#jumping pitviper
roll-a-troll · 4 months
Name: M. Codakk Bafled Ancestor: The Graduate Strife Specibus: icepickkind Blood Color and Sign: Jade; Virittanius Handle: grimToxicant Lusus: jacana mom Pronouns: they/them Age: 8 sweeps Interests: BASE jumping and 3D printing Sexuality: aromantic Class: Page Land: Land of Pulse and Freeze, a powerful place, with worried Philippine Pitviper consorts. It is a place full of mirrors and lava. Abraxas loves this land like their own spawn.. Quirk: use blood color puns via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/ukLrBaY, do as you please
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exotic-venom · 4 years
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(Atropoides nummifer occiduus) Guatemalan jumping pitviper
Venom Characteristics: Not well known, but probably mainly hemotoxic (w/ possible cytotoxic factors). Reportedly similar to A. mexicanus in having relatively less potent venom than other pitvipers found in the same areas (e.g., B. asper). Has envenomated humans, but only recently named, and may have been confused w/ similar species previously. No definitely documented human fatalities have been caused by this species so far.
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snakebusters · 3 years
Adelynhoserserpenae Hoser, 2012 Hoser, R. T. 2012. A new genus of Jumping Pitviper from Middle America (Serpentes: Viperidae). Australasian Journal of herpetology 10:33-34. Published 8 April 2012. Full text at http://www.herp.net
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ainawgsd · 7 years
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Jumping Pit Viper
Atropoides nummifer (common names: Mexican jumping pitviper, jumping viper) is a venomous pitviper species endemic to Mexico and Central America. Currently, three subspecies are recognized.  Adults are short and exceedingly stout, commonly growing to 18–24 inches in total length. The color pattern consists of a tan, light brown or gray ground color that is overlaid with a series of around 20 dark brown or black rhomboid blotches. The lower tips of these blotches often connect with spots on the flanks to form narrow crossbands. The top of the head is dark with oblique postorbital stripes, below which the side of the head is a lighter color. The belly is whitish, occasionally with dark brown blotches.
The common name alludes to the supposed ability these snakes have to launch themselves at an attacker during a strike, thereby bridging a distance that is equal to or greater than the length of the body. Mehrtens (1987) states that they live up to their name, striking at their assailants with such force that they actually leave the ground. Campbell and Lamar (2004), on the other hand, describe this as greatly exaggerated, saying that actually these snakes are only able to strike about half of their own body length. In addition, they describe them as slow moving and non-aggressive. However, when provoked all species will put on a rather dramatic open-mouthed threat display.
These snakes may be active both during the day and at night. On the other hand, populations found at higher altitudes seem to be active only during daylight hours and never at night. Adults feed mainly on small mammals and lizards, while juveniles feed on orthopterans and skinks.
Unlike most vipers, members of this genus will strike and then hold on and chew. In one case, a machete was used to pry off the jaws. March (1929) wrote that A. mexicanus (A. nummifer) will hang on and make half a dozen punctures unless quickly and forcibly removed. However, the effects of the venom include only transient pain and mild swelling. In one part of Honduras the locals even insist that the snake (A. nummifer) is not venomous. Laboratory studies suggest that Atropoides venoms are unlikely to lead to consumption coagulopathy and incoagulable blood in humans. However, other research revealed that of ten different Costa Rican pit viper venoms tested on mice, that of A. picadoi was the most hemorrhagic .
Found in eastern Mexico from San Luis Potosí southeastward on the Atlantic versant and lowlands through northern Guatemala, southern Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica to central Panama. On the Pacific versant in disjunct populations from southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama. Found in various types of forest, including cloud forest and rain forest at 40–1,600 m (130–5,250 ft) altitude. The type originally lacked locality information, but apparently "Mexico" was filled in some time later.
This species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (v3.1, 2001).
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pitviperofdoom · 7 years
how do you feel about bakugou potential redemption, because I just read a fic i didnt know i needed and while I used to just dislike bakugou, i feel so? conflicted now
As much as I dislike Bakugou, I am definitely on board with his redemption, because heaven’s sake he’s a kid and kids fuck up and make mistakes.
