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Talking About Some Horror Comics
(Image: Richard Sala, "The Bloody Cardinal")
On Cohost a while back i wrote a little bit about comicbook inspirations for Anthology Of The Killer - I might repost it when that site goes down at the end of the year, but until then you can read it here: https://cohost.org/thecatamites/post/7154072-i-wanted-to-write-so
For part two I wanted to talk more about horror comics in particular.
I probably wouldn't have gotten into horror at all if it weren't for comics. Horror comics can feel like a "cold" take on a very "warm" genre - indebted to and playing off of a familiar ground of horror films, but without film's tendency towards emotionalism or immediate effects... Working on a far more compressed scale than even the cheapest 80-minute b-movie, amplifying abruptness or abstraction into something dreamlike and strange. And with the great advantage of taking place inside a totally constructed world. It's not strictly a horror comic but something like Jess Johnson's "Nurture The Devil" is unsettling in part because it's hard to place in relation to either a real world or the world of dreams - whether it's a stylised version of some more familiar content or whether the stylisation is a literal depiction of what's happening.
A comic as physical object can also be a relic - not something we experience in one go, rather something to pick up, put down, sift through, read and reread, with new meanings emerging from a mass of material of which the supposed narrative may not be the most important part. The dreadful, knife-wielding maniacs from Al Columbia's Pim & Francie are familiar figures, but seeing their obsessive repetition across the different collected scraps of abandoned or submerged narratives changes them into dream symbols rather than direct threats.
I like a lot of comics that draw on horror imagery - Mark Beyer and Rory Hayes, A. Degen's "Junior Detective Files" and Daria Tessler's "Cult Of The Ibis", Nicole Claveloux and Imiri Sakabashira. But I wanted to try writing here about some comics that made me interested as horror in a genre itself.
Junji Ito: you may not have heard about this guy.... I actually hadn't read any of his work before the Viz edition of Uzumaki a while back, and the sense of being late to the party didn't make it feel less of a revelation. I think part of it was the sense of comics that were totally distinct while at the same time feeling like they were working entirely IN a genre tradition rather than against it; there was a sense of almost impersonal originality in their laconic and assured pacing, the clarity of line and their lack of need to give too much away, which suggested they must be drawing from and distilling a whole surrounding tradition. And this impression persists even when you follow up on other horror manga and the stated influences and find these comics still feel mysterious even in that context. One of his best effects is a willingness to seem more anonymous than he is, or to give the impression even in his most original effects that he's just flatly transcribing a readymade idea or image. And I think this is his biggest influence on internet-era horror, which has tended to disguise itself (even more than is typical for horror) in anonymous and generic forms, a surface impersonality: as if everyone aleady knew about this, except you.
But what I do feel gets underplayed about his work in particular is also how funny it is, and how indebted to comedy timing. Compare the monstrous reveal in an Ito story with one by Umezu (RIP) - in the latter the frame is pushed right in on someone's face, eyes bulging, screaming, the image repeats, gets even closer, we're in that portion of a nightmare where we feel immobilized by horror, stuck in a pit that we can never escape. The same moment in an ito story tends to be one of ironic equipoise - when the horrible thing finally appears it's depicted clearly, powerfully, it's almost this beautiful and static image. The onlookers stand frozen at the edges of the frame, mid movement, eyes wide but expression not yet changed, a single drop of cartoon sweat on the edge of their heads. There's a contrast between the assurance of the thing and the hapless rabbitlike fascination of the character regarding it, who becomes, like us, an aesthetic spectator - for a moment. When the spell breaks, when we see them screaming, running, it's comic because something of that mood of still contemplation that remains intact. Their eyes bulge, their mouths scream, but they're rushing backwards, away from the panel, and we regard their fear with the same attitude of detached interest with which we saw the full outline of the monstrous shape a panel earlier. To me this sense of humour is apiece with the disconcerting flatness of his approach to setting, in which the usual horror sets - gothic, extraordinary places outside the everyday - feel replaced by something anonymous and shabby, a kind of just-expired contemporary. The monsters rarely need to be explained; it's as though our own world has gradually become too worn down to have any purchase or power on these creatures of dreams that walk the landscapes and alleys with impunity.
Richard Sala - sometimes the artists I end up most fascinated by are ones I spend a while bouncing off of first. I read a few Richard Sala stories over the years and for a while I didn't know what to make of them. Great art, stylised and weird, but as narratives they were hard to place - too stylised and exaggerated to feel like straight horror but too obviously serious about and committed to those genre elements to feel like mere parody or pastice. I think I needed to read Uzumaki before I could get what he was doing, because it relies so much on a sense that genre horror was worth taking seriously; seriously enough to treat neither as a punchline or a heritage piece, something you could bring your own offbeat sensibilities and aesthetic to without condescending to the form, because there was something there. In some great interviews he did with the Comics Journal he was explicit about what he valued in the form: the dreamlike and symbolic qualities of b-movies, the ritual and fetishistic nature of repetition, the way pulp artists in an overlooked form could evolve a private vocabulary of forms, structures and images which worked like surrealist procedures to be mined and combined for new discoveries over time.
He was also interesting to me for the way his work changed over time. The shorter early pieces collected in comics like "Thirteen O'Clock" are recognizably art comics using a vocabulary of found horror images: the secret society, the leering face behind a window, are representative symbols of states of mind rather than presences in themselves. But his first longform serial "The Chuckling Whatsit" inverts this. Here the horror elements are given full play - it's a crazed pile up of characters, murder plots, conspiracies, odd locations, dreams, gimmicks, knives and masks, and while none of these feel like straightforward symbols of authorial expression there's obviously still something being worked out underneath that surface narrative, something warping all the pieces into new directions. The scene and the plot seem to abruptly change direction with every page; new characters are introduced and killed off again, constantly; the longest explanation of the plot we get is delivered by a lady with a cartoony moose-end-sqvirrel phonetic accent, but somehow it never loses either a sense of mysterious inner coherence or a sense of dread.
