||y |ike haides a† †ha†. because †his is rea||y a |esson you know vin needs †o |earn. because you're VERY aware of how she'd wi||ing|y sacrifice herse|f for †he res† of you.* i†'s ei†her going †o be a bou|der or i†'|| be a green ghos†. *you poin† ou†* Haides: Honestly? Fuck it, it doesn't matter. You can teach the boulder to flinch more than you can teach a stubborn ass to move. *You snort, moving to pull your armor on* So why are you really over here. Not for your health. What is it you need to bug me about now? *you are getting snippy in temperment now, the skeletons starting to drift off*
Vinira: *You flick an earfin* isn't hard to move when that's the right course *You eye Amalia* and not risk ourselves by goin terminal to play the hero *You can play the point out stuid decisions of the past card too. In case she's missed it, you haven't died once since going godteir. And that death itself was a result of doing too much in too short a time. You know what you're doing, even if it doesn't seem like it. Oh right... who's the one who randomly died doing stupid things? Not you.* iff that was what you wanted to see iff i could do, you should've said that. you didn't give any guidelines *You huff, frowning. ..Maybe you just won't ask him and will just go get lost and find the place yourself. Nnng. You'll ask, you guess* was goin as iff you'd let me see that they're there, in those ffields. don't know the way and ffigured askin was a better idea than tryin to get lost and ffind it
Amalia: *you frown a |i††|e bu† s†ay quie†.*
Haides: *You glance at her and your frown deepens* Only the dead may enter the fields or those that follow with me as the gates open for me, and me alone. I will never take you to the fields Vinira. You'll never leave. You can't fucking COPE with loss well enough to turn away from seeing those that past on. You are weak, emotional. For all your physical prowess Vinira and your skills in battle, you cannot handle what it means to be a tyranny. If this game hadn't happened...did you know that ALL your friends would have died before you even got your first grey hair? That in the end, you'll out live your morails, your matesprits, your kissmisetudes....ten times over probably...? Loss is something we live with... but you can't accept. So no.
Vinira: i'm very well aware off that. and they aren't the ffirst i've lost, and i know ffor a ffact they won't be the last. *No. Nowhere near the last. And you do manage not to snarl and declare you'll show him how weak you are, because doing that would prove his point.* iff me not leavin is somethin you're concerned about, i can give you assurance that i won't stop and stay. i haff thins i need to do, and stayin isn't one off them. *You manage... not to get angry. At least. You're a little surprised with yourself over how you don't get angry and pissy like you probably would have at any other time about his words.*
Amalia: *you're no† rea||y surprised by †his answer bu† i† was wor†h a sho† a† |eas†*
Haides: Well if you have things to do I can make you a stairwell to the beach again if you think you are recovered enough *You say, sliding the helm of darkness over your head*
Vinira: honestly, that was one off the thins i had on my adgenda to do, i haff a message ffor them. *You flick an earfin, sighing a bit* ...i can ffind my own way iff you're too busy. thanks ffor the vote off conffidence by the way. *You start to turn away. ...About what you expected. Your stunt with the boulder probably hurt whatever chance you did have of him letting you pass on the message and just... let them know that you're going to finish this shit.*
Haides: You'll get lost. I'll give you the shortcut *You stomp your foot and a stairwell rises up from the floor to the ceiling, letting light pour down into the underworld showing how gloomy and dark it really was. You squint and step back. You don't really like all that bright sunshine much* I don't want to hold you up, princess.
Amalia: *you †urn †o go af†er vin, †ouching her arm* vin... we can find ano†her way †o con†ac† †hem somehow. wimzee had †ro||ian s†i|| when ze was dead... no† sure how ze managed i† bu† maybe †here's ano†her way we can †a|k †o †hem. *you g|ance up a† †he s†aircase as i† appears. a† |eas† you have a way back up now.*
Vinira: *You pause at Amalia's words, flicking an earfin* ...so is that somethin that is permitted shuga skull, or am i goin haff to pester you to play messenger troll? *You've... got both of their handles, if that's something that's permitted.*
Haides: I'm not delivering any message and Wimzee would only be able to use it if she was aghost and not processed into the afterlife. If they have passed the gates they are onto the next life and have no more mortal concerns. They died in peace.
Amalia: *you †urn back †o haides* wi|| you he|p us ge† †he fina| piece of †he he|| orb from †he dragon, haides?
Vinira: *Yeah you didn't think so. And the very way you bristle some is a failure.* why yes, off course, how silly and...emotional off me. fforgive me. *And you bow at him. It's overblown, and the smile you force onto your face is just as much so. It's lovely how much faith there is right here. You are still a troll, and all you had wanted was to let them know you're alright. That you're going to keep going for them. But it doesn't surprise you that you're denyed even that. Giant cosmic joke, it is you. And you hope something is laughing somewhere because it's nowhere near funny to you. You have to take him at his word because you're denyed even just a few seconds. You think you're getting used to being reminded that you're wrong for wanting things, so maybe the cosmic joke will stop. ...Nah you're probably wrong about even that. You don't comment on Amalia's question, interested in the response yourself but willing to bet he won't. It's a thing he could do, so why would he? That seems the running theme today. Give him something he could do and let him not do the thing.* ...as ffor beffore, i must sincerely apologisse. i was in no mindset ffor somethin off that nature, fforgive me. *...At least you're being sincere about being apologetic? For whatever little it's worth* it was a bit too soon ffor me.
Haides: *You snort* I don't want to go into this dragon fight... I do not know the others and forgive me but I do remember my home and am more than a bit paranoid about things like being stabbed in the back or out in the open as a fairly LARGE target as it were. I do not know this enemy, nor the stragegy and have little faith in what I've seen of your team thus far....forgive me if I'm wrong but some of you seem to lack...control of your own godtier powers. What a shame to do that in the middle of battle and doom us all. *you growl a bit* ....and I'm disclined due to my own personal mood at the momment as well. I won't lie when I say I'm also, in part, declining because I don't want to be near either of you.
Amalia: *you nod, no† rea||y ab|e †o b|ame him* a|righ†. *and you †urn †o head up †he s†airs †o |eave.*
Vinira: *You flick an earfin, frowning a bit* ...really am sorry ffor the bother. *You do kneel for a moment, concentrating on growing... well you don't know what happened to the first one, but it's another little sort of skeltal looking oliphaunt that you grow. Like the last one you grew for him. You stand afterwards, turning to leave* ...and about the pomegranate and what happened affter. *You... don't apologize often, and you start to head up the stairs* thank you ffor your help. *..You mean it in a... thank you for helping Amalia and letting the two of you have a place to rest for a short amount of time sort of way, and you try to convey as much with a few flashes because you're not sure how to phrase it*
Haides: *You give a grunt and your own fins flash more or less a pattern of welcome* ....your welcome.....*and you turn crossing your arms and head deeper into your underworld away from the light, letting the little oliphant follow you*
Amalia: *you wa†ch haides go before f|oa†ing back down †he s†airs †o wrap your arms around vin's shoud|ers* ...|e†'s head back †o †he beach. we can figure ou† where everyone's gone and figure ou† where †o go nex†.
Vinira: *You flick an earfin, glancing to Amalia.* ...sort off tempted to ffollow him and annoy him to make up ffor upsettin him.. *You mutter, glancing back with a little frown. But you're not sure if you even should do that. You're pretty sure he's in a bad mood because of you, but you're not sure if annoying him would make it better or worse. ...Avoiding pitch all your life is probably bad, because you're not sure what to do where. You have a plan from here, really, but nnnng.*
Amalia: ... we shou|d ask sa|ixa †he righ† way †o pi†ch because mine is never rea||y around and i'm sor† of convinced †ha† was jus† a f|ing so i'm no† †he bes† source of know|edge for i† or i'd |e† you know if †ha† was †he righ† †hing †o do or no†...
Vinira: ...yeah i'll ask her. *Or maybe you'll ask Arthat. You need to track him down and make sure him...both of him... are alright anyway. You can ask him about that eventually once you've made sure he's okay and just been glad to know he's alright - if he is alright* ffor right now, i guess i'll just go? *You tilt your head* ...annoy him even more later? *You guess. Because you don't want to aggrivate him in a not good way, and he did say he didn't want to be near either one of you. Augh. This is stupid and confusing.*
Amalia: *you nod and sor† of s†ar† †o guide her back †o †he s†airs by f|oa†ing †ha† way wi†h your arms s†i|| around her* we'|| figure i† ou†... righ† now †hough we shou|d make sure †he o†hers are s†i|| okay. i haven'† seen or heard from any of †hem since i passed ou† on †he beach.
Vinira: *You frown, unhappy with the way it feels like you're just bouncing because he turned down a request.* ...nnng, yeah. heard ffrom iccona recently, but that's it. *As a last minute thing, you grow a patch of greenery that you're not sure he'll even see, but whatever. You can grow plants into creatures, you can leave the brightest pinkest guady flowers in a pattern that reads like words without much trouble. 'still hate you, shuga <3<' ...It feels right to do that. You're not totally sure why, but whatever. You head up the stairs with Amalia before you can second guess yourself*
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: Iccona ===> Rally the Troops, Part 3
------concussiveThunderstrike started trolling compulsiveCadaver------
CT: :o)> Vin? Ar3 y0U alright!?
CC: ...hey iccona
CC: it would depend on how you deffine alright, honestly
CC: and you? are you alright?
CT: :o)> L3t's start with physically, sinc3 I'm n0t mUch b3tta 0ff if...what Split impli3d was what I th0Ught it was.
