#jus me
hypnotic-kink · 8 months
Thank you for following me 💋😘 You’re the best! First video ever 🙈 Part 1 of 3 jean shorts :)
Do not steal my pics or video marked with #me please n do not post to other platforms... thank you
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creampupslut · 1 month
i keep forgetting i have this account uhhh hope these dont get censored
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arcaneisundermyskin · 8 hours
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face card is pretty acceptable today 💋
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wildlydone · 8 months
One thing about me, I'm always spreading the word of our lord and savior, Brian Kinney.
So i have a friend watching Queer as Folk for his first time. And naturally, we've been texting back and forth through his adventure. How he gone get to episode 1x11 (michael's bday) and hes talking about Justin staying back with Brian and I literally quote in our chat "someones got to help you clean up this mess" like damn lemme call out my crazy. He said wow i love that you know that line.
Like hey im feral. I dont know how to like things casually sorry 😂😂
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playtwewy · 4 months
no one is doing it like her
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twoonw21 · 3 months
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niikaido · 9 months
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laios: "she probably wanted to eat them with you"
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time-woods · 9 months
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yuri that nobody asked for and im not entirely sure theres a market for but im here to deliver anyways
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beybuniki · 3 months
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 10 months
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katsuki’s extra clingy when he’s sleepy. you know he’s sleepy because he hasn’t left you alone since he came back from his sparring session with kirishima.
it’s almost funny how The katsuki bakugou who’s so scary, who’s all sharp glares and huffs and pinched eyebrows, is hanging off your shoulders like a big fat baby.
“katsuki.” you start, softly rubbing one of his arms tightly wrapped around your shoulder. he grunts. “you can go to bed if you’re tired, handsome. i’ll come up later.” you look back at him as much as you can since he’s barely letting you breathe with how tightly he’s holding you. he huffs, droopy red eyes glaring down at the sandwich you were making for yourself like it was at fault for keeping you out of bed with him.
“ m’not tired.” he slurs, his hold tightens on you and he shoves his head into your shoulder. his hair tickles and you shuffle to the side a little. he follows.
you giggle to yourself. usually, katsuki would have some qualms about being so touchy where someone could walk in at anytime. it’s not like he was ashamed of being with you (not even close) but he has a reputation to uphold, y’know?
as if on cue, he yawns into your shoulder. you let out a light laugh and he nips at your shoulder in retaliation. “ i thought you said you weren’t tired ? what happened to that ?” you question teasingly, a sly little smile forming on your face. he mumbles something into your shoulder you can’t make out. “ i can’t hear you, love.” he groans, lifting his head up slightly but his eyes are still closed. “ s’cus yer takin’ forever. by the time you’re done i’ll be fuckin’ dead, dumbass.” he says before dropping his head back down on your shoulder like a load of bricks and you snort.
“ i’m done. i just want to go eat this sitting down but i can’t because someone won’t let me move.” you shoulder him lightly, he doesn’t budge, but grunts nonetheless.
“ jus’ eat it here.”
“ i’m not eating my sandwich standing up, katsuki.”
“ why the fuck not ?”
“ because !” you laugh “ i wanna enjoy my food !”
“ can enjoy it just fine with me here. why’re ya trying to get away from me ? s’your food less enjoyable when i’m around or somethin’ ?”
you roll your eyes but the smile on your face grows wider. “you’re such a baby.” you let out a light squeal when he pokes your side and lightly smack his arm, he huffs out a little laugh into your shoulder.
“katsuki !”
“fuck you, m’not a baby.”
“ could’ve fooled m—ow ! oh my god !” you yelp as he bites you and the fucker laughs. you huff, grabbing his arms to try to free yourself of the clutches of this absolute demon. he stops laughing then, grunting and groaning at you like you were the one inconveniencing him, while still keeping his head secure in your shoulder. the nerve of this guy.
“ katsuki.” you groan and he growls at you again, like a wild animal, like he’s daring you to try to escape him again. you sigh “ okay, okay, fine. you win, okay?” you say, admitting defeat while you can lest you have a sleepy, pissed off bakugou hanging off you.
“m’not a baby.”
“you’re not a baby.” you confirm. he squeezes you a little tighter and you sigh again. “can i at least go sit down ? i’ll even hold your hand on the way there, is that good ?” you say sarcastically. you snort when he lets out a grumble and pokes at your side and you can feel the unmistakable frown he has on his face.
“ told you m’not a baby.” he complains but he (begrudgingly) lets you go to let you move around. you turn around and he follows immediately. you have to hold back a laugh at the thought of a big buff bad boy like katsuki following you around like a lost puppy. you hold back your laughter but you’ve still got a dorky smile on your face when you sit down. katsuki’s not too far behind you, he never is. he pushes his chair way closer than it needs to be next to you and your knee is pressed against his when he sits down.
“what’re you grinning about, huh ?” you turn to look at him, dorky smile still very much on your face as you gaze at him. he’s still got that horrible frown on his face but his eyebrows aren’t scrunched up anymore, one of his perfect eyebrows is lifted up questioningly and he’s sitting so close to you you’re sure you can count the exact number of lashes he has.