For me his middle period is from "Reflections Of A Glass Scorpion" (reprinted as "Mad Night") to "The Hidden". His art improves and he plays more with colour; the narratives slow down and there's more of a willingness to let them breathe. Characters become more important - my favourite is Judy Drood, the crazed Nancy Drew analogue crashing through a world of horror. Some of the books in this period feel less essential, as though having established what a "Richard Sala" comic would look like he was happy to spend a while doing the Richard Sala version of a vampire story, or an evil clown story, or a YA book. But he kept developing his style and "Delphine", towards the end of this period, is maybe his best single book: spare and serious and strange, as if he had reached a point in his craft where he no longer even needed to resemble himself.
But strangest of all is his late work, which maybe comes closest than most comics careers to the famous "late style" identified by Adorno in his essay. After increasingly subtle and quiet, almost slick, works, there's suddenly a return to the garish - rather than horror the model seems to be sleazy eurospy b-movies, the kind where masked girls in leotards run around machinegunning each other in underground bases. I don't think the biggest Richard Sala fan would think of him as primarily an action cartoonist but that's what we get here - panel after panel of firing handguns wildly into a crowd ("the simplest surrealist act" - andre breton) of milling henchmen, unkillable figures of vengeance running wild. And at the same time, just as startling, there's an abrupt and explicit emphasis on politics - the figures being shot are crowds of ghoulish Bush-era congressmen, executives, cops, sneering militia creeps, guffawing yuppies, movers and shakers. There's a sense of deliriously vindictive wish fulfilment that he's obviously having fun with, and what's not to love about a comic where a masked supervillain named Super-Enigmatix (shortened by the text as "S.Ex") breaks into the chambers of the Supreme Court to shoot the judges with a raygun known only as "the dissolver" in a single panel. But there's also a kind of sadness in the fury with which these characters are obsessively killed and re-killed; the flat, declarative way the political content declares itself has a kind of contempt, as if it weren't worth dressing up any other way. Rather than the politics of horror we have politics as horror, horror as the only form with which politics can adequately be represented.
Sala's last published work was "Poison Flowers & Pandemonium" - a collection of four(!) volumes unpublished at the time of his death, one of which is a collection of cavegirl-themed cheesecake art a character in the book itself winningly describes as "the dumbest thing i've ever read". The first book, a sequel to the late period work "The Bloody Cardinal", is one of his best - tensely paced and cohesive despite swerving crazily across genres, characters and settings (and also involving an evil mummy who exists in two dimensions). But the very last book, Fantomella, haunts me the most. It takes place in a world where the murderers have won - a vaguely futuristic tower in which dumb, bullying assholes, in costumes that are unsettling combinations of paramilitary gear, medieval torturer outfits and old-timey superhero costumes, spend their days in inscrutable violence or tangled, careerist infighting. The heroine, the title character, climbs up the tower level by level and kills absolutely everyone who gets in her way. The guys in the tower bicker and betray each other and bark orders over walkie talkies and then die and die and die; it's as though, having spent the last decade establishing a whole imaginative taxonomy of These Types Of Guy, there were no need for them anymore; they could be erased, one by one, in the perfunctory way of a henchman being offed in the final five minutes of a cheap film. Eventually Fantomella gets to the top of the tower; there's an ending reminiscent of stated lifetime influence Franz Kafka. Did I mention that this book is placed right after the sexy cavegirl story? Art can be powerful, when we let it be.
Mike Mignola, Guy Davis, John Arcudi - yeah, from B.P.R.D. These are spinoffs from Mignola's own Hellboy comics, and as will be the case with spinoffs I think they never quite got the respect of those other books. They're less quiet, less offbeat - they lack the quality in Hellboy of a mysterious folktale logic that we're barely able to glimpse. But that's the thing for me - in Hellboy many characters have some kind of knowledge that they act on, often piecemeal or imperfectly. What makes B.P.R.D. distinct is the sense that nobody knows what's happening at all; not the heroes, not the villains. Stuff just happens and happens and happens and maybe later on some of it is concluded in ways nobody notices because they're dealing with some other shit - the bits of narrative closure we get are as abrupt and unwilled as a long-forgotten gun that suddenly goes off. Maybe someone will accidentally glimpse the resolution of some other thing they had no idea was happening, in the shape of e.g. a nazi millionaire in a homemade skeleton outfit being pulled screaming beneath the earth by a plague of human frogs. Who was that? There's no time to worry about it, because the world is ending.
There's a lot of these comics and I can never keep track of what order they're in, but I want to suggest that one of the deep pleasures of longform serial narrative is reading it out of order and trying to figure out what's going on. You'll see someone pop up for a panel or die or do something of unexplained importance to the rest of the book and then keep going and maybe read an earlier one where you glimpse the setup that you saw finally paying off - if you can still remember. It's maybe an odd one for me to recommend, as someone who aggressively does not care about apocalypse shit, or military shit, or lovecraft shit. But in addition to the fun characters and offbeat storytelling and Guy Davis's typically great art I think what made this stick with me so much was an odd formal parallel, between the slow, shambolic, weirdly believable end of the world it depicts and the nature of serial storytelling itself. Details pile up, beyond our ability to keep track or notice them. The doomed task of remembering, of cultivating the little pile of our perceptions as they spill out and roll away, feels horribly similar to the efforts of the characters to hold a catastrophe in place; a catastrophe that no-one really seems to know the start or meaning of but that we're all stuck living out regardless.
It's a longrunning comic so there are lots of issues. You can try following it from the start and still find after a certain point that you no longer have any idea of what's happening, that "the start" is itself not really the start, just the latest in a series of dubiously reliable origin stories that seem to have no lower bound. You can spend a lot of time on wikis trying to combine the pieces and figure it out, just like the characters in the comic, the ones who inevitably end up going "AIIIEEE!" as they're blown up by a big machine or by some cosmic thingamabob they only realise too late they maybe never really got. Or maybe if you're lucky you can be a bit-part character; here in some pages, missing in others, with fate uncertain, deferred by an error in issue numbering, or a failure of memory.
