#junichiro tanizaki x gn reader
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banzaitaka · 1 year ago
Is it you, or your lover?
An arrangement of questions focusing on your relationship, asking which one of you has the particular habit.
Characters: Atsushi Nakajima, Doppo Kunikida, Jun‘ichiro Tanizaki, Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Yukichi Fukuzawa
No pronouns, gendered terms or description of body used for reader.
Bungou Stray Dogs_Masterlist
Atsushi Nakajima
Who is the cuddliest? -> You are. Atsushi is not used to physical affection, and is hesitant to initiate it. When ARE you supposed to initiate? How do you know the other person is fine with it? It‘s a mystery to him. You bet he will get flustered when you snuggle up to him, soon melting into your touch. He loves it, so please don‘t stop.
Who makes the bed? -> He does. After living on the street for weeks, he really appreciates everything he has. From the roof over his head, to the clean socks on his feet. So naturally he takes good care of them, which includes making the bed every morning.
Who wakes up first? -> He does. Even if you‘re an early riser or need to be somewhere early in the morning, Atsushi tends to be awake before you. You often wake up to the smell of food, and the sight of your boyfriend in an apron, wishing you a good morning with a tired, yet sweet, smile.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> He does. Atsushi doesn‘t typically listen to music much, but when he does he picks some random songs he discovered through the radio. It‘s a mix of the newest hits and the oldest songs known to man, simply because those are the only ones he knows.
Who is more protective? -> You are. Atsushi is more confused or concerned than protective, unless it‘s obvious danger. In the heat of battle, he makes sure there is not a scratch on you. Otherwise, he is very chill. It is you who steps up more and sends a glare to people, or objects for that matter, that might harm or inconvenience him.
Who sings more in the shower? -> You do. His showers are as quiet as can be. It‘s his time to wash away the tension in his muscles that had built up over the day. His showers take up to 10 minutes at most, too. Atsushi loves listening to your little shower concerts, though. Every sign of you enjoying yourself is a reason for him to smile.
Who cries more during movies? -> He does. Atsushi gets emotionally invested in characters quickly. Wether it‘s sad, happy, or scary, he feels with the characters. Especially to those mistreated by others, or those who remind him of the people close to him.
Who spends the most while out shopping? -> You do. Money is very valuable in this economy. Thus, Atsushi doesn‘t spend much on things that aren‘t the essentials. He spends the least money on clothes, and the most money on food. When he accompanies you when you go shopping, he might tear up at the bill. It‘s you paying, but it still hurts to see. So long as you budget well, he is not concerned in the end.
Who kisses more roughly? -> You do. He‘s never been in a relationship before and had yet to experience his first kiss before you two got together. You lead the kisses, and he is happy to follow, mirroring your movements to the best of his ability, careful not to hurt you.
Doppo Kunikida
Who is the cuddliest? -> You are. Doppo isn‘t big on physical affection. While he appreciates recieving it, he himself prefers showing his love through acts of service. He tends to leave a few minutes of room in his schedule, in case you feel like cuddling.
Who makes the bed? -> He does. Doppo is a very organized and clean man. Making the bed is a part of his daily routine, and he will NOT skip it. He does expect you to help though. You slept in that bed too, so it is only right for you to take care of your side.
Who wakes up first? -> He does. He is an early-riser through and through. By the time you wake up, he most likely already got himself ready. You better get up early if you want to see his hair loose and disheveled. Doppo would gladly wake you up when he does if you ask him to, so long as you don‘t tell him the real reason.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> He does. Weird based on modern standards, that is. Despite being only 22 years old, Doppo appreciates the old classics. Some of which you don‘t even recognize. Sometimes you catch him listen to unidentifiable sounds…The amount of times Osamu has tricked him into listening to “this amazing, economy critical song“ is hilarious. Doppo doesn‘t seem to learn.
Who is more protective? -> He is. Doppo keeps an eye on you whenever he can. Keeping you safe is one of his jobs as your lover. And that counts twice with the kinds of people he has to keep up with on a daily basis. Everyday he does his best to protect you from their influence.
Who sings more in the shower? -> You do. As much as it saddens me to say this, but he doesn‘t sing. Much less in the shower. He only does the stuff he got into the shower for, gets out and is done with it. You can sing if you want, but don‘t let it distract you.
Who cries more during movies? -> You do. It takes a lot for him to cry over fiction, it would have to hit very close to heart for him to tear up. He‘s not one to judge others for crying at a movie, though.
Who spends the most while out shopping? -> You do. Doppo is an experienced coupon-guy. He always makes sure he finds the stuff he needs at the lowest price without the quality being effected. And he also only buys the items on his list, nothing else. There is a strict budget he set, and he will not go over it even slightly.
Who kisses more roughly? -> He does. Sometimes Doppo doesn‘t even notice it when you two kiss. The feeling of your lips numbs that certain part of his brain, and causes him to act more according to his feelings and desires, and less logically and calculated. That can result in him getting a little rough with his kisses. It‘s not a bad thing, though. His kisses are amazing.
Jun’ichiro Tanizaki
Who is the cuddliest? -> You are. Jun’ichiro is very low-key when showing his affection, and prefers to do it with words of affirmations or small, thoughtful gestures. He's more used to being clung to than the other way around.
Who makes the bed? -> He does. The last one to leave the bed makes the bed. You two use that as motivation to get up, and he ends up doing it the most. He is very groggy and grumpy in the morning. As responsible as he is, the first half hour of being awake is filled with grumbling and "I don’t wanna"s.
Who wakes up first? -> You do. Wether you actually have to get up early or not, his alarm for work wakes you. And more effectively than it does Jun'ichiro. So even if it’s not by a lot, you are the first with your eyes open.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> You do. Jun’ichiro has real good music taste by modern standards. He already made you a ton of playlists for different occasions and moods. You rarely don’t listen to one of those playlists anymore.
Who is more protective? -> He is. You and Naomi are his entire world. The smallest insult towards you has his eyebrow twitching. He's going berserk if you’re being harassed or threatened in any way. And you know he'll keep you safe. Always.
Who sings more in the shower? -> He does. And it’s really cute. It’s more a mumbling and humming, you wouldn’t be able to understand a word even if you listened closely. He just likes to fill the void with a little melody.
Who cries more during movies? -> You do. Jun’ichiro isn’t emotional enough to cry over fiction easily. He's more focused on the story and the world- and character building, anyway. Sometimes it needs a little heartbreak to tell a good story. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a little sad, because he is.