That said, I really wish I could enjoy his development more, but the problem for me is that while Bakugou has been changing for the better, it’s been agonizingly slow AND it hasn’t really touched the things that make me upset with his character in the first place (i.e. EVERYTHING he’s ever done to Izuku; his friendship with Kirishima is nice and all but he’s done fuck-all to make things right about his past assholery). And I think the reason for this is that Bakugou doesn’t want to change. He doesn’t want to better himself. If it were up to Bakugou, if the goals he’s reaching for allowed for it, he wouldn’t try. He’d stay a selfish asshole and he’d be satisfied with that. He has to get dragged kicking and screaming through his development, and I don’t feel that he’s really reached the point where he actually wants to fix his shit.
(It’s one of the huge differences between him and Todoroki, who you all should know how much I love by this point. Unlike Bakugou, who can’t take criticism to save his life, Todoroki accepts his wake-up calls fully and wholeheartedly. Yes, he’s resistant to them initially, but he’s still open to the idea that there are things about himself that need fixing. He’s got a long way to go and he’s still figuring it all out but he knows that. He knows he’s a flawed person and he knows that he’s picked up faulty mindsets and behaviors from the way he was raised. He acknowledges that his actions have hurt people in the past, and that regardless of whose fault it is that he’s like this, they will continue to hurt people if he doesn’t do something about them. And that matters to him. He wants to fix them. He wants to be a better person than he is. I don’t get that feeling from Bakugou.)
So far all the changes Bakugou has undergone have been for the sake of his own desires and his own satisfaction and his own ambitions. He still doesn’t see himself as in the wrong, or if he does, he sees it in the frame of “This isn’t going to help me Win and be The Best,” rather than in the frame of “Holy Shit maybe treating people like stepping stones and garbage makes me a bad person.”
I won’t deny that Bakugou is improving. But it’s like that old joke; the lightbulb has to want to change. Bakugou isn’t convincing me that he wants to change, and I dunno, without that element, it just doesn’t feel earned. It feels more like he’s changing his behavior to get the right reactions out of other people, than actually learning why he needs to change his behavior in the first place.
So yeah. “Conflicted” believe me anon I know exactly how you feel.
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dovemed · 2 years
Classification of Venomous Snakes
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Classification of venomous snakes and comprehensive information on snake bites, first aid, treatment, and prevention: (in alphabetical order)
Acanthophis antarcticus (Common Death Adder)
Agkistrodon bilineatus (Mexican Cantil)
Agkistrodon contortrix (Copperhead)
Agkistrodon laticinctus (Broad Banded Copperhead)
Agkistrodon piscivorus (Cottonmouth)
Agkistrodon taylori (Castellana)
Ahaetulla nasuta (Long Nosed Whip Snake)
Aipysurus apraefrontalis (Short-Nosed Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea; inhabits shallow coral reef waters;
Aipysurus duboisii (Dubois' Sea Snake) - slightly aggressive; true sea snake; north of Australia and parts of southwestern Pacific Ocean; inhabits shallow reef waters and sandy bottoms;
Aipysurus eydouxii (Spine-Tailed Sea Snake) - not easily provoked; true sea snake; north of Australia and around tropical islands of Southeastern Asia; inhabits shallow bay waters and muddy estuarine bottoms;
Aipysurus foliosquama (Leaf-Scaled Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea; inhabits shallow coral reef waters and seagrass bottoms;
Aipysurus fuscus (Dusky Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea and Java Sea; inhabits shallow reef waters and sandy sea bottoms;