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We have five books on our radar this week that should help get you into the Halloween spirit! Which ones are you adding to your TBR list?
Aisle Nine by Ian X. Cho HarperCollins
It’s Black Friday—and the apocalypse is on sale! Ever since the world filled with portals to hell and bloodthirsty demons started popping out on the reg, Jasper’s life has gotten worse and worse. A teenage nobody with no friends or family, he is plagued by the life he can’t remember and the person he’s sure he’s supposed to be. Jasper spends his days working as a checkout clerk at the Here for You discount mart, where a hell portal in aisle nine means danger every shift. But at least at the mart he can be near his crush, Kyle Kuan, a junior member of the monster-fighting Vanguard, though Kyle really seems to hate Jasper for reasons he doesn’t remember or understand. But when Jasper and Kyle learn they both share a frightening vision of the impending apocalypse, they’re forced to team up and uncover the uncomfortable truth about the hell portals and the demons that haunt the world. Because the true monsters are not always what they seem, the past is not always what we wish, and like it or not, on Black Friday, all hell will break loose starting in aisle nine. Perfect for fans of Grasshopper Jungle or The Last of Us comes Aisle Nine, the debut young adult novel from rising YA star Ian X. Cho.
The Dark Becomes Her by Judy I. Lin Rick Riordan Presents
Ruby Chen has always played the part of the dutiful eldest daughter: excelling in school; excelling in piano lessons; excelling at keeping her younger sister, Tina, focused on extracurriculars meant to impress college admissions officers. But when a ghost from the spirit world attacks the sisters in the middle of Vancouver’s Chinatown neighborhood, Ruby’s life is plunged into a darkness that no amount of duty can free her from. Overnight, Ruby’s sister seems to change. There are strange noises coming from her bedroom at all hours; and the once sweet, funny Tina has been replaced by something dark and unnatural. As Ruby races to save her sister from demonic possession, she is thrown into an ancient battle over the gateway to the underworld. On one side, an evil traveling temple known for making dark wishes come true has returned to Chinatown after many years—intent on breaking down the gateway and unleashing the evil within. On the other side, the guardians who must stop them. And in order to survive, Ruby must not only face the horror taking over her community, but must also confront the horror within herself. Chinese and Taiwanese mythology get the Junji Ito treatment in this bone-chilling, propulsive story that takes the horrors of the Asian diaspora experience to a whole new level.
Killer House Party by Lily Anderson Henry Holt and Co.
Red Solo cups? Check. Snacks? Check. Abandoned mansion full of countless horrors that won’t let you leave? Check. The Deinhart Manor has been a looming shadow over town for as long as anyone can remember, and it's been abandoned for even longer. When the final Deinhart descendent passes, the huge gothic manor is up for sale for the first time ever. Which means Arden can steal the keys from her mom’s real estate office... It’s time for a graduation party that no one will ever forget. Arden and her best friends Maddy, Remi, and Shane, each have different reasons for wanting to throw the party to end all parties. But when the manor doors bar everyone inside and the walls begin to bleed, all anyone wants to do is make it out alive.
Rest in Peaches by Alex Brown Page Street YA
Quinn Marcelo wouldn't necessarily win the award for Most Popular Person at her school, but unbeknownst to her peers, Quinn entertains them at every football, basketball, and baseball game―as Peaches the Parrot, her high school's God-like mascot. When someone sabotages the legendary Peaches costume at the Homecoming Game, Quinn's left unmasked and humiliated. After all, Peaches' identity was a closely guarded secret and a point of pride for nearly everyone at Olivia Newton-John High. As if that wasn't enough, Little Peaches, a new, real parrot that the PTA got to enhance the Peaches Experience, is kidnapped right after Quinn's unmasking. Determined to uncover the culprit, Quinn publicly unravels the lives of everyone in her path―including Tessa Banks, the most popular girl in school―in a no-holds-barred conspiracy-fueled investigation. But when a killer starts going after the people implicated in Quinn's mascot disaster, she must race to uncover the truth behind her feathery faux-pas―before the truth kills her, too.
The Unfinished by Cheryl Isaacs Heartdrum
In this debut YA horror novel by Cheryl Isaacs (Mohawk), small-town athlete Avery is haunted by the black water and Unfinished beings of Kanyen’kehá:ka stories and must turn to the culture she hasn’t felt connected to in order to save her town. The black water has been waiting. Watching. Hungry for the souls it needs to survive. When small-town athlete Avery’s morning run leads her to a strange pond in the middle of the forest, she awakens a horror the townspeople of Crook’s Falls have long forgotten. Avery can smell the water, see it flooding everywhere; she thinks she’s losing her mind. And as the black water haunts Avery—taking a new form each time—people in town begin to go missing. Though Avery had heard whispers of monsters from her Kanyen’kehá:ka (Mohawk) relatives, she’s never really connected to her Indigenous culture or understood the stories. But the Elders she has distanced herself from now may have the answers she needs. When Key, her best friend and longtime crush, is the next to disappear, Avery is faced with a choice: listen to the Kanyen’kehá:ka and save the town but lose her friend forever…or listen to her heart and risk everything to get Key back. In her stunning debut, Cheryl Isaacs pulls the reader down into an unsettling tale of monsters, mystery, and secrets that refuse to stay submerged.
#aisle nine#the dark becomes her#killer house party#the unfinished#book lists#horror#rest in peaches
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Trigun Manga Reaction
Now back with Volume 1 - Chapter 3
I like this. Simple pose but very interesting with the "imbalance" I guess with the tilted head, shadowed face, and slightly lower slope of one shoulder. It's not "stiff" and it's easy to imagine the wind blowing through Vash's coat and hair.