CT: :o)> I am...w3ll th3 w0rd I Up and Us3d with B3l was 'fin3'. S0, l3t's g0 with that.
CC: ...i'm ffine physically
CC: can i ask how split is?
CT: :o)> D3vastat3d.
CT: :o)> H3...hasn't m0v3d sinc3 w3 talk3d.
CC: ...he's not alone at least
CT: :o)> S0...I was right?
CT: :o)> Th3y b0th...?
CC: ....yeah
CT: :o)> ...fUck.
CC: ...i was right there. i was so close. i...
CC: that battle should never haff been somethin that had to happen
CT: :o)> I...Um...y3ah...
CT: :o)> I kn0w it w0n't h3lp, bUt...I kn0w h0w y0U f33l.
CT: :o)> T0 b3 right th3r3.
CT: :o)> T0 kn0w if y0U'd b33n a s3c0nd fast3r. Y0U c0Uld'v3...d0n3 s0m3thing.
CT: :o)> It...sUcks.
CC: ...you'd be the only one so ffar to understand it
CC: i don't... think amalia or haides understand how it ffelt
CC: i'm the ffuckin protector off liffe and i... not even a liffe right in ffront off me...
CT: :o)> I still s33 him s0m3tim3s. My daymar3s. I cl0s3 my 3y3s and all I s33 is t3al splatt3r3d acr0ss a c0Upl3 hUndr3d p0Unds 0f black marbl3. It...I was STR0NG 3n0Ugh t0 m0v3 it, bUt what is STR3NGTH wh3n y0U didn't m0v3 fast 3n0Ugh t0 st0p it in th3 m0th3rfUckin' first plac3, n3igh?
CC: ...i'm scared to sleep without bein exhausted. i cried until i passed out, and i avoided dayterrors that way. but i don't think i can do that fforever.
CT: :o)> S0p0r d0n't h3lp. S0, d0n't b0th3r with it.
CT: :o)> Talkin' h3lps s0m3.
CT: :o)> 3sp3cially t0 him.
CT: :o)> I...w0Uld sit, al0n3 in th3 bl0ck, and jUst talk. 0Ut l0Ud.
CT: :o)> T3ll him what I was f33lin'.
CC: ...sopor has never really helped with my dayterrors, honestly. not since... neffffel.
CC: i apologissed a lot earlier, when i was cryin. i... grew a lot off cacti
CT: :o)> I...think I h3ard his s0ng, if y0U'r3 int3r3st3d.
CT: :o)> It's h0w I kn3w.
CC: i was goin... grow a really giant one with a mustache and name it charlemange affter the battle, it was... one off several...plans ffor affter the battle
CC: i... his song?
CT: :o)> V0ids0ngs.
CT: :o)> 3v3ryb0dy's g0t 0n3.
CT: :o)> I'd St3p t0 y0U bUt I'm...n0t 3%actly all0w3d t0 g3t Up and rUn ar0Und right n0w.
CC: ...it would be... nice... iff it wasn't much off a bother, somethin more to r-remember him by
CC: it's okay, i don't think haides would be very pleased iff you stepped to here anyway. did somethin happen?
CC: i sort off missed a lot off thins on the beach while haides was kidnappin me
CT: :o)> I...may hav3 had an accid3nt with my V0id. >.>
CC: are you okay? no wait.. that's a... loaded question. let me think off a better way to ask... is it somethin that you want to talk about? and is there any way i can help?
CT: :o)> I alr3ady t0ld B3l m0st 0f it. My V0id is an 3l3m3nt lik3 his. Its g0t a driv3 0f its 0wn. Wh3n Carni st0l3 Sal 0Ut fr0m Und3r my n0s3, my V0id didn't lik3 that...and...0v3rwh3lm3d m3. It...I...s0rta drain3d 'Z33's 3n3rgy. Z3's kn0ck3d 0Ut acr0ss fr0m m3. BUt...Sal f0Und m3 and pUll3d m3 0Ut. JUst...th3 V0id w0Uldn't l3t m3 g0 with0Ut a pric3.
CC: oh no
CC: i'm glad salixa was able to pull you out though
CC: and i'm sorry to hear about that
CT: :o)> I'll b3 fin3. JUst s0m3 sUrfac3 stUff. And I g0tta Up and adjUst h0w I h0ld stUff is all. And...y0U kn0w...n3w scars. H3h.
CC: heh, i might haff a ffew new ones myselff, ffrom when godteir powers went all wonky. i'm not sure how well they healed up when those came back. i can see iff i can help you with the way you hold thins? i had to adjust to not bein able to hear out off one side, and while it's sort off difffferent, still adjustin to cope with somethin you had beffore and don't anymore so the principle might be similar enough ffor me to be able to help some.
CC: ...er, iff you'd even want my help that is
CT: :o)> 0f c0Urs3! Y0U'r3 th3 r3sid3nt w3ap0nsmast3r Up in h3r3. ^.^
CT: :o)> I Up and l0st a c0Upl3 fing3rs 0n my b0w hand savin' T0l. Still g0t Up t0 th3 first j0int 0n b0th, bUt that's it.
CC: heh. it'd give me somethin to do other than... nnng. think about what was planned.
CC: oh man, that sounds painfful
CC: is tol okay?
CT: :o)> Y3ah. H3's alright. H3's with his sir3 n0w. H3's happi3r that way, th3y'r3 warmbl00ds, s0 h3 g3ts a bit cl0s3r t0 3Ur0pa's bl00d t3mp3ratUr3.
CT: :o)> And...y0U kn0w, that was pr0bably my first fUckin' sign. It n3v3r hUrt. I jUst didn't f33l it, n0t 'til Sal was pUllin' m3 0Ut.
CC: i'm glad he's alright. and i'm glad you were able to save him
CC: it might haff been
CC: but then i don't really haff any room to blame you ffor that? because i didn't exactly ffeel many off my own injuries until later
CT: :o)> 'C0Urs3 it's 0n3 0f th3 r3as0n I'm n0t l3ttin' '3m h3al m3 Up all th3 way n0w. Pain l3ts y0U kn0w y0U'r3 m0th3rfUckin' aliv3.
CC: which was probably either because off my own pain threshold or because off adrenaline. one off the two
CC: yeah ffor sure
CT: :o)> Pr0b'bly b0th.
CT: :o)> S0, I'm takin' th3 tim3 H00k, Sal and B3l want m3 t0 r3la% and g3t my chat 0n with all th3 h3r03s. CUz w3 g0t a m0th3rfUckin' drag0n t0 tak3 d0wn, and a m0th3rfUckin' gam3 t0 win.
CT: :o)> Y0U in?
CC: ...probably. i...uh... wanted to go back. ..affter... i don't even know iff i had any injuries myselff at that time. probably did, i know there was blood on the back off my head when i ffelt it earlier ffrom a wound that i got at ...some point. i'm not sure when between the war and the tumblin in the mobile lab
CC: oh yes thank you
CC: i was wonderin iff i would be the only one who wanted to go back and ffuckin ffinish this shit
CT: :o)> I'v3 g0t a fall3n br0th3r-at-arms t0 av3ng3, m0th3rfUck3r! Damn fUckin' straight I'm in t0 finish this shit!
CC: brother at arms? ...would it be rude off me to guess that you mean ct?
CT: :o)> Y3ah. W3 shar3d a c0at 0f arms.
CC: ... maybe i can.. tell you... because that's sort off related to why i want to ffinish this shit
CC: ...er
CT: :o)> 0h?
CC: ...affter the battle. i was... goin... nnng. be a parent, i guess. ...me, turkey and ct
CT: :o)> 0h...Vin...
CC: i mean... uh... there's probably a better way off puttin it
CC: but... i...
CC: y-yeah
CT: :o)> Th3y w0n't hav3 di3d in vain! I SW3AR IT!
CT: :o)> W3 will av3ng3 th3m, Vin.
CC: oh i plan ffor them not to haff died in vain. and iff i haff anythin to say about it, i'm goin to everythin in my power to make sure split knows he's not lefft all alone. even iff they're... i mean... i'm not related to him, but iff he doesn't... hate me or somethin i want to make sure he knows he always has an ally in me
CT: :o)> H3's g0t m0r3 than a m0th3rfUckin' ally, Vin. H3's g0t a fUckin' family. 3v3ry adUlt tr0ll that's still livin' right n0w is pr00f y0U hav3 t0 b3 all Up and bl00d r3lat3d t0 b3 fUckin' family. All 0f 0Ur lUscii ad0pt3d Us.
CC: ....h-haides said they were probably in elyssian ffields. i... sort off want to go see, make sure they're... as okay as they can be? nnng. that probably sounds odd, sorry
CC: heh, yeah. you haff a point
CT: :o)> If I r3ally did h3ar '3m...th3y'r3 t0g3th3r. That's 3n0Ugh f0r m3, bUt y0U kn0w...if y0U g3t t0 s33 '3m...t3ll CT 'til th3 m3rcy 0f th3 cUlling f0rk' f0r m3?
CC: i just... want to make sure, you know? maybe... s-see them happy one more time.
CC: off course, i'll them him iff i see them
CT: :o)> Thanks, Vin.
CT: :o)> And y3ah.
CT: :o)> Th3 s0ng s0Und3d happy. BUt y0U kn0w...CT wasn't...3v3r Unhappy. N0t th3 wh0l3 tim3 I kn3w him.