Who spends the most while out shopping? -> He does. Jun’ichiro himself doesn’t need much material possessions to be happy, but he sure loves spoiling you. Be it little trinkets, something that made him think of you, snacks he knows you like,… Imagining your face lighting up with joy is motivation enough to get any of those for you. It can be any and every day too, getting you a little gift doesn’t have to be connected to a special day.
Who kisses more roughly? -> You do. He is the opposite of rough. Sometimes he even asks you to calm down a little. Poor guy is overwhelmed and needs a breather. If you give him a little time to prepare, he will gladly indulge your wilder side.
Osamu Dazai
Who is the cuddliest? -> He is. Osamu has been deprived for so long, he says he has the right to sprawl over you whenever he wants. While it seems like his usual shenanigans, in actuality he wants to savor every touch, feel your warmth as often and as long as he possibly can. You are the holder of his heart, he loves you. A day without having his arms around you for even just a second is a tragic one indeed.
Who makes the bed? -> You do. He doesn‘t see the point of making the bed. Your shared bedroom isn‘t some kind of hotel that must look tidy for the next people. It is your space, and he personally doesn‘t mind it looking a little messy. The two of you push and pull the pillows and blanket to your liking in the evening anyway.
Who wakes up first? -> He does. Osamu typically doesn‘t sleep much. Lounge around and take a nap or two, yes, but he does that at the office. Gazing at your sleeping face in the morning is his caffeine for the day, and he can‘t get that when you‘re first to wake up, right? Also, waking you up comes with a bunch of fun possibilities. Most of which are only fun for him, not you.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> He does. Most people would think it‘s weird, anyway. His favorites are about the feeling of depression, being overwhelmed, burnt out, mourning. Sometimes it‘s nice to have your feelings put into words for you. Among those are a few fun ones sprinkled in. Some old classics too. If you scroll through his playlist, you might see something like this: Numb Little Bug(Em Beihold), Body(MotherMother), CPR x Misery(Remix), Memories(Maroon 5)-
Who is more protective? -> He is. Wether it‘s a real danger or something minor, like a bypass insult, he‘s got you. Just don‘t worry, he‘s going to take care of this. You will never see him angry during those situations. The last thing he wants is for you to worry, so he masks any worry with his usual goofy and sassy behavior. That is a rare accurance either way, Osamu makes sure you don‘t even get in that type of situation in the first place.
Who sings more in the shower? -> He does. Shower time is a time to relax, and a time to relax is a time to sing. Simple as that. He sings loud enough to hear himself properly over the rushing water, which is decently loud. You can hear this first-class concert from nearly everwhere within your home.
Who cries more during movies? -> You do. Osamu has seen things far worse than whatever is playing on the TV. So unless it‘s something that triggers real heart shattering memories, he is not going to cry. And even then, it‘s a single tear. You won‘t be able to notice. When it‘s you tearing up, he is quick to pull you against him and stroke your head. He shushes you gently as he comforts you like someone would a baby. It is all for fun, of course. And he wouldn‘t feel hurt if you started hitting him for being an ass. In fact, he‘d chuckle.
Who spends the most while out shopping? -> You do. Osamu is not above letting you spend your money on things he was supposed to pay for. Oops- It seems like he lost his wallet while drifting across the river, again. He does have some errands to run though! You wouldn‘t mind paying, right? He promises to repay you one way or another!
Who kisses more roughly? -> He does. The roughness comes with the playfulness he loves to kiss you with. Doesn‘t mean he doesn‘t love the way you seem to shiver when he gets a little more rough with his kissing. Because, oh boy, does he love it. Besides being playful, he also likes being flirty and pull all those cute reactions out of you. If you try to do the same to him, then the fight is on. He might let you win, but only because he loves you so much.
Ranpo Edogawa
Who is the cuddliest? -> He is. Ranpo is a clingy little gremlin. Munching on snacks while cuddled up to you in your lap is his favorite way to pass the time, for sure. You‘re so warm and soft and have just the right size for him. It‘s wise to plan ahead, since he will not let you go any time soon. Ranpo would get real whiny and pouty if you even try. Don‘t worry though! He‘s going to share his snacks with you if you ask nicely.
Who makes the bed? -> You do. He couldn‘t care less if the bed is made or not. You‘re very happy it‘s free of crumbs and wrappers at least.
Who wakes up first? -> You do. Cuddling makes him all drowsy, and of course cuddling you is what he does when sleeping with you. From when you fall asleep to when you wake up, he has his arms wrapped around your torso and his head either on your chest or in the crook of your neck. It would take a lot of willpower to get himself to leave the comfort you provide him so early in the day. Luckily, he isn‘t heavy, so it’s fairly easy for you to get out of bed once you manage to sit up.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> He does. Ranpo listens to everything that gives him a happy feel. From Baby Shark to Starship, so long as it‘s got a good vibe, it‘s in his playlist.
Who is more protective? -> You are. He simply knows too much, there is no need to be protective. He is really chill. It‘s you who tends to act like a bodyguard, you have to, because Ranpo keeps getting into risky situations. He himself deducts he‘s safe, but you don‘t know that. He sure isn‘t safe from your fist after every risky endeavor you save him from.
Who sings more in the shower? -> You do. Bold of you to assume he showers. It‘s baths all the way. With bubbles and rubber ducks. Ranpo begs you to either join him or at least talk to him through the open bathroom door, otherwise he gets bored before he even washes himself. He is also the type to make fun of those who sing under the shower, so watch out.
Who cries more during movies? -> You do. Ranpo has figured out the plot in mere minutes, nothing can surprise him and nothing can shake him up enough to make him cry. And while he isn‘t mean about people crying at fiction, he doesn‘t really understand it either. You do realize this isn‘t real, right? Of course you do, but still! Watching movies with him is a real mood-killer. I suggest Comedies.
Who spends more while out shopping? -> He does. The amount of snacks he consumes daily ought to bring a heavy bill. Sometimes you wonder how he can even afford it. It really is a good thing he is so good at his job, and thus have a steady income to support his little addiction.
Who kisses more roughly? -> You do. Ranpo is nothing but soft with you. Even when he gets playful, his kisses stay soft, smooching you all over your face until he gets his fill. When you go more rough on him, he turns into a puddle, face bright red from the feeling. Nothing beats the taste of your lips, and it shows.
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Who is the cuddliest? -> You are. Physical affection is not his choice of love language. So long as you are within the comfort of your home, he doesn‘t have any problems, even if you get real clingy. Yukichi thinks you‘re really cute like this, but he doesn‘t want others to see.
Who makes the bed? -> He does. You two have found a good way to split daily tasks equally. While you make breakfast, he makes the bed. There is no complaining. And if you‘d like to switch it up, he‘ll gladly do so. It doesn‘t matter to him, if you aren‘t good at making a bed. Yukichi just hopes the food he makes is to your liking.