Aipysurus laevis (Olive Brown Sea Snake) - highly venomous and inquisitive; true sea snake; north of Australia and southwestern Pacific Ocean; inhabits coral reef waters;
Aipysurus pooleorum (Shark Bay Sea Snake) - highly venomous; true sea snake; Shark Bay, west of Australia; inhabits limestone reefs, seabed, and seagrass floor;
Amphiesma stolatum (Buff Striped Keelback)
Aspidelaps lubricus (Cape Coral Snake)
Aspidelaps scutatus (Shield Nose Snake)
Atheris squamigera (African Bush Viper)
Atractaspis bibronii (Bibron's Burrowing Asp)
Atractaspis dahomeyensis (Dahomey Burrowing Asp)
Atractaspis engaddensis (Palestinian Mole Viper)
Atractaspis microlepidota (Small Scaled Burrowing Asp)
Atropoides picadoi (Picado's Jumping Pitviper)
Austrelaps superbus (Lowland Copperhead)
Azemiops feae (Fea's Viper)
Bitis arietans (Puff Adder)
Bitis atropos (Cape Mountain Adder)
Bitis caudalis (Horned Puff Adder)
Bitis cornuta (Western Many Horned Adder)
Bitis gabonica (Central African Gaboon Viper)
Bitis nasicornis (Rhinoceros Viper)
Bitis parviocula (Ethiopian Mountain Adder)
Bitis rhinoceros (West African Gaboon Viper)
Boiga cyanea (Green Cat Snake)
Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove Snake)
Boiga irregularis (Brown Tree Snake)
Bothriechis lateralis (Side Striped Palm Viper)
Bothriechis nigroviridis (Black Speckled Palm Pitviper)
Bothriechis schlegelii (Eyelash Palm Pitviper)
Bothrops alternatus (Urutú)
Bothrops asper (Terciopelo)
Bothrops atrox (Common Lancehead)
Bothrops ayerbei (Ayerbe's Lancehead)
Bothrops caribbaeus (Saint Lucia Lancehead)
Bothrops cotiara (Cotiara)
Bothrops diporus (Chaco Lancehead)
Bothrops erythromelas (Caatinga Lancehead)
Bothrops fonsecai (Fonseca's Lancehead)
Bothrops insularis (Golden Lancehead Viper)
Bothrops itapetiningae (São Paulo Lancehead)
Bothrops jararaca (Jararaca)
Bothrops jararacussu (Jararacussu)
Bothrops lanceolatus (Martinique Lancehead)
Bothrops leucurus (Whitetail Lancehead)
Bothrops mattogrossensis (Mato Grosso Lanzenotter)
Bothrops moojeni (Brazilian Lancehead)
Bothrops neuwiedi (Neuwied's Lancehead)
Bothrops pauloensis (Black Faced Lancehead)
Bothrops taeniatus (Speckled Forest Pitviper)
Bungarus caeruleus (Indian Krait)
Bungarus candidus (Blue Krait)
Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait)
Bungarus flaviceps (Red Headed Krait)
Bungarus multicinctus (Many Banded Krait)
Calloselasma rhodostoma (Malayan Pitviper) - highly venomous and irritable; Southeastern Asia; terrestrial and usually nocturnal; often found near agricultural lands;
Causus rhombeatus (Common Night Adder)
Cerastes cerastes (Horned Viper)
Cerastes gasperettii (Arabian Horned Viper)
Cerastes vipera (Sahara Sand Viper)
Cerrophidion godmani (Godman's Montane Pitviper)
Cerrophidion sasai (Costa Rica Montane Pitviper)
Here is the full list of Venomous Snakes. https://www.dovemed.com/classification-disorders-and-tumors/classification-venomous-snakes/
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captainkirkk · 3 years
Is the tumblr bio title you have “this is the nightmare scenario” a reference to something? My smooth brain always jumps to pitviper’s yesterday upon the stair
It's a TAZ Balance reference
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darrowsrising · 6 years
“I think I’m in love with you and that scares the crap out of me” alexandar/rhonna
Notes: I’ll take a lot, I mean a hell of a lot of liberties concerning these two, because we don’t have much on them. So this is will be ooc, you’ve been warned. Pretend that Alexandar and Rhonna started to get closer and became very affectionate with each other after they were taken prisoners for a very short while. Affectionate as in - Reaper x Mustang in Red Rising = affectionate, but won’t admit they’re gaga for the other. An impending Iron Rain gets them thinking. Well, it gets Rhonna thinking because Alexandar is more of a feeling guy. 
