#jupiter asending balem abrasax imagine
raven-black102 · 6 years
His Lover A Warrior
(Balem Abrasax X Guard! Reader)
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Imagine Being Balem Personal guard and a secret lover.
This is also my very first Balem Abrasax one-shot. Hope you guys like it!
(Y/n)’s POV
It was silent as It was just me and Balem in his throne room waiting for the guess to come in and talk business. “You're quiet.” Balem said softly as I stood by his side. “I’m just thinking my Lord.” I said as I saw a slight frown when I said his title. “I have a sick feeling that one of those men is hiding something.” I finished as I turned to look at him.
This pecked his interest since I was always right with my gut feeling human or not. “You sure you not ill my love?” He asked as he turned to look at me. “If I was then I wouldn’t be with you My Lord.” I said bowing my head slightly. “Stop.” He said causing me to smile at him slightly. 
“You know how much I hate it when you call me that.” He said sternly causing me to laugh softly at him and stood straight up. “I am only equal to those that serve you Lord Balem. I am nothing more and nothing less.” I said as I turn to look ahead. 
“And that is why I fallen for you.” He said softly as I smiled at him slightly. “You can be more then powerful if you where my Queen. But you refuse just to stand by my side and fight with me instead of hiding away where you can be safe from everything.” He said as I bit the inside my cheek to prevent myself from blushing at him.
“I am not afraid to fight My King.” I said as I saw him smile slightly at what I called him. “Nor am I afraid to die for you.” I added causing him to frown at me. He was about to say something only for me to look at the door as it opened. I frown as I watch Cygnus who held a confident aura around him.
“The next Harvest well happen tell 5 years.” I heard one of the guest said as I felt someone looking at me. I look around as I saw Jace one of my many trusted guard I have. “Well you excuse me.” I said softly as I saw Balem looking at me. He frown but nod his head telling me I could go.
I gracefully walked out taking notice of more them one eyes on me. “(Y/n).” Jace said as I look at him with a raised eyebrow. “What is it?” I asked him as I saw William, Phil, and Andrew here as well. “There are bombs near the gates.” William said causing me to stiffen slightly. “Andrew, Jace find there person who put them there and bring them to me. William, Phil put the bomb on Cygnus Chipper and a tracker.” I said as they bowed there head and smirk darkly as they left.
I smirk ever so slightly as I walked back out towards Balem side. “Someone place bombs at the gate.” I whispered to Balem as nobody seems to notice our little extends of words. “Andrew and Jace went to find the ones who put them there while William and Phil when to put the bombs in Cygnus Chipper." I said softly as I saw his finger slightly twitch.
My smirk never fluttered as I stood straight up and look to see Cygnus looking at me. I raised and eyebrow at him causing him to quickly look away from me and back to Balem who seems to see his stare towards me. “Is there a problem Cygnus?” Balem asked scaring all the guess. “Why do you have that earthling whore with you all the time.” Cygnus asked causing me to laugh at him.
“If I where you. I wouldn’t judge what you see.” I said as I saw the dark look in Balem eyes. I disappeared and reappeared next to Cygnus and placed my dagger on his throat. “If you must know. I’ve probably have killed more people them Balem has ever streaked fear in them.” I said darkly as I saw Balem raised up his hand. 
I huffed slightly then took the dagger down and disappeared and reappeared next to Balem again. “Never underestimate my guards Cygnus.” Balem said slightly calmed for what Cygnus called me. “Mistress! We found an Intruder.” I heard Jace yelled causing me to look at Balem.
“Go ahead.” Balem mumbled letting me take full control of the interrogation. “Who hired you here?” I asked softly as if I was talking to a child. The poor boy looked up at me in pain causing me to look at both Andrew and Jace. ‘He was already like this when we found him.’ Andrew said in my mind causing me to nod.
“Who did you see?” I asked again as I crouch in front of him. “There was two other guards I haven’t seen them around here.” The boy said as I placed my index and pointer finger on his chin making him look up at me. “Where they with somebody?” I asked as he nod his head then looked at Cygnus. “It was him.” The boy said then everything happened so quick.
I stood in front of the boy as I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. “NO!” Balem yelled as Andrew hold Cygnus by the throat in the air while Jace is by my side. “Mistress.” Jace called as I groan slightly. “Fuck it hurt.” I mumbled softly as I saw Balem by my side. “Take him away.” Balem said to Andrew who grins at Cygnus. 
“With pleasure.” Andrew said as Balem glared at the others. “Leave us.” Balem said as Mr. Night come back with a healer. “I’m fine.” I said softly as Jace helped me sat up and Balem placed a hand on my lower back. "Master your lossing too much blood." Jace said as I felt my eyes grow heavy.