Who wakes up first? -> He does. Yukichi wakes up real early to get some morning practice in, as he doesn‘t have the time to do so at any other point of the day. He is way too busy with paperwork for that. Every morning he makes sure not to wake you while he gets out of bed and out to your backyard. After he‘s done and took a quick shower, he comes back and gently wakes you.
Who has the weirdest taste in music? -> He does. He is into traditional music, which might be considered weird by most. His knowledge of more modern music is very limited, as he doesn‘t normally consider looking them up. You are free to introduce him to your favorites, though. Music can be a way to express someones thoughts and feelings, thus it can tell a lot about you. And what kind of lover would he be to disregard you expressing something as valuable as that?
Who is more protective? -> He is. Yukichi wants you to be safe, always. He‘s taught you many ways to protect yourself when he‘s not there to do it for you. And when you two are together, you can consider him as your scary dog privilege. Because even though he doesn‘t look scary at a glance, he is very tall and muscular, and can send a nasty death glare if he wanted to. There is no way someone would dare to try anything while he is around. And if there was, he is quick to pull you behind him and deal with the situation swiftly. The sooner this is over, the sooner you are safe.
Who sings more in the shower? -> You do. You will never catch this man sing. Not ever. He‘s simply too embarrassed to do so. Humming is another story, but that is reserved for quiet times on your porch while looking at the stars. Yukichi likes listening to you sing under the shower, it‘s very sweet to him, how you are comfortable to risk him hear the echo of your voice.
Who cries more during movies? -> You do. Yukichi does get emotionally invested in characters, he simply doesn‘t cry. It takes a lot to get him there. When he notices you tearing up, he places a hand on your knee and draws little patterns on it.
Who spends more while out shopping? -> He does. Yukichi has everything he could ever want, so besides essentials, he rarely buys anything that peeks his interest. The occasional gift doesn‘t leave a huge dent on his wallet, but the moment he is set on spoiling you during a shopping trip, he will not hesitate. He could wait for hours on end for you to pick up and try on clothes, fill the shopping cart with snacks, toys, crafting materials,…anything you like. He knows it‘s not a waste of money when it‘s spent on you.
Who kisses more roughly? -> You do. Yukichi prefers going for your preferences when kissing, so he let‘s you take the lead unless you ask for him to do it. His touch is so soft, you‘d think he‘s scared to break you if he isn‘t careful. You‘re his little angel, and he will make sure you feel it.
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
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a masterlist of all hcs I’ve done~ (any characters who are not here or in part 2 have not been done—link to part 2 in my pinned post)
One piece
Luffy D. monkey
Luffy relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Luffy x black reader ♡
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
Luffy x heroic fem! reader (requested)
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro’s kisses headcanons
Zoro x male reader headcanons
Zoro x reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Zoro x overly sweet reader (requested)
Sitting in Zoro’s lap hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Nami x male reader
Nami x black reader
Nami x female reader
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother)
Nami x fem! Reader ft. Jealous! Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji
Zoro x Reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Sanji x black reader (also has Ace separately) (requested)
Sanji x overly sweet reader (requested)
Nico Robin
Brook and Robin thoughts
Nico Robin x morbid gn! Reader hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Hcs of what I think Robin’s ideal s/o would be (requested)
Robin x male! Reader neglects himself from always taking care of the crew (requested)
Robin x (biological) younger brother! reader (requested)
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother) (not my idea)
Brook and Robin thoughts
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Portgas D Ace
Ace x amab! Reserved! reader
Ace adopts a dog headcanons
Ace x black reader (also has Sanji separately) (requested)
Ace x childhood best friend! Reader who he has a crush on
Akagami Shanks
Red hair pirates x male reader who has heterochromia (requested)
Shanks x fem reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Shanks x male reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Boa Hancock
Boa x older brother! Male reader platonic relationship hcs (requested)
Buggy (relationship) headcanons
Perona x male reader
Monkey D. Garp (platonic)
(Platonic) Garp x younger fem! Reader who looks up to him as his apprentice (requested)
Kurtapika Kurta
Kurapika fluffy relationship headcanons (requested)
Cute domestic hcs of kurapika x fem reader (requested)
Big brother kurapika hcs (requested)
Chrollo Lulcifer
Chrollo x outgoing reader
Feitan Portor
Feitan fluff hcs (requested)
Feitan x seemingly angelic and innocent reader who’s actually in an criminal organization too (requested)
Feitan x a truamatized reader who’s a sadist and has hemokinesis powers (requested)
Machi Komachine
Macho relationship hcs
Shaknark Ryusei
Shalnark x closed off reader (requested)
Shizuku with a S/O she thought she was already dating
Bonolenov x reader who’s from his (gyudondond) tribe
Uvogin x reader who’s as big as him
Phantom troupe relationship hcs (separate):
(Separate) phantom troupe relationship hcs
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku x male reader hcs
Bakugo Katsuki
Katsuki x shoto twin reader
Katsuki x male reader
Katsuki x black gn! Reader
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto hcs for his big day
Shota Aizawa
Aizawa crush headcanons
How Aizawa courts you/relationship headcanons
Aizawa’s kisses headcanons (mini series by me)
Mina Ashido
Mina x gn! Reader
Minnax black gn! Reader
Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka x shy fem reader
Tsuyu Asui (Fixed! Tsuyu relationship hcs
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Shigaraki x scholarly reader with glasses (has dabi separately)
Touya Todoroki
Dabi x scholarly reader with glasses (has shigaraki separately)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fukuzawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo x lazy male reader
Ranpo’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Yosano’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kunikida’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Osamu Dazai
Dazai’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Tanizaki Junichiro
Tanizaki’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Naomi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Mori Ogai (i don’t condone his behavior)
Mori’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Hirotsu’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Koyo Ozaki
Koyo’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Chuuya x gn reader
Chuuya x male reader
Higuchi Ichiyo
Higuchi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Higuchi Ichiyo as your girlfriend
Tachihara’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Gin Akutagawa
Gin’s reaction to screwing up her first date with yo
Tanjiro x male reader
Inosuke x black male reader
Rengoku x gn reader relationship headcanons
Obanai x chubby gn reader
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
List of characters I want to write for eventually
List of character I want to write for eventually
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General headcannons
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How it all started
Self-Aware! BSD. World-building. Reader's influence
Self-Aware BSD. World Building. Getting into their world. Part I
Self-Aware! BSD. Some bits about the house
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Canon chains
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Gacha and how it affects others
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Spin-offs Slight changes to Spin-offs part
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Languages Voises
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Memories and Word of God
About aging Part II
More about Languages
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Knowledge
More about ages
About friendships
About nicknames
About Fyodor's ability
About favourite food
About self-awareness
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Phone
Some bits of information
BEAST! Dazai's nickname
About Mori
BEAST! Cast's nicknames (and comparison with OG! BSD nicknames)
About pause button
Jobs. Part 2
About Oda's age
Some more questions
Armed Detective Agency
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They stand at the precipice of twilight.