Characters: Alexandar au Arcos, Rhonna of Lykos
Disclaimer: this is just fanfiction, the universe and everything in it belongs to Pierce Brown
The soft hums and roars of engines filled the room with white noise. It was quiet otherwise. Very unlike the raging monsoon that was in my head. I woke up hours before and still there was still a good 3 hours until the Reaper will call us to discuss battle tactics and at least another 8 hours until we start to prepare for the Iron Rain. 
My uncle’s love for being catapulted into the stratosphere while pulseCanons blast the ship which catapults you is way beyond my understanding. But - and I hate to admit it - I asked for this. I wanted to be a soldier. I wanted to go to war and protect our Republic…it’s just that…war is not as I expected. I learnt everything I could about it, yet I cannot grasp it, I cannot understand it. There are rules and protocols to being a soldier, yet war has no such things. 
However, Iron Rain battles are the most unpredictable. No Rain falls in the same way. You cannot predict how it will move or if you’ll manage to survive. You can’t save yourself or your friends from blasts, all you can do is watch and fall and feel. It overwhelms even the strongest. How uncle Darrow and the Howlers managed to go through so many is one of the biggest mysteries to me.
I turn back to my pulseArmour, a gleaming sight in rose-gold. It is decorated with pitVipers slithering under haemanthus blossoms. Sevro told me once that the first time you put on a pulseArmour, you feel great for a while. Until you watch your friends die in an Iron Rain or something similar and it suddenly feels like you are nothing more than a fashion statement. And that you are going to feel at ease after the shine of the armour dulls. That’s when you’d have protected yourself and your friends from certain death so many times that you can call yourself a real fighter. Not a soldier. A fighter.
- What are you thinking about?, echoes in the room.
I’d know that voice anywhere. That voice that can be so damn insufferable at times and so very smooth and sweet rarely…but it is even rarer that I hear Alexandar au Arcos concerned.
- What do you think? The war. The battle soon approaching. 
He hugs me from behind putting his chin on my head after he kisses the crown of my head. We’ve been enjoying tenderness since we were taken prisoners on Venus. We crawled our way out of despair and it brought us closer. We understand each other better. Even with little to no talk. I thought it would make things difficult, but the blurred lines haven’t gotten in the way. 
Until now. Guerilla tactics and classic conquerings are one thing. But I can’t stand the thought of losing him in an Iron Rain when I can do nothing to save him. I can’t watch him die. And this is what eats at me since Reaper announced the Iron Rain - the first battle since mine and Alexandar’s return. If something happens to any of ours in the Rain, it will break me, I know that, yet I’ll go on fighting. But I really doubt I can march on without Alexandar. My feelings are getting in the way. And I don’t know how to handle them and the war. Lines are blurred in love and war. And dealing with both at the same time sounds like a calamity approaching.
- I got my pulseArmour too. I hate it. But yours is beautiful. You’ll be gorgeous as you go to battle if that’s what worries you. I’m afraid I’ll look like a gorydamned peacock. I’ll have to prove my worthiness time and time again, otherwise I’ll be the joke of everyone.
- Can you stop the tough act for a second, sir Puke-a-lot?
- You’ll never let me live that down, won’t you? He laughs softly. It makes me want to bash his teeth in. He’s bringing the spoiled-heir attitude back.
- Mine is electric blue with green griffins on it. Blue is so not my colour. I’d trade you, but kid size doesn’t look good on me either. Can’t believe they make armours your size. Are you sure you want to in an Iron Rain though? I’m sure Reaper will understand and Orion will need help anyway to make sure we don’t lose too many in the Rain.