3rd Person POV
(Y/n)'s eyes grow heavy as Balem started to panic. "(Y/n)? Don't close your eyes. Stay with us." Balem urged as the healer tried there best. "Master this is gonna hurt." Jace said then pulled out the dagger causing (Y/n) to gasp and whimper in pain.
Balem panic as he watch his lovers tried her best not to fall into a deep slumber one that she might not be able to wake up from. Even though Balem and (Y/n) love for each other was secret it was obvious for a few people to see through them. Other think they would make a great king and queen.
"Master your gonna make it. You just need to fight okay." Jace said softly as Balem looked at him. "This is the best I could do." The healer said bowing there head as Balem pulled (Y/n)'s body closer to him. "Thats all your can do?!" Balem yelled as Jace looked at the boy.
"Lord Balem. You are in no position to take charge." Jace said causing Balem to glare at him. "Master told me when your emotion is out of control that William will take charge tell your back to your usual self." Jace said as Balem looked at him then back to (Y/n). "Take her to your room. Then we can see what we can do to Cygnus." Jace said just as William and Phil came in the room.
"What happened?" William asked as he saw Balem pick up (Y/n) sleeping form and carried her bridal Style. "Cygnus. We got to make sure Andrew doesn't have all the fun." Jace said darkly as William nod his head and look out Balem. "Well wait for your orders when you come back Lord Balem." William said them walked away.
To anyone who would have just said that and left Balem would had them killed or scared them to there own graves. But since this (Y/n)'s well trusted guards he had no questions or doubts against them. "Come on boy." Jace said as Balem walked off toward his chambers.
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raven-black102 · 6 years
Dance With The Devil
(Balem Abrasax X Reader)
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Inspired by a song called 'Dance With the Devil by Breaking Benjamin' listen to it before reading this and I think you might understand what this one-shot imagine is about.
(Y/n)'s POV
There was to be a ball in the Abrasax palace in Jupiter. And as the 'Ruler' of earth I had to go. "Master. Why do you look so blue?" William one of my Advisers asked me. "There is to be a ball at Lord Balem Abrasax Palace." I said wrinkling my nose. Even though I know so little of the said lord doesn't mean I haven't heard the rumors.
I would always send my man to go to the meeting for me since I get ill so easily. "Do you wish for us to go?" Jace asked causing me too look out the window of my Palace. "No. I think I'm strong enough to go." I said softly as I got up. "As you wish." Phil said as I turn to look at them. "Boy get change and get the ship ready." I ordered as they all bowed then left my room.
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I quickly change into a dress and put on my masks. Even though it was just a regular ball I still felt the need of a mask. "Mistress your crown." I heard one of my handmaiden called out causing me to sigh softly before bowing my head to let them place the white crystal crown on my head.
"Thank you." I said softly as I gave them a small smile. "Can you tell the guards to meet me at the gate." I said as she looked at me confused. "Which ones Mistress?" She asked as she helped me walk out my room. "The heartless Guards." I said as Phil waited for me outside my chambers. "Right away Mistress." She said as she pass me to Phil before bowing her head and left.
"I hate when people treat me like that." I mumbled as I looped my arm around Phil's. "Like what master?" He asked with a small playful smirk causing me to glare at him. "Like I'm royalty. I'm just as equal to you all then anything else." I said with a small huff causing Phil to smile at me with adoration.
"And that why we all respect and love you master. You always put us ahead of you when you shouldn't. You always treated us as if where family when we ain't. And you would always share us your true words of wisdom which we all grown to love about you." Phil said causing me to smile at him as we walked down the long corridors.
"We are family. Blood or not. I well always care for you all because you all are like me children growing up so fast." I said softly as we made it to the bridge that lead to a small beautiful ship. "Mistress. You called us?" I heard a deep raspy voice said causing me to look up and smile at the large Wolf.
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"I need you and the others to watch the palace for me. I'll be going to a ball. And nobody is allowed in no matter who or what they are. And if they insisted to come in then take them to the interrogation room and call upon me or William." I said as the wolf bowed his head. "Of course Mistress." He said as I went to go hug him.
"And please be safe. All of you." I said pulling away as the wolf nuzzled his large nose on me causing me to giggle. "Always." They said the disappeared I’m the shadows as I saw William, Jace, and Andrew at the Ship waiting for me. "The ship is ready Master." Andrew said causing me to smile at them.
Time Skip
"Mask on boys." I said softly as they did what there told. "I hope this is over quickly." I mumbled as we waited by the door. Then they stood around me like a guards William was in front of me, Phil is to my right, Jace is behind me, and Andrew is to my left. I smiled softly at the boys protectiveness over me.