Atsushi Nakajima
Doppo Kunikida
Akiko Yosano
Junichiro Tanizaki
Naomi Tanizaki
Kirako Haruno
Katai Tayama
Kenji Miyazawa
Kyouka Izumi
Ranpo Edogawa
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Dazai Osamu
Port Mafia
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The Wardens of the Night.
Oda Sakunosuke
Ougai Mori
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Kouyou Ozaki
Ichiyo Higuchi
Gin Akutagawa
Self Aware Bungou Stray Dogs Shorts and bonuses
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Self-Aware BSD meet the Internet
Description: After BSD gang gain an acsess to the rest of your phone, they also gain the acsess to the internet and YouTube. Unknown to you, they accompany you while you serf the Internet.
Short № 1. Slight! Self Aware Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader
Short № 2. Slight Self-Aware! Mori Ougai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu (+ strictly platonic! Self-Aware! Elise)
Short № 3. Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol, Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Self-Aware! Platonic! Alexander Pushkin, Self-Aware! Katai Tayama
Abilities also want some attention
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes II
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes III
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes IV
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes V
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes VI
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes VII
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes VIII
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes IX
Self-Aware! BSD. Bonus Memes X
Sleeping in the mansion
Self-Aware BSD One Shots
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Nightmares and cuddles
Self-Aware! Osamu Dazai x GN!Reader x Self-Aware! Oda Sakunosuke
Description: You had a nightmare. Thankfully, two of your new friends are here to help. Set after BSD cast get into your world. Cuddle Fluff. Hurt/comfort.
Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader
Description: BSD! Nikolai Gogol is interested in the 'real-world' Nikolai Gogol. One day, he said he need your help.Set after BSD gang got into the real world. Fluff.
Shopping trip (What is cosplay?)
Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Doppo Kunikida
Description: Set after BSD gang got into your world. Your new friends/roommates love exploring your world. You keep them company. One day, you and Kunikida decide to go to the mall. Gogol wants to accompany you two. The problem is... He doesn't want to disguise himself. He wants to go in his normal attire. Maybe, everything will be alright, right?
Sick day
Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Reader
Description: It's summer and, somehow, you became sick. Fyodor is here to look after you.
We will protect you
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Description: There is a tradition in your University. For eight days they will hold a Charity Fair. Many people from different cites will visit the Fair. Your job during the Charity Fair is working in a café. Charity Fair supposed to be a happy event. But not for you. Because, you are sure, that you have a stalker. Every year during Charity Fair, you feel like you are being watched. Moreover, last year, someone try to break into your apartment. What's making it worse, it's the fact, that no one believes you. Until this year. Because BSD Cast believe you. Thankfully for you, and unfortunately for the stalker, this year, you will have a whole gang of protectors.
Self-Aware! Bram Stoker x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Aya Koda
Description: Life is full of small moments. You share this moments with your new friends and family. Today, you have a tea with Aya and Bram.
Midnight call
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
Description: Because now you are more interested in spending time with BSD Cast in real world, and out of respect to your new friends, you decide to 'left' BSD Fandom or, at least, be very passive in fandom. Unfortunately, one of your cousin is in a Fandom. And she watched the season 5 finale. And she needs to discuss it with someone.
Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol
Description: A passing comment makes you feel terrible about yourself. Fyodor and Nikolai disagree.
Oh, this fun October!
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
Description: BSD's Cast First Halloween in real world! Full of cute moments. You are sure, that you will enjoy this Halloween as much as them.
Art Forgery
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
Description: Second week living with BSD Cast. Dazai have a present for you. A very interesting present.
How to hug your Hunting Dog
Self-Aware! Hunting Dogs x GN! Reader
Description: You never expected, that living with BSD Cast will unravel the hidden truth about you. The truth is, that, apperently, you are a total cuddlebug. And no one complain about it.
Two detectives in your bed
Self-Aware! Edogawa Ranpo x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu
Description: You wanted to take a nap. But, there is two detectives in your bed. And all of your blankets and pillows are gone.
Delayed package
Description: Right before BSD Cast got into your world, you ordered something. But, as it often happens, your package got delayed And, because of BSD Cast arrival and you moving out, you totally forgot about your package. Until one day, when it finally arrived.
Reading to him
Self-Aware! Platonic! Karma x GN! Reader
Description: Day Five of BSD Cast living in your world. You had a nervous sixteen-year-old boy to talk to.
My Dear Sweet Home
Self-Aware! Sigma x GN! Reader
Description: You need a helper for one task. You talk.
Self-Aware! Platonic! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Abused! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Sigma
Description: Guiding Light hides something in the basement. Sigma and Nikolai want to find out, what it is.
TW: Child Abuse. Mental Abuse. Mentioned of Car Crash. Terrible death.
How to hug your Port Mafia Boss
Self-Aware! BEAST! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu
Description: He can't sleep at night. He ended up on your doorstep.
Dazai Osamu is in your bed, and he demands love, protection and cuddles
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
Description: You really should have think twice, before giving kids "Clifford, The Big Red Dog" book and ask Dazai to look after them.
Fukuzawa Yukichi is your exam supervisor, and must determine, if you are a good cuddler
Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader
Description: You knew, that "Cuddle Night with Dazai" won't be a secret for too long. You didn't expect, that Fukuzawa will be the first one, who spoke about it
Happy Birthday, Dear Dazai Osamu!
Happy Birthday, Dear Nathaniel Hawthorne!
How he shows his appreciation. Chuuya Nakahara
How he shows his appreciation. Akutagawa Ryunosuke
How he shows his appreciation. Saigiku Jouno
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tinywagoncolorbat · 2 years ago
What I Write
Nsfw/Sfw | fics | drabbles | headcanons | x f!reader | x gn!reader
This will be my first time writing and it'll probably be horrible so please don't judge, I also probably wont post much if you want to make a request you can.
