#juried group photo show
artcontests · 1 year
Black Box Gallery - Dynamic: Shadow and Light
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Black Box Gallery is excited to announce a juried group photo show on shadow and light. Photography is the documentation of patterns of darkness and light. Shadows enhance the relationships of subjects in an image, they give definition and dimension, which complements the quality of the light values. Photographers have used dramatic shadows and patterns in black and white images and have also explored using ethereal and moody shadows and textures in color photography. We will be looking for a range of how shadow and light are interpreted by contemporary photographers. 
DEADLINE: August 11, 2023
For more information: https://www.theartlist.com/black-box-gallery-dynamic-shadow-and-light-1
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Shout out to knittingfool dot com for having a program to just input gauge out come the right numbers. A negative shout out (call out?) to me for refusing to knit sweaters in the round so I have to rework the whole pattern. I would’ve had to rework a lot of it anyway, the neckline instructions are.... Confusing. I’m still not quite sure what I have down is correct but the math checks out. And I see no reason not to add short rows to the back of the neck.
This was absolutely worth not having to try to track down a pattern with a matching gauge or trying to do all the math on my own tho, we’ll see if it works out for me.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
109 years ago today, leo frank, an innocent american jewish man, was lynched.
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in 1913, leo frank was arrested for the murder of mary phagan. despite evidence that he was at home at the time of the murder, the jury decided in just four hours that he was guilty and the judge sentenced him to death. all of frank's appeals were rejected. protests erupted outside the governor's mansion when the governor decided to commute frank's sentence from death to life imprisonment, and on august 17th, 1915, a group of 25 men kidnapped frank from the prison hospital where he was recovering from an attempt on his life, drove him 100 miles to mary phagan's hometown, and lynched him. there are several photos of the lynching.
though frank is the only known jewish victim of lynching in america, antisemitism was baked into the nation's history in numerous other ways. during the trial, the prosecuting attorney framed him as a sexual pervert who was both a homosexual and preyed on young girls. this is not the first time a jewish man has been framed as a sexual predatory because of his jewishness. it was simply the culmination of centuries of antisemitism that still persists to this day. (content warning for antisemitic caricatures and one graphic photo of the lynching of leo frank)
leo frank was proven innocent after his death, though many people still insist he was guilty, particularly white supremacists.
a musical called parade about the trial and tragic death of leo frank was written by jewish composer jason robert brown and jewish playwright alfred uhry. it premiered in 1988 and was revived in 2023 on broadway, starring jewish actors ben platt and micaela diamond, where neo nazis protested outside the theatre, claiming the show was "glorifying a pedophile."
as of writing this, tomorrow is the first day of elul, the last month in the jewish calendar culminating in the high holy days, the holiest days of the jewish year. every year, synagogues see an increase in negative attention and antisemitism from their wider communities. we start to receive more hostile phone calls and emails, threats of violence, and this year there was a swatting campaign targeting at least 26 jewish institutions. we are supposed to be using this time to reflect and make amends with the people we've hurt, and instead so much of our time and energy had to go toward ensuring we can even safely walk into our communal spaces.
i don't have the answer for how to fix this or what you as a gentile should do. antisemitism is thousands of years old, and it's not going to stop because some well meaning people on tumblr read all the articles linked in this post. all i know is that jews all over the world are terrified and so, so tired.
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bfpnola · 1 year
introductory excerpts on COINTELPRO
it came to my awareness that some folks don't know what COINTELPRO is still, so imma drop some excerpts from the wikipedia page. ofc there are a billion other resources you can check out, especially firsthand accounts, but this is always a good place to start! link attached below:
[Note that the embedded link above's photo has the following caption: "COINTELPRO memo proposing a plan to expose the pregnancy of actress Jean Seberg, a financial supporter of the Black Panther Party, hoping to "possibly cause her embarrassment or tarnish her image with the general public". Covert campaigns to publicly discredit activists and destroy their interpersonal relationships were a common tactic used by COINTELPRO agents."]
The Introduction:
COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program; 1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects actively conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI[5] deemed subversive,[6] including feminist organizations,[7][8] the Communist Party USA,[9] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights and Black power movements (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM), Chicano and Mexican-American groups like the Brown Berets and the United Farm Workers, independence movements (including Puerto Rican independence groups such as the Young Lords and the Puerto Rican Socialist Party), a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left, and white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan[10][11] and the far-right group National States' Rights Party.[12]
Methods COINTELPRO Utilized
According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used five main methods during COINTELPRO:
Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit, disrupt and negatively redirect action. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.
Psychological warfare: The FBI and police used a myriad of "dirty tricks" to undermine movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials, and others to cause trouble for activists. They used bad-jacketing to create suspicion about targeted activists, sometimes with lethal consequences.[74]
Harassment via the legal system: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, "investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters.[73][75]
Illegal force: The FBI conspired with local police departments to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations.[73] The objective was to frighten or eliminate dissidents and disrupt their movements.