A thought occurs tho, Did Trigun predate Tetsuya Nomura's obsessive belts, belts, and more belts design quirk? Did Nightow and Vash started that anime fashion trend?
Uhuh. Says the people who tried to shoot a GRENADE at that same one guy.
I kinda put these three panels in a sequence because... we know Vash is a good guy. Of course, he's going to save the women but the emphasis on the Nebraskas reaction to his rescue is really interesting.
Vash gives them a side-eye. He's either gauging their capacity for mercy or already clocked in that they are capable of mercy and silently hints for them to wait just a moment.
Father Nebraska understanding and just waits as he smokes. Then confirms first if Vash is ready to rumble again.
Idk. It's a moment of humanity not only for Vash but for the Nebraskas too imo.
AND IT'S WEIRD! In '98, Father Nebraska tried to get a cheap shot on Vash while he was still carrying someone to safety.
Yeah, assholes. Vash is doing his best to keep the women in the clear while you guys just throws grenades willy-nilly into buildings who have people in them. Smh.
Ngl. This sequence confuses me a bit. But, going with what happened earlier, the Nebraskas were not targeting the women. The punch was intended for Vash - which he dodged easily. However, instead of running further away, he shielded the women from the flying debris that the punch caused.
In the '98, they are bonafide bad guys but in the manga they're still bad but not "Muwahahaha I'll shoot the injured women Hahahaha!" bad . The Nebraskas have some semblance of honor here.
I guess this is why TriStamp has a much more nuanced presentation of these characters. It's closer to the manga.
Oof... Owww... Vash... 😢
Another gorgeous art. I like how Nightow's way of using perspective here!
Junior is established to be huge - a giant. He always take up so much space in the panels/pages like below:
However, when Vash finally "duelled" them seriously. Doesn't Junior suddenly "feels" smaller and Vash really big?
It's really cool how it instantly shows that Vash isn't goofing off anymore and the Nebraskas stand no chance in winning this.
Ragey Baby Girl no longer smiling.
Sigh. Gotta admire their one track mind.
Ngl. The line work here gave me Junji Ito vides for some reason. Vash's eye look haunting, cold, and really old.
Linework carrying hard on this page. Vash is obviously quicker with how much lines are there in his entire arm - convincingly too fast of a blur. Meanwhile Junior has less lines which makes his fist less blurry and, therefore, slower.
Clever use of the sound effects in the first panel.
I don't know what the fuck is going on in the second panel. I've been staring at it too long already and I still can't understand except it has something to do with Junior's arm?
Third panel is the crazy detail on Vash's eye. His glasses seem like he is looking at the side. However, on closer inspection, Vash is actually not looking away from the incoming attack.
The following pages is really great at building the tension on how would this duel end. The '98 anime captured it very well!
Looking cool, Vash!
Also, is it just me or does he always look for opportunities to show off his flexibility and long long legs. Must he really split here?
Oh. Ooooh! So that's what happened!
In '98, this conclusion was given to the bandit in Episode 1. His own enhancements crunching his body until he passed out and lost to Vash. However, they can't exactly rehash this in Episode 5. So, we have the "LOVE AND PEACE!" scene instead.
Admittedly, I prefer the "LOVE AND PEACE" conclusion more.
I like how, so far imo, Nightow just gives no fucks about anatomy in his art. I mean... Look at this! Even if we reason that it's because his coat is dramatically billowing with the wind, Vash's body is not proportionate. However, it doesn't matter! It looks cool and it evokes the right emotions just fine: fear and awe.
OMFG?!!! The trials these two are going through! These poor insurance ladies! Milly hanging on for dear life to that pillar. Meryl just screaming her lungs out EVEN WITH A MEGAPHONE!
Being considered as someone equivalent to a natural disaster shouldn't bring joy, but damn it... LOOK AT HOW HAPPY VASH IS!!! AWWW BABY GIRL!!!
Awww. Their first interaction is SO CUTE!!!
In '98, it's funny and amusing. Ditto on TriStamp. But this one is sweet since Meryl and Milly kinda saved Vash in here.
I mean. Yeah, the townspeople are scared because Vash just beat the Nebraskas, but they are desperate for money. Desperation can override fear given enough time. Vash would've been hunted all over again.
I take it back. The insurance ladies climbing up to that bell tower was not for nothing. It was enough to allow Vash a moment to breathe and, as he rejoices, be free (even just for a while).
Wonder what exactly went through Vash's head here. Confusion? Fear? Dread?
Oh. Some responses to the a couple of tags:
Thanks! Glad you're having fun too because I sure am. I appreciate the warning and I'm kinda nervous because the action this chapter was kinda confusing to understand. Hopefully, it won't get worse (will it?) I agree that they are very cool nonetheless!
Thanks for explaining! Paneling is always fun to study in mangas because they usually follow a 3 or 4 panels which mangakas creatively breakdown to evoke a feeling among readers.
Trigun is interesting because its from the 90's! So, some of the paneling are probably "prototypes" of the crazy ones we'd see in modern mangas.
I guess, Nightow's aiming to make the page very "cinematic" with slo-mo (sparse panels) and hyper focus on details (graphic weight). It draws us readers in to the story more effectively as if we are there too with the townspeople looking at the Humanoid Typhoon.