CC: off course iccona. and.. yeah... i don't think i ever saw him unhappy either really, or even heard off him bein unhappy. which is... nice to think about, really. thinkin off him somewhere still smilin is... a pretty thought
CT: :o)> Wh3n Split...gav3 m3...h3...th3 first gift I 3v3r 3%chang3d with CT was a scarf. I gav3 it t0 him, and that br0Ught him back, m3lt3d th3 ic3 and stUff. And Split said...CT w0Uld'v3 want3d m3 t0 hav3 it back...and I was sittin' h3r3...jUst Up and h0ldin' it, y0U kn0w. Thinkin'. And h3 b3li3v3d, Vin. H3 had this assUranc3 that 3v3n th0Ugh th3 w0rld h3 liv3d in was shit, and h3 had t0 fight f0r his fUckin' lif3, that th3r3 was g00d in it. That...if y0U jUst...f0cUs3d 0n b3in' kind and spr3adin' j0y...that it'd m3an s0m3thin'. And...I jUst...I can't l3t that di3 with him.
CT: :o)> That's why I g0tta g0 back in. G0tta finish this. 0nc3 and f0r fUckin' all.
CC: you won't be alone.
CT: :o)> B3l calls it H0p3, and I dUnn0 if that's what it is, bUt...CT. TUrk3y. And 3v3ryb0dy wh0 Up and l0st th3ir liv3s in this shith0l3 0f a gam3...if I can bring 3v3n 0n3 smil3 t0 0n3 m0th3rfUck3r...I g0tta d0 it.
CC: heh, iff anyone would know hope when they saw it, i think it'd be bel
CC: and i will be right there beside you ffor as long as you'll let me, we're goin ffinish this piece off shit game.
CT: :o)> Ain't a matt3r 0f l3ttin' y0U, Vin. I'd lik3 t0 s33 th3 m0th3rfUck3r what thinks h3 has a m0th3rfUckin' right t0 Up and g3t in 0Ur way.
CC: iff they even try to get in our motherffuckin way, they won't get to stay there ffor long. ffuckin go through them iff i haff to. or motherffuckin mow them down
CT: :o)> At this p0int, I kn0w B3l's with Us, and th3 hUman girl, N3ssi3, wants t0 h3lp. DUnn0 what g00d sh3 is, bUt th3 hUmans ar3 h3r03s fr0m th3ir s3ssi0n, I think. I kn0w Sal will f0ll0w m3, and 'Z33, th0Ugh I sw3ar I d0n't d3s3rv3 z3r. S0 w3'v3 g0t at l3ast si% h3r03s. Pr3tty sUr3 I can c0nvinc3 Split t0 l3t m3 h3al his wings. Th3n invit3 him t0 c0m3 with Us. Mayb3 Amalia?
CC: ...nessie. iff i'm not gettin the humans mixed up again, i think she's a space hero. and amalia came to the war with me, so she might be up ffor this. i'll ask her. i can see about gettin haides involved too. ...might haff to bait him, but i can think off a ffew ways to bait the sugar skull into helpin. i'll start growin more off my chloroffaunae, i've got some better ideas about how to weaponisse them even more. i know they were off at least a little help durin the war. i remember angmar was coverin split ffor a while. but i can shore us up with plant creations, and maybe we can get salixa and nessie ...iff she is a space hero like i swear i remember... to help out, i haff an idea ffor what's lefft off my brigade. i can get us an army, i guess is what i'm sayin with that.
CT: :o)> "SUgar skUll"??? G3ttin' pitchy Up in h3r3? H3h h3h h3h.
CC: riight, er, yeah. he's sort off my pitch. an annoyin little sugar skull off a street rat. and that plus the ffact that he's able to ffuckin troll handle me like a motherffuckin wriggler is the only reason i'm not at the beach and tryin to help hook out with the wounded.
CC: he picked me up and kidnapped me when i tried
CT: :o)> And y3ah, an army's g00d. As s00n as my jail0rs l3t m3 Up, I wanna w0rk with y0U. B3l and I...w3 g0t 0Urs3lv3s a dU0 c0mbinati0n thing with 0Ur asp3cts. H3 thr0ws m3 an 3l3m3nt, and I mak3 it fUckin' w0rs3 with my V0id. N3%t tim3 y0U can g3t past y0Ur spad3 th3n, ch3ck 0Ut th3 r0cks 0Ut b3y0nd th3 br3ak3rs. That'd b3 my d0in'.
CC: ...i think maybe i can see about pushin liffe into elements, like i do with the plants to make the chloroffaunae. we can get more powerfful thins that way. my chloroffaunae are great, but they're generally not very strong against ffire. and i can think off a ffew thins the three off us can get up to workin together like that
CC: heh, i think right now all our plans rely on our respective jailors releasin us, eh?
CC: ...or me sneakin out
CC: might try that
CT: :o)> What s0rt 0f pitch w0Uld y0U b3 if y0U jUst l3t him haUl y0U ar0Und all th3 tim3? ^.^
CC: exactly. just hope i don't get totally lost or somethin, that'd be... interestin to explain later
CT: :o)> And y3ah. I think t3amw0rk is 0n3 0f th3 bigg3st things M0rdr3d and SmaUg w0n't 3%p3ct 0f Us. Giv3n 0Ur track r3c0rd, I d0n't think I'd hav3 3%p3ct3d it 0f Us 3ith3r, bUt w3'r3 b3tta than w3 w3r3. And w3'll b3 b3tta than th3y think w3 Up and ar3.
CT: :o)> H3h. If y0U g3t l0st, bUzz m3, I'll c0m3 St3p y0U 0Ut.
CC: given our track record, it may be exactly the sort off sudden thin that'll give us a motherffuckin edge
CC: they can only underestimate us ffor so long beffore we motherffuckin show them exactly how wrong they are, no?
CT: :o)> H3ll m0th3rfUckin' right!
CC: and that'd be awesome. we can deffinately work together that way
CC: heh
CC: what?
CT: :o)> My...my w0Unds...
CT: :o)> I was all 3%cit3d and shit and it was lik3...w3ll...lik3 Y0U!
CT: :o)> And...and B3l.
CT: :o)> That sh0Uld b3 a sh0Utp0l3
CT: :o)> BUt h0py fUckin' shit!
CC: ffrom when the void tried to take you? i don't know what your non presentin bloodline is, but maybe it's a seadweller caste? would explain why they glow, i think?
CT: :o)> It is.
CT: :o)> B3l is my fUll br0th3r.
CT: :o)> BUt...lik3...is that 3v3n p0ssibl3???
CT: :o)> I m3an. I d0n't hav3 th3 flashy fr3ckl3s and...w3ll I didn't hav3 th3 flashy fr3ckl3s. N0w I gU3ss I d0, bUt I didn't think that c0Uld Up and happ3n 0n a landdw3ll3r...and I'm a blU3bl00d pr3s3ntin'. D0 g3n3tics w0rk lik3 that? Lik3...cUz I was Up and zapp3d by my V0id it flipp3d a switch 0r s0m3thin'??
CT: :o)> I m3an...I c0Uld c0ntr0l th3 c0l0rs in my tat, bUt that wasn't anywh3r3 n3ar as 3%pr3ssiv3 as this and WHAT TH3 FUCK AM I 3V3N SAYIN?! H0PY SHIT! %.%
CC: i...honestly wouldn't even know iff it was even possible. maybe your tat cracked open a vault and your void fflipped the switch? i'm not sure
CT: :o)> ...I dUnn0 bUt I think I scar3d th3 fUck 0Utta th3 Maid that was Up and g3ttin' h3r f3tch 0n f0r m3... >.>
CT: :o)> 00ps.
CC: whoops, i'm sure she'll understand
CT: :o)> Sh3 grUmbl3d at m3, which I assUm3 is s'p0s3d t0 m3an I'm n0t s'p0s3d t0 g3t all Up and 3%cit3d 'b0Ut shit.
CT: :o)> H3h...00ps...gU3ss I scar3d a bUnch 0f 0th3rs t00. >///<
CC: bah. you can get excited iff you want
CC: ...that may haff been why she grumbled though
CC: the others
CT: :o)> H3h. I'll mak3 '3m thr0w m3 0Ut. That'll t3ach '3m t0 mak3 m3 r3st wh3n I'm fUckin' fin3.
CC: heh. you get thrown out and i'll see iff there's not a way ffor me to sneak out. affter... that which we mentioned beffore... and we'll entirely meet up to get some teamwork the motherffuck on, no?
CT: :o)> Y3ah. ^.^
CT: :o)> >.> I think I sh0Uld pr0bably actUally tak3 a nap first th0Ugh...0th3rwis3 B3l's g0nna Up and sit 0n m3.
CC: yes. you should sleep. bel sittin on you is somethin you should probably avoid iff you can
CT: :o)> Y3ah. H33 h33 h33. G0nna d0 that n0w that I'v3 g0t my mUffin and 3v3ryb0dy 3ls3 is all back t0 g3ttin' th3ir r3st 0n and all.
CC: hehehe. you enjoy that muffffin and take your nap. i'll talk to you again affter we get our escapes done, ...neigh?
CT: :o)> H33 h33 h33. Sh0r3 fin.
CC: hehe. you haff a nice nap iccona
CT: :o)> Thanks, Vin. Try t0 r3la% y0Urs3lf s0m3?
CC: yeah... i'll try.
CT: :o)> This is...a r3ally p00r r3c0rdin'...bUt...it's th3 b3st I can d0 with jUst my palm hUsk....mayb3 it'll h3lp s0m3?
--concussiveThunderstrike [CT] sent specialremix.mp3--
CC: o-oh! ah! t-thanks iccona. i'll see iff it helps, yeah. it..really means a lot to me that you're willin to let me hear this, you know
CT: :o)> FigUr3 y0U d3s3rv3 it. G0nna g3t th3 N3ssi3 hUman t0 g3t m3 a b3tta r3c0rdin'.