Undermine public opinion: One of the primary ways the FBI targeted organizations was by challenging their reputations in the community and denying them a platform to gain legitimacy. Hoover specifically designed programs to block leaders from "spreading their philosophy publicly or through the communications media". Furthermore, the organization created and controlled negative media meant to undermine black power organizations. For instance, they oversaw the creation of "documentaries" skillfully edited to paint the Black Panther Party as aggressive, and false newspapers that spread misinformation about party members. The ability of the FBI to create distrust within and between revolutionary organizations tainted their public image and weakened chances at unity and public support.[49]
The FBI specifically developed tactics intended to heighten tension and hostility between various factions in the black power movement, for example between the Black Panthers and the US Organization. For instance, the FBI sent a fake letter to the US Organization exposing a supposed Black Panther plot to murder the head of the US Organization, Ron Karenga. They then intensified this by spreading falsely attributed cartoons in the black communities pitting the Black Panther Party against the US Organization.[49] This resulted in numerous deaths, among which were San Diego Black Panther Party members John Huggins, Bunchy Carter and Sylvester Bell.[73] Another example of the FBI's anonymous letter writing campaign is how they turned the Blackstone Rangers head, Jeff Fort, against former ally Fred Hampton, by stating that Hampton had a hit on Fort.[49] They also were instrumental in developing the rift between Black Panther Party leaders Eldridge Cleaver and Huey Newton, as executed through false letters inciting the two leaders of the Black Panther Party.[49]
In order to eliminate black militant leaders whom they considered dangerous, the FBI is believed to have worked with local police departments to target specific individuals,[78] accuse them of crimes they did not commit, suppress exculpatory evidence and falsely incarcerate them. Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt, a Black Panther Party leader, was incarcerated for 27 years before a California Superior Court vacated his murder conviction, ultimately freeing him. Appearing before the court, an FBI agent testified that he believed Pratt had been framed, because both the FBI and the Los Angeles Police Department knew he had not been in the area at the time the murder occurred.[79][80]
In 1969 the FBI special agent in San Francisco wrote Hoover that his investigation of the Black Panther Party had concluded that in his city, at least, the Panthers were primarily engaged in feeding breakfast to children. Hoover fired back a memo implying the agent's career goals would be directly affected by his supplying evidence to support Hoover's view that the Black Panther Party was "a violence-prone organization seeking to overthrow the Government by revolutionary means".[84]
Hoover supported using false claims to attack his political enemies. In one memo he wrote: "Purpose of counterintelligence action is to disrupt the Black Panther Party and it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge."[85]
Intended Effects of COINTELPRO
The intended effect of the FBI's COINTELPRO was to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, or otherwise neutralize" groups that the FBI officials believed were "subversive"[58] by instructing FBI field operatives to:[59] 1. Create a negative public image for target groups (for example through surveilling activists and then releasing negative personal information to the public) 2. Break down internal organization by creating conflicts (for example, by having agents exacerbate racial tensions, or send anonymous letters to try to create conflicts) 3. Create dissension between groups (for example, by spreading rumors that other groups were stealing money) 4. Restrict access to public resources (for example, by pressuring non-profit organizations to cut off funding or material support) 5. Restrict the ability to organize protest (for example, through agents promoting violence against police during planning and at protests) 6. Restrict the ability of individuals to participate in group activities (for example, by character assassinations, false arrests, surveillance)
When did they start?
Centralized operations under COINTELPRO officially began in August 1956 with a program designed to "increase factionalism, cause disruption and win defections" inside the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Tactics included anonymous phone calls, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits, and the creation of documents that would divide the American communist organization internally.[9] An October 1956 memo from Hoover reclassified the FBI's ongoing surveillance of black leaders, including it within COINTELPRO, with the justification that the movement was infiltrated by communists.[31] In 1956, Hoover sent an open letter denouncing Dr. T. R. M. Howard, a civil rights leader, surgeon, and wealthy entrepreneur in Mississippi who had criticized FBI inaction in solving recent murders of George W. Lee, Emmett Till, and other African Americans in the South.[32] When the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an African-American civil rights organization, was founded in 1957, the FBI began to monitor and target the group almost immediately, focusing particularly on Bayard Rustin, Stanley Levison, and eventually Martin Luther King Jr.[33]
How did the news get out about COINTELPRO?
The program was secret until March 8, 1971, when the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI burgled an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, took several dossiers, and exposed the program by passing this material to news agencies.[1][54] The boxing match known as the Fight of the Century between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier in March 1971 provided cover for the activist group to successfully pull off the burglary. Muhammad Ali was a COINTELPRO target because he had joined the Nation of Islam and the anti-war movement.[55] Many news organizations initially refused to immediately publish the information, with the notable exception of The Washington Post. After affirming the reliability of the documents, it published them on the front page (in defiance of the Attorney General's request), prompting other organizations to follow suit. Within the year, Director J. Edgar Hoover declared that the centralized COINTELPRO was over, and that all future counterintelligence operations would be handled case by case.[56][57]
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mybeingthere · 9 months
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A beautiful photograph by a dear friend Sasa Gyoker from her numerous award winning works.
"Season of Silence"
Sasa tells: "In this series I have gathered works I took in winter. I live in Canada, and this season here can be a fertile terrain for meditative albeit fiercely cold walks. I find winter accentuates the graphic qualities of nature, while offering an invitation into a contemplative state enriched by silence."
