#jun.k scenario
seawitch62 · 2 years
Obessesion mixed with hard work, he will get her back!
Word count 507.
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     Fragrant obsession.
▪︎▪︎Your fragrance is your message, your scented slogan.
– Maurice Roucel▪︎▪︎
♡♡Your scent drives me crazy
I want you, all the other guys are typical, nothing special
I want you, I want it, with your scent♡  2PM Perfume.
    Absorbed with the task, his obsession drives and propels, the failures only aspire him to keep going forward, no time to sink into negativity, his experiments must continue, they must succeed. The Perfumer or others may call him the Perfume Chemist works diligently hour after hour, day after day, week after week.
 Tossing the ingredients together with nimble fingers, argumen, bergamot, magnolia  neroli, selection after selection, mixing till his sensitive nose is assaulted with lingering perfection.   Discarded, the faulty lay scattered across his laboratory floor. Their shame is his. Need pushes him to strive for the elusive scent, one he knows will complete his mission. He can not and will not fail.
Kim Minjun also known as Jun.K is nearing completion of his perfume analysis. Fusion of all the ingredients are melding with perfect precision.
Amalgamation is imminent now for the last and most important ingredient. 
His essence.
Carefully he adds and stirs, inhaling the final result, wunderbar!
He did it! Pouring the fragrance into the pink glass bottle carefully, then placing it in the pink floral box, adding the printed address label he heads out.
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He has watched her from afar moving on with her life since their breakup while he remained stagnant. He wants her back! He will do just about anything in his power to have her in his arms again.
Her smile sent shivers over his body, her touch ignited his fire.
How dare she abandon him!
How can she be happy without him?
How can she smile when he is miserable?
No more! Soon baby soon!.
….All day I think about you. That’s all I do
All night I think about you. That’s all I do
All day I think about you. That’s all I do
All night I think about you. I think about you…
He sings softly whilst holding his phone and waiting…
Arriving home from lunch with friends, she can not help but notice the package on her door threshold.
Bending down she retrieves the parcel and unlocks her door and enters her apartment.
Curiously noting no return address. 
A pretty pink floral box!
"Wow, it's so pretty!" She exclaims.
With care she removes the lid, her eyes open in wonderment. 
"Perfume!" She loves perfume.
"The bottle is simply divine".
Inquisitively wondering if the fragrance matches the whole package.  Gently she pumps the atomizer bulb, the fragrance mist hits the air, inhaling the aroma, "oh wow".
Pumping the perfume on her wrists, behind her ears, neck and elbows and knees.
"It is heavenly," she utters.
"Who sent this?" Re checking the packaging to no avail.
Sometime later her thoughts drift to Minjun, "wonder what he is doing?"  "I miss him!" "I should call him!".
Ring ring ring…
"Hello Babe" Minjun answers.
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Bestfriend! Y/N delievering Bestfriend! 2PM's stuff.
Jun K.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Takes Your Child To The Studio ~ 2PM Reaction
A frown formed on Minjun’s face as your son struggled to catch his breath once again after being chased around the studio by Nichkhun and Junho.
His hand rested on his head as he watched everything, “how am I supposed to explain all this energy to Y/N when we get home?”
“Just tell her that Y/S/N had the best time with his uncles,” Junho suggested, offering a wide smile across in Minjun’s direction as he chuckled.
“He won’t sleep tonight like this,” Minjun told them all.
Another chuckle came from Junho as your son jumped on him, “unfortunately whether Y/S/N sleeps tonight or not is not our problem, that’s your issue.”
“Just help me out,” Minjun pleaded with them all, “if you keep him this excited then he’ll be bouncing on the ceilings, and I’ll have Y/N on my back for it too.”
“Stop being so scared of Y/N,” Wooyoung couldn’t help but tease too, “she’s not as scary as you think sometimes.”
“Try messing with her sleep schedule,” Minjun warned them, “and that’s what you’re doing now.”
“That’s a you issue I’m afraid Min.”
The volume in the studio quickly got louder as Nichkhun walked in, holding your daughter’s hand tightly as her legs excitedly bounced as she looked around.
Straight away, Wooyoung knelt down and opened his arms out to her. “Well, isn’t this a nice surprise,” he smiled, waving at her.
“Surprise,” Nichkhun laughed as he let her hand go, watching as she immediately ran over to Wooyoung, throwing herself against his chest.
“Since when was Y/D/N coming today?” Minjun teased.
Nichkhun shrugged as the rest of the boys walked over to him, “since Y/N got called into a meeting this morning and her parents are on holiday.”
“Maybe we can include Y/D/N in the routine,” Junho smirked, nudging against Nichkhun’s side, “people are bound to love our stage if we use Y/D/N in the middle of it.”
“She’s not here to dance,” Nichkhun reminded them all, “she definitely takes after Y/N when it comes to dance anyway.”
“Oh no,” Taecyeon smirked, unable to hold back his laughter, “we’ve all seen Y/N dancing.”
“Exactly, it’s not what any of us need.”
You smiled sheepishly as you knocked on the door of the studio, catching Taecyeon’s eye straight away as your son went running across in his direction.
The rest of the boys chuckled as they read you like a book. “I don’t suppose you guys mind doing me a massive favour, do you?”
“You want us to look after Y/S/N?” Junho chuckled as Taecyeon picked your son up and sat him in his lap. “Do we look like babysitters to you by any chance?”