#trigunbookclub#trimax journey#this was a long one#i think i like this best#i mean it would've been nicer if '98 'love & peace!' was here too#and the tristamp's gravitas regarding the nebraskas#but the og fight here in the manga has the right western charm and insurance ladies in action for me
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[The Blogger’s Checkpoint]
Resident beach bum wandering the coast looking for scraps
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Battle Fever J
Kamen Rider
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Ult groups: Cravity 🌟 UKISS 💋 Shinhwa 👑 Sechskies 💛
A-JAX / Hyeongkon, Sungmin
B1A4 / Baro
Block B / Jaehyo, P.O
Boyfriend / Jo Twins
BtoB / Eunkwang, Changsub
Cravity / Woobin, Allen
Dalmatian aka DMTN / Jeesu
EVNNE / Keita
god / Danny, Hoyoung
Highlight aka BEAST / Yoseob
H.O.T / Moon Heejun
JJCC / Eddy, Sancheong
Just B
MBLAQ / Thunder, Lee Joon
Monsta X + Wonho / Shownu
NCT + WayV / Mark, Yuta, Jaehyun
n.SSign / Kazuta, Laurence
OnlyOneOf / KB, Junji
Sechskies / Eun Jiwon
Seventeen / Seungkwan
SHINee / Onew
Shinhwa / Andy
Stray Kids / Changbin
Super Junior / Kyuhyun
Teen Top / Chunji, Ricky
The Boyz / Jacob, Kevin
TVXQ / Changmin
UKISS / Kibum, Soohyun, Hoon
ZE:A / Taeheon
Bonus Girls Generation Tag
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nct - yuta, mark, ten, rennie, jisung, xiaojun, johnny, taeyong, hendery
monsta-x - hyungwon, chankyun
bts - suga, jungkook, taehyung, jin
pentagon - wooseok, yuta, shinwon
nu'est - ren
b1a4 - cnu
cnblue - jungshin
n.flying - jaehyun, chahun, dongsung, seunghyub
onlyoneof - junji, kb, yoojung
2pm - taecyeon, nickhun
got7 - jb, mark
lunafly - teo
shinee - key, taemin, onew, minho
winner - seunghoon, taehyun, jinwoo
ikon - bobby, donghyuk
dbsk - jaejoong, changmin, yoochun, junsu, yunho
exo - chanyeol, kris, tao, luhan, xiumin, lay, kai
infinite - dongwoo, sungyeol, sungjong
u-kiss - kevin, dongho, kiseop
dalmation - donglim
m.i.b - kangnam
mblaq - lee joon, mir
boyfriend - the jo twins
ss501 - kim hyun joong
ftisland - hongki, jaejin
uniq - yibo, seungyoun/woodz
b.a.p - yongguk, jongup
txt - beomgyu, huehue, yeonjun
seventeen - jun, jeonghan, the8, mingyu, vernon, woozi, joshua
beatwin - sunhyeok, yoonhoo
sf9 - hwiyoung, zuho, rowoon
lucente - parkha, z.hoo
a.c.e - donghun, jun, sehyoon
vixx - leo, hongbin, ken
teen top - niel, minsoo
knk - youjin
victon - seungwoo, hanse
1team- bc
omega x - xen
k.a.r.d - j.seph
stray kids - hyunjin, jisung, felix, i.n
day6 - youngk
super junior - leeteuk, eunhyuk, heechul, donghae
imfact - jian, lee sang, ungjae
block b - jaehyo, p.o, park kyung, zico
newkidd - hwi
cross gene - takuya
ateez - hongjoong, yeosang, seonghwa, mingi, wooyoung
big bang - gd
bonus: kim jae wook
bonus: kim woo bin
bonus: park bo gum
bonus: park hyo shin
myname - gunwoo, junq
m.pire - haru
topp dogg - atom, xero, sangdo, bjoo
14u - loudi
2z - hojin, jisub, bumjun, junghyun, zunon
alphabat - gamma
n.tic - jion
dkb - yuku, heechan, harry june
vav - ace
target - boun, oojin, g.i
wei - yoo yongha
kingdom - ivan, mujin
to1 - chanhyuk, donggeon
mcnd - win, huijin
ghost9 - shin, prince
e'last - romin, rano, wonhyuk, baekyuel, yejun
blitzers - chris, go_u
nik - parkha
megamax - iden, jaehun, jini
argon - kain
epex - baekseung, mu
b.i.g - heedo
mirae - lien
xdinary heroes - gaon, jooyeon, junhan, o.de
oneus - xion, leedo
onewe - cya, dongmyeong
cravity - minhee, serim
xeed - jaemin
bz boys - seunghyun
xodiac - beomsoo
the rampage - hokuto, kaisei, itsuki, takahide, ryu, riku, yamamoto
psychic fever - jimmy, weesa
ballistik boys - matsui, sunada
j soul brothers - hiroomi
fantastics - keita, yusei yagi
atlas - erwin, nice, muon
travis japan - noel, genta, umi
zero base 1 - ricky, jiwoong
7 men samurai - konpi, bana-san, rinne
treasure - haruto, junghwan, hyunsuk, jaehyuk
bang yedam
jo1 - shosei, kinjo
snow man - hikaru, fuka, daisuke, raul, date-sama, koji, ren
boys republic - sunwoo
kim woojin
justb - geonu
the rose - woosung, dojoon
fistbump - hyunwoo
sema - sema
ini - rihito, jun
bonus: maeda gouki
bonus: jun shison
ryuji sato
bonus: shuntaro yanagi
bonus: masataka kubota
bonus: kanta sato
bonus: akhisa shiono
bonus: yuki yamada
riize - wonbin
great guys - dongin
cix - bae jiyoung
4mix - ninja, folksong, george
xy - gai, p star, furutatsu, kanji, jay, karma, kairi, kyohey
gazette - aoi, kai, uruha, ruki, reita
highlight - dongwoon
buck-tick - atsushi, hyde, yuta, imai
t1419 - gunwoo, leo, sian
btob - minhyuk
click b -minhyuk
younite - dey, eunho
orbit - ooon, youndong
d-crunch - minhyuk, jungseung, dylan
unvs - eunho
enhypen - sunghoon, jake
hihi jets - syoya igari
dir en grey - toshiya
sug - takeru
golden bomber - kenji, yutaka, jun
bonus: kento yamazaki
bonus: dori sakurada
bonus: takumi saitoh
arashi - matsumoto jun, oguri shun
bonus: haruma miura
bonus: go ayano
bonus: hu xiaoling
bonus: mizushima hiro
kat-tun - jin akanishi
itagaki mizuki
8turn - myungho
wataru vasayegh
onf - j-us
p1harmony - intak, theo, soul, jongseob
bonus: zhang shuai bo
bonus: song jae rim
bonus: takenouchi yutaka
bonus: paing takhon
bonus: ryu jun yeol
bonus: hu yetao
wang lin kai
wow - daro yoon
jeff satur
the7 - woochul
mont - roda, narachan
xenex - uhyeong
dios - hyun
n.ssign - doha
trendz - havit
lun8 - chael
82major - seongil
hoppipolla - jeonghun
@witchy-weve-monbebe ok I wasn’t going to post it cause I know there’s more but this is all I have so far. I have no idea what to do with the list I wanted a visual guide lol but idk what to do with it hehe I have pics from Pinterest I can use but yeah idk
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A little about me!!