CC: i... just...t-thank you. and you re-reelly don't haff to do that, iff it's a problem or anythin, honest. the last thin i want is to be causein you any problems
CT: :o)> Th3r3 ar3 actUally...a c0Upl3 I wanna hav3 h3r r3c0rd...s0...it's r3ally...h3h...lit3rally...n0thin'. ^///^
CC: ...whale thanks. i appreciate it.. quite a bit really (^v^)
CT: :o)> Y0U'r3 w3lc0m3.
CC: there anythin i can do ffor you?
CT: :o)> I think n0w I r3ally am g0nna grab that nap...mayb3 I'm n0t as fin3 as I th0Ught...kinda dizzy...
CT: :o)> 0nly thing I can think 0f is...sUrviv3. H3lp m3 h0n0r th3ir m3m0ry and shit.
CC: iff you're dissssy, you should reelly grab that nap ffor sure. there may be somethin to takin a nap sometimes
CC: ...that i can do. all off the ones who were lost. we'll honor them.
CT: :o)> Y3ah...l0st a l0t 0f bl00d in th3 V0id...
CT: :o)> Hay Vin?
CC: yeah?
CT: :o)> D0 y0U think tr0lls can shar3 a c0at 0f arms? Lik3 th3 virals can?
CC: i don't see why not, honestly.
CT: :o)> I think I'd lik3 t0 mak3 0n3 f0r Us. Y0U and m3. CUz 0f th3m. Y0U kn0w? Is th3r3 sUch thing as sist3rs-in-arms?
CC: and i think it's...orangejuice, maybe, that you're supposed to drink when you've lost a lot off blood, maybe see iff you can get one off the maids to ffetch you some? it might help?
CT: :o)> 0r can w3 b3 br0th3rs in spit3 0f b3in' f3mal3?
CC: yeah, i know. and i don't know iff there is, can't think off any that were in my epics, but it doesn't matter. we can be comrades-in-arms regardless off gender
CT: :o)> Y3ah, 0n3 0f '3m jUst sh0v3d a jUic3 b0% at m3.
CT: :o)> C0mrad3s...s0Unds g00d.
CC: hehe, i may not haff a lot off medical know how, you're the expert there, and in good hands with that too, but it's good to know the little i've got isn't all wrong
CC: and yeah... it sure does
CT: :o)> ^.^ Y3ah. Alright th3n. I'm g0nna act-sh0al-ly g0 this tim3. I'll m3ssag3 y0U wh3n I wak3 Up?
CC: shore, sounds good (^v^) rest well
CT: :o)> Thanks. Talk t0 y0U lat3r. ^.^
CC: talk to you later
You look over the conversation again after she's disconnected. There's a little expression tugging at the corners of your lips, and as you dig in your sylladex to fish out a pair of headphones that work with your earfins, you think you're going to do the same. A coat of arms. Iccona's a great troll, she's been through a lot, really, and that expression breaks through a bit when you think of before the game. She stood right by your side to protect the others from... the green ghost... heh... and you're pretty sure she's been there all along. And you're not sure if you can convey in words how much her understanding what you felt means to you. ...Maybe in seadweller flashes, if that's a thing she can understand.  Those have always been easier to convey feelings over.
You're... well it can't quite be called a smile. It's too small and unsteady for that, maybe a little upward quirk of your lips that keeps shaking would be more accurate. But that's what you've got right now, comrades in arms huh? You like it. But at least... you don't feel quite so much like a lost little wriggler all alone on the playground during schoolfed anymore. And it's a good feeling. Survive she said. And you feel guilty, so guilty, for surviving where they didn't. For what right do you have living while they aren't?? But you're not going to run off and die. That would...dishonor them both. No. Dishonor all the ones who died. You'll live. ...For them. And for Split. Because even if he... doesn't like you, or hates you because you were right there, you're going to do everything in your power for him.
And you finally find the headphones, and you hesitate for a moment before you nod and plug them into your palmhusk so you can hear it. And poor recording or not, in those moments you listen to the melody of Twelfth Perigree’s Eve and the tribal drums supporting it... you do manage a little more of a smile as you remember ...well... what Haides said before. The happiness you shared. The way it felt so right. Like nothing could ever be wrong.  And you don't think it'll ever stop hurting, not really, and you're dimly aware of the slow, silent tears. No... it won't stop hurting ever and it aches even now, it pulses and drags claws across your bloodpusher like if you don't keep your eye on it it'll rip it right back out. You're not really aware of the way you chewed a hole through your top at one point during the conversation, and you figure a way to rig your palmhusk so you can keep listening to it for a little bit longer. You pull the bone back out of your sylladex and for a little bit you just stare at it.
You do speak eventually, more a whisper than anything else. "...thank you. ...ffor c-choosin to spend what time we had together with me" Oh it hurts. You shiver, because cod does it hurt. And you want nothing more than to have them back. Nothing more than to look up and know they'll be coming right around that corner and through the door in a few minutes and all of this was just some extended dayterror. Because you see it so clearly, the moment you stopped. The moment you were made to stop in the middle of battle and you couldn't move on your own. The moment you... failed. Lost. And you wish with every fiber of your being that it wasn't so. That it had gone differently. That they weren't...
You're still...broken... you guess. Still collecting the parts of you that shattered. And you lay the hand not clutching the bone against one of the cacti, feeling it up against your palm where it'd probably prick and draw blood if you pressed much harder. And for a moment, you're really tempted to. You don't though, something stops you, and instead you just whisper "..i...wish you were here still..."
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: Vin ===> Time to admit your life is deathly broken
Amalia: *you are ama|ia megido and you s|ow|y regain conciousness in a recuperacoon... excep† †his doesn'† rea||y fee| |ike sopor... i† doesn'† have †he same s|uggish enducing effec† on you as i† norma||y does. weird. i† ac†ua||y fee|s...nice. you si† up, fee|ing a |o† |ess s†iff †hen you'd expec† af†er a ba††|e and †he end of †he wor|d and exhaus†ing your psionics. you f|oa† ou† of †he recupperacoon and s†re†ch your |egs a |i††|e, finding yourse|f wearing a †oga sor† of †hing. a momen† of ge††ing a fee| for your surroundings and you decide you're... probab|y no† on †he beach anymore.... where †he he|| are you?*
Vinira: *You are Persep- er...Vinira Peixes, and you stayed... for a little while in the sopor. Shut up it counts. ...You were afraid to sleep again. Afraid to dream. You think you did. Maybe. You feel like you slept for a while. Currently you're occupying a corner. ...Maybe jungle would be the right word? Do jungles have cacti with mustaches? You don't care. Maybe you slept for a bit, you certainly remember waking up. ..Twice? ...Once not long after you'd claimed your corner, where you sort of... curled around one of the rib bones you'd never used and cried and wailed and keened until you couldn't anymore. You think maybe you passed out there, after napping in the sopor with Amalia and waking up crying. Whatever. You're awake now, idly growing yet another cactus. You've lost count on how many of those you've grown and you stopped paying attention to the flora that grew aside from those anyway. You're still... clutching the bone in one hand. You're not going to let go of it any time soon and you don't want to sleep again. You don't want to dream. You know what's waiting for you in your dreams.*
Haides: *You are Haides and you kick in the door and walk in, carrying a tray of breakfast foods. You didn't make them. Fuck no. YOu can't cook. Your cooking causes all cooks of the universe to scream and all stomaches to commit suicide rather than taste it. You had your undead chef Ramsay do it* Got some food. You BETTER eat....*More mustache cacti. Your persephone has a very prickly disposition it seems....You roll your eyes and set the food down and sit back, crossing your arms over your bare chest. You are just wearing pants as you just woke up an hour ago. You are taller, more muscular and your hair hangs to your shoulders in curly tresses. You even have the start of somewhat of a curly beard*
Amalia: *you f|inch a |i††|e when †he door is kicked in bu† don'† reac† any more †hen †ha†.... is †ha† haides? wow when did he mo|† he's... wow. he's bigger †hen vinira now and you're s†i|| pre††y †iny in comparison †o even her. you spo† your ma†espi† curr|ed up in one of †he corners of †he |arge room you're in, growing f|ora and cac†i around her. you'd say some†hing †o her and haides bu† you find your voice is s†i|| curren†|y awo|. you †ake a momen† †o c|ear your head (and b|o† ou† †he sounds of †he dead because wow why is i† so |oud righ† now) and make your way over †o †he food... i† sme||s nice a† |eas†.*
Vinira: *You wiggle your earfins when you hear a voice. ...Food? You're not very hungry. You're not hungry pretty often, honestly, but you're even less hungry than usual right now. ...You're mildly tempted to grow a pomegranate and throw it and say as much. ..Why a pomegranate? You're not even sure. ...Actually. You're going to throw it anyway. Because you feel like it and you do what you want damnit. So you do. You grow a pomegranate and you throw it at him. Because you can. He should be glad it's not a durian or a cacti.* ..are we threatenin now? what happens iff i don't eat? *You move sort of close anyway though, finishing the cacti you were working on and flicking an earfin when you look over it. You wave a bit to Amalia though* ...you alright?
Haides: ...You don't eat and I let your woodland friends set the table and sing you a song about the food pyramid....and trust me they won't fucking give you ANY BACON. *You drawl* clearly it offends wild pigs and eating bacon around them cause them to pull a wilderbeast stampede on your ass....*You growl wiping pomegrantes off your face* ...Pomegrante? Seriously? ARE WE ACTUALLY going to do this whole song and dance reference to that one story? What's next? Your mother going to cause eternal winter? Only winter she will cause is a porn shortage....