Anime and Characters
Black Clover - Luck Voltia, Yuno, Julius Novachrono, Gauche Adlai, Zora Ideale, Rhya
Fairy Tail - Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Laxus Dreyar, Loke,
Attack on titan - eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer, Porco Gaillard, Reiner Braun, Armin Arlert, Zoe Hange,
My Hero Academia - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Tomura Shingaraki, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki
Seven Deadly Sins - Meliodas, Ban, King, Escanor,
Jujutsu Kaisen - Satrou Gojo, Megumi fushiguro, Yuji Itadori, Toge Inumaki, Choso, Sukuna
Bungo Stray Dogs - Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Junichiro Tanizaki, Ranpo Edogawa, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ryonosuke Akutagawa
One Piece - Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Portgas D. Ace, Shanks, Smoker, Trafalgar D. Law, Eustass Kid,
Supernatural - Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel,
Marvel - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers,
Teen wolf - Liam Dunbar, Theo Raken, Scoot Mccall, Issac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Chris Argent,
TVD/The Originals - Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Jeremy Gilbert, Elijah Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Kai Paker, Tyler Lockwood, Lorenzo, Marcel Gerard,
I will probably add to this if I think of anyone else to write for
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Edogawa Ranpo
Valentinesday Headcanons (Multifandom)
Study Date (Multifandom)
Headcanon clingy!s.o.
Two headcanons with little Drabbles
Writer!s.o. Imagine feat. Poe
Writer!s.o. Imagine feat. Poe addition
Giving him a kiss and a compliment than leaving him there to process it all
Morning after Headcanons
Dazai, Ranpo and Atsushi with s/o that can be clingy/loud and motherly/quiet
A Royal Request
Comfort: Talking about your hobbies/interests HC
Dazai Osamu
Can I Call You Tonight? (Angst, comforting him, implied suicidal thoughts)
Study Date (Multifandom)
Imagine: three taps to say I love you
Poly!Fyodor x gn!Reader x Dazai headcanons
Drunk!Dazai and Fukuchi x reader who is uncomfortable around drunk people
Giving him a kiss and a compliment than leaving him there to process it all
Full Moon
Dazai, Ranpo and Atsushi with s/o that can be clingy/loud and motherly/quiet
Here (Comfort drabble)
Red String (Multifandom)
Poly! Dazai, Fyodor, Reader Possessiveness Headcanons
S/o who has dated both Fyodor and Chuuya before Headcanons
Half German/Half Russian s/o headcanons
Reader from a wealthy family Headcanons
Whispanic!Reader Headcanons
Dazai seeing reader reading a suicide book in a café Headcanons
Reader that is like Bakugou Headcanons
Reader that is (relatively) estranged with their parents Headcanons
Dazai is hot when he's scary Headcanons
Fashion/Beauty obsessed s/o Headcanons
Comforting Dazai after a Nightmare
Neglecting their s/o for a while Headcanons
Tanizaki Junichirou
Study Date (Multifandom)
Nakajima Atsushi
Study Date (Multifandom)
Dazai, Ranpo and Atsushi with s/o that can be clingy/loud and motherly/quiet
Reader that is like Bakugou Headcanons
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Study Date (Multifandom)
With an s/o that can sing well
Chūya Nakahara
Study Date (Multifandom)
With an s/o that can sing well
Giving him a kiss and a compliment than leaving him there to process it all
Versatile s/o headcanons (clingy and loud, motherly and quiet)
Zero Gravity
Half German/Half Russian s/o headcanons
Reader from a wealthy family Headcanons
Reader that is like Bakugou Headcanons
Red Cat
Kunikida Doppo
Study Date (Multifandom)
Smart, but forgetful s/o headcanons
Edgar Allan Poe
Study Date (Multifandom)
Smart, but forgetful s/o headcanons
With an s/o that can sing well
Poe x Notice Me by Aly Simpson Drabble His POV
Poe x Notice Me by Aly Simpson Drabble Reader's POV
Children of Dawn: Modern AU Job Headcanons (slight x reader)
Nevermore (getting Poe a black kitten)
Across the Universe part 1 fem!reader
Across the Universe part 2 fem!reader
With an s/o that can sing well
Lovecraft x Lovestory by Taylor Swift Drabble
Children of Dawn: Modern AU Job Headcanons (slight x reader)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Poly!Fyodor x gn!Reader x Dazai headcanons
Smart, but forgetful s/o headcanons
Imagine: wanting to give his s/o the world fem!reader
A bit of a continuation of the upper scenario (gn!reader)
Fyodor poemy Imagine kinda tying in? Could also be read separately
Poly! Dazai, Fyodor, Reader Possessiveness Headcanons
Half German/Half Russian s/o headcanons
Hearts Made of Ebony
Reader from a wealthy family Headcanons
Goddess humaine
Queen of Hearts Ability Headcanons
s/o that likes to lay down on their thighs Headcanons
Neglecting their s/o for a while Headcanons
Ember Tears (Vampire AU)
A normal night as his wife
With Autumn Shall Warmth
Drunk!Dazai and Fukuchi x reader who is uncomfortable around drunk people
With an s/o that can sing well
A Happy Ending of their Own (fem!reader, soulmate au)
Irish!reader Headcanons
Whispanic!Reader Headcanons
Queen of Hearts Ability Headcanons
Reader that is (relatively) estranged with their parents Headcanons
s/o that likes to lay down on their thighs Headcanons
Tsuki ga kirei desu ne?
The true Queen's Jester
Irish!reader Headcanons
Irish!reader Headcanons
Whispanic!Reader Headcanons
Queen of Hearts Ability Headcanons
Reader that is (relatively) estranged with their parents Headcanons
s/o that likes to lay down on their thighs Headcanons
Neglecting their s/o for a while Headcanons
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pupgawa · 2 years ago
Addiction 🍯
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Paring : 🍫 Tanizaki junichiro x reader
Tags : gn! reader, sub! Junichiro , Afab ! Reader , pussy drunk junichiro too low-key, praise, he's a little rough tbh
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Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO is so cute, he loves having his cock burrowed into the warm depths of his s/o's cunt. Though in this state you have complete control over him, and you sure as hell do take advantage of that.
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO would do anything to please you, if you tell him to go faster, he will, if you tell him to go rougher, he will, if you tell him to stay at a nice and gentle pace, he will, anything to please you <3
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO desperately thrusting inside you, moaning and whimpering, desperate to have that pleasure.
“ ah .. ah ! Please, I'm so close! Please let me cum, I can't handle it anymore, I need to- please ” he would beg, and rather or not you allow or deny him of it doesn't matter to him.
If you're nice and do let him cum, he'll ask you where you want him to do it, he doesn't mind if you allow him to cum inside or out.
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO just loves to see his cum drip out of you, or down your body, he thinks it's the hottest sight in the world, though he won't ever admit it.
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO couldn't even think about anything but cumming inside you, hearing the word ' inside ' leave your lips almost made his heart for a flip as he stills himself deep inside you and cums.