“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate,” you assured them.
Taecyeon’s head nodded back across at you, “you’re lucky that we’ve not really been doing much anyway, how long do you think you’ll be?”
“Not long,” you promised all six of them, “he’s fed and he’s got a drink in his bag so you guys don’t have to do a thing, just sit him down and let him watch you.”
“It’s not that easy,” Taecyeon roared with laughter in reply to you, “he’ll be up and running around in no time at all.”
“Sorry,” you whispered, “but just know that I really appreciate you guys doing this for me.”
“We’ll get you back for this Y/N!”
Several sniggers came from around the studio as your daughter went toppling to the ground, stumbling over her feet as she tried her best to copy Wooyoung.
He leant down and quickly helped her up, with Chansung on the other side. “What would Y/N say about you doing this?”
“Doing what?” Wooyoung innocently smiled back across at him, “Y/D/N is constantly asking me to teach her how to dance, what better place than the studio?”
“Does Y/D/N really ask you though?” Chansung teased.
Wooyoung’s head nodded confidently as he brushed your daughter down, “you just think I’m forcing Y/D/N to be a dancer like me, don’t you?”
“We all do,” Chansung admitted, looking around the studio. “I mean is Y/N really sick or was that just an excuse to bring Y/D/N along and teach her some more.”
“Y/N is ill…a little bit,” Wooyoung insisted, “but I guess maybe she could have looked after Y/D/N today, not me.”
“You can’t force your daughter into being a dancer,” Chansung chuckled across at him.
“Don’t let Y/N hear you say that.”
A pout formed on Junho’s face as he heard the giggle of your son yet again, with Nichkhun pulling a funny face to try and tickle your son’s funny bones.
As he watched, Junho’s expression caught Minjun’s attention. “Are you not coming over?” Minjun shouted over to him.
“You guys don’t need me,” Junho whispered, “you seem like you’re doing a good enough job of keeping him entertained without me needing to be there.”
“You’re not jealous are you, Jun?” Minjun asked him.
Junho’s head shook back across at him, “why would I be jealous of you guys? You’re making my life easier by taking care of Y/S/N instead of me needing to.”
“Are you sure?” Minjun pushed, sensing from how hurried Junho’s response was that he wasn’t quite as fine as he was trying to convince the boys he was.
“You guys carry on,” Junho insisted, biting down on his bottom lip to try his best to control the expression on his face.
“Feel free to join us,” Minjun smiled, “you know deep down Y/S/N likes his daddy the best.”
“He’s fond of his uncles too.”
You raised a questionable glance at Chansung as soon as you walked into the studio, watching as your daughter  rolled around on the floor, kicking and screaming.
An apologetic smile formed on his face as he looked across at you. “I thought you said that you’d take care of Y/D/N.”
“I am taking care of Y/D/N,” he quickly replied to you in protest, “I just forgot to mention that I’d require the help of five other people to take care of Y/N too.”
“She’s in good hands,” Taecyeon called out across to you.
Your head shook as your daughter’s loud giggles could be heard once again. “You know she has a dad to wind her up without needing a fun uncle too.”
“At least she’ll sleep tonight,” Chansung reasoned, nudging his hip against yours. “You needed someone to take care of her, and look at that smile on her face.”
“I guess she does enjoy hanging out with you,” you murmured, catching Chansung’s smug smile out of the corner of your eye.
“See,” he chuckled, “and all of the boys have loved having her here too Y/N.”
“They look more tired than you do.”
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st4rluv · 2 years
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taecyeon moodboard 🦚🌿🧩🌳
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rose-likesto-write · 2 years
Is it Love?
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Pairing: Jun K x fem reader (mention of Taecyeon and other members)
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
AU!: University, Werewolf
Word count: 2.4 K
Rating: T
A/N: this fanfiction is not related with the werewolf reaction.... I mean to say the plot shared in the reaction. Second of all, I am sorry for the abruptness in whole fanfic especially in the end. 😭 Please give me your feedback🥺
Tagged: @chicken-fifi
Summary: Neither of you and Jun knew each other. Heck, you weren't aware of each other's existence but what happens when a class project collaboration brings you to together? You liked each other's company and that's it? Nope, you were slowly forming a crush on him but couldn't confess due to a variety of reasons and him as always? Damn his poker face... But, I really mean but what happens when he sees his girl being a crying mess and being so hurt. Will he take a stand ? Most importantly, will he realise his feelings for you or his past won't let him? Will everything come to a standstill or there is a hope?
“The project is due in the next two days!! What are you gonna do now Y/N?” your best friend Mia whispered as the class was still going on. “I really don’t know Mia. I really don’t k-
“What, you don't know Ms Y/N? I was gonna ask this question’s answer from you and I still will.” Your professor turned towards your direction with a glare.
“Sir, I am sorry but the answer is Haemophilia. Haemophilia is a rare condition that affects the blood's ability to clot and is usually inherited.”
The eyes of your professor reflected a proud look before turning the look into a cold glare, “That's great but then why did you scream, ‘I really don’t know’. If it's something else that’s bothering you, you are most welcome to speak to me or any of the professors, okay? It's for you all students. I hope that I am clear and now, the next question is” After the class got over, he called you and Mia in his office.