"Sasa was born and lived in Budapest, Hungary, before moving to Canada. After completing her M.A. degree in Art History and working as a Curatorial Assistant at the National Gallery of Canada, she returned to study—this time graphic design, which has been her vocation ever since. In tandem with graphic design, her interest in and passion for photography has been growing stronger through the years. Her album, Of Trees and Birds and Snow and Silence, was published in 2015. Since then, she has won several international photography awards, and has participated in both solo and juried group exhibitions in Canada, the United States, Europe, and South Korea. Her works have been published and used for cover pages in books, albums, blogs, posters, literary journals and photo magazines, including her photograph in David Gibson: 100 Great Street Photographs (Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2017), D. Tyler Bennett: The Coffee House Anthology—A Meeting Place for the Arts (Charnwood Arts, UK, 2016) as well as in LensCulture and Lomography Magazine, among others. Her photographs have also been shown in exhibitions worldwide, such as in the international juried exhibition at the Kiscelli Museum in Budapest, Hungary, a venue of the 2019 Budapest Photo Festival, and the exhibition of over 30 of her works at the ArtReach Gallery in Portland, Oregon, in 2021."
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mightyflamethrower · 4 months
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The Red Tie Brigade, as I heard one conservative writer call them, show up each day at the courthouse in Manhattan and speak up to show support for former President Trump. Trump is under a gag order that prevents him from talking about the trial, especially the judge, the judge's Democrat fundraising daughter, and the jury members. 
So, the Republican politicians come from Washington and speak out to the press about the hush money trial going on. Trump can't so they do. It is a clever way to handle an unconstitutional gag order. 
Each day it is a group of men wearing dark suits and red ties, obviously coordinated, and a few women. The groups are mostly men, though. Donald Trump is a master marketer and this play by the Trump campaign is very effective. It shows support for Trump and it shows party unity. 
For example, here is a photo of some of the Trump supporters on Thursday.
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A few politicians, such as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Senator Rick Scott, showed up as the trial went into its first days. Senator Tim Scott came to support Trump. Trump's son Eric is a regular presence. Various Trump staffers show up, too. The interesting part has been the parade of current Republican senators and members of the House who show up. 
Senators J.D. Vance and Tommy Tuberville began this week's parade of Trump supporters. On Monday both of them spoke to the reporters outside the courthouse. New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, and Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird were with them. 
“Does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that Michael Cohen says?” Vance told reporters outside of the criminal courthouse moments before Tuberville panned Cohen’s testimony as “an acting scene” and said he was a “serial liar.”
One day a group of those who are rumored to be on Trump's short list of potential running mates showed up. Among them were Vivek Ramaswamy, Governor Doug Burgam, and Rep. Byron Donalds. 
“The sooner that this scam trial can be concluded, the sooner that the president can get back to getting out campaigning and talking to the American people about the issues that matter to them,” Burgum told reporters as he bashed Cohen as a “serial perjurer.” Burgum later told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that he was there “completely as a volunteer,” and “because I care about the future of this country and where it’s going.” Ramaswamy said, “I learned a lot from being in there in person. It is one of the most depressing places I have been in my life, but it is fitting because the only thing more depressing than the environment of that courtroom is what’s actually happening in there.”
The most notable supporter to make the trip from Washington was Speaker Mike Johnson. It's not a surprise that he supports Trump but the speaker coming to Manhattan and speaking to reporters was a big endorsement.
Johnson told reporters, “I called President Trump and told him I wanted to be here myself to call out what is a travesty of justice, and I think everybody around the country can see that. President Trump is a friend and I wanted to be here to support him.”
Trump values loyalty and this is a way for some to curry favor. He acknowledged those who are showing up for him.
“I do have a lot of surrogates, and they are speaking very beautifully, and they come from all over Washington, and they’re highly respected,” Trump told media. “And they think this is the biggest scam they’ve ever seen.”
Mitt Romney pooh-poohed the show of support, because, we're talking about Trump. And fellow Never Trump Republican Lisa Murkowski said it is ridiculous. 
Sen. Mitt Romney told reporters he thought it was difficult to watch what’s happening with the surrogates. “I think it’s a little demeaning to show up in front of a courthouse, and particularly one where we’re talking about an allegation of paying a porn star,” said Romney. “There’s a level of dignity and decorum that you expect to people who are running for the highest station in the land,” said Romney. “And going out and prostrating themselves in front of the public to try and apparently curry favor with the person who’s our nominee — it’s a little embarrassing.” “Do we have something to do around here other than watch a stupid porn trial?” said Murkowski.
Who thinks if the tables were turned and those two were involved in a sham trial, they'd want colleagues to show up for them? Trump Derangement always comes into play. 
The trial continues on Monday. There were no court proceedings on Friday that required Trump to be in the courtroom. He was able to go to his son Barron's high school graduation. Then he was the featured speaker at a fundraiser in Minnesota for the Republican Party. 
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The 34 felony guilty verdicts returned Thursday against former President Donald Trump spurred a wave of violent rhetoric aimed at the prosecutors who secured his conviction, the judge who oversaw the case and the ordinary jurors who unanimously agreed there was no reasonable doubt that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee falsified business records related to hush money payments to a porn star to benefit his 2016 campaign.