I’m Becca and I’m a proud mama to my bunny Tapioca who I adopted from the shelter I work at!! Animals are my favorite thing in the world and I want to do all I can to help as many animals as possible!! Besides that though, I’m just a huge girly girl who loves cute things, and a huge nerd who gets really obsessed over random pieces of media! Follow me if you love bunnies, cute things, Mouthwashing, Evangelion, Devilman, Nana, Fear and Hunger, Earthbound, and gyaru fashion🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
This is meant to be a wholesome safe space for everyone btw!!!!!!!!
Face reveal I guess LOL^
Esfj EF(S) sp/sx 2w1 296 SEI EFLV sanguine-melancholic s/L/o[A]i neutral good (in terms of principles, but my sense of humor is very chaotic)
Fashion- gyaru fashion (specifically Agejo gyaru), scene fashion, mori kei fashion, old money fashion, goth fashion, jirai kei fashion, emo fashion, punk fashion, and anything super girly!!!
Music- (my favorite bands are Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Dead can Dance, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins, the 1975, TV Girl, the Birthday Massacre, Eminem, Sufjan Stevens, Alex G, the neighborhood, Asking Alexandria, Bring me the Horizon, Depeche Mode, Fields of the Nephilim, Lebanon Hanover, Crystal Castles, Pathetic, and Type O Negative)
Video games- (MOUTHWASHING, Fear and hunger, Style Savvy, Yume Nikki, Omori, the Princess Maker series, Tomodachi Life, Fantasy Life, the Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games, Magician’s Quest, the Cooking Mama games, Miitopia, the Mother series of games, Deltarune, Undertale, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, little nightmares)
Anime/manga- (Devilman, Perfect Blue, Evangelion, Nana, Homunculus, Berserk, Serial Experiments Lain, Hunter x Hunter, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Paranoia Agent, Angel’s Egg, Nausicaä, Ghost in the Shell, keep your hands off Eizouken, Paradise Kiss, Junji Ito manga, PTSD radio, Madoka Magica, Sailor Moon, Blood on the Tracks, Oyasumi Punpun, Kitchen Princess, Attack on Titan, Fruits Basket, Princess Ai, Saint Oniisan)
Shows- (Moral Orel, the Acolyte, Bojack, South Park, the Mandalorian, Schitt’s Creek, Helluva Boss, Bob’s Burgers, Hazbin Hotel, the Golden Girls, Fallout, White Lotus, Shameless)
Movies- (American Psycho, Junior, Heathers, Mermaids, Defending your Life, My Dinner with Andre, Requiem for a Dream)
Masterlist of posts 1:
Masterlist of posts 2:
Dividers credit: @fawndollie @eurydices-cavern @thecutestgrotto @hamsterheartz https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/Souzai/Gallery
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September Books
This month was,,hectic and busy to day the least, so here are the books I'm currently reading:
1. Babel by R.F. Kuang
2. The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima
3. their eyes were watching god by Zora Neale Hurston
Now onto the books I've ACTUALLY read:
1. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
8/10. Love me my gays (sorry Basil). Good writing too. Love you Oscar<3. Anyways, it was a little too slow for me, however overall it wasn't a bad read
2. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
7/10. This is technically a reread but whatever. The dark academia/remus and regulus kin parts of my soul were aching after only reading manga for so long and this September is healing it one classic novel at a time, so of course Franenstein would be on my list to read. I enjoyed it, and like how in the book Victor never says how he created the monster for fear of the reader attempting to do what he did. It was a fun little touch. Rereading this also brought back memories of my Junior year literature class where we had a "gender reveal" party for the monster and got to read the book and eat food. Very nostalgic, even though I didn't really enjoy it that much.
3. Uzumaki Volumes 1-3 by Junji Ito
8.9/10, I now fear spirals. That being said, this satiated my horror need, and the art was very nice as well.
#the picture of dorian gray#bookblr#books#reading#the sound of waves#classic literature#frankenstein#uzumaki#junji ito#uzumaki junji ito
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when i was in junior high i had a nerdy™️english teacher who had like zelda posters up in his classroom and one time he had us write a response or a book report or something on a short story and i chose The Earthbound by Junji Ito. and i was like heheh…. he likes Video Games….. he is going to think of EarthBound (1994) (the Video Game) and lo and behold he mentioned it (earthbound the video game) on the graded version he gave back to me. and i remember being like Aha! You have fallen into my completely arbitrary trap!
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Bold fave, italicised selective, strike closed/not doing atm || Please ask for outside sources. Books are not included because that’s way to many lol and this post is already really long.