Amalia: *You wan† †o †e|| her "no i'm no† okay i fee| †errib|e and peop|e died and †here's voices of †he dead in my pan" bu† you s†i|| can'† †a|k so ins†ead you jus† sor† of su|k over †o her |ap and push your way in†o i† and |ean agains† her s†omach, cur|ing up in†o a ba|| agains† her*
Vinira: *...Okay that got a little snerk out of you. Because you entirely got him in the face with a pomegranate and now you remember why that was a thought you had. Heh.* ...you started it. with your rape off persephone hades kidnappin. *...And then Amalia is in your lap and you shift the bone from one hand to the other so you can pet her shoulder a little* ...rather not eat around the brigade. ...i'm not so sure those white hopbeasts are normal. *You're really sure you saw one ripping out a throat back during.... Okay. Different thought. You may be all cried out now but you don't need to do what your pan will do when you try to sleep. You should... maybe put the bone up at some point. ....Or throw another pomegranate at him. ...Nah he'd expect it this time...*
Haides: FINE THEN! I'll eat this by myself *You growl and sit down and start to help yourself to the giant plate of delicious bacon* If you two skinny pins are watching your weight or having guilty food eating time, NOT my problem.
Amalia: *you are hungry you jus† needed your sea† firs†. you swipe some of †he bacon wi†h your psionics as we|| as a ro|| and a sunny side up egg and f|oa† †hem over †o yourse|f, sepera†ing †he ro|| in ha|f and pu††ing †he bacon inbe†ween †he s|ices a|ong wi†h †he egg before s†aring †o ea† i†. you s†i|| hear dead peop|e. yep. †hose aren'† |eaving you a|one again. why do †he dead †hink you care abou† †heir prob|ems †hey're dead wha† prob|ems cou|d †he dead possib|y have. beyond graveyard ea†ing †hem. and mordred †rying †o corrup† †hem. and haides is probab|y doing †hings †o †hem †oo. okay so †he dead have a |o† of po†en†ia| prob|ems bu† †hey're no† YOUR prob|ems and †hey shou|d |eave you †he fuck a|one.*
Vinira: *...You snag a few pieces of bacon. ...Mostly to be contrary. Also because you can eat it without your brigade guilting you right now.* ..not watchin my weight, or that other thin. just don't get hungry offten. *...You remember that was explained to you once way back in schoolfed. Something about how you lived in a deep sea trench and how food was sort of scarce there? ...And something about viperfish going days without food? Right? Ugh. It was all sciencey, you don't remember it well right now because it's not really important. You just know you don't get hungry super often but you guess if he was nice enough to actually bring food (your own ability to grow fruit and shit aside) you might as well just eat some.*
Haides: Yeah well I doubt you've eaten recently and it is bacon. It is the food of the gods. I killed the pig myself because fuck that farm shit and its steroid filled meat.....didn't cook it. Gordan Ramsay dead. Undead chef shit....what's wrong with your flush? Did she lose her voice or something?
Amalia: *you shrug one shou|der and nod. you're no† rea||y sure why i† happened bu† you were |ike †his as a wrigg|er †oo, didn'† ge† your voice back un†i| you're four†h sweep or so. you ea† †he breakfas† sandwich quie†|y for now*
Vinira: ... you haff a point*...When was the last time you ate? You actually frown a bit and try to remember. There was the place with the tiny servings. ...Before that... Hnn. You don't remember. That's probably bad. You should probably actually be hungry.* ...seems like it. ...i haven't heard her say anythin since shortly beffore... *You frown a little* ...i think Hook sedated me *You remember him approaching. And then nothing for a while. You try not to recall why he sedated you though, you don't...want to remember that.*
Haides: ....So are alll people from your world this stupid and fucked up or is this something that is only relevant to the two of you? *You ask, propping your head up , resting your elbow on your knee as you munch on one of slices of toast* Because SERIOUSLY, half the shit you do? I wonder if nature is just laughing and letting you all live as some sort of cosmic sick joke to amuse itself with. LET ME GUESS someone died and now you are going to starve and stupid yourself to death to make up for it, yeah?
Vinira: *You growl. ...It's admittedly sort of hoarse and nowhere near your usual growls, but hey, you did sort of spend... who knows how long wailing and keening.* ...a protector off liffe that could not even protect one liffe in ffront off her *The scene flashes behind your eyes again and you half wince and half flare at it like that'll make it go away.* one liffe that meant so much *...Maybe you are a fucking cosmic joke. Maybe there's someone somewhere laughing at your pain. You certainly felt like a cosmic joke when you tried to die back during schoolfed and that damned rope kept snapping* ...i wouldn't be surprised iff it was a cosmic joke and we're all too damn stupid to notice it. some off us apparently aren't even intelligent enough to stay on a headcount chat when that's all we haff to know who is alive or dead
Amalia: *you don'† rea||y respond †o †he prodding from †he o†her †yrian. you know you're no† an idio† you don'† need †o prove any†hing †o him. you finish your sandwich and you |if† up †he pi†cher of OJ and a g|ass and pour yourse|f one before you f|oa† i† over †o yourse|f.*
Haides: ....Oh don't give me that look little miss 'I'm going to heroically burn myself out with my psionics to play the hero and save everyone' ....don't deny it. I got dead people down here who tell me things and they are very good about their information *You say with a roll of your eyes* And Vinira? Protector of life doesnt mean ALL life...it means as much life as you can despite the loss. IT IS WAR. People will die, some horrifically, some pathetically...what really makes the difference is if you just lay down and die and decide not to move or you keep running and save other lives.
Vinira: *...You growl again. You just...wanted to protect that life right in front of you. You could have. You know it. It's your fault. It's all your fault... Him and the others....* i am very aware that it is ffuckin war, thank you. *...You are an instrument of war. And you should never have dared to let yourself dream of being anything else. You guess you just...forgot that.* i didn't say i was goin lay down and die. iff i was goin do that, i would haff thrown myselff into one off those glitched patches *You force a smile as you say it. ...Instruments of war don't get time to grieve. You forgot that too. Maybe it says something that you didn't actually consider throwing yourself into a glitched patch and that's something that's only occuring to you as an option you could have taken now. ...Nnng, you snag another piece of bacon and try to keep it from replaying in your head by actually taking a moment to taste it instead of just eating it.*
Amalia: *you frown a† haides. wha† e|se were you suppoed †o do besides †ry and save everyone you cou|d? you g|ance up a† vinira she grow|s a† haides, you know she's hur†ing and she needs her moirai| for †his, no† her pi†ch.*
Haides: .....*You give a growl* Bleeding fucking HEARTS of the underworld UNITE! *and you reah over and pull them into a hug grumbling* You bunch of sad, dumb, babies! NOTHING IS YOUR DAMNED FAULT. If it was the dead would be blaming you and they ARENT! THEY ARE FUCKING HAPPY. Yes it may be hard to ACCEPT THAT but they are happy for the lives they lived, the happiness YOU GAVE THEM when they were alive and now, you got to do some justice to their memories, stop the self hate and move on...or else THEN YOU'VE really fucking failed them! You think my father would have let me live it down if I blamed myself for him having to die!? NO! Same feeing Vinira! I had to watch EVERYONE die and had to come her, knowing no one...at least you got people still alive right?
Vinira: *...You're being hugged. ...Why is he hugging you? You are confused. It doesn't compute.* ... *..The happiness... Oh those memories are painful but one of them does bring a little shaky smile to your face when you look at the cacti again.* ...y-yeah... *...You do have people still alive. And you guess... you must seem like a wriggler throwing a tantrum with this. Doesn't stop it from hurting. From feeling like your bloodpusher was carved out and everything shattered. From wanting to go back and hope against everything that you can still change it. From swaying between wanting to surround yourself with reminders and wanting to run away from any of them. ...Nope. Doesn't stop any of that. You do hug him though after...actually finally putting the bone up... for now at least... and mutter quietly* ...you don't know no one anymore, you silly sugar skull.
Amalia: *if someone had †o|d you a few mon†hs ago †ha† you wou|d one day be sandw†ched be†ween †wo gian† †yrians in a group hug you'd have ca||ed †hem insane. now you're in exac†|y †ha† posi†ion and you're no† rea||y sure how †o manuever yourse|f so †ha† you can give a non awkward hug †o peop|e †hree †imes your size. you end up jus† sor† of nuzz|ing be†ween †he †wo and hoping †hey don'† hug so hard you end up respawning again.*
Haides: Don't call me sugar skull....pixie stick.... or I'm going to take you on a magcial carpet ride....your morail being the carpet. Carpet didn't talk in the moive. Just gave judging looks to aladdin *You growl, still holding them both in a hug. They both fit in your lap* So stiff upper lip. They are probably all in the Elyssian fields living it up in the glorious perfect heaven afterlife which is a five star resort of everything you want.