“Now, tell me what happened. It’s oka-” You shook your head gently before speaking up, “Sir, you know the projects that were to be submitted for the History Fair at the end of this week? Someone has ruined my whole project s-sir. I r-really d-don’t k-kn-know what to do now. Both the model and the report has gone. Had it been only a model, I could have understood especially because there were changes to be made but it’s file too. The model got stolen while the file which was kept in the locker, someone h-has t-torn the pages and spilled paints’ water.”
you fell down on the floor crying and you had every right because you spent freakin 3 months. How the hell were you supposed to complete the whole 90 days stuff in the next barely 2 days even if you miss school, food or sleep. It was a big NO.
Mia picked you up and the professor gently patted your head and made you calm down. “I will see, what can I do, hmm? Try to make the model and submit it while for the file I will speak to the department head of history.” He gave you a small smile before you all left the office.
The rest of the day was going okayish? At least that was better than being all sad and crying but fate didn’t want it at the moment when the school was about to end.
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You were going to the cafeteria to eat something but certain whistles, hollering and screams stopped your movement and turned around to see Yuna, Jacob and their whole gang being all happy for some reason.
You were about to turn around until an orangish-yellow bundle sorta of sheets caught you up. Were these my sheets? But they don’t steal stuff like this?’ your mind was clouded with these thoughts.
Though you tried to remove these thoughts but when they took your name, “We are gonna beat all of these people!!! Alice, Jake, Y/N, Jun and all.. We will win!” you knew that you would get emotional so you rushed off towards the ground ignoring a gaze that followed your every movement and felt the push to talk to you.
This said person wasn’t like this ever but after meeting you he did change as much as he doesn’t wanna accept but everyone who knows him saw this change. After all it was a happy and positive change; the question arose is till when will he ignore it?
“Y/N? H-hey? Why are you cr- “J-Jun….” you hugged him tightly taking him off guard but he responded to you with the same warmth. “Hey, it's gonna be okay, hmm? Come here?” He took you to the other side of the ground because he hated the attention he got or you both will get so, using his supernatural powers he changed places especially he has mastered them so finely that at times, it's so silent and calm to realise that the powers were used in the first place?
“Y/N, is it that month o- “No, Jun… It’s not t- “Then what happened love? Why are you crying?” did he really call you ‘love’ but this is not the correct time. “Its stupid though. The reason is really st-stupid but someone st-stole my p-project for the h-history f-fair a-and w-we don’t have much time. My hard work has gone t-
“Y/N, love! listen to me. Look in my eyes. Yes, that's good. Now listen, love you can’t cry like this, okay? I know how important this project is for you but it's not more important than your health. Look at you, what did you do to yourself uh?” before he could further continue you stopped him in the middle, “You aren’t understanding Jun. This History project is important as it is part of my this year’s dissertation which is also a third of my grade and if the examiner and dept heads of history and psychology will like and approve of it, I can get a scholarship b-but n-now i…”
“Shush love. I am so sorry that you have to go through this but you can find a way. We will find a way babe.We will do it. Do you wanna have something? ” You just nodded your head as there was no energy left and he scooped you up in his arms before you could even protest placing his finger over your lips, walking towards his car.
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What just happened today? First the whole day got ruined because of the project, then you got noticed by your crush who called you love and babe. He even hugged you, gave reassurance and also carried you in his arms and spent the rest of his time with you.
What did the Gods and fate had planned for you? It's kinda sweet but overwhelming and confusing as well, especially your feelings for him which you thought had side tracked are back on the mainstream again.
The next morning you woke up with a slight headache because of the mental exhaustion you had and as you were about to use the bathroom, a notification on your phone made you curious considering it was a saturday practically a day off. Upon swiping right, opening the screen the notification from Jun ♡ made your heart flutter.
Jun♡: Hey, Y/N.. I know that we don’t have any time left but I did some research and found a project that you can do at least the model would take a day’s time but its size would be small but i am sure its worth your grade. If you are interested , just text me back and I will come to pick up at 10 am.
Y/N: Sure!!! Thank you so much Jun.. You are the best!
As soon as you closed the message app, your eyes widened at the time. It's already 9:40 am, which means you have 15 mins left and the rest 5 mins you ask? 3 mins of discussion on clothes and 2 mins to eat a biscuit and some juice. Therefore, you rushed inside the bathroom.
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Monday was way too early than it should be maybe because you were lost in thoughts of Jun, of course the project. Mia was absent today which made you sad but out of nowhere Jun came in to support you and your professor told you that the file for the project isn’t due the first week of next month which made you breathe an air of relief. The fair had begun and in general the response was also good but the result of the project wasn’t disclosed.
“Thank you so much Jun for everything. I really don’t know how to thank you for the research papers, the project. Thank you so much.” You tip-toed to give him a tight hug, making him reciprocate it and ruffling your hair. “Well you can thank me, by letting me be the part of the file you are writing because even if you have the psychology part as a major thing but the history and its military warfare is something which I can help you with.”
The next couple of weeks were spent either at the library or at Jun’s place. It was all papers, scissors, glitters, pens, fevicol, pictures and undecided discussions on the arrangement and presentation of sheets but at the same time some intimate moments between the two of you. I know intimate is a small word with big meaning but the moments were too intimate and sweet for you both, at least for you, like the way he held your hand or slid his arm on your waist, pulled you closer to him whenever he felt some unnecessary gaze towards you, he would glare, or the time he would gently feed you, listening to your stupid talk and rant with a small smile.