Now if you decide to be meaner, that opens a whole new can of worms. You tell him to “ wait ” and junichiro lets out a whine, but he obeys anyways.
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO just can't resist clock warming, it feels so good inside it might make him cum right there, but given your orders he won't.
Pussydrunk! JUNICHIRO can't help himself anymore, he grabs your hips and starts moving at a brutally fast pace.
But he's just so cute, you can't resist him anymore, you allow him to cum.
“ ah ! Junichiro ! Slow ... Slow down darling, I'm not going anywhere ” you told him, Junichiro slammed his hips into you with a loud groan. “ I'm sorry, I can't ... I just need this so badly, please forgive me for disobeying orders this time ! ”
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cherry-stained-blood · 3 years ago
soft tanizaki headcanons
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Synopsis: Just some wholesome and adorable headcanons with Junichiro Tanizaki
Pairing: Junichiro Tanizaki x GN!reader (they/them)
A/N: Back at it with the BSD content. My friend from Discord messaged me to write Tanizaki fluff so here we are. Tanizaki deserves more content, so I hope this will be enough to satisfy the fans of funny illusion man <3
TW: Light swearing, slightly dirty joke
Holy fuck, you’re one lucky bitch
So to start things off, Tanizaki is such a sweetheart
Even though he’s very shy, he will always think about his loved ones and puts them first. You’re one of his main priorities right next to Naomi
Maybe even a little higher but that’s not the point
You both constantly look out for each other, no matter your position in work at the Armed Detective Agency
It’s honestly so cute seeing Tanizaki get all happy and stuff when he realizes you’re back from a dangerous mission
Definitely gets clingy about it but would rather die than own up to it
It’s honestly so adorable to see him all flustered about it too
“Awwww baaabbbyy~ did you miss me THAT much? I’m so flattered,” you cooed into his flushed-red ear, making Tanizaki groan out of embarrassment whilst you giggled at hum. “Y/N, you know I love you, but why must you do this to me?”
Teasing and flirting with him is NEEDED
Honestly, it’s so easy to embarrass him it’s already endearing enough on its own. Just seeing such a timid boy get all red and shy just from a few smooth words you say is enough serotonin for you
You flirt with him so much he decided to get back at you one day
Sometimes he’ll come up with the most vile and dirty joke that will leave your face looking like a tomato
You can’t tell me this guy is at least not somewhat dirty-minded, come on
There was this one incident where you both were messing around, joking and having fun, until you started your little antics again
obviously, illusion boy was not having it, but one of your little pickup-lines went a little too far
So without hesitation, he fired back with a smooth comment ten times more dirty and clever
After seeing your blush face, he just let out one of his cute little laughs, which made you huff
But obviously, the smile on your face wasn’t completely hidden
Boba dates, they’re very common
Tanizaki insists that he pays for everything, much to your disbelief. You understand that he wants you to have a good time, but you don’t want to drain his wallet of everything
So you sometimes steal his wallet and hide it so he doesn’t have to worry about running out of money. You then assure that you can pay for everything just fine
While he is a little upset about it, he appreciates that you’re taking his enjoyment into consideration
Also, did I forget to mention that Naomi was absolutely PROTECTIVE of Tanizaki when she found out about your relationship
She was supportive, but she kept her eyes on you for a bit
“I trust that you’re taking good care of him.”
“Oh I definitely am, especially in the bedroom—“
Tanizaki was absolutely done after that, cue the burning red face
But overall, he loves and appreciates you so much, even if he’s a little timid and shy at times
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sakuraasworld · 3 years ago
May I please request general Junichiro relationship headcanons? Thank you!
𝖏𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖔 𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖟𝖆𝖐𝖎 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
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pairing - junichiro tanizaki x gn!reader
synopsis - general relationship headcanons
warning - none
it's short but I I didn't have a lot of inspiration, sorry ;-;
✎ He's so fucking shy when you kiss him or just hug him. He'll turn red so easily.
✎ He literally loves to match clothes ! It's one of his favorite things to do with you, it proves that he's your boyfriend and you're his s/o.
✎ At first, his sister was so jealous of you, she didn't want to be separate from her brother but with a little bit of time she agrees to share Junichiro with you.
✎ He likes to kiss your cheeks especially in public. He doesn't like to show his affection in front of everybody.
✎ Never criticize yourself, he'll be angry. For him you're perfect and he hates when you don't love yourself.
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kouomi · 4 years ago
Kouomi’s Request Info!
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request rules:
no smut! (kissing, cuddling,suggestive scenes, etc. are fine but no explicitly written smut) most things are okay, if there’s a problem with a request I’ll try to write around it or fix it with or message you!
Back to blog directory
I take requests for:
-all characters!
My Hero Academia
-Bakugo Katsuki
-Kaminari Denki
-Kirishima Eijio
-Todoroki Shotō
-Shinsō Hitoshi
-Sero Hanta
-Amajiki Tamaki
-Dabi/Todoroki Tōya
-Hawks/Takami Keigo
-Shigaraki Tomura
-Aizawa Shōta
Demon Slayer
-Tomioka Giyū
-Rengoku Kyōjurō
-Iguro Obanai
-Shinazugawa Sanemi
-Kamado Tanjiro
-Inosuke Hashibira
-Uzui Tengen
Hunter x Hunter
-Illumi Zoldyck
-Lucilfer Chrollo
-Feitan Portor
-Shalnark Ryuseih
-Ging Freecss
Attack On Titan
-Eren Jaeger
-Levi Ackerman
-Armin Arlert
-Jean Kirstein
-Bertolt Hoover
-Marco Bodt
-Reiner Brown
-Conny Springer
-Erwin Smith
-Miche Zacharius
-Furlan Church
-Sasha Braus
-Mikasa Ackermann
-Hitch Dreyse
-Annie Leonhart
-Pieck Finger
-Porco Galliard
Bungo Stray Dogs
-Osamu Dazai
-Chuuya Nakahara
-Akutagawa Ryunosuke
-Ranpo Edogawa
-Edgar Allan Poe
-Tanizaki Junichiro
-Mori Ougai
-Kunikida Doppo
-Fedor Dostoevsky
-Yosano Akiko
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Gojo Satoru
-Itadori Yuuji
-Fushiguro Megumi
-Inumaki Toge
-Nanami Kento
-Shoko Ieiri
-Nobara Kugisaki
-Maki Zen’in
-Yuta Okkotsu
-Getou Suguru
Tokyo Revengers
-All characters (anime)
-Ran Haitani
-Rindou Haitani
Angels of Death
-Zack/Isaac Foster
Death Note
-Mellow/Mihael Keehl
High-Rise Invasion
-Sniper Mask
SK8 the Infinity
-Reki Kyan
-Langa Hasegawa
-Cherry Blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki
-Joe/Kojiro Nanjo
extra Info:
-requests take up to a day to 3 weeks to be posted after you send them in, however if there is another request sent in before yours it may be longer
-I mostly write (character)xreader, but I could write ships, too!