Advance Democracy, a non-profit that conducts public interest research, said there has been a high volume of social media posts containing violent rhetoric targeting New York Judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, including a post with Bragg’s purported home address. The group also found posts of the purported addresses of jurors on a fringe internet message board known for pro-Trump content and harassing and violent posts, although it is unclear if any actual jurors had been correctly identified.
The posts, which have been reviewed by NBC News, appear on many of the same websites used by Trump supporters to organize for violence ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. These forums were hotbeds of threats inspired by Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, which he lost, and that the voting system was “rigged” against him. They now feature new threats echoing Trump’s rhetoric and false claims about the hush money trial, including that the judicial system is now “rigged” against him.
“Dox the Jurors. Dox them now,” one user wrote after Trump’s conviction on a website formerly known as “The Donald,” which was popular among participants in the Capitol attack. (That post appears to have been quickly removed by moderators.)
“We need to identify each juror. Then make them miserable. Maybe even suicidal,” wrote another user on the same forum. “1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to washington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution,” wrote another user. “This shit is out of control.”
“I hope every juror is doxxed and they pay for what they have done,” another user wrote on Trump’s Truth Social platform Thursday. “May God strike them dead. We will on November 5th and they will pay!”
“War,” read a Telegram post from one chapter of the Proud Boys, the far-right group whose former chair and three other members were convicted of seditious conspiracy because of their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, just a few months after Trump infamously told the group to “stand back and stand by” during a 2020 debate.
“Now you understand. To save your nation, you must fight. The time to respond is now. Franco Friday has begun,” another Proud Boys chapter wrote, apparently referring to fascist dictator Francisco Franco of Spain.
One Jan. 6 defendant who already served time in prison for his role in the Capitol attack also weighed in on X, posting a photo of Bragg and a photo of a noose. “January 20, 2025 traitors Get The Rope,” he wrote, referring to the date of the next presidential inauguration.
The threats fit into an ongoing pattern. An NBC News analysis of Trump’s Truth Social posts earlier this year showed that he frequently uses the platform as a megaphone to attack people involved in his legal cases — and some of his supporters have responded. When the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in 2022, a Trump supporter who had been at the Capitol on Jan. 6 sent angry posts about the search and then attacked an FBI field office. When Trump made a social media post last June that included former President Barack Obama��s home address, a Jan. 6 rioter re-posted it and then showed up at the residence. When Trump was indicted in Georgia in August, his supporters posted the purported names and addresses of members of the grand jury. Special counsel Jack Smith, who is overseeing Trump’s federal election interference case in Washington, was the target of an attempted swatting on Christmas day. So, too, was U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who will oversee that trial, if the Supreme Court allows it to go forward (though that could change if Trump wins in November). When Michael Fanone — the former police officer nearly killed on Jan. 6 by Trump supporters who believed the former president’s lies about the 2020 election — criticized Trump at a press conference outside the hush money trial earlier this week, his mother was swatted. When Trump and conservative media outlets spread false information about the jury instructions in the hush money case this week, threats against Merchan rolled in.
“We are continuing to see a dangerous erosion of democratic norms,” Daniel J. Jones, president of Advance Democracy, said in a statement to NBC News. “Trump and his allies have been spreading disinformation about the trial, challenging Justice Merchan’s impartiality, and describing the entire process as ‘rigged’ for weeks. As such, it’s not a surprise that some of his most fervent supporters are now calling for doxxing and violence against jurors, the judge, and the district attorney.”
Jones said online activity has been increasing in the wake of Trump’s guilty verdict, which makes it important for elected officials to “speak out against the disinformation Trump is spreading, as well the calls for violence he’s inspiring.”
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iwantmygun · 2 years
I’ve seen a few anti Johnny Depp posts here and it’s pretty disheartening to me lol. Did y’all watch the trial? Do y’all know that women are capable of being mentally ill? Do y’all know that women are capable of being abusers? One argument I saw was a rumor that Johnny MUST be a terf based on how he “abused Turd over her bisexuality”, which there is no proof of besides her word, which has been determined to be meaningless. It’s obvious to me that she used her sexuality to hide amongst and pull on the heartstrings of a vulnerable group of people. SHE WAS CHARGED WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST HER EX GIRLFRIEND. The fact that she even brought up her sexuality to draw sympathy is horrifying, but adding the layer of her being CONVICTED of domestic violence against her ex girlfriend makes it that much worse. The hypocrisy is unending. Psycho lost the defamation trial and for damn good reason. All of her stories about Depp were straight up lies, her photos were staged and edited and she slipped up/was caught in a lie so many times on the stand, not to mention her demeanor was bone chilling. I could feel her getting angry and it was scary to me. She reminds me of my own abuser and made me very uncomfortable to watch her avoid every direct question. Yes I am a Depp fan but I stayed neutral until I learned all the facts. Once you know the case, it speaks for itself. The defamation trial went on for SIX WEEKS WITH A JURY. Sorry but nah you’re just playing the ignorant devils advocate if you’re siding with Turd after all that. Also not only are you sexist, you’re perpetuating the idea that abusers/narcissists can get away with ruining someone’s life and still walk away a millionaire. She will never admit that she is responsible because that’s what narcissists do. They are always the victim of some great big conspiracy. (Ex: her saying some “rogue agents from the Australian government” created a rouse to incriminate her over her knowingly illegally bringing her dogs into Australia). You are allowing yourself to be manipulated by an abuser. This should have been taken as a lesson to all. You’ve been given a blueprint of what a narcissist looks like. So when one shows up in your real life, you’ll know to run for the hills.