You had gone crazy for him but only if he felt that way. Sometimes, he might like you but at other times, let's not talk about it after Lia came into the picture.
The only thing you know is that Lia is a distant cousin of Yuna. They are bipolar opposites and that not only is Lia mysterious and cold but she is kinda fierce from what others have said but something is off about her.
The last few days, you spent your time alone or Mia helping you here and there. Jun hasn’t contacted you, not that you minded but still having someone speak to you like you mean something and then suddenly not, hurts badly. “So, Y/N we are done!! All the best for your submission.” Mia said excitedly, making you smile, “No, thank you for being there with me helping me along with Ju- “Your boyfriend? Nah, I should thank you for not making me feel the third wheel. Anyways, let me get going now.” After bidding her goodbye, you prepared for the next day and when you were about to sleep you received a text.
Jun♡: Good Night Love. You did well and all the best!!!! Sorry, couldn’t be there for you these days as I had some work and no, don’t reply to me. It's late and you should go to sleep.
A stupid smile graced your face before you kicked your legs in the air. The next morning you met Mia standing at the gate of school and along with her were Jun’s bestfriends except for him. “Good Morning guys!” a series of good mornings was heard.
“Ready?” Taecyeon asked. “Can we see your file? Of course it's your choice” Wooyoung added to which you nodded. You opened your file and showed them and briefly explained it. “So, how is it? Do you think they would like it?”
“They would love it!!!” they said, making you all laugh but your eyes were finding him. “Umm, where is J-
“He is with Lia.” Taecyeon said rather with a cold tone. “Hey everyone.” a feminine voice said, making you all turn to its source, Lia was standing with Jun who had an unreadable expression. She was all smiles till she saw you, she cleared her throat and forced a smile when she shook hands with you before speaking, “So, are Y/N? You are really pretty. That's why Jun was so whi- “Lia, it's more than enough” Jun said while glaring at her. “Anyways, Y-
“All the best Y/N! Anyways, I have to leave with my fiance Jun” She said with a sarcastic smile, making all eyes turn into glare except for your eyes which expressed disappointment and sadness. You bid them farewell and went away.
Again Jun’s eyes followed your movement but he can’t stop you, does he even have the right to do so?
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Later in the evening, you sat down with your thoughts and situations reflecting upon them but the train of thoughts came to a halt when you got a call from the person whose call you least expected.
Y/N: H-Hello?
Jun: Y-Y/N, come down right now.
Y/N:W-what ?
Jun: There is something you must know. Please, come down!
Hearing his pleading, you ran down in the way you were dressed up in a camisole with a shrug and shorts to him. “Wow!” Jun exclaimed when he saw you but he got a punch on his chest. “What do you mean by wow? I ran down without any proper clothes a-
“I am sorry and take this. Come, we have to be somewhere” He placed his jacket over your body and took you towards the destination. “Where are we going?” you asked as you sat in the passenger seat. “My home love. There is something you must know.”
The car stopped at his gate, he then opened your side’s door but when you started walking towards his house, he stopped you. “Not here Y/N, we will go to my garden.” Once you reached there, the whole area was decorated with fairy and golden lights and a table for two was set. “Y/N, before we go and sit there. I finally mustered up the courage to tell you something. You see Lia, what she said in the morning was completely wrong. She did it out of spite”, you looked into his eyes which were full of various emotions “uh? What do you mean?”
“Lia was the one who was made to be my future partner or something because of our family interests and the certain customs and practices we follow but in the past something had happened, because of which I couldn’t forgive myself but after I spoke to Taecyeon, I came to know that it wasn’t my fault and it was L-Lia and h-her family. I am sorry, if my actions and behaviour these past days hurted you. I was scared that if Lia had seen you with me, she would have hurted you. I am sorry Y/N and also that I like you alot. I really do but if y-
You tiptoed and kissed his cheek, “Its okay Jun and I really like you as well. I am happy that this came in before things further could have been hampered and damaged.”
“So, are we good to go?” he asked with a cheeky smile. “Of course my wolf” you winked at him before going to sit. “W-what?’' “I know bub.. You are my werewolf.”
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promise-ill-be-blog · 7 years
Loneliness (2PM Jun.K Scenario)
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Admin: Nari
POV: Second (male x female)
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Yay, final one in the ‘Emotions’ series!
The living room was dim, the only light coming from the television screen displaying Looney Tunes. You typically didn’t watch cartoons, but you weren’t really paying attention to it anyways. The only thing you were paying attention to was how incredibly lonely you were. You tried various things to clear your head: watching something, bathing, doing some light cardio, and reading. Nothing helped and you weren’t tired, so sleeping wouldn’t help.
All of your friends were working except for one, but you were too shy to contact him. He was, admittedly and unfortunately, the one guy you had developed feelings for. He was insanely charming and handsome to you, but you knew he wouldn’t pay any attention to you. Being a celebrity, he was surrounded by beautiful women all the time, meanwhile you were a plain jane.
You pulled up his contact info on your phone and stared at it for a few moments before shooting him a text: “Hey, Minnie. Are you busy?”
His response was almost immediate: “Nah, I have plenty of time. What’s up?”