That’s it. I turn and serve him a roundhouse kick to the jaw. His reflexes and trainnings with Reaper pay off - he blocks the kick and pushes me away. He tries to talk again, but I don’t let him. I jump at him like a crazed person, trying to hit him any way I can. A hook to the chin sends him backwards and I manage to straddle his chest and plant my knees in the crooks of his elbows. I punch him once, but he manages to shake me off enough to free an arm. He uses the momentum to flip me over on my back before I can punch him again. Well, I can punch him again, but I don’t really want to hurt him bad. I feel his hands moving mine so they are trapped above my head and held by the weight applied on his arms. 
When I look up I can see his face inches above mine. His eyes have a subtle shine to them…a silver of tears.
- I deserved that and I’m sorry! I’m really sorry, Rhonna! It won’t happen again, I’m sorry! I…I…I just… I think I’m in love with you and that scares the crap out of me, because tomorrow we’ll fall in an Iron Rain and I might never see you again. And I can’t bloodydamn stand it! I can’t stand it!
His tears are falling on my cheeks. He’s sad and frustrated and scared. And so am I. I free my hands from his hold and embrace him. We sit there like that until he calms down.
- Come on, crybaby! Let’s move my armour to your room and see how much cooler I’ll look than you!
When we are up, I drag him down for a kiss. He’s so much bloodydamned taller than me, but this is one of those rare times it doesn’t annoy me, because he lifts me a bit by the waist to accomodate my height.
- I can’t stand it either! And I think…well, you’ll have to get the rest out off my tongue another way, Arcos!
- You, bloodydamned minx!
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Careful where you step: Central American Jumping Pitviper, Costa Rica https://ift.tt/2zDxmxo
Hey Tumblr! I found an awesome free travel contest that I want to share with my followers. Travel for free to Peru & Bolivia, Japan, Tanzania, or Mexico. Click here for more details!
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animalclasslists · 6 years
Viper Class List
Fighter: South American Bushmaster
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Barbarian: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
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Paladin: Gaboon Viper
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Rogue: Indian Saw-Scaled Viper
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Ranger: Fer-De-Lance
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Bard: Puff Adder
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Wizard: Pontic Adder
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Sorcerer: Uzungwe Viper
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Warlock: Rough-Scaled Bush Viper
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Cleric: Temple Viper
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Monk: Mexican Jumping Pitviper
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Druid: Broad-Horned Pitviper
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roll-a-troll · 7 months
Name: Mistrum Derket Dracul Ancestor: The Evaluate Strife Specibus: mopkind Blood Color and Sign: Gold; Gemus Handle: tiresomeCopacetic Lusus: silver foxmom Pronouns: che/hap/han/hans/hapself and ex/exs/exself Age: 14 sweeps Interests: BASE jumping and wrestling Sexuality: w4w Class: Bard Land: Land of Company and Flags, a creepy place, with poised Bornean Leaf-nosed Pitviper consorts. It is a place full of canals of blood and casettes. Typheus has recently awoken. Quirk: don't use emotes via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/sGpmifQ, do as you please
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exotic-venom · 5 years
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(Atropoides nummifer nummifer) Mexican jumping pitviper
Unlike most vipers, members of this genus will strike and then hold on and chew. In one case, a machete was used to pry off the jaws. March (1929) wrote that A. mexicanus (A. nummifer) will hang on and make half a dozen punctures unless quickly and forcibly removed. However, the effects of the venom include only transient pain and mild swelling. In one part of Honduras the locals even insist that the snake (A. nummifer) is not venomous. Laboratory studies suggest that Atropoides venoms are unlikely to lead to consumption coagulopathy and incoagulable blood in humans. However, other research revealed that of ten different Costa Rican pit viper venoms tested on mice, that of Atropoides picadoi was the most hemorrhagic.
