#july witchcraft
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quietchanges · 11 months ago
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greenwitchcrafts · 8 months ago
July 2024 witch guide
Full moon: July 21st
New moon: July 5th
Sabbats: None
July Buck Moon
Known as: Berry Moon, Blessing moon, Fallow Moon, Feather Moulting Moon, Halfway Summer Moon, Hay Moon, Hewimanoth, Maedmonat, Medow Moon, Moon of Blood, Moon of Calming, Moon When the Chokecherries are ripe, Month of the Ripe Corn, Raspberry Moon, Salmon Moon,Thunder Moon & Wort Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer & Leo
Nature spirits: Harvest Faeries & Hobgoblins
Deities: Athena, Cerridwen, Hel, Holda, Juno, Khepera, Lugh, Nephthys, Neptune & Venus
Animals: Crab, dolphin, turtle & whale
Birds: Ibis, starling & swallow
Trees: Acacia, ash & oak
Herbs: Agrimony, hyssop, lemon balm & mugwort
Flowers: Honeysuckle, jasmine, lotus & water lily
Scents: Frankincense & Orris
Stones:  Carnelian, malachite, moonstone, onyx, opal, pearl, ruby, sapphire, spinel, tourmaline, turquoise & white agate
Colors: Blue-grey, green, silver &yellow
Energy:  Childbirth, divination, domesticity, divination, dreamwork, fertility, home matter, meditation on goals/plans, mothers, preparation, relaxation, stress & success
The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.
• Several other names for this month’s Moon also reference animals & plants
Other Celebrations:
Neptunalia-July 23rd(approximately
The Neptunalia was an obscure archaic two-day festival in honor of Neptune as god of waters, celebrated at Rome in the heat and drought of summer. was one of the dies comitiales, when committees of citizens could vote on civil or criminal matters.
Neptune’s festival (Neptunalia) took place in the heat of the summer when water was scarcest; thus, its purpose was probably the propitiation of the freshwater deity. Neptune had a temple in the Circus Flaminius at Rome; one of its features was a sculptured group of marine deities headed by Poseidon.
Respecting the ceremonies of this festival nothing is known, except that the people used to build huts of branches & foliage(Umbrae), in which they probably feasted, drank, and amused themselves. Ancient calendars describe the days. Entertainment would have probably also included horse racing, with competitors racing round the track & circling ‘turning posts’ (metas) at either end of the Circus.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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lotusfeather-and-bone · 3 months ago
Signal boost time:
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Sunday December 8, 2024, beginning 9:45am EST
"Fundraiser Tickets go on sale Nov 1st!
A full day of Online Workshops and more.
Proceeds go to 'BeLoved Asheville' for Hurricane Helene Relief of Western NC"
As we all know, Hurricane Helene caused an extreme amount of damage to Asheville, NC and the surrounding area, damage that the residents weren't expecting or prepared for.
The Fulacht Na Mór Ríoghna fundraiser event is being held on Sunday Dec 8 to help raise funds for this community, with a whole slew of notable speakers throughout the day, including both Live and Pre-recorded sessions.
If you are interested and able to donate, I highly encourage it! We are all one witch/pagan community here, no matter where we live. Support Asheville and help them get back on their feet.
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Fundraiser Hosts:
NC local, Sam "Bo" Thompson, magical blacksmith at Ravens Keep Forge, and author of "Metal Never Lies: An Introduction to Metal Magic", is a priest of the Morrígan and puts a great deal of energy into both his magical and smith craft while also teaching in his community. The magical items he forges for use in people's spiritual paths are beautiful, and he's an all around great guy. (His wife's tea shop, The Grove Teas and Botanical Gifts is one of my favorites as well!) You can follow Sam on Instagram @ravenskeepforge.
The Tuatha Dé Morrigan is a group that honors the Morrigan, the Irish goddess of battle and sovereignty. They host a yearly retreat for witches, pagans and anyone who is interested in learning more about this Goddess regardless of background or path, known as the Morrigan's Call Retreat.
