reiconcorpse · 3 months
awww thank you so much! ❤️
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theeveningrose · 9 months
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Trying to get back to posting.
I know I said I'll try to go back to posting yesterday, but it was harder than I thought to actually put myself to do it. It was just as hard today but I decided not to let it stop me.
Dedicating this post to @tessa1972, @shanaraharlyah, @jupiter235 and @sbtemples for the support. ❤
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fereldanwench · 4 months
Valerie & Felicity Picrew
@roofgeese my beloved tagged me forever ago to make Valerie in this picrew, so I'm finally doing it. :3
Didn't quite have the right blue for Valerie's hair and eyes, but I thought she still turned out pretty cute! I also did one for my TOW Captain, Felicity.
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Tagging (with no pressure, of course) @theviridianbunny, @dread-red-queen, @jupiter235, @deezyg6, @clusterfxckedbysirens, @wanderingaldecaldo, @vox-monstera ♥
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jeannedarcprice · 2 years
Nine People I Want To Get To Know Better
Thanks for tagging me @stroodlenoodles! It's been a long time since I was in a tag game 😊
three ships: Jill Valentine / Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil), Scott Ryder / Gil Brodie (Mass Effect: Andromeda), Geralt / Yennifer (The Witcher books)
first ship: First serious one was Sugizo / Inoran from the J-rock band Luna Sea. First time I actively got into a fandom and shipping
Last song: Lost Again by Kings Elliot (Theme from The Callisto Protocol)
Last movie: Hush (2016). Watched a ton of great movies recommended by @thervssian when he was visiting, but this was the last one.
Currently reading: nothing right now 😥
Currently watching: True Detective season 1 (holy moly its good!)
Currently consuming: anything God of War: Ragnarok, mopping up post game stuff and listening to the OST whilst I wait for a fanart idea to pop into my head
Currently craving: 🤣 I know this means food but...LOL no its my mum's homemade curry
Tagging: @ladyinthebluebox @jupiter235 and @downydatura for updated answers. And @trajektoria, @sisselthecat-blog , @meri-exe, @miss-jennifer-cormier, @tvirus-arts, @artsyalex 😘 (Welcome twitter to tumblr RE fandom refugees!)
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Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications ✨
I have no clue when this was sent, so I'm so sorry if this was forever ago :')
Talking to my Discord friends
Rock/metal music
My cat, Jaz
My boyfriend and group chat with my irl friends
My new home I've just moved into and decorated to be all cute and cozy, especially when it rains and I can watch from the patio doors!
Tagging @lostthreadsworld @jupiter235 @dykebrucespringsteen @kaleidoscope1967eyes @gabriellerudessa @ivorydragoness44 @wolfyshinigami @seppys-return-to-madness @relthebell @kraddams9
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isk4649 · 2 years
2022/9/18 WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tag, @a11sha11fade!
Here’s an excerpt from my modern AU finale. Technically, I would be giving away the climax, but eh... I like it enough to post it now.
As the meal came to a satisfying conclusion and both men left the last glasses bereft of the wine, they stared at each other for a moment. This was the first time in a long while Tharin made a conscious effort to observe Cullen. Had it been weeks, months, or maybe even years? Too long in any case.
The grooves deepening evermore on Cullen’s face spoke of the time they spent together and made the man look distinguished. The brilliant amber eyes were crinkled, but Cullen soon averted the gaze in apparent awkwardness. His nose was straight and his stubble thick, just the way Tharin liked. And his mouth, the one that said all those loving words and peppered kisses every day, was curved in a thin grin.
Cullen was much more than the man Tharin met ten years ago, and Tharin was proud of his husband. And the future seemed so clear now, happiness so predestined. He decided to tell Cullen he was ready to go back home. To America.
After the gift, that was.
Tharin reached into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and brought out the gift. He beamed and placed the wrapped box in front of Cullen. “Happy birthday, Cul.” His heart thrummed hard, and his voice almost broke.
Cullen emitted a noise of surprise and the grin grew into a wide smile. He susurrated, “Thanks, love,” as he tore through the wrappings and opened the box. A recognition flashed in his countenance, and the crow’s feet by his eyes grew deeper. He extended his right hand across the table, to which Tharin responded with his own.
“You are… the most beautiful person,” susurrated Cullen as his eyes grew tender and misty. Cullen inhaled and exhaled a drawn-out shaky breath. “I want a divorce.”
Tags under the cut
Tagging @jonogueira, @kemvee, @tessa1972, @raflesia65, and @jupiter235
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lokoteibex · 3 years
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Eugene in ‘If I Knew Then What I Know Now’
suggested by @jupiter235
Although this was actually the first suggestion to come in, it took me a while to decide what to do with the palette. But I present to you: my take on him finding the tower!
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mountain-man-cumeth · 3 years
26, 27, and 28 for the OC headcanon meme.
26: Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
- Sure... He can always go to another country, change his hair and his name. Worked well so far.
28: Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
- One Ilya Devorak. He has no archenemies but suffice it to say Lucio rightfully hates him for personal reasons.
☛ GET INSIDE YOUR CHARACTER'S HEAD! aka The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
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ramonadecember · 3 years
11, 12, and 13 for the fan fic writer's asks!
fanfic asks.
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
As far as who, lbr, I write so much about Cullen. I just have so many head canons and have projected on him… so much. Even in like… roleplay/collaborative writing/etc types of things, I tend to take over for his voice. But in general, I find myself writing for a lot of once/currently broken characters who… maybe don’t have the best past, but are trying to do better. And I think that shows in what I write about too.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Maybe this is cheating but I have two WIPs I’m jazzed about and they’re both entirely indulgent, though one in particular is like... I think I’m basically writing it For Me since it features an OC as the main character haha.