Movies || Back to the Future franchise, Dead Poet Society, Donnie Darko, Fear Street Trilogy, Five Nights At Freddys, Harry Potter franchise, Indiana Jones franchise, Now You See Me 1&2, Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, Sin City 1&2, Swiss Army Man, Train To Busan, Wes Anderson Films (No spoilers for some !) (this list could go in forever, so please just ask)
Manga || Ajin: Demi Human, Alice in Borderland, Beastars, Chainsaw Man, Dorohedoro, Junji Ito Works, Komi Can’t Communicate, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Older Cartoons || Adventure Time, Carmen Sandiego, Ducktales 2017, Gravity Falls, Helluva Boss, Inside Job, Jurrasic World Camp Cretaceous, Scooby Doo (all Movies + Shows), Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Strange Hill High, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any series), The Amazing Digital Circus, The Cuphead Show, The Looney Tunes show (Any series), Tom & Jerry (all Movies + Shows), Total Drama (S1/S2/S3/S4/Reboot)
Younger Cartoons || ABC Me/3 cartoons (ask beforehand just in case !), Bluey, Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom, Bubble Guppies, Charlie & Lola, Disney shorts/shows, Disney Junior cartoons (ask beforehand just in case !), In the Night Garden, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, NickToons cartoons (ask beforehand just in case !), Little Einsteins, Octonauts, Team Umizoomi
Games || Ace Attorney, Cuphead, Danganronpa (all games + ask about fangans), Doki Doki Literature Club, Five Nights At Freddys (all games), Fran Bow, Kindergarten 1&2, Little Misfortune, Sally Face (all chapters), Telltale: The Walking Dead (S1/S2/S3)
Animes || Ajin: Demi Human, Beastars, BNA, Bungo Stray Dogs (I’ve only seen, maybe 2 seasons, so please no spoilers), Demon Slayer s1, Dorohedoro, Great Pretender, Kakegururi, Mob Psycho 100, Mr Osomatsu, Number 24, Oddtaxi, Oshi No Ko, Paranoia Agent, Summer Wars, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Undead Unluck, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Animated Movies || Big Hero Six, Coraline (+ most stop motion movies/shorts), Disney Movies (asked beforehand just in case !), Inside Out, ParaNorman, Pixar Movies (asked beforehand just in case !), Scooby Doo (all), Spider-Man into the Spider Verse, Spider-Man Across the Spider Verse, Spirited Away, Turning Red, Wish Dragon, Wreck It Ralph
Tv Shows || Alice In Borderland, Bones, Brooklyn Nine Nine, BBC Ghosts, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Dollhouse, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, From, Gen V, I am Not Okay with This, The IT Crowd, Midnight Mass, Misfits, Mythic Quest, Sweet Home, Stranger Things, Sitcoms in general, The Boys, The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of Hill House, The Inbetweeners, The Unlisted (Netflix), Umbrella Academy, WandaVision, Wednesday, Yellowjackets
Misc/Youtube/Webcomics || Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Clinic of Horrors, The Crafting Dead, DC stuff, Jackson’s Dairy, Marble Hornets, Markiplier Characters/Series, MCYT & Minecraft series (Dream SMP is selective & less likely done), Minecraft Empire’s, Musicals, Salad Fingers, Sanrio, School Bus Graveyard, Starkid Musicals, Woodlands National Park, VIVINOS content (ie Pink Bitch Club & others)
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ABOUT ME!
hi! i'm nayeli. or naya.
they/them prns.
i'm 21 years old (october libra baby!), a uni student, and a huge foodie. i'm fully mexican!
LOVES: computers/gaming, matcha green, horror, concerts, traveling, spending my money irresponsibly, sweets, chisme, markiplier, rotten mango, analogue horror (the mandela catalogue, the walten files, etc.), makeup, daydreaming
HATES: PICKLES, virgo & leo men (namjoon and mingi are the only exceptions), bts antis, atz antis, drama starters, holes
MANGAS/ANIMES: jujutsu kaisen; attack on titan; death note; junji ito: tomie, uzumaki, no longer human; death parade; the girl from the other side; spyxfamily; blood on the track; king of eden
KPOP: ateez (seen them twice! plan on also seeing them for latam tour 😁): bias - yunho, bw - mingi
kiss of life: bias - julie + natty, bw - belle
bts: bias - namjoon, bw - hobi (plan on seeing him in mex city!)
enhypen: bias - sunoo (i was noticed in anaheim for fate+ tour RAHHH), bw - jake
casuals: riize, new jeans, illit, exo, lsrf, txt, svt, xikers, dreamcatcher, nct 127 + U + Dream
GAMING: call of duty: modern warfare I + II (yes i'm hopelessly in love with ghost & price idc), a plague's tale, soma, the forest + sons of the forest, god of war, far cry 6, aot, minecraft, watchdogs, marvel rivals
OTHER: the weeknd, nirvana, deftones, junior h, fuerza regida, ptv, maneskin, arctic monkeys, doja cat, doechii, peso pluma (saw in anaheim in august ‘24), self titled era to CALM era 5SOS; corpse bride, coraline, skinamarink, gonjiam asylum, encanto, eeaao; sanrio
thanks for visiting! go back to:
my blog
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Future AU: Teething Trouble-Teething can be very uncomfortable for any child, especially for hybrid monster children. Junji and Basteta learned that the hard way. Three times. (2200+ words)
Junji belongs to @japanda-draws
Dai Tai, Cindy, and Dylan belongs to @laylaylamode
Cosmos belongs to @rainbowneonexplosion
#callyieverse#nextgen#oc#junji lee long#basteta#dai tai#cosmos#nenet#junji junior#jj#nico#mei#cindy#dylan#future au
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everyone look at my sexy new tattoo pls!