Once the door opened we walked out in perfect sync as I felt people looking at me. "The Queen of Earth." I heard of of the guard yelled getting everyone's attention. "Just what I needed." I said as I held my head up high and walked to a corner of the room to set on and empty couch. "Your not dancing?" Andrew asked causing me to look up and him as I crossed my legs.
"There is no need to." I said softly as I saw some man looking at me with lust and excitement in there eyes. "I'm in a room full of pigs." I mumbled causing the boys to chuckle. "I shall get you some food Master." William said as I waved my hand at him.
William quickly left as Andrew sat next to me on my left, Phil to my right, and Jace sat on the floor in front with his back towards me. "Its so dreadfully." I mumbled as I run my fingers through Jace’s hair causing him to close his eyes and purr to my touch. "The Queen of Earth." I heard causing me to look up to see two men and one woman stand in front of me.
"Sadly yes." I said looking at them. "I haven't seen you in the meetings." The eldest looking man said causing me to roll my eyes at him. "Why go to a meeting filled with pigs who just want to use my planet." I said broadly as William came back with a drink of water and a plate of food.
"Master." William said getting the three attention as he pass the plate to Andrew and gave me the cup of water. "Thank you Will." I said as I gently grasp the cup. "Plus I have no need of your money. What the point?" I asked looking at them. "It only a game between you three. Two trying to kill the oldest just to destroy what he created and tried so hard to build." I said as my eyes meet the forest green ones.
"How." The youngest man asked as I glare at him sharply making him shut up. "The Queen knows all." Andrew said as I stop playing with Jace’s hair and took a sip of my water. "Why do you think she's the only one to rule earth?" Phil asked as Jace looks up at me with a pout. "Boys you go have some fun." I order as they hesitated a bit.
"I would like to talk with you Lord Balem." I said getting up and walking off as the boys walked around the room. "It amused me how you found no time to just kill your sibling so no more of your time is wasted." I said as I turn to look at Balem. “Like you said It’ll be just a big waist of time.” He said as I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Shall I have this dance?” I asked as I took out my hand for him to take. Balem smirked as He took me to the middle of the dance floor as I started to hum a song. “For a Queen of Earth you really are beautiful.” He said as I took notice of people staring at us. “Beauty is nothing to me. I’ve seen more at home.” I said softly as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
“I doubt that Little Bird.” He said as I intertwine our fingers. I just smiled as I continued to hum then started to sing softly.
(Dance With The Devil by Breaking Benjamin)
Here I stand, helpless and left for dead/ Close your eyes, so many days go by/ Easy to find what's wrong/ Harder to find what's right
I believe in you, I can show you that/ I can see right through all your empty lies/ I won't stay long, in this world so wrong
Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight/ Don't you dare look at him in the eye/ As we dance with the devil tonight
Trembling, crawling across my skin/ Feeling your cold dead eyes/ Stealing the life of mine
I believe in you, I can show you that/ I can see right through all your empty lies/ I won't last long, in this world so wrong
Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight/ Don't you dare look at him in the eye/ As we dance with the devil tonight
Hold on, hold on
Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight/ Don't you dare look at him in the eye/ As we dance with the devil tonight
Hold on, hold on
I sang with as soft kind smile at I look at Balem. He picked me up and spines me around before gently placing me back down. “Goodbye.” I said bowing my head a little breathless. everyone started to clap as I felt Balem staring down at me as I smiled at everyone.
“You Majesty.” I heard causing me to let go of Balem’s hand and turn to see William. “What is it?” I asked softly as Balem stood close to me. “You have your appointment. We must leave or you’ll be late for your treatment.” He said causing me to look at him with a small frown.
“Appointment?” Balem asked as I turn to look at him with a shy smile. “There is a reason why I haven’t been able to go to your meetings. I am very ill.” I said as William went to find the others. “And the song you where singing?” He asked as he stood in front of me. 
“Um...” I stumbled as I felt myself blushing. “It was just a s-song I he-hea-heard at h-h-ho-home.” I strutted as he grin at me and slightly leaned down towards me. “It’s called Dance with The Devil.” I added trying to look away only for him to place his thumb and index finger on my chin.
“Am I the devil?” He asked as I look deep into his forest green eyes. “I..” I started as I felt my whole face heat up. “I wouldn’t.” I said as I took his hand noticing he was very close to my mask. “I don’t need you to see me like this. I’m not pretty as the woman here. And I’ll never be.” I said to him as I saw a small glint in his eyes.
“Who said I want woman like them.” He said softly as I felt my breath get taken away. “You don’t won’t me. I won’t last long in this world. I don’t want to put you through so much because of me.” I said softly then moved away. “The ship ready Mistress.” Andrew said as I follow him quickly leaving Balem there by himself.
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