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dankusner · 13 days
Texas judicial commission sanctions ex-Harris County misdemeanor judge
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Judge Franklin Bynum presides over his docket for the County Criminal Court District 8, Thursday, July 14, 2022, at Harris County Criminal Courthouse in Houston.
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An inquiry into a former misdemeanor judge, Franklin Bynum, targeted by District Attorney’s Kim Ogg’s office with complaints of bias, has ended with a public sanction rather than a recommended outcome of suspension.
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The Texas Supreme Court, whose justices were asked in 2022 to suspend Bynum, on Friday dismissed the proceedings against him “as moot,” court records show.
The State Commission on Judicial Conduct, despite having pressed for the suspension, withdrew its request earlier last month for formal proceedings against Bynum after about two years of little activity of note.
The commission, however, said the charges against Bynum would not be dismissed and they could consider additional action.
The commission weeks later handed down a public sanction against Bynum within hours of the higher court’s order.
Bynum lost his Democratic reelection bid for the Criminal Court of Law No. 8 in March 2022.
The sanction cited the litany of charges that the commission, a group that fields complaints against judges and takes disciplinary actions, considered later in 2022 over whether Bynum acted partiality, showed leniency toward defendants and shared anti-law enforcement sentiment in the form of posing for a photo while wearing a “Defund the police” shirt.
The commission concluded he did and sought rarely-used formal proceedings with state justices to seek Bynum’s suspension from the bench.
Judges are typically suspended when charged with some criminal offenses as what happened earlier this year after a Harris County judge was accused of assaulting his girlfriend.
Bynum rejected the decision at the time, deriding the complaints as politically motivated and defending his conduct on the bench.
He plans to appeal the sanction, a legal procedure that will require a review from a trio of appellate jurists from across the state, according to commission rules.
“It’s a badge of honor as long as it lasts, which won’t be long,” Bynum said Friday.
He noted the commission could have sought a public sanction in 2022.
Bynum, licensed by the Texas Bar in 2008, has since returned to private practice.
The long-standing feud between Ogg’s office and Bynum, elected in 2018 as a self-professed Democratic socialist, dates back to when Ogg opposed historic changes to Harris County misdemeanor bail practices, a cause that Bynum supported because it brought an end to some low income defendants being jailed on low-level charges.
He criticized Ogg for her position.
Her office tried recusing Bynum from roughly 140 misdemeanor cases, alleging he showed favoritism to defense attorneys by forcing prosecutors to come to court for jail dockets during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ogg later blamed Bynum for the failed prosecution of Dr. Hasan Gokal, accused of stealing vaccine doses and giving one to his wife.
The Texas Medical Board ultimately cleared Gokal and a grand jury declined to indict.
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David Mitcham, Ogg’s first assistant, lodged the first complaint against Bynum in July 2020 and filed several more through October 2021 alleging Bynum ignored judicial guidelines and showed bias to their prosecutors.
“If he chooses to run again in the future, the public and any opponent could point out that, while he was on the bench, he was unfit,” Mitcham said after the sanction.
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Effective Strategies for Legal Advocacy in Property Disputes
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A qualified Advocate for property dispute can help settle a dispute. Managing issues, including setting limitations, landlord-tenant conflicts, and property transfer, requires a well-planned approach. Learn particular methods to defend your customers and confidently manage complex property situations. This blog describes How to employ these strategies for legal defense.
Thorough Evidence Collection
Winning a land dispute requires gathering all the evidence. Gather any relevant property documents, maps, contracts, and correspondence related to the dispute. These documents provide context and support your claims.
Photos and videos can also be crucial proof. They provide tangible documentation of the property's status or borders, strengthening your argument. Witness testimony can support your case by providing personal insight and corroborating initial evidence.
Logically sort your data. Advocate for property dispute use detailed chronology to show how the conflict occurred. This group enhances your presentation and makes it more challenging for the opposite side to dispute you.
Clear client communication
Good lobbying starts with client interaction. Set realistic legal process goals, outcomes, and dangers. Ensure your customer knows how lengthy, expensive, and involved the procedure will be.
Regular communication is crucial during the dispute. Informing your client of case developments builds trust and interest. Tell your clients to gather documentation and follow your legal advice. This function benefits the legal plan, and clients gain authority, which improves cooperation.
Good communication informs customers about the legal process and its outcomes. This reduces errors and improves lobbying.
Strategic Negotiation
Although the court is a popular alternative, many property matters may only be resolved with it. Effective negotiation starts with understanding all parties' primary interests. Determine these primary interests to find solutions that satisfy everyone's concerns and make everyone happy.
Be willing to compromise on little issues. Concessions can improve relations and increase deal-making. Mediation is another way to resolve disputes. It provides a secure space for discussion and fosters unique ideas that may not be evident via negotiating.
Negotiation can shorten and make court proceedings cheaper. It also gives you more control over results and helps maintain relationships, which is crucial when disagreements arise.
Persuasive Litigation
When negotiations fail, a solid judicial case is crucial. First, clearly describe your client's perspective and base your case theory on the material you've obtained. A well-organized case shows the judge or juries your client's perspective.