“nothin’.” you sing, taking a bite of your sandwich. he huffs but doesn’t pry further. instead, he leans closer to you. you make eye contact and he looks at you expectantly. you know what he wants after a second, but you’re not gonna give it to him so easily. “ did you need something?” you ask innocently. his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he’s glaring at you, he’s figured you out. he huffs for the umpteenth time today and he squints at you harder when you giggle lightly.
“ gimme some.” he says gruffly, already opening his mouth slightly like he knows you’ll share with him. and he’s right, because you do. you bring your sandwich closer to his face and he takes a bite, humming contentedly before leaning back into a more comfortable position, never too far though.
“you always take huge bites out of my food, my sandwich’s basically gone.” you tease, playfully pouting dejectedly at your sandwich, holding back a snort when he scoffs at you, offended.
“ fuck off.” he spits, but there’s no animosity in his words. he resorts to pinching your thigh to make up for it,“ didn’t even eat much, you big baby.” he says. usually he’d have something smarter to say but he’s tired now, and you originally intended to take full advantage of the situation, but you’re feeling nice today. he’s tired and you’ve made him wait long enough, in his eyes at least.
you roll your eyes, deciding to ignore his comment and take another bite of your sandwich. you eat in silence and he doesn’t say anything else after that. when you finish he practically jumps up from his seat despite his lack of energy, looking at you expectantly as if to say ‘let’s go already.” you giggle.
“ i hear you, handsome.” you coo, going over to place your plate in the sink, you could wash your plate later when he falls asleep, probably (if he somehow decides to let you go).
you feel like being a little mean to him as you stay where you’re standing by the sink and sigh. katsuki, who had already turned around to go upstairs, turns to you, eyebrow raised in question.
you hum, placing a finger on your chin “ i dunno, i still don’t feel full, maybe i should make another-"
you’re dragged by your arm towards him before you can even fully comprehend what’s happening or even finish your sentence. you let out a big belly laugh when he grumbles. he suddenly has you lifted over his shoulder and you yelp, wondering where the hell this herculean strength came from despite him being so tired.
“ m’tired of your shit, quit fuckin’ around so i can go to bed.” he slaps the back of your thigh lightly and you gasp, but you’re still giggling a little. “you know, you could’ve just went ahead with out me, i would’ve come eventually.” he scoffs like you had just told him something utterly foolish, like the concept of sleeping without you was unfathomable to him, you smile harder at the thought.
“ don’t be stupid,” he mumbles “as if i could do that.” he adds the last part quietly but you catch it either way, there’s blood rushing to your cheeks and you don’t know if it’s because you’re slightly embarrassed by his honesty or if its because he’s been holding you upside down this whole time.
when you get to the elevator, he places you back down. grabs you by the shoulders and squeezes like he’s trying to weld you to the floor and make sure you won’t move. “ we’re going to bed, now.” his tone is decided, clear. you’re not fighting him on this and you honestly don’t want to.
instead you smile, grabbing his hand and squeeze “okay, let’s.” you beam.
he squeezes back.
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spoooky-bee · 2 years
Mss to qiet fun fact (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
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creampupslut · 6 months
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havent uploaded anything in a while will this get flagged i wonder
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chersoyei · 6 months
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mikayesha · 2 months
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She drew me in by her way with words
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latehere · 26 days
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coming back with more slop
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Hi ya’ll!! ik I haven’t posted in for-fuckn-ever so here’s a lil catch up
Beginning of last year I reimmersed myself in gymnastics and circus arts and as a result was training ~20 hours a week between the two (mostly gymnastics) and was also coaching gymnastics 12 hours a week, subsequently injured myself midway through the summer training season. Had major knee surgery a little over a month after my initial injury, a complete ACL reconstruction, and a week before surgery my gym unfortunately had to close down for reasons I won’t get into.
3 months after my surgery I got a part time job at Starbucks that slowly morphed into nearly full time hours (after starting at 15-20hrs a week) over the next couple months, so I was working roughly 28hr weeks. Beginning of this year I threw myself fully into pursuing my acting career, auditioned for and got into two productions at once so then I was in two various rehearsals 6-7 days a week on top of working 25-30hr weeks. Had a dry spell over the summer so I focused on just enjoying my time and one of my last summers in the area I’ve grown up in most of my life before I move to further my career next year, to a different area than I initially planned. After being involved in theatre so much I was going to pursue that, but I had a renewed love of film at the beginning of this summer. But I’ve officially signed onto my first paid acting job, it’s theatre, but I couldn’t be more excited as this is such a major step for me. I’m currently doing another community production, even if I’m not pursuing theatre I want as much on my resume as possible.
So yeah I think that’s about it up to this point, and why this blog kinda drifted into the back burner, there was a lot going on and still is but I couldn’t be more excited. In the meantime, I’ll probably switch this over to just a generic multi fandom incorrect quotes. Still a lot of med, EMS, and crime incorrects but also a lot for other fandoms as my hyperfixations fluctuate around.
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