- Any reader (f!reader/m!reader/gn!reader/etc.) are okay!
-please tell me if you specifically want your request as a one shot or a headcanon! if you don’t have a preference for either that is okay, just know often they will turn out as headcanons!
-full honesty, sometimes requests can take a while (aka past the previously stated timeframe) to come out cause of frequent writer’s block and me randomly falling off the face of the Earth. So. Proceed with caution (I still love requests but I feel this disclaimer is necessary, pls don’t feel discouraged)
-If there’s any concerns with a request or you have any questions about anything, you can send me a message or send in an ask!
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
masterlist | armed detective agency
⇠ return to masterlist: main directory
this is a masterlist of works i’ve written for the different armed detective agency members
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❀✿** all/most characters
bungou stray dogs + skincare routine | hc’s, crack
❀✿** atsushi nakajima
⇢  bungou stray dogs x university au pt. 1 | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s 
⇢ day 5 – letting go | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, match-up request, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ bsd as their zodiac signs (armed detective agency) | character analysis, hc’s
❀✿** kunikida doppo
⇢  bungou stray dogs x university au pt. 1 | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
⇢ day 15 – afar | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢ -sick days (kunikida x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ kunikida + something he does to show you he loves you | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ bsd as their zodiac signs (armed detective agency) | character analysis, hc’s
⇢ texts with kunikida doppo as your boyfriend | fluff, smau, xreader
❀✿** osamu dazai
⇢  bungou stray dogs x university au pt. 1 | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
⇢ day 17 – inevitability | angstcember fics, xreader
⇢ dazai + kissing his scars | fluff, slight angst, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ dazai + lifting someone up out of excitement | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ ten more years (dazai x gn!reader) | slight fluff, slight angst, drabble fic, xreader 
⇢ bsd as their zodiac signs (armed detective agency) | character analysis, hc’s
⇢ texts with jealous!bf feat. fyodor, dazai, and chuuya | fluff, smau, xreader
❀✿** edogawa ranpo
⇢  bungou stray dogs x university au pt. 1 | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
⇢ day 12 – self-sacrifice | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢ -ranpo on ice (ranpo x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dancing with him | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, match-up, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ bsd as their zodiac signs (armed detective agency) | character analysis, hc’s
❀✿** akiko yosano
⇢  bungou stray dogs x university au pt. 1 | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
⇢ bsd as... your neigborhood friend that you fell in love with (or who fell in love with you) | feat. ango, oda, fyodor, and yosano, fluff, scenarios, xreader
❀✿** tanizaki junichiro
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
❀✿** fukuzawa yukichi
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
⇢ fukuzawa, mori, and fyodor seeing their independent f!s/o cry for the first time | slight angst, hc’s, xreader
⇢ texts with jealous!bf fukuzawa and mori | slight fluff, text au, xreader
❀✿** izumi kyouka
⇢ random bungou stray dogs hc’s that exist in my head | crack, hc’s
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Junichiro Tanizaki (self-aware)
Self-Aware Junichiro Tanizaki x GN!Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Junchirou is angry at you. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🌨️ The moment Junchirou become self-aware become the worst moment of his life.
🌨️ Because his sister Naomi hasn't gained self-awareness yet.
🌨️ Junchirou was luckier than Atsushi. Atsushi gained self-awareness fee days earlier than other ADA members. Naomi gained self-awareness an hour after her brother.
🌨️ After Naomi gained self-awareness, Tanizaki siblings hurry to the Agency.
"It's not an ability. Yokohama wasn't broken. We are broken. We are fictional characters, who gained self-awareness. Try to remember your lives. Parents, friends outside ADA, what you did yesterday. Give it a try"
🌨️ Junchirou wanted to run away. So, when a few hours passed and Yosano still hasn't come back, Junchirou volunteers to go and look for her. Naomi quietly follow after him.
🌨️ Junchirou was thankful, that the streets of Yokohama weren't mixed up. At least, they won't stumble around like blind kittens.
🌨️ Yosano was at the old warehouse. All crates were destroyed with her cleaver. She goes after Tanizaki siblings without questions.
🌨️ During the search for Yosano and their walk back to the office, Naomi was silent.
🌨️ And then Junchirou felt entity's gaze.
Atsushi was asking others if they felt strange presence. Junchirou felt it, but he stays silent. He was ignoring it. He has more important things going on. Naomi looked broken. He needs to help her.
Junchirou managed to make Naomi talk with him. And Naomi told him everything. About feeling less than a human. About been less than ordinary fictional character. That she is sure she never has any connection to reality.
They have a long talk after that. Despite everything, Naomi was his little sister. They were siblings. They cared for each other. And that was the most important thing.
And the entity doesn't matter. It can continue staying outside Yokohama.
And then time resets.
And Junchirou was pretending to be the bomber, holding Naomi as the hostage.
When they start feeling your presence
🌨️ Tanizaki was angry. Did you get angry, because he and Naomi reconcile? That's why you reset time? Were you the reason, why Naomi hasn't been considering herself to be a human?
🌨️ But, for some reason, Naomi looked calm. She seems not minding having entity presence in her life.
🌨️ While pretending to be a bomber, Junchirou heard a voice.
"Junchirou [|||||||] good actor. Maybe, [|||||||] not in ADA [|||||||||] become an actor"
🌨️ Why the entity's emotions felt like gentle breeze? Does supernatural entity's have feelings? What are you?
🌨️ After Atsushi's entrance exam, ADA gather in Uzumaki café. The owners looked like puppets with empty eyes.
🌨️ Atsushi, who looked happy and calm, asked if they heard you talking.
🌨️ Naomi and Junchirou nog. But Junchirou hoped that he will never hear your voice again. What if you were the one who almost broke Naomi and then brainwashed her into liking you? And, besides, you were confusing.
🌨️ You don't sound bad. The whole situation were just bizarre. Junchirou hopes he will have some time to think about it.
🌨️ And then, Higuchi lead them to a Port Mafia trap again.
"But to me, Naomi is an entirely different matter. Compared to things like good and evil or selfishness and selflessness...no. There's no comparison to begin with. Just as nobody would compare God with anything, right?"
And there was the voice again.