#click for better quality pls#it was pretty cheap too bc the artist is a junior artist!#she did suchhh a good job tho i love it#its tomie from the junji ito manga btw
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#fraser wilson#amor#pensamientos#escritos#frasedeldia#frasedehoje#new rp#freepsdmockup#junto a mi#junior#junhee#juno steel#junji ito#jung hoseok#just ed things#juventus#jungkook#ski jumping#julie and the phantoms#jupiter#jujutsu kaisen#justice
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my new bias list is kinda boring :( all my favs are gone but here :( i hate it here but here’s some biases i still have or groups i kinda like and my biases
vanner - i love all the members tbh my bias was taehwan but then it switched to wonseo and i think it’s still with him I’m just upset with what he did during peaktime is all
e’last - again i love every member but wonnie (wonhyuk) is my ult followed by minnie (romin) and then rano
omega x - I LOVE ALL THE MEMBERS BUT THE ENOI LINE I LOVE SO MUCH ESP MY YANGHYUK he’s my ult in that group followed by my little jinwoo and then maybe xen or something idk lol
p1harmony - i feel like it’s theo I’m not really sure cause i find soul and jongseob so cool and i’m so jealous of them but theo is really pretty
82major - ok um why is Yechan kinda more fine than Keeho 🤭 i really like seongil but seokjoon? really reminds me of another one of my biases from a disbanded group and so it’s like seeing him again and it makes me happy
xodiac - Davin is my fav like it was beomsoo but then i saw davin. I also like wain
nct - it’s been a lot you guys cause i have like i like rennie and jaemin and yuta and doyoung but rn I really favor Markie :)
monsta x - shownu (but are they disbanded or just on hiatus?)
oneus - hwanwoong 🫶🥺
onewe - i love them all honeslty and it’s hard to pick between yonghoon and cya hehe
rolling quartz - i love them all but hyunjung is my wifey
xg - i like Harvey and jurin both and i can’t pick between the two, chisa is cool too
n.flying - i love them all and chahun like i love him but seunghyub that man makes it hard to bias anyone else lol and my dongsung i adore him
onlyoneof - it was junji but then i actually started listening to their music and I fell for kyubin :)
snow man - once again i love all the members but hikaru Iwamoto is my man 🗣️🗣️🗣️
7 men samurai - i think it’s really close between rinne and konpi :) i like them all tho hehe
shonen ninja - MY VASEYEGH 😍😍😍 but there’s two others that are really pretty to look at hehe 🤭
bishonen - sato ryuga he just catches my eye
hihi jets - I’m really just a fan of soya igari tbh
travis japan - THEY ARE ALL EVIL ESP GENTA but i fell for him and i hate it because I saw noel first but them I fell for umi so rn it’s umi i swear
The exile tribes are a lot um I’m not sure if I can pick one from each :/
atlas - i love them all but i think my fav is still Erwin patrick pennors however junior is close second
4mix - i really adore ninja but George just had my heart i think he’s gorgeous
4eve - punch and then maybe hannah after?
pixxie - love them all but mabelz is my girlie 🥰
enhypen - jake and heesung are so gorgeous but i think sunghoon takes the cake
txt - it was soobin but I’m leaning more towards yeonjun or huehue now
boys next door - leehan just catches my eye, he’s got such a pretty and petite face and i adore blondes so ;-;
onepact - this group is hard cause i don’t really like any of their songs yet but i’m giving them a chance because of seongmin i missed him and i’m glad he got to debut again :)
mcnd - Castle j even tho in the beginning i liked win lol
treasure - it’s a tie between hyunsuk, jeongwoo (who reminds me again of a former member of a disbanded group) and jaehyuk and kinda yoshi and haruto are after those three
a.c.e - i said Byeongkwan in the beginning and i like them all but i think sehyoon is my fav
2z - i love them all even my hyunwoong and i am sad that jiseob left i really hope he is okay..so bumjun is my bias :)
the rose - I haven’t listened to anything since red and I like them all but idk I do like jaehyeong I think he’s the sexiest member
babymonster - i think rami but I don’t know the members that well there’s just a voice I really like also I kinda really like chiquita
fifty fifty - chanelle moon
aespa - karina
dreamcatcher - love them all but dami is my fav ~
twice - it’s like a tie between tzuyu, dahyun jeongyeon who i adore, and jihyo i cannot pick but I’m leaning toward jeongyeon recently so maybe her :)
itzy - it was yeji but i really like ryujin and them lia me thinks
red velvet - i love them all hehe but my yeri ~
seventeen - jeonghan
fromis 9 - seoyeon is she still in the group? i know someone left but idk who it was
jo1 - keigo obvi and i also love kinjo and sho and ren but keigo is my number 1 :3
ini - rihito and hiroto followed by jin
the boyz - it’s been juyeon and sangyeon and chanhee and q and sunwoo but rn i really like jacob so i pick him
epex - it was baekseung but i adore mu
xy - gai
ab6ix - daehwi
Also I have more but like the ones that didn’t disband I have no idea if they are still a group as they have been inactive for a bit and i’m not sure if they’ve released anything new so for example idk about blitzers or kingdom but i have biases i’m just not including them and unfortunately there’s a lot less cause a lot of my fav favs disbanded or have been inactive for a long time so i didn’t add them :( and then there’s groups that I listen to but don’t know any members or just don’t have a bias
#vanner#jo1#ini#snow man#7 men samurai#shonen ninja#bishonen#hihi jets#fromis 9#txt#enhypen#red velvet#epex#onlyoneof#babymonster#onewe#cnblue#k bands#atlas#4eve#4mix#mcnd#onepact#omega x#e’last#bnd#nct#kpop#tpop#jpop
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What kind of work is it? Like do you get comic books as reading assignments or something?
I mean, not as much in humanities classes, but yeah. We have actual books on stuff like color theory or composition or art history, but we also get reading assignments that are just straight up comic books or strips, and in class we pick them apart by discussing style, layout, lettering, ect... like how English majors get assigned classic literature to analyze.
Some of our textbooks are formatted as graphic novels. Like Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics book series, for example.
I would highly recommend this for anyone with even a passing interest in comics by the way. Like no joke, there are so many more decisions to drawing even a simple 4 panel strip than I'd ever thought about. Plus it's a really fun read.
As for, like, non educational comics, I was once assigned The Adventure Zone graphic novel and Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me in my sophomore year, and some of Junji Ito's Uzumaki series in my junior year.
#theres way more than just that#but thats what i remember off the top of my head#digital art#illustration#comic#taz balance#mcelroys#scott mccloud#niel gaiman#art#art school
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