Prepare for cross-examination by anticipating counterarguments and answering well. Use charts and graphs to simplify and persuade. Visuals may clarify your arguments and boost performance.
Well-planned litigation raises the likelihood of a good outcome. Thorough planning and a successful trial performance are crucial for a positive result and client protection.
In conclusion
A competent Advocate for property dispute must prepare, bargain wisely, and argue successfully. Focus on obtaining evidence, interacting with clients, bargaining tactically, and developing a solid case plan to address property concerns confidently. Use these methods to resolve complex disputes. This will assist your customers in receiving the most outstanding results and boost your legal success.
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artcontests · 1 year
Black Box Gallery - Camera Work: Landscape and Architecture
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Black Box Gallery is excited to announce a landscape and architecture juried group photo show. What is the process and diversity of observation, interpretation and documentation of these two photographic genres? How do we look for and create compelling, significant and relevant photographic work that engages the aesthetics, craft, tradition and concepts of landscape and architectural photography? 
DEADLINE: June 09, 2023
For more information: https://www.theartlist.com/black-box-gallery-camera-work-landscape-and-architecture
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urbtnews · 2 months
Creating Content Isn't A Crime
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Creating Content Isn't A Crime. Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit overturned David Lesh’s criminal conviction. Lesh, a client of the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), faced accusations of violating a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) regulation. The court found the USFS regulation banning unauthorized "work activity or service" on USFS lands to be impermissibly vague. This ruling means Lesh couldn't have known that taking photos on USFS land and posting them on Instagram was punishable. Submit a Press Release To URBT News Following Supreme Court precedent, the Tenth Circuit decided that Lesh was not deprived of his Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial. The petty offense exception applied. However, two judges suggested that this exception might violate the Constitution and called for its reconsideration. In April 2020, Lesh, an accomplished skier and founder of outdoor gear company Virtika, posted photos on Instagram. The images showed a snowmobiler jumping at Colorado’s Keystone Ski Resort, which closed due to COVID-19. The resort is on USFS-administered land. Lesh’s post did not mention or promote Virtika. Despite this, a federal magistrate judge convicted him of operating a snowmobile off-route and unauthorized "work activity or service" on USFS lands. Lesh received a sentence of six months' probation, 160 hours of community service, and a $10,000 fine without a jury trial. Today, the court upheld only the off-route snowmobiling conviction. In a powerful concurrence, Judge Tymkovich, joined by Judge Rossman, urged the Supreme Court to revisit the "petty offense exception" to the jury trial right. They argued this exception conflicts with the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of a jury trial in criminal cases. The concurrence highlights the inconsistency of excluding petty offenses from the jury trial guarantee. This applies even if, like in Lesh’s case, the possible term of imprisonment exceeds six months due to multiple charges. Download the URBT News App from your App store. Apple / Andriod The NCLA released statements following the decision: “We are pleased the Court found the term ‘work activity’ impermissibly vague as applied to Mr. Lesh. Like many, Lesh is an entrepreneur who promotes himself online via social media. The government’s theory would have criminalized this and the social media activity of thousands who post photos on public lands. Kara Rollins, Litigation Counsel for NCLA, confirmed that creating personal content for personal social media pages is not a crime. “Because Mr. Lesh angered Denver-area law enforcement, the government was determined to convict him. To achieve this, the prosecution stretched the term ‘work activity’ to include taking and posting a photo on a personal social media account. The courts below accepted this interpretation. Today, the court upheld only the off-route snowmobiling conviction. We are thrilled that the Tenth Circuit vindicated Mr. Lesh’s constitutional rights today. This upholds the rights of all Americans who might post a photo on federal land,” said Jenin Younes, Litigation Counsel, NCLA. Creating Content Isn't A Crime “Kudos to the Tenth Circuit for striking down the absurd application of the Forest Service’s regulation by prosecutors. They also recognized that the government likely infringed Lesh’s Sixth Amendment jury-trial right. Although Supreme Court precedent prevented the panel from overturning Lesh’s conviction on this basis, two judges have set the stage for the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider the petty offense exception,” said Mark Chenoweth, President, NCLA. For more information, visit the case page. ABOUT NCLA The NCLA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group founded by legal scholar Philip Hamburger. It aims to protect constitutional freedoms from violations by the Administrative State. The NCLA’s public-interest litigation and pro bono advocacy strive to curb the unlawful power of state and federal agencies and foster a civil liberties movement to restore Americans’ fundamental rights. Creating Content Isn't A Crime Read the full article
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qnewsau · 3 months
Loud and Proud Logan celebrates LGBTQIA+ women in art show
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Loud and Proud Logan celebrates LGBTQIA+ women in art show
The upcoming Loud and Proud Logan is the south-east Queensland region’s first major Pride event and is hosting a special art exhibition to celebrate a group of ten LGBTQIA+ women.
Local arts collective Assorted Grains is organising the inaugural Loud and Proud Logan. The new event will take over the Kingston Butter Factory precinct with a vibrant, multi-arts celebration on Saturday, October 12, 2024.
As part of it, Assorted Grains is also presenting the LGBTQIA+ Women’s Visibility Project. The empowering exhibition celebrating ten LGBTQIA+ women will open on the day of the event.