"good brother" "Naomi is lucky" "Tanizaki siblings do care for each other"
"Junchirou, everyone would be lucky to have you as a brother. You are a good person, brave and kind"
Junchirou felt like someone was petting him.
[In reality, it was you, who touched the manga panel]
🌨️ After Yosano finished treating Junchirou and Naomi, the siblings have another long talk. At the end, Junchirou realised, that you are not a bad person.
🌨️ When ADA and Port Mafia start working together, Dazai start working on training Atsushi and Akutagawa. Junchirou learned, that Dazai try to make Atsushi and Akutagawa your bodyguards.
🌨️ And Junchirou decides that he will find a way to help to protect you. Because you are nice. To him and to Naomi. To their friends.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🌨️ If earlier Junchirou consider your good, after you try your best to get a SSR Naomi card, now Junchirou is considering you one of the best people in the world.
"Ok, Junchirou, let's clear this stage"
"This Tanizaki siblings card is so powerful"
"Junchirou stamp is so cute"
🌨️ After BSD gang gain access to the game code, Junchirou ask Ango, Fyodor and Katai add something new to the game. Now, Junchirou has his own menu, where he shares recipes with you.
🌨️ One day, he, Naomi and you will have dinner together. And he will keep you safe.
You finish cooking the dish. You recently got Fried Tofu recipe from Junchirou. All his recipes were easy and dishes were tasty.
You saw a notification from your Gift box. It was a note from Junchirou with level up materials attached to it.
"[Y/N], hope you are enjoying the recipes. I hope that one day we will taste each other cooking. Until then. Junchirou Tanizaki"
You smile and choose Junchirou's card. You carefully poke the sprite.
"Thanks, Junchirou. Maybe, one day, we will eat something together"
You didn't notice that sprite looked hopeful.
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
list of characters i want to write for eventually
-You should be able to find the ones I’ve done in either one of the two masterlists I made (*´꒳`*)
( [cm] = coming soon)
( [ds] = I’ve done something similar)
nami (x female ✅ and male reader✅)
perona (x female reader) ✅
shigaraki (x female and male reader)
zoro (x male ✅ and female reader)
tanjiro (x male ✅ )
inosuke (x male reader ✅)
chuuya (x gn ✅ and female reader)
bakugo (x male reader ✅)
uraraka (x fem ✅ )
yaoyorozu momo (x fem chubby reader)
kirishima (x short fem reader)
shoto (x gn and male reader)
platonic shoto headcanons
tsuyu asui (x gn [ds] and male to female reader)
mina (x afab and gn reader ✅)
platonic yuga aoyama headcanons
sanji (x male ✅ and male to female reader)
robin (x male [ds] and female reader)
platonic brook headcanons
shanks as a older brother headcanons
ben beckman (x afab and amab reader)
uzui + wives (x afab and amab reader)
obanai (x afab reader [ds])
muichiro tokito (x male and gn reader)
general fukuzawa yukichi (bsd) headcanons
atsushi (x male, gn and fem reader)
Tanizaki Junichiro (bsd) (x male reader)
sero hanta (x gn reader and male reader)
what would mha character’s rename each other’s hero names to if they could/had to
uh i think that’s it for now. might add more to this list later. the list is kinda long so i’ll put a check if i’ve done it.
it’s not in any specific order btw these may get done at random. depends on my mood.
if you req them it’ll get done faster.
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Study date
This is essentially some of my characters that would study with their partner, but ranked, sort of?
Here is my Navigation.
Multifandom x gn!s.o.
Warnings: talk of exam season (i myself am doing this a week before an oral exam instead of reading texts i should have read months ago ☺) (Also, please save me)
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Haikyū!!, Witch Hat Atelier, DC, Detective Conan, Death Note, Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Tom Riddle, Estheath/Ysheath, Remus Lupin, Akaashi Keiji, Orugio, Damian Wayne, Tsukishima Kei, Quiffrey, Kuroo Tetsurou, Tanizaki Junichirou, Nakajima Atsushi, L Lawliet, Tim Drake, Kudō Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, Kuroba Kaito (Kaito Kid), Sirius Black, Edogawa Ranpo
Part 2
Good study partner
Tom Riddle, Estheath/Ysheath
Oh, with them you get stuff done. It is silent the entire time and if they should notice you got distracted they will sigh and make you start learning again. Not the best teachers on the list (not enough patience, Tom can be lowkey passive aggressive if you don't get it quickly enough) , but you'll know the stuff in the end.
Remus Lupin, Akaashi Keiji
A bit more perceptible for jokes and the air, though mostly silent, is far more relaxed. You might even study on beds or cuddle whilst reading your texts. They have an insane amount of patience. Best teachers and best study partners! (Send one over, I still have stuff to do 😭)
Orugio, Damian Wayne, Tsukishima Kei
They aim to be as serious as Tom and Estheath/Ysheath. BUT they are so weak for you. You might be able to distract them and if you tell a joke, you might even see their lips twitch.
Quiffrey, Kuroo Tetsurou
Distraction comes a bit easier, but don't make any mistakes, they do want to study! And they are focused! However, there will be a lot more jokes and laughs included. By the way, they are also very good teachers. (Someone - anyone - please! 😫)
Tanizaki Junichirou, Nakajima Atsushi
Okay this one's actually really cute. They will both be absolute angels. Trying to help you when needed and keeping quiet when you study. BUT. You are so pretty? How? You can't blame them for stealing glances or even staring the entire time.
Okay Study Partner
L Lawliet
Honestly, only because he's not studying himself. He loooves helping you study though. He's a pretty good teacher when it comes to you (others can suck it apparently) and will take his time explaining stuff to you. He also likes solving cases next to you, BUT he won't be able to acknowledge you much if it's a bigger case, unfortunately. Actually immaculate though
Only on the days before the exam aka Cram Kings
Tim Drake
He had so many cases. And also didn't like the subject. And might have forgotten about it. On an entirely unrelated note: he hasn't slept in a very long time. Please help him?
Kudō Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, Kuroba Kaito (Kaito Kid)
They are such show-offs. They didn't learn at all and wanted to show this off only to realise that they are screwed. They will still show-off while their s.o. teaches them though.
Sirius Black
What do you mean the exam is in two days? Last week McGonagall said-ooooooh. Another one who just needs your help. Usually, when you study he bugs you until you give in to his affection. When he gets frustrated or wants to just leave, this time he'll flat out try to seduce you. You don't take any of his shit. He's smart, just lazy.
Honorary mention: Nooooo
Edogawa Ranpo
He attempts to do it like L Lawliet, help you (i'm so smart, you know) (Yes, I know, you'll reply) etc., but utterly fails and ends up whining for your attention.
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