One is the Cullrian western AU which... isn’t at the forefront of my queue of WIPs I’m working on, but I’m so fond of it. We’ve got Cullen, a deputy under Sheriff Lavellan in the town of Haven, and new in town, a little mysterious a little shady Dorian who’s part of this group that came down from the north with an interest in a mine outside of town for equally mysterious and shady reasons. It’s a ‘there’s still magic’ AU, but the practice of magic is punishable by imprisonment or death in the south. Cullen and Dorian kind of clash in the beginning, Cullen’s no nonsense attitude going against Dorian’s outlaw vibes, and once things start to be going good it gets complicated all over again once Cullen learns two things: Dorian is a wanted man, and he can use magic. 
The other one that I keep just blocking out scenes in my head for is the skyrim fic I’ve mentioned here before featuring my messy but well meaning wood elf Faenrir LastNamePending. But it starts with him leaving Valenwood, angry as a wet cat over a crime he was set up for (which… he does do a lot of crime… but this time he didn’t lmao) and which no one believes he wasn’t responsible for, and swearing revenge on the person he loved and trusted who tried to pin it on him. So it’s him going from bitter and dejected and lost to establishing that love doesn’t have to be conditional, but it’s a hard road to get there full of Fae running from every problem that crops up (which… since he falls in with the skyrim thieves guild, there’s a lot of trouble. Plus his past getting dragged up to the present when the ass who framed him shows back up wanting his help).
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter lmao. I wrote two chapters of a fic that honestly... I don’t know if it had a plot. I was just 12 and obsessed. Then I was 13 and obsessed with Naruto, and that fic fared a little better/longer 😂 (then I didn’t write any fic again til I was 26)
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🏆🎆 An Award for the Loveliest of Writers 🎆🏆What you create for the world is loved and deserves recognition for all of your hard work and passion!! Thank you for sharing your talent—of which is beyond compare ♡ Pass this on to 5 other authors who you think deserve more recognition and appreciation ❤❤❤
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Thank you so much!
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suzie-guru · 4 years
🔥 (Topic of your choice!)
Fanfiction about real life folks is creepy. Keep that shit away from me. 
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redxluna · 4 years
jupiter235 replied to your post “Each time someone tries to say people aren’t allowed to ship...”
Those people can fuck off.
It was even weirder this time because it was in a streamer’s chat and someone was like, “Um, excuse, those two are father and son only, never ship it.”
Which, considering it’s Hank and Connor from DBH is even funnier because...
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But, honestly, even when it’s a ship I personally don’t spring for, I just...don’t care? Like, so long as it’s tagged properly I’m fine with it existing.
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fereldanwench · 5 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by the lovely @vorchagirl--Thank you so much!! ♡
Goro Takemura x Valerie Powell ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
Harry Carlyle x Sara Ryder
Vicar Max x Felicity Gibson
Street Spirit (cover) by Priest
New (to me): Emily (2022)
Rewatch: The Mummy (1999)
There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job by Kikuko Tsumura
Green leaves and flowers and general spring-time prettiness ❀
Tax refund so husbando and I can finish getting new furniture for our new home
What my brother and I call a leisure day--Basically we just all hang out on a Friday and do fun random things like go to bookstores or vintage malls or a museum or see a movie and get lunch and coffee. No work, no errands, no essential tasks, just leisure (˶ ᵔ ̫ ᵔ ˶)
Tagging @jupiter235, @arborstone, @deezyg6, @corpocyborg, @brennacedria, and @commander-krios ♡♡♡
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jellysharkbat · 4 years
31, 32, 33, and 34
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
I like paper books better but I usually read from my phone now soo....
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
All of them. Anything fantasy based, would be my preferred!
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
Probably not too much different than what I have now. I have a lot of comfy-type clothes. Maybe I’d get some that were nicer looking, fashionable-type? ....Fashionable loungewear? Is that a thing? rofl
34. What’s your coffee order?
None! I don’t drink coffee.
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tangledbea · 5 years
I'm actually not mad about what happened with Cassandra at the end of that episode (as a matter of fact, it's gonna make for some kick-ass angst come next season) nearly as much as I'm mad that it ended on a cliffhanger and now we have to wait to find out what's going on.
I’m not even mad about the cliffhanger! I don’t mind cliffhangers in the slightest! Keeps things interesting!
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metatiki · 5 years
Director's commentary on Don't Worry, I'll Protect You! Also, star emoji if there's anything specific you also want to talk about!
Hmmm, there’s so much xD All right, a small list:
1) I wrote the first kiss for Cullen and Dorian about eight times, and always ended up scrapping it because it ended up always feeling too early. (I did publish one of the more complete ones as a deleted scene later.)
2) Hawke was originally going to be just a creepy stalker and not much more. Yeah. That didn’t stick.
3) Amell’s addition to the plot came after Act I was finished, while I was struggling to summon up the motivation to continue the story beyond Dorian officially becoming Inquisitor. That’s when the plot went from just ‘Dorian becomes Inquisitor’ to ‘What would happen if the protagonist of every Dragon Age game was involved in very different ways?’, and the rest is...well, being written as we speak.
4) I’ve written at least four times as many words for the story as I have published. Sometimes what I wrote just doesn’t work out, or I rewrite a scene and end up going in a different direction, or (as in the case of anything involving Amell) I had to rewrite to tone down some of the elements. (Yes, some of what I’ve written is actually much worse than what I put in the published story.)
5) The art for Act IV is done and it’s amazing and I can’t wait to share it with all of you!
6) I often worry that the title is a bit too long and wonder if I should change it, but I think I’ve passed the point of no return on the matter xD
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun! ^_^
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