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nightingale2004 · 10 months ago
TVD next generation: Bonkai version
Abigail "Abby" Lucille Parker Bennett
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
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Abigail is the firstborn daughter of Malachai Parker and Bonnie Bennett
She is next in line to become leader of the Gemini coven (Kai is the current leader)
She takes after both her parents in appearance, but she is more like her mother in personality
Bonnie did not leave Kai in the prison world for the heretics, but they still found a way out. During that time, Kai was under strict surveillance by his coven and his sister Jo
Jo still died (by the heretics this time), Kai became the new leader of the Gemini coven with Bonnie at his side (she is the true mastermind)
Like her dad, she is a Siphoner witch.....and she also inherited his dark humor
Her dad helps train her and the Saltzman twins to control their abilities (and not siphon the life out of a person)
Abby's mom is currently pregnant with twins
Kai, Bonnie, Caroline, and Alaric are searching for a way to stop the merging process
Abigail is incredibly smart and sneaky.
She knows how to manipulate her way out of the situation
Loves her family very much
Teases the twins out of love
Abby loves to test the limits of magic due to her curiosity
Sheila Amelie Parker Bennett
Faceclaim: Madison Pettis
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Sheila is the second daughter of Bonnie Bennett and Kai Parker
She is younger than her older sister Abby by 2 years, 3 months, and 16 days (she keeps count for some reason)
She takes after her mother in looks, but she is more like her father in personality entirely
Unlike her father, she is a witch like her mother
Sheila often lets Abby siphon her
Will not hesitate to use her magic on someone who threatens her family
She is terrified for her cousins and for her unborn siblings due to the merge
She and Abby try to look for information at the Salvatore boarding school
Abby and her dad call her Shey Shey for short
Abby and Sheila have secret contact with their mom's side of the family
Sheila and her family try their absolute best not to get too involved in vampire drama (it's not going well)
Sheila is best friends with Rosabella
Bonnie sees a lot of her grandmother in her daughter Sheila (not just because of her name)
Damon calls her a "mini Bonnie"
Sheila and Abby explore the mysteries of magic together and even have their own grimoir
Both her and Abby tease their dad on how whipped he is about their mom
Kai loves his family very much and worships not just Bonnie but his two daughters as well and is a hard core feminist with his girls
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silentoatmeal · 3 months ago
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Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart (1992)
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sayhoneysiren · 8 months ago
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Learn the 7/7 Spell here
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Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971, Robert Stevenson)
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
not sure if anyone else has asked this recently but my internet is too slow to do a deep dive in the archives rn so - do you have any advice for avoiding/preventing/dealing with a lot of 'backsnap' from spells? i.e. the wave of exhaustion/general physical and emotional crumminess after doing some heavy work. it's entirely possible that this specific instance i'm experiencing could be allergies or an oncoming cold, but since it hit me right after i spent an evening doing the first serious amount of spell-casting i've expended effort on in months, i'm inclined to connect it at least a little bit. now i'm wondering how best to bounce back or prevent it from hitting so hard in the future (aside from obvious health-boosting things like rest, water, vitamin c, etc). is it just a matter of exercise makes the muscle stronger or should i really not be neglecting to ward up first in my impatience to get to the fun part?
Good question!
This is something I hear about frequently enough that I feel comfortable calling it a common occurrence. Doing heavy, involved, or prolonged spellwork is taxing in the same way that any other task requiring a lot of focus or mental or emotional energy might be. I don't know that there's a way of wholesale avoiding it, per se, but you can mitigate it in a few ways with a little bit of preparation. You've got the right idea here, so allow me to offer just a few additional tips.
Set up your workspace ahead of time and make sure you have all your materials ready to go and within easy reach. Try to eliminate distractions and as many potentials for interruption as you can. The less frustration, distractions, or derailment you have during a casting, the easier it is and the less exhausted you'll be afterward.