You had to take a deep breath to slow down your heartbeat before replying: “I’m just a little lonely, but everyone else is either working or partying...” You were too embarrassed to outright ask him to come over, so you only insinuated it and hoped for him to catch on.
Your heart skipped a beat when his reply read: “Awe, no one deserves to be alone on a Friday night :( I’ll be over in a few!”
You didn’t know how to reply, so you didn’t. Instead you anxiously paced around your house, waiting for the doorbell to chime.
The brightness of car headlights shined through the living room window and you know it was Minjun, so you unlocked the front door and opened it. He walked up to you and enveloped you in a tight hug. You smelled alcohol on him, so you pulled away and asked, “I thought you weren’t doing anything when I had texted you?”
He smiled and rubbed your arms. “I was only having a few beers with the other 2PM members... except for Taecyeon. He’s filming a few things.” He stepped past you and sat on the couch, patting the cushion next to him.
You closed the door and locked it, and sat next to him. “I wish you would have told me, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered you. Did you tell them that you were going to hangout with me?”
“No, I just told them I was tired, which isn’t entirely a lie. I haven’t drank in a while, so it’s made me a little sleepy.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and held you to him, soothingly rubbing your arm.
“Are you always this affectionate when you’re tired?” You giggled.
“Mmhm,” he hummed and quickly passed out. You were conflicted about whether or not you should sleep next to him, but opted against it. Instead you covered him with a blanket and curled up in your own bed. You didn’t really get a chance to hangout with him, but maybe tomorrow.
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
2PM Masterlist
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- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
Jun.K | Nichkhun | Taecyeon | Wooyoung | Junho | Chansung
- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
- nothing yet -
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shitthe2pmsay · 4 years
At 2PM Wild Beat, waiting at the airport for other members to come.
Wooyoung : *talking to PD of wild beat* Minjun Hyung comes here right after finishing his solo concert in Japan. So his condition might not be good so...
Taec & Khun : *nods and agrees* *thinking wooyoung cares about Jun K*
Wooyoung : So can you please blur his face?
Taec : *loosing it while laughing*
Khun: *I can't believe you said that*
PD : *actually blurred Jun K's face*
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onewoowonderboy · 4 years
Ok Taecyeon has the biggest werewolf energy i need a fanfic so bad
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Boyfriend! 2PM reacting to Y/N getting into a minor accident.
Jun K.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When Their Foreign Partner Moves To Korea ~ 2PM Reaction
You struggled to keep up with Minjun as he grabbed your hand and pulled you suddenly down another street again. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going at all or am I just going to keep guessing?”
As you spoke, Minjun slowed down, finally allowing you to catch your breath. “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited to show you everywhere.”
“I’ve barely been able to see anywhere because you’ve moved me around so quickly,” you explained to Minjun. “Can’t we at least stop so when you tell me the name of the place, I can see it?”
“Sorry, I just want to squeeze everything in,” Minjun excitedly told you.
The giddiness in his voice brought a smile to your face too. “You don’t need to squeeze it in, we’ve got plenty of time now that I’m here.”
“I didn’t think of that,” Minjun admitted in a whisper, taking a moment to pause. “I’m used to only having a week, but now you’re living here, we’ve got all the time in the world.”
“Let’s take it slow,” you suggested, “maybe we could just do one place at a time Min.”
“That sounds like a good idea to me.”
You relaxed into Nichkhun’s side as soon as he sat by you, relaxing his arm across both of your shoulders. “Does it ever get easier for you?” You enquired, sat out on your balcony, overlooking the city.
A hum came from Nichkhun, leaving you confused. “I still get homesick sometimes, but it definitely feels like home for me now.”
“I don’t know why but I’ve really felt that way today,” you confided in Nichkhun, feeling his grip around you tighten as he understood exactly how you felt about moving to another country.
“At least you’ve got me here with you,” he reasoned, kissing the side of your head.
You could do nothing else but nod in agreement with Nichkhun. “There’s no way I’d ever come here if it wasn’t for you being here with me.”
“It’ll get easier, the more you settle,” Nichkhun told you from his own personal experience. “We can keep doing things here that introduce Korea, and remind you of home too.”
“I’d love that,” you smiled, “thank you for already taking such good care of me Nichkhun.”
“I’m always going to be right here for you.”
Your eyes rolled as Taecyeon couldn’t help but poke you again in the arm as he passed you by. “Are all Koreans as annoying as you are, or is it just you?” You joked as he took his seat back opposite you again.
His smile was innocent, resting his chin into the palm of his hands, “I can’t believe you’d ever suggest that I could be annoying.”
“At least through a computer screen I can shut you down,” you continued to mess with Taecyeon, hearing him groan. “I wish there was some sort of power off button on you right now.”
“I can arrange to fly you home if you want me to,” Taecyeon jokingly warned you.
Your eyes widened in surprise, hitting against Taecyeon’s arm. “After all this time do you really want to send your best friend back home?”
“I’m only messing with you,” Taecyeon insisted, rolling his eyes at the look of shock on your face. “Now that you’re here, I’m not letting you go back home ever again.”
“Ever again?” You challenged, “you can’t put me up in your apartment forever you know Taec.”
“Really? Because I reckon that I could.”
Your eyes were wide as you looked over the table, taking in the many dishes that Wooyoung had ordered for you to try. “What would you recommend first?” You asked, deciding to trust the expert best.