Vinira: ...that would mean you'd be gettin all the judgin looks... street rat *...You still feel bad, it still hurts. You almost ask if you can see, just... make sure they got there alright... no that would be worse because you don't think you'd want to leave. Or maybe not. You're not sure of much right now* ...make sure you stay one jump ahead off the bread line *One swing, ahead of the sword... Well. At least your pan isn't replaying what happened for the moment? Instead it's replaying that song.*
Amalia: *oh my god †his pi†ch is painfu| from a †hird par†y perspec†ive. you're g|ad you're be|ow †hem in †he hug because you ro|| your eyes. oh |ook you're a|ready †he perfec† carpe†, jus† †he righ† amoun† of sass every†hing.*
Haides: *You smirk, baring your fangs at Vinira* OH I will....have to save you from getting your pretty little hands cut off from giving apples to street children, naive little pixie stick..*You take one of her hands between yours and kiss it with a smirk* Then just be DEVASTATED when you think I'm dead *You shift to give Amalia more room to wiggle and sit where she pleases at least*
Vinira: *...He is entirely cheating by using troll disney like that. You stick your tongue out at him. Because you're so mature apparently* ..i'm not sure i could wait around ffor you to rescue me ffrom jaffar though. you're too shugary to die, shuga skull *Mmmph. Yeah no, no way in ...ahah... hell are you going to let that mental image be a thing. He can be the street rat all he wants. No apparent deaths from any sort of Jafar. Nope. Not a thing that is happening.*
Amalia: *you've go† †he men†a| image of vinira in a harem gir| ou†fi† and go|d chains now whi|e jafar ho|ds her cap†ive.... crap. †ha†'s sor† of appea|ing †hinking of her in an ou†fi† |ike †ha†. you adjus† yourse|f a |i††|e so you'r eno† being squished and are more comfor†ab|e*
Haides: ....hmmmm? Maybe that will be a sight to see. You dressed up as a sexy harem girl...although....honestly it would be MUCH of a change from your usual outfit would it? Then there are always the sequeals no one wants to talk about right? Does your lusus show up for the third one to try and sway you to a life of crime? *You tease, grinning more*
Vinira: ...that is a thin that has happened. the harem girl outffit. there was a dungeon that put me in one. ...slave girl leia i think? *You shrug, flicking an earfin. It would be much of a change alright. Your usual is armor anyway. Heh.* ...and then she ffails totally because i'd take the hand and go *...What? She can float anyway at this point. Pfft. And you can swim just fine. A hand that turns things to gold would be amusing to have around. You're still sort of extremely annoyed with your lusus and her... porn industry... anyway.*
Amalia: *you are unsure if you'd be safe during pi†ch make ou†s be†ween †wo |arge †yrians |e† a|one we|come bu† i† seems more and more |ike †hey're abou† †o s†ar† macking on each o†her so you're sor† of ready †o s|ip away (wi†h †he food) if †ha† becomes a †hing †ha† needs †o happen. you †hink †hey'|| be †oo dis†rac†ed wi†h each o†her †o no†ice your s|ipping away... you hope.*
Haides: Eh...golden hand is overrated Vinira...don't you REMEMBER the lesson of that movie *you put on a serious expression and touch her shoulders * YOU are my ultimate treasure *You say in the most overblown, dramatic and so full of crap way possible, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth*
Vinira: oh i remember *Oh cod he did not just do that. You snerk a little* but come on, like it wouldn't be amusin to turn anythin you wanted into gold. *You poke his chin, because it totally would.* ...so does that mean you went on some giant journey and came to the shockin revelation only at the very end?
Vinira Peixes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Vinira Peixes [Vinira] joined chat.
Amalia: *you are fee|ing a bi† |ike a †hird whee| here, maybe you shou|d go ge† |os† in †he underwor|d, ge† in†o †hings you're no† supposed †o. you sor† of hope vin doesn'† do |ike wha† hercu|es did in †ha† o|d †v show where his bes† friend was frequen†|y ki||ed off and he kep† bringing him back by picking up his body and screaming a|o† a† †he sky.... un|ess †ha† †urns ou† †o work in which case more power †o her.*
Haides: It wouldn't be a disney pitch if i didn't, now would it, angel fangs? *You say with a smirk one hand reaching up to pick up Amalia by the back of her toga* and looks like yoru flush is trying to sneak away into shenanigans when mute? Foooor shame!No one will hear you scream if you accidently fall into Tartise or my lusus meets you....or the satyrs mistaken you for someone else....
Vinira: *You flick an earfin* oh off course not, candy horns *You frown a bit, tilting your head* ...iff you want to explore amalia, i'm sure we can rope the street rat into goin with us..
Amalia: *you ro|| your eyes a† †he †wo of †hem and decap†cha|ogue a f|ash|igh† from your sy||adex and poin† i† up a† †he cie|ing before †urning i† off and on again in a sor† of ha|†ing parody of seadwe||er f|ashes* -. --- - / --. --- .. -. --. / - --- / -... . / -... . - .-- . . -. / -.-- --- ..- / - .-- --- / -- .- -.- .. -. --. / --- ..- - .-.-.-  (translation: NOT GOING TO BE BETWEEN YOU TWO MAKING OUT.)  *you f|ash * .--. .. - -.-. .... / ..-. .-.. .. .-. - / -... ..- - / .-.. . - / -- . / .-.. . .- ...- . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.- (translation: PITCH FLIRT BUT LET ME LEAVE FIRST PLEASE.)  
Haides: *You tilt your head. it is a crude flashing....it lacks the extensive use of colors you can produce in waves at times.....but you glance at Vinira and then at Amalia* ....WE weren't going to mack as far as I could tell....and if we were...that certaintly killed the mood.
Vinira: *You flick an earfin and tilt your head, sort of really tempted to flash back at her. Nah, you'll behave* ...as ffar as i could tell, we weren't... *...What gave her that idea anyway?*
Amalia: *you give †hem bo†h a skep†ica| |ook (haides is a|so s†i|| ho|ding you by †he †oga and you're dang|ing †here in †he air) and †hen sigh and mo†ion for you †o pu† you down*
Haides: WHy is she giving us that look? Does she think we are lying or some shit? Because we arent! Disney princesses never lie!
Vinira: oh so you're a princess now, hmm? *...You couldn't help it. The chance was there.* she has little ffaith in us, it would appear *You flick an earfin* you may haff been the only one that thought thins were headed that way, amalia.
Amalia: *you snicker and a |i††|e sound escapes your |ips you †ake a minu†e and your voice is a |i††|e hoarse when i† comes ou†* maybe... s†i|| didn'†... wan† †o ge† s†uck be†ween.... †wo †yrians making ou†....
Haides: *You smirk* Maybe this is where you SHOULD be Amalia.....*and you shift to keep her between you and Vinira as you pull the other tyranny in for a savage kiss*
Vinira: *Ahaha! She snickered! And spoke. Yes go- Oh fuck him a lot you were entirely planning to sneak off to get into shenanigans for reasons that are not at all related to random gardens and exploring. ...Nevermind how you were going to sneak off that was a work in progress damnit! You growl a little and bite at him as you return the savage kiss once it actually.. you know... clicks that that is a thing that is happening at the moment*
Amalia: ...rea||y... *you mu††er as you're squished be†ween †he †wo of †hem (your head ending up jus† under your ma†espri†'s hef†sacks) your arms pinned agains† your ches† as you'd †ried †o ge† ou† from be†ween †he †wo of †hem before haides pu||ed her in. now you're s†uck, grea†.*
Haides: *YOu break the kiss, a bit of blood on your lips. Her blood or yours...you don't really care, you lick it up lightly* ....when was the last time the two of you had any fun? WIth that jaw princess...you might hurt her...but...do you have to worry about biting her if you are biting me?
Vinira: *...Might? Eheh, you sort of diid hurt her with that jaw. ...And then jumped naked out of a flagship. ..... How about you stop those thoughts before you want to hit... well maim things horribly. Oh, huh, at least that's back. ...Is that good? Mmph, you're not sure. Maybe.* ...probably not *You do rub the back of your neck though, a little sheepish* ...no might about that though
Amalia: vin if you don'† pay a††en†ion †o me whi|e i'm sandwiched be†ween you and and your boyfriend whi|e you make ou† i'm going †o be ra†her cross... *you mu††er, poking †he bo††om of one of her hef†sacks |igh†|y wi†h your hooked horn... and subsequen†|y ripping †he fron† of †he †oga wi†h i† so i† revea|s her hef†sacks* ....oops.
Haides: *You chuckle* I think your flush has been neglected in the realm of being satisfied, oh pixie princess.....*You say with a teasing grin*
Vinira: *...You poke the top of her head* i am entirely payin attention to you and the way you're talkin again. see? *...You poke the shoulder you..sort of ruined before with biting, whoops. Yup, still guilty about that. You sort of don't react or care to your toga being ripped though.* don't worry about the rip, no shame remember? *And then you stick your tongue out at Haides. ...because you're still so very mature* oh don't even start with me shuga
Amalia: *you scow| a |i††|e as she pokes you. she is so dense some†imes... †ha† is no† †he sor† of a††en†ion you mean† and you s†i|| haven'† had sex since †he †ime she bi† you ei†her and you'd rea||y |ike †o. your psionics f|ash and you sor† of... push †he †wo of †hem back †oge†her in a kiss whi|e you free your arms and s†ar† †o fond|e your ma†espri†'s ches† †hrough †he †ear you made. hey someone has †o ge† †his †hing s†ar†ed.*
Haides: *YOu just smirk against the kiss and nip at Vinira with a low rumbling crawl, shifting to let your claws rake against her sides
Vinira: *...She is aware you did that on purpose right? Because you're sort of... still really upset and feeling like you've lost something extremely important (which...well...), even if the teasing came pretty easily to you and Haides had a point. Maybe you should just stop thinking for a bit. Yes because you're being kissed again and that is a surprising development...and that's a little sad. Whoops. You do kiss back though, growling and flexing your claws a bit*
Amalia: *you s†op af†er a momen† when you rea|ize vin doesn'† rea||y seem †ha† in†o i†. you need a dis†rac†ion from every†hing †ha†'s jus† happened bu† you don'† wan† †o push vin in†o some†hing she doesn'† rea||y wan†. you sigh a |i††|e* vin... if you're no† up for †his now i can wai† un†i| you fee| be††er.