Make sure you're rested, hydrated, and not running on empty or heading for a caffeine crash or the tail end of a medication cycle if you take dailies. Take a few minutes to calm yourself and focus on the task at hand before you begin. If you have any preferred grounding and centering techniques, definitely employ those. I've found that just taking a moment to bring myself into the present and sort of zoom in on what I'm doing has helped more than casting extra wards just for the sake of one spell.
If you're feeling ill or overtired or like you're on your last spoon, maybe do your spell another day. I know magical timing is a thing some witches rely upon, but there's almost always a way to spin timing to your benefit, and spellcasting should NEVER take precedence over your health.
Keep in mind, all of this is to MITIGATE the post-casting crash, not prevent it. It's still a good idea to rest afterward, maybe have a snack and hydrate again. Just make sure you clean up anything that needs cleaning, extinguish all fire hazards, and put up any materials that you don't want kids or pets getting into or that might be a trip hazard. (You do NOT want to skip this step and end up cracking a toe on your cauldron the next morning, TRUST ME.)
It does get easier as you go on. There's a reason we call witchcraft a practice - it takes PRACTICE. Doing small-to-medium spells and periodic exercises may help things go more smoothly, since you don't have to think about it as much once you've got the hang of things. (I try to do a little something every day and I have easy charms built into my schedule for this purpose.) Large, involved castings will still wear you out, not much to be done about that.
I have some other tips for battling inspirational slumps and blockages and helpful hints for your spellwork here:
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I’m In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I’ve Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
How Do I Make A Magic Circle For Spellcasting?
What Happens If I Get Interrupted While Casting A Spell?
Do I Need To Maintain Positive Vibes For My Spells To Work?
Hope this helps! 😊
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annaberunoyume · 8 months ago
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May Archangel Michael teach me resilience, so mote it be. Amen. 👼
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mamamoon92 · 1 year ago
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groundedgreenwitch · 2 months ago
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12 magical nights
july’s card: the emperor (reversed)
august’s card: the emperor (reversed)
two separate shuffles & pulls for each month gave me the same card. any time I caught a glimpse of a card while shuffling, it was this one. finally it flew out and landed perfectly in front of me. okay, message received~
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soldierofhekate · 3 months ago
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bxtxnx · 2 years ago
♇ / ♏︎
Pluto/Scorpio in the 4th house characteristics:
[♇] Extreme ups and downs in the family and home life
[♏︎] May have a very rich or an impoverished family
[♇] May have lost your home or a family member
[♏︎] May have dealt with a toxic family member
[♇] Your family and home undergo huge changes periodically
[♏︎] A family member may have taught you about finances
[♇] Your family might give you lots of money
[♏︎] You may inherit real estate
[♇] Family might be your source of trauma
What is your experience with Pluto/Scorpio in the 4th house?
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theyoungwaldschrat · 2 years ago
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Betonica officinalis - Wood betony
An ancient magical and medicinal plant. The Romans believed it was effective agains sorcery and planted it in graveyards to prevent ghost activity.
The Anglo-Saxons used it against bad dreams and "frightful nocturnal goblins" (sleep paralysis).
It is also part of the 9th century Old English "Nine Herbs Charm" agains poison and sickness, where it is refered to as attorlaðe (adder-loath / anti-snake). It says "Now you, attorlaðe, put to flight the lesser and greater, the greater and lesser, until the cure for both be with him"
In the middle ages it was put inside amulets worn on a red string to protect from witchcraft.
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determinationcos · 2 years ago
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In my Witchcraft Au, Julie is a Monster with extraordinary amont of magic that allows her to shape-shifting into a human like form. Julie is able to control the nature around her and transform into different animals as well as humans.
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reno-matagot · 8 months ago
Of storms & butterflies
Last night saw me inspired for my witchcraft. I made an incantation to a butterfly, then addressed the rain to find some silence in the neighborhood, and was blessed with a beautiful storm... 🌹
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