Wooyoung pointed straight away to the kimbap in front of you, “I’m super confident that you’ll fall in love with this when you try it.”
“I better love it now,” you laughed as you picked up your chopsticks before taking a piece of kimbap. With Wooyoung’s eyes firmly on you, you placed it into your mouth, humming immediately.
“Delicious, right?” Wooyoung quizzed, focusing on the smile that was on your face.
Your head nodded as you swallowed before speaking, “that is one of the most incredible things that I’ve ever tasted, it’s so good, that’s unfair.”
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” Wooyoung reminded you, “do you want to try something else? Maybe I could open up one of the bottles of soju?”
“I’ll give anything a try,” you smirked, “go on, I’ll give it all a try under your recommendation.”
“I’ve got all of my favourite things you’ll love.”
Your eyes flickered around for Junho in panic as the staff member spoke to you, unable to quite figure out what she was saying. “I need help,” you mouthed as soon as your eyes met his across the shop.
Junho rushed across to you, standing by your side. “What did she say?” Junho asked you, but you could only shrug to him in reply.
“I’m not sure, I only picked up a few words,” you admitted, beginning to fret as the woman looked at you expectantly, unaware that your Korean wasn’t quite as fluent as she expected it to be.
“Don’t worry, I’ll sort this,” Junho promised as she asked her to repeat herself.
You stood apprehensively as she did so, hanging back until Junho turned across to you again. “Is she mad?” You whispered to him, your voice shaky.
“Of course not,” Junho smiled, taking a hold of both of your hands. “No one is expecting you to get everything, with a bit of practice though we can get there, can’t we?”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “I’m sorry if I’m making you work so hard when we’re out and about translating.”
“Don’t apologise, I don’t mind helping at all.”
Your smile was weak as you turned around from the window after hearing Chansung call out your name, his eyes full of concern. “I’m alright,” you quickly assured him, knowing that he was worrying about you.
He looked questionably back across to you, “if you’re having a hard time, it’s alright. It’s a big jump being here compared to home.”
“I’m loving being here and finally being able to visit you and your family,” you smiled as he moved to stand beside you. “There’s so much that’s different though, it’s hard to get my head around at times.”
“You know you can talk to me, and I’ll help you out where I can,” he whispered.
Your head nodded in reply to Chansung, knocking your waist against his. “You being such a brilliant best friend is the whole reason that I’m here anyway.”
“I know, but it’s still going to be hard,” Chansung sympathised, offering you a reassuring grin. “Whenever you’re homesick, tell me, then I can cheer you up.”
“I dread to think what you have planned for me sometimes,” you laughed, “your mind is mysterious.”
“I’ll always make sure you have a great time.”
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st4rluv · 2 years
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nichkhun moodboard 💀🐈‍⬛🎥🃏
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rose-likesto-write · 2 years
Is it Love?
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Pairing: Jun K x fem reader (mention of Taecyeon and other members)
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
AU!: University, Werewolf
Summary: Neither of you and Jun knew each other. Heck, you weren't aware of each other's existence but what happens when a class project collaboration brings you to together? You liked each other's company and that's it? Nope, you were slowly forming a crush on him but couldn't confess due to a variety of reasons and him as always? Damn his poker face... But, I really mean but what happens when he sees his girl being a crying mess and being so hurt. Will he take a stand ? Most importantly, will he realise his feelings for you or his past won't let him? Will everything come to a standstill or there is a hope?
Post date: 1st week of June?
Let me know if someone wants to get tagged :)
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promisesox · 5 years
ADTOY | Junsu (M)
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You made yourself right at home whenever you came by Junsu's house. It had a nice aesthetic feel of warm cream and earthy accents that inspired you to want to decorate your own spot the same way. The place represented Junsu perfectly just as the type of person he was, which was absolutely perfect.
Junsu owned his own accounting company, one of the growing richest people in the state. Among managing his stocks and brand of the company he was also a young bachelor who loved parties and coffee shops.
He also had a keen interest in you, meeting you in said favorite places. Both of your eyes met and sparks flew everywhere. He bought you a drink and the two of you hit it off instantly before falling into the relationship you had now.
You didn’t meet him in a coffee shop.
You loved all the extravagant dates he took you on but not so much the occasional pop ups without notice. He had instantly fallen for you, and wanted to be something even more than the boundaries you had set. You felt bad for crossing those lines with him, letting him get the wrong idea every time you teased him a bit.
Junsu was sugar daddy material, but just as soft as a teddy bear. That was proven by the way he dominantly and thoroughly fucked you to dotting on you every chance you would let him.
He loved grabbing hold of your ass and slamming you down on his cock, especially when you were riding him backwards. Or the way he would tie your hands back and tease you with the tip of his cock playing with your clit as you begged him to put it in. He loved that just as much as buying you new jewelry or treating you to an occasional trip to the spa.
In the Bahamas.
His condo was a bit overly big to be called a condo honestly, as you searched the many rooms in search for him. You finally found him in his study, eyes glued to the many sheets cluttered about on the coffee table beside the couch he sat on.
A giddy smile covered your face as you skidded your way over to him and allowed your arms to wrap around his neck from the back and sink your face in between to get a whiff of your favorite cologne on him before peppering kisses along his left cheek and down to his neck.
“Hello, boo bear.” You greeted as his body shook with a chuckle.