Assorted Grains’ Ali Strachan is curating the exhibition, and said the project aims to celebrate the contributions and achievements of each of these women.
“Visibility matters because it allows audiences to see and hear from women like them, and to know they’re not alone,” Ali explained.
The artworks, accompanied by the subject’s personal story, will celebrate ten women who are lesbian, queer, bisexual or transgender, as well as First Nations sistagirls and those who identify as gender diverse and non-binary.
Two award-winning local creatives will make the portraits. Visual artist Stacey Bennett (see her work above) and Visual Poets Society photographer Jade Ferguson will create five artworks each.
Jade Ferguson said it’s important to her that the portraits showcase the rich diversity of the greater Logan community, in particular increasing the visibility of trans and non-binary women.
Nominate yourself for the art exhibition
Assorted Grains is inviting queer women from all backgrounds, cultures and abilities to nominate themselves for the exhibition.
Two trans women have signed on, with Gay Skate’s Storm Jury sitting for a portrait. Storm explains that as a trans woman, she embraces her experiences with pride and advocates for women’s rights.
“Being trans isn’t something that limits our identity,” she said.
Participant Amelia Illing is also trans, and says, “I want to show people what it means to be a trans woman, to remove the stigma and improve acceptance of diversity in Logan.”
At the festival, all of the participants are also invited to share their stories with the Just Gay Stuff Podcast with support from LGBTQIA+ counsellor, Jack McWilliams from Rainbow Affinity.
Free entry to Loud and Proud Logan
Until now, Logan was one of the last regions in south-east Queensland without a major Pride event.
On October 12, the inaugural Loud & Proud Logan event is offering Pridegoers drag shows, live music, art, films and more.
On the day, entry is free from 1pm as well as ticketed drag extravaganzas and ballroom cabaret shows from 6pm.
The award-winning drag lineup includes Logan’s own Lulu LeMans, Chocolate Boxx, Scarlett Fever (the trio below), as well as York Lit, Lord Sev and House of Alexander.
Composite photo. Images: Supplied
See the full lineup and book free tickets at the Logan Arts website.
More from Logan:
Drag queens join Loud and Proud, Logan’s first Pride festival
‘Welcome here’: New campaign for Logan’s LGBTQIA+ community
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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minister-erik · 5 months
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Trump's Criminal Court appearance in the election interference case by ERIK MCGREGOR Via Flickr: As jury selection begins on April 15, 2024 in People of the State of New York v. Donald Trump, members of the activist group Rise and Resist and allies gathered outside the New York Criminal Court at 100 Centre Street in Manhattan to hold a demonstration as Donald Trump arrived at his criminal court appearance in the Stormy Daniels case before Judge Juan Merchan who quickly denied Trump’s motions to dismiss and ordered the parties to show up for a hearing. #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpCrimeBoss #TrumpForPrison2024 #DonPoorleone #TrumpIsATraitor #TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpIsATraitorAndCriminal #StopProject2025 #NoDictatorsInTheUSA #ElectionInterference #2020Election #2024Election #Activism #ActivistNY #activists #ArrestTrump #ConvictTrump #DefendDemocracy #demonstration #DirectAction #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump #DisqualifyTrump #FuckTrump #HighCrimesAndMisdemeanors #IndictTrump #manhattan #NewYork #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #RiseAndResist ​ © Erik McGregor - [email protected] - 917-225-8963
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swldx · 7 months
RNZ Pacific 1307 10 Mar 2024
7390Khz 1259 10 MAR 2024 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55445. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Vicki McKay. Landlords will once again be able to claim tax deductions for interest on residential investment property from the start of next month, David Seymour says. The policy was promised among tax reforms announced by the new coalition government late last year. Seymour, the leader of the ACT Party and the Associate Minister of Finance, said the change would benefit both landlords and renters. Auckland Central MP Chlöe Swarbrick will be the Green Party's new co-leader alongside Marama Davidson, as James Shaw steps down. Last month, Shaw said he would be stepping down from his duties as co-leader in March. Donald Trump has posted a US$91.6 million (NZ$155.4m) bond as he appeals against the verdict in E Jean Carroll's defamation lawsuit against him. A jury in January found Trump owed the former columnist millions of dollars for defamation when he denied he sexually assaulted her. A judge had rejected the former president's request for more time to secure a bond to cover the penalty. Trump also owes over US$400m in a separate fraud case. Portugal's criminal police agency PJ said on Saturday it arrested a member of Italy's Camorra crime group who has been on the run for two decades. PJ said in a statement it made the arrest in the country's northern region and that the member of the Camorra, as the Naples version of the mafia is known, was the target of a European arrest warrant. The first official photo of the Princess of Wales since her abdominal surgery in January has been released by Kensington Palace. The image, taken by Prince William at Windsor earlier this week, shows the princess with her three children. The photo is accompanied by a Mother's Day message along with a "thank you" from the princess for the public's "continued support". She is not expected to return to public duties before Easter. @1303z trailer for RNZ "Pacific Waves". @1304z Weather Forecast: Fine, cloudy periods with odd showers in the afternoon. @1305z "All Night Programme" anchored by Vicki McKay. Backyard gutter antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0759.