Haides: ....SO let me get this straight. Emotional baggage to the point you can't even let go of things for a while to relax, regain your head, and whatever shit you lightdwellers do? YOU DO KNOW sex release endorphines, makes you feel better about things, relaxes the body and is a necessary part of your healthy be it with another troll or by your own hands....?
Vinira: *You flick your earfins* ...i'm ffine, what makes you think i'm not? *You're totally fine, one hundred percent fine and you're not lying to yourself. Noope. That is not a thing. You are fine. Yeah. Fine. That is you.*
Amalia: *you frown a |i††|e, her earfins doing †he dip †hey do when she |ies.* vin... you rea||y aren'† fine.
Haides: *You let out a frustrated sigh and pull away to get to your feet* ...even I'm not the kind of troll that screws a cold cod.
Vinira: ...i don't know what either off you are talking about. i've had my cry *..You're going to disappoint them aren't you? Look at you and your wonderful track record.*
Amalia: *you |ean in†o her* crying every†hing ou† doesn'† mean every†hing's going †o fee| be††er... *you say* i†'s okay vin you |os† someone impor†an† †o you... you're a||owed †o fee| broken.
Haides: *You get to your feet and move to leave the room *....I'll just leave you two alone before this gets awkward for pitch.....*You say, excusing yourself out. Eh....you'll just get some of the old devils together for a party or something...*
Vinira: *...Yup. Disappointing them. You frown* ...not allowed to disappoint who i've still got though. 'm ffine enough to make sure you two ffeel alright.
Amalia: *you smi|e up a† her a |i††|e* you don'† have †o worry abou† †ha† righ† now... i'm s†i|| sor† of... shaky from †he crack. *you don'†... †hink you've ever fe|† so many peop|e dying a† once before... you're s†i|| sor† of ree|ing from †he enormi†y of i† a||.*
Vinira: i don't blame you. 'm sorry. just... *You can't let go of things long enough to keep what you do have happy. You're a pathetic wretch. You mumble something about after battle plans, flicking your earfins back* ...did you rest well? *You nod at the coon, making a mental promise to go annoy the everloving hell out of Haides. ...After aplogizing. Yeah. Apologize, annoy the fuck out of him. Game plan, go.*
Amalia: *you nod* yeah... i don'† know wha† †ha† is in †here bu† i†'s... easier for me †o s|eep in †hen sopor. i'|| have †o ask haides wha† i† is and see if i can'† ge† some for myse|f. *you nuzz|e in†o her more in her |ap* i'm... i'm sorry abou† wha† happened †o †urkey....
Vinira: i'm glad.. *You give her what amounts to a smile for now, shaky as it is. You look off* ...a-affter the battle we were goin... *You can't finish, you just wrap your arms around her* ...messed up, my ffault. could've caught the orb ffaster. no one had to die like that. no one had to be lefft behind.
Amalia: *you shake your head* no... i didn'† reac† in †ime or i shou|d have grabbed i† firs† a|ong wi†h †he hive... i'm a seer i shou|d have been ab|e †o see †he ambush coming again or have caugh† †he orb when i† was †hrown bu† i didn'† reac† in †ime...
Vinira: ...we wouldn't haff been there iff i wasn't a battle happy idiot. it wouldn't haff been a battle we had to ffight at all iff i'd been better *..If you'd been a better morail, Arthat never would have split and the hive would never have gotten the orb and made you all fight for it because it would have still been on your side* it's not your ffault at all amalia
Amalia: ...can we agree i†'s nei†her of our fau|†s a† |eas†? *you ask af†er a minu†e*
Vinira: ..i was raised to be a leader. a ffighter. there was somethin i could haff done. somethin i didn't account ffor and good people died because off it *You don't look at her, staring at your cacti instead*
Amalia: *you sigh and jus† |ean agains† her. you don'† know wha† you can say †o make her s†op b|aming herse|f*
Vinira: *You nuzzle the top of her head* ...'m sorry ffor draggin you into it. you could've gotten hurt. *You start holding her tighter, unable to find the words to express how glad you are that she's alive. If you'd lost her too... You don't want to think about it.* ...sorry ffor not ffeelin up to it. just...was makin me think off what had been planned ffor affter the battle and i... guess i'm not quite done pickin up all the parts off me ffrom it.
Amalia: i†'s a|righ† i can'† b|ame you for no† fee|ing up †o i†... i needed a dis†rac†ion bu† was |ooking for †he wrong sor†. *you wrap your arms around her as bes† you can wi†h †he size difference be†ween †he †wo. you're s†i|| sorry you had †o pu† her †hrough you dying in her arms.... and †hen †urkey died †oo.* i wou|d have gone wi†h you anyway even if you †o|d me no† †o or i didn'† wan† †o.
Vinira: ..i don't want you to do thins you don't want to do just ffor me *You mumble* ...distractions are good. i just ...got hung up on somethin. that's all.
Amalia: ...is †here any†hing i can do †o he|p? *you ask her, |ooking up a† her* i know i'm your ma†epsri† no† your moirai| bu† i s†i|| wan† †o he|p....
Vinira: *...Finally you just tell her. Exactly what the after battle plans had been. You grow another cactus as you do, flicking your earfins* ...i don't know. i'm conffused and a little lost... *You admit afterwards* part off me wants to ask iff i can make sure they got to that place haides mentioned. part off me is terriffied that they won't be there ffor some reason. or they'll be angry with me. part off me wants to go make sure all off the groups... troll, viral, human.. all off them that made it out... are okay. some off the virals weren't in the best off shapes when i saw them last. and part off me wants... *You frown* ...back in the game. to ffinish this shit beffore anyone loses anyone else. part off me wants to go slay thins until i ffeel like i used to, part off me never wants to lifft my spear again. ...but i want so much at the same time, i don't know where to start. *You sigh and press your face against her shoulder, carefully not biting as you nuzzle*
Amalia: *you give her a reassuring purr, mu||ing over a|| she jus† †o|d you* ... i †hink haides mean† i† when he said †hey were in †he fie|ds and happy and didn'† b|ame you... i don'† †hink he wou|d have |ied abou† some†hing |ike †ha†, even if he is your pi†ch... *you don'† know wha† †o say †o her wan†ing †o do... †ha† wi†h †urkey and c†. you can'† say any†hing †o make i† be††er....* maybe you can ea† some more and... maybe res† a |i††|e more. c|ear your head some. and †hen decide on wha† †o do nex†?
Vinira: ...you think so? he is an annoyin shuga skull off a street rat.... *...You don't... really think he'd lie.* would you...ummm, go with me? iff i wanted to annoy him into showin the way to get there? ...just to see how they've settled in? *You flick an earfin, feeling like you need to put armor on, horribly exposed as you are*
Amalia: *you smi|e a† her and nod* yes, i'd be happy †o go wi†h you.
Vinira: ...do you want to rest more ffirst? or eat? *You offer, flicking an earfin.*
Amalia: ... i cou|d ea† a |i††|e more and †hen we can go find him if †ha†'s a|righ†?
Vinira: sounds good to me
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compulsivecadaver · 11 years
Act 4: Mayday in the mobile lab
Amalia: *you ho|d on†o †he side of one of †he †ab|e |abs as †he f|oor shif†s, wincing as your |eg is banged abou† again and you keep a ho|d on your pa|mhusk so you can s†ay in communca†ion wi†h †he o†hers*
Vinira: on it! *Your idea was more or less using the stupid amounts of rope you have and the knots you know how to do to make things for people to grab on to that are anchored, and you're just finishing off one of those at the moment. You nod, bolting to find a way get this damn thing steady. You stay on through your headset, moving quickly* need ideas!
Amalia: *you gyra†e yourse|f wi†h your psionics and s†ay pu† and grab as many fa||ing ins†rumen†s as you can so †hey don'† |and on peop|e †hrown in†o †he wa|| bu† you |oose your pa|mhusk in †he process. you'd ask if peop|e were okay bu† you've recen†|y found yourse|f unab|e †o use your voice.*
Vinira: *You toss a bunch of ropes at Amalia, barking out an order* anchor as many as you can! i'll be right back. *You start moving, gripping onto things as you go* i'm on my way, i'll get hook! everyone get anchored!
Amalia: *you grab †he ropes and s†ar† securing †hem a||, nodding a† vin as you do so.*
Belica: *You appear in Hook's moBile medBay with a crackle of energy that is decidedly not as smooth as your usual method of travel. There is aBsolutely no time to get sick right now. You shake your head, earfins flapping, and you survey the scene around, already moving, though you have to graB onto the wall as the entire framework shifts again.* i have a port to the Beach. no idea how many it takes at a time. what do i need to do?
Vinira: get the civilians! i'm goin affter hook and anyone up that way! *You...bark it like an order as you pull out one of your chains. You'd laugh because you haven't actually used them outside of training in a long time, but you're concentrating on not falling apart and on getting everyone the ffuck out of here first.*
Amalia: *you bare|y ge† ou† of †he way in †ime as |ance|o†'s moving dis|odges a cabine† and you have †o s†op i† from |anding on †op of be| and move i†. you nod a† be|ica bu† don'† say any†hing e|se.*
Belica: *You roll across the floor, hooking your arm around Lancelot's ankle to keep yourself from hitting another wall.* lancelot help me get them out, please. you're tall enough and Big enough you can direct them as i port. *You need him out of any of the rooms where he might destroy anything. You nod to Amalia as you pull yourself Back up.* nothing to fight right now, just people who need saving!