“Had a nice shower?” He asked, his deep voice vibrating into your ears and warming you up inside.
“As always.” You noted how much you loved his bathroom too. “What are you doing?”
“Approving some documents. All be done soon.” He assured softly with a hint of tiredness in his voice. You felt bad for him, all these expenses didn’t come without hard work which you noticed first hand with how much he worked non-stop to make sure he could take care of himself and as he’s been proving, you as well. It made a naughty idea pop into your head as you littered the last bit of kisses by his ear before whispering in it.
“Take your time, love.”
You released your arms from around him and moved away to walk around to his side where he was sitting on the nude brown couch. You sunk to your knees before pushing the table back a bit from him to make room for yourself.
“Now what are you doing?” He asked, curiosity in his voice as you crawled over on all fours to the legs that were being uncrossed. A naughty smile graced your face as you let your hands slide up his jeans to slip underneath his shirt.
Junsu hissed from the cool touch of your hands on his bare skin that quickly warmed up as you pushed yourself closer to be in between his legs. You reached up to take his lips with yours, passionately tasting the lips that had claim over you. You wanted to reward him for fucking you so well the night prior, unbuttoning the single button on his jeans before pulling down the zipper.
“Keep working.” You breathed against his lips as you worked his jeans to go down his thighs. You almost shivered with the palming of his growing hardness that you released from his underpants. You were always taken by surprise with Junsu’s size for you never expected him to be so...how to put it...full?
With one last kiss on his lips you licked your own before falling back onto your knees and setting to work making sure his eyes were on you when your tongue made a long, slow lick up on the underside of his cock.
You loved when you were able to coax out that look on his face - mouth dropped open and eyelids drooping over his growing dark eyes. You rested a hand on his thigh as the other gripped his hardness before you let your mouth come down on him, sucking on the tip before pushing more of him into your throat.
You felt a burning sensation when he hit the back of your throat but you held him there before letting up with a cough. Saliva trickled down his dick that you used as lubricant to beat with, watching his head fall back on the couch and a groan emitted from his throat. An airy moan escaped him as well when he felt your tongue back on him, kitten licks against his tip as you continued to beat his dick with your hand.
You enjoyed watching him like this for once, watching him unfold into a sexually frustrated mess with your insistent teasing.
You let up for just a moment, wrapping your lips back around him and letting your tongue swirl around his cock before you begin bobbing your head. You even let him slip his hand into your hair, encouraging scratches to your scalp as you continued to listen to the deep sound of his moans he released. You made a noise of disappointment when you felt that familiar grip of his hand gathering your hair up into a ponytail.
You released him with a pop in which he let go of the hold he had of your hair as both lustful eyes met.
“Remember, you’re supposed to be finishing up your work.” You tsked with a purse of your lips and kissed the tip of his cock. You began to feel the warmth pooling in the pit of your stomach when he gave you that look of absolute fucked out pouting, his hands coming up to hold your face. A thumb swiped against your lower lip as the other grazed your cheek, both needy hands insisting your mouth to come back down on him.
“Now you know I can’t do that.” He almost growled when you teased him again with a lazy lick to his hot dick, tasting the familiar saltiness as you sucked him between your lips.
His hips began to roll up to put more of him into your mouth,your hands pushing against his thighs as you giggled. “You like that?”
“I’m so close, baby.”
Even you had enough of your own teasing, your mouth working him again as you bobbed your head up and down. You squeezed your eyes shut as he continuously hit the back of your throat. Slurs of curse words and encouraging pet names left his mouth as you brought him closer, hands settling back into your scalp and making a mess of your hair. He helped you out with a slight push of your head every time you went down, humming around his cock as he cursed out loudly.
Warm, creamy saltiness filled your mouth as you swallowed it down, letting his hips buck and his hands keep your head still. The moan of your name was music to your ears, rubbing his thighs tenderly before he slowly began to release his hold on you.
You made sure to lick your lips clean when your mouth was off of him, needy lips on yours as his hands wrapped around you to pull you into his lap.
Your noise of surprise was replaced with a moan of his name as you felt fingers tenderly rubbed at your clothed clit. You didn’t bother stopping him, giving him more room as you opened your legs up for him and straddled him on the couch.
“You should already know i’m going to need more than that.” Junsu rasped into your ear, making you whimper as your hands trembled on his shoulders as you came embarrassingly close to already climaxing the way his fingers worked you. You gave him a pleading look even though you knew your request was futile.
“Just please don’t tease.”
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
2PM - Jun.K A-Z
(Not requested bc who tf stans 2PM anymore???!!?!?¿¿? SPOILER ALERT: ITS ME, I STAN AND IM FRUSTRATED WAITING UNTIL 2020 FOR MINJUN TO RETURN)
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A - Aftercare Minjun is honestly such a caring human that he kinda gets swept away in his emotions post-sex. He usually just ends up embracing you for a while, waiting for both of your breathing to return to normal, just...quiet. After a while he'll make sure you both get rehydrated and washed up, usually resulting in an intimate shower together.
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) His favourite part of himself is his chest/abs; he's worked hard on them and relishes in the feeling of you running your hands down his body, or catching you sneaking glances of him when he's fresh out the shower. Of you, he likes your hands, whether you're holding onto him for dear life as your orgasm washes over you, raking your nails down his back, or just holding his hands in every day life, they're his favourite.