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Taylor Schabusiness, the Wisconsin mother convicted in the methamphetamine-fueled murder, decapitation and subsequent sexual desecration of boyfriend Shad Thyrion, should be given the possibility of parole and "deserves to be happy," her attorney told Fox News Digital.Schabusiness, 25, was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison without parole in the February 2022 murder of Thyrion, 24. She was also sentenced to an additional 7½ years for mutilating a corpse and three years for third-degree sexual assault."I really feel that this young lady should be given a chance at the possibility — not the probability — of getting out on extended supervision or parole some day after decades of work — therapy, counseling," said Christopher T. Froelich of the Green Bay-based Froelich Law Group. He intends to appeal the court's decision on Schabusiness's behalf.Froelich took up the case in February; Schabusiness's previous lawyer, Quinn Jolly, resigned after the woman attacked him in court.VIDEO SHOWS WOMAN ACCUSED IN DISMEMBERMENT SLAYING ATTACK HER ATTORNEY IN COURTChristopher Froelich, left, said that he intends to appeal his client Taylor Schabusiness's life sentence for the meth-fueled decapitation of Shad Thyrion.Some speculated the spit hood Schabusiness wore Tuesday was not to protect court attendees but to obscure Schabusiness's facial expressions. Froelich, however, explained that there were "some issues at the jail" earlier that day.READ ON THE FOX NEWS APPThe convicted murderer has smiled, smirked and appeared to fall asleep in court, behaviors psychologists called by the defense, including Dr. Diane Lytton, said are indicative of her mental incompetence to stand trial."She has been described as smirky — weird grinning — when she’s talking about the crimes," Lytton explained on the stand. "Based on my experience and training, that’s a psychotic person right there."Schabusiness burst into laughter when it was discussed whether jurors would be shown photos of her former lover's decapitated head found by Green Bay Police in a bucket. She also laughed as a jury rejected her insanity plea and handed down her conviction July 27.WISCONSIN WOMAN CONVICTED OF GRUESOME MURDER, SEXUAL ABUSE, DISMEMBERMENT OF FORMER BOYFRIENDChristopher Froelich took over Taylor Schabusiness's case after she attacked her previous attorney, Quinn Jolly, pictured, and he resigned.Froelich said Tuesday he has made "several" attempts to get a mistrial in the case."Should a judge be on a case if they witnessed a fight in the courtroom?" Froelich asked. "I heard she tried to flash [the judge] in court. Would that be another reason to get somebody else, another judicial officer? I have no idea."WISCONSIN ATTORNEY SEEKS SEX ASSAULT CHARGE DISMISSAL FOR CLIENT WHO ALLEGEDLY DISMEMBERED LOVERThe attorney also questioned at least one of Schabusiness's charges."How could there be a sexual assault? He's dead," the attorney said Tuesday. "Once he's dead, it's not sexual assault, it's mutilation of a corpse. Did the jury just go along with it because if she's guilty of one, she's probably guilty of all three? I don't know."Despite the Brown County Court judge's view Schabusiness's crimes "offended human decency," the victim's father told her he would "forgive [her] for what [she] did to [his] son," and that he knew "[she has] a heart, got a mind."WISCONSIN KILLER, BODY SNATCHER ED GEIN'S VOICE HEARD IN UNEARTHED RECORDINGS: BARNEY FIFE WITH A CHAINSAW'"I believe everybody makes bad choices, maybe not to this scale," Michael Thyrion said Tuesday. "It does no good to hate you."Schabusiness's relatives traveled 10 hours multiple times to testify on her behalf and were "dejected" after the sentencing, although they "knew the stakes and what they were up against," Froelich said.Arthur Coronado, Schabusiness's father, took the stand Tuesday in an orange jumpsuit and shackles matching his daughter's. He was sentenced to 12 years in 2018 for sexually assaulting a child."It just shows
that Taylor had family members … that really cared about her, had relationships with her," Froelich said. "She's not a throwaway, she's not a waste. … We should give her a chance. That's what I'm trying to do."Pictured is a diagram created by a medical examiner showing the damage Shad Thyrion's body underwent before it was discovered by police.WISCONSIN WOMAN CLAIMS SHE SAW 'DARK, SHADOWY FIGURE' WHEN SHE STABBED EX-BOYFRIEND 19 TIMESFroelich described photos submitted into evidence of Schabusiness before her meth addiction took hold. Unlike dozens of gruesome autopsy and crime scene photos that left Froelich lastingly disturbed, he said, these "show who she really is – not this monster person.""You can see … what kind of person she was as a little kid, a teenybopper, a young lady kissing her baby, holding her brother as a kid," he told Fox News Digital."She asked, 'Can you flip this one, can you flip that one?’ It was a happy day for her," he said, describing how he maneuvered photos for a restrained Schabusiness at her presentencing hearing. "I told her I was happy to see her smiling because [she] deserves to be happy."Also submitted into evidence was a pre-murder photo of Schabusiness smiling beside a photo of infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who carried out most of his 17 sexually-motivated killings and dismemberments two hours away in Milwaukee.Froelich said he was a law school classmate of one of the lawyers who represented Dahmer."[Now], I have the lady Dahmer," Froelich said.Original article source: 'Lady Dahmer,' who beheaded lover in meth-fueled tryst, 'deserves to be happy': lawyer
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