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23rdlegion · 6 years
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Recently I was asked to do some designs for the regional arms of the Howler fandom a.k.a. Howler Houses. I've not featured any of the work here on Instagram because, honestly, I've been busy as hell with keeping the concepts fresh and a bunch of other work. Here, though, is the crest for the Colorado Red Rock Pitvipers. If you want to jump the gun and check out all of the Howler House crests, I have them in my Etsy shop or at 23rdlegion.com. If you want to join up with a regional Howler house, check out Howler House Headquarters on Facebook. - - #customvinyldecals #vinyldecals #vinylstickers #vinyl #customstickers #decals #stickers #2rdlegion #redrising #goldenson #morningstar #irongold #piercebrown #howlers #howlerhouseheadquarters #coloradoredrockpitvipers #sciencefiction #booknerd #readersofinstagram #bookaddict #booklovers #bookstagram #giftsforbooklovers #etsyshop
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inaturalist · 6 years
Observation of the Week, 6/30/18
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Our Observation of the Week is this well-camouflaged Eyelash Viper, seen in Costa Rica by adrims12!
“Ever since I was a child, I became interested in animals, always asking my parents to buy me every National Geographic magazine and spent hours reading the articles, seeing the photos and dreaming of becoming a photographer for the magazine someday,” recalls Adrián Montero Salguero.
But in college Adrián “became very interested in the study bacteria and parasites, so I put aside larger animals observation for a while,” and he is now a member of the Faculty of Microbiology at the University of Costa Rica. However, he bought his first camera three years ago and “started taking pictures of landscapes and wildlife, [and] although I'm still a beginner, it makes me immensely happy to be able to capture and share my country’s beauty to the world.” He’s currently into reptiles and amphibians “and because of my career, I am obsessed with photographing small species of insects and arachnids as well.”
Back in March, Adrián and a few of his friends were hiking to a waterfall in the Alajuela province of Costa Rica. He recounts,
I was crossing the La Vieja river with two of my friends and I was like 25 meters ahead of them, when I heard: Snaaaaake!!! I immediately returned to the place they were and my friend pointed nervously to a rock. He told me that he was jumping barefoot on the rocks by the river, he jumped to one of them, he detected a small movement near his foot and it was the snake, just a little less than a foot away, so he quickly moved away. This beautiful Bothriechis schlegelii, incredibly camouflaged in the mossy rock, was totally relaxed sunbathing in the morning, so I took my camera and got at least 5 good pictures before it decided to leave. That was my first encounter with a poisonous snake in the wild!
Bothriechis schlegelii, commonly known as the Eyelash Viper, are more commonly encountered on tree branches and shrubs, although almost always near a water source, much like the individual Adrián and his friends came across. They are ambush predators and will take nearly any type of vertebrate as prey, as long as they can subdue and eat it without much labor. The pitviper above is mostly colored green, but there are other natural color morphs, such as yellow.
This species gets its common name for the large “eyelash” scales over its eyes (keep in mind that snakes lack even eyelids, so these are definitely not lashes!), which scientists believe help to break up the outline of the snake’s body. Like other pit vipers, they have two large heat-sensing pits below their nostrils and retractable fangs for envenomation. They are not considered to be an aggressive snake.
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Adrián (above) learned about iNaturalist from a friend about one month ago and says:
I’m impressed by the amount of species I’ve never seen in my country before and [it] motivates me to explore it much more now. My motivation to share my photographs in iNaturalist is that other people in my country can see the beauty of its biodiversity and that many people in the world come to visit Costa Rica and fall in love with my small country as I am.
- by Tony Iwane
- You can see more of Adrián’s photography on Instagram!
- Sir David Attenborough narrates footage of an Eyelash Viper hunting a hummingbird. Wow. 
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arcwave · 5 years
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Jumped on the brand wagon #zaku #interior #scifi #designerscifi #scifidesigner #scifiartist #3drender #gundam #vrmodeler #oculusmedium #zbrush #artvsartist #codinfintewarfare #callofdutyinfinitewarfare #aliens2 #alienscolonialmarines #design #3d #doodlethefuture #vr #digitalart #renders #octanerender #conceptdesigner #conceptart #pitvipers #shiba #conceptartist (at Gleneden Beach, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pcRebDEOK/?igshid=498n2j7kshhe
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herpskeepers · 8 years
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Mexican jumping pitviper (Atropoides nummifer) feeding on a bat.
Credit: Miguel Angel De La Torre
> For more pics, videos & articles visit: herpkeepers.com
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