C - Cum Likes to cum inside you, probably the intimacy aspect of it, if not then I feel like probably on your chest bc it's easy to clean up (plus it's hot af). Probably anywhere except your face, he lowkey feels like it's a little degrading, which is the last thing he wants to do
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) Hes not the type to outright ask you to do something specific for him, so he buys you lingerie that he'd love to see you in and sneaks it into your drawers in the hopes you'll find it and wear it for him, thinking you bought it and just forgot.
E - Experience I feel like it'd be weird if he didn't have experience, I mean, he's in his 30's. He's not as experienced as some other members however, (just bc I think he's not as prone to one night stand/hookup type of deals) but he's for sure had well enough to know exactly what he's doing.
F - Favourite Position usually some kind of variation on missionary bc he loves watching your expressions change, he uses it as a way to check what drives you crazy the most. Loves having your legs up and thrown over his shoulders also.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Rather than goofy or serious; I feel like he's...sentimental. He gets totally overwhelmed by his emotions. He's a sweet guy though, so don't be surprised if he says something cute to try and elicit a giggle from you, he just wants to make sure you're totally at ease.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Judging by the rest of his body, I feel like he's not a super hairy guy anyway so... he keeps whatever does grow pretty neat though.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) King of intimacy tbh, a total romantic. Loves nothing more than feeling like you are the only two people in the entire world. Tell him you love him just as he's about to cum and he'll be a total mess.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Not too often, usually likes to wait until he can be with you, but if not then he'll make sure to get you on the phone.
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) I feel like hes not super into any kind of power dynamic stuff, just the two of you making sure you both reach bliss equally. Definitely into various forms of sensory deprivation; if youre in charge, he enjoys being blindfolded, believes it heightens his other senses, so he can feel every little touch so much more. If he's taking the lead, will make sure you can't touch him freely. Whether that means simply pinning your hands above you, or tying them up either to the headboard or behind your back. Super into phone sex too, he loves that he can make you cum without even being in the same room as you.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) Usually the normal places; bed or bathroom, somewhere secure. If he's feeling particularly wild, i feel like he's got a penchant for cramped spaces; closets, dressing rooms etc, he loves being as close to you as physically possible.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) Honestly he loves watching you work out, even better if you're working out together. Something about seeing you work up a sweat and in such tight workout clothes just makes his mind go places.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs) Isn't really open to anything involving other people, he likes knowing you're his and he's yours, and wants it to stay that way.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Likes to take his time when going down on you and wants to make sure you cum at least once before he actually fucks you.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) Kind of a medium pace but...strong
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Only if he physically cannot contain himself is he really into quickies, he loves the slow build up and likes to take as much time as he can usually.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) 100% game. As long as it's nothing to do with getting other people involved then he'll be down. If you suggest a new place to fuck he'll say yes before you can even finish speaking tbh.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) Capable of a few shorter rounds, but would rather have one long round and end up laying with you, totally spent.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a parter or on themselves?) Owns a variety of long silk ties, which he loves using on your wrists, own a leather blindfold that he likes to have used on himself.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Can be a little bit of a tease, but not to the point of frustration, only usually teases during foreplay. Teases with words, rather than actions.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Mainly just heavy, ragged breathing tbh. Gets quite a bit louder the closer he gets to finishing
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) To the point where its basically a tradition between you both, he always makes sure to invite you to pretty much every concert he does, and always has his way with you in some kind of storage closet backstage once the show has just finished. Something about being covered in sweat and high on endorphins just makes him want you that much more.
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants) A tiny bit longer than average, but slim.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Not crazy high, but a little bit higher than average?? 3-4 times a week?
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) The kind to wanna talk with you a lot after sex tbh. If he's particularly tired, he'll still make sure to wait until you've fallen asleep first.
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daebakinc · 6 years
Jun. K. # 30
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Back to you by One Direction
Thank God for airport flower shops.
The roses were a burgundy blur as Minjun ran past the shop, but he’d skidded to a halt to turn back. Less than a minute later, he was back out the door, roses carefully held to his chest to keep them from harm.
His chest is still heaving when he jumps out of the taxi and throws bills at the driver. Minjun doesn’t care about the change.
When you open your apartment door at the insistent pounding, you find Minjun there. Sweat dripping from his face, plastering his bangs to his forehead, and sticking his shirt to his chest. His clothes are still rumpled from a long flight, tiny dufflebag hanging from his shoulder.
“Minjun, what’re you doing here?” you ask in a small voice. “Your tour...”
He knows he has no right to come back to you. Not after how many times he’d left you still asleep or with a rushed kiss on the forehead and murmured “goodbye.” He was always saying goodbye to you and the last time, you’d told him to make it the last one. That you couldn’t take being alone in the relationship anymore.
But he was selfish. He was crazy in love with you. On every stage, he only saw your face in the crowd, only heard your voice cheering his name. He couldn’t leave things like that.
“I came back,” he says. At your silence, he carefully peels the roses from his chest and hands them to you. Minjun curses himself when he realizes some of the flowers lost half their petals in his mad dash. You deserved perfect flowers. Hell, you deserved perfect everything. How could flowers make up for that?
But you duck your head to breathe the scent in, and he sees a smile tease the corner of your lips. His heart skips a beat, then another. Could you really...?
You step back from the door. “Come in.”
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