Arthat: *Other Arthat is with the other wounded, a normal troll and he sighs* WOUNDED WON'T KEEP STABILIZED LIKE THIS...SOME ARE IN CRITICAL....
Vinira: *You use your claws and your chains to make it to where Hook should be as things shift, earfins pinned back* hook! where are you?!
Amalia: *you grun† and |if† †he wounded up wi†h your psionics, †he machines †hey're connnec†ed †o as we|| and ge† †hem c|oser †o you so you're wi†hin range of be|'s device, giving him a |ook †o †ry †o convey †o him †o do wha†ever he's doing quick|y*
Belica: *You make your way along the wall to where Arthat is calling you, already flicking at the moBile port strapped to your arm.* i need as many of them as you can get right now touching me for trip numBer one. i'm leaving you all on the Beach and then i'm coming right Back for more. if there's medical staff you want to send with them, do that. if vin can get hook's ass over here and someone decent driving for the next round, i can take him too...and if a small troll child tries to get you to help him set penguins on fire, please tell him to wait and do that later. *You glance over at Foul as you move over to Arthat, already reaching out for people to graB on, reaching out to touch those that can't reach for you instead.* just graB on somewhere. i don't Bite.
Vinira: *You snarl when you spot Hook, bracing yourself against whatever you can and using the way the thing tips to shove the debris off him. You fire off a quick message to the group, sheilding Hook with your body and grabbing ahold of the wheel to try and steady the damn thing*
Amalia: *you reach ou† wi†h your psionics for fou| |ance|o† nad ar†ha† and ho|y shi† |ance|o† is heavy and you're s†raining †o keep a ho|d on every†hing af†er †he draining figh† and your psionics spark and your eyes and you move †o †ouch be|ica whi|e you grab hook †oo and your vision is swimming and you need be| †o hurry because you're pre††y sure you're going †o |oose conciousness again pre††y soon*
Belica: *Your earfins flash in alarm, But the port is already in motion, and you and the first wave of survivors vanish, appearing again on the Beach. You shake yourself away immediately, coordinants latched onto the last place you were standing, though when you appear, you're nearly falling again.*
Vinira: *You're working fast, you rig the controls to hold steady for a moment in hopes that it'll help, carrying Hook as you work your way back to the others.* take hook! *And then you're bracing yourself and tossing chains and ropes out for the three hanging there, loops along the ropes and chains for ease of grabbing on to them* grab on! *You bark, and when they do you'll start pulling back with every bit of strength you've got.*
Belica: *You are really tempted to throw yourself over the side and port all three of them to the Beach, But you graB Hook instead, scooping him up in one arm like a ragdoll. Your size is an advantage now Because the numBer of people that can graB on at once is greater, and you load yourself down with wounded and a few more of the med staff, hoping that the fact that you have to toss a few of them over your shoulder doesn't shake them up too Bad. You're gone again without another word this time, another disoriented pile of survivors left next to the second ones as you appear again.*
Vinira: come on.. *You lock your jaw, snorting with irritation at the fucking group chat because of course someone's going to be a dumbass. You pull back to pull them up, flicking your earfins and looking around to do a headcount. You're not leaving until everyone else is safe. You won't leave ANYONE behind.*
Belica: *You nod to Split, earfins flashing Brightly as you Bend your knees, a few more of the survivors and several meow minions clamoring onto your Back.* punch him when we survive this, vin! *And then you're gone with group three.*
Vinira: oh i'll motherffuckin knock him out! *You snap, hauling your ropes and chains up as the wave of power sends you stumbling* who is lefft? get them out! *You nod at the knights right there, looking around.* i'll go make sure we got everyone *You stagger off, looking for anyone that may have been missed*
Belica: *You graB up another group of survivors hissing at the others.* we figure something out or i'm taking all of you the fuck with me next trip. we NEED all of you for when BELIEVE IT OR NOT, shit gets WORSE after this! *And you're gone again.*
Vinira: *Space player... Salixa and... no fuck. Not Casey, whoops. You got the humans mixed up. Oh well.* ffuck, salixa is out they said, and one off the humans is one. i don't know where they are though *What else, what else...* would it work iff he had on really big armor? make more off him to touch because there's big armor and he's in it or would that not work?
Belica: *You appear again, panting slightly. You're already graBBing on to some of the other survivors. None of them immediately give you any Brilliant plans, so you growl, flicking your earfins.* THINK, Because you don't want ME Being the one doing that! *You vanish again.*
Belica: *You continue to appear and reappear, graBBing survivors even as they shuffle forward, helping clear some of the hysteria away so that more can get through. You can't get a read on the others in your group to port to them instead, and as worrying as that is, ground zero is what goes up first, so you stay Busy.*
Vinira: *You look over, doing a headcount as best you can. You shove someone through the portal, earfins perked for any sounds of anyone* i don't ffuckin know, who all's gotten through already? go!
Vinira: *Your breath comes out in a huff when the last of the wounded makes it through, then your earfins clamp back.* gettin you all out off this shit as best i can *You do take a glass, but then you're moving, readjusting your ropes and pushing all thoughts but how to get the knights and arthat out of this damn place.*
Vinira: *You grit your teeth, earfins flattened. Something hits you and your vision lights up with a bunch of colors and white spots as you get tossed around. At some point your headset goes flying and shatters and you're not sure if you managed to hold on to conciousness or if you blacked out several times, though from the blood dripping down the back of your head you'd bet the latter. You've gotta... get them steady. Come on. No passing out. All of your will power goes into trying to catch Foul so he doesn't get hurt worse and trying to make sure Railroad and Arthat are in decent enough shape. You don't look at your own body, you can deal with that if they're all safe..*
Belica: *You appear in the ship...and go tumBling over and over a few times, the wounds in your side throBBing painfully, one of your earfins shredded as your head Bangs into what was proBaBly medical equipment that didn't get taken out in time. You don't even register the pain, already scramBling forward, reaching for the others...which would Be easier if you weren't all Bouncing around like the worst fucking moonwalk game ever. Your weakened hope powers go into cushioning your aBdomen reflexively as you curl over and thump against the ground again.* ...graB...FUCK...GRAB ON IF YOU FUCKING CAN!
Vinira: *You yelp when you go flying, and you're pretty sure you broke something when you hit the ground. You are dizzy as fuck, and the flowers is.. confusing. You growl and start trying to get up* i don't know, are all off you in one piece? *You look around after the others, aware that there's a horrible ringing in your left earfin. Was someone yelling? You're not sure. Whoa shit, nope. Not falling over, you need to get up and check on them.*
Belica: *You lay in the grass, dazed, an arm flung over your stomach, every ounce of your willpower going into not rolling over and puking on whoever is laying next to you...Foul...Foul is laying next to you. You almost consider doing it anyway. You try to sit up and you gag a little, almost not having the choice But to do it anyway. You just Barely manage not to, ragged earfin flicking Back and forth, dripping Blood into the grass as you take slow, deep Breaths, trying to reorient yourself.* ...if this is the underworld, i oBject to Be roped into douBle dates with you and haides, vin, and i douBly oBject to Being on the same level of hell as foul...if this is not the underworld, can we please leave?
Vinira: ...what about me and haides? *You give Belica a blank look for a second, then you remember and for a moment you wince because oh god noo...it can't...be... no.* oh yeah....... *Luckily, you hear hear someone talking at you so you don't think about... that... for much longer. You think. At least you're fairly certain you heard your name over the ringing. You give a little half look and groan when Arthat half falls on you, legs buckling and you grit your teeth to keep from falling fully.* ahh, maybe. can't let- *Oh shiit dizzy. You fall silent, concentrating on either staying up right or sitting gently. One of them. Not jostling Arthat more than need be.*
Belica: *You finally manage to sit up, looking around at all of them.* ...so somehow we aren't dead...how are we not dead? should we mayBe Be...moving in the way of porting to the Beach Before we are dead? *You frown a little. You aren't sure Arthat even realizes you're here. That's nice.*
Vinira: *You look around, wanting bearings.* so it restarted? what does that mean ffor us here? you can rest, iff you'd like. i'll ffigure thins out ffor all off us *You look around again, flicking your right earfin. Your left one doesn't move much, which should probably worry you, but it's still ringing like hell so you don't actually notice that. You've got to get them to safety if this place isn't safe. You don't know if it is*
Belica: ugh don't call me wizard. i have a name...i don't know how much sleep any of you are getting. there is...Basically everyone we could save on my Beach right now. *Your hive has...a fuckton of rooms, But you douBt Loclan's planning on filling it. MayBe your team, possiBly the virals. Ugh, Kel will proBaBly want Foul to get a room.* ...assuming kel hasn't set them all on fire, of course. *You know the world is still falling apart somewhere even if the game is restarting. You think mayBe you should Be punching in random coordinants and going get more survivors, Bringing them to the Beach...as soon as you get this lot there...But you're woozy and your head is pounding, your earfin throBBing. You need to get it and the Burns on your side healed, But you aren't going to try and use any healing magic right now, all your energy still Blanketed invisiBly protecting your eggsac.* ...does restarting restart our fucking powers By any chance? sun's not quite dead yet...
Vinira: *You groan a bit but you do actually put your hand on Belica this time, if only because you're making sure the others have their hands on him too and everyone else got out from what you saw* y-yeah... sounds good...
Belica: ...okay. Back to the Beach it is. *You sigh tiredly, looking around to make sure all four of them are touching you somewhere, your hands looped around Arthat and Vinira's wrists as you port Back to the Beach a final time.*
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